Method of obtaining information using oral questioning. Oral survey method and its forms. Oral Questioning: Definition

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The problem of will is a philosophical problem, but it also has psychological aspects.

The presence of will is the presence of internal activity of the individual, which is sometimes called personal activity. Or as James, considered the main author of the psychological concepts of will, said, he called it the spiritual activity of the “I”.

The concept of “will” is often associated with the process of a person’s conscious regulation of his actions and behavior in general. Will is a tool for overcoming obstacles, both internal and external.

In psychology, we come across the definition of will as a manifestation of mental activity or volitional behavior when it is necessary to achieve a specific and specific goal. Thanks to will, a person controls his behavior and predicts his activities for the future. Only the will helps a person to motivate, plan and realize his life goals. This is the main task of manifestation of will in each of us.

Basic volitional actions

Manifestation of will or volitional behavior in actions. There are simple and complex volitional actions.

Simple volitional actions allow you to go towards the goal that was intended. The child knows what he needs to do, how to achieve it, and he performs this action automatically.

Complex volitional actions involve first realizing the goal that needs to be achieved, then choosing possible ways to achieve this goal. Next, it is necessary that some motives appear to achieve the set or chosen goal.

The next step is choice, since there can be several motives, and there are also many ways to achieve the goal. When the path to achieve a goal is chosen, various obstacles or difficulties are overcome on the way to the goal.

Volitional actions, their manifestation - all this forms volitional behavior

Features of volitional behavior

We educate the strong-willed qualities of children

If a child is able to consciously control behavior, and this is done purposefully, while efforts are made to achieve a specific goal, then such behavior is called volitional. In this behavior, the will is active; it plays a decisive role in any activity of the child. preschool age.

The main qualities of volitional behavior - volitional qualities

The manifestation of will is characterized by a number of volitional qualities. Each volitional quality characterizes certain manifestations. Volitional behavior is manifested through the following qualities:

Determination is when a person is ready to exert his strength to achieve his intended goal. And the child is able to achieve the goal.

Independence. An independent person it is impossible to force him to do something he does not want. But he is ready to listen to other people's advice and instructions. He evaluates them, and if other people’s demands do not violate moral standards, then he is ready to accept them.

The next strong-willed quality is determination. When a person makes decisions on time, and they are stable and justified, without hesitation for a long time, he carries them out, even if it is associated with risk, then we are dealing with a decisive person.
What does it mean to make decisions on time? This means at the right time, when required, or when circumstances permit. But, if necessary, stop and make another, more correct decision.

Now let's say a few words about perseverance. This is also one of the strong-willed qualities. Demonstrating persistence allows a person to achieve decision until completion, until the goal is achieved. At the same time, he may encounter obstacles and difficulties, but will overcome them for the sake of his goal.

Another strong-willed quality is considered endurance, or self-control. This quality shows whether a person knows how to stop himself from performing unnecessary actions. Is he able to keep his cool in difficult situations. A person who has self-control is always patient and endures any adversity, even pain, thirst, etc.

The last, but no less important, strong-willed qualities are courage and boldness. Thanks to these qualities, a person overcomes various hardships, suffering, and is ready to perform even very dangerous actions. Having courage, a person is also characterized by perseverance and self-confidence. A courageous and courageous person is always sure that he is doing the right thing.

When do volitional qualities arise?

Strong-willed qualities appear already in preschool age. This that life period, when little man self-regulation of behavior is observed. A child is under the influence of an adult, parents, educators, and other people. Adults always demand something from a child, ask him to do something. And in such situations, the child’s volitional sphere begins to develop. The child is required not to fidget at the table, sit quietly in class, watch his hands, etc.

The child’s volitional qualities have not yet been formed, but he can already make decisions about his playing role in other activities. This is not easy for a preschool child. And first the child solves this problem under the supervision of an adult. Gradually, children learn to control the position of their body and monitor their actions. This is their will.

At preschool age, children learn to control their mental processes. Children set a goal, for example, to remember a poem, a teacher’s assignment, a parent’s assignment, etc.

At this age, new relationships, new types of children's activities begin to take shape, and children's self-esteem is formed. Children compete, compete, and become motivated to achieve success in their activities.

At the age of 7, an “internal position” begins to appear. Children already know how to experience, meaningfully navigate their experiences, which have a certain meaning for the child.

Therefore, at the end of preschool age, the prerequisites for the development of strong-willed behavior.

And this is where they begin negative manifestations in the volitional behavior of the child.

Features of negative manifestations of volitional behavior of a preschooler

First, let's define what is meant by negative manifestations of volitional behavior.

Firstly, this is the child’s desire to do everything in his own way, ignoring the demands and requests of the adult. If he is asked to do something, the child does exactly the opposite.

The next manifestation is stubbornness. A child demands something only because he needs it, and he is not ready to change his decision, he will not do it contrary to himself.

Disobedience is another manifestation. It can be compared to disobedience. The child does not want to obey anyone. Refuses to do what he used to do, but now doesn’t want to.

A negative manifestation - self-will - is observed in preschool children who strive to do everything on their own, without accepting outside help. Because of this, conflicts often grow, the child develops resentment, quarrels, and shows his aggressive tendencies.

Despotism refers to ignoring the interests of others. Children show despotism when they interact with their relatives, parents, and grandparents. This is especially true for children who are the only child of their parents.

Restless children experience great difficulties in classes and have attention disorders. Preschool children with such manifestations of volitional behavior cannot concentrate on tasks, they are anxious. Many of these children suffer from insufficient mental abilities, depression.

Children who are overly active and lack focus are called hyperactive children. This is also a negative manifestation, since it is not easy for such a child to manage his behavior and control his actions.

Volitional behavior - ways to prevent negative manifestations

If we notice that a child is exhibiting negative behavior, we urgently need to sound the alarm. After all, if a child does not develop positive volitional qualities before entering school, it will be difficult for him not only to learn, to perceive educational information, but also to build relationships with friends and teachers.

Note that a negative attitude is associated with the child’s emotional distress. As soon as we observe negative manifestations, it is necessary to distract the child, captivate him with something interesting, and talk affectionately with the child. Being calm with your child can encourage him to be creative.

When preschool children perform creative tasks and other activities, they need to make certain decisions, make choices, and this will help them develop important volitional qualities. Interesting activities attract preschool children, they are attentive and focused. Even if a distracting factor appears, but the child is very enthusiastic, he consciously exerts a strong-willed effort on himself so as not to be distracted, and continues to do an interesting activity.

The influence of the team on the formation of volitional behavior of preschool children

In the process of developing volitional behavior in preschoolers great importance has an organization of collective forms of activity. The child compares his actions with the actions of his comrades; he wants to perform the task better and with better quality. Therefore, he has to gather his will “into a fist” and achieve the goal in the work he has begun.

In any team there are children with strong and weak wills. This is precisely the engine for the transformation of will. When a child participates in collective affairs, then he learns to manage his behavior, controlling his actions, restraining himself from negative manifestations.

Imitating others also contributes to the development of strong-willed qualities in a child. Preschool children are very inquisitive. If you set a positive example, then the correct volitional qualities will be formed. To prevent negative manifestations of volitional behavior, it is important not to look at them “through fingers”, and to direct efforts in time to prevent them. In playful, creative and other activities that are exciting for preschool children, it will not be difficult to instill in the child those strong-willed qualities that will be useful to him in the future both when studying at school and at all stages of his life’s journey.

This method is the most common when testing and assessing knowledge. The essence of this method is that the teacher asks students questions about the content of the material studied and encourages them to answer, thus identifying the quality and completeness of its assimilation. Since an oral survey is a question-and-answer way of testing students' knowledge, it is sometimes called a conversation.

During an oral questioning, the teacher breaks down the material being studied into separate semantic units (parts) and asks students questions for each of them. But you can invite students to reproduce a particular topic studied in full so that they can show the meaningfulness, depth and strength of the acquired knowledge, as well as its internal logic. In many subjects, oral questioning (conversation) is combined with students performing oral and written exercises. Being an effective and most common method of testing and assessing students' knowledge, oral questioning, however, also has its drawbacks. With its help, you can test the knowledge of no more than 3-4 students in a lesson. Therefore, in practice they use various modifications this method and, in particular, the frontal and condensed survey, as well as the “lesson point”.

The essence of a frontal survey is that the teacher breaks down the material being studied into relatively small parts in order to test the knowledge of a larger number of students in this way. With a frontal survey, also called a fluent survey, it is not always easy to give grades to students, since the answer to 1-2 small questions does not make it possible to determine either the volume or depth of assimilation of the material covered.

The essence of a compact survey is that the teacher calls one student for an oral response, and asks four to five students to give written answers to questions prepared in advance on separate sheets of paper (cards). This survey is called compacted because the teacher, instead of listening to oral answers, looks at (checks) the students’ written answers and gives grades for them, somewhat “compressing” them, i.e. saving time on testing knowledge, skills and abilities.

The practice of condensed questioning led to the emergence of a method of written knowledge testing. Its essence is that the teacher distributes to students questions or tasks and examples prepared in advance on separate sheets of paper, which they answer within 10-12 minutes. give written answers. A written survey allows you to assess the knowledge of all students in one lesson. This is important positive side of this method.

A well-known modification of oral questioning is also the assignment of a so-called lesson point to individual students. A lesson point is given for the knowledge that individual students demonstrate throughout the lesson. Thus, the student can complement, clarify or deepen the answers of his comrades undergoing oral questioning. Then he can give examples and participate in answering the teacher’s questions when presenting new material, show intelligence in consolidating knowledge, thus revealing a good understanding of the topic being studied. Giving a lesson score allows you to maintain cognitive activity and voluntary attention of students, as well as more systematic testing of their knowledge.

Oral questioning is a control method that allows not only to question and control students’ knowledge, but also to immediately correct, repeat and consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities.

Advantages of oral questioning

  • More flexible than written.
  • Allows you to maintain contact with students and correct their thoughts.
  • Develops oral speech(monologue, dialogic).
  • Develops speaking skills in front of an audience.
  • Forces you to work at a fast pace.


  • Requires careful preparation, both on the part of the teacher and on the part of the students. Difficulties often arise with the selection of material and the choice of questions.
  • Does not exclude the pressure of the teacher's authority.
  • Leaves some students passive.
  • It takes a lot of time.

Oral questioning techniques

It is customary to distinguish two types of oral questioning:

  • frontal (covers several students at a time);
  • individual (allows you to concentrate on one student).

Methods of conducting a frontal survey

A frontal survey can be conducted using the following techniques:

  • Traffic light. Each student has two-color cards, red and green. When the teacher asks a question, everyone raises their cards. In this case, red signals that the student is not ready to answer, green signals “I know.” Passivity during such a survey is impossible. Of course, the possibility cannot be ruled out that students may be lying. However, the teacher should explain that when picking up a green card, the student must actually be ready to answer.

This survey does not take much time. This can be done at the verification stage homework, after explanation new topic to find out how much new material learned

  • Along the chain- this type of survey is used when you need to give a complete, detailed answer. Its essence is that several students answer one question at once, complementing each other. Very convenient reception when checking homework or working on a creative topic.
  • Silent poll conducted individually with one or more students for whom the topic seemed difficult. The survey is conducted in a low whisper while the class is engaged in group or written work.
  • Programmable survey These are essentially oral tests. The student chooses one option from several offered. But the point is that he must justify his answer. The survey takes quite a lot of time and is used at the stages of repetition and consolidation of the topic, to solve creative problems.
  • Interrogation- Students question each other. The teacher sets the topic, talking through the main points to ask about. Such a survey does not take much time and allows you to involve the whole class. The technique is often used during preparation for tests and tests.

Written survey

A written survey is more loyal than an oral one, as it gives the student time to concentrate and change the order of tasks (for example, start answering with easier questions).

Pros of a written survey

  • There is no pressure from the teacher’s authority, the student is free to choose an algorithm of actions. Therefore, a written survey is considered more objective.
  • Reaches all (or many) students.
  • Provides a comprehensive, in-depth test of knowledge, skills and abilities.
  • Using a written survey, it is more convenient to test not only theory, but also practical skills.
  • Often you can quickly check the work (using the keys) and assign grades.

Disadvantages of the method

  • Requires careful preparation.
  • There is less possibility of task variation, which is necessary during implementation.
  • Time is wasted checking answers.

Methods of conducting a written survey

Methods of written questioning include all dictations, tests, independent and test papers. But there are a few more techniques that can be used in all lessons.

  • Blitz control— contains a small number of tasks and is designed for 5-10 minutes. The difference from a regular test is that you do not need to complete the assignments as usual. All that is required is an answer. It can be carried out at the stage of checking homework or at the stage of mastering new knowledge.
  • Factual dictation- requires only short answers. Students are given sheets with 5-6 basic questions. The dictation is carried out quickly, at a good pace. Works are checked randomly, but everything can be checked. It is very convenient to conduct such a dictation at the stage of reviewing what has been covered before explaining a new topic.
  • Testing using a computer. Special programs allow you to conduct testing online. The result is immediately displayed on the monitor. It is very convenient when you need to quickly check the class’s readiness to perceive a new topic or check how accurately they understood the new material.

9. Auction. The topic of the auction is set, for example, “Noun”. Students determine parts of speech, cases, number, gender, what member of the sentence it is. Only the one who gives the most correct answers receives a mark (or encouragement, plus, test, candy). This questioning technique allows you to refresh your basic knowledge on a topic in a matter of minutes. It can be successfully used to reinforce lesson material or to summarize larger topics.

10. Pick a pair. The student is offered a sheet divided into two parts. In one of them there are questions on the topic, in the other part of the sheet there are answers. Task: choose the correct answer for each question.

11. Brain-ring. Prepare questions that require laconic answers or that can be answered with a clear “yes” or “no.”

The winner in the ring is the one who can accurately answer 5 questions from the presenter in a row.

12. Clap your hands. The technique is easy to use and is used when you need to test basic knowledge on a topic. The teacher lists vocabulary words, pronouns. - something that is related to the topic. The students' task is to clap their hands when the correct answer is pronounced.

For example, in a history lesson, the teacher lists the names of historical figures. Question: List the main characters of the Petrine era.

13. Warm-up. It is carried out at the beginning of the lesson and allows not only to refresh the memory of the topics covered, but also to prepare students for the perception of new material. For warm-up, basic questions are selected that require laconic answers. It is carried out at a fast pace.

Important! Don't focus on the wrong answers. The warm-up is done at the beginning of the lesson, so it is important to maintain a positive attitude.

14. "Guess what?". Its principle is familiar to everyone, but this game allows you not only to test students’ knowledge on the topic, but also to focus on building logical chains.

The teacher thinks of a word. For example, pronoun Students ask questions that can only be answered with “Yes” or “No.”

Example of use: table.

Student questions:

Is this part of speech? - Yes.

Is it a noun? - No.

Answers the questions which one, which one? - No.

Do they point to objects? - Yes

This survey technique can be carried out at the stage of introduction to the lesson, repeating the basic concepts of the topic covered.

A variation of this game: the student goes to the board. Behind him, the hidden word is displayed on the screen. Now this student asks questions and the class answers.

15. It's the other way around. An intellectual game technique that allows you to conduct a survey in an entertaining way. The point is that the teacher names the words, and the students must name the word that has the opposite meaning. This technique has long been known to Russian language teachers, who practice it when studying antonyms.

16. True False. The essence of the survey is that students choose only the correct ones from the expressions proposed by the teacher. A very effective technique when checking homework or reviewing material covered.

For example: A pronoun is a part of speech that indicates an object, but does not name it.

They answer the questions what to do?, what to do?. Personal pronouns are declined. Does declination change only the ending? When declension, the personal pronoun changes the entire word, etc.

17. A thousand examples. The technique is used to test practical skills. This is a form of oral frontal questioning that allows a short time assess how correctly students can connect the learned theory with practice.

The essence of the technique: a concept, definition, name is given. Students should give examples that reveal the meaning.

For example, the question “Tense of verbs” is asked. Students don’t just answer “verbs have three tenses: past, present, future,” but give specific examples, ask questions

18. ABC. The teacher names one letter. Students must find as many words as possible that begin with that letter. All words and concepts must resonate with the topic of the lesson.

19 . Logogryphs . The words are given. It is necessary to remove a letter in the left column, and add one letter to the right column to make a new word.

20. Game "Who? and What?" For example

To methods oral questioning include conversation, interview.

CONVERSATION as a method of pedagogical research is organized with the aim of identifying individual characteristics of a person (motivational and emotional spheres, knowledge, beliefs, interests, preferences, attitudes, attitudes towards the environment, team, etc.). In pedagogical research, conversation is used at the stage of preparing mass questionnaire surveys to determine the area of ​​research, replenish and clarify mass statistics data and how independent method collecting psychological and pedagogical information - in surveys of small samples.

The conversation can be conducted both with the person being studied and with other people who know him. Conversation research involves having a general conversation plan, which, as a rule, does not include specific questions (as is the case when using questionnaires and questionnaires), highlighting the main topics and provisions that must be addressed to obtain the desired result. The wording of individual moments of the conversation is constructed in such a way that the sought-for signs can be judged not only by the direct declarations of the subject (not always sincere and objective), but also by indirect indicators (the use of examples and details, comments, facial expressions, emotional reactions, etc.) .d.). The conversation, as a rule, is not limited in time. The course and content of the conversation are recorded (for example, using a tape recorder).

To use the conversation method, the researcher must have sufficient experience and tact to minimize errors caused by their own attitudes, and also take into account the influence of a number of indirect factors on the course of the conversation: emotional and physical state the person being studied, his attitude to the researcher and directly to the conversation, the influence of environmental factors, etc. The results obtained by the conversation method are not amenable to formalization and statistical processing. Using them you can only general view judge the severity of the characteristic being studied. The results of a conversation in a comprehensive study are preliminary and should be compared with the results of other methods (eg, observation).

In pedagogical practice, it is advisable to use conversation as an auxiliary method in studying the individual characteristics of the formation of a child’s personality. In case of inappropriate behavioral reactions, a psychotherapeutic conversation is recommended , aimed at identifying the hidden mechanisms of these reactions, at organizing and mobilizing defense mechanisms psyche to neutralize mental trauma and internal conflicts.

A type of conversation is interviewing, brought into pedagogy from sociology. When interviewing, the researcher adheres to pre-planned questions asked in a certain sequence. During the interview, answers are recorded openly.

To methods written survey include questioning and testing.

To obtain information about the typicality of certain pedagogical phenomena, it is advisable to use survey method – method of mass collection of material using a questionnaire . The survey is called a correspondence survey. The information obtained from the survey is compared with data from other sources - document analysis, interviews, observations, etc.

Method expert assessments - a set of logical and mathematical procedures aimed at obtaining information from specialists, its analysis and generalization for the purpose of preparation and selection rational decisions. The essence of the method is for experts to analyze the problem with qualities or quantities, evaluate judgments and formally process the results of individual opinions.

Using the method of expert assessments, the following is carried out: analysis of complex pedagogical processes, phenomena, situations, characterized mainly by qualitative, non-formalizable features; forecasting the development of the field of knowledge, processes of training and education and their interaction with the outside. environment; identification and ranking according to a given criterion of the most significant factors influencing the functioning and development of the system; evaluation of alternative solutions and selection of preferred options. The main stages of implementing the expert assessment method are: organizing the examination, formulating the problem, goals of the experiment, establishing the responsibilities and rights of the working group; selection of experts; conducting a survey of experts; analysis and processing of the results obtained.

The expert survey can be conducted in various forms: individual or group, full-time (personal) or correspondence, oral or written. Methods teamwork experts - meetings, discussions, brainstorming, as well as complex methods (business games, scenarios). Individual expert assessments can be obtained through questionnaires, interviews, and free conversation. In this case, certain requirements are imposed on the selection of experts: competence, creativity, lack of tendency to conformism, scientific objectivity, analyticality, breadth, constructive thinking, etc. In parallel, it is useful to use the method of self-assessment by teachers of the same aspects of their activities. When analyzing the information received, you can also use the method of ranking assessments, when the identified factors are arranged in ascending or descending order of the degree of their manifestation.

A variation of the method of expert assessments is the “pedagogical council” (Yu. K. Babansky), which involves a collective discussion of the results of studying the education of schoolchildren according to a certain program and according to common characteristics, a collective assessment of certain aspects of the personality, identifying the causes of possible deviations in the formation of certain traits personalities, etc.

TO comprehensive methods empirical research include examination, monitoring, study and generalization of teaching experience, experimental pedagogical work, experiment.


Monitoring are classified as special methods for studying pedagogical problems.

The concept of “monitoring” (from the Latin “monitor” - reminding, supervising) involves the implementation of some action aimed at implementing the functions of observation, control and warning. A number of reference sources interpret the concept of monitoring as an action that ensures the fulfillment of the specified functions, specified by the specifics of the object under study and the assigned tasks.

In big encyclopedic dictionary monitoring is defined as observing, assessing and forecasting environment in connection with economic activity person. In this aspect, monitoring involves the implementation of classical management functions (observation, assessment, analysis, forecasting, control, warning, etc.).

In statistics, monitoring is considered as a specially organized systematic observation of the condition of any objects.

Depending on the object and purpose of the study, there are different kinds monitoring.

Sociological monitoring is aimed at long-term observation according to selected criteria of social processes.

Psychological monitoring establishes trends and patterns mental development schoolchildren of different ages.

Medical monitoring provides monitoring of the dynamics of a person’s health and functional state, and pedagogical monitoring, using the data of these surveys, determines how rational the pedagogical means implemented in the innovation process are; to what extent are didactic means (content, forms, teaching methods, mode of educational work, etc.) adequate to the stated goals and identified individual typological and age characteristics schoolchildren, as well as the specifics of their living environment.

Information obtained on the basis of medical, sociological and psychological monitoring is specific: it is presented in a language poorly understood by educators, characterizes disparate, unrelated unified system socio-economic, psychophysical, cultural-aesthetic and other factors that influence the development of the student’s personality. At the same time, it is quite obvious that this information, translated into the language of pedagogy, is extremely necessary for updating the education system based on taking into account the characteristics of the modern socio-economic and environmental situation. This adaptive function, according to A.A. Orlova, can carry out pedagogical monitoring, which, unlike those named (medical, sociological and psychological), has a specific object of study, and provides teachers, school leaders and management bodies with quality and up-to-date information necessary for management decisions made. The object of pedagogical monitoring is the results of the educational process and the means used to achieve them.

IN modern research The following functions of pedagogical monitoring are distinguished:

1. Information function - provides information about performance pedagogical process, about the state of the object, provides feedback. The introduction of pedagogical monitoring makes it possible to achieve positive effect development, reserves for its strengthening are constantly identified by monitoring all current processes. When introducing pedagogical monitoring, the main attention is paid to the peculiarities of the flow and development of the educational process itself (its difficulties, distortions). This information is much more immediate than information about results.

2.Cultural function. Participation in pedagogical monitoring of various participants in the educational process increases their level pedagogical culture, interest in education, encourages a deeper study of students, self-analysis of pedagogical work, helps to improve professional competence teachers.

3. Formative function. Introduction of pedagogical monitoring into work educational institutions allows you to do educational process more efficient. Based on the monitoring results, the teacher can select methods and techniques individually for each student, taking into account his capabilities.

4. The corrective function is closely related to the formative one. The introduction of pedagogical monitoring into the educational process involves the detection and recording of numerous unpredictable results. Among the unpredictable results there can be both positive and negative from the point of view of personal development: this will help teachers take measures to strengthen the positive and weaken the negative.

5. System-forming function. The requirement of scientific character when conducting pedagogical monitoring provides, first of all, for its organization and conduct on the basis systematic approach. From these positions, pedagogical monitoring acts as a complex, stage-by-stage organized system, the main task of which is to monitor the state of development of the pedagogical process in order to determine and optimally select its goals and objectives, as well as means and methods for solving them. Pedagogical monitoring not only helps determine the state of the educational process at a given period of time, but also creates the prerequisites for its improvement based on forecasting further trends in its development and making appropriate adjustments.

Monitoring can be represented as a system consisting of the following technological stages of working with information:

1. Selection of the system structure of pedagogical monitoring;

2. Procedure for collecting information;

3. Processing, visualization and analysis of results;

4. Generalization and dissemination of information.

All elements of pedagogical monitoring are structurally and functionally interconnected and represent a single system. The loss of any component from the teacher’s system of actions either makes monitoring of little value or destroys the entire system.

The result of pedagogical monitoring can be not only conclusions and recommendations made on the basis of research information, but also information about experimental work based on the design and hypothetical implementation of new tools and technologies in the educational process, the consumers of which are school teachers, parents, practical psychologists, teachers of out-of-school institutions, heads of schools and governing bodies, designers of educational systems, etc.

As monitoring objects in the system vocational education may act:

The process of vocational education,

Academic performance of students,

Educational and educational-professional activities of students,

Personal development of students,

Becoming study group,

Professional activity teacher,

Formation of the teaching staff, etc.

Depending on the selected monitoring object, specific goals and objectives are set related to its implementation in practice.

The selected type of monitoring allows you to obtain information about the characteristics, structure, development of educational and educational-professional activities of students, about changes in the subject of this activity (the student’s personality), etc.

Study and generalization of teaching experience teachers are aimed at analyzing the state of practice, identifying bottlenecks and conflicts, elements of what is new in the activities of teachers, the effectiveness and accessibility of scientific recommendations. The object of study can be mass teaching experience (to identify leading trends), negative experience (detection of characteristic shortcomings and errors), and best practices.

M. H. Skatkin distinguishes two types of advanced experience - pedagogical skill and innovation. Pedagogical skill consists of rational use scientific recommendations. Innovation determines its own method, findings, new content.

Generalization of best practices begins with its description based on observations, conversations, surveys, and study of documents. Next, the observed phenomena are classified, interpreted, and brought under known definitions and rules. A higher level of analysis involves establishing cause-and-effect relationships, the mechanism of interaction between various aspects of the educational process, and identifying internal patterns of achieving success in learning (upbringing). From the description of experience it is necessary to move on to its analysis, identifying what is typical in the activities of an innovative teacher.

The criteria for advanced pedagogical experience, according to V.I. Zagvyazinsky, may be: novelty, high effectiveness and efficiency of the teacher’s activities, compliance with modern achievements of pedagogy and teaching methods, stability and the possibility of creative application by other teachers, optimality of experience in the holistic pedagogical process.

The introduction of advanced pedagogical experience into practice occurs through basic and experimental schools, the patronage of master teachers, as well as through its study and generalization.

A comprehensive method of pedagogical research is experiment, allowing one to gain new knowledge about the cause-and-effect relationships between pedagogical factors, conditions, processes through systematic manipulation of one or more variable factors and recording corresponding changes in the behavior of the object or system being studied.

Experiment(from Latin experimentum - experience, test) in pedagogy and psychology, one of the main methods scientific knowledge, with the help of which phenomena of reality are studied under controlled and controlled conditions. In psychological and pedagogical research, an experiment is aimed at identifying changes in human behavior through systematic manipulation of the factors (variables) that determine this behavior. A correctly designed experiment allows you to test hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships, without limiting yourself to stating the connection (correlation) between variables. Unlike observation, when a researcher passively waits for the processes of interest to manifest themselves, in an experiment he creates the conditions necessary for their occurrence. An essential feature of an experiment is the strict isolation of one factor under study or its variations (independent variable) and the registration of those changes that are associated with the action of this factor (dependent variable). Since in pedagogy and psychology absolute isolation of a factor is impossible, its isolation is usually carried out by selection and comparative study of two situations, two groups of subjects, etc., in one of which the given factor is present, and in the other it is absent, or in one it obviously acts weak degree, and in another - obviously strong.

The experimental procedure consists of purposefully creating or selecting conditions that ensure reliable isolation of the factor being studied and recording changes associated with its action. Most often, in a psychological and pedagogical experiment, they deal with two groups: an experimental group, in which the factor being studied is included, and a control group, in which it is absent. The experimenter, at his own discretion, can modify the conditions of the experiment and observe the consequences of such a change. This, in particular, makes it possible to find the most rational methods in educational work with students. For example, by changing the conditions for memorizing this or that educational material, you can establish under what conditions memorization will be the fastest, most durable and accurate. By conducting research under the same conditions with different subjects, the experimenter can establish the age and individual characteristics of the course of mental processes each of them.

Experiments differ in the form of conduct, the number of variables, goals and the nature of the organization of the study.

According to the form There are two main types of experiments - laboratory and natural .

Laboratory the experiment is carried out in specially organized artificial conditions designed to ensure the purity of the results. To achieve this, the side effects of all simultaneously occurring processes are eliminated. A laboratory experiment allows, with the help of recording instruments, to accurately measure the time of occurrence of mental processes, for example. the speed of human reaction, the speed of formation of educational and work skills. It is used in cases where it is necessary to obtain accurate and reliable indicators under strictly defined conditions. A laboratory experiment has a more limited use when studying manifestations of personality, character . WITH On the one hand, the object of research here is complex and multifaceted, on the other hand, the well-known artificiality of the laboratory situation presents great difficulties. When examining the manifestations of a personality in artificially created special conditions, in a private, limited situation, we do not always have reason to conclude that similar manifestations will be characteristic of the same personality in natural life circumstances. The artificiality of the experimental setting is a significant drawback of this method. It may lead to disruption of the natural course of the processes under study. For example, remembering important and interesting educational material, the student achieves different results than when he is asked, under unusual conditions, to memorize experimental material that is not directly of interest to the child. Therefore, a laboratory experiment should be carefully organized and, if possible, combined with other, more natural methods. The data from the laboratory experiment are mainly of theoretical value; conclusions drawn from them can be extended to real life practice with known limitations.

The indicated disadvantages of laboratory experiments are to some extent eliminated when organizing natural experiment. This method was first proposed in 1910 by A.F. Lazursky at the 1st All-Russian Congress on Experimental Pedagogy. A natural experiment is carried out under normal conditions within the framework of activities familiar to the subjects, for example. educational activities or games. Often the situation created by the experimenter may remain outside the consciousness of the subjects; in this case, a positive factor for the study is the complete naturalness of their behavior. In other cases (for example, when changing teaching methods, school equipment, daily routine, etc.), an experimental situation is created openly, in such a way that the subjects themselves become participants in its creation. Such research requires particularly careful planning and preparation. It makes sense to use it when data needs to be obtained as quickly as possible short time and without interference with the subjects' main activities. A significant disadvantage of a natural experiment is the inevitable presence of uncontrolled interference, that is, factors whose influence has not been established and cannot be measured quantitatively.

According to the number of variables studied differentiate one-dimensional and multidimensional experiment. One-dimensional An experiment involves identifying one dependent and one independent variable in a study. It is most often implemented in a laboratory experiment. IN natural experiment The idea of ​​studying phenomena not in isolation, but in their interconnection and interdependence, is affirmed. Therefore, here, most often, it is implemented multidimensional experiment. It requires the simultaneous measurement of many related characteristics, the independence of which is not known in advance. Analysis of connections between many studied characteristics, identification of the structure of these connections, its dynamics under the influence of training and education are the main goal of a multidimensional experiment.

According to the goals, they distinguish between stating and formative experiment. Target stating experiment - measuring the current level of development (for example, the level of development abstract thinking, moral and volitional qualities of the individual, etc.). Thus, primary material is obtained for organizing a formative experiment.

Formative(transformative, educational) experiment sets as its goal not a simple statement of the level of formation of this or that activity, the development of certain aspects of the psyche, but their active formation or education. In this case, a special experimental situation is created, which allows not only to identify the conditions necessary for organizing the required behavior, but also to experimentally carry out the targeted development of new types of activities, complex mental functions and to reveal their structure more deeply. Formative experimentation is widely used in studying specific ways of forming a child’s personality, providing a combination of psychological research with pedagogical search and design of the most effective forms of the educational process. Theoretical basis formative experiment is the concept of the leading role of training and education in mental development.

The results of an experimental study often do not represent an identified pattern, a stable dependence, but a series of more or less fully recorded empirical facts. These are, for example, the descriptions obtained as a result of the experiment play activity children , experimental data on the influence on any activity of such a factor as the presence of other people, and the associated motive of competition. These data, which are often descriptive in nature, do not yet provide psychological mechanism phenomena and represent only more specific material, narrowing the further scope of the search. Therefore, the results of experiments in pedagogy and psychology should often be considered as intermediate material and the initial basis for further research work.

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