Full and short adjectives. Full lessons - Knowledge Hypermarket. Short form of the adjective, spelling examples

Difficulties in using adjectives are associated with the formation of a short form and the formation of degrees of comparison.

1. A short form can only be formed from quality adjectives. short form is formed from the stem of the adjective and endings: zero, -а(-я), -о(-е), -ы(-и).

For example, cheerful. Oar base. Short form of cheerful, merry, merry, merry.

If at the end of the base there is a combination of consonants with K or N, then when forming forms male escaped vowel appears: full - full, bitter - bitter.

For adjectives with a basis in -enn (painful, artificial) in the masculine form, truncation occurs N. For example, painful - painful (painful); Artificial - artificial (artificial); Limited - limited (limited).

Only in some cases is the correct form in -enn: sincere - sincere, base - low, frank - frank.

Some adjectives are used only in a short form: glad, much, must, need.

Some quality adjectives do not have a corresponding short form: adjectives with the suffixes -sk-, -n-, -ov-, -l- (comradely, efficient, advanced, skillful), denoting color (blue, lilac), animal color (crow, bay), a high degree of sign (tiny, fat), adjectives that are part of the terminological names (deep rear, fast train).

2. Qualitative adjectives have comparative and superlative degrees of comparison (Table 2).

The comparative degree shows that in one or another subject the feature is manifested to a greater or lesser extent than in others, for example:

Conversations became louder, more incoherent, more cheerful. Education comparative degree:

Table 2.

The initial form of the adjective from which the comparative degree is formed. Means of education comparative degree. Comparative adjectives.
Sharp Interesting Pointless Simple form -her (-her-) Sharper (-s) More interesting (s) Senseless (s)
Adjectives with a basis on g, k, x, d, t, st hot, quiet, expensive, young, cool, fat -e- + stem final consonant alternation hotter, quieter, more expensive, younger, cooler, fatter
Adjectives with suffixes -k-, -ok- (-ek-) low, high, long, thin -е- + truncation of suffixes k-, -ok-(-ek-) lower, higher, longer, thinner
Tall, big Po- + -she- (-e-) higher, bigger
Good, bad, small from other bases better, worse, less
hard, weak, sweet COMPOSITE FORM Words more, less Harder, less weak, more sweet

The superlative degree shows that one or another subject is superior to other subjects in some way, for example: Labor is the best, most radical medicine (Table 3).

Formation of the superlative degree of adjectives.

Table 3

The initial form of the adjective from which the superlative degree is formed. Educational means of superlatives Adjectives in the superlative form.
Strict, short, quiet, high SIMPLE FORM -aysh- + alternating final consonant stem The strictest, the shortest, the quietest, the highest
Brave, wonderful -eysh- Brave, wonderful
Tall, handsome Nai- + -sh- (truncation of the suffix -ok) nai- + -eysh- Highest Most beautiful
Good, bad, small From other bases Best, worst, least
Solid, approachable, loyal, funny, sad, smart, interesting COMPOSITE FORM Word most words most, least comparative adjective + genitive pronoun all - all The hardest, the most accessible, the most faithful, the least cheerful, the saddest of all, the smartest of all, the most interesting of all

In the formation of short forms of adjectives from full ones (only qualitative ones), only the main accentological tendencies can be outlined, because strict regularities are not established here, fluctuations are often observed at the place of stress. The stress of the full and short forms in polysyllabic adjectives with unstressed ending-th (as well as parts of two-syllable adjectives) is identical, and in the paradigm of changing short adjectives by gender and number remains fixed on the main one (as in the paradigm of changing full forms). The formation of short forms from adjectives with a one-syllable and two-syllable stem (more often non-derivative) is accompanied by the mobility of stress both in word-formation and inflectional plans. In stems with full vowels, the stress in the short form moves to the first syllable. full vowel combination. In short forms of the middle gender, the stress mostly coincides with the masculine forms, although there are exceptions (dead - dead, light - easy, dark - dark, smart - smart, black - black, etc.). word forms plural always similar in stress to neuter word forms. The greatest shifts in stress occur in feminine word forms.

Thus, in the formation of short adjectives with a monosyllabic or disyllabic stem, there is a tendency to move the stress of the full form to the initial syllable of the stem in the masculine word form and to the ending in the feminine word form.

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Formation of short forms of adjectives

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Qualitative adjectives have a constant feature - they have full and short forms. This article describes in detail the types of ratios of the two forms and provides illustrative examples for fixing the material.

What are the forms of adjectives?

In Russian, full and short forms of adjectives are distinguished. This grammatical feature is constant and is characteristic only of a qualitative adjective:

  • Full adjectives- attributive, inflected forms (change by gender, number, cases), neutral in meaning. In sentences, they are most often used as a definition. Examples of full adjectives: dry, cold, red, neat.
  • Short adjectives- predicative, indeclinable forms (change only by gender and number, do not decline by cases), differ in book value. In sentences, as a rule, they act as a nominal predicate. Examples of short adjectives: distant, young, white, meek.

Complete and short adjectives studied at school in the 5th grade.

Types of ratios of full and short forms of adjectives

Not all words of this part of speech have full and short forms of adjectives. According to the presence (or absence) of this grammatical feature, adjectives are divided into three groups:

  • Adjectives that have both full and short forms (good - good, cheerful - cheerful, fresh - fresh, smart - smart). Short forms are formed by adding endings to the basis of the adjective -a (s), -o (s), -s (s) and zero (cute - cute, strong - strong).
  • Adjectives that have only the full form. These include - adjectives with evaluation suffixes (tall, green), qualitative adjectives formed from relative (coffee, brown, milk) naming animal colors (bay, brown) and non-derivative adjectives (foreign, former).
  • Adjectives that have only a short form (too small, necessary, much, happy).

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  • II. Pronouns (pronouns)
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  • Short form of adjectives

    Short Form Education

    Most quality adjectives have two forms -

    complete and brief: talented - talented; noble - good

    native; wayward - wayward; ferocious - ferocious.

    In modern Russian, the short form is formed from the stem

    full form1 with endings: null for masculine gender, -а, -о

    respectively for the feminine and neuter genders. Sometimes between the end

    fluent consonants of the stem in masculine forms

    vowel -o, -e-.

    In doing so, the following should be noted: many

    adjectives ending in -stvenny, -enny, short

    the masculine singular form has a truncated suffix:

    peculiar - peculiar; solemn - solemn; essential

    ny - essential; painful - painful; related - related, etc.

    The formation of precisely forms with a truncated suffix, according to the observation

    pits of scientists, reflects the development trend of this group of adjectives

    nyh in modern Russian language2. Arising often in their use

    parallel forms (immoral - immoral, immoral,

    sensual - insensitive, numerous - numerous, mysterious -

    mysterious, etc.) are acceptable, but the variant on

    En, not na –enen.

    Only a small number of adjectives in this group form short

    some forms ending in -enen: haughty, untouchable, un-

    doubtful, ordinary, frank, penetrating, venerable, timely

    menen and some others

    Not all qualitative adjectives form a short form.

    They don't have it:

    1) adjectives with suffixes -sk-, -chesk-, -ensk-, -ov-, -ev-,

    a number of adjectives with the suffix -n-: "boorish act", "ironic-

    some notes”, “beggarly salary”, “ordinary employee”, “key pro-

    blema”, “early morning”;

    2) some verbal adjectives with the suffix -l-:by-

    rolled, melted; as well as many adjectives that are pro-

    outgoing real participles: outstanding (capable

    ti), swollen (face), etc.;

    3) many adjectives with subjective evaluation suffixes:

    thick, blushing, clean, unpretentious;

    4) many adjectives relative in origin,

    denoting colors: coffee, chocolate, lilac;

    5) adjectives denoting the colors of horses: buckskin, voro

    noah, bay, savrasy;

    6) words: junior, senior, large, as well as some simple

    river words: lesser, cursed, etc.

    There are such qualitative adjectives that use-

    Xia only in a short form, but do not have a full form: glad, much,

    love, needed.

    Some polysemous adjectives form a short form

    not to each of the values. For example, the adjective has a prominent,

    having three meanings: 1) visible, visible; 2) significant

    ny, important; 3) tall, stately, representative, - short

    the form is only in the first meaning: "The house is visible from afar."

    There are adjectives in which the full and short forms are different

    values. For example: imperious - ‘inclined to command, sub-

    repair himself '("powerful man") and powerful - "he who has power dis-

    command, command.

    Grammatical properties of short adjectives

    In modern Russian, short adjectives do not decline

    are, but change only by numbers, and in the singular and by

    In a sentence, short adjectives appear most often in

    the role of the predicate: “I like that you are not sick with me, I like

    Xia, that I am sick not with you ”(Tsvet.); "You don't love me, don't pity me,

    Am I not a little handsome? (Es.). In the definition function, they can

    used only when they are isolated. In this role

    they are used mainly in poetic speech: “Dika, pe-

    primal, silent, like a doe in the forest, timid, she is in her family

    Noah seemed like a strange girl ”(P.); “It is full of longing and trembling, Tama-

    ra often sits at the window in lonely meditation ”(L.); “But, right, remember

    nude on the fly, as Tashkent blazed in bloom, all enveloped in white flames,

    hot, odorous, intricate, incredible.

The short form can only be formed from qualitative adjectives. relative and possessive adjectives do not have a short form. The short form is formed from the basis of the adjective and endings: zero, -a (-ya), -o (-e), -s (-i).
For example, cheerful. Oar base. Short form of cheerful, merry, merry, merry.
If at the end of the stem there is a combination of consonants with K or N, then a fluent vowel appears during the formation of masculine forms: full - full, bitter - bitter.
For adjectives with a basis in -enn (painful, artificial) in the masculine form, truncation occurs N. For example, painful - painful (painful); Artificial - artificial (artificial); Limited - limited (limited).
Only in some cases is the correct form in -enn: sincere - sincere, base - low, frank - frank.
Some adjectives are used only in a short form: glad, much, must, need.
Some quality adjectives do not have a corresponding short form: adjectives with the suffixes -sk-, -n-, -ov-, -l- (comradely, efficient, advanced, skillful), denoting color (blue, lilac), animal color (crow, bay), a high degree of sign (tiny, fat), adjectives that are part of the terminological names (deep rear, fast train).

13. Common Mistakes in the use of pronouns.
Speech errors associated with the use of pronouns occur when using the pronouns YOURSELF, YOUR OWN; demonstrative pronouns and the pronoun OH.
1) The pronouns YOUR and YOURSELF are often used instead of the personal and possessive pronouns required by the norm, or vice versa: Kostya liked OWN slippers (correctly - HIS slippers); I found the book on MY desk (that's right, on MY desk).
2) The unjustified repetition of demonstrative and personal pronouns in the initial sentences of the text is also a mistake: When HE was on the lake, HE saw a tree of a completely unusual shape there.
3) When using the personal pronoun OH in oblique cases in combination with prepositions, the increment H is usually added to it, which is absent when the same pronoun is used without preposition: HIM, HER - to Him, to Her. In common parlance, this rule is often violated.
4) Personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person plural with modal verbs to miss, yearn for, etc. are used only in the prepositional case: LOOK FOR US, WE MISS YOU (but: ...for them). In the singular form, personal pronouns are combined with the dative case: I MISS HIM.
5) After adverbial prepositions contrary to, according to, contrary to, towards, respectively, like, inside, etc., the initial H is not added: contrary to him, towards her, inside them.
H is also not added after the preposition thanks and prepositional combinations, not as an example, as opposed to, about, from the side, in relation to, with the exception of etc., consisting of a simple preposition and a noun: thanks to him, from his side.
After the form of the comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs, 3rd person pronouns are used without the initial H: older than him, better than her.
6) A collective noun (peasantry, students, group, etc.) cannot be replaced by a plural pronoun. For example, one cannot say: “The students have left for the holidays; they will rest well during the summer.” In order not to create an uncomfortable combination “it will rest”, the word students should be replaced with the word students.
4) The reflexive pronouns MYSELF and OWN refer to the person performing the action. Therefore, in the sentences: The tenant asked the janitor to take things to himself; The professor invited the assistant to read his report; the pronoun itself refers to the noun janitor, and the pronoun own refers to the word assistant.
5) Forms from her, from her are colloquial or obsolete. The correct forms are from her, from her.
6) There are no special possessive pronouns in the literary language to indicate belonging to a third person. If it is necessary to express these relations, personal pronouns in the genitive case are used: HER car, HER children. In common parlance, such possessive pronouns exist: theirs, eyny, voyny.
7) Relative pronouns are used to connect simple sentences as part of a complex one.



truncated adjectives





Turning to the literary language of the 18th century, it is difficult not to pay attention to the specific use of adjective forms.

An adjective is a part of speech denoting a non-procedural attribute of an object and expressing this meaning in inflectional morphological categories of gender, number and case. The adjective has a morphological category of degree of comparison and has full and short forms. According to the nature of the sign designation, adjectives are divided into two lexical and grammatical categories - into qualitative and relative adjectives. The composition of relative adjectives includes proper relative (possessive and non-possessive), ordinal and pronominal adjectives. Qualitative adjectives denote a property inherent in the object itself or discovered in it, often one that can be characterized by varying degrees of intensity: white - whiter. Qualitative adjectives have two series of forms - full (attributive) and short (predicative), they form forms of comparative degree (comparative). one

Full and short adjectives

The study of the history of adjective forms must begin with the Proto-Slavic era. Full adjectives appeared just then, by attaching demonstrative pronouns to short ones. This demonstrative pronoun - jь (changing by gender: f. - *ja, m. - *je) - most likely performed a function similar to the role of the article with a noun in other languages ​​(for example, the article the in English, by origin, it is also a demonstrative pronoun). 2 Only in Old Russian they were postpositive in relation to the adjective and were written together, although they referred to the noun. . Consequently, in the original system of the Old Russian language, as in modern language, there were full (pronominal) and short (nominal) forms. However, their grammatical functions, their relationship to each other were different, that is, there was a different system of adjectives. Now short adjectives act only as the nominal part of the compound predicate (predicate), while in the Old Russian language they could be both a predicate and a definition. Used in the role of a definition, they declined, but later, having lost the ability to be a definition, they also lost their declination. The differences between the Old Russian system of adjectives, in addition, are expressed in the fact that if now relative adjectives can only act in full form, then in Old Russian they appeared both in full and in short form. 4

In the modern language, short forms are inherent only in those qualitative adjectives that allow the modification of quality and its transformation into a qualitative state that flows in time and is attributed to a person or object. Qualities that are immovable, permanent, timeless properties of objects or persons or that serve as terminological designations for the features of certain kinds and types of objects cannot be expressed in a short form of an adjective. Roughly speaking, in the circle of adjectives, only temporary epithets, only designations of temporary properties have a full and short form. For example, deaf in the special terminological meaning "closed tightly, solid, without holes and crevices, does not have a short form." And in another terminological meaning "pronounced without a voice" (a dull sound), the deaf also does not allow a short form. Moreover, in non-free phraseological combinations such as a deaf province or a deaf time, it is also impossible to use a short form instead of a full one (cf. the time was deaf). There are many other quality adjectives that do not correspond to short forms or do not have them at all.

In the same adjective, the lexical meanings of full and short forms are differentiated.

Adjectives with the meaning of emotional and qualitative assessment and with bright expressive coloring usually do not form short forms. With an emotional attitude to a person or object, the quality seems to be timeless inherent in it, characterizing its nature, for example, glorious in the meaning of "pretty, pleasant", poor in the meaning of "unfortunate".5

Differences in lexical and lexico-syntactic meanings and shades associated with the predicative use of the same adjectives in member and non-member forms are very large. Short forms denote a qualitative state that occurs or occurs in time; full - a sign conceivable outside of time, but in this context related to a specific time. In essence, with the predicative use of the full forms of adjectives, certain objects are subsumed under certain categories of quality or attribute, which determine the differences in the genera and types of things and persons.

Between the short and full forms of adjectives, an ever deeper semantic line is formed. In the short form of the adjective, the meaning of quality turns into the meaning of a qualitative state. Short forms, in the presence of certain conditions, can break away from the full forms of adjectives and move to another grammatical category. Thus, in many cases, the lexical integrity of the adjective name, which previously combined both full and short forms, is also destroyed.

This process of grammatical isolation of short forms is not hindered even by the development of predicativity of full forms, which was outlined in the 15th - 16th centuries. and especially intensified from the middle of the XVII century.

The grammatical and lexical difference is deepened by stylistic differences in forms. R. Koshutich drew attention to the fact that in Russian early XIX the use of short forms of adjectives is characteristic mainly of the bookish language, and in colloquial speech intelligentsia, they are usually replaced by complete ones even in the function of a predicate. These thoughts were then developed and deepened by A. M. Peshkovsky: "The short form in its exclusively predicative meaning is a purely literary phenomenon. This gives the short form a shade of more bookishness, abstraction, dryness, sometimes categorical than is characteristic of the full form." A. M. Peshkovsky illustrated this great bookishness of the short form very a prime example: "In Chekhov's "Three Sisters" there are three homogeneous remarks: Irina says to Masha (in the 2nd act):" You, Masha, are evil. "Olga says to her (in the 3rd act):" You, Masha, are stupid . The dumbest in our family. Excuse me, please." Finally, Masha says a little later (not in connection with the previous one) to Olga: "Eh, you are stupid, Olya." All three remarks are by no means hostile. This is related, friendly. But to say you are evil "You're stupid is already an insult. You're evil - this is a naked statement of fact, to which a friendly tone and casually colloquial style do not go. And all this is connected with the exceptional bookishness of this form. "6

Turning to the literary language of the end of the 18th century, we will see that such a situation develops in relation to truncated adjectives.

In the Old Russian language, only short adjectives acted as a predicate, that is, inside the names of adjectives, full and short ones were opposed to each other not only as definite and indefinite, but also as attributive and predicative, in other words, there were relations red - uncertainty and red - certainty, on the one hand, and red - a predicate and an attribute, and red - only an attribute on the other. The second relation gradually outweighed due to the strength of the category of predicativity itself, and short adjectives lost the function of definition, which began to be assigned to full forms. But the loss of the function of definition also meant the loss of the declension by short adjectives, since in the function of the predicate they acted only in the form of the nominative case. Acting only as a predicate, short adjectives began to be verbalized - to move away from the name of the adjective, the main function of which is the function of definition.7

The grammatical features of the short forms of adjectives destroy the semantic and stylistic parallelism between them and the long forms. Short forms lack many of the basic meanings of full adjectives and develop their own special meanings, which do not find matches in full forms. Compare: similar (Such a violation of the rules of order is intolerable) and similar.

The semantic and stylistic separation of short forms from full ones, the tendency of short forms to close into a special category are due to the originality of their grammatical nature. First of all, they are indestructible. Their four forms are three generic for the singular with endings: zero, -a, -o (-e) and one for the plural: -s, -i (good, -a, good, kind; melodious, -a, - e, -i) - can be called nominatives only in the conditional sense in which this term, for example, is applied to the past tense forms of the verb (I walked, you walked, it walked, they walked). The similarity of short adjectives in this respect to the forms of the past tense in -l is not accidental. After all, they also have forms of gender, number and lexical meaning time. The similarity of short adjectives with words with forms of time is their distinctive grammatical feature. Short adjectives are most different from full adjectives in the form of time. With this difference in short adjectives, the absence of declension is associated. Thus, the morphological and syntactic features of the adjectival category in short forms are in a dilapidated state. Without changing by case, short adjectives cannot determine other forms of nouns, except for the form of the nominative case.

Wed, for example: the mother is sick and the mother is sick; his nails are dirty and his nails are dirty. “Sick, dirty,” writes Academician A. A. Shakhmatov, “mean a sign in time (now, at the present time), sick, dirty means a permanent sign, closely combined with the substance.” According to A. A. Shakhmatov, "it seems likely that such differentiation is due in part to the influence of new forms of the past tense that arose from participles, the past tense forms of the active voice on -l and the passive on -n, -t."8

Already A. Kh. Vostokov singled out non-membered forms of qualitative adjectives and passive participles in special group conjugated adjectives, noting that "qualitative glad, much have one conjugated ending". At the same time, Vostokov decisively distinguishes adjectives with a truncated ending from conjugated adjectives (for example, folk poetic ones: a combustible stone is white, often a rakite bush): "These truncated endings should not be confused with conjugated endings of quality names, which differ from truncated endings for the most part and stress ". Vostokov also pointed out the meaning of the category of conjugated adjectives - "to show the state or quality of an object that does not depend on actions." nine

Acad. A. A. Shakhmatov in his "Essay on the Modern Russian Literary Language" follows in the footsteps of Vostokov. It incorporates short "conjugated" adjectives and participles into the verb system. Shakhmatov compares predicative-nominal forms in -o (it's fun here, I feel sick, it hurts him) with impersonal verbs. A. A. Shakhmatov finds in these categories of words the categories of person and time. The present tense of nominal conjugated words is determined by the absence of the form of the auxiliary verb: they are cheerful, he is touched, she is wounded. Their past and future tense "is determined by the presence of the conjugated word of auxiliary verbs in the forms of the corresponding tense" (he was touched, he will be touched, we were glad of this event). Thus, A. A. Shakhmatov recognized the forms of time and the syntactic function of predicate associated with them as a grammatical feature of this category of words. A. A. Shakhmatov applies the term "adjectives - predicates" to short forms of adjectives. These adjective-predicates are characterized by face shapes. A. A. Shakhmatov, following A. Kh. Vostokov, wrote about this as follows: “In the conjugation of adjectives and participles, ten persons are distinguished, seven for the singular and three for the plural, and in the singular there are three masculine persons, three persons feminine and one (third) neuter person.The differences between these forms are formed by adding eight pronominal forms to adjectives and participial forms (I - for masculine and feminine, you - for masculine and feminine, he, she, it, we, you , they)".10

At the same time, A. A. Shakhmatov emphasized the formal differences of this type of words from the forms of the past tense of the verb, which are: 1) in the absence of forms of all three tenses, 2) in the plural ending -ы (cheerful, puffy), denoting a passive state, in difference from -i (have fun, swollen), denoting an active-personal action.

The same view is clearly reflected in the "Syntax of the Russian language" by A. A. Shakhmatov. Pointing out that the non-membered form of the adjective (not counting the possessive) is almost exclusively in the function of the predicate, A. A. Shakhmatov added: "That is why the non-membered forms of the adjective in the nominative case are called the conjugated form; it is grammatically close to participles in -l, received the meaning of personal verb forms of the past tense, as well as with participles of the passive voice in -н, -т, in the same way used as personal verb forms. evokes the idea not only of the presence of a combination of a feature at one time or another, but also that this feature is characteristic of the subject in general, why it can be expressed as its definition.

Thus, A. A. Shakhmatov was inclined to see a special grammatical category in the short forms of the adjective. But the influence of A. A. Potebnya and F. F. Fortunatov directed subsequent grammarians along a more traditional path.

Defining the grammatical functions of short, non-membered, predicative adjectives in Russian (compared to German), A. A. Potebnya came to the conclusion that in non-membered forms the main feature of the category of adjective name is preserved - agreement: "When the language destroys agreement, then thereby it abstracts the feature from the subject. Speaking a priori, in Russian such a distraction could occur in two ways: either by turning the adjective into a noun, or by shifting the center of its gravity from the subject to the predicate, i.e., by referring the feature to the category of the adverb. we find in a comparative degree (snow is whiter than paper, like paper whiter than snow) and in gerunds".11 But the Russian short forms, without losing agreement, remain within the category of the adjective.

A. M. Peshkovsky, Characterizing short forms as adjectives that are caseless and connected (that is, used only in the meaning of the predicate), noted that the short adjective "is predicative itself, in its very form, morphologically predicative." "And neither word order, nor rhythm, nor intonation, nor any other auxiliary features play exactly any role here. In combination, for example, and equal was an unequal dispute, the full form would create nonsense."12

A. M. Peshkovsky noted such signs of predicability in short forms of adjectives:

) combination with "circumstance" (he was so kind, but he was so kind; cf .: how kind he was, but how kind he was);

) the development of prepositional methods of control: he was ready for anything; he was capable of deception, etc.;

) shades of time values: "In combinations, he was capable, he was sick, etc. the form of time in conjunction indicates a whole period of activity of the subject, but cannot designate a separate moment of this activity. Combinations were sick, was capable, etc. are equally suitable for both: one can say he was sick and he was sick at that moment; it means that the full adjective with its adjective, its passivity reduces the activity of the tense form in the bundle, while the short adjective does not have such an effect.

An analysis of the syntactic functions of short forms leads Peshkovsky to the conclusion that a short adjective was "imagined", but not "voiced". “In combination, the adjective of the word lazy powerfully makes itself felt ... Just as a person flying in an airplane with the help of an extraneous force invested in his car does not turn into a bird, but remains the same heavy person incapable of flying, so and the adjective, reinforced by the verbal power of the word was, remains the same adjective, with the same meaning of constancy and immobility. 13 But, on the other hand, in the same forms, A.M. beyond the limits of verbality and begins to express in his thought the relationship of coexistence, usually discovered only by supralinguistic thinking. So A. M. Peshkovsky finds a new grammatical category in the short forms of the adjective. Prof. L. V. Shcherba called the category to which the short forms of adjectives incline, the category of state. Thus, the majority of scientists noted in short, or non-membered, forms of adjectives, the duality of grammatical features. Some of these features (devices of word formation and forms of agreement) are common to short and long forms and are inextricably linked with the category of the adjective. Other grammatical features (inflexibility, proximity to the verb in the methods of syntactic use) sharply distinguish and distance non-membered, short forms from the category of the adjective. It is clear that those short forms in which these differentiating features prevail fall away from the category of the adjective and form an independent grammatical class. Such, for example, are the words much, glad (cf. the absence of member forms such as much, glad) and others like them. Other short forms, which retain their connection and correlation with members, do not fall out of the category of adjectives, although they are located on its periphery, far from the center. They are a grammatically hybrid category of forms in which the syntactic properties of the adjective are not only limited, but also complicated by the growth of new functions. Most of short adjectives does not cease to be forms of one word with full adjectives. In addition to correlation in the bases, in the forms of gender and number, they are kept within the category of adjectives by the ability to be a "separate" definition to a noun. In this function, short forms are closely related to the corresponding long ones. Moreover, the full, membered forms themselves, acting as semi-predicative, isolated words, seem to approach short forms. The following parallels in the use of full and short forms serve as an illustration:

And the sun, round and soulless,

Like the yellow eye of an owl

Looked from heaven indifferently

To the torment of a widow.

(Nekrasov, "Frost, Red Nose")

Compare: the sun, round and soulless ... or: round, soulless sun.

Such a semi-predicative use of short forms brings them closer to full ones and is a clear grammatical sign of their adjective. As long as the corresponding short form is used not only as a predicate, but also as a qualitative definition (even if it is a verbal and intonationally isolated), it still does not break ties with the class of adjectives. Only the complete impossibility of using such a form in a function other than predicative is a symptom of its final break with the category of the adjective and the transition to another grammatical category. fourteen

Truncated adjectives

Truncated adjectives are artificially created by cutting off the final vowel from the full form and are found in the language of poetry of the 18th - 19th centuries. There are the following differences between the short forms of adjectives and the truncated ones: the short form has its own stress, which differs from the full form, while the truncated form always retains the stress of the full form; the short form in modern Russian functions as a nominal part of the compound predicate, the truncated forms act as a definition.15

The use of truncated adjectives is considered a feature of the language of 18th-century poetry, for example:

Enlightened spirits cannot

Born from your light

Explore your fate.

G.R. Derzhavin. God. 1784

adjective truncated short relative

However, in the literary poetic language, in those genres where Slavicisms, Church Slavonic words and forms carried a certain stylistic load, short qualitative adjectives were still possible in the middle of the 18th century. For example, in Lomonosov's "Ode on the Capture of Khotin" (1739): "I hear the heroes cry merrily", etc. At the same time, short adjectives should be distinguished from truncated full ones (on i, e, u with preceding vowels), which exist only in certain forms and resemble "contracted" forms.

Contracted (in certain case forms) full adjectives, which also should not be mixed with short adjectives: evil dog (from evil< злая), большо село (из большоэ < большое). Эти формы получили широкое распространение в говорах, главным образом, севернорусских. 16

These adjectives were reflected in the philological works of the 18th century poets A.D. Kantemir, V. K. Trediakovsky, M. V. Lomonosov, in the scientific literature XIX- XX centuries (for example, in the works of V. V. Vinogradov, G. O. Vinokur, V. M. Zhivov), are mentioned in educational and reference literature. An analysis of various points of view allows us to define truncated adjectives as a special kind of full adjectives (ascending to ancient nominal adjectives) used in the language of poetry in an attributive function.

The fundamental difference between truncated and short forms can be reduced to following principles. While short predicative forms in modern Russian can only be formed from qualitative adjectives and passive participles, truncated forms are also formed from adjectives of other categories: relative adjectives (paper mountains), superlative forms of adjectives (clearest day), real participles (running ship) . Unlike short adjectives, truncated adjectives are inflected, although they do not have a full inflection paradigm. They tend to keep the stress on the stem, while in the short form the stress is transferred to the ending (mr á chna night, but the night is gloomy á ). In truncated passive participles, in addition to stress, -nn- can also be preserved in the suffix (pierced, crown á na). The most important difference is that short adjectives act only in a predicative function, while truncated adjectives - in an attributive one. In addition, G. O. Vinokur, as one of the proofs of the artificial origin of truncated forms, considers their use in the meaning of substantiated adjectives.

It is these differences that are traditionally referred to as features that prove the artificiality of truncated adjectives.

Of particular importance is the question of the role that truncated adjectives play in a poetic text. There are two main points of view on this. Vinokur considers truncations as one of the poetic liberties, a technical versification device associated with the adaptation of the Russian language to the needs of syllabic-tonic versification and "designed to facilitate the work of the poet."17 According to the second point of view, truncations are defined as a stylistic device, but researchers often deny the existence stylistic function truncated forms (V.V. Vinogradov, V.M. Zhivov).

Initially, in the poetic language of the 17th-18th centuries, short attributive forms were used (by origin - ancient nominal forms), natural for the Church Slavonic language and not completely lost in the Russian language, both bookish and colloquial. And then they were supplanted by truncated full (ancient pronominal forms).

In the syllabic-tonic poetry of the 18th century, which took into account the traditions of syllabic poetry, truncated adjectives began to be used not only as a familiar element of the language, but also as a versification element, since this was required by a more strict rhythmic organization of the verse. In this regard, truncated adjectives could not carry a stylistic load and be used in works of different genres, although their Church Slavonic origin could give them a bookish character:

Russian honor and heroic actions will be eclipsed,

All the troops will honor the father of my fathers,

With his arms I will conquer the church.

A.P. Sumarokov. Dimitri the Pretender. 1770

Since the Church Slavonic language in the life of society gradually lost its former meaning, elements of Church Slavonic origin acquired an increasingly noticeable stylistic coloring - as a result, truncated adjectives gradually became one of the signs of high style.

To late XVIII century, attention to the genres of the middle style began to increase, interest arose in national culture, folklore stylizations began to appear (the poetry of P. Yu. Lvov, Yu. A. Neledinsky-Meletsky, M. N. Muravyov), the language of poetry began to change. If V. K. Trediakovsky in his philological works spoke about the impossibility of using folk expressions such as “white tent” in the language of serious poetry, then Lomonosov already brought truncated adjectives closer to folk poetic constant epithets (such as a kalena arrow). It is interesting that short forms very quickly ceased to differ in terms of the source of borrowing (cf. “beautiful maiden”, “fierce sorrow” and “red Flora”, “fierce memories”). For example, in the language of folklore stylizations of the late 18th - early 19th centuries, both traditional folklore epithets are used for a quiet bright month, across the blue sea, and, undoubtedly, literary truncations of flowers are fragrant, delicate birds.

Further in its development, poetry was increasingly opposed to prose, which was also reflected in the language: thus, by the end of the 18th century, truncated adjectives began to be regarded as poetism, as a distinctive feature of the language of poetry.18

A tit flew ashore

From the midnight sea

Because of the cold ocean.

They asked the guest to come,

Beyond the sea, what rituals.

A.P. Sumarokov. Another chorus to the perverted light. 1762-1763

Mention should also be made of another outstanding writer of the 18th century - G. R. Derzhavin. D. N. Matveev writes about him: “He boldly diversified genres, introduced everyday scenes, words of a “low” style into “high” genres, brought together classicist forms with sentimental and even with emerging romantic ones. “His style is so large,” wrote N.V. Gogol, noting one of the main features of Derzhavin’s poetry, “like none of our poets. Having opened it with an anatomical knife, you will see that this comes from an unusual combination of the highest words with the lowest and simple, which no one would have dared to do except Derzhavin. Who would have dared, except him, to express himself the way he expressed it?..."19

Indeed, Derzhavin's language contains various forms adjectives he uses for stylization. This is especially evident in the ode "Felitsa" of 1782:

godlike princess

Kirghiz-Kaisatsky hordes!

Whose wisdom is incomparable

Discovered the right tracks

Tsarevich young Chlor

Climb that high mountain.

Truncated adjectives occupy a significant place in the poems - wisdom is incomparable, a high mountain.

Examples from 18th century texts

Truncated forms of adjectives:

.Drive away restless time

Throw off the burden you have laid on me,

Change, laying down this heavy stone,

You are cold in the flame!

A.P. Sumarokov. Ode safic. 1758

In this example, the truncated adjectives restlessly and obligingly perform a versification function, serve to maintain the rhythm of the verse. But it is impossible not to pay attention that this is an ode, that is, a high style, therefore, these adjectives also carry a stylistic load, giving the poem a syllable height.

.Lyuty turn my sorrows into joy,

Sorrow - into sweetness!

An example from the same ode to Sumarokov. The phrase fierce sadness emphasizes the high style of the ode.

3.I saw the Fox in her mouth a piece,

And she thinks: “I will give the Crow juice!

Although I won't go there

I'll get this piece

Oak no matter how high.

A.P. Sumarokov. A Crow and a fox

And this is an example from a fable, here the truncated adjective high reflects a low style, and also serves to maintain rhythm (piece - juice - high).

4.On enemies who torment insolently,

Groaning into the village far away,

The heart of the complaint will pay sadly.

A. P. Sumarokov. Against villains. 1759

The truncated adjective far here serves to rhythmize the verse and harmonize with adverbs impudently, sadly.

.Chaos being premodern

From the abyss of eternity you called,

And eternity, before the age I was born,

In yourself you founded...

G. R. Derzhavin. God. 1784

Adjectives in the truncated form pre-temporal, born have a clear coloring of the high style, which is confirmed by high topic, concluded in the name -God.

.The evil fury in my heart gnaws in confusion,

The villainous soul cannot be calm.

A. P. Sumarokov. Dmitry Pretender. 1770

The truncated form of evil serves to rhythmize the verse, and the combination of fury evil gives the tragedy a bookish character.

.My cramped chest trembles,

The universe is trembling now;

A giant sweeps mountains into the sky, -

Open the door to Jupiter.

The adjective constrained in a truncated form fucks the high style of the ode.

.Can I wait until the game becomes disgusting to you?

A. P. Sumarokov. Epigram. My brother was a player. 1755

The truncated form is disgusting and has the function of rhythmizing the verse.

Full forms of adjectives:

.The master's son is also, although he eats sweeter

And often praises his nobility,

That he will put a whole regiment of people at stake.

A. P. Sumarokov. Satire. About nobility. 1771

The adjective master is in full form and has a neutral stylistic coloring.

.Some call this grief natural, and some supernatural.

A. P. Sumarokov. A letter about some contagious disease. 1759

The highlighted adjectives are in the prose text and are in the full form, instrumental case.

.Neither his whirlwind, nor thunder will break the fleeting,

And time will not crush him.

G. R. Derzhavin. Monument. 1795.

The adjective fleeting has a neutral stylistic coloration.

.There I see the formidable Pluto,

In the darkness I see a gloomy look.

A. P. Sumarokov. The ode is absurd. 1759

The full adjectives formidable and gloomy are in the accusative case and have a neutral stylistic coloring.

.Come before us, come quickly

Big silver mug!

G. R. Derzhavin. Mug. 1777

Full adjective silver reflects the average style of the poem.

Short forms of adjectives:

.Be always kind to us

We will live

G. R. Derzhavin. Mug. 1777

The short adjective of kindness reflects the average style of the poem.


Based on the work done, the following conclusions can be drawn. In the literary language of the 18th century, truncated adjectives prevailed as versification forms of pronominal - full - adjectives, they carried the stylistic coloring of high style. In the works of the middle style there are full, unchanged adjectives. Short adjectives more often characterized reduced-style poetry and also appeared in prose.

List of scientific literature

1.V.V. Ivanov. Historical grammar of the Russian language. M. 1990. - 353s.

.V.V. Vinogradov. Russian language. The grammatical doctrine of the word. M., 1972, S. 200-206

.A. S. Kuleva. Truncated adjectives in Russian poetry. Russian speech, No. 3, 2008, pp. 35-39

.N. Yu. Shvedova. Russian Grammar - M.: Nauka, 1980.

.Borkovsky V. I. Historical grammar of the Russian language / V. I. Borkovsky, P. S. Kuznetsov. - Moscow: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1963. - 512 p.

.Bukatevich N.I. Historical grammar of the Russian language (In Russian) / N.I. Bukatevich, S.A. Savitskaya, L. Ya. Usacheva. - Kyiv: Publishing Association "Vishcha Shkola". Head publishing house, 1974. - 310 p.

.Vinogradov V.V. Essays on the history of the Russian literary language of the 17th - 19th centuries: Textbook. - 3rd ed. - M .: “Higher. school", 1982. - 528s.

.Vinokur G.O. Legacy of the 18th century in the language of A. S. Pushkin // About language fiction/ G. O. Vinokur; comp. and note. T. G. Vinokur; foreword V. P. Grigorieva. - 2nd ed. M.: URSS, 2006. - 325 p. (Linguistic heritage of the twentieth century).

.A.N. Pashkurov. International scientific conference dedicated to the 260th anniversary of the birth of G.R. Derzhavin and the 200th anniversary of the founding of Kazan University. Kazan, 2003.

.Chernykh P. Ya. Historical grammar of the Russian language. Brief essay. Allowance for ped. and teaches, in-comrade. M., Uchpedgiz, 1952. - 336s.


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