Where is the Vasyugan swamp located on the map? Vasyugan swamps: where they are located, description, interesting facts. The importance of the land in the natural water cycle

In the center of Siberian federal district(Siberian Federal District), between the Ob and Irtysh rivers, there are the Vasyugan swamps. This is the largest swamp place in Russia and the world. Most of this unique natural area is located on the territory of the Tomsk region, also covering the Novosibirsk, Omsk regions and Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region. The area of ​​this swamp is the largest in the world and is about 53–55 thousand square meters. km, which exceeds the size of such European countries like Switzerland, Denmark or Estonia.

The length of the swamp is approximately 570 by 320 km, it is truly huge, this can be seen on the map. According to scientists, the swamping of this area began about 10,000 years ago and continues to this day - over the past 500 years the swamp has increased 4 times. Local legends speak of the ancient Vasyugan sea-lake, but research by geologists says that the Great Vasyugan swamp did not occur through the overgrowth of ancient lakes, but as a result of the advance of swamps onto land under the influence of humid climate and favorable conditions.

Initially, on the site of the current single swamp massif there were 19 separate areas with a total area of ​​45,000 square meters. km, but gradually the quagmire consumed the surroundings, like the advance of desert sands. Today, this region is still a classic example of active, "aggressive" bog formation: an interesting fact is that the bogs continue to grow, increasing on average by 800 hectares per year. There are more than 800 thousand lakes here, many rivers and streams originate, and the moisture evaporated from the surface maintains the climatic balance and is carried even to the territory of Eastern Siberia and Kazakhstan.

The climate in the Vasyugan swamp area is continental and humid. average temperature January -20 °C, July +17 °C. Snow cover 40–80 cm high lies from October to April on average 175 days a year. Wetlands are the last refuge of many rare and endangered species of animals and birds driven away from habitats transformed by humans, and the basis for maintaining the traditional environmental management of small peoples, in particular indigenous inhabitants Western Siberia. Among the plants, swamps and lakes, the main value is represented by various medicinal herbs, as well as berries that are found in abundance in the swamps: cranberries, cloudberries, blueberries, etc.

Bogs contain huge reserves of peat and counteract the greenhouse effect by sequestering carbon. Explored peat reserves amount to more than 1 billion tons, average depth occurrence - 2.4 m, maximum - 10 m.
The Vasyugan swamps are home to numerous local fauna, including rare ones. Among the rare species of animals that live in the swamps are: reindeer, golden eagle, white-tailed eagle, osprey, gray shrike, peregrine falcon. There are significant quantities of squirrels, moose, sable, wood grouse, partridges, hazel grouse, black grouse, and in smaller quantities mink, otter, and wolverine. Flora also includes rare and endangered plant species and plant communities.

Now the animal and vegetable world swamps are under threat due to the development of the territory during the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas fields. Environmental danger They also represent the falling second stages of launch vehicles launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, which contaminate the area with heptyl residues.

A variety of insects, animals, fish, and birds consider the Vasyugan swamps their home. During the migration period they stop for rest waterfowl and waders. According to the Institute of Animal Ecology and Systematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, up to 60% total number ducks fly during the spring migration as a diffuse front through swamp systems, and only 40% - along valleys large rivers.

Godwits and curlews, various predator birds, including the peregrine falcon. It is on the Vasyugan Plain in last time We saw the slender-billed curlew, which is considered an almost extinct bird species. In places where swamps border with forests and there are rivers and lakes, there are moose, minks, sables, otters, hazel grouse and wood grouse. Until the mid-80s of the last century, reindeer were found in the swamps, but today their population has practically disappeared. About 20 species of fish live in the tributaries of the rivers originating from the Great Vasyugan Swamp. IN last years In local reservoirs, bream, pike perch, carp, and verkhovka began to be often found. Vulnerable and rare species Fishes in the area are nelma, peled, lamprey, and ruff.

IN summer time swamps are practically impassable even for specialized equipment. Cargo transportation to oil fields and geological exploration parties is carried out in winter time.

See also:

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→ (Kamchatka)
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→ (Krasnoyarsk)
Nature reserve“Stolby” is one of the oldest nature reserves in Russia. The main attraction of the reserve are the rocks with common name- pillars.

→ (Buryatia)
The Ivolginsky datsan is a significant place of pilgrimage for Buddhists not only in Russia, but throughout the whole world. This is a complex of Buddhist monasteries of the traditional Sangha.

→ (St. Petersburg)
St. Isaac's Cathedral is one of the largest churches not only in St. Petersburg, but throughout Russia. Located on St. Isaac's Square. Since 1991 it has the status of a museum.

→ (Karelia)
Kizhi - museum-reserve under open air, one of the largest in Russia. This unique natural and historical complex is of particular value in the cultural heritage of Russia.

(Vologda Region)
Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery - monastery in the Vologda region, located on the shore of Lake Siverskoye within the city of Kirillov, which grew out of a settlement at the monastery.

→ (Chukotka)
Whale Alley is an ancient Eskimo sanctuary on Itigran Island (Chukotka). Represents archaeological complex, where huge bones of bowhead whales are dug into the ground in 2 rows.

→ (Kamchatka)
Klyuchevskaya Sopka is a volcano, which is the most high mountain in Kamchatka and the highest active volcano in all of Eurasia.

→ (Perm region)
The Kungur Ice Cave is one of the most famous and popular tourist attractions in the Urals. One of the main visiting cards of the Perm region.

Moscow State University is the largest educational organization, which includes more than 600 facilities with a total area of ​​about 1 million square meters.

→ (Volgograd)
Mamayev Kurgan and the sculpture "Motherland" - the central height of Russia, Holy place for all the people of a huge country that defeated fascism.

→ (Murmansk)
The Memorial to the Defenders of the Soviet Arctic (Alyosha) is a large memorial complex located in Murmansk. Represents an impressive figure of a Russian soldier.

→ (Tatarstan)
home cathedral mosque Tatarstan is located on the territory of the Kazan Kremlin. It recreates the appearance of the main mosque of the Kazan Khanate, destroyed during the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible.

→ (Sverdlovsk region)
Nevyansk leaning tower - unique monument architecture of the 18th century. The name of the architect is still unknown. The tower was built in 1721-1725 from brick by order of Akinfiy Demidov.

→ (Nizhny Novgorod)
The Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is a fortress in the very center of Nizhny Novgorod and its oldest historical part, the main socio-political and historical-art complex.

→ (Novosibirsk)
Novosibirsk Zoo is one of the largest zoos in Russia. There are about 11 thousand individuals here. More than 120 species are listed in the International Red Book.

→ (Chelyabinsk region)
Lake Zyuratkul - most beautiful place in Russia and the only lake in the Urals located at such a height - 724 meters above sea level. Behind this lake, Old Believers lived in secluded hermitages.

→ (Ekaterinburg)
The giant laviatura was created in 2005 in Yekaterinburg, as an example of a special project for the city festival "Long Stories of Yekaterinburg".

→ (St. Petersburg)
Peterhof was the ceremonial summer residence of the emperors for 200 years. The park was built as a grandiose triumphal monument glorifying the greatness of Russia.

→ (Yakutia)
The Pole of Cold is the place on planet Earth where the most low temperature air. There are two recognized regions that contain the coldest spots on the planet.

→ (Tatarstan)
Raifa Bogoroditsky Monastery is one of the most famous in the Volga region. Hundreds of people come here to listen to the spiritual chants of the brethren.

→ (Yamal)
Yuribey is a river in Russia, flows through the territory of the Yamal region of the Yamalo-Nenets region Autonomous Okrug, on the Yamal Peninsula. Local residents call Yuribey a miracle river.

→ (Tver and Novgorod regions)
Lake Seliger is one of the largest lakes in Russia and one of the most beautiful. It is located between Moscow and St. Petersburg, among the picturesque hills of the Valdai Hills.

→ (Smolensk)
The Smolensk fortress wall was erected at the end of the 16th century. on the site of an earlier wooden fortress by the legendary Russian architect Fyodor Kon. 18 towers of the Kremlin have been preserved.

→ (Moscow)
St. Basil's Cathedral - Orthodox church, which is located on Red Square in Moscow. This is one of the most famous monuments of Russian architecture.

→ (Komi)
Mansi bobbleheads (Weathering Pillars) is a geological monument on the Manpupuner ridge (which in the Mansi language means “Small Mountain of Idols”), in the interfluve of the Ilych and Pechora rivers.

Western Siberia is a vast region, bounded on the west by the steep ledges of the Ural Range, and on the east by the slopes of the Central Siberian Plateau. From north to south it extends from the coast of the Kara Sea to the Turgai Tableland and Altai inclusive. Orographically, it is divided into two sharply different parts: the vast West Siberian Lowland, covering about 85% of its territory, and the Altai mountainous country, occupying a relatively small south-eastern corner.

The West Siberian Lowland is one of the greatest lowlands globe. It is a vast, heavily swampy plain, with absolute heights of 80-120 m, slightly inclined to the north. The Ob River, which crosses the entire lowland in the direction from south to north - from Novosibirsk to the mouth (over about 3000 km) - has a drop of only 94 m, or on average a little more than 3 cm per 1 km. The emergence of the plain is explained geological history The West Siberian Lowland, which until the end of the Tertiary period was the bottom of the sea, as a result of which it turned out to be filled and leveled by a thick layer of marine sediments. The bedrock crystalline rocks were deeply buried under later sediments; they rise close to the surface only along the periphery of the lowland.

The West Siberian Lowland is characterized by high swampiness, where swamps occupy up to 70% of its surface. The famous Vasyugan swamps (53 thousand km 2) are located here. The formation of swamps in this area is associated with stagnation and poor drainage conditions surface waters. Characteristic feature The West Siberian Lowland is characterized by weak swampiness of river valleys, which stand out on the map as relatively dry stripes among the heavily swampy interfluve spaces. This is what appears at first glance unusual phenomenon is explained by the history of the formation of the relief and river valleys of Western Siberia, which relatively recently (in the geological sense) was the bottom of the sea. After the sea left, the surface of the plain was subject to intensive swamping, and with a subsequent decrease in the base of erosion, the river valleys had a drainage effect only on a narrow adjacent strip.

The swamps of Western Siberia are a colossal reservoir of water. The average swampiness of the plain is about 30%, in the forest-swamp zone 50%, and in some areas (Surgut Polesie, Vasyugan, Kondinskaya lowland) reaches 70-80%. The widespread development of swamp formation is facilitated by a combination of many factors, the main of which are the flatness of the territory and its tectonic regime with a stable tendency to subsidence in the northern and central regions, poor drainage of the territory, excessive moisture, prolonged spring-summer floods on rivers combined with the formation of backwaters for tributaries when the level of the Ob, Irtysh and Yenisei rises, the presence of permafrost.

According to the peat fund, the total area of ​​peat bogs in Western Siberia is 400 thousand km 2, and taking into account all other types of swamps - from 780 thousand to 1 million km 2. The total reserves of peat are estimated at 90 billion tons in an air-dry state. It is known that bog peat contains 94% water.

In the center of the Siberian Federal District, between the Ob and Irtysh rivers, there is the Vasyugan Swamp, the largest in Russia and the world. Most of this unique natural zone is located on the territory of the Tomsk region, also covering the Novosibirsk, Omsk regions and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The area of ​​this swamp is the largest in the world and is about 53–55 thousand square meters. km, which exceeds the size of European countries such as Switzerland, Denmark or Estonia. The length of the swamp is approximately 570 by 320 km, it is truly huge, you can see it on the map.

According to scientists' calculations, swamping of this area began about 10,000 years ago ago and continues to this day - over the past 500 years the swamp has quadrupled in size. Local legends speak of the ancient Vasyugan sea-lake, but research by geologists says that the Great Vasyugan Swamp did not occur through the overgrowth of ancient lakes, but as a result of the encroachment of swamps onto land under the influence of a humid climate and favorable orographic conditions. Initially, on the site of the current single swamp massif there were 19 separate areas with a total area of ​​45,000 square meters. km, but gradually the quagmire consumed the surroundings, like the advance of desert sands. Today, this region is still a classic example of active, "aggressive" bog formation: an interesting fact is that the bogs continue to grow, increasing on average by 800 hectares per year. There are more than 800 thousand lakes here, many rivers and streams originate, and the moisture evaporated from the surface maintains the climatic balance and is carried even to the territory of Eastern Siberia and Kazakhstan. The climate in the Vasyugan swamp area is continental and humid. The average temperature in January is -20 °C, in July +17 °C. Snow cover with a height of 40–80 cm lies from October to April on average 175 days a year.

Flora and fauna

Wetlands are the last refuge of many rare and endangered species of animals and birds, driven away from their habitats transformed by humans, and the basis for maintaining the traditional environmental management of small peoples, in particular the indigenous inhabitants of Western Siberia. Among the plants of swamps and lakes, the main value is provided by various medicinal herbs, as well as berries that are found in abundance in swamps: cranberries, cloudberries, blueberries, etc.

Vasyugansky swamps are considered their home by a variety of insects, animals, fish, birds. During the migration period, waterfowl and waders stop there to rest. According to the Institute of Animal Ecology and Systematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, up to 60% of the total number of ducks flies during the spring migration as a diffuse front through swamp systems, and only 40% - along the valleys of large rivers. Godwits and curlews, as well as various birds of prey, including the peregrine falcon, make nests in the swamps. It was on the Vasyugan Plain that the slender-billed curlew, which is considered an almost extinct bird species, was last seen.

In places where swamps border with forests and there are rivers and lakes, there are moose, minks, sables, otters, hazel grouse and wood grouse. Until the mid-80s of the last century, reindeer were found in the swamps, but today their population has practically disappeared.

About 20 species of fish live in the tributaries of the rivers originating from the Great Vasyugan Swamp. In recent years, bream, pike perch, carp, and verkhovka have become common in local reservoirs. Vulnerable and rare fish species in the area are nelma, peled, lamprey, and ruff.

The Vasyugan swamp is the main source fresh water in the region (water reserves up to 400 km³), this is the region where there are huge reserves of peat. Explored reserves amount to more than 1 billion tons (2% of the world), the average depth is 2.4 m, the maximum is 10 m. The most important function of the swamp is to purify the atmosphere, for which it is called a giant natural filter. Siberian peat bogs absorb toxic substances, bind carbon and thus prevent Greenhouse effect, saturating the air with oxygen.

The deserted Vasyugan moss peat bogs are a “geographical trend” in the north of the Tomsk region, which in the old days was called the Narym region. Historically, these were places of exile for political prisoners. Russian pioneers founded Tyumen (1586), Narym (1596) and Tomsk (1604) forts shortly after the completion of Ermak’s military expedition (1582–1585), which marked the beginning of the conquest of the Siberian Khanate in 1607. Judging by the documents found in peat bogs, by 1720 in the Narym region the newly arrived population lived in 12 settlements. Since 1835, the systematic settlement of exiles began (a new influx of exiles occurred in Vasyugan in the 1930s–1950s), this mainly increased due to them local population.

Black gold

Later, the more active development of Western Siberia was facilitated by the landlessness of the peasants of the central provinces as a result of the reforms of 1861, and especially the Stolypin agrarian reform of 1906. In 1949, oil was discovered in the western part of the swamp, The Kargasok region was nicknamed the “oil Klondike”; by the early 1970s, more than 30 oil and gas fields had already been discovered in the Vasyugan (Pionerny) and Luginets (Pudino) regions. In 1970, construction of the Aleksandrovskoye–Tomsk–Anzhero-Sudzhensk oil pipeline began, and in 1976, the Nizhnevartovsk–Parabel–Kuzbass gas pipeline.

Ecology of the Vasyugan swamp

Despite practical complete absence in the area of ​​the Vasyugan swamps settlements, with the development of civilization to a unique natural object began to have a negative impact various factors. Peat extraction disturbs the natural landscape of the Vasyugan Plain, there is Negative consequences drainage of swamps and poaching lead to destruction unique flora and fauna. Heavy tracked vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, construction and drilling activities, oil spills, and the use of water in drilling processes harm the wetland ecosystem.

Industrial wastewater constantly flows into the rivers, and tourists leave behind garbage. Also big problem represent the second stages of rockets, launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome: falling into swamps, they pollute them with the remains of highly toxic rocket fuel - heptyl. As shown by analyzes of samples of water, soil and plants of raised bogs collected in areas of pollution, the heptyl content in some of them is 5 times higher than the maximum permissible concentration.

Fires in the swamps

However, the most dangerous and most frequently repeated anthropogenic impacts on the Vasyugan ecosystems are those that destroy all natural complexes swamps, including in winter. As a result, many intra-swamp lakes of pyrogenic genesis appear, tree stands and many animals die. The increase in lake density reduces the flow of water from already swampy forest areas.

In the 20s of the last century, a seven-year fire in peat bogs in the territory of the modern Northern region Novosibirsk region led to the formation of Lake Tenis, the largest in the south of Western Siberia. Subsequently, its basin deepened in places to 11–18 meters, the area of ​​the water surface approached 19 square meters. km, and total reserves water accumulated from swampy catchment areas is about 47 million cubic meters. m.

UNESCO reserve

Assessing the role and significance of the Great Vasyugan Swamp as a complex and multifunctional ecosystem and taking into account its uniqueness and significance, as well as the increasing scale of anthropogenic impacts, we have to admit actual problem his security. However for a long time The Vasyugan swamps were not even included in the preliminary lists of objects that need to be given specially protected status.

The situation moved from a dead point in 2006. The administration of the Tomsk region created the Vasyugansky complex reserve. Currently there are plans to give it the status of a World Heritage Site. natural heritage UNESCO. The Vasyugansky Nature Reserve includes a ban on hunting and logging. Although this will put a significant portion of local residents, including many professional hunters, out of work, the reserve administration hopes to attract former hunters to become game rangers to combat poaching.

Possible solutions

Creation of a specially protected natural area on the interfluve of the Ob and Irtysh represents scientific interest from a monitoring and research perspective natural processes in the largest wetland region in the world. The purpose of their organization is to preserve the complex of swamp systems of the Great Vasyugan Swamp and maintain ecological balance in the region. This corresponds not only common goals preserving biological diversity, wise use of natural resources (plant, oil), but also maintaining the balance of ecosystems in adjacent territories.

Scientists' opinions

According to scientists, the design of a large protected area - an ecological reserve - within the Vasyugan swamp system will be very promising. This should be a single massif, the basis of which can be the spaces of watershed swamps.

Within this zone, it is advisable to establish a series of scientific testing grounds similar to biosphere ones, since the allocation of only one specially protected area, even a very large area and fairly representative in terms of the characteristics of the swamp process and the structure of the swamp landscapes of the region, would be a half-measure that does not guarantee the safety of this entire territory as an ecologically valuable landscape system.

Educational establishments Russia which conducts research in the field environmental problems.

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What are the state policies aimed at solving global problems biosphere, find out more at the link.

Development of territories

Development of the western part of the Great Vasyugan Swamp oil industry cannot serve as a factor contributing to the reduction of the boundaries of the ecological reserve. These areas are of interest for organizing a system for monitoring the progress of natural processes under conditions of anthropogenic influence, and in practice for monitoring the exploitation oil fields. As the first step of environmental and practical actions, it is necessary to form a state interregional complex nature reserve of federal significance.

A separate point of the program for the protection of the Vasyugan swamp should be a program for reforming the Russian rocket and space industry, providing for the cessation of the use of heptyl and nitrogen tetroxide as rocket fuel and oxidizer, as well as the transfer of the main rocket launch site from Baikonur to the Vostochny cosmodrome under construction in Amur region.

From the above it becomes quite clear that the Vasyugan swamp massif not only represents unique natural phenomenon Western Siberia, but also acts as such for Russia and the world. The geoecological functions it performs are irreplaceable and irreplaceable, therefore the only way conservation of this natural heritage can be the creation within its boundaries biosphere reserve. Considering the high cost of implementing such a project, its solution is possible at least in stages: at the first stage there are various kinds of economic restrictions, at the second stage it is possible to create the Vasyugansky nature reserve, and, finally, its transformation into a biosphere reserve.

In the early to mid-20th century, large-scale drainage of swamps began around the world: vast areas were drained in Europe, Asia, North and South America for the needs of civilization. While in Russia most of the swamps continued to grow under the cover of dense Siberian forests.

Disputes over which swamp is the largest in the world continue to this day. An old Russian proverb immediately comes to mind: “Every devil praises his own swamp.” In reality, this is what happens: every scientist, every researcher tries to convince others that his swamps are the largest. The thing is that the exact size of the swamp is quite difficult to measure: it is almost impossible to determine exactly where it begins and where it ends. But anyway, Bolshoye Vasyuganskoye very similar to that same swamp, especially since it continues to grow.

The largest swamp massif on our planet is located in Siberia between the Ob and Irtysh rivers. According to the latest data, the total area of ​​the Vasyugan swamp is 53,000 km², the length from north to south is 322 km, from west to east - 575 km. 53,000 km² is a very large area, larger than half the countries in the world.

The formation of the Vasyugan swamp massif began approximately 10,000 years ago, probably from the remains after ice age water reserves. But the swamps acquired most of the area relatively recently: 75% of the territories have been swamped over the past 5 centuries. In other words, the Siberian swamps are growing in volume and this cannot but rejoice, especially taking into account ecological situation in the world.

Those who consider swamps to be a vile, fetid, disgusting place will be greatly disappointed when they see Bolshoye Vasyuganskoye. Everywhere you look there is water, water and lush vegetation all around. This is a real paradise for animals and plants; all the conditions here contribute to their development and prosperity. In addition, for thousands of kilometers there is not a single human settlement that, voluntarily or inadvertently, could harm nature.

The swamp is the main source of fresh water in its region. Most of the Siberian rivers originate here, fed by the incalculable water reserves of the Bolshoy Vasyugansky. There are more than 800 thousand lakes of various sizes located on the territory of the massif.

In addition to the role of a home for animals and plants, swamps also serve at least one more important function. Peat, which swamps are usually so rich in, largely counteracts the greenhouse effect by absorbing and binding carbon atoms. At the same time, vegetation, of which there is a lot here, saturates the atmosphere with oxygen. Taking into account the size of the Great Vasyugan Swamp, we come to the conclusion that it is one of the most powerful opponents of the greenhouse effect on our planet.

However, not everything is as good as it could be. The fact is that under the Vasyugan swamps there are almost the largest peat reserves in the world and very significant oil deposits. And as it usually happens: where there are means for profit, a person appears. A network of mining and processing plants has already been deployed in the swamps. In this regard, the administration of the Tomsk region created the Vasyugansky complex reserve. But, more importantly, not so long ago they started talking seriously about giving the Great Vasyugan Swamp the status of a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site.

Vadim Andrianov / wikipedia.org

The Vasyugan swamps are one of the largest on Earth. They are located between the Ob and Irtysh rivers, on the Vasyugan Plain, within the borders of the Tomsk, Novosibirsk and Omsk regions.

The Vasyugan swamps are a very interesting natural phenomenon, which is distinguished by a variety of landscapes. In 2007, they were included in the preliminary list of UNESCO heritage sites in Russia.

The Vasyugan swamps are located in places where small-leaved forests turn into the southern taiga. Their area is approximately 53,000 square meters. km, which exceeds the territory of some European countries. This is approximately two percent of the total area of ​​all peat bogs on Earth.

The Vasyugan swamps were formed about ten thousand years ago and since then their territory has constantly increased. They extend approximately 570 km from west to east and more than 300 km from north to south.

Waterlogging of the area occurs especially quickly in Lately Thus, in the last five hundred years alone, the area occupied by swamps has increased by approximately 75%.

During the warm season, the Vasyugan swamps are almost completely impassable for any equipment.

Movement of geological parties and freight transportation to developing oil fields is carried out only in winter.

Flora and fauna of the Vasyugan swamps

The Great Vasyugan Swamp is home to many animals, including rare ones. Among the mammals found here are elk, bear, sable, squirrel, otter, wolverine and others. Until recently it was possible to find reindeer, however, today, most likely, its population has completely disappeared. Birds include hazel grouse, black grouse, curlew, golden eagle, peregrine falcon, etc.

Medicinal herbs and berries grow here, especially blueberries, cloudberries and cranberries.

The meaning of swamps

The Vasyugan swamps have a large ecological significance for the entire region, and also performs a number of biosphere functions. They represent a natural reserve for various wetland landscapes and the flora and fauna that live in them.

The total water reserves amount to approximately 400 cubic kilometers, which makes them an important freshwater reservoir. There are numerous small lakes here. In the Vasyugan swamps there are the sources of the rivers Vasyugan, Tara, Om, Parabig, Chizhapka, Uy and some others.

The Great Vasyugan Swamp contains a significant amount of peat. Its proven reserves alone exceed a billion tons. Peat on average lies at a depth of about 2.5 meters. Peat bogs sequester carbon, thereby reducing its content in the atmosphere and reducing the greenhouse effect. In addition, marsh vegetation produces oxygen.

Ecological problems

Although there are almost no settlements in the Vasyugan swamps and economic activity here is minimal, humans still cause harm to a unique and rather fragile ecosystem.

Among the environmental problems of the region, one can note deforestation, peat extraction, development of oil fields, poaching, etc. The development of local deposits is associated with negative impact on soils of all-terrain vehicles, oil spills and other unfavorable factors.

A serious problem is created by the falling second stages of rockets that are launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. These steps contaminate the area with the substance heptyl, which has a strong toxic effect.

Until recently, almost no attempts were made to protect this unique natural landscape. Only in 2006, in the east of the Vasyugan swamps, the Vasyugansky complex reserve was created, the territory of which totals 5090 square meters. km.

In 2007 they were included in the preliminary list of heritage sites in Russia. It is understood that the nominated property will include the territory of an existing reserve. There is a question about giving at least part of the Vasyugan swamps the status of a nature reserve, which would practically exclude any economic activity here.

How to get there?

The Great Vasyugan Swamp is distinguished by its extreme inaccessibility. Some villages located on the outskirts can still be reached by all-terrain vehicle, however, the further journey will most likely have to be covered only on foot.

It is possible to travel on a tracked all-terrain vehicle, but its use is also quite limited due to swamps. There is also the opportunity to explore the swamps from the air - some Tomsk travel agencies organize helicopter excursions.

Visiting the Vasyugan swamps is quite dangerous and requires some preparation and experience in moving through such places. There are numerous swamps and a huge number of bears.

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