Armament of the Alpha TsSN FSB group (102 photos). Control "A". Alpha Group and its combat axioms Alpha Group uniform

The main work of the Alpha Detachment employees is to carry out special power operations to prevent terrorist acts, search for, neutralize or eliminate terrorists, and release hostages.

Sergei GONCHAROV, who faithfully served in the ranks of this legendary anti-terrorist unit for 15 years, told National Defense magazine about the history and modern combat activities of the Alpha group of the Special Purpose Center of the FSB of the Russian Federation.

- Sergey Alekseevich, what were the reasons for creating the Alpha group? And why was this name chosen for the anti-terror group? Maybe because “alpha” is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, and a group bearing that name should always be first in the fight against terror?

The Alpha group was created back in 1974. It was a heyday Soviet Union and at the same time, in the 1970s, certain problems with terror and with ensuring public safety in our country began to appear. The first problem that led to the creation of the Alpha special forces unit was dissent. Many dissidents at that time did extraordinary things. The second reason is that potential enemy countries, such as Germany, Great Britain, the USA, and France, already had similar units. The third reason is that the Munich Olympics in 1972 showed that a group of armed terrorists can capture and destroy hostages, striking a blow to the prestige of the state. We were preparing for the 1980 Olympics and understood that it was necessary to ensure the safety of this large-scale event. These three reasons prompted the Chairman of the USSR KGB, Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov, to sign an order on July 29, 1974 to create Group “A”. Initially, it consisted of only 50 people - only USSR KGB officers with an impeccable reputation.

As for the name, the leadership of the KGB of the USSR really believed that we should be the first. The problem of terrorism was already troubling our country, and Alpha was supposed to become a brand, a real force that successfully solves anti-terrorism problems. And she has been doing this effectively for 41 years.

- How did the accumulation of knowledge in the fight against terrorism occur in the 1970s? Has a think tank been set up for this purpose? Did the leadership of the Alpha group and you personally have to start from scratch, or were there employees who already had certain knowledge in the field of anti-terrorism, having received it in the Border Troops or on business trips abroad?

Initially, we worked at random, determined what to do and what to study, and studied the subject field. They raised all the documents regarding the events of terror and anti-terrorism that took place in Europe and the USA. PGU KGB also assisted us in obtaining necessary materials on the fight against terrorism. In Moscow we explored all the airports and train stations. We identified emanating threats to passengers and aircraft. We practiced assaulting all types of aircraft that flew in the USSR. Everything was worked out thoroughly in practice and in plans.

Our employees actually underwent training abroad, but information on this matter constitutes a state secret. In addition, special forces officers from Warsaw Pact countries or countries loyal to the USSR came to us and trained us. For example, hand-to-hand combat we were trained by Cubans.

Concerning think tank, then he was and still exists in Alpha, and has extensive experience in collecting and analyzing information regarding terrorism and anti-terrorism.

- What were and are the criteria for selecting candidates for the Alpha group?

The first condition is to be an officer of the KGB of the USSR, and now it is advisable to be an FSB officer or an army special forces officer with combat experience. The second is the willingness to undergo selection in accordance with the physical standard that was developed for admission to the unit. There was a requirement to have the first rank in some applied sport, for example, hand-to-hand combat, shooting, etc. There were people who had preliminary training and skills as combat swimmers. High demands were placed on moral and volitional qualities - overcoming feelings of fear and the ability to work in a team. We have all undergone parachute training, tank testing, training and tests that allow us to understand whether an officer can fight his fear and perform combat mission. Initially, we recruited mainly KGB operatives. In the 1980s, they began to recruit candidates for joining the unit from the airborne units and border troops, since they were closer to us in training.

There are many people who want to serve in our special forces; we have a large bench of reserves. The selection is based on many criteria. Out of ten candidates, one or two people are selected.

Since its creation, the Alpha group has paid serious attention to parachute training.

- What does training look like in the Alpha group? What skills and fighting qualities are the fighters in Alpha focusing on developing?

Training is combat duty, which our officers undertake. Employees of our special forces are in constant combat readiness to fly to any point in Russia. Since the creation of Group “A”, the country has not been left without an anti-terrorist umbrella - cover methods developed by our unit. We are always on alert. The day begins with physical training, followed by shooting and studying situations that occurred in the history of anti-terrorism and special operations. These events are studied in classrooms and in practice, analyzed in detail, errors are considered, and then adopted by the employees of group “A”.

We have specialization, and there is no such employee who could do everything. There are snipers, combat swimmers, miners, negotiators, and an assault group. By the way, Alpha devotes a lot of time to mountain training. The emphasis is on developing endurance, perseverance, dexterity, intelligence, and teamwork skills. After all, success in the fight against terror depends on the coordinated actions of the entire operational combat group that takes part in the special operation.

- Conducted with Alpha fighters psychological work, aimed at preparing a thinking fighter, or is the “alpha fighter”, first of all, the result of long-term physical training?

It takes five to six years to train a special forces officer. Training is carried out systematically, and the emphasis is placed both on the precise execution of orders and on the development of operational and tactical ingenuity. An Alpha fighter is not a robot, he is a creatively thinking warrior, ready to adapt to the conditions of a combat mission and make decisions during a combat operation, taking into account command orders.

- By the way, is an Alpha employee called a “fighter” or an “operative”? And what does Alpha emphasize in combat training: teamwork or solo training?

An Alpha employee is called a “fighter”, not an “operative”. And there is something heroic in this. Alpha employees are proud of this name.

As for training, snipers are prepared to act alone and with an assistant. The successful actions of this employee are the key to the success of the entire operation. Assault groups are preparing to act coherently, as part of one team - as a single whole.

- Alpha officers jump with a parachute? Does the group pay attention to parachute training?

Alpha officers constantly jump with a parachute. Only during the initial period parachute training ten jumps are done. "Alpha" is capable of landing on any territory in full combat gear and completing the combat mission of landing.

- Does Alpha escort high-ranking officials, like the German GSG 9 or the American Delta?

We monitored the security of our delegation in Cuba in the summer of 1978 in case of terrorist attacks. “Alpha” ensured and continues to provide, at the direction of the country’s leadership, the security of the top officials of the state. After 1991, the Alpha group was transferred to the Main Security Directorate. And then Alpha ensured the security of two presidents - Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin.

- How much time is spent on training an Alpha sniper? What's special sniper training? Or, given the significant time that the group devotes to fire training, can we say that all Alpha members are snipers? Are there special ones in Alpha? sniper groups, how in airborne special forces, or do snipers work as part of operational combat groups? Has Alpha carried out successful hostage rescue operations using snipers?

The skill of the Alpha sniper is at a high level, as he must hit the terrorist and not get taken hostage. In international competitions we take first places in sniper training. Not all Alpha members are snipers, but at the same time they shoot at a high level from all types of weapons. The peculiarity of Alpha sniper training is its emphasis on anti-terrorism, work in urban conditions, when the enemy is covered by hostages. The Alpha sniper must remain in position for as long as necessary to successfully complete the operation. Snipers work both independently and as part of task forces.

A successful operation using an Alpha sniper was carried out on Vasilyevsky Spusk in Moscow in 1995, when a criminal hijacked a bus with 25 South Korean tourists. The sniper determined the course of the operation and eliminated the criminal.

- Does Alpha use technical means of anti-terrorism and reconnaissance in operational combat activities? For example, drones?

Drones have long come into use both in army special forces units and in intelligence services. Now quality intelligence collection depends on them. Alpha is a modern special forces unit and uses drones during training. In general, the technical equipment of the group is given high importance.

- Explosive devices are the main weapon of terrorists. Have you ever encountered this type of terrorism? Is Alpha paying enough attention to mine training?

During the first and second Chechen wars, in the course of the fight against illegal armed groups, Alpha was faced with the combat use of mines, land mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). In "Alpha" a lot of time is devoted to mine anti-terrorism, studying previous domestic and Foreign experience. There is a group of special demolitionists who work both to counter IEDs and clear mines, and to carry out demolition work during the storming of a building. Successful operations of this type were carried out in Afghanistan, Chechnya, the North Caucasus, during special operations.

- What does the Alpha structure look like? It is known that the British SAS and the German GSG 9 are formed according to the principle of the sphere of action: land, sea, air. SAS also has a mountain squadron. Is Alpha built the same way?

When creating Alpha, the organizational and staffing structures of Western intelligence services were not copied, but were taken into account. We have professional combat swimmers, snipers high level, highly qualified specialists in mountain training. The group is formed depending on the specific combat mission. Out of more than a hundred of our operations, no two were identical; each time we received new input. This makes you gain experience every time. For example, it is one thing to carry out an operation to free hostages in Beslan or Nord-Ost. It required the efforts of snipers and assault teams. Ensuring the security of a major sporting event, such as the recent Olympics, is another matter. It is clear that to ensure security in a city like Sochi, which is located in a coastal mountainous area, specialists with mining and underwater training are required.

- The storming of Amin's palace in Afghanistan in 1979 showed that Alpha was taking part in offensive operations. In the language of the GRU special forces, it was a classic raid followed by an assault. Is Alpha currently working on such operations? Have there been other successful operations of this nature?

The assault on Amin's palace went down in the history of special forces as the best special operation with the composition that was available at that time. It was an operation of brave and fearless people who went to obvious death. And they understood what they were getting into.

The uniqueness of that operation was its difficulty. In fire contact we had to face trained military units and personal security structures. “Alpha” is an anti-terrorist group, but during that operation, together with other groups, it acted as a shock assault unit. It was necessary, at the risk of life, to overcome the line of fire and neutralize the armed enemy. Based on the results of this operation, we concluded that our officers are capable of successfully carrying out offensive operations and operate in a complex operational environment.

Now “Alpha” devotes enough time to working out past operations, because each operation itself is unique, but its elements can be repeated. Alpha no longer had similar operations, but elements of the assault appeared in Beslan and Nord-Ost, when they had to storm barricaded buildings covered by enemy snipers.

- You were the deputy commander of the Alpha group. What responsibilities did you have?

There were several deputies of us, and we followed the orders of the commander of the Alpha group. There was no clear definition of which deputy was responsible for what - everything depended on the specific task. The deputy group commander could, for example, lead an operation or one of the assault groups, or be part of the headquarters for developing the operation, or lead a group of negotiators.

- During your service in Alpha, the group conducted dozens of successful operations. Which one was the most successful? Which of your officers distinguished himself?

In Sarapul on December 17, 1981, conscripts took 25 students hostage

10th grade on school grounds. Alpha was airlifted and immediately began the assault. In the course of joint actions with the local 7th KGB department, employees of group “A” skillfully and professionally neutralized, disarmed and captured the criminals without firing a single shot. Alpha's professionalism consisted of subtle operational calculations and knowledge of the psychology of terrorists.

Another well-known operation to free hostages from the Yakshiyants gang was carried out in Mineralnye Vody on December 1-3, 1988. And although the leadership of the USSR KGB decided to make temporary concessions to the terrorists and canceled the assault, the employees of our special forces were ready for action. During this action, our fighters accompanied a bus with captured children and took part in negotiations. Here officer Valery Bochkov distinguished himself, risking his life by carrying bags of money to terrorists in order to exchange them for captured children. After the extradition of the terrorists by the government of the State of Israel, Group A flew to this country to escort the criminals. The skillful actions of group “A” and the composure of the employees ensured the successful release of the hostages and the subsequent extradition of the terrorists.

- In Sukhumi, you carried out a special operation to free hostages of increased complexity together with a special unit internal troops"Knight". What was the role of Team A in this operation?

- “Alpha” carried out an operation to free hostages in the Sukhumi pre-trial detention center on August 15, 1990. The specifics of the place, the preparedness of the leaders - hardened criminals and their assistants, armed, among other things, with automatic weapons, and a significant number of captured hostages complicated the operation. The special unit was commanded by Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel Viktor Fedorovich Karpukhin. 22 fighters arrived with him in Sukhumi. In addition, 27 fighters from the Vityaz special forces unit arrived, led by commander Colonel Sergei Ivanovich Lysyuk. The bandits who seized the temporary detention center demanded a car and a helicopter. In the process of preparing the operation, the Alpha team mined a car intended for terrorists and, together with Vityaz, formed three assault groups. The first group, led by Mikhail Kartofelnikov, stormed the bus. The second group, led by Major Mikhail Maksimov and the Vityaz assault group, attacked the bandits on the floors. The first group put an end to the operation, because in the car were the leaders of the bandits who were killed during the seizure. The second assault group and Vityaz played an important role. Thanks to their professionalism, the detention center was released. "Alpha" showed its skill both in freeing hostages and in using demolition charges, which allowed her to shock criminals and break into closed rooms.

- Was the operation in the village of Pervomaiskoye on January 18, 1996 anti-terrorist or counter-guerrilla? What was Alpha's role in this operation? In general, is Alpha often involved in the fight against illegal armed groups?

In Pervomaisky there was a combined arms battle. Alpha had a leading role. But using Alpha as a combined arms unit in an open field was wrong, and this was the reason for the death of our officers. At the same time, Alpha was used as an assault group to free the hostages.

During the Afghan and Chechen campaigns, Alpha was impact force to combat illegal armed groups.

- How did combat operations in Chechnya enrich Alpha’s experience? The enemy had considerable experience there guerrilla warfare and action in small groups. How difficult was it to defeat such an opponent?

The fighting on the territory of Chechnya, and they can safely be called a war, gave our officers colossal military experience. This was experience in fighting both small units armed with small arms and large gangs with heavy weapons. The enemy used guerrilla tactics, raids, ambushes, and counter clashes. "Alpha" learned to fight as an army special forces unit. The greatest difficulty was presented by the battles in the green area.

- How competently did Group “A” work in releasing the hostages in “Nord-Ost”? What factors allowed her to achieve success? Why were there losses among the hostages?

“Alpha” carried out an assault on the building and completed its task of freeing more than a thousand hostages and destroying 38 bandits. Success was ensured by the coordinated actions of the assault group, reconnaissance group and cover group. Our task was fire and assault. During those events, a special task was carried out. And the losses relate specifically to this event. But this special event was not implemented by the Alpha group.

- Does Alpha draw conclusions from the modern war on terror, which is being waged around the world? How does this affect her preparation?

We are seriously analyzing the actions of our Western and Turkish partners in the fight against IS in Syria and Iraq. After all, IS poses a danger to the whole world.

- It is known that foreign anti-terrorism teams maintain partnerships with each other. In particular, the French GIGN cooperates with the British SAS. SAS cooperates and exchanges experience with the American Delta. Does Alpha maintain partnerships for the exchange of experience? And if so, with whom?

We maintain partnerships with the Belarusian and Kazakh Alfa, but not as deep as our Western partners.

- Name the most outstanding Alpha officers and their successful operations.

I would especially like to mention the Hero of the Soviet Union Gennady Nikolayevich Zaitsev, he led the unit for the longest time, carried out dozens of operations to free hostages, and trained a whole galaxy of heroic fighters of group “A”. I would also like to mention the commander of department “A” in 2003-2014, Vladimir Nikolaevich Vinokurov. He was at the head of the unit during the second Chechen campaign, continued the combat traditions established by the first Alpha commanders, and performed well during anti-terrorist operations. In particular, he commanded the combat operations of our special forces in Beslan in 2004. An example of a remarkable feat was demonstrated by a soldier of our special forces, Major Alexander Valentinovich Perov, awarded the title of Hero of Russia, who covered a woman and a child with his body and saved them at the cost of his life. Author Timur Akhmetov nationaldefense

  • A special-purpose weapon is a professional tool designed for a certain level of training of the owner. It is extremely diverse in the types of damaging elements, design and methods of application.

We invite you to consider the weapons of Alpha, one of the best special forces in the world.

AS "Val"

Developed in the late 80s by a group of designers at the TsNIITOCHMASH enterprise, led by the legendary gunsmith P.I. Serdyukov, AS “Val” quickly gained trust among domestic special forces. Thanks to the silencer, the sound level of a shot from a machine gun does not exceed the sound level of a shot from a small-caliber sports rifle. This not only contributes to the secrecy of the use of weapons, but also reduces the acoustic load on the shooter himself and provides the possibility of voice communication when conducting special operations in close quarters.

The rate of fire is 800 - 900 rounds/min, combat rate of fire is 40 - 60 rounds/min. The magazine holds 10/20 rounds. A special 9 x 39 mm SP cartridge was also developed for the machine gun. 6, which at a distance of 200 m can penetrate class 2-3 body armor.

SR-3 "Whirlwind"

SR-3 "Whirlwind" is a compact machine gun, created in 1996 on the basis of the same "Val". Engineers from the Klimov TsNIITOCHMASH did their best, managing to combine such the most important qualities as small size, convenience and power. Unlike the AS Val, the SR-3 Vikhr is not equipped with a silencer, but at the same time has a smaller barrel.

The rate of fire reaches 900 rounds/min., combat rate of fire is 40 - 60 rounds/min. The cartridges used are 9 x 39 mm SP. 6. The machine gun successfully hits class 5 body armor from 50 meters.

VSS "Vintorez"

The VSS Vintorez sniper rifle is an excellent, balanced weapon, and due to its good range and high rate of fire, it becomes a real killer in the hands of an experienced specialist. Gained fame thanks to its unique silent shooting.

The rifle uses a special SP sniper cartridge. 5 and an automatic cartridge with increased armor penetration SP. 6. Also installed optical sight PSO-1. The destruction range is 200 meters, the rate of fire is 800 - 900 rounds/min, the combat rate of fire is 40 - 60 rounds/min. The magazine holds 10/20 rounds.

SR-1 "Gyurza"

The most powerful special forces pistol. He replaced the automatic genius Stechkin, but confidently gained a foothold in the ranks of the special forces. During tests of the Gyurza, a bullet with a lead core pierces a block of dry boards 18 cm thick from a distance of 10 meters; at a distance of 50 meters, penetration of class A body armor or titanium armor plate up to 4 mm thick is guaranteed.

The magazine holds 18 rounds. Special cartridges are used: armor-piercing, low-ricochet, expansive, armor-piercing tracer. Sighting range- 100 meters.

Knife "Antiterror"

The anti-terrorism device was specially manufactured by the Kazan company Melita-K for Russian security forces. Its peculiarity is that it has a petal shape, which allows maximum use of the working area of ​​the blade, increasing its cutting properties. Thanks to its special configuration, the knife has high penetrating properties.

Commandments of special forces

1. Sweat saves blood.

2. The volume of the biceps does not affect the speed of the bullet.

3. A gun is just a working tool, the weapon is you.

4. Lead to normal battle What is needed is not a weapon, but an employee’s head.

5. The main value of the anti-terror unit is the instructors. (Signed: Instructors).

6. If a mistake is made at the selection stage, training is meaningless.

7. Equipment, like life, has no price.

8. It is not the one who shoots first who wins, but the one who hits first.

9. For gaps in fire training, a “failure” rating in battle is given by an enemy bullet.

10. Weapons are not a source of increased danger, but your friend and working tool.

11. Best weapon the one you work with.

12. Your skills are the best fuse.

13. The shooter's level is his worst shot.

14. Best pistol- it's an automatic machine.

15. You need a pistol in order to get to your machine gun, which you didn’t have to leave anywhere.

16. The main means of preparing an anti-terrorism unit is realistic professional training.

17. Darkness is the friend of a trained employee.

18. Are you afraid to use weapons in a crowd? Get on your skis!

19. Errors in tactics can be corrected quickly and accurate shooting, mistakes in shooting cannot be corrected by anything.

20. Be a professional in battle, let the enemy die a hero.

21. The strength of special forces is not in muscles, but in brains.

22. Destroying an enemy is a craft, but making him shoot himself is an art.

23. All special forces soldiers died in fire contact, and not in hand-to-hand combat.

24. If you reach the point of changing magazines in fire contact, then you missed too many shots before that.

25. No one has ever managed to miss fast enough to win.

26. The main means of fighting terrorists is weapons. The rest is secondary.

27. Effective fire is accurate fire.

28. Nothing can replace a quick and accurate shot.

29. TEST: Night, distance 15 m. Target - the head of a terrorist. The hostage is your child. (Answer: Yes - employee / No - discharged athlete).

30. An employee of the anti-terrorism unit is the master of every shot he fires.

31. Treat every shot as if it were your only shot.

32. Did you miss? Welcome! (Signed: Military Prosecutor's Office).

33. Successful circumstances reinforce bad tactics.

34. The main quality of an employee is the ability to make an informed decision and make a quick and accurate shot in any conditions and at any actual firing distances.

35. What is worth your shot is worth a second shot.

36. The anti-terror unit is the highest professional specialization of the special forces unit.

37. You don’t need to quickly disassemble a weapon, you need to quickly shoot it.

38. Mental clock - balance of accuracy and speed.

39. The only thing worse than a miss is a slow miss.

40. There is no point in shooting faster than you can hit.

41. Nothing is more inspiring than being shot at and missed.

42. It’s better to hit once with a PM than to miss twice with a Glock.

43. You can’t nail a firing course to an employee’s coffin.

44. There is never too much money, information and ammunition.

45. If a hooligan at a distance of 10 meters is simultaneously hit in one knee with a 5.45 mm bullet and in the other with a 7.62 mm bullet, he will not notice the difference.

46. ​​Win and survive to win again.

47. Special forces - quality, not quantity.

48. An effective anti-terror unit cannot be created by command - it takes decades.

49. People are more important than technology.

50. Employee - weapons - equipment - personal protective equipment and communications - equivalent elements of combat kit.

51. In hand-to-hand combat, the one with the most ammunition wins.

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"Falcatus" - armored car of the TsSN FSB Israeli special forces. Israeli special forces structure Mosin rifle - native three-line

At all times, it was believed that special forces units have the best weapons. The secret services are no exception. Russian Federation And former USSR. Which of the unusual domestic developments are used by the FSB and GRU - later in the review.

VSS "Vintorez"

In the 1970s, the USSR raised the question of the need to arm snipers with silent weapons. It was not possible to simply “screw” a silencer onto a rifle; it was necessary to develop a fundamentally new design. In 1981, the 6P29 sniper rifle was introduced, the capabilities of which amazed specialists. The weapon weighed only 2.2 kilograms and at a distance of 400 meters easily pierced a metal helmet and a 25-mm pine board. Even at the design bureau, the weapon was given the name “Vintorez”, which then stuck.

State Security Committee (KGB) of the USSR and Main intelligence agency The USSR General Staff (GRU GSh) were the main customers for such weapons. A new 9mm cartridge was developed to meet their requirements. The combination of the design of the rifle and the cartridge gave silent and flameless shooting in both single and burst modes. Only in complete silence could one hear the whistle of a bullet and the knock of metal parts of the trigger mechanism.

After the appearance of the VSS in the Russian army, Kalashnikov assault rifles with silencers, as outdated, began to be sent to warehouses. "Vintorez" was used by special forces in the First and Second Chechen War, the Georgian-Ossetian conflict, and in anti-terrorist operations. The Alpha and Vympel snipers highly appreciated the capabilities of covert shooting. The rifle is also used to protect top officials of the state. When disassembled, the BCC fits into an inconspicuous suitcase-diplomat.

A special silent automatic machine “Val” was developed on the basis of Vintorez. The differences are small: a 20-round magazine and a folding stock.


In the early 1950s, the famous gunsmith designer Igor Stechkin received an unusual order. For the KGB of the USSR he designed a compact, silent weapon. The TKB-506 three-shot pistol had a body simulating a cigarette case. The device fired special cartridges of increased power. Thanks to this, from a distance of 5 meters, a bullet pierced 3 pine boards. Unfortunately, due to the specifics of its use, the details of the use of TKB-506 are not known.


In the early 1990s, by order of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Tula KBP developed the PP-90 submachine gun. This is a compact melee weapon designed for concealed carry. When folded, the PP-90 is a small pencil case 28 centimeters long.

The PP90 and PP-93 submachine guns are used by soldiers of SOBR, OMON, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and cash-in-transit units. The PP can be additionally equipped laser pointer and a muffler.


The Underwater Special Automatic (APS) became the world's first automatic weapon that can be fired underwater. It was developed to arm saboteur divers. The development of Soviet engineers was adopted by the troops in 1975 and is still in use today. The main highlight of the weapon is the 12-centimeter 5.66 mm bullets, which experience reduced resistance when moving in water. The target range under water is 30 meters, and in the air – 100 meters. For comparison, bullets fired from conventional weapons fly no more than a meter under water.

Despite excellent underwater results, APS is not very suitable for use on shore. Therefore, Tula gunsmiths modernized the design, creating new Automatic Double Medium Special (ADS).


In 1965, Soviet cosmonauts Leonov and Belyaev landed in the taiga, where they had to survive among wild animals for two days. The weapon they had was a Makarov pistol, the capabilities of which are very limited. Visiting Tula gunsmiths, Leonov proposed creating special weapon for Soviet cosmonauts.

TP-82 SONAZ ( Weapon Wearable Emergency Supply) is called the “cosmonaut pistol”, since it was officially included in the list of items that fly into space and back. TP-82 is three-barreled, chambered for 12.5 mm and 5.45 mm caliber cartridges. It is easy to make a carbine out of a pistol by attaching a machete stock. Using it, you can make a path, chop branches, dig a hole.

In total, from 30 to 100 TP-82 pistols were produced, which all Soviet and Russian cosmonauts were taught to use.

Laser pistol

Another weapon developed for astronauts is radically different from anything created before. In 1984, employees of the Strategic Missile Forces Military Academy presented their development. The laser gun uses disposable flash bulbs that produce bright light and temperature. In the direction of action of the laser gun, human eyes and optical instruments may be damaged. At the same time, the skin of the spacecraft and the spacesuit remain intact.

The thermal and light effects of a laser pistol are achieved at a distance of up to 20 meters. The compact weapon with an 8-round magazine can even fire semi-automatically.

On July 29, 1974, by order of the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Yuri Andropov, a secret unit was created in the Seventh Directorate - Group “A”. The decision to create it was made after the terrorist attack at the 1972 Olympics in Munich, which killed 11 members of the Israeli team. On the eve of summer Olympic Games In 1980, Moscow needed to ensure security on the territory of the Soviet Union.

The main tasks that the group faced were the fight against terrorists and other extremist entities, as well as the release of captured hostages, Vehicle and state facilities on the territory of the USSR and beyond.

Until 1985, Group A was personally subordinate to the General Secretary and the leadership of the KGB. At that time, the special unit consisted of no more than 40 employees.

  • The first composition of Group "A"

Since 1990, Alfa members have been active participants in counter-operations in the North Caucasus. After the collapse of the USSR and the reorganization of the KGB, Group A was transferred to the subordination of the Federal Security Service. Unit employees received additional security tasks senior officials states.

In 1995, the anti-terrorist group became part of Federal service Security (FSB) of Russia, and from 1998 to this day, Directorate “A” has been part of the Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia.

Today Group "A" is better known as "Alpha" in the world.

Combat chronicle

During the existence of the anti-terrorist unit, its employees conducted more than 30 successful special operations.

The famous seizure of Amin's palace in Kabul on December 27, 1979 is considered the baptism of fire for Group A.

“Alfovtsy”, together with fighters of the “Zenith” group (48 people in total), with the support of the “Muslim battalion” and paratroopers, stormed a well-fortified palace in 43 minutes. Combat operation in Afghanistan still has no analogues in the world. At the same time, Group A suffered its first losses - two soldiers died in the line of duty.

  • This is how Alpha fighters saw Amin’s palace before the assault. Photo from 1979

In December 1988, employees of the anti-terrorism unit had to free children taken hostage. In the city of Ordzhonikidze, armed bandits seized a passenger bus with fourth grade students. The criminals set conditions - to provide them with a plane and unhindered travel to any country.

For about seven hours, the commander of Group “A” Gennady Zaitsev conducted negotiations with the bandits on the radio.

“We were given instructions: “Not a single hair should fall from the child’s head. Children must be released,” Zaitsev said in an interview with RT. “The criminals’ demands were wild: to give them weapons and body armor. According to the rules, doing this is strictly prohibited, but sometimes the situation forces you to deviate from the canons. We had to partially satisfy their demands. They gave me a bulletproof vest - for it, a child or two, and I also had to give away one machine gun.”

As a result, all thirty children were released, and the bandits were detained by Group A employees in Israel.

On June 17, 1995, terrorists took more than a thousand people hostage in the Budennovsk city hospital. The Alpha unit was involved in the operation to free the people. The soldiers stormed the building. During the special operation, three employees of Group A were killed and 15 were seriously injured.

  • Hostages held by the group Chechen militants in the hospital in Budennovsk, during liberation
  • RIA News
  • Alexander Zemlyanichenko

“This was the first operation of this scale in world practice,” Alexey Filatov, a participant in the counter-operation in Budyonnovsk, vice-president of the international anti-terrorist association “Alpha,” recalls those events in a conversation with RT. — For the first time, there were such a huge number of people hostage and so many terrorists armed to the teeth. They were even better armed than us. Such a density of fire in a battle that lasted more than four hours, none of the old-timers of the group will remember, it was just a rain of bullets.”

“Alfa members” have participated in the release of hostages more than once. In 2002 - in the Theater Center on Dubrovka, and in 2004, employees of the anti-terrorism unit stormed a school in Beslan, captured by armed terrorists, who on September 1 took more than 1,100 people hostage, most of whom were children.

Also, the fighters of Group “A” participated in operations to detain spy-traitors and repeatedly protected the lives of top officials of the state.

“They guarded Vladimir Putin when he was in Chechnya in 1999. We were ready to take the fight if necessary and give our lives for our president if necessary,” said Alpha unit veteran Colonel Vitaly Demidkin to RT.

Selection bias

Alpha Division is considered the elite Russian special forces. It is very difficult to become one of the Group A employees. Candidates must undergo a strict selection process. RT's interlocutors, veterans of Group A, told how they ended up in the ranks of the special forces.

Gennady Zaitsev took over as commander of Group A at the invitation of the head of the Seventh Directorate of the KGB. He said that the first time, after weighing the pros and cons, he refused. And only when the offer came a second time did he agree.

Veteran of the Alpha anti-terrorism group Igor Shevchuk told RT that he purposefully went to serve in the unit.

“It was no accident that I ended up at Alpha. I learned about the group while still a cadet: I read the book “Alpha Didn’t Want to Kill” and wanted to serve in this unit. I graduated from the border school, passed all the exams, but failed to get into the group the first time. In 2003, he finally became an employee of Group A,” says Shevchuk.

Vitaly Demidkin also first became acquainted with the anti-terrorism unit when he was very young. He stated that education and physical training helped him in many ways to become one of the Alpha members.

“I got into Group A in 1979. I learned about the unit while still a cadet. I am a paramedic by training, the commission paid attention to this. But besides this, I passed all the exams perfectly. That’s how they took me,” Demidkin recalls.

All RT's interlocutors - veterans of the Alpha anti-terrorism unit - noted that one of the main selection criteria is very good physical fitness, ideal health and professional suitability.

  • Alpha special forces training
  • YouTube video screenshot

“The selection is quite tough. After exams and tests, interviews with commanders follow. Then the commission comes to the family for an interview, looks at the situation, how the person lives, warns loved ones what awaits them in the future and what risks this entails,” Shevchuk noted.

A fighter from the Alpha unit must always be ready to go on a mission. “Our officer, for the most part, does not belong to himself, he is always in combat readiness,” emphasized Sergei Goncharov, president of the Association of Veterans of the Alpha anti-terror unit.

IN Soviet time personnel recruited exclusively from KGB officers who had undergone special training. Today, according to Goncharov, there are military schools in Russia from which future “Alfa members” are selected.

“Those who are capable of serving in Alpha are selected from among the students of military schools. They are trained from the very beginning of their service until they graduate from college, and then they are sent for special training. Out of a dozen who try, one or two succeed,” Goncharov noted.

The Alpha phenomenon

However, to become a combat unit of the Alpha division, physical data and great desire are not enough. Excellent required analytic skills, high speed thinking. An important feature of service in Group “A” is the ability to work in a team and be ready to always, in any situation, come to the aid of a friend.

“An important circumstance for serving in this unit is mutual assistance,” Zaitsev emphasized. “Confidence in each other must be unconditional: if someone takes a bullet, then he is sure that the comrade next to him will definitely cover him and help him.”

“Alpha” has its own spirit and its own traditions, which are important for the formation of a cohesive team.

“It is wrong to consider a special forces soldier as a kind of Rambo who risks his life and acts alone,” Alpha veteran Mikhail Fedotov noted in a conversation with RT. — On the contrary, it is a team of people that can work as a single mechanism. And all this thanks to traditions and many years of experience passed on from generation to generation.”

“The phenomenon of the unit lies in the fact that even if a person is young, he has a family, he is still ready to take risks to save the lives of people he does not know,” Fedotov emphasized. — You need to have a certain psychology in order to understand all this and not retreat into Hard time. People bury their comrades, and the next day they go into battle and make life in our state safer.”

Life after service

The service life of the Alpha unit fighters is on average 10 years - the psychological and exercise stress. However, veterans of the special forces told RT that “it’s impossible to just pick up and leave Group A.”

According to Zaitsev, he has still not been able to move away from the group regime, although he is preparing to celebrate his 83rd birthday in September.

  • Group A commander Gennady Zaitsev
  • RIA News
  • Ramil Sitdikov

“When I retired, I felt destitute,” said the Alpha veteran. — I had a strict schedule, I got up before 06:00, and was already at the unit at 08:00. My comrades and I created the Alpha-95 Security Agency in 1995. I am now the head of this structure. I also get up at 06:00 and arrive an hour before the start of the working day, probably out of habit. My experience with the military has been more than 60 years.”

After his retirement, Demidkin began to engage in the security business. But nostalgia for his service in Group “A” still haunts him.

“I left Alpha when I was 51 years old. For a long time I couldn’t believe that I was left without service, without anything to do. At first I was depressed. It was as if I got out of the carriage onto the platform to have a smoke, and my train left without me,” Demidkin said.

Currently, more than 500 retired Group A fighters are members of the Association of Veterans of the Alpha anti-terror unit. Combat brotherhood“Alpha people” remain faithful all their lives.

  • Association of Veterans of the Anti-Terror Unit "Alpha"

“Here, real male friendship is formed, tested in the most difficult, deadly situations; this friendship cannot be stronger,” Filatov emphasized.

Pride of Russia

Alpha Squad - elite unit Russian special forces.

“Today’s officers are very well equipped, excellently physically trained, they have a lot of modern equipment and weapons. IN modern conditions Given the growing threat of terrorism, these points are extremely important. On this moment I consider Alpha to be the most prepared unit in the world, Russia should be proud of this,” says Goncharov.

Group A is known throughout the world as one of the most highly qualified, experienced and effective anti-terrorism units.

“The name “Alpha” thundered throughout the world after a series of military operations. The Americans looked at us with open mouths. They also have a similar division, but everything about them is so “film-like.” We didn’t shout to the whole world, but worked effectively,” Fedotov noted.

Brilliant and well-coordinated work of employees special unit Foreign colleagues also celebrate anti-terrorism.

“Alpha” was not the first to be created. Anti-terrorism units have already operated in Great Britain, Germany, and Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also served in such a group, and he once said that he considered Alpha the best unit in the world,” said Zaitsev.

"Alfo members" often take part in competitions of anti-terrorism units in different countries, and foreign colleagues can evaluate their work.

“When I served, the South Korean anti-terrorism unit “White Tigers” admitted: “Yes, we are good specialists, but the best unit is Alpha.” They had reason to say so, because there was an exchange of experience - our guys went to them, and the Koreans went to us,” Shevchuk said.

Alpha veterans are rightfully proud of their combat past and remember their years of service as the best in their lives. “The entire service in the group is one big bright moment, because it is a great honor for every officer to be among the Alpha men,” Shevchuk concluded.

Special purpose units carry out reconnaissance and sabotage operations. They are capable of covertly penetrating enemy lines, conducting reconnaissance and, if necessary, destroying the enemy’s most important military installations. However, to successfully carry out risky operations, a fighter requires special special forces weapons. Exactly what types of such weapons are distinguished at the moment will be discussed below.

There are many types of weapons specifically designed for use by intelligence agencies, special forces and counter-terrorism forces. The fact is that some special tasks simply cannot be performed using standard means, which is why special weapons are required.

If some type of weapon is in service with special forces, then this fact does not yet allow it to be classified as a special-purpose weapon. In this case, we are talking about special designs developed taking into account the needs and characteristics of the work of special forces.

Concealed weapons

This group includes several types of weapons:

  1. Hidden use. First of all, we are talking about weapons that are fired with a minimum noise level. For this reason, it is often called the “weapon of silent and flameless shooting"or simply "silent". The most famous representative of such devices is the Soviet model 6P9, which copes well with fire tasks, but at the same time has a special quality that allows operations to be carried out in special conditions.
  2. Indirect fire weapons. It is a structure designed for firing from behind cover. In this case, we are talking about hand weapons, without considering tanks, aircrafts and armored vehicles. Perhaps, curved-barrel units have the greatest specificity. Such designs allow the fighter to remain invisible to the enemy, since detection of the muzzle is extremely difficult. The most famous representative of the line is the Israeli development Corner Shot, currently used in the armies of various countries around the world.

Special precision sniper rifles

The T-5000 sniper rifle easily hits targets at a range of up to 1.5 kilometers

This type of weapon should be distinguished from universal rifles used for military purposes. Special forces sniper weapons have high accuracy and is capable of destroying the enemy at a distance of up to one and a half thousand meters. If we are talking about a shorter range, then such a rifle can guarantee defeat after the first shot.

High-precision sniper rifles are often made to order. They use powerful optics and specialized ammunition.

For successful application similar weapons In combat, special training and careful handling are required. The fact is that high accuracy of fire and targeted fire require some reduction in the trigger force. This task can be solved by using additional devices with fine tuning.

The most popular model of precision rifle is the T-5000, produced by Russian company"ORSIS".

Assault weapons

As a rule, we are talking about automatic rifles capable of creating high-density fire, which allows for high lethality in close combat. This weapon is something between a combat weapon and one specially designed for use by special services. Therefore, it is used equally in both the army and special forces.

Currently one of the most popular models Such a weapon is the T65 assault rifle. It was developed to replace the obsolete American M14 model. Assault rifles The new generation is a perfect weapon, capable of conducting high-density fire for a long time to carry out an assault or deter the enemy at short distances.

Large-caliber rifled weapons

The B-94 rifle is used by special forces for close combat

Due to the fact that weapons of this type are used in some armies, they also began to be classified as an intermediate class. Moreover, there is no clear opinion on this matter: some experts say that we are talking about sniper weapons, others classify it as a separate class.

Large-caliber rifle designed to solve the following problems:

  • destruction of vehicles and weapons;
  • disabling military equipment, including vehicles with light armor;
  • destruction of infrastructure elements;
  • sniper tasks involving the destruction of manpower at considerable distances.

Such weapons are used for firing at medium and long ranges. The maximum distance to the object in this case is 1600 meters.

IN last years Many types of short-barreled large-caliber weapons appeared. They are often called “carbines”. Such designs are not intended for sniper tasks, but perform well in close combat, hitting manpower and lightly armored vehicles.

The B-94 rifle, which has been used by Russian intelligence services for more than 20 years, has gained significant popularity. The weapon allows you to perform a wide range of tasks, and therefore remains one of the most popular in its class.

Weapons of combat swimmers

The pistol has a clip of four rounds

It's about about devices for underwater shooting. Due to the nature of their use, such weapons require careful development of ammunition and elaboration of every detail.

Not to be confused this type weapons with guns for underwater hunting. The complexity of the design and firepower products designed for use in special forces cannot be compared with household hunting devices.

Underwater weapons are most often represented by pistols and shotguns. One of the most famous models such pistols is SPP-1. This is a unique design equipped with four smooth trunks, combined into a block.

Fast firing is ensured by the presence of a self-cocking trigger mechanism. Moreover, shots are fired alternately from each barrel.

Concealed weapons

A case-machine gun is often used when protecting VIPs.

Another name for this weapon is “camouflaged”. Outwardly, it resembles those objects that we can find in Everyday life, and therefore does not attract much attention. This way you can disguise the following types of weapons:

  • knives;
  • spring-type weapons;
  • pneumatic throwing device;
  • firearms.

Externally, such an item may look like a construction tool, a piece of clothing, hand luggage or stylish accessory. The use of such weapons provides a serious advantage of surprise.

The most popular concealed design is the combat knife, which is additionally equipped with a miniature shooting device. Its proper use will allow the fighter to gain some time and take the enemy by surprise.

Portable Support Tools

We are talking about special grenade launchers, which can be divided into the following groups:

  • portable;
  • active;
  • recoilless.

This category also includes mortars, which are significantly smaller and lighter models, which allows soldiers to carry out special operations using such weapons. For example, today there is a whole line of “silent” grenade launchers that are actively used in various special forces. This also includes anti-sabotage weapons and “silent” mortars.

Steel arms

The knife is designed so that, if necessary, it can be thrown at the enemy
  1. NRS-2. This is a new version legendary knife LDC, which underwent modernization in 1986. The new modification is equipped with a silent SP-4 cartridge and is an excellent example of a concealed weapon. To cock the hammer, a special lever located on the handle of the knife is used; release is carried out by another lever located at the end of the product. Today this model is in service with the Airborne Forces and Marine Corps units.
  2. Shaitan. An excellently balanced edged weapon, which was developed specifically for the needs of the law enforcement unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan. Thanks to the narrow blade, the weapon is capable of inflicting deep wounds, and the serrator allows the fighter to special effort cut a climbing rope, 12 mm thick. Thanks to its good balance, the dagger can be successfully used as a throwing weapon.
  3. Akela. A police knife that has a convenient attachment to ammunition, and can be worn in different positions. The presence of a rubber handle prevents slipping, providing a reliable and comfortable grip. Excellent for work in narrow spaces and is used by the SOBR unit.
  4. Gyurza. Legendary Blade, which is in service with the FSB. It has a narrow blade with one and a half sharpening. There is a serrator on the butt. The metal pommel is present in the design for a reason - it is intended to deliver shocking blows to the enemy.
  5. Katran-1. Since this knife is used by combat swimmers, its design includes a serrated sharpening and a special hook for cutting nets. The knife has a rubber handle and is stored in a plastic sheath attached to the fighter’s leg. At the moment, there are three modifications of this knife: combat, underwater, used as a survival weapon.
  6. Knight NSN. This knife is in service with the detachment of the same name. The knife has a massive blade with narrow blade. The special design allows you to accumulate and maintain inertia during an impact. At the same time, the knife itself is not very heavy, and therefore will not complicate the conduct of a special task for an operative.
  7. Smersh-5. The shape of this knife was borrowed from classic prototypes used during the Second World War. The double-sided guard ensures reliable retention of the knife regardless of the grip. Today, there are several modifications of the model, which is in service with the FSB and the GRU.

Thus, special forces weapons include a number of developments that allow complex special operations to be carried out. Such weapons are present in units of all countries of the world.

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