Elena name characteristics and meaning. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Church name, calendar

Name Elena: origin, characteristics, meaning, totems and numerology.

Elena the Beautiful, Elena the Wise, Elena Equal to the Apostles and many other famous women who left their mark on the history of mankind bore the name Elena. In this article we will talk in detail about the origin, meaning and distribution of the name, as well as the totems and numerology of the name.

What does the name Elena mean according to the church calendar?

There are several saints with the name Elena in Christmastide, and they are all great women who have done so much good in this world that they have been elevated to the rank of saints. The name Helen was brought to Orthodoxy by the mother of Constantine the Great, Helen of Constantinople. This is the first woman from Rus' who went on her own to Jerusalem in order to honor the memory and see with her own eyes the place where Jesus was executed. After long search It was discovered that a pagan temple was subsequently erected at the place of execution and the place of execution was buried.

Helena of Constantinople ensured that excavations began, thanks to which three crosses were discovered, one of which was the Cross of the Savior. She also raised her son with a strong faith, which he brought to Rus'.

What does the name Elena mean?

In Orthodoxy, the name Elena is associated with wisdom, perseverance and great opportunities, thanks to which Elena reaches incredible heights.

By naming girls the name Elena, parents choose the great Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Elena of Constantinople as their child’s patron. Both parents and the girl can pray to her as soon as she grows up. But Elena's life must be righteous, otherwise the patron will stop listening to her petitions.

Patron saint named Helen

The secret of the name Elena

In ancient times, it was believed that a name should not always be told to everyone, since each name contains a secret that could be used for evil purposes. In our culture there are much fewer names, and the meanings are known to everyone, but their power is not so strong.

In order to protect the name Elena, Elena was often written down in documents (for society), but in everyday life they were called Lena or Alena. The secret of the name Elena is in her versatility, in her unconventional thinking and at the same time broad soul. From childhood, Elena needs to be explained that she needs to help, but only to those who need it. And in order to understand this, it is necessary to observe and analyze, and not listen to people’s requests. If you don’t tell her about how to study and understand people, she can be used for selfish purposes.

What nationality is the name Elena?

The name Elena is exclusively of Greek origin. The first name Helen was recorded by the Greeks as Ἑλένη.

Name Elena: origin and meaning, popularity

The first Helen we know about in modern world, was Helen the Beautiful, the delightful heroine of ancient Greek myths. The origin of the word and its original meaning are unknown, but based on who bore this name, wisdom, beauty, sophistication and determination were implied.

Scientists have suggested that the name Elena meant “ Sunbeam" or " sunlight" There is also a possibility that the origin of the name was derived from the name “reed torch”. But none of the theories gained final recognition or popularity.

The meaning of the name Elena

Elena's first name appeared in ancient Greek myth“Elena the Beautiful”, this delightful woman was gifted with beautiful forms, voice, habits and conquered men with one glance. It is not surprising that for the sake of possessing such a woman, men were ready to enter into the war, which was called the Trojan War.

With the advent of Christianity, the name Elena was included in the church book and the name was given at baptism. Grand Duchess Olga, whose son baptized Rus', took the name Elena at baptism, which added to its popularity in the territory of the Slavs. The name was very common among the nobility: Elena, the wife of Ivan Kalita, Elena Glinskaya, etc. Also, thanks to the sonority and beauty of the name, it gained considerable momentum in spreading among ordinary people.

Currently, the name Elena is in 38th place in popularity among all names in the world.

Elena - decoding of the name from Greek

Despite long years developments, the name Elena was never translated literally. There are versions and, given that they are all similar, we can conclude that the name Elena is associated with light or fire. We also present translation theories:

  • Chosen One
  • Light
  • Ray of sunshine
  • A ray of light
  • Torch
  • Fire
  • Shining
  • Sparkling
  • Brilliant
  • Lunar
  • Fiery
  • Chosen One

Name Elena in English, Latin, different languages

Language Full name Diminutive
English Helen, Helena, Hellen Nell, Nelle, Nella, Nellie, Nelly, Lena, Lennie, Ella, Ellie, Elly, Elaine, Laney
German Helena, Helena Helenchen, Lenchen, Lena, Lene, Leni, Lenel, Lenchen, Heli, Helika, Hella, Nell, Nella, Nelli, Nelly, Leneke, Lenke
French Helene Heleny
Spanish Elena, Helena Elenita, Ele, Lena
Portuguese Helena Lena, Leninha, Leni, Lenocas, Hele, Lele
Italian Elena Elena, Helena
Greek (Modern Greek) Ελένη, Έλενα Λένα, Ελενιώ, Ελενίτσα, Λενίτσα, Νίτσα, Λένγκω, Λενι

How is the name Elena written in a foreign passport?

According to international legislation, an international transliteration was adopted, according to which the name Elena is written as ELENA.

Elena: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive?

The name Elena has many abbreviations and variations. We will list the most common ones. Note that there is now a heated debate about the fact that Alena is a separate name that has nothing to do with Elena, but at the same time thousands of parents around the world continue to affectionately call Elena Alenka and Alyonushka.

  • Ellona
  • Lalla
  • Lenochka
  • Elona
  • Lenusya
  • Ilona
  • Elenita
  • Alyonka
  • Eileen
  • Elusya
  • Helna
  • Helen
  • Elenya
  • Helena
  • Alyona
  • Helena
  • Elaine
  • Eleanor
  • Elyusha
  • Elyana
  • Elenka
  • Olena
  • Lenusha
  • Eliana
  • Ilena
  • Elina
  • Elena
  • Ellen
  • Laziness
  • Ilena

Elena: the meaning of the name character and fate

Elenas are fast, smart, insightful, witty and warm-hearted. In England there is even a saying in which Elena is compared to “Lady Sincerity”, because she is trusting, simple and open, but only until a person betrays her. After this, the doors of her soul are closed forever.

But here the main secret of this name is revealed. Elena is very vengeful, she forgives insults, standing on the graves of offenders. All this is of course conditional, Elena is not serial killers. But she will do everything to destroy the traitor.

Also, Elena herself is lazy, but her dream forces her to overcome this vice and, despite the fact that she is always overcome by laziness in her soul, those around her consider her hardworking and purposeful.

The meaning of the name Alena

Elena is amorous and for her heart to start beating faster, just one sentence spoken in a low male voice, one glance cast at a man is enough. But having met her love, she is ready, like a Decembrist, to go with him to the ends of the world. At the same time, we should not forget that she can continue to flirt and even fall in love with other men, only she will know this, because next to her is the man of her whole life.

For Elena, peace and tranquility are most important; she can live without love, but if there is peace in the house, for her this is the happiest of marriages. She may work at a job that she doesn't really like, just because getting fired would cause changes that she doesn't like.

Elena grows up as kind and affectionate children, often trusting and gets their first bumps in childhood. Already in school age you can see how Lena likes to leave everything “for later,” which regularly causes deadlines.

Elena has a very developed sense of beauty. About Us early years gravitates towards the beautiful, expensive, precious. He understands painting, history, fashion and the history of costume. Elena got free time? Most often you can see her with a book in her hands, and if she watches a video, it is most often educational. All her life she strives to learn as much new and interesting things as possible. She always has the itching feeling that she is missing something, that someone knows more than she does.

Elena finds it easy to study, she loves to learn new things, she has an amazing memory and a charming imagination. The teacher is important to her in class. If he pleases her (clothes, hairstyle, neatness, ability to present himself), then this subject becomes her favorite, and she is ready to teach it perfectly.

Beautiful Elena

Due to constant absence from outside world and the desire to plunge into her world of fantasy, Elena seems distant and withdrawn to her peers. As a child, Elena has few friends, as her friends run around palaces and fairy-tale castles. But this is most likely an advantage, not a disadvantage. It is this quality that allows her to grow up to be an optimistic, cheerful and purposeful girl.

As a teenager, she opens up more and instantly gathers a lot of boy friends around her, who subsequently become fans of whom, by the way, Elena always has more than enough.

Elena is independent, talented, emotional and a resilient optimist. It is almost impossible to knock Elena off her feet; any external stress is simply switched off when Elena runs away into her inner world, and when she returns from it, the problems no longer seem so insoluble. The only thing that can knock Elena down for a while is the death of people close to her, but she soon recovers and gradually returns to life.

What middle name suits a girl’s name Elena: compatibility with male names

The name Elena is so universal that there is probably no middle name that would not fit this name. The vowel at the beginning and end of a word produces a unique sing-song combination that has become so beloved that it is one of the most popular names on earth.

When is Elena's name day, Angel's Day according to the Orthodox calendar?

Angel's Day is considered the next celebration of St. Helena after her birthday. In order to strengthen the connection between Saint Helena and the girl Helena, it is recommended to baptize on Helena’s Name Day following her birthday.

Congratulations on Angel Elena's Day, short in verse and prose

Lena, the name day has come again,

What will this holiday bring?

We would only wish for the best -

May good luck always await you,

A sea of ​​laughter, true happiness,

May success accompany you in everything,

I wish you real love,

So that there are no obstacles to happiness!

Dear Elena!
Today we celebrate your name day. You are so different. At times emotional, impetuous and light, like a sunny summer day. Sometimes - thoughtful, soulful and strong, like the sea. You are beautiful, and don't let yourself doubt it. Be happy! Happy Angel Day!

Song with the name Elena

There are so many songs about Elena that it is impossible to list them all, so we suggest viewing a selection of compositions.

Video: Songs about Elena

Tattoo with the name Elena

Tattoo with the name Elena

Pendant with the name Elena made of gold: photo

Pendant with the name Elena made of gold

Pendant with the name Elena made of gold in English

Name Elena: intuition, intelligence, morality

Elena is very emotional, believes in the other world and magic. She very often uses her intuition, but often does not understand this, firmly believing that she receives tips from above.

Most often, Elena is a humanitarian, creative personalities, but at the same time their IQ is almost always above average.

Elena’s morality is highly developed in relation to others, but she applies it to herself “ flexible system discounts” or, as Elena also likes to say, “if you really want it and no one knows, then you can.”

Name Elena: hobbies, activities, business

Elena's girls will never miss an opportunity to gain new knowledge, especially if it is rare or can subsequently bring good income, especially passive income. After all, Elena’s dream is to do nothing and receive money so that she can devote her free time to her favorite hobby.

In the profession, she chooses work without physical activity, often intellectual work. And if in her youth Elena was more ready to bend to the system, then with the acquisition of a family the need to work “from bell to bell” tires her. If there is support in the family, she most often leaves with permanent job, giving the choice of temporary work, or opening his own business.

If there family business, Elena plunges headlong into it, doing everything possible to make the business flourish.

Name Elena: health and psyche

Elena usually has weak kidneys and respiratory system. She should absolutely not be overcooled, and also watch her diet.

Elena is an excellent manipulator who knows weak spots both loved ones and people in general. It is impossible to lead her, because she can always cheat and you will not notice how you yourself obey her.

Mood swings are quite common, but this does not affect others. Scandals, quarrels and hysterics are unacceptable to her.

There is an opinion in the outside world that Elena is narcissistic and has inflated self-esteem. This misrepresentation, after all, since her virginity Ellen has had a “plan to conquer peaks” and a “plan to achieve goals” to which she goes ahead and diligently.

Elena is feminine, flexible, sensitive, and cannot live without pleasure and pleasure. At the same time, she does not hide this from the outside world, but does not allow vulgar behavior and even conversations. Elenva chooses monogamy, but the partner must have a strong temperament and certain experience. Or quickly learn from her instructions. Otherwise her love will pass like a dream, and she will rush off into the new arms of a more passionate man.

Name Elena: sexuality, marriage

Elena prefers one marriage for the rest of her life, but if a man does not live up to the hopes placed on him, and even disappoints him, she will leave him without a twinge of conscience. Bottom line: if a man loves her, and she basks in his attention, Elena will follow him to the other side of the world, but if she betrays or does not live up to expectations, she will leave in one day.

What zodiac sign does the name Elena go to?

The maximum combination of the name Elena and the zodiac signs are Sagittarius, Aries and Leo.

Talisman stone for the name Elena

Elena has many talismans and each will bring something new and interesting into her life: diamond, emerald, jade, aventurine and chrysolite.

Emeralds will help preserve acquired knowledge, chastity and learn the secrets of the universe. Also, wearing an emerald on your body helps you see your future and ward off evil spells. In addition, he keeps faith and hope. If Elena plans to work with the public, emerald will help maintain calm and develop oratory.

Emerald - Elena's talisman stone

Jade gives Helen power, energy, strength and vigor. It benefits owners who want to learn the wisdom of the times and defend justice.

Peridot will help Elena become calmer, calm her emotions, and give peace and tranquility in life. It is recommended to place a tree with chrysolite near Elena’s bed so that love and peace reign in her dreams.

Aventurine will improve Elena’s mood, give her vigor and help her achieve what she wants. In difficult life situations aventurine helps Elena quickly leave the world of fantasy and plunge into reality without stress and despair.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Elena

In order for Elena to be happy, she must be surrounded by a cherry orchard, the aroma of blooming lavender and contemplation of roses. Cherries will give Elena beauty, and the garden near the house invisible threads will attract her betrothed to Elena, with whom she will create a happy marriage.

Lavender will scare away evil spirits and slander that is being waged behind Elena’s back. It will also help you relax after a day full of events and not always pleasant ones.

Rose will help Elena receive spiritual cleansing, peace and strength, which will help her get up again in the morning and rush towards making her dreams come true.

Totem animal named Elena

The strong king of beasts - Leo is the totem of the name Elena. He, like Elena, is brave, strong, powerful and perfect. In days of weakness and despair, Elena is recommended to contemplate the movements of her totem, stay close and look the lion in the eyes. This will help Elena get out of the situation and become herself again.

Leo is a totem animal named Elena

Another totem of Helen is the scarab. He revives, transforms and transforms. It is believed that the beetle knows how to serve its owner and is ready to die for him, and the scarab protects not from the world of the living, but from the world of the dead, from the wrath of the gods and from the evil that is trying to envelop the owner.

Scarab - totem animal named Elena

Numerology of the name Elena

Body number 1

Hidden Spirit Number 7

Soul number 8

A very strong and strong-willed personality, her inner laziness often serves the whole world, because it is thanks to laziness and the desire to free up time for her hobbies that Elena often modernizes and improves devices, and sometimes invents them from scratch.

Elena seems to have a lot of friends, but personally she continues to consider them acquaintances, and she considers only a few people as friends. At the same time, everyone who turns to her receives help and support, regardless of how long and closely they communicate.

Nickname for the name Elena

Helen is an exalted name, leading its history from the great gods. Elena’s character is also high and sublime, therefore, when choosing a pseudonym for the name, Elena should pay attention to historical factors, creative directions, as well as on the totems that surround Elena.

Famous people, celebrities named Elena

Saint Helena is the mother of Constantine the Great. Thanks to her, Christianity came to Rus'.

Helen the Beautiful, also called Helen of Troy. Everyone knows about her, even children.

Elena Aleksandrovna Denisieva - beautiful woman 19th century, last love Tyutcheva.

Elena Fabianovna Gnessina is the founder of the Academy of Music.

Elena Nikolaevna Gogoleva - famous actress.

Elena Dmitrievna Ponsova - famous actress and teacher

Elena Aleksandrovna Kuzmina is a famous actress.

Elena Vladimirovna Mayakovskaya is an American philosopher and writer.

Elena Nikolaevna Kartseva is a great figure in the art of cinema.

Elena Yakovlevna Solovey is a famous actress.

Elena Oktyabrevna Tsyplakova is a great figure in the art of cinema.

Elena Vasilievna Obraztsova - singer.

Elena Ivanovna Dyakonova is the muse of Salvador Dali.

Elena Jane Golding is an English singer and composer.

Video: ♀ ELENA (LENA). Meaning and Interpretation of the name

Name Elena (Lena) It has Greek origin and is translated as “ray of sunshine.” In Rus' it became popular after her baptism. In addition to Elena, derivatives of this name were common, such as Olena and Alena. Most often, the name Elena for a girl was chosen by representatives of the upper classes. This was the name of the wives of several Russian princes, for example, Yaropolk and Ivan Kalita. The Polish queen and the Grand Duchess of Lithuania also bore this name.

Character of the name Elena

The time of year in which Elena was born is a factor that directly affects the meaning of the name. If her birthday is in the spring, then most likely she will be quite mercantile. She does everything out of self-interest and even chooses a richer wife. Spring Elena achieves success in her studies and quickly masters all the material. The bearer of this name, born in summer, usually very envious. She often intrigues and tries to be the best. Due to this quality and her ambitions, year-old Elena is quickly moving up the career ladder. But because of this, Elena has few or no friends. The only and true friend a husband becomes for her. Autumn Elena does not live for today, but makes plans for the future. She first weighs all decisions and then makes them. Autumn Elena takes a long time to choose her husband. She can even have an affair with several men and then choose the best one. Elena, born in winter, is quite stubborn and has her own principles. She is very picky about men and ties the knot late. Easily finds a way out of any situation. Winter Elena achieves all her goals. She rarely attends various events, as she does not like to be the center of attention.

Adult Elena has a rather calm character. She is characterized by modesty and responsiveness. She takes any troubles of people close to her very seriously. Moreover, Elena is so immersed in these experiences that she forgets about friends and household chores. In general, Elena is very economical, but lazy. She doesn't like to cook, wash or clean because she finds these activities boring.

Elena practically does not trust other people. She always expects deception or betrayal on their part, which forces her to always be in a state of tension. Because of this character trait, even the adult Elena has very few real friends.
Lena is very smart and hardworking. She rarely pays attention to details and concentrates only on what is really important. She works very carefully and painstakingly, not trying to make a profit as quickly as possible. Elena would rather do it for a long time, but the result will be high quality.

Elena is characterized by excessive curiosity and beautiful visual memory. She also has a passion for exact sciences and she even chooses a profession related to them. Elena often becomes a wonderful accountant or engineer. But despite Elena’s ability to count, she most likely will not succeed in business. She treats money too easily and immediately spends everything she earns. Elena's hobbies include drawing and singing. Her hobby often becomes her main activity and source of income.

Elena’s “sixth sense” works perfectly and she always trusts it. Even if everyone around advises her to do one thing, and her intuition tells her that she needs to do something differently, she will listen to her inner voice.

Name Elena for a girl

From a very young age, Elena loves fairy tales. She lives in her fantasy world and plays there main role. Thanks to her love of fairy tales, Elena learns to read very early. After all, parents don’t always have enough time to read her favorite works. She can sit all day reading her favorite fairy tale and imagining herself in the place of the main character. Therefore, little Lena is very often upset when real life doesn't become a princess. Because of this, it is difficult for her to communicate with peers.

A little girl named Elena is characterized by gullibility. She is easy to deceive, but over time she recognizes the lie and takes revenge on her offender in the most sophisticated way. She is very kind and always ready to help. Greed is not inherent in little Elena. She will easily give another child her toy or treat him with candy. She has no specific hobbies. Elena does a little bit of everything. Thanks to her excellent memory, Lena finds it easy to study.

As a teenager, Elena is very emotional and categorical. Outwardly, she seems modest and secretive. But once you get to know her better, it becomes clear that she is cheerful and optimistic. If Elena loosens up, you can easily become the “soul” of the company. It was during adolescence that the number of Lena's friends increases. She stops living in fantasies and discovers live communication. She is characterized by femininity and the ability to flirt. Thanks to this, there are always many suitors hovering around her. At such moments, Irina returns to her fantasies and feels like a princess, for whose love valiant knights are fighting.

Marriage and compatibility of the name Elena

Elena is a very feminine and charming girl, for whom men are ready to do a lot. But despite the abundance of fans, Elena is in no hurry to quit serious relationship. She needs a man who will become a wonderful father for her child and will be able to accept Elena with such a problematic character. In a relationship, the man usually loves more ardently and passionately than she does. Elena is incredibly changeable. Today she can swear her love to a man, and tomorrow she can not pay any attention to him. Elena uses many men in love with her for her own selfish purposes.

Elena connects her fate with her most stubborn fan. Moreover, she herself may not even be in love with him. The main thing for her is to be loved. Elena chooses a man who always puts his family first in everything. The husband should devote all his free time to Elena. She is jealous of his comrades, hobbies, pets and even his work. In Elena’s family, her husband should be the breadwinner, and she will try to maintain a home. Love for a man is not the main thing for her. She covers her lack of feelings with the screen of a caring housewife. Elena loves shopping, but always spends money wisely. Her children will never need for anything.

Elena very often flirts with other men, calling this behavior “innocent flirting.” At the same time, her husband should not flirt with other girls. IN sex life Elena usually lacks any zest. For her, intimacy with her husband is simply an obligatory nightly ritual. Almost ideal, most likely, will be the union of Elena with Andrei, Dmitry, Igor, Zakhar, Konstantin, Roman or Stanislav. Her relationships with Anatoly, Vasily, Ivan or Stepan usually do not work out or do not last long.

Famous personalities

  • Saint Helena- mother of the Great Emperor Constantine. She greatly influenced her son. Not without her help, in 313, Constantine made Christianity the main religion in the Roman Empire. If you believe the life, Elena found the cross where Jesus Christ was crucified. There she established a church and erected a cross.
  • Elena Gnesina- Soviet musician. She played the piano and taught. Together with her sisters she founded a music school.
  • Elena Mayakovskaya- daughter of Vladimir Mayakovsky. She lived in America, studied philosophy and wrote books there. In total, more than 15 publications have been published under her authorship.
  • Elena Vyalbe- Russian skier. She is a master of sports and an Olympic champion. She won the World Cup three times.
  • Elena Proklova- Russian actress. She played in the theater and starred in a huge number of films. In 1984 she received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
  • Elena Dyakonova- wife of Salvador Dali. She was his muse. In several paintings he depicted her as Gradiva. For the last few years before her death, Elena lived alone in her castle, which her husband bought for her. He could only come there with the written permission of his wife.
  • Elena Malysheva- famous Russian general practitioner. He is the creator, director and presenter of the television programs “Health” and “Live Healthy”.
  • Elena Baturina- wife of ex-mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov. She manages the Inteko construction corporation, which occupies one of the leading positions in the market.
  • Elena Makarova- famous Russian tennis player. IN this moment is a tennis coach. He has the title of international master of sports.
  • Elena Berezhnaya- Russian figure skater. She competed in pair skating. In 2002, together with her partner Anton Sikharulidze, she took first place at the Olympics. Since 2016 he has been a deputy State Duma Russian Federation.
  • Elena TerleevaRussian singer. She made it to the finals of the second Star Factory, and also won the Song of the Year festival. She is the owner of a golden gramophone. He also writes songs and music for them.

The female name Elena (Lena) is of Greek origin. It is widespread in Russia and is one of the five most popular.

The meaning and origin of the name Elena (Lena) is usually associated with the revered ancient greek mythology the sun god Helios. But there is another explanation for the appearance of the name. According to him, it is derived from the word “Hellenes,” which is what the Greeks called their people in those days.

It is interesting that the male version of this name was previously widespread - Helenos or Helen, as mentioned in the Iliad. But over time, unlike the female form, it lost its relevance.

The name Helen has significance in history and mythology. According to legend, this was the name of the woman who caused the Trojan War. After the emergence of Christianity in Rus', the name Elena became widespread among the Slavs. In addition to the form known to us, derivatives of the name were used - Elenia, Olena, Yalena, Ilena.

This was the name given to both noble women and ordinary peasant women. Later the name Elena became traditional in Russia. It was also used in Russian folklore - everyone remembers Elena the Wise, the heroine of folk tales.


What does the name Elena mean? If we talk about the literal interpretation, then according to the most common version, its full form is associated with the ancient Greek word ἐλένη (helene), which is translated as “light”, “torch”. Some believe that the name stands for “bright” or “chosen one.”

Proponents of the theory about the connection of the name with the Sun God interpret it as “sun ray”, “sunlight”, “solar”. Another version explaining what the name Lena means is based on the word “Hellenes” (Greeks), respectively, Elena is “Greek”.


What is the meaning of the name Elena for a girl and her destiny? Lena is more often like her father, especially in terms of character. She has a penchant for needlework and loves to create beautiful things. Studying is easy for her, but diligence is often lacking.

Success awaits Lena in professions related to communication. She may be successful in business, but money does not come first for her. In relationships, Elena is trusting, capable of sacrifice and selfless love. At the same time, she expects the same from her chosen one.

Lena does not always become a good housewife. She is indifferent to everyday life, does not show much zeal in cleaning, washing and cooking, but she still manages to create a cozy atmosphere at home. She makes a caring and understanding mother.

Lena's health is poor, she often gives birth ahead of schedule. Special attention requires immune and nervous system Therefore, from childhood it is recommended to devote time to hardening and strengthening exercises. She also has a tendency to diseases of the lungs, kidneys, stomach and intestines.


The letter designation of the name Elena is interesting feature. Its beginning sounds energetic, and its ending is much softer. For a woman named Elena, her character and destiny are connected with this dissonance.

It is most noticeable in behavior. Lena looks reserved, but at the same time internally tense. Sometimes this results in excessive isolation or nervous breakdowns.

However, internal conflict may smooth out if Elena meets the right person who will truly love her. With harmony in family life, nervous tension goes away, allowing Lena to express her best qualities, of which there are many.

Her strengths are sincerity, courage, ability to sympathize, and responsiveness. She can also stand up for herself, has a sharp mind and a rich imagination.

Of course, a description of the name Elena would not be complete without mentioning small shortcomings. Lena is characterized by excessive daydreaming and laziness, which needs to be fought. Otherwise, having gone into the world of dreams, she risks neglecting important matters, which will negatively affect her career and family life.

Name day

Lena celebrates her name day 9 days a year. List memorable dates, including the New Martyrs: November 12; 28 January; March 19; June 3, 8 and 10; July 24; August 10, September 17. To find out when a particular person’s name day is, you need to find the first of the dates of commemoration of the patron saints following the day of his birth.

Name color

The color of the name Lena is purple. Such people are sensitive, always ready to help others, and believe in justice. Their bosses, colleagues and friends value them for their lack of conflict and responsiveness.

Holders purple They are amorous and ready to forgive their spouses a lot. But family life things often go wrong for them. Loneliness in old age is possible due to whims and grumpiness that manifest themselves in old age.

Name flower

For Elena, the flower of her name is buttercup. This is an insidious plant, attractive with its beauty and brightness, but poisonous. A similar duality of character is inherent in Elena.

Buttercup buds quickly bloom and fade. Likewise, Lena easily gets carried away by new activities, but rarely completes the task. Tired, she looks for an opportunity to shift her worries to others.

Like a bright buttercup, Lena always attracts attention. She has many fans, but she gives preference to one, after which other men have practically no chance.

Church name, calendar

Elena is a church name, so it is not changed at baptism. According to the calendar, Elena of Constantinople, Elena of Diveevskaya, Elena of Serbia and Queen Helena are considered to be the patrons of Lena. All dates for commemorating saints are given above, in the Name Day section.

Translation of name, in different languages

According to the transliteration rules in force in Russia, Lena is written as ELENA in her international passport. Since the name is widespread throughout the world, its spelling has variations corresponding to the linguistic characteristics of the countries in which it is used:

  • Helen (Helen) - in English;
  • Helena (Helena), Helene (Helene) - in German;
  • Helene (Helen) - in French;
  • Elena, Helena (Elena) - in Spanish;
  • Elena (Elena) - in Italian;
  • Léan (Len), Léana (Lena) - in Irish;
  • Aileen, Ailene (Eileen, Eileen) - in Scots;
  • Ελένη (Eleni), Έλενα (Elena) – in Greek;
  • Olena – in Ukrainian;
  • Alena, Alena - in Belarusian;
  • Helena (Helena, Helena) - in Polish;
  • Helena (Gelena) - in Czech.

Full name, shortened and affectionate

The question often arises: Are Alena and Elena different names or not? Previously, Alena was considered a derivative of Elena, but nowadays they are used separately from each other. In other words, these are two different names, and confusion arises only because of the similarity of sound.

From full form name - Elena, there are several abbreviations. Briefly, she can be called Lena, Elya, Leleya, Lesya, Lyusya. The first title is more common, and the others are more often used as abbreviations for other names. Lena's affectionate names are Lenochka, Lenok, Elenka, Lenusya, Elenya, Lelechka, Elusya, Elyusha, Elenushka, Lenusha, Lyusenka, Lesenka.

Name compatibility

A bright romance awaits Lena with a man named Igor, Nikita, Andrey, Fedor, Alexander or Akim. A lasting marriage is possible with Yuri, Andrey, Dmitry, Igor, Roman, Ruslan.

But with Stepan, Mark, Anatoly, Victor, Anton, Vladislav, Evgeniy, Oleg, Yaroslav, Arthur, Platon and Bogdan, compatibility is low. Elena's marriage to these men is unlikely to last long.

How to incline

Declension of the name by case:

  • Elena – nominative;
  • Elena – genitive;
  • Elena – dative;
  • Elena - accusative;
  • Elena – creative;
  • about Elena – prepositional.

Famous people with this name

Among the women bearing this name there are many personalities who have become popular in their country and abroad. These are actresses, athletes, writers, musicians and scientists. We list the most famous of them:

  • Elena Ivanovna Andreyanova (1819-1857). She was a ballet dancer (performer of the title roles), performed in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and also toured in many European cities - Milan, London, Paris, Hamburg, etc.
  • Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891). Religious philosopher, publicist, traveler. Founder of the Theosophical Society, author of many works on religion and the occult.
  • Elena Fabianovna Gnesina (1874-1967). Russian pianist, teacher. She was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, is an Honored Worker of the Arts of the RSFSR and an Honored Artist of the Republic.
  • Elena Aleksandrovna Blaginina (1903-1989). Author of more than 40 children's books, translator. She was the editor of magazines for children “Zateinik” and “Murzilka”.
  • Elena Georgievna Bonner (1923-2011). Wife of academician Sakharov, human rights activist, publicist and dissident. Winner of the Hannah Arendt Prize and the Award for Freedom of the Press, Doctor of Law from several universities in Europe and the USA.
  • Elena Nikolaevna Kartseva (1928-2002). Film expert, candidate of art history. She has published more than 10 articles on the cinema of foreign countries.
  • Elena Vasilievna Obraztsova (1939-2015). Opera singer, mezzo-soprano singer, teacher, director, artist. She was a professor at the Moscow Conservatory, winner of many awards and prizes in the field of musical art.
  • Elena Antonovna Kamburova (1940). Soviet singer and actress, founder and artistic director of the Moscow Theater of Music and Poetry. Performer of more than 100 songs for popular films, such as “Slave of Love”, “The Adventures of Electronics”, “Promised Heaven”, “Midshipmen, Forward!” and many others.
  • Elena Igorevna Proklova (1953). Actress and TV presenter, Honored Artist of Russia. Known for the films “Shine, Shine, My Star”, “Mimino”, “Dog in the Manger”, “The Captain’s Daughter”.
  • Elena Oktyabrevna Tsyplakova (1958). Theater and film actress, director, Honored Artist of Russia. She starred in the films “The Woodpecker Doesn’t Have a Headache,” “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers,” “Guest from the Future,” “We Are from Jazz,” “Midshipmen, Forward!” and others.
  • Elena Alekseevna Yakovleva (1961). Film and theater actress, TV presenter. Winner of TEFI, Nika, Golden Eagle awards, People's Artist Russian Federation. Known for the films “Intergirl”, “Anchor, more anchor!”, “Retro Threesome”, “The Cherry Orchard”.
  • Elena Gadzhievna Isinbaeva (1982). Honored Master of Sports of Russia in pole vaulting, two-time Olympic champion and three-time world champion. Completed sports career in 2016.

Elena is a good name for life, which is confirmed by its many talented owners. It has many abbreviations and endearments, international and relevant both in Russia and in other countries.

The meaning of a name is always directly related to its origin, and here there is a certain complexity with the name Elena. There is still no single theory of the origin of the name Elena.

One of the main theories of the origin of the name is considered to be its origin from the name of the god Helios - Ἠέλιος. It is also believed that the name Elena translates as “sunlight” or “sunbeam”. The name Elena is written in Greek like this - Ἑλένη. It can be said that according to this theory The name Elena means "sunlight" or "sunbeam".

The second theory is the origin of the name Helen (Ἑλένη) from the word Hellene (Έλληνες). Hellenes is the self-name of the Greeks. This theory is considered to have no compelling basis; experts refer it to folk etymology.

The meaning of the name Elena for a girl

Lenochka is growing up as a wonderful child. She is an affectionate and calm girl, although she usually looks more like her dad. A little reserved, but loves to play with children, although relationships with peers are difficult to build.

Studying is quite important in Lena’s life. She has excellent memory and this helps her in learning. Sometimes Elena has missed subjects, that is, those where she no longer understands the program. In such cases, it will take a lot of effort to catch up. The main thing is to be nearby close person, who will help and support her during this period.

Lena is in good health. She loves active activities and sports in particular. There are problems associated with metabolism, but diet will help here. In any case, if you have any health problems, contact a professional.

Short name Elena

Lena, Lesya, Lenok, Lenusha, Lenusya, Alena, Elenka, Lyusya, Lena, Lesya, Lelya, Elya, Ela, Elusya.

Diminutive pet names

Lenochka, Lenchik, Lenochka, Lenushka, Elenka, Alyonka, Alyonochka, Alyonushka, Elyusha.

Name Elena in English

IN English language the name Elena has several spellings - Helen, Elen, Ellen and Helena.

Name Elena for international passport- ELENA.

Translation of the name Elena into other languages

in Arabic - إلينا
in Armenian - Հեղինե (Egine)
in Belarusian - Alena
in Bulgarian - Elena
in Hungarian - Ilona, ​​Helena
in Greek - Ελένη
in Spanish - Elena, Helena
in Italian - Elena, Elenia
in Chinese - 葉蓮娜
in Latin - Helena
in German - Helene, Helena
in Polish - Helena
in Portuguese - Helena
in Romanian - Elena
in Serbian - Jelena, Elena
in Ukrainian - Olena, Elena
in French - Helene
in Finnish - Helena, Helene, Elena, Elina
in Croatian - Helena, Jelena, Elena
in Czech - Helena, Elena
in Swedish - Helena, Helene, Elina
in Japanese - 太陽他 - Taiyota. (One of the options).

Church name Elena(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. You don’t have to change your baptismal name and use it in church sacraments (communion and confession).

Characteristics of the name Elena

Elena's character is quite capricious, but she clearly knows where it can be shown and where it cannot. If Elena is capricious with you, then most likely you did not stop it at all. initial stage and now it will be difficult for you. She is an introvert by nature and her life is like a dream for her. She comes up with a fairy tale for herself and tries to bring it to life, which, unfortunately, rarely works. Loves intrigue.

At work, Elena enjoys authority. She may not be the best specialist, but she is diligent and efficient. If she works in the industry in which she has an inclination, then she will be a wonderful specialist. Although at first her work does not go well, over time she becomes an excellent specialist.

Usually Elena wonderful mother and a wonderful homemaker. There are, of course, exceptions, but this is more likely not a characteristic of the name, but life circumstances. She is demanding of her husband, but she does not hide this during the courtship process. She loves children, but often shifts the care of the child to her grandmothers.

The secret of the name Elena

Secretly Elena can be said to be a princess by nature. She behaves like a capricious princess, but clearly understands the limits of what is permitted. If it manifests itself this way with you, then it is entirely your responsibility.

Due to her character traits, Elena rarely shows attention to detail. Living in her own imaginary world, she rarely pays attention to the real world. For her, facing reality often becomes painful.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Twins.

Totem animal- Deer.

Name color- Gray-blue.

Tree- Ash.

Plant- Astra.

Stone- Chalcedony.

For a woman, the name she bears is not just a set of sounds for others to address her, it largely predetermines her fate and character.

The beautiful and common name Elena is a favorite for many men, and it usually belongs to the beautiful, intelligent and strong women. Let's find out what the name Elena means, what its origin is and what fate awaits its owner.

The beautiful name Elena is of Greek origin and has an ambiguous translation. This word is translated from Greek as “light”, “shining”, “sunny”. Probably originated from the Greek god of the Sun, whose name was Helios. The meaning of the name Elena can be interpreted as “bringer of light.”

In addition, the Greeks called themselves Hellenes, and hence the second meaning of the name Helen - “Greek”. That is why full name Elena and its derivatives are so common all over the world - Helena, Helena, Helen, Eleanor, Nelly, Ilona, ​​Alena.

The forms of the name are very different. For girls, diminutive forms are Lenochka, Lenusya, Alyonushka, Lelya, and so on.

What awaits her in life?

Little Lenochka is a visionary, a dreamer, she lives in own world and never blends in one hundred percent with the team. She is not reserved, but she does not let you get too close to her; her trust must be earned. Lena knows how to be friends, but not with everyone.

She has a great sense of justice, she is kind and is always very worried if she sees evil or injustice. Honesty is of great, decisive importance for her, and when Elena realizes that she has been deceived or taken advantage of, she will never leave it like that - she will always find a way to teach the offender a lesson.

She is very capable, has an excellent memory from birth, and therefore often masters any science well and is an excellent student. But a lot depends on her own interest and the human factor: if she likes the teacher, she will be happy to listen to him and listen to him.

It will be the same in the future – it is important for her who is nearby. People have great importance for her, and Elena tries to avoid those who are unpleasant to her. People around her may think that she has a reserved character, that she is touchy, but close communication they see that she is an optimist, has a kind and cheerful disposition, and is easy and pleasant to be friends with.

The fate of a woman whose name is Elena can turn out differently. Her father’s upbringing plays a very important role here; he is the most important person for her. significant person, and her worldview is largely influenced by her father.

If he loved her in childhood, paid her due attention and did not offend her, then in the future the woman will not have problems with the opposite sex. If Lena grew up without a father or had problems with him, then she will not trust men and it will not be easy for her to find a chosen one.

The name Elena is synonymous with compassion and kindness. She really brings light to those around her, her character is bright, kind and affectionate, she is not indifferent to the grief of others. Her love and affection grow out of pity and compassion; she does not fall in love just like that - with Beautiful face or something else. She will give her heart to those who need her help, support and kindness.

This woman enjoys communicating with people, and it is in areas related to communication that she will excel. She may have a happy destiny in the arts and sciences, in education or medicine - where she needs to help, teach, make people better, or at least somehow communicate with them. In these areas, she can achieve very serious success thanks to her openness, optimism and easy-going nature.

A woman whose name is Elena can become an ideal mother and wife. Her house is always orderly and beautiful, she simply adores beautiful things and has an innate good taste, a craving for everything exquisite. Even if she is not rich, she will always find a way to decorate her home and make it cozy. She is a needlewoman, has a talent for embroidery, drawing and crafts, decorating - sometimes discovering this talent in herself, already being quite an adult.

Emotions come first for Lena. Despite the fact that she is smart, reasonable and knows how to think logically, still emotional sphere prevails over the rest, and it is the feelings that will always rule her. She thinks about all decisions, but makes them, guided by intuition and deeply feeling what is the right thing to do.

In love and friendship, she gives herself completely, is ready to spend all her time and energy on a loved one, but in return she demands the same. She is very jealous, demands a lot of attention to herself, and suffers greatly if a loved one gives his attention to someone else.

Alexander, Peter, Mikhail... Who is suitable?

Elena herself does not really believe in the compatibility of names and chooses a partner rather intuitively, deeply feeling the person and what stands behind him. She may like Alexander or Andrey, and she won’t even think about whether the man is right for her - if she has warmed up to him, then nothing will matter.

And if a man pays a lot of attention to her, he will be able to win her. This is the most important thing for Lena - attention, and the more, the better. He should call every day, inquire about her affairs and mood, talk about his affairs and problems so that the woman can support him. It is very important for her to feel that she is important and necessary - without this, the meaning of her life is lost.

She is most compatible with men whose names are: Yuri, Valery, and Stanislav. Here fate itself favors being together - these men, as a rule, have exactly the character traits that Elena is looking for. Honesty, courage, dedication and justice are the most important and valuable qualities for her. Probability strong union And happy marriage very big!

With, Peter, Ruslan and Vladimir, Elena’s compatibility is also quite high, but only on condition that the feeling is sincere and mutual, that both partners are interested in continuing the relationship.

She must understand that there is no need to try to change your other half, but you need to love and accept them, with the shortcomings, nuances, dark sides of character that absolutely each of us has. And the man himself should simply try to pay more attention to her and understand that she needs it like air. Under this condition, the relationship will be strong, harmonious and long-lasting.

Lower probability of strong relationships - with Mark, Taras, Anatoly and Stepan. These men are more freedom-loving, do not need support and care, they are self-sufficient and self-willed. But if Elena falls in love with a guy with that name, she won’t care at all - she will find a way to surround him with such warmth that he will not resist and will become submissive, loving and faithful.

Day Angel

Elena celebrates name days several times a year. Many saints and martyrs bore this ancient name, and therefore one can often congratulate Elena. According to the Orthodox month, her angel day is on the following dates:

  • 28 January.
  • June 3, 8 and 10.
  • July 24.
  • November 12.

Elena is a name that suggests a happy and harmonious destiny for a woman. She can become a successful businesswoman or a loving mother, a homemaker - she can do anything. But her presence in this world is always important, it will not go unnoticed, and she will never be lonely, thanks to her wonderful innate qualities and bright soul. Author: Vasilina Serova

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