Logomag. Summer speech leisure in the senior speech therapy group Description of mushrooms: a plan in pictures

Olga Vladimirovna Pogonshchikova
Abstract speech therapy session in the preparatory group on the topic "Mushrooms"

Abstract of an open speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group for the development of vocabulary grammatical categories and connected speech.

Topic « Mushrooms» .

Prepared by speech pathologist Pogonshchikova Olga Vladimirovna


Clarify children's knowledge about autumn, mushrooms;


Summarize previously acquired knowledge on the topic;

Activate the dictionary on the topic

Development of coherent speech on the topic;

Correctional - educational tasks:

Build visual gnosis

Improve the skills of matching words in a sentence

Improve the grammatical structure of speech

Activate and expand vocabulary by topic: "Autumn", « Mushrooms» ,

Stimulate children's speech activity

Work on relaxing muscle tone

Improve speaking skills and abilities

Correction - developing tasks:

Develop phonemic awareness

Develop the ability for self-control

Develop coordination in the system "eyes - hand", i.e. the development of synchronism of eye movements and the leading hand, as well as the strengthening of interfunctional communication

Develop the duration and smoothness of speech exhalation

To develop the ability of children to evaluate their activities, generalize, draw conclusions, express their opinion

Correctional - educational:

Build collaboration skills lesson, the ability to listen to your comrades, respect for the world around us

Cultivate the ability to behave properly

Health saving technology:

1. Breathing exercises with words

2. Finger game

Equipment: subject pictures with the image mushrooms, basket, individual hats - mushrooms, laptop, sounds of nature on the carrier, tape recorder.

Lesson progress

1. Org. moment.

"Sounds of Autumn": speech therapist offers to listen to sounds characteristic of autumn, children listen with their eyes closed, recognize them, call them a complete answer.

What time of the year are the most suitable sounds that you listened to? What autumn do we smell in the forest? (freshness, rotten grass, moss, mushrooms) Respiratory exercises: inhale deeply through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

2. The main part.

1. The game "Gifts of autumn".

Laid out on the carpet mushrooms, speech therapist with children calls them, conducts a conversation about mushrooms.

"Say a word"

Speech therapist reads poetry, children add "lost" word, speech therapist displays the corresponding image.

Near the forest on the edge, decorating the dark forest,

Grew motley, like parsley, poisonous ... (fly agaric).

Look, guys, here are chanterelles, there are mushrooms,

Well, this, in the clearing, is poisonous ... (toadstools).

There are many white legs along the forest paths.

In multi-colored hats, visible from a distance.

Collect don't hesitate, it's... (russula).

2. Receipt feedback to clarify the topic lessons:

What do you think we are going to talk about today? lesson?

3. Formation of grammatical categories R. p., pl. numbers.:

Guys, let's imagine that we went with you to the autumn forest for mushrooms. What do you think the weather "love" mushrooms? Mushrooms grow best after rain. (Rain sound on). What has become in the forest a lot?

Work with picture material. Practicing the formation of words R. p., pl., h.

Fly agaric, grebes, russula.

4. Enrichment of the lexical dictionary on the topic.

What else mushrooms you know? (putting the appropriate pictures on the board - you named a lot of different mushrooms, but can a person eat all of them?

5. Game: "Edible-Inedible"(children call edible mushrooms and put the corresponding picture in the basket, inedible mushrooms remain on the carpet).

6. Conversation: “Why do inedibles exist in nature? mushrooms

There is nothing superfluous in nature, which means poisonous mushrooms are also needed in the forest For example, moose and deer are specifically looking for fly agaric in the forest in order to be cured of their diseases.

7. Word parsing "Amanita":

Guys, what do you think, what two words are hidden in the word "fly agaric"?


Come into the autumn forest! (children walk in place)

There are many miracles around here! (spread arms out to the side and

look around)

Here are the golden birches, (raise hands up)

Under the birches mushrooms look at us. (squat and perform

an exercise " Fungus")

They want to jump into the basket. (get up and do the exercise


An exercise " Fungus"- on a vertically placed cam of one

hands lower the rounded palm of the other, then switch hands.

Exercise "Basket" - interlace fingers with a "lock", palms

turn up and round slightly by connecting thumbs over them

(basket handle)

8. Game: « Mushroomer» . The development of connected speech.

Now we will rest and play a game « Mushroomer» .

Children wear hats mushrooms, mushroom picker takes a cane.

Children move in a circle.

I - mushroomer, and you mushrooms.

Come on, hide behind the oaks!

One, two, three, four, five.

I'm going look for mushrooms!

Mushroomer: I liked fly agaric mushroom, he has a red hat, a white leg with a skirt.

9. Development of visual memory

And now we will check how attentive our mushroomer. Come on mushrooms lined up in a row. Mushroomer, remember how our mushrooms. Now they are swapped. Remember? Close your eyes

mushroom picker closes his eyes.

Discover what mushrooms are swapped.

10. Word formation, inflection.

Why do we collect mushrooms? If we weld them, what will they become? If we dry them, what will they become? If we pickle, pickle, fry.

If we cook a roast from mushrooms, then what will it be? Should we make soup?

12. Learning to retell. Ya. Thais “According to mushrooms".

Grandmother and Nadya gathered in the forest mushrooms. Grandfather gave them a basket each and said:

Well, who will score more!

So they walked, walked, collected, collected, went home. Grandmother has a full basket, and Nadia has a half. Nadya said:

Grandma, let's change baskets!

Here they come home. Grandpa looked and He speaks:

Hey Nadya! Look, I got more grandmother!

Here Nadia blushed and said in the quietest voice:

This is not my basket at all ... this is grandmother's at all.

AT: Why did Nadia blush and answer her grandfather in a low voice?

Where did Nadia and her grandmother go?

Why did they go to the forest?

What did grandfather say, seeing them off to the forest?

What were they doing in the forest?

How much did Nadya score and how much did Grandma score?

What did Nadia say to her grandmother when they went home?

What did grandfather say when they returned?

What did Nadia say?

13. Ball game: word formation (diminutive nouns)

Final part

The game "Forest Echo"

Parting with autumn, let's play with the forest echo.

Echo of the forest, may I ask?

Children - Ay - ay - ay!

Autumn - Where have the forest leaves gone?

Children - Fell - fell - fell.

Autumn - Birds - singers, have they been clamoring for a long time?

Children - They flew, flew, flew south.

Outcome lessons.

Guys, autumn is leaving us with all its beauty, she is a little sad, let's try to cheer her up, what will we tell her?

(Children's answers: “Don't be sad, autumn. We'll see you again in a year! We

We'll be waiting for you!"

Related publications:

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Target - expand and activate vocabulary on the topic.

Correctional training: to introduce children to the types of mushrooms, to disassemble the structural features, to teach guessing riddles, to learn to coordinate numerals with nouns, to learn to form plural nouns in genitive case, learn to form nouns with diminutive suffixes.

Correction-developing: development emotional sphere, development of mobility of the articulatory sphere, development of a smooth exhalation, development of general motor skills

Correction-educating: educate activity, skills of cooperation and interaction

Equipment: computer, presentation, projector, screen, mushroom cards, basket.

Health-saving technologies: visual gymnastics "Mushrooms", dynamic warm-up "Green Oak in the Glade".

I. Organizational moment.

The children stand next to the teacher. Performed psycho-gymnastics. Children repeat after the teacher.

We saw a morel mushroom. Wrinkle your face. Show how surprised you were when you saw a huge fly agaric. Draw out the face and open the mouth. Raise and lower your eyebrows. When the eyebrows are raised, the eyes open wide, when lowered, they almost close. saw big mushroom and were surprised: “Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!” Found worm mushroom, upset: "Ah-ah-ah!"

II. Main part.

1. Conversation on the topic

The teacher uses a presentation that shows pictures of mushrooms.

Task: Look at the pictures and name edible and poisonous mushrooms. Note the features of their structure (hat, leg). They fix the general concept of "mushrooms" in the dictionary.

2. Breathing exercise "B autumn forest».

The teacher invites the children to imagine that they are in the autumn forest, to feel its smells. We deeply inhale the autumn air (inhale through the nose, the shoulders do not rise), exhale through the mouth with the pronunciation of the word “Ahhhh”.

3. Riddles about mushrooms

The teacher reads riddles, the children guess them.

It was deeply hidden.

One, two, three, and out.

And he is in plain sight.

White, I'll find you!


Who stands on a strong foot

In the brown leaves by the path?

Got a hat made of grass

There is no head under the cap.

Like yellow buttons

Stuck in the moss

near the trail.

These friendly sisters

Are called... (chanterelles).

Certainly not white

Fungus - I'm simpler

I usually grow

In a birch grove.


Under the aspen

Worth a boy-with-a-thumb

He is wearing a gray jacket

The hat is red.


Look, guys

Chanterelles here, honey mushrooms there.

Well, this is in the meadow

Poisonous... (toadstools).

Red hat with polka dots

Collar on a thin leg.

This mushroom is beautiful to look at

But dangerous, poisonous.

(Fly agaric.)

4. Visual gymnastics

After completing the tasks at the presentation, the teacher offers to perform visual gymnastics:


Hats are agar, like coins are burning. (Children look into the distance.)

Ripples from hats in the eyes of the guys. (Blink eyes often.)

5. Dynamic pause

The teacher invites the children to relax and do a warm-up.

"Green Oak in the Glade"

6. Exercise "Count".

Mushrooms grew in the clearing (cards depicting mushrooms), the child takes a basket and collects all the mushrooms of only one type and says at the end how much and what he has collected (for example, I collected 5 chanterelles).

7. Ball game "One is a lot."

The teacher throws the ball to the child and names one mushroom, the child names several of these mushrooms and returns the ball. For example, a fox is a lot of foxes.

III. Conclusion.

The teacher thanks everyone for completing the assignments, asks what was studied in the lesson, which exercises they liked, which exercises caused difficulties.

Kirillova Yu., teacher speech therapist.


Purpose: - expansion and activation of the dictionary.
Tasks: - form the plural of nouns;
- learn to form nouns with a diminutive
affectionate suffixes;
- learn to form relative adjectives;
- select adjectives for nouns;
- agreement of nouns with numerals;
- develop fine motor skills, auditory attention, thinking.
Equipment: pictures depicting autumn, leaf ball.
Lesson progress:

1. Org. moment. Finger gymnastics. "AUTUMN

The wind flew through the forest
Wind leaves counted:
Here is oak
Here is maple
Here is a rowan carved,
Here from a birch - golden,
Here is the last leaf from the aspen
The wind threw on the path.

2. Introduction to the topic.

What season is it now? (autumn)
What are the autumn months? (September October November)
What are the signs of autumn? (rain, leaf fall, cold, wind, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms).

3. The game "Big - small"
The gnome came to visit. He is from fairyland. In the country of the gnome, everything is small, that's why they talk about everything affectionately. And we will speak kindly.
Mushroom - fungus, mushroom berry - berry
Tree - tree bush - bush
Leaf - leaf - sun - sun
Flower - flower branch - branch
Forest - forest grass - grass
Rain - rain wind - breeze
cloud cloud

4. The game “One - many”
Mushroom - mushrooms berry - berries
Tree - trees bush - bushes
Leaf - puddle leaves - puddles
Rain - rains branch - branches
Suk-bitch cloud - clouds.

5. Physical education. "FOR MUSHROOMS"

All the animals on the edge
They are looking for milk mushrooms and waves.
The squirrels jumped
Ryzhik plucked.
The fox ran
Collected chanterelles.
The bunnies jumped
They were looking for bugs.
The bear passed
Fly agaric crushed. (Children go in a round dance.)

5. Game “On the contrary”

6. The game "Pick up the sign."
Autumn (what?) - early, late, golden, rainy, sunny, fruitful, cold, ...
Leaves (what?) - yellow, red, multi-colored, dry, ...

7. The game “Name the sheet” (according to the pictures).
Birch, oak, rowan, linden, maple, aspen, ...

8. Game “1, 2, 5”
One oak, two oaks, five oaks;
(maple, poplar, leaf)
One linden, two lindens, five lindens;
(pine, viburnum, aspen)

9. Summary of the lesson. Remember what was said.
The game "The Fourth Extra".
Birch, aspen, lilac, oak.
Rosehip, hazel, lilac, linden.


Purpose: - development of coherent speech.
Tasks: - to teach to distribute sentences with adjectives;
- learn to compose a story based on a picture based on a diagram.
- learn to form nouns gender. case;
- learn to choose words-antonyms;
- develop fine motor skills, attention, thinking.
Equipment: autumn painting, flannelgraph, flannelgraph pictures, reference pictures.
Lesson progress:

1. Org. moment. Solving riddles.
When does it happen? (in autumn)
He makes noise in the field and in the forest, but he will not get into the house.
And I'm not going anywhere as long as he goes. (Rain)
Golden coins fall from a branch. (Leaves)

2. The game "What's gone?"
(picture on flannelgraph).

3. Game “What has changed?”
(picture on flannelgraph).

4. Game “On the contrary”
The tree is tall low sheet wide narrow
Trunk thick - thin trees wet - dry
The path is dirty - clean day in autumn is short - in summer it is long

5. Spreading sentences with adjectives.
Autumn has come. A cold, rainy, late autumn has come.
It's raining. It's cold, light, drizzling rain.
The wind's blowing. The wind is strong cold wind.

6. Physical education. "FOR MUSHROOMS"

All the animals on the edge
They are looking for milk mushrooms and waves.
The squirrels jumped
Ryzhik plucked.
The fox ran
Collected chanterelles.
The bunnies jumped
They were looking for bugs.
The bear passed
Fly agaric crushed.
(Children go in a round dance.)

(They jump in a squat, pluck imaginary mushrooms.)

(They run, collect imaginary mushrooms.)

(They jump while standing, “pluck” the mushrooms.)

(Walking around, at the end of the line they stomp with their right foot.)

8. Finger gymnastics. "AUTUMN"

The wind flew through the forest
Wind leaves counted:
Here is oak
Here is maple
Here is a rowan carved,
Here from a birch - golden,
Here is the last leaf from the aspen
The wind threw on the path.
N. Nishcheva (Smooth, wave-like movements of the palms.)

(Bend one finger on both hands.)
(Calmly place palms on the table.)

9. Drawing up a story based on a picture based on a diagram.
Cold autumn has come. The sky in autumn is gray, gloomy, it often rains lightly. Cold wind is blowing. Leaves turn yellow and fall to the ground. The grass dries up and turns black. Birds gather in flocks and fly away to warmer climes. I like autumn because autumn beautiful trees.

10. Summary of the lesson. Remember what was said.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the senior speech therapy group"Formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech with elements of teaching literacy with children with OHP" according to lexical topic"Mushrooms".

Mitrokhina Elena Livyevna,

teacher speech therapist

highest qualification category

MAUDO of the city of Yalutorovsk

"Kindergarten No. 8"

Correctional and educational goals:

1. Refinement, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Mushrooms" (forest, mushroom, basket, leg, hat, boletus, boletus, boletus, chanterelle, fly agaric, honey agaric, russula, collect, poisonous, edible, mushroom, mushroom, mushroom).

2. Improving the grammatical structure of speech, learning to form nouns with diminutive suffixes;

3.Fix correct pronunciation sound [s] in syllables.

4. Fix the use of simple prepositions in speech: on, with, in, for, by.

Correction-developing goals:

1. Development of visual attention and perception, speech hearing, articulatory, fine and general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

2. Improvement of the grammatical structure of speech: agreement of numerals with nouns, formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes.

3. Continue work on the formation of correct physiological and speech breathing.

Correctional and educational goals:

Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. education of love and careful attitude to nature.

Equipment: basket with dummies of mushrooms, pictures of mushrooms, hats of mushrooms.

  1. Organizing time:

Children enter the hall to the music of the autumn waltz.

A speech therapist meets children with a basket in their hands, in a basket there are dummies of mushrooms.

I picked up a lot of mushrooms in the forest. Let's name them (mushrooms are exhibited: boletus, boletus, boletus, chanterelle, mushroom).

Take one mushroom, the name of which you remember

The picture "Mushrooms" is exhibited.

Now the one who saw his mushroom in the picture will sit down in his place.

2. A speech therapist's story about mushrooms.

Mushrooms grow in the forest: in clearings, on the edges, under trees, in grass and even on stumps. Mushrooms have a cap and a stem. Mushrooms are edible and inedible (poisonous). What does "edible" mean?

3 . Today we will go with you visit Masha and the Bear.

(Sounds Russian folk song“Oh, mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms”).

The bear sent Masha to the forest. He wanted a mushroom pie. Let's help Masha collect mushrooms.

What to take with you (basket)

4. Finger gymnastics "Mushrooms"

One, two, three, four, five! "Step" fingers on the table.

We're going to look for mushrooms.

This finger went to the forest, They bend one finger at a time,

I found this finger mushroom, starting with the little finger.

This finger began to clean,

This finger began to fry,

This finger only ate

That's why he got fat.

Masha is walking along the path and meets a hedgehog.

And the mushrooms in the forest are apparently invisible. …

5. Rhythms with singing the syllables SA, SY.

6. The game "Collect edible mushrooms in a basket"

The hedgehog says to Masha:

Remember, Masha, you can only collect edible mushrooms.

Children, help Masha. (Children put mushrooms in a basket, naming them). Working with an interactive whiteboard.

And what kind of mushroom can be found under the aspen? (Children choose a boletus)

What about under the birch? (boletus)

7. Exercise for the development of an air jet "Blow on the fungus."

Children approach the forest clearing

Each of you has a fungus. He hid under a leaf.

A strong cold wind rose in the forest. Smile. Open your mouth, put a wide tongue on your lower lip and blow hard on the leaves. (S-S-S).

8 . Exercise "Call me affectionately."

Speech therapist: Clouds flew in, and it started to rain Masha was upset.

Don't worry Masha!

This rain is mushroom.

Useful for mushrooms.

From small mushrooms

big mushrooms will grow.

Call them affectionately.

Borovik before the rain was ... (boletus)


Honey mushrooms-…

9.Song (with movements) Muses. supervisor:

Glorious autumn in the forest, leaves are falling.
Mushrooms gathered in a clearing near the forest. (children put on mushroom caps).

10. Exercise "Be attentive"

Come to the table, take one picture.

Find someone who has the same picture and stand next to him.

Remember what mushrooms grew in the rain? Let's slap the words and find out how many parts they have: bo-ro-vik, mo-ho-mor, red-zhik, pod-be-re-zo-vik, cheese-ro-hedgehog ...

Which name has two syllables? Three syllables, four syllables?

Children tie droplets of mushrooms to clouds.

11 . Reading syllables with familiar letters.

The fox ran and lost the letter. (Zaitsev's cube named S, by the name of SA-SO-SU-SY)

12.Chanting“Sa-sa - sa-sa-sa - a fox came running to us,

Sy-sy - sy-sy-sy- there are no mushrooms from that fox.

Su-su - su-su-su - I'll bring her a fungus.

Sy-sy - sy-sy-sy- the fox has chanterelles.

13. Polysemy of words.

- What mushrooms resemble a fox?

14. Count how many chanterelles have grown after the rain:

one chanterelle, two chanterelles ... six chanterelles

The fox collected the chanterelles and ran into the forest.

15. Working with prepositions(children need to show the corresponding picture to the words).

Masha decided to play with the mouse.

Now, be careful! Show a picture.

Mushroom for the mouse, like a house.

Where does she sit on it?

Where does he play for the mushroom?

Where is he jumping over the mushroom?

Where does she crawl on her hat?

Where does he hide his paws under his hat?

16. Formation of relative adjectives(mushroom, mushroom, mushroom,

It's time for Masha to return to the Bear.

And how many delicious mushrooms prepared bear:

Soup with mushrooms (what?) - ...

Mushroom caviar-…

Salad with mushrooms-…

Mushroom puree-…

Pie with mushrooms-

And it's time for us to say goodbye!

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, YNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodical material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally designed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Theme "Mushrooms": speech games and exercises in pictures for classes with children.

Theme "Mushrooms": speech games and exercises in pictures for activities with children

In this article you will find games for older children preschool age on the lexical topic "Mushrooms" and pictures for them. Some of the games - "What is cooked from mushrooms", "Large and small", "Guess whose mushroom", "Ginger and Golden" - you can use with children more younger age— 3-4 years (with high level child's speech development).

Game 1. Grammar game "What is prepared from mushrooms"

The game will teach the child word formation - the ability to form a new word by analogy (according to the model), for example:

- soup, sauce, salad - mushroom,

- noodles, stuffing, caviar, casserole - mushroom,

- cutlets - mushroom,

- all dishes that the chef prepares from mushrooms - mushroom dishes (mushroom salads, mushroom sauces, mushroom casseroles).

and also develops the language sense of the child.

Part 1. Invite the children to imagine that they are no longer children, but ... cooks! You can put a real white cap on your child's head. If there is no cap, then you can use a paper chef badge on a string (hang the badge around your neck like a medal). You can download Little Chef's Medal Or you can use “magic”: say “magic words” in unison (“Turn around one or two. Turn into a cook quickly!”) And even wave your magic wand.

Here we are already chefs! The chef knows how to cook different dishes. And every dish he has is very tasty, beautiful, fragrant. Today, chefs prepare dishes from mushrooms.

But what can be done from mushrooms?

Now we will make mushroom soup. It is called…. as? ( mushroom soup ). What do we put in it? (list products). Recall with the children how to cook mushroom soup.

Ask - is the soup fried or boiled? If boiled, then what is it boiled in - in a frying pan or in a saucepan? Can you cook soup in a pan? Why? While playing, we depict all the actions: we take an imaginary “pan”, cut mushrooms, put them in a saucepan, etc. We inhale the aroma of the soup we have obtained and come up with who we will treat them to. You can immediately “pretend” to treat toys and each other and praise the soup (you will find the words - descriptions of dishes a little lower in this article).

And you can also make ... caviar from mushrooms! What will it be called? Mushroom caviar - what game is this? If the child finds it difficult to answer this question, then tell him: “Caviar from zucchini - squash caviar. Eggplant caviar - eggplant caviar. And caviar from mushrooms is what kind of caviar. ..?” (interrogative intonation and a pause for the child's answer). Correct answer: mushroom caviar.

We depict by actions (pantomime) how we all make mushroom caviar together: we cut mushrooms, vegetables. we fry them, put them in jars, close them with lids, put them in the refrigerator for storage (This is important: all actions are depicted “pretend”, pantomime is a game! No need to require a child in this game to twist real lids on a jar, sign a jar, count how many pieces of vegetable he put in it - the baby should be focused solely on speech and speech tasks. Everything else is done as in a normal game - in a folded form - “as if” we took a jar, “as if” we put it on a shelf)

Today we - the chefs - have one more order - to make for kindergarten casserole with mushrooms. What shall we call her? Potato casserole is potato, cabbage is cabbage, and mushroom casserole is what kind of casserole? What is it called? ( mushroom casserole ).

The last order is to make a salad with mushrooms for a squirrel's birthday. Salad with mushrooms is called .... how will you call him? mushroom salad ). Let's come up with interesting name our mushroom salad: "Squirrel's Joy", "Mushroom Basket" (think of a name with a child and a name, and what you put in a salad for a squirrel and depict how you cook it with your baby).

Now let's bake pies. And the filling will also be from mushrooms. What is the name of this stuffing? Mushroom. it pies with mushroom stuffing.

You can also make mushroom noodles! That's what she's called « mushroom noodles« or cook mushroom sauce - what is it called? ( mushroom sauce) And what are the mushroom cutlets called, you probably already guessed? Mushroom cutlets!

And the sauce with mushrooms is called ... what? ( mushroom sauce)

Mushroom stew - how to call this stew? ( mushroom stew )

After the children and I have “made” all the dishes, we share our impressions. You can “praise” your favorite dish: “I have mushroom cutlets - delicious, crispy, fried.” “And I have pies with mushroom filling, decorated with dough braids” and so on. You can “boast” in turn, or you can all together figure out how to “praise” your dish, choosing as much as possible large quantity words are descriptions. Help the children find expressive words to describe these dishes.

An approximate vocabulary for describing dishes and developing the expressiveness of children's speech in this game:

hot, warm, soft, fresh, fried, baked, flaky, delicious, ruddy, fragrant, fragrant, delicious, crispy, grainy, juicy, sweet, salty.

Useful idea for child development:

show your child at home how you cook mushroom soup and name all your actions as you go.

The verb dictionary for such a comment is:

- mine, clean, cook, put, cut, cut into pieces, rub on a grater, put on fire, remove, interfere.

- actions with mushrooms: mushrooms are dried, pickled, stewed, cut, salted, fried, soup is cooked from them.

Such commenting will be very useful for the development of the child's speech. Research proves that children who often hear the correct forms of words do not make mistakes in their use in speech. The words “rub” (true - three-tert), “clean” (clean - clean - clean), “cut” (cut, cut, cut) are not as simple for children as they seem to us. By explaining what you are doing, you are simultaneously developing the child's speech and prevent common speech errors such as “rubbing” instead of “rubbing”, “cleaning” instead of “cleaning”, “interfering” / “kneading” instead of “interfering”, “bed” instead of “putting”. Involve your child in your activities and ask: “Do you want to wash with me? What are you doing now? What am I doing? Yes, you wash, I wash. We wash vegetables together. What vegetable are you? wash? What vegetable washed up? And what is now you will wash? What a wonderful helper you are! Thanks for your help!".

Part 2. At the end of the game, ask the children a grammatical riddle: “Guess what I thought:

the riddle is aimed at developing linguistic flair and the ability to harmonize adjectives and nouns in gender.

FRESH, tasty, fragrant - is it caviar or salad? (If the child answers “Mushroom salad”, then ask him again: “Do we say that: tasty mushroom salad? No! As we say about salad: mushroom delicious salad. So what is it?")

fresh fragrant delicious - is it a soup or a casserole? Correctly! And about the casserole, how would we say? Fragrant delicious casserole,


Helpful Hints:

- Don't forget at the end of the game to turn the children from cooks back into ordinary preschoolers :). You can also do this with the simplest “magic words”: “One, two, turn around! Turn into Misha (child's name) again! or “One-two, spin around! Be home again!"

- When playing with children, do not forget that cooks behave in accordance with their profession and do not behave like children. They can't throw a pot on the floor or carelessly chop mushrooms. Therefore, try to convey the features of the cook's movement yourself, and the children will imitate you. The main thing is to treat the child in this game like a real chef - very respectfully, ask him for advice, take an interest in his opinion, you can even call him by his first name - patronymic: “Dear Mikhail Grigorievich, can we already start making mushroom caviar? Okay, then let's get started. What do we need?" Don't step out of your role!

- If the child began to behave differently than the cook, remind him that now he is not a boy / girl, but the cook and his dish are very, very waiting (name who is waiting and why his dish is needed). Therefore, you need to try and “cook” it tasty so that people are happy and eat it with pleasure. This is enough for the child to remember his role in the game.

Second version of the game: the second time playing this game, change it and spend it in the second option.

In the second version of this game, children will learn to use nouns in the genitive case: from chanterelles (and not “from chanterelles” - this is a mistake), from boletus, from volnushEK, from boletus and so on.

For this option, you will need "Mushrooms" cards. You can download them for free in the article

Place the cards face down on the table (you will need edible mushroom cards that have several mushrooms on them). The roles of cooks are performed by children players in turn.

Step 1. The cook takes a card and names the mushrooms depicted on it. He decides what he will make of them: "I will cook mushroom soup."

Step 2. Everyone guesses what he will cook mushroom soup from (or any other dish he chooses): “Will you cook chanterelle mushroom soup? from mushrooms? from boletus? from mushrooms? ”Until they guess. Everyone guesses in turn.

When the player has guessed, the presenter shows his card and confirms the correctness of the answer, for example: “Yes, I will cook chanterelle mushroom soup”

You can enter the following game rule: take into the set of cards also "penalty" pictures - poisonous mushrooms. If the child finds out edible mushroom and immediately say: “I have a poisonous mushroom. This is ... (name of the mushroom) ”, then he can take a new card. And keep playing the game. If he does not recognize the poisonous mushroom and “cooks” soup or another dish from the poisonous mushroom in the game, then he skips a move in the next round. Or pays forfeit.

How to introduce your baby to edible and poisonous mushrooms You will learn from the article

The game can be played in pairs, in a small subgroup of children, with big group children. If you play with a large group of children, then the children play as a team. For example, one child - the leader - chooses a card. And the whole group of children guesses what is shown on it. If the host - the cook makes a mistake, then a group of children corrects him, for example: "No, you must first cut it, and then put it in the soup." Then a new leader is selected by a counting rhyme.

Game 2. Grammar game "Guess whose mushroom."

Played by an adult and a child in a pair. Or an adult and several children.

Game 6. Speech game "Riddles - descriptions of mushrooms"

This game develops coherent speech of children, teaches them to express their thoughts consistently, “read” the plan in pictures and compose the text according to the plan.

The usual description of any mushroom can be made according to such a plan in pictures.

Description of mushrooms: plan in pictures

For example: “This mushroom is called boletus. The boletus can grow very large. His hat is bright orange, very bright, strong, smooth. Like a red cap on your head. Therefore, it is also called the "red head". The leg of the boletus is grayish-white, strong, plump. Aspen mushrooms grow in the forest under aspens. This is an edible mushroom. You can cook soup from it, you can fry boletus mushrooms, you can make them mushroom cutlets or mushroom sauce, pies.

Riddle - description differs from usual description mushroom in that the name of the mushroom does not say the driver. You need to guess what kind of mushroom it is according to the description.

You can play the game even on the road or in transport. The driver describes the mushroom. The guessers guess what kind of mushroom it is. If the description is not very detailed, then they can ask additional questions to the driver.

For guessing, you can take a set of pictures "Mushrooms" (the download link is given above).

Puzzle plan - descriptions of the mushroom

It is easiest for a child to compose a riddle using a plan in pictures:

What size mushroom

- Description of the hat

- description of the leg,

- where it grows

- what can be done from it,

- final question: "Guess what kind of mushroom"

An example of a riddle is a description of a mushroom: This is a small mushroom. It always grows next to other similar mushrooms - like a family. The mushroom cap is smooth, orange, with a carved edge. And his legs are thin. This mushroom grows in mixed forest. This is an edible mushroom. You can make a lot out of it. delicious meals: (list of dishes, known to the child). Can you guess what mushroom this is? (chanterelle)

First, riddles are made by an adult to a child, and then the child will be able to make similar riddles to you. If it is difficult for him to construct the text of the riddle, then help baby:

a) by setting the beginning of phrases:"What's his hat? And his leg... It's a mushroom..."

b) questions on pictures - plan: What is the hat of this mushroom? Where does it grow”, etc.

Everything you need for puzzles cognitive information about mushrooms You will find in the article

How to choose the right riddles about mushrooms according to the age of the child, how to compose a riddle about the mushroom with your child, you will find 95 riddles with answers and pictures in the article

Game 7. What are mushrooms called?

This is a game with words that develops a linguistic flair and allows the child to master the word-formation system of the Russian language.

The main thing in this game with words is not to suggest the correct answer, but to allow the child to experiment with the language and come up with it on their own. what would he call these mushrooms. This is a game in which the child acts with words and their parts as with a designer, from whose familiar details one can assemble a new figure.

Very important: If a child comes up with a word in a speech game that is not in Russian, for example, he said that if mushrooms are stewed, then these are “stewed” mushrooms, then do not laugh at his answer. And just tell the baby: “You know, such a word could be in Russian. But people agreed to call such mushrooms in a different way. They are called "stewed mushrooms". And other dishes that are stewed are also called. If cabbage is stewed, then what kind of cabbage is it? Braised cabbage. If you stew carrots. then you get stewed carrots. And if you stew potatoes, what kind of potatoes will you get? That's right, stew." The main thing is to give the right model and its application in different situations in life. The word creation of a child (inventing new words of the Russian language) is a manifestation of the very “linguistic talent” of each small child, about which Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky wrote in his book "From two to five".

Phrases for the speech game "What are the mushrooms called?":

  • If mushrooms are boiled, what kind of mushrooms will turn out? ( boiled).
  • If mushrooms are fried, then these are mushrooms ... what kind? how can they be called? ( fried).
  • If mushrooms are marinated, then these are mushrooms ... what kind? ( marinated)
  • If mushrooms are stewed, then mushrooms will turn out ... what kind? ( stewed)
  • If mushrooms are dried, then mushrooms are obtained ... what kind? (dried)
  • If mushrooms are salted, what kind of mushrooms will turn out? ( salty).

Game 8

In this simple little story, the kid completes the words to complete the sentences. At the same time, he learns to coordinate the verbs of the past tense with the pronouns I, you, we, he, she, they.

Text: “Once upon a time there were two squirrels - a brother and a sister. My brother's name was Ryzhik. Have you guessed why it was called that? And what other name can you think of for a red squirrel (Spark, Redtail, etc.). And my sister was called Zolotinka, because her fur coat was golden-orange.

Ryzhik was the older brother, and Zolotinka always and in everything tried to be like him.

Once Ryzhik and Zolotinka went for mushrooms. Ginger jumps on the branches, and Zolotinka jumps. Ginger galloped on the ground, and Golden also ... what did she do? (jumped) on the ground.

Ginger found a mushroom, and Golden ... what did she do? (found a mushroom). Zolotinka jumps on the ground and sings a song:

“I went to the forest.
I am a fungus ... (found).
Ryzhik in the forest ... (went).
Ginger mushroom ... (found).
We are in the forest ... (let's go)
We are mushrooms ... (found) "

Ryzhik picked a mushroom, and Zolotinka picked a mushroom.

Ginger brought the mushroom home to the hollow, and Zolotinka also ... (brought the mushrooms home) They were together - what did they do? (brought mushrooms)

Ginger washed the mushroom, and Zolotinka too ...

Ryzhik dried the mushroom, and Zolotinka too ...

And they got dried mushrooms for the winter!

Squirrels sit on a branch and joyfully sing:

“We went to the forest.
We found mushrooms.
We brought mushrooms
Dried out for the winter!

You can download all the pictures from this article for games and activities with children on the topic “Mushrooms” at good resolution and quality in our Vkontakte group “Child Development from Birth to School” (see the “Documents” section on the right under the community videos. The picture file is called “Theme Mushrooms” (tema-gribi).

I wish you all an interesting trip to the world of mushrooms with your children! 🙂

More educational materials speech lessons with children you will find in the sections of the site "Native Path":

Always welcome your questions and comments! And if you and your children have your favorite games on this topic or your experience of introducing a baby to the world of mushrooms, I will be glad if you share it below in the comments on this article!


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