Natalya Mogilevskaya secretly gave birth to a child - media. Natalya Mogilevskaya: a long-awaited interview about pregnancy and beloved men. How many children does Natasha Mogilevskaya have, singer

Natalya Mogilevskaya is a real people's favorite of Ukrainians. The owner of bright talent, charisma and excellent taste, she is already long years pleases us with sincere creativity. In addition, Natasha’s personal example and extraordinary willpower inspires us to improve ourselves. During her stay on the show business Olympus of independent Ukraine, Mogilevskaya secured for herself not the banal image of a sex symbol, but became the embodiment of the symbol of a strong and independent female leader. Now she is not only a singer and songwriter, but also an actress, producer, teacher, and businesswoman. Her biography and life principles are worthy of being an example!

Height, weight, figure parameters: pregnancy as a diagnosis

Real name: Natalya Alekseevna Mogila. For creative self-realization, Natasha slightly changed her last name for euphony, but on the sidelines everyone still calls her that - Mogila.

Now, with a height of 163 centimeters, Natalya can boast of an ideal weight of 53 kilograms. But this was not always the case. Rumors often flared up that she was pregnant due to fluctuations in weight. Mogilevskaya herself laughed at this and admitted: her constitution is such that it fits into the principle of “getting fat and losing weight depending on the season and mood.” We all know how hard it is to save perfect figure, for example, in the fall, when melancholy attacks, the body is weakened, and all the time you want to please yourself with something tasty... But since her brilliant participation in “Dancing with the Stars” last year, we have seen that Mogilevskaya’s weight is maintained by mark of stable slimness.

Natalya does not hide the fact that she managed to achieve such a result not only thanks to diets and sports, but also thanks to gaining inner harmony. Before her enchanting return to Ukrainian show business through the show “Dancing with the Stars,” we had not heard news from the people’s favorite for a long time. After a strong shock from the death of her mother (she was very close to her mother), giving a tour dedicated to her, Mogilevskaya “withdrew into herself.” She decided to stop and live for the soul, went to India, there she became interested in meditation - this is how she was able to find inner harmony and happiness. As a result, this inspired Mogilevskaya to come to her perfect shape and lose 25 kilograms. She talks about how she succeeded in her book “Lose Weight Together.” We advise you to use it, because its system eliminates harmful fasting and a state of unhappiness!


Natalya Mogilevskaya was born on August 2, 1975 in Kyiv. Her age is this moment- 43 years. And the zodiac sign is Leo. This means that she is destined by astrological nature to be a bright and charismatic leader.

Her dad, Alexey, was a geologist and production manager. And my mother, Nina, worked as a cook in a restaurant from the Intourist Hotel. By Soviet standards, this was the most prestigious place in Kyiv, because only foreign guests could stay there.

Natasha has elder sister Oksana (the difference between them is 10 years). They were brought up in absolutely liberal traditions. Parents never forbade their daughters to express themselves creatively, did not indicate, but supported their personal choices in the field of self-realization, friends, and love relationships.

With her sister, Mogilevskaya is very a good relationship, although she rarely and sparingly talks about her in the press, and the latter, in turn, also does not give any interviews.

Her father died when Natasha was still very young. Moreover, she never publicly comments on the circumstances of the death, considering it a personal and confidential topic. And my mother died in 2013, having suffered a serious illness.


The biography of Natalia Mogilevskaya has been interesting since school. It turns out that from the very youth She was quite a rebel and made for a rather problematic daughter. After all, she inherited a Soviet school, where there was no respect for the creative personality, but there were strict limits, the same for everyone. That’s why our Natasha had a hard time. She protested against the average canons and was listed in the pedagogical characteristics as “a particularly dangerous element.” The administration even created a special community, whose members communicated with the parents of her classmates with a warning about the need to protect children from Mogilevskaya.

As a result, Natalya barely completed the 9th grade and, with a poor certificate, went to a variety and circus school. Already at the age of 16, she wanted to live separately from her parents, and they allowed her to do so, giving her the opportunity to live on rented apartment. From then on, her current character began to emerge. As Mogilevskaya herself says in an interview: I chose activity and strength for myself - not to whine, not to complain, not to succumb to weaknesses, to move forward towards the goal at all costs. Then she decided that The best way to do something well is to do it yourself. In a word, she carried this principle throughout her entire creative career.


In 1990, Mogilevskaya’s ascent to the stars began. This is not to say that it was easy. Times were difficult then, mother could not give her daughter any start-up capital, she had to wild time survive. First, she begins to sing in the Rodina folk theater. Later he combines this with performances at the Kiev Variety Theater, as well as in the Kyiv Circus Orchestra. Her first stellar job was working as a backing vocalist for Sergei Penkin.

And already in 1994 (when she was 20 years old), Mogilevskaya released her first solo song, “The Girl with Lily-Colored Hair.” It appeared thanks to her acquaintance and collaboration with the famous poet Yuri Rybchinsky. It was followed by “Jerusalem” and “Snowdrop”. These songs did not have enormous popularity, since they were not heard from big stages or television channels (of which, in principle, there were practically no such songs in Ukraine at that time). The aspiring star performed her songs on the stage of the theaters in which she worked.

The lucky ticket for Mogilevskaya was a stunning participation in the Slavic Bazaar festival (1995). True, it cannot be called a victory: although Natasha received first place, in fact, it was second, since the competition also awarded the Grand Prix. And then Mogilevskaya lost to the Yugoslav singer Philip Zhmacher: no one will remember him now. At that moment, Natalya truly felt confident in her abilities and decided to conquer Ukrainian show business, or even build it from scratch, because this sphere was just beginning to emerge in independent Ukraine.

So, she records and releases her first hits and videos to people. But he does not think of resting on his laurels, engaging in narcissism. At the same time, Mogilevskaya set her sights on honing her skills and finally getting higher education- entered Kiev National Institute Culture and Arts.

Real success came to Mogilevskaya already in 1997 - Ukraine enjoyed her first album with a simple name, but quite good musical content, “La-la-la”.

It was followed by the second album - “Snowdrop” (1998).

But recognition at all levels did not take long to arrive! In 1999, her original song “Misyats” from a new album, again with the simple name “Only Me,” was recognized as the song of the year in Ukraine, and Natasha herself was declared singer of the year. The young artist doesn’t even think about relaxing!

In 2001, the fourth album, “I’m Not Like That,” was released.

2002 - album “Winter”.

2003 - album “The Most... The Most.”

Mogilevskaya enters the millennium as an already established artist with recognition at the official state level. In 2004 she received the title People's Artist Ukraine.

At the same time, an important turn in her career was participation in the CHANCE program, where she became a presenter and producer.

2006 - release of the album “Vіdprala message”. But this is not the main event for Mogilevskaya this year. At this time, she is participating in the show “Dancing with the Stars” for the first time. Her seemingly absolute popularity is simply rising to a deafening level. Now literally everyone knows her and cares about her, from young to old. She becomes simply an offended folk heroine, who, in the opinion of many, gets second place in competitions instead of first. And our people have great compassion. It seems that she received hundreds of times more magazine covers and press attention than the winner of the competition, Vladimir Zelensky. Ultimately, her popularity, and therefore her profits, soar to incredible heights, and the title “The Most Beautiful Woman in Ukraine” closes this circle.

Mogilevskaya, as a talented producer, used all this hype to the fullest. She wrote several songs on this topic, shot a video, created a special dance concert and went on tour with her partners Vlad Yama. The result in 2007 was the album “This Dance”.

The singer does not stop there and moves at incredible speed - in 2008 she releases the next album “Lubila”, as well as “REAL O”.

At the same time, she became the producer of Star Factory 2.

In 2009, Mogilevskaya went on a tour as part of the presidential race in support of Yulia Tymoshenko. He also becomes a judge on the show “The Voice.” Children".

The result of her participation in the show was the creation of the production center “TALANT SCHOOL”, which she founded together with her sister’s husband. This center promotes her clients from various shows. One of the brightest solo works of that time was the single “Treason”.

Soon Natalya is beset by betrayals from her wards, the death of her mother and creative stagnation. She leaves everything and goes to India in search of inner harmony. For a long time meditations and meeting the yogi mentor Pilot Baba Ji still returned Ukraine to its tireless and the brightest star. And Mogilevsky’s return was truly enchanting.

With the song “I Got Started,” she again becomes the leader of all kinds of charts. She begins to tour actively and again becomes a judge on “The Voice.” Children”, and also begins to give people information about a healthy lifestyle and about finding oneself. New books have been published under her authorship on these topics.

Her victory in the show “Dancing with the Stars” closes this whole circle. 10 years later". After it, a new “dance” song “I danced” appears.

Personal life

At the beginning of his creative path Natasha met Alexander Yagolnik. He, one might say, became the singer’s first and only producer. Now Mogilevskaya vehemently denies that she owes the rise of her popularity in her youth to him, but she wholeheartedly agrees that there was love and close creative collaboration between them. Their relationship was very passionate and stormy - thanks to separations and reconciliations, Natasha wrote many touching songs. But in 1997, after the release of her first album, the artist finally broke off her painful relationship with Yagolnik.

Natalya at all times really did not like to talk to the press about her personal life. But in 2004, the public was stirred up by a high-profile wedding with a young Kyiv businessman Dmitry Chaly. True, their marriage lasted even less than a year. In comments on the divorce, the artist stated that the family routine is not for her and she cannot devote herself entirely to it to the detriment of her career, as Dmitry demanded.

After some time, Mogilevskaya begins dating another entrepreneur. Egor Dolinin is a more mature and experienced man who is raising three daughters from his first marriage. She fit into this family perfectly and lived with Yegor in civil marriage long time. True, she didn’t tell anyone about this and everyone found out about her second marriage 5 years after the start of their relationship. True, even here the singer failed to find happiness in her personal life. As she says, all for the same reason: her husband was more and more jealous of her work every day. In 2011, they finally separated.

Last spring, when Natalya returned from India to show business, she said that now she had finally found happy love. The name and identity of the chosen one is kept strictly secret, but it hints that he is a “non-local” and is a professional practitioner of yoga.

The singer's concert routine is always incredibly eventful. Filming in shows and television projects, flights, rehearsals and preparations for Roman Viktyuk’s performance occupy all her thoughts and time. Photo shoot for Viva magazine! took place on Sunday - the only day off that Natasha gave to us without regret. After the end of filming, well after midnight, we went straight from the studio to her office, where we finally managed to sit down and talk calmly - while the whole city was sleeping outside the window...

Readers have been waiting for a frank interview with you for more than six months. During this time, you have lost weight, become prettier, your eyes are shining - what has changed in your life?

What changed? I understood the main thing - life goes on. Last year was the most difficult in my life - I tried to close myself off from worries with worries, problems, and affairs. While all the smart books write that, having lost loved ones, it becomes easier when you can talk about it with someone. But apparently this method just doesn't suit me. And to the question: “What to do tomorrow?” I answered: “Why?” Anyone who has lost loved ones will understand me. I am one of those people who deeply hide their feelings and prefer to talk about them only when a lot has already been experienced.

I was in such a state that my body could not stand it - all systems and processes failed. I was very lucky that right after the New Year I received a call from my yoga teacher, who at 95 years old leads active image life, and offered to come to her urgently, saying that I must learn to live on. And only three weeks later, being in a meditation center in India, which is located far in the mountains, and doing both physical training and spiritual practices, I finally understood where to go next. So my weight loss just means that my life goes on.

Her life is the best instruction for action. She's 95 and driving healthy image life, has been practicing yoga for 60 years. When she was 93, she broke her hip - a fracture after which usually people no longer get out of bed, and even more so at her age. She, ignoring the recommendations of doctors, not only got up and continued her yoga classes, but also took up ballroom dancing with a partner who is 70 years younger than her. And a month later she sent the doctor an invitation to a dance tournament, in which she took part.

-Is she still dancing?

Yes, and in high heels.

Having returned home, do you plan, together with Roman Viktyuk, to start preparing a play based on the life of Lyudmila Gurchenko, which Roman Grigorievich announced at the end of last year?

As of today, the play has already been prepared, on which Roman Grigorievich worked together with the screenwriter. A gripping plot, a deep monologue, tragic events, shocking details of the life of military Kharkov in 1943, brilliant self-irony - this is just small part what you will see in the production. The main thing that had to be accomplished was writing the script; now all that remained was to begin rehearsals and preparation of the performance. Roman Grigorievich now works in Finland. As soon as he is free, we will immediately begin rehearsals, and I will again have to transform myself into the image of a great actress, which I already tried to do in the project “Yak two drops.” I think that this particular image was the most difficult for me, because Gurchenko, according to my feelings, seems to be all woven from pain.

For all 11 competitive weeks of the show “Yak Dvi Krapli” you were in first place, none of the participants managed to come close to your results - this is unprecedented leadership. Admit it, why did you, with your experience and status as a recognized star, need to take part in the show?

For me, the show was a definite Rubicon that needed to be crossed. When I was offered to take part in the show, I had severe depression- I didn’t want to leave the house, do anything, didn’t want to live. At that time, I had just buried my mother and thought that I would never be able to return to the stage again; everything seemed meaningless to me and useless to anyone. I am grateful to my teachers and director who found Right words and offered images of those strong women for whom only the stage was theirs real life. And in those moments when I sang, there was no pain, no death, no loneliness.

And if we seriously talk about the status of a star, then I don’t really like this word, because I consider myself one of the living people who are constantly moving forward, breaking foundations and their own cliches. Therefore, the project was a challenge to myself.

Best singer, “The most beautiful woman”, “Producer of the year” - you successfully go through life, are not afraid to take risks and receive the most from the judges high scores. Do you remember a time in your life when, on the contrary, you failed an exam?

One day, when I failed an exam at school, my dad sat me down opposite him and clearly explained why he didn't respect outsiders. Since then, if I do something, I try to do it perfectly. And I always have something to strive for.

- After the speeches, did you ask the opinion of your colleagues, friends, teachers - did it work or didn’t it work?

Of course, the opinion of the judges and my teachers is important to me. But in the end, the strictest judge is myself, because only I know whether it could have been done even better.

- You played many roles in the show, but what does it mean to be?

Live every day as if it were your only one, go on stage as if it were the first and last time, rely on yourself, but believe in God.

You are excellent on stage. And in your personal life, in relationships with men, you also strive to be ideal, saying to yourself: I must have the most Tasty dinner, the most comfortable home...

The concept of "most best woman”, however, as well as “the most best dress“, presupposes the presence of other women, which is unacceptable for me in family life. In general, I live as I like - honestly and openly. I think the chemistry of a relationship is that when you love, you are the only one for each other. And then your dinner will be the most delicious, and your home will be the most comfortable.

- And you don’t compare yourself to anyone?

No, it seems to me that this is the position of a weak person.

- I wonder if in a relationship with a man you are a female princess or a female comrade?

We are slowly coming to the conclusion that women are increasingly doing serious men's things. The main office of any serious company consists mostly of educated, middle-aged women. They pretend that men still rule the world, but every day the situation is changing. I know many men who would like to see me as a female comrade, apparently, which is why those with whom I can feel like a queen are becoming more and more valuable to me. I am a person who can do almost everything in this life on his own, so I especially appreciate it when a man is ready to take responsibility not only for his life, but also for part of mine...

- It seems to me that this model of relationships is laid in childhood. How did your mother raise you?

In my family, dad was definitely the head and master of the situation, and he also took responsibility for everything. Mom was beautiful, talented, worked hard and helped dad. That's why they're good soviet women- a sense of dignity, like a queen, understanding, like a friend, care, like a real Ukrainian mother.

In general, I have never met people equal to my parents in human qualities in my entire life - they are talented, smart, strong and good people. By the way, dad was always a little jealous of mom, because he sincerely believed that all the men around him were in love with her. The parents truly loved each other, and although their characters were difficult to combine, they carried this love throughout their lives.

So, thanks to my mom, I was raised as a friend and partner, but thanks to my dad, I always felt like a real princess. I am easily and gladly ready to put myself in the hands of a man who is able to make decisions for both of us.

- So, are you really going to give up power so easily?

If I trust - yes.

- Natasha, what is the biggest misconception about you?

Every year the versions change... It's hard to say (smiles mysteriously).

- They say that you are a tough and uncompromising person...

For some reason, it is generally accepted that if you are strong, that means you are tough, consistent, that means you are uncompromising, and so on. I'm just a principled person who likes to stick to clear and understandable boundaries. All conflicts between people arise because they do not “agree on the shore.” I adhere to the rule that before agreeing to a business or personal relationship, you need to assess the risks and try to agree on everything in advance. And if we fail to achieve our intended goal, we must decide how we will end our relationship. I adhere to agreements for the agreed period. And it upsets me when people act differently.

- And often do people let you down?

Happens. But if it happens chronically, then I don't waste my time and energy on long conversations... and say goodbye.

Natasha, every year articles about your pregnancy appear in the media. The whole country is worried about you and is waiting for you to become a mother. The last time there was such a wave of articles was several months ago. As soon as you gain a couple of extra pounds or come to a party in a loose-fitting dress, they immediately write that you are in a position...

I am amazed and outraged by the cynicism and blasphemy with which the yellow press intrudes into personal life famous people, looking for more and more details, without thinking at all about what the consequences might be. They are not confused by either . They allow themselves to think about how many days or months Zhanna has left to live, when and under what circumstances Konchalovsky’s daughter will come to her senses or not.
From time to time, I also become a victim of such an invasion of privacy and cynicism, with which for the 13th time in the last 10 years the yellow press is discussing whether I am pregnant, whether there were abortions, whether there will be miscarriages, and are not embarrassed to discuss candidates for fathers. Since 2003, when I first got married, I have been asked this question many times. It doesn't always have to do with whether I've lost weight or not, or even whether I'm getting married or divorced. This is due to the fact that the journalist or publication who writes about this wants to make money on this topic when they see that it is again causing a stir. Last time Such people were not even embarrassed by the fact that I was in mourning!

Behind Last year I denied the rumors several times, including at a press conference, dedicated to the Day fight against smoking. My press service gave a refutation in one of the highest-rated television programs about stars. But the phrase “,” as was noted in one of the analytical articles, overlapped the phrase “default in the USA” in search engine queries. Therefore, they continued to write “pregnant Mogilevskaya came to the birthday party... Pregnant Mogilevskaya went on stage...” and so on. At the same time, no one cared how I felt. And not only me, but also other people who were also credited with paternity. Over the past 10 years I have had children from Vlad Yama, my two husbands, all musicians and the mysterious Arab sheikh, whom I still dream of meeting.

In my family, questions such as “How much do you earn?”, “When to get married or give birth?” and others were considered tactless. Moreover, there is nothing more intimate than the relationship between a child and expectant mother. I am still shocked by the ease with which people ask such questions; this is a question about upbringing and traditions.

IN Lately you were often seen together with Hector Jimenez-Bravo. You came together to Ani Lorak’s birthday, on one of the X Factor broadcasts he presented you with a bouquet of flowers, so everyone started talking about your relationship with him. What role does Hector play in your life now?

Poor Hector, another contender for paternity. Thank God, he himself knows very well what fame is and treats this situation with humor.

Answering your question, I will say that he is very attentive to me, and I think that he likes me, but for now I would call our relationship rather friendly. You probably know that Hector lost his father this year. His family, like mine, is now in mourning, we experience similar feelings. And although Hector is also one of the people who are more likely to remain silent about their tragedy, when our eyes meet, I see pain in them, I see my reflection.

He and I have surprisingly a lot in common. For example, I had no idea before that Hector sings well, can dance, and draws well. He introduced me to drawing. He knows how to surprise, especially when he literally fixed the outlet in my house in five minutes while he was waiting for me to finish my hair. By the way, we have a common favorite store, and this is not some fashion boutique, but a construction one. I repair, rebuild, decorate things all the time. I'm interested in looking for new wallpapers, textures, paints, and coming up with layout ideas. Right now I am renovating my new office - rebuilding an ordinary Khrushchev building into an ultra-modern high-tech one. It turned out that Hector did all the repairs with his own hands - he can easily lay the floor, whitewash the ceiling, and hang wallpaper.

Does this mean that the current Natalya Mogilevskaya can be won by the man who can fix the socket and screw in the light bulb?

I think that established adults always have something new and interesting to discover in each other. I am a person who has two marriages behind me. I don’t have any particular illusions about what kind of first impression a person might make on me. I believe in time-tested relationships, that the stars should align a certain way, that people should compromise and evolve.

- Tell me, what is the most important thing for you in a man now?

For me, a man must be mature, whole, knowing what he wants and, most importantly, how to achieve it.

- Then what male weaknesses do you most easily forgive?

I understand and accept when men get together to relax in a purely male company. They need their own territory, their own manly conversations, their own interests. By the way, it doesn’t matter to me at all whether my man is handsome or

- But it still has to be successful and realized?

It is important for me that a man has a favorite thing to do. I should be proud of him so that our child can be proud of him later. Remember the movie “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”, when main character told the story of a Roman emperor who left power in order to grow the best cabbage. I like reserved, calm men with self-esteem.

-Have you ever had to conquer a man?

Maybe in his youth, at a disco (smiles). I became popular quite early, so, apparently, I was spoiled by the attention of men. I most likely based my model of behavior with men on my mother’s behavior, and my mother was always an attractive and proud woman. Any flirtations with members of the opposite sex were beneath her dignity. I can’t imagine myself conquering anyone. But when I have problems serious relationship with a man, I certainly put a lot of effort into making them happen. Because any relationship is work, work on yourself. I will not do anything that is unpleasant to my man, and I expect reciprocal actions from him too. There must be a clear understanding of your territory.

In any problem that arises in a relationship, both are always to blame. Being in a family relationship is incredible hard work. It's important to keep balance. I think that’s why things didn’t work out for me in my family life with Yegor. Be a professional high class It’s only possible when you give yourself over to something alone. It is almost impossible to dedicate yourself equally to your profession and to starting a family.

- Do you now regret that you made a choice in favor of a profession at one time?

No, I don’t regret it... In fact, at that time I didn’t feel ready to give birth to a child and fully devote myself to the family. I’m probably following the European route - I’ll think about having a child after forty. I'm still interested in living through work and the stage. It’s just that for many years we lived by Soviet stereotypes - you need to get married early, have a child and devote yourself entirely to your family, and at 50 you can retire calmly. I plan to do the first one only at 60 plastic surgery before the next anniversary solo album. After all, a person who does not smoke, does yoga, and lives an orderly life should be full of strength for many years.

- Is that why you quit smoking? What made you?

In fact, I struggled for a whole year. And I had a choice: take the easy route and start smoking again, as many do when they gain the first couple of kilos, or restore metabolic processes and wait for positive results. I waited.

And I stopped smoking for the sake of my profession. . I quit at one point. And for good reason. In the project “Yak two drops” I was easily able to sing a song from Adele’s album, and this is one of the best vocalists in the world. The habit of smoking can be overcome only when there is a strong inner desire. For several years I woke up with the thought that I wanted to quit smoking, but in our country there is terrible propaganda for smoking. According to statistics, smoking took more human lives than World War II, but no one pays attention to this. One of the books, after reading which I had no doubt that I needed to end this bad habit, was a book by Allen Carr, and one of the main arguments was “I don’t know a single smoker who would want his 12-year-old daughter to smoke.”

- It was after you quit smoking that you took up yoga?

No, I have been doing yoga for more than five years. Yoga was one of the incentives for me to quit smoking. Yoga is not physical exercise and lifestyle: healthy sleep, balanced nutrition and emotions, right attitude to life, ability to manage own life. This is a certain set of knowledge. Smoking, alcohol, club parties and the like are not compatible with it.

The French writer Gustave Flaubert divided love into three types: love-vanity, love-affection and love-passion. Which of these three have you experienced more often?

I think that love is affection, because my passion is the stage.

- It seems to me that you are fearless. But still, is there anything that you are afraid of?

There are no people without fear. Every time I go on stage, I worry. I have the same passions and fears as an ordinary person. I just know how to keep a face, hide emotions, and this is character.

- Aren’t you afraid to be funny?

Manifestation highest power- this is the ability to laugh at yourself. Often insecure people are afraid to look funny. For them, I can say that it is impossible to learn something new without looking awkward and clumsy. We are all unsure of ourselves when we cook our first borscht, take our first step, or jump over a goat in physical education class at school. As far as I remember, a child is allowed 16 attempts, and an adult seven, after which it becomes clear whether you are even able to do it or not (smiles). When I study, I am not afraid to be funny, because these are my first steps. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes, but then the winners are not judged!

- Do you like to be alone?

I used to love being alone, but when my mother died, I understood loneliness in a completely different way. My parents passed away very early, and to this day I cannot accept why this happened. And I can’t come to terms with them leaving. This loneliness cannot be compared with anything.

- I can’t help but ask about your creative plans: do you have any ambitions to conquer Russia and assemble the Kremlin Palace?

I became popular very early and I know what 200-300 concerts a year are, what real sell-outs are, dizzying success, and I understand that Russia is the same, just several times larger, and there are still 24 hours in a day. At some point I felt that I was losing myself behind this success. I realized that if I want to one day become a mother, a wife and sing on stage for many years, I need time and energy. Consider me taking a time out. If suddenly, against the backdrop of new emotions, I have a desire to assemble the Kremlin, I will certainly call Philip (smiles).

You come across as a person who has everything planned ahead. What are your plans for the near future?

As I already said, first of all, start rehearsals with Roman Viktyuk. Also this year I plan to tour Ukraine with concerts, because I really miss my beloved audience.

Irina Pikulya

Natalya Alekseevna Mogilevskaya - People's Artist of Ukraine, singer, actress, teacher, producer, jury member Ukrainian shows“Dancing with the Stars”, “Star Factory”.

Childhood, youth and family

Natalya Mogilevskaya ( real name Mogila) was born on August 2, 1975 in Kyiv. At school, the girl was known as a notorious rebel - her creative person I couldn’t stand the “equalization” of the Soviet school and the attempts of teachers to cut all children with the same brush. Because of this, the teachers and school administration once sent a delegation that went to the students’ parents with a request to protect their children from communicating with Natasha.

The girl’s father, Alexei Mogila, was a production manager, but was not a member of the CPSU. Mom, Nina Petrovna, worked in a restaurant at the Intourist Hotel, the only place where foreign guests stayed in those years. Natalya's parents were very liberal people and did not limit her freedom of expression; they always supported their daughter's choice.

When a 16-year-old girl graduated from nine-year-old school and entered the local circus school, they allowed her to start independent life in a rented apartment, although it was the dashing 90s, and they had to worry a lot.

I chose the philosophy of a female director: purposefulness, activity, never complain, never whine, never admit weakness, achieve your goal, go forward, if you want to do well, do it yourself...

Mogilevskaya’s parents are no longer in this world: her father died when Natasha was still very young, and her mother died in 2013. The circumstances of her father’s death are too personal a topic for the singer, so she never spoke about them publicly. Natalya has a 10-year older sister, Oksana, with whom the artist has a very warm relationship.

Music and TV projects

In 1990, Natalya began to make her way to her dream: she was a soloist in the Rodina folk theater, performed at the Kiev Variety Theater, in the Kyiv Circus orchestra, and was a backing vocalist for Sergei Penkin.

At the age of 20, Mogilevskaya began solo career: her songs “The Girl with Lily-Colored Hair,” “Snowdrop” and “Jerusalem,” which the poet Yuri Rybchinsky wrote for her, were often heard from the stages of local theaters. But after winning the Slavic Bazaar festival in 1995, the singer was determined to conquer show business. Natalya recorded her first hits and began to hone her skills, while simultaneously attending classes at the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

In 1997, Natalya released her debut collection “La-la-la”, which won the hearts of millions of listeners. Two years later, the song “A Month” from the singer’s new album “Only Me” became the song of the year in Ukraine, and Mogilevskaya was named the best singer. The artist confirmed her title two years later, when she released her fourth studio album, “Not Like That.”

Natalya Mogilevskaya - “La-la-la”

In 2004, Mogilevskaya received the title of People's Artist of Ukraine and became the host and producer of the television project "Chance". In the next two years, the artist pleased fans with a video for the song “I’ll tell you Wow!..” together with Philip Kirkorov, released the Ukrainian-language album “Vidpravila message”, together with dancer Vlad Yama took 2nd place in the project “Dancing with the Stars”, captivating the audience with a spectacular black dress with deep cutouts, as well as 1st place in the “Star Duet” project.

The years 2007 and 2008 were no less successful for Mogilevskaya. The singer won the title herself beautiful woman countries according to the publication “Viva!”, shot another video clip, released three new albums and went on a tour of Ukraine together with her partner in “Dancing with the Stars” Vlad Yama. Soon the artist began producing the Ukrainian project “Star Factory-2”.

In 2009, Natalia took part in an all-Ukrainian tour organized in support of Yulia Tymoshenko in the upcoming presidential elections.

From 2010 to 2015, Mogilevskaya was a member of the jury of such shows as “Star Factory. Superfinal”, “Dancing with the Stars”, “The Voice. Children" and others. At the same time, Natalya managed to record new singles, including "Hug, Cry, Kiss", "I'm Turned On" and "Lose Weight".

Film career

In 1998, Natalya, along with other famous Ukrainian singers starred in the film “Take Your Overcoat...”, the plot of which is based on Leonid Bykov’s film “Only “old men” go into battle.”

Five years later, the singer appeared in the musical film from Igor Krutoy and Maxim Papernik “ The Snow Queen”, and in 2007 she appeared before television viewers in the image of singer Olga Tumanova in the melodramatic series “Hold Me Tight”, which also featured Mogilevskaya’s songs.

Natalya Mogilevskaya in Alla Kruta’s “Welcome” program

In addition, Natalya could be seen in the musical comedy “A Very New Year’s Movie, or Night at the Museum” (2007), and in 2014 the singer starred in a small role in the comedy “Kiev Cake.”

Personal life of Natalia Mogilevskaya

In August 2004, Natalya got married. Her chosen one was businessman Dmitry Chaly, whom the girl had previously dated for about two years. The couple settled in the singer's apartment in Lipki.

Six months later, Mogilevskaya admitted that family life did not stick together - before the wedding, the young people saw each other only on weekends, but did not live together at all. A week after the wedding, she realized that living together was very different from occasional meetings. It is interesting that Mogilevskaya’s mother and older sister were against the wedding, but they failed to dissuade the girl from getting married.

In 2006, the artist began dating businessman Yegor Dolinin and accepted his three daughters from a previous marriage – Vasilisa, Varvara and Veronica – as her own. It was thanks to Vasilisa that they met - her daughter asked Yegor to take her to night club, and by coincidence, Natalya was also resting there that day.

Unfortunately, the relationship did not stand the test of time. As Natalya admits, her common-law husband was jealous of her other life - he didn’t like the fact that show business occupied the vast majority of the artist’s schedule. In 2011, the couple separated, but maintained good relations.

In May 2017, the singer said that she was in love again, but Natalya chose to hide the identity of her chosen one. “I don’t want to say his name, I can only say that he is a yogi,” she shared.

In 2017, Mogilevskaya impressed fans with her very slimmer figure. The actress managed to lose 25 kg with the help of a diet.

Natalya Mogilevskaya now

In September 2017, Natalya released the single “I Danced,” and at the end of October, together with Igor Kuzmenko, she won the next season of the dance project “Dancing with the Stars.”

Natalya Mogilevskaya is a singer, producer, dancer, actress, jury member of many famous TV shows and creator of the Ukrainian talent school. The performer has the title of People's Artist of Ukraine and always attracts full houses at her concerts.

The future singer Natalya Mogilevskaya (real name is Mogila) was born on August 2, 1975. The singer has lived all her life in hometown Kyiv. Looking at the screen, you can’t say that the singer’s height is very small and is only 162 cm. Natasha has been a little rebel since childhood. She was constantly engaged in creativity and strived to be a leader, so she went somewhat against the system established in Soviet schools. The teachers were indignant and demanded that mothers protect their children from communicating with the girl.

As for Natalya's parents, her father, Alexei Mogila, was a geologist and was not a party member. Her mother worked as a cook in the restaurant of the Intourist Hotel.

Natalya's father and mother were open-minded people and allowed their daughter to express herself, supporting her in everything. Natalya has a sister Oksana, who is 10 years older than her. The singer’s father died when she was still very young, but Natalya still does not reveal the reasons for his death. Mogilevskaya’s mother died in mid-2013, after which the singer could not bring herself to go on stage for a long time.

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At the age of 16, after graduating from 9th grade, Natalya became a student at the circus school.

The young singer immediately began to make her way onto the big stage. She performed whenever possible. She was a soloist in the Rodina folk theater, sang in the Kyiv Circus orchestra, and appeared on stage. Kyiv Theater stage.

Already at the age of 20, Natalya Mogilevskaya had her first hits that were heard throughout the country. The song "The Girl with the Lily Hair" and "Snowdrop" were sung everywhere. The author of these hits was the poet Yuri Rybchinsky. In the summer of 1995, Natalya Mogilevskaya became the winner of the Slavic Bazaar festival. Since then she has only dreamed of stellar career. But, nevertheless, the singer continues her studies and enters the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts.

Already at the beginning of 1997, Mogilevskaya released her debut album “La-la-la,” which became a discovery for millions of Ukrainians. At the end of 1999, Mogilevskaya was named the best singer for the song “Misyats”, which was included in the singer’s album “Only Me”. Natalya releases new albums one after another, without stopping there. With the album “Only Me”, Natalya goes on tour in Ukraine for the first time and attracts full houses in all cities. In 2004, Mogilevskaya received the title of People's Artist of Ukraine. After this, in mid-2005, he recorded a joint hit with Philip Kirkorov called “I’ll tell you Wow!”

In addition to the stage, Natalya Mogilevskaya also manifests herself on television. At the beginning of 2004, she became a co-host of the television show "Chance", in which she helps aspiring vocalists feel like a real star for one day. The show was an incredible success with the public and showed Natalia to the public with new side- as a purposeful, strong-willed and strong person. This was followed by participation in the project “Dancing with the Stars” during 2007, thanks to which the singer managed to lose even more weight. From that moment on, a new era began in the career of Natalia Mogilevskaya, in which dancing occupied a significant place. Unfortunately, the singer failed to win the show, but she received a much more important prize - dance partner Vlad Yam, with whom Mogilevskaya was credited with having an affair. After the end of the show, in which Natalya and Vlad took an honorable second place, the singer released the album “This Dance” and went on tour. In her concerts, all performances now featured incredible dances. The audience was delighted.

Having set the goal of becoming the first, Natalya Mogilevskaya takes part in another television project - this is a show called “Star Duet”. It is in it that she becomes the winner in tandem with Igor Kondratyuk. Next comes the next challenge. Natalya Mogilevskaya becomes the producer of the second Ukrainian “Star Factory”.

It was this “factory” that gave Ukraine many famous performers who are still at the top - Svetlana Tarabarova, Max Barskikh, Boris April - now Zianja, the group "Real O" and others. It should be noted that Natalya Mogilevskaya helped all her “manufacturers” with the release of their debut videos.

Thanks to her participation in the “Chance” project, Natalya Mogilevskaya receives several awards as the best TV presenter - first she is awarded the “Teletriumph” award, then the “TV Star” award, and then the “Idol of the Nation” award.

Natalya Mogilevskaya's first husband was entrepreneur Dmitry Chaly. A magnificent wedding the bride and groom played in 2004. Then the celebration was attended by many artists from the “Chance” project, to whose fate Natalya Mogilevskaya had a hand. But, as it turned out, the romance of the flower-candy period and life under one roof are completely different things. The couple were disappointed in life together and after six months they decided to separate.

For the second time, Natalya Mogilevskaya also married businessman Yegor Dolinin, who had three children from a previous marriage. Their marriage lasted 5 years. They started dating in 2006 and broke up in 2011. The reason for the separation is banal: the husband wanted his wife to be at home more often and put family life above her stage career, and also to give birth to a child. Which man wouldn’t want that? But, apparently, it was still too early for Natalya to become one of the ordinary mothers. Former spouses remained on good terms.

After this, Natalya's name was associated with various famous men, among whom was Vlad Yama - her partner in the project “Dancing with the Stars”, and also - who would have thought! - famous choreographer Radu Poklitaru. There were even rumors that Mogilevskaya was pregnant, then that she gave birth, but these speculations were not confirmed. Although the singer has admitted more than once that she would like children, she has not yet taken on the role of a mother.

Natalia Mogilevskaya's weight loss recipe

Due to stress associated with the death of her mother in mid-2013, the singer decided to leave the stage. Her prolonged depression took its toll on appearance- the artist has noticeably gained weight. However, in order to participate in the new season of the show “Dancing with the Stars,” Natalya Mogilevskaya managed to pull herself together and short time she was incredibly transformed - she achieved weight loss of 25 kg. It turned out that the deposit slim figure- this is accepting yourself as you are, plus healthy frequent fractional meals and sports activities, and then losing weight will not be so difficult. But the first rule to lose weight is to love yourself.

At the moment, everything is going well in the life of Natalia Mogilevskaya. She released two successful singles - “I got wound up” and “I danced”, which can be downloaded from online music stores. Natalya finally became the winner of the “Dancing with the Stars” project, participating in them for the third time after she managed to lose weight.

In the winter of 2017, Natalya Mogilevskaya and her partner Igor Kuzmenko received the main award and simply glowed with happiness, although there were many who did not believe in her victory and criticized her. Mogilevskaya also became a trainer for the “Voice of Children” project and gave a number of concerts in the cities of Ukraine.

In addition, the singer continues to manage the Talent School network to develop children's creativity. Nothing is known about the singer’s personal life at the moment, but she herself admitted back in May 2017 that she was in love, but has not yet named her chosen one.

Marina Mogilevskaya is a Russian theater and film actress. An intelligent, smart, beautiful brunette gets used to the stage so much that she even selects a special perfume for each image, which, in her opinion, would suit the heroine. Magic happens in life, and it happened to Marina.

The girl, who was far from the world of cinema and failed her exams, but dreamed of a film career, got her first start with a fateful meeting with the director, in whose film she would later star. Fate gave her a chance, which she certainly took advantage of and proved with her talent that she was a worthy actress. For many years we have been watching her play, rejoicing and experiencing together with the heroes of Marina Mogilevskaya.

Height, weight, age. How old Marina Mogilevskaya is, her fans are eager to find out, and even more so after she became a mother. Now the actress is forty-seven years old, but her ray of sun shines so much from within that it is unlikely that anyone will give her more than forty. They say that pregnancy beautifies a woman, so Marina became more attractive and charming.

She always watched her figure and paid more attention to proper nutrition. With a height of 173 cm, weighs sixty-three kg, and even after giving birth, Marina Mogilevskaya quickly recovered. Photos in his youth and now are just as beautiful and charming. She is just as sophisticated, always smiles sweetly, and only the actress has facial wrinkles, which give her a special piquancy and wisdom acquired over the years.

Biography and personal life of Marina Mogilevskaya

The biography and personal life of Marina Mogilevskaya has been very interesting since birth. A girl was born on August 6, 1970 in the Tyumen region. The child was expected in no less than two weeks and her father, Oleg Mogilevsky, a theoretical physicist by profession, and her mother, Mogilevskaya, who worked as a teacher, went to pick strawberries, where a miracle happened.

When Marina was five years old, her parents divorced, her father moved to Kyiv, and her mother raised the girl alone and invested as much as possible in Marina. more knowledge. The girl was an excellent student, attended many clubs and played sports. After graduating from school, Marina did not enter MGIMO, but having met her first future husband, she moved to Kyiv and entered the institute National economy. Everything changed as luck would have it magic wand started acting Mogilevskaya.

Filmography: films starring Marina Mogilevskaya

Marina's filmography began with the film "Stone Soul", the director of the film was looking for a girl on main role, until I accidentally met Mogilevskaya. Her appearance was so similar to the image of the heroine that the future actress was invited to come to the audition, and to no avail. After the release of the film, Mogilevskaya became famous throughout the country and was offered to play in the drama “Disintegration.”

Later, Marina entered the acting department to consolidate her talent and, while studying, acted in various films. After moving to Moscow, the actress starred in the crime film “Tango over the Abyss,” but the girl gained particular popularity after the TV series “Turkish March.” In all subsequent years, Mogilevskaya could be seen in films such as “Everything You Love”, “Russian Amazons”, and the beloved TV series “Kitchen”.

In addition to film acting, Marina also worked in the theater. When she lived in Kyiv, she worked at the Russian Drama Theater, where she played in many performances and enjoyed success. The artist gathered a lot of public on her stage, and “Anne Boleyn”, “The Lady and the Admiral” brought her no less fame. And in 2014, Marina played in the play “Two from the Big Road”

Family and children of Marina Mogilevskaya

The family and children of Marina Mogilevskaya are a topic that has always worried the actress. Like any woman, the actress, raised by one mother, dreamed of a full-fledged family, where love, happiness and children's laughter live. But things don’t always turn out this way in life and you need to accept everything as it is.

Although Marina recalls that as a child, her mother invested all of herself in raising her daughter, every year they traveled to different cities Russia, studied history, the girl read a lot of books, for which she is now very grateful to her mother for such an invaluable contribution. She never liked to live the eccentric life that is typical for teenagers. Marina was special child, precocious. So she wants to raise her Maria in the same way and instill in her from childhood the spiritual values ​​that her mother gave her.

Daughter of Marina Mogilevskaya - Maria

The daughter of Marina Mogilevskaya - Maria became late child for the actress, because she gave birth to her at forty-one. Marina herself admits that this problem has worried her for the past ten years. Who the girl's father is remains a mystery today. Rumor has it that it was casual connection, after which the actress found out that she was pregnant.

After the birth of the child, Marina Mogilevskaya did not part with her daughter for a minute; she did not believe her happiness, because it was a long-awaited miracle, begged from God. Now the actress has big plans for the girl; she wants her daughter to dance, know at least two languages ​​and play the piano.

The actress admits that when she looks at her little blood and everything around looks different, her daughter taught her to look at everything with different eyes, “My baby smiles all the time and, looking at her, I became softer, more compliant and, if I I used to be like this, maybe I saved my marriage,” shares Marina Mogilevskaya. And her daughter (whose photo we can see on the Internet) inspires her and, most importantly, makes her a happy mother.

Marina Mogilevskaya's ex-husband - Vitaly Zaporozhchenko

The ex-husband of Marina Mogilevskaya, Vitaly Zaporozhchenko, met a girl in Kyiv. Young (at that time she was eighteen), economical with an easy-going character, Marina quickly charmed the guy, and without thinking twice, he offered her his hand and heart. Vitaly imagined the ideal of a woman differently than it was in their family life. For him, the main thing was that his wife devote herself completely household, baked pies and cooked borscht.

Marina was different, she needed to realize herself in life, try, make mistakes and move forward again. Although the couple had no children, the marriage lasted almost nine years, and all this time Zaporozhchenko put pressure on his wife, trying to convey that family and career were incompatible. Unable to withstand such pressure, Mogilevskaya nevertheless filed for divorce. Weighing the pros and cons, Marina chose creativity.

Marina Mogilevsky's ex-husband - Alexander Akopov

Marina Mogilevskaya’s ex-husband, TV presenter Alexander Akopov, really interested the actress. Their romance lasted three years before going down the aisle. It would seem that they had proven feelings, common interests, each of them at that time had achieved a lot in life, it was an adult relationship between two accomplished individuals. When the actress got married, she hoped that it would be for life; she needed a family and a beloved man.

However, Akopov did not live up to expectations; this man at heart was a carefree child who needed fun in the company of young girls. Either he was asserting himself that way, or he really didn’t care about his wife’s feelings, but the fact that he cheated on Marina left and right remains a fact. Mogilevskaya tried to reason with him, quarreled, left, returned, but her husband did not change. Although it was very difficult for the woman, she decided to divorce, realizing that this could not continue like this. For a long time, Marina did not find a place for herself, but as always, her work saved her.

Instagram and Wikipedia Marina Mogilevskaya

No matter how hard we search, the actress does not have an Instagram page, and Marina Mogilevskaya’s Wikipedia is not as rich in details as fans want to know. But on the Internet, upon request, you can find a lot of different information regarding the life and work of the actress. There are also photographs of how Marina spends her leisure time. Of course, a photo shoot with her daughter comes first, where they walk, feed pigeons, and choose clothes from the shops.

But the actress also has time for herself, and in the photo you can see Marina Mogilevskaya in a swimsuit surfing at sea. Many fans regret that Mogilevskaya does not have an official page, but Marina does not need it. After all, she happy mother and she would rather devote every free minute to her child.

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