Climbing stairs with a man. The appearance of the dreamer and accompanying signs. Heavy or light lifting

Why do you dream of going up the stairs? Climbing stairs is a very good symbol. It means that you are on the path of development, but the accompanying symbols will tell you how successful it is.

Climbing stairs is a very good symbol

Climbing a level staircase with railings indicates that you are faithfully following your destiny, and you will be successful in your endeavor. Is lifting happening in your home? Then you will build your career in your homeland, doing your usual thing. The lifting takes place at school or another educational institution? To achieve success, you will need to acquire new knowledge and skills. Walking up the steps in a hospital? For sick people, such a dream guarantees healing or a significant improvement in well-being.

Sometimes climbing stairs in a dream takes place along a mountain, next to a cliff. Such a dream indicates that you have set yourself a very big goals. Deep down, you feel fear that you will not cope with the tasks assigned, or you feel a real threat. Carefully examine the steps: if they are strong and durable, then you have nothing to fear - you can confidently step forward, accomplishing your tasks. If you are attacked by an animal or person while climbing, expect obstacles; the negative interference of some people can stop you for a while. The wind leads astray, or others interfere weather? It is not people, but external circumstances that will hinder you. If in a dream you stopped moving forward, then in real life you will soon pause. However, you will have to assess the situation yourself. Think about whether the forced stop is related to real threat, or is it just your fears that are stopping you?

Climbing a rope ladder means that your actions are driven by despair. You have a very strong desire to move forward, but specific steps have not yet been fully thought out, and goals have not been identified. You should carefully analyze what exactly you want, how you can achieve it, what you need to learn, what obstacles to remove on the way, etc. It is especially bad when in a dream, when climbing stairs, there are not enough steps or they are wobbly. You take a lot of risks by relying only on chance.

Climbing a rope ladder indicates that your actions are driven by despair

Sometimes a person dreams that when he completes his ascent, he finds himself in the same room from which he began the journey. And this can be repeated ad infinitum. Usually such a room has a very gloomy appearance. Such a dream suggests that you are in a gloomy, depressed state; someone (perhaps in the family or at work) is severely limiting your actions. You are trying with all your might to do everything right, but you are not achieving anything. Such a dream can occur to people who have become victims of circumstances. To get out of stress and achieve success, you should look for a completely different path. Forget about your previous behavior, take care of yourself, read more, expand your circle of contacts and interests. Soon fate will show you your destiny. Focus on it and move forward slowly but surely. If you have problems in your family, then such a dream suggests that you need to temporarily escape from existing conflicts. Your desire to resolve the situation leads to nothing. Take care of yourself, your health and finding peace in your soul. Love yourself and give love dear people. Over time, everything will get better, you will get out of the deadlock situation.

Why do you dream about stairs (video)

Steps in a dream

Seeing puddles and dirt on the steps you climb is a sign of gossip and intrigue that hinder your progress. Analyze your behavior - maybe you yourself provoke them? If not, then try to tell as little as possible to anyone about your plans, don’t trust everyone, become a “closed book” to others. Keep your plans in your head and don't tell anyone about them. People should see not your goals, but your results. However, you should also not provoke the envy of others. This will attract not only unwanted energy to you, but also the desire of others to profit at your expense. Stepping into the mud means ruining your reputation.

Do you see feces while climbing stairs? This positive sign, which suggests that your actions will soon be rewarded financially. The more feces on the steps, the higher the income will be.

A broken staircase in a dream threatens to disrupt your plans. It is especially bad if in a dream you fell from it. In the near future, you may face bankruptcy or an unforeseen situation that will jeopardize the success of the entire event. A broken staircase may also indicate that the intended path of development is not yours. Think carefully, are you wasting your efforts on something you don’t really need? Perhaps your destiny lies in something else, and in order to find peace and happiness you must achieve something else? Try to take into account the desires of your heart when choosing goals, then you will definitely be successful!

Seeing puddles and dirt on the steps you climb - to gossip and intrigue that impede your progress

If the steps collapse under your feet, this may mean that in achieving your desired goals you are acting rudely and even sometimes treacherously. By destroying what you have achieved without achieving new results, you can lose everything.

The steps are very beautiful, decorated with expensive material - you will carry out all your plans with peace of mind and pleasure. The staircase is located in a picturesque place - your goals and aspirations will lead to the fulfillment of desires and dreams. Victory is near!

Climb to the end of the stairs

If you dreamed that you reached the very top of the stairs, then you definitely need to remember your feelings and the accompanying symbols. If you stand at the very top and admire the surrounding view, then your aspirations will bring you complete satisfaction.

If in a dream you started throwing stones or other objects down from a height, this may indicate that success and achieving the required level of power will spoil you. You run the risk of becoming a narcissistic egoist who puts others down and uses power and money to harm others.

If you see emptiness at the top, then achieving your goals will only bring relief, but will not give you the desired harmony. Most likely, you strive for something only because you have to, and not because you want something with all your heart.

If after rising you fall down, then expect significant losses. You will achieve what you want, but at the same time you will have to sacrifice something important. Taking off when falling is a good sign. You will be able to gather your strength in time and overcome all obstacles.

Is there another staircase ahead? Your journey is not over yet. New challenges await you ahead. Crawling up - you will have to make all your efforts or a lot financial resources to get what you need.

The dreamer's appearance and accompanying signs

Climbing stairs barefoot is not a very good symbol. It indicates that your significant other will not support you on the path to achieving what you want. Either you are already single or you may soon lose your partner. Walking in beautiful, high-quality shoes means visiting a reliable companion. Walking in beautiful red shoes for a woman means meeting a passionate lover. Are your shoes scuffed and dirty? Due to your career growth, your personal relationship with your loved one may suffer greatly. Perhaps this will happen due to your inattention, constant lack of time. If you do not want this, then urgently take control of the situation. Did you change your shoes at the end of the journey? After achieving what you want, you will have new lover or beloved. Maybe this is exactly what you are trying to achieve?

Walking up the stairs in good clothes means that you are thoroughly prepared to perform the necessary tasks. Is there a hat on your head? Over time, you will gain some power, for example, take a leadership position. The more firmly the headdress sits on you, the more stable the achieved position will be. An expensive, beautiful hat on you means rapid career growth.

If you dreamed that you were cold and were walking up the steps in shabby clothes, then expect a lot of financial and other difficulties. Walking in uncomfortable clothes means that you will constantly have to overcome your laziness and other negative sides of your character.

Climbing up holding someone's hand means you will receive constant support along the entire path to success. This could be advice from friends, partners, relatives. You will never be alone. If you are walking up the stairs and people around you are pushing or trying to knock you down, then expect aggressive competition. Close people can also interfere with the implementation of your plans if your plans do not coincide with their goals. If someone is following you while you are climbing, know that you have an enemy who is trying his best to prevent you from getting what you want.

If someone is literally dragging you up by the hand, then this means that in your environment there is a person who cares about you very much and who really wants to pull you up. new level development. You probably don’t notice this or are not eager to make efforts to achieve success. If this is so, then you should think about it, because to a loved one at some point there may not be enough strength or desire to pull you forward further, and he will go forward alone.

Climbing up the stairs and at the same time dragging someone behind you or carrying a load means that you have taken on a very heavy burden. Perhaps you have to provide for your entire family, or you try to help everyone at once. This situation can greatly undermine your health and desire to move forward. Try to distribute responsibilities at work and at home correctly, explain to others that you are very tired and cannot do everything yourself.

Stairs in a dream (video)

Interpretation, according to various dream books

Miller's dream book says that seeing steps up in a dream means moving upward; all your energy and abilities will help you take an advantageous position in society. Lifting a ladder with your hands means prosperity and boundless happiness. Falling down the steps is a sign of despair and useless efforts. Seeing a broken staircase means complete failure in all matters.

Escape from captivity using a ladder is a symbol that success awaits you in a risky business. Feeling dizzy when climbing the stairs is a symbol that you will not accept new honors calmly. The dreamer will really enjoy being capricious and giving orders as soon as he takes a new, higher position in society. Holding on to the railing means taking advantage of a desperate opportunity to hold on to your loved one.

According to Esoteric dream book, rising up symbolizes the development of the mind and intuition. Going down after going up means knowing yourself, revealing the secrets of your soul. A special symbol in a dream is endless stairs. They mean the search for one’s place in this world, the uncertainty of life plans. Climbing the stairs is a sign of good luck and an improvement in one’s professional position.

According to the Esoteric Dream Book, rising upward symbolizes the development of the mind and intuition

According to Women's dream book For a woman, climbing the stairs symbolizes an attempt to arrange her personal life; for a child, it symbolizes the desire to establish herself among her peers; for a man, it symbolizes the desire for career growth. If you walk up the stairs in all its glory, then expect great success from the opposite sex.

According to the Wanderer's dream book, climbing stairs in a dream symbolizes spiritual improvement. You readily endure whatever life throws at you and learn its lessons correctly. If your significant other rises with you, it means that you are together on the path of self-improvement.

According to the Eastern dream interpreter, you dream of climbing a ladder to overcome problems. If the ladder is broken, then it is better to hide for a while and wait out the storm. The interpreter recommends refraining from decisive action for a month. Otherwise, you will only make the situation worse. A woman rising in front of you may indicate a rival for the woman. If she rises up, holding on to your spouse, then his departure from the family is likely.

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according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a ladder in a dream means upward movement for you; your energy and ability will help you achieve a prominent position in business circles. Climbing a ladder means prosperity and boundless happiness. Falling down the stairs is a harbinger of despair and unsuccessful efforts for a merchant and crop failure for a peasant. Seeing a broken staircase means complete failure in all matters. A lowered ladder portends disappointment in business and unfulfilled desires. Escaping from captivity or prison using a ladder is a sign that success awaits you, although there will be many risky actions. Feeling dizzy when climbing the stairs means that you perceive new honors restlessly; you will enjoy being capricious and bossy once you take up a new, higher position.

The meaning of a dream about stairs

according to Freud's dream book

A fairly transparent symbol that represents your life. If you see yourself in a dream running up the stairs, then you should be more careful and attentive towards loved ones. Currently, you are too popular with the opposite sex, and this is due to various reasons - your career and social growth, increased self-confidence. But be that as it may, you should not forget those with whom you shared the difficulties of your life. If a woman in a dream sees a man at the top of the stairs, and a man sees a woman, then this indicates that the dreamer has long known the person with whom he wants to have a closer relationship, but does not dare to carry out what he wants. Apparently, some social restrictions interfere with this; you shouldn’t take them into account - happiness is much more expensive than conventions. If you dream that you are quickly going down the stairs, then such a dream speaks of the habit of making too high demands on a partner or someone who claims to take his place, and about possible difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex. Falling down the stairs - you will experience strong disappointment in a person in whom you were one hundred percent confident. If you are connected by beautiful sexual relations, from which you feel complete satisfaction, then you should not refuse them.

Why do you dream about stairs?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

life, fate; affairs; in a building, climbing stairs - ascent in life through luck, success; going down - unexpected failures, change of beliefs, breaking a word, unhappy ending of an unusual relationship; falling from a ladder (especially a portable one or a rope ladder) - trouble through personal carelessness, passion leads to recklessness; steps - possibilities; broken steps - enemies, ill-wishers; stone staircase - unwanted dependence; wooden - danger of mistakes; rope - need for personal; steep - quick relief.

Seeing a ladder in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The staircase provides access to the heights of life or to the hard-to-reach values ​​of this world. We often dream about falling down the stairs. In any case, a central component of ladder interpretation is the acquisition of special, albeit precarious, access to necessary values. Such access is often accompanied by loss of access or luck. If you find yourself in a situation where you cannot do without a ladder, then you may be short on funds. We acutely feel how dependent we are on gravity and how limited we are in our ability to rise high. If dreams do not provide the opportunity to take off, then a ladder is the only way out.

Why do you dream of climbing?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

difficult cases; if you climb to the top - success.

Why do you dream of climbing?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

up - good luck, to success; down - failures; on a rock - hostility, obstacles in business; on a tree - personal troubles.

I dreamed about the steps

according to Miller's dream book

If you climb stairs in a dream, it means good luck and great happiness await you. If you fall down the stairs in a dream, it means that you will become the object of someone’s envy and hatred. Going down the stairs means failure in official affairs and unrequited love. If you dream of a wide, beautiful staircase, it means wealth and honor await you. If you see in a dream how other people are going down the stairs, it means that some troubles will soon darken your joy. Sitting on the steps of a staircase in a dream is a sign of your gradual ascent to luck and the joys of life.

Why do you dream about a ladder?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

boarding a ship is a successful venture.

The meaning of a dream about a gangway

according to Freud's dream book

Going down the ladder in a dream - currently you need a break from sex, you have stopped getting from it the pleasure that it can really give. Seclude yourself for a few days and after that have a dinner for two with your loved one, believe me, the holiday will be truly unforgettable for you. Climbing onto a ship or boat along the ladder - you will change your job or get a promotion, you will be surrounded by new people. Get ready for increased attention from the opposite sex. Falling from the ladder into the water means you are too self-confident. You have no doubt that there is no one more charming than you. Something will happen soon that will make you doubt this. If you saw a broken ladder in a dream, then this dream suggests that you are too categorical about people. If for one reason or another they turn out to be “untenable,” then you abandon them. In a few days something will happen to you that you do not accept. This incident will make you more understanding of your partner’s similar failures.

Meaning of a dream about an escalator

according to Freud's dream book

Going down the escalator - you think too much about yourself. It seems to you that if your partner has had an orgasm with you at least once, then you can calm down and no longer exert special effort. However, this is not the case, and in sex, every step taken must be confirmed by two more. If in a dream you, on the contrary, went up an escalator, it means that you will get great pleasure from having sex. If you dreamed that you saw someone else on the escalator, but did not ride it yourself, it means that you are too passive in bed: do not think that someone should please you. Sex is not only a holiday, but also painstaking work.

Expert answers


I dreamed of a classmate who was washing the floors and doing something with the cakes, and I take a large bucket from her and go to wash the flight of stairs, go up high, leave the bucket of water two floors below and with a wet rag I go up and start washing the floors, the very process of washing the floors I don’t see, but I know for sure that my stairs were with my hands, when I woke up I remembered that someone said this classmate was no longer alive. (K, Svetlana)

Dream Interpretation going down the stairs

Every day people have to go up and down stairs. Sometimes we don’t even notice it; it’s part of everyday life.

Why do you dream of going down the stairs? If after waking up you are interested in this, take up the interpretation.

Dreaming of descent

Dreaming of descent

Of course, you can just start researching what descending means in a dream. But any interpreter will advise you to initially examine your inner state during sleep, remember the state of the staircase itself, the general atmosphere. Everyone knows that dreams are different. After all, you can run downstairs in joyful excitement, or you can rush away from a monster, killer or other danger.

According to Gustav Miller

Miller compared the ladder with the career of a sleeping man. It’s easy to guess that going up in a dream meant career growth, and going down means mistakes and shortcomings that will hinder career advancement.

Running down the stairs - the dreamer will be forced to adapt to the innovations that will be introduced by the new leadership. If you stumbled and fell in a dream, then you will not be able to overcome your conservatism, and you may lose your job.

Opinions of other interpreters

The staircase in a dream can be concrete, rope, or wood. Straight or screw, new or well-worn? All these details are important for predictions.

Movement along the spiral staircase

Interpreter of Simon the Canaanite

A spiral staircase predicts a difficult path for the dreamer, even if he climbed up it. Did you have to go down in night vision? Such a dream means that the dreamer will have to work, giving all his strength, but will not achieve his goals.

Going down a rope ladder - you will try to do good to people, but at the same time you will receive hatred, envy, and condemnation.

If you fall while going down a rope ladder, then in real life you are driven by passion.

Going down the usual stairs means humiliation, loss, grief.

Ancient Russian interpreter

Going down the stairs means labor and torment, both physical and moral.

The dream book also sees in such a dream a fast road, which will not be pleasant.

Ukrainian interpreter

Dreaming of a dilapidated building

Going down the stairs means failure in business. If you also see that it is dilapidated, the steps are broken, then in reality you have many ill-wishers. Enemies are waiting for the moment to strike you.

Also, a dream about going down a dilapidated ladder means obstacles and obstacles on the way.

Esoteric interpreter

A staircase in a dream is the life path of a sleeping person. When you climb the stairs in night vision, you will soon be able to improve your position in society. If you go down, then obstacles will constantly appear on your path that simply will not allow you to develop.

A person who went down in a dream will gradually degrade. It is believed that if the stairs went underground, then you risk sinking to the very bottom and reaching a point where you simply have nowhere to live.

The steps are broken - you will encounter an obstacle on the way.

French interpreter

This is in fact the only source that views the dream about the stairs in a completely opposite way:

Fall in a dream from careless movements

  • to climb it - the dreamer will feel mental disharmony, loss of spirit;
  • go down - a sleeping person will be able to understand what he needs for happiness and will achieve his goal;
  • fall - troubles on the way;
  • stepladder - do it good deed, but you won’t receive gratitude for it.

21st century interpreter

Going down the stairs means you will lose hope that your affairs will be resolved successfully. The dream may also indicate that you will suffer financial losses due to your carelessness.

Why might you dream that you are either going down or going up the stairs? In reality, you will be tormented by doubts about whether you are doing the right thing, whether it is possible to do what you have in mind. Because of your indecisiveness, you risk losing valuable time and losing your chance.

If, while running aimlessly up and down, you accidentally fall, then the interpreter says that in your very close surroundings there is an enemy present. It is this person who is the reason that not a single one of yours, even the most well-thought-out plan, will work.

Dreaming of broken steps

Interpreter Tsvetkova

Tsvetkov believed that every step you saw in a dream is a certain opportunity. Accordingly, when you rise, you use opportunities, when you fall, you pass by the gifts of fate.

If the steps are broken, then these are your enemies, try to remember how many there were. In this case, you will know how many enemies you have in real life.

Interpreter of the Sorceress Medea

Unlike many other predictors, this dream book does not view going down stairs as negatively. It is believed that such a dream means that you will be able to look into the very depths of your soul. Finally you realize who you really are and what you want from life.

If you keep going and going, and the stairs don’t end, then you can’t find meaning, you are in search of your goal.

At times, going down the stairs can represent a loss of respect in society, a decrease in the dreamer's self-esteem.

Noble interpreter

If you go down in a dream, you will fail. If you go up and down, there will be troubles with your mental state.

Walking in a dream on endless structures

Endlessly going down different stairs - you are trying to use your memories to return to the distant past, to remember something important.

Going down the spiral staircase - the dreamer will have the opportunity to temporarily visit the very “bottom” of life, to face degradation and decay.

Muslim interpreter

When the dreamer who came down the stairs does not recognize the area at all, the dream book believes that the years of his life are numbered. Moreover, the number of steps he has passed is the time he has lived.

At the same time, the interpreter says that descending into an unfamiliar place may indicate that all the obstacles that prevented him from living will disappear from the dreamer’s life.

Family interpreter

Descending in a dream means that you will experience negative changes in your life, you will lose heart, and feel depressed.

To fall at the same time means that the dreamer will face temptations that he should not succumb to, since in this way he could lose his family, job, and position in society.

Psychology of sleep

Seeing movement up the stairs in a dream

If you study the interpreter of Sigmund Freud, you can understand that both going up and down the stairs in a dream is a reflection of our communication with the people around us. Rising means that you move forward by leaps and bounds, without looking back. But at the same time, you forget the people who supported you in difficult times.

Going down the stairs is considered by a psychologist as a reluctance to resolve any troubles in a relationship with a partner. It’s easier for you to blame him, others, circumstances, to close yourself off than to decide, talk, try to find a way out. You have high demands on your partner, but you yourself do not want to change and improve.

Falling down the stairs means being disappointed in a person you trusted as you trusted yourself.

Intimate details of sleep

When a woman quickly runs down the steps, holding hands with a man, then in reality she is setting too high demands on her partner. To fall at the same time means you are a passionate person, and this behavior can play a cruel joke on you.

Stairs leading up; what could she be dreaming about? Many dream books interpret such a dream as an excellent sign and opportunity to achieve career heights.

But everything is not so simple and directly depends on what exactly you dreamed about. Sometimes a staircase leading upward in a dream can be the worst omen. What kind of staircase did you see in your dream?

If you saw in a dream dirty stairs without railings, then in reality, in order to achieve what you want, you will have to resort to not the most fair games. You will find it difficult without the help of others, so you will decide to play dirty games, use other people and manipulate their feelings.

Also, a dirty staircase leading up may mean that you will have to experience a lot of hardships and make sacrifices for your goal.

Why dream of climbing with a man in a dream?

Seeing a man helping you up the stairs in a dream is a dual sign. On the one hand, this is very good, because in reality you will be helped in achieving such a goal.

On the other hand, this is very bad, you may have to drag this person along with you, or sooner or later he will bill you for his help. Now remember: what kind of man did you see?

If you happen to see a handsome brunette, then in reality your companion will have an extremely explosive character. But he will be devoted to you to the end. If there was a fair-haired man next to you, then expect a partner with a calm temperament, perhaps he will be too boring, and sooner or later you will become bored.

By the way, just such a person, if you offend him and he harbors a grudge, can become your enemy. And a red-haired young man can either be devoted to you or betray you. More caution and everything will be fine.

Climbing up the stairs with your loved one in a dream

But such a dream brings only positive things, which means that your relationship with your loved one will be strong and long-lasting.

Together you can achieve your goals, rise to a level you never dreamed of.

Also remember: what the stairs you climbed looked like - if in a dream we climbed a dirty staircase with our beloved, then you have to go through a lot, the relationship will be on the verge of breaking several times.

Have you climbed a staircase that leads to a dead end? Your relationship has been in one place for a long time, this is not good, but not bad either. You need to dispel this stagnation with new emotions or impressions, and everything will be fine.

Why do you dream of walking up the stairs with a child?

Overcoming problems with a child, even if it is a ladder and only in a dream, is always difficult. You should work on yourself, make several plans for the future so that you are ready for anything. Don't worry: all difficulties can be solved.

And seeing a child in a dream, even childless, is a good sign. This testifies to your endeavors, which will soon become a favorite activity to which you can devote your whole life.

Why do you dream of going up the stairs in the entrance?

Seeing an entrance in a dream, no matter whether it is residential or not, always means future changes related to the housing issue. Think: what could this mean for you? As soon as it becomes clear what your dream is talking about, immediately begin to deal with it.

A dream in which you climbed up the stairs in the entrance suggests that perhaps you will be able to sell or buy real estate or receive it as an inheritance. One way or another, such a dream indicates your problems or desire to get your own home.

Climbing stairs in a dream is difficult

If you felt difficulties in your sleep while climbing the stairs, the stairs were unusual, uncomfortable, then you will have to hard struggle in real life. You will face difficulties, everyday problems that are really difficult to cope with.

It is also important how the dream ended: if you did get up, then everything will end well; if you woke up at the moment of getting up, then finding a way out of the situation will take a long time. You need a lot of patience and moral strength to bring the situation to its logical conclusion.

And one more thing: pay attention to the staircase itself - if there were not enough steps in it, then you will have to fight with people who were previously dear to you.

Walking up the stairs in beautiful shoes in a dream

This is very good dream: You will soon have every chance to gain perspective for the future. You will get an invaluable chance to radically change your life.

Believe me, this chance is not worth losing. Work on yourself, improve the level of your existing skills and be open to new perspectives. That's all it takes to make your dream come true. The dream in which you saw is very important shining staircase.

If you saw her in your dream, then in reality you will be rewarded and successful in all your endeavors. If you dreamed of a black, unsightly-looking staircase, then in the near future you will have to work a lot.

Climbing up the stairs with a girl in a dream

The girl in your dream may be just like yours rival, so ally. Who she is in your life is easy to understand by the feelings after your dream.

If heavy and confused feelings haunt you after sleep, then you will have to fight with your rival. If you have good mood, and you are ready to embrace the whole world - you saw your girlfriend in a dream. So everything will be fine.

Why dream of walking up the stairs with a guy?

It doesn’t matter whether he was an acquaintance or not, in reality such a dream indicates that you need male support. Pay attention to this. If the guy from the dream was your acquaintance, then in reality he is waiting for you this person's unpredictable behavior.

This is how dreams are interpreted in which you saw a ladder and climbed up it. Now you know what to expect from the future, and taking into account what points to make your plans. Successful interpretations and only pleasant dreams to you.

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Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why do you dream about the Staircase?

A ladder is a symbol of gradual movement up or down. The interpretation of the dream depends on which direction you are going, where this staircase is, and what it looks like. If in a dream you happen to climb up it in a building, it means that in reality you will easily achieve what you want; luck will be with you if you go up without feeling dizzy.

If you dreamed that you were overcoming one high level after another, then in real life fame and respect await you, you can achieve a high position in society. Broken is a sign of difficulties leading to failure in your affairs.

Seeing yourself falling down the stairs in a dream means that in the near future a situation will arise in which you will have to break the law. Steps up - climb it - go to success. It can also mean sexual desire. Be social with your partner, get to know yourself.

Psychological interpreter

Why did you dream about the Staircase according to Gestalt psychology:

As a rule, she often appears in a dream as someone for whom great prospects open up. A dream in which there is an image of an endless staircase or steps hiding behind the clouds is interpreted as the unattainability of the goals that the dreamer sets for himself. You will not be able to reach the desired heights due to your arrogance.

Why do you dream about a rope ladder? She encourages the sleeper to be more attentive to his loved ones. You should not place excessive hopes on people you are not confident in.

Seeing a spiral staircase in a dream means that in reality you can take on responsibility, which will be a difficult test for you.

Romantic dream book

If you dreamed of a Staircase, what does this mean for you:

If one of the spouses dreamed of a rapid descent from a height, then his relationship may go wrong in the near future.

A woman who dreamed that someone else was climbing the steps in her house needs to be wary of her rivals.

A shaky wooden structure indicates to the one who had a dream that there are problems in his family; perhaps you did not notice, but tenderness and a sense of unity have left your relationship.

For a young girl to fall down the stairs in a dream - a warning that the man who offers you his hand and heart may not be who he claims to be.

Idiomatic dream book

I dreamed about the Staircase, what does it symbolize?

Ladder – promotion, if up; “bring down the stairs” - rudely drive away; “go down (descend) down” - failures, troubles, this is the interpretation of what appeared to you at night.

Women's dream book

Why do you dream of a Staircase in a dream?

Staircase - A staircase in a dream symbolizes moving upward; Thanks to your abilities and energy, you will occupy a high position in business circles. Raising it means prosperity and boundless happiness. Broken can dream of the complete failure of all your endeavors. If you managed to escape from captivity or prison with the help of it, success will await you as a result of risky actions, this is how the dream book Staircase interprets it.

Maly Velesov dream book

Interpretation of the dream Staircase:

Staircase - Deception, betrayal, promotion; climbing up it means successful things, fame, promotion; go down - get a reward // failure, torment; to fall is bad; with broken steps - enemies.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why do you dream about the Staircase - dream symbolism:

Climbing upward is the development of the mind and intuition. Going down means delving into the secrets of your soul. A special symbol is endless stairs. This is a search for your place in life, uncertainty of plans. Climbing it means good luck and a promotion in your career await you. To go down means to lose respect, confidence, position.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Why did you dream about the Staircase in a dream?

In a building, climbing the stairs - climbing in life through luck, success; to go down - failure; steps - opportunities; the steps are broken - enemies, ill-wishers.

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud

Stairs in a dream, dream analysis:

This is a fairly transparent symbol that represents your life. If you see yourself running upward in a dream, then you should be more careful and attentive towards loved ones. Currently, you are too popular with the opposite sex, and this is due to various reasons - your career and social growth, increased self-confidence. But be that as it may, you should not forget those with whom you shared the difficulties of your life. If a woman in a dream sees a man at the top of a step, and a man sees a woman, then this indicates that the dreamer has long known the person with whom he wants to have a closer relationship, but does not dare to accomplish what he wants. Apparently, some social restrictions interfere with this; you shouldn’t take them into account - happiness is much more expensive than conventions. Why do you dream of a staircase from which you are quickly descending? Such a dream speaks of the habit of making too high demands on a partner or someone who claims to take his place, and about possible difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex. Falling down the stairs - you will experience severe disappointment in a person in whom you were one hundred percent confident. If you have a wonderful sexual relationship from which you feel complete satisfaction, then you should not give it up.

Psychotherapeutic dream book

What does Stairs mean in a dream?

Steps – Social ladder. Movement up and down is sexual intercourse, as the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream of a Staircase in a dream:

According to the dream book, seeing a staircase means happiness and wealth; broken - to losses or worries; to see and walk on many stairs - beware of clouding your mind. Rising up means profit and success in business, getting a promotion due to hard work. Going down means loss, loss of hope for successful progress of business. Walking endlessly up and down the steps is a sign of painful doubts. If at the same time you stumble, it means that there is a secret enemy in your environment who will be the reason for the collapse of your endeavors, this is the interpretation of what you dreamed at night.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Staircase - An obvious sign of career advancement; life's descent or ascent. Steps – opportunities; steep - relief is close; a stepladder is a near success; in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you dreamed about.

French dream book

Why did I dream about the Staircase - interpretation according to the dream book:

If you had a dream in which you are climbing the stairs, the dream foreshadows failure, loss of spirit, and frustration in business. If you go down, it is likely that you will soon find the key to your success. If you fell from it, this is a bad sign; in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you dreamed about.

If you dreamed of a stepladder, someone’s ingratitude will upset you and become the cause of many of your failures. Why dream that you are climbing the steps to the gallows - this is a sign that many of your plans will collapse, and your actions can lead to disastrous consequences.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff

Why does the dreamer dream about the Staircase, psychological analysis:

Staircase - The staircase provides access to the heights of life or to the hard-to-reach values ​​of this world. Often we may dream of falling from it. In any case, a central component of ladder interpretation is the acquisition of special, albeit precarious, access to necessary values. Such access is often accompanied by loss of access or luck. If you find yourself in a situation where you cannot do without it, then perhaps you are short of funds. We acutely feel how dependent we are on gravity and how limited we are in our ability to rise high. If dreams do not provide the opportunity to take off, then a ladder is the only way out.

Esoteric dream book

Why do you dream about stairs, interpretation:

Ladder - Life path. Leading upward to prosperity, implementation of plans and achievement of goals. Down to deterioration of the situation, dismissal. If you go deep down, then there is a danger of reaching the state of a “homeless person” and sinking. Broken is an obstacle on the way. If you pass, the obstacles will be overcome. This dream should mobilize your strength. Round the difficult path. Everything will work out easily, but you need to take advantage of the opportunities and not miss the right moment.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why does the dreamer dream about the Staircase:

Stairs - you dreamed about stairs, according to the dream book - this means upward movement for you. If you dreamed of a ladder, your energy and abilities will help you take an outstanding position in business circles. Lifting a ladder in a dream means prosperity and boundless happiness. I dreamed of falling down the stairs - a harbinger of despair and unsuccessful efforts for a merchant, and crop failure for a peasant. Seeing it broken means complete failure in all matters. A lowered ladder portends disappointment in business and unfulfilled desires. Escape from captivity or prison with its help in a dream is a sign that success awaits you, although there will be many risky actions. Feeling dizzy when climbing the stairs means that you perceive new honors restlessly; you will enjoy being capricious and bossy once you take up a new, higher position.

Ancient Russian dream book

Why did I dream about the Staircase, according to the dream book:

In night dreams, seeing foretells elevation and the acquisition of respect; ascending it portends great fame; to leave it means torment and labor; Moreover, this dream foreshadows the road.

Intelligent dream book

Why do you dream about Staircases in dreams?

Happiness, wealth, success; leaving it means loss; climbing it means labor; broken staircase - loss or care; Seeing a lot of steps and walking on them is a clouding of the mind.

A spiral staircase in a dream foretells you a difficult, circuitous path to your goal.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

I dreamed of a Staircase, why?

Spiral staircase - With difficulty, in a roundabout way, you will reach your goal.

I dreamed about a rope ladder - A difficult task will not end badly.

Climb it - your pride will be satisfied; go down - you are paid with ingratitude; standing under the window - beware of thieves; carry - you will help others; fall from it - passion makes you careless; steps to heaven - everything goes according to your intentions.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Stairs in a dream which means:

Screw - With difficulty, in a roundabout way, you will still achieve your goal

I dreamed of a lot of steps and walking on them - Insanity of the mind.

I dreamed of a rope ladder - A difficult task will end well - climb it - Your pride will be satisfied - go down - You are paid with ingratitude - standing under the window - beware of thieves - carry - you will help others - fall from it - passion makes you careless - to the skies - everything goes according to your intentions

Going up - success, achieving a goal - going down - loss, humiliation.

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

Stairs in dreams, like other images of movement, are a dual sign. She can tell you whether you are moving in the right direction in life or whether you need to change your priorities.

Any dream book will tell you about this: a staircase leading up is a very good sign, but steps leading down is a reason to think. Moving up the ladder not only means progress in material terms, it can also mean intellectual or creative development person. Moving down the steps is not always a “problematic” dream. It can also mean the emergence of new opportunities in life, it all depends on what exactly, in what circumstances and in what mood you see in your dream.

  • In a dream, you may see a staircase simply as an independent image, in which case you need to remember what it was like - stone, wooden, spiral, with or without railings.
  • You need to pay attention to the condition of the steps of the stairs - they can be intact or broken.
  • The ease with which you had to go up or down the stairs in a dream will indicate the nature of events in real life.
  • It is important not only the direction of movement along the steps - up or down - but also whether a fall occurred during the ascent or descent.
  • Analyze your mood after waking up - the interpretation of your dream will also depend on it.

What is she like?

A staircase in a dream, which you see as if from the outside, is a favorable symbol that means smooth movement through life. Seeing in a dream a staircase intact and suitable for movement - be it stone or wood - symbolizes advancement in your career, the material side of life, social status, intellectual development. Your natural talents and the energy needed to realize them are in balance.

Why do you dream of a staircase consisting of massive stone steps? Most likely, in reality you often have to face various obstacles and difficulties, but you successfully overcome them. In some cases, a stone staircase speaks of the desire of the sleeper to start a new life.

If you dreamed of a staircase at the entrance - be attentive to your immediate surroundings. Perhaps some of those who call you their friend are pursuing some goals of their own that do not coincide with yours. This is especially important if in the vision the steps turned out to be wet and slippery.

A wooden staircase in a dream generally has the same meaning as a stone one, with only one exception. If the wooden steps creak, some work-related news awaits you. If you don’t hear a creaking sound, then soon you will expect news of a family nature.

A spiral staircase, as a rule, means that you will reach your goal, but not by a direct road, but by roundabout routes. Also, a spiral staircase in a dream may mean that you will have to “walk in circles” around some influential person, which will help implement your plans.

We can say that a vision such as a spiral staircase encourages the sleeper to search for extraordinary solutions to move towards his goal. The sign when in a dream the ladder turns out to be a rope ladder has a similar meaning. This means that the upcoming case will be difficult, but the ending will please you.

Additional good sign in dreams about stairs - wooden, stone, straight or spiral - there are railings. The presence of railings is a sign that you can count on the help of friends and family. The absence of a railing symbolizes: in order not to stumble, you can only rely on your own strength and prudence.

Why do you dream of a staircase that is not in working condition? A broken staircase, according to Miller’s dream book, for example, is interpreted as a harbinger of collapse in all matters. Modern interpreters are not so categorical: if you have had such a dream, you need to analyze the real state of affairs - perhaps somewhere you need to apply a new approach, and somewhere you need to set priorities differently in order to avoid failure.

Up and down

Climbing up the stairs - such a dream foreshadows a well-deserved reward for hard work: this can be both material reward and public acceptance, and career advancement.

  • If you dreamed that climbing up the stairs was quite easy for you, then you can solve the tasks that you set for yourself on your own.
  • If in your dreams it was difficult for you to climb up, you had to walk slowly and with shortness of breath, then in reality you overestimate your strength, and you will need help to carry out your plans.

Why do you dream about stairs that seem to take you forever to climb? Such a dream, as a rule, indicates that you need to properly distribute your strength, forget about laziness, and then the goal will be quickly achieved.

Climbing up a ladder into the attic of a private house in a dream means that in achieving what you want, you are not averse to using the results of not only your own labor. If in a dream you had to climb using the same design fruit tree for the fruits, then you will have to spend money to realize your dream. The more unreliable the ladder from your dream was, the a large amount will have to invest.

As any traditional dream book says, a staircase leading the dreamer down promises losses and obstacles in business. Modern interpreters add: if you had to go down the steps in a dream, this is a reason to reconsider your approach to business, attitude to work and life priorities. And if you carry out this operation successfully, you will not be afraid of any unfavorable signs.

Moving down the steps in a dream is favorable if the stairs are wooden. This means that good news awaits you. Running down the stairs - such a dream usually means that in the near future you will need the support of family and friends. Just to run - you need money, to run away from someone - you will need your loved ones to confirm the correctness of your choice.

Running up and down the steps throughout the entire dream, says Medea’s dream book, means that a person has not yet decided in life and is in search. Such a dream can be dreamed not only by young people, but also by old enough people if they have a desire to change their life.

Running down the stairs in a dream and falling, receiving injuries (from bruises to broken limbs) means that your dreams will come true. It is also possible that in order to implement them you will soon receive quite profitable proposition. Going down the stairs very slowly and carefully - such a vision says that you are not confident in your soul mate; it is worth analyzing how justified this attitude is.

Fall does not mean collapse

In your dream, others had to run down the stairs, and you just watched it from the side, symbolizing that in reality you will have to build a little more strictly family budget, and assign some unnecessary expenses to a longer term.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you managed to escape from prison or captivity using a ladder, then in reality you can take risks, Miller’s dream book interprets. Such actions will be justified and will allow you to successfully implement your plans.

Falling down the stairs in a dream without outside help is a signal to reconsider your relationship with your business partners. Perhaps their goals are different from yours, in which case you need to take steps to protect your interests.

Madame Hasse believed that falling down the stairs in a dream means: even in passion you should not lose your head. Carelessness in business caused by feelings will not benefit either you or your inner circle. To fall if you were pushed, according to the same interpreter, such a dream promises a quick close acquaintance with a worthy person who will take a strong place in your heart.

Freud's dream book suggests: falling down the steps in a dream means disappointment in the person you placed your trust in awaits in reality. big hopes. Try to treat people more objectively.

Falling from a ladder - such a dream speaks of your fatigue from a large social circle, and you should limit yourself to communicating only with your family for a while. If in a dream you fell from a ladder or stepladder, you picked it up and climbed up again, you will be able to find the right people, communications with which were interrupted due to some external circumstances.

It is also very important in what mood you had to dream about stairs or what emotions you experienced after waking up. Even auspicious sign in a vision after which you experience a certain discomfort is a reason to think and evaluate the situation.

Miller believed, for example, that the dreamer should be wary if he had to walk up the stairs while experiencing dizziness. This means that upon reaching heights, you may become capricious and unbalanced in relationships with others, and you should be calmer about your own achievements.

A neutral dream that puts you in a good mood can be regarded as favorable. For example, simply sitting on the steps of the stairs in a blissful mood means that you will move forward in your aspirations, albeit not very quickly.

Falling down steps in a dream is not always a bad thing. If your mood has not deteriorated because you had to go through a fall, you should expect some pleasant surprises in your relationships with people. This could be business support or pleasant personal acquaintances.

This dream has several different meanings. Climbing stairs in a dream means that in life you will be able to achieve a certain success.

However, quite often such a dream shows the uncertainty of your position or the fact that the dreamer himself may not know exactly what he wants, so many of his plans may in reality turn out to be mirages.

However, going up is always a positive sign, unless there was something heavy and difficult in the dream. The dream book writes that such a dream means rise, success, or even a certain personal growth.

This is what dreams of climbing stairs mean in various situations.

Modern shopping center or office

If you work in such an establishment, then climbing up the ladder means success, growth in both position and salary, or moving to a higher level. Such dreams can represent a good job and career, as well as excellent material prospects.

Sometimes going a few steps higher means expanding your horizons, knowledge and orientation in your activities.

Such dreams are often experienced by students who dream of a good position, a job in the place where they are doing an internship, as well as expanding their own horizons and reaching a new level.

Sometimes a person climbing the stairs in a dream in such a situation dreams that he will soon be able to find an excellent job and become head and shoulders above his peers.

Sometimes the growth will be so fast that everyone around will be surprised.

An ordinary level staircase in a dream means the gradual acquisition of life knowledge and the expansion of one’s horizons, as well as the improvement of one’s financial situation.

Therefore, it is very good if a person slowly or smoothly begins to climb the stairs.

The dream book writes that such a dream predicts your growth. Pay attention to the landscape of such a dream, what you liked about it, what you didn’t, and what new things you saw in the window.

If space opens before you, beautiful view on the city, then growth will allow you to see new horizons and get much more than is possible now.

Therefore, to see in a dream how your classmate or classmate begins to climb the stairs, leaving everyone else behind, or you yourself begin to move away from them, taking a step forward, is a very good sign.

You can not only succeed in your specialty, but also earn good money and expand your own living space.

Why do you dream about climbing the stairs in a shopping center if the office is not your main place of work?

This dream means personal growth, expansion of ordinary life knowledge and one’s own horizons.

In this case, the dream interpretation of a ladder, if it is durable, means that you will soon learn something new that will significantly enrich your life.

You can move forward in life by staying where you are, or you can get new position or a job, if it’s not in your life yet.

But often such a dream means prospects in life or changes. They may be related to the expansion of your company, improving your own activities, the emergence of a new activity, a hobby that will give a different fulfillment to your life.

Pay attention to what you wear as you climb it.

If this is a business suit or your ordinary everyday clothes, then success will come to you due to your knowledge, skills and abilities. By performing your work competently and professionally, you will be able to gain precious knowledge, as well as efficiency, acumen and business qualities In my life.

If you climbed it in your usual suit, this dream means that social skills and communication with friends will help you climb up. It is possible that you will receive a promotion thanks to influential acquaintances and connections, as well as people who will show participation and interest in you.

In some situations, such a dream means prospects and unexpected turns in an area of ​​activity that you consider not serious for yourself.

For example, in new job or project, your acting skills, as well as your ability to communicate and get along with people, may be useful.

If a girl or woman climbs the stairs in short skirt, then she will be able to win over an influential and important person, which will allow her to rise in position.

Sometimes such a dream means the growth of your spouse, or the beginning of an active hunt for a successful and single person. It is a good sign for the dreamer herself to walk up the stairs in a short or red dress or skirt.

It means that she will succeed thanks to her charm and ability to win over important and influential people. If your friend does this, then soon she will be able to get ahead of you in some ways and it will become very difficult to resist this.

Therefore, you should carefully look after yourself, dress nicely and not let yourself go so that an attractive and successful person will pay attention to you.

If you just came to shopping mall shopping, then the dream book writes that such a dream means an improvement in your material capabilities.

If your store is located on the floor above and you go up to buy what you need there, then modern books indicate that you will be able to get the desired result.

Often such a dream predicts an unexpected gift or an opportunity to get rich, as well as an interesting and tempting offer.

In general, shops in a dream mean chances, life offers available to you, and the more of them there are, the more accessible the product is to you, the more interesting events will appear in your life soon.

Endless climbs up the stairs

Such dreams mean some kind of uncertainty life situation, excitement or desire to rise up, not supported by real achievements and readiness for results.

The dream interpretation of climbing the stairs in such a situation means that you may get confused in your life situation, lose some guidelines, and also worry about some life problem and the inability to quickly find a solution.

Very often, endless climbs up the stairs, wandering through the corridors in search of the right door mean confusion and uncertainty of your situation. It seems that the dreamer either does not yet understand exactly what he wants and what to strive for, or does not know how to get to his goal.

Therefore, recurring dreams with endless stairs in life predict a situation of fear, confusion and uncertainty.

If you dreamed that you found Right place or climbed the stairs to the desired floor, then in life such a situation of uncertainty will soon end. You will be able to get answers to all important and necessary questions, and also get what you want.

Why do you dream of climbing stairs in beautiful dress, if it is located in some building? The dream book writes that such a dream predicts success in love and personal life, many pleasant and joyful moments, as well as favorable life circumstances.

If the staircase was a small garden one, then climbing a few steps up it is a sign of a love adventure or a pleasant surprise. This dream means joy, the fulfillment of a small desire.

Climbing a spiral staircase means success in a bold or risky undertaking. For women, this dream predicts success on the personal front.

If you dreamed that you were climbing the beautiful spiral staircase of an ancient castle, expect an intriguing and unusual offer. Very often this dream predicts the revelation of some secret or an interesting, intriguing incident.

Cleaning up the stairs after yourself or breaking them down so that no one gets into the same place as you is a recipe for success. You can achieve desired result. And falling while rising or failing predicts failure or a careless step in life. Try to exercise caution and caution in whatever you do.

Stairs in dreams, like other images of movement, are a dual sign. She can tell you whether you are moving in the right direction in life or whether you need to change your priorities.

Any dream book will tell you about this: a staircase leading up is a very good sign, but steps leading down is a reason to think. Moving up the ladder means progress not only in material terms, it can also mean intellectual or creative development of a person. Moving down the steps is not always a “problematic” dream. It can also mean the emergence of new opportunities in life, it all depends on what exactly, in what circumstances and in what mood you see in your dream.

  • In a dream, you may see a staircase simply as an independent image, in which case you need to remember what it was like - stone, wooden, spiral, with or without railings.
  • You need to pay attention to the condition of the steps of the stairs - they can be intact or broken.
  • The ease with which you had to go up or down the stairs in a dream will indicate the nature of events in real life.
  • It is important not only the direction of movement along the steps - up or down - but also whether a fall occurred during the ascent or descent.
  • Analyze your mood after waking up - the interpretation of your dream will also depend on it.

What is she like?

A staircase in a dream, which you see as if from the outside, is a favorable symbol that means smooth movement through life. Seeing in a dream a staircase intact and suitable for movement - be it stone or wood - symbolizes advancement in your career, the material side of life, social status, and intellectual development. Your natural talents and the energy needed to realize them are in balance.

Why do you dream of a staircase consisting of massive stone steps? Most likely, in reality you often have to face various obstacles and difficulties, but you successfully overcome them. In some cases, a stone staircase speaks of the desire of the sleeper to start a new life.

If you dreamed of a staircase at the entrance - be attentive to your immediate surroundings. Perhaps some of those who call you their friend are pursuing some goals of their own that do not coincide with yours. This is especially important if in the vision the steps turned out to be wet and slippery.

A wooden staircase in a dream generally has the same meaning as a stone one, with only one exception. If the wooden steps creak, some work-related news awaits you. If you don’t hear a creaking sound, then soon you will expect news of a family nature.

A spiral staircase, as a rule, means that you will reach your goal, but not by a direct road, but by roundabout routes. Also, a spiral staircase in a dream may mean that you will have to “walk in circles” around some influential person who will help implement your plans.

We can say that a vision such as a spiral staircase encourages the sleeper to search for extraordinary solutions to move towards his goal. The sign when in a dream the ladder turns out to be a rope ladder has a similar meaning. This means that the upcoming case will be difficult, but the ending will please you.

An additional good sign in dreams about stairs - wooden, stone, straight or spiral - are railings. The presence of railings is a sign that you can count on the help of friends and family. The absence of a railing symbolizes: in order not to stumble, you can only rely on your own strength and prudence.

Why do you dream of a staircase that is not in working condition? A broken staircase, according to Miller’s dream book, for example, is interpreted as a harbinger of collapse in all matters. Modern interpreters are not so categorical: if you have had such a dream, you need to analyze the real state of affairs - perhaps somewhere you need to apply a new approach, and somewhere you need to set priorities differently in order to avoid failure.

Up and down

Climbing up the stairs - such a dream foreshadows a well-deserved reward for hard work: this can be material reward, public recognition, or career advancement.

  • If you dreamed that climbing up the stairs was quite easy for you, then you can solve the tasks that you set for yourself on your own.
  • If in your dreams it was difficult for you to climb up, you had to walk slowly and with shortness of breath, then in reality you overestimate your strength, and you will need help to carry out your plans.

Why do you dream about stairs that seem to take you forever to climb? Such a dream, as a rule, indicates that you need to properly distribute your strength, forget about laziness, and then the goal will be quickly achieved.

Climbing up a ladder into the attic of a private house in a dream means that in achieving what you want, you are not averse to using the results of not only your own labor. If in a dream you had to climb a fruit tree for fruits using the same design, then you will have to spend money to realize your dream. The more unreliable the ladder from your dream was, the greater the amount you will have to invest.

As any traditional dream book says, a staircase leading the dreamer down promises losses and obstacles in business. Modern interpreters add: if you had to go down the steps in a dream, this is a reason to reconsider your approach to business, attitude to work and life priorities. And if you carry out this operation successfully, you will not be afraid of any unfavorable signs.

Moving down the steps in a dream is favorable if the stairs are wooden. This means that good news awaits you. Running down the stairs - such a dream usually means that in the near future you will need the support of family and friends. Just to run - you need money, to run away from someone - you will need your loved ones to confirm the correctness of your choice.

Running up and down the steps throughout the entire dream, says Medea’s dream book, means that a person has not yet decided in life and is in search. Such a dream can be dreamed not only by young people, but also by old enough people if they have a desire to change their life.

Running down the stairs in a dream and falling, receiving injuries (from bruises to broken limbs) means that your dreams will come true. It is also possible that you will soon receive a very advantageous offer to implement them. Going down the stairs very slowly and carefully - such a vision says that you are not confident in your soul mate; it is worth analyzing how justified this attitude is.

Fall does not mean collapse

In your dream, others had to run down the stairs, and you just watched it from the side, symbolizes that in reality you will have to build your family budget somewhat more strictly, and transfer some unnecessary expenses to a longer term.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you managed to escape from or from captivity using a ladder, then in reality you can take risks, Miller’s dream book interprets. Such actions will be justified and will allow you to successfully implement your plans.

Falling down the stairs in a dream without outside help is a signal to reconsider your relationship with your business partners. Perhaps their goals are different from yours, in which case you need to take steps to protect your interests.

Madame Hasse believed that falling down the stairs in a dream means: even in passion you should not lose your head. Carelessness in business caused by feelings will not benefit either you or your inner circle. To fall if you were pushed, according to the same interpreter, such a dream promises a quick close acquaintance with a worthy person who will take a strong place in your heart.

Freud's dream book believes: falling down the steps in a dream means disappointment in someone on whom you had high hopes. Try to treat people more objectively.

Falling from a ladder - such a dream speaks of your fatigue from a large social circle, and you should limit yourself to communicating only with your family for a while. If in a dream you fell from a ladder or stepladder, you picked it up and climbed up again, you will be able to find the right people, connections with whom were interrupted due to some external circumstances.

It is also very important in what mood you had to dream about stairs or what emotions you experienced after waking up. Even a favorable sign in a vision, after which you experience some discomfort, is a reason to think and evaluate the situation.

Miller believed, for example, that the dreamer should be wary if he had to walk up the stairs while experiencing dizziness. This means that upon reaching heights, you may become capricious and unbalanced in relationships with others, and you should be calmer about your own achievements.

A neutral dream that puts you in a good mood can be regarded as favorable. For example, simply sitting on the steps of the stairs in a blissful mood means that you will move forward in your aspirations, albeit not very quickly.

Falling down steps in a dream is not always a bad thing. If your mood has not deteriorated because you had to go through a fall, you should expect some pleasant surprises in your relationships with people. This could be business support or pleasant personal acquaintances.

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