6 month old baby sleeps a lot. How much should a six-month-old baby sleep and what to do with him during periods of activity. Creating evening rituals for a child

Proper organization of the daily routine is an important factor affecting the health of the child. For a young child, routine is the basis of education. During the first three years of life, the performance of the child’s nervous system is constantly changing, so it is advisable to change the regime at different age periods. During the age period from one to three years, the daily routine changes three times.

    It should be remembered that any information on organizing a daily routine is advisory in nature, some there are no strict norms and standards.

    The regimen is designed optimally if the time of feeding, going to bed and toileting coincides with the child's current needs.

    Due to sudden changes are difficult to tolerate in children on a daily basis, the transfer of a child to another age regime should be gradual and not cause negative emotions. The correctness of such a translation will be evidenced by good mood baby and even behavior.

    When establishing a daily routine, in addition to age, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics of the child and his state of health.

    A child's observance of a certain routine teaches him to be organized and makes life easier for him and his parents. A child who follows the regime will have much better health in the future. It is easier to adapt to the conditions of kindergarten.

Violations in the baby’s health that may occur if the regimen is not followed:

  • the child becomes whiny, capricious, irritable
  • frequent deterioration in mood, which is associated with overwork, lack of sleep
  • there is no normal development of neuropsychic activity
  • difficulty in developing cultural and hygienic skills and neatness.

Daily routine for a child from one year to one year and six months (1.5 years)

In the second year of life, significant changes occur in the baby's development. In the first half of the year, children are still physically quite weak and get tired quickly. High motor activity is combined with insufficient coordination of movements. A child at this age walks, squats and bends independently. Able to fulfill simple requests from an adult, correctly names 4-6 objects when shown to him. Begins to actively use lightweight words, while lexicon is expanding rapidly. He begins to use a spoon independently, but does not do it skillfully yet.


The child sleeps twice during the day: the first nap is 2-2.5 hours, the second is 1.5-2 hours. Preparing the child (stopping noisy games, washing) for bed occurs in advance, at least half an hour before he is put to bed. You should go to bed during the day and at night at the same hour - children develop conditioned reflex for a while and in the following days, the child wakes up on his own and falls asleep at the time established by the regime. When accustoming a child to a routine, you need to wake him up; if he does not wake up at the appointed time, a deviation from the exact time of 15-20 minutes is allowed. In the future, when the routine has already been established, it is undesirable to wake the child, as this worsens his mood; the baby should be raised after sleep as he wakes up, and taught to dress by showing and naming items of clothing.

IN summer time years, it is recommended that the child take naps during the day fresh air- on the street or on the veranda, or, as a last resort, in a room with an open window. From May to August, the child can be placed on night sleep a little later, respectively, prolonging daytime sleep.


Feeding should be four times a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner), at intervals of 3-4 hours. The regimen is structured in such a way that the baby stays awake after feeding and then sleeps until the next feeding. Such observance of the rules of alternation of processes ensures the optimal state of the child in each age period. After the child has slept and eaten with appetite, he remains calmly and actively awake until next dream and better perceives the influences of the surrounding world.

At this age, the child should be taught to use a spoon independently. First he learns to eat thick food with a spoon, then liquid food. The child eats the first two or three spoons on his own, then the adult feeds him with another spoon, without removing the spoon from the child’s hands. At the end of feeding, the baby eats another two or three spoons.


The duration of periods of wakefulness at this age should not exceed 4 - 4.5 hours. Extending the time of wakefulness or shortening sleep is undesirable; it can lead to overwork of the nervous system and disruption of the child’s behavior.

The waking period mainly includes play, walks and water procedures. The game mainly uses toys that can be pulled (cars, strollers), cubes, various boxes nested inside one another, books with simple bright pictures, animal figures, and pyramids.

It is very important to organize walks in the fresh air twice a day (after lunch and afternoon snack), the duration of one walk is 1.5 hours, in the summer this time can be increased to 2 hours in good weather conditions.

Water treatments before afternoon tea. At this age, general rubdowns can be used. First they wipe the upper limbs, then the lower limbs, chest and back. The initial water temperature is 33-36 0. Gradually, once every 5 days, the water temperature is reduced by 1 0 and brought to 24 0. Water procedures are an important element of hardening; including them in the daily routine is an integral part of healthy upbringing.

Hygienic bathing 2-3 times a week before bedtime.

The child's clothing should be appropriate for his height, not restrict movement, and have a minimum number of ties and fasteners. Up to 1.5 years old, girls, like boys, should wear pants and blouses, since dresses make walking difficult. The child takes part in the process of dressing and undressing, learns to take off simple items of clothing (unbuttoned shoes, a T-shirt).

At this age, it is important to cultivate the following cultural and hygienic skills: wash your hands before eating, sit on a child’s chair, learn to eat yourself carefully with a spoon, and use a napkin after eating. It is necessary to teach the child to sit on the potty and sit on it until the result is achieved. To teach children to be tidy, they are regularly put on the potty after sleep, every 1.5 - 2 hours while awake, before a walk and upon returning from it.

Approximate daily routine for children from 1 to 1.5 years:

Feeding: 7.30, 12, 16.30, 20.

Wakefulness: 7 – 10, 12 – 15.30, 16.30 – 20.30.

Dream: first 10 – 12, second 15.30 – 16.30, night sleep 20.30 – 7.

Walk: after lunch and afternoon tea.

Bathing: 19.

Daily routine for a child from one year and six months (1.5 years) to 2 years

Features of the age period

The child steps over an object lying on the floor, runs, and rubs his hands under running water when washing. Can name objects, generalizes them according to essential feature, knows the main parts of the body. Takes off unfastened shoes independently, holds a cup when drinking, and uses a spoon more skillfully. Reproduces previously seen or learned actions in the game: feeds a doll, builds a tower of cubes, etc. He can distinguish between 3-4 objects of different shapes (ball, cube, pyramid). He knows well the meaning of the words “possible” and “impossible”, but is not always able to obey the prohibition.


After one and a half years, the child is transferred to a regime with one daytime sleep.

The duration of daytime sleep is 3-3.5 hours. The total duration of sleep at this age is from 13 to 14.5 hours, of which night sleep is 10 – 11 hours. When teaching a child to be independent, you should not force him to undress independently before bed for a long time - this leads to fatigue and poor sleep.


The baby should be fed four times a day. The intervals between feedings are from 3.5 to 4.5 hours. If the baby is awake between feedings, this interval should not exceed 3.5 hours. The night break between dinner and breakfast is about 12 - 13 hours. Breakfast should begin no later than an hour after waking up, dinner - no less than an hour before the child goes to bed to ensure a restful sleep.


Periods of continuous wakefulness in this age group increase to 5 – 5.5 hours.

During play at this age, the child is already actively using shoulder blades and balls.

Outdoor walks are organized twice a day, after breakfast and afternoon tea. The duration of walks is the same as in the previous age group.

Water procedures are carried out before lunch. From 1.5 years of age, a shower can be used as a water procedure, the effect of which is stronger than that of wiping, since in addition to temperature effects, the child also experiences mechanical effects. The water temperature decreases gradually, once every 5 days by 1 0, from 35-37 0 and is brought to 24 - 28 0. First they pour on the back, then the chest, stomach, and lastly the arms. The duration of the procedure is 1.5 minutes. Hygienic bathing is carried out 2 times a week before bedtime.

By the age of two, the skill of neatness should be practically formed, but after playing too much, the child may forget to ask to go to the potty, so they need to be reminded of this and put on the potty before bed and after bed.

Approximate daily routine for children from 1.5 to 2 years:

Feeding: 8, 12, 15.30, 19.30.

Wakefulness: 7.30 – 12.30, 15.30 – 20.20.

Dream: 12.30 – 15.30, 20.30 – 7.30.

Walk: after breakfast and afternoon tea.

Bathing: 18.30.

Daily routine for a child from 2 to 3 years old

Features of the age period

Vocabulary increases significantly compared to the previous period. Speaks in long-winded sentences. The child's speech begins to approach the speech of an adult. The baby eats carefully, puts on and takes off a T-shirt or shirt, and asks to go to the potty during the day. He concentrates on toys and enthusiastically looks at books and pictures. The third year is a period of development of independence and creative activity.


During the third year of life, the child can be on a regime with a single daytime nap. If a child categorically refuses daytime sleep, then at this time he should be in a state of calm wakefulness (for example, looking at pictures in a book), this will allow nervous system child to rest and avoid overwork.


Four feedings a day with an interval of 3.5 - 4 hours (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner).


Each period of wakefulness takes 6 - 6.5 hours. For children who tire easily and weakened children, periods of wakefulness can be reduced to 5 - 5.5 hours by lengthening sleep. A child at this age is already capable of a short time restrain his actions and desires, but still gets easily excited and tired of monotonous activities. The baby can do the same thing for no more than 20 - 30 minutes. Periods of wakefulness should consist of a rational alternation different types active child activity. Children's play includes children's musical instruments, colored pencils, rocking horse, dolls, sand molds.

As in previous age periods, children should spend a certain part of their waking hours outdoors, even in winter time years, but no more than 1.5 hours, since they still cool quite quickly. In the warm season, walks can last up to 2 hours, and under appropriate conditions, the entire waking period can be transferred to the air.

Water procedures include dousing, but for weakened children, wiping may be used. Recommendations for temperature conditions water procedures, as in previous age groups. A hygienic bath for a child in the third year is carried out once a week before bedtime.

Despite the fact that the child basically already knows how to regulate his physiological functions, you should still put him on the potty before going to bed, before going for a walk, and be sure to monitor the accuracy of this process.

At this age, it is important to encourage children to be active independent activity, develop and consolidate existing skills and abilities by constantly repeating them.

Approximate daily routine for children aged 2 to 3 years:

Feeding: 8, 12.30, 16.30, 19.

Wakefulness: 7.30 – 13.30, 15.30 – 20.30.

Dream: 13.30 – 15.30, 20.30 – 7.30.

Walk: 2 times a day after breakfast and afternoon snack.

Pouring: after night and daytime sleep (winter) and before lunch (summer).

Bathing: before bedtime.

Good day, dear readers. Today we will talk about the features of compiling daily regimen for children aged 1 year and 2 months.


Every day of your baby should be carefully planned. This will not only make your life easier today, but will also help your child in the future. For example, setting the right hours for eating, sleeping, resting and walking can have a positive effect on the fact that when the baby comes to kindergarten, it will be easier for him to adapt to the regime there. Some mothers think about it in advance, find out what the daily routine is like preschool institutions. Based on these readings, they create a daily routine for their child.

Table with possible mode


Daily regime

From 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. The baby wakes up. Mom washes him and offers to brush his teeth. It’s good to do morning exercises at this time.
From 9 am to 9:30 am The child is having breakfast.
From 9:30 am to 10:30 am The baby can take a nap.
From 10:30 am to 11 pm The child may have a snack. Although some children have already given up this meal.
From 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Devote your time mental development baby.
From 12 noon to 1:30 pm You can go outside.
From 1:30 pm to 2 pm The baby has a hearty lunch.
From 2 pm to 4 pm The child can go to bed.
From 4 pm to 4:30 pm Offer your child a snack.
From 4:30 pm to 6 pm Go for a walk with your child.
From 6 pm to 7 pm Devote time to physical and intellectual exercises crumbs.
From 7 pm to 8 pm Carry out water treatments and massage your little one. A little gymnastics is possible.
From 8 pm to 8:30 pm Get your baby ready for bed.
From 8:30 pm to 8 am The baby is sleeping.


Children have five meals a day, but more often they have four meals a day.

The intervals between the baby sitting down to eat are approximately 4 hours.

Since most babies already have a few teeth by the age of one and two months, it would be logical to introduce solid foods. Don't worry that your baby won't be able to handle it.

Try to refrain from eating sweets.

An approximate menu for a baby at this age:

  1. First meal. It is possible to give porridge, but do not grind it until smooth. Vegetables or half an egg are served as a snack. You can drink, for example, tea.
  2. For the second meal, it is advisable to give your baby soup (vegetable or meat). For the second, vegetable salad. The baby can record everything with compote.
  3. For the third meal, you can give your child cottage cheese with added fruit. Give a few cookies for a snack. Wash everything down with juice.
  4. The fourth feeding should be light so that it does not interfere with the baby's normal and full sleep. You can offer your baby fruit puree or just pieces of chopped fruit.

Time to sleep

The baby continues to sleep up to 13 hours during the day. At this age, two naps a day can still be maintained. At the same time, more time is spent in the morning. Although, if the baby gets very tired during daytime walks, then evening sleep will last longer.

Games with a child aged 1 year and 2 months

It is important that all kinds of toys are present in a child’s development. Today manufacturers offer us a large assortment such products. Don’t forget to play with your child not only with toys, but also with games, such as what’s hidden in the saucepan, lotto, hide and seek.

I've been since early childhood I organized staged performances for my son using toys that could be put on his hands. So yourself puppet show. When the child was one year and two months old, the son began to perform the show on his own. Of course, he didn’t know how to talk yet. However, this did not stop him from babbling in his own way. Therefore, such performances were very funny.


They occupy as before most child's day. Mom should understand how useful it is to go outside the apartment. The baby can not only breathe fresh air, but also take sunbathing. And what is important is that the child communicates with his peers and acquires social skills. It is worth understanding that in the sandbox the baby will meet not only his peers, there will also be older children there. And this will have a beneficial effect on development speech apparatus your baby.

Bathing and hygiene

  1. Taking water procedures is no longer a daily event. Now the baby can bathe 3 times a week. Although it is recommended that on days when he does not take a bath, he at least takes a shower. This is especially true during the hot season.
  2. The child should already know that after he wakes up, he needs to brush his teeth and wash his face.
  3. The baby is one year and two months old and is already sitting on the potty independently. Mom can gradually teach him that after defecation he needs to wipe his butt.
  4. It is still important to clean the baby’s nose and ears, but you should not do this more than 3 times a week, or better yet, twice.
  5. It is important to teach your baby to comb his own hair, wash his hands before and after eating, and wash his face.

Physical exercise

In a year and two months everything is the same great importance have physical activity. Therefore, you should try to do such exercises in the morning. But don't be upset if your baby is categorically against these actions. At this age, children are already quite active and mobile. Therefore, the baby will receive a certain amount of physical activity during his games. But the normal development of the musculoskeletal system is still important. Therefore, it is still worth doing gymnastic exercises with your baby, at least from time to time.

So we got acquainted with what the regime of a child should be at the age of one year and two months. Parents must understand that a timely daily routine, as well as timely instillation of these rules in the baby, contribute to the normal development of the baby. It is the presence of a routine in a child’s life that will not only teach him discipline in adulthood, but will also help him adapt more easily in kindergarten.

If you want to get to know a person, take a trip with him

Daily routine of a one-year-old baby

When a baby turns one year old, many parents think that his life should change dramatically. Make serious adjustments to your usual lifestyle one year old child should be done if his regime and daily routine are far from what is needed by the growing body.

One mother may find it convenient to let her baby fall asleep late at night and then give her the opportunity to sleep longer in the morning. At the same time, the baby’s breakfast smoothly turns into lunch, and play activities Mostly evening time is allocated. Another mother is fanatical about walking outside, which often delays lunchtime and the baby’s nap. Why is it so important to establish correct mode days for a 12 month old baby?

Dependence of baby's health on lifestyle

In the first year, it’s easy to train a little creature to wake up with the first rays of the sun, eat at noon and go to bed around nine o’clock in the evening. The baby’s body itself adjusts to live according to a schedule, so every day the baby will feel when it’s time to wake up, when it’s time to eat, when it’s time to go for a walk, and when to rest.

This consistency has a beneficial effect on psychological state and physiological development of a child of any age. The baby is not inclined to be capricious in vain, and is distinguished by a calm and high spirits throughout the day.

Deviations in the schedule lead to the fact that the baby cannot cope with his emotions. Parents often look for reasons for impulsive behavior, tearfulness or lethargy of a child in temperamental characteristics or omissions in upbringing. Irrational distribution of time of day for sleep, eating, active games and quiet activities is fraught not only with mood swings of the baby.

A disrupted routine affects the ability to concentrate on something important, grasp information, understand the essence of what is heard, and fulfill basic requests from parents. To avoid this outcome, you should choose the optimal regimen for your baby, which will satisfy all the needs of his immature body.

Typical daily routine for a 12 month old baby

Children's daily routine may be slightly different at one year of age. The essence of the difference is that in one family the baby wants to sleep twice a day - in the morning and in the afternoon, while in another - the baby prefers one nap - in the afternoon. For comparison, below is the generally accepted daily routine of such babies:

Schedule If you nap twice a day If the daytime nap is one-time
Waking up, toilet, washing, exercise 6.30/7.00 7.30 7.00/7.30 8.00
Breakfast 7.30 8.00 8.00 8.30
Wakefulness (games/walk) 8.00 9.30 8.30 12.00
Lunch at a convenient moment while awake
Dream 9.30 11.30 —— ——
Dinner 11.30 12.00 12.00 12.30
Games / educational activities / walk 12.00 15.00 —— ——
Dream 15.00 16.30 12.30 15.30
Afternoon snack 16.30 17.00 15.30 16.00
Games/developmental activities/walk/bathing 17.00 19.30 16.00 19.30
Dinner 19.30 20.00 19.30 20.00
Quiet games/reading 20.00 20.30 20.00 20.30
Getting ready for bed, sleep 20.30 6.30/7.00 20.30/21.00 7.00/7.30

It is not necessary to follow the described regime minute by minute. This is just a guide for new parents who want to develop the most beneficial daily routine for their beloved little one or princess.

A little more about the child’s activities per year

Morning workout

Massage, air baths, gymnastics or exercises for the baby in a well-ventilated room are the key to a cheerful mood after waking up and a charge of positivity for the whole day. And the fun exercises carried out with the baby in game form, will never be a burden to him. What a child at this age can do and like:

  • Walking. To prevent such an activity from turning into boring wandering around the room, and to prevent the child from falling if he is not yet walking very well, give him a stable doll stroller or gurney. In addition, teach your child to march in place. Select as musical accompaniment rhythmic children's songs.
  • Crawl. Get on all fours with your baby, slowly, crawl around the room on your knees and imitate animals with him, making funny sounds.
  • Crawling over obstacles and crawling under them. In the first case, a strong box about 10 cm high will do, and in the second, a children’s table. WITH opposite side Place a toy away from the obstacle - this way the baby will understand exactly where and why he needs to crawl. Surely, during the first year of life, the baby fell in love with one of the toys most of all. So choose it - it will be the greatest incentive for the little athlete to go through all the obstacles to the goal.
  • Stepping over objects. At the first stage, select low obstacles, such as cubes or a small ball. Show your child how to step over these objects. As soon as he can easily overcome low obstacles, complicate the task - show him how to step over a box or narrow box.
  • Squats. Grab a hoop or stick with your child and, on the count of three, squat together and slowly stand up. Repeat the squat several times.
  • Throwing the ball. Throw a light ball to each other and ask your child to fetch it if he rolls away.

When doing exercises with your little miracle, do not forget to smile, encourage him and praise him for his success. If you notice your baby's fatigue or lack of interest in the chosen exercise, simplify or change the task.

Features of catering

Replenish energy after physical activity (morning exercises or walks in the fresh air) you need healthy and satisfying food. A healthy, strong person is ready to absorb about 1000-1200 g of food per year for the entire daily intake.

The diet of a one-year-old toddler should include 4 main meals. The menu must include:

  • porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, barley, corn)
  • meat and fish dishes (in the form of baked or steamed meatballs and cutlets)
  • vegetables (stewed, boiled, crushed into a puree, in soup or as a salad, where the vegetables are grated on a coarse grater)
  • fruit and cottage cheese casseroles
  • chicken or quail eggs(boiled or in the form of an omelette).

For second breakfast, fruit or yogurt with baby cookies are perfect.

The following foods should not be present in the diet of a child over one year old:

  • smoked meats
  • sausages
  • fried foods
  • mushrooms
  • rich meat broth
  • spices
  • desserts with chocolate and sweets with cream.

Alternation of sleep and wakefulness

The role that good sleep plays in the development of a small creature is difficult to overestimate.

In total, a one-year-old baby should sleep 13-14 hours a day, of which 10-11 hours at night. Most 12 month old babies need morning and daytime sleep, and by the age of one and a half years they switch to one daytime nap. Children usually maintain this daily routine even in preschool age. It is better to put a child who sleeps once a day to bed earlier in the evening, rather than driving him to the point of impotence so that he can sleep longer in the morning.

Develop a bedtime ritual with your baby. In a word, the baby should get used to calming down before bed every evening, washing, brushing his teeth and going to bed. This way, he will always be mentally prepared for what awaits him.

It is important to teach your toddler to fall asleep on his own during the first year of life, without rocking, lullaby or feeding. Otherwise, the process of falling asleep may be delayed, or the baby, not finding you next to him in the middle of the night, will start calling you and crying, which will interrupt his sleep.

An hour before bedtime, gather toys with your baby, read interesting children's stories to him, or let him enjoy a bath in a warm bath. Please note that active noisy games before bedtime are unacceptable.

The morning time after hygiene procedures, exercises and breakfast is best suited for outdoor games, developmental tasks for intellectual development your child, as well as educational walks with parents in the fresh air.

Raising a baby is not easy for everyone, but everyone can make the growing up period exciting for everyone. Just a few efforts until a stable routine is established for your little one, who is one year old, and everything will go like clockwork.

Children at the age of one year grow to approximately 78 centimeters, and their weight in most cases is 10-11 kilograms. Although all the details are individual and these indicators are not mandatory.

At this age, communication with peers is very important for a child; he absorbs everything like a sponge and tries to imitate facial expressions and gestures. He understands people very well and can show his dissatisfaction with this or that person.

Now the child distinguishes smells, chooses his favorite color and dishes, can react to clothes he likes, and most importantly, walks well and spends a lot of energy exploring the world around him.

Starting from one year, the child is interested in various equipment, cars and motorcycles, and tries to actively master modeling and drawing.

Carefully monitor the baby's emotions while doing needlework, perhaps you will see what the little one gravitates towards, and you will be able to properly develop him in this direction, providing him with his favorite profession for the rest of his life.

I can eat almost anything

Many parents just can’t get used to the fact that at the age of 1 the child becomes completely independent and eats almost all foods, so they try to prepare milk porridges and puree absolutely all fruits and vegetables. This is strictly forbidden, because the baby must learn to chew and feel the taste of various dishes, must discover something new.

Many women at the age of one year end with breastfeeding and completely switch to regular foods, although one meal should consist of formula milk and fruit puree. There are no significant changes in the diet; the baby eats 4-5 times a day and the volume eaten is about 1300 milliliters. You need to drink a lot of water and juices, baby tea, but the main thing is not to add sugar and honey to it.

Prepare fish and meat for your child, try to cut them into small pieces. By one year, the baby should have a dining chair, his own dishes, a bib, and be sure to wash his hands before each meal. Avoid sweets for as long as possible, save your teeth and avoid many problems. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, but don't overload on citrus fruits and various exotic fruits.

Food should be tasty, balanced and without various seasonings.

Try to use only fresh products; if possible, vegetables and fruits should be from your own garden or garden. Add a lot of cottage cheese to your diet, but exclude nuts, hard breads and various sausages, sausages and canned foods.

Sports activities – strong bones!

Physical exercises play a huge role in the proper development of the child, starting from the first month, you do not complex gymnastics, however, in 1 year you need to radically change the type of training.

At that time muscle mass The baby reaches 4-6 kilograms, but it constantly needs to build up and strengthen its muscles.

Try to study for no more than 15 minutes, but rather productively. Do exercises to music, squat with your child, use a hula hoop to improve coordination.

Gymnastics should include exercises on parallel bars or a horizontal bar, walking on various surfaces and exercises to develop the abdominals. Before exercising, ventilate the room and leave the window open to ensure a constant supply of oxygen during exercise.

At the age of one year, you can take long walks and actively strengthen the muscles of your arms, legs and back. Having started training from early childhood, the child will love healthy image life. Today, stores offer a large number of exercise equipment for children, which is perfect for strengthening muscles and bones. You can enroll your child in a development school, or choose a set of exercises on the advice of a pediatrician.

Water treatments for good sleep

A one-year-old child must clearly understand that every morning he needs to start with water procedures, be sure to wash his face and brush his teeth. It is important for a child at this age to be busy. useful thing which will later become a habit.

Despite his age, the baby still loves to swim and shower, although it is not necessary to do this every day.

Most children by the age of 1 year practice dousing and hardening, so you need to spend enough time adapting to the temperature regime.

Bathing water should not exceed 33 degrees; for seasoned babies, you can set the water temperature to around 29 degrees, while you need to douse yourself with cool water at about 29-28 degrees. Bathing should not turn into a game, so the child should be occupied with washing his head and body.

If you practice bathing every day, use body oil or cream to prevent your baby's skin from drying out; herbal and herbal bath salts are perfect. nutrients. Don’t forget that a one year old child is already quite big and tries to do everything on his own, you just need to watch him closely and have fun.

We read fairy tales - close our eyes

Dream small child takes up most of life, but such a daily routine for a one-year-old child is simply necessary for proper development And active image life.

At the age of 1 year, the baby can already walk on his own and tries to devote as much time as possible to games, exercises and walks. A large amount of energy is spent on all the fun and entertainment, so you need to recuperate every 3-3.5 hours, which is why the child has 2 naps during the day and one long sleep at night.

Many children of this age get by with one nap during the day, and the duration of night rest is about 10 hours. Some mothers are starting to prepare their child for kindergarten, so they practice only one nap between meals and active rest.

It is best to teach your baby to fall asleep and wake up at the same time, this will allow him to regulate his daily routine and adapt to biological rhythms. Despite doctors’ recommendations, try to monitor your child’s well-being and choose the best one.

This rich world of emotions

The psychological development of the baby amazes with the brightness of emotions. The child is quite capable of distinguishing good from bad and is already choosing people with whom he would like to communicate.

He clearly knows where a relative is and where people are just acquaintances, determines the parents’ mood and easily adapts to it. Surprisingly for adults, a one-year-old baby can sympathize and express regret, feel sorry for his loved ones.

Many children of this age gesture very actively, accompanying their stories with laughter, screams and tears, but this should not cause alarm, while words are not available, you need to focus on facial expressions.

Very emotionally, children show their dissatisfaction with food or refusal to go for a walk; their reluctance to sleep turns into a performance. The funniest time in the life of a young family is coming, because the child grows up and surprises every day.

Approximate daily routine for a 1 year old child

  • 7.00 – get up, wash, brush teeth and do morning exercises.
  • 7.30 – 9.00 – small breakfast of fruit puree and porridge.
  • 9.00-11.00 – short nap.
  • 11.00 – 11.30 – delicious lunch.
  • 11.30 – 15.00 – study surrounding nature, cognitive communication.
  • 15.00 – 15.30 – we eat heartily and save up energy for interesting games.
  • 15.30 – 17.30 – we go to bed before serious tests.
  • 17.30 – 18.00 – eat porridge, cottage cheese and fresh fruit.
  • 18.00 – 19.30 – drawing, reading books and music classes.
  • 19.30 – 21.00 – evening walk, swimming, getting ready for bed and relaxing massage.
  • 21.00 – 21.30 – last feeding before night rest.
  • 21.30 – 7.00 – a pleasant night’s sleep.

Children's doctors recommend that parents not allow sudden changes in organizing a day for a child over 1 year old. For a child of 1 year, the daily routine is not much different from that of 10–11 months. If you try to adhere to the lifestyle that was established shortly before the baby’s first name day, then there will not be any special problems.

Switching to one-time sleep

It may happen that a one-year-old child himself does not want to live according to his usual schedule. If earlier he easily fell asleep and slept twice during the day, now it becomes very difficult to persuade the baby to go to bed a couple of hours after the first morning awakening.

It happens that a child plays calmly until lunchtime, without showing any signs of fatigue or drowsiness, does not rub his eyes, or is capricious. Trying to get him to sleep usual time accompanied by whims and desperate resistance. When his mother finally puts him to bed, he plays for a long time in the crib with a toy, talks to himself, endlessly demands attention, and falls asleep when it’s time to get up. We have to push back the time for lunch feeding, and then the time for the second nap. As a result, the baby wakes up a second time just before nightfall, and then neither he nor his mother sleeps for half the night. Such shifts in time force the entire family to change its routine.

If your child clearly does not want to sleep until lunch, then at 1 year old he should be switched to a one-time afternoon nap (we recommend reading:). It grew out of the daily routine of an 11-12 month old baby. For 1-year-old children, the distribution of time should be convenient and comfortable for them and for their parents. The transition to a new schedule should be smooth and unobtrusive - so, there is no need to wait for an afternoon nap if the baby is tired, yawns and wants to lie down. Sometimes it can be very difficult to choose an individual sleep schedule so that the baby remains cheerful and calm, and parents can get enough sleep and fully cope with their daily responsibilities.

If the baby is no longer ready to live according to the previously created routine, there is no need to insist: the child’s internal biorhythms themselves will tell you the optimal amount, frequency and time of sleep

Sleeping and waking patterns of a one-year-old child

So, in the 13th month of life, two modes of daytime rest are possible, given that a baby of this age can stay awake for about 3-4 hours without getting tired. In any case, parents must ensure that the baby sleeps the number of hours appropriate for his age - his state of health and psychological comfort directly depend on this. At 1 year and 1 month, the child’s tendency towards the “lark” or “night owl” type of temperament already becomes noticeable:

  1. A regimen with the usual two-day nap for a 10-11 month old baby. A one-year-old child who is a “lark” wakes up early, at 6–7 am, and is not averse to falling asleep again at 10. After sleeping for two hours, he can play or walk until about 3 pm. He will need the next rest somewhere from 15 to 17, and already at 20 - 21 pm you can put him to bed for the night. This organization The good news is that your little fidget will always be rested and cheerful.
  2. A regime in which the baby sleeps once during the day. This option is more suitable for future night owls. Such children prefer to sleep longer in the morning and do not fall asleep for a long time in the evening. The child wakes up around 9–10 am and begins to get tired in the afternoon. Quiet time for such a baby lasts about three hours. A child can sleep in the afternoon, from 1 to 4 p.m., then by 8–9 p.m. he will already be tired and easily fall asleep early. What's good about the second option? Since the baby sleeps long in the morning and falls asleep early in the evening, parents have the opportunity to redo household chores and communicate with each other.

If you want to send your child to kindergarten in early age, then the organization of the day according to the “lark” type is considered to be the closest to kindergarten. The main thing is not to let him sleep too long in the morning; it is better to wake the child up before 10 o’clock in the morning. If this rule is not followed, day and night may become confused.

Nutrition for a one-year-old child

After the child reaches the age of 1 year, sit him on a special chair at a common table (more details in the article:). He will be happy to try the same dishes that adults eat: borscht, soups, porridge, boiled fish and chicken, steamed meatballs, stewed or boiled vegetables, soft-boiled eggs, tender cottage cheese, casserole.

The diet of a child over 12 months old should differ from the adult diet in the absence of spicy, fatty, fried and smoked foods, sausages, and citrus fruits. It’s better not to give him sweets or baked goods just yet. industrial production, chocolate. Sweets and cakes contain large amounts of sugar and artificial fats, which are extremely harmful to a small body. It is much more useful to put fruit purees, berries, and juices on the table.

Although the baby’s stomach is already capable of accepting an adult diet, there are also significant differences– it is better to protect your child from fried fatty foods and foods with preservatives

Baby feeding regimens after one year

Meal times depend on how many times the baby sleeps during the day:

  1. With the saved sleep twice a day, the usual 5 meals a day remain. If mom still has milk, you can breastfeed before bed and at breakfast. If breast milk no longer, then let the baby suck baby formula from a bottle in the morning and at night. Feed three times a day.
  2. If your baby switched to one-time nap after a year, then his feeding time will also change. Now it’s simply not possible to maintain the previous 5 meals a day. It is quite enough to feed the baby 4 times a day, but you should not overfeed him. It should be remembered that the volume of food eaten at a time should be no more than 250 ml. The baby will let you know when he is full.

Sleeping, walking and feeding patterns of a child per year

Let's create an approximate daily routine and nutrition for a one-year-old baby by the hour with two and one naps a day, and also taking into account the time of morning awakening:

Regime momentsEarly riseLate rise
Waking up, morning toilet, exercise if possible6.00-7.00 8.00-9.00
First meal (breakfast)7.00-7.30 9.00-9.30
Games, activities or a walk. Many children at this age are already trying to communicate with their peers, so you can go with your baby to the yard or to the park where children usually walk.8.00-10.30 10.00-12.30
Second meal. For lunch, the child should receive the most high-calorie food of the day.10.30-11.00 12.30-13.00
Sleepy hour on a walk or at home11.30-13.00 13.30-16.00
The third meal is an afternoon snack. It should be much less dense than lunch, because dinner is coming soon14.00-14.30 16.00-16.30
Second nap15.30-16.30
Waking time - games, activities, reading books16.30-19.00 16.30-19.00
Fourth meal - dinner19.00-19.30 19.00-19.30
Evening toilet, bathing, dousing, air baths20.00-21.00 20.00-21.00
Night sleepFrom 21.00From 21.00

For a one-year-old child, play is a natural element that must be given a place in the daily routine. Mom does not have to actively participate all the time - she should leave time for self-study peace

All children are different, so this schedule is approximate and varies by an hour or two in one direction or another depending on the individual needs of the child. The time of sleep, wakefulness and feeding of a child of the 13-15th month of life can be clearly depicted in the form of a table.

It is important to adhere to the selected schedule so that the child gets used to eating and going to bed at the same time - this will avoid unnecessary problems such as lack of appetite or lethargy, drowsiness. If the organization of the day suits the child, then it can be followed until 3-4 years of age.

Komarovsky's opinion

Well-known pediatrician, candidate medical sciences Evgeny Komarovsky recommends following a precise daily routine for a toddler. In their scientific works he describes families where, as a result of parental disorganization, young children fall asleep by 2 a.m. and then sleep until noon. Komarovsky calls this situation an inverted day.

The scientist believes that only the work of a psychologist with parents can establish a normal life for such a family. It consists of finding out the reasons for the incorrect structure of the day, teaching parents to plan their activities taking into account the interests and health of the child. Moms and dads must realize that their baby’s sleep, the order in the children’s room, and the child’s activity depend primarily on them. To accustom a child to a rational daily routine, young parents must first learn to build one for themselves. The child’s mother and father must themselves create all the conditions for healthy eating and good sleep for the baby.

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