Concept and problems of the social and labor sphere - abstract. Encyclopedia of the Chelyabinsk region

Social and labor sphere

Social and labor sphere

Social and labor sphere - scope:
- relations arising between participants in the joint labor (production) process;
- employment relations; And
- relations regarding the distribution and consumption of produced national income.

Financial Dictionary Finam.

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Society structure - this is its structure, device, dissected and qualitatively reproducible unity of interacting parts. It retains (renews), firstly, the organization of society as an integrity (system) and, secondly, the order of action of parts in society, which does not destroy its viability.

Different parts of the population are concerned different problems. The part of the population that has the same type of stable (lasting and naturally recurring) social conditions and problems of life is called social group.

Society consists of social groups (the most numerous of them are classes). Each group has its own truth, its own ideas about what is good and what is bad in life, as well as what should be changed and how. In other words, social groups different interests, sometimes somewhat similar, and sometimes incompatible, even irreconcilable.

Set of social groups - it is a social structure. The main thing here is the totality of the groups’ life problems, the similarities and differences of their interests, their ideas about desirable and undesirable changes, the direction of socially significant actions, etc.

Social politics reflects the relationships between social groups in maintaining and changing the social status of the population, its constituent classes, layers, social, socio-demographic, socio-professional groups, social communities (families, nations, population of a city, town, region, etc.).

Object and subject social policy - the concept is not linear, but multi-level and systemic. By and large, the object and subject of social policy coincide with the main elements, blocks and structures included in a large single complex - the social and labor sphere.

The essence of politics in general and social politics in particular is revealed through the relationships between stable elements of the social structure - social groups. The stability of such groups is reproduced due to the action of a complex of social conditions for their existence and development.

Social groups, structural parts of the people (society) are an undoubted reality. They may act or not act, be aware or unaware of their interests, organize for social action or be politically unorganized. They can be active social forces (real subjects of politics) and passive unorganized participants social processes(potential, formal subjects).

Main functions (main tasks, directions) of social policy:

1. Ensuring social sustainability, social security of society.Social structure may be different in different societies, change qualitatively in the history of one society as a result of revolutions and revolutionary reforms. But it must have the properties of stability and self-renewal (dynamism), otherwise this society declines, collapses, and ceases to exist. The social structure must be so stable as to withstand both internal and external dangers and at the same time bear within oneself the potential for qualitative renewal through reforms and revolutions.

2. Security political stability authorities. Such sustainability is achieved differently in societies different types and in different specific historical conditions, but the essence always comes down to this distribution of the real participation of social groups (classes) in political decisions, which would maintain a dominant influence in the power of the ruling class. Otherwise, the class type of power changes and revolutionary transformations become inevitable.

3. Ensuring such a distribution of power in the economy (property) that would be recognized by the majority as fair and not requiring a struggle for redistribution.

4. Establishing such a distribution system economic resources and economic effect, which would more or less suit the vast majority of the population. The material living conditions of people in society and the ability to solve problems of different social groups depend decisively on the distribution of economic resources. Investments and their structure, the level and differentiation of income, the total size and structure of annual social expenditures, the conditions and amounts of social assistance and support - these and other economic parameters have a social meaning and social purpose.

5. Providing society and the state with the necessary and sufficient level of environmental safety.

6. Providing society and the state with the necessary and sufficient level of social security for both the population as a whole and each social group.

Social security- one of the social values, it presupposes an objective positive socio-psychological assessment social actors of a given specific historical society as a living environment. A sense of social security arises and is stable if social group or the population as a whole realizes that social risks are purposefully reduced by society and the state to the extent where they cannot significantly disrupt the normal social situation.

Social risks are called of social origin, namely probable dangers, threats of violation of the normal (for a given society) social situation, caused by factors that cannot be eliminated for a given society, rooted in its very specific historical structure.

Socially significant violation can be considered a significant deviation from social norm any or several important parameters of the social position of a particular social group.

Labor - the process of conscious, purposeful activity of people, with the help of which they modify natural objects and adapt them to meet their needs. The labor process includes three main points: purposeful human activity, i.e. the work itself; the object of labor on which the work is directed; means of labor with which a person influences the object of labor. However, the main condition for work is the availability of labor. In this regard, with a certain degree of convention (in the narrow sense), the labor economy can be considered the basis of labor economics.

Labor Economics- This is a dynamic socially organized system in which the process of reproduction of labor occurs: its production, formation (training, training, advanced training of workers, etc.), distribution, exchange and consumption (use), and also provides conditions for the interaction of the employee, means, objects of labor and the interaction process itself.

The process of production (formation) of labor (ability to work), i.e. employee training begins at school, it continues in universities, colleges, workplaces, advanced training institutes, internships, etc. The process of distribution and exchange of labor, as a rule, occurs in the labor market with the participation of three subjects of the institution of social partnership - employers, employees and the state, as well as directly at the enterprise (this is hiring, rotation of workers, dismissal, etc.). The exchange of labor power also involves an equivalent exchange for its price, i.e. wages.

Consumption (use) of labor is carried out directly at the workplace, in the labor process. It is accompanied by the production of specific socially useful products, services, semi-finished products, etc. In order for the employee to begin labor activity, was able to obtain the required results, appropriate conditions are necessary: ​​workplace preparation, organization, security, labor incentives, social protection, etc.

Labor economics as a science studies the socio-economic relations that develop in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of labor, providing conditions for productive labor, its protection, etc., and social policy is designed to promote the growth of the efficiency of the labor economy.

IN Lately the concept is used quite often "social and labor sphere (STS)". It reflects the object and subject of social policy, the unity and interdependence of labor and social relations, and also characterizes the degree of social development. In practice, labor relations (between labor and capital, employee and employer) rarely exist in their pure form, without a social component, and vice versa, social relations often arise as a result of labor processes, accompanying contradictions, conflicts, etc. The social and labor sphere quite fully reflects all phases of the reproduction of the labor force and its social support. With a certain degree of convention, labor economics (in a broad sense) can also be understood as the economics of the social and labor sphere.

The main blocks of the STS are those that reflect and provide phases of the labor force reproduction process:

Social sphere, i.e. branches of the socio-cultural complex (education, healthcare, culture, etc.);

Labor market, employment services, retraining of personnel (including the unemployed);

The sphere of motivation for productive work (organization of wages, stabilization of the standard of living of the population, etc.).

The next block includes groups of relations and components that arise in the process of reproduction of the labor force and providing conditions for the interaction of the employee with the means and objects of labor:

System social protection population;

Social partnership system;

Social insurance system;

Social security system (pension system);

Labor protection, etc.

Social policy is closely related to the concept of “ social market economy" Let us consider how the concepts of “social market economy” and “ market economy". Explanations like: “The essence of a social market economy is its focus on man, his development, and the growth of well-being” are trivial, superficial and inaccurate. Even more questionable is the thesis that the market economy itself automatically, without outside intervention, regulates the standard of living of the population, the relationship between social justice and economic efficiency (freedom and order).

Market economy, the main goal and task of which is to increase production efficiency and profit, is the core of a social market economy. Of course, in achieving the main goal, the market economy to some extent solves some social issues - ensuring employment, paying wages for the results of labor, etc. However, it is based on competition and does not care about social justice. Social justice and social protection are ensured, first of all, through government intervention in the economy (redistribution of created goods, tax policy, legal support and so on.). The state, by its will, turns the market economy towards the interests of the people and gives it the character of a social market economy. Under these conditions, it often sacrifices economic efficiency for the sake of social protection of the population. This thesis is illustrated, in particular, by facts from the practice of countries with social market economies (Japan, Sweden): the addition of traffic lights with audible alarms, special lifts on public transport for the disabled, etc.

So, one of the most important criteria of a social market economy is the priority of social protection, social justice over economic efficiency, which is given for the sake of social peace in society and is ensured, first of all, in the process of implementing state social policy.

5. Formation of interest groups (subjects) in the social and labor sphere in a market economy (workers and trade unions, employers and their associations)

The social sphere is formed by service-providing institutions and enterprises various forms property. With the development of productive forces, both the structure of social needs and the methods of satisfying them change, the demand for a variety of social services increases, and the requirements for their quality increase. The work of enterprises and social institutions must comply with certain requirements, established standards and rules.

Sectors of the social sphere are designed to satisfy cultural, educational, medical, spiritual needs, as well as complete the process of creating material goods and bringing them to the consumer. They have a great demand for labor, various machines and equipment, materials, financial resources, and this shows their connection with material production. In turn, the high level of development of the social sphere has a huge impact on the formation of a person - a worker with an active life position, and on increasing the productivity of social labor.

Depending on the nature of meeting needs, branches of social infrastructure are usually divided into two groups. The first group represents those industries whose activities are aimed at satisfying the socio-cultural, spiritual, intellectual needs of a person, maintaining his normal life (health care, education, culture, art, Physical Culture and sports). The second covers industries designed to complete the process of creating material goods and bringing them to the consumer ( retail, catering, housing and communal services and consumer services). They are designed to help reduce labor costs for maintaining household, serving family members, expanding opportunities to satisfy spiritual needs.

Culture, art and health care have specific features associated with the need to limit private entrepreneurial activity. The non-market sector remains here on a large scale, the financial support of which comes from government sources.

The social sphere is a complex multi-sectoral complex.

Retail trade and catering. This industry is concentrated greatest number economic entities.

Housing and communal services are one of the main sectors of the social sphere. Housing conditions are one of the main components of the population's standard of living.

Healthcare is the most important sector of the social sphere. The main goal of the functioning of this industry is to ensure the constitutional right of citizens to receive medical care aimed at maintaining and strengthening health.

Education. State policy in the field of education is based on a number of principles. The main ones are the universal accessibility of the education system and the secular nature of education in educational institutions.

The educational system includes:

  • -children's preschool educational institutions;
  • - general educational institutions;
  • - higher educational institutions.

Currently, the following forms of education have emerged and are developing: full-time, full-time - part-time (evening), correspondence, external studies, distance learning.

Culture is a branch of the social sphere. The main tasks in the field of culture are: maintaining the system of publicly accessible cultural and art institutions, museums, libraries, theaters, ensuring accessibility of all segments of the population to cultural values.

Recently, quite often, especially practitioners, use the concept mentioned above - the social and labor sphere (SLS). It reflects the object and subject of social policy, characterizes the degree of social development, and quite reasonably reflects the unity and interdependence of labor and social relations. In practice, labor relations - the relationship between labor and capital, employee and employer - rarely exist in their pure form without a social component. And vice versa, social relations often arise as a result of labor processes, accompanying contradictions, conflicts, etc. The social and labor sphere quite fully reflects all phases of the reproduction of the labor force and its social support. With a certain degree of convention, labor economics (in a broad sense) can be understood as the economics of the social and labor sphere.
The main blocks of the STS are those that reflect and provide phases of the labor force reproduction process (Fig. 1): the social sphere, i.e. sectors of the socio-cultural complex (education, healthcare, culture, etc.); labor market, employment services, retraining of personnel (including the unemployed); the sphere of motivation for productive labor (organization of remuneration, stabilization of the standard of living of the population, etc.).

The next block of STS components includes groups of relations and components that arise in the process of reproduction of the labor force and providing conditions for the interaction of the employee with the means and objects of labor: the system of social protection of the population; social partnership system; social insurance system; pension system; labor protection, etc.
Analysis components and elements of STS allows us to conclude that most of them have acute theoretical and practical problems both in understanding and in the process of applied construction and operation, which will be discussed in the following chapters of the textbook.
During the ongoing reforms, compared to other areas of the economy, the social and labor sphere suffered and suffered negative deformations to a greater extent. This is evidenced by a sharp drop in the standard of living of the population, an increase in unemployment, a loss of motivational potential in almost all types of personal income, a decrease in labor productivity, etc.

More on the topic Social and labor sphere as the basis of social policy:

  4. Social policy strategy - social progress. Priorities of social policy: essence, main directions Social policy strategy for modern Russia
  7. Social prospects, social goals, social opportunities, social risks and the state as a resource for their provision, mobilization or prevention (minimization)
  8. Management of the social sphere as an object of social policy in the region
  11. Contents of social policy (types and trends of social development) A specific historical approach to social development. Types of social conditions and types of social policy

Recently the concept has been used quite often “social and labor sphere (STS)”, which was mentioned above. It reflects the object and subject of social policy, the unity and interdependence of labor and social relations, and also characterizes the degree of social development. In practice, labor relations (between labor and capital, employee and employer) rarely exist in their pure form, without a social component, and vice versa, social relations often arise as a result of labor processes, accompanying contradictions, conflicts, etc. The social and labor sphere quite fully reflects all phases of the reproduction of the labor force and its social support. With a certain degree of convention, labor economics (in a broad sense) can also be understood as the economics of the social and labor sphere.

The main blocks of the STS are those that reflect and provide phases of the labor force reproduction process:

Social sphere, i.e. branches of the socio-cultural complex (education, healthcare, culture, etc.);

Labor market, employment services, retraining of personnel (including the unemployed);

The sphere of motivation for productive work (organization
wages, stabilization of the standard of living of the population, etc.).

The next block includes groups of relations and components that arise in the process of reproduction of the labor force and providing conditions for the interaction of the employee with the means and objects of labor:

Social protection system;

Social partnership system;

Social insurance system;

Social security system (pension system);

Labor protection, etc.

Social policy is closely related to the concept of “social market economy”. Let us consider how the concepts of “social market economy” and “market economy” relate. Explanations like: “The essence of a social market economy is its focus on man, his development, and the growth of well-being” are trivial, superficial and inaccurate. Even more questionable is the thesis that the market economy itself automatically, without outside intervention, regulates the standard of living of the population, the relationship between social justice and economic efficiency (freedom and order).

A market economy, the main goal and task of which is to increase production efficiency and profit, is the core of a social market economy. Of course, in achieving the main goal, the market economy to some extent solves some social issues - ensuring employment, paying wages for the results of labor, etc. However, it is based on competition and does not care about social justice. Social justice and social protection are ensured primarily through government intervention in the economy (redistribution of created benefits, tax policy, legal support, etc.). The state, by its will, turns the market economy towards the interests of the people and gives it the character of a social market economy. Under these conditions, it often sacrifices economic efficiency for the sake of social protection of the population. This thesis is illustrated, in particular, by facts from the practice of countries with social market economies (Japan, Sweden): the addition of traffic lights with audible alarms, special lifts on public transport for the disabled, etc.

So, one of the most important criteria of a social market economy is the priority of social protection, social justice over economic efficiency, which is given for the sake of social peace in society and is ensured primarily in the process of implementing state social policy.

Concept of the long-term target program “Social support for the population of Russia” for 2011-2013
Currently, social protection of the population is one of the few sectors, the volume of which is constantly increasing, covering all most population, the range of issues within its scope is constantly expanding.
Among priority tasks there was and remains support for people who find themselves in difficult situation. Carrying out effective social policy aimed at improving the quality of life of the population, ensuring high level social protection of low-income and socially vulnerable categories of Russian residents are priority areas in the social sphere.
Measures aimed at improving the quality of life of the population must be targeted and differentiated. The principle of targeting implies a system of social protection that concentrates public resources on providing assistance to the most vulnerable segments of the population, regardless of their belonging to any category. A differentiated approach to determining types of social support depending on financial situation, age, degree of ability to work and other specific life circumstances, will help those citizens who really need state help
Government Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are taking measures to improve the level and quality of life of the population. Pensions are increasing different kinds benefits and compensation. However, there is a need to take additional measures to social support the least protected segments of the population: elderly citizens living alone, disabled people, families with disabled children, single-parent families, large low-income families.
The goals of the program are:
- assistance to citizens living in Russia in maintaining their standard of living, creating conditions for getting out of difficult life situation;
- promoting the improvement of living conditions for older people and improving its quality;
- promoting the active participation of veteran organizations of the region in public life, working with veterans and pensioners.
- improving the standard of living of the population of the Russian Federation.
- improving the quality and living conditions in the country as a whole and in individual regions.

Social policy of the state. The standard of living of the population and indicators for measuring it

The market mechanism for generating income does not guarantee the minimum acceptable level of income for various segments of the population. Market distribution provides the only “fairness” - the formation of income based on the laws of supply and demand and the marginal productivity of factors of production. From these positions, the incomes of unskilled workers, whose labor demand is low, will be relatively low. And on the contrary, the business activity of entrepreneurs, the ability to take risks, and react sensitively to market conditions provide them with higher incomes.

At the same time, in developed foreign countries With the market economy, the concept according to which respect for human rights presupposes the maintenance of certain standards of welfare of citizens is becoming increasingly widespread. It follows that in countries with a market economy, income is generated not only through the free play of market prices, but also through state regulation of income redistribution. This approach is achieved through the implementation of certain social policies.

Social policy of the state. In a broad sense, the concept of “social” means social, associated with the life and relationships of people in society. The determining factors in these processes are economic relations, including the life support system of people and society. Therefore, economic relations in their target orientation are to one degree or another social. As a result, along with the expressions “economic processes”, “ economic development“The concepts of “socio-economic processes” and “socio-economic development” are widely used in the literature. The social orientation of the economy is determined by the social policy of the state.

Social politics carried out by the state in the form of coordinated activities to ensure favorable social conditions life of the population. Social policy is aimed at improving the well-being of the population and plays a dual role in the functioning of the economic system. On the one hand, social policy acts as a consequence, on the other – as a factor of economic growth.

In the first case, with economic growth, accumulation national wealth the welfare of the population is improving. As a result, the form of manifestation of economic growth is social policy, improving the well-being of the population.

In the second case, social policy is one of the leading factors of economic growth. If economic growth is not accompanied by an improvement in well-being, then there is a weakening of labor motivation and, as a consequence, a decrease in the rate of economic growth. At the same time, upon reaching a certain level of technical development, economic growth is ensured through the use of highly qualified workers, special knowledge allowing the use of computer equipment. As a result, to ensure economic growth it is necessary to increase educational level population, adherence to technological discipline, work culture.

The concept of the standard of living of the population characterizes the degree of satisfaction of the physical, spiritual and social needs of people (introduced by K. Marx when analyzing the cost of labor). To determine the real picture of the standard of living, the so-called consumer basket is used.

Consumer basket is a set of products and non-food goods and services that provide a certain level of consumption. In this regard, there are “minimum level of consumption”, “rational level of consumption”, “physiological level of consumption”.

Minimum consumption level is a consumer set calculated based on the minimum level of needs. Its value is determined by the set of goods and services for the reproduction of the labor force of an unskilled worker and his dependents. When calculating consumer basket for the minimum level of consumption, the lowest prices are taken; delicacies, luxury items, and alcoholic beverages are not taken into account.

Physiological level of consumption means the level of consumption below which a person cannot physically exist. In this regard, the so-called poverty line is introduced. The share of the population below the poverty line characterizes general level life in the country. To determine this share, the indicator “poverty level” was introduced.

Poverty level– is the proportion of the population that receives an income below that set by the government official level bordering on poverty.

Rational level of consumption determined based on the satisfaction of reasonable human needs. The set of goods and services included in it ensures complete and harmonious physiological and social development individual. When determining consumer basket sets, data is used various sciences, studying physical and social needs person.

It should be noted that the assessment of the standard of living belongs to a category that changes over time and space. The standard of living, which was considered high 20–30 years ago, is now modern conditions may only slightly exceed the poverty line.

Indicators for measuring the standard of living of the population. To assess the standard of living, quantitative and qualitative indicators are used. The list of indicators used in economic practice is very extensive. The most significant include: the total volume of consumption of material goods and services per capita; level of food consumption; providing the population with items for cultural, everyday and economic purposes. To measure them, indicators per 100 families or 1000 people are used. Indicators of the consumption structure (for example, the share of biologically valuable products V general structure consumed food products).

Certain aspects of the population's life are characterized by such indicators as meeting the needs for housing and medical care; Providing the population with school and preschool institutions.

  • Fertility, mortality and other demographic characteristics of the population.
  • Sanitary and hygienic living conditions.
  • Consumption of food products.
  • Living conditions.
  • Education and culture.
  • Working conditions and employment.
  • Income and expenses of the population.
  • Cost of living and consumer prices.
  • Transport prices.
  • Organization of rest.
  • Social Security.
  • Human freedom.

In addition to those listed, which directly characterize the standard of living of the population, there are indicators that are of an informational nature. These include the value of national income and gross domestic product per capita. These indicators are often used for international comparisons of living standards.

"Net Economic Welfare" (CHEB). In foreign economies, the general indicator “net economic welfare” is used. It is quantitatively expressed in the form of gross national product (GNP), which increases due to self-service, leisure and a positive “shadow economy”, and due to pollution environment and negative activities of the “shadow economy” are decreasing.

Human Development Index (HDI). Using a single synthetic indicator, such as the CEB, it is very difficult to assess the multifaceted well-being of society. Moreover, GNP can be used to increase standard of living, and may be spent irrationally, to the detriment of the interests of society. In this case, when large sizes GNP may occur low level welfare.

In order to more accurately and completely assess the well-being of society, UN specialists have developed a program for measuring living standards using integral indicators called the Human Development Index. For this, three component indicators are used:

  • Health, which is measured by the life expectancy of a person.
  • Cultural level, measured by the average number of years of education for each resident aged 25 and over.
  • General resources of consumption and accumulation in the country. The integral indicator is gross national product (GNP) per capita.

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