What does Cyril mean in Greek? Kirill in different languages ​​of the world. Meaning of the name Kirill

In the name Kirill one can feel strength and firmness, even in excess. This name rewards its bearer with a moderate, calm and cheerful character. But as soon as he faces any problem, anxiety begins to appear in his soul. This is especially pronounced in adolescence, and makes the owner of this name irritable. Yes, and in the future, behind his apparent calm, one can notice his readiness to “show his fangs.”

Translated from Greek, the name Cyril means “Little Master.”

Origin of the name Kirill:

This name comes from the ancient Greek word "kyrilos", meaning "lord". The name is often found among the names of ancient scientists.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Kirill:

Little Kirill is interested in everything - he is a child who knows why. As soon as he learns to read, books take over all his time, he quickly reads all the books that are in the house, even dictionaries and reference books interest him. Thanks to the ability to grasp everything on the fly, he remembers a lot. Knows the rules good behavior, always uses this knowledge. Teachers and parents have no problems with him; he is often set as an example for other children. Kiryusha is selfish and ambitious, so his peers do not like him, considering him an upstart. He will never give advice in class or help a classmate in solving problems, and he will never let anyone write off a test.

Kirill has high self-esteem, he does not know what an inferiority complex is. Loves flattery and praise. She always expects compliments about her appearance, clothes, and knowledge. Even when choosing a life partner, she always thinks about what others will say about her.

Kirill loves good things fun companies, although he prefers to stay a little away, in case he can leave at any moment, especially if some kind of conflict begins. He cannot stand quarrels; they leave a deep residue in his soul. Kirill remembers the insult for a long time, so he will try to avoid subsequent conflicts. In public, Kirill is balanced and in full control of himself; he takes out all the accumulated discontent at home on his loved ones. But if he chooses a wife with a strong character and receives a rebuff, then he will take out all his dissatisfaction and irritation at work.

The negative feature of this name is its softness and plasticity. Kirill takes it painfully conflict situations, because it hurts his pride. Therefore, it is very important to instill in Kirill a light attitude towards life from early childhood, so that he can laugh not only at difficulties, but also at himself, not only externally, but also internally.

Kirill likes to argue; it is not possible to convince him of something. He doesn’t pick on food and is happy to help around the house if asked. He doesn't show any initiative. Jealous. He doesn’t cheat on his wife, he’s monogamous.

Kirill is ambitious and strives to be a leader everywhere, which is why he is considered a careerist. The owner of this name is endowed with such necessary qualities, as the ability to approach any work with patience, to be independent, efficient, and able to work in a team. Kirill has every chance to achieve career growth. However, in order to experience this happiness, he needs to pay attention to some traits of his character, in which the name plays the main role.

Kirill most often has one child. Even when a dog appears in his house, caring for it falls on the shoulders of his wife. He and his mother-in-law have mutual dislike, so he will never live with her. Outwardly this does not appear in any way. Because he knows how to mask his feelings.


This name was given to a powerful hurricane that swept over Europe in 2007, causing great damage residents of the European continent.

Names: origin and forms

Kirill- (from Greek) small master.

Spoken: Kirila, Kirilla.
Derivatives: Kirilka, Kirya, Kira, Kiryukha, Kiryusha, Kiryunya, Kirusya, Kiryakha, Kiryasha.

Directory of Russian names

Mister(from Greek).

Confident, able to present themselves. Very different: sociable, but in their own circle; pretentious but gifted; efficient, but sometimes lazy. Crave for spectacular beauty.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Kirill- little gentleman, barchuk (ancient Greek).
The name is not found often, but its popularity is growing.
Zodiac name: Capricorn.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: dark yellow.
Talisman stone: yellow sapphire.
Auspicious plant: fir, crocus.
Patron name: maral.
Happy day: Saturday.
Happy time of year: winter.
Main features: persistence, determination.


Kirill of Alexandria, Patriarch, January 31 (18), June 22 (9).
Kirill Alfanov, Sokolnitsky, Novgorod, reverend, May 17 (4).
Kirill Bastiysky, Mesopolis, martyr, May 23 (10).
Kirill Belozersky, abbot, June 22 (9).
Kirill Gortynsky, bishop, martyr, July 22 (9), September 19 (6).
Cyril the Saint, Jerusalem, Patriarch, March 31 (18).
Kirill Iliopolsky, deacon, martyr,. April 11 (March 29).
Kirill Katansky (Sicilian), Bishop, April 4 (March 21).
Kirill Novoezersky (Novgorodsky), Rev., February 17 (4), November 20 (7).
Kirill of Radonezh, schemamonk, father of St. Sergius of Radonezh, January 31 (18), October 11 (September 28).
Cyril of Sevastia, martyr, March 22 (9).
Kirill (Konstantin) Philosopher, Moravian, Equal to the Apostles, Slovenian teacher, February 27 (14), May 24 (11).
Kirill Chelmogorsky, Rev., Enlightener of Chud, December 21 (8).
Kirill Turovsky, bishop, May 11 (April 28). Famous Preacher and writer of the 12th century. (1130-1182). The works were published more than once along with the works of John Chrysostom and other outstanding preachers. Rich imagination and animation, combined with an enthusiastic and joyful mood - character traits his sermons.
Saint Cyril, the Archbishop of Alexandria came from a noble and pious family. He was unanimously elected representative of the Alexandrian Church in 412. Saint Cyril is revered as an outstanding fighter for the purity of Orthodoxy and a great teacher of the Church, the author of many theological works - interpretations on Holy Bible, writings against the Nestorian heretics, edifying conversations and teachings. He suffered many persecutions from heretics. He wisely ruled his Alexandrian flock for 32 years. Died in 444.


February 27, on Kirill, good weather- to frost. March 31 - Kirill - deri runner: around this day the roads deteriorate and it becomes difficult to ride a sleigh. July 22, Kirill, the first harvest of cucumbers is harvested.


Little Kiryusha is a very inquisitive child, he asks a lot of questions on the most different topics. He can read very early, school years reads voraciously everything that is at home, visits at least two libraries. Thanks to his good memory, he remembers a huge amount of what he reads. He quickly learns the rules of good behavior, the teachers are happy with him, and set him up as an example to other children. His classmates don’t like him: he’s an egoist, he’ll never help you on a test, he won’t let you write off a solved problem. Kirill is overly ambitious and always strives to be the very first, the best.

Ambition, stubbornness and hard work help Kirill achieve success in life. He has strong will, which he also successfully uses to his advantage. He has well-developed intuition, but considers reason more important to himself and relies on it. Kirill is a highly intelligent person and his range of interests is very wide. He can be an excellent judge, designer, industrialist, economist, doctor, lawyer, architect. He is interested in philosophy and psychology. For Kirill, a clearly defined goal is important; for him, great importance for whom, for what and with whom he will work. Kirill strives to rule; his colleagues consider him a careerist. As a leader, Kirill will demand iron discipline from his subordinates. It is difficult to argue with him: Kirill will not give in, will find many necessary arguments, and is capable of sharp attacks that hurt his interlocutor.

Kirill is very sexy sex life he starts early, but will not allow himself to be drawn into an unpleasant situation. Gets great pleasure from sex. Kirill is very popular among women of all ages, but he does not abuse his capabilities and remains tactful and reliable. He is capable of great love.

Kirill is confident in himself, loves to flaunt his intelligence and ability to dress elegantly. Even his wife is beautiful and has excellent manners.

In his circle, Kirill is sociable, he receives guests on a grand scale, sparing no expense. He is not averse to eating tasty and refined food, but usually treats food calmly and is not picky. He does not refuse to help his wife, but he must be told that he himself will not show the initiative. Kirill is jealous, considers his wife his asset, and does not cheat on her. Kirill's marriage with Ada, Angela, Elena, Margarita, Oksana, Rimma, Yana will be successful.

Surname: Kirillovich, Kirillovna.


Cyril (827-869) - saint, equal to the apostles, teacher of the Slavs. He and his older brother Methodius, Slavs by origin, were born in Macedonia, in the city of Thessaloniki. Kirill received an excellent education, was ordained a presbyter, and was a librarian at the cathedral church in Constantinople and a teacher of philosophy.

In 857, Cyril and his brother were sent by Emperor Michael to preach Christianity among the Khazars. The brothers convinced the Khazars to accept Christianity, and begged the Khazar prince to release all the Greek captives with them to their homeland.

In 862 the main work of the holy brothers began. At the request of Prince Rostislav, the emperor sent them to Moravia to preach Christianity in the Slavic language. Cyril and Methodius compiled the Slavic alphabet, which was later called the “Cyrillic alphabet”. Saints translated to Slavic language Gospel, Apostle, Psalter and other liturgical books.

On their apostolic path the brothers experienced both insults and imprisonment, sometimes hunger and thirst, many dangers to life, but they did not abandon their work. They have a special role in Christian education and cultural development Slavic peoples. So, for example, in Moravia, where the saints began to teach worship in the Slavic language, they experienced persecution from German bishops who claimed that worship could only be performed in Hebrew, Greek or Latin. The Pope himself had to resolve this dispute. AND amazingly St. helped them in this. Clement, whose relics the brothers took with them. The Pope and the clergy came out to meet the relics of the saint, which means they met the enlighteners themselves with honor. The dispute was resolved in favor of the Slavic language.

For the feat of Christian enlightenment among the Slavic peoples, St. Cyril and Methodius are revered by the Church as equals to the apostles.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

There's a lot hidden in a person's name unsolved mysteries. Our ancestors, when naming a newborn, prescribed him one fate or another. They put more into his name than a sequence of letters. What does the name Kirill mean? What's in it hidden meaning?

Meaning of the name Kirill

Kirill is the first-born, the first to win. This is a man who is not used to stopping there, and he will not allow anyone to control his life. Kirill often gets upset and asks for help only when he wants to make sure of your devotion.

Since his name has a deep meaning and symbolism of victory, Kirill never stands aside. He is always ready to help those who need it. But he must definitely be among the leaders.

Origin and history of the name Kirill

There are a lot of secrets in the history of the name Kirill. The name has ancient Greek roots. They were not given to children from a noble family; it was given rather to those children who were more active and showed themselves from the cradle.

“Lord” is how Kyrgios was called in the old days. The name has undergone some changes and has been used for many centuries in a single form - Cyril. Kirill celebrates his name day on the thirty-first of January and the nineteenth of September.

The zodiac sign that characterizes Kirill is Capricorn. It is he who gives a man audacity and courage, gives him fearlessness. But Kirill lacks flexibility and complaisance. The meaning of the name Kirill enhances the influence of the planet Saturn on a man’s fate. She makes him militant, wanting to defend justice. But you shouldn’t stand in Kirill’s way. This can lead to disastrous consequences.

The color that suits a man best is yellow, dark yellow. He loves the sun, he loves the light. It's always a pleasure to talk to him. The tree that could become a talisman for Kirill is fir. Its aroma will calm Kirill and give him some freedom and emancipation. A plant that is a talisman for a man is the crocus. The stone that will become a talisman and amulet for him is yellow sapphire.

The character and fate of Kirill

Since childhood, Kirill has gotten used to defending his point of view and not giving in to anyone. life positions. Kirill loves to give advice, but he himself is very bad at implementing it. Parents and close people love Kirill, but consider his character too complex and unpredictable. Perhaps they are right and the boy should early years instill discipline.

The origin and history of the name Kirill gives him an uncontrollable desire for victory. To new heights and new opportunities. Kirill often doesn’t even understand why he needs all this. But, after some time, he begins to realize that he is ready for new and new heights.

TO positive traits Kirill's character can be attributed to:

Developed intuition;



Hard work;


Protecting the weak.

It would seem that there is so much positive in this man, but not everything is so simple. Sometimes Kirill can be truly unbearable and behave disgustingly. He defends his point of view so actively that he simply does not allow others to express their own. Kirill sometimes has nervous breakdowns, and he frantically tries to fix everything, change something.

It is important to focus on negative aspects Kirill's character:




Kirill is sometimes not just self-confident, but overly self-confident, which cannot but irritate those around him. Kirill has many hidden fears that are directly related to the possibility of failure. Therefore, at any age, he tries to get ahead of his rivals and prevent them from winning.

Often he competes even with the people closest to him and at this moment shows selfishness and arrogance. They simply cannot understand what to do with Kirill. On the one hand, he is right, but he behaves too provocatively. On the other hand, he often forgets about simple rule- You can’t betray friends.

It is in pursuit of his own benefit that Kirill can make trouble. He behaves quite extravagantly and this is incomprehensible to others. Kirill's character and destiny make him very demanding of himself and those around him.

He is often dissatisfied with his appearance. Always trying to change something in her better side. Trying to fix some bugs. But, Kirill also notices even the smallest imperfections in his loved ones and sharply points out them. This causes anger and endless scandals.

Often, wanting to help with something, he does not notice that he begins to put pressure on the person and he becomes perplexed. Kirill has a lot of positive character traits. But his harshness and arrogance often ruin everything.

For the sake of fame, Kirill is ready to do anything. He may even give up his personal life, relationships, just to achieve financial gain and not need anything in this life. He, while still a boy, often perceives his parents’ criticism as something terrible and tries to protect himself from it. He may cover his ears with his hands, stomp his feet, even cry. But when they stop scolding him, Kirill immediately begins to defend his point of view. He begins to take revenge for the insult.

Tantrums in early age Kirill’s is not uncommon. He worries about every little thing and does not allow himself or those around him to live in peace. Often Kirill is not prepared for unforeseen situations and tries to resolve them with a scandal and a harsh attitude.

Only at an older age does Kirill understand that it is better to resolve everything peacefully, because in life anything can happen, and he will have to turn to his own enemy for help. And then neither assertiveness nor integrity will save you. On the contrary, they will play a cruel joke on a person.

Since childhood, Kirill has been friends only with those who can be useful to him. They will never waste time on a person with whom they see no prospects in communication. This is why his friends don’t like him, because he only makes friends as long as he needs it.

Kirill quickly gains confidence in the person who interests him and takes advantage of it. Then, he also quickly stops communicating. As a child, Kirill learns to read very quickly and grasps everything on the fly. Teachers love him for his curiosity, but they try not to give him many tasks, since he often protests against them.

What does the name Kirill mean for his relatives? Mood swings and a rather complex temperament. One gets the impression that Kirill’s mother prefers not to interfere in his upbringing until a critical moment. Until the boy knows what to do. She just doesn't want to deal directly with his stubborn nature.

Although, Kirill really loves those older than him. Those people who can give him certain skills. Teach him something valuable. He will listen to them for hours, look at them and not let go.

He often makes friends with those who are older and does not see anything reprehensible in this. It seems to him that the one who is older can teach him more. And so it is. Children older than Kirill are more lenient towards him and they like his curiosity. They happily share their life experiences with him.

If Kirill in childhood difficult relationships with mother - in adult life he will seek the same complex relationships with the opposite sex. In order to finally resolve your internal conflict.

But Kirill can take revenge on his beloved because his mother was strict with him in childhood. It would seem very strange. But this is possible. It is worth understanding more deeply into Kirill’s personal life.

The meaning of the name Kirill. Personal life and career of Kirill

Kirill can realize himself equally well in both the exact sciences and the humanities. For him, nothing is impossible. But the more he works, the more rude he becomes at home. Sometimes, his relatives simply don’t recognize him and don’t know what came over Kirill.

For young Kirill, sex is much more important than love. He chooses a strong and powerful partner who would satisfy all his whims. And Kirill has quite a few of them. He loves and leisure, and languid heart-to-heart conversations. At the same time, he does not want to advertise the relationship.

Often Cyril’s companions suffer from his excessive despotism. He simply does not give them peace and cannot build smooth relationships or a normal life with them. Often Kirill does not consider showing attention and affection to his partner, since he just has sex with her and does not have a relationship.

When meeting Kirill, you shouldn’t immediately count on a wedding and living together. He can look at you for a long time and, not seeing anything, move on. And all this time you will console yourself with hopes of a happy family life that awaits you ahead.

Kirill loves sports and chooses for himself sporty girls with a toned figure. He really likes it when a girl is slim and has great shape. This delights him. But intelligence is also important for Kirill when choosing a life partner.

Having married, Kirill often shows not care and love, but aggression and hatred. He simply torments his beloved with jealousy and claims, while swearing his love. Sometimes Kirill shouts at his beloved, he can do this in a crowded place, believing that he is right and defending his innocence.

He loves children, but is in no hurry to have them. Kirill is a very demanding father who gives his child both affection and discipline. He will love his daughter more than his son and will allow her everything. The wife will always defend the children about her husband’s aggression, since Kirill considers it necessary to punish the children. And this is dictated by his complex character, emotions that he does not control. Kirill needs help to find himself and not do stupid things, not get lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and not behave aggressively towards loved ones. Then life with him will be wonderful.

Not only celebrities can recognize its interpretation, which is briefly (but not very briefly) presented here. The name is masculine and is not given to every child, as the thematic forum writes. The meaning of my and your name and patronymic Kirill, the full meaning and what it means, what is the chance in love, horoscope, derivatives by letter, according to the Bible, the meaning of the name Kirill born in autumn, March, December, October, summer, church, reviews , in Ukrainian, Japanese, Sanskrit, in all languages, from Greek, Latin and what kind of girls you like - this and many others are presented in this article.

What path in life does it suggest?

The babies named after Kirill will have a long and Difficult life, full of tests of fortitude and strength of character. Kirill’s main purpose is to lead others. It is not for nothing that among the ancient Greeks Cyril means ruler or lord.

Characteristics and meaning of the name Kirill for a boy’s child, character

Kirill is a name with Russian and Greek roots. “Lord” is how the name is translated from ancient Greek. This leaves a certain imprint on the child’s character.

As children, the Kirills differ from their peers in their excessive curiosity and independence. Boys named Kirill are often set as examples for others and this can make them become arrogant. But the thirst for knowledge and everything new remains unchanged.

The meaning of the name Kirill and fate, character, according to the church calendar and his name day

Kirill's fate largely depends on how his parents raise him. A child bearing this name is greedy for praise, so he is constantly trying to impress others. Thanks to his sociability, ability to conduct a conversation and analytical mind, he manages this with particular ease. However, Kirill can equally be rude to his interlocutor if he does not share his point of view. Kirill does not like and does not know how to lose. Sometimes this quality helps to achieve significant heights in career and life in general.

Kirill celebrates Angel Day 15 times a year: January 31, February 8, 17, 27, March 22 and 31, April 3, 11, May 11, 17 and 24, June 22, July 22, November 20 and December 21.

The secret of the name Kirill and health, stone, shortcomings, relationships with parents

Kirill is a silent and weak name. Its secret lies in the owner himself. He knows how to glorify himself and write his name in history.

The stone that serves as a talisman for Kirill is emerald.

As a rule, Kirill does not experience major health problems, which is why people with this name live to a ripe old age.

The most important shortcomings characteristic of Kirill are selfishness and arrogance. But not everyone exhibits these qualities. In fact, Kirill truly deserves praise.

Kirill’s relationship with his parents is warm, he sincerely loves and respects them, and values ​​family traditions.

The meaning of the name Kirill is Orthodox, according to the calendar, compatibility

Kirill. This Russian name revived relatively recently, and not so long ago it was one of the rare ones. However, this does not apply to Orthodoxy. Here this name is more widespread than in the world, and is inscribed in golden letters in the history of Christianity. The Kirills' Angel Day falls on fifteen days a year.

Durable and happy marriage Kirill will be with a woman named Anna, Zinaida, Lydia, Tatyana or Faina. Unhappy - with Anastasia, Ksenia, Elena, Lyudmila, Maria, Svetlana and Taisiya.

The meaning of the letters in the name Kirill

Kirill, based on the letters in his name, is an unusually hardy, decisive, versatile person. The two vowels “I” in his name smooth out the harshness of his behavior and give diplomacy to his character, and the two “L” give him creative imagination and the ability to see the unusual in the ordinary.

The meaning of the name Kirill according to Khigir

According to Higir, Kirill's peers often dislike him because he stands out among them for his curiosity and ability to grasp the essence of what is happening on the fly, which causes praise from adults who set him up as an example to others. But children don't like it.

An adult named Kirill also shows ingenuity and applies the acquired knowledge in various areas of his activity. Because of this, his work colleagues sometimes dislike him.

Kirill is the keeper of family traditions. Treats his wife and mother with care and respect.

Milana. A whole millennium passed before the name, fashionable among aristocrats of that time, regained popularity and girls of the 21st century began to be called by it...

For women and men Indicates stagnation or unwillingness to change, which causes depression. Practicing lucid dreaming This option is not valid...

Common in all European countries male name Kirill has ancient Greek roots. Derived from the name Kyrillos, which comes from the word kyrios, which means “lord”, “lord”, “lord”. There is also a version that it has Persian roots and is translated into Russian as “sun”. The name does not appear often, although its popularity is slowly growing.

Kirill is a contradictory person, subject to frequent changes of mood. He is sentimental and vulnerable, compassionate and sensual, but at the same time lacking initiative (it is easier for Kirill to “go with the flow” than to walk with a firm and confident step towards achieving his goals). But his character traits also depend on the time of year in which he was born.

Characteristics of the name Kirill

Corresponding zodiac sign: Cancer ♋.

Patron planet: Venus ♀.

Dominant element of Feng Shui: Tree 木.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Yellow sapphire.

Talisman-color: Dark yellow.

Tree talisman: Hazel 🍁.

Plant talisman: Crocus.

Animal mascot: Maral.

The most successful day: Friday ♀.

Happy time of year: Summer ☀.

Character traits: Selfishness, Self-confidence, Sociability.

Spring Kirill he is closed and secretive, so you should not expect him to show feelings and emotions. Despite this, he is very good-natured and noble, for which his close people love and respect him. Kirill, born in spring, is a romantic and a dreamer who lives in his own unusual world.

Summer Kirill has charm and charm. It is always easy and fun to communicate with him, so he is always welcome in any company. Year-old Kirill devotes a lot of time to studying philosophy and psychology, which helps him competently build both working and personal relationships.

Autumn Kirill has an analytical mind. A leader by nature, he strives to achieve maximum heights in all areas of life. His life is always planned out, so any “surprises” can throw him out of balance (and it doesn’t matter whether these “surprises” are good or bad).

Winter Kirill distinguished by hard work, diligence, and attentiveness to others. He is sensitive to the grief of others, will always lend a helping hand and protect those who need it. He can be called the darling of fate, who does not have to make any effort special effort to implement your plans.

Character of the name Kirill

Kirill's main character traits are intelligence, curiosity, ambition, and selfishness. He has excellent memory. IN early childhood The bearer of this name differs from other children in his adult pragmatism and narcissism. He is endowed with high self-esteem and innate aristocratic manners. He looks down on his peers, learns easily, loves to be praised by everyone. In adolescence, he can be irritable.

An adult man named Kirill is hardworking, persistent, and independent. In any company he keeps himself apart, attracting the attention of others. Maximalism in character remains for life. Such a person achieves his goal, but may suddenly lose everything. Has a predisposition to physical manifestation strength. But he's not a bully at all. Knows how to stand up for himself using personal authority. He is helped out by optimism, intelligence and some mysterious confidence in the correctness decisions made, which can always be read on the face. This is an unexpected and unpredictable person with an instant reaction to a word or action.

Positive traits of the name Kirill: Developed intuition, intelligence, optimism, cheerfulness, readiness for patient work, and, if necessary, for defense. Since childhood, Kirill has strived to be the first in studies and games, and easily finds his place in the team.

Negative traits of the name Kirill: Eccentricity, uncontrollability, excessive self-confidence and firmness, arrogance, frivolity, selfishness, maximalism. His principle is “all or nothing”. The name Kirill pays great attention to his appearance, waiting for praise and compliments addressed to him. For him, the external manifestation of strength and intelligence is important. As a leader, he can be overly demanding and strict, although he is not one.

Interests and hobbies

Kirill is so talented that his range of hobbies can begin with boring archaeological excavations and end with the invention of the century. Main hobbies: music, literature, art, architecture, law. Loves to travel, analyze what he sees, share impressions, and dream.

Profession and business

Kirill can handle any profession. He can become an excellent judge, a talented doctor, an unsurpassed lawyer, realize himself as creative personality. Deep knowledge, the ability to analyze, faith in one’s own strength and daily work help him to assert himself in his work. As a leader, such a person may be overly demanding, but this is explained by passion for a project or idea, and a desire for perfect results. He rarely becomes truly rich, but he never needs money.

Original ideas and hard work will certainly bring Kirill success in any field of activity, but subject to two main conditions. If he can organize his business correctly, and for this he must be its sole owner (owners of this name cannot work with partners because they are not ready to share power). If he gets rid of youthful maximalism and excessive self-confidence. Willfulness and independence can also become an obstacle to the implementation of your plans. Kirill lacks such qualities as softness and plasticity.

Mentality and health

Those with the name Kirill are most often choleric. Kirill is a touchy, capricious and vindictive person who will never forget or forgive his offender. Moreover, as soon as the opportunity presents itself, he will definitely take revenge. Therefore, it is better to be careful in statements regarding the advantages and disadvantages of Kirill. The owner of this name is self-confident and selfish, but at the same time he is objective and fair, he values ​​honest and purposeful people who can go towards their goal, overcoming all difficulties. Kirill's restraint is a defensive reaction through which he tries to protect himself from disappointment. In addition, he has overly developed leadership ambitions, so he cannot afford to show weakness.

Kirill is in excellent health and has a strong immune system from birth. In adulthood, he tries to keep himself in shape, because what he looks like is extremely important to him. However, health depends on mental state. Positive emotions, satisfaction with work, position in society makes him a long-liver. But if he collects a lot of negative energy, he experiences nervous breakdowns, cancer, and depression. The only thing Kirill should pay attention to is his diet, since he is predisposed to diseases of the digestive system.

Love and sex

A perfectionist in everything, Kirill chooses his life partner very carefully and scrupulously. It is important for him that his woman is beautiful, feminine, sexy and spectacular, because she will have to match her charming and attractive man. Kirill is very jealous, although he will never show it (and in general he rarely shows his feelings towards his beloved, although he himself will demand maximum attention and affection). Most often, he falls in love not with a woman, but with her attitude towards him, so his chosen one will have to try hard to truly make the selfish Kirill fall in love with her. The owners of this name know how to look after beautifully, they easily win both the trust and love of women, while they are capable of deep and strong feelings.

The secret of the name Kirill hides a very amorous man. He considers sex great pleasure. Kirill, who learns all the delights early intimate life, loves variety, so he tries to introduce an element of play into sex, so he needs a liberated woman who is ready to support his fantasies. He likes smart and spectacular women. In relationships with the opposite sex he adheres to moral principles. In marriage, faithful and reliable, however, touchy and vindictive. You can sympathize with a woman who thoughtlessly and undeservedly offended a person with this name. The owner of this name amazingly combines passion and calm, conservatism and originality, sensuality and tact.

Family and marriage

For his wife, Kirill chooses an intelligent, beautiful, calm, caring, but at the same time strong-willed and powerful woman, with whom he will not only be cozy and comfortable, but also interesting. It is important for Kirill that his wife makes an extremely favorable impression on others, so he will never tie his fate with a scandalous and conflict-ridden woman (he himself tries to avoid any showdowns and quarrels). Kirill will not cheat on his wife, because he considers such behavior unworthy of a real man. But his relationship with his mother-in-law rarely works out: on the contrary, a real relationship flares up between them. cold war, while Kirill will never openly show his hostility towards his mother-in-law.

Kirill is an excellent family man who remains faithful to his wife, helps her with housework (even though he is lazy by nature), and also takes an active part in raising his children. He is unpretentious either in everyday life or in food (the main thing is that he is loved and admired, then he will repay his household a hundredfold). Comfort for him is, first of all, a calm atmosphere in the house, the absence of quarrels and scandals. It is also important that he often does not seek to establish his leadership in the family, easily transferring his powers to his wife, who, knowing a certain lack of initiative of her husband, takes the reins of government into her own hands.

Horoscope named after Kirill

Kirill-Aries ♈“He is an energetic, consistent, ambitious and very demanding person, accustomed to doing everything perfectly. There is no place for accidents and impulsive actions in his life, since Kirill-Aries is inclined to scrupulously plan his future. He often demands and expects from his chosen one what she cannot give him, so he marries quite late, carefully choosing his ideal woman.

Kirill-Taurus ♉– This is a timid, naive and sensitive man with a fine mental organization, who hides his feelings and emotions behind a mask of indifference. At the same time, Cyril-Taurus is not at all a weak person; on the contrary, in a critical situation he is able to gather his will into a “fist” and resist any difficulties. In relationships with women, Cyril-Taurus manifests himself as a faithful life partner, ready to give his love to one and only woman throughout his life.

Kirill-Gemini ♊– passions and emotions seethe in this person, which either subside or flare up with new strength. The cool temperament of Kirill, born under this sign, and his changeable mood bring many problems and instability into the life of this man. Kirill-Gemini is often dissatisfied with his life in general and with himself in particular, so he tries to assert himself through his chosen one, whom he treats despotic and very harshly.

Kirill-Rak ♋– kind and charming Kirill-Cancer has many friends and acquaintances, but at the same time he needs the love, warmth and care of his loved ones, to whom he is very emotionally attached. He is intelligent and well-mannered, gallant and attentive, therefore he is liked by women, whom he always treats like a gentleman (Kirill-Cancer, even having received a refusal, will never show rudeness or disrespect towards his chosen one).

Kirill-Lev ♌– this proud and principled man is used to achieving everything on his own, and he never acts in a fit of passion or under the influence of emotions (his actions are verified and calculated, which helps to avoid various kinds of “unpleasant surprises”). Kirill-Lev is also reserved and calculating in relations with the fair sex: so, before deciding to serious relationship, He for a long time will observe the future passion and evaluate her behavior. As a partner, Kirill-Lev is loyal and caring.

Kirill-Virgo ♍- This is a rather reserved person who, at the first meeting, gives the impression of a friendly and sociable interlocutor. For Kirill-Virgo, it is important that order reigns in everything, so he tries to adhere to the rules and norms established in society. Such restraint and “correctness” are often perceived by women as coldness, which can negatively affect the personal life of Kirill-Virgo.

Kirill-Libra ♎– this benevolent and gentle person by nature does not like to be the center of attention (especially if this attention is associated with scandals and conflicts; on the contrary, he prefers to be an outside observer and maintain smooth relationships with the people around him). Kirill, born under the sign of Libra, has a strong sense of beauty: he is well versed in music, literature, cinema and women. Therefore, it is not surprising that only an intelligent, beautiful and well-mannered woman can become his passion.

Kirill-Scorpio ♏- This is an imperious and reserved nature, focused exclusively on achieving the goals set for itself. Kirill-Scorpio is stubborn and persistent, he will never deviate from the intended plan and will not change his life principles, so it is extremely difficult to work, make friends, and even more so live with him. Kirill-Scorpio's partner must come to terms with the fact that her life will sooner or later be completely subordinated to Kirill's life and daily routine.

Kirill-Sagittarius ♐– the inconsistency and independence of Kirill-Sagittarius both attract and repel at the same time, since it is not always easy to catch his mood and understand his train of thoughts. He is eloquent, sociable and has the gift of persuasion, which helps him climb the career ladder without any problems and win the favor of women, who must remember that Kirill-Sagittarius is very fickle in his feelings, and therefore should not be trusted.

Kirill-Capricorn ♑- this secretive person who prefers to live in his separate world, adheres to conservative views on life, so you should not expect adventurous achievements from him. Cyril-Capricorn is vulnerable and touchy, so he hides his sensitivity behind a mask of Spartan calm and indifference. This behavior is also characteristic of him in relationships with women, since he is afraid of love disappointments and betrayal. He himself will be a faithful and reliable partner.

Kirill-Aquarius ♒– this noble man combines strength, intelligence and reliability, but he is afraid to trust people, so he prefers to live like a lone wolf who values ​​his freedom and independence. Kirill-Aquarius knows how to love deeply and sincerely, but it is difficult for him to part with his bachelor lifestyle and entrust his destiny to a woman (he will connect his life only with the one whom he trusts one hundred percent).

Kirill-Pisces ♓ is a practical and pragmatic person who knows how to combine sober reason with intuition, to which Kirill-Pisces always listens. He is open and sincere, which cannot but endear him to people. But you have to be careful with this man, because in any acquaintance he is looking for his own benefit, which he will never miss. IN love relationships Kirill-Pisces is also accustomed to receiving more than giving, which his chosen one will have to come to terms with.

Compatibility of the name Kirill with female names

Kirill and Olga– the owners of these names have a penchant for leadership, which often prevents them from building a strong and friendly family. In addition, neither Olga nor Kirill are able or willing to admit their guilt and, therefore, make compromises. There is love and passion between them, but there is no mutual understanding, without which the harmonious coexistence of two people is impossible.

Kirill and Anna– in this multifaceted and interesting union, the partners will not be bored, since both are constantly in search of themselves and their place in this life, both love to have philosophical conversations, not to mention the passion for travel that unites Kirill and Anna. This tandem is based on love, understanding and common goals.

Kirill and Elena– charming and impressive Kirill easily wins Elena’s love, but he should not relax, since this union will not be cloudless, and all for the simple reason that Elena does not want to subordinate her life to Kirill’s desires and give up her independence. Constant conflicts will lead to the couple breaking up.

Kirill and Yulia– Julia is a holiday woman who knows how to fill even routine family life bright colors. She loves adventures, unlike the calm and balanced Kirill, who values ​​stability above all. Yulia's cheerfulness and Kirill's practicality help them create a strong and reliable tandem.

Kirill and Irina– this couple is often called ideal, because both partners not only love and appreciate each other, but also strive to expand their horizons through books, new acquaintances and visits interesting places. Ira and Kirill know how to enjoy life, so they rarely quarrel, trying to find compromises, which is very important for a harmonious relationship.

Kirill and Anastasia– both partners have a strong will, authority and ambition, which leads to constant conflicts. Nastya and Kirill quarrel over any issue, and their reconciliation process can drag on for weeks. Neither passion nor love can most often save this emotional union of two impulsive people.

Kirill and Tatiana- calmness and regularity are the determining factors of this union, in which passions do not boil, which absolutely suits Kirill and Tanya. They live and work for the prosperity and well-being of their family, which is for them main value in life. They find the meaning of life in each other, and not in visiting cheerful and noisy companies.

Kirill and Ekaterina– the owners of these names are vulnerable and touchy; they are sensitive to criticism addressed to them. Knowing this, Kirill and Katya try to show maximum care, tenderness, attention and tact towards each other, therefore there are practically no quarrels in their family, which has a beneficial effect on the development of their relationship.

Kirill and Natalya– monotony does not threaten this interesting and diverse relationship, because Kirill and Natalya strive to achieve the same goals, they think in a similar way, and therefore act together. Rest for Kirill and Natasha is, first of all, spending time together away from the hustle and bustle.

Kirill and Marina– this beautiful, bright and eccentric couple leads active image life and cannot stand everyday routine (this is especially true for the female half of the couple). Kirill is powerful and ambitious, so he will try to suppress Marina’s love of freedom, which will provoke serious quarrels and scandals. As a result, the couple may cease to exist.

Kirill and Maria– there is no understanding in this union, since both Kirill and Maria are accustomed to putting their own interests above all else. Their high self-esteem and excessive selfishness prevent them from being gentle and loving partners who care about each other. On the contrary, their relationship often resembles a pathetic official relationship.

Kirill and Svetlana– despite the fact that both partners have strong and powerful characters, wise Svetlana knows how to make concessions, understanding that it is extremely important for Kirill to feel like the sole head of the family. The man in this union will give care and love as a sign of gratitude to his understanding woman.

Kirill and Christina- this strange, but surprisingly strong union unites two people with completely different characters. So, Kirill and Christina perfectly complement each other: he is an economist and pragmatist, she is a spendthrift and a dreamer. He loves her for her cheerfulness and energy, and she loves him for her poise and masculinity.

Kirill and Victoria– Victoria and Kirill’s relationship is initially built on sexual attraction, which over time can develop into a deep feeling. However, another scenario is also possible: a connection that flared up quickly will fade away very quickly, leaving behind only a feeling of disappointment.

Kirill and Ksenia– feelings rarely flare up between Kirill and Ksenia on first dates. On the contrary, it will take a lot of time until they realize that they are made for each other. But if a feeling breaks out between them, it will be really deep and real. In addition, they will carry their love throughout their lives.

Kirill and Yana– if the relationship between Kirill and Yana is based on love, and not on cold calculation, then they are destined for a truly rosy future, in which there is a place for fame, material stability, and understanding between partners. In addition, the owners of these names can succeed if they start their own business.

Kirill and Alina– in this union, freedom-loving Alina will have to make concessions, otherwise a calm relationship will quickly develop into a struggle for power and leadership in the family. In general, Alina and Kirill will have to learn patience and try to smooth out all those rough edges, without which there can be no family life.

Kirill and Diana– these two see in each other not only their continuation and soul mate, but also true friends, which only strengthens their union. Kirill and Diana will not quarrel over money, because they consider it not a goal, but only a means to achieve their plans. They prefer to focus their energy on developing their relationships.

Kirill and Daria– proactive Kirill takes guardianship of the gentle and calm Daria, who seems to have been created to give her husband and children her love and care. Dasha is ready to obediently implement her husband’s ideas and fulfill all his whims, because family for her is the basis of life. Kirill loves his feminine wife very much and tries to pamper her with his attention.

Kirill and Alena– perfect harmony reigns in this purposeful couple, because passionate showdowns and emotional outbursts are alien to Kirill and Alena. They live a quiet and measured life, in which stability is valued above all else. The main thing is that one day both of them don’t get tired of the regularity and want to bring variety to the relationship.

Kirill and Alexandra– without mutual concessions and the desire to put up with each other’s shortcomings, the union of Kirill and Alexandra will never be happy. And this is quite natural, because when two strong-willed and strong character, then one must submit in order to maintain peace and tranquility in the relationship.

Kirill and Lyudmila– most often it’s not very good strong union, and the reason for this is that neither Kirill nor Lyudmila are ready to give up the family reins of government, which is why the real war, ultimately ending in divorce. In addition, the spouses are not ready to fully say goodbye to their freedom, which can also become a reason for quarrels.

Kirill and Polina– both honor traditional family values, both are practical and prudent, which does not prevent them from loving each other sincerely and tenderly. It is not surprising that Kirill and Polina are a wonderful couple who are destined for a truly bright future, in which there will be passion, respect, and love.

Kirill and Valeria– the relationship between Kirill and Valeria is developing slowly, which is to their benefit, since both have the opportunity to get to know each other well and understand whether they should start a serious relationship. Their different characters guarantee that the two of them will not be bored; on the contrary, they are guaranteed a real storm of lively and vivid feelings.

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