Boris Khiger female names Mila. Does a name influence fate and character? Boris Khigir answers. Don't call girls by male names

Smart, witty and sociable. But he is often quick-tempered, impudent, harsh, and does not respect the bounds of decency. Anyone who tries to influence him from a position of strength should not expect success.

An introvert by nature, he tries to escape from reality, hiding in his subconscious. He has a vivid imagination and incredible curiosity. Has a synthetic way of thinking and a reliable memory. Justifies his actions and deeds in advance, especially when he deserves condemnation. At first glance, he has remarkable willpower and can make every effort to achieve a goal, but in his determination there is still a certain amount of doubt and unsteadiness. He experiences fear of the unknown and is often and unreasonably afraid of failure. There is some restlessness in persistence, which determines the fickleness of character.

The speed of Alexander's reaction to events is so great that it sometimes takes the form of escaping from unwanted situations. And then he even gives the impression of a frivolous person. It is difficult to understand him, he is too independent, although he strives for a haven where he can find care and safety. Alexander's true face is revealed only after actions that contradict moral standards. Then he breaks the veil of mystery and seeks help from friends. He perceives friendship deeply, and often passionate love develops into a strong friendship with him, but many women are offended by this.

Alexander is quite active, but tries to give the impression that work in production is tiring for him and he dreams of returning home, where he can do whatever he wants. In fact, the wife has to wait a long time for him to return home from work. Often looking for something incredible and passing by a real opportunity. Luck and good fortune help you get out of unpleasant situations. This man needs a strong partner all his life - be it a mother or a wife.

He is not attracted to science, and if he is, it is only for the sake of personal ambitions. This is a type of independent loner who cannot stand the pedagogical process at school, where one must study under compulsion. Has an artistic nature. It may become talented actor, director, entertainer, radio and television worker, but maybe lonely

traveler, sailor, lawyer. Artists or journalists with this name are able to reproduce the image of a person with extraordinary truthfulness.

Alexander's health is not very good. Easily overtired. He should take care of his stomach and intestines. His sexuality is mainly mental character. He tends to dream about love instead of living it. His sensuality carries something childish with a subconscious craving for maternal warmth.

"Winter" Alexander is unbalanced, his interests are disordered.

"Autumn" - more balanced, but no less reckless. He can do a lot of stupid things, but then, after analyzing, persistently correct the situation. He can make a good entrepreneur or trade worker. The name is suitable for patronymics: Sergeevich, Mikhailovich, Filippovich, Anatolyevich, Emmanuilovich, Grigorievich, Valentinovich, Yakovlevich.

"Summer" - a tireless seeker of love adventures, which leads him to trouble. An excellent graphic artist and writer.

"Spring"- poetic nature. Cheerful, smart, reckless. But also touchy and sensitive. Suitable for middle names: Dmitrievich, Bogdanovich, Stanislavovich, Vladislavovich, Evgenievich, Danilovich.

Alexei - "defender"(gr.).

In childhood, a sincere, spontaneous child. He doesn't know how to lie at all. When faced with injustice, he can emotionally express disagreement and do everything to spite the offender. In controversial situations, he resolutely insists on his own, clearly arguing his arguments. He is a leader in games and enjoys authority among his peers.

IN early childhood often susceptible to respiratory diseases. With age, his body becomes stronger, he gets sick much less often. “December” is healthier than “summer” and “spring”. Emotional nature. Alexey is stubborn and persistent and often finds himself in conflict situations without wanting to. He is an eternal fighter for justice, but adults sometimes get the impression that the boy is an incorrigible bully and a hooligan. Pride will not allow him to prove that it was not he, but his classmate, who was to blame for some brawl, that he only wanted to restore justice. As a result, most often all the blame falls on himself.

"Summer" Alexey has a less strong will than the “winter” or “autumn” one. He needs the support of friends and the approval of his actions by colleagues. Because of modesty, he is not always able to realize his ideas himself; he turns to friends and like-minded people for help. It is difficult to cope with failures and takes criticism painfully. Girls really like his diplomacy and tact. He has a good memory and quickly grasps everything new. Loves adventure literature and science fiction.

Those born in spring are capable of deep feelings, but do not dare to express them. Severely suffers from indecision. The emotional drama he experienced unsettles him for a long time. He is amorous and will not delve into the motives of his beloved’s behavior; her goodwill and sensitivity are enough for him. He prefers not to talk about feelings, since he is still unable to express their depth. Does not tolerate violence, pressure and even the influence of outsiders, but does not know how to openly express protest and tries to get rid of the presence of such people. He himself does not strive for power. He is not one of those who read morals or impose himself, which earns him the respect of colleagues, friends and especially his adored children and beloved wife.

"Autumn" Alexey is more confident in himself. It’s not easy to talk to him, he analyzes every phrase, demands arguments from his partner, undeniable arguments, and he himself always knows how to prove and defend his ideas. He is specific, laconic in conversation, and has a sharp, lively mind. Initiative, practical, rational. But at the same time, he is attentive to his colleagues, always ready to listen to everyone, discuss the work plan, and takes into account the opinions of others. Tactful, correct, charming.

Winter and autumn give firmness to his character. He gravitates toward exact sciences, is practical, and enterprising.

The name is successfully combined with patronymics: Sergeevich, Georgievich, Grigorievich, Denisovich, Mikhailovich, Vladimirovich, Viktorovich.

"Summer" And "spring" Alexey is softer and more compliant. Amorous and addicted. Poorly protected. His patronymic can protect him: Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Igorevich, Olegovich, Anatolyevich, Eduardovich, Arturovich.
Albert - "noble shine"(gr.).

He's sentimental. Polite and delicate. An introvert by nature. Lives a rich inner life, has developed imagination and intuition. You might think that Albert is a homebody, but this is not so, he likes to travel, he is even ready to emigrate. Capable of sacrifice, but somewhat proud and self-confident, although a little timid. The will is strong. Flexible. He doesn’t get into trouble himself; he rather takes a defensive position. We are overly excitable, but excessive receptivity turns into timidity and indecision. Quite lazy and sluggish. Has a slightly weakened reaction.

Well developed intellect. He has a synthetic mindset that allows him to assess the situation at first glance. He is curious, but has difficulty moving from plans to implementation.

He strives for knowledge, but during algebra or physics lessons he switches off and travels through the sultry sands of the Sahara. It is necessary to monitor his progress at school. More intelligent than capable of remembering anything. And he’s not surprised by anything. He has a chance to become an excellent journalist, mathematician, and he also likes the teaching profession, but mainly because the teacher has a long vacation. He will be an excellent bank employee, as he is interested in everything related to money.

Indecision hinders him in matters of the heart. It is difficult for him to express his feelings in words, although he has no depth of feelings, but he masks his impulses with his characteristic delicacy. Very kind, but it depends on the circumstances. He is fascinated by everything related to religion and even the occult.

Albert's health is satisfactory, but he must be careful of mental overstrain. Weaknesses: Digestive tract and metabolism. Prone to obesity. Albert's sexuality is unusually strong, but depends on many factors. Some aspects of harsh reality can lead him to nervous shock. Therefore, parents should be attentive to his life problems. His first reaction to any action is resistance, an excuse. But he has enough intelligence to stop himself in time and abandon meaningless disputes and discussions.

He enjoys receiving guests and going on visits, but on the condition that he does not have to play first violin. Albert enjoys quiet conversations in luxurious living rooms. He loves his family, is not too despotic and demanding. He values ​​the goodwill of his friends, but his friends and relatives should not allow him to become depressed.

"Winter" Albert is a good mathematician. Quickly solves various puzzles, charades, and crosswords. He is strict in appearance, quick-tempered, but does not hold a grudge for long. He is interested in intellectual games.

"Autumn"- an excellent politician, teacher, coach. Persistent, smart, calculates any situation in advance. Suitable middle names: Alekseevich, Mikhailovich, Naumovich, Natanovich, Oskarovich, Filippovich, Yuryevich.

"Summer" Albert is mysterious and seductive. Too sexy. Gallant, intellectual, erudite.

"Spring"- a cheerful and optimistic person, the soul of society, but overly impressionable. This is a journalist, an artist. Suitable middle names: Alexandrovich, Stanislavovich, Dmitrievich, Timurovich, Feliksovich.
Anatoly - "ascending"(gr.).

He cannot be called a sick child, but he should be protected from infectious diseases and injuries. He has weak respiratory organs and nervous system. Anatoly has an inquisitive mind and is highly inventive. A kind of soothsayer, predicts upcoming events. Temperament type - choleric. Unbalanced, unpredictable like the elements.

As a child, he was naughty. Not particularly modest. In adulthood, he may not be able to tolerate alcohol. The person is nervous, excitable, and reacts violently to everything. Mysterious nature. He is both an extrovert and an introvert. Anatoly's inner life is rich and orderly, he is open to the outside world. He interferes in other people's affairs, but does this not always out of pure curiosity, but wanting to help. But still, not everyone likes it. He has a strong will, is infinitely stubborn, and meticulous. He may be despotic; parents should suppress such desires in him. Prone to unjustified wild antics in the family and in the team. Defeat makes him angry. During his school years, he often encroaches on the authority of teachers, but later he himself becomes a good teacher.

Anatoly can become a serious politician, psychologist, psychiatrist. Easily adapts to any circumstances, but must be a leader everywhere. Anatoly's intuition borders on fantasy. The vision of what is about to happen appears before his eyes like a photograph, this allows him to act most effectively. Has high intelligence and an analytical mind. Curious. In childhood, you need to communicate with such a child on an equal basis, allow him to watch TV, read a lot of books, and enter into discussions with adults.

He's too impressionable. Morality means a lot to him; he himself does not transgress the limits of what is permitted and points out wrong actions to others. He starts early adult life, has a strong sexual desire, but is in good control of his feelings. Parents should prepare the boy for sexual life in advance.

Anatoly is capable of understanding everything, and he should not be raised in isolation from reality. We need to direct his energy in the right direction. He is extremely active and self-confident. This creates the impression that he is the bearer of some special mission. Very sociable. If he wants to tell a person something, he says everything directly, without preamble. He lacks diplomacy. In adolescence, it requires increased attention from adults.

"Winter" Anatoly is an excellent programmer and mathematician. Hot-tempered, but fair.

"Autumn"- an excellent teacher, economist, politician. The following middle names are suitable for such children: Viktorovich, Mironovich, Filippovich, Fedorovich, Terentievich, Arsentievich, Yakovlevich.

"Summer"- conqueror of women's hearts, actor. He's unpredictable.

"Spring" - enthusiastic, but too vulnerable and touchy. Fantasy is well developed. He is capable of being an artist and director.

Patronymic names: Bronislavovich, Kazimirovich, Kirillovich, Klimovich, Aristarkhovich - are more suitable than others.

Andrey - “courageous” (gr.).

He is dreamy and inventive, he can spend a long time and enthusiastically assembling construction sets, inventing new models himself, or noisily rushing around the apartment, pretending to be an airplane, a train, or a horseman. He is restless, loves active games, does not listen too much to his elders. She looks like her mother in appearance, but in character she resembles her father and paternal grandmother.

At school age he becomes more balanced, restrained, knows how to control himself, but he is a fighter for justice, very independent, and proud. His relationship with his mother is warmer than with his father, with whom he often argues, proving that he is right. He is vain and carries out any assignment conscientiously. He has organizational skills and actively participates in the life of the team. He willingly helps his classmates and prefers mathematics to other subjects.

The teacher must remember: in relation to Andrey, force or pressure is completely inappropriate; it is necessary to use reasoned persuasion, taking into account his innate sense of justice.

He is a philosopher by nature, a conversation with interesting person gives him real pleasure, and he knows how to carry on any conversation. He is self-critical, admits his mistakes, but if someone notices this before him and points it out to him, he perceives it painfully. He plays chess well and enjoys sports. He treats animals well and often feeds stray dogs and cats.

In childhood, he is predisposed to infectious diseases.

"Autumn" And "winter" Andrey is very fair, irreconcilable with lies and callousness of others. He often gets into various unpleasant situations while defending his beliefs. Easily gains authority and is popular with girls. Charming and has a sense of humor.

"Summer"- a cheerful fellow, a favorite in any company. He knows a lot of poems, is always ready to read them to friends, and plays the guitar beautifully. He sings well and writes his own songs. He is often the organizer of a school vocal and instrumental ensemble.

"Spring"- has a literary gift and masters the art of oratory. Tells jokes funny stories, a wonderful parodist.

All subjects are equally easy for him, but he knows what to focus on and chooses his own profession. He's doing well in life. It seems that he is lucky. However, his determination and persistence in achieving his goals are the guarantees of his success. .

The following middle names are suitable for “winter” and “autumn” Andrey: Vladimirovich, Petrovich, Mikhailovich, Maksimovich, Viktorovich.

“Summer” and “spring” - Olegovich, Nikolaevich, Semenovich, Stepanovich, Vilenovich, Vladimirovich.

Anton - "competitive"(lat.).

His life consists of ups and downs. Unbalanced nature. All the time he strives for freedom, forgetting that the price for it is loneliness.

He is constantly looking for someone's friendship, good disposition, and love for him is self-torture. Observes others more, analyzes their actions and draws conclusions. He does not get involved in any adventures until he has calculated everything himself. An introvert by nature. Tends to withdraw into himself. Relatives must take this into account. He is objective, capable of self-sacrifice, although he lacks self-confidence and decisiveness in actions. He has willpower, but he doesn't show it often. Anton is not one of the people who gains a position in society. His efforts are to no avail. Often he himself does not know what he wants and cannot express his desires. His excitability is also dormant: he delays making a decision for a long time, thinks about it, and then suddenly gets excited and does the opposite. Having good intuition, he often listens to it. But he doesn’t use all the opportunities and therefore sometimes loses his composure. Very sensitive to failures, prone to outpouring of feelings. Because of fear, and not because of promiscuity or anger, he is sometimes aggressive. Activity is weak. A constant shake-up and impetus to activity is needed. Prefers to have one friend than a wide circle of acquaintances. He is lucky in life, which, combined with patience, brings him success. Anton is the embodiment of patience.

He is interested in philosophy, psychology, medicine, and parapsychology. Famous writers, musicians, artists, and singers bore this name. Your little Anton can become a modern, brave electronics engineer. But he dreams of building a big fortified house and hide in it.

Hardy, does not get tired. But it needs fresh air and long sleep. Weak organs: kidneys, eyes; suffers from headaches. You should protect yourself from sinusitis. Anton is not confident in his sexual capabilities, which is completely unfounded, and this can develop an inferiority complex in him. Strictly adheres to the rules of morality.

"Winter" And "autumn" the child should be given the name Anton in combination with patronymics: Artemovich, Mikhailovich, Borisovich, Zakharovich, Mironovich, Grigorievich. "Summer" And "spring" The following middle names are suitable for Anton: Olegovich, Dmitrievich, Andreevich, Andrianovich, Leontyevich, Lvovich, Filippovich, Kazimirovich, Klimovich.
Arkady - "happy country"(gr.).

Sociable, friendly, kind. Rowen with everyone. Surrounded by friends, buddies and friends. Responsive, humane. One can envy his fate. But his character is characterized by restlessness, a feeling of anxiety, and a readiness to run away at any moment. Introvert, often withdraws into himself. It is necessary to ensure that this child does not lose touch with reality. He is overly curious, which sometimes puts him in a difficult position. He lacks self-confidence. If you do not pay attention to this from childhood, then he may grow up cowardly and cowardly. Willpower is moderate. Discrepancy between great activity and moderate willpower leads to lack of balance. Excitability is him is excessive for a man. It is necessary to develop in him the ability to manage emotions and make reasonable decisions independently.

Arkady is very active, always in the thick of things, quickly moves towards success and does not tolerate obstacles, but is overly sensitive to defeats, both his own and those of others. He has an analytical mind. Can become a lawyer, journalist, teacher, research fellow. Developed intuition often comes to his aid in critical situations. Pedant. Excessive excitability often creates problems. He often becomes dependent on his feelings, although he is freedom-loving by nature and is not influenced by others. Doesn't like moralizing and doesn't listen to advice. Easily lost in dubious situations. He doesn’t believe in anything, he has to check everything himself.

Very sociable, but unreliable. Fickle. Sometimes he craves communication, sometimes he dreams of loneliness. He loves family life, but on the condition that his hands will not be tied. He is lucky and fortunate, but does not know how to use it.

Arkady's health is excellent, but mental overstrain should be avoided. He needs long sleep, a quiet lifestyle and diet. He is susceptible to infectious diseases, he has a weak nervous system. Arkady's sexual attraction is stronger than all other feelings. He strives for the joys of life, but avoids moral responsibility and obligations to your partner.

"Winter" Arkady is quick-tempered, but quickly moves away. Seductive, correct, loved by women. Can work as a researcher, teacher, trainer.

"Autumn"- balanced, but skeptical. Too strict and reasonable. He does not deviate one step from the written rules and this irritates many. Meticulous and stubborn. This is a lawyer, an investigator. ­

The name matches patronymics: Fedorovich, Yuryevich, Alekseevich, Aleksandrovich, Anatolyevich, Timofeevich.

"Summer"- active, sexy, the life of the party. Easily irritated by small things. Maybe a journalist, an actor.

"Spring"- a good speaker, has a beautiful style of expressing thoughts. He is interested in journalism. Suitable for middle names: Mironovich, Valterovich, Vsevolodovich, Martynovich, Valentinovich.
Artem - "perfect health"(gr.).

"Winter" Artem is a balanced, calm boy. he is somewhat slow, but there is no need to rush him, he will do everything perfectly on his own. Someone's leadership or excessive care irritates him. He is independent and independent. Spiritually closer to the mother than to the father, mommy's favorite. Since childhood, he has been attentive and helpful with girls, a true gentleman. He is great friends with girls and never offends them.

He is prone to colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract, so it is necessary to get him interested in sports, preferably swimming.

"January" Artem has controversial nature, sometimes it is difficult for him to make the right decision, he is tormented by doubts, self-doubt, and the “December” is overly emotional, quick-tempered, prefers outdoor games, and is persistent in achieving his goal.

"Autumn"- philosophical nature, serious and reasonable. He is more decisive than the “winter” one, but he carefully thinks through every decision. Does not allow mistakes even in early age. For him there is no problem in choosing activities or entertainment; he always knows what he wants. He is not influenced; on the contrary, he easily influences his peers. He gravitates towards the exact sciences, is interested in history and economics. He chooses his own profession and achieves good results. He loves sports, but most of all he is attracted to the cycling track. It takes him a little longer to complete any task than others; he is unhurried and meticulous.

"Summer"- disciplined, never violates ethical rules, correct and gallant. He is able to grasp information on the fly, but to use it, he needs time. I have to think it over, go over the options in my head. IN physical development he is a little behind his peers - he is short in stature and has a small build until he is almost eighteen years old. Then he grows up sharply and becomes a strong young man. He does not strive for leadership, he willingly yields the palm to his friends, but he will not allow anyone to lead him.

"Spring"- conscientious and responsible. He experiences failures very painfully, is proud, and somewhat selfish. Irritable and capricious, in childhood requires increased attention from parents. Praise is very important to him; it inspires him and raises him in his own eyes. Don't deny him this. If you want to achieve something from him, then you should not put pressure on him. It is necessary to establish a trusting relationship, then he will not have secrets from you. Artem is a capable boy, loves literature and all humanities. Having matured, he prefers philosophy, psychology, and medicine. “Maysky” Artem can become a successful politician, political commentator, or journalist.

The following patronymics are suitable for “winter” and “autumn”: Mikhailovich, Alexandrovich, Borisovich, Pavlovich, Grigorievich, Sergeevich.

“Summer” and “spring” - Gavrilovich, Danilovich, Davydovich, Vladimirovich, Anatolyevich, Nikolaevich, Fedorovich, Yuryevich.
Arthur - "mighty bear"(Celt.).

This is a person who does not bother himself with everyday chores. He will always find someone who will do everything for him. Arthur is impressive and ambitious. Strives for a calm, prosperous life. Skillfully avoids conflicts and survives the unfolding storm. Introvert. Lives in the depths of his world. From childhood, you need to accustom him to an active life, involve him in sporting events. He must not be allowed to remain aloof from what is happening, to be left unattended.

A strong-willed person, but will manifests itself mainly in extreme situations, in a state of excitement. He has many comrades, but he builds friendly relations in such a way as not to burden or bind himself with obligations. Arthur is slow to react to what is happening, but he has a heightened sense of defeat, failures shock and destroy him.

He chooses a profession that is a link between a boss and a subordinate, that is, he cannot become a subordinate and does not want to lead or take responsibility. Can work as a customs officer, administrator, physician, electronics engineer. Achieves success in the field of alternative medicine. This name is given to famous surgeons or dentists.

He has exceptional intuition. This often helps him in difficult situations. If he is too lazy to carefully develop something, he uses intuition. Has an analytical mind. Well developed imagination. Excellent memory. However, he lacks curiosity and interest. Prefers to think about life's problems while lying on the couch than to take part in overcoming obstacles.

Arthur is very impressionable and sensitive. He heartily experiences the evil done to him and gratefully accepts the good. Morally, he is impeccable. However, he does not obey harsh customs and cannot stand strict boundaries.

He is born weak and should be protected from colds and infectious diseases. He quickly gets overtired, but overwork should be distinguished from laziness: Arthur often feigns it. We need to take care of the nervous system.

Arthur's sexuality is extremely high. He is delicate and sensitive, well versed in female psychology. But sexual attraction and lust take their toll. He exhibits indecisiveness and is completely unable to resist and fight. Loves a colorful environment, which includes random people. He has a well-developed sense of duty to his family; it is in the family that he seeks security and peace, and for this he is able to make concessions. You can trust this man. He is not too active and assertive, but has a rare and valuable quality - self-esteem.

"Winter" Arthur is gallant and elegant. Smart, diplomatic. Conducts himself with dignity. An excellent medical worker, successfully engaged in scientific activities.

"Autumn"- strict in judgment, correct in statements. It is impossible to get him out of patience. He works in electronics and may become a jeweler.

"Summer"- kind, generous in soul, capable of giving joy. He is attracted to the work of a circus or film performer, journalism.

"Spring"- has an amazing sense of humor. He can be a humorist writer and perform his works himself.

“Winter” and “autumn” Arthur should be given a name in combination with patronymics: Mikhailovich, Mironovich, Yakovlevich, Olegovich, Oskarovich, Artemovich, Davydovich.

“Summer” and “spring” - Rodionovich, Yulievich, Filippovich, Timurovich, Leonidovich, Lyudvigovich, Leontievich.
Boris - "struggling"(slav.).

From early childhood he should be protected from injury. Due to his eccentric nature, accidents often occur with him. He neglects his health, and he needs to spend more time in the fresh air. .

Boris is usually purposeful, optimistic, inquisitive, and has imaginative thinking. Sometimes he is quick-tempered and unpredictable in his actions. Fate often tests him. But what is important in life for him is still the uncontrollable desire to have his own home, a strong family - small children are a joy to him. Sanguine in character, he is somewhat dry in his expression of feelings. Often uses an icy tone in conversation, which either confuses or irritates others. But that doesn't stop people from liking him. He may be vindictive, but this feeling does not last long. He has strong principles and tries to impose them on others; if necessary, he will make every effort to do this.

The subject of his main interest is the life of others, in this sense he is an extrovert. This is a boss who dreams of unconditional submission. Boris has a very strong will. He is demanding and domineering not only towards others, but also towards himself in the first place. But his will without a drop of diplomacy, this gives rise to drama, quarrels and even a complete break. Has lightning-fast reactions. Objective, ready to give everything for an idea, even sacrifice his loved ones. He doesn’t like people who easily change their views, but he doesn’t like stubborn people either. Able to work in any team, non-conflict. The end result is important to him, and therefore he finds himself both in the field of art and in the field of science. His real goal in life is self-realization. Inspiration helps him solve extremely complex problems with brilliance. Boris has an analytical mind. This is a born designer with impeccable memory, curiosity and excellent sensitivity.

He remembers his rights more often than his responsibilities. Can't stand injustice. He does not strive to be the favorite in the family, but he also does not want to take last place among his brothers and sisters. Moral and ethical rigor is included in the system of his philosophical views.

Boris is very sexy, but does not like any complications. He does not burden himself with any promises; free love, without unnecessary responsibilities, is more suitable for him. Very active, a real bomb - you don’t know when and where it will explode. In friendship he is faithful and reliable, but does not waste time on people who have nothing to say. He is demanding of his friends and sometimes annoying. It’s not easy in life with Boris, but at least you won’t get bored with him. This is a person who achieves his goal with a creative attitude to work and his own efforts.

"Winter"- strong character, quick-tempered.

"Autumn"- practical, serious. Suitable middle names: Ivanovich, Mikhailovich, Vladimirovich, Sergeevich, Andreevich, Pavlovich, Maksimovich, Zinovievich.

"Summer" - kind, flexible, and to some extent altruistic, but he cannot be called spineless.

"Spring"- squeamish, cautious, reinsurer. His name is more suitable for patronymics: Fedorovich, Yaroslavovich, Tikhomirovich, Timurovich, Eldarovich, Leonidovich, Bogdanovich.
Vadim - "bully"(slav.).

Vadim is usually a healthy, sociable, cheerful child. He, like a lamb, jumps around the room or runs skipping along the alley of the park, scaring the old grandmother or random passers-by with his screams. But this is not from disobedience. Vadim reacts very sensitively to his mother’s comments, he dearly loves her and his father and his sister and brother, if he has them, but he has so much unspent energy... Therefore, as a child, you need to make sure that Vadim does not ride his bike on roadway, did not fall from a tree or balcony. He studies well, but teachers complain about his restlessness.

Vadimov makes smart leaders. They feel people, are caring, and remember their promises. Vadim is extremely hardworking and purposeful. Having taken on something, he will not stop until he achieves his goal. He is not devoid of prudence and some cunning; he carefully thinks through his actions and statements. He has “breakthrough” abilities: getting something rare and in short supply is a pleasure for Vadim; he sees this as a certain game and experiences approximately the same feelings that arise in an athlete when he wins.

This is a passionate, addicting nature. May be addicted to cards, prone to risk. In entertainment, he adheres to the principle of “walking is walking” and sometimes, following it, he goes overboard. Loves fast driving and a good table.

It happens that he dates a girl for a long time, prepares for a wedding, but under the influence of a passing infatuation, he marries another. But, having fallen in love, he loves thoroughly: strongly and for a long time. His jealousy is just as passionate. And this is not surprising: for Vadim his wife is more than a wife, for him she is his second self. A woman who has connected her life with him is usually happy with her fate.

Vadim is predisposed to colds, he also needs to be protected from accidents.

"Winter"- sociable, cheerful, frank with friends.

"Autumn"- passionate, addicting nature. Can become a builder, mechanic, or succeed in the field of electronics. This is the leader. Suitable for patronymics: Petrovich, Pavlovich, Andreevich, Mikhailovich, Borisovich, Vyacheslavovich, Evgenievich.

"Summer"- energetic, active, and to some extent an altruist.

"Spring" - loves comfort, loves to flaunt his capabilities, is boastful. An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a writer, an actor, a realist artist - this is a suitable role in life for him. Patronymic names: Egorovich, Zinovievich, Illarionovich, Iosifovich, Davydovich, Lazarevich - will help him achieve success.
Valentin - "healthy, strong"(lat.).

He grows up to be an obedient and diligent child. As a child, he prefers friendship with girls and protects them from offenders. He is observant and unobtrusive. He is drawn to his grandfather, and it will be very good if his grandfather helps Valik in breeding fish, since he has a penchant for contemplation and peace.

As a teenager he became interested in philosophy and psychology and was extremely interested in mental life person, he can make a good psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Valentin is endowed with other abilities and, having the necessary strong-willed qualities, often achieves great success in a variety of fields of activity.

He true friend, his comrades trust him with their secrets. He will prefer a good book to a football match. Usually he does not smoke, although he treats people who smoke, including his smoking wife, with condescension and understanding. Loves to pick mushrooms, fish, and just breathe fresh air in nature. But it’s difficult to drag him into the mountains. And a summer cottage is also not one of his hobbies. Chess and crosswords are his element.

His wife's culinary abilities are not of decisive importance for Valentin. He is content with a hastily prepared sandwich and a sumptuous dinner, not noticing, however, that his wife expects praise from him in both the first and second cases. And don’t be offended by it, it even has its own charm. So, it won’t occur to him to quarrel over an empty refrigerator. What he values ​​most in a woman is her psychological qualities, among which the most attractive for him are modesty, complaisance, and quiet disposition. Valentin easily finds a common language with his wife’s parents and does not refuse to help neighbors and relatives. He also cannot be classified as a drinker. Unloving, remains faithful in marriage. Sometimes his affection for his wife is of such a nature that it gives his friends a reason to make fun of him. It is better not to give him a reason for jealousy. He is prone to sinusitis, has weak lungs, and an unbalanced nervous system.

"Winter" - with a strong will and strong character.

“Autumn” - persistently pursues the goal, true to his ideals. Can become a builder, trade worker, doctor. Suitable for patronymics: Nazarovich, Vitalievich, Borisovich, Alekseevich, Mikhailovich.

"Summer" - loyal, affectionate, good-natured.

"Spring"- disgusting, jealous, vulnerable. Can become a writer, journalist, actor. Suitable for middle names: Danilovich, Dmitrievich, Antonovich, Igorevich, Demyanovich, Guryevich, Lyubomirovich, Erikovich.
Valery - "strong, healthy"(lat.).

He has been restless since childhood. He studies well, but is not diligent. Loves noisy games, hide and seek, running. It shows an early tendency to take risks, a desire to test oneself in extreme situations. He belongs to that breed of boys who are ready to go into the forest or cemetery at night “on a bet.” Crossing the street in front of a moving car is also one of those risky entertainments that Valery exposes himself to. Loves to read books about adventures, early discovers an interest in science fiction. Father's favorite. He treats his mother condescendingly, listens to her advice and instructions with half an ear, although he does not enter into an argument.

The adult Valery is persistent, trying to acquire a specialty that would help him not only support his family at the proper level, but would also give him the opportunity to travel and see the world. He has a strong psyche, he does not experience any complexes in communicating with people, and easily makes new acquaintances. He goes in for sports, prefers boxing among sports, and can be a frequent and successful visitor to the hippodrome. He loves to tinker in the ground and therefore will definitely try to cultivate at least a small plot near his house, even if this house is high-rise. As a last resort, he will plant greenery on the balcony.

He is scrupulous in choosing his future wife. He is looking for a woman who is spiritually rich and values ​​household neatness and cleanliness. Because of the search, he will not marry for a long time. The girls he dates often break up with him without waiting for a proposal. But in vain! In marriage, he is a convinced monogamist. Attachment to his wife sometimes takes on a purely physiological character; he is simply unable to change her. Not to mention the fact that the desire to change is very rare for him. Some arrogant wives, sensing this, allow themselves to treat Valery with disdain. They commit serious mistake. A proud spouse may not forgive this.

Homebody. He is touching towards newborns. It is not without pleasure that he goes shopping at the market. Drinks in moderation. Valery winter month birth is more complex in character than the “summer” one, despotic and stingy. Valery with the patronymic names Nikolaevich, Dmitrievich, Borisovich, Igorevich is especially difficult to communicate with.

He often suffers from pharyngitis and has weak eyes.

"Winter" - purposeful, selfish, cunning.

"Autumn"- hot-tempered, uncontrollable in a fit of anger. Can work as a manager in trade or the service sector. Enterprising. Suitable for middle names: Petrovich, Andreevich, Sergeevich, Pavlovich.

"Summer"- slippery, weak in feelings for female, but avoids responsibility.

"Spring"- may become addicted to alcohol. Outwardly pleasant, but also cunning and unpredictable. This is a musician, singer, translator, actor. Suitable for patronymics: Stanislavovich, Vyacheslavovich, Semenovich, Oskarovich, Voldemarovich.
Basil - "king, prince, ruler"(gr.).

Cornflower loves to play with hamsters and parrots, and will never kick a dog. A favorite of grandparents. He won’t live a day without his fellow peers. And this trait remains with him throughout his life. Having matured, he would rather go into conflict with his wife than act in such a way that his comrade would suffer. And work is also in second place for him. The main thing is friends, comrades. But he tries to do his job in such a way as not to be considered a bad worker, but to be in good standing.

With his employees he is as gallant as a knight, and he is very flattered when women consider him such.

He loves football and hockey, tries not to miss a single match of his favorite team, and plays dominoes with passion.

A strong disadvantage is a frequent addiction to alcohol. When drunk, he is a grumbler and speaks in an instructive tone. At work, they usually know about his drunkenness, but they put up with it, remembering his conscientious attitude. To work and good professional qualities.

A woman with Vasily, who does not drink, feels confident. He is a man of duty. Having married, he will not think about divorce in a week on the grounds that his wife has bad character or she doesn’t want to cook food for him at all. He will resignedly share the hardships of everyday life, without complaining to anyone about his fate. Responsibility increases with the birth of a child. His affection for children in the strength of his feeling can only be compared with the feeling of a woman who ardently and blindly adores her only and long-awaited child. In difficult life and family situations, he withdraws, becomes secretive, and then signs of indecision appear in his behavior. He almost always has an excellent relationship with his father-in-law, but he is a little afraid of his mother-in-law.

He has a weak nervous system and should be wary of nervous breakdowns.

"Winter" Vasily is cheerful, sociable, a favorite of the public.

"Autumn"- responsible, obligatory, pedantic. Can become a researcher, programmer, electronics engineer. Suitable for patronymics: Petrovich, Fedorovich, Alekseevich, Yakovlevich, Mikhailovich.

"Summer" - predisposed to alcoholism, weak character. It is run by his wife.

"Spring" - cunning cowardly and acts on the sly. Can work as a graphic designer, journalist, and enjoys music. Suitable for patronymics: Kazimirovich, Vyacheslavovich, Glebovich, Makarovich, Pavlovich.
Victor - "winner"(lat.).

It should be protected from infectious diseases. He tends to be overweight, but he is such a gourmet that even the word “diet” irritates him. Subsequently, he is threatened with osteochondrosis.

Very active and strives for fame. At the right moment he becomes serious and focused. Despite his strong character, he can suddenly relax and do stupid things. Eloquent, attentive, unsafe for the weaker sex. He feels good only in his “shell”. All my life, like a child, I have been afraid of difficulties and various complications in my personal life. Very attached to home. An extrovert by nature, he is receptive and sensitive to both his own failures and those of others. He is defenseless and needs a sense of security in a strong, friendly family. Must develop freely, without parental pressure. You should not constantly patronize him and strongly give him advice; he will still do everything his own way.

Victor is so excitable that he shows his ardor at the most inopportune moment and, of course, ruins everything. In a state of passion, he is not responsible for his actions. In this case, it is best to turn everything into a joke and make it clear that his aggressiveness is feigned and does not suit him. He will quickly calm down, since he cares about his reputation.

Current page: 1 (book has 12 pages total) [available reading passage: 7 pages]

Boris Khigir
The secret of a man's name

© Higir B., 2015

© Design. LLC "Trade and Publishing House "Amphora", 2015

Index of male names

Adam (biblical “red clay”)

In childhood, a child with this name often gets sick and is very vulnerable. Nervous system very unstable. He looks neither like his father nor his mother. Very emotional, stubborn, persistent, can lie. He has a lot of friends. Goes in for sports: football, gymnastics. “Winter” can become a high-class athlete. Thanks to his persistence and even stubbornness, he achieves great results. In adulthood, the character changes and becomes calmer. Achieves a lot in life thanks to patience.

A man with this name is a good father of a family. Difficult relationships are established between Adam's wife and mother: they are completely incompatible. Adam loves animals, nature, and often goes on vacation to the forest. Jealous and stubborn. It is useless for his wife to try to command him.

Adam is not a careerist, he goes towards his goal the hard way. Always thinks about his words, does not cut from the shoulder. He does not like to go on business trips and chooses his job carefully. Lucky in marriage. Doesn't disdain any homework. Due to his addictive nature, he often does not marry for a long time.

“Winter” Adam is very talented. Can become a wonderful artist or musician. He does not like to talk a lot, prefers to act, and this contributes to success in life. “Autumn” is very calculating, but compliant and does not rush to conclusions.

Professions: coach, agronomist, veterinarian, programmer, designer, cook, priest, writer.

Adolf (German: “noble wolf”)

His character has been complex and stubborn since childhood. He looks like his mother, but with age he becomes closer to his father - both in appearance and in character. He studies well at school and loves to play chess, football, and table tennis. Reads a lot of adventure literature. Adolf is a brave man, despite his inner vulnerability. He chooses his friends himself. He is interested in numismatics and loves making things. Obligatory and punctual. He knows how to convince, but not beg. Adolf is an inquisitive person with a developed imagination; big dreamer. Very talented and can work successfully in a variety of areas.

Marries late, chooses a calm woman. He only does what gives him pleasure. He likes to pick mushrooms and cook delicious dishes - he is a good cook. Life is monotonous.

“Winter” is a good organizer. You can entrust him with complex work, and he will do it accurately and accurately. Doesn't like to go on business trips. “Autumn” is prudent and does not take rash steps. Reaches great heights in science. This is a man who is fanatically dedicated to his work. “Summer” is vulnerable, withdrawn, prefers to listen more than talk. Despite his reticence, he will never refuse an invitation to visit.

Professions: banker, artist, engineer, jeweler, driver, doctor, writer.

Akim (Heb. "God will raise up")

The child grows up calm, not capricious, but stubborn. He is selective in his friendships, demanding of his friends and can grow intolerant if it is not explained to him that all people have shortcomings. “December” is bold. If he is guilty, he can be deprived of some privileges, but physical or moral violence cannot be used. If you give him an example of violence, sooner or later he will answer you in kind. Try not to punish him without sufficient reason; If you think your child is wrong, logically prove it to him. Stand in a position of justice - this way you will not lose his respect.

Adult Akim is active, open and fair to people. His wife, as a rule, manages him, but family life It's shaping up well. Likes animals. He visits relatives, but is internally lonely. Very attached to his parents.

“Noyabrsky” is eccentric, which can be a mask. Conservative in everything. Always considers himself right, does not trust anyone, tries to rely only on himself. Likes to give advice. If necessary, he can risk his life with a smile on his lips. He is not a braggart and does not like it when people brag. Has an excellent memory. Inventive and able to solve the most difficult problems with amazing speed. He has courage and a strong will. Thanks to these qualities, he achieves great success in life. Tries to help colleagues. He is hampered by some impulsiveness. Sometimes he does not weigh his strengths and does not distribute them rationally. Has good organizational skills. A leader by nature, he always relies on himself, does not allow himself to be surpassed, and is sometimes merciless and unceremonious. Wherever Akim works, he always goes along with his relatives and colleagues, it is difficult to advance in his career, and he does not like to adapt to his superiors.

Professions: designer, physicist, programmer, investigator, patent specialist, personnel officer, journalist, tax inspector, doctor, director.

Alexander (ancient Greek “protector of people”)

As a child, he often gets sick, but as he gets older, he plays sports intensively and grows up to be a strong and purposeful man. He always gets his way, an excellent leader who knows how to manage a team and pays tribute to capable, gifted employees. Enjoys a reputation as a fair person. He likes to drink, when intoxicated he becomes boastful and loses control over himself. It is not easy, and sometimes almost impossible, to persuade the self-confident Alexander to drink less. However, a strong life shock can turn him away from alcohol forever. In relationships with women, he strives to be charming. It is rare to meet such a friendly and helpful man as Alexander. Offering a hand, helping to put on a coat, buying a bouquet of flowers is absolutely natural for him. His main weapon is a compliment. He does not play and actually believes in the sincerity of his words, as well as in the truth of his declaration of love. The trouble is that, having vowed to love forever, Alexander, after some time, with the same fervor, will swear the same to another woman.

“Summer” loves children madly. “Winter”, “spring” and “autumn” treat children more restrained.

Alexei (other – Greek “protector”)

This is what a calm, self-confident woman would name her son. The son is very attached to his mother. Since childhood, he feels like her protector, and as he grows up, he becomes the protector of all women. He is friendly, taciturn, and a man of action. As a child, he did not lead a gang of boys, but they always turned to him for advice.

An adult is diligent and enjoys doing painstaking work. Whatever he does, he will know his business better than anyone else; At the factory he is an irreplaceable master, in teaching he is an experienced mentor, in sports he is a patient coach, in business he is an obligatory partner. He is ambitious, and this helps him achieve a good position in society. Creative person possessing subtle intuition.

His special character trait, which is valued by all mothers-in-law, is complaisance. He is always calm, thorough, hardworking, persistent and conscientious. He yields to his wife in trifles, but in serious matters he shows firmness. Touchy and vulnerable. Alexey values ​​cleanliness in women. God forbid you appear in front of him in an unkempt robe: he will remain silent, but make it clear that this is unpleasant for him. In conflicts between his wife and others, he always takes her side, even if she is wrong. Not jealous. He is faithful, most often out of a sense of disgust. He cares more about his children than about himself. Until old age, he retains filial affection for his parents.

Professions: artist, writer, actor, engineer, physicist, surgeon, criminologist.

Albert (Old German “noble splendor”)

In infancy, a child is restless, especially if born in December. The baby is lively and energetic. He is growing up to be a brave boy, not afraid of large dogs. Animals are drawn to him, feeling his strength and kindness. He has a good appetite, which confuses his parents, and they often overfeed him. It should be protected from diseases such as pharyngitis and tonsillitis. “July” is very kind and flexible, which does not go with his appearance; he is usually a large boy, strong and resilient, a protector of the weak, a patron of children.

Adult - strong man, calm, self-possessed and reliable. Monogamous by nature. He is in no hurry to get married, dates his chosen one for a long time, but in the end, he marries her. He enjoys success with women, which flatters him. Avoids obsessive ladies. He takes a calm, intelligent and kind woman as his wife and is not mistaken in choosing a wife. It is important for him to have a strong family and good relationships with all household members. Sex means a lot to him, and since he is monogamous, his wife must be quite sexy, tender, and responsive. Disharmony in sexual relations may cause family breakdown. He does not know how to cheat, and if he has an affair on the side, then most likely he will divorce his wife.

“Summer” pays great attention to peace of mind. It is important for him to feel the reliability of family relationships, he does not tolerate conflicts, does not tolerate quarrels. He himself is a calm, gentle person, does not like to attract attention to himself, always tries to be in the shadows, as if embarrassed by his strength. He is easy to communicate, but he is never the first to make contact. It's easy and reliable. He is not a fighter by nature, but he knows how to stand up for himself and his loved ones. In the family he does not strive for leadership at all; he puts all the initiative in the hands of his wife and trusts her completely. The wife decides all issues on her own, so he chooses a decisive, energetic and faithful woman as his wife.

"Winter" has a strong character, the leader in the family, always remains behind him the last word. “Spring” is somewhat lazy and imposing. He is of little interest in household chores, but he takes care of raising children himself. He introduces them to sports early, spends all weekends with them in nature or at the stadium. “Autumn” is a hard worker and knows how to do everything with his own hands. Tries to have land plot, loves to dig in the ground, loves to grow fruit bushes. Roses are his weakness. Good owner. He knows how to provide for his family financially, he knows what to buy for the house on the way from work. He willingly takes care of children, and children love him very much.

Alfred (English: “mind, wisdom”)

Character in childhood is stubborn. He studies well at school, is obedient, loves mathematics and history. Without initially standing out among his peers, he later becomes a leader. Brave and reasonable at the same time. Devoted to loved ones. Doesn't force his opinion on anyone. Often he cannot reveal his talent for a long time, he tries a lot different professions before he finds himself.

“Winter” is very controversial. Loves to argue and prove his point. In love. He doesn’t marry for a long time because he makes great demands on his future wife. Selfish and independent. He has a strong wanderlust. Loves to teach. He treats his parents very well and always helps them. Thanks to cunning, diplomacy and extraordinary hard work, he achieves a strong position in society. Emotional and stubborn. “Summer” is especially sexy.

Professions: engineer, doctor, artist, composer, military man, administrator, journalist, writer, philosopher.

Anatoly (Greek: "sunrise")

As a child, he is withdrawn and unsure of himself, afraid of the street. Likes to read science fiction and adventure novels, imagining himself as a hero-Superman. Growing up, it ceases to be mama's boy, he is respected by his peers for his intelligence and knowledge. But at heart he remains a romantic.

He knows how to get along with people and is known as a person with an easy-going character, but in extreme situations he can oppose himself to the team, become uncontrollable, prickly and quarrelsome. He has a developed sense of justice; being a leader, he never humiliates employees. Delicate. Touchiness and suspiciousness do not prevent him from making good money.

He is reasonable, balanced, and easily wins the trust of women. Loves blondes. He quickly establishes good relations with his wife's parents, especially with his father-in-law, whom he treats like a good old friend.

Easily gets used to alcohol. When drunk, he has poor self-control, can be rude, and can start a fight.

The wife in the family is usually the leader. The wife's dictate sometimes takes rough forms. Therefore, it is not surprising that one day Anatoly apparent reason can leave the house. Doesn't always work with children mutual language.

“Winter” or “autumn” is endowed with various talents. This is a business-like, active-minded man. Has good intuition. He shouldn't get carried away with alcohol. “Summer” or “spring” – reliable, kind and trusting. Not indifferent to praise. An avid traveler. Somewhat squeamish. Not self-critical.

Andrey (Greek: “man of courage”)

Little cunning and dreamer. He can enthusiastically assemble construction sets, but he can also run around the apartment screaming, pretending to be an airplane or a horseman. Naughty. She has a sweet tooth, which is why she has been spoiling her teeth since childhood. The mother listens according to her mood and tries to argue with the father. If there is a brother, he is friends with him and loves him; To younger sister is jealous and not inferior to her. Andrei the teenager does not stand out in any way. But later, those around him will suddenly notice that he graduated from sports school and is better off in life than his peers. The girls are offended by Andrei's inconstancy: he can confess his love to one, and the next day, without noticing her, pass by with another. Nothing will bother him. He will sincerely tell his next friend a lot about himself, as if in confession. But don’t delude yourself—you’ll never know everything about him.

In his service, he is appreciated by his superiors. Older employees treat him condescendingly, while younger ones expect surprises from him. Nobody knows what might come into his head in the next minute. Impulsive and unpredictable, he can cause his wife to be truly delighted with an expensive gift, and then drive her crazy by refusing to buy a penny item that is needed in the household.

He chooses a beautiful, emotional, spectacular woman as his wife, without being interested in her character and inner world. He rejects the persuasion of relatives and warnings from friends not to rush into marriage. He has high self-esteem, he is selfish and artistic, and requires increased attention to himself. He may be jealous of his wife if she devotes a lot of time to the child and little to him. Relationships with mother-in-law are difficult.

“Winter” is especially gifted in the arts. “Autumn” is prudent, punctual, does not have his head in the clouds, and chooses a profession in the field of exact and natural sciences. Lucky in business.

Professions: director, actor, singer, composer, artist, scientist.

Anton (Latin “wide”, Greek “enemy”)

Charming child. He retains his charm even into adulthood. His character is similar to his mother's, but he clings tightly to his father, even if the parents are divorced. However, Anton tries to treat both of them with great respect all his life. Painful in early childhood. During his school years he is lazy and does his homework under pressure, but then he can change his attitude towards studying. It is still difficult to get him to make his bed in the morning, but he will study his chosen science or specialty day and night. In his youth, he is surrounded by many girlfriends, but getting married is not easy. He takes this step exclusively on his own, having thoroughly considered it. He cannot be called an exemplary family man, he is not a homebody, but his kindness and complaisance help him avoid conflicts in the family. He is a good worker and a talented scientist. Very efficient. Hardworking. Master of his craft. Reads a lot. Sexy. He is kind with women, but is proud, sometimes very jealous and then uncontrollable. Likes to drink. Cowardice is the only serious flaw that he carefully hides.

Life is easier for “winter” people. He is brave, cunning, persistent, calculating and diplomatic. “Yanvarsky” can become a good athlete and has fighting qualities.

Arkady (Greek "happy")

A favorite of grandparents. Worship, tenderness, admiration from adults - he will receive all this in abundance in childhood, but he will not become an egoist. Helps parents without giving up homework. Adult Arkady carries the charge of love and kindness that he received in childhood. He quickly finds a common language with any person, so conflicts in the team where Arkady is the boss are very rare. He is unforgiving and always tries to fulfill his promise.

His disadvantage is a tendency to drink and internal spontaneity. He can spend his entire salary in a restaurant, although a couple of hours before he was going to go home, not thinking about entertainment. Drunk Arkady is very boastful. Not every wife can withstand such a life. But he compensates for his breakdowns with fidelity in marriage; Don Juanism is not his style. Family is the main subject of his concerns. Without regret, he will refuse a promising job, a prestigious position, or move to another city if these changes worsen the situation of his loved ones. Stability in the present seduces him more than good luck in the future. He is a calm, gentle and caring person. He avoids domestic quarrels in every possible way, and is ready to give up old habits for this. He is obligatory, and if he promised his wife something, he will definitely keep his word. Loves to play with small children.

Remarriage is very rare for him. Family is the main thing.

Arnold (German: “reigning eagle”)

Little Arnold is very irritable, stubborn and always wants to be first. The character is not easy. He does well at school, especially in mathematics and physics. He is too straightforward, which is why he conflicts with teachers. He lives in isolation and doesn’t let anyone get close to him. He has skillful hands and a well-developed imagination. He brings any task to completion. However, his career advancement is slow.

The first marriage is often short-lived, the second is more successful.

Fate does not spoil the “summer” Arnold. He is overly suspicious. In old age he may become disabled. "Winter" - with difficult character, is not without abilities. Hardworking and persistent in achieving goals, overly irritable and stubborn. Difficult to get along with strangers and is having a hard time breaking up with friends. He himself knows the flaws of his character, but stubbornness prevents him from becoming different.

Professions: engineer, radiologist, actor, director.

Arseny (Greek: “courageous”


Doesn't cause much trouble for parents. He studies well, does not conflict with peers, and is sociable. Vulnerable and sensitive. He studies music, but under pressure from his parents. Loves animals, especially dogs. He wants to do only what he likes. He often finds himself in absurd or ambiguous situations, which he himself creates.

“Summer” is a little talkative and prefers to listen to what others say. He's not a leader. It is difficult for him to move up the career ladder, and if he makes a career, it is thanks to his parents. “Winter” is resourceful, brave, but very stubborn, and this makes his life difficult. Plays sports, but without visible results. “Autumn” is cunning, calculating, hardworking and neat. Values ​​friendship, but does nothing selflessly. Makes plans that are often far from reality. He is easy-going, but if he quarrels, he holds the grudge for a long time and will never take the first step towards reconciliation. Often marries twice. Can devote himself to serving God. Collects ancient books, icons, coins.

Professions: designer, sports coach, doctor, cook, artist, architect, lawyer, driver.

Artem (Greek: “healthy, unharmed”)

As a child, he often catches colds. Calm, never imposes his opinion on others. There are usually no problems at school. He reads a lot, is objective in assessing the situation, always tells the truth, and sometimes he gets it for it. Friendly and sociable. In adulthood - flexible, but purposeful. Not a careerist, hardworking. He achieves everything through his own work, is very devoted, and knows how to keep secrets. He loves traveling, drives a car well, and repairs it himself. Good husband. Not the leader in the family. Loves to receive guests and cook for them.

Professions: jeweler, doctor, electrician, artist, journalist, architect, teacher, watchmaker.

Arthur (Celtic "mighty bear")

This is a calm, balanced child - a joy for parents, everyone is happy with him, he is obedient. At school, his character changes, the boy becomes hot-tempered and stubborn. He is interested in drawing and numismatics. He marries late, is very attached to his family and children, but does not help his wife. Willingly goes on long business trips. Hospitable.

“Summer” is reserved, not too talkative. We are squeamish and easily wounded. He likes to drive a car, but not to repair it.

“Winter,” on the contrary, is emotional, engages in wrestling, boxing, and reads a lot. Enthusiastic nature. He has a hard time in life, although he is stubborn and persistent. Before getting married, he takes a long time to choose his bride, prefers tall and slender girls. It's not easy for him to succeed. He is quick-tempered and sometimes cunning. But thanks to his flexibility, he still achieves a position in society. Jealous. In the morning he likes to sleep longer.

“Autumn” is calculating. “Spring” is often sick: he has weak lungs and throat. Very sensitive.

Professions: salesman, dentist, surgeon, lawyer, artist, tailor, shoemaker.

Boris Khigir

The secret of a man's name

© Higir B., 2015

© Design. LLC "Trade and Publishing House "Amphora", 2015

Index of male names

Adam (biblical “red clay”)

In childhood, a child with this name often gets sick and is very vulnerable. The nervous system is very unstable. He looks neither like his father nor his mother. Very emotional, stubborn, persistent, can lie. He has a lot of friends. Goes in for sports: football, gymnastics. “Winter” can become a high-class athlete. Thanks to his persistence and even stubbornness, he achieves great results. In adulthood, the character changes and becomes calmer. Achieves a lot in life thanks to patience.

A man with this name is a good father of a family. A difficult relationship is established between Adam's wife and mother: they are completely incompatible. Adam loves animals, nature, and often goes on vacation to the forest. Jealous and stubborn. It is useless for his wife to try to command him.

Adam is not a careerist, he goes to his goal the hard way. Always thinks about his words, does not cut from the shoulder. He does not like to go on business trips and chooses his job carefully. Lucky in marriage. Does not disdain any homework. Due to his addictive nature, he often does not marry for a long time.

“Winter” Adam is very talented. Can become a wonderful artist or musician. He does not like to talk a lot, prefers to act, and this contributes to success in life. “Autumn” is very calculating, but compliant and does not rush to conclusions.

Professions: sports trainer, agronomist, veterinarian, programmer, designer, cook, priest, writer.

Adolf (German: “noble wolf”)

His character has been complex and stubborn since childhood. He looks like his mother, but with age he becomes closer to his father - both in appearance and in character. He studies well at school and loves to play chess, football, and table tennis. Reads a lot of adventure literature. Adolf is a brave man, despite his inner vulnerability. He chooses his friends himself. He is interested in numismatics and loves making things. Obligatory and punctual. He knows how to convince, but not beg. Adolf is an inquisitive person with a developed imagination; big dreamer. Very talented and can work successfully in a variety of areas.

Marries late, chooses a calm woman. He only does what gives him pleasure. He likes to pick mushrooms and cook delicious dishes - he is a good cook. Life is monotonous.

“Winter” is a good organizer. You can entrust him with complex work, and he will do it accurately and accurately. Doesn't like to go on business trips. “Autumn” is prudent and does not take rash steps. Reaches great heights in science. This is a man who is fanatically dedicated to his work. “Summer” is vulnerable, withdrawn, prefers to listen more than talk. Despite his reticence, he will never refuse an invitation to visit.

Professions: banker, artist, engineer, jeweler, driver, doctor, writer.

Akim (Heb. "God will raise up")

The child grows up calm, not capricious, but stubborn. He is selective in his friendships, demanding of his friends and can grow intolerant if it is not explained to him that all people have shortcomings. “December” is bold. If he is guilty, he can be deprived of some privileges, but physical or moral violence cannot be used. If you give him an example of violence, sooner or later he will answer you in kind. Try not to punish him without sufficient reason; If you think your child is wrong, logically prove it to him. Stand in a position of justice - this way you will not lose his respect.

Adult Akim is active, open and fair to people. His wife, as a rule, manages him, but family life is going well. Likes animals. He visits relatives, but is internally lonely. Very attached to his parents.

“Noyabrsky” is eccentric, which can be a mask. Conservative in everything. Always considers himself right, does not trust anyone, tries to rely only on himself. Likes to give advice. If necessary, he can risk his life with a smile on his lips. He is not a braggart and does not like it when people brag. Has an excellent memory. Inventive and able to solve the most difficult problems with amazing speed. He has courage and a strong will. Thanks to these qualities, he achieves great success in life. Tries to help colleagues. He is hampered by some impulsiveness. Sometimes he does not weigh his strengths and does not distribute them rationally. Has good organizational skills. A leader by nature, he always relies on himself, does not allow himself to be surpassed, and is sometimes merciless and unceremonious. Wherever Akim works, he always goes along with his relatives and colleagues, it is difficult to advance in his career, and he does not like to adapt to his superiors.

Professions: designer, physicist, programmer, investigator, patent specialist, personnel officer, journalist, tax inspector, doctor, director.

Alexander (ancient Greek “protector of people”)

As a child, he often gets sick, but as he gets older, he plays sports intensively and grows up to be a strong and purposeful man. He always gets his way, an excellent leader who knows how to manage a team and pays tribute to capable, gifted employees. Enjoys a reputation as a fair person. He likes to drink, when intoxicated he becomes boastful and loses control over himself. It is not easy, and sometimes almost impossible, to persuade the self-confident Alexander to drink less. However, a strong life shock can turn him away from alcohol forever. In relationships with women, he strives to be charming. It is rare to meet such a friendly and helpful man as Alexander. Offering a hand, helping to put on a coat, buying a bouquet of flowers is absolutely natural for him. His main weapon is a compliment. He does not play and actually believes in the sincerity of his words, as well as in the truth of his declaration of love. The trouble is that, having vowed to love forever, Alexander, after some time, with the same fervor, will swear the same to another woman.

“Summer” loves children madly. “Winter”, “spring” and “autumn” treat children more restrained.

Alexei (other – Greek “protector”)

This is what a calm, self-confident woman would name her son. The son is very attached to his mother. Since childhood, he feels like her protector, and as he grows up, he becomes the protector of all women. He is friendly, taciturn, and a man of action. As a child, he did not lead a gang of boys, but they always turned to him for advice.

An adult is diligent and enjoys doing painstaking work. Whatever he does, he will know his business better than anyone else; At the factory he is an irreplaceable master, in teaching he is an experienced mentor, in sports he is a patient coach, in business he is an obligatory partner. He is ambitious, and this helps him achieve a good position in society. A creative person with subtle intuition.

Having learned that my daughter’s name was the same as mine, Boris Khigir was terribly indignant: “Rename it immediately! To call a child by your own name means to constantly conflict with him. And doom us to big health problems.”

The hero of this material has a reverent attitude towards the choice of a name. One of our country’s leading specialists in onomastics (a branch of linguistics that studies proper names) is convinced that a name is not just a set of sounds. The initials of each of us contain a coded program for our life and our destiny.

I sound torment

Boris Khigir noticed a STRANGE pattern in his youth. Many of his acquaintances with the same names had not only similar personalities, but also the same health problems. Today my interlocutor has no doubt: a person’s well-being and his name are truly connected. Proof of this - basic research, which he spent shoveling hundreds of personal files in police stations, clinics and family consultations.

The researcher himself explains the essence of this phenomenon quite simply: it’s all about a special combination of sounds, certain vibrations that act on our brain in a certain way. Each name has its own set of sounds of different pitches and timbres, and different stimuli, as is known, excite the areas of the brain responsible for the functioning of a particular organ.

Among those who are predisposed to pulmonary diseases, for example, the most common are Natalya, Vladimir, Yana, Alexey, Alexandra. Neurotics were most noticed among Nikolaev, Dmitriev, Igor, Ekaterin, Angel, Tamar. Diseases of the cardiovascular system haunt owners of such names as Olga, Zoya, Arkady, Boris, Valentin, Yuri, gastrointestinal tract- people with the names Nina, Inga, Alena (not to be confused with Elena), Daria, Anatoly, Victor.

Son for father

But what about the individuality of each of us? After all, there are thousands of Zoya, Arkadiev, Viktorov, Anatoliev, and they are all different, you will be indignant. And you will certainly be right. Our name is half the battle. The main thing, Khigir believes, is that it be combined with our patronymic, which carries a certain program, a genetic code passed on from generation to generation. Any incompatibility leads to internal disharmony and distortion of the sound range. And, ultimately, to disharmony of physical and intellectual development"wrongly" named person. Boris Yuryevich is convinced: when choosing a name for your child, this cannot be ignored.

And also the time of year in which he was born. Those born in March, for example, should be given “strong” names. Such as Eduard, Konstantin, Vladlen, Stanislav. Why? Yes, because they are born weak and frail: the vast majority of March women in labor suffer from vitamin deficiency. But for “winter” children with a tough disposition and an unbalanced psyche, tough names, according to Boris Yuryevich, are, on the contrary, contraindicated. Those born in December, January and February should be given soft, melodious names, so as not to aggravate the negative traits of their character and neurological problems inherent in nature itself. The wrong name for such children, Khigir believes, can be fatal.

Mom, call me back!

A NEW name can sometimes be a real salvation. In the researcher’s memory there are many examples when a change of name literally transformed the lives of newly-minted Natalia, Konstantinov, Dmitriev, Svetlana.

“I am often asked to help change a child’s name.

The reasons, as a rule, are the same: a difficult character, internal discomfort, increased excitability and the frail health of the “incorrectly” named baby.

Higir does not refuse anyone. Sometimes it takes him two weeks to come up with a new name. The result has never disappointed either the master himself or his wards. Some time after the name change, according to Boris Yuryevich, a completely different person appeared before him! This is how it happened, for example, with 8-year-old Nana (formerly Dasha). Until she was renamed, she was a real hedgehog: neurasthenic, uncontrollable, prickly. It came down to a visit to a child psychiatrist. Having become Nana on the advice of Higir (which her parents sought), the girl was transformed. She became softer, calmer. There is no trace left of yesterday's problems.

Among those whom my interlocutor helped to find a new “I,” there are many people who have long since left their tender age. True, in this case, the new name does not bring dramatic changes to the life of the newly named one: the heavy burden of life experience takes its toll.

No, no, not this!

The CONCLUSION suggests itself. The sooner you take care of a suitable name, all the better. But how? What should you consider when choosing it? The desire to perpetuate the name of a close relative? Fashion?

“Neither one nor the other,” says Khigir. — The main thing in choosing a name is harmony. Before you give your child a name, remember what middle name he will bear. A harmonious sound occurs if the emphasis in the name and patronymic falls on the same syllable, so that at their junction there is no accumulation of consonant or vowel sounds. For example: Alexander Vladimirovich, Alexey Mikhailovich. Say these combinations out loud and you will immediately feel the difference with other, less successful options: Stepan Igorevich, Dmitry Stanislavovich.

Make sure the name is easy to pronounce and easy to remember. Avoid unpronounceable, strange names. In the future, they can cause numerous complexes in your child (which, naturally, will not add to his health).

You should not name your baby after deceased relatives (brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather). Especially if their fate was tragic. People have long noticed that the lives of such children are not very happy. One of the many letters addressed to our “hero” is about this (they come to him from everywhere). Its author (a 40-year-old woman) writes about the strange collisions that haunt her son after her husband decided to name him Vyacheslav in honor of his tragically deceased brother: “Misfortunes began to haunt her son immediately. It was hard at first birth injury, damage to the nervous system. At the age of three he developed an allergy, at four he fell into kindergarten and received a severe concussion. And that is not all".

Ivan Ivanovich

THE SAME applies to the dangerous, from Higir’s point of view, tendency to name children after mothers and fathers (especially when it comes to boys). The same name and patronymic, he believes, gives the child’s character instability, increased emotionality, excessive irritability, and a tendency to depression and breakdowns. According to the laws of genetics, children already inherit a lot from their parents. So is negative heredity worth aggravating?

Don't call girls by male names

A LOT of dangers await “incorrectly” named girls. Be careful when naming your daughters male origin: Alexandra, Anatoly, Evgenia, Daria (from the male Darius), Valentina.

It has been noticed that owners of such names often develop a rather complex, almost male character. Some of them are deprived of tenderness and femininity, which can subsequently greatly affect their personal lives, lead to sexual disorders and mental disorders.

Don't babysit

Boris Yuryevich does not even advise cooing with a child: calling your beloved child by diminutive names means causing confusion in the formation of his inner self (after all, they will not always be Sunny and Alena). Since ancient times, humanity has been sensitive to the name. They didn't just give it away. Initials carry a lot of information. Try to have it with a plus sign.

Boris Khigir

The secret of a man's name

© Higir B., 2015

© Design. LLC "Trade and Publishing House "Amphora", 2015

Index of male names

Adam (biblical “red clay”)

In childhood, a child with this name often gets sick and is very vulnerable. The nervous system is very unstable. He looks neither like his father nor his mother. Very emotional, stubborn, persistent, can lie. He has a lot of friends. Goes in for sports: football, gymnastics. “Winter” can become a high-class athlete. Thanks to his persistence and even stubbornness, he achieves great results. In adulthood, the character changes and becomes calmer. Achieves a lot in life thanks to patience.

A man with this name is a good father of a family. A difficult relationship is established between Adam's wife and mother: they are completely incompatible. Adam loves animals, nature, and often goes on vacation to the forest. Jealous and stubborn. It is useless for his wife to try to command him.

Adam is not a careerist, he goes to his goal the hard way. Always thinks about his words, does not cut from the shoulder. He does not like to go on business trips and chooses his job carefully. Lucky in marriage. Does not disdain any homework. Due to his addictive nature, he often does not marry for a long time.

“Winter” Adam is very talented. Can become a wonderful artist or musician. He does not like to talk a lot, prefers to act, and this contributes to success in life. “Autumn” is very calculating, but compliant and does not rush to conclusions.

Professions: sports trainer, agronomist, veterinarian, programmer, designer, cook, priest, writer.

Adolf (German: “noble wolf”)

His character has been complex and stubborn since childhood. He looks like his mother, but with age he becomes closer to his father - both in appearance and in character. He studies well at school and loves to play chess, football, and table tennis. Reads a lot of adventure literature. Adolf is a brave man, despite his inner vulnerability. He chooses his friends himself. He is interested in numismatics and loves making things. Obligatory and punctual. He knows how to convince, but not beg. Adolf is an inquisitive person with a developed imagination; big dreamer. Very talented and can work successfully in a variety of areas.

Marries late, chooses a calm woman. He only does what gives him pleasure. He likes to pick mushrooms and cook delicious dishes - he is a good cook. Life is monotonous.

“Winter” is a good organizer. You can entrust him with complex work, and he will do it accurately and accurately. Doesn't like to go on business trips. “Autumn” is prudent and does not take rash steps. Reaches great heights in science. This is a man who is fanatically dedicated to his work. “Summer” is vulnerable, withdrawn, prefers to listen more than talk. Despite his reticence, he will never refuse an invitation to visit.

Professions: banker, artist, engineer, jeweler, driver, doctor, writer.

Akim (Heb. "God will raise up")

The child grows up calm, not capricious, but stubborn. He is selective in his friendships, demanding of his friends and can grow intolerant if it is not explained to him that all people have shortcomings. “December” is bold. If he is guilty, he can be deprived of some privileges, but physical or moral violence cannot be used. If you give him an example of violence, sooner or later he will answer you in kind. Try not to punish him without sufficient reason; If you think your child is wrong, logically prove it to him. Stand in a position of justice - this way you will not lose his respect.

Adult Akim is active, open and fair to people. His wife, as a rule, manages him, but family life is going well. Likes animals. He visits relatives, but is internally lonely. Very attached to his parents.

“Noyabrsky” is eccentric, which can be a mask. Conservative in everything. Always considers himself right, does not trust anyone, tries to rely only on himself. Likes to give advice. If necessary, he can risk his life with a smile on his lips. He is not a braggart and does not like it when people brag. Has an excellent memory. Inventive and able to solve the most difficult problems with amazing speed. He has courage and a strong will. Thanks to these qualities, he achieves great success in life. Tries to help colleagues. He is hampered by some impulsiveness. Sometimes he does not weigh his strengths and does not distribute them rationally. Has good organizational skills. A leader by nature, he always relies on himself, does not allow himself to be surpassed, and is sometimes merciless and unceremonious. Wherever Akim works, he always goes along with his relatives and colleagues, it is difficult to advance in his career, and he does not like to adapt to his superiors.

Professions: designer, physicist, programmer, investigator, patent specialist, personnel officer, journalist, tax inspector, doctor, director.

Alexander (ancient Greek “protector of people”)

As a child, he often gets sick, but as he gets older, he plays sports intensively and grows up to be a strong and purposeful man. He always gets his way, an excellent leader who knows how to manage a team and pays tribute to capable, gifted employees. Enjoys a reputation as a fair person. He likes to drink, when intoxicated he becomes boastful and loses control over himself. It is not easy, and sometimes almost impossible, to persuade the self-confident Alexander to drink less. However, a strong life shock can turn him away from alcohol forever. In relationships with women, he strives to be charming. It is rare to meet such a friendly and helpful man as Alexander. Offering a hand, helping to put on a coat, buying a bouquet of flowers is absolutely natural for him. His main weapon is a compliment. He does not play and actually believes in the sincerity of his words, as well as in the truth of his declaration of love. The trouble is that, having vowed to love forever, Alexander, after some time, with the same fervor, will swear the same to another woman.

“Summer” loves children madly. “Winter”, “spring” and “autumn” treat children more restrained.

Alexei (other – Greek “protector”)

This is what a calm, self-confident woman would name her son. The son is very attached to his mother. Since childhood, he feels like her protector, and as he grows up, he becomes the protector of all women. He is friendly, taciturn, and a man of action. As a child, he did not lead a gang of boys, but they always turned to him for advice.

An adult is diligent and enjoys doing painstaking work. Whatever he does, he will know his business better than anyone else; At the factory he is an irreplaceable master, in teaching he is an experienced mentor, in sports he is a patient coach, in business he is an obligatory partner. He is ambitious, and this helps him achieve a good position in society. A creative person with subtle intuition.

His special character trait, which is valued by all mothers-in-law, is complaisance. He is always calm, thorough, hardworking, persistent and conscientious. He yields to his wife in trifles, but in serious matters he shows firmness. Touchy and vulnerable. Alexey values ​​cleanliness in women. God forbid you appear in front of him in an unkempt robe: he will remain silent, but make it clear that this is unpleasant for him. In conflicts between his wife and others, he always takes her side, even if she is wrong. Not jealous. He is faithful, most often out of a sense of disgust. He cares more about his children than about himself. Until old age, he retains filial affection for his parents.

Professions: artist, writer, actor, engineer, physicist, surgeon, criminologist.

Albert (Old German “noble splendor”)

In infancy, a child is restless, especially if born in December. The baby is lively and energetic. He is growing up to be a brave boy, not afraid of large dogs. Animals are drawn to him, feeling his strength and kindness. He has a good appetite, which confuses his parents, and they often overfeed him. It should be protected from diseases such as pharyngitis and tonsillitis. “July” is very kind and flexible, which does not go with his appearance; he is usually a large boy, strong and resilient, a protector of the weak, a patron of children.

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