Military schools of the country. Military universities for girls

Showing entries 1-12 from 12

Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
Academy civil protection Russian Emergency Situations Ministry
Academy of the FSB of Russia
Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great
VA Strategic Missile Forces of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Military Academy of Communications named after S.M. Budyonny
Military Academy of Logistics and Transport named after. Army General A.V. Khruleva

Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after. A.I. Evdokimova
MGMSU named after. A.I. Evdokimova

National Research University "MIET"
Serpukhov branch of the Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Serpukhov branch

Military universities in Moscow: institutes and universities

An army of rams led by a lion will always win over an army of lions led by a ram.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Military universities are special educational institutions that differ from all other universities in their admission rules, educational process, strict discipline and regime. And most importantly, graduates of military institutes and academies become not only specialists in their field, but also professional military men who faithfully serve their Fatherland. In addition to serious training in military specialties, thorough ideological work and political training are carried out here. Many professional military men have done brilliant political career. It is noteworthy that recently, enrollment in military universities has become possible for girls.

A distinctive feature of admission to military universities is specific age restrictions: from 16 to 22 years for those who did not serve in the army; up to 24 years for those who have served.

When planning to enroll in a military university, you need to approach choosing a university from a completely different perspective than when enrolling in regular universities. Entrance exams to military universities are still held in the form tests, dictations and oral examinations. The Unified State Exam is not used here.

If all universities are under the authority of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, then military universities are subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. They are divided by types of troops:

  • air Force;
  • ground troops;
  • rocket troops.

The best purpose is to defend your fatherland.

Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin

Among military universities there are also universities generalist who train specialists in civil fields: economists, lawyers, translators. Engineering and technical specialties are equally in demand both in the military sphere and in ordinary life— specialists in the design and construction of roads, bridges, tunnels, airfields; engineers for construction and road machinery, etc. They are trained by the Military Technical University Federal Service for Special Construction of the Russian Federation.

At the first stage of admission, a psychophysical and psychological examination of applicants is carried out. After this the level is checked physical training. Those who pass these tests are allowed to take exams in general education subjects: mathematics, Russian language and the third exam in the field of study (history, physics or chemistry). After passing all exams, the applicant becomes not a student, but a cadet. The first two years of training are like real military service- in the barracks with full allowance and free uniforms. Cadets are trained in everything they undergo in the army on active duty. After graduation, graduates receive the rank of lieutenant and are assigned to a specific duty station for 5 years. During a crisis, this is a significant plus - a 100% guarantee of employment after graduation.

There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland.

Film "Officers"

If we talk about the quality of education, then absolutely all universities with military specialization in all regions of Russia provide education of the highest level. The teachers have great practical experience participation in hostilities.

Rating of military universities. The best of the best:

  1. Military Academy missile forces strategic purpose(Moscow).
  2. (Moscow).
  3. Military Space Academy named after. A.F. Mozhaisky (St. Petersburg).
  4. Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Moscow).
  5. Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow).

The popularity of the military profession is growing. This is due to a stable income, preferential pension and social guarantees.

Despite this, military universities are not as widely known as civilian ones.

The choice of university for future officers depends on which troops the graduate will later serve in.

In total, there are 75 military schools and academies in Russia.

Each branch of the military has its own specialized higher education institutions.

  • Missile force specialists are trained at the Academy of Strategic Forces. The Academy is located in Moscow and is known for its excellent teaching staff;
  • future officers navy are studying at the Navy Academy. It is located in St. Petersburg;
  • if you decide to connect your career and life with air force, then you need to enroll in the Air Force Academy. The university is located in Moscow;
  • beautiful military education graduates of the Artillery Academy will receive. Its location is St. Petersburg;
  • future border guards and officers of other security service units are trained at the departmental academy;
  • the only specialized university for officers of the Russian Space Forces is the Space Academy;
  • officers airborne troops study at the legendary Ryazan School, which has many famous graduates. It is located in Ryazan;

Each of the listed universities has qualified teachers, among whom there are many doctors of science, authors of famous scientific works.

The quality of education in any specialized university is at the highest level.

All this guarantees receiving a decent education.

Studying at military universities is also good because upon completion, the graduate is guaranteed employment.

How long does it take to study to become a military officer?

Upon receipt higher education, the total duration of study is 5 years.
In the case of average vocational education, training takes 2 years 10 months.
During the period of study at a command university, the student receives a serious scholarship in the amount of 15 to 25 rubles and is provided with uniforms.

Enrollment in universities and passing the competition is carried out on the basis Unified State Exam results. At the same time, attention is drawn to strictly defined disciplines.

For example, for admission to military and humanities faculties, results in the Russian language, history, and social studies are important.

For medical faculties, knowledge of biology and chemistry is decisive.

At the same time, it must be remembered that physical state applicant is fundamentally important.

Only persons who are fit to pass the military service, who completed 11 classes of secondary school.

Submission of documents for admission is carried out through territorial military commissariats.

Where to study to become a military doctor

The profession of a military doctor is considered the most prestigious. Such education can be obtained at several universities in the capital and St. Petersburg.

All medical military academies have several faculties:

  • senior medical staff;
  • training of doctors for certain births ground troops;
  • training doctors for air forces;
  • training of doctors for the fleet;

Some universities also have faculties for training doctors of foreign armies. The presence of such a faculty serves as further confirmation the highest level education received at the academy.

In general, military medical education is one of the best, if not the best, medical education.

Where to study to become a military lawyer

The question of where to study to become a military lawyer is a little simpler.

The fact is that anyone who has a general civilian higher legal education can become a military lawyer. You just need to comply physical requirements.

Also, a military personnel who received a legal education at a civilian university can re-profile and become a military lawyer.

However, there are also specialized universities that graduate educational and political workers. Such universities belong to multidisciplinary educational institutions.
There they undergo training in various specialties:

  • lawyer,
  • military journalist,
  • sociologist,
  • military psychologist.

These are all civilian professions, however, training emphasizes the military specifics of these professions.
The procedure for admission and training is not fundamentally different from studying at other military universities.

In this short article we will discuss in detail the best military schools Russian Federation, which annually graduate confident military personnel who are ready to serve the Motherland.

Military profession

It has long been known that in Russia choosing a military profession is a very prestigious and authoritative decision. The global situation is unsettled, increasing the potential need for military force. No matter how unpleasant it may sound, Russian military schools do not lose their popularity and attract more and more applicants every year. Get similar education- means to get one hundred percent workplace, which cannot be said about students in other specialties.

But a completely logical question arises: “Which school should I go to?” Advertising campaigns are constantly carried out by university students/teachers for humanities and technical faculties. If necessary, representatives answer questions from schoolchildren, and everything is like a mini-day open doors. No one advertises military schools in Russia, so certain questions arise when choosing.

Pros of military education

Despite the fact that choosing the profession of an officer is a very difficult decision, which should not be influenced by any extraneous factors (advice from relatives, for example), in the choice similar path Still, there are a huge number of advantages. Here are just a few of them:

  • financial stability, both during study (a decent scholarship from 15,000 rubles), and during work and even retirement;
  • stable and nutritious nutrition, because the country does not need thin defenders with sunken cheeks;
  • a clearly established daily routine that does not allow any of the students to mess up and thereby interfere with others’ learning;
  • budget education. The only thing that can let you down is careless teachers who will demand money for a test/grade on an exam;
  • opportunity to live after 11th grade independent life. Very often, military schools are closed, and students are released only on leave, which reduces potential parental care.

Everything seems so simple and attractive, especially if you remember that a man is known by deeds, not words. Service in the law enforcement agencies allows you not only to provide for yourself and your family, but also to experience in your own skin the many delights of your gender, which is why many men fearlessly declare that they want to become military officers, sailors and even police officers. But it's not that simple!

Disadvantages of military education

Why do Russian military schools grant their students such liberties? What's behind all this? Of course, the life of a military man is dangerous and difficult, and not only mortal danger. Here are a few things that can push an applicant away from his desire:

  • heavy load, not only physical, but also psychological. That is why, even before entering college, special tests are carried out that help to weed out psychologically unstable, weak individuals at the initial level;
  • constant danger to life, associated not only with staying, for example, in hot spots. A soldier can die even while performing such an everyday task as a shootout with hooligans (if, for example, after training a graduate decides to join the police). Yuri Gagarin, for example, died during a test task;
  • going to distant places (for sailors, for example, this is a common thing) means constantly being away from your family. All this can be very difficult, especially for those who are too attached to home;
  • when an officer receives high rank, the responsibility for the subordinates of his platoon/company/military unit falls on his shoulders, and this requires enormous dedication. But it is the commanders who are punished when someone under their supervision has committed some offense;
  • lack of flexible hours and even days off.

If you have taken into account all the pros and cons, and also carefully weighed your decision, assuming for yourself that military service in the future is a truly promising leap in professional development, then the time has come to decide: where to go and who exactly to become.

The most popular specialties

In general, the disclosure of specific military-technical specialties is prohibited by the law on state secrets, at least in secondary schools. Therefore, it is peculiar to talk not about the specialties themselves, but about the areas of training.

Thus, at the undergraduate level, the most popular areas are the Airborne Forces, Air Force, Special Forces and Intelligence. The quality rating of universities is also calculated based on the training of future officers of these particular troops.

Training model

First of all, it should be noted: despite the fact that Russian military schools are still considered educational institutions, control over them is exercised not by the Ministry of Education, but by the Ministry of Defense. In addition, naturally, training in military disciplines prevails, but syllabus any school or academy remains a state secret.

How is military education different from regular education?

All we can say is that their program has reduced the number of hours in humanities disciplines: such as philosophy, Russian language, psychology. This was done for the sake of the clock special training: instead of learning the rules native language and theories of philosophers about the structure of the world, students are engaged in assembling and disassembling weapons, shooting, strategy, and more. How much to cut the hours of less necessary disciplines is established by the regulations of the educational institution itself.

The quality of military education in Russia far exceeds humanitarian and technical education. The teaching staff is made up of experienced people who have been in combat and have undergone not only theoretical, but also practical training.

Military education after and before 9th grade

Military schools after 9th grade are divided into two types. The first type is the cadet corps (school). The second type is Suvorovskoe military school.

When submitting documents, the applicant must successfully pass several entrance tests. This includes testing for physical, psychological and mental readiness. As a rule, the Suvorov Military School is distinguished by the fact that it does not accept girls into its ranks and prepares boys for admission to higher educational institutions of the same direction.

Nakhimovskoye (on this moment in Russia there is only one Nakhimov School - in St. Petersburg) aims its students to continue their military career in the sea.

Where are such military schools?

There are military schools after the 9th grade in many cities of Russia: in Kazan, Tver, Tolyatti, Ulyanovsk, Yekaterinburg and, of course, in Moscow, as well as St. Petersburg. Some of them are aimed not so much at military specialties themselves, such as pilot, radio operator, signalman, and so on, but there are even military music schools, from which later, as a result, military bands are formed. Students from such schools often take part in city festivals and perform in parades.

After graduating from such a military educational institution, it is considered advisable to submit documents to a higher educational institution and continue studying in a specialty there.

Military schools for girls

In addition, there are specialized educational institutions for girls, classified according to the age of the students accepted. Within the walls of boarding schools, girls learn something different from what they taught at the “institute” long ago. noble maidens" Do not confuse a women's military boarding school with a similar educational institution.

Girls, as well as young people, are instilled with a sense of love for their homeland and patriotism. IN major cities It is common for students of such institutions to participate in city patriotic holidays. This is especially noticeable on Police Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day and, of course, Victory Day.

The mentality of girls studying in boarding schools is also not forgotten: in order not to lose personal spiritual qualities, creative beginnings and subtlety of nature, students of some boarding schools regularly sing, dance, and, of course, never stop reading. Very often, such establishments adhere to a strict dress code of a white shirt and black skirt, and sometimes a checkered jacket.

Some people believe that such boarding schools “stamp out wives,” but this is not so, if only because the students of military boarding schools study drill training and prepare themselves for military service.

In addition to the usual professions, such as nurses and radio operators, many girls are expected to become military officers. Fortunately (or unfortunately), in modern world there is no longer a division between who a woman can and cannot be. This is so: in addition to working with equipment, a woman has the opportunity to become the head of a detachment and command it.

As surprising as it may be, there is no recent ranking of military schools. But a lot is said about which higher educational institution you can go to after completing 11 grades.

Military education after 11th grade

After the 11th grade, military schools are divided directly according to troops. So, there are: ground, air force, missile, naval, military space, logistics and communications troops.

In addition to general subjects, such as mathematics and the Russian language, others are taken into account when entering a higher military school, determined depending on the chosen specialty. And now more about this!

For example, the Novosibirsk Military School is recruiting for the specialty “personnel management”, for admission to which you must pass social studies. Military meteorologists have to study geography. Troops involved in the constant handling of equipment require their applicants to pass an exam in physics.

Most military institutions are tied to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, so later there are no problems with finding work or even housing. Another question is that a military man who graduated from a higher military school can be transferred to another city, from which it will be very difficult to leave.

Rating of Russian military universities

According to sociologists, the highest quality education is provided by military schools after the 11th grade in St. Petersburg and Moscow. These cities employ real professionals who are ready to teach everything necessary for service.

Military schools of St. Petersburg were in second place. According to statistics for 2015, the Peter the Great Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces, located in Moscow, was recognized as the best (to enter there you must pass physics). In second place is St. Petersburg Naval Academy(physics and some chemistry). On the third - higher military aviation school, Yuri Gagarin Air Force Academy, also located in Moscow. Only professionals teach here!

Among the higher military educational institutions of Russia, the Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots in the city of Tyumen is also noted. The FSB Academy is chosen by those young people who wish to become federal agents of Russia in the future. The Voronezh Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ryazan Air Force School named after Margelov are also very popular.

Opinion of students, teachers, parents

Usually, people unfamiliar with modern system military education, are of the opinion that the military, as they say, “are not ready for life.” The only thing they, in this opinion, are capable of is shooting at innocent people, and since this is a non-war time, they are not capable of anything at all. But this is not entirely true, because after graduating, for example, from a higher military engineering school, a person becomes more experienced and self-confident.

Every year there is a huge competition for higher military schools, 5-10 people per place. Most applicants do not even undergo psychological selection and quickly give up. Those who are admitted try to study well; Fortunately, the regime practically does not allow you to miss classes, be lazy and frankly “forget” about studying.

Student life is the best time of life, and for wartime students this statement is as true as for students of any other educational institution!

Military schools have always stood apart from other educational institutions. Getting into such an educational institution is not easy. Admission to such a school is associated with a number of mandatory conditions and requirements for the applicant - exams, physical and psychological tests, standards.

Types of military schools of the Russian Federation

Currently in Russia there are two types of professional military education - basic and higher. The first category includes:

  • cadet school;
  • Suvorov School;
  • Nakhimov School.

Male citizens under 18 years of age are admitted to cadet, Suvorov and Nakhimov schools.

The duration of study at the school is from 2 to 4 years.

The second type of professional military educational institutions includes:

  • Higher Command School;
  • academies;
  • institutes.

Duration of higher education military school ranges from 2 to 3 years.

Each of these types of educational institutions has its own profile specifics and professional orientation:

  • marine;
  • ground troops;
  • missile forces;
  • airborne troops;
  • railway troops;
  • Cossack;
  • military-technical;
  • military music;
  • military justice.

The main feature of such educational institutions is the combination of theory and practice in the learning process. Such a universal system of mastering the military craft allows one to master the art of war to perfection and train elite command staff of the country's armed forces.

Requirements for candidates

Before enrolling, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing educational institution selection rules. And they are diametrically different from the requirements of other educational institutions for their applicants. Thus, the recruitment of applicants for admission to a military school after 11th grade is carried out by the draft commissions of local military registration and enlistment offices among civilians without military service experience. In this case, cadet candidates are subject to a preliminary attribution of their suitability for training in a military school.

Among the main requirements:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation,
  • age and level of education,
  • health status,
  • level of physical fitness,
  • professional suitability based on the results of psychological and physiological testing.

Admission to a military school after 9th grade is made only with the written consent of the parents when applying to admissions committee educational institution a special package of documents. In addition, the little applicant is required to pass entrance exams and withstand physical tests in the form of summer training camps.

Upon successful completion of all stages of selection, a group of applicants led by an educational officer is placed on the territory of the military school to continue the entrance campaign. Here, applicants live in barracks conditions. In case of violation internal regulations and discipline, the applicant may be disqualified.

Documents for admission

What else is needed for admission, besides confidence and a strong desire to become an officer? First of all, this is a package of special documents:

  1. An application addressed to the director of the educational institution indicating the full name, date of birth of the applicant, address at the place of registration, the name of the commissariat and its postal code, information about the citizenship and level of education of the applicant, identification details, personal contacts and the name of the specialty for which the applicant is applying.
  2. Autobiography and characteristics from the place of study or work.
  3. Certificate of education or certificate of the student's current academic performance.
  4. A photocopy of the birth certificate, diploma, passport and documents confirming the special rights of candidates upon enrollment in the school.
  5. Three photo cards 4.5x6.

This entire host of documents is formed into the applicant’s personal file.


The next stage of admission is examinations for admission to a military school and testing of knowledge of the general education program.

To enter a military school after 9th grade, you must pass entrance exams in Russian language and mathematics.

For applicants who have completed 11th grade, it is necessary to pass the Unified State Exam in the following subjects:

  1. Mathematics.
  2. Russian language.
  3. Physics.

What exams must be taken when enrolling in the military?additionally, it is necessary to check with each educational institution separately. Depending on the profile of the school, they will be different.


The third and final step of the admissions campaign is passing the mandatory physical fitness tests. There are two options here:

  1. Passing an exam based on the results of excellent grades in physical education and certificates of victories in sports competitions.
  2. Performing examination exercises in physical education.

In the second case, the standards for admission to a military school are passed strictly according to the physical standards of the Ministry of Health and only after examination by a medical commission.

In the physics program training includes:

  • 1000 m cross;
  • 100 m and 3 km run;
  • swim 50-100 m;
  • pull-ups on the crossbar (from 11 to 17 times).

There is only one attempt for each task without the right to retake it. Exceptions can only be made in unforeseen cases - falling off the crossbar, falling, etc.


With fairly high competition, many applicants are interested in the question - how to enroll in the military without a competition? In this case, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a whole system of benefits and privileges:

  • children without guardianship and orphans;
  • children who graduated from a secondary educational institution with honors or a medal;
  • graduates preparatory courses at military schools and universities based on the results of final exams;
  • persons who have completed the first year of a civilian university in a specialized specialty at a military school;
  • graduates of other military schools and boarding schools with basic flight training;
  • persons under 20 years of age, whose one of the parents is a disabled person of group I;
  • participants in hostilities.

So the military school is good preparatory school for the younger generation in studying military affairs. However, this is just a base that provides primary knowledge and skills for entering universities.

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