October what mushrooms grow in October. "real honey fungus can be eaten raw." Conditions for the growth of porcini mushrooms

With the onset of autumn, the world around us transforms and changes its shades. This is especially noticeable in the autumn forest. Walking along forest paths, you can be completely satisfied with the variety of colors that nature itself generously gifts us with. Among three months In autumn, October stands out with its brightness. It is not so warm, but on sunny days all the trees in the forest glow with gold. A walk in the forest can be useful if desired. Among the fallen leaves you can see a mushroom trying to hide. Autumn is the period of mushroom picking. There is a place to have a blast and stock up on mushrooms for the winter. Let's first figure out what mushrooms grow in October.

October harvest!

In the middle month, the number of mushrooms begins to decrease, but their quality noticeably improves. Due to the fact that the nights are already cool and there is fog in the morning, there are fewer and fewer mushroom flies. Mushrooms, accordingly, retain their integrity. In this connection, the fungi that we collect in the fall are better stored, unlike those collected in the summer.

IN different regions countries, the diversity of mushroom species is still different. Much depends on climatic conditions. When going for mushrooms, take a real mushroom picker with you, because if you are not professional in this matter, you risk picking up poisonous species, which are very similar to edible mushrooms. Therefore, do not take risks, but approach this issue with all seriousness.

In October forested areas The following mushrooms can inhabit:

The cap of the milk mushroom is funnel-shaped, regular in shape. IN early age convex with rolled edges. Young milk mushrooms are dark olive in color and earthy. With age it darkens to a dark brown hue. The stem of the mushroom is thickened to 8 centimeters in height and has a cylindrical shape. Tapers towards the bottom. It is lighter than the hat. As it matures, it becomes hollow. The flesh of the milk mushroom is dense and brittle.

Honey mushrooms include several types of mushrooms that share their habitat, namely that they usually grow on tree trunks. Summer honey fungus is one of the most common mushrooms eaten.

What do summer mushrooms look like?

The size of the cap reaches 6 cm in diameter. In a young fruiting body it is convex, and as it matures it becomes flat with a central tubercle. During rain, the color becomes brown, and in dry weather it becomes dull honey. The edge of the cap has clearly visible grooves, usually darker than the central part. Upper layer smooth to the touch and slightly slimy.

At the bottom of the cap there are thin plates that can be adherent or slightly descending. The older the mushroom, the darker the color of the plates. The cap flesh is watery and pale yellow-brown in color.

The thin leg, no more than 7 cm high, has a dense structure. The color is uneven: the upper part is lighter than the base. In addition, there are small dark scales below. Young individuals are characterized by the presence of a remnant of the veil in the form of a thin ring, which disappears over time.

Places and rules for collecting summer mushrooms

The season for collecting summer honey mushrooms begins in June and continues until the beginning of autumn. Mushrooms are found in all forest plantations in Russia. Experienced mushroom pickers go out in search of crops after long rains, especially if the weather is warm. Most often, honey mushrooms settle in hard-to-reach or impassable places. If you come across a tree with a rotten hollow on your way, it is recommended to look into it, otherwise you may miss a whole nest of mushrooms.

Summer honey mushrooms, in addition to fallen trees and clearings, can settle on healthy wood or at the base of the tree, in leaves or tall grass. Mushrooms love birch, oak and hazel.

Varieties of honey mushrooms (video)

Not to return from quiet hunt empty-handed, it is recommended to go for mushrooms in a forest that is over 30 years old, since its forest area has many suitable places for mushrooms: windbreaks, rotten stumps, protruding root systems. It is important to adhere to the established rules for collecting forest gifts:

  • do not cut off unfamiliar or unfamiliar mushrooms;
  • if there are suspicions about the edibility of a mushroom, it is better not to pick it;
  • It is not recommended to collect very young or, conversely, old specimens, since the fruiting body absorbs toxic substances;
  • It is advisable to twist the tubular type, and break or cut off the marsupial mushrooms;
  • When picking a mushroom, it is important not to cause damage to the mycelium;
  • since honey mushrooms grow in colonies, if you find one mushroom, you should carefully search nearby;
  • Instead of a bucket, it is recommended to take a basket to provide air access and avoid spoilage of the mushrooms;
  • Mushrooms should be placed in the basket with their caps down or sideways.

The best time to go for mushrooms is early morning, while their freshness and density have not yet been lost after the coolness of the night. Fruit bodies not fragile, but easily bendable, which makes them easier to transport.

Description of the taste and nutritional value of summer mushrooms

The fruits belong to the 4th category of taste. Their soft and pleasant taste, as well as the delicate aroma of fresh wood, is valued in Russian cuisine. Universal mushrooms are used in preparing any dishes, because heat treatment does not affect nutritional properties. The legs are not recommended due to their hardness.

Having studied the properties of honey mushrooms, experts came to the conclusion that it is not only a tasty product, but also healthy.

How to distinguish summer honey mushrooms from false types of mushrooms

Among the representatives of the mushroom kingdom, there are inedible individuals that are similar to their edible relatives, and not only in appearance, but also by places of growth. So that a poisonous specimen does not end up in the basket with summer honey mushrooms, It is important to know some differences:

  • an edible mushroom is characterized by the presence of a ring (skirt) on the stem, formed from a protective film, which, as the mushroom matures, comes off the cap, remaining on the stem;
  • on the surface of the cap of natural representatives (except for old individuals) there are small scales, painted in a darker palette than the cap;
  • the color of the surface film on the caps of false specimens is much brighter and depends on the location of the fungus;
  • the color of the plates in twins is slightly green, yellowish or dark olive, in summer mushrooms it is beige-cream or light yellow, depending on the age of the mushroom;
  • Unlike the musty odor emitted by inedible species, real mushrooms have a pleasant aroma.

Given the signs edible mushrooms, even a novice mushroom picker will be able to distinguish false specimens from forest mushrooms.

Where do honey mushrooms grow (video)

Features of growing summer honey mushrooms at home

Honey mushrooms are natural product, which is cultivated in an artificial environment. There are several growing methods that do not require special preparation, using:

  • logs;
  • banks;
  • package;
  • greenhouse or open area.

Only winter and summer ones are suitable for self-cultivation. When using wood, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The trunk must have a dense structure, but not rotten (birch, aspen, poplar) with a diameter of 15 cm or more;
  2. Provide sufficient humidity. If the material for growing mushrooms is dry, then a few days before sowing it should be watered abundantly or immersed in water;
  3. After sowing, bring the trunk into a cool room (not lower than 15°C);
  4. As soon as the mycelium begins to germinate intensively, the wood can be taken out to the site and buried a little with earth;
  5. You can collect mushrooms after a couple of years, until the wood is completely destroyed;
  6. To obtain mycelium, you can use fruits, wood pieces, or purchase mycelium in specialized stores. It is recommended to use a refrigerator to store it.

If desired, dilute mushrooms personal plot, wood is usually used. At the same time, labor costs are very low. In addition, you can grow mushrooms on your own in a greenhouse or in a jar. In the case of using a greenhouse, the following technology is used:

  • logs prepared in advance are stacked in the greenhouse;
  • wood is infected with mycelium using spores or mycelium;
  • Before the mushrooms appear, the wood is constantly moistened.

In addition to wood, you can use substrate blocks purchased ready-made, or jars or bags. If desired, you can make the blocks yourself from a mixture of sawdust, barley (oats) and chalk. You need to take 200 g of sawdust, 70 g of cereals and a teaspoon of chalk. Then boil the sawdust in water for a third of an hour, drain the water and dry it. After this, add the remaining ingredients, mix and place tightly in a container. This method is usually used for cultivation.

To grow summer honey mushrooms, large areas are not required. 15-20 sq.m. is enough. m. Regardless of the chosen location, it is important to maintain temperature regime, varying from 20-25°C to 10-15°C. Keeping high level humidity, you can increase the rate of mycelium development. Mushrooms do not require lighting, therefore, in an open area it is better to choose a shady place so as not to overdry the wood.

How to cook honey mushrooms (video)

Due to the unpretentiousness of honey mushrooms and easy care, many mushroom pickers decide to grow them at home. Breeding technology is selected depending on living conditions and available funds. Besides, this type mushrooms are very tasty and can be stored for a long time without losing its properties.

— When does the honey mushroom collection season begin?

— Fans of these mushrooms should start preparing. It rained in August, and in a week the season can open; from the tenth of September, mushroom pickers will definitely go hunting. Honey mushrooms grow well after rains, but only in warm weather- if it’s cold, it’s better not to waste energy. You have to wait until it warms up, and then just have time to pick - mushrooms grow by leaps and bounds, literally. True mushroom pickers collect honey mushrooms from mid-September until the first cold weather.

-Where do they grow?

— Are these mushrooms only found on trees?

- No, they can nest in tall grass, for example, in nettles, because no one walks there. They also like to grow under trees on the ground or in leaves. They like oak, birch and hazel most of all. There are a lot of honey mushrooms in those places where trees were felled, there are entire plantations of them under the rubble, you can pick up a couple of bags, or even more, in one sitting. If you find such a place, you may not have enough strength to collect all the mushrooms. The denser the forest, the closer friend Honey mushrooms huddle together.

— What should you be wary of when dealing with honey mushrooms?

— Picking mushrooms in the forest brings a lot of pleasure, but it is fraught with unexpected encounters, for example with snakes. Most often they do not touch mushroom pickers, but they can scare them. Snakes do not live in honey mushrooms, but collecting boletus mushrooms is indeed a dangerous business. The snake wraps itself around the leg so that you won’t immediately notice it under the cap. But when you pick up the cut White mushroom, you find that two indignant eyes are looking at you point-blank. So, in terms of collecting, honey mushrooms are safer than porcini mushrooms. There is another danger, especially for boletus mushrooms - false mushrooms. It’s a pity that in Ukraine it’s like this valuable product, like porcini mushrooms, until they learned to grow them in industrial quantities. When you are confident in the quality of the mushroom and know that it is real, you can afford to eat it raw, as they do in Italy. Fresh mushroom cut, marinate for a couple of minutes in olive oil and lemon and eat with great pleasure. This is what they do with honey mushrooms.

- Are they dating? false honey mushrooms?

- Yes, but they are easy to distinguish. Instead of a shell, such a “skirt” around the leg, false mushrooms have a dry ring. The danger is that false honey mushrooms mix with real ones and grow together in peace and harmony, so the mushrooms must be sorted before cooking.

— Can you eat black mushrooms?

— Of course, they are very popular in Japan, where black mushrooms are considered a winter variety. They are in less demand here. In any case, it is important to collect both black and red honey mushrooms before the first frost, otherwise the mushrooms will lose their flavor. The Japanese have time, and then happily throw black mushrooms into their soups. In general, honey mushrooms, regardless of color, get along well with each other, they can grow on the same tree, encircling the trunk with multi-colored rings - a black stripe, next to a red, gray, yellow one - very beautiful, like a rainbow of multi-colored caps.

— What color are the best honey mushrooms?

— The lighter the mushroom, the more tender it is. Small autumn mushrooms are popular light colors, one or two centimeters in height. Black ones are the hardest, they have rough legs. Summer honey mushrooms are quite pale, but by autumn they become prettier, fill with juice, and their aroma intensifies. In general, honey mushrooms with a red or black hat are poorly known among us, so they are little used. Brown leafy mushrooms are also not held in high esteem; they are usually mistaken for fly agarics and passed by. By the way, fly agaric tincture perfectly treats radiculitis. But in the case of tincture, the opposite rule applies - it is important not to confuse the real fly agaric with the brown mushroom.

— Do fresh honey mushrooms tolerate transportation well?

- Honey mushrooms are not brittle, they bend like rubber. Unlike tiny porcini mushrooms, you can safely sit on a bag of honey mushrooms. Another plus is that honey mushrooms are rarely wormy. By the way, this good way checks: if you come across wormy honey mushrooms, it means they are already aged, they cannot be preserved - they have a tight, hard leg, and the village boys say that they can be used as rubber for slingshots. Young mushrooms are much tastier.

Autumn honey mushrooms- a friendly mushroom, cannot stand loneliness and always grows in large families, for which there is little space on the ground and they climb onto stumps and the base of trees.

October - the month of rains - is his favorite month, the weather is cloudy and already quite cold, the earth, sky, foliage, the whole world are saturated with water.

And now it’s time for little mushroom caps to appear at the rotten stump. strong and resilient with motley specks and pretty " skirt" under the hat They gradually fill the entire forest, grow, open their caps, and prepare seeds. Honey mushrooms are not afraid of the cold; they grow until the first frost, in warm year they can be picked even in November.

Search for Autumn Honey Fungus needed where there is a lot of old, dead wood, on stumps and fallen trees, in thickets alders, aspen

Be sure that this mushroom will make you not only bow to Mother Earth, but also crawl along it on all fours, cutting off forest crops.

Taste and smell These simple mushrooms exceed all expectations; they are great for wrapping them in jars for the winter, for frying, and for soup. But drying them for the winter is problematic; like the entire autumn forest, they are soaked in rain and morning dew, and when you try to dry them, they often begin to mold.


Where does the Autumn Honey fungus grow?

They grow on both dead and living trees, but they especially love birch. The expanse for autumn honey mushrooms is old birch forests with dry birch trees, on which honey mushrooms grow at a height of up to 5 m and higher, swampy birch forests with many lying trunks and stumps, birch clearings with stumps, swampy alder forests.

On coniferous trees, Autumn Honey Mushrooms are less common.

What does Autumn Honey fungus look like?

Autumn Honey fungus's hat gray-yellowish or dirty brown with thin brown scales that disappear with age. The plates attached to the stem are white in young honey fungus, then become brownish-yellow.

Leg of Autumn Honey fungus long, thin, thickened at the bottom, with a membranous whitish ring in the upper part.

Autumn Honey fungus spores white

Autumn honey fungus - collection time

Collected in September - October. The period of abundant growth is short, usually about two weeks, most often this occurs in the first half of September.

How to distinguish Autumn Honey mushrooms from false ones

False honey mushrooms include several types of mushrooms that are very similar to edible honey mushrooms.

1. Autumn Orchard on his leg film ring. And all false honey mushrooms have bare legs to the toes.

2. The false honey fungus has a smooth cap, without “scales”

3. Hats false mushrooms are more brightly, loudly colored:

4. Records in false mushrooms they are yellow, greenish or olive-black. The Autumn Honey fungus has cream or yellowish-white plates.

(A - Autumn honey mushrooms. B, C - False honey mushrooms)

5. The smell of autumn mushrooms- pleasant mushroom, false mushrooms emit an unpleasant earthy smell.

How is Autumn Honey fungus useful?

There is almost the same amount of phosphorus and calcium in Autumn Honey mushrooms as in fish. They also contain vitamin B2, C, E, PP, magnesium, sodium, potassium and iron.

Nutritional value of honey mushrooms: squirrels- 2.2 g, fats - 1.2 g, carbohydrates - 0.5 g

Honeycomb contains mass of anticancer substances.

How to store Autumn Honey mushrooms

Autumn Honey mushrooms are salted, pickled, boiled and fried.

You need to cook honey mushrooms for 30-40 minutes. Undercooked honey mushrooms can cause indigestion

Autumn Honey mushrooms - interesting facts

Growing on stumps, they can be the cause of a curious phenomenon - glow of tree stumps at night! It is not the stumps themselves that glow, nor the rotting wood, but the mycelium of honey mushrooms, entwining a thin network around the entire stump.

Autumn honey mushrooms begin to appear in forests towards the end of August. You can collect them throughout the first half of September. Autumn honey mushrooms grow in waves. Depending on the weather conditions Each year there may be 2-3 waves of these mushrooms, with the first one usually being the most abundant. Another feature of the growth of autumn honey mushrooms is that they appear quickly and abundantly, and then just as abruptly disappear. Therefore, it is important for lovers of “silent hunting” not to miss the moment when the collection begins.

In what forests is this species found?

Autumn can be considered a cosmopolitan of our latitudes. It can be found in almost any forest that is more than 30 years old. Honey mushrooms grow on more than 200 species of trees. As a rule, these fungi appear in colonies on dry trunks, dead wood, stumps, roots and trunks of living plants. Most often, honey mushrooms are found on spruce and birch trees, a little less often they can be found on pines, aspens and oaks. - moderate strip. When they settle on dead wood, they destroy it. At the same time, the valuable elements from which it consists are returned to the biological one. In the same place, autumn honey mushrooms can be collected for up to 15 years in a row. After this period, the wood is completely destroyed by mycelium.

Autumn honey mushroom colonies grow very abundantly. From one stump you can collect several liters of these valuable mushrooms. Young honey mushrooms with an unopened cap are collected together with the stem. Only the caps of grown mushrooms are cut off. Their legs nutritional value Dont Have.

There are many recipes for preparing these mushrooms. Honey mushrooms can be boiled, pickled, dried and salted, as well as fried. When picking mushrooms, you do not need to pull out their stems from the wood “by the roots”, so as not to damage the mycelium, which will delight you with a bountiful harvest next year.

Precautionary measures

However, when going into the forest, it is important to remember about precautions. Many have poisonous doubles, so not a single year goes by without poisoning. Before going into the forest, it is important to study the signs of not only the species that you plan to collect, but also similar ones that are better to skip. If you are not sure that this particular mushroom is definitely edible, there is no need to risk your health, it is better to leave it in the forest!

Myths about edible and poisonous mushrooms

You should not listen to “grandmother’s” advice on how to distinguish a poisonous mushroom from an edible one. For example, some people seriously believe that poisonous species are not eaten by forest animals or snails. You can see for yourself the fallacy of this statement - even fatal for people pale grebe They eat slugs and insects without any problems for their lives. Another “sure-fire” way to make sure that forest products are edible is when they culinary processing heat with them silver spoon(or onion).

They say that if they do not darken, this means that there is not a single poisonous mushroom among them. Of course, this is not true. Silver may darken, for example, from boletus, but will not change its color when heated with the same pale toadstool. You can check this yourself, but it’s still better not to conduct such experiments. There are also popular myths that mushrooms become poisonous if they grow near rusty iron or snake nests. Such stories should be treated as folklore, interesting as folk legends, but without practical value.

Do you need to know the signs of poisonous mushrooms?

No less absurd and dangerous are the beliefs of some optimistic people who believe that poisonous mushrooms They are rare, so don’t bother yourself with their distinctive features. In fact, about 90 of these species can be found in our forests, and about 10 of them are fatal to us.

Of course, this does not mean that in order to avoid mushroom poisoning, you need to buy them only in grocery stores. The purpose of this article is to show the reader the importance of knowing not only tasty and edible species, but also the signs by which they can be distinguished from their poisonous counterparts.

Twin mushrooms of autumn honey fungus

According to some signs edible species may resemble poisonous ones. Moreover, there are quite a lot of similar cases. Among mushroom pickers, a pair of “autumn honey fungus - dangerous double" The name of the inedible relative is false honey fungus. This is a generalized name for several species that have some similarities to autumn honey fungus. These mushrooms belong to the genera Hyfoloma and Psalitrella. Some of them are considered simply inedible, some are considered poisonous. About individual species There are still discussions about whether they can be considered conditionally edible. But there is no clear evidence that a person who eats them will not harm himself. Therefore, it is better not to risk it and limit yourself to collecting only autumn honey mushrooms. Moreover, there are a lot of them in the forest during the season.

Where do inedible and poisonous look-alikes grow?

They grow in the same places as edible ones - on stumps, dead wood and living trees, so a novice mushroom picker can make a mistake. In order to be sure that the forest gifts you collect can be eaten, you need to know the signs of edible mushrooms and their dangerous counterparts.

Differences between false honey fungus and autumn honey fungus

The dangerous double can be easily distinguished from its edible relative.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the color of the cap. In the edible honey mushroom, it has a color from beige to yellowish-dark brown. Moreover, old mushrooms are usually darker than young ones. The parts of the caps that are protected from the sun are usually much lighter. The dangerous twin of the autumn honey fungus often has a bright, provocative color.

Second hallmark- coloring of spores. U edible honey mushrooms they are white, so you can see them on the caps of old mushrooms white coating. This is what controversy is about. With their help, honey mushrooms disperse. The third thing to check is the presence of a membranous “skirt” on the leg of the honey mushroom. False honey agaric autumn does not have it. This sign is the most important difference, which is worth paying attention to. The “skirt” of the autumn honey mushroom is the remnant of a protective blanket enveloping the young mushroom. The dangerous double of the autumn honey mushroom does not have such a cover.

The fourth difference that helps to highlight the dangerous twin of the autumn honey fungus is the color of the plates on inside mushroom caps. U inedible species, with which it is better not to deal, the plates are yellow if the mushroom is young, and greenish-olive in old ones. Autumn mushrooms are characterized by cream, beige or light yellow coloration of the plates.

The fifth difference is the surface of the mushroom cap. In autumn mushrooms it is covered with small scales. Moreover, their color is usually darker than the cap itself. But old mushrooms lose their scales and become smooth. True, such overgrown mushrooms no longer have any nutritional value, so mushroom pickers are not interested in them.

The sixth sign that will help you distinguish an edible mushroom is its smell. Autumn honey mushrooms smell pleasant, but the smell of false honey mushrooms smells like mold.


Knowledge of these signs will be enough to be able to distinguish the autumn honey fungus. A photo of a mushroom will help you avoid mistakes. But it’s even better to take with you an experienced expert who will show you what autumn honey mushrooms look like. Once you see them with your own eyes, it will be difficult to confuse them with any other species. But even an old woman can get screwed, so don’t forget the main rule of mushroom pickers: “If you’re not sure, don’t take it.”

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