Rules of communication: ethics of communication with different people. Psychological features of communication

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Features of communication with people with disabilities

For many, communicating with people with disabilities becomes a real challenge. People are afraid to offend a disabled person with a careless word or look, or to make the person feel uncomfortable.

The basic rule of communicating with people with disabilities is that you should never show them your superiority and excessive compassion and obsessive sympathy. You need to communicate with people with disabilities the same way you communicate with other people, and you need to behave in the same way as you always behave. And you need to look at people with disabilities on the street the same way you look at everyone else. And in no case should you treat a disabled person as a defective person. You can have arms and legs, walk and run, but at the same time be the most unhappy person on Earth. And, conversely, you may not be able to walk, but at the same time have such a rich inner world and deep love for life, a reserve of optimism and mental strength It’s simply hard to call such a person unhappy.

1. When communicating with people who have difficulty moving

Remember! A wheelchair is a person’s inviolable space. Do not lean on it, do not push it, do not put your feet on it without permission. Starting to push a stroller without permission is the same as grabbing and carrying a person without his permission.

Always ask if you need help before you give it.

Offer help if you need to open a heavy door or walk on long-pile carpet.

If your offer of help is accepted, ask what needs to be done and follow the instructions carefully.

If you are allowed to push the stroller, push it slowly at first. The stroller picks up speed quickly and an unexpected jolt can cause you to lose your balance.

Always make sure that the venues where the events are scheduled are accessible. Find out in advance what problems or barriers might arise and how they can be addressed.

Do not pat a person in a wheelchair on the back or shoulder.

If possible, position yourself so that your faces are at the same level. Avoid a position in which your interlocutor needs to throw back his head.

For example, at the beginning of a conversation, immediately sit down, if possible, and right in front of him.

If there are architectural barriers, warn about them so that the person can make decisions in advance.

Remember that, in general, people who have mobility difficulties do not have problems with vision, hearing or understanding.

Don't think that having to use a wheelchair is a tragedy. This is a way of free (if there are no architectural barriers) movement.

There are people who use wheelchairs but have not lost the ability to walk and can move with the help of crutches, canes, etc. They use strollers to save energy and move faster.

2. When communicating with people with hearing loss

Before you speak to a person who is hearing impaired, give a sign that you are going to tell them something. To get the attention of someone who is hard of hearing, wave your hand or pat them on the shoulder.

When talking to someone who is hard of hearing, look straight at them. Do not darken your face or block it with your hands, hair or other objects. Your interlocutor should be able to watch your facial expression.

If possible, come closer to the deaf person, speak slowly and clearly, but not too loudly. Some people can hear, but perceive certain sounds incorrectly. In this case, speak more loudly and clearly, choosing the appropriate level. In another case, you will only need to lower the pitch of your voice, since the person has lost the ability to perceive high frequencies.

To get the attention of someone who is hard of hearing, call them by name. If there is no answer, you can lightly touch the person or wave your hand.

Speak clearly and evenly. There is no need to overemphasize anything. There is also no need to shout, especially in your ear. You need to look the other person in the face and speak clearly and slowly, use simple phrases and avoid unimportant words.

If you are asked to repeat something, try rephrasing your sentence. You need to use facial expressions, gestures, and body movements if you want to emphasize or clarify the meaning of what was said.

Make sure you are understood. Don't be shy to ask if your interlocutor understood you.

Sometimes contact is achieved if the deaf person speaks in a whisper. In this case, the articulation of the mouth improves, which makes lip reading easier.

If you are providing information that includes a number, technical or other complex term, or address, write it down so it can be clearly understood.

If you have difficulty communicating verbally, ask if texting would be easier. Don't forget about the environment that surrounds you. In large or crowded rooms, it is difficult to communicate with people who are hard of hearing.

Bright sun or shade can also be barriers.

Very often deaf people use sign language. If you communicate through a sign language interpreter, do not forget that you need to address the interlocutor directly, and not the interpreter.

Not all people who are hard of hearing can read lips. It's best for you to ask this at the first meeting. If your interlocutor has this skill, remember that only three out of ten words are read well.

3. When communicating with people with visual impairments

When offering your help, guide the person, do not squeeze his hand, walk as you usually walk. There is no need to grab a blind person and drag him along with you. Briefly describe where you are. Warn about obstacles: steps, low ceilings, etc. When moving, do not make jerks or sudden movements.

Always speak directly to the person, even if they cannot see you, rather than to their sighted companion. Identify yourself and introduce other interlocutors, as well as the rest of those present.

When you invite a blind person to sit, do not sit him down, but point your hand at the back of the chair or the armrest. When you communicate with a group of blind people, do not forget to name the person you are addressing each time.

Avoid vague definitions and instructions that are usually accompanied by gestures, expressions like “The glass is somewhere on the table.” Try to be precise: “The glass is in the middle of the table.”

If you introduce him to an unfamiliar object, do not move his hand along the surface, but give him the opportunity to freely touch the object. If you are asked to help take an object, you should not pull the hand of a blind person towards the object and take this object with his hand.

When you communicate with a group of blind people, do not forget to name the person you are addressing each time.

Do not force your interlocutor to broadcast into the void: if you are moving, warn him.

It is quite normal to use the expression “look”. For a blind person, this means “seeing with your hands”, touching.

If you notice that a blind person has lost his way, do not control his movement from a distance, come up and help him get onto the right path.

When going up or down stairs, lead the blind person perpendicular to them. When moving, do not make jerks or sudden movements. When accompanying a blind person, do not put your hands back - this is inconvenient.

Don't be confused by such a long list of right and wrong. When in doubt, rely on your common sense. Be calm and friendly. If you don't know what to do, ask your interlocutor about it. Don’t be afraid to offend him with this - after all, you are showing that you are sincerely interested in communication. If you strive to be understood, you will be understood. Don't be afraid to joke. A joke, tactful and appropriate, will only help you establish communication and defuse the situation. Treat the other person as you treat yourself, respect him the same way, and then everything will be fine.

Communication psychology is the science of interpersonal communications between people. The materials in the section on the psychology of communication prove that without communication, interaction between people is impossible.

What is the psychology of communication? Every successful man and a developed personality cannot live without communication. Next we will talk about how to successfully and effectively organize communication between people.

Man is a social being, therefore communication is an integral part of his life. With communication skills, we can adapt in society, but often minimal skills are not enough. They require constant development and improvement.

First you need to understand the concept of “psychology of communication,” which basically implies the features and types of communication, as well as the definitions of all the concepts that contribute to achieving a successful result in working on this task.

The essence of communication and its purpose

When starting a conversation in one form or another, people must clearly understand the purpose for which it is being conducted and what the predicted results of the conversation should be.

The concept of communication in psychology implies a certain classification of the latter:

  • Friendly
  • intimate
  • Business conversation.
The last type, at first glance, is considered the most planned type of conversation. But this type of communication often turns out to be meaningless.

According to psychologists, any communication cannot begin if there is no reason for it. As a rule, they are generated subconsciously, and the basis for the success of any communication is the awareness of the motives that drive us in this case.

To understand these motives, we need to pay attention to the need for communication, which stems from our basic needs.

Before the need arises to talk with someone, you need to ask yourself why. As soon as you answer this question for yourself, then the principle of constructing a future dialogue, its logical parts, and even possible results will become clear.

Features of communication

The structure of communication in psychology is analyzed by different psychologists. Each offers its own principle of classification.
By goals and means:
  1. Essentially the content
  2. According to the diversity of goals
  3. By means of communication used
The first type is divided into:
  • material communication;
  • cognitive;
  • active;
  • conditioned;
  • motivational.
Communication in terms of goals can be biological or social, and in terms of means - direct (when the senses are involved), indirect (the use of some means); direct (personal contacts) and indirect (communication involving second parties).

Speech communication, according to psychologist B. Lomov, is divided into three main levels:

  1. Macro level. When analyzing this level, the psychological state of a person in separately selected periods of time is taken into account. The relationship between an individual and a group is analyzed.
  2. Mesa level. The structure of communication in this case is considered as a logically completed situation, which, in principle, can change, and a person is considered in it at certain time intervals.
  3. Micro level. It is aimed at analyzing the minimum units of communication, which are considered as “question-answer”.
The functions of communication in psychology also have several types of classifications, but they can be summarized by combining them into the main six:
  1. Intrapersonal, when a person leads internal dialogue, that is, he communicates with himself.
  2. Function of formation and development: when the partner is able to influence the interlocutor.
  3. Pragmatic.
  4. A function that allows you to transfer and separate the necessary information by degree of importance.
  5. Structuring and maintaining interpersonal connections, that is, the ability to build relationships between people.
  6. Confirmation function (you need not only to recognize yourself, but also to believe in yourself)
Features of the psychology of communication also lie in the analysis types of communication, of which there are several:
  1. Primitive, communication in which only implies communication according to the principle of human necessity. As soon as a person gets what he wants, communication with the communication partner stops.
  2. Formal, the essence of which is the use of “masks” instead of real emotions.
  3. Formal role-based, which is based on the relationship of social roles.
  4. Manipulative, the main task of which is to obtain benefits from one of the partners.
  5. Secular, in which there is no specific subject of communication.
  6. Spiritual, which is based on the interests of the case, but at the same time takes into account the mood and emotions of the interlocutor.
Types of communication in psychology also have several classifications, but they help establish the essence of contact with people or an individual.

Components of communication

Communication includes many components, which can be divided into three main components:
  1. Exchange of information.
  2. Exchange of actions.
  3. Perception and evaluation of a partner.
Working harmoniously, all three sides of communication entail joint activities people, capable of improving their qualities and developing them.

Psychology and ethics of communication have their own characteristics, taking into account which, it is possible to organize the communication process and achieve the goals that have been set:

  • The ability to speak correctly.
    Communication itself begins with the realization that the interlocutor may understand you differently than you planned. In order to avoid this, you need to correctly formulate your thoughts, using your voice timbre, tone, emotionality and other qualities.
  • Understanding.
    When communicating, you need to be as clear and expressive as possible, because it is much more pleasant to communicate with a person who is open and willing to engage in dialogue.

Some communication tricks

The psychology of communicating with people also includes several tricks that will help build communication at the proper level:
  1. Franklin effect
    Franklin is considered an extraordinary and unusual person who knew how to manipulate people. So, by politely asking him to borrow some thing, he thus guaranteed a favor for himself in return.
  2. Ask for more than is required
    Ask the person for something that far exceeds your needs. Having refused, a person will have a certain sense of duty, therefore, when he hears a real, but for him, simplified request, he will happily agree.
  3. Mimicry (reflection)
    This concept is based on the fact that copying the gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor improves the communication process. Psychological research they say that it is human nature to sympathize with those who are similar to them.
  4. Names
    Dale Carnegie noted that the most pleasant sound for a person is the sound of his name.
  5. Listening skills
    According to the principles of psychology, in communication there is no need to point out a person’s shortcomings. If you want to influence the situation in some way, next time find some similarities in your opinions and try to start the conversation again with agreement. Then the interlocutor will no longer shy away from continuing the conversation.
  6. Rephrase what the other person told you
    This is one of the main guarantees of building friendly relations. Or you can rephrase the phrase you just heard in the form of a question.
Thus, the main strategy of the concept of “communication psychology” was analyzed. It was briefly possible to analyze the principles and features of communication, highlight the basic concepts and show possible ways to successful interpersonal communication.

The concept of communication in psychology is studied in sufficient detail. This is nothing more than a form of activity that is carried out between people as equal partners, which leads to the emergence of psychological contact. This is a multifaceted and complex process of establishing and then developing connections and contacts between different people. Not everyone is able to master the wisdom of proper communication. But any person always wants to achieve mutual understanding with others at work, in the family, with friends or just acquaintances.

The psychology of communication with people studies it as a conscious process, which is expressed in verbal or speech acts, as well as in facial expressions and non-verbal acts (looks). The main aspects that are considered with people are the goal, means and content.

The purpose of communication implies an answer to the question of why people communicate with each other at all. They do this to satisfy their cognitive or social, creative or cultural-aesthetic, as well as other human needs.

Now about the content of communication. This refers to the information that people transmit to each other. It can convey information, for example, about a person’s internal state or be emotionally completely neutral. A is a kind of way of transmitting all this information. This process occurs with the help of speech, technical means, writing, sensory organs, and so on. All of the above is the ABC of such a science as the psychology of communicating with people. But mastering this art is not so easy - you have to work hard.

In order to talk about yourself as a person who knows how to communicate, you must first learn to listen, and most importantly, understand the person who is talking to you. In addition, the art of communication requires people to be able to express their thoughts competently and clearly, taking into account the style of speech during the exchange of information. You should absolutely not give in to emotions. After all, a person who cannot control himself a priori does not know how to communicate.

Please note that the psychology of communicating with people considers different situations that may arise in the process of interacting with a particular person. It is important to consider the status and age of the interlocutor. After all, you can’t communicate with them in the same way as with your peers; you need to use other techniques, look for a different approach. In any case, the psychology of communicating with people implies empathy, that is, the ability to understand the state and feelings of another person. This is why when communicating with older people, you really need to take them into account emotional condition, which is usually associated with the experience of loneliness, changes in their physical condition, and anxiety.

Psychology and ethics are something that all motivated, self-confident people who want to succeed in their careers should know about. different areas life. If you know how to communicate and know various techniques and techniques, then getting a new position or concluding a lucrative work contract will not be difficult for you. After all, if you use psychology and ethics correctly business communication, then things will immediately go uphill. During a job interview, being able to control your movements and speech can greatly help you achieve a positive result.

Knowing the basics of the psychology of communicating with people, you can protect yourself from the influence of manipulators. These are people who know how to use others as a tool to achieve their goals using various techniques and tricks. Such specimens need to learn to give an elegant and competent rebuff. Therefore, the psychology of communication is worth studying for people of all ages and social classes. This is the only way to achieve great success without much effort.

One of the first social needs developing in humans is the need for communication. According to many domestic psychologists (L. S. Vygotsky, M. I. Lisina), it is the need for communication that becomes the leading factor mental development person.

There are three main groups of motives associated with the need for communication:
cognitive motives (need for impressions);
business motives (need for vigorous activity);
personal motives (need for recognition and support).

Yu. B. Gippenreiter notes that it is these needs that can be traced in a newborn, which is proven by a series of experiments.

As you know, the development of a child’s communication is closely related to the development of his speech. Of course, in the first two years of life this development occurs at a rapid pace.

Towards the end of the first - beginning of the second month of life, the child develops a specific reaction to human speech - special attention to it, called auditory concentration. In the third month in response to speech addresses As an adult, the child develops his own speech reactions, which are part of the “revitalization complex.” Along with speech, the child’s emotional sphere also develops. Experts (in particular, V.N. Belkina, A.N. Modina) believe that already at the age of 2-3 months the first empathic reactions appear.

From about four months, the child begins to distinguish the statements of adults by intonation, which indicates that he already knows how to use speech as a means of emotional communication. Emotional communication is understood as communication through so-called expressive movements, i.e. movements corresponding to a certain emotional state: postures, facial expressions, touching, stroking, pressing to the chest, pushing away, etc. Up to six months, a child’s communication with adults is purely emotional character.

In the sixth month of life, the child is guided not only by the emotional tone and nature of the statement, but also by the rhythm of adult speech. In the second half of life, the child begins to use “pseudowords”, which perform a signaling function, but do not have constant generalized meanings. As a means of communication, along with emotional reactions, action with an object appears, so researchers believe that during this period - by the end of the first half of the year - along with emotional communication, objective communication also becomes isolated. Object communication is the communication of a child with adults, the main means of which is an object. In the process of such communication, the child begins to assimilate the socially determined meaning of the object. After 6-8 months, the child develops new type communication with adults - situational-business, which is understood as such communication between a child and adults in the process of joint actions with objects, the purpose of which is the joint action itself.

By the end of the first year of life, a child may become infected with the negative emotional state of a loved one - cry, be upset with him, and also feel sorry for an upset, offended person.

In this way the child shows his sympathy and empathy. Empathy, which has been characteristic of almost all children for quite a long time in its so-called pure form, continues to develop. This emotional state is perfectly described by the amazing expert on child psychology, Swedish writer A. Lindgren, in the story “Emil from Lennenberg”: “Oh, we completely forgot about Emil! Poor thing, he stayed too long in this carpentry! - said mother... Little Ida burst into tears” (Lindgren A., 2004. P. 38).

During this same period, children develop a fairly stable desire to communicate with peers: they love to be around other children, although they do not yet play with them. In addition, by the end of the first year of life, the child already begins to pronounce words and learn the semantics of the word. At the beginning of the second year of a child’s life, the period of development proper begins. verbal communication. During this period, the need for communication becomes one of the child’s leading needs.

By the end of the second year of life, the child’s vocabulary is actively expanding and he begins to speak in sentences. During this period, children communicate mainly with adults, often this communication takes the form of addresses. A. A. Rean gives the results of S. S. Kharin’s observations of children 2-3 years of age. “The percentage distribution of children’s appeals to adults according to their content is as follows: the share of substantive appeals is 50%, business appeals are 30%, and emotional appeals are 20%. Thus, business calls related to objective activities make up as much as 80% of all calls from a child to an adult” (Rean, 2003, p. 147).

Communication between a 2-3 year old child and adults does the following: essential functions:
awareness of your experience;
determining a way to solve life problems, exit from various situations;
systematization and accumulation of life experience.

During this period of life, in the process of communicating with adults, the child begins to form an emotional reaction to praise.

A child's need for communication changes significantly in the third year of his life. As you know, this is a crisis age. It is at this age, according to L. S. Vygotsky, that the child’s actions begin to be motivated not by the content of the situation, but by relationships with other people. Communication with adults and peers, whose circle has already grown significantly by this period, turns into truly social interaction. The child begins to learn the rules and norms of interaction in a group for the first time. By this period, individual differences become clearly visible. communication skills in children. By about three years of age, the child already has a fairly clear idea of ​​his capabilities, which becomes the basis for the emerging image of himself. The image is formed and confirmed in the conditions of interaction between the child’s individual experience and the experience of communicating with other people.

At the age of 4-6 years, the socio-psychological phenomenon of friendship is observed, which is understood as deep individual-selective interpersonal relationships, characterized by mutual affection based on a feeling of sympathy and unconditional acceptance of the other.

Friendship performs many functions, among which the most notable are:
development of self-knowledge;
creating a sense of belonging;
connections with a society of their own kind.

As a result of research, M.I. Lisina (1986) identified four main forms of communication that manifest themselves in the first seven years of a child’s life: situational-personal, situational-business, extra-situational-cognitive and extra-situational-personal.
Situational-personal form (0-6 months) - communication during which an adult ensures the child’s survival and satisfaction of all his primary needs.
Situational business form (6 months - 3 years) - communication that takes place during joint activities with adults.
Non-situational-cognitive form (3-4 years) - communication unfolding against the backdrop of collaboration with adults and independent activity child to become familiar with the physical world.
Extra-situational-personal form (4 years - 6-7 years) - communication that unfolds against the background of the child’s theoretical and practical knowledge of the social world.

At the age of 6-7 years, a child finds himself in a completely new social situation - the school environment. The circle of communication with peers accordingly expands significantly. The child acquires new skills social interaction with peers, learns to make friends.

A. A. Rean and Ya. L. Kolominsky (1999) distinguish the first and second circles of communication at school age. The first circle includes those classmates who are the object of sustainable choice. The second includes those with whom the child sometimes communicates and those whom he avoids.

The development of communication with peers marks a new stage emotional development child, characterized by the emergence of his ability to emotionally decenter. In this case, emotional decentration refers to the ability to distance oneself from one’s own emotional experiences, the ability to perceive emotions, the emotional state of another person.

During the period when the child finishes primary school, i.e. at the age of 9-10 years, he loses interest in communicating with adults and switches it to his classmates. According to G.R. Pertenava (1988), at the age of 9, interest in adults is typical for 46.5% of children, and by the age of 10 it drops by 14.1%, while interest in parents is actively decreasing (Rean A.A. , 2004). It is important that communication with peers is homosocial in nature, implying communication during which the child prefers the company of children of the same sex.

At the same time, communication with classmates contributes to the development of such types of relationships as leadership and friendship.

At the beginning of adolescence, communication is homosocial in nature, later it becomes heterosocial. This development of communication helps young people master gender roles, appropriate behavior, and accept social norms and values.

However, as they show modern research(Ya. L. Kolominsky, A. A. Rean, T. V. Slotina), the authority of parents among today’s teenagers is increasing compared to research data from past years, and the value of the family is also increasing. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the modern family is very unstable and has lost its traditional functions. Discord between parents has always been deeply felt by children, especially teenagers.

During early adulthood the person is worried new complex emotions. Among them are the emotions of intimacy as the basis of love, parental relationships, which include the joy of communicating with the child, a feeling of affection and mutual trust, sensitivity to the child’s needs, a sense of interest in him and admiration for him (Rean A. A., 2004).

During early adulthood, the specifics of communication development are closely related to the characteristics professional activity and self-improvement of a person, with creating his own family, raising children, as well as spending free time.

In old age, the communication of most people is limited to family communication and communication with their immediate environment. At this age, people often lose their loved ones, and this is often associated with an emerging feeling of loneliness. Loneliness can be seen as a form of communication deficit. According to Yu. A. Potanina, about 17% of men and 31.3% of women live alone, while almost everyone suffers from a feeling of loneliness (Rean A. A., 2004).

Thus, the development of communication in the first seven years of life proceeds at a very high pace, then improves and deepens in adolescence and mature age. In old age, communication also has great value for humans, but acquires new shades and features. Throughout its development, communication is closely interconnected with human activity, defines it and is determined by it.

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Communication is one of the most necessary conditions existence of human society. Its forms and types are extremely diverse: from random and anonymous exchange of remarks to public transport before an intimate conversation with a loved one.

We always communicate. Even when we are sad alone, we carry on a dialogue with an imaginary interlocutor; even when we turn away from a random fellow traveler, we “tell” him: “I’m not interested in you.”

Our age is characterized by the accumulation of huge numbers of people in large cities, the redundancy and compulsion of daily contacts. In such cases, anonymity acts as a shield that protects the human psyche from emotional overload.

At the same time, the role of a nameless cog ceases to satisfy the person; the need for informal, “cordial” contacts asserts itself more and more insistently. And then it suddenly turns out that while striving for contact, we are unable to establish and maintain it, that is, “communicative helplessness” is revealed (A.B. Dobrovich).

A kind of helplessness can also manifest itself in the sphere of business communication. If during negotiations you fail to convince your partners, if business ties break down, if relations with your superiors become complicated or conflicts arise with subordinates, this indicates the presence of communication problems.

Communication between spouses in a family, between parents and children also requires, to a large extent, certain communication skills.

Resolving communication problems is of particular interest to representatives of the so-called “communication” professions: politicians, leaders of various ranks, managers, teachers, doctors, social workers, lawyers, journalists and many others.

The sources of communicative competence are: innate personality characteristics, upbringing, life experience, general erudition and special methods training.

1. Functions and specifics of communication

A person becomes a person as a result of interaction and communication with other people. Communication is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the need for joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy for interaction, perception and understanding of the communication partner. Both sets of human relationships: both social and interpersonal are realized precisely in communication.

Due to the complexity and capacity of the phenomenon of communication, the interpretation of this concept depends on the initial theoretical and criterial foundations. In the very general view communication acts as a form of life activity. Its social meaning lies in the fact that it acts as a means of transmitting forms of culture and social experience.

The specificity of communication is determined by the fact that in its process the subjective world of one person is revealed to another. In communication, a person determines himself, revealing his individual characteristics. Based on the form of interactions, one can judge a person’s communication skills and character traits based on the specifics of organizing a speech message about general culture and literacy.

The concept of communication is closely related to the concept of communication. The act of communication is analyzed and assessed according to the following components:

The addressee is the subject of communication;

Addressee - to whom the message is sent;

Message - transmitted content;

Code - a means of transmitting a message, a communication channel;

The result is what is achieved as a result of the message.

According to the criterion of the purpose of communication, eight functions of communication are distinguished:

Contact, the purpose of which is to establish contact as a state of mutual readiness to receive and transmit messages and to maintain relationships in the form of constant mutual orientation;

Information, the purpose of which is the exchange of information, as well as the exchange of opinions, plans, decisions, etc.;

Incentive, the purpose of which is to stimulate the partner’s activity in order to direct him to perform certain actions;

Coordination, the purpose of which is mutual orientation and coordination of actions when organizing joint activities;

The function of understanding, the purpose of which is not only adequate perception and understanding of the meaning of the message, but also mutual understanding of intentions, attitudes, experiences, states, etc.;

Amotive, the goal of which is to arouse the necessary emotional experiences in a partner, as well as, with his help, change one’s experiences and states;

The function of establishing relationships, the purpose of which is to recognize and fix one’s place in the system of role, status, business, interpersonal and other connections of the community in which the individual operates;

The function of exerting influence, the purpose of which is to change the state, behavior, personal and semantic formations of the partner, including his intentions, attitudes, opinions, decisions, ideas, needs, actions, activities, etc.

2. Communication structure

Given the complexity of communication, it is necessary to somehow indicate its structure so that an analysis of each of its elements is then possible. There are three interconnected sides in communication. This is the most general classification:

The communication side consists of the exchange of information between people; but this is not just the transfer of information, but also its formation, clarification, and development. Each participant also assumes activity in his partner; he cannot consider him as an object. The other participant, also as a subject, accordingly sends him information; it is necessary to focus on him, that is, analyze his goals, motives, and attitudes.

That is, as an intersubjective process. But in this case, one must assume that in response to the information sent, new information will be received from another partner, and significant information at that.

Communicative influence is possible only when the person sending information (communicator) and the person receiving it (recipient) have a single or similar system of encoding and decoding, that is, they speak “the same language.” This is especially important because the communicator and the recipient constantly change places during the process. They must have the same understanding of the communication situation.

The interactive side is expressed in the interaction of partners when organizing and performing joint activities. If the communicative process is born on the basis of some joint activity, then the exchange of knowledge and ideas about this activity inevitably presupposes that the achieved mutual understanding is realized in new joint attempts to further develop the activity and organize it.

The participation of many people simultaneously in this activity means that everyone must make their own special contribution to it, which allows interaction to be interpreted as the organization of joint activity. During it, it is important for participants not only to exchange information, but also to plan joint activities. Research has established such types of interaction as community, competition and conflict.

The perceptual side is expressed in the perception of one communication partner of another partner. In Russian literature, the expression “cognition of another person” is used as a synonym for “perception of another person.” This broader understanding of the term is due to research into special features of the perception of social objects, which include perception not only physical characteristics object, but also “behavioral” characteristics, that is, the formation of ideas about his intentions, thoughts, abilities, emotions, attitudes.

3. Means of communication

There are various means of communication sign systems. First of all:

Speech, language related to verbal means of communication. With the help of speech, information is encoded and decoded. For a communicator, the meaning of information precedes the process of encoding (utterance), since he first has a certain idea and then embodies it in a system of signs. For the “listener,” the meaning of the received message is revealed simultaneously with decoding. playing important role accuracy of word use, its expressiveness and intelligibility, correct pronunciation of sounds and words.

Words and rules for their use are the same for all speakers given language. If we say “book,” we mean that our interlocutor connects the same concept with this word as we do. But the objective meaning of a word is refracted for a person through the prism of his own activity and forms its own personal “subjective” meaning, so we do not always understand each other correctly.

Speech sound phenomena: intonation, emotional expressiveness, speech rate (fast, medium, slow), timbre, rhythm (uniform, intermittent). This also includes non-verbal expressions: pauses, laughter, coughing, as well as sound nasalizations - “hmm-hmm”, “uh-uh-uh” and others.

IN social psychology exists a large number of experimental studies elucidating the conditions and methods for increasing the effect of speech influence. A set of certain measures aimed at this is called “persuasive communication”, on the basis of which the so-called experimental rhetoric is developed - the art of persuasion through speech.

The nonverbal side of communication includes:

External manifestations human feelings and emotions, which is the subject of kinesics. This is facial expressions - the movement of facial muscles; gesticulation - gestural movements individual parts bodies; pantomime - motor skills of the whole body: poses, posture, bows, gait.

Texics - touch in a communication situation: handshakes, kisses, touching, stroking, pushing away.

Proxemics is a special field that deals with the norms of spatiotemporal organization of communication; arrangement of people in space when communicating: the following zones of distance in human contact are distinguished:

1. intimate area(15-45 cm), only close, well-known people are allowed into this zone; this zone is characterized by trust, a quiet voice in communication, tactful contact, and touch.

2. A personal or personal zone (45-120 cm) for casual conversation with friends and colleagues involves only visual contact between partners maintaining a conversation.

3. The social zone (120-400 cm) is usually observed during official meetings in offices, teaching and other office premises, as a rule, with those who are not well known.

4. The public zone (over 400 cm) implies communication with a large group of people - in a lecture hall, at a rally, etc.

Facial expressions - the movement of facial muscles - reflecting the internal emotional state, can provide true information about what a person is experiencing. Facial expressions carry more than 70% of the information, that is, a person’s eyes, gaze, and face can say more than spoken words. Thus, it has been observed that a person tries to hide his information (or lies) if his eyes meet his partner’s eyes for less than 1/3 of the time of conversations.

Forehead, eyebrows, mouth, eyes, chin - these parts of the face express basic human emotions: suffering, anger, joy, surprise, fear, disgust, happiness, interest, sadness, etc. And the easiest to recognize positive emotions: joy, love, negative emotions - sadness, anger, disgust - are more difficult for a person to perceive. It is important to note that the main cognitive load in a recognition situation true feelings a person is carried by eyebrows and lips.

Gestures when communicating carry a lot of information; in sign language, as in speech, there are words and sentences.

In general, we can say that the optical-kinetic system is more or less clearly perceived by a person and gives nuances to communication. But these nuances are ambiguous due to the differences national cultures. So, if a nod of the head means agreement among us, then among the Bulgarians it means denial.

And finally, “eye contact.” This type of communication occurs somewhere on an intuitive, subconscious level.

4. Stages of communication

The communication procedure includes the following stages:

1) The need for communication (it is necessary to communicate or find out information, influence the interlocutor, etc.) encourages a person to come into contact with other people.

2) Orientation for communication purposes, in a communication situation.

3) Orientation in the personality of the interlocutor.

4) Planning the content of your communication: a person imagines (usually unconsciously) what exactly he will say.

5) Unconsciously (sometimes consciously) a person chooses specific means, speech phrases that he will use, decides how to speak, how to behave.

6) Perception and assessment of the interlocutor’s response, monitoring the effectiveness of communication based on establishing feedback.

7) Adjustment of direction, style, communication methods.

If any of the links in the act of communication is broken, then the speaker will not be able to achieve the expected results of communication - it will turn out to be ineffective. These skills are called “social intelligence”, “practical-psychological intelligence”, “communicative competence”, “communication skills”.

5. Communication barriers

Communication barriers refer to those numerous factors that cause or contribute to conflicts. After all, communication partners often have different, and often opposite, desires, aspirations, characters, and different well-being.

To successfully overcome such psychological barriers, you should arm yourself with basic knowledge about the essence of characters, needs, and attitudes.

Needs mean the desire for those conditions without which it is impossible to maintain one’s normal physical and mental condition. Need is a conscious and experienced state of need for something by a person. A person can formulate them, and to implement them he outlines a plan of action.

An attitude is an unconscious readiness formed in a person for a certain behavior, a readiness to react positively or negatively to certain events and facts. The attitude is manifested by habitual judgments, ideas, and actions. Once developed, it remains for a more or less long time.

These are the reasons for poor communication, communication barriers, which, in short, look like this:

A) Stereotypes are simplified opinions about individuals or situations.

B) “Preconceived notions” - rejection of everything that does not correspond to one’s own views.

C) A hostile attitude towards the interlocutor (or the interlocutor towards you) creates difficulties in the process of persuading a person.

D) Lack of attention and interest of the interlocutor until he realizes the meaning of the information for himself.

D) Neglect of facts, that is, the habit of drawing conclusions and conclusions based on superficial information.

E) Wrong choice of words, illogicality.

G) Wrong choice of communication strategy.

6. Communication strategies

The following communication strategies exist:

Open - closed communication;

Monological - dialogical communication;

Role-playing (based on social role) - personal (heart-to-heart communication).

Open communication is the desire and ability to fully express one’s point of view, one’s attitude, and available information. The use of closed communications is justified in the following cases:

If there is a significant difference in the degree of subject competence and it is pointless to waste time and effort on raising the competence of the “low side”;

IN conflict situations revealing one's feelings and plans to the enemy is inappropriate. Open communications are effective if there is comparability, but not identity of subject positions (exchange of opinions, plans). “Simultaneous Inquiry” is a semi-closed communication in which a person tries to find out the position of another person and at the same time does not reveal his own position. “Hysterical presentation of a problem” - a person openly expresses his feelings, problems, circumstances, without being interested in whether the other person wants to “enter into other people’s circumstances” or listen to “outpourings”.

7. Types of communication

The following types of communication are distinguished:

A) “Contact of masks” - formal communication, when there is no desire to understand and take into account the personality characteristics of the interlocutor, familiar masks are used (politeness, severity, etc.) - a set of facial expressions, gestures, standard phrases that allow one to hide true emotions, attitude towards to the interlocutor.

B) Primitive communication, when they evaluate another person as a necessary or interfering object: if necessary, they actively come into contact, if it interferes, they will push away or aggressive rude remarks will follow. If they get what they want from their interlocutor, they lose further interest in him and do not hide it.

C) Formal-role communication, when both the content and means of communication are regulated and instead of knowing the personality of the interlocutor, they make do with knowledge of his social role.

D) Business communication, when the personality, character, age, and mood of the interlocutor are taken into account, but the interests of the business are more significant than possible personal differences.

E) Spiritual, interpersonal communication between friends, when you can touch on any topic and do not necessarily resort to words, a friend will understand you by facial expression, movements, intonation. Such communication is possible when each participant has an image of the interlocutor, knows his personality, and can anticipate his reactions, interests, beliefs, and attitudes.

G) Manipulative communication is aimed at extracting benefits from the interlocutor, using different techniques (flattery, intimidation, deception) depending on the personality of the interlocutor.

H) Social communication. The essence of secular communication is its pointlessness, that is, people say not what they think, but what is supposed to be said in such cases; this communication is closed, because people’s points of view on a particular issue do not matter and do not determine the nature of communications.

8. Factors promoting contact

Establishing contact is the main task of the first phase of communication. Establishing contact means creating a favorable atmosphere conducive to conversation, attracting attention, and arousing the interlocutor’s interest in you.

So what factors contribute to contact? Among character traits, experts usually highlight benevolence, openness, sincerity, initiative, the ability to be oneself, politeness, and tact. They say about such a person that he has an easy character. But we characterize the owner of a “difficult” character as a rude, unceremonious, straightforward, inflexible, demonstrative, and quick-tempered person. Such people usually act as provocateurs of conflicts.

However, character is only one of the factors that determines the effectiveness of communication. Another, no less important factor is the psychological attitude towards the partner. With a positive attitude, we are frank and attentive. If we have predetermined attitudes, assessments and beliefs that we have long before the process of perception and communication actually begins, we are more likely to harm communication. Attitudes that promote contact include: approval, self-approval, empathy.

An attitude of approval means recognizing the right of another person to feel, think and act as he considers possible for himself. Accept the personality of another person with all its shortcomings and advantages. This attitude eliminates judgment and hostility. As a result, a trusting and relaxed atmosphere is established. And the attitude towards goodness will be “written” on our face: its expression will be friendly and benevolent. The look should be non-judgmental and open.

The ability to not only feel, but also feel how one’s own state of the interlocutor is called empathy. This is “mentally compassionate”, which helps us to respond emotionally to the problems of another person.

The process of “tuning in” to another person is facilitated by “attachment techniques.” The so-called elements of Ericksonian hypnosis (“hypnosis without hypnosis”). If you want to communicate effectively, learn to be congruent with your partner.

If people are in emotional contact, they tend to imitate each other's movements, gestures, postures, and behavioral reactions.

Therefore, you should take the positions in which your partner is, but do not engage in obvious copying, otherwise it will look like imitating. If your interlocutor is sitting in a closed position, you should also take a closed position, but in a different way. It is best to mirror small hand movements and facial expressions. Small movements are less conscious.

Another way to join is through tempo. Rate of speech and movements. A choleric person will be irritated by the “slowness” of a phlegmatic person, and conversely, the haste of a choleric person’s speech gives the impression of a babble to a phlegmatic person.

It is necessary to look for common things with your partner, for example, conversations. We should not forget that “nothing pleases our ears like sound.” own name", so you need to say the name of the interlocutor more often.

People are partial to compliments, so-called “strokes.” Only the compliment must be sincere.

Completion of any act of communication - personal conversation, business conversation, public speaking- no less important and, perhaps, no less difficult than its beginning.

Ending a conversation is no easier than starting it. Therefore, leaving contact should be given no less attention than entering contact.


speech psychological communicative

To master the psychology of communication means to master the science of practical use psychological mechanisms communication to achieve optimal results in managing people, which is so important for people in certain professions. And we all need communication skills in our daily lives.

Today, many methods have been developed to overcome barriers that interfere with normal communication. For example, “T-groups” with special psychological training (SPT), which includes group discussions, role-playing games, and psycho-gymnastics. All this contributes to the normal establishment of contacts between people, removes certain inferiority complexes and helps to find a compromise in a conflict situation.

List of used literature

1. E. Tsvetkov. Secret reasons of the human psyche. Saint Petersburg. 2008

2. M.K. Tutushkina. Psychological help and consulting in practical psychology. Saint Petersburg. 2009

3. S.Yu. Golovin. Dictionary of a practical psychologist. Minsk. 2009

4. Express reference book for students in psychology. Rostov-on-Don. 2009

5. L.D. Stolyarenko. Basics of psychology. Rostov-on-Don. 2009

6. N.A. Kozlov. How to treat yourself and people. Moscow. 2008

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