You need to know the places: we are collecting a folk map of the most mushroom-filled environs of Yekaterinburg. Mushroom paradise in Ukraine: where to go on a quiet hunt Where and when to pick mushrooms in the Moscow region

For changing cold weather The long-awaited warmth has arrived in the Moscow region, so mushroom season declared open. In the forests you can now find not only russula and chanterelles, but also noble boletus, boletus, and boletus. The RIAMO in Podolsk columnist has compiled a guide to the best mushroom places that can be reached on foot, by car and by train.

Mushroom season

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The first spring mushrooms are morels and strings. The summer months are the time when the bulk of edible mushrooms appear. They grow best in warm, humid weather, especially July and August.

The growth of many edible mushrooms slows down in the fall and ends with the onset of the first frost. Although some mushroom pickers continue to go to the forest even in the fall - for late mushrooms, including winter honey fungus.

Until the beginning of winter, they continue to appear in the forests. edible mushrooms, but most often little-known ones - for example, oil colibia and purple row.

The main rule when picking mushrooms is: never take a mushroom unless you are sure it is edible. It is better not to put a couple of edible mushrooms in the basket than to take home one poisonous one and get poisoned.

Where to look for mushrooms

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Cap mushrooms, many of which are edible, usually grow near pines, spruces, birches, oaks and aspens. Less common under larches, poplars, alder and rowan.

Porcini mushrooms can be found in pine and spruce forests, birch and oak groves, and they are also found in mixed forests.

Boletus and boletus most often grow under birch and aspen trees, justifying their name. These mushrooms enter into symbiosis with the roots of these trees.

Russulas are very unpretentious - they can be found in almost any area.

Chanterelles grow in dry, sunny meadows.

Moss mosses love damp and dark places and often grow along the edges of swamps where there is thick green moss.

Butterflies prefer pine and spruce forests, in which there is dry soil and little grass.

Honey mushrooms grow on trees - not only at the root, but sometimes quite high above the ground. They peck in families on stumps, roots, and tree trunks.

The tall morel can be found in burnt areas and fire pits.

Mushrooms are most abundant on the edges of the forest, along forest roads and clearings, and on lawns. They don't like dense thickets and too tall grass.

When going into the forest, you need to remember that there is always a danger of getting lost. Therefore, you need to carefully prepare for a quiet hunt: warn your family and friends, wear closed clothes and a hat, take matches, a compass, a knife and a supply of water. The main thing is to charge your smartphone, load terrain maps into it, set up Mobile Internet and geolocation. In case of an emergency, you must immediately call the Unified Rescue Service at 112.


On foot

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Not far from the Grivno station in the Klimovsk microdistrict there is a forest. In search of mushrooms, you should go east from railway towards the villages of Berezhki and Kharitonovo.

In the Lvovsky microdistrict, mushroom pickers go southeast from the Lvovskaya station towards the village of Ivino, which is about eight kilometers away.

Two kilometers east railway station“Lvovskaya” is the village of Lagovskoye. From it to the village of Meshcherskoye in the Chekhov urban district, six kilometers of forest stretches. In it, porcini mushrooms grow along the gentle slopes of ravines, in open birch forests, along the edges and old forest roads and clearings. From Meshchersky to Kolkhoznaya station you can walk along the picturesque banks of the Rozhay River or through the forest.

By car or bus


One of the most mushroom places in the former Podolsk region, part of which was transferred to the Troitsky administrative district of Moscow, is the village of Voronovo. You can reach it public transport from the Podolsk station, as well as by private car. There are a huge number of porcini mushrooms, honey mushrooms and nigella mushrooms. The best way to enter the forest is from the Gazprom dachas; you can also leave your car there - the road is excellent, asphalt everywhere.


In the forest behind the village of Shchapovo in the former Podolsk region there are many boletus, aspen and porcini mushrooms. The forest in front of Shchapovo is also considered mushroom. From the Kuznechiki microdistrict you can get to it by car through Oznobishino, then turn to Shchapovo, after the turn stop in the first forest area. There are also buses to Shchapovo from the Podolsk station.


The forest near the concrete road is considered mushroom. From Kuznechiki you need to drive a car towards Oznobishino, then towards Troitsky to the concrete road, immediately after it there is the first forest area to the right, next to Kurilovo. Porcini mushrooms, honey mushrooms, boletus and aspen mushrooms grow there.


For honey mushrooms and boletus mushrooms, you need to travel by car from the Kuznechiki microdistrict towards Oznobishino, then to the village of Troitskoye, then along the concrete road to the village of Satino-Tatarskoye. Immediately behind it on the left is a forest area.


From the Podolsk station you can take a bus to Klenovo, in the forests around which there are also a lot of mushrooms, especially honey mushrooms, which grow even in autumn.

Towards Serpukhov

Along the M2 highway towards Serpukhov and a large concrete road there are forested areas, in which every autumn mushroom pickers collect a huge number of the most different mushrooms. They also sell their prey there. It is best to travel here by private car.

By train

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On weekend mornings you can take the train and go in the Kursk direction towards Chekhov and Serpukhov. In the south, russula, nigella, milk mushrooms, boletus, aspen, chanterelles, and boletus grow in abundance in the forests.

Kolkhoznaya station

Mushrooms are collected two to three kilometers from the Kolkhoznaya station on both sides of the railway. In the east - towards the village of Nikonovo and in the forests along the banks of the Rozhay River. In the southeast - in the forest behind the village of Sharapovo. In the west - towards the villages of Panino and Zhokhovo.

Stations "Chepelevo" and "Chekhov"

From the Chepelevo and Chekhov stations, mushroom pickers go in the direction of the villages of Alachkovo, Maksimikha, Oksino. This is one of the richest places in mushrooms.

Station "Luch"

At the Luch station, mushrooms are collected four to five kilometers from the railway on the western side in the vicinity of the villages of Popovka and Milyachino.

Station "Sharapova Hunting"

Mushroom pickers need to head from the Sharapova Okhota station east to the villages of Pleshkino, Voskresenki, Petrukhino.

Avangard station

A quiet hunt will be successful if you walk two or three kilometers east from the Avangard station in the direction of the village of Vskhody. There are also a lot of mushrooms in the forests stretching along the banks of the Rechma and Lopasnya rivers. You can also get to the Lopasni River valley from Serpukhov - by bus to the village of Gurovo or by boat to the Priluki pier.

The “wet” summer of 2017 also has its advantage, which is worth taking advantage of, even if you haven’t tried it before. Mushrooms, of course. Our forum mushroom pickers are telegraphing from the forest: there are a lot of boletuses, boletuses and saffron milk caps, however, there are also plenty of hunters for them. People wander through the forests with baskets, looking intently at their feet, but so far there is enough “catch” for everyone, and after every warm rain a fresh one appears.

Of course, every mushroom picker knows his secret places and doesn’t tell them to just anyone, but there are destinations in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg where boletus, boletus and saffron milk caps traditionally go. Using the information, we compiled a folk mushroom map - 2017.

You can also take part in it: tell us where you go, what you find, send your photos. Maybe there are clearings where rare specimens grow, and only you know about it? And here’s another question: where are the chanterelles? Based on your information, we will supplement and improve the map. Telegraph to our editorial mail [email protected]. You can also use WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram - their number + 7 909 704 57 70.

Here's some fresh news from the fields.

“We went into the forests along the Serovsky tract for a couple of hours,” writes user I am PILOT))). - There are plenty of cars. People - like on Lenin Avenue. There are a lot of mushroom pickers with dogs this year. They collected them for mycelium. There are 20 white ones and about 15 black ones. The forests are very wet. Everyone Have a good mood and collection!

“There are tons of mushrooms! - user damaskar boasts. - They are eaten mainly by slugs. A lot of worms are just butter. The freezer is already full.”

“Here, apparently, everything depends on the area,” says a mushroom picker with the nickname Perpetuum Mobile 73. “Yesterday we went and brought one and a half three-bucket baskets of white ones. 99% are all wormy. Everything was thrown away. Why did they take these in the forest? But because there were three days ago - and the same one and a half baskets of whites, practically without a single wormhole. Yesterday you cut them, the stem is clean, the cap is strong and beautiful, so as not to wrinkle, they didn’t cut them. And, despite the countless amounts of rain, the places where we walk are surprisingly dry in the forest. Now either change the collection location or wait for the next layer. It’s good that we already had time to dry it too. It’s bad that she promised to take people to pick mushrooms, but you won’t go for those. Serovsky tract".

"Today. Rudny, - photo report from user Bipatrid, posted yesterday. - There are a lot of people in the forests. Mushrooms - a little less."

If you are not sure what you distinguish good mushrooms from not very good ones, before going into the forest.

There are fewer forests, but there are more mushroom pickers and lovers of quiet hunting. Therefore, I want to know where the places rich in mushrooms are. The other problem is that everyone has their own tastes. Some people like saffron milk caps, others only like boletuses. Therefore, you don’t want to walk through the forest looking for all the varieties. Mushroom pickers are looking for their favorite mushrooms and are ready to go to distant lands for them. But it’s still safer to know the address of such a place.

Mushroom places are scattered throughout Russia

Mushroom places are scattered throughout Russia. Where are they located? For different districts, regions and districts. You can find a list of the most popular territories.

Ivanovo region

The Yuzhsky district is recognized as environmentally friendly. The recreation center “Pristan” is open for mushroom pickers. Silent hunting here begins in August and lasts until the first snow. They pick up mushrooms along the banks of the Klyazma River. Lots of boletus, boletus, and honey mushrooms.

Murmansk region

The area rich in mushrooms is located near the Verkhnetulomskoye reservoir. The tourist base "Lesnaya" is waiting for lovers of milk mushrooms of all varieties, trumpet mushrooms, and buttermilk. Lots of porcini mushrooms. They literally go hunting with bags. There are so many boletuses and boletuses that they can be dried for more than one season.

IN Ivanovo region there are a lot of boletus growing

Pskov region

On the shore of Lake Pskov there is a recreation center "Lukomorye". Porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms and boletus mushrooms are collected here. The places are so quiet that not only avid experienced mushroom pickers, but also families with children walk through the forest.

Samara Region

The protected Muransky Forest is located on the territory of the Shigonsky district. Mushrooms constantly appear in the forest. Immediately after the rain you can go hunting for them. It is impossible to list all the varieties that the region is rich in. The most popular: boletus, saffron milk caps, milk mushrooms. There is no need to talk about boletuses and boletuses.

How to find mushroom spots (video)

We identify mushroom places of the Volgograd region on the map

The Volgograd region is an attractive territory for those who like to walk through the forest in search of tasty and healthy mushrooms. Landscapes change, providing the opportunity to choose a favorite type of forest product. Natural natural areas cover more than 400 hectares of area. They are amazingly intertwined along the shores of famous and little famous rivers: Volga, Don, Khopr. The types of vegetation are so rich that there are rare ones - black poplar, and popular ones in Russia - birch. The forests in the region are protected, so they engage in artificial plantings.

Chanterelles await mushroom pickers in early spring

Spring varieties of forest gifts

Chanterelles await mushroom pickers in early spring. Healing red mushrooms are difficult to confuse with other varieties. They peek out like bright islands from the green May grass. Chanterelles grow in entire families, changing the color of their caps. Sometimes they are light yellow, sometimes bright red. They prefer spruce trees deciduous forests. What areas do chanterelles love:

  • Uryupinsky;
  • Olkhovsky;
  • Chernyshevsky.

Other variety spring mushrooms– dung beetles. They are not all edible. Only young ones can be collected for food. The variety has a special appearance. The large white heads are fleshy. Dung beetles, despite their euphonious name, are very tasty. They cannot be prepared for future use. You will be able to enjoy it in the spring by finding mushrooms near compost pits, in vegetable gardens, in the field.

Dung beetles, despite their euphonious name, are very tasty

In which areas do dung beetles search:

  • Surovinsky;
  • Chernyshevsky;
  • Alekseevsky.

In May, boletus mushrooms begin to appear. Wide brown caps look attractive from the grass. Young boletus mushrooms attract with their red heads, sitting tightly on a strong stem. There are many boletus in the aspen forests:

  • Kletsky district;
  • Chernyshevsky district.

Boletus mushrooms begin to appear in May

Beginning of the summer season

There are more mushrooms in summer. They appear in June; in the Volgograd region there are so many summer varieties that there is something for every taste.

White mushrooms. The large hat looks like a hero’s, so the variety is considered noble. Some specimens can amaze with their size. The diameter of the hat reaches 40cm. Maturity is determined by the color of the tubes under the cap. If yellowish, the mushroom is ready. It is interesting to look for white varieties. I found one, look around, there are definitely brothers hiding somewhere. The mushroom is a good family man; there are practically no loners among the variety, unless someone has already visited it before. Mushroom areas are located in oak, birch and pine areas:

  • Kumylzhensky;
  • Alekseevsky;
  • Gorodishchensky.

Champignons begin to be collected at the end of the first summer month. The varieties are considered the most widespread in the region. Special taste, excellent quality.

Mushroom season in the Volgograd region (video)

Champignons grow in meadows, among spruce trees, in oak groves and in pastures, which many in the following areas:

  • Rudnyansky;
  • Novoanninsky;
  • Olkhovsky;
  • Zhirnovsky.

Moss fly is taken in July and August. Many people deny the beneficial properties of mushrooms, do not collect them, and leave them to grow further. Few people know that stewed flywheel pulp can be compared to porcini mushroom. The main thing is to be able to cook them. Only small specimens are taken. Mosswort grows among mosses. When the stem is trimmed, it turns bright blue. A large number can be found in the Kletsky district.

Moss fly is taken in July and August

July and August mushrooms

In the second half summer season You can come to the Volgograd region for other representatives of forest inhabitants.

Milk mushrooms. The light caps of white milk mushrooms are hidden under the leaves. Their sticky surface is specially designed so that mushroom pickers look for milk mushrooms, and don’t just go and collect. It will be a real hunt, not a walk in the park. A person will get real pleasure from collecting white thick hats. Areas waiting for milk mushrooms:

  • Swan Glade;
  • Trekhostrovskaya village.

Floodplains and wet areas will provide an opportunity to harvest an excellent harvest and provide for yourself for the winter.

In the second half of the summer season, you can come to the Volgograd region for milk mushrooms

Autumn season

The Volgograd region will delight forest lovers in the fall. After the rains, mushrooms appear from the ground, like in a fairy tale.

Ryadovka (or undertopolnik). Semicircular brown caps sit tightly on strong cylindrical legs. The mushroom grows, increasing the cap in size and structure. First hemispherical, then convex, later becoming flat. When overgrown, it diverges, cracking, dividing into pieces. Brown mushrooms are mixed with potatoes, fried and enjoyed with their special taste. The name suggests where it is better to look for them - among the poplars. There are many such places in the areas:

  • Kumylzhensky;
  • Svetloyarsky;
  • Olkhovsky;
  • Rudnyansky.

In the Kumylzhensky district, forests are rich in floodplains

Honey mushrooms. In the fall, they simply cover the stumps with a solid mass. Mostly they choose old birch trees, less often trunks of deciduous trees. From a distance it may seem that these are not mushrooms, but a light brown growth. The hats look like balls, cut in half, with a tubercle in the center. It is covered with brown scales. The dense white flesh is crunchy when simmered in a frying pan. There are many honey mushrooms among the following areas:

  • Chernyshevsky;
  • Surovinsky;
  • Ryabovskaya farm;
  • Village of Rudnya;
  • village Kalache-on-Don;
  • Shakinskaya oak grove.

In autumn, honey mushrooms simply cover the stumps in a solid mass

Greenfinch. yellow mushroom tasty and aromatic. The hat is flat and semicircular. The head changes with age. The cap changes color from yellow to green. Its structure is very sticky and consists of small scales. The white pulp has a mushroom aroma. It smells similar to cucumbers and the aroma of fresh flour. Type – lamellar. Wide green and yellow plates are ground into white spore powder. The most greenfinches are in the Kalachevsky district.

The Volgograd region is rich in forest products; a mushroom picker will be pleased with the find in any season. You can find a place closer to your residence, you can search by type of mushroom. It is recommended to collect them in any area of ​​the region, but there are also special places that will delight you with rare noble mushrooms.

Mushroom places in the Moscow region (video)

Best places in the region

The following areas and places in the Volgograd region are popular:

  • Near the Tsimlyansk reservoir;
  • Floodplain around Volgo-Akhtubinsk;
  • Village Zubarevka;
  • Islands on the Volga: Golodny, Denezhny, Sarpinsky;
  • Areas along the storage facility.

Many visitors to the area will find places that become their secret. They will visit them every year, expanding the area of ​​their walk. But mushroom pickers don’t like to give away their secret trails.

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In Russia, mushroom picking is almost a national species sports According to statistics, every third resident of our country goes out into the forest with a basket in the fall. But if before the revolution in Russia there were up to 40 kg of mushrooms per capita per year, today it is only 3 kg. Why?

Looking in the wrong place!

Mushrooms (especially high nutritional value- white, boletus, boletus) are not so easy to find in the forest. Full cart Boletus mushrooms are collected by a lucky few; most come out of the forest with russula and pigs.

— The main thing in “silent hunting” is to know mushroom places, says Vera Mokeeva, candidate biological sciences, Researcher Department of Mycology and Alcology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University - Mushrooms reproduce using spores, which, when exposed to favorable conditions, form a mycelium. New mushrooms subsequently grow from it. Such myceliums persist in the soil for quite a long time, so experienced mushroom pickers remember the place where they once reaped a rich harvest, periodically visit there and do not tell anyone about the “place of mushroom power.”

How to find a mushroom place?

There is no point in looking for mushrooms in thick grass and forest thickets. They usually grow in clearings, sunny meadows and forest edges, in moist but not soggy soil. Some types of fungi - mycorrhiza-formers - are closely associated with the root system of certain tree species (aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms), others - xylotrophs - with living or dead wood (honey mushrooms, oyster mushrooms) - and with what older tree, the greater the likelihood of finding mycelium under or on it.

It is known that the mushroom yield is not constant. The fertility of mycelium depends on the weather. If the summer was hot and dry, there will be few mushrooms in the fall. A moderately warm and moderately rainy summer promises a rich mushroom harvest.

Take valuable ones

A mycelium is a sponge that absorbs all the nasty things from environment.

“In most edible mushrooms, the mycelium is located near the soil surface and absorbs a large number of moisture from the environment, explains Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences Igor Sokolsky. “If the soil is contaminated with water-soluble xenobiotics, they easily penetrate the mushrooms and can accumulate in quantities that render edible mushrooms inedible.”

Autumn mushrooms are the safest and healthiest. The mycelium “gives out” all the accumulated negativity with the first harvest, later autumn mushrooms you can safely collect. They are the safest. Exceptions are mushrooms collected along highways, railroad tracks, landfills, landfills, etc. Eating them is extremely dangerous.

Another important mushroom nuance is edibility. Unlike other products, mushrooms are conditionally edible. By the way, this term has taken root exclusively in our country. All over the world, sow mushrooms, volushki, russula, lacticaria, morels, milk mushrooms, rows (and other mushrooms that have a poisonous or acrid taste in their raw form) are considered inedible.

“The toxins of conditionally edible mushrooms are resistant to heat treatment (that is, neither frying nor boiling can neutralize them),” explains Elena Tereshina, Doctor of Biological Sciences, - you can eat them (if you really want to) only in salted form and exclusively at a “young age” (that is, rotten wormy mushrooms- overgrown plants should be left in the forest “bed”).

Mushrooms of the first and second nutritional value - porcini, boletus, boletus, saffron milk caps, chanterelles - are not only tasty, but also extremely nutritious. They are rich in vegetable protein (dishes made from them are recommended for fasting), carbohydrates and minerals.

Moderation and caution

Mushrooms are considered “heavy food”. Mushroom protein is enclosed in chiton shells, which are not affected by gastric juice, so their dietary fiber is practically not digested, through gastrointestinal tract pass through and impede the digestion process.

An abundance of mushrooms on the table is fraught with eating disorders and indigestion.

To get the maximum benefit from mushrooms, begin processing them immediately after collection (the contents are biologically active substances higher in freshly picked mushrooms than in stale ones). Remember that young mushrooms are more nutritious and healthier than old ones, and the caps are more nutritious than the stems.

Most useful way mushroom preparations - drying. When drying, moisture is lost, but the nutritional value increases. Mushrooms are best digested in crushed form - prepare mushroom powder, grinding dried mushrooms in a coffee grinder or mill.

Get treatment for your health

The medicinal properties of mushrooms are no less known than the recipes. Mushroom decoctions, tinctures and powders have been present in the arsenal of doctors since time immemorial. Chronicles indicate that Vladimir Monomakh was treated with a decoction of chaga for a tumor of the lower lip. Mushrooms were also used by personal healers Empress Catherine II And Alexandra Fedorovna. Even before the revolution, about 50 species of mushrooms were considered medicinal.

Nowadays, a whole direction has emerged - fungotherapy (mushroom treatment). It is based on serious evidence base. Penicillin, which saved millions of lives, was isolated from molds. After this discovery, it became clear that many fungi have antibiotic activity. The antibiotic agaridoxin, which acts on many pathogens, was obtained from the meadow champignon. The antibiotics drosophyllin, nemotin, biformin, and polyporin were also obtained from fungi. More recent studies have shown that mushrooms can regulate blood pressure and reduce cholesterol and blood sugar.

The discovery of the antitumor effect of mushrooms was a real sensation. Scientists discovered this property in the last century, drawing attention to residents of several Japanese villages in which there was not a single case of cancer. It turned out that the basis of the diet of their inhabitants is mushrooms. Today, the antitumor effect of mushrooms is being actively studied, but what biological compounds of mushrooms have such an effect is not yet known for certain.

Supporters of fungotherapy believe that mushrooms can help with heart and lung diseases, boost immunity, and beneficial properties Almost every mushroom has it.

Raincoat is a hemostatic agent. Pieces of mushroom applied to the wound stop bleeding, prevent suppuration and help rapid healing.

Honey mushrooms are effective against E. coli and staphylococcus. Autumn honey mushrooms are used as a mild laxative. Morels help improve vision.

Most city dwellers gradually lose the skills of navigating the forest, as well as distinguishing between edible and inedible forest products. The same goes for mushrooms, because it seems that they are much easier to buy in the store. But at the same time, we must also take into account the pleasure that can be obtained in the process of hunting for them. So, for example, how to search

About mushrooms

Most associate these organisms exclusively with their fruits - what can be seen, for example, in stores. But many people remember from biology courses that everything is not so simple. The first feature is that mushrooms are not plants. And they are really very different from them. Second: a mushroom is not only what is visible on the surface. It's just his body small part. And the main one lies underground - this is the mycelium. Few people do not notice that mushrooms grow in groups - having discovered one, you can find several more nearby. And all because the same mycelium is located in the soil, which is not roots in the usual sense of the word, but has a number of similar functions. It can extend over a fairly large space and comes to the surface in the form of mushroom bodies.

Properties and nutritional value

They are called forest meat, and this name is not accidental. They consist almost entirely of water, with proteins in second place, about the same amount of carbohydrates and very little fat. When dried, the amount of protein per 100 grams increases to approximately 30%, but it cannot serve as a substitute for meat. The fact is that most of protein is not digested human body due to a special substance - chitin, which is included in the cell membrane of fungi.

But we cannot ignore the fact that they contain a huge amount of useful microelements and vitamins. Some of them can even serve as a medicine against certain diseases - a separate area called fungotherapy is studying these properties. But besides, we must not forget that this is quite a heavy food that takes a long time to digest.

Silent hunt

Mushroom pickers are often called hunters, and this is, in general, fair. Their task is actually to stalk their prey, since luck rarely smiles on those who go at random. And these people have the secrets of how to look for mushrooms, where to do it, and at what time. Of course, they are also distinguished from poisonous ones and have a number of special skills and knowledge. So, what are the basic rules you need to know for a “silent hunt” to be successful?

Where and how to look for mushrooms?

There are places in the forest where a hunter is more likely to meet his prey. The main weapon here is knowledge. Some species prefer sunny edges and clearings, while others prefer shady lowlands. But there are some universal rules that help both beginners and more experienced hunters for mushrooms.

Firstly, you need to go out into the forest early in the morning, when there are no oblique sun rays and the dew did not dry up. It is the moisture after a cool night that will help you notice the shiny wet caps in the grass.

Secondly, you need to remember the principle of mushroom growth - if you find one, then there will definitely be several more nearby. So you need to take a closer look around.

Thirdly, it is better to organize your first trips with more experienced guides. This will allow you to gain orientation skills in the forest, as well as understand how to properly look for mushrooms.

Fourthly, a special stick about a meter long with a slingshot at the end will be a good helper. It is very convenient to move the grass in front of you and to the sides so as not to miss a single boletus or boletus.

And yet, every fan of “silent hunting” has his own secrets on how to find White mushroom where to look for milk mushrooms. When going into the forest for specific species, you need to know not only when is the best time to collect them, but also their favorite places.

Mushroom season in the Moscow region

It is traditionally believed that it is necessary to obtain forest meat in the fall, but this does not mean that lovers of “silent hunting” put down their baskets for almost a year in October. In fact, the first mushrooms may appear as early as March, although there are very few of them at this time; it is better to delay the start of the season until April-May (depending on the speed of snow melting and the rise in average daily temperature). In the Moscow region at this time, morels and strings are collected, which look rather strange, but have excellent taste.

At the end of May and beginning of June, boletus mushrooms and many others begin to appear summer mushrooms, and in July all the main species gradually begin to bear fruit, although this time is considered not very fruitful. The real active season opens in August, when the forests truly hide untold riches! This Golden time lasts until about mid-September and makes it possible not to have to figure out how to look for mushrooms in the forest, because they are literally everywhere and practically ask themselves to be in the basket. Experienced people know that over the summer there are several “waves” of growth or “layers”. The first of them falls on the second half of July, and the rest - on a short time until the beginning of this autumn. This is exactly the moment when it is best for a beginner to try his hand.

At the end of October, the main season closes, although individual fans can extend it for a few more weeks. And yet, where to look for mushrooms so as not to go at random? Each type requires its own approach.

To begin with, you can go in the directions considered the most “fruitful”. In the Moscow region, mushroom pickers often go out at the stations Zhavoronki, Tuchkovo, Dorokhovo, Pobeda, Dachnaya, White Pillars, Lvovskaya, Donino, Gzhel, Zelenogradskaya, Abramtsevo, Khimki, Povarovo, etc. In fact, at the height of the season, it’s easy to understand what places are now They are popular - a lot of people with baskets come off the morning trains.

Other Features

When going into the forest, you must dress properly and follow all the necessary precautions. For example, wearing a hat and Wellingtons. This will help protect you from ticks and snakes that are found in the grass and bushes.

Each mushroom picker must have a knife and a special container with him. An ordinary bag will not work, because what is collected in it will quickly “suffocate”, lose all its appearance and usefulness, crumble and immediately begin to rot. Willow baskets work best. Regarding the collection method, there are two directly opposite opinions: some believe that it is better to cut the mushrooms, while others insist that this method provokes rotting and death of the mycelium, so it is better to unscrew the stem from the ground like a screw. Unfortunately, there is no general opinion.

Edible and inedible

One of the first rules of mushroom pickers is this: when in doubt, it is better to refuse. Learning to distinguish edibles from their poisonous counterparts is not so difficult; it is a matter of practice. But the fact is that even the most delicious boletus, boletus and boletus mushrooms can be fraught with danger. Before deciding where to look for mushrooms, you need to find a suitable place for this - a forest that is located far enough from highways and any other sources of pollution. Every cap and beautiful appetizing leg found near such places threatens to be poisoned. The fact is that mushrooms absorb all harmful substances like a sponge, and it is impossible to get rid of them. Therefore, you should think several times when choosing places to look for mushrooms in the Moscow region.

Another feature that affects edibility is mutual arrangement different types. Sometimes it happens that a mushroom picker finds a clearing with a whole family of caps. And suddenly, in the middle of this crowd, it is discovered that it is better to throw away what you have collected, since the poison that gets into the mycelium can, in the best case, cause severe poisoning.

In addition, you should not bring home large overripe specimens. It’s better to do it differently - pin the hat on a tree branch in the forest. This will make it easier for disputes to spread, and next year there is a chance to see many more mushrooms in the same places.

Symptoms of poisoning

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, but it is important to correct it in time. After eating mushrooms and suddenly having doubts, you need to analyze your condition. The following symptoms should alert you:

  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • rise or fall in temperature;
  • drowsiness;
  • increased salivation and/or sweating;
  • strong thirst.

The appearance of several of these signs after eating mushrooms is a reason to immediately seek help, even if it seems that this is not necessary. This can save someone's life, and you can even get poisoned by edible but improperly processed species.

How to cook?

Before looking for mushrooms in the forest, it would be useful to ask how they should be processed. They are hardly stored, so they must be processed immediately after collection. Just a few hours - and all the forest wealth can be safely thrown into the trash, so it’s better to hurry. First of all, you need to sort through everything, clean and cut it. Species such as morels and stitches require special attention - they need to be washed very carefully. As for conventionally edible mushrooms, as a rule, they need to be soaked for several hours to get rid of bitterness. In general, the preparation of each type requires its own approach. Some are more suitable for frying, others for stewing, and others for pickling. But in the end it's a matter of taste.

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