The language norm is characterized. Language norms: concept, types. Violation and change of language norms. Language norms of the Russian language

And accentological norms. Lexical and phraseological norms


1. The concept of a language norm, its characteristics.

2. Standard options.

3. Degrees of normativity of linguistic units.

4. Types of norms.

5. Norms oral speech.

5.1. Orthoepic norms.

5.2. Accentological norms.

6. Norms of oral and written speech.

6.1. Lexical norms.

6.2. Phraseological norms.

Speech culture, as mentioned earlier, is a multifaceted concept. It is based on the idea of ​​a “speech ideal” that exists in the human mind, a model in accordance with which correct, competent speech should be constructed.

Norm is the dominant concept of speech culture. In the Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Russian Language D.N. Ushakova meaning of the word norm is defined as follows: “legalized establishment, ordinary mandatory procedure, state". Thus, the norm reflects, first of all, customs and traditions, streamlines communication and is the result of the socio-historical selection of one option from several possible ones.

Language norms - these are the rules for the use of linguistic means in a certain period of development of the literary language (rules of pronunciation, word usage, use morphological forms different parts of speech, syntactic structures, etc.). This is a historically established uniform, exemplary, generally accepted use of language elements, recorded in grammars and standard dictionaries.

Language norms are characterized by a number of features:

1) relative stability;

2) common use;

3) universally binding;

4) compliance with the use, tradition and capabilities of the language system.

Norms reflect natural processes and phenomena occurring in language and are supported by language practice.

The sources of norms are the speech of educated people, the works of writers, as well as the most authoritative means mass media.

Functions of the norm:

1) ensures that speakers of a given language can correctly understand each other;

2) inhibits the penetration of dialectal, colloquial, colloquial, slang elements into the literary language;

3) develops linguistic taste.

Language norms are a historical phenomenon. They change over time, reflecting changes in the use of language. The sources of changes in norms are:

Colloquial speech (cf., for example, colloquial options such as Ringing- along with lit. callsIt; cottage cheese- along with lit. cottage cheese; [de]kan along with lit [d'e]kan);

Colloquial speech (for example, in some dictionaries they are recorded as acceptable colloquial stress options agreement, phenomenon, which until recently were colloquial, non-normative variants);

Dialects (for example, in the Russian literary language there are a number of words that are dialectal in origin: spider, snowstorm, taiga, life);

Professional jargons (cf. variants of stress actively penetrating into modern everyday speech whooping cough, syringes, adopted in the speech of health workers).

Changes in norms are preceded by the appearance of their variants, which exist in a language at a certain stage of its development and are actively used by native speakers. Language options– these are two or more ways of pronunciation, stress, formation grammatical form etc. The emergence of variants is explained by the development of language: some linguistic phenomena become obsolete and fall out of use, while others appear.

In this case, the options may be equal – normative, acceptable in literary speech ( bakery And bulo [sh]aya; barge And barge; Mordvin And Mordvin ov ).

More often, only one of the options is recognized as normative, the others are assessed as unacceptable, incorrect, violating the literary norm ( drivers and wrong. driverA; catholOg and wrong. catalog).

Unequal options. As a rule, variants of the norm specialize in one way or another. Very often the options are stylistic specialization: neutral – high; literary - colloquial ( stylistic options ). Wed. stylistically neutral pronunciation of the reduced vowel in words like s[a]net, p[a]et, m[a]dern and the pronunciation of the sound [o] in the same words, characteristic of a high, specifically bookish style: s[o]no, p[o]et, m[o]dern; neutral (soft) pronunciation of sounds [g], [k], [x] in words like jump up, jump up, jump up and the bookish, firm pronunciation of these sounds characteristic of the Old Moscow noma: flutter, flutter, jump up. Wed. also lit. contract, locksmith And and decomposition contract, locksmith I.

Often options are specialized in terms of their degree of modernity(chronological options ). For example: modern creamy and outdated plum[sh]ny.

In addition, the options may have differences in meaning ( semantic options ): moves(move, move) and drives(set in motion, encourage, force to act).

Based on the relationship between the norm and the variant, three degrees of normativity of linguistic units are distinguished.

Standard I degree. A strict, rigid norm that does not allow options. In such cases, the options in the dictionaries are accompanied by prohibitive notes: choice s not right. choice A; shi[n’e]l – not right. shi[ne]l; motionSolicitation – not right. petition; pampered – not rec. spoiled. In relation to linguistic facts that are outside the literary norm, it is more correct to speak not about variants, but about speech errors.

Standard II degree. The norm is neutral, allowing equal options. For example: a loop And a loop; pool And ba[sse]yn; stack And haystack. In dictionaries, similar options are connected by the conjunction And.

Standard III degree. A flexible norm that allows the use of colloquial, outdated forms. Variants of the norm in such cases are accompanied by marks add.(acceptable), add. outdated(acceptable obsolete). For example: Augustovsky – add. Augustovskiy; budo[chn]ik and additional mouth budo[sh]ik.

Variants of norms in the modern Russian literary language are represented very widely. In order to choose the right option, you need to refer to special dictionaries: spelling dictionaries, stress dictionaries, difficulty dictionaries, explanatory dictionaries, etc.

Language norms are mandatory for both oral and written speech. The typology of norms covers all levels of the language system: pronunciation, stress, word formation, morphology, syntax, spelling, and punctuation are subject to norms.

In accordance with the main levels of the language system and the areas of use of linguistic means, the following types of norms are distinguished.

Types of norms

Norms of oral speech Standards of writing Norms of oral and written speech
- accentological(norms for stress setting); - orthoepic(pronunciation standards) - spelling(spelling norms); - punctuation(punctuation norms) - lexical(norms of word usage); - phraseological(norms for the use of phraseological units); - word-formative(norms for word formation); - morphological(norms for the formation of forms of words of various parts of speech); - syntactic(norms for constructing syntactic constructions)

Oral speech is spoken speech. It uses a system phonetic means expressions, which include: speech sounds, word stress, phrasal stress, intonation.

Specific to oral speech are pronunciation norms (orthoepic) and stress norms (accentological).

The norms of oral speech are reflected in special dictionaries (see, for example: Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language: pronunciation, stress, grammatical forms / edited by R.I. Avanesov. - M., 2001; Ageenko F.L., Zarva M.V. Dictionary of accents for radio and television workers. - M., 2000).

5.1. Orthoepic norms- these are the norms of literary pronunciation.

Orthoepia (from Greek. orthos – straight, correct and epic – speech) is a set of rules of oral speech that ensure the unity of its sound design in accordance with the norms historically established in the literary language.

Stand out the following groups spelling standards:

Pronunciation of vowel sounds: forest - in l[i]su; horn – r[a]ga;

Pronunciation of consonants: teeth – tooth[n], o[t]take – o[d]give;

Pronunciation of individual consonant combinations: in [zh’zh’]i, [sh’sh’]astye; kone[sh]o;

Pronunciation of consonants in individual grammatical forms (in adjective forms: elastic[gy] – elastic[g’y]; in verb forms: took [sa] – took [s’a], I’m staying [s] – I’m staying [s’];

Pronunciation of words of foreign origin: pyu[re], [t’e]terror, b[o]a.

Let us dwell on individual, difficult cases of pronunciation, when the speaker needs to choose the correct option from a number of existing ones.

The Russian literary language is characterized by the pronunciation of [g] plosive. The pronunciation of the [γ] fricative is dialectal and non-normative. However, in a number of words the norm requires the pronunciation of the sound [γ], which, when deafened, turns into [x]: [ γ ]Lord, Bo[γ]a – Bo[x].

In Russian literary pronunciation there used to be a fairly significant range of everyday words in which instead of letter combinations CHN was pronounced ShN. Now, under the influence of spelling, there are quite a few such words left. Yes, pronunciation ShN preserved as obligatory in words kone[sh]o, naro[sh]o and in patronymics: Ilin[sh]a, Savvi[sh]na, Nikiti[sh]a(cf. the spelling of these words: Ilyinichna, Savvichna, Nikitichna).

A number of words allow variations in pronunciation CHN And ShN: decent And orderly, brown And bun[sh]aya, milk[chn]itsa And milk [sh]itsa. In some words, the pronunciation of ShN is perceived as outdated: lavo[sh]ik, grain[sh]evy, apple[sh]ny.

In scientific and technical terminology, as well as in words of a bookish nature, it is never pronounced ShN. Wed: flowing, heart (attack), milky (path), celibate.

Consonant group Thu in words what to nothing pronounced like PC: [pcs]o, [pcs]oby, not [pcs]o. In other cases - like Thu: not [that] about, according to [reading] and, according to [reading] a, [that] y, [reading].

For pronunciation foreign words The following trends are characteristic of the modern Russian literary language.

Foreign words are subject to the phonetic patterns in force in the language, so the majority of foreign words in pronunciation do not differ from Russian ones. However, some words retain their pronunciation features. This concerns

1) pronunciation of unstressed ABOUT;

2) pronunciation of the consonant before E.

1. In some groups of borrowed words that have limited use, the unstressed sound is (unstable) preserved ABOUT. These include:

Foreign proper names: Voltaire, Zola, Jaurès, Chopin;

Topic No. 3. The concept of language norm. Basic types of norms.

Causes of massive speech errors

The causes of negative phenomena in speech practice include:

· people's trust in the printed word (the habit of considering everything printed and said on television as an example of the norm);

· reducing editorial demands on journalists regarding compliance with language standards;

· reduction in the quality of proofreading work;

· gap between the complex requirements of the new school curriculum in the Russian language and the real possibilities of today's Russian school;

· decreased interest among schoolchildren in classical literature;

· problems in replenishing library collections;

· transformation of the 1956 “Rules of Spelling and Punctuation” into a bibliographic rarity and their absence new edition;

· disrespect for the humanities;

· disrespect for the addressees of the speech;

· disregard for the native language.

In this regard, in a modern school, during humanities lessons, it is necessary to pay great attention to the problems of modern language, not to ignore existing linguistic facts, but to interpret them and shape the attitude of schoolchildren to the development of their native language.

Topic No. 3. The concept of language norm. Basic types of norms.

1.What is a language norm and what are its features?

Language norm (literary norm)- these are the rules for the use of linguistic means, the uniform, exemplary, generally accepted use of elements of a literary language in a certain period of its development.

Features of the language norm:

Stability and stability, ensuring the balance of the language system over a long period of time;

The widespread and generally binding nature of compliance with regulatory rules;

Cultural and aesthetic perception (evaluation) of language and its facts; the norm consolidates all the best that has been created in the speech behavior of mankind;

Dynamic nature (changeability), due to the development of the entire language system, realized in living speech;

The possibility of linguistic “pluralism” (the coexistence of several options that are recognized as normative).

Codification is a linguistically reliable description of fixing the norms of a literary language in sources specially designed for this purpose (grammar textbooks, dictionaries, reference books, manuals).

2. How is the inconsistency of the norm manifested?

A linguistic norm is a complex and rather contradictory phenomenon: it dialectically combines a number of opposing features.

1. Relative sustainability and stability linguistic norms are necessary conditions for ensuring the balance of the language system over a long period of time. At the same time, the norm is a historical phenomenon, which is explained social nature a language that is constantly evolving together with the creator and speaker of the language - society itself.

The historical nature of the norm is due to its dynamism, variability. What was the norm in the last century and even 10-15 years ago may become a deviation from it today. If you turn to dictionaries and literary sources from 100 years ago, you can see how the norms of stress, pronunciation, grammatical forms of words, their (words) meaning and use have changed. For example, in the 19th century they said: shkap (instead of closet), zhyra (instead of heat), strict (instead of strict), quiet (instead of quiet), Alexandrinsky Theater (instead of Alexandrinsky), returned (instead of having returned); at the ball, weather, trains, this beautiful paleto(t) (coat); certainly (instead of necessarily), necessary (instead of necessary), etc.

2. On the one hand, the norm is characterized by widespread and universally binding compliance with certain rules, without which it would be impossible to “control” the element of speech. On the other hand, we can talk about "linguistic pluralism"– the simultaneous existence of several options (doublets) that are recognized as normative. This is a consequence of the interaction of traditions and innovations, stability and variability, subjective (author of speech) and objective (language).

3. Basic sources of language norms- these are primarily works of classical literature, exemplary speech of highly educated native speakers, generally accepted, widespread modern usage, as well as scientific research. However, recognizing the importance of literary tradition and the authority of sources, you should also remember author's individuality, capable of violating norms, which is certainly justified in certain communication situations.
Changes in language norms are preceded by the appearance of their variants (doublets), which actually already exist in speech and are used by native speakers. Variants of norms are reflected in special dictionaries, such as the “Spelling Dictionary”, “Dictionary of Difficulties of the Russian Language”, “Dictionary of Word Compatibility”, etc.
Currently, the process of changing language norms has become especially active and noticeable against the backdrop of events of historical and political significance, economic reforms, changes in the social sphere, science, and technology. It should be remembered that a language norm is not a dogma: depending on the conditions, goals and objectives of communication, and on the characteristics of a particular style, deviations from the norm are possible. However, these deviations should reflect the variants of norms that exist in the literary language.

3.What are the trends in the development of language norms?

Certain trends are observed in the development of language norms:

1) a tendency to save. This tendency manifests itself at all levels of language (from nomination to syntax) and is expressed in the contraction of words and elements, for example science ( science Library), You got me off balance; loss of suffixes and endings: rails - rail, grams - grams, wet - wet.

2) a tendency towards unification - the alignment of particular grammatical knowledge to a general form: director, professor

3) expansion of colloquialism into book speech and neutralization of colloquial elements in literary speech.

4.What differences exist in the degree of normativity?

According to the degree of normativity, it is customary to distinguish the following types of norms:

1. Strict(mandatory) norm (1st degree norm) – in this type of norm there is only one correct option. Pr: document.

2. Neutral norm (2nd degree norm) – there are two equal options. Ex: cottage cheese - cottage cheese.

3. Movable norm (norm of the 3rd degree) - has two options, these options are not equal: the 1st option is the main one, the 2nd option is not literary.

The 1st degree norm is called imperative, norms 2 and 3 degrees – dispositive norms.

5.What types of norms can be distinguished in accordance with the main levels of language and areas of use of linguistic means?

In accordance with the main levels of language and areas of use of linguistic means, the following are distinguished: types of norms.

1. Orthoepic norms(Greek correct speech) – norms for stress and pronunciation. Spelling errors make it difficult to perceive the speaker’s speech. The social role of correct pronunciation is very great, since knowledge of orthoepic norms greatly facilitates the communication process.

In order not to make mistakes in speech, you need to use special dictionaries, such as “Dictionary of Stresses of the Russian Language”, “Spelling Dictionary”, “Dictionary of Difficulties in Oral Speech”, etc.

Options that are outside the literary norm are accompanied by prohibitive notes: “ not rec."(Not recommended), "not right."(wrong), "rude."(rough), "bran."(expletive language), etc.

2. Lexical norms or norms of word usage, is: a) the use of a word in the meanings that it has in modern language; b) knowledge of its lexical and grammatical compatibility; c) the correct choice of a word from a synonymous series; d) the appropriateness of its use in a particular speech situation.

3. Morphological norms regulate the formation and use of grammatical forms of words. Note that morphological norms include, first of all: norms for determining the grammatical gender of some nouns, norms of formation plural nouns, norms of formation and use of case forms of nouns, adjectives, numerals and pronouns; norms for the formation of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs; norms for the formation and use of verb forms, etc.

4. Syntactic norms are associated with the rules of construction and use of phrases and various models offers. When constructing a phrase, you must first of all remember about management; When constructing a sentence, you should take into account the role of word order and follow the rules of use participial phrases, laws of constructing a complex sentence, etc.

Morphological and syntactic norms are often combined under the general name - grammatical norms.

5. Spelling norms (spelling norms) And punctuation norms do not allow distortion of the visual image of a word, sentence or text. To write correctly, you need to know the generally accepted rules of spelling (the spelling of a word or its grammatical form) and punctuation (the placement of punctuation marks).

6.Where is the language norm fixed? Give examples.

The language norm is fixed in normative dictionaries and grammars. Fiction, theater, school education and the media play a significant role in the dissemination and preservation of norms.

Some names and names (for example, names of geographical objects) may exist in the language in various forms(options), however, usually only one of them is normalized form, that is, in a form that is mandatory for use in scientific, reference and educational publications, as well as in periodicals. For example: St. Petersburg (Peter).

The concept of "norm" seems important to many parties human existence And human activity: these include standards for hemoglobin content in the blood, GTO standards, speed limits on highways, etc. L.P. Krysin notes alignment with a certain implied norm in cases where it is presented in a statement only indirectly, for example, when assessing a person’s height ( What a tall guy!) or animal ( Somehow this giraffe is a little small for a giraffe). In a similar way, we mean a certain standard of convenience, illumination and expressiveness in statements: comfortable chair, the room is too dark, expressionless singing .

The idea of ​​what is considered normal for human communication includes the norms of language. Moreover, the norm is one of central concepts in linguistics. This term is used mainly in combinations “language norm in a literary language”, “literary language norms”, “literary norm” and is relevant primarily for such areas of language application as the media, science and education, the sphere of diplomacy, legislation and lawmaking , administration, business and legal proceedings, i.e. for socially important areas of public communication.

Established ways of using language means have developed in a wide variety of jargons: the language of football athletes ( own goal - a ball scored by a football player into his own goal; breakwater - a player who takes the ball and destroys the opponent's attacks; cotton wool - match without dangerous moments and goals, goalless draw), fishermen ( beard - tangled fishing line; borsch - dense aquatic vegetation; nail- a type of winter spinner, etc. ), the language of ballerinas (leg, leg stronger take it out! The back must give aplomb. Oh she's long by the water danced and then in luminaries broke out), etc. This is the language of groups of people connected by professional activity.

Social jargons in the language of students and schoolchildren have special vocabulary and phraseology (with such typical words as fail exam, fail on the exam, i.e. receive an unsatisfactory grade, pair deuce, double class hours...), thieves' argot, the language of drug addicts - linguists have shown considerable interest in it, including it in special jargon dictionaries.

It's worth remembering this social phenomenon, like hippies - youth associations of the 70s. XX century, who used a special language. Its originality is its direct connection with words in English- manifested itself primarily at the lexical level and is reflected, in particular, in the dictionary of F.I. Rozhansky: compare: battle, battle from English bottle - bottle (a bottle, usually containing alcohol); loaf(pl. loaf) from English, button - button: 1) a shirt made of soft fabric (usually with a floral pattern and an abundance of buttons); 2) large round icon; 3) button; beznik from English, birthday - birthday; branded from English brand new - brand new.

Okanye, akanye or tsokanye, which have always distinguished the speech of residents of a certain region, can also be considered normative in relation to a particular territorial dialect.

The definition of correctness of speech as its main communicative quality has already become generally accepted in science and is interpreted unambiguously - as the correspondence of its linguistic structure to current language norms.

The concept of “norm” covers only the codified, literary Russian language. This is a set of the most stable, traditional elements of the language system, historically selected and consolidated by public language practice. This is the stability of the form of linguistic units in the process of their functioning, based on the authority of exemplary literature, science, and the state.

At each stage of its development, a norm is characterized, on the one hand, by stability, and on the other, by a number of features such as mobility, commitment, selectivity, written recording, and the authority of sources and samples.

The concept of a language norm applies only to written languages. That is why we are talking about a literary language - a language in which recording is carried out in writing, and oral speech is not subject to regulation. For this reason Russian colloquial, which existed in parallel with written Church Slavonic, could not be codified. No grammars or dictionaries were written in it, nor was it taught in school. Slang (jargon) and dialect go beyond certain norms.

Language norms are characterized mandatory for all native speakers and sustainability, stability over quite a significant period of time, but at the same time they differ mobility, i.e. ability to change. This “follows from the nature of language as a social phenomenon, in constant development together with the creator and speaker of the language - society.” The fluidity of the language norm leads to the fact that, along with the outdated name of any object, phenomenon, sign, a new competing word begins to be used in speech practice - thus, at the same time there can be “not one regulated way of expression, but more ", options appear. Selectivity norms is manifested in the speaker’s ability to choose linguistic forms that are most suitable for solving current communicative problems, for formatting speech in one or another stylistic key. Thus, different functional styles are characterized by different vocabulary: compare. pairs of words like this And this(recipient, document), get And collect(from someone) price And price, so that it doesn't happen(device breakdown) and to avoid(device breakdown) - the second method of expression in each pair is more typical for official business speech.

So, the norms of language include pronunciation standards- intonation design of speech, pronunciation of sounds and stress placement (intonation, orthoepic and accentological norms).

Intonation norm now seems especially relevant, since, firstly, misunderstanding (ignorance) of the fact that a pause in speech does not necessarily mean the placement of any punctuation mark, but rather is intended to place logical stresses, highlight the most important semantic parts of a sentence, leads to numerous punctuation errors, at least redundant commas.

Let's give an example of information posted on a special website to help consumers.

Instructions and guides for household appliances and electronics, computers, cars

Find the instruction manual for your equipment model right now. For facilities, the archive is divided into categories and subcategories, with the names of manufacturers of this or that equipment...

Omitting for now the errors in the grammatical and stylistic design of the text, we note that the illegal placement of a comma after the phrase for comfort is explained precisely by pronunciation - the design of a given fragment (syntagm) with a separate intonation, which is quite correct in oral speech, but does not coincide with the design of a syntactic structure in written speech.

Secondly, as researchers of the intonation-phonetic design of speech note, our contemporaries have observed significant changes - and not at all in better side- in the design of real oral communication. First of all, this applies to representatives of young people who speak foreign languages ​​fluently - and more than others in English, which has a different system of intonations for various communicative types of sentences than in Russian. This is also due to a change in the overall speech strategy for generating text, a decrease in attention to the euphonic side of oral speech.

Accentological norm language determines the correct placement of stress in words. The difficulty may be choosing one of the variant stresses in words that make up a certain group, for example, in nouns ending in - awn having a stressed or stressed form in the genitive plural unstressed ending: statements, localities, positions, fortresses, news, regions and etc.

Differences in stress options may be associated with professional specifics of pronunciation: remember the word alcohol in the speech of Dr. Bormental, assistant to Professor Preobrazhensky, explaining the reasons for the death of Klim Chugunkin (“Heart of a Dog”), chassis - among aviators, compass - from seafarers, convicted - from lawyers, etc.

How to pronounce: privatized, taxpayer, petition, marketing? Both special information services on the Internet and numerous spelling dictionaries and accent dictionaries successfully help in answering this question.

So that literacy in Russia does not become “everyone’s personal matter” (Dm. Bykov), spelling norm regulates the spelling (spelling) of words in the Russian language in accordance with accepted rules and taking into account innovations as a result of ongoing reforms, suggests what needs to be written in the following words instead of periods: A or O (st..:gna- tion, mortgage lending), and or e (liberalization<цен >, indexing, illiquid or in short supply<товар>).

In the field of business speech, there are many words that become stumbling blocks. How to write correctly: solvent or Solvent, legal consultant or legal adviser, precedent or precedent, lender or Interactor(from the word on loan)?

Knowledge of the rules and patterns saves the writer in such areas of Russian spelling as choosing a form with b or without it for the 3rd person of the verb and its indefinite (infinitive) form (This word is written without soft sign; Necessary contact to the justice institution for state registration of rights to real estate - and here a soft sign is required), merged or separate writing adverbs and particles Not with other words. Compare:

The Arbitration Court of the West Siberian District in Resolution No. A709046/2013 dated September 2, 2014 explained that the buyer has the right demand a refund of the prepayment amount for goods not transferred by the seller ( but not in the right! ).

In connection with the above, in accordance with Art. 15 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 18 Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights"

Accept not high quality product(game) purchased from your store ( Right: poor quality, those. bad).

There is no doubt about the importance of the correct placement of punctuation marks, as already mentioned by A. S. Pushkin. According to K. G. Paustovsky, they “exist to highlight a thought, bring words into the correct relationship and give the phrase lightness and correct sound. Punctuation marks are like musical notes. They hold the text firmly and do not allow it to crumble.” How can one not recall the classic “Execution cannot be pardoned”, two variants of understanding of which - life or death - are supported in pronunciation by intonation, and in writing - by punctuation marks, commas and dashes.

Punctuation norm is especially important for the sphere of written speech and even more so for the sphere of business writing, because its distinctive feature are significant in length and very complex in sentence structure. If in enough complex phrase“By improving the organization of repayment of arrears in the payment of wages and pensions, improving the culture of customer service, trade turnover in state and commercial stores should increase” is only one necessary punctuation mark, then the fragment of the text below from the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, also constituting one sentence, requires already more signs, since it contains participial phrases and homogeneous members.

Organizations that are foreign organizers of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi in accordance with Article 3 of the Federal Law of December 1, 2007 No. 310-FZ “On the organization and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI” are not recognized as taxpayers. Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in the city of Sochi, the development of the city of Sochi as a mountain climatic resort and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" or foreign marketing partners of the International Olympic Committee in accordance with Article 3.1 of the specified Federal Law, as well as branches, representative offices in the Russian Federation of foreign organizations that are foreign marketing partners of the International Olympic Committee in accordance with Article 3.1 of the said Federal Law, in relation to transactions carried out within the framework of the organization and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in the city of Sochi.

Difficulties in mastering punctuation norms are also associated with unjustified adherence to the intonation of the text, the placement of logical stresses and significant pauses. Let's give a few examples of extra employees (in square brackets) and the lack of necessary ones (in curly brackets): 1. Upon arrival in Nizhnevartovsk], I had to report to the local branch of the fund. 2. Clients of Sberbank of Russia],) connected to the Mobile Bank service, can transfer money from card to card],] through mobile phone. 3. An offshore company can be defined] as an enterprise that does not conduct business activities in the country where it is registered, and its owners are foreign persons. 4. In accordance with civil procedural legislation],] all decisions of the courts of first instance that have entered into legal force<...>as well as decisions of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of Russia can be revised due to newly discovered or new circumstances. Revision by general rules],] carried out by the court]) that adopted the decision. 5. In addition, in accordance with clause 2, part 1, art. 331 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the law does not exclude the possibility of revising court rulings that do not resolve the case on the merits, but only if]] if they exclude the possibility of further progress of the case.

The ability to navigate the lexical richness of the language, to choose within various groups of vocabulary - synonyms, paronyms, homonyms, etc. - the word that is most appropriate in meaning, context, style and genre demonstrates mastery lexical norm. Let's compare the possibilities of lexical expression of the same content in accordance with different areas communication: Belonging to man(face) things(property), which he and his wife own together(are in common joint property with the spouse), upon sale(implementations) divided equally(distributed in equal shares).

On the cars of the Petrovich transport service in St. Petersburg there is an inscription expressing its readiness to take into account criticism in its address if the characteristics of driving a car leave much to be desired: “If you have any wishes about driving a car, call ...”, in which Perhaps more appropriate words would be comments(Why), discontent(how), criticism(what), claims(addressed to whom, to whom, about what), and the word wishes, firstly, smoothes out the semantic element “inconsistency” and, secondly, demonstrates compatibility with other words that is atypical for the word (correctly: wish what, to whom).

Confirmation of the lack of linguistic taste is an excessive fascination with borrowed words, especially in cases where the speaker does not know how to place them in the appropriate context: Ilya Averbukh will present a new show on television. Present - means to give a gift, to give. And in this context the author used the word presentation, i.e. "introducing a new show" and made a lexical error.

The sphere of lexical norms includes the ability to express oneself clearly, conveying the desired thought to the interlocutor. Thus, the phrase from a review of a children's play looks ambiguous: "The audience loudly applauded the happy ending of Little Red Riding Hood.", leaving open the question of her in true sense: whether we are talking about prosperous, i.e. optimistic, the end of a fairy tale or about the death of its heroine?

Errors in the field of lexical norms include both the use of ordinary words where there should be vocabulary assigned to the official business style of speech (its clerical and administrative underlay), and vice versa - the active use of vocabulary characteristic of the official business style in the stylistic context alien to her, for example in colloquial speech. “What disgusting bureaucratic language!” wrote A.P. Chekhov. Based on that situation... on the one hand... on the other hand - and all this without any need. “Nevertheless” and “to the extent that” the officials composed. I read and spit." Excessive enthusiasm for clericalism was also condemned by K.I. Chukovsky, and now often gives rise to lively and witty comments from contemporaries and parodies.

Thus, a letter about an unsuccessful photograph received by a client from a photo studio hardly looks like an official notice: "Dear Comrade Tolkachev! Please, come on November 28-29, 1982 to take an artistic photo. You came out blurry, moved their eyes"(Express Internet magazine). The following phrases would probably be more appropriate here: We ask you..., You should (should)..., re-shoot, mention poor quality etc.

K. Chukovsky, in his book about the Russian language “Alive as Life,” gives numerous examples of how not to speak in the sphere of everyday colloquial speech, how to avoid “cloth” clerical language, and cites humorous stylistic incidents used in the works of Russian writers - Pisemsky, Herzen , Chekhov ("The case of the crow flying in and breaking the glass...", "The case... of the gnawing of the plan by mice...", "To announce to the widow Vonia that in her failure to attach a sixty-kopeck stamp..."), and discovered they themselves have real inconsistencies, such as the often quoted phrase “It is necessary to eliminate the backlog on the front of misunderstanding of satire.”

It is not difficult to expand this collection with examples from our current language practice: “The lake has been stocked with perch fry” - which means: a small young fish was released into the lake to fatten up the right size. About the status and profession of the hero of the story “Heart of a Dog” by M. Bulgakov, the applicant writes the following in his essay: "Doctor Preobrazhensky is a medical person."

The influence of official business style often explains the unjustified use of denominative prepositions: along the line, in section, in part, in business, by virtue of, in order to, to, in area, in respect of, at the level, due to etc. They have become widespread in book styles, and under certain conditions their use is stylistically justified. However, often passion for them damages the presentation, weighing down the style and giving it a clerical coloring. This is partly due to the fact that denominal prepositions usually require the use of verbal nouns, which leads to a string of cases. For example, in the sentence: By improving the organization of repayment of arrears in the payment of wages and pensions, improving the culture of customer service, turnover in government and commercial stores should increase - as a result of the accumulation of verbal nouns, a multitude of identical reliable forms became ponderous and cumbersome.

Possession grammatical norm Russian language presupposes the ability to use the word-formative riches of the language ( money, money, money, money etc.), knowledge of acceptable options for using morphological categories ( rail/rail, cuff/cuff; beautiful cap/beautiful cap; poems by Taras Shevchenko, but not Shevchenko; directors, But rectors, upon expiration, but not expiration term), rules for “assigning” grammatical gender to unchangeable words - abbreviations (UN accepted resolution, not accepted/accepted), names of animals (koala went down from a tree, not came down), typical combination of words. It's correct to say: The bank is responsible(for what), but provides guarantees(of what or for what), and it is impossible to say: The bank bears guarantees.

The ability to use complex cardinal numbers and avoid mistakes when writing and reading them is very relevant for the business sphere. For example, having encountered the words “in 894 universities” in the text, St. Petersburg State University students gave the following reading options: in eight hundred and ninety-four universities; in eight hundred and ninety-four universities: compare with a normative form: in eight hundred and ninety-four universities.

The concept of grammatical norm also includes the ability to use a certain syntactic structure in accordance with the speech situation. In business speech, it is formed by an abundance of participial and adverbial phrases, passive constructions, homogeneous members, prepositional case forms of nouns with the meaning of condition and reason, etc. This allows for almost unmistakable identification of such texts, and not only due to the topic of the statement. Let's give an example.

Article 220. Property tax deductions

  • 1. When determining the size of the tax base in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 210 of this Code, the taxpayer has the right to receive the following property tax deductions, provided taking into account the specifics and in the manner provided for by this article:
  • 1) property tax deduction when selling property, as well as a share(s) in it, a share (its part) in the authorized capital of an organization, when assigning rights of claim under an agreement for participation in shared construction (under an investment agreement for shared construction or under another agreement related to shared construction):
  • 2) property tax deduction in the amount of the redemption value of the land plot and (or) other real estate located on it, received by the taxpayer in cash or in kind, in the event of seizure of the specified property for state or municipal needs. (Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Part 2. Art. 207 (dated August 5, 2000, No. 117-FZ, as amended on December 29, 2014).)

A speech product that is generally consistent in one stylistic tone, i.e. in compliance with typical linguistic features characteristic of a number of texts created in a certain communicative sphere, allows us to speak about compliance with stylistic norms.

Language norm- these are the rules of use speech means at a certain period of development of the literary language, i.e. rules of pronunciation, word usage, use of grammatical and stylistic means. This is a uniform, exemplary, generally accepted use of language elements (words, phrases, sentences).

Norm- this is a relatively stable way of expression, historically accepted in the language community (the norm is implemented in the language on the basis of the choice of one of the options, mandatory for the educated part of society).

Types of language norms:

Rules of agreement

Norms related to the laws of language.

The standards include:

Orthoepic norms (pronunciation norms) cover the actual pronunciation and norms of word stress. These norms are related to the phonetic level of the language. Compliance with spelling norms is an important part of speech culture, because their violation creates in listeners an unpleasant impression of the speech and the speaker himself, and distracts from the perception of the content of the speech. Orthoepic norms are fixed in spelling dictionaries Russian language and accent dictionaries.

Lexical norms (norms of word usage) are associated with understanding the correctness, accuracy, and appropriateness of a word in the context and text. Lexical norms are reflected in explanatory dictionaries, dictionaries of foreign words, terminological dictionaries and reference books. Compliance with lexical norms is the most important condition for the accuracy of speech and its correctness. (when leaving the house, my hat flew off - a hat leaving the house)

Grammar rules(morphological and syntactic) regulate the choice of the necessary grammatical forms of words or grammatical constructions. These norms are associated with the morphological and syntactic levels of language and are based on their systematics. Grammatical norms are divided into word-formation, morphological and syntactic.

Word formation norms determine the order of combining parts of a word and forming new words. A word-formation error is the use of non-existent derivative words instead of existing derivative words with a different affix, for example: character description, salesmanship, hopelessness, the writer’s works are distinguished by depth and truthfulness.

Morphological norms require the correct formation of grammatical forms of words of different parts of speech (forms of gender, number, short forms and degrees of comparison of adjectives, etc.). A typical violation of morphological norms is the use of a word in a non-existent or inflectional form that does not correspond to the context (analyzed image, reigning order, victory over fascism, called Plyushkin a hole). Sometimes you can hear such phrases: railway rail, imported shampoo, customized parcel post, patent leather shoes. There is a morphological error in these phrases - the gender of the nouns is incorrectly formed.

Syntactic norms prescribe the correct construction of basic syntactic units - phrases and sentences. These norms include rules for word agreement and syntactic control, relating parts of a sentence to each other using the grammatical forms of words so that the sentence is a literate and meaningful statement. Violation syntactic norms available in the following examples: Reading it, the question arises; The poem is characterized by a synthesis of lyrical and epic principles; Married to his brother, none of the children were born alive.

These are the rules for the use of existing linguistic means in a specific historical period in the evolution of a literary language (a set of rules for spelling, grammar, pronunciation, word usage).

The concept of a language norm is usually interpreted as an example of the generally accepted uniform use of such elements of language as phrases, words, sentences.

The norms under consideration are not the result of the invention of philologists. They reflect a certain stage in the evolution of the literary language of an entire people. Language norms cannot simply be introduced or abolished; they cannot be reformed even administratively. The activities of linguists who study these norms are their identification, description and codification, as well as explanation and promotion.

Literary language and language norm

According to the interpretation of B. N. Golovin, the norm is the choice of a single linguistic sign among various functional variations, historically accepted within a certain language community. In his opinion, she is the regulator of the speech behavior of many people.

The literary and linguistic norm is a contradictory and complex phenomenon. Exist various interpretations of this concept in the linguistic literature of the modern era. The main difficulty of definition is the presence of mutually exclusive features.

Distinctive features of the concept under consideration

It is customary to identify the following features of language norms in the literature:

1.Resilience (stability), thanks to which the literary language unites generations due to the fact that language norms ensure the continuity of linguistic and cultural traditions. However, this feature is considered relative, because the literary language is constantly evolving, allowing for changes in existing norms.

2. The degree of occurrence of the phenomenon under consideration. Still, it is worth keeping in mind that a significant level of usage of the corresponding language variant (as a fundamental feature in determining the literary and linguistic norm), as a rule, also characterizes certain speech errors. For example, in colloquial speech the definition of a language norm comes down to the fact that it is “frequently occurring.”

3.Compliance with an authoritative source(works of well-known writers). But we should not forget that works of art reflect both the literary language and dialects, vernaculars; therefore, when delineating norms, based on observation of texts of predominantly fiction, it is necessary to distinguish between the author’s speech and the language of the characters in the work.

The concept of a linguistic norm (literary) is associated with the internal laws of the evolution of language, and on the other hand, it is determined by the purely cultural traditions of society (what it approves and protects, and what it fights and condemns).

Variety of language norms

The literary and linguistic norm is codified (acquires official recognition and subsequently described in reference books and dictionaries that have authority in society).

There are the following types of language norms:

The types of language norms presented above are considered to be basic.

Typology of language norms

It is customary to distinguish the following standards:

  • oral and written forms of speech;
  • oral only;
  • only written.

The types of language norms that apply to both oral and written speech are as follows:

  • lexical;
  • stylistic;
  • grammatical.

Special norms for exclusively written speech are:

  • spelling standards;
  • punctuation.

The following types of language norms are also distinguished:

  • pronunciation;
  • intonation;
  • accents.

They only apply to orally speech.

Linguistic norms, which are common to both forms of speech, relate primarily to the construction of texts and linguistic content. Lexical ones (the set of norms of word usage), on the contrary, are decisive in the issue of the correct choice of the appropriate word among linguistic units that are sufficiently close to it in form or meaning and its use in its literary meaning.

Lexical language norms are displayed in dictionaries (explanatory, foreign words, terminological) and reference books. It is compliance with this kind of norms that is the key to accuracy and correctness of speech.

Violation of language norms leads to numerous lexical errors. Their number is constantly increasing. We can imagine the following examples of language norms that were violated:

Variants of language norms

They involve four stages:

1. The only form is dominant, and the alternative version is considered to be incorrect, since it is beyond the boundaries of the literary language (for example, in XVIII-XIX centuries the word "turner" is the only correct option).

2. An alternative option makes its way into the literary language as acceptable (marked “additional”) and acts either colloquially (marked “colloquial”) or equal to the original norm (marked “and”). Hesitation regarding the word "turner" began to appear in late XIX century and continued until the beginning of the 20th century.

3. The original norm is rapidly fading away and giving way to an alternative (competing) one; it acquires the status of obsolete (marked “obsolete.”). Thus, the above-mentioned word “turner,” according to Ushakov’s dictionary, is considered obsolete.

4. A competing norm as the only one within the literary language. In accordance with the Dictionary of Difficulties of the Russian Language, the previously presented word “turner” is considered the only option (literary norm).

It is worth noting the fact that in the announcer's, teaching, stage, oratorical speech the only possible strict language norms are present. In everyday speech, the literary norm is freer.

The relationship between speech culture and language norms

Firstly, speech culture is mastery of the literary norms of a language in written and oral form, as well as the ability to correctly select and organize certain linguistic means in such a way that in a specific communication situation or in the process of observing its ethics, the greatest effect is ensured in achieving the intended communication objectives .

And secondly, this is an area of ​​linguistics that deals with the problems of speech normalization and develops recommendations regarding the skillful use of language.

Speech culture is divided into three components:

Language norms are hallmark literary language.

Standards of language in business style

They are the same as in the literary language, namely:

  • the word must be used according to its lexical meaning;
  • taking into account the stylistic coloring;
  • according to lexical compatibility.

These are lexical language norms of the Russian language within the framework of business style.

For this style, it is extremely important to comply with the qualities that determine the effectiveness parameter business communication(literacy). This quality also implies knowledge of existing rules of word usage, sentence patterns, grammatical compatibility, and the ability to distinguish between the areas of application of the language.

Currently, the Russian language has many variant forms, some of which are used within the framework of book and written speech styles, and some - in everyday conversation. In business style, forms of special codified written speech are used due to the fact that their sole observance ensures the accuracy and correctness of the transmission of information.

This may include:

  • incorrect choice of word form;
  • a number of violations regarding the structure of phrases and sentences;
  • The most common mistake is the use in writing of incompatible colloquial forms of plural nouns that end in -а / -я, instead of the normative ones in -и/-ы. Examples are presented in the table below.

Literary norm

Colloquial speech







It is worth remembering that the form with zero ending have the following nouns:

  • paired items (shoes, stockings, boots, but socks);
  • names of nationalities and territorial affiliations (Bashkirs, Bulgarians, Kyivans, Armenians, British, southerners);
  • military groups (cadets, partisans, soldiers);
  • units of measurement (volts, arshins, roentgens, amperes, watts, microns, but grams, kilograms).

These are the grammatical language norms of Russian speech.

Sources of language norms

There are at least five of them:

The role of the norms under consideration

They help preserve literary language its integrity and general intelligibility. Norms protect him from dialect speech, professional and social argot, and vernacular. This is what makes it possible for the literary language to realize its main function- cultural.

The norm depends on the conditions within which speech is realized. Language means that are appropriate in everyday communication may turn out to be unacceptable in official business. The norm does not differentiate linguistic means according to the criteria “good - bad”, but clarifies their expediency (communicative).

The norms under consideration are a so-called historical phenomenon. Their change is due to the continuous development of language. The norms of the last century may now be deviations. For example, in the 30-40s. Words such as diploma student and diploma student (a student who completes a thesis work) were considered identical. At that time, the word "diplomatnik" was a colloquial version of the word "diplomat". Within the literary norm of the 50-60s. there was a division of the meaning of the presented words: the diploma holder is a student during the period of defending his diploma, and the diploma holder is the winner of competitions, competitions, shows marked with a diploma (for example, a diploma holder of the International Vocal Show).

Also in the 30-40s. the word “applicant” was used to describe individuals who graduated from school or entered a university. Currently graduating high school began to be called graduates, but applicant is no longer used in this meaning. They call people who take entrance exams to technical schools and universities.

Such norms as pronunciation are characteristic exclusively of oral speech. But not everything that is characteristic of oral speech can be attributed to pronunciation. Intonation - enough important tool expressiveness, which gives emotional coloring to speech, and diction are not pronunciation.

As for stress, it relates to oral speech, however, despite the fact that it is a sign of a word or grammatical form, it still belongs to grammar and vocabulary, and is not a characteristic of pronunciation in its essence.

So, orthoepy indicates the proper pronunciation of certain sounds in appropriate phonetic positions and in combination with other sounds, and even in certain grammatical groups of words and forms, or in individual words, provided that they have their own pronunciation features.

Due to the fact that language is a means of human communication, it needs to unify oral and written formats. Just like spelling errors, incorrect pronunciation draws attention to speech from its external side, which acts as an obstacle in the course of linguistic communication. Since orthoepy is one of the aspects of speech culture, it has the task of helping to raise the pronunciation culture of our language.

The conscious cultivation of literary pronunciation on the radio, in cinema, theater, and school is very significant in relation to the mastery of the literary language by the masses of millions.

Vocabulary norms are those norms that determine the correct choice of a suitable word, the appropriateness of its use within the framework of a generally known meaning and in combinations considered generally accepted. The exceptional importance of their observance is determined by both cultural factors and the need for mutual understanding between people.

An essential factor determining the significance of the concept of norms for linguistics is the assessment of the possibilities of its application in various types of linguistic research work.

Today, the following aspects and areas of research are identified within the framework of which the concept under consideration can become productive:

  1. Study of the nature of the functioning and implementation of various kinds of language structures (including the establishment of their productivity, distribution across various functional areas of the language).
  2. The study of the historical aspect of language changes over relatively short periods of time (“microhistory”), when minor shifts in the structure of the language and significant changes in its functioning and implementation are revealed.

Degrees of normativity

  1. A rigid, strict degree that does not allow alternative options.
  2. Neutral, allowing equivalent options.
  3. A more flexible degree that allows the use of colloquial or outdated forms.

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