Ancient Russian folk games. Pedagogical project “Folk outdoor games

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Savinskaya secondary school


Russian folk outdoor games


1st grade student

MBOU Savinskaya Secondary School

Tsvetkov Matvey

Project Manager:

teacher primary classes

Skvortsova Svetlana Sergeevna

P. Savino




Tasks: 1. Conduct a sociological survey.

2. Study the variety of Russian folk games, their rules and choose

Games for children of primary school age.

Subject of study:

Expected results.

Collection and analysis of information.

First, I conducted a sociological survey among the guys in our class. 18 people were interviewed.



Do you like to play outdoor games?


How many Russian folk games do you know?



Do you want to learn how to play Russian games that are unfamiliar to you? folk games?


Do you need to know and be able to play Russian folk games and follow the rules?


My classmates have a negative attitude towards guys who are overly passionate about computer games. Since fans of computer games spoil their psyche, eyesight, lead a sedentary lifestyle, and get sick more often.

The survey results showed that the children have a great desire to learn new Russian folk games and learn to play them.

From the history of Russian folk outdoor games

Russian folk games have centuries-old history, they have survived and survived to this day from ancient times, passed down from generation to generation, absorbing the best national traditions. Russian folk games have a great influence on developing the mind, character, willpower, independence, patience, leadership and compliance. They also contribute to the development of physical qualities, such as speed and dexterity of movements, jumping ability, endurance, eye, and spatial orientation. Russian folk games create a certain spiritual mood, interest in folk art and the history of the Russian people.

counting rhymes and collusions

Lot - This symbol, some object, for example a board, cardboard or stick of the same size. Whoever draws lots with a conditional note will be the leader.

There are other draws. They are called guesses when one of the players takes a lot and hides it in his hand behind his back. The one who guesses correctly wins the bet.

Ancient rhymes

The peas were rolling across the dish.

You drive

But I won't.


I went to the forest



She told us.

And we


We don't eat


We'll give it back!

Ahi, ahi, ahi, oh,

Masha was sowing peas.

He was born thick,

We'll rush, just wait!

Mosquitoes - midges,

Thin legs

Dancing along the path...

The night is near

Fly away.

Tilitelli, -

The birds were singing

They took off and flew towards the forest.

The birds began to build nests!

Whoever doesn't howl should drive!

Circle the hoop,

Circle hoop

Who's playing,

It will be so.

Who does not want to

To be a snake

Come out

Get out of the circle!

The cuckoo was walking

Past the network

And behind her

Small children

And they shouted:

“Kuk! Poppy!"

Clean it up

One fist!

The cuckoo was walking

Past the network

And behind her

Children are small.


They ask for a drink.

Come out-

You should drive!

Brynn Indians,


Brynn Indians,

Let's play!

Brynn Indians,

Don't want!

Brynn Indians,

There I go!

Zealous horse

With a long mane

Jumping, jumping

Along the fields.

Here and there!

Here and there!

Where will he ride?

Come out

Get out of the circle!

Once upon a time there were three herrings:
Kulya, Mulya and Balda.
Kulya and Mulya slept together,
And Balda slept alone.


Who do you choose:

Black horse

Or a gold collar?

Balls roll

Or pour water?

Mow hay

Or chop wood?

Forge a horse

Or sweep the yard?

Who will you take:

Shaggy bear

Or a horned goat?

From the river ruff

Or a hedgehog from the forest?

gray duck

Or a wooden pipe?

Who will you invite to visit:

Sly fox

Or Marya-beautiful?

What to give you:

A piece of sugar or a little red handkerchief?

Russian folk outdoor games,

which we learned to play


All players stand in a circle and join hands. The players walk in a circle, the rooster is in a circle.

Children say a nursery rhyme:



A rooster walks around the yard.

Himself with spurs, a tail with patterns.

Standing in the yard, screaming the loudest!

Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku!

Everyone runs away, the rooster catches the children, and the one caught becomes the rooster.


The leader moves away from the other participants in the game. He walks forward, but not very far - three or four steps. Here he turns his back to the guys and says in a sing-song voice:

I'm burning, I'm burning on a pebble! I'm burning, I'm burning on a pebble!

He is forbidden to look around and look around.

While he is saying this, all the others join hands and stand behind him in pairs - one pair after another. As soon as they stand, they sing the following song in chorus:

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

Look at the sky:

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing!

As soon as these words are sung, the leader must look at the sky.

Here the last couple in the line separates their hands - one will run forward along the line on the right, the other on the left. So they caught up with the leader - but he still stood there and didn’t look back - and suddenly everyone shouted loudly to him:

One, two,

Don't be a crow


Like fire!

The leader looks around and rushes as fast as he can towards the fleeing people. He strives to catch one of them. But it's not that easy to do. If the runners hold hands, then the “burner” is not scary for them, and the driver “burns” again. But if the driver managed to catch one of the runners, he stands in front of the entire column, and the one who is left without a partner “burns”.

Burners with handkerchief

All participants in the game stand in pairs one after another, the driver stands in front of the column and holds a handkerchief in his hand above his head.

The players say in chorus:

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

Look at the sky:

Birds are flying!

The bells are ringing!

Once! Two! Three! Run!

After the words “One! Two! Three! Run!” the players of the last pair quickly run forward, and whichever of them is the first to take a handkerchief stands with the driver in front of the column, and the latecomer “burns.”

"Grandma Yozhka"

The driver, Grandma Ezhka, stands in the middle of the circle, holding a “broom” in her hands. The players are running around and teasing her:

Grandma Hedgehog Bone Leg
Fell from the stove, broke my leg,
And then he says:
- My leg hurts.
She went outside
Crushed the chicken.
I went to the market
She crushed the samovar.

Grandma Yozhka jumps on one leg and tries to touch someone with a broom. Whoever it touches freezes.

By the bear in the forest

One person is chosen to play the role of the bear, who, according to the plot, must protect his forest from the encroachments of children. Other children creep up to him, singing the words “The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries, but the bear does not sleep, he is looking at us...”. At this moment the bear “wakes up”. The one he catches is out of the game. The game can be repeated several times.

Empty place

The players, except the driver, stand in a circle, the driver behind the circle. Everyone puts their hands behind their backs or simply lowers them down. The driver walks around the circle and touches someone, touching their back or arms. This means that he challenges this player to a competition. Having touched, the driver runs in any direction behind the circle, and the called one runs in reverse side round. Having met, they either simply walk around each other or say hello(crouching, bowing, etc.)and continue to run faster in a circle to take the vacant seat. Whoever takes it stays there, and the one left without a place becomes the driver.


Participants in the game choose the owner and two buyers. The rest of the players are paints. Each paint comes up with a color for itself and quietly names its owner. When all the paints have chosen a color and named it to the owner, he invites one of the buyers.

The buyer knocks:

Knock! Knock!

Who's there?


Why did you come?

For paint.

For which?

For blue.

If there is no blue paint, the owner says: “Walk along the blue path, find blue boots.”

If the buyer guesses the color of the paint, then he takes the paint for himself.

A second buyer arrives and the conversation with the owner is repeated. And so they come up one by one and sort out the paints. The buyer who collects the most colors wins.

Rules of the game: The buyer who guessed the most colors becomes the owner.


The players choose a shepherd and a wolf, and everyone else chooses sheep. The wolf's house is in the forest, and the sheep have two houses at opposite ends of the site. The sheep loudly call the shepherd: Shepherd! Shepherd boy!

Play the horn!

Drive the herd into the field

Take a walk in freedom!

The shepherd drives the sheep out into the meadow, they walk, run, and jump. At the shepherd’s signal: “Wolf!” - all the sheep run into the house on the opposite side of the site. The shepherd stands in the way of the wolf and protects the sheep. Everyone caught by the wolf leaves the game.

Rules of the game: During the run, the sheep cannot return to the house from which they left. The shepherd only shields the sheep from the wolf, but does not stop him with his hands.

Two Frosts

On opposite sides The playgrounds represent two houses, one of which houses the players. The drivers stand in the middle of the platform - Frost-Red Nose and Frost-Blue Nose.

They say:

I am Frost the Red Nose.

I am Frost the Blue Nose.

Which one of you will decide

Set off on a path?

The players answer:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

After this, the children run across the playground to another house. Frost catches up with them and tries to freeze them (touch them with your hand). The frozen ones stop at the place where the Frost overtook them and stand until the end of the run. After several dashes, another driver is chosen.

Rules of the game: You can only run after the word “frost”; “frozen” players do not move from their place.



I learned that Russian folk outdoor games have existed since ancient times, only over time they improved and changed, depending on the area, time and nationality. The games have a lot of humor, jokes, and competitive fervor.

Folk games help us make friends, understand and help each other, give in, and be tolerant. By playing Russian outdoor games, we become strong, dexterous, and fast. The joy of movement is combined with spiritual enrichment. The game situation is captivating and requires mental activity from us.

Conclusion, we do : Everyone always needs a game.

We know the games of our ancestors,

And in overseas - strangers.

We forget our games.

Speech at the defense of the project.

Subject my project “Russian folk outdoor games”


This September we became first graders. We really enjoy studying at school. In our lessons we learn a lot of interesting and useful things. But during long breaks between classes and walks outside in an extended day group, I want to play games. But all our entertainment is catching up, running after each other. This creates noise in the school that disturbs other children. On extracurricular activities"Outdoor Games" we were introduced to some games that can be played indoors and outdoors. We especially liked Russian folk games. It was fun! And the changes began to happen quickly and interestingly. I decided to find information about Russian folk games, learn to play them, and teach these games to my classmates and friends.And most likely, it will be much more interesting and useful to spend time during school breaks, visiting and while walking on the street.

Objective of the project : studying Russian folk outdoor games

Tasks: 1. Conduct a survey of the guys.

2. Study the variety of Russian folk games, their rules and choose games for children of primary school age.

3. Teach these games to your classmates.

Subject of study: Russian folk outdoor games.

Expected results.

I will get acquainted with new Russian folk games. I will learn myself and teach others to play these games in order to spend my free time interestingly and usefully.

First, I conducted a survey among my classmates. 18 people were interviewed. The survey results showed that the children love to play outdoor games, but they know them little and really want to learn new ones. My classmates have a negative attitude towards students who are overly passionate about computer games. Since fans of computer games spoil their psyche, eyesight, lead a sedentary lifestyle, and get sick more often.

I introduced the children to the history of Russian folk games. He said that Russian folk games have a great influence on developing the mind, character, willpower, independence, patience, leadership and compliance. They also contribute to the development of physical qualities, such as speed and dexterity of movements, jumping ability, endurance, eye, and spatial orientation.

In any Russian game there is always a driver or presenter. There are usually many people willing to fill this role, but you need to choose one, sometimes two, which is what they serve for counting rhymes and collusions . The driver can also be chosen by drawing lots.

We learned old rhymes and collusions. We especially liked these.

The cuckoo was walking

Past the network

And behind her

Children are small.


They ask for a drink.

Come out-

You should drive!

Once upon a time there were three herrings:
Kulya, Mulya and Balda.
Kulya and Mulya slept together,
And Balda slept alone.

Who will you take:

Shaggy bear

Or a horned goat?

From the river ruff

Or a hedgehog from the forest?

gray duck

Or a wooden pipe?

Who will you invite to visit:

Sly fox

Or Marya-beautiful?

We learned to play Russian folk outdoor games:

“Rooster”, “Burners”, “Burners with a handkerchief”, “Grandma Yozhka”, “By the bear in the forest”, “Empty space”, “Colors”, “The Herd”, “Two Frosts”, “Stream”, “Cock the battle".

I learned that Russian folk outdoor games have existed since ancient times, only over time they improved and changed. The games have a lot of humor, jokes, and competitive fervor.

My classmates learned to play these games with pleasure, and now we always have something to do in our free time.

Folk games help us make friends, understand and help each other, give in, and be tolerant. By playing Russian outdoor games, we become strong, dexterous, and fast. The game situation is captivating and requires mental activity from us.

Therefore, I believe that it is necessary to study old forgotten games and introduce them to other guys who would find it very useful to play fresh air rather than sitting at a computer.

Conclusion, we do : Everyone always needs a game.

Our grandmothers played, they didn’t know foreign games.

We know the games of our ancestors,

But we play from the heart not at Russian relatives,

And in overseas - strangers.

We play Batman and Bratz,

We forget our games.

Games are not only entertainment, friends.

Games are a great creation of the people!

Strength and agility are inherent in them,

Sweet homeland, light up with art!

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Russian folk games The work was completed by: Olga Alekseevna Bakhareva, primary school teacher at the State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School. Cats of Koshkinsky district Samara region

2 slide

Slide description:

Relevance An important means of moral and patriotic education is the introduction of children to the traditions of the people. The homeland appears to the child in images for the first time. Sounds and colors, in games. Folk art, rich and varied in content, carries all this in abundance. Folk games are an integral part of the moral and patriotic education of preschool children. They reflect the way of life of people, their work, way of life, national principles, ideas about honor, courage, courage, the desire to have strength, dexterity, endurance, to show ingenuity, endurance, resourcefulness. The joy of movement is combined with the spiritual enrichment of children. The peculiarity of folk games is that they, having a moral basis, teach the child to find harmony with the world around him. Children develop a stable, interested, respectful attitude towards the culture of their native country, creating a positive emotional basis for the development of patriotic feelings. In terms of content, folk games are laconic, expressive and accessible to the child, causing active thought. Russian folk outdoor games, in combination with other educational means, represent the basis for the formation of a harmoniously developed, active personality, combining spiritual wealth and physical perfection. * *

3 slide

Slide description:

Goal: To introduce children to Russian folk outdoor games, to awaken in the child’s soul an interest in the history and culture of the country. Objectives: 1Introduce children to Russian folk outdoor games and teach them the rules of playing them; 2Develop communication, motor skills and abilities through outdoor games; 3Cultivate interest and love for Russian national culture, folk art, customs, traditions, and folk games. Improve health Problematic issues. 1 What games did our grandmothers play in Rus'? 2 What games do we play, what grandmother’s games do we know? * *

4 slide

Slide description:

Russian folk games are very diverse. Children's games, Board games, round dance games for adults with folk songs, jokes, and dances. Games have long served as a means of self-knowledge, here they showed their best qualities: kindness, nobility, mutual assistance, self-sacrifice for the sake of others * *

5 slide

Slide description:

Game “Cat and Mouse” The players (no more than five pairs) stand in two rows facing each other, join hands, forming a small passage - a hole. There are cats in one row, mice in the other. The first pair starts the game: the cat catches the mouse, and the mouse runs around the players. At a dangerous moment, the mouse can hide in the corridor formed by the clasped hands of the players. As soon as the cat catches the mouse, the players stand in a row. The second pair starts the game. The game continues until the cats catch all the mice. Rules of the game. The cat must not run into the hole. The cat and mice should not run far from the hole. * *

6 slide

Slide description:

Game “Circle Tag” The participants of the game stand in a circle at a distance of one step. Everyone marks their place with a circle. Two drivers stand at some distance from each other, one of them is a tag, he is catching up with the second player. If the runner sees that the tag is catching up with him, he asks for help from the players standing still, calling one of them by name. The named player leaves his place and runs in a circle, the tag already catches up with him. Free place occupied by the player who started the game. If there is time, a free circle can be taken by a tag, then the tag becomes the one who is left without a place. The game continues, the tag catches up with the player who left the circle. * *

7 slide

Slide description:

Game "Wet Roosters" Wet Roosters. This game is based on the Russian folk game "Cockfighting". To play this game you will need a plastic vessel, water, sand, sunny weather. Before you start playing on the sand, you need to draw a circle with a diameter of approximately two to three meters. Two players stand in it. In the hands of each player are plastic vessels filled with water. Each of the “roosters” presses one leg, no matter the left or the right, whichever is more convenient for you. After the leader gives a signal, the players, jumping on one leg, try to pour water on the opponent’s back. You cannot go outside the circle. The player who gets the opponent's back wet first wins. It is not recommended to reconcile quarreling lovers with such a game. I wish you a pleasant time! Good luck! * *

8 slide

Slide description:

Slide 9

Slide description:

Game "Snowball" The players build snow fortress 1.5-2 meters high. WITH inside They make a rampart so that the defenders can position themselves on it. Shields are installed in the corners of the fortress. There are three lines of defense in front of the fortress. They are indicated by flags or dry branches. The first line runs ten meters from the fortress, the second - fifteen meters, and the third - twenty meters. The players are divided into two teams: attackers and defenders. At the signal, the assault on the fortress begins, i.e. firing snowballs from the very far zone. If the assaulters hit each of the shields once, they move to the second line of defense. At this time, the defenders fire snowballs at the attackers. The attacker who is hit by the snowball is eliminated from the game. If the attackers passed all the lines of defense, then victory is theirs. If they are all hit by well-aimed hits, then victory goes to the defenders. Directions; to be played: the game is played in the courtyard of a house or on a school playground. The number of participants can be up to 20 - 30 people. If there are many participants, you can attack not from one side, but from four. In this case, an all-round defense is created and four towers with shields are installed. Players who are hit by snowballs are eliminated from the game. * *

10 slide

Slide description:

11 slide

Slide description:

Game "Guide" This is more than just a game. This is an acquaintance of souls, when there are no distractions such as appearance and look. Men stand in the inner circle, facing the center of the circle, hold hands and close their eyes. In the outer circle, girls dance in a circle to the music. After some time, at the leader’s signal, a clap or a whistle, the girls begin to sort out the guys - any one they like from those who are closer. They take the guy by the hand and lead him in a circle, the guy walks with his eyes closed the whole time. It is advisable that the number of girls and boys coincide so that no one is left standing alone in the inner circle. At the leader’s signal, the girls carefully line up the guys again in the inner circle, and they themselves move on in a round dance. This is repeated three times. When, after the third time, the guys are again placed in the inner circle, the leader gives a signal - “You can open your eyes.” The sharing begins. The guys describe their feelings, name which of the three girls they liked, whom they would like to see. Girls are usually happy to confess and show themselves. Then the girls stand in the inner circle with their eyes closed, and the guys stand in the outer circle, and everything repeats. * *

Yulia Orlova


Currently, the task of preserving national traditions, the formation of a person’s national identity. Observations show that a modern child who lives in a city has a weak sense of belonging to the Russian to the people. Accessibility and expressiveness folk games activates the child’s mental activity, helps expand ideas about the cultural heritage of the Russian people, development mental processes. Therefore, the problem of introducing preschool children to Russian folk games is relevant and meets the needs of the time and kindergarten. Only through folk pedagogy may be introduced to cultural values, the heritage of Russian people. Revive the Russians folk games, education and development of children using Russian folk culture, Russian national traditions, as well as system development creativity older children preschool age through familiarization with the origins of Russians folk games, fostering love and interest in the history of one’s people

Target project:

nurturing in children interest and love for Russian national culture, folk art, custom, traditions, to folk calendar , To folk games


Education folk outdoor games and joint activities.

Development of physical qualities: agility, balance, speed of movement through folk outdoor games.

Consolidation of the main movements: running, jumping, throwing during the folk outdoor games.

Nurturing love for native land, independence in decision making.

Use such types of folklore as (songs, nursery rhymes, riddles, round dances, since folklore is the richest source of cognitive and moral development of children.

"The sparrow flew, flew"

The sparrow flew and flew.

He flew, he flew young.

Across the blue sea

I saw, I saw the sparrow

How the leaves rustle

How bunnies jump

How bears walk.

"Grandfather Mazai"

Hello, grandfather Mazai!

Get out of the box.

We won't say where we were

We'll show you what they did


Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells,

The ends are gilded.

Who plays the bells?

The blind man's buff won't catch him.

"Golden Gate"

Golden Gate

They don't always miss.

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is prohibited

And the third time we won’t let you through.

"Swan geese"

Geese, geese!


Do you want to eat?

Yes Yes Yes!

So fly home!

- We are not allowed: The gray wolf under the mountain won't let us go home!

Well, fly as you want, just take care of your wings!


Counting books:

One two three four five -

Let's start the games.

The bees flew into the field.

They buzzed and buzzed.

The bees sat on the flowers.

We play - you drive.

One two Three.

Come out into the clearing

Round dances of the backwaters,

Who's left

That one drives.

One two three four five,

We're going to play.

A magpie flew to us

And I told you to drive

Publications on the topic:

Long-term planning for the Heritage program. Block “National traditions of the Kazakh people” Long-term planning from the Heritage program 1. BLOCK “National traditions of the Kazakh people” - folk traditions, customs, holidays,.

Consultation “Let’s Revive Folk Games” Today we are beginning to look at many things differently, we are discovering and re-evaluating many things. Nowadays most people are of the younger generation.

Kuban folk games The gaming folklore of the Kuban people is characterized by a pronounced labor and military-applied orientation. Cossack games are historical.

Lapbook “Folk outdoor games” Everyone already knows this rather new type of teaching aids - LAPBUK, which translates as “book.”

Folk games for preschoolers Folk games for preschoolers HISTORY OF FOLK GAMES The culture of every nation includes the games it created. For centuries, these games have been accompanied.

Much has already been said about the role of outdoor play in the system of training and education. And in our preschool educational institution No. 9, outdoor organized games are a means.

Relevance Currently, the task of preserving national traditions and forming a person’s national self-awareness is urgent. Observations show that a modern child who lives in a city has a weak sense of belonging to the Russian people. The accessibility and expressiveness of folk games activates the child’s mental activity, contributes to the expansion of ideas about the cultural heritage of the Russian people, and the development of mental processes. Therefore, the problem of introducing preschoolers to Russian folk games is relevant and meets the needs of the time and the kindergarten. Only through folk pedagogy is it possible to become familiar with the cultural values ​​and heritage of the Russian people. To revive Russian folk games, the upbringing and development of children through the means of Russian folk culture, Russian national traditions, as well as the systematic development of the creative abilities of children of senior preschool age through familiarization with the origins of Russian folk games, nurturing love and interest in the history of their people

Type of project: informational, gaming, medium-term (March-May) Goal: raising children's interest and love for Russian national culture, folk art, customs, traditions, the folk calendar, folk games Objectives: Teaching folk outdoor games and joint activities. Development of physical qualities: dexterity, balance, speed of movement through folk outdoor games. Consolidation of basic movements: running, jumping, throwing during folk outdoor games. Fostering love for the native land and independence in decision making. Use all types of folklore (fairy tales, songs, nursery rhymes, chants, proverbs, sayings, riddles, round dances, outdoor games), since folklore is the richest source of cognitive and moral development of children.

Directions of work to introduce children to Russian national culture: Creation of a subject-developing environment Wide use of folklore (fairy tales, songs, ditties, proverbs, sayings, etc.) Acquaintance with traditional and ritual holidays. Introduction to Russian folk games.

The expected result is the development of dialogical and monologue speech of children. use by children in active speech nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, riddles. children learn to play Russian folk outdoor games, use counting rhymes. children will show initiative and independence in choosing a role, plot, and means of transformation. Respond emotionally to the experiences of characters in fairy tales and nursery rhymes.

Forms of work Parents: Consultations “Russian folk game in the life of a preschooler”, “Use of nursery rhymes, tongue twisters in Everyday life preschooler" Children: Conversations about the history of Russian folk games Learning folk games, rhymes Integrated lesson "Russian hut" Entertainment "There was a birch tree in the field" Theater week: "Russian folk tale" Educators: Card index of "Russian folk games" Card index "Ancient rhymes, nursery rhymes » Consultation “Child development through folk play”


Methodological development physical education project for students primary school « Russian folk outdoor games»

Physical education teacher

Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 34"

Zinovieva T.V.



Chapter 1. Theoretical part……………………………………………………………..5

Chapter 2. Practical part……………………………………………………………………..………11


Information sources……………………………………………………………………………….13



This methodological development is devoted to the study of the characteristics of Russian folk outdoor games and their impact on the development of motor activity of a schoolchild. During the organized project activities students:

Learned about the history of folk games;

Learned how to interview and conduct a sociological survey;

Gained organizational experience mass events;

Learned to work in a team


The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that outdoor play is an indispensable means of replenishing a child’s knowledge and ideas about the world around him, developing thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, and valuable moral and volitional qualities. The junior schoolchild realizes his freedom of action in outdoor games, which are the leading method of developing physical education. In pedagogical science, outdoor games are considered as the most important means of a child’s comprehensive development. The deep meaning of outdoor games lies in their full role in physical and spiritual life, existing in the history and culture of every nation. Outdoor play can be called the most important educational institution, promoting both the development of physical and mental abilities, and development moral standards, rules of behavior, ethical values ​​of society.

Outdoor games are one of the conditions for the development of a child’s culture. In them he comprehends and learns the world, in them his intellect, fantasy, imagination develop, and are formed social qualities. Outdoor games are always creative activity, in which the child’s natural need for movement is manifested, the need to find a solution to a motor problem. While playing, a child not only learns about the world around him, but also transforms it.

The educational significance of folk outdoor games is enormous. K.D. Ushinsky wrote that education created by the people themselves and based on popular principles, has that educational power that is not found in most best systems based on abstract ideas or borrowed from another people.
K.D. Ushinsky also considered it necessary to pay attention to folk games, work through this rich source, organize them and create from them an excellent and powerful educational tool.

According to A.P. Usova, the games that children borrow from each other, the younger generation from the older, were created by the people, as well as folk songs and fairy tales. It is for this reason that they are called folk.
The enormous educational significance of folk outdoor games was pointed out by everyone who in one way or another encountered them in their scientific and pedagogical activities.
First of all, it is necessary to turn to the works of E. A. Pokrovsky. This outstanding scientist noted that in the life of the Russian people various types Games and games have occupied a very prominent place since ancient times. He was one of the few who paid attention to such a feature of folk games as the reflection in them of the history of a particular nation. In the old days there were especially many games with a touch of pagan cult, such as, for example, the celebration of Kostroma, Yarila, etc., accompanied by for the most part noisy, loud fun, songs and games. From early spring until late autumn in Russian villages, at every folk or temple holiday, people have long led round dances, accompanied by a special kind of songs and games. E. A. Pokrovsky emphasized that outdoor games are of great educational importance, since they require “the most extensive participation of all spiritual and physical forces: with the dexterous, nimble movement of the body and its members, a boldly conceived plan, speed of decision, and prudence in its implementation are combined.” , presence of mind in unforeseen cases, tirelessness and perseverance in carrying out the plan to a strictly defined goal. Most games of this kind are played in clean air, in wide spaces, with increased movements, and it is clear that games of this kind undoubtedly contribute to the best well-being and development of the body.”
Based on an analysis of national games, he came to the conclusion that the character of the people undoubtedly leaves its noticeable imprint on many manifestations of social and privacy of people. This character also affects children’s games, being reflected in them all the more sharply and clearly, the more enthusiastically and spontaneously the children play, and therefore with more freedom to express their national character.

Chapter 1. Theoretical part

Ardently defending the idea of ​​the national character of children's outdoor games, E.A. Pokrovsky did not deny the possibility of doing gymnastics.
He considered outdoor games as the most natural form physical exercise children corresponding to their anatomical and psychological characteristics. Children's outdoor games, taken from the treasury of folk games, meet national characteristics and fulfill the task of national education. They act not only as a factor physical development and education, but also as a means spiritual formation personality. E.A. Pokrovsky wrote that toys and games are often made the first means of education, giving the first impetus to the further direction of the character, mindset and vocation of individuals and even an entire nation; It is national children's games that represent the most important educational means, in accordance with the spirit of the people, in the likeness of how the same thing is achieved folk speech, folk poetry, fairy tales, sayings, riddles, etc.
The healing, hygienic value of the game depends on one more factor, the importance of which was certainly pointed out by all outstanding teachers and philosophers, starting with Plato - this is the interest and feeling of pleasure and joy that accompany the game.
P. F. Lesgaft pointed out that in national games a child acquires familiarity with the habits and customs of only a certain area, family life, and a certain environment surrounding him. He considered outdoor games to be the most valuable means of comprehensively educating a child’s personality and developing his moral qualities: honesty, truthfulness, endurance, discipline, and camaraderie. P.F. Lesgaft was one of the first to propose the use of outdoor games in raising children. His words are known: “We must use games to teach them (children) self-control.” In the game it is necessary to “teach them to restrain their divergent feelings and thus accustom them to subordinate their actions to consciousness”
On great importance folk outdoor games were indicated not only by scientists and teachers, but also public figures. Thus, A.N. Sobolev (clergyman, member of the Vladimir Scientific Archival Commission) noted that “games are of great importance for children in terms of the pleasure they give them. Children live in play; everything worldly is distant from them at this time, their initiative and creativity are manifested here in all their strength; in the game the whole appearance of the players grows with their tastes, inclinations, mental makeup and talents. The process of the game sets in motion the entire being of the player: both physical and spiritual. When children start playing, they want to play, i.e. have a good time, and this pleasantness of the game sometimes encourages children to play until they are completely tired, as long as they have any strength to play. Village children's games are much more varied and fun than urban ones. Every year, new ones are added to them, invented by the players themselves; their life suggests. And here the keen observation of children often manifests itself, the natural Russian intelligence is revealed, not yet crushed by any of the hardships of everyday life.”
The need to pay attention to folk games in raising children was pointed out by teacher E. N. Vodovozova. She recommended borrowing games from her people and diversifying them in accordance with Russian life. An outdoor game should teach intelligence and resourcefulness.
The main condition of these games is to develop the child’s imagination so much that later he himself, without the help of a teacher, can invent similar games.
A.P. Usova attached great importance to the use of Russian folk outdoor games. She noted that, first of all, games serve as undoubted proof of the talent of the people and an instructive example of the fact that a good children's game is an example of high pedagogical skill; What is striking is not only this or that individual game, but also how folk pedagogy perfectly determined the sequence of games from infancy to adulthood.
Folk games are figurative, so they captivate mainly preschool children. Games contain an element of struggle and competition, and therefore evoke emotions of joy, fear and encourage caution, and this captivates children.
But without knowing the origins of the game, without taking them into account national characteristics, color, it cannot be said that the educational significance of folk games is fully revealed. In order for teachers to be able to interest children in Russian folk outdoor games, they must first of all themselves know the history of their appearance, their educational significance.
Many types of Russian folklore, including outdoor games, go back in their origins to the primitive communal system. But there is almost no information left about this. The ancient chroniclers were more interested in the structure of life of adults, describing their wars and the characters of their leaders, in a word, the more political side of life; they usually paid too little attention to children, and their games were apparently imagined as hardly permissible children's pranks.
Most folk games are rooted in religious layers of life. For example, one of the reasons for the appearance of outdoor games is ritual games associated with superstitions and prejudices. A significant part of Russian folk art is associated with paganism. Pagan romance gave special color to Russian folk culture.
The beliefs of the tribes were based on the worship of the sun, fire, water and earth. Man expected nature to send down earthly blessings, honoring his ancestors, saying magic spells and making sacrifices to spirits or gods.
IN pagan culture Ancient Rus' there was no separate caste of priests; sacrifices and prayer services were performed by any person at the altars and statues of the then revered gods (Yarilo - Sun, Belyos- patron of livestock Mokosh- goddess of water, rain, Svarog - god of weapons, sky and heavenly fire).
In addition, the culture of Rus' developed on the basis of the cruelest exploitation of the working people, mainly the peasantry. All this was reflected in the games that were part of the life of the Russian people.
Almost all areas of oral folk art are permeated to varying degrees by the game: from a song that is “played” to a wedding - a kind of dramatic game with a clearly defined ritual and playful behavior of each character. Special forms Ritual play behavior can be found in calendar rituals and folk games organized on Christmastide, Maslenitsa, Trinity, Kupala Night, etc.
The game at this time was not just leisure entertainment, but a way of organizing economic, family and public life person. The game taught and instructed. The game developed all human abilities: intelligence, observation, dexterity, endurance, plasticity, the ability to communicate as circumstances require.
An interesting example of a ritual game, during the performance of which songs were sung with the obligatory mention of Lada (an organic combination of the agrarian deity and the patroness of marriage, containing the name of Lada), is the well-known game “And we sowed millet.”
And here is another game from this period in the life of the Russian people, but from children's folklore - burners. We read about it from S.K. Yakub: “Russian historians of the last century directly connected burners with the customs of the pagan Slavs. Every year on the longest day summer solstice(June 23) the Slavs had a holiday Yarily(and later - Kupala), dedicated to the Sun. In the evening, our distant ancestors - the Slavs - gathered on the banks of the rivers, lit fires for night games, jumped over the fire and swam, "to meet the rising luminary in purity." On the same night, the “washing and nodding” of the girls also took place. In our most ancient chronicle - “The Tale of Bygone Years” - it is said about this: “I’m going to the games, to the dancing, and to all the demonic games, and that wife’s murder for myself.” - These words refer to more ancient species burners, where a guy can only catch a girl.

The origin of the very name of the game - “burners” - is evidenced by a Russian historian, a famous collector folk tales A. N. Afanasyev. Here is what he writes about this: “In epi-gical language folk songs... it is sung:
It’s not the fire that burns, it’s not the resin that boils, It’s the heart that burns and boils zealously for the red maiden...
The burners begin with the onset of spring, when the goddess Lada was glorified, when nature itself enters into its blessed union with the thunder god and the earth is accepted as its kind. Obviously, this game dates back to ancient times...”
On winter holidays, at festive gatherings, the game song “Drema”, also associated with calendar holidays, the rules of behavior in which are inherited from ancient pagan times. It can be assumed that Drema here is an image of the Sun, who is being awakened, lightly, playfully reproached, and waiting for warmth from him:
It will be, Dremushka, dozing, full, Dozing, it’s a shame to sleep. Get up!
For Christmas time "they drove the Goat" who amused everyone with her antics. Maybe part of the dramatic scenes with this character \ The key is a game where the goat must show how old women, old men, girls, young men and, finally, the goat itself are jumping, i.e. the people are having fun, waiting for spring. Perhaps for the Christmas game | The song “I’m burying gold” goes back to the famous children’s game “Ko-i lechko” (“Ring, ring, go out onto the porch”).
In another children's game, “Kostroma,” scientists find echoes of an ancient pagan ritual game in honor of Kostroma, who personified the spring-summer deity. Young girls and women made a stuffed animal out of straw, dressed it in an elegant sundress, decorated it with flowers, put it in a trough and, imitating a funeral, carried it to the river with songs. There they sang and danced all night, and then Kostroma was stripped and thrown into the river, mourning her death, along with which all the summer round dances and festivities ended. It was time for the summer harvest. And in the children's chorus the words about ancient meaning games:
We decorated Kostroma and said goodbye to spring and summer.
Although it has an enhanced entertainment function: the outcome of the game is
then, essentially, traps, After all, children need to run! Many games symbolically show the warmth and tenderness of family relationships. This is, for example, “Utena”:
She walked through the meadows, made a nest, brought out the babies, collected the babies.
Folk tradition creates a gentle, bright image:
The duck swam through the blue lakes, wet her legs, wet her wings, fluttered her wings, and fluttered onto the shore.
She will become a kind, reliable mother to her children. And our children absorb this tenderness, spilled in a simple melody, along with the game.
During the game, the game leader, the utena, shows simple movements in accordance with the words of the text, which allows it to be used with preschool children.
Christianization of Rus' and introduction new faith contributed to the formation of a special Christian pantheon of saints and the creation Christian holidays based on pagan ones. Thus, winter holidays were replaced by Christmas week, and spring holidays by Easter week, which affected the nature of games and entertainment for both young people and small children. For example, Christmas gatherings were characterized by outdoor games, in particular blind man's buff. The driver was blindfolded and taken to the door; then they ran up to him, slapping him with a towel, sash, mitten, palm, until he caught a replacement. “Household” is a constant set of Christmas games. It included: “Kostroma”, “Pillar”, “Chain”, “Pick up the goods”, “Upstart”, “To the Kings”, “Paving the Bridge”.
But on Maslenitsa, it was common for young people to ski from the icy mountains. In the Yuryevsky district of the Vladimir province (information from 1893), young people rode on Maslenitsa from the mountain on benches and bukah - low straw baskets, specially frozen. In many Russian villages of the Tver province, only children and boys rode down the natural mountains all winter.
In spring and summer there were different games with a ball. One example of such a game was lapta(see Fig. 12). V.G. Grigoriev writes that without this truly folk game it is difficult to imagine the life of boys and girls of the post-war era and many older generations. There is already a mention of this game in ancient Russian chronicles. And among the objects found during excavations of ancient Novgorod, there are many balls and lapta(stick-bat), which gave the game its name. This means that this game has been popular among the people for more than a thousand years!
The poet Valentin Berestov recalls in his poem “Lapta”:
Oh, the joy of life, child's play! You won't be able to leave your neighbor's yard for ages. My mother appeared behind me. But even Mama Lapta happened to play with us. What should she, a giantess, do here? They'll hit it first before anyone else. They threw and threw, but didn’t hit... And they both had a long wait for dinner.
The famous Russian writer A.I. Kuprin very aptly spoke about the meaning of lapta. He noted that this folk game is one of the most interesting and useful games... Lapta requires: resourcefulness, resourcefulness, deep breathing, loyalty to your party (team), attentiveness, fast running, accurate eye, firmness of the HANDS and eternal confidence is that you will not be defeated.
One of the most fascinating children's folk outdoor games with a ball, living to this day, is stander. This game is very old, it was played back in the last century. They played it on the street, under open air, boys and girls played together, age did not matter.
In the common people, most often the balls for this game were made from rags and they were stuffed with rags. In the northern provinces, balls were woven from bast - straps made from linden, birch or willow bark. The inside of these balls was empty and filled with sand. In some areas, balls were made from sheep's wool. First, they rolled up a clump of wool and tried to give it a round shape. When the lump rolled well, they threw it into boiling water and left it there for half an hour. Then they were taken out of the water, rolled again and dried. Such a ball was light and soft, and its elasticity was not inferior to a rubber one.
At parties and festivities, games were played such as: “I walked on the grass,” “Zainka,” “Turnip,” “Radish,” “Vodyanoy,” “Grandfather Mazai” and others. Everyone, young and old, joyfully participated in such games, from Fomin Sunday until Peter’s Day. This was a true school of folk acting: a synthesis of dexterous and strong movement, dramatic role-playing action, and singing. And latently a lot of information was given that, for example, a radish should be sown, weeded, monitored for seedlings, and then, as it grows, plucked “from the end, but not torn from the root,” so as not to damage it.
Children's folk outdoor games reflected not only ritual traditions, carried not only echoes of religious beliefs, but also showed social life various segments of the population.
The wonderful games “Krasochki” and “In Pots” are role-playing simulations of buying and selling at a fair, in a trading shop, where a dialogue between buyer and seller takes place, and the end of the game, as a rule, is running.
But the favorite children's game “I was born a gardener” opens up a completely different life. There is love in it. She, apparently, came from the city no earlier than in the 18th century, when the fashion for gallantry, a completely different type of ritualism in “secular” relations, began with Peter’s assemblies. But these games also came in handy for the children, since they are built on the principles they love: dialogue and dynamics, the comic nature of imaginary situations, the need for a quick and correct reaction.
Polyphonic, happy life reminds himself of himself with the shouts of sellers, for example, in the game “Edible-Inedible”.
Another game borrowed from adults and surviving to this day is the game “Shackles” (“Forged Chains”). It is assumed that this game is an echo of the ritual of choosing a bride or a demonstration of the desire of the Russian people for freedom:

Forged chains,
Unchain us.
Which one of you?
- Sveta (Tanya, etc.)

G. Vinogradov classifies this game as a group of games of robbery and theft. Cases of robbery and theft would inevitably give rise to a group of games as punishment. But usually these are games that have been reborn.
We see a reflection of the daily working life of peasants in games such as “Fishing Rod” and “Fishermen and Fishes”. Russian villages usually stood along the banks of rivers, rivulets, and lakes, so every self-respecting boy had fishing rods. The guys watched with interest as they caught fish with large seine nets. So how could they not come up with a game where you can catch fish with a fishing rod or nets?
Children's imagination is limitless. From generation to generation, from older to younger, outdoor games were passed on and thus survived to this day. But besides this, each generation of children came up with their own outdoor games, which could be defined as modern children's gaming folklore, for example, the game of “Rubber Band”, “Banks”, etc.

Chapter 2. Practical part

The physical education of a child is the basis for everything else.

Without properly organized physical education and

sports, we will never get a healthy generation.

Lunacharsky A.V.

Target: attraction junior schoolchildren to physical education and sports, through Russian folk outdoor games.


    Introduce the rules of behavior in nature.

    Introduce Russian folk outdoor games.

    Develop motor activity.

    To develop motor skills and abilities: speed, agility, endurance.

    Develop spatial orientation while playing.

    Cultivate interest in physical education.

    Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health.

Description of the project work

This project was implemented with students of class 4A

Four groups have been created to work on the project:

I group: historians

    study the history of the development of Russian folk games

    prepare the theoretical part of the project

II group - sociologists

    come up with a questionnaire on the topic “Russian folk games”

    conduct a sociological survey

    conduct an analysis of a sociological survey

III group: animators

    learn the rules of several folk games

    hold a “Celebration of Russian Folk Game”

IV group: technical

    prepare an electronic presentation for the event “Celebration of the Russian Folk Game”

    prepare an electronic collection for after-school groups with the rules of Russian folk games


The need to introduce the younger generation to the national culture is interpreted by folk wisdom: ours today, like never before, our past, also creates the traditions of the future. What will our descendants say about them? Our children should know well not only history Russian state, but also traditions national culture, realize, understand and actively participate in the revival of national culture; to self-realize oneself as a person who loves his homeland, his people and everything connected with folk culture: Russian folk dances, in which children draw Russian morals, customs and the Russian spirit of freedom of creativity in Russian dance, or oral folklore: counting rhymes, poems, nursery rhymes, jokes, folk games that children love to play. Games are an integral part of the international, artistic and physical education children of different ages. The peculiarity of folk games is that they, having a moral basis, teach the developing personality social harmonization. Folk games teach the individual that it is not any personal achievement that has value, but one that is consistently integrated into the life of the children’s community. It is believed that only folk games are a truly artistic and natural basis for successful education. Folk games are habitat, in which art is intertwined with people's lives. Folk games help foster conscious discipline, will, perseverance in overcoming difficulties, and teach children to be honest and truthful. Games in a natural form unobtrusively teach a child to be kind, hardworking, to love nature, and to be proud of their native land.

Information sources.

    Bobyr E. B. Formation of physical qualities in older preschoolers during outdoor games. - Access mode: [#"justify". Voronin A. S. Dictionary of terms on general and social pedagogy. - Ekaterinburg: GOU-VPO USTU-UPI, 2006. - 135 p.

    Gromova O. E. Sport games for children. - M.: TC Sfera, 2003. - 128 p.

    Litvinova M.F. Russian folk outdoor games. - M.: Education, 1986. - 82 p.

    Stepanenkova E.Ya. Theory and methods of physical education and child development. - 2nd ed., rev. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2006. - 368 p.

    Tatulyan O. V. Methodological development in physical education

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