When is it better to go on holiday to Poland - in autumn or spring? When is the best time to go to Poland? When will it be possible to travel to Poland?

The state of Poland is located on the shores of the Baltic Sea. A holiday on its territory will be unforgettable for lovers of both beach and cultural recreation. In winter, tourists can visit the local ski resort.

Poland is an amazing country. Tourists from all over the world come to this corner of the earth to see with their own eyes unique architectural monuments, incredibly beautiful landscapes and have an unforgettable vacation on the Baltic Sea coast. Unlike many countries, tourism in this state is by no means seasonal. Poland is open to visitors all year round. You can visit it at any time of the year, but still some months are the most preferable for this.

For lovers beach holiday For example, it is worth planning a trip from June to August. It is at this time that the temperature of the Baltic Sea is favorable for swimming. For those who prefer cultural leisure, travel agency specialists advise coming here in May or September, when the air temperature is quite high and there are not too many visitors. When planning your upcoming vacation in Poland, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of all attractions in advance, select the most interesting ones and book a tour to your favorite city.

In Wieliczka, for example, you can visit the museum of the medieval Salt Mine, in Krakow - the Czartoryski Museum, in Auschwitz - former concentration camps. And that's just small part all the world famous sights. Accommodation in hotels in Poland will not cost too much. A room in a cozy three-star hotel, for example, can be booked for just 1,500-2,000 rubles per day. For five-star apartments you will have to pay a little more than 3,000 rubles per day.

Not only the warm season is favorable for a trip to Poland. In winter, you can relax here at one of the ski resorts. On the territory of this state there are no excessively steep slopes and high climbs, as, for example, in the mountains, but ideal conditions have been created for beginner snowboarders at the local resorts. You can ski in Poland from January to February, sometimes the month of December can also be snowy. New Year's tours here are extremely popular. But for some people, traveling to this country for the Christmas holidays may be too expensive.

Prices for hotel accommodation at such times increase at least twice. It is best to wait out this period of increased demand and come here in mid-January or February. Those who want to improve their health can book a tour at any time of the year. On the territory of this amazing country there is a large number of medical sanatoriums of a fairly high level.

Lovers of quality recreation will definitely enjoy staying on the territory of the state of Poland. The photos you bring with you will also be available for a long time remind you of a pleasant time.

The small Baltic state of Poland is a vibrant, ancient European country located west of Ukraine and south of Kaliningrad region Russia. Read our article on the Tour Calendar, in which we tell you why the most favorable time for visiting it - from May to the end of September.

Tourist season in Poland

Since Poland joined in 2004 European Union, tourism development has become a priority in the government's work. The country is still experiencing a real revival of tourism, and proof of this is the hotels growing like mushrooms after rain, the resorts being built, the increased level of service and, of course, the annual trend of increasing the number of foreign guests interested in rich history and the inflexible character of this restless but cheerful nation. Tourist Poland is developing in four directions: cultural (cities “responsible” for cultural wealth - Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk and Poznan), resort (Baltic beach resorts and treatment centers), environmental ( nature reserves, National parks, crystal clean lakes, picturesque countryside and tens of thousands of hiking trails) and skiing (skiing centers in southern Poland). IN Lately They also rely on business tourism. Tourist season has an annual cycle, during this period about 14.5 million people visit the country.

High season in Poland

Poland is a kind of bridge between East and West, or, if you like, a window to Europe for Ukrainians and Russians. The largest number of foreign visits to the country is observed in early May, in the summer and during the New Year and Christmas holidays. The overwhelming number of residents of countries former socialist camp, unfortunately, still perceives Poland as a transit country on the way to European states, or as a shopping destination rather than an interesting travel destination. On May holidays and summer holidays near the Polish border, several hundred tourist buses are languishing in anticipation, traveling along different routes - to Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Italy, etc. As a rule, travelers spend only a few days in Poland as part of combined tours, but there are so many of them that Almost all accommodation facilities are booked several months in advance. And prices also increase significantly. If we talk about the inbound flow from countries Western Europe, then Germany is most active in the Polish direction - approximately 4.6 million people per year. The Germans prefer economical beach holidays and health promotion at health resorts. Poland is experiencing another surge in tourism ahead of the winter holidays. Christmas is celebrated by the Poles very colorfully, in the spirit of old traditions, so trips dedicated to this religious event are sold out with a bang.

Low season in Poland

There is a special contingent of tourists who plan their trips during the off-season. There are several reasons for this, but the most common are reduced prices (for air tickets, tour packages, hotel accommodations, excursions) and a calmer environment compared to the high season. Poland belongs to the category of those countries where the foreign flow never dries up. Such a high number of visitors to the country, in addition to its convenient geographical location and abundance of attractions, is explained by relatively affordable European education, high-quality shopping and fertile soil for building a business. However, there are periods when local hotel occupancy levels are not as high as during the high season. A striking contrast with summer months observed on empty city streets in late autumn, in the second half of winter and in early spring. At this time, the number of foreign guests in the country is minimal, even taking into account the number of vacationers at the country’s ski resorts (still, not everyone likes to travel in inhospitable cold weather).

Best time for excursions

Poland, which is modest in size, has an immodest number of attractions about which there are legends and ancient traditions. In general, this is a real paradise for lovers of antiquity, age-old secrets and medieval surroundings. The proposed trips are very diverse - both in content and duration. The standard program lasts 7 days, but there are weekend tours, which, by the way, are very popular among ordinary travelers. Cosmopolitan Krakow with preserved amazingly old center, the historical port city of Gdansk with stunning sea views, carefully restored after the Second World War. The Old Town of Warsaw - the “golden triangle” - the main excursion centers of the country. It is more advisable to get acquainted with the cultural and historical heritage of Poland in the warm season - from May to September, since in late autumn and winter the weather here is quite cool, and a decent proportion of tourist sites (like castles and fortresses) are closed to the public.

Beach season in Poland

“Resort Poland” - this epithet has not yet had time to take root in the minds of experienced (and not so experienced) travelers. But in vain, because the western part of the country is washed by the purest waters Baltic Sea. Those who discovered the seaside resorts of Poland were able to fully appreciate their advantages over relaxing on the beaches of other Baltic states: a healing climate, one of the most best beaches in Europe, marked with the Blue Flag for compliance with high international environmental standards, it is possible to high level service and, most importantly, very affordable prices. Swimming season on the Polish coast it lasts from the beginning of June to the end of August, but the sea water maintains a low temperature. In July and August it usually reaches +20..+21 °C, but sometimes at this time it does not exceed +18 °C.

Cruise season

Poland has several ports from which ferry services and cruises operate, mainly to Sweden and Denmark. For example, passenger ships depart from the city of Kolobrzeg to Scandinavia. And from Gdynia “by water” you can get to Helsinki or Rostock. The navigation season lasts all year round, with the highest prices being set between May and September. The current ferry schedule can be found.

Ski season in Poland

Polish ski resorts- a good alternative to expensive Western European winter trails for those who are just learning this type sport and does not require steep descents and high slopes. The developed infrastructure, high-quality equipment and decent après-ski in Zakopane, Krynic, Bialka Tatrzanska and other ski centers in the country have appealed to many families from Russia, Ukraine and Western Europe. The skiing season lasts from December to mid-March, when the air temperature fluctuates between -10..+2 °C. The most expensive tours are those with arrivals from December 24 to January 7.

Wellness season

Poland's natural resources are rich in unique composition mineral waters and healing mud springs, which the country’s recreational industry uses for the benefit of human health. Wellness centers are located both at the ski slopes and at beach resorts, therefore their geography is very extensive. People come here for a powerful boost of vivacity and energy, rejuvenation, as well as treatment for a number of chronic diseases. You can take the course at any time of the year, but the most favorable period for this is from May to the end of September, when relatively low temperatures prevail. warm weather, under which procedures can easily be “diluted” active recreation on fresh air.

Sale season in Poland

Polish clothing is famous for its excellent quality. Hundreds of thousands of people come here for shopping - in order to update their own wardrobe or purchase goods for commercial purposes. Twice a year, local stores mark down between 20% and 80% on the products they sell. Winter sales start after Catholic Christmas and last until approximately mid-January. Summer season discounts occur from the end of June to mid-August.

It's time for holidays and festivals

Poles are proud of their history and are very sensitive to the traditions of their country. The festive calendar includes a huge number of events, by visiting which you can feel its true spirit and become a little closer to its people. 1st of January - New Year, January 6 - Epiphany, January 21 - Grandmother's Day, January 22 - Grandfather's Day, January 27 - Holocaust Remembrance Day, January 14 - St. Valentine, March 8 - International Women's Day, end of March - beginning of April - Catholic Easter, April 1 - April Fool's Day, May 3 - Constitution Day, May 8 - Liberation from Fascism Day, May 26 - Mother's Day, August 15 - Ascension Day Virgin Mary, October 14 - Teacher's Day in Poland, November 1 - All Saints' Day, November 11 - Independence Day, November 30 - Andrzejki, December 6 - Catholic Day of St. Nicholas, December 25 - Christmas, December 31 - St. Sylvester's Day.

Climate in Poland

Poland has a temperate climate. But if you take a closer look, some differences are revealed: the weather in the northwest is quite unstable due to the influence of the Baltic Sea, while in the east there are features of a continental climate. In general, weather conditions are very variable, so the seasons and temperature levels vary slightly from year to year. However, they remain unchanged the following characteristics: central regions drier, and the southern ones wetter.

Poland in spring

Spring comes to Poland, or rather, to its sea coast very early. On March days, above-zero temperatures are already recorded here. Although a completely different scenario should not be ruled out. The confrontation between continental and Atlantic air masses often leads to confusion in weather conditions, and then literally every day brings surprises in the form of unexpected cold snaps or, on the contrary, sharp warming. The frosts are still fierce inside and in the south of the country, and the snow cover does not even think about saying goodbye to the ground. In April, the nature of Poland finally awakens from hibernation: the trees are covered with a delicate green haze, flowers bloom, saturating the air with wonderful aromas, and the nightingale trills lift the already good mood. In the elevated regions of the country, at the “equator” of the season, snow melting is just beginning, so instead of rioting bright colors There are dull landscapes here in the form of floods and muddy roads. But already in May nature is beautiful here too. The air warms up to +15..+18 °C, the sun wins back more and more days, so the weather is very conducive to long walks in the fresh air. But be prepared for the evenings to still get cold. In some years, the last month of spring was marked by frost at night, so it would be very nice to have warm winter clothes with you.

Temperature and weather in Poland in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilWeather in May
Gdansk +6 +3 +10 +6 +16 +12
Zakopane +4 +8 +15
Krakow +7 +13 +18
Poznan +6 +13 +18

Poland in summer

Summer in Poland experiences moderately warm weather, characterized by periodic precipitation. Although hot periods with strong winds cannot be ruled out. The highest levels are recorded in the interior of the country, while on the coast sea breezes have a cooling effect. July is the warmest month of the year. The average daily air temperature in Krakow and Warsaw is approximately +23 °C; on some days the thermometer can rise to +27 °C. The range of day and night temperatures is very large. If you stay a little longer on the excursion without having additional clothes with you, you can feel cold: by the evening the air cools down to +11..15 °C. It's much cooler in the mountains. It often rains here and is heavily cloudy.

Temperature and weather in Poland in summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in August
Gdansk +19 +17 +21 +20 +21 +22
Zakopane +18 +20 +19
Krakow +21 +23 +22
Poznan +22 +23 +23

January weather in Poland. Poland's cold winter is due to its temperate continental climate. Harsh air currents Atlantic waters, tropical Eurasia are causing changes weather conditions. The average daily temperature in January is - 1ºС, night temperature - 6ºС. Precipitation is extremely rare. A mild and humid climate is characteristic of northwestern Poland. The country is being blown away westerly winds, mountainous areas are subject to strong gusts of southern winds, causing warming and snow melting.

The total number of snow days in winter is approximately 40, with a special degree of preservation duration snow cover mountainous areas are noted. The Silesian lowland is characterized by rapid snow melting, caused by the instability of frosty nights. The air is characterized by zero daytime temperatures, and -5ºС at night. The weather conditions of the mountainous area are marked by stable frost resistance in February, attracting a large flow of tourists who prefer active pastime.

Many of the country's attractions are best visited in late spring or early autumn. ?

March weather in Poland

The onset of spring weather in Poland is happening quickly. Warm March has a changeable character. Daytime thermometer observations state 5ºC above zero, night temperatures drop to about -2ºC. Most remote areas of Poland are characterized by weak winds, while coastal areas are characterized by gusty air currents. The possibility of storm warnings is allowed, excluding strong hurricanes destructive in nature.

The height of the Polish spring is characteristic of the April period. The positive indicator of air heating is 13 degrees Celsius of daytime temperature. The weather brings nature to life, filling the air with lilac aromas. For evening walks, visitors to the country are advised to wear insulated clothing; the nights in Poland are cool at +3ºС. The Baltic coast is an extremely cool place in April, with maximum heat reaching +8 degrees Celsius. This tourist period is the least expensive, allowing you to save money on the excursion and walking program of a guest of the country.

May weather in Poland

May weather in Poland is marked by a large number of sunny days. The temperature reaches +19ºС during the day, +8ºС at night. The comparative warmth of the daytime air is replaced by the freshness of the evening air masses. There are rare frosts characteristic of geographical location areas of the state that can darken the mood of numerous tourists. The climate in May is favorable target audience citizens who want to improve their own health in Polish treatment centers.

June weather in Poland

The climatic conditions of June are represented by elevated daytime temperatures, reaching the typical thermometer readings of 22 degrees above zero. Sunny June days are characterized by long rainy days, reducing the level of night temperature indicators to +10ºС. Poland celebrated high humidity summer air, wind flows are moderate. The lakes of this period of the year become the main places for tourist walks.

Temperate maritime climatic conditions in Poland are characteristic of the northwestern regions. Observed frequent rains, causing the daytime air to cool. The eastern part of the country has the opposite characteristics - sunny, sweltering weather, typical continental climate. July is considered a hot month - the air temperature during the day reaches +24ºС, at night + 13ºС. Periodic characteristic of the height of summer rainy weather quickly gives way to a sunny period.

August weather in Poland

The August period is characterized by unstable weather conditions. Temperature conditions tend to change indicators periodically, causing sudden changes. Cloudy weather in Poland provokes heavy precipitation, dropping the air to +18ºС during the daytime. Sunny periods can produce an average daytime temperature of +22ºС, and +12ºС - at night. The climate of Poland in August eliminates the sweltering heat, increasing the influx of vacationers to sea ​​coast. The heating of sea water reaches a maximum of +22 degrees.

September weather in Poland

The beginning of September is marked by a large number of warm sunny days. The approach of autumn is signaled by the changeability of capricious natural phenomena. Precipitation becomes a frequent guest in Polish September. Average air indicators record daily levels of 18 degrees above zero, in some places the temperature increase reaches 25 degrees. The night air drops to +10 degrees. September beach holidays give way to visits to health resorts.

October weather promises a small part sunny days, capable of delighting numerous guests of Poland. A rainy period is possible, replacing warm climatic conditions with chilly windy weather. The onset of the first frosts in the coastal areas of the Baltic Sea is observed. Temperature day mode stops at +13ºС, night +5ºС. The central region of the Polish state is characterized by the mildness of the climatic conditions in October.

November weather in Poland

November Poland is characterized by the arrival of real autumn. Cloudy weather becomes more frequent, heavy clouds envelop the sky, and night frosts set in. There are frightening wind gusts that can cause property damage by blowing off roofs. Mountainous areas are most exposed to such natural elements. The average heating of air masses reaches positive values ​​during the day - 6ºС, the average minimum night air heating is +1ºС.

Farewell to summer in Poznan, video:

December weather in Poland

Harsh climate winter weather in Poland it is characteristic of the December period. The onset of cold daytime hours and frosty nights becomes proof of the dominance of a temperate continental climate. The rivers freeze, the territory of the earth is covered with a decent layer of snow. Average daytime temperatures fluctuate around 1-2 degrees Celsius, night temperatures tend to show 3 degrees below zero. Tourist visits to the country are based on mountain entertainment.

Tourists from all over the world travel to a corner of the earth called Poland to experience it with their own eyes. unique monuments architecture and unusually beautiful landscapes. Unlike other countries, tourism in Poland is not seasonal. This means that there is no time when it is better to relax in Poland.

If it is still important to you when it is preferable to fly to Poland, then all the necessary information can be found on. Beach lovers should note that the peak high season in Poland it lasts from June to August. It is at this time that the temperature of the Baltic Sea is considered the most favorable for swimming.

Poland in winter: where to go

Despite the fact that with the onset of cold weather in Poland comes low season, there will also be something to do at this time. The winter weather in Poland is quite cold and snowy. The highest amount of precipitation falls in eastern regions countries. On average, the temperature ranges from 0°C to -10°C.

When choosing a holiday in Poland in winter, it is worth considering that due to constant circulation of air masses, the weather throughout the country can change dramatically. For example, tropical air brings fog, and dry polar masses bring severe frosts. At this time of year, tourists are more attracted to ski holidays. For this purpose, it is worth visiting Krinitsa.

Holidays in Poland in spring

If you are interested in the question of when is the best time to go to Poland, you can choose not only hot summer, but also spring for your visit. This time of year is good because nature awakens from hibernation, blossoms, and freshness flies in the air. Having chosen a holiday in Poland in the spring, you will find out that on the Baltic Sea coast, the weather becomes quite warm already in March.

At higher elevations, the snow is just beginning to melt in the middle of the season, so the riot of bright colors can only be seen here in May. With the coming last month spring, the weather in Poland wins back more and more sunny days. The air warms up to +15–18°C. Despite such a reckless forecast, be prepared for the fact that with the onset of darkness it becomes very cold again.

Holidays in Poland in summer

In summer the weather in Poland is relatively warm. It is characterized by both periodic precipitation and strong winds. The highest temperatures are recorded in the interior regions of the country.

Most warm month July is considered in the year. When planning a holiday in Poland in the summer, you should take into account the fact that the range of day and night temperatures is quite large. The average daily temperature in the region reaches +23°C, and in +27°C. However, if you stay late on excursions, you may become very cold by the evening, as the thermometer drops to +11–15°C.

One of the famous European countries, famous for its attractions, is Poland. Access to the Baltic Sea provides significant influence on the formation of the climate of Poland.

General characteristics and interesting facts

Located in temperate climatic zone. The climate gradually changes from maritime to continental. Numerous passes over the country's territory air masses. As a result, the weather is very changeable and the climate is quite varied. This creates some difficulties when forecasting future weather. Due to the collision of air masses and atmospheric changes, it may be different in different years. Also important role The climate of Poland is influenced by the country's topography, which accelerates air movement over the territory.

Not last place in the list of influencing factors is geographical location a state that is characterized by a significant distance from large bodies of water, as well as neighboring vast territories. Air masses coming from the Black and Mediterranean Seas also have an influence.

Poland also experiences unusual precipitation. There is a well-known fact in history when, in 1901, dark brown rain began to fall from a cloud that came from the Sahara. And seventy years later, part of the country was covered with orange snow for the same reason.

Poland's climate can be so changeable that in the twelfth century grapes were grown on plantations here.

Climate change throughout the year

The weather conditions of an area can change not only over several years, but even within one year. Let's take a closer look at the climate of Poland by month.

Winters are generally wet and mild, and summers are warm. In summer, temperatures range from +16 in coastal areas to +19 in the south of the country, average temperature reaches eighteen degrees. In January, average temperatures range from -1 on the coast to -4 in the northeast.

In February the temperature is down to -3 degrees. Beginning with spring months, it rises and already in March is +2. In April it reaches eight degrees Celsius, and in May - fourteen. In summer, as mentioned above, it rises no higher than nineteen degrees. In June - seventeen, in July - nineteen, in August - eighteen. In September it drops again to fourteen, in October - to eight, and in November - only three degrees Celsius. In December it drops to -1.

Regional climate

The weather changes not only by month. Below we consider the climate of Poland by region.

In total, there are six climatic regions in Poland:

  • The Sudeten and Carpathian mountain systems are characterized by large amounts of snow and sunny winters.
  • A special feature of the Šla Lowland and the Subcarpathian Valley is warm summer and a long growing season. Winters are frosty in the valley, and mild in the lowlands.
  • The Lubelska, Malopolska and Roztocze plains are characterized by Cold winter and warm summer.
  • The Mazowieckie and Wielkopolska lowlands have mild winters.
  • Priozerye - the weather here is colder than in any other regions.
  • The Baltic coast is characterized by cool spring and warm autumn.

Based on the above, we can say that the climate of Poland, although generally moderate, is quite variable throughout the country.

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