What is the real name of Maxim Galkin? Maxim Galkin: personal life, rumors, latest news, photos and videos. Birth and early years

Maxim Galkin - who doesn’t know him? Undoubtedly, he is a very bright and talented comedian, parodist, TV presenter, showman, actor and even singer - many professions that the still quite youthful artist has mastered. In addition to the fact that Maxim took part in many famous musicals, he also constantly performed on the Blue Lights of the main federal television channel.

It is a rare concert of this artist that goes without a sold-out crowd and a full hall, which every now and then explodes with applause, laughter and delight from the audience. Those who have attended his concert at least once become his fans forever.

All his fans want to know not only the details and subtleties of the comedian’s private life, but also try to understand how he achieved such extensive success in such a short time.

Height, weight, age. How old is Maxim Galkin?

On the Internet you can often find queries about what the basic parameters of this person are - height, weight, age. How old is this famous, rich and attractive man is mainly of interest to the female half of his fans.

Well, calculating the artist’s age will not be difficult at all, knowing his date of birth. So, Maxim will be born in 1976, which means that he is already 42 years old - he celebrated his birthday at the beginning of summer this year. If you add up all the details of his current life, you can get further confirmation that at forty, life really just begins.

If we talk about height, Maxim is a fairly tall man - 180 centimeters. And the approximate weight is kept at 75 kilograms, which suggests that it is very well built.

Biography of Maxim Galkin

Maxim Galkin was born near Moscow in the summer of 1976. The parents of the future celebrity were models of intelligence - father Alexander Grigorievich wore high rank Colonel General, headed the Main Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and was also a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Mother, Natalya Grigorievna, was a prominent scientist, had a PhD in physical and mathematical sciences, and was also involved in earthquake forecasting at the RAS Institute of the same name.

When the boy was three years old, his family moved to Germany - this was due to his father’s military career. However, they did not European state for more than a year, and soon moved to Odessa, where Natalya was born and spent her entire childhood. Already in this Ukrainian city by the sea, Maxim went to school and found his first friends. Due to the fact that the future artist had an expressive character and a cheerful disposition, Maxim was extremely popular not only with his classmates, but also with his teachers. Except regular school, little Galkin also attended art school, as a result of which he acquired good drawing skills.

Over time, his family had to move again. This time to a military town in the Transbaikalia region. There wasn’t much for the children to do there, so little Maksimka began to express himself with great pleasure on the stage of the amateur theater.

The boy was very interested in zoology, until one day he happened to see a gutted pigeon. Maxim’s next hobby was carving animal sculptures from wood. Then he laid them out on the world map, according to their habitats. Among other things, he loved to design and, like all boys, adored the toy railroad.

Already from childhood, Maxim began to stand out among his peers with his special charm, ability to please others and a brilliant smile that captivated more than one girl. By the way, the girls adored him, but he was unable to enter the boys’ circle. It is worth saying that Maxim did not try to appear more mature and increase his authority by smoking, as a result of which he was very different from the other “cool” guys of those times. Galkin generally adhered to healthy image life, was an easygoing and non-aggressive child and tried not to upset his prosperous family with dubious antics. Also, the guy really loved and respected his class teacher.

Maxim Galkin’s biography as an artist began as soon as the baby turned four years old, when in kindergarten at one of the matinees he played the role of a chicken, earning his first applause that time. As for school plays, in them he chose rather complex roles - there was Ostap Bender, and King Solomon, and even an old alcoholic. Often his school friends encouraged him to imitate the director, some teacher or classmate. He showed the first such show on puppet show, independently voicing all the dolls.

When he was thirteen, Maxim saw the performance of Gennady Khazanov and tried to parody him. And he did it simply brilliantly. He was also very successful in skits with parodies of Gorbachev.

In addition to his already large set of hobbies, Maxim briefly became addicted to writing in the fantasy style - the humorist was creating a fantasy novel, “The Power of Darkness,” which told the story of the population of a fictional country. He even put together a map of the area and depicted some of the characters. Unfortunately, he did not finish his book, but it was this passion that influenced Maxim’s choice of a higher educational institution.

All his friends were sure that after graduation Maxim would go to drama school. But the guy surprised them by submitting documents to the most ordinary Humanities University. There he studied Spanish, German and Czech. Among other things, his talent for linguistics has repeatedly helped the artist out at performances, concerts and benefit performances, making his performances even more vivid and impressive.

In 1998, he became a graduate student and did his PhD work on comparative analysis original and translated texts from Doctor Faustus. However, Galkin never completed his graduate studies, leaving the university and leaving work on his degree in 2009.

Creative activity and career of Maxim Galkin

As a parodist, he presented himself on the university stage back in 1994. The future artist was noticed and invited to perform in the main troupe of the pop theater in the then famous program “Debuts, Debuts, Debuts” with parodies of the most famous politicians of that time.

In 1999, Maxim Galkin had already formed his own circle of fans who were looking forward to his next public appearances with great impatience. In the same year, he went on his first tour with veteran comedian Mikhail Zadornov. It is this satirist that the man now calls his godfather and a mentor in the field of humor, satire and comedy.

Galkin's debut solo concert took place in Vitebsk in 2001. At the same time, he received many different awards and prizes, among them “Triumph”. Since then, Maxim begins to give concerts on a regular basis, and not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries.

Very soon the young comedian began his career as a TV presenter. His first attempt at writing was the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, popular in the early 2000s. The program, previously called “Oh, Lucky!”, changed its name, focusing on a new face in the frame. He was its permanent leader for seven whole years.

From 2004 to 2007, Galkin, together with the famous singer Valeria, also hosted a music festival called “New Songs about the Main Thing,” which was also very popular among television viewers. At the same time, the comedian increasingly appeared in such popular programs as “Funny Panorama” and “Full House”. An interesting fact is that the very successful showman at that time never acquired a producer or anyone’s patronage and never paid for his airtime. Despite this, Maxim quickly caught up with such luminaries of humor as Vladimir Vinokur, Yuri Galtsev, etc.

In 2008, Maxim broke his contract with Channel 1 and began working on Rossiya-1, which was less popular. The reason for this change was that the channel’s management refused to accept the artist’s romantic relationship with Alla Pugacheva, believing that the presenter began to devote more time in his schedule to his personal life than to his profession. Last job showman on Channel One became the show “Two Stars”.

At his new place of work, Maxim immediately distinguished himself with two significant projects - “Starry Ice” and “Dancing with the Stars”. The showman was even able to organize an alternative to the ubiquitous and boring Blue Light - “Parade of Stars”, where his co-hosts year after year were the most famous figures on television.

His hosting career was truly brilliant, thanks to numerous and varied shows and programs, such as “Ten Million,” “Hipster Show” and others.

Seven years after breaking his contract with the country’s central channel, he returned there again, becoming the host of the “Exactly” program. Later there were such projects as “The Best of All,” which showcased talented children in Russia, and “MaximMaxim,” which was filmed directly at Galkin’s home - in his medieval castle in the village of Gryazi.

In 2017, Maxim Galkin appeared with a new humorous show, which was dedicated to his 25th anniversary on stage.

We should also not forget about Maxim’s roles in films and musicals. In addition to the fact that he also starred in several episodes of Jumble, famous in the nineties, and in numerous New Year's musicals, in 2003 he made his mark with a film role in tandem with Svetlana Khodchenkova and Inna Churikova. In 2015, he was able to amaze television viewers by simultaneously playing two completely different roles in the film series “Kings Can Do Anything.”

In addition to the role of presenter, parodist and actor, the hero of the publication did not fail to try out the role of a singer, making a duet with the Prima Donna in the song “Be or Don’t Be.” Despite the abundance of subtle attempts in the singing craft, this song and its video remain the most famous and well-remembered example of Galkin’s success in this field.

Personal life of Maxim Galkin

This artist was credited with much big number romantic relationships. Fans also ran after him in droves. Thus, it can be said that private life famous artist was very rich and dynamic.

The artist’s personal life was and remains open to the media. Galkin is not at all against discussing this topic directly from the stage or in an interview. Maxim considers his mother and wife to be the most important and beloved women in his life, whom he values ​​very much.

But the artist calls his very first love a girl named Oksana Zakhovaiko. He's with her for a long time sat at the same desk at school. The guy accompanied her home, carried a briefcase and constantly amused her. When the Galkins moved to the capital, the children had to separate, but Maxim often sent romantic letters with confessions to his beloved. Soon the girl also moved, but she forgot to tell the guy her new address. Letters were sent to the old address for another two years.

Currently, Galkin is married to Alla Pugacheva, with whom he began his relationship back in 2001. The beginning of a relationship was reminiscent of old friends communicating - they could go to a restaurant, a club together, and appear at events. Despite the harmless communication, rumors were not long in coming - Maxim was considered a favorite, a page famous singer. The diva at that time was still married to Philip Kirkorov, and was in no hurry to officially break up with him - the couple announced their breakup only in 2005. The relationship between Alla and Maxim could be called purely friendly until the death of the artist’s parents, and here the artists truly became close. Pugacheva even became godmother Galkin's nieces. And after the natural termination of relations with Kirkorov, she moved in with Maxim that same year, staying in his status common-law wife until winter 2011. When the singer increasingly began to invest her funds in the repair and decoration of Galkin’s Gothic castle, he could not stand it and offered to formalize the relationship. Total - in the winter of 2011, Galkin and Pugacheva officially separated family union. By the way, this was already the fifth wedding for the Prima Donna.

It should be noted that even after the wedding, there were more than enough crowds of people who did not believe in the couple’s sincere feelings - many critics were sure that the wedding was nothing more than a PR stunt undertaken solely to divert attention from political career Alla Borisovna, and at the same time add popularity to the artist. This opinion is also supported by the fact that Honeymoon the couple spent time apart. However, no other evidence of the fictitious marriage was found; the couple happily exists to this day, assuring exclusive interviews that they found each other and are happy together.

Family of Maxim Galkin

The family of the famous figure did not particularly like to come under the radar of the press.

The guy’s mother, Natalya Galkina, worked in the field of mathematical sciences and spent a long time working as a researcher at an institute for natural disaster forecasting. The woman left this world in 2004 on Israeli soil.

The comedian's father, Alexander Galkin, was a military man, continuing the family tradition of the men of his family, achieved considerable success in his field - became a colonel general armored forces. Besides, in mature age he was studying political career, sat in the State Duma for a long time Russian Federation, died in the capital in 2002.

Maxim Galkin is not the only child in the next generation of Galkins. He has an older brother - Dmitry. He was born 13 years earlier than his star brother. Without changing the ingrained practice of serving his country, he followed in the footsteps of his father and became a military man, but is now retired. After completing his military career, he founded his own production company. Maxim often sees his three nephews - Nikita, the eldest, he is already nineteen years old, twelve-year-old little Alina and the youngest Grisha, who recently turned only seven years old.

Children of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva

For an artist, children are the love and stumbling block of his entire life. Maybe partly because Maxim is an eternal child in himself. Therefore, it gives him great pleasure to have fun with his children. He is also the host of the TV show “Best of All,” where he communicates equally with children and teenagers.

Galkin has a very active and extraordinary creative activity. He often manifests himself in cinema and television. But at the same time, as many of our own as possible free days he tries to spend time with his wonderful family- wife and beloved twins.

The son of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva - Harry

The presenter’s son, Harry Galkin, was born in mid-September 2013 with the help of a surrogate mother. The name of this woman is kept in the strictest confidence, as are her contacts and appearance. It is interesting that the boy got his non-standard name for the Slavs in honor of English prince and the son of that same Princess Diana. This already provides the prerequisites for the fact that in the future the baby will become a prominent person.

The boy, both in appearance and in character, is very similar to his biological father. But at the same time, he inherited his natural charm from his mother. Harry loves to tinker with technology and make all kinds of crafts. In this case, he necessarily accompanies each of his actions with comments.

Daughter of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva - Elizaveta

The showman's daughter, Elizaveta Galkina, is the eldest of the twins, although the difference between them is only a few minutes. Like her little brother, she got her name in honor of another representative of the English royal dynasty- Queen Elizabeth.

The girl and her brother were born not far from Moscow, in the village of Lapino. The baby is growing very active and artistic. She is especially impressed by music and dancing; the child prefers to spend the rest of the time reading. Little Lizochka got her beautiful appearance from her mother and is able to charm anyone. By the way, despite her young age, the girl already chooses clothes for herself independently and without outside advice - she has long developed her own style.

Maxim Galkin's wife - Alla Pugacheva

Maxim Galkin’s wife, Alla Pugacheva, entered the life of a young and talented, but then not very famous artist back in 2001, on the set of the New Year’s musical “Chasing Two Hares,” where the couple got one of the key roles- the daughter of the rich man Tony Korovyak and the hapless gigolo Alexei Chizhov. If we take into account the fact that the Diva is almost 30 years older than her husband, it is easy to guess why Galkin’s colleagues, behind their backs, considered him to be the same gigolo.

Four years later they began to live in civil marriage, and only six years later they made this marriage official.

Photo of Maxim Galkin before and after plastic surgery

Photo of Maxim Galkin before resorting to plastic surgery and after this stage - it’s not so rare on the Internet. However, fans are much more willing to believe that the patient of healers of this specialty is his wife, Madame Pugacheva. However, one day Maxim himself admitted that he still turned to these doctors. The comedian underwent a facial skin tightening and several procedures designed to rejuvenate the human appearance. It must be admitted that all these actions were indeed effective.

But at the same time, Maxim Galkin prefers a dynamic and correct lifestyle, as well as playing sports, to abusing the services of clinics of this kind. The incentive for him, oddly enough, is his children.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maxim Galkin

A person who is simultaneously a comedian, showman, actor and TV presenter simply must have profiles on social networks. Instagram and Wikipedia of our today's star are the two most basic and completely official resources that provide fans of the artist with information not only about his professional career, but also about the details privacy artist.

It is impossible not to mention that Maxim does not maintain any of his profiles independently, including those already mentioned. A specially hired specialist works in this field, who constantly updates social networks and publishes data previously agreed upon with Maxim.

Also, it is worth noting that Maxim Galkin does not have an official VKontakte profile.

To know Interesting Facts Many viewers want to know from the biography and personal life of Maxim Galkin. Maxim himself never hides anything from his fans and is active on social networks. Fans are also interested in the year of birth of the famous artist, as he looks quite young and fresh.

Maxim Galkin is one of the country's most famous comedians, stand-up comedian, artist and TV presenter. His career is characterized by the fastest take-off; in just a few years, the comedian became famous not only in Russia, but throughout the CIS. Relations with Alla Pugacheva also created a certain excitement around his person.

Famous comedian Maxim Galkin

The future artist was born into a unique family in 1976. The parents were intelligent people. Father was a colonel general, later became a deputy State Duma. Mother is a famous scientist at the Institute of Earthquake Forecasting.

You can also find out his nationality and other facts from the biography of Maxim Galkin from his personal interviews.

Maxim Galkin as a child with his mother

Maxim Galkin's father died in 2002 from a serious illness, this moment nothing is known about this. A few years later, my mother also passed away. Maxim himself never talked about this part of his biography and the reasons for the death of his parents, so this fact remains a mystery to many.

Childhood and youth

Already with early childhood Little Maxim had visible creative talents and skills. But the problem was that because of my father’s work, I constantly had to move from place to place. Therefore, he studied in Ukraine, Germany, Transbaikalia and other regions of the USSR, but finished school in Moscow.

Little Maxim with his father

In the sixth grade, he organized a small puppet show, which aroused some interest even among adults.

School photos of the TV presenter (Maxim in bottom row second from left)

He began making his first parodies of celebrities at the age of 13, and he was very good at it. He took his example from Gennady Khazanov. These were exactly the first steps of Galkin in the humorous sphere. Parents always encouraged the child for any success.

He studied languages ​​and is fluent in five, and also studied at a school for young naturalists. He actively developed his diverse talents.

Maxim Galkin with his parents

Creativity and television projects

The artist's career began on the stage of the student theater of Moscow State University, where he performed his first production. In fact, Maxim always had a certain attitude towards humor, so it was interesting to listen to him and watch his facial expressions.

Aspiring comedian on stage

Already in 2001, he managed to win his first “Triumph” award, and a few months later he was invited to the “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” program. At the end of the year he was awarded a new award, “Golden Ostap”. That is, in just a year he turned from a graduate student at a linguistic university into famous TV presenter and comedian.

Still from the film “Bless the Woman”

Also in 2001, the artist’s solo concert was organized. Most of humorous scenes were associated with parodies. Despite his nationality, he managed to create incredibly interesting productions. Recognition by many famous comedians, including Zadornov, became a definite push forward for young Galkin. His career developed at incredible speed.

With Alla Borisovna Pugacheva on the set of the musical “Chasing Two Hares!”

Afterwards he decided to become a singer and recorded his first song together with Alla Pugacheva - “Be or not be.” Then there was an incredible number of interesting TV shows in which he was not only the host, but also the author.

Maxim Galkin was a TV presenter on the show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”

In 2016, the show “Maxim, Maxim” was released, which was filmed in Galkin’s mansion, which was surprising for many TV viewers. Now they could observe not only the comedian, but also his life.

Many people loved such TV shows as “Best of All” and “Older of All.” Most of the projects, of course, are aimed at raising the mood, with a touch of humor. The artist also participated in the show “Stars under Hypnosis.”

Maxim Galkin in the show “Maxim, Maxim”

Height, weight, age of Maxim Galkin

External data is also of interest to many fans of Maxim Galkin’s talent. Little is known about weight, but the comedian’s height is 180 centimeters. If we compare it with his build, we can say that he weighs about 75-80 kilograms.

Currently, the artist’s age is 42 years old (year of birth: 1976.)

He is Russian by nationality, but he also has Jewish roots.

Personal life of Maxim Galkin

The artist’s personal life was always in plain sight—he never hid anything. Such an open and kind person, he tried to be honest in everything.

Wedding photos of a comedian and a prima donna Russian stage

There was only one woman in his life to whom he decided to devote himself entirely. According to Alla Pugacheva, they began dating Galkin in 2001, at that time she was still married to. But in 2005, this marriage broke up, and the relationship between Maxim and Alla was confirmed.

Of course, there was quite a lot of news and photos from their dates, but they always claimed that they met by chance and were friends.

Galkin is friends with ex-husband Alla Borisovna

Love has no age

The age difference between Maxim Galkin and him is almost 27 years, but this did not stop them from tying the knot in 2011.

Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva got married in church

At this point, many believed that this was excellent PR that would draw attention to the personalities of celebrities, but everything turned out to be completely different.

Children of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva

In 2013 they became happy parents twins Elizabeth and Harry. Gave birth to children surrogate mother. This was an incredible event for the family.

At the moment, the whole family lives in the Moscow region in the village of Gryaz. For many, this is a landmark, as the mansion looks like a castle.

Family of Maxim Galkin

Maxim Galkin’s personal life has worked out in the best possible way, since he has loving wife and children.

Nowadays special attention is paid to the education of Harry and Elizabeth. The comedian's children are incredibly talented and Maxim tries to make special efforts to teach them. Now the happy couple regularly delights their fans with new photos on social networks.

Harry and Lisa Galkin

Last news

Maxim Galkin's incredible touring schedule forces him to constantly travel. Today, his activities and humorous sketches impress both the older generation and young people.

Took part in the GazLife show hosted by BASTA. Here he told a lot of interesting things about his life and the reasons that forced him to refuse to work on the KVN jury. The biography of Maxim Galkin is constantly filled with new and interesting facts.

Maxim Galkin and rapper Basta in the GazLive program

The main occupation in 2019 is solo tours around the cities of Russia and the CIS. Maxim also takes part in various comedy concerts and sometimes participates in television programs.

As for rumors, for several years now he has been credited with an affair with, which is not true.

According to rumors, Maxim Galkin started an affair with Yulia Baranovskaya

Of course, you cannot miss interesting facts from the biography and work of Maxim Galkin. He himself often shares in his interviews the events that happen to him.

Was late child: his mother gave birth to him at the age of 35, and his father was then 41 years old. In the early 2000s, the showman and his older brother Dmitry lost both parents. Yesterday, the TV presenter shared archival photographs of his mother with fans and talked about last meeting with Natalya Grigorievna:

“Mom passed away exactly 14 years ago, on April 9, 2004. On April 7, between tours, I visited her in Israel, where she was undergoing treatment. The deterioration came suddenly. They say when and where you leave matters, I don’t know... but then everything coincided.

Mom died in the Holy Land on the week of the most important Jewish holiday of Passover, on Good Friday, before the onset of Shabbat, on the eve of Orthodox and Catholic Easter, which were on the same Sunday that year. My brother and I flew to Israel when I went Holy Fire and took my mother to Russia on Sunday, the bright holiday of Easter. Thank you, mommy, for everything! Take care of your moms, my beloved subscribers!” Maxim addressed the fans.

Maxim Galkin is an actor, TV presenter, parodist, whom the whole country knows primarily as the fifth husband of Alla Pugacheva. Born on June 18, 1976 in the Moscow region.

Maxim’s father was a professional military man, which could not but affect the child’s lifestyle and upbringing. My mother was a housewife and devoted all her time to her family, which moved around some of the time.

It so happened that military families very rarely stayed in one place for a long time, and the geography of moves covered not only the entire territory former USSR, but also the countries of today's neighboring countries.

In childhood and youth

Born in the Moscow region, from the age of 3 Galkin and his family lived in Germany, where in the 80s there was a limited contingent Soviet troops. Four years later, the family moved to the Black Sea pearl - the city of Odessa.

Maxim finished there primary school, made my first friends and received my first drawing lessons in a children's art studio. However, he was not destined to stay there either.

First stage experience

The father received another assignment and fate threw the family from the warm Black Sea climate to the harsh Transbaikalia. Baikal struck Maxim with its extraordinary beauty, and he often asked his father to bring him to the lake.

Life in the military town was quite harsh, there were few ordinary children's entertainment. However, Maxim found an outlet for his energy in school theater productions.

It was children's school performances that became the first creative works Maxima. Handsome, cheerful and original, Maxim already stood out among his peers. He did not strive to play only leading roles. He was interested in trying himself in a variety of roles - from the role of a dog to the image of King Solomon.

In addition, it was in the company of school friends that Maxim discovered his talent as a parodist. When the boys got together in a close circle, Maxim so successfully portrayed teachers, the director, neighbors, and other children that his friends roared with laughter.

This is how the idea of ​​the first solo creative evening came. Maxim staged a one-man show, in which he portrayed scenes using puppets in different voices.

Student years

Maxim finished high school in Moscow. After the move, his parents separated, and he stayed with his mother and older brother. In 1993, Maxim entered the Russian Humanitarian University, which he successfully graduated from and even entered graduate school and was preparing to defend his Ph.D. dissertation. However, fate decreed otherwise; creative energy directed him in a completely different direction.

Already from his second year, Maxim became one of the most talented and active participants in the productions of the MSU student theater. Each of his appearances is very warmly received by the audience. And a year later Maxim decides to participate in the “Debuts, Debuts, Debuts” program of the Moscow Variety Theater.

This program was specially created in order to present the work of young artists to the viewer.

Galkin's parodies of Yeltsin and Zhirinovsky were met with thunderous laughter and a storm of applause. And from that moment on, Maxim’s fate was sealed.

Soon he was invited to the variety theater of Boris Brunov, and after some time the king of Russian humor, Mikhail Zadornov, drew attention to Maxim. He invited the young artist to participate in his tour, where Maxim gained vast experience and considerable fame.

Creative inspiration

When his studies at the institute were completed and Maxim had more time for creativity. He begins to perform more and becomes a popular favorite. His parodies are heard in almost every home, he appears on television programs and successfully tours.

The year 2001 was truly triumphant for Galkin, literally and figuratively. This year brings him the Triumph and Golden Ostap awards, his first solo concert at the Slavic Bazaar, his first debut song “To be or not to be,” recorded in a duet with Alla Pugacheva, and his first work on television as the host of the program “Who Wants to Become” a millionaire?

It was truly a rapid creative rise of the young artist to the very high peak Russian stage. The following year he was invited by Pugacheva to her famous “Christmas meetings”. Galkina also invites Channel One to record a New Year’s variety program, participation in which meant all-Russian recognition of the young artist.

In 2002, Maxim Galkin gathered the most prestigious Moscow halls for his concerts. His solo programs are successfully performed at the Rossiya State Concert Hall and the Kremlin Palace. But the young artist’s ambitions go much further. Following the example of Pugacheva’s “Christmas Meetings,” Galkin creates his own program “New Year’s benefit performance with Maxim Galkin,” which with great success attracted spectators for three years in a row.

Working on television

Having successfully debuted on Channel One in 2001, Maxim Galkin worked on it until 2008, being the host of the most popular pop and entertainment programs, such as “Russian Roulette”, “New songs about the main thing”, “Two stars”. He is also actively involved in the preparation and recording New Year's programs and concerts, acts in musicals and records new songs.

In 2008, Galkin moved to the Russia-1 channel, in which he increasingly revealed himself not as a presenter, but as the author of new interesting programs. His largest project was the “New Year’s Parade of Stars,” which he led for several years in a row with other Russian pop stars.

Maxim Galkin rarely changes his style. When he recently changed his hairstyle to the now fashionable asymmetry, fans noticed that Maxim looked 10 years younger.

In May 2016, the artist became the host of the humorous project “MaximMaxim”. The show is filmed in the castle where the star lives with his family – Alla Borisovna and two children. As part of this project, many celebrities visited Galkin. They discuss a certain topic over a casual conversation and jokes, because each episode of the show is thematic.

The TV show airs on Channel One on weekends.

And in the winter of 2016, Maxim presented the children’s talent show “Coolest of All.” He himself became the leader of this project.

In January 2017, the comedian showed his concert “25 Years on Stage.” This concert featured all the best and most beloved numbers and parodies by the public.

Wife and children of Maxim Galkin

No one can say with certainty when exactly the romantic relationship between the young artist and the Russian pop diva began. In one of her interviews, she admitted that from the first meeting Maxim captivated her with his sincerity and spontaneity.

In the photo: Maxim Galkin with Alla Pugacheva

For a long time, no one believed in the seriousness of this relationship - neither the public, nor those around her, nor even the Diva herself. However, they have stood the test of time and after 10 years cohabitation the two stars officially registered their relationship on December 24, 2013.

The family is currently raising two wonderful twins born by a surrogate mother. Happy husband and the father continues successfully creative career, but tries to spend as much time as possible with his beloved wife and children.

Maxim Aleksandrovich Galkin (June 18, 1976, Naro-Fominsk district, Moscow region) is a Russian comedian, parodist, TV presenter, actor and singer.

Life and career

Maxim's father was a general of the armored forces and even acted as a deputy in the State Duma (1998-1999), and his mother worked research fellow at the Institute of Earthquake Forecast Theory. When Galkin was 3 years old, the family lived in Germany, and at the age of 7 he was already in Odessa. Here Maxim completed his first 3 years of school. Then the family moved to Buryatia. Maxim spent his childhood in the village Pinery. Then the family returned to the capital of Russia.

As a child, Galkin often played in school plays. He was Ostap Bender, King Solomon and even Don Carlos. In middle school, Maxim began making his first parodies. He portrayed teachers and classmates. In the 6th grade, Galkin staged his own puppet show.

In 1993, Galkin entered the Russian Humanitarian University. Studied at the Faculty of Linguistics. In 1998, he began his graduate studies. Let us note that in 2009 Maxim was expelled from graduate school due to disagreements with his supervisor.

1994 - Galkin made his artistic debut. He performed skits at the Moscow State University Student Theater. The performance was titled “Fountains of Love for Neighbors.” In the same year, he presented parodies of Zhirinovsky and Yeltsin at the Variety Theater. At one of the concerts B. Brunov noticed him and invited him to permanent job at the Variety Theater. Soon Galkin was already touring with M. Zadornov, who considered Maxim his “successor”. Rare talent and patronage famous people- this is the secret of Galkin’s success.

2001 – Galkin’s first solo concert took place. That same year he started singing. Maxim’s first vocal experience was the song “Be or Don’t Be,” performed in a duet with Alla Pugacheva. Maxim Galkin began to actively tour Russia. He also participated in many events of federal television channels.

2001-2008 - host of the game show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”

2002 - Galkin, together with Pugacheva, released the split album “This is Love.”

2004-2006 - hosted the festival “New Songs about the Main Thing”.

2007 – co-host of the television project “Two Stars”.

2008 – host of the TV show “Star Ice”.

2008-2012 – was the host of the “New Year’s Parade of Stars” (Russia channel)

2009 - hosted the show “Dancing with the Stars.”

2010 - host of the programs “Hipsters Show” and “Ten Million”.

2011 – hosted the program “Good evening with Maxim”.

2011 - co-host of A. Pugacheva in the program “Morning Mail” (“Inter”).

2012 - member of the jury of the TV show “Make the Comedian Laugh.”

Maxim Galkin starred in such films as:

  • "Bless the Woman";
  • “Chasing two birds with one stone”;
  • "First at home";
  • "Kings can do anything."

The objects of Galkin's parodies were:

  • politicians (E. Gaidar, M. Gorbachev, B. Yeltsin, V. Zhirinovsky, A. Lebed, Yu. Luzhkov, A. Lukashenko, V. Novodvorskaya, V. Putin, Yu. Timoshenko, I. Khakamada, R. Khasbulatov, V. Chernomyrdin, V. Yanukovych);
  • actors (L. Akhedzhakova, V. Gaft, L. Gurchenko, N. Dzhigurda, R. Litvinova, O. Tabakov, V. Etush);
  • humorists (Ya. Arlazorov, V. Vinokur, K. Novikova, E. Petrosyan, E. Stepanenko, E. Shifrin);
  • Russian singers(Zh. Aguzarova, D. Arbenina, N. Babkina, N. Baskov, D. Bilan, T. Bulanova, E. Vaenga, L. Vaikule, A. Varum, Vitas, O. Gazmanov, T. Gverdtsiteli, B. Grebenshchikov , Decl, Yolka, L. Zykina, N. Kadysheva, F. Kirkorov, I. Lagutenko, G. Leps, L. Leshchenko, V. Meladze, S. Mikhailov, B. Moiseev, K. Orbakaite, S. Pavliashvili, A . Pugacheva, S. Rotaru)
  • foreign singers (L. Armstrong, D. Dassin, V. Kikabidze, E. Piaf, T. Povaliy, E. Presley, A. Rybak, V. Serduchka, F. Sinatra, T. Turner)
  • TV presenters (V. Wulf, N. Drozdov, R. Dubovitskaya, V. Zelensky, A. Malakhov, I. Urgant, G. Malakhov, E. Malysheva)
  • directors (R. Viktyuk, N. Mikhalkov).

In 2011, Maxim Galkin married Alla Pugacheva. The diva admitted that she began to be interested in Galkin back in 2001. In September 2013, the couple had twins born by a surrogate mother. Now Maxim and Alla are raising their daughter Elizabeth and son Harry. Giving an interview about his relationship with Pugacheva, Galkin admitted: “We get along very well with each other. I am quite compliant, and so is Alla.”

At the age of 13, Galkin first parodied a politician - it turned out to be M. Gorbachev.

Galkin opposes the adoption of laws banning “homosexual propaganda.” According to him, this is nothing more than a “witch hunt” that distracts society from more serious problems.

Galkin could play main role in the film “Penal Battalion”, but refused due to his busy schedule.

3 solo concerts of Galkin, the program “New Year's Eve with Maxim Galkin” and the musical “Chasing Two Hares” were included in the TOP of the most popular programs and films in Russia for 2000-2011. It is interesting that his concert “And I’m 26” was ranked 2nd after the President’s New Year’s Address for 2002.

As a child, Maxim was interested in zoology. His current hobby is diving. He also likes to play backgammon. Galkin has none bad habit. The best ways to relieve fatigue, in his opinion, are swimming and sleep.

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