Learn Bulgarian online. Bulgarian language online

IN Lately at all more Russians, like residents of other countries former USSR, there is a desire to learn the Bulgarian language on your own. AND invaluable help Our website can help them in this matter, where anyone can download a Bulgarian language tutorial.

Bulgaria in the lives of Russians

Every year Bulgaria becomes an increasingly popular holiday destination for our fellow citizens. Guests from snowy Russia are always welcome here: at their service snow-white beaches The Black Sea, the hot southern sun, the healing air of the highlands, mineral springs hiding in shady groves. It is not for nothing that Bulgaria is one of the most popular tourist destinations among Russians.

On average, up to 700,000 Russians visit this sunny Balkan republic every year. Most of our tourists come here in June - July: up to 150 - 170 thousand people monthly. However, our compatriots go to Bulgaria not only for summer impressions. Over the past five years alone, almost 5.5 thousand Russians have received Bulgarian citizenship.

Russians have no less reasons for emigrating to Bulgaria than reasons for seasonal holidays. Firstly, Bulgaria has been a member of the European Union for ten years now. This means that, having received Bulgarian citizenship, a Russian can move freely throughout the EU and receives the right to live and work in any country European Union. In addition, a newly minted citizen of the Balkan republic receives many other preferences that equalize his rights and opportunities with the native inhabitants of Europe.

Particularly noteworthy is the friendliness of the Bulgarians towards the Russians. These two peoples have had centuries of good neighborly relations. But, if a tourist, when communicating with local residents You can still somehow get by with the Russian language, but for a person who wants to settle in this country seriously and for a long time, knowledge of the Bulgarian language is simply necessary. However, the tourist who goes to this amazing southern country To get to know it better, get acquainted with its traditions and customs, communicate with its inhabitants, the ability to speak Bulgarian will also not be superfluous.

Bulgarian language: history and modernity

Linguistically, the Bulgarian language belongs to the southern, Balkan, subgroup Slavic languages. Historically, this language is considered the first Slavic language to receive its own written language. According to legend, Saints Cyril and Methodius created the first Slavic alphabet in Bulgaria in 862, translating the Gospel into Old Bulgarian. This is indirectly confirmed by the following interesting fact, that the closest to modern Bulgarian of all Slavic languages ​​is the so-called “Church Slavonic” - the same one in which church books are still published and prayers are read in Orthodox churches.

Today, Bulgarian is spoken by about 10 million people, living mainly in the Republic of Bulgaria. Due to the fact that the majority of native speakers live compactly in one country, it is quite rare in the world. Especially when you compare it with such European languages, like English, French, Spanish, which have a worldwide distribution. But despite this, there are communities speaking Bulgarian in many European countries. They are most numerous in neighboring Romania, Serbia, and Ukraine. By the way, Bulgarian linguists officially consider the Macedonian language to be one of the dialects of Bulgarian.

Bulgarian language: online tutorial

That is why today it is quite difficult to find specialized literature for studying the Bulgarian language on your own. It is no less difficult to take a language course or find a tutor. This is especially problematic for residents of the Russian province, remote from major scientific and cultural centers countries.

For this purpose, a Bulgarian language tutorial was created, which we are pleased to present to your attention. With the help of the proposed tutorial, anyone can learn the Bulgarian language on their own, without resorting to the expensive services of tutors or teachers of specialized courses.

Developed with the participation of experienced specialists, this online product is maximally adapted to the peculiarities of perception of Bulgarian by native Russian speakers. The Bulgarian language is quite similar to Russian; the origin of many words in both languages ​​is common. This, on the one hand, facilitates the perception of words, sometimes purely on an intuitive level, and does not cause subconscious rejection, which happens when studying languages ​​of non-Slavic groups.

But at the same time, such similarity creates a number of problems. Textbook examples are the Bulgarian word “table”, translated into Russian as... “chair”. “Zaska” in Bulgarian means “breakfast”, and “utre” is not morning at all, but “tomorrow”, “tomorrow”.

Similar pitfalls caused by common origin two languages, quite a lot. However, by carefully studying with the help of our tutorial, it is possible to overcome all difficulties and quickly learn to communicate fluently in spoken Bulgarian.

Specially compiled lessons, a phonetic selection consisting of video clips with translation and Bulgarian songs, clearly stated rules of spelling and phonetics, make this Bulgarian language tutorial the most effective way learn this language close to us on our own.

Among the main tasks that this online product allows you to solve are:

  • Establishing correct pronunciation.
  • Knowledge adapted to the requirements of the time.
  • Study of living things spoken language, without excessive static academicism.
  • Emphasis on maximum effectiveness of each lesson.

With the help of an online tutorial of the Bulgarian language, you can study it at any time convenient for you - while jogging in the morning or standing in traffic jams on the way to work, lying in bed before bed or during your lunch break. And the most important conditions without which it is impossible to achieve success are the desire to learn the language and strict self-discipline. Only regular daily exercises can bring the expected effect as quickly as possible.

Bulgarian grammar

Grammar of the Bulgarian language: for students of philological faculties of universities
Yu. S. Maslov
Moscow, " graduate School", 1981
The textbook is a systematic course grammar of modern literary Bulgarian language, including a condensed outline of phonetics and writing, detailed description word formation and morphology, syntax of simple and complex sentences. The presentation of Bulgarian grammar is illustrated with examples from modern and classical fiction and from everyday speech. In a number of cases, it is accompanied by indications of similar phenomena of the Russian language, as well as points of difference between the two languages, and sometimes short historical information. The preface to the book was written by Prof. Svetomir Ivanchev.
Intended for students of philological faculties of universities.

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Grammar of the Bulgarian language [Maslov]

Bulgarian language textbook for foreigners

A textbook on Bulgarian language for foreigners
Art. Ginina, Tsv. Nikolova, L. Sakizova
Science and Art, Sofia, 1972
The textbook is intended for foreigners studying the Bulgarian language. Its goal is to teach children to read and write in Bulgarian, understand simple texts and help them master spoken language. The textbook contains theoretical development of grammatical issues, texts, grammatical and lexical exercises, a dictionary and an appendix consisting of works of Bulgarian fiction.

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Bulgarian language textbook for foreigners [Ginina]

Let's learn Bulgarian together: A textbook for beginners

V. N. Glivinsky, I. V. Platonova
M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC, 2004
Bulgarian language textbook for beginners created for the first time and has a purely practical orientation. Consists of an introductory phonetic lesson and 20 lessons of the main course. Lesson texts cover household topics related to the life and study of schoolchildren. The text is based on a dialogue, to which stage directions and a description of the scene of action are given. The textbook covers issues of vocabulary, phonetics, and grammar of the Bulgarian language. The system of exercises is aimed at developing reading, speaking, listening, writing skills and the basics of two-way translation.

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Size: 7.72 MB

Let's learn Bulgarian together [Glivinski]

Russian-Bulgarian phrasebook

Publishing house "Hermes"
Russian-Bulgarian phrasebook over 5000 useful words and expressions for any situation and a short dictionary. There is a grammatical part. The phrasebook will serve as your reliable companion while traveling around Bulgaria.

Format: PDF
Size: 30.6 MB

Russian-Bulgarian phrasebook

St.Ts. Ginina, I.V. Platonova, R.P. Usikova
Moscow University Publishing House, 1985

The textbook consists of an introductory phonetic lesson and 35 lessons of the main course. The texts of the lessons cover everyday and regional topics, works of Bulgarian fiction and popular science literature are used. The textbook covers extensively issues of vocabulary, phonetics and grammar of the Bulgarian language. A system of various exercises is aimed at developing speech skills, writing and the basics of two-way translation.
Intended for students of humanities universities and anyone who is starting to learn the Bulgarian language.

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Size: 35.73 MB

Bulgarian language textbook [Ginina]

Bulgarian language. Course for beginners

Ivanova E. Yu., Shanova Z. K., Dimitrova D.
KAPO, 2011

The textbook is intended for everyone who wants to learn the Bulgarian language - in a group or independently. The book, consisting of two sections, has everything for self-study: the material is presented in an accessible way, most of the tasks are provided with keys, all texts of the first section are accompanied by translation into Russian, in the texts of the first section, accents are placed everywhere in Bulgarian words (in the second section, accents are accompanied by, mostly grammatical explanations). The textbook is full of funny jokes, aphorisms, wise proverbs and sayings.
At the end of the book there is a Bulgarian-Russian dictionary and an index of thematic dictionaries offered in different lessons of the textbook.

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Bulgarian language. Course for beginners [Ivanova]

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Bulgarian language
tutorial, grammar, textbook

Bulgarian belongs to the southern subgroup of the Slavic group of Indo-European language family and is considered a language close to Russian. Therefore, it is not surprising that many words from Bulgarian may seem familiar to a Russian speaker.

If you are going on vacation to Bulgaria, it is enough to limit yourself to the Russian-Bulgarian (Belarusian-Bulgarian) phrasebook. However, if there are plans with this country business meeting or, let’s say, you decide to move there to get an education - knowledge of the local language is required. All Courses Com offers a list of free online sources for learning the Bulgarian language.

Bulgarian in lessons and exercises. The site offers to learn the language using different methods: collecting words, guessing them, listening, collecting phrases. You can subscribe to the newsletter to receive 10-12 groups of words and voiced examples of ready-made phrases by email every day.

An extensive collection of frequently used words or phrases in Bulgarian. Good for tourists.

A series of video lessons, the explanation is given in Russian. There is an information block: for example, culinary recipes in Bulgarian. It is possible to download books by Bulgarian authors for free.

The site provides free 24 educational lessons for beginners. There are explanatory illustrations. Most of educational information is contained in image format. There are answers for each exercise.

Good Dictionary Bulgarian online. There are accents.

A group for learning Bulgarian, which is regularly updated with relevant and useful information. Textbooks, methodological manuals, phrase books and many links to other resources that will one way or another help you learn the Bulgarian language. Not only educational information, but also to broaden your horizons.

– an application for a smartphone on Android that will help you learn the language. The vocabulary corresponds to the initial level, the words are voiced. Vocabulary games are offered. There are paid and free lessons.

Not only help in learning the language - translations, videos, dictionaries, but also acquaintance with the culture of the country, famous places And outstanding people, songs. The site also offers to teach Romani, Turkish, Arabic, English and French.

– video lessons of Bulgarian online, free and for beginners. Conducted by specialist Eduard Doylovsky

An online tutorial compiled according to an original methodology based on the differences between the Bulgarian language and Russian, which allows you to effectively increase your vocabulary
According to the authors’ plan, special success can be achieved by studying only those words whose meaning cannot be determined intuitively, as well as those that are close to Russian, but have a different semantic connotation. The tutorial contains phrases from live Bulgarian speech and anecdotes.

Bulgarian language textbook online for foreigners. Designed for the novice user. Its main task is to teach foreigners to read and write, understand simple texts and master spoken language.

The Bulgarian language belongs to the Slavic group of languages. Macedonian, Serbian, and Croatian are close to it. Total number There are 12 million native speakers. A vast amount of fiction and scientific literature has been written in Bulgarian. But the two main reasons why people learn this language are tourism and education.

Message from Bulgarian language teacher Veselin

From the point of view of travel, Bulgaria will be interesting both in winter and in summer. During the cold season, snow falls in the mountains - you can enjoy mountain sports. And by the end of spring there is an opportunity to visit the Black Sea in the eastern part of the country. In addition, Bulgaria is famous for its inexpensive education. At the end of your studies you receive a European diploma. That's why in educational institutions Students from all over the world are increasingly meeting. Since it is easy to meet foreigners, you can also practice other languages ​​- English, French, Japanese, German, etc. In any case, Bulgarian is quick way master a second language.

Bulgarian language teacher

Photo by Bulgarian language tutor Veselin

Information about native speakers

  • Bulgarian;
  • In 2011 he graduated from the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" with a degree in Russian language and literature. The compulsory curriculum also included teaching modern Bulgarian language and literature. Since 2011 he has taught Bulgarian for Russians and Russian for Bulgarians.
  • The main manuals used in teaching: a textbook of the Bulgarian language for foreigners, published by the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​at Sofia University, "Let's learn Bulgarian together. A textbook for beginners" V.N. Glivinskaya, I.V. Platonova Moscow, 2004

Phonetics, syntax and alphabet of the Bulgarian language

The Bulgarian alphabet is Cyrillic and resembles Russian. However, at the beginning of training, it is important to immediately learn the basic rules:

Not in Bulgarian vowels Y, Yo and E. The letter Ъ is read as Y, Ш as ШТ, E as E.

The sounds are pronounced more firmly than in Russian, so locals can immediately tell by your accent where you are from. But don't worry - learn correct pronunciation easily. To do this, you just need to be in a language environment. The vocabulary is close to the Church Slavonic language and still contains words that are considered archaic. (Az - I, Woe - up, Hand - right hand, Divyy - wild, etc.).

Despite this, Russian and Bulgarian words are 50% similar. However, you should be attentive to the meaning of each word so as not to find yourself in an awkward situation.

Here are some examples of why mindfulness is so important: “Bulka” is translated as “Bride”, “Belly” is “Life”, “Table” is “Chair”, “Forest” is “Mountain”, etc.

It's easy to get confused at first, but in the future it helps to expand your vocabulary. As for grammar, there are some rules that you need to know about from the very beginning:

  • There are no cases in Bulgarian. Usually prepositions are used instead;
  • This is the only language of the Slavic group where there is a definite and indefinite article, not counting Macedonian;
  • Verbs have seven tenses, including five past tenses. IN colloquial speech Usually only four tenses are used. Plus, verbs have three cases.

Spelling can rightly be called a difficult part of grammar. To write correctly, you need to memorize all the rules and exceptions. In addition, it is important to have a good vocabulary. All these features of the language can be mastered if you choose The right way and teaching method.

Training for beginners from scratch

To save money, people mostly start learning the language on their own. To do this, first of all you need to find a good tutorial, dictionary and phrasebook. Many have noticed that you learn a language faster if you study little by little, but regularly, rather than for a long time, but occasionally. Use materials at hand to repeat words every day - cards, sound recordings, etc.

Since learning a language also involves immersing yourself in another culture, meeting and communicating with a native speaker will help. This is important because films with Bulgarian dubbing are difficult to find and are mostly provided with subtitles. Another solution is, having mastered the basics and the most common phrases, go for a while to where they speak that language. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to travel abroad. In this case, it is worth thinking about how you can immerse yourself in these conditions. language environment. Courses or classes according to a systematic program will be a good help for this.

"Master Class" provides Bulgarian language courses in 48 hours (three months). You communicate directly with a native speaker, hear real Bulgarian speech and correct errors in pronunciation and spelling immediately during the learning process.

Learning a language involves five steps: grammar, phonetics, speaking practice, reading and listening. You will master both a general course for speaking and an intensive course for in-depth knowledge of the Bulgarian language. At the end of the training you receive a certificate with the name of the course and the number of hours.

Bulgarian alphabet

Bolg. letter Russian analogue Bolg. letter Russian analogue
E E, not "e" F F
Y Y Sh Sh
TO TO SCH Sht, not "sch"
L L Kommersant no analogue
M M b b

Price for group and individual lessons

The price of training is calculated per month (8 lessons - 16 academic hours). The intensity of group classes is 2 times a week, 90 minutes each. The teacher's visit is included in the price.

Price for corporate learning of the Bulgarian language

Drawing up an individual training schedule for organizations: you determine the days, time, place and intensity of training according to your preferences.

The price is per group.

Words and phrases in Bulgarian for tourists

Words for everyday use and for communication in Bulgarian
Good morning Good Morning
Good afternoon good day
Good evening good evening
good night/evening leka night/evening
Goodbye dovidzhdan/ ciao/ god
how are you/how are you? kak ste/kak si?
good / okay good
Thank you thanks/ merci
Please pray/wither
Sorry sorry/sorry
Not really not at all
a lot/a little a lot/little
not good not good
possible/not possible can/can't
Certainly sorting it out
with pleasure with pleasure
How old are you na kolko ste godini
I'm... years old az sm na... godini
where do you live? where do you live?
I don't understand I don't understand
Why? Why?
what is your name? How are you doing?
happy Birthday honors born day
where is the hotel situated? where did you want to go?
railway station gara
bank jar
stop spiral
restaurant restaurant
Addressing people in Bulgarian
madam madam
young woman mistress
sir sir
mother father T-shirt/bascha
daughter son daughter/sin
sister brother sister brother
grandmother grandfather grandma/uncle
wife (woman)/ husband (man) wife/husband
girl boy momiche / momche
Days of the week in Bulgarian
a week week
Monday Monday
Tuesday Tuesday
Wednesday in a row
Thursday Thursday
Friday petak
Saturday Saturday
Sunday a week
weekday/weekend businessman / resting day

Vocabulary for tourists in public places

If you went to a Bulgarian store, then... phrases for questions
do/do you have? imate?
Want to buy claim yes buy
what is the price? prickly flow?
expensive / not expensive (cheap) skъpo e/not е skъpo
can I try it on? Can I try it?
please, give me please give me
In a Bulgarian restaurant - basic phrases and formulas
Menu, please menuto, begging
what do you recommend to us? no matter what you say?
what it is? what is the product / what is it?
Do you have any good Bulgarian wine? Do you have Bulgarian wine in Hubavo?
I want one bottle I'm looking for one bottle
Red & White Cherveno/byalo
I ask for the bill savvy, praying
salad/soup salad/soup
pork swine mess
veal teleshko meso
shashlik shishcheta
fish riba
bread abyss
water water
tomatoes domati
cucumbers beautiful
pepper piper/ pigs
mushrooms gabby
potato potatoes
apples apples
pears smash
grape bunch
strawberry berries
apricots Kaysia
peaches Praskovi
grill scara
salt Sol
vinegar otset
sugar zakhar
yogurt sour mlyak

Learning a new language is always a challenge. Many new words, sentence structures and endless grammatical rules - all this must not only be memorized, but learned and learned to successfully apply in practice. However, this process can be quite exciting. Below we will look at some tips aimed at making learning the Bulgarian language easier and more positive.

Undoubtedly, many have memories of school unsuccessful attempts succeeding in does not bring any satisfaction. But there are also such daredevils who are capable of challenging fate again, since they believe that this time “the wind will favor them.” And their faith will be justified.

Organization of the educational process

Time is the most valuable resource. And in order not to waste it, you need to creatively schedule your daily routine and find “windows” in it for language classes. To learn the Bulgarian language, it is not at all necessary to put aside all your affairs and, forgetting about everything, rush into studying like a whirlwind. You just need to include lessons in your daily schedule, at those moments when you can study the language together with some other process. For example, during a morning cup of tea or in the evening before watching your favorite TV series (and some people manage to learn Bulgarian while watching television advertising).

Pay attention to pronunciation

There are language systems that have rules that determine the placement of stress in a particular word. Bulgarian is not included in the list of such languages. Therefore, it is best to memorize the stress of new words from the very first stages of learning. Many dictionaries and tutorials make life easier for students by highlighting accented letters in various ways(in bold, In addition, each language has its own pronunciation characteristics, and Bulgarian is no exception. Therefore, at the beginning of learning, it is necessary to pay due attention to the practice of unusual sounds, using various methods.

Auxiliary techniques sometimes take a lot of time, but they bring undoubted benefits. As a supplement to the main course, it is recommended to supplement Bulgarian language lessons with work with double-sided cards, where on one side there is a foreign word, and on the other - its translation. Using the same principle, you can work with pronunciation, writing the Bulgarian word on the outside, and the transcription with emphasis on the inside.

Trial and error method

In the arsenal modern man There are more than a dozen techniques, following which you can successfully master any language in the world, and sometimes more than one. When choosing one or another method for yourself, you should rely on the brain’s reaction - whether it is difficult for it to perceive and whether it is difficult to remember the words proposed by the method. You just need to remember that every student has his own way of studying, just as every professor has his own method of teaching.

Independent practice

An excellent exercise is a conversation with oneself, which in essence can be an expression of thoughts out loud about a particular subject that is happening in the world. real life. Similarly, you can “catch” the moment on the way to work, school or home, mentally describing the surrounding space, the streets along which the way home runs, the people passing by, and so on. When practicing the Bulgarian language in this way, you should not think about possible mistakes, since in learning a new subject this is a completely normal process that must be accepted as inevitable.

Summer language schools

Bulgarian summer language courses can be an excellent chance for many students. This kind of “practice-immersion” is very useful, since the language is everywhere (television, communication in shops, cafes, songs in Bulgarian). In addition to language practice, an exciting cultural program is added, and the classes themselves are usually held not only in university buildings, but also among the unique Bulgarian nature, surrounded by mountain landscapes.

Most of these schools include the Bulgarian language in the program for tourists starting and continuing their education. As the study progresses, the student is immersed in the traditional Bulgarian atmosphere and becomes acquainted with the folklore and traditions of the country. A mandatory point of the program is also a visit to picturesque historical places that highlight the magnificent beauty surrounding nature. A huge advantage of summer courses is the opportunity to practice the language with local residents of Bulgaria.

Who is suitable for summer language school courses?

1. Specialists in this or a similar field of culture who want to get acquainted with the cultural traditions of this language in practice.

2. Foreign students who want to study the Bulgarian language (translators who have recently graduated from a higher education institution).

3. To school teachers and university teachers interested in improving the language.

4. Businessmen and professionals in any other field who need Bulgarian for beginners.

5. Children and relatives of Bulgarians living abroad.

Let's list another list containing tips and tricks that are successfully used by polyglots from all over the world.

Road signs

If you already live in Bulgaria, then take a moment and, at every opportunity, read what is written on the road signs, trying to find out this or that word.

Instant practice

Start the practical part of your training as soon as possible. Moreover, it doesn’t matter in what form it will happen - with a teacher, a friend or with oneself.

Parrot method

Working with dialogues read by Bulgarian speakers is one of the most productive, especially in the first stages of study. The method is that the student listens to the dialogue for the first time without the text in front of his eyes, trying to understand its content. Listening to the audio for the second time, the student tries to “select” unfamiliar words, find their translation and try to remember them. Memorization occurs by repeating small passages from the text containing new Bulgarian words.

Minimal grammar

The mistake many beginners make is that their lessons begin with a collection of grammar rules. It is clear that without grammar it is impossible to learn any language, but without vocabulary it is also impossible to speak Bulgarian. Learning new words and reading new texts naturally presupposes the knowledge of some previously unstudied grammatical structures or other phenomena of grammar.

False friends

In any language, including Bulgarian, you will find words that are similar in pronunciation to words from your native language. Most often they have absolutely different meanings, which sometimes leads to funny (and sometimes stupid) situations for newbies. Therefore, you need to start studying “false friends” as soon as possible, since this will not only eliminate the likelihood of such embarrassing situations, but will also add to vocabulary a number of useful words. It is also useful to learn how to identify “false friends” in advance and not confuse them in the future, since the Bulgarian language itself has many similarities with Russian, and some words are even similar not only in pronunciation, but also in meaning.

Use your free time

Conduct free time binge watching movies on native language, but with Bulgarian subtitles. An alternative to this is radio in the target language. Moreover, it is not necessary to constantly be in tension and listen attentively to the meaning of the broadcast, the main thing is that the Bulgarian speech surrounds and becomes part of reality (thus laying the foundation on a psychological level).

Word/phrase of the day

Having found a word or Bulgarian phrase that you like, you need to write it down on a small piece of paper and stick it in the most frequently visited place in the house. Every time you pass by the leaves, you should say the words and phrases written on them.

Communication with people

When traveling around Bulgaria, you need to seize every moment that presents itself to practice the Bulgarian language. Without being afraid of seeming intrusive, do not hesitate to ask locals about any minor things (in stores you can ask about clothing sizes, prices, different colors, on a bus - about the sights flashing in the window, and on the street it will be relevant to ask whether you are holding it correctly path to a particular destination). Listening to live speech, you can understand how different the book version of the Bulgarian language is from the one spoken in real life.

Visualize the words you are learning

Do not try to memorize the Russian translation of Bulgarian words, but, using your imagination, imagine their image or action that identifies the word. For example, you need to learn the word “pear”. We imagine the object itself - a pear, and associate it with the Bulgarian word “krusha”.

Learn Bulgarian phrases, not individual words

Indeed, remembering something that contains a story is much easier. You can come up with, for example, some funny sentence in Bulgarian that can lift your spirits, or one that can evoke other emotions. This is precisely what explains the fact that at language universities many teachers offer students to memorize entire dialogues.

Work with Bulgarian idioms

Many well-established expressions, when translated literally into Russian, sound quite funny, which makes them quite easy to remember. For example, the idiom “vot kamcheto” when literally translated into Russian means “to spit out a pebble (or cobblestone),” when in fact the expression means “to spill the beans, give away a secret.”

Instead of a conclusion

Studying foreign language involves various difficulties along the way, but with hard work on yourself and the ability to take advantage of the opportunities provided, success will not be long in coming.

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