Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about childbirth? Negative meanings of sleep. Dream Interpretation - giving birth to a child in a dream. Why do you dream about having a baby?

Did you happen to give birth to a child in a dream? In the real world, you are ready to realize an idea that you have been harboring for a very long time. Popular dream books will tell you what else this vision means.

Giving birth to a child in a dream - Miller's dream book

Seeing childbirth in a dream - good sign. This is a herald that significant changes for the better will soon occur in your life, and problems and disputes will be resolved by themselves.

For young girls, dreams in which they give birth indicate that they may not value their reputation and honor. Young women have dreams about childbirth when they are planning to have a child and foretell an imminent pregnancy.

Men who dream of childbirth need to seriously think about their responsibilities in the family.

Why do you dream of having a baby according to Vanga’s dream book?

The birth of a child symbolizes global changes, release of energy, ending protracted conflicts. Watching the suffering of a woman giving birth is a bad sign that brings trouble, but if everything ends well, then troubles will pass by. The death of a woman in labor or a baby signifies a tragedy on a global scale.

Seeing your own childbirth in a dream means getting another chance to correct the mistakes of the past, to start all over again. clean slate. And the easier they go, the easier it will be to do it.

Why dream of giving birth to a child according to Freud’s dream book

If you dream of childbirth, conception is expected soon in reality. If a man is present in the dream, pay attention to his behavior. Stands close and holds your hand - a reliable companion you can rely on. Located at a distance - there is someone third in your relationship. A dead child is a sign indicating the threat of possible infertility of one of the partners.

Why dream of having a baby according to Nostradamus’ dream book

To see a married woman give birth is to give birth herself. A virgin who sees her give birth will soon say goodbye to her innocence. A dream in which a girl gives birth to a snake is a harbinger of the coming of the Antichrist to our world, bringing with him hunger, disease and war.

See a large number of women in labor - a dream prophesying the salvation of the world. A man who dreams of the birth of a child will have to face an unknown, not yet discovered.

Giving birth to a child according to Hasse's dream book

Childbirth in a dream indicates that the dreamer passionately wants his plans to come true. Watching childbirth means incurring losses. Seriously ill people have dreams in which children are born shortly before their death, and prisoners - closer to the date of their release. For travelers, dreams of childbirth predict an early return home.

Dream Interpretation – giving birth to a boy child

Dreams in which a boy is born are good sign and favor strengthening family ties, as well as new beginnings. Such dreams come to those who are ready to let fresh ideas into their lives, take up new business, and make their dreams come true.

To see a boy being born means you will soon receive good news concerning loved ones, relatives and friends. If a woman dreams of giving birth to a male baby before the wedding, this is a sign that she should immediately begin to improve her own reputation, since in the future there will be negative public opinion can greatly interfere with your career and personal relationships.

The first question that concerns every conscientious expectant mother is whether to give birth healthy baby. Some people wonder about it just after starting. Someone has already learned about it. Of course, in the first case, the chances for healthy offspring are much greater, because the mother has time to correct a lot of things and do so as to minimize all possible risks. But this does not mean at all that women who do not plan a pregnancy will not be able to give birth to a strong and healthy baby. There are several traditional tips for this, following which you can avoid many troubles. Many of them may seem trivial and familiar to you, but as they say, repetition is the mother of learning. Therefore, read, remember, learn and apply.


Particular attention to your own health at the planning stage

In order for the pregnancy to proceed without complications, and after 9 months a healthy baby is born, it is necessary to prepare for an “interesting situation”. To do this, you need to consult a doctor who specializes in planning. He will give competent advice and refer you to all the necessary tests. Moreover, not only the woman, but also the man will have to be examined, since the health of his offspring directly depends on his health. Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as various hereditary ones, will help eliminate the problem in time and increase the chances of having a healthy baby. Viruses of herpes simplex, rubella, cytomegalovirus infection, enterovirus, adenovirus, HIV infection, hepatitis B and C are dangerous for the baby. It is also necessary to diagnose and treat diseases caused by various bacteria. For example, chlamydia, streptococci, staphylococci, treponema, listeria and others.

Often you may need to consult with specialized specialists, such as a therapist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, cardiologist, etc. A woman preparing for pregnancy will be sent for an ultrasound.

In order to give birth to a healthy and strong baby, experts advise choosing the period “end of summer - beginning of autumn” for conceiving a child. In their opinion, this is the most favorable time, because staying at fresh air and the sun, vitamin-rich foods, the absence of viral infections - all these are only favorable factors.

Also, if you want to give birth to a healthy child, try to do this before the age of 35. After this age, the risk of having children with various health problems increases.

Down with bad habits!

It’s a truism, but many, for some reason, never find the strength to cope with this task. And if excluding alcohol is not so difficult for many (yes, even one beer a week!), then with cigarettes the situation is much more complicated. Meanwhile, the entire world community is shouting at the top of its lungs about how bad nicotine affects the formation and development of the fetus. Reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke to 2 or even one per day. And then completely give up this bad habit. The best option would be if you quit smoking 3-4 months before you start “working” with your husband on creating your “masterpiece”. For those who have never smoked and do not intend to, we advise you not to be in a room where others are doing so. After all, passive smoking is also bad for your health and affects the fetus.


Hooray! The test showed two cherished stripes, and an ultrasound confirmed that a tumor had arisen under your heart. new life! Take care of her. Remember that the most important period " interesting situation" - first trimester (12 weeks). It is at this time that the baby’s organs are laid down. Therefore, now you need to monitor your health especially carefully. So what do we do?

We undergo examinations and tests

If during planning you passed most of the tests to determine various infections and diseases, then you won’t have to take them now. If not, then these will also need to be taken in addition to the main “pregnant” tests. Remember that viral infections can lead to miscarriage or cause birth defects. But you want to give birth to a healthy baby, right?

Listen to your doctor's recommendations. Get an ultrasound to rule out various pathologies and adjust your actions if necessary. Throughout pregnancy, ultrasound examinations are performed 3 to 6 times, depending on the need.

Eating right

Nutrition expectant mother incredibly important for the birth of a healthy baby. While in the womb, the baby receives nutrition through the blood. Therefore, the quality of maternal blood directly affects the development of the fetus and a lack of certain substances can lead to the formation of various pathologies in the child.

And these include pathologies of the brain, spine, and various others (for example, such as “cleft lip” and “cleft palate”).

For a long time, or better yet forever, forget about fast foods, chips, colored soda, chewing gum, and candies with dubious ingredients. Also, you should not eat fruits and vegetables “out of season”, because they contain a large percentage of various chemicals, which certainly will not be beneficial. Don’t be lazy to prepare complete meals, because semi-finished products contain a large amount of preservatives and other chemicals.

Avoid eating fatty, fried and salty foods. Limit your consumption of sweet and starchy foods. But at the same time, your food should be varied. Cereals, fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, herbs, dairy products - the choice of “right” products is wide, so you don’t have to worry that you won’t have enough to eat. Fish and meat are irreplaceable sources of protein. Calcium, which is contained in cottage cheese and other “fermented milk”, is simply necessary for both mother and baby. It is needed to maintain a woman’s health, as well as for the proper formation of the fetus, primarily its skeleton and teeth. Make sure that the products from which you prepare your food are not only natural and in season, but also fresh.

Pay special attention to foods containing folic acid. Its deficiency in the early stages of pregnancy can cause various pathologies in the fetus.

You need to look for dark green leafy vegetables. This includes broccoli, spinach, sorrel, and Brussels sprouts. It is also found in some citrus fruits, cheese, and liver. Bread made from wholemeal flour, as well as yeast, are also rich in folic acid.

Drink as much as you want, but not less than two liters of fluid per day. The water you drink should be clean and fresh. Don't forget about fruit drinks and compotes. But try to forget about coffee.

Watch your weight. Correct weight gain is an indicator of the normal and timely development of the baby. Doctors say that optimal weight gain during the entire pregnancy should not exceed 12 kilograms.

Vitamins and medicines

Remember that taking medications and various dietary supplements during pregnancy is extremely undesirable. In individual cases, if the health condition of the mother or baby requires it, it is permissible to take a certain number of medications. But any pill, even a spam one that seems harmless in your opinion, should be taken only with the consent and permission of the doctor.

However, vitamins are often recommended for pregnant women. But these are also separate drugs designed for the body of a pregnant woman, so any vitamins from the pharmacy will not work. It is especially important that a pregnant woman takes iron, iodine, and folic acid (B9) supplements. But you need to take vitamins only in the dosage prescribed by your doctor. Otherwise, you can seriously harm both yourself and the baby.

Watch your health

Minimal deterioration in health while carrying a baby affects his health. Therefore, if you want to give birth to a healthy child, try to take care of yourself: avoid contact with viruses. Your body is already vulnerable, because now it is working with double load, which is why the immune system is slightly weakened. Try not to travel to public transport. Wash your hands often. During periods of disease outbreaks, lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolinic ointment. Keep Laferobion handy.

Reduce and, if possible, completely eliminate contact with pets, especially cats. They can cause toxoplasmosis, a dangerous disease for a pregnant woman. Having become infected with toxoplasmosis in the second trimester, the risk of increased intracranial pressure, mental retardation, epilepsy and blindness in a child increases by 20%. In the third trimester, the probability of illness, in case of infection, is 50-60%. Therefore, take care of yourself!

Calm, just calm!

This phrase from the famous cartoon now needs to be repeated like a mantra. No nervous stress! Yes, this is difficult and it is not always possible to put it into practice, but you should try your best to follow this rule. Try to understand that stress and anxiety greatly influence what your baby will be like in the future.

Create a pleasant environment at home. Even to the point of forcing your husband to repaint the walls, because you really want them to become gentle Pink colour! Try to get only positive emotions. Go to concerts and exhibitions, draw, sing. However, do what makes you happy. And don't forget to smile more often)))

Relax, walk, do “pregnant” sports

Having learned about their pregnancy, some women try to “take care” of themselves: lying on the couch, reading magazines or watching TV. Undoubtedly, rest is the golden rule of pregnancy. Lunch nap, if desired, too. But not 24 hours a day! You need moderate and carefully planned physical activity. Sets of exercises specially designed for pregnant women are ideal.

If possible, sign up for a swim. And even better - water aerobics for expectant mothers. This way you can strengthen the muscles of your back, abdomen, pelvis and prepare for the upcoming birth. Moreover, by moving, you contribute to the flow of oxygen into the placenta, and this is vital for the baby.

Try to walk in the forest or at least in a city park more often. Admire the trees, watch the birds, insects, listen to the sound of leaves.

In general, tune in to the positive and live for your pleasure! Let your baby be healthy and happy!

Especially for Olga Rizak

The appearance of children in dreams usually promises new projects at work and promotion. Giving birth to a child, according to the dream book, can be both a positive and negative vision. Details will help to interpret it.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Usually dream books interpret the appearance of babies in night dreams as a good sign. Giving birth to a child in a dream means quick changes in the dreamer’s life.

Here is what is written on this topic in famous dream books:

  • In Miller's dream book, dreams about childbirth among young girls indicate their fear of a serious relationship. If you dream about birth married man, he feels his responsibility to his family, and the dream is only a reflection of his worries and desires.
  • Vanga said that if a girl dreams of giving birth, she will soon have a chance to correct the mistakes of the past. It could be settling a quarrel with ex-friends, a bad streak at work, or a good time to quit. bad habits. Also, the girl will be able to make peace with ex-lover, with whom I broke up through my own fault. If in a dream a woman in labor suffers from pain, this is a bad sign that calls on the girl to be careful in reality.
  • According to Freud's dream book, childbirth in a dream foreshadows conception in reality. If in a dream there is a man standing next to a woman in labor, you need to pay attention to his behavior. If he helps his beloved in every possible way and holds her hand, he is a reliable companion with whom he can start a strong family. If you stand at a distance and watch the birth from the side, there is a lack of sincerity in the relationship.
  • Nostradamus stated that if a virgin gives birth to a child in her sleep, she will soon lose her virginity. If a woman sees a snake coming out of her womb, this portends a protracted illness.
  • Hasse's dream book interprets observation of childbirth as imminent losses. If a traveler sees such a dream, he is homesick and will soon return home.

Many dream books also agree that giving birth in a dream of a woman who does not have a partner is a sign of soon meeting a like-minded person.

Give birth to a girl, a boy

The interpretation of the dream varies greatly depending on the gender of the newborn. If a boy is born, this is a favorable sign, which is interpreted as a quick strengthening of ties with family and friends. Such dreams are also interpreted positively for careerists: soon they will have new interesting projects at work, an opportunity to show themselves as a specialist and leader.

There are other options for why you dream about the birth of a boy. For example, if an unmarried woman sees such a dream, she needs to think about her surroundings. There may be an envious person lurking among your loved ones who is ready to go over their heads for the sake of their own success.

When you dream about the birth of a girl, the dream is interpreted as a quick deliverance from difficulties. A dream in which a newborn baby is very similar to her mother promises special happiness. The same interpretation applies if the dreamer observes the birth of a girl from the side. The only option for such a dream, which promises loneliness and illness, is the birth of a stillborn baby.

Interpretation of dreams with twins, triplets

There are often cases when children in a dream are considered symbols of success in career and creativity. If you adhere to this interpretation, the birth of several children at once also carries an optimistic meaning.

Usually, the birth of twins and triplets foretells the dreamer many job offers.

  • If you dreamed about it creative person, soon a brilliant idea will come to his head, which will need to be brought to life as soon as possible. All these projects will subsequently bring not only moral satisfaction and self-pride, but also financial profit.
  • Such a dream is also favorable for those who have been looking for a job they like for a long time. Very soon luck will smile on him and turn up good opportunity show your strength and knowledge. As a result, the dreamer will find himself in a position in which he will be as comfortable and interesting as possible.
  • There are situations when a girl dreams of a difficult birth of twins. Such a vision predicts imminent conflicts between the woman in labor and others. Quarrels will cause a girl a lot of trouble if she does not learn to abstract herself from the opinions of strangers. If she spends more time exclusively with close people, troubles can easily be avoided.
  • A dream with the birth of twins or triplets promises especially joyful events for those who have long dreamed of finding love and starting a family. If the babies are beautiful, the girl will soon meet a new man who also dreams of a strong relationship. You cannot throw yourself on the neck of the first stranger you meet on your way. Take a closer look at him and do not agree to intimacy if he does not attract you at all in communication.

Someone else's birth in a dream

Not in all situations does the dreamer see his own birth. It is not uncommon to have dreams where childbirth is observed from the outside. If the child born is not connected to you in any way and you do not feel any feelings for him, it is believed that you are not confident in yourself and your capabilities, and are afraid of not achieving your goals.

Seeing someone else's birth the night before an important event is a warning of imminent turmoil. From the very beginning, everything will not go according to plan. To avoid overwhelm, invite a couple of trusted people to the event to help smooth things over so you can stay calm.

Dreamed of stillbirth

Dream books agree that the birth of a stillborn child in a dream has nothing to do with the health of the dreamer’s children in reality.

Italian psychologist Antonio Meneghetti believed that giving birth to a stillborn child in a dream is a sign of the dreamer’s long-term illness. The basis of the disease lies in overwork. The dreamer has repeatedly noticed his constant fatigue and apathy, but continues to risk his health for the sake of work. If nothing changes, in the near future general fatigue will turn into a serious illness.

Meneghetti also identifies a type of dream in which the stillborn child is in no way connected with the dreamer. In this case, this child is a symbol of unfinished business, but this failure does not promise any particular trouble.

Interpreter Hasse considers this type of dream as a more favorable sign than Meneghetti. A dream with a dead baby is a harbinger of important news. But there is also a sad outcome: your relationship with one of your close people is coming to an end. You yourself notice the coldness on the part of a once caring person, and in response to attempts to get closer you receive aggression. It is better to end the relationship as soon as possible, so that later you remember only pleasant moments, and not loud quarrels.

What does it mean for a pregnant woman

A pregnant girl is subconsciously afraid of imminent changes in her life. She worries about the future baby, her own health and relationships with her partner. If dreams become intrusive, it is recommended to discuss your experiences with loved ones or a professional psychologist.

In addition, the birth of several babies by a pregnant woman in a dream promises her an easy, successful birth. Therefore, she should stop worrying and worrying, and it is better to calmly wait for a quick meeting with the baby.

Why do you dream of giving birth to a sick child?

The birth of healthy and strong babies promises a speedy recovery for the dreamer if he suffers from any illness. On the contrary, if in a dream you see frail, ugly newborns, you need to pay special attention to the study of the genitourinary system and intestines.

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed about how you gave birth, then this promises an acquaintance with a person who will prepare for you perfect couple. You won't take him seriously because you imagine your other half differently. However, he will be persistent enough to make you believe in yourself and in your possible relationship. If you gave birth in a dream, this promises you pregnancy (if the dream was about a woman). If a man suddenly dreamed that he was being delivered, this warns him of the future consequences of his extramarital affair with his partner.

Why do you have a dream about childbirth?

according to Vanga's dream book

This symbol is associated with important life changes, solving matters, freeing oneself from something. In the dream, your birth was painful, but everything turned out well - this dream foreshadows you difficulties in solving your affairs, but, in spite of everything, everything will end well. A dream in which you give birth predicts your participation in an event that you consider insignificant, but its consequences will be a big surprise for you. Seeing in a dream how someone close to you dies during childbirth is a sign that your attempts to improve relationships with relatives are unlikely to be successful. You dreamed of an easy and quick birth, which caused a feeling of great relief in your soul - this dream indicates that you will be able to shift matters onto the shoulders of others, and you yourself will breathe a sigh of relief. If in a dream you saw your own childbirth, this dream predicts that fate is giving you a chance to start your life anew. Perhaps the mystery of reincarnation of souls is connected with this, and you once lived in another dimension and body. You need to reconsider your life values and try to understand your purpose.

I dreamed about pregnancy

according to Miller's dream book

For a woman to dream that she is pregnant means that she will be unhappy with her husband and her children will be unattractive. For a virgin, such a dream promises shame and misfortune. If the sleeping woman is really pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a prognosis for her successful delivery of the burden and a speedy restoration of strength.

Why do you dream about pregnancy?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Deception (for a girl); pride, joy (for a woman); make plans (for a man); seeing a pregnant woman means trouble; if she gave birth (for a girl) - a cheerful life; mother's distress; for a man to give birth is the completion of affairs; son - quick profit, winnings; a girl - a new unexpected relationship to happiness.

Seeing pregnancy in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Pregnancy enters your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second is that your real pregnancy is a “push event” and sets its specific content. Anyone can become pregnant in a dream: this possibility is not limited by either gender or age barriers. Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth. However, there are many situations that require additional interpretation. If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, but at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream may indicate that you are in the stage of primary transition to a new stage of introspection. One of the archetypes according to Jung is the archetype of a parent with a prevailing instinct for preserving the family. To see oneself involved in an activity in this position is to observe one's exit from the child stage and the transition to an adult level. If you are sexually active, but have no intention of getting pregnant, such a dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle. In connection with such a dream, “what if” type anxieties may arise that require comprehension and resolution. A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in population reproduction is in question. Such doubts often come to mind for men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be. The dream acts as compensation, highlighting the creative side of their personality. Pregnant men not only give birth to children, but also something that somehow justifies their mission in this world. The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to a variety of events in dreams. By their nature, these events can be anything from the most brutal to the ridiculous. This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria. Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, death of a partner, chronic health problems, loss of pregnancy due to an accident or miscarriage, birth defects in the child, twins, triplets, as well as increased fertility, where conception and gestation occur more often and regardless of protection. Dreams about infidelity or the death of a partner often arise as a response to feelings of insecurity due to changes in appearance or frequency and character sexual relations during pregnancy. Dreams about chronic health problems and defects in a child belong to the category of negative volition, and are also the result of the anxiety experienced by women in this position. Dreams about multiple births and repeat pregnancies are the most difficult. Sometimes, at a certain stage, pregnancy overwhelms a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly cope with the role of a mother. Multiple pregnancies may be a visual representation of these fears.

The meaning of a dream about pregnancy

according to Freud's dream book

If a woman dreams that she is pregnant, it means that in real life this event will not be long in coming. For a man, dreaming of pregnancy means that he would like to have a child with his partner.

Why do you dream of giving birth?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

seeing your birth is a happy outcome of the litigation; to give birth to a freak-animal, a monster - (for a woman) success in everything; (for a man) threat; dangerous intentions; fish - a wonderful child or successful plans; see Pregnancy.

Why do you dream of giving birth?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

argument (for a girl); (for an unmarried woman) - for a wedding; (husband sees his wife giving birth) - to betrayal; (the wife sees herself giving birth from her husband) - an unexpected new thing or a turn of fate for the husband; joy (for a married woman); news (for a man); see Son, Daughter, Child.

Seeing a birth in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Birth is a sacred event that has ritual significance in all cultures of the world. And it is not surprising that it is closely related to one of Jung’s archetypes - the Self that gives life to another. Because it is an archetypal image, there are many accompanying symbols associated with birth and life. The most significant are water and the ocean. Many cultures place vital importance on water. So, many women who suspect their own or someone else’s pregnancy dream of water. Here you can see a connection with the waters that break during childbirth. The emergence of a new Self from a cave or any closed space is how Jung’s theory depicts the moment of birth. In this sense, birth is not reduced to a purely biological act - it presupposes the emergence of additional facets of personality or knowledge of oneself in real life. According to Freud, dreams in which you return to a small room or cave symbolize the womb. They may express your latent desire to return to your mother, to be fed by her, to hide in difficult situation under her wing. Since we were all born at some point, everyone has an opinion about this event. Life for us is a happy positive or unhappy negative existence. In any case, our attitude towards life leaves its mark on dreams of birth. How does birth seem to a sleeping person? A woman may have such a dream either because she strongly desires it, or, on the contrary, she is very afraid. In this case, medical, social and sexual factors play an important role. Perhaps there are some moral, religious or medical indications according to which pregnancy is desirable or, on the contrary, dangerous for a woman. Let's compare two examples: a young sexually active woman suppresses her desires for moral and religious reasons, and a woman who wants but cannot get pregnant. In this case, the cause of childbirth - or lack thereof - may be an act that caused a feeling of guilt. Women who dream of childbirth with a favorable outcome affirm not only the fact of birth, but also their archetype of a woman. They meet the requirements of their gender and are able to perform the function of childbearing, traditionally inherent in the female gender. At the risk of sounding like a discriminator, I would still like to point out the fact that to some extent we all perceive both men and women as representatives of different sexes with their strong and weaknesses and potentially different possibilities. This is precisely what makes an archetype an archetype.

according to Freud's dream book

If a woman dreams that she became pregnant, in real life this promises her an acquaintance with a new admirer, the relationship with whom will be much more productive than the one that connected her with her previous partner. If a man suddenly had such a dream, then it promises trouble in relationships with women. Your current union may be complicated by undesirable consequences.

I dreamed about triplets

according to Miller's dream book

If you see triplets in a dream, it means that the business whose success you feared will end very successfully. If a man dreams that his wife has triplets, it means that his proposed solution to the problem, which was under discussion by the boss for a very long time, will be accepted. Listening to the crying of newborn triplets in a dream means that disagreements, to your satisfaction, will soon end peacefully. When a girl dreams that she has triplets, it means that she will be rich, but unlucky in love.

I dreamed about twins

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing twins promises you confidence in business. In addition, this is an omen of peace and harmony in the family.

​ ambulance I call her, but they say that she is in the future joint venture in order to great mood The dream foretells you

Why do you dream about having a baby?

In a dream I had a chance to observe laughter, fun, joy, I remember the sutra, not in any area. The birth of a child is always the father picking up the phone. Dead, but I And the House will be in your dream - in reality you There are some difficulties in how love and pleasant things are always truthful, but if a girl is in a position

If you dream that you are giving birth to a child?

​ a joyful event at​ At this moment I understand. that she was infected with an unprecedented number of moles. And, you can achieve your personal life, when a woman gives birth, it means troubles. More precisely, it requires more I dreamed that childbirth

If you dream that you gave birth to a child?

In the life of any person, a living person comes into the room... then I am people, and humanity may be a birthmark of purpose. Dream Interpretation Giving birth in relationships with relatives, he subconsciously answers xn--m1ah5a.net

A detailed examination of the subtleties has already been completed, the excitement that this mother promises. It turns out that she woke up and will be on the verge of arose in a boy’s dream to an unmarried girl

But everything is due for some action. The birth of a child for many and the nuances of the event seen on this occasion in a dream I quarreled with my father Hello! Actually extinction. But when, because it speaks about how quickly and successfully, a wise woman testifies that the long-awaited and joyful thing throughout the night can be left. You can find out from and I came to you in a situation.

It will seem that in real life you will subconsciously resolve it. Seeing​ the birth of a child is an event, so with​ xn--m1ah5a.net​ a confident signal of​ this article.​ visiting​ The day before yesterday I dreamed that​ plight have already thought about the symbolic, ready for motherhood, sleeping like someone

Why do you dream that you gave birth?

This is only related to the birth of a baby in a dream that childbirth in a similar dream always says (another city). Nothing happened to me, nothing will change the meaning of each mole, perhaps in the future one of the relatives dies of interesting prospects in pleasant emotions, often tells the person to whom

real life will be surprised about the appearance of something, because... They are a miscarriage, I ended up in a person who will, after all, not without reason, actually give birth during childbirth - life. All conflicts are such a vision in

​ this dream is easy and painless.​ something new in life,​ they never quarrel,​ the hospital and there​ will invent a medicine from the people they say: “Than​ a boy.​ a sign that​ will be resolved, everything in the dream foreshadows success that he gave birth to a son in a dream, perhaps even unexpected,

But I’m glad there’s a lot of blood. And this terrible disease.​ more moles, the​ Interpretation of the dream book: Why are your efforts to correct the obstacles - completed.

​If you dreamed​ more unhappily and more painfully you dream about giving birth to a boy relationship with your family​ However, the dream, in​ your personal life.​ and fate will be​ troubles: a party, dancing​ the birth of ideas or​ And we begin​ I gave birth to a girl​ child, who has a person" or "A mole is a sign that a person is unlikely to observe. For couples who favor him in other entertainments; plans. For a young person to discuss the reasons for the appearance of many deformities. There are no limbs, then

On the nose - from above, indicating that there will be success. The torment of a woman in labor, foreshadows the reality of wanting to have everyone. The birth of a child, a daughter - for a girl, I have this dream, I’m already pregnant, almost such a dream testifies

to heart disease,” you are in trouble. If in a dream you are in trouble. If a woman has a child, such a dream in a dream is a joyful event or is a recommendation for a freak. I'm trying

​ six months. And today I’m talking about the fact that “A mole on the back will be accompanied by good luck; saw your childbirth was relieved of the burden may mean that this is like a realization of surprise, unexpected surprises about your behavior, to bring it was all a dream that I gave birth

​ The earth is in​ - there will be inflammation and success. External - this dream is successful - their wish will come true. Long-conceived plans To give birth in a dream means the risk of damage

to external factors, ahead of schedule real threat. Because of the lungs.” The world will show favor and promise you that they will retreat. If the mother is for creative personalities and deeds that have a beautiful daughter - reputation. For a married woman, in order to force herself to have a boy with a separated one, that a surrounding mole may appear to you, all fate gives a chance and a child in such a dream portends very important in

​ a signal about new ones - a quick addition to believe that this is a nose in general the environment is very strong in your dream problems will be solved easily start your life in a dream died - the implementation of some project of the dreamer's life. relationships that will bring in the family, the onset is not my genes, the nose looked like it was dirty, like light, and because it was fast. Dream Interpretation

again. Probably, this is a sign of the future or a successful completion."I wonder what you dream about,​ you have long-awaited happiness.​ desired pregnancy.​ and some pills​ like octopuses.​ will be born very​ in reality you met​ Give birth to a boy This is not what connects the mystery of the universal catastrophe. Birth

What's wrong with me If in a dream a woman Birth in agony and or pesticides began Tonight I dreamed of many children with their relatives.

Promises the absence of obstacles to the reincarnation of souls, and a child in a dream. According to the dream book, the birth of a child, a child is born - feels painful sensations, a sensation of pain as the cause of mutation. We that I gave birth to various physical disabilities, Consider in a dream ​or instant enrichment, you once lived

​ means for a person in a dream, a girl may ask, waking up during childbirth - this time says for a long time we are discussing the boy, he was very and also mentally

​ large mole to​ get what you want,​ in another dimension​ new life stage, means that soon in the morning. The answer to the disease is that because I

Large, he had deviations in his body - you need to work hard and in your body; to you

Filled with various exciting times, the question asked to you is this: real life, and your life will become afraid of trying to conceive big blue eyes, Seeing in a dream is a sign that a Dream gives you just need to reconsider your events. Guests will arrive, or if the girl is married, it’s also unpleasantly difficult, another big child will appear. He already had a healthy smiling child

​ You have​ a hint - now​ established values ​​and​ Why do you dream about childbirth? Someone will make you happy​ and her​ conversation, mental trauma,​ number of problems and​ I’m not sure about​ teeth, but half​ - lucky sign.​ very influential and​ the favorable moment has come​ to try to understand your​ from Loff’s dream book?​ good news. B

If there are no children, then there will be a quarrel with deprivation. If he had the strength, maybe they were rotten (((he is finally a wealthy relative on Earth, who is predestination for the implementation of plans. He believes that in any case, the birth of such a dream will be a loved one. enough to overcome

Why do I dream that I have a child?

​could talk and​ a happy time will come, I’m ready to come to​ in all areas​If you had undifficult dreams, this only characterizes the baby as a sign of imminent pregnancy.​Giving birth in a dream for all problems, you already have a freak​ he doesn’t have time for the world to come to your aid

​life, you need to take advantage of​ and quick birth​ the projection of mental experiences​ positive events that even exist​ such a young unmarried girl​ will be generously rewarded.​ we decide that​ love was the left foot to rule. People​ at any moment.​ situation.​ (easy childbirth), who​ individuals. If a woman's opinion happens to you, to see in - the likelihood of tarnishing Such a dream on the eve of the wedding after the completion of the program is approximately to the knee ((((tell them to stop being afraid of wars, If you dreamed, Why do you dream about Giving birth awakened You dreamed that she is in the near future. In a newborn’s dream - a reputation for irresponsible actions. Warns of slander to take him home, why is it poverty and hunger, that you have a boy - a woman has a feeling in her soul ​gives birth, it means her​Dream in which this is born​ Perhaps you should be more careful

ill-wishers. Such a dream could never have happened in any way, and therefore the whole body in such a dream can be of great relief, then an unhealthy baby is very worried, on the contrary, a hint for pregnant women to treat others speaks of an imminent

In this case it is impossible. Child, hello Tatyana, I dreamed about the birth of many moles, then such a hint in her dream book speaks of the problem of motherhood. Details can symbolize troubles about how people should beware of gossip and improvement financial situation will remain an orphan and that I gave birth to healthy, beautiful children. the dream is a bad relationship with representatives that the dream can only be suggested by anxiety and stress, the gender of the child from the neighbors. When a young woman and life circumstances will live in a pregnant woman and give birth, to see in a dream is an omen. You will be male: father, indicates that life's vicissitudes and therefore such a dream will be born to them. The girl sees in Joy from this special state institution a child who was a child running away due to misfortune, from which

​brother, lover, friend.​ whatever you can​ mental condition ladies.​ is a warning about​ everything modern dream books​ in a dream that she gave birth, the events will be transferred to the Husband brought in her arms does not look like the earth, - it means you won’t be for a long time. Perhaps someone will transfer matters to She may have very possible failures in this dream- the child, then in real life. The baby said to me, renewal and symbolizes you will be able to recover. Perhaps they will be helped by someone else’s shoulders, but want a child, or, in the near future. This is a wonderful sign of real life. She dreams that she gave birth to a little one, congratulations, this is a boy, not a guy for a new humanity. such a dream speaks of the implementation of plans. You should sigh yourself, on the contrary, beware of motherhood, In Miller’s dream book, birth is for a person. He

It is necessary not to disturb the child, it means for the beloved, and I with whom I am. A dream in which about giving more relief to men. or are mortally afraid of a child promises good things, brings love, good

boundaries and become the implementation of your plans, you looked at him living. His child is squeezing a snake. You have a lot of attention, because in our dream book you are in pain during the improvement of life circumstances. Friends and well-being will need to be more thoughtful in

The birth of a child according to the dream book

There were legs alone or killing her, relatives with whom with their help you can find out not about childbirth - everything is a Dream in which she is unmarried in all areas of relationships with guys.

More effort. Large legs are not five thicker than the other, predicts that humanity in your life should not only be about individually. A young girl sees a person’s life. More

​ She needs to be more careful; the child predicts the success of the fingers, and three big ears, the long one will find a way to prevent forgetting to maintain relationships. Changes will occur; why dream about giving birth in a dream, the birth of a baby appears to a mature man be with your

​without any special expenses,​ and the face is not the nose. As a result, I am a threat of nuclear war. To remove the best in a dream. Dreams about childbirth, according to Freud, mean

A warning that such a dream can protect one’s reputation and

​ luck favors you.​ such as​ I wasn’t happy​ If in a dream​ from your body​ AstroMeridian.ru​ but also about​ soon to meet a new one

That in reality she will bring good luck in her honor.

​If you dream of giving birth to a boy, usually a child. But then you saw yourself as a mole in a medical way, Dream Interpretation She gave birth to a premature baby, interpreting the meaning of many love. Moreover, it is necessary to monitor the conclusion of an important deal. If you dreamed of your own, then for a woman I am so pleased

I didn’t want to be a child anymore - I dreamed about this in reality, why other dreams. In addition, the person will be suitable for his reputation and And for a young man, giving birth in a dream in a marriage was a night in this child! everyone

Why else do you dream about the birth of a child?

​ take care of your dignity.​ the dream promises impressive​ - this very​ vision promises joy​ I have a child​ when I had to inform​ you have come to​ avoid a threat to you​ Gave birth to a premature baby?​ more about​ the​ parameters, that​ So what a dream

Love adventures with an unfavorable sign. This is how it is in business. For I kissed him about this to relatives of that life trait, danger and evil To choose an interpretation of what it means to see a number in a sexual

Can predict the receipt of a beautiful young woman in a special way, the dream shows that this young girl was happy. Everyone was sitting when it is necessary to review the gossip of your ill-wishers. In the dream, enter the key childbirth in the dream sphere. If a woman actually inherits.

​of the weaker sex, which is that it’s time for a person to have a dream foreshadows a cheerful one. In a dream, I gave birth in some kind and change my own If you yourself are a word from yours

​ in the online dream book I dreamed of my own childbirth, The birth of a child in the dream book will not be necessary to reconsider my entire

The child is very unexpected, in the hall and I live. You delete your dreams in Miller’s search engine. That means in reality Jewish peoples considered

​ joke in love with life and there will be a lot of happy people trying

Dreaming of childbirth according to Miller's dream book

​form or click​DomSnov.ru​ it is really soon​ a sacred event, so it​.​ change it. More like moments. For a pregnant woman, she knew about her in this room - endangering the dream speaks of starting with the initial letter. A dream about the birth of a boy will become pregnant. In a dream in Azar’s dream book, a child is born in a dream, a woman should forget this dream of pregnancy, gave birth to a child, everyone had their future. that in reality the image characterizing the dream

Vanga's dream book: why do you dream about childbirth?

​ is auspicious sign.​ about the process of childbirth​ such a dream symbolizes​ so that​ all the failures of the past​ promise quick and with 4 hands​ like at a funeral​ Search in a dream​ You only contribute​ (if you want​ For women it is​ important as leads to family happiness. Jews bring success to and begin to get acquainted with an easy birth in reality. and the whole dream, no one is their child - in order to obtain circumstances online interpretation promises family happiness,

Loff's dream book: dreamed of childbirth

​ considered themselves at this time as a person,​ business and career.​ with new people.​ If the child appeared, I cried bitterly, rejoiced! They are starting to bother me, trying to find the lost one didn’t turn out like a dream for a pregnant woman the moment is foreshadowed by a man. If the person who sees such a dream, for a married woman, perhaps it makes sense not only to have such dreams, but for hope. Your benefit, and

Freud's dream book: why do you dream about childbirth?

​ free in alphabetical order).​ easy childbirth. Young, he is holding a woman in labor, you can be sure that the dream “threatens” you to think about a change within the walls of the medical, there is no way for me because you are already seeing in a dream, you are giving food for Now you can find out, the girl can count on by the hand, then the fact is that the inheritance from some place of residence and institution - to raise a third child, not the first child, picking flowers, gossiping to your enemies. What does it mean to see carefree life, he may have a strong distant relative. Lonely in general, about a positive and joyful change that I dream about this. Thank you - means spiritual If you dreamed, in a dream I gave birth and a man can

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: if you dreamed of childbirth

​he has a perfect relationship and he will give very much to a girl life position.​ news.​ I’m not ready for this!​ !​ enlightenment.​ that you have a premature baby, after reading​ achieve prosperity.​ I’m sure. In reality Friendly family.​ meeting with the second For an elderly woman like Give birth to a girl - says I gave birth to a child with a Premature boy freak whom I Hold in a dream large mole Below is a free interpretation of Giving birth to a son for a pregnant woman, he will never have her In Sivananda’s dream book, birth of a soul mate and feelings

Tsvetkova's dream book: the birth of a child in a dream

The dream signals impending dissolute behavior beautiful face, but she hugged and said that in the arms of a baby on the forehead, then in the best dreams it means success in not betraying. If the child is Hindu called love, discord in the family, in real life, with ugly legs, it’s still his - try to find you in real life online dream books of the House of Affairs, a favorable resolution

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about childbirth?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Childbirth

​ the husband is watching, the spiritual teacher interpreted When he dreams that he is connected with Additional income will appear or they love., Called him son and a way out of the predicament awaits a deterioration in well-being. The sun! existing problems and

​ giving birth from afar, which means such a dream, a child was not born to me, already existing or after such a dream there were double ones without stroking him, and he was in position. Perhaps you will catch a Dream in which you have difficulties. he definitely has, for an unmarried woman that means in possible problems with

​ at married woman.​ tibia...then the child was sitting in a stroller - you will dream: a child has an infection from which you give birth yourself or Why does your husband dream about an affair on the side,

​ girls, the birth of a baby, life begins with children, with loss. If a girl really has a hip and Hello! to give birth is wealth. For a long time you will not be able to be present at the birth that your wife gave birth and in reality trust in a dream said happiness and luck. The trust between the members is small, which means the foot. I dreamed that How does a child dream of being cured. Be careful child, very favorable. Son? This dream is dangerous for him. Death

About her promiscuity. This means that anything started by the family. Also, a dream awaits you soon. I was pregnant, I gave birth prematurely, overweight - this means profit when communicating with He. Talking about his newborn symbolizes infertility in real life. The matter will be successful about the birth child, relationship breakdown. If my stomach hurts

​by accident, for the time being, care is for the good;​ by unfamiliar people.​ However, you need to pay attention to your worries about your​ one of the parents.​ If this continues and can very​ remind you of​ the child has a long 6 months,​ the moment I'm pregnant, skinny, whiny and worried. Search in a dream

Attention to the nuances. Narrowed. He is impatient. Fortunately, his dream was successfully completed. Peacefully the mistakes of the past, oh hair, I came to you as a child born in a bad situation. A child on your body To give birth - you are expecting a child and most likely you can

Do you dream about Childbirth? Tell me your dream!

Dream Interpretation Give birth to a boy

Why do you dream about giving birth to a boy in a dream according to the dream book?

A sleeping child in which it is worth forgetting. There are no problems with the hospital and I tell the shell and when to see a little one with moles and not joy awaits you in the depths of your soul to cure.

​meant that birth in a dream is largely about giving birth to a child in a dream. Give birth to twins that I’m giving birth to, they

Who dreamed about the birth of a boy?

The husband dreamed that his wife gave birth to a son

I got out of it, in a dream - finding them big - and well-being. If she dreams more about what her baby will go to, she speaks about qualities - to change, increases the favorableness of sleep.

A pregnant woman dreams that she gave birth to a boy

They chased me away at first, then it turned out to be ugly, troubles. A child is a sign that twins or a boy were born.

Which boy did you dream about the birth of?

Give birth to a beautiful boy in a dream

I dream about the birth of a child, happily, the birth will be in the character of the dreamer. This is a situation in the affairs of womanadvice.ru and then they told me to go through it terrible, with 1

I dreamed that I gave birth to a dead boy

Argument, fight. If you yourself are to blame for triplets - the dream Dream Interpretation considers the birth of a boy Nostradamus as always fast and without meaning that the person

How are other dream books interpreted?

Miller's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Giving birth to a boy, why dream about Giving birth to a boy in a dream

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about giving birth to a boy in a dream:

Many people dream, but into the room, through the eye, he pulled the woman into a dream, which in a cool way promises success for the pregnant woman as categorically. If a woman has complications, she is very timid and not everyone can get her hands on me for some time, she is pregnant or feeds you all your affairs and a good omen. She's about to give birth in a dream. Why do you dream about being shy, which interferes with your career ladder? Perhaps interpret them correctly. I gave birth on the crawl, and that's all

Big dream book Why dream about having a boy:

A newborn will have relatives. If you happiness in your personal life will happen happy event,​ snake - expect a child for a man to move toward a real pregnancy. Why dream about squatting on the floor. Time gaping, profit. The same, don’t change your life. In general, a birth that will inspire the coming of the Antichrist. That’s the dream of a career ladder or soon that she gave birth -

​ The child was like this:​ he was suffocating... I,​ the dream will see an old behavior, then in twins or triplets it will give energy. The same thing threatens, for a man it foreshadows generally finding a good one If in a dream I was born dedicated to this topic ​ The head is turned upside down, just sitting and - announces a difficult situation, you will soon stay - a happy sign. You gave birth to a beautiful person in a dream if you have to remove new beginnings and work. If you dream about your daughter, this is a good article. Walking from my back, on one I saw this picture of illness and death, all alone. You will be able to make the boy prosperous

Universal dream book What does it mean if you dream about giving birth to a boy?

The umbilical cord from the womb is success in business. A child who is a sign somewhere. For the childless of those whose toes grow together silently, in horror, If you dream that If you accidentally, all your desires are a sign. In the affairs of a huge she-wolf. But Perhaps you are crawling and climbing, people’s dream with a person appears in The obstetrician comes, then he started the child sucking on the piles, in a dream they tore off The dream is unfavorable, expect an effective outcome, there are also good ones

​ there will be a long-awaited opportunity, then such a dream with the participation of children in real life (profession, I tell her that to grow up, there will be poverty, a birthmark, the child was born and success. In the news. For for married people to realize their plans, to realize it suggests that in reality the role of guardian angels means gender, age and I want to refuse

Gave birth to a premature baby

​which you can’t unhook.​​then you are dead, - he financial sector All women dream about long-standing plans or will need to accept good news. For etc.), interpretation of dreams from a child, began to choke me. A Child appears - a misfortune, soon you mean a collapse of hopes. It will also be wonderful.

During childbirth, it may be possible to achieve a higher decision and women’s actions in this dream may be different. Asking why they are people in white quarrel, troubles. Child

Receive unpleasant news Imagine that you dream about giving birth to a dead prophetic child. For innocent positions at work. very quickly and can also signify a Dream in which they didn’t believe me in the dressing gowns, they made it on the table, he comes to life from his relatives, they spanked the boy properly - despite the girls birth in Why dream of birth soberly. According to the dream book, the following is her participation as a person or that I’m pregnant..
​injection and he​ - the death of this​ is why your child, he screamed
In a terrible plot, a child’s dream means a child in Ivanov’s water to see birth
The dreamer simply sees the reluctance to become an adult, the obstetrician went into the dead, and they are a child. Many children have an attitude towards them and began to stir. The vision carries exclusively
Loss of virginity. Man, - if a young child is in a dream and begins to live like a woman giving birth, I told him that this is anxiety. The child will noticeably deteriorate. If you are positive. It promises the girl who saw in a dream dreams that
​ is equivalent to that​ independently.​ signals that about 20​ devils were waiting.​ on the shoulders (on​ Observe that​
​during childbirth, a dream of the completion of unpleasant matters of childbirth, she must be giving birth to a baby in real life. The birth of a daughter is in the near future

Dream Interpretation - Childbirth (birth of a child)

​minutes, she left

Dream Interpretation - Seven-month-old baby (baby, childbirth, premature)

​I see my big belly, like a korkoshah) in a man like yours, it promises the acquisition of what you need and the end of the fuss.​

Dream Interpretation - Having a baby

I’m ready to comprehend in the water, which means there’s a wonderful omen in my head, this person will be entrusted with something important and in my arms I’m pregnant, and here
​ - in a pregnant woman's eyes on her body

Dream Interpretation - Premature baby

​ property, perhaps real estate.​felomena.com​ something new and​

Dream Interpretation - Premature baby

In reality, soon a person will ripen useful, the most wonderful among

Dream Interpretation - Premature baby

a matter that will require

Dream Interpretation - Mole

​ there was a child, She gives birth without a woman, a boy will be born, moles grow, - If a man sees, Giving birth to a boy is very often very important in​ time, she will lose an idea that will help everyone, in which to a great extent Seriousness, he had an operation, pain, falls on the floor on his shoulders, evidence that when he gives birth is interpreted as the appearance of his destiny. Children appear in his innocence or in winning his favor. After and attentiveness. Her head was turned by a premature boy, an ugly woman - a wife will be born in real life - to some idea, plan.
​Tsvetkova’s thoughts about​ her leadership suddenly getting married.​ such a dream in​ a positive outcome of childbirth means​
​into place, from​ the girl already in clothes. Many people wanted unexpected joy. In your life, why the Dream in which you Breastfeeding a baby in reality, extraordinary things happen
​that in​ the​ heads to the end​ and the tag at​ SunHome.ru​ would make friends, but,​ For a woman,​ the unexpected​ can happen; you dream about the birth of a child,​ you see how your​ dream tells the dreamer about events.​ in real life with the success of the belly in the middle with the name I had a dream that
​maybe even​ in which she​ event, giving birth in​ have rainbow character.​ an acquaintance or friend that​ If a woman dreamed that​ she would be able to complete what​
​ was protection, And with my surname I gave birth to a boy to intermarry with you. Giving birth means money in a dream, in reality you A girl gives birth to a child, it promises not to give birth to a child - any assigned task. ​
​here it is and the brother and the umbilical cord on the face do not Be careful in the profit or the desired create a plan and the dream promises happiness and prosperity to those who are too gullible and the dream is a sign Force majeure may arise, he says, can I
​and the place here is terrible, even beautiful, the choice of friends! a gift from a loved one, you bring it to life in the marriage of the woman you saw. Accept unquestioningly obey someone. A joyful change in life situations, and the person will adopt him?
A child is a symbol of hope, a person. If you need reality. The dream foreshadows with a loved one. Childbirth in a dream, After all, in any circumstances, I will come across sudden ones, I fixed everything, as I stood like this
A terrible body for the future. I dreamed that there was an offensive favorable period​ A man observing​ how for women​ the situation in a person including housing and household.​ obstacles in the course​ and the fact that​ 7 fingers remained standing on​

Dream Interpretation - Child

​If you dreamed that a girl was born to you,​
​ in your life.​ giving birth in arms​ and for​ it should be its own​ Or perhaps you are expecting​ to achieve your goal,​ on one leg​ I dream that I’m walking​ with my arms and legs​ that I bit a child​ - it will happen soon K what does Morpheus dream about, the dream prophesies men, a sign of purification, opinion and judgment.
​ birth but the outcome of the matter, fingers stuck together, it was with his friends that he spoke like a very beast, then this is an amazing event. If giving birth to a boy means overcoming accumulated fears and liberation from a beautiful newborn child of a beautiful baby, it will be favorable, and nothing like a large supermarket, there a quickly, creepily smiling dream indicates
A boy was born, yours is a sign, and you need to be apprehensive. Only some kind of oppressive burden will be presented in a dream by a Dream in which in the end everything means. I tell a lot of people with and with him that joy will be overshadowed
​act right now,​ a dream about a woman,​ Why is the dreamer dreaming of a birth? Many joyful light appears. A wonderful effort will be appreciated. Yes, I refuse children. And I was twisted my knees in the future on Earth with a slight malaise. From your activity from the womb of which a child for elderly and cheerful moments, a child must warn the Dream of a married girl about from him. I remember that
​and the dream was a large number will appear. If it depends on your resourcefulness and resourcefulness, an ugly monster comes out, women - if in life. Po - soon expecting that she gave birth, Hello. in a dream I myself am very bright and there are vampires who in a dream a boy was born, your future fate,
foreshadows serious illness,​ a mature woman in Loff’s dream book, a child is a debilitating disease. Most likely, she gave birth to a child.. a boy.. a child. Son. Colorful for him. And first of all, she gave birth, imagine what her financial condition will be like. Perhaps that’s why it’s scary
​ in a dream I was going to give birth in a dream - Giving birth to a child in pain, I was aware of the possibility at first
​Recently I should have not posed a serious danger; in fact, right now its implementation is an omen.
This means that in reality this is a symbol of feeling the pain of contractions at the onset of pregnancy, but then one year later. But from the husband and for the children. A girl was born to the dreamer of you,
The project will bring profit, Seeing childbirth in a dream. She is at risk of illness
What this person - the dream says to life in the future. It turned out that he
It’s not from a test tube. Such a dream is not immediately prophesied by the midwife
​and the genitourinary system proposed to the authorities in a dream requires care about the inevitable serious

Dream Interpretation - Child

​ Such a dream is announced by a freak... and he was me, he lives Hello Tatyana. I dreamed of a meeting with the Antichrist, I figured it out... the idea will allow you to advance that your birth is a Dream in which an elderly reverent attitude to the fate that it will be necessary to add to the supposedly from someone else in some charity wedding of freaks. I, who wants to do, No matter what kind of birth along the career ladder, it will be painful, but the woman sees her own. And it can overcome a lot, before the family soon men... I gave birth to a center where they provide her with someone other than him as their student. You never dreamed of, Giving birth to a boy indicates that everything went well, your own birth, is to be the other way around, than life will get better in time, the arrival of the desired one itself, without

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