Muladhara chakra: what it is responsible for and where it is located. Women's chakras and working with them

What is the difference between a woman and a man?
In the energy sector, a thoughtful reader will say, and she will be right :)
We intuitively feel that between a man and a woman big difference; and sometimes there is an inversion, and then the man has a more feminine type of energy, and the woman has a masculine type.
So what are the characteristics of women, as opposed to men?

Nature arranges it in such a way that light and shadow, day and night, replace each other. The period of perception is replaced by active action.
Yin and Yang circle in a dance and alternate in phases of development.

The same is true in human energy. Feminine and masculine principles have their place. Thus, the front surface of the body is characterized by the aspect of perception, and the back - by the aspect of action. That is, at energy centers, the masculine aspect can be perceived as having a posterior location, and the feminine aspect anteriorly.
The same applies to the chakras themselves, as centers of elemental forces in human energy.
The elements have their own distinct qualities and polarities. So, fire clearly has masculine quality, and water is obviously feminine.
The solar plexus chakra, Manipura, is associated with fire. With water - the chakra of the lower abdomen, svadhisthana.
We have identified two centers!
Notice that they come one after another, sequentially. Polarity tends to alternate, and above the manipura is the heart anahata chakra, with an obviously feminine nature and the element of air.
Down from svadhisthana is the muladhara chakra, with the element of earth and male polarity.
In terms of manifestation, it often turns out that men have more developed and active centers, these are muladhara and manipura (starting with the letter M, easy to remember!), and women have svadhisthana and anahata. Next comes the male throat chakra, the highest principle of the female - ajna, the chakra of spiritual intuition and will, and completes the seven planes of sahasrara, which has a male aspect of the spirit, which, however, does not prevent it from being more manifested not in connection with gender, but in connection with the level of spiritual development.
Thus, women come into the world with pumped-up resources of one type, and men with another. Therefore, tasks and functions may differ.
Men build physical forms more easily and implement plans. Prepare the soil for sowing seeds and cultivating them.
They actively change the world, compete, fight, defend what they have created and bring the fire of life into it.
Women fill the form, plant seeds and grow the crop with their care, create an atmosphere, dissolve and unite it into one whole, nourish and nurture it.

Of course, life is such that people have to be universal, self-sufficient specialists, cultivating in themselves those properties and qualities that were not in the default settings. Change accents and appear in ways uncharacteristic of one’s gender. But at the same time, the resources of basic energy inevitably decrease and flow into new forms.
It’s good if a woman adds good fire to her “water,” not to its detriment, but to complement it. But these are conscious practices that are unlikely to be accessible to most.

Thus, it usually turns out that, forced to manifest itself as a masculine type, a woman limits and suppresses her feminine aspects, having a non-dimensional resource base and the opportunity to take care of your career, children, and personal life at once.
Ideally, it is better, of course, for a couple to complement each other’s strengths. Being aware of this, and not greedily consuming what is in excess for one and in short supply for another.
That is, recognizing and respecting each other, understanding and accepting our strengths and the wife's or husband's side.

When everything is good, it’s wonderful, people are healthy, strong and functionally everything is in order.
It’s unlikely that anyone will contact us about this))
Usually the presence of problems forces us to seek understanding of what is happening.

So, there are two female chakras - svadhisthana and anahata, and many typically female problems are associated with them. This is partly due to their weakening due to lack of energy, and largely due to aggressive competition. Between the women themselves, and for the men. Two spheres of interaction that can overlap or be independent.
Moreover, if men tend to act in the outside world, competing with each other and for women (build best house, offer Better conditions, punch each other in the face or suppress socially), then women, due to their initial characteristics, more often use an essentially magical level of interaction. Well, magic is characterized by attempts to strengthen one’s own resources, to attract attention, to confiscate those of others, and destroy them in the bud.
So that there is no desire for your opponent.
The main role here belongs to svadhisthana, as the basic sexual center. There are a lot of negative patterns and blows to it. In addition, it is also vital, vital energy, and it is no longer necessary for self-indulgence, but for everyone, without exception, to maintain health and quality of life.
Thus, a third sphere of those involved in competition for the resource is added. These are those who have not had enough of their own resources for a long time and have finally accepted a way of living for themselves at the expense of others. With age, this becomes commonplace.

Men, too, of course, get ripped off according to svadhisthana... But usually, firstly, there is not much resource there, and secondly, this resource is already built in, haha))
In addition, women actively share this energy with men, and thus there is no shortage; arise sooner various shapes dependencies.

As for Anahata, its energy is more subtle and sensitive, impressionable. On the one hand, it gives lightness, elation, and a feeling of flight! Resonance with life and loved ones! Sharing the same space with them.
Anahata is the center of the body; in the East they believe that the true soul of a person is located in the heart. The heart (in the sense of the energy center) regulates the functioning of the meridians. All paths pass through it... What is after our hearts gives meaning to our lives and illuminates it! And we willingly follow our hearts and do what we love, overcoming the arguments of reason and any obstacles)

A very important energy center, as you can see. And the fact that it is tied to heartfelt feelings makes it the second target in fights over objects of desire) I know, this does not sound very lofty and advanced, but practice shows that people use their capabilities in all areas. And in a relationship crisis, they usually easily agree with themselves about excuses.
There are no problems with this. And they react the same way ordinary people. Well, maybe adjusted for the scope of situations, their content, the height of emotional intensity and all that. Karmic stories) Agree, it’s easier to give up on someone you’ve known for a year or two than on a person with whom you’ve been through thick and thin. Let it happen someday.
Such a gap brings with it a different depth of feelings and reactions...
Therefore, it is more difficult to deal with them.

But the context seems to be the same)

One's own reactions and grievances can have a very critical influence on anahata.
In fact, oncologists say that both in the “female sphere” and in the breast, a huge number of neoplasms are associated with grievances, anger, and self-flagellation. In some cases this can be very fast. So, in Kashirka they gave us the example of a woman whose son crashed on his sixteenth birthday on a motorcycle given by his parents that day. Within a few months she developed a tumor.
She could not forgive herself and considered herself guilty of her son’s death. This destroyed her heart center in the most literal sense, which led to the body losing control over its tissues, reducing local immunity, and taking root of cancer cells.
Normally, mutant cells with a broken program arise in any organism, but either cannot exist in it, thanks to factors of nonspecific immunity, or are destroyed by a second barrier, specialized immune cells of the body.
If energy is reduced, then blood circulation, metabolism, and immune factors are suppressed, and degenerate cells receive better conditions and begin their activities. In fact it's natural factor. Now pathologists say that if we exclude mortality from other diseases and extend life to the maximum, then in the end people will die only from cancer. That is, this is a natural limiting factor, apparently associated with the activity of the person himself, with his attitude towards himself and the world, with his role in it.
If it no longer needs itself, elimination processes are launched.

To be continued.

We are talking about 3 chakras, which are conventionally considered feminine:

  • This is the 2nd chakra, located in the uterus area. State of "Fiery Passion".
  • This is the 4th chakra, located in the heart area. State of "Reverent Love".
  • This is the 5th chakra, located in the throat area. State of "Inspirational Delight".

The development of these particular chakras gives a very powerful surge of feminine energy, from appearance to character traits.

The division into female and male chakras is, of course, conditional. We both men and women have all 7 chakras and the development of each of them is very important.

However, today in my article I will try to show what is the beauty of revealing these 3 centers for a woman.

1) The first female center is the 2nd chakra. Located in the area of ​​the uterus - the place where feminine energy accumulates and is stored. Let me emphasize that it is not in the uterus itself, but in the area of ​​the uterus. Because after all, the energy center is the chakra, and the organs that it affects are slightly different things. We must understand that the womb is not the same as a chakra.

I have already written that we receive energy through breathing, sleep, food, communication, impressions, contemplation, etc. You can pay attention if you want to constantly eat, or sleep too much - there is not enough strength, vital energy.

But everything that we accumulate throughout the day, it is also important to be able to save. And a woman’s accumulated energy is stored precisely in the area of ​​the second chakra, so the development of svadhisthana is especially important for a woman.

So, in order not only to accumulate energy, but also to preserve it, you need to have healthy organs in the small pelvis. And well-developed intimate muscles help here.

If they are weakened, then all the energy accumulated during the day does not stay with us, but flows out as if from an empty vessel. That’s why regular Kegel exercises are recommended for all women’s practices.

The development of sensuality and sexuality also belongs to the practices of the development of svadhisthana. Again, the first chakra (relatively male) - muladhara - is sex in its purest form, life energy is so powerful, direct, concrete, instincts. And svadhisthana is also sexual energy, but at the same time softer. Erotica, romance, beautiful appearance, beautiful surroundings, luxury.

Therefore, svadhisthana is well developed beautiful clothes, jewelry, makeup, the ability to dance, be flexible, passionate, sensual. Beautiful gait.

The second chakra is a state of self-love. Everything should be done with great pleasure, with a passion for life. Cooking, washing, talking - everything is passionate.


Feeling self-esteem, a kind of selectivity in what you allow other people or events to do to you or your condition. Self-esteem is when you do not waste yourself, but protect and preserve, like the most valuable and beautiful flower, a jewel, a source of Love! How we treat ourselves (we cherish and cherish them), is how everyone else treats us.

Let me sum it up - you just need to fall in love with yourself!

2) The second female center is the 4th chakra - the area of ​​the heart.

This is no less important energy.

This is Love. Love for God, love for Self, love for a Man, love for children, people, animals and the whole world.

It is believed that the ability to love is a more feminine quality.

How to develop love when this chakra is poorly developed? There is one such piece of advice - start from smallest to largest.

Start to love at least someone or something, and then gradually expand the boundaries of your love.

Here I can include all the practices and meditations on forgiveness, acceptance, and wishing everyone love and happiness.

“I wish everyone happiness!” - that says it all, for those in the know))))

3) The next female center is the throat chakra!

This is a sense of harmony, taste, artistry, aesthetic perception of the world. In fact, these are also extremely necessary qualities for a woman and they also need to be developed!

Women intuitively feel the importance of this center and communicate a lot. It is still important to connect our communication, what we say, with the direct purpose of the center - to bring peace, beauty, taste, harmony to this world! This is precisely why it was given to us)) That is, not to gossip and swear, but to communicate about the good and eternal)))

This chakra is also responsible for self-expression. How calmly do you announce to the world about yourself, about your real self, about your inner world? How much do you support this world and your loved ones with your words? What is your throat chakra filled with?

For the development of the throat chakra, any practice in singing, as well as in public speaking, etc., will certainly be suitable.

Therefore, it is extremely useful for a woman to sing more often. For any reason. When you wash the dishes, when you put your child to bed, at family and friend events.

Here is such a feminine quality as the ability to bless, encourage, support, and praise with a word.

And, definitely, singing mantras and other spiritual songs and prayers!

I will give a list of qualities of each of the chakras. You can print it out and hang it on a visible place to remember more often))) The most feminine qualities:

2nd chakra (womb)

  • Youth
  • beauty
  • Charm
  • Idealization
  • Contact
  • Voluptuousness

4th chakra (heart)

  • Soulfulness
  • Kindness
  • Patience
  • Dedication
  • Inner beauty
  • Soulfulness
  • Empathy
  • Sympathy
  • Awe
  • Love

5th chakra (throat)

  • Lightness, airiness
  • Playfulness
  • Enthusiasm
  • Childish spontaneity
  • Sense of humor
  • Aesthetic perception of the world
  • Inspiration
  • Intelligence
  • Eloquence
  • Exclusivity
  • Creation
  • Spontaneity (inner freedom)
  • Artistry

All people, whether men or women, have absolutely the same energy structure. We all have seven main chakras, and the development of each of them is very important. However, three of these are conventionally distinguished female chakras. This is the second chakra - Svadhisthana, which is located in the area of ​​the uterus. The fourth chakra is Anahata, located in the heart area and the fifth chakra is Vishuhda, which is located in the throat area. These three female centers evoke states of fiery passion, reverent love and inspired delight.

Women's 2nd chakra Svadhisthana

The chakra is located in the area of ​​the uterus, and this is the place where purely feminine energy is stored. We receive energy throughout the day through breathing, communication, food, contemplation. If there is not enough vital energy, then the woman constantly wants to eat or sleep, she is physically weak. Accumulating energy is not enough, you also need to be able to conserve it, so develop this female chakra extremely important. And first of all, you need to pay attention to the intimate muscles; if they are weakened, then the accumulated energy will not be retained in your body. In this case, do Kegel exercises. This is the best practice for strengthening the vaginal muscles.

Swadhisthana is the love and sensuality of every woman. If the male Muladhara is the energy of love in its purest form, then the female Swadhisthana is the energy of romance, eroticism, beautiful surroundings, and luxury. Therefore this female chakra is good develop jewelry, passion, sensuality, makeup, beautiful clothes. Whatever you do, do it with passion. Fall in love with yourself. This develops self-esteem, which is possessed by the Svadhisthana chakra.

4th female chakra Anahata

Anahata chakra is the chakra of love. This is love for everything that surrounds us - love for ourselves, for a man, for children, for God, for people, for animals and for the whole world. It is believed that loving is a feminine quality.

In order to open the feminine chakra start with less, gradually moving to more. Start loving someone or something, and then gradually expand the boundaries of your love. Use techniques and meditations for forgiveness, wishing everyone love and happiness. The result will not take long to arrive.

Women's 5th chakra Vishuhda

With communication. She must bring taste, beauty and harmony to this world. This is very necessary qualities which are important and need to be developed. It is necessary to communicate with kindness to people, and not to gossip or swear.

It is also the chakra of self-expression. Development of this feminine chakra depends on how calmly you can tell the world around you about your true self and your inner world. To balance Vishuhda, exercises in singing and public speaking are useful.

How many female chakras are there on the human body?

The lion's share of teachings about man recognize the existence of seven main human energy centers. Three of them are considered to be female chakras. For representatives of the fair sex, they are located in, feminine energy accumulates in them. Such energy points are responsible for qualities that are considered truly feminine.

So, the female chakras are the sexual center Svadhisthana, the heart energy node Anahata and the third eye chakra Ajna. Svadhisthana is located three fingers below the navel. She teaches a woman to enjoy life, enjoy her sexuality and femininity. Svadhisthana is the focus of female sexual energy.

The female Anahata chakra is called the love center, its location is in the center of the heart line. She guides feelings of love, tenderness, compassion, and care. The highest feelings of feminine nature, which were worshiped in ancient times and are still valued. The defining power of the Ajna chakra is female intuition. She teaches the fairer sex to trust their intuition, premonition, and truly feminine wisdom. Developed Ajna connects the human mind to the Divine flow of wisdom.

How are male and female chakras different?

The above three energy centers are female chakras. The divine center Sahasrara is a genderless chakra. The remaining three energy nodes (Muladhara, Manipura, Vishuddha) are considered male. The first Muladhara chakra is responsible for the offspring, its protection and survival. A woman has long had other responsibilities - to accept male care and protection. Money Manipura is responsible for self-realization and social status. Despite the fact that the fair sex has long adopted these qualities, the third chakra of the female energy system is passive. Vishuddha is the center of eloquence and self-expression. It is fitting for a man to communicate and realize himself in society; for a woman, such a place of realization is the family and home. The differences between male and female chakras lie in their meaning and the qualities for which the energy centers are responsible.

Listen to the video about female and male chakras

How can you open women's chakras?

Answering the question “how to open women’s chakras,” I would like to note that working with these energy centers is important not only for the fair sex. It is just as important for men to reveal the conventionally named female energy nodes as it is for women to reveal the male chakras.

Working with energy centers involves physical exercise, the best thing is a set of yogic exercises. Great importance have meditative practices, as well as chanting mantras. In addition, you should know that each female chakra has its own “preferences”. Svadhisthana, being the center of pleasures, reacts to pleasures - delicious food, good music, relaxing bath, sexual pleasures. Anahata develops breathing techniques. The female Ajna chakra is the intellectual center. Developing your mental capacity, the woman stimulates the sixth energy node.

What does opening the chakras do for a woman?

Women's chakras are the focus of powerful and ancient energy. The opening of energy centers allows the fair sex to let this energy into her life.

A man gives energy.
A man provides his woman and her children with protection and security. What does a man protect his woman from? First of all, from any external danger: unfavorable weather conditions, from wild animals, from hooligans, from oppressive society, from hard work, etc.

The building of external relations of the family should occur primarily through the man; the man resolves all conflicts with outside world. For example, if a son breaks someone else’s window, then his father goes to sort it out. Even front door the owner should open it, not the hostess (especially when it is not known who came), because this is a connection with a potentially dangerous outside world. This same chakra is responsible for sexual potency.
A man wants and can, and a woman responds to this in return. The male seed gives life to offspring. He always has this energy center filled with sufficient energy to implement the tasks assigned to him in this incarnation. This is his source of physical strength.
A woman in this center has only enough energy to survive. Therefore, a man must provide a woman with proper living conditions, comfort, and protection. Please note: it is in the projection of this chakra that a man has a protruding organ (penis), and a woman has a depression. People say: “A man must build a house, plant a tree and raise a son.”

Moreover, a man gives a woman not the energy itself, but the material conditions of life created by him thanks to this energy; he is, after all, a transformer of the World. Feminine energy quite enough for improvement family nest built by a man.

In case of chakra dysfunction:
In men. In the case when a woman cannot accept security from him, he becomes aggressive, hot-tempered, and jealous. All this leads to a general loss of strength, sexual potency leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it is important that a man takes responsibility for the survival of his family.
In the case when the chakra stops giving off energy, a man may cease to be a man in every sense of the word.

If the muladhara chakra works in a woman according to the masculine type (that is, it gives energy rather than receiving it), then such a woman develops masculine character traits and a masculine appearance. “Me and the horse, me and the bull...” If a man does not provide a woman with the necessary protection and conditions for a normal life, she must run away from such a man as quickly and as far as possible.
Unspent energy will make him aggressive, he will try to spend it on sexual pleasures on the side or become addicted to alcohol. The chakra will be blocked and expected in the future male infertility(there will be few sperm and they will be weakly active for full fertilization), early impotence. Do you need this?

Svadhisthana Women's chakra. 2 chakra

The woman gives energy.
A woman helps a man achieve pleasure, with her he learns to experience the joy of life and learn the subtle facets of earthly pleasure. Men, as a rule, do not need anything beyond the bare essentials. He is ready to live in a cave, eat raw meat and sleep on the ground.
The woman gives him comfort Tasty food, organizes holidays for him, dances erotic dances for him, caresses and hugs him, gives him sexual pleasure. In this center it is redundant.
A woman gives this energy to a man not only through sex (although the largest portion of energy is given through sex), through caresses, hugs, kisses, even when thinking about her lover, wherever he is at that time. If a woman does not want to give enough energy to a man, then her excess energy in this energy center will lead to the development of gynecological diseases (cysts, fibroids, cancer) or nymphomania. And the man will have to look for the “battery” on the side. By the way, in the projection of this center, a woman has a bulge - her tummy.
If it so happens that a woman is lonely and has no one to give her sexual energy to, she must raise it to the next chakras and begin to realize it through them. At the same time, the woman will eliminate excess energy, remain healthy and achieve great success in society. But at the same time, she should not forget about the mechanism of more rational harmony. A woman shouldn't be lonely for long.

In case of chakra dysfunction:
If a man does not receive enough energy from his woman, he cannot fully realize himself in the upper chakras. That is, he remains incapable of achievements in society, career and finances. Often such men gain energy on the side and have mistresses.
In case of disturbances in the flow of energy, women develop all kinds of sexual diseases, including infertility, “freezing” of feelings, mood swings, and depression occur. Sometimes – promiscuity.

Manipura Male chakra. 3 chakra

A man gives energy.
A man has more strong will. It is very important for him to be respected and his opinion listened to. He expects obedience from his woman, gives his wife social and material status, position in society.
Earns money. He stands at the helm of the ship called “family” and sets the direction for the entire system.
But he can be giving only if he receives a sufficient amount of sexual energy from the woman. Then his third energy center opens, his will, determination, assertiveness awakens, and he rises socially.

This contributes professional growth, career, power, honor, respect. Such a man brings wealth to the house and can fulfill the desires of women beyond the norm. simple survival: beautiful furniture, clothes, jewelry, car, vacation, etc. This is how he pays the woman for the energy and development prospects given to him.

By the way, men have a convex abdomen in the projection of this chakra. In the East they believe that the larger the belly, the richer and more generous the person. If a man does not pay a woman, then excess energy and pride lead him to greed, cruelty, vindictiveness and, as a result, to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In case of chakra dysfunction:
A man becomes greedy and cruel and at the same time is unable to take responsibility for his decisions. Women develop a desire to keep everything and everyone under their control, increased power, careerism, and greed. Usually such women are lonely or have soft, pliable men next to them.

Anahata Women's chakra. 4 chakra

The woman gives energy.
Emotionally woman stronger than men several times. Emotional background in men it is rather flat and boring. And a woman can help him reveal the energies of mercy and tenderness with the help of her love and affection.

A woman thus raises a man from the level of instincts to a higher level.
After all, in her heart center the source of divine love does not dry up. Moreover, the more she gives this energy, the more she receives from the Creator and, in addition, receives various gifts of fate.

A woman should give the energy of love not only to a man. She must transmit it into the surrounding space. This is especially relevant at the present time; this will be its mission. Women sometimes ask: “How can you give the energy of love if you don’t love your husband?” If you don’t love, but for some reason you want to preserve the union, then love your husband as a friend, as a brother, as an eldest son. Only then will a woman fulfill her duty to the Universe.

A man’s heart center will open slightly and the energy of love will reveal such qualities as mercy, compassion, empathy, he will learn to love and then this power will free him from the power of instincts. A man who loves at heart can no longer be unfaithful. In the era of Aquarius, marriages without love will quickly fall apart, but those with love will be encouraged.

A woman gives energy of love different ways: through the biofield, through a kind and gentle look, through an inner smile, through a kind word, sympathy, empathy, forgiveness. She charges everything she touches with the energy of love with love in her heart. She lovingly gives gifts to a man with her own hands, lovingly prepares food for him, etc. When apart, she can mentally send this energy to the ends of the earth.

In case of chakra dysfunction:
If a woman cannot give her love, then she may experience resentment, inability to express her feelings, intolerance, and reluctance to live. All this ultimately leads to loneliness. A man, having received less energy from his woman, feels unnecessary and unhappy. He does not have enough strength to strive somewhere, there is no incentive for further development. If a man’s anahata begins to work according to the feminine principle, then he often loses his masculine attractiveness. The woman stops respecting him.

Vishuddha Male chakra 5th chakra

A man gives energy
Chakra of creativity and creation. It is very important for a man to leave his mark on history: to realize himself in society, build a career, and bring his ideas to life. And, of course, he will do this with great pleasure for his beautiful lady.

A man expects his woman to support him and follow him through life. It is very important for him not to be afraid to express and defend his opinion in society. By the way, men have an Adam's apple on their necks, women do not. Here is a hint from Nature itself about who should give.
If a woman generously bestows her husband with her inexhaustible energy of love, then the throat chakra opens in men, his Creative skills. So a man of realization in the first energy center will make a strong stool for a woman, now he will make for her an elegant chair with curved legs.

In addition, he will give a woman wonderful harmonious relationships and the woman will not have to waste her energy on building these relationships using the advice of psychologists. Relationships will develop almost automatically. And the woman will be able to direct the freed energy to the development of creativity in herself.

In case of chakra dysfunction:
A man may experience self-doubt, inferiority complexes, self-criticism, inability to express his opinion and the impossibility of creative self-realization. A woman for whom this chakra works according to the masculine principle intensifies her search for herself in society; her family, children, and home cease to have meaning for her meaning. She listens and hears only herself, unable to follow her man. Any representative of the stronger sex will feel uncomfortable next to her.

As these five centers open, 2 higher centers will begin to open for both, which will give them more opportunities for development and personal growth. Moreover, with such harmonious union the emotional shell will be filled with the highest energies of joy, love, and due to this it will expand top part. It is she who assimilates the energy of abundance coming from the Cosmos into much more. And the energy of abundance brings with it the energies of love, success, happiness, health and prosperity. Such a union is simply doomed to the full realization of all its aspirations.

Ajna Women's chakra. 6 chakra

The woman gives energy. Ajna is the so-called Third Eye. Women have much more developed intuition and abilities for magic and clairvoyance. Therefore, one of the main tasks of a woman in a couple is to share her feelings and fears with her husband in order to warn him in time against rash actions. For example: “I feel like this could be dangerous” or “I trust that you will succeed.”

In case of chakra dysfunction:
Men whose ajna works according to the feminine principle may also show signs of intuition and the ability to perform magic according to the feminine type (based on emotions and visions). He becomes infantile, begins to fly in the clouds, breaks away from real world, becomes unable to accept right decisions. If a woman has this chakra closed, then she cannot subtly feel her family. She will have a bias towards a logical, rational perception of the world. She will try to live according to plan. Spirituality is denied. This leads to the fact that the perception of the world becomes very narrow and limited.

Sahasrara This is the chakra of connection with God, with the Cosmos. 7 chakra

Defines spiritual values, development milestones, high goals, etc. This is spiritual self-awareness, consciousness Absolute Truth, pure love to God without any admixture of sentimentality. Sahasrara becomes active when working on the lower chakras. Most often, esotericists attribute this chakra to the male type.

Since ancient times it has been believed that a soul born in female body, is unable to achieve enlightenment due to her excessive attachment to earthly energies. A woman receives her energy from the Earth, while a man is more connected with the Cosmos.

From ancient times to this day, esotericists believe that only a man can become a spiritual teacher, a woman can be a teacher or teacher, nothing more. In many religions, only a man can be a clergyman, and sometimes a woman is not even allowed into the temple.

It is also believed that a woman can develop spiritually only by following the path paved by a man. However, some authors, for the sake of modern realities They do not classify sahasrara as either a female or a male type, considering it universal for both sexes.

Why is energy imbalance dangerous?

What happens if a person's chakra is blocked and he cannot give enough energy to his partner. In this case, the partner is forced to strengthen the flow of energy in the chakra on his own, taking energy from other chakras.

For example, a man cannot provide for a woman (muladhara), a woman is forced to work hard and solve problems the male way. She takes the energy for this from the female chakras - svadhisthana and anahata. As a result, she becomes a woman with balls, but loses her attractiveness, sexuality, and ability to give and receive sexual pleasure. And her heart chakra turns out to be empty, and she is no longer able to love with all her heart.

And vice versa, if a woman does not give a man comfort, joy and love, then he is unable to realize himself in society. Often such men become couch potatoes, alcoholics or cheaters. Girls are now raised on masculine energies, and boys on feminine energies.

Here's a changeover. Boys are looked after, showered with gifts, not allowed to make decisions, and protected from all difficulties. In many families, their beloved sons do not even have any household responsibilities.

Girls prioritize the importance of such things as study, career, social activity, achievements, success in society, financial independence, etc. Even in sex, women have now become more active than men. For a woman, this is a path of self-destruction. All this causes euphoria at first.

There is still a lot of strength for achievements, a lot is working out and even better than former classmates boys. Intelligence, discipline, diligence and sex appeal allow young women to achieve success on many fronts. This is truly a victory march for feminism. But by the age of 30-35, a woman gets tired of the constant struggle and already wants to be weak next to a strong man.

The man, who may have been nearby all this time, has long been lying on the sofa, if he had not previously thought of running away or was not expelled as an unnecessary element of home decor. And sometimes there was no permanent man, because the priorities were different.

These women shout on all forums and social networks that there are no real men left, forgetting that they themselves are no longer real women. It was around this time that many people began attending women’s training. And if the situation with energies does not improve, after 40 years, complete emotional and physical exhaustion may occur.
The woman does not feel alive, apathy and eternal fatigue set in.

What is the way out? First of all, it is knowledge from which skills already flow. Knowledge of how things really work. Knowledge about how we are born and what tasks each of us faces. Knowledge of how to most fully realize your innate qualities. Knowledge of how to achieve balance and harmony in personal relationships. And already having such knowledge, you can change your life and the lives of your loved ones.

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