Biography of Tamara Tikhonova. Tamara Tikhonova: "I don't believe that Norwegian skiers are really asthmatics." So until now you live in Kulakova’s apartment

The popularity of this actor cannot be overestimated. Fans idolized him, letters from girls from all over Soviet Union brought in bags to Mosfilm. But the actor was honest not only on the screen, he was honest in his personal life. Vyacheslav Tikhonov honored three women with his attention in his entire life. One became his first and unsteady love, the second burned him with her passion, and the third gave him the long-awaited family comfort and peace.

The first love

The first love of the future actor was Yulia Russian. Vyacheslav often accompanied her home, they went to the cinema together and were generally very friendly. A beautiful couple attracted attention, and the parents of two teenagers secretly hoped that the guys would be able to build a family.

Yulia Alekseevna is already in adulthood she said that their acquaintance happened at a dance in the club of Pavlovsky Posad, where they lived. Tikhonov, an eighth-grader, drew attention to a pretty girl, invited her to dance, and then escorted her home.

They met for three years, and after Vyacheslav suddenly disappeared. As it turned out, he went to enter the institute in Moscow. Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming an actor, admired the talent of Pyotr Aleinikov and thought that someday he would be able to play on the screen no worse than his idol.
Tikhonov was very upset when he did not find his name on the list of those enrolled in the course, but fate gave him another chance. Boris Bibikov met the sobbing applicant on the stairs and invited him to his course. First on probation, and after Tikhonov they were already enrolled as students.

Vyacheslav studied with full diligence and dedication. He sometimes saw Yulia when he went to Pavlovsky Posad. Everything changed when Sergey Gerasimov invited him to star in the film "Young Guard".

Ardent Cossack

Nonna Mordyukova, it seemed, did not suit Vyacheslav Tikhonov at all, neither in character nor in temperament. But the ardent Cossack woman was seriously carried away by the intelligent and restrained Vyacheslav.
The novel flared up rapidly, colleagues of the actors could not imagine what fascinated Nonna humble guy. Whatever it was, but in 1950 Nonna Mordyukova became the wife of Vyacheslav Tikhonov.

Vyacheslav Tikhonov, "Young Guard". / Photo:

They both mistook the flared passion for a real feeling that will allow them to go through life hand in hand. But when youthful love passed, it turned out that there were two strangers nearby. The actress was a kind of addicted, passionate, hot. Restrained Tikhonov turned out to be very far from her ideal. Yes, and Mordyukova did not become for him the only woman next to whom he would be warm.

They were both burdened by this marriage, but it was too late to change something: the son Vladimir was growing up in the family. So they lived for 13 years. Two good man, two talented actor, two deep personalities who have not found common ground with each other.

The reason for the divorce was the communication of the actress with another man. Tikhonov did not begin to sort things out, and Mordyukova did not consider it necessary to make excuses. So they parted, mutually dissatisfied with each other. Divorce allowed both of them to end this painful relationship.

The death of his son was another reason for alienation. Vladimir died from a drug overdose. Nonna Viktorovna blamed the tragedy on her ex-husband, who did not pay due attention to his son. Vyacheslav Vasilyevich also blamed himself. But not once did he allow himself to say a single bad word about his first wife. He always spoke with great respect of Nonna Mordyukova as an actress, but never commented on his personal life with her.

Mordyukova and Tikhonov did not communicate with each other for almost half a century, only at the end of their lives they were able to overcome their grievances and forgive each other.

Family happiness

Tikhonov met Tamara while dubbing the French film "A Man and a Woman". She worked at VO Sovexportfilm, was a French teacher by profession and helped Vyacheslav Vasilievich with translation.

Tamara Ivanovna was married at that time, but she could not control her feelings. For the sake of Vyacheslav Tikhonov, she filed for divorce and in 1969 became the wife of the actor.

Tikhonov will live with this woman for 42 years, until his death. They have a daughter, Anna, who later becomes an actress. According to the memoirs of Anna Vyacheslavovna, parents kept good relations until old age.

They were really kindred spirits: both outwardly restrained, modest, well-read. They always had something to talk about and be silent together. Despite the rumors about Tamara Ivanovna's harshness, Anna claims that a very warm atmosphere has always reigned in the house.

When the actor stopped acting, he moved to Vacation home, where he took care of the site with pleasure, often fished. Rumors and here overtook the actor. Everyone talked about discord in the family, about the life of the actor away from the family, although in fact the whole family lived with him. He loved his daughter very much and enjoyed the opportunity to communicate with his grandchildren.

The last role of the great actor was a man with a halo in the film Andersen. Life without love." His hero utters wonderful words in the picture: “You are a fool, Andersen, that you passed by such a miracle as a woman's love. Here I don’t approve of you as a man ... "

The first wife of Vyacheslav Tikhonov, never remarried.

Vyacheslav Vasilyevich led a secluded life, because he had no one to be friends with. Best friend and beloved director Stanislav Rostotsky (he shot Tikhonov in many of his films), close comrades-colleagues Yuri Nikulin, Nikolai Kryuchkov died. And it's hard to find new friends in old age. Tikhonov lived in a fertile place - in Nikolina Gora. Here he built a red brick house - exactly the same as Stirlitz's in the film. When friends were alive, he often and with pleasure went fishing with them. He was accompanied by the dog Styopka - a mongrel mongrel was thrown to Tikhonov as a puppy. But about a year ago, four-legged friend trouble happened. The dog disappeared, and after a while someone threw Vyacheslav Vasilyevich his collar. Alone, the actor stopped leaving the house altogether. Whiled away the days in front of the TV, slowly drank. Often reviewed his work in the cinema. Tikhonov could not come to terms with the fact that life was coming to an end.

It's sad, but there was no one to cry at Tikhonov's coffin. By the end of his life, he had only two close people - his wife Tamara and daughter Anna. These two women made up all Tikhonov's happiness and all his punishment. Few people know that the hero on the screen, a handsome man, self-sufficient and independent, in ordinary life Tikhonov was a very gentle and helpless person. It was this “spinelessness” of his that once pushed Nonna Mordyukova, his first wife, away from him. The Don Cossack Mordyukova herself was a woman of hot temper and just twisted ropes out of him, trying to stir him up. Tikhonov's patience ended only when he caught his wife Nonna with her lover. And when Tikhonov slammed the door, Mordyukova was even delighted: “Well, finally, at least some kind of emotion!” Their son Volodya was then 13 years old, and despite the separation of his parents, he received the full love of both parents. True, she did not save him from a tragic death.

From the age of 18, Volodya Tikhonov became addicted to drugs. To save their son from addiction, both Tikhonov and Mordyukova all the time patronized the guy for different roles. Volodya resisted, but played. Soon Volodya fell in love with the actress Natalya Varley, having seen her brilliant performance in The Prisoner of the Caucasus, they got married and gave birth to Tikhonov's grandson Vasily. But soon divorced...

When Vyacheslav Tikhonov was already 40 years old, he married a second time. His chosen one was the 25-year-old teacher Tamara. They met while working on the French film "Man and Woman", where the actor voiced the role of the main character, and Tamara Ivanovna was at that time a French teacher at the Institute international relations- Helped with translation. The girl was married, but for the sake of Vyacheslav she broke up with her husband. Soon in new family daughter Anya was born.

Unlike the bright and sometimes overly emotional Nonna Mordyukova, Tamara was a match for Tikhonov - just as restrained and silent. However, it was this inconspicuous woman who managed to keep her husband under tight control for many years. Tikhonov coordinated all his roles with her, reported on each scene with a hint of love. Tamara Tikhonova was literally obsessed with jealousy! Possibly due to difficult relationship With his wife, with age, Vyacheslav Vasilyevich began to act less and less. And then it stopped completely. In old age, the wife's jealousy became pathological. Tamara Ivanovna literally "was on duty" on the phone. If Tikhonov asked female voice, threw a tantrum. Most of all got from Tamara Tikhonova to young journalists.

- Vyacheslav Vasilyevich was very fond of communicating with young people, - says the "victim" - journalist Anna Vershinina. He liked to share his experience. Yes, and he loved to flirt with young maidens. Once, when I arranged an interview with Tikhonov on the phone, Tamara Ivanovna snatched the receiver from his hands and yelled: “I know, this is your mistress !!!” It's funny! Tikhonov was 80 years old.

“I remember how everyone was surprised that Tikhonov was not at Nonna’s funeral,” says Nonna Mordyukova’s sister Natalia. - I thought then - God be his judge. But then I remembered his crazy Tamara. She probably didn't let him in. Because Slava Nonnochka himself respected, and after all, they were not strangers. And his wife even forbade them to communicate on the phone.

Tamara Ivanovna so tormented Tikhonov with her jealousy that in the end the couple divided the house in half and lived like that until Tikhonov's death: Vyacheslav Vasilyevich in one half, Tamara in the other. Vyacheslav Vasilievich stopped wearing wedding ring, and Tamara Ivanovna said that Tikhonov ruined her life. To calm her nerves, she began to drink heavily and attempted suicide several times. Tikhonov's daughter Anya lived in the Moscow apartment of her parents, but in order to control her mother, she often began to visit the suburbs. Tikhonov was happy - so he could see his tiny grandchildren - twins Slavik and Gosha.

They said that Vyacheslav Vasilyevich even had to meet with his son Volodya from his first marriage in the garage. When Volodya died of a drug overdose (he was only 40 years old), Tikhonov tried to help his son's second wife and his grandson. But the actor's wife and daughter quickly stopped his noble impulse and forbade him to communicate with "former" relatives.

The moment came when it became clear that you can make good money on the actor Tikhonov. Anna and her husband organized a small film studio, where they began to make films with the participation of Vyacheslav Vasilyevich. Anna managed her father's affairs, refusing to give interviews to all film companies and TV channels. By the 80th anniversary of her father, she let him in only one channel - "First", and then for a huge fee. Konstantin Ernst personally paid 15 thousand dollars for the shooting from his own pocket! Naturally, Tikhonov did not receive a penny of this money. On the same anniversary, the sponsors of the festive evening at the Cinema House presented the great actor with a luxurious car. But he never rode it either. Anya unfolded good business in the name of the father. With this money, she supports her family and pumps her mother out of hard drinking. And as for the desires of Vyacheslav Vasilyevich himself, few people considered them. The will of the deceased was never fulfilled. Firstly, Tikhonov was against the funeral service in the temple. But Anna Tikhonova desperately beat out posthumous honors to her father - and Tikhonov was buried already in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Well, he's no worse than Zykina and Rostropovich! Another wish of the deceased was also violated. Vyacheslav Vasilievich personally wrote in his will that he wanted to be buried in the same grave with his son Volodya at the Kuntsevo cemetery. His first wife, Nonna Mordyukova, also rests there. But here, too, the jealous daughter and wife acted as they pleased. Tikhonov's body was buried on Novodevichy cemetery, next to Oleg Yankovsky. Immediately, in the neighborhood, Tamara Tikhonova bought a place for her future grave. Only in one thing was the great Tikhonov happy - a couple of years before his death, Vyacheslav Vasilyevich again found the meaning of life. After 50 years of separation, he found his first love Yulia.

It was still on small homeland Tikhonov - in Pavlovsky Posad. Tenth-grader Slava fell in love with nine-grader Yulia Rossiyskaya at a dance. The young were even going to get married, but Tikhonov went to study in Moscow. Already married to Mordyukova, he often wandered to Pavlovsky Posad to Yulia.

“He tortured me terribly,” Yulia recalls now. - I knew that he had a pregnant Mordyukova in Moscow, and he flirted with me. And it was a pity for him, and she herself was tormented.

Gradually, life separated them. But Tikhonov could not forget this girl all his life. In old age, he tried to find her himself, but in vain. Then he turned to his daughter's husband Nikolai. Yulia Rossiiskaya remembers very well that evening when the bell rang and such a familiar and familiar voice sounded in the receiver: "Julia, it's me, Slava." They found each other after almost 50 years of separation. Of course, Tikhonov spoke with her furtively. And he called only when his wife was not at home. But these conversations were an outlet for him. At 81, Tikhonov realized that all his life he loved only her, that girl from the past. She and Yulia were all going to meet, but either one had a sore, or the other.

So we didn't get to see each other.

The famous actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov was born on February 8, 1928 in Pavlovsky Posad. Parents wanted the boy to become a turner or an agronomist. But a thirteen-year-old teenager, entering a local school, dreamed of an acting career. During the youth of the Soviet Stirlitz, tattoos with the names of lovers were popular. Then the future actor did not have a girlfriend, so he stuffed on his arm given name- Glory. Perhaps this became a prophecy, because the artist gained nationwide popularity. But he managed to find personal happiness only in his second marriage with a French teacher Tamara Tikhonova (and even then his wife tormented him with jealousy).

Vyacheslav Tikhonov was born in 1928 in the Moscow region. His father worked as a mechanic at a local weaving factory, and his mother worked as an educator in kindergarten. Tikhonov spent his childhood among the children of ordinary workers. He was absolutely no different from other yard boys who most spent their free time outdoors. After the outbreak of war in 1941, Vyacheslav, then still a schoolboy, went to study at the school. His school housed a military hospital. Teaching a profession was not difficult for Vyacheslav. He was inquisitive, from childhood he loved to do something around the house or make things. Like many teenagers of that time, after graduation he got a job as a metal turner at a military factory. He worked instead of the men who had gone to the front.

After the shifts, Vyacheslav Tikhonov, along with other teenagers, ran to the Vulkan cinema to see heroic films. His favorite movie heroes were Alexander Nevsky performed by N. Cherkasov, Chapaev performed by B. Babochkin, as well as everyone's favorites and Mikhail Zharov. Tikhonov later recalled that it was these people who eventually led him to art. Then he began to dream of such a job, but his father saw his son exclusively as a mechanic, and his mother wanted him to enter the Agricultural Academy. At the insistence of the elders, Vyacheslav entered the Automotive Institute, but closer to the victorious 1945 he decided to try his hand at the entrance exams to VGIK.

The beginning of an acting career

At first he was not accepted, but then, by the will of fate, he nevertheless became a student at VGIK. enrolled Vyacheslav Tikhonov in his course. The parents were immensely outraged by the obedient Slava's act, but the grandmother stood up for her grandson. She did not allow Tikhonov to say goodbye to her dream just like that. So Vyacheslav Tikhonov became a student at VGIK and ended up in the workshop of teachers Olga Pyzhova and Boris Bibikov. Acting debut young man took place during my studies. The first work of Tikhonov was the role of Osmukhin in the film "Young Guard". The work was atypical for Soviet cinema: the directors thoroughly recreated the artistic environment, there was a long period of preparation before filming the picture, the actors got used to the images of the characters, and a thorough development of the characters was carried out. The film could be considered a successful debut for a whole generation of domestic actors.

Vyacheslav Tikhonov's first love

The young man, whom censorship did not let on the screens for "some kind of non-Soviet" and "noble" appearance, met his first love at a dance. In the tenth grade, he invited a familiar girl, Yulia Rossiyskaya, to a slow dance. A romantic relationship began, but the young people did not have time to legitimize them, because Tikhonov left for the capital to study. Journalists often mentioned that he came to Yulia even during marriage, but later these meetings stopped. Fifty years later, when Vyacheslav Vasilievich already had two marriages behind him, he again found his first love. According to some reports, furtively from Tamara Tikhonova, he talked with Yulia on the phone when he lived in the country. They did not have time to meet in person.

Hasty marriage with Nonna Mordyukova

On the set of The Young Guard, fate brought the young man to Nonna Mordyukova. Vyacheslav was nineteen years old, and Nonna was twenty-two. At first, the young man did not pay attention to the stately beauty, so it cost her considerable efforts to turn his head. They quickly got married. First they lived in the hostel of VGIK, then they moved to a nine-meter room, in which Tikhonov especially did not like the floors. Both actors received Stalin Prizes for the "Young Guard", and young Vyacheslav was outraged that the state was trying to leave the awarded artists without good living space. The fighting girlfriend bothered, so that soon the young spouses were allocated a little more living space.

Suspicious Rumors

There were rumors that young people got married not from Great love. Close friend Tikhonova and People's Artist I. Yoshka recalled that Mordyukova, as a student, had an affair with S. Gerasimov, who was the head of her course and filmed The Young Guard. The director asked Vyacheslav Tikhonov to marry a fellow student in order to avert suspicion from himself (a jealous wife suspected Gerasimov of infidelity). Vyacheslav could not refuse his teacher and eminent director. Even then it was clear that the calm Tikhonov and the expressive Nonna were unlikely to get along in marriage.

Discord in relationships

Directors liked Vyacheslav Tikhonov very much, but the censorship considered his appearance too “noble” for Soviet cinema. Therefore, Nonna earned money in the family. For the young and beautiful girl many men tried to court, she never encountered a lack of attention. She talked with one of the fans in the room when Tikhonov returned home. The couple did not explain. Nonna did not consider herself guilty, so she did not make excuses. Tikhonov was sure that he had found his wife with her lover. He did not ask questions, but simply left, hastily packing his suitcase.

For fifty years, Vyacheslav Tikhonov and Nonna Mordyukova did not communicate. At the bedside of a dying son died at the age of forty due to a passion for drugs) they did not say a single word to each other. When journalists were filming a biopic about her, they asked the actress if she wanted to call Tikhonov. The woman said that she would have contacted a long time ago, but there is no phone. The number was found immediately. They called each other and forgave each other. In the same year, Nonna Mordyukova passed away.

Acquaintance with Tamara Ivanovna

Forty-year-old Tikhonov in 1967 finally met a woman who understood and accepted him completely. Teacher French Tamara Tikhonova worked together with the Soviet actor on the set. She helped the film crew with translation. Tamara and Vyacheslav worked on the film "Man and Woman". The partner was the complete opposite of Mordyukova. Twenty-five-year-old Tamara was quiet and silent. The girl was married, but divorced her husband to marry Tikhonov. He greatly valued the institution of marriage. But the passion was so strong that he took the woman away from the family.

Tamara's life before meeting with Vyacheslav

Few facts are known from the biography of Tamara Tikhonova before her meeting with the Soviet artist. It is known that the girl learned to be a French teacher and taught at the Institute of International Relations. She was married and had no children in her first marriage. Beloved woman Vyacheslav Tikhonov and his wife became after joint work over the movie. By the way, the daughter of the Tikhonovs, Anna, said that at the time of their acquaintance, her mother was not married, she had a French fiancé, but she was in no hurry to tie the knot. Everything went to the wedding, but Tamara's relatives were against it, because at that time this was not welcome in the USSR.

Happy unhappy marriage

The inconspicuous Tamara Tikhonova, the wife of Vyacheslav Tikhonov, managed to keep her husband under total control. A handsome man in ordinary life was a completely helpless and too soft person. Vyacheslav Tikhonov had to report to his wife about every scene with a hint of love relationship to coordinate their roles. It soon became clear that Tamara was simply obsessed with jealousy. Perhaps it was precisely because of the tense relationship with his wife that Vyacheslav practically stopped acting after the film "A Man and a Woman" and several other works. He could not stand the constant tantrums, packed his bags and moved to a country house in Nikolina Gora.

Tamara did not calm down, she tormented her husband so much that until the end of her life they actually divided the house in half. Vyacheslav himself was in one half, and Tamara was in the other. Vyacheslav Tikhonov stopped wearing the ring, and Tamara Ivanovna did not forget to mention that her husband ruined her life. There were rumors that even with the son from his first marriage, the actor had to meet secretly in the garage. He did not appear at the funeral of his first wife. However, Tikhonov's daughter, Anna, who shared with Tamara, spoke very warmly about the atmosphere that reigned at home. She names the actor loving father and happy family man, says that father and mother were in love and inseparable from each other until old age. At the same time, it is known that Tamara Ivanovna (in order to somehow calm her nerves) became addicted to alcohol when her daughter grew up, and even tried to commit suicide several times.

The last years of Vyacheslav Tikhonovoa

The actor's personal life took shape in his second marriage, although his wife tormented him with baseless jealousy and threw tantrums. However, they also had a happy period. For example, when their joint daughter Anna was just born, Tikhonov simply glowed with happiness and tried to spend every free minute with the girl. Vyacheslav Ivanovich was also very fond of his grandchildren - the twins Vyacheslav and Georgy, whom Anna often brought to visit her parents. In those years, it became necessary to monitor the mother, who drank alcohol, but Tikhonov was glad that his grandchildren often visited him.

Since 2000, the actor has led a secluded life. He had no friends left: his beloved director S. Rostotsky, close colleagues Yu. Nikulin and N. Kryuchkov had already departed to another world. Then the daughter of Vyacheslav Tikhonov, actress Anna Tikhonova, organized a film studio, where her husband began to shoot films with the participation of the Soviet Stirlitz. She managed all the affairs of her father, and for his anniversary she organized an interview for a fee of fifteen thousand dollars. Vyacheslav Tikhonov did not receive this money. The sponsors of the evening at the Cinema House presented the actor with a car that he had never driven. But Anna Tikhonova built herself a business on behalf of famous father.

At the same time, the Soviet actor began to get sick. In 2002, he suffered a heart attack, in 2007 he was hospitalized after an injury with complaints of heart pain, in the spring of the following year he underwent surgery, and in the fall of 2009 he was admitted to the Central Clinical Hospital. Another operation on the vessels followed a week after hospitalization. Surgical intervention Vyacheslav Tikhonov suffered very hard, but the doctors still hoped that the actor would recover. Alas, he died the next day. The last hours of his life, the Soviet Stirlitz was in intensive care, was connected to a ventilator and hemodialysis. The attending physician Vyacheslav Tikhonov said that loneliness and absence, which was difficult for the artist, played a role in this death. good care for the sick from relatives.

Difficult family relationships

After the death of Vyacheslav Vasilyevich, addiction to alcohol almost killed Tikhonov's widow, Tamara Ivanovna. Anna had to take her mother to the hospital so that qualified doctors could monitor her condition around the clock. Even when Tamara Tikhonova coped with alcoholism, it turned out that everything in the family was not as smooth as it could be. Tamara Ivanovna did not get along with her son-in-law, she complained that her daughter was trying to deprive her of her apartment and dacha. At one time, the widow even said that her daughter's husband beat her, drinks, and does not want to work. declined to comment on these allegations.

What the relationship in this family actually was is unknown. Anna spoke of her parents with love, saying that they communicated well with her husband. At the same time, Tamara Ivanovna herself mentioned that Vyacheslav Tikhonov did not love his son-in-law, and they did not have any harmony in the family.

Tikhonov was born into a simple family in Pavlov Posad near Moscow. His father worked as a mechanic in a weaving factory, and his mother was a school teacher. Ross ordinary Soviet child and quite a bit fond of cinema.

When the schoolboy Slava was 13, the war began. School education had to be completed quickly. As a teenager, he passionately wanted to be useful to the front, so he went to work at a military factory - in order to make at least some contribution to the victory.

The war ended, and Tikhonov decided to continue his education. Like his parents, the guy chose a working specialty, entered the school and learned to be a turner. Only sometimes the young man allowed himself to go to the cinema, and there - to daydream that he himself could well have done it.

A prominent guy went to the cinema, of course, not one. Even at a very young age, at a dance, he fell in love with a charming girl named Yulia. She sunk into the heart of the future star so much that he even planned a wedding. But first I had to get an education.

And Tikhonov went to Moscow. He entered the Automotive Institute, but, cherishing hope, he nevertheless went to VGIK. His performance did not impress the teachers, but his passionate desire to study at this university was remembered.

He failed his exams. But a couple of months later, when theater university the first deductions have already been outlined, about an applicant with burning eyes, who so wanted to be an artist, recalled VGIK teacher Boris Bibikov. He sought out Slava and took his course.


Gosfotokombinat "Lenfotokhudozhnik", ITAR-TASS

The newly minted student quickly justified the trust. Already in his third year, he was called to the first shooting - in the Young Guard, and then in Peace Days. The second film revealed a talented artist in Tikhonov - directors began to call for shooting more and more often.

But the first one brought him together with a classmate Nonna Mordyukova, whom he did not seem to notice before filming. And then - I saw a temperamental young artist with a Scythian profile and burning eyes and fell in love.

Soon Mordyukova became pregnant, but he still could not believe that now it was time to start a family, to be its head, to become an example for his own child.

According to the testimony of the same Yulia, who was still waiting for Tikhonov in his small homeland, he came there several times without Mordyukova. Julia knew about his pregnancy new girlfriend, tried to survive it intelligently and without scandals. And he seemed not to understand the importance of what was happening, continued to fawn on his first love.

Family man

Kassin Eugene; Masyukov Valentin, TASS

However, with Nonna, they nevertheless played a wedding and healed. First, in a student dormitory, then his wife “knocked out” a nine-meter room in which Tikhonov did not like the floors. For the Young Guard, both actors had Stalin Prizes, and Vyacheslav Vasilyevich was extremely indignant that the state was trying to leave such award-winning artists without a good living space.

Fighting Mordyukova, in order to respect her husband, fussed about a new room. And it really was singled out - a little wider than the previous one, but - a checkpoint.

After graduating from VGIK, Tikhonov quickly received an offer to join the stage - he was taken to the troupe of the Film Actor Theater. The artist played there for seven years, until the filmmakers nevertheless lured the telegenic artist to permanent job at the Maxim Gorky Film Studio.

However, Vyacheslav Vasilyevich had very few roles: rarely a man with noble features was approved by Soviet censorship. Nonna was the breadwinner in the family.

50 silent years

The story of their separation is probably known to everyone who is interested in Soviet cinema. Then many men courted the beautiful and famous artist. She talked with one of the fans in their room with Tikhonov when her husband returned home.

They did not begin to explain: Nonna was not to blame for anything, and did not consider it necessary to make excuses. And Tikhonov, confident that he had found his wife with her lover, did not ask unnecessary questions. He just packed his suitcase and went out.

The actors did not communicate for fifty years. Even at the bedside of their dying son, they did not say a word to each other. But after another ten years, already at an advanced age, the television men who were filming a biopic about Mordyukova asked her a question - would she want to call ex-husband? She said that she would have called long ago, but there is no phone. Of course, the phone was found immediately.

They said to each other just a couple of words, forgave each other. That year, Nonna Mordyukova passed away.

Second family

film "War and Peace" (1965−1967)

They say to communicate with ex-wife, and then with his son's wife and grandchildren, he was not allowed by his second wife Tamara and their common daughter Anna.

Tikhonov was already about 40 when he worked on the dubbing of a French movie. A 25-year-old French teacher from the Institute of International Relations helped him understand the intricacies of translation. Vyacheslav Vasilievich charmed the girl so that she left her family for him.

They got married and silent and cool, like Tikhonov himself, Tamara suddenly discovered a tendency to pathological jealousy. She controlled every step of her husband, forbade talking with her ex-wife, strictly and arrogantly communicated with young journalists.

According to gossip, he even saw his son from Nonna Tikhonov, hiding in the garage. However, their joint daughter speaks of the homely atmosphere very warmly. He says that mom and dad were inseparable and in love until old age. Calls him a happy family man and loving dad.


It was in this family that Tikhonov spent his last years. Gossips claim that Tamara exhausted their love with her jealousy, and by the end of their lives they divided in half a beautiful brick house “like Stirlitz’s” on Nikolina Gora. But Vyacheslav Vasilyevich was very fond of his daughter and grandchildren - the little twins Slava and Gosha, whom Anna often brought to visit her parents.

The fourth of December is the anniversary of the death of the man-epoch of Vyacheslav Tikhonov [audio]

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For almost half a century, in all polls, viewers in our country called him their favorite actor. And among the whole series of his diverse heroes, the legendary Stirlitz, whom many perceive as a symbol of the Russian intelligence officer, became an unsurpassed fate-role. Vyacheslav Tikhonov himself said that he could not let his viewer down - to agree to act in consumer goods, because he had the honor to live with the image of Maxim Maksimovich Isaev, and this is a huge responsibility. Tikhonov was an officer and a MAN to the marrow of his bones. Not only in the cinema, but also in life, especially in the family. His widow Tamara Ivanovna Tikhonova is a non-public, closed person, she does not give interviews. On the anniversary of the death of our beloved actor, we nevertheless risked calling her to find out what Vyacheslav Vasilyevich was behind the scenes, at home, "without a uniform." And we heard this dramatic story, which, to be honest, shocked us with its injustice. "Everybody forgot about me" - Tamara Ivanovna, how do you feel?- I started with a common question. - It’s even strange for me to hear that you called Tamara Ivanovna to the phone. It seemed to me that everyone thought that I was already dead! - The resentment in his voice was poorly concealed. - After the death of Glory, everyone thinks that I am gone. But Tamara Ivanovna is still, thank God, alive! Everyone just forgot about it! - Yes you! We remember you very well! And we know that you were a support to Vyacheslav Vasilyevich!

Widow of Vyacheslav Tikhonov: I hear his voice all the time

She was a support, yes. And I myself lost my footing 12 years ago when I got on crutches. I complain about poor health care, now paid. I need medical help, but they demand such huge money from me, which I simply don’t have! - The widow of such a great man as Tikhonov cannot receive FREE medical care ?!- Like this. See what time we live in. You have to pay for everything. I don't leave the hospital. I am constantly sick. And now I'm trying to get into a sanatorium. I am a disabled person, the widow of a people's artist. And they tell me: pay a hundred thousand rubles to get into a sanatorium, and even for an escort - one hundred thousand. Where can I get that kind of money? I live on a pension. I have a daughter. She is raising two small children. I have an official paper that the widows of the Heroes of Socialist Labor plus folk artists The USSR, like me, is entitled to cash benefits for treatment. But as of today, I can't get free help. I need a sanatorium where they treat problems of the musculoskeletal system, where there is a pool, I need to swim. I can barely walk on crutches. I need to strengthen my unfortunate muscles on one leg, and just save the other leg. The heart is also a problem. I don't talk to anyone, so no one knows. And it’s uncomfortable for me to talk about my illness, it’s embarrassing to complain. And yet we treat widows like this! - So many different funds are open!- There are a lot of funds, but there is no help. Maybe you ask - someone will respond? It would be nice if someone could help. When Slava was alive, he and I were placed in the Barvikha sanatorium. There was attention. And after the death of her husband, there is no former attention. We are living in a very difficult time. People have become callous... - It turns out that the state did not oversight ...- If our state looked after everyone, people would live better. Unfortunately, this is not so. - Tamara Ivanovna, we will definitely try to help you. Shame on you for being so careless.- Thanks. Call me ... And yet, despite her condition, Tamara Ivanovna found the strength to talk with us a little and remember her life with Tikhonov ...

“I preferred the French groom Tikhonov” - Tamara Ivanovna, I read in the press that you met Tikhonov on the set?- Oh, you know, there were so many rumors, many versions about us were written in the press, and everything is not true. We didn't meet him on set. We made a symbolic acquaintance - at the dubbing of the French film "Look for a Woman". Slava voiced the Man. And I, as a professional translator, translated several scenes from the film, helped in dubbing. By the way, the woman was voiced by actress Nina Evgenievna Menshikova, the wife of the director Rostotsky, then we were friends with families. I talked with Nina until her last days. In general, we met Slava at the studio. He made an impression on me. And he liked me at first sight. I was not like his entourage of actresses. He saw that I was educated a smart girl, not like those whom he used to see around him. In the sense that ... oh, well, in many ways! Culture, education, upbringing, good figure, pleasant appearance, of course, of course - all this attracted him. We quickly developed a relationship. In fact, Slava came up with an excuse - he asked me to help read the letters that he receives from France. I agreed. I soon realized that this was just an excuse to get to know me better. Our relationship developed rapidly. I then had a French fiancé, with whom I was going to leave for France. I had to not go to France, to stay with Slava! - Exchanged a Frenchman for a Russian actor?!- Love swirled! Glory was an interesting man, gallant, courteous... - Apparently, you are a unique woman!- Yes, what a unique! You see, now culture and education are not valued. And then it was very much appreciated. In addition, I was young, I was 24 years old, and he was 40 years old. - Did you have a wedding?- Yes. Not like what is now accepted. We had magnificent wedding because famous people came. There was registration at the registry office. None long dresses I didn't have a veil. This was not accepted in my family. I was wearing a short mini dress, no diamonds. And not because it was not possible, but just because we thought it was necessary. More modestly ... We got married during the filming of the film "We'll Live Until Monday." His role as Melnikov is my favorite... “Mordyukova did not understand his subtle soul”

- Tikhonov's first wife Nonna Mordyukova said that it was very boring to live with Tikhonov. In her expression, he was like a cracker, staring at one point and silent.- She could not understand his subtle soul. Tikhonov is a wonderful person! A wonderful family man. Caring, compassionate, compassionate. We did not like feasts, but we liked to sit, talk, read. He worried with his heart for his homeland, for his profession. He chose only human roles in which it was possible to reveal the human qualities of the hero ... He is a sensitive person. And next to him, lilacs bloomed in my soul ... - It's just that for the people there was a memory of a couple of Tikhonov - Mordyukov ...- I don’t know for what people, sorry ... How did he escape from her fifty years ago and didn’t remember anything pleasant about that life ?! What I know about that life of his is unpleasant. She was, excuse me, his youthful first woman, that's all. And the fact that he ran away and how he lived on the bench, only to not live there ... It is indecent to talk about this topic. He didn't even say anything about her death. Regrets and all. She called when she was dying, said she was asking for forgiveness. He said: and I beg your pardon. So it is necessary and accepted in the Russian people. Daughter Anya was born in our marriage. Vyacheslav Vasilyevich doted on his grandchildren, which our daughter gave him. Anna was very fond of. I lived with Vyacheslav Vasilyevich for 42 years. It probably means a lot. I had many happy moments with him. - Vyacheslav Vasilyevich had the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring". And the moment with him, which you remember as the MOST bright?- The brightest one and only does not happen. The brightest moments are in the soul and in secret. They don't talk about them... I can't remember one picture! I have so many of them pop up at night in a dream. I have a huge portrait of him hanging in front of the bed. I live in our room with him. Here everything is as it was with him. His portrait is from the film "Seventeen Moments", where he sits on the ground in thought, is going to go to Berlin ... remember, he last frame. And I talk to him... He comes to me in a dream, just as if alive. If we talk about bright moments with him - they are just very intimate (embarrassed). Sometimes you wake up, and you feel like a living person is right next to you. I wake up and - as if with him. Sometimes I shudder, as if he is near. So it's all hard. And I hear his voice all the time. A real live voice.

- Is it hard for you without a husband?- Oh, well! Certainly. Therefore, all the sores have become aggravated ... (Suppressing sobs.) Here is my grandson standing next to me, saying: “Grandma, why are you crying?” Turning to her grandson: “Slavochka, why am I crying, I remember my grandfather and cry.” Grandson Slava is called like a grandfather. Slavochka also remembers her grandfather. He tells me: "Don't cry." Everyone, I won't cry... - Tikhonov gave the impression of a very warm person.- He was very a kind person. But to outsiders he gave the impression of a reserved person. It was closed to people. He was friendly with everyone. But even unsmiling... - They say that just bags of letters came to him from fans.- There were a lot of letters. Slava read them, answered someone. And now letters are coming, but episodically, such memorable ones. Modern generation the young do not write. It really does not know what kind of artist this is ... But the letters have all been preserved. Now they are with Anna's daughter. Anya will write a book about her father, she has already signed a contract. Letters at work. - You say that he was a worried person. And why should he worry - he has no role, then success!- He passed every role through himself, through his heart, through his soul. He was very concerned about each of his work. He was preparing for the role of Bolkonsky in the film "War and Peace". And then he looked at the picture and was upset - it seemed that he could not do what he planned. I took it dramatically, I wanted to leave the profession. But an invitation came to star in the film "It was in Penkovo". And he was inspired new job. He devoted himself to the cause, to the profession. He LIVED a profession. The whole country loved him. What is it like to be the wife of a man with whom the entire female population of the country is in love?- Not so easy. But we were happy. He valued what he could do in his work. Who was he friends with?- I was very friendly with the director Stanislav Rostotsky ... Last years he spent alone. Friends all left for another world... His grandchildren made him happy. For them, for their fate, the soul ached ...

"Brezhnev personally congratulated" - Did your couple communicate with politicians?- In your understanding politicians who is this? If we take figures of culture, cinema and the arts a - this is also high level was. The person who advised Slava on Seventeen Moments was very a famous person, deputy head of the KGB Tsvigun. Unfortunately, a tragedy happened to him, which we experienced ... Of course, Slava and I were at various receptions in the Kremlin. They did not communicate directly with Brezhnev. And Vyacheslav Vasilyevich talked to him on the phone. I personally received congratulations from him when Brezhnev gave him the Hero of Socialist Labor - the only actor who received this title at the age of 50! We even have an audio recording of the conversation with Brezhnev. I have it in my archive, for memory. - They wrote that you were very sick. And so they lived separately from Tikhonov in recent years.- They didn’t talk about my illness. Our family relationships with Vyacheslav Vasilyevich they distorted everything in every possible way. Vyacheslav Vasilyevich was a decent person. He was a family man. - And what was he like in everyday life? His favourite dish? - He was unpretentious. Porridge, something light, dietary, that's all... - How will you remember Vyacheslav Vasilyevich?- We'll go to the cemetery on the fourth. Thanks to the fans, there are always fresh flowers on his grave. Then at the dacha we will remember at the family table. People will come, there are not many of them. Who was for nine, for forty days, they will come to remember. The closest. We will order a prayer service in the church. As it should be. Unfortunately, after death, people showed themselves in such a way that we do not receive attention from them. - I heard that Armor is very warm to the memory of Vyacheslav Vasilyevich.- Yes, Armored attentive person. It's nice to be respectful. But not everyone behaves this way. Now a film is being made for TV in memory of Vyacheslav Vasilyevich, the daughter turned to many actors, there are those who did not respond. And it was very surprising to me. Daughter Anna registered the Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Tikhonov Foundation. But no one helps the fund. No one applies, and, probably, does not know about such a fund. They say behind every great man there is a great woman...- Unfortunately, it is forgotten. Even great people are forgotten. And as for their wives... Since I'm disabled, I don't go anywhere, they buried me a long time ago. Unfortunately, respect and love, and interesting, a good life left in the past. And now, excuse me, a terrible old age, which you would not wish on anyone. Even the daughter thinks with horror what will happen next. And I tell her with horror that, unfortunately, old age comes quickly. I had interesting life, but it's a pity that she passed. - I wish you health and courage. We loved the actor Tikhonov very much and will try to help the woman who has been with him for almost all his life. Thank you! Afterword After talking with Tamara Ivanovna, we contacted the Vympel-Garant special forces veterans fund and Colonel Valery Kiselev and agreed that Tikhonov's widow would be assisted in obtaining a free ticket to a sanatorium. We will be glad if various funds and unions also remember the actor's widow.

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