What to tell children about ecology. Let's learn to save nature. How to teach children about ecology? Environmental development of young children

Sea otters in a dream, they hold each other with their paws so that they are not separated by the current.

Children about ecology

“Everything in the world is needed!
We need everything -
Who makes honey
And who makes the poison"

from Boris Zakhoder’s fairy tale “About everything in the world.”

Ecology is a young science. Although ancient Indian treatises wrote about the life of animals and their living conditions.

This science is developing so quickly that scientists find it difficult to say where its boundaries are.

This science is so necessary! She tells how creatures live in their “homes” - ecosystems.

This science says that there are immutable laws to which we and our neighbors - animals, birds, plants - obey. These laws also describe our living conditions - earth, air, water and stones.

A girl in a city yard.

We are all connected, dependent on each other, need each other. If something around us changes, everything else begins to change. For example, only animals lived in the stones, and people removed the stones, plowed the fields - and then other animals and birds began to live in the fields; if the fields dry out, new species of living beings will begin to live.

We are better here than in the concrete jungle.

Ecology – exact science. Thanks to its formulas, you can calculate, for example, how many kilometers of forest you need to the wild wolf so that it does not disturb farm animals, and much more.

How many parks do we need?

Bumblebee on a flower

Not only humans change the space around them - ants, termites, and bees do this too. This is done by birds and fish, huge bears and small ones. earthworms. But only man changes everything around him so much that lifeless places remain on planet Earth for decades - there are no birds, no worms, no bears. And people settle there reluctantly.

Ascidians are marine animals. Really, really beautiful?

Even just while managing the Earth, people destroy living things every day, and not just living things - entire species of living beings. Forever.

Just think, some microbes will disappear, slugs, jellyfish, flowers, worms - who cares? needed! - you say. Are there not enough of them left? Every year new species are found - jellyfish, fish, all sorts of crabs or worms.

But even the tiniest creature on earth feeds something larger. And if we forget about this, it’s scary to think what we will do in the end and what it will lead to!

Today I still want to tell you about the good: how we, people, use the riches of the natural pantry.

Bionics scientists - have you heard of this science? – study how plants, animals, and insects work. The fact is that in living nature everything is done surprisingly economically, beautifully and conveniently. Scientists discover these laws and secrets of nature and then apply them in technology.

You probably know that many medicines were created thanks to plants. I just want to say - there are no useless plants, there are unstudied ones!

Pink mole rat in his house

But what amazes me most is the animals that are studied to learn their secrets. First on my list is, of course, the pink mole rat. He lives in hot, stuffy caves, where no one but him can live! But he lives! How? Why? Why isn't he sick? What allows the pink mole rat to survive?

On our planet there are creatures that hide the secret of immortality - axolotls, coelenterate hydra, and others. A sea ​​stars and ascidians - sea animals - have not yet revealed to us the secret of eternal youth.

How will we study mysteries and secrets, find medicines and make amazing discoveries if there is only a studied world around us? Or rather, what if everything that has not been studied is killed by garbage, oil spills, and clearings?

Every year scientists discover many new species of living beings, and twice as many of them disappear! We ourselves, people, allow our natural resources, our unknown saviors, our unknown protectors, to be covered with garbage and killed.

What can people learn from looking at this beauty?

The fairy tale by Boris Zakhoder is written about ecology - but it’s so simple and clear! And it’s simply called “A Tale about Everyone in the World.” Parents can help you find a cartoon that was based on this fairy tale.

Photo by Alla Mutelika, Marina Lidis

For a child, ecology is associated with flowers, plants, and pets. Before you implement environmental education, you need to talk with children about stars, water, air, sun.

Ecology for children up to school age- these are butterflies, grasshoppers, ants, beautiful flowers.

Life Science

Nature is the common home for all living beings. A person must treat them with care and prevent the destruction of harmony and unity.

Ecology is a difficult subject for a child, so during classes the teacher talks about its importance and significance. The teacher notes that between mosquitoes, butterflies, edible and poisonous mushrooms, wolves and bunnies have a connection.

Children's poets about nature

Boris Zakhoder has wonderful poems about ecology for children. Here is an excerpt from his work:

Everything in the world

The world needs

No less needed than elephants...

Man cannot live in modern world without application natural resources. These poems about ecology for children are a reason to think about the fact that beauty and harmony in nature depend on humans.

Game by stations

We offer a scenario on ecology for children of primary school age. Within the framework of the decade of ecology, it is possible to carry out interesting game by stations.

The journey to the country of “Ecoholics” begins with the division of the guys into four teams. They choose a captain, come up with a name and emblem related to ecology.

Each group is given a route sheet, which indicates the sequence of the “ecological trail”. Children must answer all the questions, then they will be able to get into the country of “Ecoholics”.

The first station called "Sounds of Nature"

The guys must guess the singing of a nightingale, sparrow, magpie, and crow. For each correct answer they receive one point.

The second station is called "Guess Me"

The children are offered riddles dedicated to living nature:

  • Yellow and warm, but not chicken (sun)..
  • In winter and summer, one color (Christmas tree).
  • Red Natasha in a green shirt (strawberry).
  • For a correct answer, the team is awarded 1 point. An ecology quiz is given by high school students.

    Third station - “Take care of the forest!”

    The guys are offered a quiz on ecology, dedicated to the rules behavior in the forest. The guys tell you what you can and cannot do while walking in the forest.

    Fourth station - "Reincarnation"

    Each group is asked to imagine themselves in the role of a bird or an animal and show their behavioral characteristics. Those present must guess which image the team member represents.

    The event for children on ecology ends with summing up, rewarding, and presenting prizes, certificates, and gifts.

    Rules of conduct in nature

    The “Ecology for Children” program involves holding thematic discussions, role-playing games, and quizzes, which allow children to form an understanding of the connection between man and wildlife.

    For example, during one of the classes, the guys formulate rules of behavior in the forest:

    • do not catch or bring home young birds and animals;
    • take care of frogs, as they eat insects;
    • do not destroy beetles, dragonflies, butterflies;
    • do not destroy anthills;
    • do not break branches on trees;
    • do not leave garbage in nature.

    It is with these rules that the science of ecology begins for a child. If from early childhood children have a positive attitude towards the world around them, the Earth will become their friend for life.

    In order for ecology to become a guide to life for a child, the teacher must talk about how important it is to eat properly, take care of and protect animals, drink clean water.

    Making feeders

    Every autumn, national parks in the Russian Federation offer kindergartens and educational institutions various competitions within the framework of the “March of Parks”. For example, schoolchildren create a skit about ecology, which is related to the life of birds. Then, together with their parents, they create houses and bird feeders. The finished skit about ecology is shown to other children to show the importance and timeliness of measures aimed at protecting nature.

    Project “We choose life!”

    The topic of ecology for children of senior school age is implemented through project activities. We offer a brief introduction to the material on developing a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle in adolescents.

    Project goals:

    • drawing attention to the problem of drug addiction among young people;
    • determining the level of awareness on this issue;
    • consideration of the classification of narcotic substances, the mechanism of their action on the human body;
    • identifying the causes of this phenomenon among young people;
    • acquaintance with possible consequences drug use

    Project writing methods:

    • abstract;
    • anonymous sociological survey;
    • research;
    • application of ICT

    The project is aimed at raising awareness among young people about the problem of drug addiction. It presents theoretical material on the classification of narcotic substances, methods of administration, and the mechanism of their action on the body. The project has a practical block - a sociological mini-survey. Some reasons for the phenomenon of drug addiction among young people are considered, and the consequences of drug use are clearly shown.

    A different way of life for young people is demonstrated - without drugs (using the example of the activities of the research club), visual photographs of children who have found the meaning of their lives in research activities. The project contains conclusions on the problem.

    This material can be used in conversations on the prevention of drug addiction among young people.

    If a person treats himself with respect, he will be able to protect wildlife, take care of plants and animals.

    Among interesting events that can be offered to children, we highlight separate collection garbage. The teacher involves the parents of their students in this action. Fathers and mothers, by their example, shape the child's right attitude to waste disposal. Paper waste is placed in one box: paper, cardboard. The second box is for plastic, and the third is for metal waste. Such events help the younger generation develop responsibility for waste, methods of its disposal, and the rationality of recycling.

    Ecology project

    An interesting option instilling interest in ecology is project activities. We offer a fragment of a schoolchild’s work “A Fountain for a Teacher,” dedicated to preserving the psychological health of teachers.

    Introduction. There are three things that you can look at endlessly: fire, water, stars. Transparent streams of water shimmer and hurry somewhere. Such relaxation is not only pleasant for the soul, but also has a beneficial effect on health. Children can play for hours in a regular rain puddle. The air near the reservoir is always clean, fresh and cool. The murmur of the fountain relieves stress, calms you down, and makes you forget about worries.

    We propose to bring a piece of wildlife into the school by installing small fountains on the tables school teachers. Such a simple device will bring professional activity teacher harmony and peace. In addition to its aesthetic function, a homemade tabletop fountain also has a practical purpose, because it is an excellent air humidifier.

    What is the relevance of the topic? It is necessary to create all conditions for the relaxation of teachers, so that representatives of this complex profession can relax during changes, tuning in to new work feats. A tabletop fountain will be an excellent stress reliever and an incentive for teachers to be positive.

    Purpose of work: creating a tabletop fountain for relaxation of school teachers.

    Job objectives:

    • develop a design for a tabletop fountain;
    • create a working model based on the project;
    • draw conclusions and make recommendations on the research problem

    Object of study: properties of liquid.

    Working methods:

    Main part. The first fountains appeared in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Initially, they were used not only for beauty, but also for watering crops and ornamental plants. Water has such a beneficial effect on nervous system people that in some clinics, contemplation of flowing streams of water is used as one of the methods of treating depressive disorders.

    During a difficult working day, any teacher dreams of relaxation, the opportunity to forget about his problems and worries. Not everyone has the opportunity to relax on the seashore, lake, or indulge in reflection. As a great way to relax, we suggest considering a homemade indoor fountain. Water flowing from such a simple device can calm the psyche and have a beneficial effect on health. Tabletop fountains can also become an excellent prevention of occupational diseases of teachers associated with respiratory system. To begin with, the design of a desktop relaxation device was developed.

    Our fountain consists of a bottle of water, dropper tubes and a container where the water will accumulate. We chose the jet nozzle to achieve maximum humidification in the classroom.

    The operating principle is based on Pascal's law. When you squeeze a water bottle, water under pressure begins to move through the tube. A nozzle is attached to the other end of the tube. Water flows under pressure in streams into a container decorated by us in a floral style. To ensure water circulation, we used the law of communicating vessels. To solve the problem, a reverse injection was made into the bottle using a tube from a medical dropper.

    Conclusions. In this research work Recommendations and instructions are provided for creating a fountain yourself at home to improve the environmental situation and human health in general.


    Environmental education of the younger generation is an important task facing kindergarten teachers. preschool organizations and teachers of secondary schools. In order to fully develop a caring attitude towards living nature in the younger generation, teachers are developing programs for environmental education of the younger generation. Within the framework of such programs, thematic cool watch, hiking trips, competitions, quizzes.

    The pressing issue of humanity is the environmental crisis. Billions are being allocated to solve the problem, but visible results it doesn't bring.

    People are convinced that the instability of the ecosystem is associated only with harmful emissions and overflowing landfills.

    But for safe interaction between nature and humans, it is necessary to form the correct eco-awareness. The article will talk about the problem of environmental education and measures taken to solve it.

    What is environmental education

    Environmental education the younger generation is a new concept in pedagogy. These are measures aimed at developing the child’s thinking and habits in relation to nature. Science introduces us to the world around us, teaches us how to interact with it: take care of plants and animals, conserve resources, live in harmony with the world and society.

    Goals and objectives of environmental education

    Forming a respectful attitude towards nature is the goal similar education. Having achieved it, the child early age will learn:

    • rational use of natural resources;
    • take care of their preservation;
    • study, protect nature.

    To achieve this goal, 3 tasks are set:

  • Educational. Gives knowledge about modern problems ecology and teaches them to solve them.
  • Educational. Instills habits and needs healthy image life and correct behavior in relation to nature.
  • Developmental. Teaches in practice how to assess the condition environment, improve the situation.
  • The result is educating the new generation environmentally cultured people.

    Environmental education of preschool children

    It is important to instill a love of nature from childhood. The first 7 years of a person’s life are the period of personality formation. At this age, the worldview and attitude towards the world around us is formed.

    The duty of the older generation is to teach the preschooler a humane attitude towards animals, birds, insects, and plants.

    On modern stage research has proven that it is easier to lay the foundations of ecoculture in early childhood.

    Environmental education junior schoolchildren

    In elementary school, children are introduced to the world around them and given examples of problems in nature that come from human activity. According to psychologists, to increase interest in nature and environmental problems in modern society necessary, working in three directions:

  • To develop the child’s emotional qualities: a sense of delight, surprise, empathy, positive feelings towards natural objects, correct behavior.
  • Create conditions for the implementation of accumulated knowledge. Provide an opportunity to demonstrate environmental awareness in extracurricular activities.
  • Provide age-appropriate knowledge.

  • All components act interconnectedly when integrated approach. A child's interests and beliefs have not been formed in elementary school. The teacher’s task is to develop eco-culture, teach students to bear responsibility for all life on the planet, and take care of the environment.

    Forms of environmental education

    Environmental education becomes an important part of the educational process. Teachers work in this direction during lessons and extracurricular activities. Methods and forms of education depend on the age of the child.


    A popular form is a lesson. For preschoolers they conduct thematic classes. The subject “Knowledge of the World” has been introduced in primary schools. He introduces children to the world around them and its laws. Classroom activities are divided into 3 types:

  • Introductory. They give an idea of ​​different types of plants, animals, and natural phenomena. For better perception use posters, films and other demonstration materials.
  • Generalizing. They talk about the problems of the planet. Preschoolers of older groups and primary classes learn to separate natural phenomena according to their characteristics.
  • Cognitive. Allows you to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Classes are held in the form of competitions and quizzes.
  • Lessons lay down theoretical and practical knowledge, taking into account age.

    Thematic events

    Holidays dedicated to ecology are part of extracurricular activities. Topics are created by teachers or timed to coincide with calendar events (Wildlife Day, Earth Day). The goal is to awaken interest in the problems of nature. The holiday script is drawn up on the basis of previously acquired knowledge.

    Hiking and excursions

    Effective method environmental education – direct interaction with living nature. Teachers organize outdoor walks or excursions to local history museums.

    Starting from the middle groups of kindergartens and middle school classes, participants participate in such events.


    In preschool institutions, living corners and flower beds are set up. Children take care of flowers and animals. Schools are holding cleanup days and cleaning classrooms.

    Methods of environmental education

    For better perception of nature programs, a methodology is being developed for preschool institutions and schools. Teachers use 3 methods in practice.

    Visual methods


  • Observation. Children are asked to track the behavior of the animal. Changes in the shape, characteristics, and structure of the plant. In the process, the purpose, timing and method of observation are established.
  • Illustrative materials. Literature, images, paintings, posters are a visual way to introduce children to animals, plants and natural phenomena that are inaccessible to observation in their usual environment.
  • The visual method helps to attract students' attention to environmental problems.

    Practical methods

    To fully immerse yourself in ecoculture, practical actions are required:

    • modeling;
    • experiments;
    • themed games.

    Practice makes general idea about natural objects.

    Verbal methods

    Any method is supported by conversation, reading fiction. Teachers conduct conversations in lessons, before competitions, games, and during experiments.

    Environmental education in the family

    The relevance of the problem of environmental education is related to the situation within the family. Children are sensitive to their environment. They unwittingly try to imitate adults.

    Parents must understand that it is impossible to force a child to certain rules of behavior if they themselves do not comply with them. Bring up ecological culture you need to do it yourself first.

    Will be beneficial joint activities with baby:

  • While walking, pay attention to birds and insects. Monitor the weather. Applying verbal method, introduce the child to them.
  • Buy colorful literature: encyclopedias, books on caring for animals and plants.
  • Get a pet. Explain how to care for it and why it needs to be done.
  • Watch documentaries and series about nature.

  • It is important to reward your child for correct behavior. Mark if he threw the trash into the trash can, fed the fish, or did something good deed.

    The meaning of the problem

    Children must understand that it is forbidden to pick flowers, torment cats, destroy anthills, or ruin nests.

    The role of adults is to instill love for all manifestations of nature.

    The problem of environmental education has a deep meaning. This is the education not of an individual, but of an entire generation that will provide themselves and their children with a safe existence in harmony with nature.

    Before you tell children about ecology, you must first talk to them about nature. Nature is the sun, stars, air, water... These are trees, birds, animals, butterflies... And man is also part of nature.

    But nature is not a random collection of living and inanimate objects and phenomena.

    Nature is a single house in which everyone needs each other: from the huge Sun to the smallest midge.

    And ecology is the science of the laws of life of nature.

    Translated from Greek language this word means "ekos" - house, "logos" - science. That is, ecology is the science of the home.

    The main law of ecology is that everything is connected to everything.

    Nature needs bunnies and wolves, poisonous mushrooms and edible ones, beautiful butterflies and biting mosquitoes.

    And also rain, snow, and clean air.

    But man cannot live without using the resources of nature. And it is ecology that teaches how to use nature without causing damage to it.

    For many, many years, people took whatever they wanted from nature, without thinking about the consequences.

    Therefore, it is not easy for nature now: many have disappeared different types animals and plants, while others are now on the verge of extinction.

    Instead of forests, deserts appeared, lakes and rivers dried up, and even the whole sea - the Aral Sea.

    Nature is bad and needs help.

    Forests, meadows, rivers, lakes - this is our common Home, and animals and plants are our neighbors on planet Earth.

    We must live in peace and harmony with our neighbors.

    Everything that moves and grows must be treated with care.

    Remember simple rules behavior in nature:

    • Do not catch and bring home healthy young forest animals and birds.
    • Take care of frogs, toads, tadpoles, they eat a large number of insects that humans have to fight.
    • Don't kill any snakes - nature needs them too. (Unless, of course, no one is in mortal danger).
    • Don’t catch butterflies, dragonflies, or beetles; nature also needs them.
    • Do not destroy anthills in the forest, ants are the orderlies of the forest.
    • Don't break branches on trees.
    • Don't leave trash in nature.

    If all people treat the natural world around them well, then the Earth will feed people for many, many centuries.

    Tell your children about the environment and don’t forget about it yourself if you want to drink clean water, swim in lakes and rivers, breathe clean air, and eat healthy food.


    The rarest animals in the world.

    Red wolf (Canis rufus) suffered greatly from the prejudices of farmers in the eastern part of the United States, where he lives. According to farmers, the wolf is the cause of absolutely all damage to livestock. In fact, these conclusions were greatly exaggerated. Such intensive extermination led to the almost complete disappearance of red wolves. Of the three subspecies of this species, two have already become extinct, leaving only Critically Endangered. This subspecies is listed in the International Red Book. By the beginning of the 21st century, the number of red wolves was limited to 270 individuals.

    Florida cougar (Puma concolor coryi)- the only puma listed in the Red Book. The main cause of extinction, of course, is man and his activities. This subspecies lives in the USA (Florida).

    Far Eastern leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis) is another rare animal. Like most endangered species, the cause of the decline in the numbers of these beautiful animals is human activity. People who settled on the lands Far Eastern leopards, drove them out, and destroyed the animals that did not want to leave. Here is the result: the number of Far Eastern leopards has decreased to 30 individuals in Russia and about 10 in China.

    Javan rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) found only in nature. No one has yet managed to keep these animals in captivity. And, probably, no one will succeed, because there are less than 60 Javan rhinoceroses left, and illegal hunting for them continues...

    Golden lemur (Hapalemur aureus), for a long time was not encountered by researchers until in the 70s scientists stumbled upon one population of these animals. Subsequently, several more populations were discovered, but the total number of all golden lemurs, endemic to Madagascar, does not exceed 130 individuals. These lemurs depend on bamboo, so cutting it down causes great harm to these animals.

    The Queensland wombat (Lasiorhinus krefftii) is a nocturnal herbivorous mammal. The destruction of their natural habitat has led to the fact that Queensland wombats remained only in a protected area - national park Queensland - about 113 individuals.

    Blue Macaw (Cyanopsitta spixii) no longer found in wildlife. All remaining representatives of this species are kept in captivity by private collectors. The last wild male disappeared not so long ago - in 2000. Attempts to restore numbers blue macaws in their natural environment failed largely due to the fact that the reasons for the decline in bird numbers have not been eliminated - poachers, deforestation and African bees that occupied hollows for nesting blue macaws. However, work to save the species continues. In 2007, 90 birds were kept in captivity, and in 2010 there were already 105.

    Flightless kakapo parrot (Strigops habroptilus)- a representative of nocturnal lekking birds living in New Zealand (its endemic). These birds are becoming extremely rare mainly due to introduced predators (rats, cats and others) and ungulates, as well as human activity. Despite the fact that kakapos tolerate aviary keeping well, it is difficult to breed them in captivity, since these birds do not form pairs. There are approximately 62 kakapo in existence today.

    Japanese or red-footed ibis (Nipponia nippon). These birds are so rare that even to determine their numbers and conservation status very difficult. It is known that at the beginning of the 20th century there were about 100 of them. Further information (closer to the 50s) indicated a sharp decline in numbers (about 27 birds). Data from the 1960s indicate a continuing downward trend in the number of individuals. There is no new data on Japanese ibises, so it is generally accepted that there are from 6 to 20 individuals of these birds in the world today.

    Human activities and careless interference in natural ecosystems have caused the death of thousands of animal species around the world. The trend is this: significantly more animal species disappear per year than are discovered by scientists.

    Class hour “For children - about ecology”

    Goal: to form in students knowledge about ecology as a science that studies relationships with the environment, about the main levels of environmental knowledge, their originality; To instill in children a caring attitude towards the environment and an ecological culture.

    What is ecology? Ecology is the science of the home. And our home is

    planet Earth. This is not an easy science.

    Environmental education means a continuous process of training, education and development of a child, aimed at creating an environmental culture, which manifests itself in an emotionally positive attitude towards nature and one’s health.

    The main task of modern ecology is the development of the theory of interaction between nature and society. We all live on a small spaceship with the good name "Planet Earth". Its capabilities, resources, living space, all its constituent components are closely interconnected and interdependent, and most importantly - limited.

    Not talking about the environment today is a sign of bad taste.

    The level of ecology is the level of consciousness of society.

    Environmental education and raising the ecological culture of the younger generation is becoming one of the main tasks facing society. To avoid adverse effects on the environment, to avoid making environmental mistakes, and not to create situations dangerous to health and life, modern man must have basic environmental knowledge and a new ecological type of thinking. At the present stage, issues of human interaction with nature have grown into a global environmental problem. If people do not learn to take care of nature in the near future, they will destroy themselves. And for this we need to cultivate environmental culture and responsibility. And environmental education should begin from primary school age, since at this age it is easiest to teach to love and protect nature. At the same time, it is necessary to develop in children a cognitive interest in the natural world, competent and safe behavior both for the child and for nature, a careful attitude towards the surrounding world as a whole, the ability to observe natural objects and phenomena, teach basic norms of behavior in nature, preserve nature and, if necessary, provide assistance to it, ennoble natural environment. Students who have received certain environmental concepts will be more careful about nature.

    Nature is a friend! And from primary school age, children must be taught not to litter, not to kill beetles, frogs, all living things. Pictures of nature are the strongest aesthetic means of influencing a child’s soul, and its importance cannot be overestimated.

    Environmental education is a daily process.

    How does our intervention in nature threaten man himself?

    Children should know that the environment and its condition are the cause of many diseases.

    Modern children often suffer from allergies and asthma, and the cause of these diseases is not only heredity, but also the environment. The state of children's health can be used to judge environmental well-being. For example: several decades ago in Chernivtsi, doctors noted massive hair loss in children. In external environment, i.e. in the air, high levels of boron, thallium and lead were found, many times higher than the maximum permissible concentration. In another place, similar causes led to children falling ill with jaundice, and in a third - to anemia.

    Sometimes children have nervous symptoms - psychical deviations due to unhealthy ecology. Living near industrial facilities risks heavy metal poisoning.

    Another reason for morbidity is that children, due to their vertically challenged They inhale more car exhaust fumes than adults, so a lot of lead, which is harmful to health, accumulates in their bodies.

    Because of this, people experience headaches, fatigue, an increase in the number of cardiovascular diseases, neurological diseases, and cancer.

    Ecological knowledge should help the child understand what needs to be done in order to preserve the environment around him and his loved ones. He must necessarily take part in feasible environmentally oriented activities. It is one thing to have a conversation about the rules of behavior, and quite another to create conditions in which a child could put this knowledge into practice.

    Communicating with nature brings children great joy. After all, they see the world in all its diversity of colors, smells, sounds. And this acquaintance with the natural world, its forest inhabitants, can be carried out in a form of games, fairy tales, and riddles that are fascinating for children. Activities conducted in nature - excursions, walks - are very useful and necessary for children. Fresh air, forest smells, and the beauty of the surrounding nature have a beneficial effect on children's health. When communicating with nature, children become kinder and more harmonious. During the environmental activities They learn to observe natural phenomena, master the rules of behavior in nature, and perform environmental tasks feasible for children, such as, for example, cleaning the area from garbage. Such work helps to instill in children a sense of responsibility for the preservation of the environment, careful attitude To her.

    When we conduct an excursion into nature with an ecological bias, we first of all pay attention not to the structure, not to the shape of the object (most often these are plants, trees), not to the height, not to carved leaves, but to the conditions without which it cannot live tree. For example: a tree needs soil. She holds its roots and nourishes it; air is needed because the leaves breathe. We need rain to water the tree, we need wind to carry the seeds. I draw the children’s attention to a broken branch, to a trunk cut with a knife. How painful it is for a tree, because it gives us shade in the heat, purifies the air, saturating it with oxygen. And what about the flowers that were plucked and thrown away? They could have delighted everyone with their appearance and aroma, but, unfortunately, they died.

    When going on a picnic with their parents, children come across huge piles of garbage: cans, plastic bottles, chips packages, cellophane bags, pieces of iron, tires, black circles of fire pits. It also floats in the water disposable tableware. In such cases, it is very important for children to remember the lessons in which they were taught not to throw away anything. Remember that waste can be organic and inorganic. It’s easy to get rid of organic waste: vegetable peelings and leftover cooked food can be buried. Inorganic waste can either be burned or carried away and disposed of. trash can at the place of residence. There is no third. It is everyone’s duty to clean up after themselves and leave nature clean. People are to blame for environmental pollution! The amount of garbage, as is known, is directly dependent on the quality of life. The higher the level of civilization, the more difficult it is surrounding nature. Smoking chimneys of factories and factories, exhaust gases from vehicles make it difficult to breathe fresh air. Deforested forests deprive animals of their usual living conditions and lead to their death. Soils and waters are contaminated with industrial waste, oil products, and mineral fertilizers. No sorting performed household waste, how in developed countries. If paper decomposes within 2-3 years, then plastic bottles take 200 years. For example, the Germans have 6 trash cans in each house, into which food, plastic, glass, paper, and metal are stored separately. Why not take the example of the Japanese who sort garbage into bags? different color?

    Children receive this information in lessons in 3rd grade on the topic “ Live nature”, in 4th grade on the topic “Nature Conservation”.

    When we read the story “Ashamed before the Nightingale,” then after reading we analyze the actions of the girls and give similar examples from life. We conclude: you cannot pollute nature!

    When we study the properties of water in 4th grade, I give the children information that water is a very important natural resource. Historically, human settlements arose along the banks of rivers and near reservoirs. At the present stage, humanity is experiencing great problems with drinking water, water supply, and they are gradually increasing. The difficulties are compounded by widespread water pollution. As for Donbass, its industrial development has already led to environmental overload. Every year, 1.7 billion cubic meters are discharged into the rivers and reservoirs of the region. m Wastewater. Therefore, in our region we have high mortality, low life expectancy compared to other regions, a very high level of complicated births in women, and the disappearance of fish in rivers. And the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere is a large percentage

    Environmental education in a modern school is not a tribute to fashion, but a concern for the younger generations. In the age of advanced technology, high level development of many spheres of the world economy, man remains helpless in front of nature. His powerlessness in the face of the elements is confirmed every year, month, day: information about earthquakes, tsunamis, mudslides does not leave TV screens. The negative role of earthly civilization in strengthening greenhouse effect, reducing the thickness of the azone layer. It is difficult for the average person to believe the warnings of environmentalists about the impending environmental crisis. It’s more convenient for a person to think that it won’t come to that.

    What happened to nature? Why did she become so harsh towards us, her children? The reason is production and other human activities; it was he who became her destroyer.

    The teacher, and no one else, is obliged to think about the generations to whom we leave our planet. We must teach children natural intelligence from childhood. And it is possible.

    Teaching children the laws of nature means raising generations who will know their home - the Earth, will build wisely, think wisely and live, thinking about future generations.

    When taking walks into nature, the teacher teaches not to pick lilies of the valley, snowdrops, and primroses, because by doing this we cause irreparable damage to nature. We teach not to pick up eggs from the nest, because the mother bird can leave the nest forever.

    Ecological problems complex and diverse, the world around him is very important for a person. But he frightens with traces of activity. We see how the green lungs of the planet are being destroyed, how we are drowning in dirt and garbage. So what needs to be done to save the Earth and life on it? What contribution can each person make to this process?

    We, teachers, teach children in lessons and outside of school hours how to care for plants at any time of the year, including indoor plants. Replant, water, loosen. Feeding birds in the cold winter time, we hang feeders we made with our own hands, in the spring we hang birdhouses, with which parents and dads help. We often clean the area adjacent to the school and plant trees.

    I am conducting a test to identify environmental knowledge.

    1.Which flower blooms first?




    2.Where can I get firewood for a fire?

    Collect dry dead wood

    Break it up fir branches

    3. Where to put an empty tin can in the forest?

    Into the fire

    Into the bushes

    Burn in a fire and bury

    4.What happens if you destroy an anthill?

    Nothing will happen, the ants will build it again

    There will be no one to bite

    Trees and animals will get worse

    5.Why are there mosquitoes in the forest?

    To nothing

    So that fewer people go into the forest

    There is nothing superfluous in nature

    6.What to do if you find a bird's nest?

    Come closer and take a closer look

    Leave as quickly as possible

    Touch and go

    7.What to do if you find a chick?

    Leave as quickly as possible - do not interfere with his mother taking care of him

    Take it home

    Plant it in the nest

    8.Which of these mushrooms is edible?

    fly agaric


    Death cap

    9. Is it possible to pick these flowers (water lily, lily of the valley)

    Yes, to find out what they are called

    No; maybe they are rare

    Yes they are beautiful

    10.What is ecology?

    The science of how to live in peace with nature without violating its laws

    The science of how to destroy nature

    Human Science

    The test results show how much environmental knowledge children have.

    I'm giving a quiz.

    I give next questions:

    Who sleeps upside down? ( The bats)

    What does a bear eat when it sleeps in a den? (Fat reserves)

    How is a hedgehog similar to a bear? (Sleeps in winter)

    What flower starts summer? (Bell)

    Month of primroses? (March)

    Tree growth champion? (Eucalyptus)

    Who is colder in winter: small animal or large?

    How do forest red ants prepare for winter?

    Where did the insects go in winter?

    Which cow lives better: the tailed one or the tailless one?

    Where does the head of a sunflower face at noon?

    When are deciduous rabbits born?

    Based on the correct answers, I judge the amount of knowledge the students have. I conclude for myself that the study of ecology is a continuous process and must be completed within the framework of primary school impossible, because small citizens of the country grow into adults - the future builders of the Earth, and everything that children take away from school will all be reflected in our lives and on the lives of subsequent generations and the animal world.

    As part of testing our knowledge of ecology, we visited the local history museum.

    What else to read