Mascot tattoos. Tattoo amulets: men's and women's

The depiction of sacred symbols on clothing, weapons and the human body has been used since ancient times. Unlike modern people Using tattoos as decoration, ancient people believed in their mystical meaning. Tattoo amulets were used to protect against dark forces, attacking enemies and saving lives. Let's consider the main meanings of images on the body.

Nowadays you can see various inscriptions, signs and pictures on the bodies of young people. All images can be divided into the following types:

  • quotes from religious texts;
  • runic writings or staves;
  • ancient hieroglyphs;
  • Celtic patterns;
  • image of animals.

The image of a dream catcher, the eye of Horus, the black sun, Slavic symbols and hieroglyphs is very popular. A kind of protection from black energy and demonic forces is the image of a mask: it deceives evil spirits, thereby diverting evil from a person.

Previously, masks were worn during ritual actions, and cosmetics on the face also served as a disguise - evil spirits could not recognize the person. IN modern world Cosmetics acquired a different meaning and began to serve as decorative adornment.

Popular among animals and insects:

  • grasshopper;
  • ladybug;
  • spider and bee;
  • Scarab beetle;
  • other animal totems.

Among Buddhist symbols, it is popular;

  • Om mandala;
  • bodhisattva;
  • lotus.

Tattoos can be applied to any part of the body - arms, wrists, feet, back or chest. However, it should be remembered that an unknown image on the body can negatively affect a person’s fate. Before applying a pattern to the skin, you need to find out the mystical meaning of the design or symbol.

The meaning of popular amulets

Let's consider the meaning and meaning of amulets that are most often depicted on the body modern girls and young men.

dream Catcher

This Indian symbol is designed to protect against evil spirits - it traps them in an intricately woven network pattern. The amulet protects both at night and during the day. Usually an image of a spider is added to the dream catcher - this can protect a person from severe damage and the evil eye.

This symbol serves as protection from the evil eye and damage to a person. This Slavic amulet, in addition to protection, enhances the influence of the birth canal and helps communicate with the other world. Therefore, the symbol is popular among magicians and wise men.

However, the black sun also has back side, which everyone should know about. The symbol turns destructive towards those who do not live according to conscience and honor. Therefore, when choosing the black sun as a talisman, be prepared to live your life with dignity and honesty. Then this symbol will bring goodness into your life.

The image of lines and patterns has become popular in Lately. Tattoos of amulets in the Celtic spirit symbolize life path the person he has to go through. It is believed that the basis of the patterns was given to the Celts by the gods, and it is unchanged.

The human path, according to Celtic beliefs, has no beginning and end - it is endless in the cycle of rebirth. The purpose of the patterns is to lead a person to spiritual growth, to tear him out of the shackles of the mortal world, and to guide him on the path of truth.

The triangle with an eye can be seen on the body of modern people and the American dollar. This ancient symbol brings insight and intuitive knowledge. Nowadays all-seeing eye depicted on the body for the purpose of protection from the evil eye, troubles and troubles. Sometimes a symbol is used to emphasize its originality and mystery.

The mystery and unusualness of hieroglyphs attracts modern people. Images can be found on the neck, arms, and back. Usually a hieroglyph carries a certain idea written in the symbol. This could be the idea of ​​sincerity, health, wealth, the change of seasons.

Runic tattoos

Among the runic signs, Scandinavian and Slavic writings differ. Each rune carries its own sacred meaning, which can affect a person’s life dramatically. Sometimes a script of runes is depicted - a combination of several symbols.

Slavic amulets-tattoos

Recently, tattoos of Slavic amulets have become widespread. The revival of pre-Christian culture is gaining momentum and attracts everyone more people with its harmonious and understandable symbolism. Slavic gods (Veles, Perun, Svarog, Dazhdbog, Yarilo, Makosh, Stribog) or a symbolic image of amulets are depicted on the body:

  • caroler;
  • Svarog square;
  • bereginya;
  • lunnitsa.

There are male and female Slavic protective symbols that have positive influence for energy. Therefore, it is unacceptable to depict a male symbol on female body and vice versa.

Is male amulet and bestows fearlessness and invulnerability in extreme situations. IN ancient Rus' The carol book has been worn since childhood. It bestows wisdom and prevents the unwise use of physical strength.

Once upon a time, drawings were applied to the body not to decorate it or to emphasize one’s individuality. Ancient tattoos of Slavic amulets differed from modern symbols in the powerful energy that emanated from the design. Each symbol had a sacred meaning, spoke about the belonging of its bearer to a specific class, protected against negativity, and endowed it with strength and magical abilities.

Runes and solar signs on the body of the Slavs denoted the names of the Gods and symbolized unity with nature, protected from harm and the evil eye, and attracted the protection of forces from the higher worlds.

Gods in the culture of the Slavs were masculine and feminine, and accordingly, there are runes that carry feminine and masculine energy. Let’s say that tattoo amulets for Slavic girls were dedicated to the Goddess Lada and depicted a fern flower or Ladinets. Men preferred to apply images of the Sun God, Veles or Dazhdbog, but they could use runes with the energy of Goddesses, except for “Bereginya”, which means feminine, Bereginya Rod.

Images of amulets in art and everyday life

The Slavs used runes in their Everyday life, since it was a writing that appeared long before the Cyrillic alphabet and the advent of Christianity. Even after the emergence of another religion and writing sacred symbols Slavs were used until the twentieth century. IN Soviet time they were completely forgotten and only now, with growing interest in their roots, the use of these signs is being revived.

The art of tattooing also makes its contribution. Charms and their meaning are one of the most popular queries on the RuNet, and in salons they are increasingly choosing the symbols of ancestors to create tattoos:

  • swastikas,
  • animals (often a bear and/or wolf),
  • trixels,
  • geometric figures,
  • runes,
  • ribbons,
  • stars,
  • geometric ornaments.

There are many paintings by famous and unknown artists, where our Native Gods are lovingly depicted, and all this is accompanied by solar signs. We chose the painting “Dazhdbog” by Andrey Shishkin, which can also become the basis for your tattoo.

Tattoo amulets and their meaning

Make tattoos with inscriptions from Slavic runes and solar signs should be used with caution.

It’s one thing when you know their meaning and the rules of combination, it’s another thing when you apply an unknown text or composition to your body, with signs that are incompatible with each other.

You must remember: the main thing in your future tattoo is that the tattoo amulets and their meaning correspond to your plan. After all, this is not just decoration.

Let's say a tattoo on the shoulder is a talisman for a warrior if it depicts one of the Gods, a fern flower, a godman, a thunderer, a thunderstorm, . Often the ornament fit into the picture of the armor, which meant that the warrior was wearing invisible armor. Those who wanted to peacefully protect their family used amulets in the form of tattoos of the following signs:

  • Overcome the grass,
  • Wedding party,
  • Rodovik,
  • Solard,
  • Colard,
  • Heavenly boar.

A person susceptible to disease could have images depicted in the form of Doukhobor. All these symbols were previously used in everyday life and created the sacred space of a home, village, or state. Perhaps this was one of the secrets of the invincibility of the Russian people? Then we believe that rune amulets tattoos should be revived and used for the common good.

Tattoo amulets for men

We have already mentioned invisible armor, but here we will tell you in more detail and reveal the secret meaning of why drawings are applied to certain parts of the body. The fact is that tattoo amulets for men were drawn exactly where protection was needed: wrists, ankles, shoulders, neck. Runes were a kind of armor for humans. It was believed that by applying such a pattern to the body, a man maintains a constant connection with the Gods, Heaven and Earth. It was this constant connection that gave the drawing the properties of a talisman.

Our ancestors believed that the pattern on the body is a pattern, a structure that attracts flows of energy. Man-made amulets, fortune telling cards and runes have the same power, provided that they are made using the right technology. In other words, our body and, in general, everything that exists is permeated by energy. In the area of ​​the tattoo or talisman, it is refracted and affects the surrounding space and the bearer of the sacred runes in a certain way, but in what way it depends on the picture you drew.

Let's say the image of God Perun was considered protection from dark forces, evil and endowed the wearer with vital energy and power. Now this image can be used as a tattoo amulet against the evil eye and other incidents in life.

In this article we showed sketches for tattoos, amulets, photos and the meaning of key signs that were used by ancestors to endow themselves with superpowers.

Tattoo amulets for women

Returning to history, we would like to note how our ancestors applied tattoos to their bodies. Tattoo amulets for women, as well as for men, were made by wise men or priests. In other words, people with esoteric, magical knowledge. They were aware that a drawing, when it gets on the skin, also leaves its imprint on all the energy bodies of a person, which enhances its impact. This is why tattoo design is still taken very seriously.

The application process itself was carried out in temples in front of the images of the Gods, it was long and the priest was in a trance. A woman is the Guardian of the Family, and therefore of the entire country, and the female amulet tattoo is designed to strengthen her wisdom, femininity, fertility, ability to heal and raise healthy, sane offspring.

The runes and signs denoting the Goddess Lada (keeps love in the family), Ladinets (protection from the evil eye, damage, a symbol of love and harmony) will help with this. And also Fern Flower or Overcome Grass - protects against diseases, and it is also believed that such a tattoo is a talisman against damage.

The amulet tattoo for a girl on her wrist had special power, as on one of vulnerabilities. The drawing was applied here to protect against dark forces. A popular motif among women was also the drawing of a tree as a symbol of life and procreation. Girls who wanted to get pregnant painted a tree on their stomach.

It was believed that tattoos of amulets and talismans can be drawn when a person reaches 33 years of age, since before this age the body is just forming and a tattoo can bring changes that a person did not plan.

Here we will leave a picture depicting the runic writing of the Slavs, so that if you choose protective amulets a tattoo with an inscription made from runes, its meaning was clear.

To create a good luck tattoo for yourself, use:

  • The Wind rune is a symbol of a persistent spirit, persistent movement towards the top, the goal.
  • The rune or image of Dazhdbog - the brightest patron of the Slavs, sending us help in all matters.
  • The rune Is means life, growth, change.

If you want to enlist the support of the entire universe, the Alatyr Rune will help you. But we don’t recommend applying “Source”, because it leads to stagnation. It is unlikely that the Runes “Krada” and “Lelya” can be placed together, due to their opposite meanings of “fire” and “water”. But “Chernobog” and “Mir” have similar images, and together they create a good tandem. Combining harmony and chaos, these runes form a balance of good and evil.

We are not sure that anyone would want to depict a sign that means need, because it symbolizes inevitability, fatalism and death. But the “Rainbow” Rune will not be superfluous to anyone with its energy, directing us to the center of the Universe along the path of knowledge. “Oud” should not be applied to women, because it means a three-letter manhood or, culturally, “masculinity.”

Where is the best place to get Russian amulets tattooed and in what style?

As a rule, such drawings are made monochrome, or vice versa, bright, colored with many elements. Most often, amulets are tattooed on the forearm, back and wrists to “protect” energetically vulnerable areas. In our time, the preference for making tattoos in these places has remained, but not because vital necessity in super protection, but because in these areas the pattern looks more harmonious.

Russian amulets, graphics, dotwork, realism, and ethnicity look best. For ease of understanding, we had to recognize the so-called “Slavic style,” which does not mean the method of depiction, but the very motives inherent in this direction. It’s just that every client comes to the salon and says: “Give me a tattoo in the Slavic style.”

What can you do if this concept turns out to be very loose? So I had to come to terms with and admit that: yes, there is such a style, only under its guise you can see images of Russian beauties, bears, scenes from epics, flowers, herbs in various techniques. And also swastikas, trixels, Gzhel painting, and all these will be protective tattoos, the meaning of which we described today.

People have covered their bodies with tattoos since ancient times. This was not done for external aesthetics at all. Tattoos were considered magical designs. Today they are also stuffed with special meaning and symbolism. Thus, you can create a special energy field around yourself, which directly affects the processes in the human body and his life. Acting as a trigger or, on the contrary, an anchor, tattoos can influence its course. That's why they are called amulets or talismans.

Protective drawings in ancient times

Ancient warriors applied paintings to their skin to protect themselves in difficult battles. Old people wanted to protect themselves from illness, and children wanted to protect themselves from the wrath of their parents. Sailors in the XVIII-XIX centuries. Art. were often subjected to corporal punishment by the commander. Therefore, they tattooed crucifixes on their backs (the place where they were beaten with whips), which were considered sacred drawings. The tyrant retreated willy-nilly.

Firestorms often raged in ancient Japan. For this reason, many Japanese painted images of water dragons on their bodies, which, based on their beliefs, protected them from fire. Arabs prefer to cover their skin with quotes from the Koran, their holy book. During the Great Patriotic War the soldiers believed that the portrait of Stalin on their chest would protect them from a stray sniper bullet.

In the modern world, symbols, hieroglyphs, animals and inscriptions are used as body amulets and talismans. The tattoo will work for the owner if he himself believes in its power.

Features of tattoos of amulets and talismans

Protective tattoos have in common character traits and features:

Today there is a full-fledged subculture, the basis of which is tattoos. Some people, in pursuit of fashion and their own ideas of beauty, strive to cover every centimeter of their body with paintings. However, this cannot be allowed with talisman drawings. It is recommended to get 1-2 protective tattoos and no more. Such strong symbols can conflict with each other and, as a result, the desired effect will not occur.

The design can be anything - color or black and white, large or small. The design of the talisman is not as important as the meaning that a person puts into it. Don't limit yourself in expressing your ideas. This is the only way the tattoo will perform its stated functions.

Consider the fact that any tattoo is applied for life. Reducing it is possible, but it is very painful and takes a lot of time. Moreover, the effect may turn out to be inappropriate. When choosing one or another design, you need to be prepared to see the picture on your body every day.

In addition to the magical effect, the tattoo carries psychological impact. The constant sight of a special pattern stimulates a person to mentally expect a solution to a particular problem or the fulfillment of a desire. Choose only those designs that will not irritate. A tattoo should evoke a pleasant feeling.

Think about what you miss most in life. It is with this subtext that a talisman tattoo should be made.

Subject to these simple rules the tattoo will last a long time and will bring only positive moments.

Tattoo meanings

You can apply absolutely any design to your body. But among them there are undoubted leaders who can be seen most often:

Celtic patterns have been popular since ancient times. Nowadays, too, many people, wanting to protect themselves from negativity from the outside, apply motifs that the Celts considered magical to their bodies. It is important to choose here correct location pattern and its elements. Do not apply too large drawings. A small pattern is enough to fulfill wishes or solve important problems.

The star belongs to the class of universal body amulets that can make life more prosperous and successful. As a talisman, the stars attract elusive luck to the owner, which will certainly fulfill cherished wish, whatever it may be. If a person’s life is dominated by pitch darkness, then the light of a star will lead him out of the dark labyrinth and turn the tide of events.

It’s not for nothing that the ladybug has this name. It is believed that this insect is a link between man and the gods. Even a small simple ladybug on your wrist will help you establish a close connection with the heavens and get yourself a protector. Luck will accompany a person marked by higher powers.

Grasshopper. The small insect is highly revered in many countries. Accordingly, such a tattoo has different meanings: from people assistant creative professions and before bringing great luck. In some areas, grasshoppers are associated with negative phenomena.

Scarab in Ancient Egypt was considered a sacred animal. It served as a symbol of immortality human soul. His image carries the sacred wisdom of the whole world. Such an amulet can give a person the strength to overcome death and resurrect new life in his own soul.

The bee is a powerful talisman tattoo. This hardworking creature will bring longevity. With this insect, a person will be more hardworking and gain wisdom in life. The bee is also considered a messenger of the gods, who brings their blessing to its owner.

Spider. Almost half of people with tattoos have this arthropod on their bodies. Most people have a preconceived notion about spiders. When in fact it is a symbol creativity and great hard work. By stuffing yourself with a small spider, you can protect yourself from negativity. Now a person is also not afraid of any disease.

Butterfly. In 99% of cases, she is associated with women of “easy virtue”. But knowledgeable people from the sphere of magic, this symbol means only good things: health, long life, good luck. The butterfly personifies the beauty of nature and shares it with its owner. This is a purely female tattoo.

Tiger is a popular design on the male body. In ancient times, it was believed that this representative of the feline world gives strength and energy, adds masculinity and provides righteous anger. Therefore, the warriors wore such a sign on themselves. Especially this one dangerous predator has high protective characteristics.

Panther. It, unlike the tiger, is applied to their body mainly by women. By depicting this animal you can protect yourself from the forces of evil. If a panther shows a grin, this means that its owner is endowed with righteous anger and power.

Martin. This small bird is popularly called brave and is considered a harbinger of spring. Those who imprint her image on themselves hope for the best. After all, the swallow brings only positive news.

The stork brings harmony and understanding to family life. This feathered friend will contribute to the birth of children for a couple who have not been able to conceive for a long time.

The dolphin is also a very popular human companion. This smart animal symbolizes mutual love and independence from external circumstances. Stuffing a dolphin is probably the simplest and most unpretentious solution, but it is very successful.

If a person wants to change his life, then a talisman tattoo will be an excellent companion. It will help you build relationships with people and solve problems.

Tattoo amulets - an effective protective symbol or a newfangled trend? Everyone decides for themselves. There are protective signs in different cultures, understanding their diversity is not easy. The main thing is that before choosing one or another design to apply to the skin, you need to find out its meaning. Some images are suitable only for women, others only for men. This is especially true for ancient symbols associated with deities.

Types of tattoo amulets, their meaning

Nowadays tattoos have become something like stylish accessories. In ancient times, drawings were applied to the body to indicate belonging to one or another clan or tribe, to protect against the forces of darkness and the evil eye.

In the modern world, the following are used as tattoo amulets:

  • images of animals;
  • ancient symbols, runes, crosses;
  • images of pagan gods.

When selecting a symbol Special attention pay attention to the meaning it carries. Some signs protect against the evil eye, others help attract good luck. There are also designs that are only for men and only for women. As a rule, these are ancient Slavic symbols. For example, Bereginya transmits powerful feminine energy, and the Svarog square transmits aggressive masculine energy.

Video: image maker Tamara Glebova about tattoo amulets

Animal Tattoos

From ancient times to the present day, tattoos depicting animals have been very common. Each of these symbols has its own special meaning:

  • grasshopper - a talisman for artists, musicians, writers, poets; can bring success to representatives of other professions, along with material well-being and longevity;
  • elk improves health, allows you to implement plans with virtually no problems;
  • the spider serves as protection from evil and disease, drives away laziness; those who are connected with the world of creativity attract the attention of muses; it is better to choose a pattern with a cobweb - a symbol of a guiding thread, order;
  • pelican - a tattoo suitable for volunteers, dreamers who want to change their better life on the ground; helps to improve, makes it possible to implement the most daring projects;
  • the bee is a powerful symbol that bestows long life and hard work, contributes to the acquisition of important knowledge and wisdom;
  • The scarab in Ancient Egypt symbolized the immortality of the soul; A tattoo helps you understand yourself, cope with depression, stress, and anxiety.

Photo gallery: animal tattoos

A pelican tattoo will help make your dreams come true.
Some peoples believed that the bee brings divine blessings. It is believed that the image of the scarab contains the wisdom of the Universe. A tattoo amulet that brings success to representatives of creative professions. The image of a moose is suitable for strong, purposeful individuals. The spider will help maintain creative concentration.

Women's tattoo amulets

In addition to universal amulets, there is a division into exclusively male and female. For representatives of the fair sex, symbols associated with ancient Slavic goddesses are primarily suitable.

Bereginya is an image with enormous feminine energy. If you live in harmony with your conscience and do not forget your roots, fate will favor you, and your home will become a full cup.

Bereginya is a patron spirit who protects from troubles and evil spirits

The ladybug represents motherhood and fertility. In Scandinavia they believed that a talisman with this charming insect would help one find true love.

Tattoo in the form ladybug protects the owner from the evil eye

The Lada Star protects the health of the mother and her child, making pregnancy and childbirth easier. It influences character, a woman becomes more cordial, peaceful, and wise.

Lada star tattoo amulet grants long life

Ladinets is a talisman of love and happiness, it drives away troubles and all sorts of misfortunes from home and family. The rays should be directed to the right and rotate to the left: our ancestors considered this direction to be feminine and emotional. A tattoo helps a girl blossom and gain femininity.

Ladinets was considered in Rus' a symbol of love and harmony in the family

A tattoo in the form of the Moon is recommended for girls and young women, because they most often try to cause damage, for example, infertility. The amulet will also protect against a love spell on an unpleasant man whose advances were rejected.

A tattoo in the form of the Moonlight protects against damage and love spells

Men's protective tattoos

TO male symbols relate:

  • Valkyrie is one of the most ancient amulets, often applied to armor, helping not to lose military honor;
  • The Svarog Square is intended for men engaged in physical labor; gives ingenuity, helps to correctly distribute available resources;
  • The caroler bestows wisdom and good luck in the right battle;
  • Solar (Celtic) cross - the tattoo imparts courage, fortitude, and faith in one’s cause; in ancient times it was carved on shields and swords to help in battles.

With rare exceptions, the above signs could also be worn by women, although this was not encouraged, since such amulets are considered traditionally male.

Photo gallery: samples of men's tattoos

The Valkyrie tattoo is recommended to be applied to bullies - it extinguishes vain anger. The Square of Svarog helps men engaged in physical labor. The Kolyadnik tattoo imparts wisdom and brings good luck. The Celtic cross tattoo adds fortitude and courage.

From the evil eye and damage

Black Sun- a talisman often found among the Slavs and residents of Scandinavia. Initially, only priests could wear such a tattoo. The symbol strengthens the connection with the spirits of ancestors, who protect their descendants from any negativity from the outside.

Before you apply such a tattoo, think carefully: in exchange for protection, the Black Sun requires a person to act in accordance with honor and conscience, and not in pursuit of momentary pleasures. If you lead a disorderly or dishonest lifestyle, the amulet will no longer protect the wearer.

Black sun tattoo provides powerful protection from enemies and caused damage

The fern flower (Perunov's color) embodies the power of light, vital energy that can resist the evil eye and any ailment. A tattoo will help your desires come true, cleanse your soul, and find the strength hidden in it.

The Fern Flower tattoo is designed to reveal the inner potential of a person.

It is recommended to fill the cross in the back or on the chest. This tattoo is an ideal choice for the “iron ladies”. It helps protect against the envy and machinations of many ill-wishers.

A tattoo in the form of a cross is an effective amulet against the evil eye

Eye in the pyramid - tattoo depicting this Egyptian symbol imparts wisdom, strength, illuminates the future path. It was believed that the all-seeing eye belongs to a deity who tirelessly watches over a person and protects him from darkness and evil.

The eye in the pyramid is an Egyptian amulet against the evil eye and negativity

The Eye of Horus is a symbol of the ancient Egyptian god Ra, endowing insight, vigilance, and the ability to “read” people. A tattoo protects from troubles and does not allow negative emotions and thoughts of others to influence a person’s energy.

It was believed that the right eye was related to the masculine principle, the luminary of the day. The left one is a symbol of the moon and the feminine principle.

This tattoo can be given to anyone: age, gender, character traits, profession do not matter. It is recommended to choose colors from the blue-green range; they are associated with harmony and peace.

The Eye of Horus tattoo is best applied to the back, lower back, wrists or ankles

Tattoos in the form of runic symbols

Any runic symbol consists of, in fact, a rune, a sign-shape and a sound. The effect will be if all three parts are available, and not just one. It is not recommended to combine them into words, because each has its own strength and energy, and they do not always combine harmoniously.

Slavic amulets-runes

The following Slavic runes are most often applied in the form of tattoos:

  • Krada is the rune of creative fire, the divine spark; designed to clear your thoughts of all unnecessary things and help you focus on the most important;
  • Peace - will help you get out of creative stagnation, realize your talent, reveal your full potential, and put your inner world in order;
  • Overcome-grass is a double sign of fire, the best Slavic amulet against ailments, which, according to popular belief, were sent by dark forces;
  • Rainbow is the road of reconciliation between the forces of order and chaos, the search for the “golden mean”; helps during trips, travel, especially for those people who live for today, without looking back;
  • Wind - a person with such a tattoo concentrates on self-knowledge and the search for truth;
  • Lelya is a symbol of the energy of spring water, spring, joy and prosperity; the image on the skin sharpens intuition.

Although runes have incredible magical power, only a specialist who knows even secret meanings these ancient symbols. An incorrectly filled formula will do more harm to the tattoo owner than help.

Photo gallery: tattoos in the form of Slavic runes

A tattoo in the form of a rune Peace helps to realize creative potential A tattoo in the form of a Rainbow rune is especially helpful when traveling A tattoo in the form of a runic symbol Overcome grass protects against diseases It is better to draw up a runic formula for a tattoo with a specialist
Tattoos in the form of Slavic runes help you connect to powerful energy sort of

Scandinavian runes

Tattoos in the form of Scandinavian runes are also popular in the modern world:

  • Ken - serves as a shield from any troubles, can ease the course of the disease, heal; protects love and friendship from quarrels; is considered a wonderful amulet for artists, as it awakens creative powers;
  • Maine - helps those who have not yet decided which path in life to follow; a tattoo helps to reveal the abilities of its owner, he becomes friendlier, more peaceful, and those around him begin to respond in kind;
  • Jera is a sign of fulfillment of desires, harvest; gives a wonderful mood and strength for the successful completion of the work or project started;
  • Horn (Thurisaz) - attracts good luck in love and work, protects against damage; if you have many enemies, this rune is for you; the symbol seems to direct to Right place and at the right time;
  • Ur (Uruz) - promises good changes in fate, improves health; even if you have lost everything, the rune helps, like a phoenix, to rise from the ashes.

Photo gallery: tattoos in the form of Scandinavian runes

A tattoo in the form of the Man rune reveals the abilities of the wearer. A tattoo in the form of the Uruz rune helps change fate for the better. A tattoo in the form of the Horn rune attracts good luck.

Tattoos of different cultures

Every culture has its own sacred symbols. They are also used as tattoos.

Buddhism symbols

Om is the sound that marked the beginning of the creation of the world. The amulet is designed to help you find balance, peace of mind, save you from problems, and find a solution in a hopeless situation. Such a tattoo cannot be applied to the lower part of the body.

Om tattoo with lotus helps to find peace and imparts wisdom

Lotus is a symbol of purity and spirituality. These qualities are in the bearer of the tattoo and the image of this is preserved beautiful flower. The symbol also imparts wisdom, teaches one to harmoniously combine one’s strengths and weaknesses, and clears the way to self-knowledge and high goals.

The mandala represents the structure of the universe. The symbol serves to protect the soul from worldly temptations, helps not to become scattered, maintain internal integrity and loyalty to one’s ideals.

Mandala tattoo bestows inner integrity


Dream catcher catches bad dreams and does not allow evil spirits to come. It is better to get this tattoo close to the head: on the shoulder, back or neck.

It is better to get a Dreamcatcher tattoo close to the head.

Kokopelli is one of the main deities revered by Indian tribes. It was believed that Kokopelli travels in human form with a flute when one season gives way to another. This creature is extremely positive, it brings people monetary wealth, protects during childbirth. Especially favored by people prone to adventurism.

Kokopelli tattoo brings good luck and material well-being

Totem animals were a fairly common motif that told others about personal qualities person:

  • the wolf symbolizes loyalty, good intuition and perseverance;
  • coyote is the embodiment of cunning;
  • bull - willingness to take risks;
  • bear - courage and strength;
  • eagle - power and the ability to notice everything.

A wolf tattoo symbolizes loyalty and good intuition.

Feather is a symbol of rebirth, eternal life. Eagle feather tattoos impart courage to this bird of prey, power and quick response.

A feather tattoo gives power and quick response.

Tattoos in the form of an Indian's face were initially applied to the body by the representatives of these tribes themselves, mainly the leaders. There is still debate about what such an image used to mean. Most researchers are inclined to think that this is a talisman in matters of the heart and financial.

Video: tattoo amulets, Udmurt theme


In Rus' they believed that the image Slavic god protects from any misfortunes. Each deity is endowed with its own power.

Veles is the patron of artisans and poets, knowledge, witchcraft and animal husbandry, the lord of the elements. The amulet is designed to improve creative talent. You can choose for a tattoo not the symbol of Veles himself, but his seal in the form of a bear paw print. With such a symbol, failure will bypass you. Business people tattoo brings good luck in business.

A bear paw tattoo will protect you from failure.

Dazhdbog is a solar deity. A tattoo carries bright energy and helps you make the right choice.

Svarog - if your life resembles chaos, a tattoo with the image of this god will suit you. The Creator of the firmament rewards with endurance, courage, helps to organize affairs, personal life, and bestows peace of mind.

Perun is the god of princes and warriors. A tattoo with his appearance gives strength and courage.

A tattoo in the form of Perun’s image is especially relevant for defenders home country and law and order

Makosh is the wife of the blacksmith god Svarog, creates fate and luck, patronizes fortune telling and magic. The tattoo amulet takes care of the wearer’s family happiness (the sign is best applied to women).

Stribog is the deity of the wind. A tattoo helps protect against the forces of evil.

Yarilo is the son of Veles, responsible for spring warmth and harvest. As a talisman, it bestows vital energy that helps you change for the better and learn to keep your too violent temperament in check.

Video: how to charge a tattoo

The tradition of applying tattoo amulets originated in ancient times. Previously, people believed that a special body design would protect them from evil, damage, disease, bring success in love and business, and bestow wisdom. The belief in this has not faded to this day. For a tattoo to be more than just a decoration, you need to choose an image that suits you, apply it to the desired part of the body and charge it.

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