The meaning of the name Daniel for a portfolio for school. The meaning of the male name Daniel (Danila)

Daniel is not the most common name, which means it has a strong influence on a man’s fate. It sounds more solid than his common form - Danila.

Origin and history of the name Daniel

From the Hebrew language this name is translated as “God is my judge” or “God is the judge.” The meaning of its meaning calls not to judge this man and leave all actions on his conscience. After all, only by appearing before the Almighty will Daniel be able to truly repent for what he did on Earth. This name will make a child a believer in God and a conscientious person who will be able to answer for his every action.

The name is of Biblical origin, it originates from the prophet Daniel, who long ago predicted the date of the Birth of Jesus Christ. According to legend, for his deep faith, Daniel was thrown to the lions, but they did not touch him.

Name days:

20 April. On this day in the 20th century, Daniil Pereyaslavsky decided to devote his life forever to faith and the church; he secretly left his home and went to serve God in a monastery.

July 23 - in Nikopolis on this day the Great Martyr Daniel was burned for his religion along with 45 other people, and their remains were thrown into the river. In Rus' it was believed that dew collected on this day helps against the evil eye and also has healing properties.

Colloquial affectionate derivatives: Danya, Danechka, Danilka, Danusya.

Male patronymic: Daniilovich, Danilovich, (colloquially - Danilych), feminine - Danilovna and Danilovna.

What does the name Daniel mean?

The defining characteristics of this name are calmness, poise and kindness. Strong expressions of emotions and excessive fussiness in actions are not typical for Daniel. The energy of this name excludes aggressiveness and hot temper. All the negative emotions that arose in this guy quickly fade away without finding a response. Danya shows wisdom, determination and prudence in all situations. If he is unable to change anything, then Danya patiently accepts everything without aggression or irritation. He is non-conflict, convincing, able to smooth out rough edges with his good nature.

The meaning of the name Daniil encourages its bearer to be calm, unhurried, restrained and focused due to its sound in Russian. In addition, you can sense some uncertainty and uncertainty in it.

Like any name, Dani has its drawbacks: internal confrontation, soul-searching, self-doubt, especially in adolescence. This struggle consists of some helplessness and constant dissatisfaction with oneself, which can develop into a psychological problem and complex. Often, after getting married, this trait fades away, since all the guy’s energy goes into caring for the well-being of the family.

Name Astrology:

Zodiac sign: Cancer;

Planet: Pluto;

Stone: lapis lazuli;

Color: dark blue, red, brown.

The character and fate of Daniel

Danya is smiling, sweet and a very pleasant conversationalist, a little cunning. It is difficult to provoke him into an open debate; he will always calmly defend his point of view. He is always ready to help a person, understand and forgive.

Daniel can be called a perfectionist, because he wants to achieve perfection in everything. Dynamism and mobility are his motto in life; the curious Danya constantly improves himself and does not tolerate outdated information. He likes to argue, defending his opinion to the last, but at the same time he is very polite and delicate in his statements. He does all this well due to his erudition and creative potential. He is laconic in conversation when the topic is not interesting to him. But as soon as his hobby is touched upon, Daniel is transformed and becomes eloquent beyond recognition.

Daniil always enjoys authority in any company; he is able to lead, defend his point of view, and be an example. Friends always come first for him: even after getting married, Danya will devote a lot of time to his company. Often puts friendship above love. This is a character trait that his chosen one needs to come to terms with, because he will also never forget about his family. Daniel will celebrate all major holidays at home with his family and friends.

Hospitality and thriftiness are also inherent in this guy. He loves to welcome guests at home, he always does it cordially and sincerely, helping to set the table and clean everything up for their arrival. Daniel loves in free time cook tasty dish in the kitchen, clean the room and arrange the house.

In his youth, he is very stingy with compliments, does not know how to look after beautifully, and is not romantic. But, despite all this, Danya is subsequently an excellent family man. He loves to spend a lot of time with children. His wife is always surrounded by care, love and affection.

What does the name Daniel mean for a child?

This boy does not greatly darken the lives of his parents with his behavior: he is calm and obedient. Likes to play independently: roll cars, read, draw.

It is important for parents to develop Danechka’s sense of taste and style from childhood. And also give him self-confidence and respect for himself and the people around him. Due to the fact that the boy is not prone to deception, his parents should trust him. He willingly admits to what he did, without making up stupid excuses. He also expects the same openness and honesty from loved ones and others.

This is a very sociable child, without hesitation he easily makes acquaintances even with older children. He is capable of gaining an authoritative place in any company; other children will always respect and love him.

Daniil is a very energetic and active child. It is better for parents to direct his physical strength in the right direction: send him to a sports section.

At school, Danya often does well not in all disciplines, but only in those that interest him. He has good mental capacity, the teacher just needs to pick up the key and interest him in his subject. If this did not happen at school, find a good tutor, because Daniil is a very capable boy! He has one more good quality for studying: even if he doesn’t know something, he will still speak confidently about it, convincing other people of the correctness of his words.

The character and fate of Daniel in his professional activities

Daniel can achieve success in his career in medicine, exact sciences, pedagogy or research activities. He can also be an excellent leader or businessman, despite the fact that he prefers to work under someone else's supervision. Observation and frequent reflection can make Dani a good psychologist, spiritual mentor. Can achieve great success in creative professions thanks to a rich imagination. Often chooses a job that leaves a lot of free time.

Daniil is a hardworking and reliable worker, an excellent performer. He does not have a tendency to hoard, so he prefers to have a stable income. Can achieve great success in business, if he can make dreams come true and carry them through the skepticism of others.

Daniel: name compatibility

Danya is quite amorous, and he reluctantly enters into serious relationship. IN opposite field he values ​​first of all positive internal qualities: good nature and calmness, and not external data. Daniel is a freedom-loving person; personal space and freedom of action are very important to him, even while married. More often he chooses a cheerful, active, cheerful companion who shares his hobbies and interests. It is very important for him that the chosen one joins his company and pleases his friends. If this does not happen, Danya will rather choose friends, even if her feelings for the girl are very strong. He will not tolerate female betrayal or cunning and will not look for love on the side, no matter what discord occurs in the relationship.

In marriage, Daniel can find happiness with: Anna, Valentina, Vasilisa, Diana, Lilia, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Maya, Marina, Nina, Olga, Olesya, Rimma, Sofia, Taisiya, Tamara, Polina, Tatyana, Ulyana, Yulia and Elvira.

Poor compatibility with: Daria, Irina, Albina, Alena, Angelika, Vladislava, Galina, Dina, Eva, Elena, Zhanna, Karina, Larisa, Lydia.

Famous people named Daniel

Daniil Galitsky - Prince of Galicia-Volyn, son of Roman Mstislavich.

Daniil Alexandrovich - son of A. Nevsky, Moscow prince (1276-1303), founder of the St. Danilov Monastery in Moscow.

Daniel II - clergyman, Serbian archbishop.

D. Cherny - Russian artist-painter, participated in the painting of the Assumption Monastery, Trinity Cathedral, etc.

Daniil Kazakevich - hero of the USSR, assistant to the head of the Belarusian outpost, participant Civil War.

D. Adashev - military commander, participated in the Kazan and Livonian campaigns.

Daniil Shuzhgorsky is the founder of the Transfiguration Monastery in the Belozersky region.

D. Andreev - philosopher, spirit seer, Soviet poet.

D. Bernoulli is a famous Swiss physicist and mathematician, creator of the kinetic theory of the origin of gases, mathematical physics, and hydrodynamics.

Daniil Zabolotny was a Soviet microbiologist who studied the plague and created a medicine against it.

D. Barchenkov - hero Soviet Union, test pilot, shot down 16 enemy aircraft, participated in hundreds of combat missions.

Daniil Strakhov is a modern theater and film actor.

Danila Kozlovsky is a popular actor and director.

D. Spivakovsky - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, theater and film actor.

Daniel (Danila) - “God is my judge” (Hebrew)

By nature, he is an eternal pioneer. Slow in judgment, but decisive in action. In work, practical ingenuity merges with improvisation.

His house is always a full cup; he grows up in such a house and strives for such abundance in the future. His family pride is intelligence and high intellect, rejection of arrogance. He respects himself and respects others. He is calm, rarely nervous, trying not to show it. Phlegmatic, secretive, perfectly in control. Even when he experiences emotional drama, he smiles. This is a person with a balanced psyche. He does not strive to shine at any cost, dear, wonderful interlocutor.

Even if his will is strong enough, he is overcome by constant doubts. It is difficult to respond to requests for help - he is burdened with unnecessary troubles. As an introvert, he is more interested in his own inner world. Daniel is a timid person and even a little cowardly. Since childhood, it is easier to persuade or convince him than to force him. Jealous, possessive. He wants his friends and girlfriends to be faithful to him and constantly be near him. Often he puts friendship above love. Tends to do several things at once. He often studies two majors at the same time: literature and music, science, and acting. He chooses a profession that allows him to pursue his hobbies and have a lot of time for it. Interested in painting.

He has a well-developed imagination. Easily adapts to all changes. Intuition is unusually rich. Long before the events occur, he anticipates their outcome. One should listen to his predictions, and one should not contradict him. The mindset is analytical. He is able to get to the bottom of the smallest details in order to achieve the truth. A dreamer who finds it difficult to fit his idea of ​​love into a framework Everyday life. He lacks persistence and does not know how to express his feelings at all. Does not tolerate displays of feelings.

His health is normal. Lips, teeth and intestines should be protected at all times. He needs a balanced diet, exercise, and water treatments. The sexual theme never occupies Daniel. WITH teenage years he has problems with this, but he doesn’t like to talk about sex because of his upbringing. Has a split sense of inner receptivity and sexuality. He is tyrannical with friends, but is always faithful to them. He dresses impeccably and receives guests somewhat ceremoniously. I'm a snob at heart. He is charming, which lulls the vigilance of those around him. Behind his calmness lies indifference to everything that does not interest him, including those around him. You need to be careful with him. He is insecure, sometimes acting on the sly.

“Winter” is interested in exact sciences, architecture, teaching activities. He is correct, diplomatic, restrained.

“Autumn” is a good politician and economist. Reasonable, flexible, stubborn in achieving goals. The name corresponds to the patronymics: Valerievich, Viktorovich, Vladimirovich, Petrovich, Adamovich, Egorovich, Mironovich, Mikhailovich, Savelievich.

“Summer” Daniil - gravitates towards acting, can be a good director and cameraman. Smart, balanced, good-natured.

"Spring" - writer, artist. He has a well-developed imagination, an eternal dreamer, inclined to idealize everyone and everything. He is easily wounded, touchy, but skillfully hides it. Suitable for patronymics: Modestovich, Anatolyevich, Igorevich, Lvovich, Eldarovich, Moiseevich, Gennadievich, Vasilyevich.

The meaning of the name Daniel (Danila) option 2

1. Personality. Smiling men.

2. Character. 87%.

3. Radiation. 83%.

4. Vibration. 76,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Yellow.

6. Main features. Intelligence - intuition - morality - sociability.

7. totem plant. Holly.

8. Totem animal. Sperm whale.

9. Sign. Fish.

10. Type. Calm, never nervous phlegmatic people. They don’t like to rush; cold blood flows in their veins. Even when experiencing emotional drama, they try to smile.

11. Psyche. Balanced. People of this type do not try to shine in society; they are sweet and pleasant conversationalists.

12. Will. Quite strong, but subject to constant doubts.

13. Excitability. Introverts: They are more interested in their own inner world than in the life around them. They are timid, even cowardly.

14. Reaction speed. Since childhood, it is easier to convince them with arguments than to force them. They are jealous, demand loyalty from their boyfriends and girlfriends and want them to always be close. They often put friendship above love.

15. Field of activity. They often chase two birds with one stone and study two specialties at the same time, for example exact sciences And acting. Daniil choose a job that leaves a lot of free time for various hobbies, such as painting. They have a highly developed imaginative perception, so they often become actors.

16. Intuition. Perfect. Expressions are often used: “It seems to me that...”, “I have a feeling that...”. Listen to them and don't try to convince them.

17. Intelligence. They have an overly analytical mind; attentive to the smallest details and trifles.

18. Receptivity. Their imagination is too developed, so their dreams of love are far from reality. Such men lack healthy aggressiveness and assertiveness; they do not know how to express their feelings themselves and cannot tolerate open expression of them by others, for example, questions like: “Do you love me?”

19. Morality. These are law-abiding people. They are very devoted to the family, even if it seems that they are “keeping their distance.” It hurts when friends betray you.

20. Health. Average. They need to adhere to a well-balanced diet, exercise, and take water treatments. It is recommended to take care of your teeth and intestines.

21. Sexuality. This is an unpleasant topic for them, which they do not want to talk about, although they have felt problems in this area since adolescence. They feel a discord between inner receptivity, sensitivity and sexuality and therefore experience some kind of anxiety.

22. Activity. Average, and thanks to this, Daniel does not become an adventurer.

23. Sociability. Tyrannical. Always impeccably dressed, they receive guests somewhat ceremoniously. To a certain extent, they are characterized by snobbery.

24. Conclusion. Although such people are charming, parents and teachers should not be deceived. External impressions are not always correct.

The meaning of the name Daniel (Danila) option 3

Translated from Hebrew it means: God's judgment. In the Bible, Daniel, a Hebrew prophet known as the chief seer and soothsayer in the courts of kings, was right hand King Nebuchadnezzar.

In early childhood, he is a calm and smiling child, no more sick than other children. Daniels are like their mother, sympathetic, kind, but cunning. They love to play football, are fond of wrestling, tennis, gymnastics, but this is all just for health. These men are very hot-tempered, jealous, and often impulsive.

“Winter” are talented, although they find it difficult to communicate with others.

“Autumn” are prudent, pragmatic and selfish.

By profession they are administrators, doctors, teachers, electronics engineers, entrepreneurs, artists, musicians, as well as drivers, shoemakers, and builders.

Their marriage is usually successful. They love children, but usually do not help their wife around the house. They enjoy spending time at the dacha. Sociable and hospitable. They dance well and sing in company. Immensely kind to family and friends.

“Winter” ones are quick-tempered, but not vindictive, they quickly move away and immediately make peace. They love to leave and return home. Kind and responsive. They hardly change with age, they just get fatter. They are not picky about food and will never reprimand their wife about a tasteless dinner. They don't wear things very carefully. Preferentialists.

In order for the marriage to be reliable, it is better for Daniel to choose a wife among those whose names are Anna, Helena, Glafira, Juliet, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Nina, Olesya, Olga, Polina, Snezhana, Stella, Tamara, Tatyana, Elvira. It is unlikely that he would be successful with Elizabeth, Irina, Angelina, Ksenia, Roxana.

The meaning of the name Daniel (Danila) option 4

Daniel - from other Hebrew. my judge is God, colloquially. Danil, Danila; old decomposition Danilo.

Derivatives: Danilka, Danisha, Danya, Danusya, Dusya.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Shvets Danilo, whatever he sews, is rotten.

Danila did not die, his illness crushed him.

On July 23, on the day of Daniel the Martyr, old women healers collect healing dew for healing: they pass a clean canvas early in the morning across the dewy grass until the canvas gets wet, and then they squeeze it into a vessel and store it in the cellar: the dew helps against damage and the evil eye.


Daniel is kind, calm, friendly, and never gets irritated. At the first acquaintance, surrounded by other, outwardly brighter people, he seems unnoticeable, but his lively mind, hard work and inexhaustible good nature soon distinguish him among potential rivals. Very great importance gives family and family ties. As a rule, he spends holidays among his numerous relatives. Daniil is sociable and hospitable, takes care of his family hearth, sharing with his wife concerns about the organization of the house, comfort, and everyday life. Home and family are sacred to him; he marries for love at first sight. This union is consensual and durable.

The meaning of the name Daniel (Danila) option 5

DANIEL - my judge is God (ancient Hebrew).

Name day: April 20 - Reverend Daniel of Pereyaslavl, as a young man entered the monastery, devoting himself to serving his neighbors; became famous for the gift of miracles (XVI century).

July 23 - The Holy Martyr Daniel, along with forty-five others in Nikopolis, after suffering for the faith of Christ, was burned, and then the bones of all of them were thrown into the river (IV century). December 30th - Holy Prophet Daniel, lived at the court of the king of Babylon in captivity; For loyalty to the true God he was thrown into a den with lions, but they were afraid to touch him. The Holy Prophet Daniel, 600 years before the birth of Christ, accurately indicated the time of Christ’s coming into the world.

  • Gemini.
  • Planet - Mercury.
  • Color - gray-blue.
  • Auspicious tree - ash.
  • The treasured plant is the buttercup.
  • The patron of the name is squirrel.
  • Talisman stone - blue jasper.


Daniil is a kind, calm, smiling person who never raises his voice. He seems invisible in a crowd, but his powerful mind, hard work and inexhaustible good nature soon distinguish him from his outwardly impressive rivals. Attaches great importance to family and family ties. This is a sacred thing for him. As a rule, he spends holidays among his numerous relatives. Daniil is sociable and hospitable, he treats his home very carefully, completely sharing with his wife the troubles of arranging it. He chooses his wife unerringly, at first sight, and here the sweet, modest woman will easily defeat the frivolous beauty.

The meaning of the name Daniel (Danila) option 6

Translated from Hebrew, Daniel means “God’s judgment.”

Daniil is a calm and kind boy. Sociable, constantly surrounded by friends. He cannot stand lies, he may even flare up, but he quickly moves away and does not remember the evil for a long time.

Daniels born in winter are always talented and achieve a lot in life.

“Autumn” Daniels are calculating and somewhat selfish. They master a wide variety of professions. They like to spend time in the country or in nature. They are interested in fishing or hunting. Attaches great importance to family and kinship ties. As a rule, he spends holidays among his numerous relatives. Daniil is sociable and hospitable, takes care of his family hearth, sharing with his wife concerns about the organization of the house, comfort, and everyday life. Home and family are sacred to him; he marries for love at first sight.

In numerology, this name corresponds to the number 7.

In early childhood, he is a calm, gentle and affectionate baby. He is very smiling and gets along well with children. The name itself largely contributes to this development of character, because Daniel even sounds soft and measured.

WITH early childhood The boy shows an acute aversion to lying, which is usually not characteristic of children, who often look for an opportunity to cheat or deceive. Despite his gentleness and calmness, Danya can by no means be called a quiet or withdrawn child. He loves active games and often chooses sports activities such as tennis, football, gymnastics, and martial arts.

The bearer of this name does not strive for high performance. For him, playing is simply great fun. Danikas have great creative potential, they can sing, dance, play music, so parents need to work hard to reveal and develop his incredible abilities.

As a teenager, Daniel retains his calmness, gentleness and kindness. He becomes quite impressionable, so first love, some failures or disappointments can cause him strong feelings. Relatives should be attentive to the boy during this period.

Studying comes easy to Daniel. One of his traits is curiosity. Therefore, if he is lucky and meets a bright, talented teacher, he will be able to ignite in the boy true love to your subject and even to some extent will help you decide on an occupation in the future. But lack of contact with teachers can completely kill interest in learning, and it will become a simple chore for a teenager.

He never gives vent to strong emotions, and a critical situation only forces him to concentrate and mobilize. Reasoning and well-developed intuition help him resolve even the most difficult life situations.

The man Daniel is a very fair, calm, balanced and reserved person. It is unlikely that you will ever see him shouting, harsh or aggressive. For this he is highly respected by those around him.

Even in the most crucial and exciting moments, he maintains composure, as if immersed in himself. Such behavior invariably commands respect. In a dispute, he will not put pressure on his interlocutor. His style is to methodically and convincingly defend his point of view, trying to convey his opinion in a simple but convincing form.

The name Daniel is rare and no less rare for modern men it endows its owner with traits. He is not characterized by feelings of envy or rancor, he does not get hung up on searching for negative qualities in people, he is open and good-natured.

The meaning of the name Danil must be sought in its history. This name appears on the historical stage in the fifth century BC and is associated with the name of the Old Testament prophet Daniel. This is a prophet revered in Abrahamic religions, a descendant of a noble Jewish family. In Hebrew the name sounds like "Daniel" and is written as דניאל. How is it translated? Translated from Hebrew The name Daniel means "God is my judge" or "God is my judge". The name itself is two-part, which is why a large number of values. The name consists of the roots Dan - judge and El - God.

In Russia, the name Daniil often has a short form - Danil. This situation is typical for many names and their short forms.

The meaning of the name Daniel for a child

Little Danya is calm and affectionate child. He listens well to his parents and communicates easily with other children. He is smiling and calm baby. The boy is growing up active, mobile and cheerful. He is distinguished by special honesty and rejection of lies, which is unusual for children. IN adolescence prone to strong teenage experiences, which often worries loved ones.

Studying comes easy to Daniel. He has taken a responsible approach to learning since childhood, but some subjects are difficult for him. Here he needs to be supported, or better yet, find a teacher who can ignite in him a love for the subject.

Dani's health makes her parents happy. He rarely gets sick, but it’s difficult to call his health heroic. Danil often has weight problems as a teenager. Moreover, this is both a lack and excess weight. Sports and proper nutrition will correct the situation, although it will require a lot of effort.

Short name Daniel

Danil, Danila, Danilka, Danya, Danka.

Diminutive pet names

Danilchik, Danilushka, Danechka, Danyushka, Danyusha, Danusya.

Children's middle names

Daniilovich and Danilovna. There is a folk form, Danilych and Danilovna.

Name Daniel in English

In English as in Russian, the name Daniil has several forms. Full form named after Daniil English language- Daniel, and short ones - Dan and Danny.

Name Daniil for international passport Daniil - DANIIL and Daniil - DANIL.

Translation of the name Daniel into other languages

in Azerbaijani - Daniel
in Arabic - دانيال‎‎
in Armenian - Դանիել (Daniel)
in Belarusian - Daniil
in Bulgarian - Daniel
in Hungarian - Dániel and Dános
in Greek - Δανιήλ
in Hebrew - דניאל‎
in Spanish - Daniel
in Italian - Daniele and Daniello
in Chinese - 丹尼爾
in Korean - 다니엘
in Latin - Daniel
in German - Daniel
in Polish - Daniel
in Romanian - Daniel
in Ukrainian - Danilo
in Finnish - Daniel
in French - Daniel and Dani
in Croatian - Daniel
in Czech - Daniel, Dan
in Estonian - Tanel
in Japanese - ダニエル (Danieru)

Church name Daniel (Danil)(V Orthodox faith and other Christian denominations) - Daniel. Whatever form of the name Daniel you take, it will be exactly Daniel.

Characteristics of the name Daniel

Daniel can be characterized as a man of balanced decisions. He doesn't like rushing or being rushed. How the decision is more important, the more carefully Daniel approaches the decision. However, having made a decision, he becomes decisive and persistent. If you rush him, then even having started the task, he will do his best to sabotage progress towards the goal. This applies to everything in his life. Work, study, relationships with the opposite sex. He is generally level-headed and calm in most situations, but can occasionally lose his temper. More often than not, even with life’s difficulties, he continues to smile.

He loves to work, but if he has to work, it bothers him. He is inclined, like most calm, balanced people, to monotonous and same-type work. He has difficulty adapting to new tasks and this meets his resistance. If managers have the opportunity not to change his work, then it is better to do so.

In his relationships with women, Daniel may seem shy. But in fact, he is a very temperamental and sensitive man. True, to really get to know him, you need to get into the circle of his loved ones. Daniil is a family man, he spends a lot of energy and money on ensuring home comfort and well-being.

The mystery of the name Daniel

The secret of Daniel can be called his analogous mind. Many, not having seen what Daniil is like when he is passionate about something, think that analytics is not his thing. strong point. However, if Daniel becomes interested in something, then his mind wakes up. This turns out to be a revelation for many.

Daniel's touchiness and vulnerability due to his isolation can be called his secret. If he is offended, he rarely speaks about it, but he will remember it for a long time. And his vulnerability makes his grievances permanent. However, he cannot be called vindictive, rather wary in his relationship with the offender.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Twins.

Totem animal- Squirrel.

Name color- Gray-blue.

Tree- Ash.

Plant- Buttercup.

Stone- Blue jasper.

The male name Daniil came to us from childhood along with the fairy tales of P. Bazhov. Danila the master tried to figure out what the secret of the stone flower was. The hero is an inquisitive observer who, despite everything, stubbornly walked towards his goal. But in reality, what is the owner of this name? What does the name Daniel mean? Where did it come to us from?


The male name Daniel, Danila or Daniel is of Hebrew origin. When translated literally, it can be divided into two bases. The first part “dan” means “judge”, the second “el” means god. Consequently, the interpretation of the name as “God’s judge” is correct. There is also another interpretation - “my God” or “fair”, which is also true in this context.

History and origin

The history of the name Daniel has a long centuries-old history origin from Hebrew and biblical names. A holy prophet named Daniel lived 600 years before the rise of Christianity. According to legend, it was he who named exact time birth of Christ. For his faith, he was doomed to death by lions. But heaven did not allow the animals to harm the prophet.
The male name Daniel came to Rus' along with Christianity. It gained popularity among the ecclesiastical and secular nobility.


A man with this name is not a fan of finding out the truth in disputes. Always remaining with his opinion, he will not impose it on others. What causes him suffering is not a deliberate insult to another. He expresses his respect through selfless help.
Possessing excellent intuition, he is decent in relationships. Knows how to listen. Calm and thorough, he looks at circumstances with optimism.

His positive traits

As if having its origins in ancient legends, the description of Daniel consists of perseverance and the ability to analyze. A boy and a man named Daniel always have a desire to understand for himself what the secret of the “stone flower” is hidden. He is disgusted by aggression and arrogance, rudeness and shouting, lies and fraud. This is the name of a kind and intelligent person. Invisible at first glance, it becomes indispensable.

Its negative points

For Daniel, the company around him matters. He gets lost in a circle of unfamiliar people and becomes helpless. It seems to him that those around him will certainly laugh at him. Tries to judge himself too harshly.

Professional status

In Bazhov's tales, Danila is a skilled master of stone carving. Does this mean that in real life Is he just as brilliant? Yes, people with this name are truly talented artists and musicians. In every business they have their own professional secret, be it medicine or pedagogy, electronics or construction. Even in such seemingly banal professions as shoemaker or driver, they add their own twist, showing their creativity.


The story of Danila the master is very close to reality. He does not know how to save in reserve, he is not interested in financial gain. But the embodiment of its original idea- that’s what controls his thoughts. He needs a sponsor who can recognize the great hand of a craftsman in a nondescript boy.

Physical health

For a boy and a man with this name, sports matter only at the amateur level. He attends wrestling classes only with the goal of mastering self-defense techniques. He is attracted to gymnastics to show off in front of his friends in the lap of nature. Tennis - so as not to be left out from the team. His peace of mind can be disturbed by the endless search for beauty. He recovers as unexpectedly as he fell ill.

Love and family

Jealous character. However, he is happily married. Mental closeness and commonality of interests prevail over public opinion and material wealth. He loves his children, but he won’t help his wife unless she asks. Daniel meets the characteristics of a cordial, hospitable host. For him, a dacha means cheerful gatherings in the company of friends and family.

What significance does a name have on a child?

Daniel has a calm character as a child. This is a cute baby. Mom couldn’t be happier with the child, especially since he reminds her of her as a child. He doesn't bother his parents over trifles, but that doesn't mean he doesn't need their attention. He needs their support and an objective assessment of his work. A teacher means more to him than just school. Parents must help him choose a spiritual mentor, otherwise he may end up in a sect.

The influence of seasons on character

  • The winter boy has talent, but he often remains alone. It's easy to piss him off, and it's also easy to get him back. peace of mind. This is a kind child who happily comes to the rescue. He is unpretentious in food and sloppy in clothes.
  • The characteristics of an autumn child are not very flattering. Since childhood, he has been looking for practical calculation in everything. Somewhat selfish.
  • A year old boy is kind and smart, he is attracted acting, can also become a director.
  • The spring boy is a dreamer, his imagination knows no bounds. He will make an excellent artist or writer.

Compatibility with middle names

What middle name will be euphonious and will favorably influence the fate of Daniel? Alexandrovich, Vasilievich, Iosifovich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Fedorovich.

Significant other

Daniil will be lucky in marriage to Augusta, Anastasia, Angelica, Anna, Gelena, Glafira, Juliet, Evdokia, Elizaveta, Irina, Larisa, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Maya, Maria, Margarita, Marina, Nina, Olesya, Olga, Polina, Snezhana, Stella , Tamara, Tatyana, Ulyana, Elvira.

But Angelina, Elizaveta, Zinaida, Irina, Ksenia, Raisa, Roxana and Tomila are better off avoiding him.

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