A conspiracy to love a woman to read at home at a distance. A strong conspiracy to love a girl or woman

Let's take a closer look at the conspiracy to love a woman read white magic at home with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

A strong conspiracy to love a girl or woman

Despite the fact that love magic is more in demand among girls, sometimes men also need to use a conspiracy to love a girl. Such rituals are especially in demand in cases where you want to awaken love feelings in your chosen one. In addition, with the help of magic, you can return your beloved after parting on the basis of a petty misunderstanding or quarrel.

Features of rituals

Of course, you can use a conspiracy to love a woman or girl only if you sincerely believe in magic. In this case, all the rules of a particular rite should be observed. Any deviation from the rules can lead to serious negative consequences. In addition, when deciding to conduct a ritual, you need to be confident in the power of your own love for your chosen one.

Strong conspiracy

Strong conspiracy is read at dawn, on one of the days of the waxing moon period. It is recommended that the ceremony be performed on the street without witnesses. But, as a rule, in large cities there is no such possibility, so the ritual can be performed at home at an open window. Magic conspiracy read twelve days in a row.

His words are as follows:

A little time will pass and your chosen one, more and more often, will remember you. And soon life circumstances will develop in such a way that you will meet by chance, and it will be possible to create certain relationships based on this.

Rite of Love Awakening

There is a very effective rite that awakens natural feelings in the soul of a girl. The ceremony involves the incantation of a bouquet of roses, which should subsequently be presented to the chosen one. Of course, such a gift should be appropriate, so the ceremony should be performed before any significant event in a girl's life.

You need to speak very beautiful scarlet roses and an indispensable condition of the ceremony is that the flowers must be grown in your region. This is due to the fact that if your energy may not be enough to charge flowers from another region with love energy.

At midnight, you should retire to a separate room, put the acquired roses in a vase in front of you and say the following conspiracy:

The bouquet should be presented to the girl you like the next day. If everything is done correctly, then soon she will be interested in you.

Calling passion in a girl

You can use magic to awaken passion in the girl you like. But at the same time, you need to be very careful with such an impact. You should prepare yourself for the fact that for some time in your presence your chosen one will feel uncomfortable in your presence and only your casual touch can calm her down. After a while, you will feel that your chosen one is ready for intimacy. But the main thing is to build harmonious relationships after that, so that the craving for each other does not end with a simple desire for sex. The plot is read in a secluded place in a picture of a girl in the dead of night.

Looking into the eyes of the image in the photo, you should say the following words:

Strong men tend to rarely use magic. And this is reasonable, because nature has endowed the male half of humanity with special natural abilities, using which they can win the heart of any most impregnable woman. And these must be used, and magic left just in case.

Love conspiracy. Strong conspiracies for love white magic

You can read conspiracies for the love of white magic at home, the conspiracy is strong and acts at a distance from the bewitched person. Attracting love with the help of white magic occurs at any distance from a loved one on whom a love spell was read. The fact that you need to read a love plot at home makes it more convenient than a love spell that requires more serious actions and preparation to attract love from your loved one.

White love spell a man and an unmarried guy need read on photo only on one's own and at home, where the one on whom the love spell is being made should come and whose love you want to attract to yourself. You need a photo of your loved one, if there is no photo, you can secretly take a picture of him on your phone. For a love spell - a conspiracy, you can use a black print printed on a printer white photograph a man you like or an unmarried guy. A white love plot must be read over the photo so that your breath warms and penetrates through the distance to your loved one, who at the time of reading the plot is at a distance from you.

Text love plot to be read:

I am (your name), a servant of God,

I look at the photo of my beloved to me, I will bewitch him,

White conspiracy I read power over the sweet I get,

After praying and baptizing, I take a photo,

I call him to my house.

Be you a servant of God (name) to me dear, my beloved.

You will yearn without me, you will not know joy in anything.

You feel sad about me very often call me.

Let that longing not pass until the beloved comes to me.

My love and longing will quench,

This strong conspiracy to love will return happiness in his heart.

I fasten the word, I close it with a lock for a century.

As you read the conspiracy over the photo of your loved one three times, love longing and sadness for you will wake up in his heart and soon wait for a call on the phone or at the door - this will be the effect of this strong conspiracy to love white magic that you could read on your own without leaving anywhere at home, that is, at home.

White and black magic makes it possible to read strong love plots for the love of a man, woman, guy or girl that cannot be removed, they act quickly and forever. If you have a need to quickly bewitch a loved one to yourself so that he loves only you and never cheats, you need to read a strong conspiracy for love that cannot be removed

You need to read the most powerful conspiracy for the love and longing of a woman that cannot be removed on her photo and the effect of such a love spell comes in 1 day. The white magic of love will open a good Orthodox conspiracy for strong love women to a man who will have to read on their own. For a conspiracy, certain items are needed and a new moon must come.

White love magic will help to bewitch your beloved man, you just need to independently read the conspiracy to love a man while at home. The strongest love plot that cannot be removed must be read in the photo and on food as soon as the full moon passes and the new moon comes, treat the man with such a love spell

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Fall in love with a girl

Various magical rituals, especially love spells, are considered to be an occupation more suitable for girls and women than for young people. However, if desired, and men can achieve some success in this field, it is enough to make some efforts to make their dream come true. For example, to achieve the love of a chosen one who ignores signs of attention. There are a lot of male magicians in the world - and this is the best proof that the representatives of the stronger sex can successfully use magical techniques to achieve specific goals. A beginner should not expect an instant effect from the ritual. Sometimes miracles really happen, but usually, before a noticeable result occurs, the girl’s love plot has to be read again, in general, at least three times.

Another condition for such conspiracies: since they all have a love spell, after their action is manifested, the performer's feelings cool down. This does not always happen, but only if, in those cases, if a man was forced to take up conspiracies by ambition and hurt pride, and not by love. The young man begins to regret what he has done and in every possible way to deny his guilt in what he has done. Meanwhile, the love of the charmed girl is getting stronger, and if the performer leaves her after changing her mind, she is able to decide on the most desperate act. In order not to stir up dramas and not take sins on the soul, the lover should, before starting to read the conspiracy, weigh the pros and cons, make sure of the seriousness of his intentions.

A powerful rite of passage to attract attention

The best time for this love plot is Thursday or Monday on the growing moon, sunset hours. You need to prepare for the ceremony - focus on what you want, learn the text of the conspiracy in order to read it from memory, and clear the room in which the conspiracy to love the girl will be read. This refers not only to cleaning: during the ceremony, there should be no strangers in the room and not a single living soul in general - even pets and fresh flowers. After waiting for the sunset hour, you need to turn your face to the house of your beloved girl or woman (that is, look in the direction where it is located) and say the following words:

The dawn-dawn goes through the dark gates, leads me, the servant of God (name), to the bank of the river. The river is deep, the river is wide, and in the middle there is a blue-stone, on it the servant of God (the name of the girl) sits and drops tear after tear into the river. Sadness-longing and sadness-bad grief fettered her heart. I will stand in front of the blue-stone, I will stretch out my hands and raise the servant of God (name) from the stone. I will caress and console her, disperse sadness and melancholy, relieve sadness and grief. The servant of God (name) will begin to love-have mercy on me, hug-kiss. May it be so! Amen.

We speak water

This common type of conspiracy is very easy to perform if a man at least occasionally has the opportunity to meet the object of his passion. You can speak both water and other non-alcoholic drinks. In order for the conspiracy to work and awaken love in the heart, it is enough for a woman to take just a small sip. You need to read the words of the conspiracy three times in complete silence, in a loud whisper, pronouncing each word well:

Voditsa-keyword, make the (name) girl dream of me, yearn for me, she didn’t utter a word, didn’t look around, she burned in the fire, burned, could not live without me, neither be, nor eat, nor drink. Amen

It is important that no one else drinks from the woman's glass, otherwise the conspiracy will be broken.

Conspiracy in the photo

A ceremony with a photograph is suitable for those who can visualize, imagine themselves together with their beloved girl or how to see in reality the streams of love energy penetrating into the heart of the chosen one. It is desirable to choose a photo in full height, at least to the waist. The girl should be alone in the photo, without strangers. The text of the conspiracy is read at dawn:

The red sun will rise at dawn, rise and flare up. So in the heart of the servant of God (name of the girl), love is crushed and flares up. The earth is illuminated by the light of the sun, and so the love in the heart of the servant of God (name) grows stronger, grows and pours out with pure light, rejoices and has fun. As everyone reaches for the sun, so you would reach for me. My word is strong, Amen!

After reading the plot, the photo is removed to a safe place - where no one will see it before the result.



Independent conspiracies for the love of a girl will allow you to see reciprocity in the eyes of your beloved and realize all your dreams. How to win the reciprocity of your girlfriend? This question visits sooner or later most strong sex. What to do when your love is strong, and her feelings are far from yours.

Here is the first free conspiracy to love a girl:

On the sea, on the ocean, there is an island-Buyan, but on that island there is longing; longing breaks, longing is killed, from a tree into blue water, from water into a red flame, a black devil ran out of the flame and shouted: Pavushka Romanea, hurry up, inflate a slave (such and such) into red lips, into white teeth, into joints and her bones and flesh, into her young body, into her strong heart, into her black, so that a slave (such and such) would be tormented by longing every time, every minute, every noon, every midnight; I would eat and not eat up, I would drink and not get drunk, I would sleep and not get enough sleep, but I would still yearn for me, so that I would be better than other people's fellows, better than my own father and mother, better than all kind. I secure my plot with seventy-seven locks, I wrap it with seventy-seven chains, I throw the keys into the sea-ocean, under the white-flammable stone, the wise Alatyr. The wisest will be punished for me, who will take out all the sand from the whole sea-ocean, he will drive away melancholy

Here is another love plot to achieve the love of a girl:

I will lie down, servant of God (name), pray, get up, cross myself, and I will go from door to door, from gate to gate, into an open field, under bright stars, under the moon of God. Before me lie three roads: I will not stand on the right, and I will not stand on the left; I will get up and go along the middle road, and that road runs through a dark forest. In that dark forest stands a longing tree; longing and grieving longing, sad, and I give that longing to the servant of God (name); longing will ascend into her white body and into a strong heart, and into red braids, into hot blood, so that she will yearn for the servant of God (name) and everything would be, but she would grieve about me and think; so that drinking does not quench her thirst, so that food does not drive away her hunger, so that sleep does not lull her to sleep, but she would always keep me, a servant of God (name), in her mind. As the sun and moon are eternal and reliable, so would my conspiracy be eternal and reliable. Amen, amen, amen.

There is an independent conspiracy for a beloved girl is also this:

I will get up early, without praying, I will go quickly, without blessing, I will head into the open field, like a whirlwind. In that field stands a willow bush, and in that bush sits a fat woman, a servant of Satan, a human sinner. I will bow to this fat woman, I will depart from my parents, from my kind. Come on, fat woman, kindle a hot flame in the red maiden (name) in my heart for me, good fellow (name).

Conspiracy for a beloved girl

Love is never easy, problems in the amorous area can inspire the strongest melancholy. Any experienced family man will confirm the fact that the amount of effort put into love relationships in proportion to the effect.

IN modern world the most active users of love conspiracies are the representatives of the weaker sex. To achieve what she wants, a woman is capable of doing amazing, incredible, and sometimes frightening things.

Men also fall in love, sometimes they find themselves lonely, even when the heart breaks out of their chest at the sight of their beloved.

When most of the usual ways to find a soul mate, to return it, have been exhausted, a conspiracy to love a girl comes to the aid of men. Fortunately, there are a huge number of conspiracies, problem solving helping to disperse longing, to find a beloved woman. There are an incredible number of conspiracies, so everyone will be able to choose the ritual they like the most.

Compliance with the rules - one hundred percent result

Rituals designed to attract a sweetheart are ideal for modest, indecisive men. Usually to start male gender only an initial push is needed to quickly establish a personal life, get rid of longing. Experience in amorous affairs is a unique tool that allows you to win hearts.

First, a conspiracy to love a girl will come in handy. Remember the rules, non-observance of which leads to unpleasant consequences. It is worth resorting to conspiracies, magic, witchcraft, only when it is really necessary. Not counting on the future long term relationship forget about help heavenly powers. You need to make a conspiracy on a girl with one hundred percent certainty that she is your muse, a reason to wake up in the morning.

Eliminating the consequences of an unsuccessful conspiracy often turns an already joyless life into a real nightmare, try to follow the instructions exactly. Trying to return your beloved, be sure to be alone, otherwise you will go astray.

When reading a conspiracy, it is important to concentrate on the image of a loved one, it is better to drive away negative emotions, such as longing and sadness.

A few days before the conspiracy, it is recommended to fast, do not take alcohol, it will interfere with concentration. Perform one conspiracy per girl, stop. It is quite possible that the result of the work will not be noticeable immediately. The most important thing is to keep acting, you are unlikely to be able to fall in love with a girl who barely knows you. Also, conspiracies are great to return your beloved.

Powerful forces will help to find love

The first conspiracy is recommended to be read at dawn, during the period of the growing moon. If you want to achieve the location of a girl, then this is one of the most popular rituals. You need to read the plot in a whisper, while on the street. However, it is better for residents of large cities to carry out the procedure at home, by an open window. The plot is repeated 12 times within 12 days.

After some, perhaps quite a long period of time, your significant other will begin to think about you. This method will allow you to return the girl, or, if love bypassed you, find a new one.

A beloved woman can be won with the help of other conspiracies. For example, this ritual is best performed on days suitable for male witchcraft.

The most important thing is to clearly pronounce each word, including the tail, since each part of the plot has great value. If something distracts you, put a candle in front of you, it will allow you to focus.

The hair of a beloved is a powerful tool for a successful conspiracy, able to attract the attention of a loved one, to return her.

The only difficulty of the ritual is the procedure for obtaining hair. However, if you already have it, you can quickly dispel the longing.

First of all, learn a small text of a conspiracy that should bounce off your teeth. Then the girl's hair is wound on a comb and the words of the conspiracy are pronounced several times.

After you are sure of the effectiveness of the work, you need to comb your hair with this comb.

The result will amaze you

Correct observance of the rules of the conspiracy, its exact reading is already 90% of the result. It doesn’t matter what exactly you thought of, you wanted to return your old lover, find a new one, in any case, you will succeed. Communication with a potential soulmate will help dispel longing, overpower yourself and try to talk to her. Higher powers will be on your side, so start with a small suggestion, like going to the cinema or a cafe.

A love spell on a woman's love: to read at home, which will definitely work even at a distance

Expensive gifts, huge bouquets of flowers, invitations to restaurants or a joint vacation trip are far from always able to arouse in a woman love for the one who renders such signs of attention.

In the end, there comes a time when a desperate man who has tried all attempts to win his beloved, decides go to extremes and bewitch the chosen one with the help of love magic.

It remains to choose the appropriate option and follow the instructions in everything.

Read at home

It is not necessary to seek help from a psychic or experienced magician to seduce a woman. For the implementation of the desired, home conditions are quite suitable. The rite is very simple, but, nevertheless, it has a very high efficiency:

  • at midnight, half fill the glass with running water, which is prepared in advance;
  • taking the container left hand, the man should go to the window and begin to run the fingers of his right hand along the top of the glass, performing circular movements, repeating the name of the woman over and over again;
  • the glass is placed on the windowsill and left there until the morning. This is necessary for the water to be filled with the energy of the moon;
  • the lady needs to be invited to visit, and when she comes, give her tea or any other drink, where to add a few drops of the charmed liquid;
  • with every sip you need look at the bridge of the nose beloved.

To do this, you will need a personal item of the bewitched object, a church candle, on which to scratch out the name of the chosen one with a needle, and then put it near a large mirror. The man sits opposite, lights the fuse and casts a magic spell three times.

I ask for help from the fire of fate. So that (the woman's name) becomes mine forever. May our love be sealed with fire. Having said these words, you need to turn your back to the candle and say at least three times: let the enemy get out of the way, the soul (name of the woman) will be on my doorstep.

Then once again turn your face to the flame and repeat three times: I make a sacrifice to the fire for the fulfillment of desire. The item belonging to the woman is burned.

On distance

To bewitch a beloved woman from a distance, you will need a sharp knife or blade, with which a man makes a small incision on his arm. The blood is collected in a container. After the ritual is completed, it will need to be drunk.

The cut is tied with a red ribbon, and magic words are read: I hold your fate in my hand and wait for you, and you will come to me. As the wound heals soon, so love will come to me. Amen.

The words of the conspiracy must be repeated at least ten times. As soon as the cut begins to grow, the result of the love spell will appear. How quickly everything heals depends on how soon the lovers reunite. You can use fish scales and a photo of your loved one to spend at least effective rite. It should be noted that for him you will need to visit the cemetery.

After eighteen days, the beloved will begin to show interest in the man, show him signs of attention, flirt. The ideal time for this rite is midnight, when the moon is in the growing phase.

A spell that will definitely work

To conduct such a ceremony, certain rules must be observed. They are as follows:

  • a woman should not have a relationship with another man;
  • return ex love it is possible only if six months have not passed since the separation;
  • the beloved author of the rite must personally know and often communicate with her;
  • it is necessary to experience real feelings for the bewitched object;
  • never use love magic for fun;
  • the words of the spell are pronounced clearly and legibly, you cannot divert your attention to anything else;
  • the plot is learned by heart or rewritten by hand on a blank sheet of white paper.

You need to get a photograph of a woman, purchase two church candles and piece of red ribbon. On the growing moon, it is necessary to make sure that there is no one else in the house, light the wicks of candles, put the photo on the table, turn it over and write the name of your beloved and yours on the back, and then circle around them with a pen so that you get a heart. The image is tied with a ribbon criss-cross, and its ends tied in a knot.

After completing these steps, say the magic words: by me, the servant of God (my name), it is not the ribbon that is tightly tied, but my fate is tied to the fate of the servant of God (the name of the woman). No one can destroy our union and strong spiritual connection. This knot will never be untied, and my beloved will forever be near me. Amen.

Read by candlelight

It is believed that church candles able to enhance the effect of a magical love spell, so you can perform the ceremony at home. To do this, you need to visit the church and purchase three wax candles in it, one of which should be put for your health.

This will reduce Negative consequences that may arise. The ritual is performed when the moon is in its waxing phase. You should wait until midnight and light candles.

Within ten minutes you just need to sit with your eyes closed, thinking about your woman, and then clearly pronounce the witching formula:

I, the servant of God (my name), lit these candles, they burn with holy fire. As a flame is bright and pure, so love will ignite for me in the heart of God's servant (the name of the woman). So that her feelings flared up, and were not going to fade away. She was tormented by longing for me, bored, she didn’t want to drink, eat, or live without me. My word is true and strong. May it be so. Amen.

The flame of candles must be extinguished with your fingers and go to sleep. In the morning, candle ends are wrapped in a clean sheet of paper and hidden in a secluded place.

Strong love attachment is like a disease who are in dire need of treatment. This feeling, remaining unrequited, turns a person's life into eternal torment. Such a painful condition is dangerous. It leads to depression, destroys his well-being, career, plunges him into loneliness, forcing him to fall into the very sin that the Bible warns against, into despondency.

Treatment for unrequited love

Experiencing mental suffering the person is unable to concentrate on work, household chores, he loses touch with friends and relatives, all his thoughts are chained with heavy chains to the object of passion. First of all, grief should be helped by its own self-esteem. It must be understood that this love addiction humiliates his human dignity. Self-respect is manifested in the ability to let go of both enemy and friend in peace.

If nothing helps, help will come magic. I will tell you how, on your own, and at home, to conduct a conspiracy to cool down and a conspiracy from unhappy love. These conspiracies are quite different in the style of working with magic, choose the one to which you have more soul.

Sometimes it happens that you broke up with a person, but your feelings or his feelings are still smoking. To get rid of such a relationship, you can plot on the cold of love.

Take two large red candles, they symbolize you and the person you want to stop loving. To enhance the effect of the spell, carve your names on the candles or tie the candles with hair.

In the evening, on the first day of the waning moon, put the candles together and let them burn for a while. The next evening, move the candles a little apart and imagine how love begins to fade. Spread the candles even further the next evening. Repeat this ritual for a total of seven consecutive days. On the seventh day, let the candles burn out completely, and your feelings will disappear along with them.

If this conspiracy to cool your feelings was not completely successful for you, repeat it in the next lunar month.

Conspiracy from unhappy love - preparation

At the first stage, you need thoroughly analyze the object of passion for the presence of positive and negative qualities . This must be done in a calm and reasonable state of mind. Try to mentally shield the wall inside yourself in order to push all spiritual anguish and longing behind this wall for a while.

Then in the first half clean slate write all the worthy qualities of the disturber of your peace of mind, and in the second half list all his mistakes, cases of misbehavior, here you can also reflect possible, constructed options for a careless or disrespectful attitude of this person towards you in the future.

If the number of arguments "against" is equal to or exceeds that written on the first half of the sheet, the procedure can be considered successful. Now is the time to turn on the imagination. Imagine your love in ridiculous images. In the form of a bacterium that destroys your body, for example, or in the form of another creature that is unpleasant to you. Do not be afraid to laugh at all this, you will not offend anyone, it is just a medicine and nothing more. The goal at this stage can be considered achieved if the soul brightened up a little, if you wanted to laugh, if your mood improved even a little.

The second stage is the ritual

This vintage conspiracy, prompted by great-grandmothers, is the right remedy. Go to the bathroom with egg of course raw. Look carefully at your reflection in the mirror, it will tell you about your attractiveness, the beauty of your eyes, your kindness and other wonderful qualities. Imagine yourself in the future, think about the possible prospects and joys of life. Try with all your might to believe that amazing wonderful events await you ahead.

Then, take the egg in right hand and roll it all over your body, from head to toe, touching the most intimate parts of it. And read the conspiracy:

Goy you are the first gods, I stand on your doorstep (I) - (say your name), born with Mother's love, saved by the care of the White spirits, girded with solar fire, anointed with the Power of Dazhdbog. According to my strength, I conjure all the constellations of heaven to cool my wounds of soul and body. Take away Mother of cheese-earth all spiritual ailments from me, wash me dead water, wipe alive. Give me the power of light, protect me from darkness. Build a hidden circle of fire around me to burn black love, recalcitrant to me. May my soul be cleansed new force fills up. Let Svarog put a white-flammable stone on the cross of my roads, do not go back, do not look for the way Mother Earth help and protect. Protect your child, give a guardian, so that that person does not transcend it.

When you have completed the spell, place the egg in a strong, deaf pouch. Relax, stand silently for a few, a couple, three minutes and take a shower. Water will wash away all the negativity that the egg has pulled to the surface of the body. If after all this you want to sleep, the goal is achieved.

The third stage of the conspiracy is a lock for fastening

But that is not all. The disease may return. Therefore, at the third, final stage, (it is desirable that everything be done within one day), go for a walk. Choose such a route to find yourself in a park, square, garden, where no one can stop you from completing the work you have begun.

Find a fork in two or three paths, paths, stop at the crossroads, and throw over your left shoulder the same egg that you used to cleanse. It is especially important not to touch it with your fingers, it is not difficult. Do not turn around, do not look where and how it fell, now it is the past, in which your illness, your anguish and pain are buried. And there is no need to return to him either with a look or with thoughts.


You are free. And, despite the fact that after the illness you still have some rehabilitation to do, everything has already ended, you could. Your future is open to goodness and happiness, live and rejoice!

No less popular than rituals for the love of a man are conspiracies for the love of a girl. Not every young man is liberated enough to start a relationship on his own. Some resort to magic.

Ritual Options

When you choose a ritual with which to achieve your goal, pay attention to the possibility of conducting. Some of them work from a distance, while others mean that you have to wait until the girl is next to you.

Every magical ritual entails consequences. The darker the magic, the stronger its effects will be.

Understand your own feelings. If you are not sure that this girl is really the love of your life, then it is better to refrain from rituals. It is difficult to change a decision or undo an action. Keep in mind that not only the psyche of a woman is violated, but also her outlook on life. Are you ready to take on this responsibility? If yes, then you need to make out some of the most popular rites.

The most efficient method

A strong conspiracy to love a girl is recommended to be carried out during the growing moon. The action of the ritual is enhanced if such a day coincides with March 8. The optimal days for the ceremony are considered women's days: Wednesday or Friday. They read the cherished words only at midnight. Prepare for the ritual. To do this, carry out the following simple steps:

  • study the magic words by heart, you can not allow the slightest peeping into the leaflet;
  • ask all relatives to leave the house, it is impossible for someone to know or hear about what you are going to do;
  • you can conduct the ceremony yourself at home, because it does not require special knowledge from the realm of magic;
  • remove foreign objects from the room, wipe the dust and sweep the floor, the room should be perfectly clean.

Look out the window, which is located on the side of the girl's house. After that, start reading a strong love plot for a girl:

“I, the servant of God (name), are tormented by longing for my beloved, so I learned that my love should be sought by the reservoir, where the most beautiful women. I will go to this reservoir to look for my beloved, without which I cannot live a day. She is the only one I want to spend my whole life with. I want my fiancee to love me herself pure love and never betrayed. Other men will not be able to take her away from me, because my heart belongs to her. If the servant of God (name) does not choose me, then this will be tantamount to death. I hope that white magic will help me, and I will find my true happiness. Amen".

Conspiracy of melt water

There are conspiracies for the love of a woman, which are carried out using melt water. For this you will need a bucket of snow. The snow needs to melt naturally.

Place a vessel with melt water in front of you and read the plot for the girl's love:

“I, the servant of God (name), want to fall in love with a woman, without whom I simply cannot imagine my life. Every day I suffer from the fact that other men surround her, but she does not notice me. I tried a large number of methods to attract her attention: gave chocolate, made declarations of love and bought expensive gifts. My last hope was for magic, it is much stronger than ordinary courtship. I understand all the responsibility that lies with me, but I so want to be together with the servant of God (name) that I use everything existing methods to achieve a result. As the snowfall cannot be stopped, so my feelings have no boundaries. I hope that magic will help me, and I will become happy. Amen".

After that, the charmed water is poured into a clean glass and the girl is given a drink. If someone else tries this water earlier, then you won’t have to wait for a positive result. Make sure no one is around when you meet your loved one.

Ritual with photography

Photographs retain the energy of the person depicted in them. Even those who have never turned to magic can carry out this ritual on their own at home. When you perform the ceremony, think that your beloved is nearby and has the same feelings for you as you do for her. emotional connection this kind can increase the efficiency of the work done. Read the plot only for an unmarried girl. Choose a photo in which your beloved is depicted alone, preferably in full growth. If it is not fully photographed, then the effectiveness of the ceremony will be doubtful.

At sunrise, go to the window and start reading a strong love plot:

“The clear sun has not yet had time to wake up, but I no longer sleep and think about my beloved. All my thoughts are occupied only by her and this is the best thing that could happen to me. It would be better if my chosen one was nearby now, which is why I resort to the help of magic. Higher powers are obliged to help me, because I want to bewitch an unmarried girl. It is free, nothing should act as a wall between us. Let my words and feelings reach her now, and she will experience reciprocity towards me. I, the servant of God (name), will become the happiest man on the planet if the one whom my heart has chosen is next to me. Amen".

After reading the plot, put the photo in a place where no one will see it. No one should know that you asked for help from higher powers, otherwise the magic will stop working, and negative consequences will await you.


Every time men turn to magic for help, they are convinced that conspiracies for a girl's love are the best option. But you must understand that with the help of magic, you upset the natural balance of things. You subjugate the will of another person, which always entails consequences. Magic gives quick results, but what could be better than constant courtship. woo girl naturally, so you will be sure that she chose you for tenderness and attentiveness.

Topic: I have become more money and opportunities, thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries .... and a constant lack of money. You won’t buy toys for children, you won’t buy new clothes, you won’t please yourself beautiful dress. My husband also does not have a job.

In general, every month you only think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, we in the family have learned to live with our finances. But in my heart there was always a constant feeling of resentment and pity for myself. Why is that, I asked myself. Won, others have money, bought new car, the dacha was built, it is clear that there is prosperity.

I have already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I stumbled across the internet.

You will just be amazed at how much positive changes happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

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But none of this would have happened if I hadn't found this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

But, there is one condition. You yourself must give her what reflects your desire. If from afar you begin to hypnotize the cola she drinks without paying attention to you, then you will have to wait several years (or centuries) for the result.

"Gabriel! Raphael! Michael! My blood brothers! I need your help! I appeal to you, I appeal! Do it the way you dream! Let (name) love me. Let her soul catch fire with a return fire, the most cherished! Amen!".

Do not forget: at this moment you need to think (described above).

Strong conspiracy at a distance

You will need her photo. A strong conspiracy to love a woman for a man is pronounced, which must necessarily pass into her hands.

If this is not possible, then you will have to borrow her thing (any) for one night. But it's best to use new silver ring. This attribute is best in harmony with male feelings.

When you decide on an attribute (gift), then go to the Temple. Buy a wax candle there (mandatory). Bring her home.

The ceremony is held on men's day (Thursday, Tuesday, for example). Before the first roosters (from two to three in the morning).

  1. Put a photo of your loved one in front of you. There should be a candle flame between you (right between the eyes).
  2. Take the gift in your right hand, press it to your heart and read the words:

“I call the mud dark, marsh, the web is sticky, thick, the twigs are forest, hard. As a cherished gift, all come in together. As he turns out to be in the hands of a sweet (name), braid her soul. Let him yearn and suffer, he does not know fun. Without my gentle words, without my clear eyes, without passionate embraces. Let the heart beat like a bird, afraid to get lost in the dark without my hands. Let her body be engulfed in flames. Only in my arms will find delight! The word is strong, the deed is stucco. Amen!".

A conspiracy that can't be broken

Similar rituals also exist. It is necessary to approach them responsibly so as not to spoil the life of either yourself or your loved one. One by one important reason: they are not removable.

If the thought comes to you to part with a charmed woman, then you will go to real hell. She will torment you, you yourself will get tired of suffering. In general, it's a serious matter.

And for the ritual you will need perfume. Her favorite toilet water or other perfume. If you know what she prefers, then get it. The ceremony is held in.

  1. The bubble must be carefully uncorked.
  2. Drip your blood into it. It is “extracted only from the little toe of the left foot! It only takes a drop.
  3. As it mixes with perfume, say:

“The evening dawn through the dark gates passed me, good fellow, woke me up. She led me over the distant mountains, to the bank of the fast, wide, sparkling river. In the middle of the river a white stone rose. The night wolf climbed on him. He howls from anguish, my heart and whiskey are crushing. You are a wolf beloved girl (name) enter the soul. Wake up the flame of passion in her. So that it never stops, just as the water in the river never ends! Her rapids are stormy, not to get out of the cobweb beloved of love! Amen!".

That's all. It remains to carefully seal the bottle and give it to the woman.

It is believed that turning to love magic is the prerogative of the weaker sex. But what about harsh men who also know how to love and want to return a woman? Those who want to return their beloved wife to the family?

You can return the heart of your beloved with the help of strong conspiracies for love.

In fact, the magic of love can help anyone loving person. And the main thing here is good thoughts and a pure heart, the confidence that you need it and the absence of such reasons for a love spell as revenge, hatred, ambition and hurt pride or banal curiosity. As you can see, gender doesn't matter.

If you are already desperate to return your wife or beloved, your hands drop, and a stingy male tear is ready to well up in your eyes, then it's time to use a win-win and instant remedy - the magic of a love plot. After all, crying into a pillow at night is not a man's business. You have to go and win.

What you need to pay attention to before deciding to conduct a ritual

  1. The best day for conducting rites for love and return is Thursday. In magic, it is considered a men's day.
  2. Before proceeding with the rite to return the woman, weigh the pros and cons. Remember that the girl will really become yours forever. If you are confident in your choice and see this lady as a life partner, then go for it.
  3. Remember that if a woman just hurt your pride and now to achieve or return it means to prove your own perfection, then your love spell is doomed to failure. Moreover, esotericism is a dangerous thing for those who play with it and can significantly punish.
  4. If later you leave the bewitched girl, then she will no longer be able to live without you. Reading the plot, you take on a kind of responsibility. Remember that an abandoned bewitched woman most often commits suicide or suffers serious problems for the rest of her life. mental illness especially alcoholism.
  5. Do not immediately turn to such serious measures as a conspiracy to love or return. Perhaps your chosen one herself wants to be returned, to show sympathy for her. Give a beautiful bouquet of flowers, invite on a date.
  6. Never divulge the secret of magic. You should never tell anyone about the ceremony. Especially in a laudatory tone.
  7. After the return ceremony, do not expect the girl to throw herself at your feet in the truest sense of the word and swear oaths to eternal love. Be the first to pay attention, give the opportunity to strengthen the resurgent feeling in the soul of your wife or beloved.

Conspiracy for photography

simple and fast way to return a beloved girl or wife, since in this rite of return and love feelings a strong magical attribute- A photo of the victim. It contains information about the object of love spell and carries its energy.

The photo must be fresh. On it, except for your passion, there should not be anyone else. The maximum that can be allowed is the presence of yourself in the image.

Get up before sunrise facing east and, looking at the photo of your beloved, read the following spell for return and love

As the sun rises in the morning, so love flares up in the heart of the slave (the name of the beloved). As the sun shines, so may your love for me (your name) shine brighter than it in your heart. As the sun dries the earth, so you will dry and yearn without me. As people are drawn to the red sun, so you will be drawn to me. You will not have life without me, just as people do not have life without the sun. My word is strong and firm. Amen.

Wrap the charmed picture in a dark cloth and store it under a pillow or mattress until the plot takes effect.

Conspiracy for water

An effective means for returning a girl and inciting love feelings in her heart is considered to be a simple conspiracy to perform on water. It is convenient that you can talk not only water, but any drink. Choose the one to which your beauty is not indifferent, and act. One sip will be enough for you to return past feelings in the heart of a wife or girl.

return spell words

Voditsa-keyword, make the (name) girl dream of me, yearn for me, she didn’t utter a word, didn’t look around, she burned in the fire, burned, could not live without me, neither be, nor eat, nor drink. Amen.

It is necessary to pronounce the spell loudly and clearly, in silence. Make sure that no one, including you, does not drink the prepared love potion, otherwise he will lose his magical properties, and you won’t be able to return your wife or girlfriend.

For silver jewelry

What girl doesn't love gifts. Your passion, of course, is no exception. Use a conspiracy for a ring or earrings, and the heart of any young lady will melt. The plot is very strong and effective. Even if for some reason the girl after such a ceremony does not marry you, she will still forever be attached to you with all her heart. If you don’t become at least a good friend to her and don’t support her throughout her life, she will simply slowly die from an incomprehensible longing for her.

For the ritual you will need a consecrated icon Mother of God. It can be purchased at any Temple. Purchase silver jewelry, it is desirable that it was still a ring, and hide it for a week under the icon. The ring must first be wrapped in red cloth - a scarf, a scarf, even a red sock will do.

At midnight, after seven days, take out the ring and say the following words on it

On the steep bank, over the deep river, there was a great longing for my bright-eyed dove. Crept up and stayed forever. So that there is no smile on the face, so that from the eye - a tear, so that from the lips - a groan, so as not to fall, not to lie, but only to run! I crown Longing for the slave (name) not for centuries, but only for now. As in the arms of a slave (name) falls, so his longing the road will go! I close my soul with a lock, I hide the key under the threshold. No one will take, the slave (name) will not be taken away from me. Amen!

The ring can be presented to the girl immediately or, if this is not possible, left under the icon. In any case, immediately after pronouncing the conspiracy will take effect.

ancient conspiracy

This is a very old, but at the same time no less effective than others spell. It was also used by our great-grandfathers to arouse passion on the part of his wife. For the plot to work, it is read at exactly midnight. Words must be spoken in a whisper, into the wind, facing the open window

On the sea on the ocean, on the island on Buyan lies longing; melancholy is beating, melancholy is being killed, from the board into the water, from the water into the frying pan, the satan ran out of the frying pan, shouting: her body is white, her heart is zealous, her liver is black, so that a slave (such and such) yearns every hour, every minute, at noon, at midnight; I wouldn’t eat, I wouldn’t drink, I wouldn’t sleep, I wouldn’t fall asleep, but I would still yearn for me to be better than someone else’s young man, better than my own father, better than my own mother, better than the clan-tribe. I close my plot with seventy-seven locks, seventy-seven chains, I throw the keys into the ocean-sea, under the white-flammable stone Alatyr. Whoever is wiser than me will be exacted, who drags sand from the whole sea, he will drive away melancholy.

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