Arbenina personal biography. Diana Arbenina biography: personal life. Participation in musical projects

Diana Sergeevna Arbenina (née Kulachenko). Born on July 8, 1974 in Volozhin, Minsk region. Russian singer, musician, poetess, leader of the rock group “Night Snipers”.

Diana Kulachenko, who became widely known as Diana Arbenina, was born on July 8, 1974 in Volozhin, Minsk region.

Father - Alexander Vasilyevich Kulachenko, a surgeon, worked in traumatology for 30 years. Then he became a sports doctor, worked with Russian gymnasts and the men's water polo team.

Mother - Galina Anisimovna (nee Fedchenko).

Has a younger brother Anton, he is also a musician, involved in the underground.

Despite the 12-year difference with her brother, Diana is very close to him. early childhood. She recalled: “At the age of 12, I partly perceived him as my child. Probably it was a manifestation maternal instinct"Diana babysat her brother a lot, took him to kindergarten, the school, in fact, raised. It happened, and she punished me - as Anton admitted, “she taught me how to live, she hit me on the lips when I swore.”

At the age of 3, Diana and her parents left for the Far North. They lived there in Chukotka and Kolyma. It was there in the Far North that she grew up, from there, according to Diana, her steely character.

High school graduated from Magadan.

In 1992-1993 she studied at the Magadan State Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

In 1994 she moved to St. Petersburg, where in 1994-1998 she studied at the Faculty of Philology in St. Petersburg state university, graduated from the department of Russian as a foreign language.

She wrote her first songs in 1991 - in particular, one of her most famous compositions, “Frontier”. During the same period, the songs “I Painted the Sky”, “Evening in the Crimea”, “Melancholy”, “Only Noise on the River”, etc. appeared. At the same time, she began performing at various student competitions and events.

On August 19, 1993, during a vacation in St. Petersburg, I met musician Svetlana Surganova. Together they created a group "Night snipers". Initially, the band existed as an acoustic duet of these two musicians.

The first performance in this form took place at the II All-Russian Art Song Festival in the fall of 1993, after which Diana Arbenina returned to Magadan, where she lived at that time, and the duo’s activities temporarily ceased. In November 1993, Svetlana Surganova decided to follow her partner to Magadan, and the duo resumed their creative activities. For six months, the girls regularly performed at concerts at the local casino "Imperial" and at Magadan University, where Diana Arbenina was studying at that time.

It was during this period that the duo received the name “Night Snipers” - according to legend, the idea for such an unusual name for the group was suggested by a taxi driver who dropped the participants off late in the evening and accepted musical instruments in cases for covered weapons.

Becoming laureates of the regional round of the All-Russian music competition“Student Spring 1994”, “Night Snipers” went to Samara in May 1994 to participate in the final round of the competition, after which they arrived in St. Petersburg. The duo's first big St. Petersburg concert took place at the Zasada club in the summer of 1994 (the concert producer was Konstantin Arbenin). The next few years creative life"Night Snipers" was associated with this city.

“Night Snipers” took part in a number of festivals, creative events, various events held by representatives of the underground, rock and roll culture of the city, performed original programs in small clubs, and organized apartment parties.

In 1996, the group went on tour abroad for the first time, visiting a student festival in Denmark.

In February 1997, “Night Snipers” acquired an electric lineup for the first time and over the next two years alternated acoustic performances with electric ones, performing with the rhythm section of the St. Petersburg group “Union of Commercial Avant-Garde” (SKA).

In the summer of 1998, in the lecture hall of the St. Petersburg Zoo, “Night Snipers” recorded the first official album “A Drop of Tar/In a Barrel of Honey” and released it on cassette tapes.

In 2002, Surganova left the group, and Arbenina remained its only soloist.

In 2004, Diana Arbenina became the laureate of the Russian independent Triumph Prize “For achievements in the field of literature and art.”

In November 2005, after participating in the Phoenix rock festival in Gudermes, Diana Arbenina was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic.

“Night Snipers” released a number of albums - “Simauta”, “Koshika”, “South Pole”, “Kandahar”, “4” and others, and changed their composition several times.

In November 2017, dedicated to the dead rock musicians - black and white video. Arbenina then noted that the dead musicians “lived on a whim and therefore quickly burned out.” But for her, who grew up listening to music from the '80s and '90s, "these guys stay alive." The video was dedicated to Yanka Diaghileva, Tolya Krupnov, Mike Naumenko, Alexander Bashlachev, Egor Letov, Mikhail Gorshenev.

Diana Arbenina and Night Snipers - Tsoi

Along with concerts as part of the “Night Snipers” group, Diana Arbenina regularly holds solo acoustic performances, including annual December apartment parties in Moscow, participates in collective events and concerts, such as “Own Track” (collective concert in memory of Vladimir Vysotsky), “In Memory Bulat Okudzhava" (concert of bard songs in Peredelkino), publishes his own books of poetry. So, in 2004, she released a collection of poems and texts, “Catastrophically.”

In 2007, Diana Arbenina’s book “Dream Deserter” was published, which included a large number of published for the first time poems, song lyrics, prose, as well as photographs of the author. In early 2008, an audio version of The Dream Deserter was released, entitled The Dream Deserter: I Speak. On this record Diana reads her poetry solo.

In 2008, her book “Lullaby in Sniper Style” was published, and on July 8, 2009, on Diana Arbenina’s 35th birthday, a solo performance “Motofoso” took place, staged by director Nina Chusova.

In April 2012, Diana Arbenina’s poetry collection “Auto-da-fe” was published. A collection of poetry and prose was published in December 2013 different years“Sprinter”, in 2014 - the book “Stalker”.

She has repeatedly participated in TV shows on central channels.

In 2004, she participated in the team television game “Fort Boyard” with and. She was on the team with Alexey Mikhalev, Elena Korobova, Mikhail Zelensky and Maxim Pokrovsky. In December 2007 - April 2008 she participated in the television project “Two Stars” in a duet with. The couple took second place and received the Alla's Golden Star prize. In 2009, she participated in the “Big Race” program.

In 2011, she was a star coach in the Ukrainian show “Voice of the Country” (“Voice of the Country”). Her mentee Ivan Ganzera became the winner of the project. In the second season, Diana also acted as a coach and won again: 1st place in the project was taken by her team member Pavlo Tabakov.

In 2015, she took part in the project “ Main stage"as a judge.

Diana Arbenina's compositions are actively used in cinema. Many films were released in which the singer’s songs were used: “Azazel” (“There was a carriage at the church”), “Kandahar” (“Fly my soul”, “Kandahar”), “Radio Day” (“Sailor”), “I stay” (“Because of me”), “We are from the future 2” (“Army”), etc.

Socio-political views of Diana Arbenina

On July 3, 2014, at the height of the events in Donbass, Diana Arbenina gave a concert in Kyiv. The artist from the stage supported her fans living in Ukraine and apologized for her Russian colleagues. After this, the singer’s concerts in Tver, Kursk, Belgorod, Orel, Volgograd, Kazan, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod and Samara were canceled, and on September 5, 2014, her poetry evening, which was supposed to be one of the events of the Bookmarket festival in Moscow, was canceled . In total, about 30 concerts were cancelled.

Diana Arbenina emphasizes her detached attitude towards politics.

Diana Arbenina - Alone with everyone

Diana Arbenina's height: 165 centimeters.

Personal life of Diana Arbenina:

In 1993, for the sake of registration in St. Petersburg and changing her surname, she married the musician, leader of the group “Zimovye Zverey” Konstantin Arbenin, after some time she divorced, but kept her husband’s surname.

Since Arbenina is not seen in the company of men, there are rumors about her gay. Regarding the children, there were suggestions that they were born surrogate mother. However, Diana herself stated that Marta and Artem were conceived naturally, and their father was a businessman whom she met in the USA. She broke up with the children's father before they were born.

Diana Arbenina with her son Artyom and daughter Marta

Filmography of Diana Arbenina:

2006 - Moscow History - episode
2008 - Living history. Russian rock (documentary)
2008 - Radio Day - Diana Arbenina

Vocals of Diana Arbenina in the cinema:

2005 - Wordplay: Translator of the oligarch - song “Rare Bird”
2010 - We are from the future - 2 - song “Army”

Diana Arbenina's works in cinema as a composer:

2018 - Mistresses

Soundtracks by Diana Arbenina for films:

1998 - The shores that were promised to me - song “Sun”
2000 - Flight of Icarus - song “St. Petersburg”
2001 - Azazel - song “There was a carriage at the church”
2002 - Carmen - song “Only You”
2004 - Ours - song “Half an Hour”
2004 - Comrade President - song “Black Sun”
2006 - Play on words. Translator of the oligarch - song “Rare Bird”
2006 - Point - song “Capital”
2007 - I stay - song “Because of me”
2007 - Atlantis - song “Take care of me”
2008 - Radio Day - song “Sailor”
2010 - Circus - song “Kafka”
2010 - Kandahar - song “Fly my soul”, “Kandahar”
2010 - We are from the future 2 - song “Army”
2012 - Sklifosovsky - songs “Catastrophically”, “Fly my soul”
2013 - Rasputin - song “Demons”
2015 - Clinch - song “Hush and Hush”
2016-2017 - Sklifosovsky

Discography of Diana Arbenina:

1993 - “First Bullet” (unreleased album)
1995 - “Second Bullet” (unreleased album)
1998 - “A drop of tar/In a barrel of honey”
1999 - “British”
1999 - “Baby Talk”
1999 - “Canary”
2001 - “Frontier”
2002 - “Live”
2002 - “Tsunami”
2003 - “Trigonometry” (live album)
2004 - “SMS”
2005 - “Simauta” (single)
2005 - “Trigonometry-2” (live album)
2006 - “Koshika”
2007 - “Bonnie & Clyde”
2009 - " South Pole"(single)
2009 - “Army2009”
2009 - “The Last Patron”
2009 - “Army tour. The final"
2010 - “Kandahar” (single)
2011 - “Motofoso”
2012 - “4”
2013 - “Acoustics. Songs as they are" (disc 1. "Shadows in Paradise" disc 2. "Between Us")
2014 - “Boy on the Ball”
2016 - “Only lovers will survive”

Diana Sergeevna Arbenina - Russian singer, poetess and lead singer of the Night Snipers group. She is also a laureate of the Triumph Prize, which is awarded for achievements in the field of literature and art. During Arbenina's career, several books and collections of poetry were published.

Diana was born on July 8, 1974 in the Belarusian city of Volozhin, located on the border with Poland. There are still many blank spots in the biography of a talented woman.

Childhood and early years

The parents of young Diana Kulachenko were journalists. Mother, Galina Anisimovna Fedchenko, worked on television. Father, Sergei Ivanovich Kulachenko, was a lesser known ─ an ordinary journalist. Due to her parents’ profession, the girl had to move to Chukotka at a young age. There the girl received a musical education. At the time of the move, she was only six years old. Two years after this, mother and father divorced.

Galina Anisimovna married a second time, Arbenina’s stepfather was the surgeon Alexander Vasilyevich Fedchenko. After this, the family changed their place of residence several more times. The future rock star managed to visit Kolyma, Magadan and others interesting places. It was in the latter city that the girl received her secondary education, then she became a student at the Pedagogical Institute.

Until 1993, Kulachenko successfully studied foreign languages, but then she decided to move next. This time the choice fell on St. Petersburg, at whose state university Diana studied philology for four years. In 1998, Arbenina graduated from the university.

The beginning of a musical career

In 1991, Diana’s first song, called “Frontier,” was released. At the same time, the girl constantly composes poems, reciting them during amateur performances. Also on this early period creativity, such compositions as “Tosca”, “Evening in Crimea” and “I Painted the Sky” were released.

In 1993, Arbenina became the leader of the Night Snipers group. At an early stage of her career, she performed songs with the second soloist, Svetlana Surganova. The girls met at the All-Russian Art Song Festival. Initially they performed together at venues in Magadan, but then moved to St. Petersburg.

The group's audience was most often in clubs and restaurants. Since 1997, the “snipers” have included drummer Alik Potapkin and bassist Goga Kopylov. Together they perform at a rock festival. After some time, the musicians recorded their first album, called “A Drop of Tar in a Barrel of Honey.”

Gradually, the music of “snipers” is gaining popularity. Their songs are ordered on air on major radio stations, and the group is increasingly invited to perform. At that time, one could hear Arbenina’s songs on the waves of “Europe Plus”, “Nostalgie”, “Russian Chanson”, “Radio Baltika” and other stations.

After the release of the first album, the band members decide to take music more seriously and experiment with genres. They present updated versions of some old compositions to the public, and also record new songs. In August 1999, the album “Baby Talk” was released. In 2001, the next disc entitled “Frontier” was released. It included one of the most popular songs, which instantly burst to the top of the charts. It was called "31 Spring".

In 2002, after the release of the second electric album “Tsunami”, Diana remained the only vocalist, Svetlana left the group for a solo career. The singers separated without conflicts; both claim that this decision was long overdue. The discrepancy in views on music led to a split in the group, but Night Snipers continued to exist successfully with one soloist. In October 2004, the album “SMS” was released with a completely new sound.

Achievements in various fields

The year 2005 marked the beginning of a new creative period for Arbenina. She collaborates with the Japanese talented composer Kazufumi Miyazawa. The project was called "Simauta", this word is translated from Japanese language as "songs of the islands". Their songs were dedicated to a specific island that was damaged by the American military in 1946. Every second resident was killed, so the tragedy still lives in the hearts of the country's citizens. At this time they played several concerts in Moscow and Japan. The most famous composition of that time is called “Cat”.

Diana also collaborated with the popular rock group Bi-2. With her participants, she performed songs such as “Slow Star”, “Because of Me” and others. One of the compositions became the soundtrack for the film “I Stay.” Subsequently, the singer wrote several more songs that were heard in more than 15 films.

IN mature age the singer took part in some music shows. In 2007, she took second place in the “Two Stars” project, where Evgeny Dyatlov became Arbenina’s partner. In the same year, Diana’s audiobook was released, called “The Dream Deserter.” Shortly after this, Arbenina writes another work called “Lullaby in a Sniper,” and then the publication of the magazine “Gavroche” begins. In 2012, the first collection of poems by a woman was published, it was called “Auto-da-fe”.

Four years after this, Diana was invited to the popular Ukrainian show“Voice of the Country”, it was her students who won the project twice. At the same time, Night Snipers continued to record albums, and the group's lineup changed several times over the years. Now the group, in addition to Arbenina, includes drummer Dmitry Gorelov, bassist Dmitry Maksimov and keyboardist Denis Zhdanov.

Personal life and family

Like many celebrities, the woman preferred to hide her personal life. Many conclusions were drawn by the press from her songs, which often described romantic relationships between girls. It is known that Diana was once married to Konstantin Arbenin, and she got her last name from him. But many journalists are inclined to think that the marriage is fictitious, since thanks to it the singer received a St. Petersburg residence permit.

Many years ago, the singer spoke frankly with the press, declaring her desire to become a mother. The busy schedule did not provide such an opportunity, so for a long time children remained just a dream. But in 2010, Arbenina decided to temporarily reduce the workload in order to achieve her next goal. In an American clinic, she gave birth to twins, they were named Artyom and Marta. Journalists were unable to find out full information There are rumors about the father of the children that the pregnancy occurred with the help of IVF. A little later, the singer admitted that she became pregnant from American businessman. They are not together now, but they communicate often.

Today, Arbenina is divorced from her husband and lives with twins. The woman has written more than 60 different poems and takes part in public events. Now her children come first, so her music career has taken a backseat. Fans hope that this solution is only temporary, because the presence of kids should not interfere with creativity at all.

Diana is known to everyone as very strong personality. She knows the value of her time, so she prefers not to waste it on plastic surgery and diets. Gyms are also not held in high esteem by the singer; she experiences much more pleasure from outdoor games with her children. You can love or hate Arbenina, but no one remains indifferent to her.

Diana Arbenina was born in Volozhin (Belarus). Her mother and father worked as journalists. When the girl was 6 years old, the family moved to Chukotka. After 2 years, the parents divorced. The mother married for the second time, her husband was A. Fedchenko, a surgeon. Later they lived in Magadan and Kolyma.

Diana graduated from high school in Magadan, then entered the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at the Pedagogical Institute. In 1993 Arbenina moved to St. Petersburg and studied at the state university (department of philology).

Music career

During her student years, Diana Arbenina was an aspiring singer. In 1993 she performed at the art song festival, where she met Svetlana Surganova. Arbenina returned to Magadan, and Surganova also moved there. Together they sang in clubs and bars. This is how the “Night Snipers” group appeared.

In 1994 the girls moved to St. Petersburg, participated in rock concerts and events. In 1998 The first album “A Drop of Tar” was released. Then there were many concerts, the group became popular, toured throughout the country and abroad.

In 1999-2001 The albums “Baby Talk” and “Frontier” are released. In 2002 Surganova left the group and started solo career. In 2002-2013 "Night Snipers" record 7 albums. In 2005 the group collaborated with Kazufumi Miyazawa, a Japanese musician. They held 2 joint concerts, and the song “Cat” became a hit in Japan.

Diana was a participant in other projects, in particular, she performed solo at some rock festivals and collaborated with Bi-2. In 1998-2012 15 films were released in which compositions by D. Arbenina were used. Diana appeared in the television project “Two Stars” and voiced the cartoon “Elysium”. In 2012, Arbenina’s collection entitled “Auto-da-fe” was published.

In 2016 The album “Only Lovers Will Survive” was recorded, the song “I really wanted” became a hit. In 2017 “Night Snipers” continue active tours. In 2018 The group is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

Personal life

There were many rumors about D. Arbenina’s unconventional sexual orientation; the singer herself did not comment on them. In many ways, they appeared because of songs that talked about relationships with a girl.

Diana was married, but the marriage with the singer K. Arbenin was fictitious, it was concluded for registration in St. Petersburg. In 2008 Arbenina gave birth to twins - Artyom and Marta. Since Diana was in the United States while pregnant, it was assumed that she underwent in vitro fertilization. Arbenina herself denied these rumors. According to the singer, their father is an American entrepreneur Russian origin, whom she met in the States.

— Diana, this year you became the mother of first-graders. How do you like your new role?

“I still don’t believe it myself.” I don’t feel like 6 years have passed, as if it were yesterday. This was a turning point in my life because having twins is very different from having one child.

— Was it difficult to give birth at 35 years old?

- Cool. I wasn't ready before. I'm 42 now and feeling great. If we had not separated from the father of my children, it is possible that I would have given birth again.

— The media wrote that Diana Arbenina’s lover came for the sake of his beloved to Russia, where he had not been for many years. Because for a long time he lived in America, now everything seems wild and unreal to him. He is used to?

“I can’t add anything to this, except that I’m not interested in this at all right now.” The situation has changed radically. On this moment I am absolutely alone and I am also raising my children alone. I can’t say that I feel great about this. The “free” status is just about me.

— Are you now looking for your other half?

— Not exactly in search, but... You see, when you are 19 years old, it is easier to live under one roof, and when you are 42, you begin to react more sharply to the habits of those around you. I can answer you this way: I am, of course, in love, but I live alone.

— How did you meet the father of your children?

- At the party. We drank and got to know each other.

— Do children lack male attention without a dad?

“They have plenty of male attention.” There are a lot of men around, because I have a lot of male friends and acquaintances.

— How do you react if a man offers you a close relationship? Do you agree to dates because you have children?

- Every woman needs male attention. Yes, I have children and I’m busy, but one doesn’t interfere with the other.

— Have you ever experienced the betrayal of a loved one?

- I have never had betrayal. But who knows, maybe it’s still waiting for me. In this sense, someone may be luckier than me, because with age, betrayal is harder to survive. It’s one thing when a boy leaves you at 13, and another thing when you’re 45.

— Diana, do you dream of getting married and wearing White dress?

- I really want to get married. Without being embarrassed or timid, I want to say “yes.” I was married to Konstantin Arbenin, but that was a very long time ago. We had a rock 'n' roll wedding. I now really regret that she was like that. Both of us, like “morons,” were wearing jeans and glasses, and Paul McCartney’s song “Yesterday” was playing. Now I would do everything wrong.

— How did it happen that you have closer relationships with women than with men?

— I love both women and men, because they are equally interesting to me as people.

- Why don’t you have a manicure?

— How should I play the guitar? I have calluses from my guitar. The only thing I can afford is a French manicure and black nails at concerts.

— Now your tour is ending. Where did you like it the most? Where did you feel that you were well received?

— We played this year in Russia, America and Europe. I brought solo acoustics to Europe, because sometimes I go on stage alone. As far as I know, no one allows themselves to do this. Going on stage alone is both scary and exciting. We brought the program “Only Lovers Left Alive” to America, and we also “showed” this program in Russia.

— Where will the last concert of the tour be?

— We will give big concerts in St. Petersburg and Moscow this year. Thus, we will draw a line under the album “Only Lovers Left Alive” and leave the stage for a year.

— Diana Arbenina taking a vacation?

— A sabbatical is for the impotent, it seems to me. We will be working on a new album. Come to the concerts in St. Petersburg and Moscow: on November 26 we play at the Ice Palace in Moscow and on November 29 in St. Petersburg.

— Your mother was very worried that you left Magadan pedagogical institute. That's why she didn't even shake her hand to you one day?

- Mom was afraid. We lived in Magadan, and I went to St. Petersburg. She cried and was very worried. For example, I would also be worried if Marta got into a wagon and “dumped off” somewhere with the gypsies. But maybe this is her path. I have already proven to my mother that I have the right to do as I see fit. I made myself, and it's obvious. But, you know, until you give birth to your children, you think that you are right everywhere and in everything. And then it turns out that in some places I was harsh, in others I was unforgiving. In fact, we need to talk to each other more and be kinder to each other. Explain what you feel, rather than get into a pose.

How is your relationship with your mother now?

“She now works in our group and takes what I do very seriously, because she believed in what I do.

- Yes, I love it very much chewing gum. And in response to the comment about good manners, I’ll say that I don’t care. In response to this, I made a video in which I blew a bubble, burst it and said: “Well, have you washed your face?” My approach is this: if you don’t like it, don’t watch it, don’t go to concerts, don’t read poetry. I'm not just talking about myself now. You don’t like some artist, so why criticize him?

— The video of you doing push-ups also caused a strong reaction from your fans. Comments were: “Where is the femininity?” “It’s a show-off!”

- What does femininity or unfemininity have to do with it? This Physical Culture. Half of our country is walking around with shortness of breath and overweight. You need to look after yourself at least a little.

— One taught me very good phrase some American author: “If your children annoy you, hand them over to one of the family members, and you yourself rest, unwind and return to them in a normal state.”

— How do you write poetry: do you close yourself so that no one bothers you?

- No, I can do this in any situation. The main thing is to have a pen and a piece of paper. I have a world inside that interests me more than what happens outside.

— Why do the media allow such rude statements addressed to you?

“My mother taught me not to react to this.” She told me: "You public figure with all that it implies. I know you're vulnerable, but stop being like that. Therefore, let them write and say whatever they want.” The most important thing is that in our home everything is perfectly truthful and perfectly honest.

This Saturday, October 15, at 9.00, watch an interview with Nadya Ruchka in the program “Oh, Mommies!” on the MIR TV channel.

Diana Arbenina is known to a wide circle as the permanent leader of the rock group “Night Snipers”, with which she tours a lot and performs at various concerts, including those dedicated to the memory of departed idols. In her creative biography There are also solo acoustic performances, as well as the release of editions of one’s own poems.

The singer gladly accepts the offer to participate in musical television projects, where she passes on her experience and secrets to novice performers. But Diana would not fly under the circus big top or dive in the water with dolphins. There was a time when she was not invited anywhere and footage of her performances was cut out, but the artist did not worry about this, since she was always in demand among the public, and her concerts always attracted full houses.

For many years, Arbenina existed only through concert work, cheerful companies and parties with colleagues, however, at some point she realized that something urgently needed to be changed in her personal life. The appearance of children changed this determined and uncompromising woman, who overnight became a tender and caring mother.

Growing up and first interests

The future rock singer (her maiden name was Kulachenko) was born in 1974 in the city of Volozhin, Belarus. Her parents were engaged journalistic activity, so the whole family often moved from place to place. When the girl went to school, they already lived in Yagodny, Magadan region, and then visited Kolyma, Chukotka and Magadan. In her early childhood, Diana adored animals, which she dreamed of treating in the future. As she got older, she switched to journalism, intending to follow in the footsteps of her father and mother.

In the photo Diana Arbenina as a child with her father

When the future singer was 11 years old, her parents decided to separate, but the father always maintained a warm relationship with his daughter. After the divorce, my mother married a professional surgeon and simply good man, who loved the girl and took care of her. Soon the family appeared younger brother Diana - Anton. At that time, the girl had to help her mother with housework and devote a lot of time to her growing brother.

The singer's mother

One day she picked up a guitar and then learned to play it, discovering the exciting world of music. After graduating from school, the future singer entered Magadan University, where she studied foreign languages, and then went to St. Petersburg, continuing her studies at the Faculty of Philology. But the girl dreamed of doing what she loved, so soon musical activity appeared in her biography.

Participation in the group “Night Snipers”

She wrote her first songs at the age of 17, and soon such compositions as “Frontier”, “Evening in Crimea”, “I painted the sky”, “Only noise on the river” and others appeared. At first, Arbenina performed with friends and family, and then sang at various student events. At the same time, she met Svetlana Surganova, thanks to which the girls decided to engage in joint musical activities, organizing the rock group “Night Snipers”.

Diana Arbenina and Svetlana Surganova in their youth (1998)

At first, the musicians performed in various clubs and festivals, and two years later they released their debut album, “A Drop of Tar in a Barrel of Honey.” With these compositions they actively toured not only in Russian cities, but also visited Denmark, Finland and Sweden. Many of the band's songs instantly soared to the top of the charts, becoming popular among listeners. At the end of 2002, Svetlana Surganova left the group, as she was going to go her own way.

Since then, Diana has been the sole soloist of her group, and also acts as a poet, having written more than 140 poems. The singer has already published several collections of poetry, which are not only sold out by her fans, but are also actively used in cinema. Arbenina demonstrates her talents not only in musical career, but also in other areas. For example, she is good at playing the role of dubbing master, thanks to which the characters from the American cartoon “Elysium” speak in her voice.

group "Night Snipers"

Latest news about creative activity The band's musicians will only please its fans. In 2018, the band will celebrate its 25th anniversary, so they will have to record a new album for this important date. Now they intend to take a break and stop performing concerts in order to spend all their time in the recording studio.

Raising Twins

The singer always hid her personal life from annoying journalists, who were never able to capture her with any man on a date. Because of such secrecy, all sorts of rumors were born, including about her unconventional orientation. Later it became known that Diana was marrying Konstantin Arbenin. This marriage was actually fictitious. The singer did not become her real husband, but simply gave her a St. Petersburg residence permit, as well as a beautiful surname, which she has not given up to this day.

Ex-husband Diana: Konstantin Arbenin

In the fall of 2009, the performer left the stage in preparation for important mission in your life - to have children. She and this happy event hid from the press and fans until the last, being in America before giving birth. In 2010, Arbenina became a mother: she gave birth to twins - son Artyom and daughter Marta. The lead singer of “Night Snipers” did not reveal for a long time who the father of the children was; it is not surprising that there were rumors in the press that the babies were conceived by artificial insemination. Later, she dispelled these speculations, admitting that she had an affair with a Russian businessman living in the United States. It was there that the future lovers met. But Diana never married the father of her twins, breaking up with him before they were born.

Children of Diana Arbenina

Having become a mother, she changed her attitude towards her personal life, and now the desire to have fun and party has gone away forever by itself. Since the singer was a working mother, she had to learn to combine work and raising children. With the birth of a daughter and son, everything free time she gives it to them. But being a musician with a specific rhythm of life, she often has to go on tour, leaving her children. Separation is not easy, and all this time Arbenina is constantly worried about them and misses them. However, as soon as summer comes, the whole family goes on vacation. Despite the fact that the singer sometimes has to sleep only 2-3 hours a day, she easily endures it, as she tries to get a lot done in a day. The artist is not trying to change her life and become, for example, office employee with a fixed day. She will no longer be able to do anything else or sit at home, and besides, a fulfilled, albeit busy, mother can give her children much more than a housewife.

Family assembled. Photo

The son and daughter recently became schoolchildren, so their star mother sometimes has to do homework with them and monitor their progress. Artem and Marta are studying music and are already demonstrating their creative talents. The singer is especially pleased with her son, who managed to perform at “Invasion.” Diana strives to instill in them a love of reading, and she chose books for them that her parents read to her as a child. And modern cartoons bypass them, since the singer introduces children only to classic characters.

The kids still haven’t seen their father like that, but they constantly ask their mother about him, often asking the question: “Why don’t we live with dad?” Arbenina herself is sure that the time has not yet come to meet her own father. Dream of getting married and wearing white Wedding Dress has not left her to this day. The artist is thinking about having a man in their family who will replace their children’s father. However, the message about the singer’s future husband did not make her son and daughter happy at all. Moreover, they never admitted why they didn’t want to see anyone next to their mother. According to Diana, she always tried to help those children who were abandoned by their parents. The idea of ​​adopting such a child came to her a long time ago, and now she plans to add a baby from the orphanage to her family.

Interesting facts from the life of Diana Arbenina

  1. The singer sometimes has to use the services of a bodyguard, as it happens that she goes down to the subway. But before going out in public, she puts on a hat and dark glasses.
  2. Arbenina has been involved in boxing for a long time, which she does not consider a tough sport at all. She likes to box, and during her training she did not break anyone's nose or injure anyone.
  3. In 2012, an album was released under unusual name“4”, which contains 13 songs. According to Diana, it was no coincidence that she named this record that way. First, she heard arrangements of songs in a dream, and then some voice told her to name her album the number 4. Now the lead singer of the group tracks this symbolic number in her destiny, since her children were also born on the 4th.
  4. If we associate her with literary characters, then Arbenina considers herself close in spirit to Joan of Arc. She also loves watching the old film about Munchausen, which contains a philosophy of life that is close to her spirit.
  5. The singer always lives on the move. She loves higher speed and changes, which is why he cannot sit in one place for a long time. Diana is attracted to the sea, cold and clean, but she is shy in front of the ocean.
  6. In 2015, she tried her hand as a theater actress, playing the role of Bagheera in the play “Generation M”.
  7. The mother of the lead singer of “Night Snipers” was very worried that her daughter did not listen to her and left hometown and took up musical activities, but over the years of Arbenina’s career she began to respect her daughter’s work and now works in her musical group.
  8. A video of Diana doing push-ups caused a storm of indignant comments from some of her fans, condemning her for her lack of femininity. However, the artist herself reacted to this philosophically, noting that she demonstrated her sports training and physical fitness.
  9. The singer cannot afford a manicure, like many women, since she has to play the guitar at concerts, which is why calluses constantly appear.

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