How the fiery signs of the zodiac get rich: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Signs of Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Zodiac signs according to the horoscope

ARIES. Yang, Fire, cardinal. Mars rules, the Sun culminates, Saturn is debilitated, Venus is imprisoned.

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. Zero degree of Aries is a point spring equinox, the beginning of a new solar cycle. Aries manifests itself brightly, unambiguously, straightforwardly. Aries has no halftones: you are either a friend or an enemy; love - either his whole life, or not love; he is either full of energy or plunged into an abyss of depression. The Aries look is global. He has no attention to particulars and details. He looks at the world, the idea, the partner in general - and instantly makes a decision whether it is “his” or “not his”. Aries lives here and now - in the past they were owned by completely different energy flows and it was not quite him, in the future they will be owned by others.

Aries moves through life on strong energy flows (“an adrenaline addict” is about Aries). The disappearance of the stream is unbearable for him. He immediately begins to look for a new one, and if he does not find it, then he falls into a deep depression. This dependence on external energy flows makes him an easy prey for more stable, but less energetic signs. In moments of energy breakdown, Aries can agree to what is frankly not useful to him.

The rulership of Mars gives Aries direct access to energy. This is the position of "I see the goal - I see no obstacles." What will be the goals, and what obstacles he casually tramples with his hooves - this is a matter of the level of development of a person in general and / or a planet that is in Aries.

The culmination of the Sun during the study gives a more subtle and consistent embodiment of their ideas - Aries no longer jumps from one energy feeder to another, but can steadily carry out the same flow despite natural fluctuations in the energy level.

The imprisonment of Venus - the shadow side of Aries - gives a picture of "they wanted the best, but it turned out as always." Deep inside, Aries is driven by lofty ideals of beauty, harmony, and justice, but lacks the subtlety and precision that is required to bring those ideals to life.

The fall of Saturn is manifested in the depressive states of Aries. Actually, these states are given to him in order for him to comprehend what kind of firewood he has broken in once more and learned more conscious flow control. But since the lack of involvement in the flow is completely unbearable for an undeveloped Aries, he, as a rule, cannot do spiritual work, but urgently looks for where to connect. He connects to streams of less and less quality, and gradually falls into a very severe depression, where, there is nothing to do, he has to deal with these disgusting particulars and subtleties.

To work out, Aries needs to learn to regulate the intensity of the flow in order to hear subtle Venusian indications, endure low-energy states and exit them with Saturnian wisdom, distribute energy over a long distance, hear the rhythm of one's destiny.

A LION. Yang, Fire, fixed. The Sun rules, Pluto culminates, Uranus and Saturn are imprisoned, Mercury is in the fall.

Being a fixed fire sign, Leo has already mastered some of the skills to control the energy flow, but is also more dependent on it. If Aries just brings the idea into the world, then it is important for Leo that the idea is accepted. He is associated with what he is trying to embody, and the defeat of the idea means a personal defeat for him.In practice, this means that the undeveloped Leo looks (and is) an extreme egoist ("The state is I!" - said the French king Louis XVII, The Sun King)

On the other hand, Leo already sees the nuances: the flow can be stronger or weaker, change direction (not drastically, but in detail) over time, be modified. For Leo, followers are very important: he is extremely dependent on their assessment (of himself and the flow), greedy for flattery, especially when things are not going very well.

The Sun as the ruler of the sign gives Leo the feeling that his will is the law. However, his task is to figure out whose will he is pursuing at any given moment: his Self or the egregore he serves. In the first case, Leo will stop at nothing to stay in the stream - any measures, up to criminal ones, can be used. In the second, he needs to be conscious enough to listen not to his beloved, but to what the direction of his flow dictates to him.

Pluto's climax means Leo is referring to a very practical rearrangement of reality. His ideas change the world (even if, given the level of development, his world is him and his egoic consumer desires). Leo easily gathers followers around him for such a restructuring, he is a born leader and knows how to lead people on his stream, infecting them with his leading idea and charging them with his energy for its embodiment.

Imprisonment of Uranus does not allow Leo to see new opportunities and unexpected twists. If Leo rushed somewhere, it is almost impossible to lead him astray, but it is also an impossible task to convey something new to him.

The imprisonment of Saturn is expressed in the desire of Leo to ride on the energy flow, not taking into account the practical reality and subtleties of the task before him. The problem here is that for the time being (often before the second return of Saturn) Leo succeeds, but then he has to work out all the mistakes at once, and this ends in severe depression, heart disease and serious career failures.

The fall of Mercury gives Leo a disregard for the purely mental planning of his actions and interaction with people. Leo is more inclined to push through his idea than to agree. However, without a rational assessment, one can easily lose touch with reality, which happens to Lions from time to time.

SAGITTARIUS. Yang, Fire, mutable. Jupiter rules, Venus culminates, Mercury in its fall.

Sagittarius is the softest of the fire signs. Of course, this does not mean that Sagittarius is not greedy for flattery, does not neglect the world around him and people (which, however, like other fiery signs, is easily forgiven him) and is not absorbed by the fiery idea. But this means that he does not insist on anything, is not inclined to break through the wall with his forehead and is almost independent of his fiery flow. More precisely, he knows how to regulate and modify it almost as he likes, and on occasion even change it. But almost never completely without energy and extremely rarely (except for a severe defeat) gets depressed.

Jupiter's rule gives Sagittarius generosity and cheerfulness. He always has a couple more ideas in reserve, if for some reason you didn’t like the first one. And if nothing suits you at all, he will calmly turn around and leave, not at all disappointed, because there are always a lot of fans around him. Sagittarians are happy to give out promises, and sincerely strive to fulfill them. But if it doesn’t work out, they won’t be upset at all. "To whom I owe - I forgive" - ​​the most that neither is a Streltsov expression.

Jupiter's ruling signifies the ability to synthesize and good understanding situations, which makes Sagittarians extremely lucky. They, like no other sign of the Zodiac, know how to be at the right time in right place and charm there the right people. Perhaps only Capricorn knows how to stand on his four hooves and not succumb to the archer's charm. Sagittarius is also extremely idealistic. When implementing his ideas, he is not inclined to go into details and details, so he often gets into trouble, but as usual, he shrugs his shoulders and goes on some new adventure, not at all caring about cleaning up the chaos left behind.

Venus in exaltation adds charm to Sagittarius (although, it would seem, far too much). As democratic as the Gemini (albeit with a fair amount of snobbery), Sagittarius can infiltrate any company, and then lead it along to the next adventure. However, Venus, without elaboration, gives a certain inertia of views and the ideas that Sagittarius pursues turn out to be a rather flat expression of the ideas of the social circle to which he belongs.

The fall of Mercury gives Sagittarius a dismissive attitude towards mental constructions and an unwillingness to comprehend their actions. However, it is precisely this Sagittarius that needs to be learned, because only attention to detail gives him the ability to accurately and subtly convey his ideas precisely to those who need them.

The characteristic of the Sun sign is suitable for 80% of people, this applies to those people whose position of the Sun in the horoscope is quite strong. Each sign in classical astrology can be attributed to one of the four elements, these are the elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water.
In one horoscope, as a rule, from one to three elements are active, but the element of the Sun sign carries the most interesting and valuable information. This is due to the fact that the element of the solar sign shows the basic setting of a person's life energy, as well as the sphere of experience in which a person lives every day, and the main quality of his consciousness.

fire signs, this is Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

earth signs, this is Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Air signs are Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Under fire signs born people are essentially active, impulsive, full of enthusiasm. They rush into battle without thinking about the consequences at all, of course, after some time they may regret their ardor, but in the heat of the fight, such thoughts, as a rule, do not occur to them. For others, they serve as an example of great faith in themselves.

It is to the people of the Fire Signs that one should go when it begins to seem that life has come to a standstill, that there is no "clearance in this darkness." They will quickly bring you to your senses, their faith in a bright future, with which they are able to infect anyone, anyone can envy. Their sometimes not very tactful actions are caused by a lack of self-control, which is so natural for impulsive and active people. In general, people of fiery signs are so sincere and natural that it is simply ridiculous to be offended by them.

Having given you some completely sincere “compliment” that can offend you to tears, he will suddenly notice your changed facial expressions and begin to explain that he didn’t even have in mind to upset you. And this will be the absolute truth, because Fiery people tend to first say, and only then think what they said.

The advantages of this element: able to make decisions and act without delay, optimistic, energetic, active.
Along with their undeniable merits, we can observe the following limitations:
they are extremely impatient, if you already promised them something, then be so kind as to lay it out and put it to them right here and now, or in the next couple of minutes it will lose all meaning for them and they will immediately forget about it.

They love to take orders. Those who live with Fire people often have to fall under the dictatorship of the powerful owner of the Fire sign, but to pacify them is nothing easier.
Depict (at least for a minute) complete humility and as a gift you will receive their generosity. They are also distinguished by superficiality - without thinking very deeply into the essence, they are in a hurry to build castles in the air, because they firmly believe in all their ideas.

Already one phrase “Earth signs” can tell us a lot, these are people who are used to looking at life realistically, standing firmly on their feet, they do not build any “castles in the air”, no stunning plans or projects.
At first it may seem boring, and indeed, these people are not made for pomp, but for that they are very reasonable and practical. Agree in Everyday life with such a person it is very calm, you can feel like “behind a stone wall”, so do not rush to make hasty conclusions.

"Earthly" people prefer to call a spade a spade, perceive only what they can see, hear and touch, what they can confirm with demonstrable material facts. Their characteristic feature is also reticence, do not expect eloquent praises from them, most likely you will receive the most specific answers to your questions - “yes”, “no”, “maybe”. Well, this is a trifle compared to the stability that they will bring into your life, they will insure you against material instability by their mere presence. These are people of the material world, where you need to earn a living, satisfy your earthly needs, and achieve your goal. If you needed practical advice then you've come to the right place!

Earth element people very sensitive and vulnerable, despite the seeming coldness. But this sensitivity, as a rule, is a little one-sided, i.e. they perceive criticism very painfully, when, meanwhile, they themselves can “send off” in such a way that it won’t seem enough.

The ability to put oneself in the place of another, the ability to understand what the other feels after such words, is not so well developed in them.
And if a deeper analysis of the horoscope reveals that the element of Water is completely absent in the human horoscope (which just gives us the ability to empathize and compassion), then things are bad.

Bad for the person who will be there, he runs the risk of being misunderstood until the end of his days ...

Sadly, life is sometimes cruel to us. (True, from any hopeless situation, you can find a way out, if, of course, you REALLY want to.) In this case, it is appropriate to ask yourself the question, what can teach me this situation? Why did life bring me to such a person?
As a rule, the answer may be hidden in your excessive sensitivity and vulnerability, perhaps life is telling you this: “Is it worth taking everything so close to your heart?
Isn't it worth looking at life with a different look, more solid and rational and discarding unnecessary emotions?". And the fact that your loved one's ability to put himself in the place of another is not developed by nature, you can only sympathize with him, because he himself is also from this suffers.

Imagine if it is not difficult for a sensitive person to adapt and feel other people, to find a “key” for communicating with almost any person, then they have problems here: why are they not in a hurry to invite such nice, good and hardworking people to promising work, otherwise they don’t even rush to the unpromising ...

And all this is because, apart from their beautiful personality, they often do not hear anyone and do not see like capercaillie on the current, not to mention the fact that it does not occur to them that sometimes it is enough just to listen sympathetically to people. All this, as you understand, is not in their favor. They have enough difficulties in life, so you don’t judge them very strictly, because it’s not for nothing that you ended up together, which means you both need it, both of you can learn a good life lesson from your life together.

The advantages of this element: Practical, reliable, able to live on their income. These people do not expect fireworks and gifts from life, they are used to achieving what they want, with their diligence and perseverance. It is very reliable with them, they are able to protect and support.

Minuses: They often have a pessimistic outlook on life, which makes them boring. As a rule, they do not have a very rich imagination, so do not expect amazing courtship from them, most likely they will be limited to a banal bouquet of scarlet roses and a box of chocolates. Earthly people are often hard on themselves, and accordingly to others, especially to their loved ones.

If a person, in addition to the pronounced Earth element, also has the element of Water, then this makes him quite harmonious. Cons are smoothed out, and pluses are well shown. So, if you are planning in the near future to connect your life with a person whose Sun is in an Earth sign, I advise you to find out a deeper analysis of his horoscope in order to more meaningfully approach your choice.

You may want to object, say something like: “Yes, no matter how! I have been living with this Capricorn for 40 years and I have not seen anything like this!”
To which you can answer: “You do not observe and do not notice, which means that you are not attentive and unobservant!
Any representative, for example, of the Earth sign carries the corresponding energy, only in some it manifests itself more clearly, in others less.
This is influenced by many other indicators of the horoscope, which can be revealed only with a deep analysis of the birth horoscope.
But it is impossible to deny the energy of the Solar sign! It is in every person, you just have to take a better look at him and wish him to understand better.

air signs- this is a wind, cool, changeable, fresh, sometimes piercing.

So are the people of these signs, they are certainly windy, not constant, easily change attachments.
An exception may be people who, in addition to the element of Air, have a strong element of Water in their horoscope, here we will get more sensitive people, they can change attachments, but this will happen in extreme cases and not with such ease.

Air Sign People the most sociable, they need communication like air. They are in constant motion, changing clothes, jobs, hobbies, friends and places of residence.
Probably, all of you have met representatives of the Air signs in your life, they are surrounded by many friends, there is always something to chat with them, they are always happy to fill you with friendly advice.
But still, Air people don't have much of a need to become strongly involved in other people's worries or emotions, and so it's easy enough for them to work with them.
They do not have the habit of giving in to their emotions strongly, so they can give the impression of cold people.
There is some truth in this, as you probably noticed, people of the Air signs are somewhat cool (like a light breeze), if they empathize with you for once, it is more out of politeness than from the heart.

They are great planners. Here they are, lovers of castles in the air!
They can completely get lost in ideas that are not yet in reality, so they can often be considered dreamers.
They are more interested in the idea itself, and not how it will look in reality. They are able to easily step back from everyday worries and objectively and rationally approach their actions. As knowledge workers, they are indispensable.

These are the most intelligent signs.
Remember your school years, the most erudite, well-read, keenly interested in everything and, as a rule, the best students are the people of the Air signs.

Pros of the element of Air: these people, undoubtedly, have the most common sense, they are able to objectively look at things and evaluate reality.
They adapt well, easily "get used" to the team, are always ready to help you with friendly advice.
They are, of course, the best interlocutors, they always have plenty of topics for discussion.
They can help you accept correct solution, find a way out of their confusing situation by taking a sober look at things. air people highly value personal freedom and are in no hurry to burden themselves with obligations and attachments.

Cons of this element: in the minuses, you can smoothly transfer the last sentence from the "pluses".
They value personal freedom, but this may not be a very pleasant fact in life together.
People of the Air are often cold and prudent, all this is due to their highly developed intellect, which does not allow their emotionality to break out, suppressing it with cold, sober calculation.
They are often duplicitous, talkative, and love to gossip.
Here they are air people, in some ways pleasant, in some ways not very, however, like other elements, they combine their "pluses" and "minuses".

People of the element of Water. First, imagine what associations this element evokes in us?
It seems to me a flowing stream that easily bypasses any obstacle in its path, finds where to "leak" in any, even, it would seem, the most impassable place, while everything will remain in its place - all obstacles will remain safe and sound.
The stream overcame them without destroying anything, and at the same time remained safe and sound!

People of this element are distinguished by a rather acute sensitivity.
They intuitively find answers to all their questions, make the right decision.
Water element people have a very strong connection with their feelings.
They perceive the world through the prism of their sensitivity and great receptivity.
They are distinguished by frequent mood swings, this makes them fickle and changeable people.
Water Release- this is the sphere of deep emotions, intuitive insights. In these people, there are great fluctuations in mood from an all-encompassing love for the universe to explosions of feelings and emotions.

Water element people more than others are prone to drinking alcohol, primarily because a dose of alcohol helps them to relieve the burden of everyday worries and feel the presence of Divine love in themselves (which is why they give red wine in the church).
But, as you understand, the level of people is different, what I described is most likely characteristic of the high level.
In life, Water signs, more often than others, abuse alcohol due to their excessive sensitivity and vulnerability, they, like no one else, acutely feel any resentment and misunderstanding from the side, which they are in a hurry to “fill in” with a dose of alcohol.

Advantages of the element of Water: these are people who know how to empathize, if someone has a problem, they always strive to help.
They know how to feel other people very subtly, they easily notice falsehood and hypocrisy. These are benevolent people, they are less likely to offend others with a word, tk. very good at feeling the emotions of others.

Cons of the elements of Water: frequent mood swings, irritability.
More often than other people, people of this element have a tendency to laziness, which is due to their desire for a world of illusions, they are poorly oriented in the material world, putting emotional life in the foreground.
From the outside, they seem spineless, but people often underestimate them, their spinelessness can be nothing more than a subtle maneuvering in this world, where they, like that stream, will emerge victorious at minimal cost, which people of other elements never dreamed of.

These people tend to feel sorry for themselves more than others, being able to sympathize with others, they know how to sympathize with themselves. Self pity not the best quality, it takes away their strength, making them people dependent on the opinions of others.

Water Release is very attractive of all the elements, it attracts with its depth and subtle feeling of the world.
Although for harmonious personality the presence of each element in the horoscope is necessary, the complete absence of the element of Water in a person is the most unpleasant detail. As well as her excessive presence, which makes a person too vulnerable and impressionable.

In both cases, a conscious correction of one's character must be carried out. If you feel that this element is too strong in your horoscope, then you should work on your excessive susceptibility, otherwise this can make the life of people close to you unbearable.

FIRE (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
Hot-tempered, quick-tempered, lively mind, quick wit, ability to flare up like wildfire. Impatience in trifles, aversion to long explanations, the ability to grasp the main thing quickly, impulsiveness.
You do before you see (completely thoughtless action).

Refuse to repent of the results of your rashness or express discontent. You are hot-blooded, hot-headed, very sexy. You have an explosive temper.
Your living warmth and ardor attracts people to you.
As a rule, you are lucky, but if not, then failures follow one after another.

According to your element of friends and lovers, you should also choose from "fire" or "air" - air is necessary for combustion.
Fire is incompatible with water. Either the water evaporates or it puts out the fire.
Fire can get along with earth, but there is always a danger that the earth will cool the fire, and the fire can burn the earth.

Your advantages: good at making decisions, dynamic, talkative, cheerful and optimistic, courageous, energetic, active, attractive.
Your cons: impatient, like to command, superficial, self-confident, stubborn, often angry and contradictory, indifferent, tear-headed, passionate, love to flirt.

If you are an Aries, then fiery fire, downright oxygen-acetylene, inextinguishable (tireless).

If you are a Leo, you are an even fire, burning evenly and steadily. You are not so impulsive. More firm and consistent.

If you are a Sagittarius, then you are a changeable fire, lightning, lightning. You suddenly flare up, but also quickly cool and disappear.

Home conditions: one should live in cool, spacious places with an open fireplace in which the fire crackles. It is also necessary to work in a cool room and on outdoors. A confined space where the lack of air suppresses the fire.

The symbol (talisman) of your element is a salamander that lives in fire (the spirit of fire that brings you good luck).

AIR (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
Wits, cheerful, lively character, talkativeness, sociability. You are good at writing letters (when you have to), but generally prefer phones, do not like to succumb to emotions.

Prefer cold. Plans fascinate you. A couple of them are always brewing in your head.
Feature - logical, reasonable arguments, explanations. That is why air signs are associated with thinking, imagination.
You live in a world of ideas, thoughts.
You like to operate with logical arguments, you have a clear, precise thinking.
According to your element, you should choose friends and lovers from air and fire. Air is compatible with water if it is not afraid of the wind, and with the earth if it is not against the wind.

Your advantages: common sense, objectivity, a sense of collectivism, adaptability, willingness to help: a good conversationalist, impartiality, prudence, love of freedom.

Your cons: stubbornness, self-confidence, duplicity, superficiality, talkativeness and gossip. Coldness and calculation, self-will, licentiousness.

If you are Libra, you are a pronounced air: cold, calm, focused, your main force- belief.

If you are Aquarius, then you are still air, you are under pressure. You are distinguished by the boiling of thoughts, overcome by plans. You are dying to give freedom, freedom to an unsuspecting world.

If you are Gemini, then you are changeable air - sometimes warm, sometimes cold, and sometimes both at once. On your way, you act with intelligence and charm, and in the same way, if necessary, evade.

Home conditions: air must live in open, windy places, where there is a lot of fresh air, in extreme cases, air conditioning. When working indoors, choose a table by the window. Stay outside if possible.

Your invisible spirit, which protects you and protects you, is a sylph who prefers places where there is a lot of air - gardens, fields.

WATER (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
Inconstancy, emotionality, rather acute sensitivity. Association with feelings, an instinctive reaction to people based on minor inferences, events that are subconsciously recorded.

You do not need to think, you know at a fairly deep level.
You are more adaptable than you think.
You may think that you are in a hopeless situation, but others see that you find your way through problems, like water through obstacles.
You are very sensitive to the moods of others.
If someone throws a rock into your pool, it may ripple for days. You easily give in to mood swings.
If someone is in trouble, you sympathize with him.
You perfectly feel people, events, places.
People even think you're crazy or supernatural.
You can't explain why, but your premonitions tend to come true.

Water signs should also choose partners from water or earth - water needs earth as a container. Water is not compatible with fire, but can live with air if it is not afraid of clouds and fog.

Your advantages: sensitivity, attractiveness, sociability, goodwill, calmness, idealism, creative, artistic nature, the ability to penetrate the thoughts of others, long-suffering.

Your cons: changeability of mood, irritability, evasiveness, stormy melodramatic character, pessimism, laziness, impracticality, spinelessness.

Cancer is water vapor, indomitable, energetic.

Scorpio - ice, knows how to hide his plans, freeze desires, and when necessary, thaw again.

Fish - underground water.

They prefer to evade, bypass obstacles rather than fight them, but the main thing is the ability to penetrate, advance, no matter what, and flood, and win.

Home conditions: should live near the water: the sea, lake, swimming pool in the garden or aquarium. Need a quiet place to work. Avoid irritable people and noisy relatives, love good views(ideally with water).

Your patron is an undine, a mermaid who loves open water, but can also live in an aquarium.

EARTH (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
An earthly everyday person, no stunning plans and projects, practicality and reality.
He calls things by their proper names and demands the same from others.
You perceive only what you can see, hear and touch, what you can confirm with material things, provable facts - and no fantasies.
You may be called a prose writer, but they turn to you for a practical answer.
You really do things while others just talk about them.
Few realize your hidden depths - you are too proud and independent to open or show them.

Friends and loved ones must be chosen from earth and water - the earth needs water if you do not want to become a desert.
Earth can also exist with fire, if it does not object to its occasional gaiety, and with air, provided it can endure hurricanes from time to time.

Your advantages: practicality, reliability, the ability to live on your income. You do not expect too much from life, you are consistent, persistent, hardworking, able to provide support and protection.

Your cons: boring, lack of imagination, stinginess, pessimistic view of things, stubbornness, cruelty to oneself and others, callousness.

If you are Capricorn - you are the most that neither is the earth, i.e. secretive, like to control the action from behind the scenes without going on stage.

If you are a Taurus, you are reliable and unshakable, personifying strength, unshakable as a rock until your volcanic gut kicks in.

If you are a Virgo, then you are efficient, move mountains of work, etc.
Your motto: Everything has its time. You move mountains with it.

Home conditions: should live on the earth, firmly pressing the soles to their element, love gardens, greenhouses and flower boxes on the windows as a compromise. You need quiet stability, reliable operation, everything in its place.

Your spirit that brings good luck is a gnome, he lives in an inconspicuous mink, can live in a greenhouse, in a window box with plants.

Fire has for man great importance, since it is this Element that is the fundamental principle of any activity, any activity, it is Fire that determines the possibility of life being as a certain form of active existence. The element of Fire symbolizes the exciting world of pure spirit. Fire is associated in our minds with the "God's spark", the will to live, the primordial energy that ignites and protects all things. Fire radiates warmth, enthusiasm and pure enjoyment of life. All representatives of fire signs tend to enjoy life, they are aimed at action, the search for thrills and everything that makes it possible to feel the drive. Usually these people believe that everything will be fine. Even if something goes wrong, they do not lose their presence of mind, confident that they will come out of any situation with honor.

Fire element symbol

The prevailing Fire gives man an inexhaustible source of energy. The possessor of such qualities experiences a constant thirst for activity, and only very serious obstacles and long periods of failure can temporarily deprive him of his innate optimism. Fire man gladly shares ideas, energy, enthusiasm with other people.

Astrological characteristics of the signs of the elements of Fire

All three signs are associated with fiery, active mental and sexual processes, and these signs are not as closely intertwined as, for example, watermarks. Even in the closest connection of these signs, there is something like camaraderie, familiarity. All people of these three signs are hot and quick-tempered, their mind is concentrated on a career, finances, they want to be in the spotlight, in plain sight. Fire signs may benefit somewhat from the practicality of the earth group.

Elemental Man Fire

People of the sign of the element of Fire are good organizers, they try to be the first in everything with their characteristic determination and courage. They make decisions quickly, igniting people with their energy. They have many new ideas, but if obstacles arise, a Fire person can become uncontrollable and selfish, especially for young people who have not yet learned to control their emotions. But if Fire learns to reckon with the opinions of others, he will be successful. The exceptional qualities of a leader inherent in the person of Fire incline him to quick decisions and independence, endow him with the ability to influence people. He is attracted by adventures and new ideas, he is not afraid of risk, he is always mobile. However, he must restrain his emotions, because vanity and assertiveness can increase selfishness and make a person uncontrollable, especially when he encounters obstacles.

Advantages of the element of Fire: dynamism, optimism, courage, vigor, activity, talkativeness, cheerfulness, the ability to make decisions quickly, self-confidence, perseverance, openness, good nature.

The main feature is dedication. Sometimes this results in self-sacrifice. They do not know fear, and the summit is conquered thanks to constant activity and the rise of the soul. They enjoy everything and sincerely admire the results of their work. First of all, they value independence and independence. With well-developed adaptation to circumstances, they absolutely cannot obey someone.

Calling people of the element of Fire

The people of the elements of Fire strongly expressed such character traits as perseverance, perseverance, self-affirmation, waywardness, intransigence. Anyone who is associated with a person of the trine of Fire in partnerships knows well that these people always stick to their line. They can be chief conductors, performers of the main roles, but never extras. It is simply impossible to subordinate them to someone else's will, only they will command the parade and lead, although often from behind the scenes. They recognize only wise and just autocracy and most of all hate despotism and tyranny in any of their forms.

  • Friends, partners, lovers, Fire people should choose from their Fire element or element.
  • Fire can get along with, but there is always a danger that the Earth will cool and extinguish the Fire, and Fire can burn and burn the Earth.
  • Fire is incompatible with - Water will either evaporate, turn into steam and explode the cauldron, or put out the Fire, leaving smoking firebrands. (Although there are rare exceptions when Water burns in Fire or when Fire heats Water).

Fire signs may benefit somewhat from the practicality of the earth group. From the point of view of sexual relations, people of fire signs belong to the category of ardent and passionate, they are very aggressive, and as far as various emotions are concerned, they do not go far into them. Hot head, hot blood, pronounced sexuality. The living warmth of the heart attracts people to them like a magnet.

Suitable conditions for people of the fire element

It is best for people of the element of Fire to live in a spacious, cool room equipped with an open fireplace with live fire. The best place to work is in a cool room or outdoors. They are categorically not recommended to work in cramped, confined spaces, because the fire is suppressed by a lack of air.

Element of Fire (zodiac signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are the fire signs of the zodiac. These people are naturally energetic, active and impetuous. Their strength lies in the ability to be the first and readiness for leadership. They readily take on new cases, organize new projects.

When it comes to maintaining a long-standing business, Fire signs feel a little bored. Of course, they wanted to bring the project to a successful ending. But starting something new is much more attractive and interesting for them.

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There are always a lot of ideas in the thoughts of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. They are eager to realize bold ideas and prove to others that they are capable of being the best in their field. Fire people are not afraid to take risks. They understand that without risk there are no resounding victories. And a modest, invisible victory attracts them much less.

Sometimes these zodiac signs lack practicality. They look forward and up, forgetting to look under their feet. Because of this, sometimes they stumble over material reality. For example, no one wants to buy the amazing and unusual product they created, because this product is not of practical use.

About the signs of Fire in general

Fire signs of the zodiac are optimists. People who look at the world with wide eyes and are ready even now to take on a new challenge. They believe in life, believe in people, believe in themselves and strive for success. This is the secret of their many achievements. After all, if you do not trust anyone, calculate all the moves in advance, there is no room for spontaneous reactions, which often turn out to be the most effective.

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius have kind and open hearts. They readily respond to requests for help.

They treat others kindly and nobly, sincerely in communication. This is probably why people of Fire are often lucky. The main thing for them is to sincerely believe in their luck.

Fire signs are often quick-tempered and unrestrained. They can say a lot of unpleasant things to a person in a hot head, and then realize that they were wrong. These people need to learn to ask for forgiveness in such situations. A sincere apology will certainly be accepted.

In addition, people of Fire are impatient. They do not like to wait, they want to get what they want right now. Hence the difficulties in the implementation of long-term projects, where it is necessary to patiently wait for the first results for several months. It is worth remembering that it is desirable for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius to find a companion of another zodiac sign, for example, the elements of Earth, who will take over the routine work.

However, Fire signs have a remarkable ability to quickly react and make decisions, sometimes on an intuitive level, as well as to grasp the meaning of a large flow of information on the fly. All this makes them strong players in business or at work.

Positive traits:

  • energy, kindness and optimism;
  • courage and enterprise;
  • faith in one's own strength.

Negative qualities:

  • impulsiveness and incontinence;
  • stubbornness and desire to always do things your own way;
  • lack of practicality.

Aries Features

The fiery nature of this sign is associated with impetuous forest fire. Aries energy is spontaneous and ebullient. The main qualities are enterprise, impulsiveness. The constant emergence of new impulses does not allow Aries to sit still, but directs forward into the unknown.

Representatives of this zodiac sign have a great need for change. They are lost in periods of boredom and calm, the light in their eyes treacherously goes out. The world around suddenly turns to a hopeless gray.

Aries loves when something happens. And thinking about life and discussing the news is not his element.

People of the first sign of the zodiac are fighters by nature. They are not afraid of competitors and spare no effort to achieve the goal. They work hard to get what they want. The initial impulse is very strong. But they do not like doing the same thing for a long time.

So, having settled into a new enterprise and having earned the respect of his superiors, Aries strives further up the career ladder, to new positions, to new achievements. It is important for him to prove to other people his courage and worth.

Leo Features

This Fire sign is symbolically associated with an evenly burning fire around which friends gather. Leos love to be the center of attention. He generously endows friends and fans with the warmth of his ardent heart. This is a witty and bright interlocutor.

Lions have a feeling dignity. They demand respect for themselves. At the same time, they themselves behave nobly. If others express disrespect or somehow humiliate dignity, representatives of this Fire sign snap back, harbor resentment in their souls and subsequently experience it acutely.

The lion is a strong opponent. It is better not to quarrel with him. He is endowed with perseverance in achieving goals, remarkable organizational skills and is not afraid to take responsibility.

You can win the favor of Leo with the help of sincere compliments and a respectful attitude.

This sign is good both at work and at rest. Leos love various events and holidays. Often become the soul of the company. Although they can be short-tempered and even arrogant, they are loved by friends for their bright personality, generosity and endless warmth.

Features of Sagittarius

The fiery nature of this zodiac sign is associated with embers. First one ember will flare up, then another. And it is very difficult to put out these coals. So is Sagittarius - he is inspired by different ideas, they change throughout life, but he continues to warm himself and those around him with the Fiery warmth.

Sagittarius strives for development all his life. He believes in himself and in his mission. This is a very proactive person, he takes on one project, then another. It's true that it's hard to get things done.

Representatives of this sign love to expand their horizons, so they are attracted to travel.

It is important for them to develop their spiritual world. However, Sagittarius also try not to forget about the material. They like comfort and security. They put a lot of effort into work or open their own business.

For all its inconstancy, Sagittarius can be deeply faithful to ideals. This is a man of principle. If he decided for himself to speak only the truth, he will try to keep his word. If he promised to be a friend, he will not deceive and will not let you down.

Thus, the Fire signs of the zodiac are people full of enthusiasm and inspiration. They actively implement their ideas and want to make our world a better place. These are optimists who believe in themselves and warm those around them with the warmth of their hearts.

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The fire signs of the zodiac - Leo, Sagittarius and Aries - can be recognized by their energy and emotional behavior. They are ambitious and optimistic, good organizers, therefore they are able to lead people, motivating and helping the weak. hallmark stubbornness is also - fire signs in any situation will prove their case.

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How are fire signs different from other signs?

Describing a group of fire signs with one phrase, we can say that these are “hot people”. They have a wild imagination and a mobile mind, they try to bring even unrealistic ideas to life. Leo, Aries and Sagittarius try to be the first in everything and enter into an argument with those who think differently than they do.

Fire signs of the zodiac unite common features character:

  • emotional;
  • have a fast reaction;
  • freedom-loving;
  • straightforward and honest;
  • consider their opinion the only true one;
  • hot-tempered;
  • commit reckless acts.

The signs of the zodiac differ by month: their character depends on what time they were born. The patrons of each decade determine the aspirations and life goals Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, giving them individual characteristics.

Characteristics of Aries

Aries: March 21 - April 20 The symbol of the sign - Mars, personifies the movement forward, the destruction of everything in its path.

The zodiac sign is endowed with the following qualities:

  • energy;
  • perseverance;
  • endurance;
  • bravery;
  • thinking tactics;
  • self-confidence;
  • ambition.

Negative Traits of Aries:

  • aggressiveness;
  • stubbornness;
  • irascibility;
  • quick irritability;
  • tendency to exaggerate.

Description of the fire sign of the zodiac on the channel “Goroskopo. Unusual horoscope.

Relationships with others

Aries is a contact and sociable person. Easily makes new acquaintances and attracts everyone's attention. He has a high need to be among people.

Not every company will be chosen by Aries: it is important for him to spend time not only with interest, but also with benefit. He pays a lot of attention to his friends and is demanding of them. But Aries has the most claims to himself. This sign of the zodiac wants other people to be stricter with themselves, trying to teach them this.

Business qualities

The main business properties of Aries:

  • responsible as an employee and as a leader;
  • he likes to be in the company of a large team or work, negotiating on duty;
  • he knows how to negotiate with clients and convince them that he is right.

Aries is a careerist striving for a high rank. It is enough for him that the work brings a good income.

Professions suitable for this zodiac sign:

  • military;
  • mechanic;
  • politician;
  • advocate;
  • children's doctor;
  • trainer;
  • journalist.

Aries love to work with technology, many technical professions are suitable for them.

Attitude towards money

Aries tends to material well-being, achieves everything with difficulty. He will not be able to be financially dependent on someone, he does not need sponsors.

This zodiac sign does not know how to save money. He easily spends money on the fulfillment of his desires and on gifts to loved ones. With a lack of finances, it is easy to find additional income.

Family life

Responsible approach to the issue of creating a family. Aries marry once and for all. If a divorce does happen, the representative of the sign of fire will hardly be able to establish a personal life. He will stop trusting the opposite sex and start looking for problems in his partner.

Basic principles regarding the family:

  • in marriage, Aries seeks to provide for his loved ones: he will sacrifice priorities and personal time;
  • he is demanding of his life partner, but not for the sake of a thirst for power, but in order to improve relationships;
  • always tries to take a leading position and control all decisions.

Attitude towards sex

This is one of the most passionate signs of the zodiac. But he does not need casual connections, he needs one, beloved person. Aries chooses a partner with similar sexual activity so that the intimate life is bright and varied.

The representative of the fiery sign does not like to create a romantic atmosphere and arrange dates. He looks for these skills in his partner.

In sex, Aries occupies a leading position, it is important for him to create an initiative of intimacy. If the partner is modest, then the representative of this sign can be too rude to him.

Who suits Aries?

Aries has excellent compatibility with:

  1. Capricorn. When love arises, these zodiac signs will be able to find mutual language. They are often combined common goals and desires. Capricorn will teach Aries wisdom, and he, in turn, will provide for the family and motivate her to success. The only problem in a relationship is perseverance. This character trait is inherent in both signs and in solving difficult situations they can stop hearing each other.
  2. Lion. The union promises to be passionate and exciting. If in life these signs are ruthless competitors, then in relationships they are caring partners. Create a strong and friendly family, also both are very fond of children. In marriage, they will worry financial question due to the excessive generosity of Leo.
  3. Gemini. Relationships will become best friends. These signs of the zodiac are able to catch fire with one idea and embody it together, without disputes. They perfectly complement each other: Gemini with wisdom, and Aries with fortitude and ambition.

Not suitable for the fire sign:

  1. Taurus. They will not get along in a relationship because of the difference in needs. Aries will not be satisfied with an unemotional Taurus: this will only lead to constant irritation and quarrels. And the sign of the earth will not be able to take an overly ambitious person seriously. Such couples quickly break up, and Aries then suffer for a long time from the loss of a partner. But these representatives of signs can create a strong friendship.
  2. Virgo. In a couple, psychological tension will always be felt. Both will not make concessions to each other, even for the sake of maintaining a relationship. In marriage, Virgo meticulously keeps order, while Aries strives for disorder. The representative of the earth sign will reproach the sign of fire, against this background there will be constant quarrels.
  3. Fish. Two opposite elements that do not have the same characters or outlook on life. Pisces strive for tranquility and home pastime. And Aries need outdoor activities and the search for extreme hobbies. Differences will also appear in relation to each other. A watermark representative seeks to please their partner in a relationship. And the representative of the elements of fire does not like this behavior of the victim - the couple will break up by mutual desire.

Check sign compatibility for more successful union You can also use the Eastern calendar.

Characteristics of Leo

Leo: June 23 - August 22. The patron of the sign is the Sun, it has always been the object of worship and deification. This is exactly what Leo was by nature. This zodiac sign is most dependent on the opinions of other people and needs praise.

Positive sides:

  • generosity;
  • self-confidence;
  • artistry;
  • loyalty;
  • aristocracy.

Negative qualities:

  • boastfulness;
  • arrogance;
  • does not accept criticism;
  • selfishness;
  • arrogance.

Characteristics of Leo on the channel “Goroskopo. Unusual horoscope.

Relationships with others

For Leo, a large audience is important - this is the most sociable sign of the zodiac. He will seek contact with those people who treat him with delight and sympathy. Insincere society Leo bypasses, not wasting time on them.

The representative of fire takes care of close friends and protects them. He is very generous and ready to help those in need, even to the detriment of himself. Often people use this and deceive Leo.

Business qualities

A lion - creative person, which means the office strict schedule work and dress code is not suitable for him. He is looking for a place where he can develop and apply his imagination.

Positive business qualities Leo:

  • excellent leaders, they can successfully organize the work process and find an approach to each employee;
  • these people love and know how to learn quickly and apply knowledge in the profession;
  • are actively interested in new technologies and are able to quickly adapt in the working environment.

Professions suitable for Leo:

  • doctor;
  • party leader;
  • manager;
  • musician;
  • artist;
  • politician;
  • fashion designer.

Leo will always strive for leadership positions, even if at first they have to work in submission.

Attitude towards money

Relationships with money are built on the principles of:

  • a representative of the fire element loves to live in luxury, without denying himself anything;
  • often he earns for his own pleasures, but will not be embarrassed by expensive gifts from outside;
  • he does not save and does not save money - he does not like to think about the future;
  • in the event of financial difficulties, he will easily orient himself and find a solution to the problem.

Leo loves to spend money on close people, he can give expensive gifts for the rest of his savings. In return, he never asks for anything, he does it to make a person happy.

Family life

This zodiac sign is extremely freedom-loving, does not accept violations of his personal boundaries. Ready to marry someone who is fascinated and admires him. It is more important for him to be loved than to love himself.

In the family, Leo will become more domestic, stop striving for constant being in public. Only one person may be enough for him, but you should not try to limit the sign of fire. This is an independent person who likes to make decisions on his own.

Attitude towards sex

Attitude towards sex in Leo is based on the following principles:

  • Leo is a passionate and sexy person, he prefers to find bright partners for intimacy;
  • by nature, the fire sign is a conqueror, but in fact it draws interest only to those who already show signs of attention to it;
  • the initiative must come from Leo, otherwise he will lose interest;
  • the representative of the fiery element cannot stand monotony in bed: spontaneity and play are important to him;
  • will not be able to have sex on schedule, will rather leave such a relationship, even if otherwise the partner will suit him.

Who suits Leo?

Compatible zodiac signs with Leo:

  1. Ratio Leo - man, Sagittarius - woman. At first, it will be easy for the couple: one representative of the fire spends a lot of time in public, while the other does not care. Together they will be held together by passion and desire to create a family in the future. With age, each of them will have to become more responsible in order to maintain a relationship. If the couple can do this, their marriage will be strong.
  2. Scales. A representative of the element of air can ignite the flame of love in a fiery sign. Libra is able to admire and support Leo in everything, and he needs it. Perhaps the marriage will not become passionate and full of emotions, but it will be based on support and mutual understanding.
  3. Capricorn. Leo respects the strength that the representative of the earth element shows. He motivates a partner and becomes an idol for him. In a relationship, Capricorn will have the hardest time, he will be tormented by emerging disagreements that Leo will not even notice. If a couple learns to hear each other, then their marriage will be happy. Also, these zodiac signs create strong friendships.

Unsuitable bright representative fire elements:

  1. Cancer. Sign compatibility is debatable. Cancers are gentle and calm by nature, it is important for them to create a family and raise children. They are intolerant of Leo's sociability and will not be able to admire him daily. The representative of water extinguishes the passion of fire, and the latter may fall into an unusual depression. The most calm connections will arise if the man is Leo, the woman is Cancer.
  2. Scorpion. Relationships with zodiac signs will start quickly and will be filled with passion, but the couple has no future. In an alliance, they decide who is stronger and has more power. None of them will sacrifice their interests, both representatives are proud and stubborn. At first, their marriage will be filled with disagreements, and then the worst qualities will take possession of them. Scorpio will become a tyrant in the family, and Leo will take a walk on the side.
  3. Taurus. Relations between signs are rarely tied. Taurus is not inclined to get involved in bright, strong personalities. And Leo is unlikely to exchange a noisy company for gatherings at home in a cozy atmosphere. If a couple comes together, it will be only physically, mentally they will each remain in their own world.

Characteristics of Sagittarius

Sagittarius: November 23 - December 21. The ruler of the sign is Jupiter. Representatives of this planet are warlike and wise, but prone to pride and vanity.

The fire sign of the zodiac has the charisma of a leader, strives for popularity and dreams of changing the world for the better. He often succeeds in his field of activity, and maybe not even in one.

Positive features:

  • friendly;
  • purposeful;
  • ambitious;
  • optimistically look at the world;
  • faithful and devoted;
  • respect family traditions.

Negative qualities:

  • tactless;
  • try to avoid responsibility;
  • propensity to gluttony;
  • unable to keep secrets.

Characteristics of Sagittarius on the channel "Goroskopo. Unusual horoscope.

Relationships with others

Features of the relationship of the fire sign with other people:

  1. Sagittarius likes to spend time in public places with a cheerful company. If he gets bored with them, he will go to another place without even thinking that he might offend someone.
  2. At home and in a secluded place, the representative of the fire feels uncomfortable. Therefore, it is better to invite him to concerts and other entertainment events.
  3. Sagittarius does not care about the opinion of the people around him. He will easily ruin the relationship by saying tactless things to a person. Sagittarius will not try to make connections. Therefore, his environment is unstable - often changes friends and companies.

Business qualities

This zodiac sign is also fickle in the work environment. Sagittarius easily gets carried away with business, and when he gets bored with it, he will quit. In rare cases, he can work in one place for years, if he is not limited by his superiors.

Sagittarius does not always perform tasks with high quality: he tries to do everything quickly, without paying attention to details. This sign of the zodiac will not look for mistakes in an already finished case. Rather, he will start doing it again if he is asked about it, but with the same disdain.

Professions suitable for Sagittarius:

  • the reporter;
  • criminologist;
  • stuntman;
  • pilot;
  • interpreter;
  • philosophy teacher;
  • historian;
  • athlete.

Most often, Sagittarians choose professions associated with risk.

Attitude towards money

The representative of the fire element is materially unstable. He does not know how to save money and lives one day at a time.

He solves financial difficulties quickly: just as he gets into them. Sagittarians love luck, and it can bring money in the form of a find or a win. Therefore, a representative of fire rarely finds himself in poverty.

Family life

The lack of stability in Sagittarius is also observed in family life. He behaves unpredictably with his spouse, bringing many surprises into his life.

A sign of fire can lead in marriage if he chooses a patient partner who will be able to accept him. Sagittarians are grateful to their soul mates for taking care of them, but they still won’t rush home after work. Their priorities are not family, but communication and freedom.

Attitude towards sex

Features of the attitude of Sagittarius to sex:

  1. AT intimate life Sagittarius is more prone to casual relationships than other signs. He will follow the object of passion, even if he is in a relationship.
  2. He does not need to create a romantic atmosphere and secluded dates - Sagittarius will not appreciate such efforts.
  3. Will choose a spontaneous partner who can surprise him.
  4. In sex, he does not strive for diversity, the entire initiative will fall on the shoulders of the partner.

Who suits Sagittarius?

Sagittarius to create a relationship you need to choose:

  1. Aquarius. This is the most successful union. Aquarius in marriage will become more serious, and Sagittarius will begin to relate to everything easier. Their relationship begins quickly, and then successfully gaining momentum. The air sign will never put pressure on Sagittarius, and he will like it. Such families almost never break up, and if this happens, the couple remains friends.
  2. Scales. Two different person but they fit together. The best compatibility, according to astrologers, is when the woman is Sagittarius and the guy is Libra. The fire sign needs a calm and balanced partner in a relationship who loves stability. Quarrels in this pair are excluded.
  3. Aries. It is a union of passion and inspiration. They are both ready for spontaneous decisions and travel, their dreams will be similar. The signs of fire will delight each other and others with their perfect couple. But it is difficult for them to live together, alone with each other. Aries can become a "parent" for Sagittarius and scold a naughty "child". If the couple survives or accepts this relationship model, their union will be strong and happy.

Not suitable for Sagittarius:

  1. Fish. The most conflicting combination of fire and water. They oppose both in friendship and in relationships - their outlook on life is completely different. If the couple nevertheless converges, quarrels await them: Sagittarius will hurt the feelings of Pisces, and they will be offended and close in themselves.
  2. Virgin. The beginning of this relationship is interesting and romantic. Virgo is looking for a permanent life partner, and in the first stages she will adapt to the wishes of her partner. Sagittarius still will not become a homebody, even in a relationship with a sensitive sign of the earth.
  3. Taurus. This type of relationship is called "rabbit and boa constrictor", where the balanced sign of the earth becomes the victim. Taurus in a pair appreciates a partner and tries to keep, even if he does not meet the ideals. Sagittarius is bored in a couple, he will not dare to burden himself with marriage, which the representative of the earth sign will put pressure on.


Fire signs of the zodiac on the channel "Your horoscope - AstroOrakul".

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