Winter. Winter months. Winter natural phenomena. Winter signs about the weather. Phenomena in inanimate nature Phenomena that occur in inanimate nature

Objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature in autumn, winter, spring and summer: description.

Autumn is Golden time year, which comes immediately after a hot and sunny summer. Little children notice dramatic changes, both in the weather and in their attitude towards themselves. With the onset of autumn, the scorching rays of the sun replace rainy days, the trees begin to shed their leaves, and the grass turns yellow. Thus, nature is preparing for the onset of cold weather and winter.

Autumn signs of autumn in living and inanimate nature: list

For many schoolchildren, autumn is associated with a new beginning. school year, at this time the children meet with their friends and classmates, and, dressed in school uniforms, go to gain new knowledge.

There are the following signs of the onset of autumn:

  • Surely the kids noticed when autumn came, the sun had disappeared somewhere, and the sky was covered with clouds. Even in sunny weather, it is no longer so warm outside (you can tell by the way people start dressing). Light T-shirts and dresses are replaced by jackets and jeans, and with the onset of October-December, many people wear coats and jackets.
  • Despite the fact that summer is hot, there are, of course, windy weather. But it’s more pleasing, because when a warm breeze blows, it’s refreshing. But strong gusts of wind in autumn time, not so pleasant anymore, because it’s blowing cold wind with such force that it tears leaves from trees.
  • Autumn is characterized by frequent fogs, and mothers begin to monitor weather changes, because in autumn the weather often changes, and dressing correctly is very important at such a time, because... It's very easy to get sick. By the way, with climate change, many children begin to get colds, which is rarely seen in the summer.
  • The coming autumn can be seen in the plants, for example, how grapes or currants turn red, chestnuts and many other trees and shrubs turn yellow. In September it is already possible to collect fallen maple leaves. They are often used to make appliques or various bouquets. But according to coniferous trees It is impossible to determine the onset of the autumn period, because such trees are green both in summer and winter.
  • You can determine weather changes by watching animals. For example, most birds hide from the cold by flying to warmer regions. Of course, there are those who are not afraid of the cold - these are pigeons, crows and sparrows. But heat-loving birds, sensing the onset of rainy autumn, immediately fly far to the south with their chicks.
  • There are animals that hibernate, such as bears, raccoons, badgers, hedgehogs and many others, especially those that live in minks. The hare, fox and squirrels change their color, making it easier for them to camouflage themselves from predators. As you know, squirrels are very thrifty - so they prepare a lot of nuts and acorns for the winter, which they will feed on throughout the cold weather. And they collect food in the fall, when nuts and acorns are ripe. This can also be observed.
  • Pesky flies, mosquitoes and many insects also hide with the onset of the slightest cold weather.
  • Why has the day become shorter? This also characterizes autumn. If the sun sets earlier than usual, then you can expect the onset of cold days. It's a sign of autumn in inanimate nature.
  • Getting closer to winter, you can see frost in the mornings. These are small particles of dew that have frozen on the leaves and surfaces in an uneven, prickly layer.
  • There is even ice in the fall; this often happens at the end of November, when the air temperature reaches sub-zero values. By this time people are already wearing hats, gloves and scarves. The weather promises that winter is just around the corner.

Autumn is very bright and beautiful time year, the roads are covered with a golden “blanket”, you can watch beautiful landscapes and watch birds fly away to warmer climes. Despite the fact that autumn reigns rainy weather, it gives us the opportunity to observe the beauty of nature.

Objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature in autumn: description of observations

On the territory of our country one can often observe changes in the weather and nature, which “adjusts” to the coming changes. Many of the phenomena that we observe are associated specifically with the seasons and are therefore called seasonal. One of the most beautiful times of the year is autumn.

During this period, nature is painted with golden colors, all animals and plants are preparing for the cold winter and you can observe the most amazing changes and phenomena. Autumn is characterized by the following main changes:

  • Fogs. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the earth heats up during the day, and at night the temperature is already below zero, so fog, dew and even frost are observed with sunrise
  • Shower. Autumn is associated with rainy weather, and it is during this period that heavy rains- in other words, rain
  • Wind. It is in the fall that when you go outside you can encounter strong gusts of wind, which are often accompanied by rain or even hail.
  • It gets dark earlier
  • Cloudy weather
  • You can see thin ice on ponds and puddles, but standing on it, much less playing on it, is very dangerous; it’s better to wait until winter
  • The onset of winter can also be characterized by “Indian” summer. During this period, a heavy milky fog falls to the ground, filling the air with dampness.
  • At the end of autumn, rainy weather is diluted by light snowfall, after which there is often ice

This is a characteristic of inanimate nature that can be observed in the fall, but changes in living nature include:

  • Animals such as fox, squirrel and hare change their color
  • Many animals hibernate in late autumn
  • Birds fly to warmer climes
  • Insects also hide from the cold weather; you will no longer see butterflies and ladybugs, the whistle of grasshoppers cannot be heard, bees do not buzz and do not pollinate plants, mosquitoes and flies are also becoming less common
  • Leaf fall. This is the first sign of what's coming Golden autumn. The castings turn yellow, and with a strong gust of wind, trees and bushes are freed from them. All roads are covered with a beautiful golden carpet

Autumn is a wonderful time of year that prepares nature and people for the cold frosty winter. This time gives us a break from the hot and stuffy summer days. But the first ones who begin to respond to climate changes are plants. Berries and vegetables are fully ripening, and the trees are dressed in golden foliage.

Winter signs of winter in living and inanimate nature: list

In anticipation of the New Year, many children know that the luxurious time of year has arrived - winter. Gifts, holidays and Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are not all indicators that winter has come. Of course, it comes a month earlier - December 1st. This is a fabulous time when you can play in the snow and sculpt a Snow Woman, we see stunning drawings on the windows, and there is beautiful snowy weather outside.

In anticipation of the onset of winter, we are all waiting for a fairy tale, wish fulfillment and magic. This is how we associate cold winter. But these are not all the indicators by which one can determine the onset of such a wonderful period:

  • Firstly, everyone dresses warmly enough. A down jacket or fur coat is used as outerwear; people wear warm gloves and hats, and in very “severe” weather - huge scarves and thermal underwear. It is very important to dress as warmly as possible in such cold weather, because you can easily catch a cold and miss everything the winter vacation
  • Snowfall is also the main characteristic of the winter period.
  • The winter sky is quite heavy and seems to hang right above your head. There is moisture and frosty freshness in the air
  • Ice. Walking or driving in winter is very dangerous; for convenience, many people wear snowshoes, and their cars are “changed” to winter tires. After all, it’s very easy to slip, and worse, to injure your leg or arm.

  • If a strong wind blows and snow falls, it becomes a blizzard. It’s very exciting to watch such weather from the window, but if you get caught in a strong wind with snow, it’s quite unpleasant
  • As children, we all really loved icicles. And this is another sign of winter. In other words, an icicle is a cone-shaped piece of ice that can most often be found on roofs or trees.
  • Animals, birds and insects, unfortunately, can be found very rarely, because birds fly away to warmer climes, animals hibernate, and insects hide from the severe frosts that are typical for winter
  • Days are much shorter than nights

Despite the cold temperatures and snowstorms, winter is a wonderful time; many games can only be played thanks to the snow that only falls in winter. Skiing, sledding, snowboarding, playing snowballs or sculpting various figures out of snow - these are very exciting and educational activities that are possible only in winter. Therefore, the winter holidays should not be spent sitting in front of a computer monitor, but rather have a great time free time with friends or with family.

Objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature in winter: description of observations

Nature is everything that surrounds us and is created by human hands. Conditionally, nature can be divided into living and nonliving. The first group includes plants, animals, fungi, humans, and microbes. But to inanimate nature: the sun, air, stars, soil, precipitation, etc.

In winter, summer, autumn and spring, all phenomena change smoothly, and this is how we can determine the seasons of the year. Winter is the coldest time of the year, but this is also the most beautiful time. Season opens in winter fun games snowball fights, children ride on slides and sleds, make a snow woman, and most importantly, everyone is looking forward to a fabulous New Year. This time can be determined by the following signs:

  • Snow is more often observed in the form of precipitation. Snowflakes fall to the ground either independently or in flakes. And also only in winter you can see snowfall - this is heavy snowfall
  • Blizzard and blizzard
  • Ice. Of course, all kids love to skate, but this activity is quite dangerous, so you can only play on the ice if accompanied by adults
  • Icicles can be found on the roofs of houses and tree branches. Therefore, you need to be careful, and it is better not to walk under houses, because if the temperature gets higher, the icicle can easily melt and fall
  • Santa Claus decorates the windows with beautiful patterns
  • All rivers and lakes are covered with a thick layer of ice, which is called freeze-up

The following changes can be found in living nature:

  • Many animals change their color, such as the hare, squirrel and fox
  • Bears and hedgehogs hibernate
  • Bullfinches and tits arrive and replace the bulk of the birds
  • People dress in warm clothes

When the snow begins to melt and the patterns on the windows disappear, the sun begins to warm up, and the days become longer - then winter begins to gradually transition into another season - spring. What other signs of the spring season there are are described in the next paragraph.

Spring signs of spring in living and inanimate nature: list

Spring is associated with new life, because during this period the earth wakes up from hibernation, nature begins to bloom, the first still very green petals and bunches appear. This is the most wonderful time, the sun is brighter and the sky is clear, and there is freshness in the air.

You can understand exactly when spring begins very easily, there is a large number of phenomena and processes that characterize such a season, for example:

  • The first green flowers appear
  • Animals wake up from hibernation
  • Bunnies, squirrels and foxes again change the color of their coats, so they camouflage themselves with their environment. Many animals begin to shed
  • Buds appear, and from them - flowers
  • You can hear the singing of birds returning from warmer climes
  • Spring is the time for the birth of a new generation in animals
  • Birds begin to build nests

From inanimate nature:

  • The first is the melting of snow
  • Streams begin to gurgle
  • In winter there are practically no thunderstorms, but in spring you can encounter such a phenomenon
  • Ice drift - this phenomenon occurs because the ice begins to melt and smoothly moves along the rivers

If you watch what people do, you can also see changes. Spring is considered the time of cleaning, because after winter it is worth cleaning your home. Also, preparations are underway to plant a vegetable garden, especially if a person lives in a rural area.

Objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature in spring: description of observations

After cold winter, everyone is looking forward to warmer days. Literally from the very first days of spring, the sun's rays begin to warm up, and at the same time flowers appear, the grass turns green, the trees bloom, and the birds begin to sing. In other words, the Earth comes to life again and wakes up.

  • The first sign is the snow is melting. The icicles are melting and the beautiful patterns on the windows are gradually disappearing.
  • The day is getting longer.
  • If in winter there are often leaden clouds, and the sky is gray and dull, then in spring the sky becomes lighter, the clouds disperse and the sky becomes clean and clear.
  • Plants also react to the arrival of spring and demonstrate this by the appearance of green leaves, buds, spruce and alder blooming young cones. Flowers gradually bloom, bees and other insects appear.

  • Spring is also associated with the fluffy “seals” of the willow tree; they are carried to church on Palm Sunday. Also, one of the most important spring holidays is March 8th. This is International Women's Day, and flowers such as tulips are considered a symbol.
  • The birds are flying home again, and this can be heard from the beautiful singing. Swallows begin to build nests and have offspring.
  • Animals change their warm clothes to lighter ones. At the same time, the color of the coat itself.
  • People also change their wardrobe, hiding fur coats, warm hats and boots until next winter.

Vienna also has more exciting activities, for example, closer to the May holidays, many go fishing, pick mushrooms, start grilling kebabs and relax a lot in nature, enjoying the beautiful nature.

Summer signs of summer in living and inanimate nature: list

Of course, all children know when summer begins, because... after a difficult school year, the long-awaited summer holidays. That's why summer is the best favorite time per year. Many go to visit their grandmothers or to a resort with their parents. The sea, the beach and a lot of fun await every child. But this is not the only indicator that summer has come; there are also such changes in living and inanimate nature, for example:

  • Weather. The wind is dry, the temperature is high, so even the nights in summer are quite warm. But if the day is very hot and the sky is clear as a tear, at one moment it can start raining with a thunderstorm, after which you can often see a rainbow
  • In the morning you can find dew on the leaves and grass
  • Winds can be strong with variable gusts and frequent changes of direction

The hot days of summer are diluted by rainy weather, and summer rain is divided into several types:

  1. Ordinary
  2. Short term. It is also called blind or mushroom, accompanied by sunny weather
  3. Shower. It starts suddenly. For very a short time A large amount of water falls out. Accompanied by wind and thunder
  4. City-shaped. Along with the water droplets, hail particles also fall out. They flow powerfully and quickly, which consequently negatively affects agriculture
  • The grass is bright green
  • In summer, berries and fruits ripen, flowers bloom
  • Already at the beginning of summer you can collect mushrooms after the rain

In summer, people dress quite lightly, wear Sunglasses and hats that protect from hot weather sun rays. In agriculture, summer is a very important period; agronomists and landowners are cultivating the soil, looking after their gardens, picking berries and preserving them for the winter.

Objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature in summer: description of observations

According to the textbook " The world» children starting from the second grade can become familiar with various anomalies and changes environment. All these changes change smoothly along with the seasons of the year, which is why they are often called seasonal.

The main objects and phenomena that can be encountered in the summer are:

  • Hot weather
  • Strong gusts of warm wind
  • Rains, after which you can collect mushrooms
  • Thunder is a sound phenomenon that is often accompanied by lightning
  • After the rain a rainbow appears
  • In the morning you can observe such a phenomenon as dew.
  • The plants are dressed in green petals, there is a scent of flowers, and the fruits are ripening
  • You can hear birds singing, bees buzzing and crickets ringing
  • The day is longer than the night and you can watch the beautiful stars through the clear and clear sky.

Each season of the year is unique and beautiful in its own way:

  • In autumn, all nature, plants, animals and people prepare for the cold. Trees turn yellow and shed their leaves, animals make provisions for the winter, change color, and some are preparing for hibernation. Birds fly to warmer climes, and insects hide. People take out warm clothes and umbrellas, collect ripe fruits and wait for frost.
  • Winter is the time for snow-white fairy tales and fun games in the snow. The entire surface of the earth is covered with a thick layer of snow and ice. With the beginning of winter, children and adults are looking forward to the New Year holidays.
  • In spring, the earth wakes up from its winter sleep, everything around blossoms, and a fresh aroma soars in the air. Birds return, animals also change their coats and crawl out of their burrows and continue their offspring. You can already find insects, birds and midges. And people are slowly planting vegetable gardens and orchards and preparing for the hot summer.
  • Summer is my favorite time of year, because... The long-awaited vacation begins. Finally, you can enjoy warm days, soak up the sun and swim in the sea. Already at the beginning of summer you can savor delicious berries and fruits. In the summer you can pick mushrooms, go to the forest to pick flowers and relax in the fresh air.

Video: Living and inanimate nature - objects and phenomena, educational for children

Irina Vederina
Summary of a lesson on getting to know nature " Winter phenomena in nature"

Target: creating conditions for expanding children’s understanding of winter phenomena in nature. Tasks:


Reinforce the signs of winter with children, seasonal changes V nature, Related in winter; practice selecting definitions for a given word.

Activate lexicon (blizzard, frost, snowfall, etc.).

Learn to gain knowledge about the properties of snow in the process experimental activities.


Develop children’s ability to give detailed answers, develop children’s imagination skills.

Develop cognitive activity, creation.


Cultivate love for nature, interest in learning nature.

Materials: plates with snow, napkins.

GCD move:

1. Motivational and incentive stage.

Guys, do you like to solve riddles? Listen attentively:

What kind of miracle blanket is this?

At night everything suddenly became white.

No roads or rivers to be seen -

The fluffy one covered them. (snow).

Fell out of a white cloud

And she fell into our laps.

This fluff of snow

Silver. (snowflake).

The snow turned blue from the cold,

There is white frost on the trees.

Even Bobik hides his nose

After all, it's on the street. (freezing).

The sorcerer froze

And lakes and streams.

I breathed cold, and now -

Not water in the stream, but. (ice)

The puddles are frozen in the yard,

The drifting snow swirls all day long,

The houses became white.

It came to us. (winter).

That's right - it's winter. Winter is a magical, fabulous time of year.

2. Main part. Organizational and search stage.

Reading a story from the book by N. Vinogradova "Riddle stories about nature» : « Winter brothers» .

I'll tell you about winter brothers. There are three of them. They are very similar and yet not the same.

Second, middle, winter brother starts New Year. According to his command, the cold is fierce, the frost is crackling, the snow is creaking underfoot. He paints the windows with different patterns. Passers-by are in a hurry, afraid of his pranks - he can freeze his cheeks, nose, ears. When the second brother arrives, the weather is clear, there is not a cloud in the sky, and the prickly needles of dry snowflakes sparkle in the frosty air. Third, youngest winter brother loves blizzards, snowstorms, strong winds. Severe frosts occur only at night, and during the day the sun begins to warm up. On sunny side The snow melts and becomes covered with a shiny crust. The third brother also loves snow, but his snow is not the same as the second one brother: fluffy snow flashes and swirls, as if dandelions are flying.

Guess which moon brothers are mentioned in the story? What are they called?

Riddles about winter months:

Name it guys

A month into this mystery.

His days are the shortest of all days,

All nights are longer than night.

To the fields and meadows

It snowed until spring.

Only our month will pass -

We are celebrating the New Year.


It stings your ears, it stings your nose,

Frost creeps into felt boots.

If you splash water, it will fall

Not water anymore, but ice.

Even a bird can't fly:

The bird is freezing from the frost.

The sun has turned to summer,

What month is this, tell me?


Snow is falling in bags from the sky,

There are snowdrifts around the house.

Those are storms and blizzards

They attacked the village.

The frost is severe at night,

During the day, drops can be heard ringing.

The day has grown noticeably

Well, what month is this?


Well done, you guessed correctly!

Story about winter months: December, January and February.

In the old days the month of December was called "jelly". December paves, December nails, December nails. Trees and bushes stand without leaves, snow lies on bare branches, but pine and spruce remain green. In December, the days are short, the nights are long, it gets dark early, and sometimes there is severe frost. At the very end of December, children and adults prepare to celebrate the New Year.

January. The month of January was called "Lute". “The month of January is winter, sovereign”- that’s what people called him. In January the snowdrifts are high and the frost on the windows creates amazing patterns. In January the feast of the Nativity of Christ is celebrated. Children have a lot of fun things to do this month.

February – last winter month. This month strong winds blow, snowstorms and blizzards sweep up high snowdrifts. In the old days February was called "Let's make snow". In February, the days become longer and the sun begins to warm up. This month there are thaws, the snow melts and becomes sticky. From such sticky snow you can sculpt snow figures and play snowballs. At the end of February, people say goodbye to winter and celebrate Maslenitsa. This is a celebration of meeting the sun. On this day, everyone bakes pancakes, because they look like suns, just as round and rosy.

Physical education minute.

It's frosty outside (Children clap their hands on their shoulders and

To keep your nose from freezing, you stomp your feet)

We need to stomp our feet

And clap your palms.

Snowflakes are falling from the sky, (Children raise their hands above their heads and make

Like in a fairy tale picture. grasping movements, as if catching) snowflakes.

We'll catch them with our hands

And we'll show mom at home.

And there are snowdrifts around, (Stretching - arms to the sides).

The roads were covered with snow.

Don't get stuck in the field so that (Walking in place with high knees).

Raise your legs higher.

We go, we go, we go (Walking in place).

And we come to our house. (Children take their seats).

Didactic game “Choose a sign word”

Guys, winter months offer you interesting game. You need to name as many words as possible that answer the questions: Which? Which?

Winter (Which)

Children: snowy, frosty, cold

Snowflake (Which)

Children: beautiful, light, fluffy

Christmas tree (Which)

Children: beautiful, elegant, green, fragrant, New Year's, real, forest

Wind (Which)

Children: strong, scary, cold

Snowfall (Which)

Children: strong, beautiful, light

Blizzard (Which)

Children: snowy, strong, terrible, fierce, howling.

Frost (Which)

Children: silver, light, delicate, white, shiny.

Well done boys! Did a great job!

Experimentation « Winter phenomena in nature» .

Guys, take a close look at the snow in the plates. What color is the snow? Does it have a smell? (Children's answers).

Watch. What's happening to him? (melts). Why did the snow begin to melt? (In room kindergarten warm, air temperature is higher than outside).

What did the water look like after it melted? snow: clean, transparent or cloudy, does it have particles of dust or dirt? (After the snow melts, the water becomes dirty, as it contains various impurities of dust and dirt).

Reading a poem by A. Brodsky "Freezing":

Invisible carefully,

He comes to me

And draws like an artist

He patterns on the window.

This is maple, and this is willow,

Here is the palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he draws

Just white paint!

I look - I can’t look away

The branches of the line are tender!

And the artist is happy to try,

You don't even need brushes.

What patterns does frost draw on the window?

3. Reflexive-corrective stage.

Guess another one riddle:

Troika, troika has arrived,

The horses in that trio are white,

And the queen sits in the sleigh,

White-haired, white-faced.

How she waved her sleeve -

Everything was covered with silver.

(Winter and Winter months ) .

What did we talk about at class? (About winter, winter months) .

Name winter months.

About which we talked about winter phenomena?

Guys, what did we do on class? (We guessed riddles, played games, observed the melting of snow).

Do you want to play in the snow and build a snowman? (Yes). Then it's time for us to go for a walk!

Elena Novikova
Abstract of the GCD “Winter phenomena in inanimate nature.”

Subject: Winter phenomena in inanimate nature.

Target: Stimulate children's curiosity, the desire to study more deeply a natural phenomenon (the properties of snow, support children's interest in experimentation and research.

Program content:

1. Shape elementary representations about changes in the position of the Earth relative to the Sun; an idea of ​​snow and its properties (snow melts in warmth, snow is not transparent, snow is white, snow has no smell).

2. Teach children to analyze and draw conclusions in the process of experimentation.

3. Activate speech using words: crust, water vapor, snow pellets, magnifying glass, experiment. Improve children's ability to answer questions about the content of the story

4. Develop thinking, interest in winter natural phenomena, the desire to actively learn and act.

6. Wellness: a health-saving approach to educational activities.

Preliminary work

1.Looking at paintings on a winter theme

2. Reading poems about winter and snowflakes.

3. Observing falling snow, snowflakes, playing with snow on walks.

4. Drawing snowflakes.

5. Cutting snowflakes from napkins.

Materials and equipment

Dem. - models of planets (Sun and Earth); visual models of snowflakes indicating the properties of snow;

Sec. - disposable plates for snow (each table has a deep and flat plate, snow, magnifying glasses according to the number of children, half a cut apple on a napkin, a disposable spoon, three containers of water, circles different color, napkins and towel.

Methodical techniques: research method; problem statement and resolution; modeling; reading fiction using the information-receptive method aimed at organizing the perception of children’s memorization of information; musical accompaniment; imitation of movements; reflexive method.

Progress of direct educational activities

The teacher says: Guys, listen to the poem carefully and tell me if everything in it is correct.

“The days have become shorter,

The sun shines little.

Here come the frosts -

And SPRING has come!”

Educator: Guys, do you know why winter comes?


Educator (summarizes children's answers) You and I know that our Earth is a planet, and it rotates around its axis, just like our globe is now rotating, and now let’s imagine that this is the sun, and so the earth also rotates around the sun, like this. Now let’s imagine that our planet is divided into four parts, spring will definitely come in the first, summer in the second, autumn in the third and winter in the fourth. The one barrel of earth that she placed closest to the warm sun is heated the most - it’s summer here, in winter, of course, the sun also shines, only during the three winter months the sun is furthest from the ground, so it warms less. This makes it cold in winter, the days become shorter and the nights longer.

Educator: What happens in winter? One of the signs of winter is snow falling from the sky. Educator: There is a story by Vladimir Arkhangelsky

"Snow fluffs are flying." Do you want to listen to him?

Children's answers.

Conversation with children on the content of the story read.

What kind of snow fluffs are we talking about?

What did the snowflakes look like? (“Flower with six petals”, “Star with six rays”)

Where have the scientists been? (in the clouds)

What did they see there? (they saw snowflakes forming)

What is a snowflake? (this is a frozen droplet of water vapor)

How is crust formed? (hard crust on the snow)

Who finds it difficult to move on the crust? Why?

Why does a hare rush across the crust as if it were on parquet?

Physical education lesson "Winter sleep"

Quietly, quietly humming a fairy tale,

Winter floats by at dusk (running in circles on tiptoes)

Covering me with a warm blanket,

Land and trees and houses.

Above fields light the snow is spinning,

At midnight the stars fall from the sky.

Lowering his furry eyelashes,

A dense forest slumbers in silence.

Golden owls sleep on the fir trees,

In the fabulous glow of the moon.

Snowdrifts sleep on the edges of the forest

Like big snow elephants.

Everything changes shape and color,

The windows of sleepy houses are turned off.

And, winter telling tales

She slowly falls asleep on her own.

Educator: Want to learn even more about snow? Imagine that you are research scientists. Who are scientists? Let's sit down at the tables. We will find out what kind of snow it is and what its properties are. And he will be our assistant special device for research. Find it on your desks, what is this device called? (magnifying glass). What is a magnifying glass? (magnifying glass). What else do you see on the tables? (Children's answers)

Educator: Guys, I brought snow to the group in the morning, but what happened to the snow? (melted) Why? (a snowflake with the image of 1 property is attached to the board, a drop of water is drawn on the snowflake: snow melts in warmth). How are we going to explore the snow now? Where can we get it? (we will ask you to bring a second teacher, using the magic word “please”) Let's take a magnifying glass and carefully examine the melted snow. What do you see? (water is dirty). Guys, why is the water dirty? (they bring snow) Let's touch the snow, what does it feel like? (cold) Guys, I saw that some children eat snow. Are they doing the right thing? Why? Is it possible to eat snow? (no, the snow is cold and can be dirty).

Educator: Let's conduct an experiment. Under your flat plates are geometric figures, name them (circle, square). What color are they? Place one circle on an empty plate, we will put snow on top, and lower the other into water. Where is the cool visible and where is it not? Why? (2 snowflakes are attached to the board: the snow is opaque - a closed eye is drawn)

Educator: Let's compare: what color is water and snow (snow is white, water is colorless) And what else is white? (3 snowflakes are attached: white snow - cotton wool in the center of the snowflake).

Educator: Guys, how do you know if snow smells? (need to smell). Let's smell the apple first, which apple? (fragrant, fragrant). And now it's snowing (snow has no smell) (4 snowflakes are attached: snow has no smell - a nose is drawn on the snowflake)

Educator: Well done! You showed me so many experiments, and now I want to show you one more experience. Look: I have three jars. Pour into one cold water (the child is invited to check the temperature of the water (cold). We'll pour warm water into the second one, but how can we get it? warm water, what kind of water should be poured first: hot or cold, why? (cold, then hot). I will pour hot into the third jar. I will drop snow into three jars at the same time. For this I need an assistant. Where did the snow melt faster and where more slowly? Conclusions. (the warmer the water, the faster the snow melted; the speed of snow melting depends on the water temperature).

Educator: Guys, now let's remember what properties snow has? (at the end of each experiment, snowflakes with the properties of snow were attached to the board). Draws children's attention to the fact that snow is frozen droplets of water vapor. We swami know that snow turns into water, I have two droplets, one smiles, the other is sad, if you liked ours educational activities take a smiling drop, if not, take a sad one.

Publications on the topic:

Development of cognitive interest in inanimate nature in children of senior preschool age through simple experience Purpose: to theoretically substantiate and practically test the effectiveness of using experimental activities as a means of formation.

INANIMATE NATURE. DATA. distinguish and name the main characteristics of water, sand, snow, ice, pebbles, clay; make sure.

What children should know about living and inanimate nature in the first junior group Inanimate nature Facts to name full name sun, water, snow, ice, sky, rain and some actions associated with them;.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with objects of living and inanimate nature “The House and Its Parts” The house and its parts Topic: “The house with a blue roof.” Program content: Educational objectives: let children understand that nature is ours.

Changes constantly occur in nature and weather, so... snowing, then it rains, then the sun bakes, then clouds appear. All this is called natural phenomena or natural phenomena. Natural phenomena are changes that occur in nature regardless of human will. Many natural phenomena are associated with the changing seasons (seasons), which is why they are called seasonal. Each season, and we have 4 of them - spring, summer, autumn, winter, has its own natural and weather conditions. Nature is usually divided into living (animals and plants) and non-living. Therefore, phenomena are also divided into phenomena of living nature and phenomena of inanimate nature. Of course, these phenomena overlap, but some of them are especially characteristic of a particular season.

In the spring, after a long winter, the sun warms up more and more, ice begins to drift on the river, thawed patches appear on the ground, buds swell, and the first green grass grows. The days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter. It is getting warmer. Migratory birds begin their journey to the region where they will raise their chicks.

What natural phenomena happen in spring?

Snowmelt. As more heat comes from the Sun, the snow begins to melt. The air around is filled with the murmur of streams, which can trigger the onset of floods - a clear sign of spring.

Thawed patches. They appear everywhere snow cover was thinner and where more sun fell on it. It is the appearance of thawed patches that indicates that winter has given up its rights and spring has begun. The first greenery quickly breaks through the thawed patches, and on them you can find the first spring flowers - snowdrops. The snow will lie in crevices and depressions for a long time, but on the hills and fields it melts quickly, exposing the islands of land to the warm sun.

Frost. It was warm and suddenly it froze - frost appeared on the branches and wires. These are frozen crystals of moisture.

Ice drift. In spring it becomes warmer, the ice crust on rivers and lakes begins to crack, and the ice gradually melts. Moreover, there is more water in reservoirs, it carries ice floes downstream - this is ice drift.

High water. Streams of melted snow flow from everywhere to the rivers, they fill reservoirs, and the water overflows its banks.

Thermal winds. The sun gradually warms the earth, and at night it begins to give off this heat, and winds are formed. They are still weak and unstable, but the warmer it gets around, the more the air masses move. Such winds are called thermal; they are characteristic of the spring season.

Rain. First Spring rain cold, but not as cold as snow:)

Storm. The first thunderstorm may occur at the end of May. Not so strong yet, but bright. Thunderstorms are discharges of electricity in the atmosphere. Thunderstorms often occur when displacing and lifting warm air cold fronts.

Hail. This is the fall of ice balls from a cloud. Hail can be anywhere from the size of a tiny pea to chicken egg, then it can even break through the car glass!

These are all examples of inanimate natural phenomena.

Flowering is a spring phenomenon of living nature. The first buds appear on the trees in late April - early May. The grass has already sprouted its green stems, and the trees are preparing to put on their green outfits. The leaves will bloom quickly and suddenly and the first flowers are about to bloom, exposing their centers to the awakened insects. Summer is coming soon.

In summer, the grass turns green, flowers bloom, leaves turn green on the trees, and you can swim in the river. The sun warms up well, it can be very hot. In summer the longest day and the most short night per year. Berries and fruits are ripening, the harvest is ripe.

In summer there are natural phenomena such as:

Rain. While in the air, water vapor supercools, forming clouds consisting of millions of small ice crystals. Low temperatures in the air, below zero degrees, lead to the growth of crystals and the weighting of frozen drops, which melt in the lower part of the cloud and fall in the form of raindrops on the surface of the earth. In summer, the rain is usually warm, it helps to water the forests and fields. Summer rain is often accompanied by a thunderstorm. If at the same time it's raining and the sun is shining, they say it's "Mushroom Rain". This kind of rain happens when the cloud is small and does not cover the sun.

Heat. In summer, the sun's rays hit the Earth more vertically and heat its surface more intensely. At night, the surface of the earth releases heat into the atmosphere. Therefore, in summer it can be hot during the day and even sometimes at night.

Rainbow. Occurs in the atmosphere with high humidity, often after rain or thunderstorms. Rainbow - optical phenomenon nature, to the observer appears in the form of a multi-colored arc. When the sun's rays are refracted in water droplets, optical distortion occurs, which consists of deflection different colors, White color is broken down into a spectrum of colors in the form of a multi-colored rainbow.

Flowering begins in spring and continues throughout the summer.

In the fall you can no longer run outside in a T-shirt and shorts. It gets colder, the leaves turn yellow, fall off, fly away migratory birds, insects disappear from sight.

The following natural phenomena are typical for autumn:

Leaf fall. Going through their year-round cycle, plants and trees shed their leaves in the fall, exposing bark and branches, preparing for hibernation. Why does a tree get rid of its leaves? So that the fallen snow does not break the branches. Even before the leaves fall, the leaves of the trees dry out, turn yellow or red and, gradually, the wind throws the leaves to the ground, forming leaf fall. This is an autumn phenomenon of wildlife.

Fogs. The earth and water still heat up during the day, but in the evening it gets colder and fog appears. At high humidity air, for example, after rain or in a damp, cool season, the cooled air turns into small droplets of water hovering above the ground - this is fog.

Dew. These are droplets of water from the air that fell on the grass and leaves in the morning. During the night, the air cools down, the water vapor that is in the air comes into contact with the surface of the earth, grass, tree leaves and settles in the form of water droplets. On cold nights, dew drops freeze, causing it to turn into frost.

Shower. This is heavy, "torrential" rain.

Wind. This is the movement of air currents. In autumn and winter the wind is especially cold.

Just like in spring, there is frost in autumn. This means there is a slight frost outside - frost.

Fog, dew, rain, wind, frost, frost - autumn phenomena inanimate nature.

In winter it snows and it gets cold. Rivers and lakes are frozen. In winter the nights are the longest and the most short days, it gets dark early. The sun barely warms up.

Thus, the phenomena of inanimate nature characteristic of winter:

Snowfall is the fall of snow.

Blizzard. This is snowfall with wind. It is dangerous to be outside in a snowstorm; it increases the risk of hypothermia. A strong snowstorm can even knock you off your feet.

Freeze-up is the establishment of a crust of ice on the surface of the water. The ice will last all winter until spring, until the snow melts and the spring ice drifts.

Another natural phenomenon - clouds - occurs at any time of the year. Clouds are droplets of water collected in the atmosphere. Water, evaporating on the ground, turns into steam, then, together with warm air currents, rises above the ground. This way water is transported over long distances, ensuring the water cycle in nature.

Unusual natural phenomena

There are also very rare unusual phenomena nature such as the northern lights, ball lightning, tornadoes and even fish rain. One way or another, such examples of the manifestation of inanimate natural forces cause both surprise and, at times, anxiety, because many of them can harm humans.

Now you know a lot about natural phenomena and can accurately find those characteristic of a particular season :)

The materials were prepared for a lesson on the subject The World around us in 2nd grade, the Perspective and School of Russia (Pleshakov) programs, but will be useful to any teacher primary classes, and parents of preschool children and junior schoolchildren in homeschooling.

Winter is a harsh time, especially in northern latitudes our hemisphere. Its calendar time is known, but it often happens that the first signs of winter come much earlier. Slush November weather is replaced December frosts, shackling bodies of water, covering the earth in a fluffy blanket of snow. The days become short, and the nights drag on tediously, waiting for the first ray of sun.

The most common natural phenomena in winter:

The shortest day falls on the period winter solstice . This is December 21 on the night of 22. The shortest day and the most long night. From this time the countdown begins and daytime increases, reducing nighttime.

Clouds fall lower, become heavy, gray from overflowing moisture. They are not light and compact; they cover the entire winter sky, filling the air with the smell of moisture and freshness. They are the ones who bring heavy snowfalls, covering the ground with meter-long snowdrifts.

This is winter precipitation. In winter, they cover everything around with a thick blanket, creating a kind of microclimate that helps plants and small animals survive the harsh cold. The lower the air temperature, the looser the snow flooring becomes, the harder it crunches underfoot and pricks when you touch it.

In calm weather, the snow falls in large snowflakes; with increasing intensity, the snow turns into blizzard- the most formidable winter natural phenomenon. It occurs when the first gust of wind appears. He picks up the snow cover and carries it, dragging it along with him. In nature, snowstorms are distinguished between high and low snowstorms, depending on the redistribution air masses. Typically, severe snowstorms occur in the middle of winter, at the peak of seasonal temperatures. The formation of a snowy landscape depends on this natural phenomenon: wind-blown snow takes on the bizarre shapes of snowdrifts.

Frequent travel companion winter weather - black ice. This is an ice crust that forms on any surface after a sharp temperature change. Wet snow, rain before severe frost may provoke its appearance. As a rule, it is black ice that binds the entire area of ​​small streams and other sources of moisture, so it does not necessarily have to rain for it to appear.

If there are severe, prolonged frosts in winter, they freeze the deepest bodies of water, which freeze to very decent depths, and so it begins freeze-up, paralyzing shipping. The ice will begin to move only with strong warming, when the rays of the sun begin to warm up its firmament.

frosts refer to hazardous phenomena nature. They can be installed on for a long time, if a winter anticyclone dominates the area. Usually, abnormal frosts- a rare phenomenon. Deviation from the usual norm does not occur everywhere and not always. Low temperatures can cause significant damage agriculture and provoke an emergency, so all public utilities are on alert in winter.

Another indispensable attribute of winter is icicle- a cone-shaped piece of ice that hangs from any plane. During the day, the sun warms the snow, it begins to melt and leak, and at night the frost intensifies, everything around freezes. The mass of the icicle grows as the snow melts, then it collapses from its own weight and crumbles when it hits the ground.

It is with the melting of icicles that a smooth transition to spring, when the air temperature gradually rises, the days become longer and Frost patterns disappear, seeping melt water into the warmed ground.

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