Cool scenes for a corporate day of a preschool worker. Celebration script for adults for Teacher's Day. Game "Everything is the other way around"

Svetlana Makarova
Scenario for a corporate party for Teacher's Day "Club "Merry Girls"

Script for a corporate event for Teacher's Day« Club« Cheerful girls» .

There are already song lyrics and medal ribbons on the tables. "Member club» ; There are instructions on the bar counter "BOTH ON", tricks on parody, there is a box with jokes separately.

IN: It’s not easy to be a teacher,

Teach kids.

What is needed here is not so much strict,

How sensitive to be.

gently, kindly guide,

smile, cheer,

help fix something

or explain again.

Repeat more than once, not twice,

Fasten again five times...

In short, not everyone

You can become a teacher!

And today, in honor of the day of preschool workers, in honor of educators, opens in your honor club« Cheerful girls» !

The word of congratulations is conveyed to the head of the kindergarten "Sun", head of the newly appointed club« Cheerful girls» , OH!


IN: Dear teachers! Before starting the main program, I want to start a background game for the evening "BOTH ON". Now I will explain the conditions games:

Each member club« Cheerful Girls» A card with a code is given. The card CANNOT BE SHOWED TO ANYONE! The code on the card indicates your victim. The code looks like this (show demo card) (without month).

How to do it (i.e. find out who it is).

(for example, my month is December).

(if she knows her)

We distribute cards with codes.

IN: Because it’s a difficult evening, but it’s still a meeting club« Cheerful girls» , then each toast will begin with an anecdote. Throughout the evening, each speaker will take an anecdote from « Merry box» . Today at club There will be several competitions. The winners of the competitions will receive branded medals that they can attach to their ribbon. At the end of the evening, the one with the most medals will receive a prize from the Manager.

Let's start the evening with a warm-up competition "Guess the melody". I give you a token for guessing the song correctly. The owner of the largest number of tokens will receive a medal.

Our competition will begin with a joke.

Guessing the melodies

Counting results (who has more chips, (we return the chips).

"the smartest listener".

IN: The floor is given.

We read a joke.

IN: Somehow our company stayed too long. and we move on to the next competition "Rhinos".

5-6 interested persons are invited. We tie a balloon to the butt. We glue the button to the forehead with an adhesive plaster. Next, all players fold their arms on their chests or behind their backs and try to pierce their opponents’ balls with the buttons on their foreheads. The winner is the one whose ball is intact.

We award the winner with a medal "the fastest rhinoceros".

IN: The floor is given.

We read a joke.

IN: Today, dear teachers, the real stars will congratulate you! Let's move on to the parody competition. The most accurate parody will be determined by your applause!

The real name of this singer is Gorelik Lolita Markovna, however, we know and love her as LOLITA MILYAVSKAYA! Meet LOLITA!

Lolita's song

When this singer sings, women's hearts jump out of their chests. Charismatic man, penetrating timbre, and a glass of vodka on the table! Did you guess it?

Meet Grigory Leps!

Song of Leps

The next celebrity guest is too outrageous not to guess... and he's all dressed in Dolce Gabbana!

Meet Verka Serduchka!

Serduchka's song "Everything will be fine"

It’s simply impossible to fly higher than this young singer... let’s meet Nyusha!

Nyusha's performance "Higher"

In introducing this artist, I will do without further ado. DIVINE OF THE RUSSIAN VARIETY, Alla Pugacheva!

Pugacheva's song

So, dear friends, the time has come to determine the most artistic artist, the most skillful parodist. And we will determine this by applause!

The winner was determined and Miss Reincarnation and Master of Reincarnation medals were awarded.

And now a joke and a dance break.

IN: Meeting club« Cheerful girls» continues!


IN: And the evening continues! One person is invited for the WHAT'S NEXT competition. Spectators must remain silent during this competition. The participant is blindfolded, the participant puts both arms out to the sides, a glass is given to him in each hand, and liquid is poured into the glass. The host raises the sign over the player's head with inscription: AND NOW WE WILL FIND OUT WHAT THIS MAN SAID DURING THE FIRST WEDDING NIGHT (OR AND NOW WE WILL FIND OUT WHAT THIS MAN SAID AT THE FIRST MEETING WITH HIS MOTHER-IN-LAW).

IN: The next competition is for people who won’t put their words into their pockets. The person who can successfully complete the task will receive a medal! I invite the first person to come.

I put the DEER tantamareska on the participant and read out exercise:

You cheated on your husband, but you must convince your husband of your innocence.

You have to explain to him where you were last night, ___

why was your phone switched off ___

and why did a man in a black BMW bring you in a tipsy state this morning?___

I call the next participant.

I put a traffic cop tantamareska on the participant and read out exercise:

You've met a distant relative, but he doesn't know about it yet. You need to appeal to his family feelings and convince him of what an advantageous relative you are.

I award a medal to the most advantageous relative

I call the next participant.

I put the MONKEY tantamareska on the participant and read out exercise:

You work in a bank. Your manager has moved up career ladder. Your task is to convince him to give you the position of manager. You must prove that you will work even better in this position than he himself!

I award the medal to the most convincing wife

Toast, joke and dance break.

IN: Dear friends! It's time to take stock of the background game. Please tell me which of you has 10 cards with codes? 9?8? etc.

Whoever has the most cards receives a BOTH-ON medal, the fastest!

Toast, joke and dance break.

IN: So, the competitions have been completed, the words have been spoken, the medals have been received. Now a person is being identified with the largest number medals. He will be awarded by the head of the DS Sunshine, Oksana Egorovna!

Counting results, word OE.


Each member club« Cheerful Girls» A card with a code is given. The card CANNOT BE SHOWED TO ANYONE! The code on the card indicates your victim. The code looks like this way: the first three letters are the initials (Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Makarova, two numbers are the birth number (without month).

Everyone’s task is to take as many cards as possible from other participants.

How to do it: 1. You need to figure out your victim (i.e. find out who it is).

2. you need to find out the victim’s month of birth (for example my month is December).

3. you need to quietly approach the victim and start saying code words BOTH-ON and then an individual code (in my case it’s the eleventh of December). But the victim can be saved, she can tell your date of birth faster than you (if she knows her). The one who first correctly told the victim the date of birth takes all her cards and calculates the next victims. Etc. At the end of the evening we will summarize. The winner will be the owner of the most large quantity cards with codes.

Let me remind you that you don’t have to immediately rush at your victim. You will have time to figure her out, find out her individual code, and take her by surprise!

Scenario of the holiday "Day preschool worker"2016

Presenter 1: Today is a holiday in our house,

And the doors here are open for guests.

Well, there is no better gift for us,

Than seeing the faces of all your friends!

Let the Wind of Change change something,

Someone left, leaving a good trail.

But everyone present knows:

Everyone is here. We have no strangers here!

In honor of holiday such
To the glory of the team, whose merits are countless
We are starting our concert
Moreover, there is a reason.

Children come to the center of the hall and recite poems.

Child 1:

September autumn
Circles at the gate.
Hurries in kindergarten IR
Preschool people.

Child 2:

Us moms and dads
Lead by the hand
To where we are loved
To where they are waiting for us.


Kindergarten is common Home, for adults and children, it is like a star country. Here you can dream, play, and learn something new.

Dance "Star Country"

Child 1.

Why are there so many guests?
Are the chandeliers lit festively?
Congratulations to the teachers
Our cheerful kindergarten!

Child 2.

I'll tell you a secret,
I am always sure of that...
Teachers and children -
Real friends!

Child 3. There are various holidays throughout the year
And today is your holiday.
Employees gathered in this room
Everyone who greets us in the morning!

Child 4. We have gathered in this hall
The joy of meeting, giving each other
Today we will give you a song
On this bright day of September!

Song and dance "Our teachers"

1st child

Being a teacher is not easy!

Sometimes father and mother -

Dear people, two adults,

I can’t cope with the child!

2nd child

We wish you patience

Your work is not easy,

We sincerely congratulate you,

You are always young at heart!

How the Princess chose her profession

A fairy tale written specifically for Preschool Worker's Day


King, princess, two guards

The princess comes on stage to the music, becomes capricious, the king runs after her with a handkerchief, wipes her tears, and calms her down.

King: So, my joy, are you shedding tears? Tell daddy what your daughter wants?

Princess: I don’t want to sit at home, twirl in front of the mirror, try on outfits. I want to work!

King: Again for yours! Where have you ever seen a royal daughter work? The neighbors will laugh at me! (Sings.)

Oh, my poor little princess,
You were completely unaccustomed to work.
You better see a doctor.


I still want it that way!

I want... I want... I want to work in kindergarten!

King: Daughter, come to your senses, you can’t do anything!

Princess: And I’ll go to work... as a teacher! There is nothing complicated here. Just think - raising children! One or two - and everything worked out!

King: Hey, guards, come quickly, let's rehearse now!

Two guards carry out a table, an easel with blank slate papers, pencils. The guards sit down at the tables.

Princess: Hello kids! (The guards look at each other in bewilderment.)

King: Should you cut off your head? (The guards draw their heads into their shoulders.) Don't press yourself: imagine that you have become children again.

The guards look at each other again, smile and begin to lightly shove each other.

Princess: Quiet, children. We will learn tongue twisters. Repeat after me:

“Mother gave Romasha the whey from the yogurt.” (The guards fail.) What are you saying? I can't understand anything. Repeat after me: “The cap is not sewn in the Kolpakov style.” (The guards mutter something unintelligible.) How clueless you are! I'd rather teach a drawing lesson. Today we will draw my daddy. (Draws a funny face, the guards add funny details to the portrait.)

King: Oh, baby, you better not be a teacher!

Presenter: Dear princess, the profession of a teacher is very difficult and complex. A teacher-educator needs to know a lot himself, master various “funny” professions in order to teach his students something. Look at these sweet, beautiful ladies, and you will understand: on their fragile shoulders they bear full responsibility for the younger generation. Surrounded by twenty “whys,” you need to find answers to all your questions, write plans, and prepare for classes! And this list can go on for a long time! Listen to what they say about themselves.

    Educator, educator is a tear wiper,

Dresser, shoemaker, washer sometimes,

He is a braider, a snow rake in winter,

A drawer and a player, but never a scolder!

    Educator, educator - he is a flower waterer,

Blanket straightener and digger sometimes,

He is a creator and connoisseur of children's secrets, always a keeper,

A pamperer and a dreamer, an abuser - never!

    A teacher, a teacher is a book reader,

Eating deliciously is a helper, sometimes a dancer.

He is a teacher and a praiser, and, of course, a comforter,

In general, a mommy substitute and lover forever!

Dance of teachers.

Princess: I agree, it’s a difficult job, then I’ll become the music director! There’s certainly nothing to do here: sit and tap the keys with one finger.

King: Hey guards, bring your tools! My daughter will rehearse.

The guards bring in musical instruments.

Princess: Okay, grab your tools. We will sing a song about love and accompany ourselves.

The princess and the guards begin to make sounds and sing at will.

King: Daughter, you have neither hearing nor voice! There is nothing to be surprised: as a child, during a royal hunt, a bear stepped on your ear.

Presenter: The profession of a musician is also very responsible and difficult. You have to study for a long time to master the instrument and sing correctly and beautifully. You must be able to be a screenwriter, director, director, actor, artist, designer - all rolled into one. Look how the aces of their profession do it.

Speech by the music director.

Princess: Indeed, difficult work. I'll go and work as a nanny. What's so difficult about it? I fed the children, washed the dishes, waved the mop - and went home! (All words are accompanied by actions.)

King: Do what you want! Just let's practice first. Hey guards! My daughter will train! Quickly bring everything you need! (The guards take out a table, plates, bibs, a mop, a pot. They put caps on their heads.)

Fast music is playing. The princess places one guard on the potty and the other at the table. Tries to tie a bib on him. At this time, the one on the potty pulls the tablecloth towards himself. The dishes threaten to fall. The princess turns around. The one at the table begins to cry. The princess picks up the plate, turns around crying, and the rest of the dishes fly to the floor. The princess grabs the mop. The one on the potty also starts crying. The princess throws the mop and tries to feed him porridge. He spits. The one at the table is no longer crying - he is breaking down.

The princess, exhausted, sinks to the floor among the broken dishes.

King: You're doing great, daughter!

Presenter: Well, Your Majesty, do nannies do that? It’s not for nothing that they now bear the proud title of “teacher’s assistant”! The teacher's assistants will set the tables on time and clean on time, monitor cleanliness and even help the teachers.

See, princess: everything is not so simple!

Princess: Well, there is one in kindergarten easy work? In the kitchen, for example.

Why don't I peel the potatoes? Or I won’t mix some borscht... I won’t mix it... I won’t mix it?

King: And it's true! Hey guards, bring the groceries! My daughter will rehearse!

The guards bring various products. The princess takes a jar with the inscription “Jam” and throws in unpeeled potatoes, bread, butter, carefully mixes everything and tries to “treat” the guards. They crawl under the table in horror.

Princess: Dad, at least try!

The king is shaking, but still tries. His face contorts, his eyes roll back.

King(opening eyes, in a weak voice): Daughter, do you want my death?

Presenter: If our cooks fed children like that, everyone would have been poisoned by now. And our cooks feed the children very tasty, so our children are ruddy and pretty!

Princess: Yes, it’s difficult in the kitchen... Perhaps I’ll go into nursing. Just think: I gave you a pill, smeared it with brilliant green, gave me an injection - and everyone is healthy!

King: Guards, bring your tools! My daughter will rehearse!

Presenter: Never! I won’t even allow you to rehearse here! Health is the most precious thing we and our children have. Needed here special knowledge and skills. Let's better check whether those present have first aid skills.

Princess: Well, okay! I will be the senior teacher. Or a methodologist! There’s definitely nothing to do here: hand out papers with tasks left and right. That's all the work. I even know this song.

“Song about a teacher” is performed to the tune of “Here is someone coming down the hill.”

But who showed up?
Probably the teacher is coming...
And all the people became wary:
God willing, it will pass today!
He will come up and quietly say:
“You need to do this and that,
Here's a piece of paper with the task,
I’ll bring more tomorrow.”
But our garden is held in high esteem everywhere,
And our rating is so high!
Always at work, always at work
Our wonderful teacher!

During the song, the princess hands out “papers with tasks” to the employees. Teachers read assignments to each other: “Get the moon from the sky!”, “Go there, I don’t know where. Bring something, I don’t know what!”, “Stand in front of me like a leaf before the grass!”, “Bring out the chickens in winter and count them in the spring!”, “Easily catch a fish from the pond!” They look at each other, shrug their shoulders: “We don’t understand what we should do!”

Presenter: It won't work that way! Our teachers will be completely confused. They have so much to do that, of course, they won’t be able to waste time getting the moon from the sky. Princess, you can’t even imagine how difficult and responsible the work of a senior teacher is! In order for educators to “survive” in modern reality, they must have a huge amount of knowledge. To draw up an annual plan and manage the work of a large teaching staff, you need to be aware of latest technologies, know about new and long-tested methodological developments, “shovel” mountains of literature. You can't handle it!

Princess: Well! So, I will be the manager. Sit in your office and manage your team: you go there, you go there!

Presenter: Well! Try to sit in the manager's chair for at least five minutes.

The princess sits down in a chair and takes a relaxed pose. Immediately there is a knock on the door. A parent comes in and asks to enroll her child in kindergarten. The methodologist immediately runs in and announces that there are no places. The parent and the methodologist are simultaneously proving something to the manager. The phone rings. Someone demands to urgently send teachers to a seminar in another kindergarten. The parent and the methodologist are already ready to fight. The manager separates them and asks the parent to come back tomorrow. The methodologist is informed about the call. Teachers run in and report that their shift workers are sick. Behind them is the cook: the stove has broken. The manager rushes to the calculator to calculate how much the repairs will cost. The phone rings again: they want teachers for the seminar. The teachers, the methodologist, the cook and the phone are talking at the same time. The princess-manager covers her ears and collapses weakly into a chair.

Presenter: Yes, I couldn’t sit in the manager’s chair for even five minutes! The head of a modern kindergarten has the most responsible and difficult job. You must be able to manage a large team of employees, find mutual language with parents, negotiate with plumbers and builders. And also earn money yourself.

Princess: I couldn’t even imagine that working in a kindergarten could cause such difficulties!

King: Eh, daughter, don’t be stubborn! It’s not a royal thing to work in a kindergarten! Let's go to the ball or the royal hunt! Hey guards, follow me! (They leave.)

Presenter: Today we want to thank all the kindergarten workers. Because they love their work and give a piece of their heart to children. We have kind teacher assistants and cooks who cook delicious food, a nurse works next to them who monitors the health of the children, a laundry worker keeps the preschool clean, and we also have a director, Galina, who doesn’t sleep at night, talks to parents, and worries about everyone. Anatolievna.

For many years within the walls of our kindergarten

Among noisy colleagues, mischievous children,

Galina Anatolyevna is the wonderful head of our kindergarten...

She knows no rest, no peace.

Still young, and besides, pretty,

Hardworking and energetic:

And I’m ready to work on weekends,

And even at night she can’t really sleep...

No one can replace her in our garden here!

And the Department really appreciates her!

Sometimes he scolds me for nothing...

And then he greets you like a good friend.

Will find an approach to anyone,

He will find his own “key” for each...

And we will say a huge thank you to her,

For the ability to compete

And trying to finance

For fresh food

And prosperity for the kindergarten!

Please accept our gratitude and the title “Master of Contact, Will and Tact.”

(Flowers and gratitude are presented)

Never rests
Suffering at the computer...
And anyone can come up with it
A holiday, some kind of competition...
He knows everything in his papers,
Who to send what to write,
About protocols, diagrams,
About certification, programs,
About control, teacher councils,
And about our “environments”,
About method literature,
Also about the nomenclature...
The list goes on...
Maybe we should name it?

Deputy Director for educational work Bogomaz Olga Nikolaevna is awarded with gratitude and awarded the title “Master-Innovation”.

Ved. They are important people in our garden,
Their golden hands are accustomed to work.
They gave everything to their dear children,
And my soul aches for every little bit.
And they also find an approach to parents.
Everyone will understand the family's problems.
Of these there are “The Wise ones” -
They are, without a doubt,
They brought up more than one generation in the garden.
We present to you teachers with the title “Wise Masters” - these are educators whose work experience in preschool educational institutions is more than 10 years: Khadralieva E. M., Zharkova N. V., Lavrinyuk Yu. G.

We present teachers with the title “Juniors” - these are teachers whose work experience in preschool educational institutions is up to 10 years: Davidko M. P. Seitvelshaeva A., Nesteruk I. V., Kobernik V. Yu., Trushkina Z. F and Alimova Elvina Dilyaverovna .

Ved: I would like to say about those without whom the “Wise Ones”, and the “Masters”, and the “Juniors” would have had a very hard time...
From morning to evening in kindergarten.
They, like bees, are accustomed to work.
The following people maintain cleanliness in their groups:
That's why everything glitters and sparkles there.
Food will be brought to the group on time,
They will feed the children and give them supplements.
Without them, the teacher is simply in trouble!
You always need a helper nearby!
The children will be looked after and a fairy tale will be read to them,
They will help dress the kids;

They will ventilate and clean.
Getting the job done...
“Masters – Caring”!

Dear assistant teachers, please accept our gratitude and the title of “Master of Care”! .

Ved. All these caring women have an equally caring boss, another very important person, which I want to talk about right now...
There’s a whole load of things to do on the farm,
But the caretaker copes.
And smart and good,
Cheerful soul.
She's on her feet all the time.
Her day passes on the run:
"Vodokanal", "Energoset",
And “Teploseti” and “Gorgaz”.
She has a lot to do -
It’s impossible to count all the things to do in an hour:
Give out powder and soda,
Give soap and dishes...
Maintain property records.
Either take it away or bring it...
It shows the device of each group:
Need nails and screws
Laminate, board and timber...
She can handle this load too!
She's stocking up on groceries
And he gives them out according to the menu.
Responsible for their consumption
Keeps clear records.
Knows where and what to get
Where can I get it cheaper?
And the storage time knows...
The winner is “Master for Future Use”!
In the title of “Master for Future Use” we represent the storekeeper Olga Dmitrievna Makarchuk and the caretaker Tatyana Aleksandrovna Doronina.

Ved. She is a master of phonograms,
Concert holiday programs!
All her children are talented:
Singers, dancers, musicians;
In the play the roles are played by
And they perform a lot.
These are not big words!
She is “Lady La-la-fa!”
In this title, allow me to introduce you to our musical director Liliya Vyacheslavovna Chalapko.

Ved. Weightless and beautiful
Graceful and light -
Here she is, the goddess of dance,
And visible from afar.

Her light gait
And a beautiful flexible body,
Woven from love and happiness
A fiery romance with dance!

The title “Goddess of Dance” and gratitude are awarded to choreographer Natalya Vasilievna Antonova.

Ved. I would like to say something about everyone, to celebrate everyone.
Give vitamins to everyone
Help someone.
Create a menu, submit a report...
So days pass and life flows...
She works hard -
Child of the Russian Ministry of Health!
Our nurse Seytvelshaeva Leniya Arifovna with the rank of “Master – Prevention”.

They are always busy with work!
They always have one concern:
Calculate everything according to the recipe,
Know what to connect with what;
Come up with a “new” salad,
So that it is rich in vitamins;
Have time to cook everything in time -
It's better to feed the children.
No culinary talent here
There will be no use.
The following chefs are awarded the title “Lick your fingers” and gratitude: Nemkovich Valentina Grigorievna, Kazina Natalya Aleksandrovna and Didenko Elena Petrovna.

Ved. Everyone knows that “Cleanliness is the key to health.”
Hands smell clean
Powders, “Whiteness”;
They are at work all day -
They are not too lazy to wash clothes.
Towels and sheets,
Robes, aprons, headscarves,
Draperies, curtain and tulle
“Master-Ass-Bul-bul” erases!

In this title, we present to you our laundry machine operator Anna Vasilievna Savluk.

Ved. Our garden is rich in people! Our kindergarten employs a close-knit team of fearless people.

Ved. We have the following rank:
What's a song without a button accordion?
What is a kindergarten without security?
Check door locks and deadbolts
Windows, bars, and then everything again...
They will check the areas and fencing,
Running water and heating.
Can you sleep on a farm like this?
Our watchmen are not familiar with fear!
The title “Watching Eye” and gratitude are awarded to the watchmen: Spisak Ivan Vasilievich, Muravsky Vitaly Vitalievich, Zavorotny Anatoly Nikitovich

"Physical training!"
And it starts with charging
Morning our children.
Running, walking, jumping, jumping
Children know it by heart.
Learn to breathe correctly
Temper your body.

The title “A healthy mind in a healthy body” and gratitude
awarded to instructor physical culture Antonyuk Dmitry Vitalievich.

Presenter 2. To the child's psyche
Didn't instill fear in adults
They need a subtle psychologist,
Tell me when and how,
Explain this and that
Take a personal test
Give parents answers
Why doesn't their son eat...
Psychology is a science,
It’s not an easy thing, brothers.
Without a psychologist in our age
A person will not be able to live.

The title “The Most Balanced” and gratitude is awarded to teacher-psychologist Tatyana Nikolaevna Misyakova.

Ved. All in papers, in time sheets,

All in worries and affairs.

We need to run to the office

Sign her application.

To do it all,

She needs to have wings.

The title “Most Active and Reactive” and gratitude is awarded to clerk Zhanna Alekseevna Spisak.

Ved. Somewhere the pipes are leaking,
Someone suddenly broke the chair.
The light bulb burned out
But soon there will be a ball.
No problem! After all, there are craftsmen
Better than famous masters.
Everything will be fixed, everything will be fixed.
They will say: “That’s it! The order is ready!”
(The title “Can do everything, manage everything” and gratitude is awarded to the building worker: Zainutdinov Temur Karimovich)

The current strength is no joke to you,
Transformer booths
It's better to go around further
And don’t anger your fate.

But there is a specialist
In my business, as an artist.
In the world of wires and sockets

Surely you are the director

The title “Director of Wires and Sockets” and gratitude is awarded to electrician Marko Vladimir Fedorovich.

The fireman skillfully fills the boilers.
And gives warmth to all the children

The title “Warm Ember of the Soul” and gratitude is awarded to fireman Evgeniy Vladimirovich Lagodovich

Rustling along the roads
funny tires,
Hurrying along the roads
Buses, cars...

And in the back - important ones,
People sitting

The drivers take the children to kindergarten.

The title “Driving for Life” and a certificate are awarded to the following drivers: Pedyuk Nikolay Nikolaevich and Osadchuk Anatoly Anatolyevich.

Our mechanic knows every screw,
He is the boss when it comes to spare parts!
He will take it apart, fix it and screw it on,
He will turn, look and joke!
Any mechanism, although complex,
Assemble calmly - anything is possible!

The title “Genius of Mechanisms” and gratitude are awarded to mechanic Ivan Ivanovich Yevtushenko.

(Postcards are presented).


The entire team was awarded, everyone received certificates.

I say “thank you” to everyone, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Happy holiday to everyone, I wish you all the best!

And on this day our wonderful kindergarten is very happy!

A people's deputy came to congratulate us!

(Music sounds and 2 children come out)

1 child.

Today guests came to us

And we are glad for them from the bottom of our hearts!

We wish you peace, happiness and warmth,

Good health, prosperity,

Let the necessary matters be resolved,

Everything turns out easily and smoothly.

To live without troubles and dark thoughts,

Don't be discouraged, but prosper!

2 child.

Stay on the wave of success,

Always keep a strict course towards your dream,

Never doubt yourself

And always win brilliantly!

(Gratitude and flowers are presented to the deputy)

The floor is given to deputy Viktor Viktorovich Shapovalenko.

In Russia, on September 27, 2018, a new national holiday is celebrated - Teacher and All Workers Day preschool education. Everyone would like to congratulate all the workers of preschool institutions who give the warmth of their hearts to children every day. On this day, corporate parties are organized and various events are held.

Holiday script for Teacher's Day September 27, 2018

Corporate event scenario for Teacher's Day for employees

A corporate event for adults on Teacher’s Day begins with congratulations from the host:

Preschool Worker's Day

Celebrates kindergarten.

We invite you to have fun

Together with us everyone!

Then the head of the preschool institution gives the floor:

Even if our road is sometimes difficult,

And even if it’s hard along the way,

Preschool worker is a high rank,

And we need to carry it proudly!

Teachers and other employees can prepare funny scenes for a corporate party on Teacher’s Day based on the fairy tale “Teremok”, where various employees of a preschool educational institution come to the house.

For example, a cook who feeds children, a caretaker (resolves all economic issues), a security guard (monitors safety), etc.

Who-who lives in the little house? Who lives in a low place?

Children are sweets, a nanny is a sleeper, a cook is a culinary specialist, a supply manager is a solution to any problem, teachers are quick feet, a methodologist is an observer...

The corporate party in honor of Teacher's Day continues, and the host addresses the guests:

Our team is very friendly,

Every employee is needed.

Our personnel are valuable,

They will show you the “class” in action!

He invites those gathered to arrange funny Games and competitions for adults on Teacher's Day.

On Teacher's Day on September 27, 2018, you can hold a variety of competitions

Funny competitions for Teacher's Day for a corporate party In the first competition at an adult corporate party for Teacher's Day, you need to say the phrase “Ivanov, sit down” with different intonations in the voice: tenderly, affectionately, with a bit of threat, surprised, mysterious, cheerful, sad, indifferent.

Participants in the second competition will need to put toys into a box as quickly as possible, and participants in the third will have to draw a poster blindfolded.

For a corporate party on Teacher's Day, you can also prepare funny scenes, such as the following one. Early morning, dialogue at 7 o'clock...

Daughter, daughter, it's time to get up.

Mommy, I’ll lie down a little longer.

But I won’t wake you up later. Awoke? Get up, it's time to go to kindergarten.

Oh, I don't want to go there!

We must, honey, we must. You are now the head of a kindergarten!

Then you can present comic certificates of honor to employees in a solemn atmosphere. Prepare separate forms in advance and indicate in each the “honorary title” of the employee: “the kindest teacher,” “the children’s favorite,” “the tamer of playful children,” “the miracle nanny.”

History of the holiday Teacher's Day, which is celebrated on September 27, 2018

The idea of ​​this holiday is to help society pay more attention to kindergarten and preschool childhood in general. The date was not chosen by chance. The first kindergarten was opened in St. Petersburg on September 27, 1863. Together with her husband, Adelaida Semenovna Semenovich, a great enthusiast and visionary, founded it. Her establishment accepted children from 3 to 8 years old. The program included outdoor games, construction, and even a natural history course.

Preschool childhood is a particularly important and responsible period in a child’s life. At this age, personality is formed and the foundations of health are laid. Prosperous childhood and further fate Each child depends on the wisdom of the teacher, his patience, attention to inner world child, with the help of their teachers, preschoolers learn the secrets of the world around them, learn to love and take care of their Motherland.

Hello colleagues, happy holiday friends!

Today is a special day, you cannot forget about it.

Today, everyone who has devoted themselves to children has gathered in this hall.

It is about those who devote themselves entirely to raising children, sparing no effort and time, who do not know the words “I don’t want”, “I can’t”, “I don’t know how”, who know how to love children no matter what, who love their work and rushes here every day to continue living for them, the kids, and to be needed by them...

And again a holiday on a piece of calendar,

And again we gathered in this hall.

But whose holiday is on these dates in September?

I'll ask you to tell me

Song about a teacher

(song to the tune of “Songs about Dad”)

1. So many interesting songs

There are about grandmothers, fathers and mothers.

There were no songs about teachers -

We are giving them to you today!


We go to kindergarten, we go to kindergarten

Every morning.

The teacher meets us

Over and over again.

Here are toys and cribs -

It's like we're at home

And my favorite teacher -

Mom for us!

And my favorite teacher -

Mom for us!

2. She has a hard time with us -

We don't listen and we don't sleep.

But on Saturday we will tell mom -

We want to go to the kindergarten teacher!


We go to kindergarten, we go to kindergarten

Every morning.

The teacher meets us

Over and over again.

Here are toys and cribs -

It's like we're at home

And my favorite teacher -

Mom for us!

And my favorite teacher -

Mom for us!

How much different professions in the world,

But I want to talk about one thing...

Who cares so much about little children?

People who know no peace.

They're the ones who don't get enough sleep at night,

They cut something, they sew interesting things,

They sculpt, draw, write poetry,

The role is rehearsed, songs are sung.

There is no end or limit to their inventions,

They can do anything.

Something that others would be tired of

These bear with patience alone!

They can do everything, they can do everything,

For people with a wide kind soul.

No evil can overcome them!

They are teachers with a capital letter!

Educating is a good calling!

Love, understand and, of course, forgive,

Be an example in everything, show compassion...

To educate means to give something to others.

Give your knowledge for free;

To sow all the best in children's hearts,

In response, without asking for any awards or recognition...

Give your life, give it all... to the end.

Preschool worker's anthem to the tune

“The main thing, guys, is not to grow old in your heart.”

    The main thing, girls, is not to grow old in your heart,

Sing the preschooler's song to the end.

Hard way we have chosen -

But this path is thorny

Only optimists can prevail.

Chorus: And we are with a hot flame young hearts.

Think, dare and create.

And with such a mood each of us

It will always be ahead.

2. The main thing, girls, is not to grow old in your heart,

To be a romantic at heart, to know, to search, to burn.

And under the scarlet sail of rapid childhood

Fly through the years with your children.


Remember that, don’t forget!

3. The main thing is not only to give knowledge to children,

The main thing is to raise worthy citizens,

To grow up hardened and brave,

So that fathers grow up in worthy succession.


You are in the group - a teacher, an artist and a fighter,

Remember that, don’t forget!

If 20 hearts beat with yours -

You chose your path correctly!

Being a teacher is not easy:

After all, a child has a hundred questions,

After all, a child has a hundred problems...

And we need to cope with everything!


"Today is a girls' holiday"

1. We came to kindergarten with you,

They were burning with ideas,

So that our children grow up

And they succeeded in life.

Chorus: Let's sit, girls, sit on the sidelines

We make notes and plans,

To make the lesson interesting,

We will give more knowledge to the school.

2. We must discover talents

The guys are friendly.

One draws well

Another sings strainedly.

Chorus: Such girls, such boys

There are so many in our kindergarten,

And that's why it's very serious

We devote ourselves to work sometimes.

3. Well, the parents went -

Such picky people.

And at meetings they

They want to know specifically:

Chorus: What do children feed?

What are they taught?

What “Programs” do we have?

And to all their millions of questions

The manager answers immediately!

Dear Colleagues!

I bow to you especially deeply today,

After all, success lies in our children’s work.

We sow reasonable, good, eternal,

Today we are fighting for knowledge.

We educate wise and humane,

Sometimes we walk a thorny road.

Dear victories, and sometimes defeats,

But the search in our hearts will not die.

Health, dear colleagues, so much to you,

So that courage becomes strength for you.

So that experience and knowledge only increase,

So that the fire never goes out in life.

So that with that light we warm the children,

Sometimes they shined on difficult roads.

So that we give our wisdom in full,

For truth and honor, so that they stand like a mountain.

And let the hearts sound like songs today,

The country generously honors our most honorable work.

So that you know less sadness in life,

So that everyone is gifted in their work!

Game program.

Answer the question quickly

Participants sit in a circle. The presenter will be in the center and will ask questions to which participants are given 1-2 seconds to answer. The questions are so elementary that you don’t really need to think about them, but as a fact, many are lost due to the fact that little time is given.

What day comes after Friday?

What was the name of the first president of Ukraine?

How many hands do you have?

How old are you?

What is your name?

What city do you live in?

You are bald?

What letter comes after I?

What is the year now?

What is your father's name?

What's 2 2?

What number comes after 8?

What month is it?

How many children do you have?

What street do you live on?

What are you sitting on?

To a man: did you wear a dress today?

To a woman: did you shave today?

What color is the sky?

Leading: You - good fairies leading to knowledge,

Giving joy, bringing light.

Happy hopes to you,

Great recognition

And new finds, and new victories!

Leading: Who came up with the idea of ​​judging age?

By the number of years lived?

Well, if you are full of vigor,

If you love White light,

If you filled the world with colors,

Where black is missing,

If you don't skimp on caresses

And dreamy, like a poet,

If you strive for something new,

And you are not attracted to peace,

Then you are a teacher from God,

Always remain like this.


We know this work like ABC

And we will experience all the delights for ourselves.

We matured in it, achieved success,

They have long been hardened in problems and questions.

This profession is not a secret at all

There is nothing very enviable.

And even on the contrary - it is not easy,

Not prestigious among the rest yet.

We go to receive pennies in salary,

And our kids won’t let you get bored.

Try to come up with tricks and games.

And if you didn’t make it at 9.00 -

That's it, we say goodbye to life - there will be execution.

How do we start feeding the kids?

There is no need to go to the theaters to see the artists!

And we jump, and cry, and praise, and dance,

And we stomp terribly and wave our fingers.

And this group of guys is watching the play,

They are all interested, but they don’t want to eat!

But the little one cried out of resentment,

And this one (ugh) suddenly took it and pooped in his pants.

You need to manage, look after everyone,

Everyone needs attention, everything needs to be done in time.

The health station pokes toys at toys with a wand,

Someone will be eager to gather us at lunchtime.

And then the teachers’ council comes again

And you have to make a report on it,

And you have to write that report overnight,

And the husband, as always, begins to cry.

And the family children were tired of waiting,

They forgot, poor fellows, what a mother looks like!

Hungry, torn - they live on their own

And, most importantly, they grow quite well.

This is how we live, and we don’t fall into depression.

And we’re buying ourselves new thongs!

And we smile, we say good things,

If we want, we’ll get better, then we’ll lose weight!

We know how to be kind, we know how to love,

We know how to raise real people.

And God grant us not to change -

Always remain like this!

Game program.

In a plate

The game is played while eating. The driver names any letter. The goal of the other participants is to name the object that is currently on their plate with this letter before others. Whoever names the object first becomes the new driver. The driver who says the letter for which none of the players could come up with a word receives a prize.

It is necessary to prohibit the driver from always calling the winning letters (e, i, ъ, ь, ы).

Attentiveness competition

This competition is played by 2-3 people. The presenter reads the text: I’ll tell you a story in one and a half dozen phrases. As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately. “Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, not just one, but seven.” When you want to memorize poems, don’t cram them until late at night. Take it and repeat it once at night - twice, or better yet 10 times." "A seasoned guy dreams of becoming Olympic champion. Look, don’t be tricky at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march! “Once I had to wait for a train at the station for 3 hours...” (if they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it). “Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it.

Original game"Animal Family"

Grown-up, serious gentlemen playing “Animal Family” look quite funny. For the game, you need to prepare cards that list members of various animal families (for example: grandfather monkey, grandmother monkey, father monkey, mother monkey, son monkey, daughter monkey; grandfather elephant, grandmother elephant, etc.). There must be several such families.

At the beginning of the game, each player draws a card for himself. As soon as the start is given, each participant needs to find his “family” as quickly as possible through sound imitations (human speech cannot be used) and the movements of the animal indicated on his card. When the animal family has found all its relatives, it must line up in the correct sequence (by seniority - grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, son). The animal family that did everything correctly and quickly wins.

Quiz "Song shifters".

This quiz can be arranged according to the principle: “guess and sing in chorus” or a quiz to identify the best, which of the guests can guess the most, and, accordingly, some kind of prize.

The essence of the entertainment: we take lines from songs and retell them with words with the opposite meaning, you have to guess the original.

Where are you lying, motionless, thick aspen? (Why are you standing there, swaying, thin rowan tree?)

He ate someone else's Dirol with sweetener (She chews her Orbit without sugar).

There is so little water and silver in the houses of Semipalatinsk (There are so many golden lights on the streets of Saratov)

So few girls are married, and you hate single guys (So many guys are single, but I love married guys).

Helpful calms climb under you, Light weakness grows them sweetly.

(Hostile whirlwinds blow over us, Dark forces we are being viciously oppressed)

Lay down, dear village, lie down on the living world (Get up, huge country, get up for mortal combat).

35, 35, 35 black asters. From the doors, from the doors, from the doors I hear.

(A million, a million, a million scarlet roses, From the window, from the window, from the window you see)

It’s scary to take your girlfriends in your arms, Let’s relax with your body into a high (Boldly, comrades, in step, Let’s get stronger in spirit in the fight).

It’s disgusting, sisters, it’s disgusting, it’s disgusting to die (It’s either love for brothers, it’s love for brothers to live).

Oh, how I need to disappear, Oh, how I need to disappear from the village! (Oh, how I want to go back, Oh, how I want to break into the town!)

Creepy, creepy, creepy, their rude heavenly demon (Dear, sweet, sweet, my gentle earthly angel).

In the steppe the oak tree died, in the steppe it dried up (A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest).

There they are, boys, long pants (Well, where are you girls, short skirts).

Wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah! The Chukchi was born! (Ay-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya-ay! Killed a black man!)

Lie down, blessed by praise, Land of the well-fed and masters! (Get up, branded with a curse, The whole world of hungry and slaves!)

Hello, Tatar Sasha, Your ears will be bitter like compote (Farewell gypsy Sera,

Your lips were sweet like wine).

Moon square, soil inside, That's a sculpture of a girl (Solar circle, sky around,

This is a drawing of a boy).

Jump, you ran in a straight line, Jump, I unloaded you a little (Hop-stop, we came around the corner, Hop-stop, you took on a lot).

5 black goats, 5 black goats, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (Three white horses, three white horses, December, January and February).

Big baobab hot in summer (Little Christmas tree is cold in winter)

Debauchery, rock and roll and winter! (Love, Komsomol and spring!)

Young Konovalov jumped out the window (old man Kozlodoev is sliding down the roof).

A man is screwed in Kostroma, and women are women-women-women-women! (The boy wants to go to Tambov, chiki-chiki-chiki-chiki-chiki-ta!)

In the middle the clouds are going crazy (At the border the clouds are going gloomy).

Here before the downpours, occasionally sober (There behind the fogs, eternally drunk).

And your enemy is worse at waltzing than we are (But my friend plays the blues better than anyone else).

I forgot one of my moles (I remember all your cracks).

The caretaker, mother, mother the caretaker! (Combat, Batyanya, Batyanya, Batyanya)

Shapoklyak, adversary, well, did you stand up openly? (Cheburashka, my friend, why are you sitting in the corner?)

Musical competition for a corporate party "Guess and Sing".

For corporate parties, you can prepare various musical quizzes on the topic, in which you not only have to guess what song the presenter is asking about, but also sing it with your team. If you wish, you can also take universal ones music games)

What element of military equipment drove the heroine crazy? (Here is someone coming down the hill)

How should a soldier's buttons be arranged? (The soldier has a day off, buttons in a row)

Where was the soldier taken straight from the military registration and enlistment office? (How could it happen, right to the border)

What is the affectionate name for a good commander? (Combat, dad, dad..)

Where did the girl go to sing about her eagle? (Katyusha came ashore)

What is the hero willing to trade pizza and chocolate for (I like it when you walk around naked)

What violations of hygiene standards is a man in love willing to commit? (I'm ready to kiss the sand you walked on)

What connected, became a secret and will definitely not be distinguished? (Music has tied us)

The venue for the corporate event is an assembly or music hall (in rare cases, you can rent a cafe). On one half of the room there are tables at which four teachers will sit. It is appropriate to invite the husbands of educators to the holiday - this will bring more variety and intrigue to the holiday. There is a buffet along the wall, to which there is no access yet (you can stretch safety tape). The buffet meal may consist of appetizers and salads, pastries and desserts, which participants will prepare in advance at home. One of the competitions will be dedicated to the most originally designed dish, so it is necessary to make signs in advance with the name of the dish, its motto and the name of the performer. Before the start of the corporate party, all the dishes are placed in a row on a separate table; nothing has been placed on the “work tables” yet, except for sweets and champagne. Before entering the hall, each participant is pinned with a large badge with the diminutive - pet name participant. The badge looks like a sign that is usually stuck on children's lockers: a circle with a bright picture. For the “girls” they prepare badges with dolls, flowers, balls, and for the “boys” - spouses of teachers - badges with trees, yachts, cars, weapons, and soldiers. In addition, girls have huge fluffy bows pinned into their hair. All the props for the festive corporate party will be prepared by the participants from cardboard; they will only have to “chip in” for champagne and sweets. The holiday begins with the “children” being seated at the tables. The presenter calls everyone to order and scolds the naughty “kids.” You can put even the most “active” and “noisy” child in a corner. Presenter: - My dear guys! Tell me, what day is it today? “Children” answer, raising their hand, as in class: - Sunday! - 2 October! - Autumn! - Cloudy! - What if you think about it? What are we celebrating today? - Teacher's Day! - everyone shouts in unison. Typically, corporate event scenarios for teacher’s day imply that preparations for them are carried out in advance. Therefore, each participant must prepare at least a small performance for the holiday. Presenter: - You guessed correctly, well done! And today Tanya will tell us poems dedicated to the kindest, smartest and most beautiful “second mothers”. Tanechka reads poetry after everyone raises their glasses of champagne. She also has a wine glass in her hands. Congratulations in verse. Of course, every teacher will understand us, What a miracle little children are! His Majesty to educate the People, To be always responsible for the fate of the country - There is no more beautiful and honorable task, There is no more responsible calling! We share the light of love with the kids, We bring them the joys of skills and knowledge. I sincerely want to congratulate everyone who noble chose this work! May success always accompany you, Health, happiness, money - a whole lot! Everyone drinks with this toast. Then other readers emerge from their seats. First: - You need to calm down the baby, Then you need to lubricate a knocked knee with iodine, Then you need to punish the bully - the strong one, And take pity on the little girl - the crybaby Lenka. Learn rhymes, take a kitten off the roof, Create a homey atmosphere for the children, Then play “Indians” with them - Yes, the guys don’t let you get bored! Second: - I was sorting through the photographs yesterday: And I remember everyone, who and what their name was, When I graduated this group, And the class they are going to now. Third: - At first I was so tired, I came home like a squeezed lemon... And sometimes, I admit, I decided - I’ll leave! Today! But only later... How will I explain the betrayal to their eyes, to their warm palms, to their bell-like voices? And I see: they’ve become quiet... My “daughters” and “sons” are listening to my fairy tales. No, I will never leave my kids! And I will not leave the educational fraternity. I will try to save them from the cones... Not at all for the sake of fame and fortune. Next, there is a competition for the most original treat. Each guest and participant has two red cardboard circles, which they must place next to the dish they like. After this, the “points” are counted, the winner is selected, and she is awarded a “star” - a medal. After this, everyone is invited to go to the buffet and put on their plate the treat that they like. Each holiday scenario for adults on Teacher’s Day must include interesting competitions, for winning which “stars” are awarded or points are awarded. At the end of the event, a count is carried out, the “queen - educator” is identified, and a crown is placed on her head. And our script includes a fun competition “Make the Judge Laugh.” The competition begins with choosing the three most serious men on the jury. The participants must make them laugh childishly funny stories. You can clearly limit your speech by time, but it is not necessary. Teachers prepare in advance for this competition and collect information in groups among parents. They may sound here short phrases or whole stories, they need to be told with childish intonations. For example, a “girl” raises her hand. 1. Taisiivanna, can I have one more egg, otherwise I still have salt left - don’t throw it away! 2. The nose is an organ of charm! - Tanya, not charm, but sense of smell. - You, Marinvasilna, may have a sense of smell, but I have charm, that’s what daddy always says! 3. Adult sleepy voice: - Oh, who is that creeping into our bed? The baby whispers: - Mom, it’s me, your son - Vasya Shumeiko! If a story makes one of the judges smile, the participant is awarded a “star” - a medal. Presenter: - The profession of a teacher must combine many others. A good teacher must be a professor of all known sciences in the world, an actor and artist, a dancer and a poet. And the next competition will allow you to take the junior rank exam research fellow kindergarten. “Think and Answer” competition. Participants choose tickets with questions to which they must give the correct answer in the simplest words available so that the child can understand. Options for humorous and witty answers are possible. Sample questions: 1. If you don’t wash your hair, will your hair not grow without watering? 2. Why is it only the elephant’s hind legs that bend with their knees forward, while the rest – cats, dogs, cows – bend their knees back? 3. Why doesn't the water burn? 4. Why does a fly rub its paw against its paw? This competition is also judged by male judges who choose the winner. She also gets a star. Acting competition. The comic fairy tale “Turnip on new way" This competition is impromptu, men must also participate in it. The actors are given words before the “performance”; along the way, the presenter names the hero of the play, who must say the words for his role. So, the show begins! Presenter: - Grandfather planted a turnip in front of him. (Turnip is seated on the chair opposite the sitting Grandfather) Grandfather: - You have grown up already, Turnip, big - very big. There’s no worry about getting married! I want to talk to you, beauty, about this... turnip: - Come on, Grandpa, take a steam bath! Ask right away what you don’t know about it yet - I’ll explain it to you in accessible language! Kids in kindergarten don’t even ask us that, so we answer! Grandfather (waves his hand at Turnip, as if swatting away a fly): - No, it won’t work that way! Grandma, come here! Grandma: - I’m running, I’m running, my dears! Chavoy, Grandfather, you have another idea - to torment our baby with your questions! I'll give you chichas! - Grandma hits Grandfather with a towel. Grandfather: - Eh, Grandma, the hair is long - the mind is short! The girl is of marriageable age! And you don’t even know who throws flowers at her window at night - bouquets! Grandma: - How not to know - The neighbor's puppy, Vaska! Vaska, come here for a showdown! Puppy Vaska waddles in, he has headphones in his ears - he listens to music. - What do you need? Grandma: - Why did you throw a bouquet at Turnip’s window at night? Puppy: - What else, it hurts! I can’t afford your Turnip for nothing, I’ll still spend time on bouquets! She has no education, no calling! turnip: - Don’t lie, big-eared! I want to become a teacher! I'll finish school soon. Puppy: - That's it, teacher! Wipe snotty noses and put screaming kids on potties! And the salary is only enough for one trip to the cafe! Grandfather: - You are a fool, Puppy! Get out of here and I'll say hello before I tear your ears and headphones off. Hey, Grandma, maybe it’s the neighbor’s cat, Matroskin? Hey Matroskin! Come before my blind eyes! Matroskin - a “nerd” with huge glasses: - Why, Grandfather, did he call me and tear me away from the candidate’s room? Grandfather: - Do you want to marry our Turnip? Matroskin: - I don’t know... - scratches the back of his head with his hind paw. - I don’t think so... I need to defend my PhD, I don’t have time to dream about marriage. And if you’re going to have a wedding, it’s not with someone who will either disappear at work or get ready for work at home. You can, for example, tie your fate with a secretary or with a cleaning lady, in the end. But I will never marry a teacher! Grandma: - There is only one candidate left - Mouse - Norushka. He is good, quiet and calm, he knows how to do everything around the house, even wash the clothes, even cook dinner. And, if anything happens, he will look after the kids... The mouse is a bitch! Come here, dear future son-in-law! Mouse - Norushka enters, solemnly bringing in a huge bouquet of flowers. - Allow me, dear ones, to congratulate future wife Happy professional holiday! And to you, Grandmother and Grandfather, I would like to express my gratitude for raising such a turnip, a girl with a big mind and a big heart! But others don’t even become teachers! - presents flowers to Repka. She jumps up and kisses the groom. Presenter: - And they began to live and get along. And what difficulties awaited them in the family field - you all know about that yourself. After the fairy tale, all participants are awarded “stars” and the “Free Microphone” concert is announced. Anyone can perform. For each performance, we must not forget to award the performer a medal. At the end of the corporate holiday, the points scored are counted and the crown is placed on the head of the “queen” of the corporate party.

What else to read