The totem animal wolf is on the verge of two worlds. Women's classification by appearance. Illustrated - But not all the strongest feelings remain forever

It tastes like wild raspberries. These berries always seemed incredibly sweet to me; their sweetness and tartness created an extraordinary feeling of forbidden fruit. Forbidden fruit - that's what it tasted like! This woman tasted like the fruit that you most want to taste. Like wild raspberries that grow in forest clearings in the deepest thickets of bushes, this woman had a special smell, in some ways bold, and in others very soft.

Making your way through the tenacious sticky bushes, you are sure to come across some insidious thorny branches that cling to your clothes and try to stop you, slippery logs in the foliage and a lot of annoying midges. And when you get to the treasured branch strewn with wild raspberries, you involuntarily stop yourself in anticipation of this pleasure and unprecedented sweetness. This woman looked like a wild raspberry. And I wanted to feel it just as much as those small, inconspicuous, but so expensive and priceless berries.

But wild raspberries have thorns that they plant in anyone who dares to touch their fruit. Mercilessly torn skin, torn clothes and blood protruding from small scratches await me as I reach out to the sweet berries. I begin to peer into this woman, evaluate her lips, her smile and her cold blue eyes, when I suddenly realize that it is not the victim who is looking at me intently and not at all the infinitely pleasant young lady who just talked so sweetly to me. An impassive lone wolf looks at me, in whose gaze there is no pity, no compassion and warmth. She looks at me with endless attention and attention, as if assessing her capabilities and the danger that I can create for her. The gaze and closed lips let me know that I should be wary of this woman. But I don’t leave, I don’t stop responding to her gaze, as if she attracts me with her behavior, her seriousness.

Sometimes it seems to me that each person belongs to a certain class of people, to a specific circle in which he belongs. And all the people seem to be wearing bandages different colors(or T-shirts) that determine belonging to a particular class. There are people who resemble predators, whose habits are to eat others, suppress, absorb and hunt in order to achieve more. They are hunters, ready to go to great lengths to crush their next victim, surpass it, and be stronger. But there are also those who are always destined to be victims, herbivorous defenseless creatures, capable only of flight. And I want to pursue them. This predatory feeling arises by itself without reference to the social status, opportunities and elitism of the origin of a particular person.

But sometimes it happens that you feel like a predator who sees in front of him a weaker predator that he wants to attack. I looked at her, peered into her carnivores Blue eyes, closed lips, perfectly smoothed hair, looked at her business suit, the expensive watch on her wrist, peered into her habits, into the sharpness of this lady’s movements, and more and more caught myself feeling attracted to her.

She was the ideal of my dreams, she was the one that I always wanted to have next to me, that I want to look at all my life, love and try to understand. A strong character, an imperious animal look, intermittent fast movements, a stormy stream of deep thoughts and the piercingness with which she looked, all this amazed me, made me tremble inside and smile. I love in a woman precisely this strength, perseverance and stability of views, emotionality that permeates the slender female body and aggression reflected in the eyes. A woman who can be a worthy rival, who will play on the same field with me, and will not yield to me. A woman who will potentially be the ideal mother to my child, raising him to feel like a fighter. A game that begins with one glance, from the moment when you look for the first time into those cold, concentrated eyes and beautiful contours of the face, this game captivated me more and more.

She earns 10 times more than me, manages an entire department, and with one click of her fingers anyone can fly out of the company without severance pay. I thought about it and chuckled. Why am I not afraid of her? Why don’t I feel embarrassed, don’t take a step back, don’t try to get away from her gaze, which so many typical men cannot stand?

She asked why I was grinning, but I couldn’t explain it to myself. I understood or felt that I had some kind of power over this she-wolf, over her character, over her energy and dominance.

A conversation ensued, from which I realized that for some reason I was dominant over her, superior to her, feeling more comfortable in communication. In her family there were merchants of the first guild, while in my family there were princes. I told her about my ancestors, about the princes of Khavan, who were a very significant and powerful family at court. Perhaps this is why I feel some kind of subconscious power over this woman. As if I were a little higher in class than her, internal organization myself, I was above her, superior to her, although I had achieved very little in this life.

She proposed to me and I did not refuse her. She quickly approached me, like a she-wolf who is eager to get her prey, sneaked up and jumped right at me from the intricacies of her intrigues. I didn't want to see her as an object of desire, I didn't want to kiss her or sleep with her, but I felt the attraction that a man experiences for a strong, powerful woman. I wanted to crush her, from my weak, shaky position I wanted to lower her below me, to make this woman want me. And I felt how much she wanted the same.

Her proposal was not a surprise, she said that she wanted me and invited me to her place. And I accepted this invitation, completely forgetting that wild raspberries have very sharp, mercilessly scratching thorns.

Her Volvo glided smoothly along the road, and it was very comfortable to sit in the soft leather seat of the car and feel how this woman with cold eyes and a voluptuous grin was now running her hand along my knee, moving her hand a little higher. The eroticism of this woman lay in her cunning, in her pleasant and so flattering attention to me, in her tender gaze. It was as if she was completely surrendering to me, giving her body to my hugs, my kisses and my caresses.

The apartment in the very center of the city was somewhat reminiscent in its decoration of a spacious palace, in which everything was subordinated to the induced cold, calm and aloofness. On the vast shelves there are hundreds of rare editions of books, many souvenirs from different countries, rare antique porcelain. I was drawn to this woman's collection of ballerinas because my mother collects porcelain ballerinas! The large bed in the center of the room resembled a pedestal, onto which she simply fell exhausted as soon as we arrived at her home. Leaning on her arm, she still looked at me with the same imperious, hungry coldness in her eyes. And in this look I saw something different, completely unknown to me before. She was the head of the investment department, under her command there were many people who unquestioningly, like soldiers, carried out her instructions, and were ready to do everything possible so as not to receive a portion of discontent from her. She wanted to move up, she wanted to get a key position in the company, she wanted to build an even more impressive career and make sure that her vision was important to everyone who worked with us. But right now, at that moment, when I looked at her, taking off my shirt, I saw a completely different woman: softer, more anxious, fragile and lonely. She wanted to experience something that many people don't get to experience successful people- warmth and care, attention from a man. I saw a little girl who was worried that they were not paying attention to her, a trembling young lady who seemed to have taken off her armor and thrown away her sword. She was naked, but this nakedness was more internal, symbolizing the availability and freedom of my actions.

She extended her hand to me and looked at me with sad hope. I came closer and touched her palm. I have always been attracted to something special in the hands of a woman, some kind of grace and softness. For some reason you always want to kiss a woman’s hands, especially when they are beautiful and well-groomed. From a woman’s palm one can read the character and fate of a woman, her attitude to the world and to herself, her inner world You can stare for hours at the wrinkles on the skin, at the manicure, at the grace of her fingers and the tenderness with which she clenches her hands into fists. They say that there is a line of life and a line of wisdom in the palm. In this regard, my life line bifurcates somewhere in the middle of its path, as if creating two parallel destinies. And then these lines end at the wrist. But my wisdom line is very short, which means that I am more predisposed to throw myself on this bed now and start undressing this beautiful woman, what to do with science.

I read very much in her palm a strong character, in some ways even rudeness and cruelty. But I didn’t have time to realize it when she hugged me sharply and threw me onto the bed.

Long kisses and attentive glances at each other stretched on endlessly. Her lips tasted like wild raspberries, which I love so much. I wanted to kiss her more and more, touch her tongue with my own and feel her lips. This sharpness with which she began to undress me did not subside, and therefore I began to realize that she would not stop, and determination in her character would always be decisive.

Her sharp claws pierced my back, as if they were the thorns of the wild raspberries I picked as a child. I cooled my ardor by grabbing her head and looking closely into her eyes. There was fire in those blue eyes, the cold and calculating flame of a man who wants to achieve his goal and will do anything to achieve it. She was glowing, and it was noticeable, but at the same time a certain aftertaste of her prudence, her internal control of what was happening, was created. For me it was a game, one of many that I play and really appreciate. And for her, these kisses seemed to me something like steps towards my goal.

It was as if she was trying to taste my lips, taste my flesh, and there was a feeling that she had little time for this, which is why she was in such a hurry. I grabbed her wrists and began to greedily kiss her neck, cheeks and lips. I wanted to understand why I had such a strong woman in my arms, why she made it so clear to me that she wanted to see me next to her. Is this really the passion that is now on her lips? Or something else?

“Do this for me...” she whispered in a fit of emotion. "I want you to do it."

I looked at her a little more carefully, a little more seriously.

What do you want? – I asked.

She slightly removed her face from my lips and, looking to the side, said in a cold, dispassionate tone:

You are the only consultant to the Vice President. I want you to tell him that I am the best candidate for the position of his first deputy. And I want you to solve this assignment problem. Can you do this?...... For me, my cat!

Since ancient times people have revered and feared Wolf, they called him the elder brother, they scared children with him, they made up legends and retellings about him. The wolf genus itself is quite extensive, including coyotes and jackals, but it is wolves became the direct and closest ancestors of the domestic dog.

Wolf- enough large predator from a family of mammals that used to be found almost everywhere in Russia and the CIS. But due to a number of problems caused by technological progress, the habitat of these animals has narrowed significantly in recent decades.

The name itself " wolf"comes from the ancient Slavic language, has ancient Indo-European roots and literally means " drag" or "drag."

It turns out that the Wolf family is quite extensive - there are about 32 different subspecies of wolves, but only six main ones are found on the territory of Russia - tundra, Central Russian forest, Mongolian, Caucasian, Siberian and steppe.

What do wolves eat

Basic Wolf's diet are ungulates depending on their habitat. It can be reindeer, horses, roe deer, pigs, moose, goats, both wild and domesticated.

In desert regions, Wolves hunt antelope and sheep. Due to the expansion of human activity and the introduction of man into natural environment In the habitat of wolves, predator attacks on livestock farms occur.

But wolf population constantly decreasing due to lack of food and constant hunting for them. During difficult periods, Wolves can feed on frogs, lizards and even large insects. They sometimes eat berries, mushrooms and fruits, and to quench their thirst they can plunder a watermelon or melon planting.

Where does the Wolf live?

Wolves prefer wooded areas and choose flat or mountainous areas with sparse vegetation and a temperate climate for housing.

Pack of Wolves usually occupies an area of ​​30 to 60 km and prefers a sedentary way of existence. But in the spring-summer period, this area is divided into fragments in accordance with the hierarchy of the pack: the best goes to the strongest Wolves.

Wolves can also be found in the north in the taiga and tundra near human settlements.

Wolves are smart and they understand that where there is a person, you can always profit from something. And although they harm agriculture, on the other hand, they also regulate the balance of the ecosystem, controlling the number of animals and acting as forest orderlies.

Are Wolves Dangerous to Humans?

Scientists have come to the conclusion that the Wolf will not just attack a person, since he has an instinct of self-preservation. But sometimes there are sad cases of attacks by animals suffering from rabies. Or if there is a severe shortage of food.

Wolves breeding

Mating season for wolves lasts from January to April. Wolves are monogamous and lead a family lifestyle; a couple stays together until one of the partners dies.

Before the onset of estrus, the she-wolf does not accept the sexual advances of the male. Brutal fights for the attention of females, often with fatal consequences, are absolutely normal among Wolves.

She-wolves reach sexual maturity in the second year of life, and Wolves - at 3 years.

Wolves have only 1 estrus per year, so that the cubs are born in the warm spring, when there is enough food around.

Wolf couple First, he takes care of a safe shelter for future offspring. These can be either various secluded places, or other people's burrows of badgers or arctic foxes; they rarely dig their own burrows.

Only the She-Wolf uses the lair; she is also involved in raising small wolf cubs, which at first resemble the puppies of an ordinary dog. Usually, the She-Wolf gives birth to from 3 to 13 wolf cubs, and the whole pack helps to feed them.

But despite close care from parents and other Wolves, in the first year of life only 20-40% of wolf cubs survive. This is due to disease, lack of food and competition within the family, when stronger puppies receive more food, and weaker ones gradually die.

Wolves have a rather interesting voice, which has much greater capabilities than other animals. Wolves don't just howl They are also believed to be able to grumble, whine, squeal, yelp, bark and growl. Moreover, they are fully aware of these sounds and understand the information voiced by their fellow tribesmen. This helps to find out where prey is hiding, where to go hunting, and even report the appearance of people. A collective wolf howl is distinctive feature active social life.

By the way, The wolves can hear fellow tribesman and transmit messages from a distance of about 8 kilometers.

The Wolf has a very highly developed sense of smell, he distinguishes odors 100 times better than a person, so scent plays one of the main roles in the wolf family.

Wolves are strong and hardy animals that can cover a distance of up to 80 km, and if necessary develop speed 60 km/h, which is one of the important conditions for survival.

In nature Wolves survive up to 15 years, but already at 10-12 years old they show signs of old age.

The wolf also symbolizes devotion and loyalty in the family; it is associated with many heroes folk tales and epics of the ancient cultures of the peoples of the North, where he personifies strength and courage. But sometimes he is perceived as an evil and negative character who is greedy and greedy, and sometimes serves dark forces.

Women write about psychology and biology in glamorous magazines, but you can read about zoology of the fairer sex in men's publications and on thematic forums. The portal offers its own interpretation of animal types, based on read fairy tales and encyclopedias, associations, external resemblance and the coincidence of characters. In order to avoid accusations of male chauvinism, the classification process was entrusted to a woman.

From ciliates to jellyfish

Extraordinary personalities are rare in the crowd. Increasingly, we find ourselves surrounded by plankton: we drift freely through life, hang out in the depths of the Internet and are one of the components of the food chain. And yet plankton is a collection of heterogeneous organisms. In this environment you can find ciliate woman, whose thoughts are occupied exclusively by shoes. Simple as five kopecks, she practically wants and doesn’t expect anything from life. Well, unless you meet the same one-celled one, so that you can turn into a slipper ciliate.

Amoebas that have lost their slenderness and liveliness should also be classified as protozoa. , disappearing in an eternal queue, either at the supermarket for food, or at the executive committee for improved living conditions. Amoeba woman calmly floats with the flow, easily adapts to the surrounding reality and actively reproduces.

If a representative of the plankton in the ocean of life fails to meet her soul mate, she can easily turn into a jellyfish . It only seems that female jellyfish weak-willed and spineless. In fact, they have not only character, but also a life credo: “Don’t touch me!” However, even touchy-feely people get married. In addition, not a single man in the world is immune from the fact that, lying down in the evening with a charming beauty, he may find a real gorgon in his bed in the morning. An irritated jellyfish stings without missing a beat, can turn you to stone with one look or cause paralysis with one word.

From mouse to bunny

Mouse Woman you can meet on the street, at work and even in the museum in the Greek hall. And pass without noticing. She is sweet, friendly and modest. Therefore, it is easy to fall into mousetraps with free cheese.

The mouse is not untalented. Some women in this category have imagination and can fly. Which often scares men. It is therefore not surprising that some bats husbands are called vampires and reproached for sucking their life juices. Although really afraid strong half humanity needs completely different women.

From a psychological point of view, any mouse can easily turn into rat. Fortunately, there are enough courses and textbooks on stervology today. Unlike a gray mouse driven into a corner, a rat can not only rush at the offender, but even deliver a preemptive strike.

On to the squirrel woman the whole office is holding on. She spins the impeller all day, then runs home to feed her family and create a supply for the winter.

Bunny woman Serves as office decoration. She does not forget to change her fur coat in time for the season. Often cowardly, but always shows ingenuity to achieve desired result. Willingly fulfills the petty whims of her husband or boss. After all, this is exactly what it was created for - white and fluffy. Men often live with bunnies, but dream of completely different women.

From cat to lioness

Hollywood scriptwriters love to exploit this female type. Catwoman walks on her own, purrs when in the mood, and scratches for no reason. In fact, cats are also different. The kitties are not far from the bunnies. Such people easily become mistresses and even more willingly the fifth wives of aging oligarchs. The main thing in the content is not to forget to buy fashionable gadgets and other things on time. The pussy takes revenge on forgetful owners - usually it shits in the shoes.

Advanced kitties become secular lionesses. Some are born with them, but still remain the property of the one who feeds them, provides shelter and protection.

Catwoman is brave and determined. But she is a terrible lazy person. Having agreed to live in your house, she becomes a full-fledged mistress of it. Now she decides which curtain should hang on the window and which whiskey you will have for dinner. But you will have to nail the cornice and serve it on the table. Remember to regularly scratch your cat behind the ears and never stroke against the grain.

Unsatisfied family life cats often go crazy. She goes on a spree, and instead of warmth and comfort, kittens appear in the house, suspiciously similar to the neighbors’ cats.

From dog to wolf

Men have their own ideal women dogs. They are loyal, look devotedly into the eyes, follow all commands, bring beer along with slippers, lick mental wounds and guard the owner’s sacred dinnertime dream. Only in the wild are such women rare.

A woman dog can be a friend, or she can put her husband on a short leash. The guard Cerberus forbids his man to drink beer, watch football, meet with friends and generally stray far from the kennel. She can bark for any trifle.

Fox Woman- the main initiator of office intrigues. Her cunning will more than once help you get out of any crisis situation. Beautiful, smart and self-sufficient, she can invite the man she likes to dinner, pay the bill and use it for its intended purpose.

Wolf Woman- loner. But if she finds her mate, she is ready to gnaw the throat of anyone who looks in the direction of the male. Capable of controlling a flock.

From sheep to cow

Representatives of the superorder of ungulates should also be divided into species: they are paired and unpaired, domestic and wild. Among them are calloused and ruminants.

The most harmless female type from this series is sheep. Light curls, the presence of golden fleece and almost complete absence intelligence provides them with constant success in male company.

Nobody wants to live with an old nag, but rarely does anyone get upset when a worker appears in the team horse. You can put not only all the problems on her, but also the burden of responsibility. And such a woman plows without raising her head, even sleeping while walking.

No less willingly, a female horse harnesses herself to the family cart and pulls this burden up the mountain without unnecessary bucking. She is pushed around by all and sundry, periodically tightening the bit. And yet there are pacers in this class. Mustang women are making good progress career ladder, because, in addition to the ability to work hard, they also have a marketable appearance and a strong character. They can kick the offender and easily gallop away from problems.

Another female type - Milch cow. This is the one they prefer to marry mama's boys to roll around like cheese in butter. Women of this type rarely become bosses high rank, since they prefer chewing gum for everyone, they are ready to live in a barn and work in an open field. They love TV series.

From canary to magpie

Women and birds have a lot in common. For example, the constant need to preen feathers and chirp incessantly.

Canary women They willingly live in a cage and please their owner with sweet trills. These are preferred by men who are insecure and need a constant portion of praise.

mother hen keeps under her wing until retirement not only her numerous offspring, but also her own husband.

Hummingbird Woman bright and exotic, but not found in our forests. He flies in on the way from the south to visit his parents and buys a plane ticket again.

Magpie Woman can’t live without bright trinkets and will die of envy if a colleague is wearing a larger brooch.

Cuckoo Woman counts the years he has lived alone and is angry at the children who have grown up and for some reason do not come to visit their mother, preferring to spend weekends with their grandmother in the country.

Woodpecker Woman capable of driving even a tax inspector crazy.

From butterfly to ladybug

From a pupa they turn into butterfly Lightweight, fluttering through life, such women are pleasing to the eye, but do not bring any benefit.

Unlike bees These workaholic women are equally irreplaceable in the office and at home. They are forced to look after their drones and take care of the queen, following established rules day after day.

There are women who are as annoying as flies. They willingly take jobs as sales representatives and can sit in clients' offices for hours, distracting everyone from their work until someone rolls up a newspaper and kicks them out.

Distinguish ladybug from others it is not difficult: every marriage leaves a mark on her soul and on her wings. Before the next trip to the altar, she drops off her children with their parents on the palate, and she periodically has to be reminded of her maternal responsibilities.

From tick to spider

The most terrible types. This is who men really need to be afraid of. Mite Woman falls on your head, gets sucked in and gets under your skin so that it has to be removed surgically. Although you can wait until she drinks blood and goes in search of the next victim.

U spider women other habits. She waits in ambush for a long time and weaves her web. If you can still get rid of a female tick, then with a spider everything is much more complicated: those caught in the web have no chance of escaping. Especially if the man has social status and property that can be passed on by inheritance.

Let’s make a reservation right away: in nature there is rarely a woman who can be 100% classified as one type or another. Any horse can buck, and an ugly duckling can turn into a beautiful swan. The most important thing, despite all animal instincts, is to always remain human.

has no chance to go down in history.

The meaning of the word “Good” according to Efremova’s dictionary:
Good -

1. One who is distinguished by dignity and decency.
2. One who is distinguished by exemplary behavior.

What follows from this? And what is the concept “good woman” is imposed on us by society and prevailing stereotypes. Well, let's remember what those around us tell us: a good woman should be an excellent housewife, decent, kind, sweet, modest, stay at home and raise children, with stable moral principles, to be faithful and devoted, and so on blah blah blah. No, of course, there is a rational grain in this. But... who came up with these stereotypes? Somehow, I seriously doubt that they were invented by us women. And, consequently, they impose a standard model of behavior on us and try to force us all into one “stall”, to measure us with a ruler, criteria of decency and “goodness”. So we spend our entire lives bowing down to established patterns just to conform to what we ourselves don’t understand. Why strive to be someone you don't want to be. It’s okay, if all this public morality corresponds to the personal values ​​of a woman... it’s unfortunate when discord occurs... in the end we get a woman with a split personality, tormented and dissatisfied with life... I read and remembered the phrase somewhere a long time ago: “He was a good man, but no good”(read it, what's the point!!!). So it is here.

Men often manipulate women in such a way that they try to appeal to our decency and “goodness.” Here are my favorite male manipulations:

1. “I thought you were a good (decent) woman”

2. “I wanted to marry you, but in the meantime I realized that you are a dishonest woman” or “I will only marry a woman who... (and here is a list of qualities of a good wife)”

3. " good girls They don’t behave like that.”

The meaning of all these manipulations is the same - to confuse, cause a feeling of guilt and a feeling of imperfection. Men resort to these kinds of tricks more often than we think! It’s just that not everyone can hear the subtext of the statements, but it goes something like this: “Girl, you are far from perfect, you still have to grow and grow before me. So come on, go out of your way and earn my attention, trust, respect, whatever. And I’ll stand on the sidelines and revel in my power over you and the way you “jump” in front of me.” It's a shame? Sounds cruel? Girls, this is a man's world. If you want to be complete perfection, then you are barred from going to the nearest mental hospital. The “goodness” makes the mouth feel cloying. Why drive yourself into a corner of social standards or, even worse, the standards of men?! There is another, alternative way - this is the way to be yourself! Your real self! No labels and no censorship!

What does it mean to me to be yourself? Let me explain - be yourself - This:

1. Enjoy life in real time. I throw off the shackles of prejudice. After all the past cannot be returned or changed, and the future has not yet been determined. Remember: “there is only a moment between the past and the future, it is called life!” I live online, i.e. Here and now. And I enjoy it! Why worry about what I will say and what I will do and whether I will do it right. Believe me, a woman gets away with a lot if she doesn’t worry about this topic. Winners are not judged. Even if I blurt out something wrong, I’m a girl, you can always defuse the atmosphere. The main thing is not to go in cycles, but to engage in reasonable indifference.

2. Do what I want and, accordingly, not do what I don’t want. I decide what is good for me and what is bad for me. Yes, I have certain obligations to my family and to other people important to me. But these are rather the boundaries of my desires. But not opportunities. I like to dance at a disco in Vitebsk, I sit down and go to fulfill my desire. This is my whim. Allow yourself to pamper yourself from time to time. If I don’t want to meet a man for serious reasons, I won’t do it, no matter how much I love him. After all, there will be no one left except me until the end of my days. Everything in this life is temporary, even a man. This approach changes the vector of direction from a man and dissolving in him alone to his beloved.

3. Inner comfort and harmony. Everything I do and say fits into my value system and my personality. When I communicate with a person, I am morally on the same level with him. I don’t put him on a pedestal and I don’t put him down below me. I “lead” a person psychologically. I put aside fear, confusion, anger so that I can be internally comfortable in the current situation. An example from life. The man looks intently at my chest and says:

Do you have any milk?

Yes, I have…. Goat…. – I find the answer instantly.

They both laughed for about ten minutes. Would I be able to quickly respond to this attack from a man if I were not on the same psychological level with him? Hardly. This is the power of banter!!!

4. Not a clouded mind. Sometimes our main “computer” needs a major reboot. After all, our brain stores so much information, often completely unnecessary. I filter incoming information, and if I feel like it’s time to restart the processor, I do so. I then concentrate on some object (preferably a stationary one), completely dissolve in this object and don’t think about anything. This action does not take much time - 5-10 minutes a day is quite enough. Such overload helps to structure thoughts, and in some cases even helps to find a way out of their situation or solve a problem. In any life situation, it is very important to maintain a clear mind and quickly respond to current events. A consciousness not clouded by unnecessary data helps you quickly navigate, maneuver and emerge victorious from almost every situation. When communicating with men, this skill manifests itself in all its glory. Let me give you an example. Just recently I was lucky enough to attend a restoration dedicated to the military events of 1812. Naturally, according to established tradition, disguised “hussars” were present at this event. I couldn’t afford to miss the opportunity to take a photo with a man in uniform. And so I choose the most charming one in my opinion and go to the prey. “Hussar” resisted at first (he turned out to be one of the organizers of the holiday and was busy with organizational issues), but I'm used to getting my way. What have I done? Yes, I just looked him closely in the eyes... and that’s all... That’s how we ended up in the photo – a girl and a boy looking intently into each other’s eyes, without looking away… romantically…. Goal achieved... And what’s most remarkable is that if I had some blocks in my head or if my subconscious was clouded with all sorts of unnecessary things, my manipulation failed...

5. Self-realization. I realize myself not only in a relationship with a man. This is only a small part of my life. I devote most of my time to those areas and those people that interest me. There are so many fascinating things in the world, you just need to see it and want to know a lot. I have a favorite job. I have a hobby. I have creative interests. I have many friends who also need attention from time to time. And finally, there is a little time left for my man. BUT, when we are together, it’s like fireworks, because we have accumulated so much news while we haven’t seen each other. I always appear before him rested, relaxed, positive, “alive” at last! With sparkling eyes and a charming smile. Therefore, the quality of meetings with a man is more important than their quantity.

6. Thoughtful positivity. Whatever happens in my life, I perceive it with dignity and with a certain degree of humor. Any change is my growth and movement forward, so it’s good for me. And accordingly, this must be perceived positively. But again, thoughtfully positive, meaningfully positive.

7. Inner strength. I have my own position and my own opinion, my own so-called “core” among the people. I do not allow others to try to “sculpt” me into some intricate figures and images. I do this myself with people. Internally strong woman always visible - by her gait, by her gaze, by the way she presents herself to the world. But this does not mean that I put myself above others. I am no better or worse than all people, I’m just different, unique, I recognize this in myself and enjoy my originality. I cannot be broken, especially by a man.

8. Freedom of choice. I remembered the phrase: “we choose, we are chosen.” So, I choose! And only me! I am a hunter who creates the illusion for the prey (i.e., the man) that he has chosen me. Let us remember once and for all - a woman ALWAYS chooses a man, and then competently and unobtrusively makes the situation appear as if the man took the initiative. This is the right position A man cannot be deprived of the illusion that HE is after a woman. An example from my life: I meet a man easily, I especially like online dating in social networks– I go to his page, leave “my mark” there (i.e. I give ratings, participate in some simple discussion of his status) and that’s it - after that, at least what will follow thank you letter. So everything is in my hands. After all, the prey itself was already hooked.

I also live by the principle of freedom of choice in everything - no one can force me to do something if I don’t want to (I already wrote about this above).

9. Your own standards. In particular, your standards of behavior. I want to make a reservation right away - I am not an outcast from society and I do not oppose myself to society. I just encourage you to live by your own standards. Yes, for me there are social norms that are close to me, such as - don’t kill, don’t steal, etc. But the standards for men are almost all not for me! I want to put my legs on his lap - I do it, I want to kiss him - I will do that too! And I don’t care what the aunt at the next table says! Remember, yes, I live in real time. I may never have a chance to see this man again. Why complicate things, why pretend to be a “model girl”? and most importantly, for whom? If you want to seem extraordinary, do what you want on your own impulse. But! Attention, I do not encourage you to be promiscuous again!!! Each of us has our own boundaries and boundaries of behavior. That's all. I'm just saying that when communicating with a man, you do what you want., and not society or the subconscious, speaking in the voice of mama.

10. Work. It won't be easy! I write about this in almost every topic. Here I mean that you need to work on yourself first. This is work, hellish daily work. A sometimes you have to “break” yourself, especially when you want to give up everything and live “like everyone else,” i.e. because it's easier. You will have to face misunderstanding, disapproval, and often aggression from others. Primarily from men. Correction - from strong men. And when this happens, it means you are going in the right direction!!! Winners are not judged, but we are among the winners! I constantly improve myself and develop my personality. In our age of advanced technology, finding a direction for improvement is as easy as shelling pears. You need to use all your channels of perception and move forward. There is power in movement!

4. Wolf man, let’s look at the type

Hearing your bold gaze,

I'm trying to figure out the essence.

And you have a parade of masks!

Try to guess something.

And now, it seems to me, I’m touching

The essence that burns within you...

Then I repent on my pillow at night,

That your image does not hide secrets...

Either ice, then flame, then neutral...

Now evil, now a tornado, now downright ideal...

The gaze is cold, goosebumps down the spine.

Whose fault did you become like this?!

(own composition, 2011).

[I am beginning to write this section in the form of an appeal not to the whole mass of women, but to each of you individually. This will make it easier to understand the material].

So…. Does it make you shiver just by looking at it? Do you feel his inner strength with every cell of your body? Are you somehow uncomfortable with him? Are they constantly telling you that in order to be with him you need to meet some made-up standard? Are you madly drawn to him? Does he always slip away and disappear somewhere?

Congratulations, you have met wolf in sheep's clothing. Such a man is self-sufficient, self-confident, does not depend on anyone, but many depend on him. He is charismatic, smart, knows how to present himself in society, knows how to treat a woman. He doesn’t flaunt his qualities, just one look at him is enough to understand that this is a male. As a rule, this person has already achieved a certain position in society and has certain resources, in particular material ones.

Just his appearance in a public place causes rapid heartbeat and fainting in the fairer sex (this happens in especially impressionable people). Women feel its power simply at the level of the subconscious and instincts.

In appearance, he is a sweet, kind, decent person, ready to help and able to sympathize... well, well, the outer wrapper is sweet (yeah, remember the saying - it spreads softly...), but inside it is... beast, cruel and indomitable!

Scary? Then run away from him before you become an easy snack for him before a banquet party. And never look after him, otherwise your will may be enslaved, and you will be another victim in the long track record of this male.

But if you are not only not scared, but you healthy excitement kicks in and you get a thrill from communicating with such a specimen, then I will reveal to you several techniques on how to deal with life-scorched wolves.

I repeat once again - say “NO” to your illusions and dreams about a happy and serene future, about a love nest for the rest of your days!!! and say this every time you are overwhelmed by a wave of romantic delirium and all-consuming love. Let fools dream about it, but you are not like that, you are a she-wolf with the eyes of an angel! Remember and turn on your brain every time you are carried away into the sea of ​​love and romantic flair. Be realistic, a wolf will never be with a dog that is ready for anything, a wolf will be with a she-wolf just like himself!

So, let's go. For a wolf, all women are the same, because he knows his worth and believes that females should fight for him themselves. And he believes this, it must be admitted, not without reason. He was accustomed to female attention, puppy delight and females standing on their hind legs, helpfully wagging their tails. For him, this is the norm. How did you understand for him a woman is an obsequious little dog(for especially impressionable ladies, I want to note that this terminology is conditional and I introduced it only metaphorically so that the analogy is clear). The wolf is accustomed to whining, licking, helpful squealing, devoted glances, etc. Break his usual pattern, “howl” in a language he understands, stand out effectively from a pack of dogs!

But you need to do this very subtly, masterfully maneuvering, because you remember that the wolf is a freedom-loving animal and will not simply give up its freedom to anyone, even to a high-class she-wolf! The she-wolf is dangerous for him, and as soon as the animal feels that some kind of attachment is twisting him inside, he will most likely run away. It's easier for him this way. And he will run so that along the road as possible more dogs tie to yourself. Thus, the male will suppress a previously unexperienced feeling.

And how to attract a wolf to your person? Yes, as simple as shelling pears, - offer him something that no dog will offer, - exciting game ! After all, our life is a GAME!!!

1. Arouse the hunter's instinct in him.

The wolf is in constant search of prey(at best), but usually in search of the next victim, who falls at his feet, and, as practice shows, absolutely voluntarily. He also gets a buzz from it. A the wolf condescends to the victim, takes advantage of it and, well-fed, calmly goes on in search. This is his life. This needs to be understood. And in due time, play on this. Take advantage of any situation and turn it around as you need.

Accordingly, the question of how to attract a wolf should not arise in your mind. He will find you himself. He just needs to present himself correctly. And I urge you not to rely on hypersexuality in the female understanding: there is no need for primitiveness in the form short skirt, red lipstick and batting eyelashes. Focus on effectiveness, I emphasize – not on beauty, but on effectiveness. The wolf's eyes are full, and his beauty can no longer be penetrated. As a male lone wolf once said:

Whenever I come to a place, I always scan the women present there.

“Are you choosing the most beautiful one?” I ask.

No, what are you saying (laughs). Beauty can't take me anymore. This is primitive. I choose the most spectacular woman and take her to my home at the end of the evening.

And what do you mean by “spectacular woman”?

This is the victim who, firstly, stands out from the rest (not because of her beauty, she can also be ugly), and secondly, in order to “take” her, you need to use your brains. This is a challenge for me.

Have you drawn any conclusions? Smart girl.

In the dialogue with the male described above, the following simple truth can be traced with white threads - a wolf can be hooked on initial stage ONLY a certain degree of coldness and inaccessibility. Let him take the initiative and rack his brains.

By the way, I want to immediately protect you from the naive thought that once you feed an animal from your hands, it will lick them for you for the rest of its life. The wolf will need to be tamed constantly. I emphasize - to tame, and not to run and humiliate yourself!

2. Position yourself correctly.

Remember, you are not the dog he is used to dealing with. You are equal to the wolf. Act accordingly. Don’t allow yourself to be “wipe your feet”, used and manipulated.

Don't overestimate its importance for yourself. To do this, tell yourself: “he is my whim.” Remember that he came to you (on early stage) or he is with you (at a later stage) only because YOU wanted it and allowed it to happen. He will be near you exactly as long as you want. And nothing else.

3. Be yourself.

I already wrote about this above. Here I will focus your attention on the following - you will have to constantly defend the right to be yourself. The wolf will try to instill in you thoughts about what is right and what is wrong, what a woman should be and what she should not be. Every time a man tries to do this, I advise you to use the following technique: “I am you, you are me.” Do you remember the cartoon about Mowgli: “You and I are of the same blood, you and I.” Fine. Then you understand the meaning of this phrase: you and I are equal, no one is superior to anyone in any way, no one is better or worse than the other, each of us is unique in our own way, I respect your right to be yourself and accept you for who you are there is, accordingly, and you accept me as I am. This idea must be gradually instilled in a man. With a wolf you will have to do this all the time, because he often tries to verbally humiliate a woman and “put her down.” But as they say, forewarned is forearmed.

5. How the “wolf man” manipulates a woman

[I structured this section as follows: I roughly divided it into two parts. The first is devoted to describing the general scheme used by the wolf to make a woman fall in love with him, the second is about giving specific manipulations used by a man and how to react and reflect them].

1. General scheme woman's love.

My multifaceted experience with strong men led me to the following understanding: the wolf thinks outside the box, accordingly, and uses sophisticated methods to conquer women. As a rule, it is not difficult for a wolf to “get into” a woman’s body, for him aerobatics- this is to “get into” the soul, settle there, and then “sculpt” a woman into whatever you want. I would also note here that the wolf gets girls hooked on him for a long time, i.e. even having received what he wanted, he continues to keep the woman in limbo, mentally torment and torment him, and undermines the woman’s self-perception. Here is the women's dog enclosure. This is the wolf man. He sincerely believes that a woman loves only when she experiences pain. And sometimes physical. Some representatives powerful of the world they do not hesitate to raise a hand against a woman, as they themselves say: “solely for educational purposes.”

Did what I wrote make you feel uneasy or even creepy??? But this is the reality. Remember how many of your friends and acquaintances selflessly “love” these types almost all their lives? Yes, all the time. And they sincerely believe that with their selfless love, patience and good behavior will correct their consumerist and cynical attitude towards themselves. This is how a dog thinks and acts. This position is fundamentally wrong, because losing. The she-wolf acts differently.

And now I will describe the favorite scheme of wolf men to conquer naive and gullible dogs. I'll start with an excerpt from my dialogue with a representative of a pack of wolves:

I have always liked to conquer “difficult” women. And then such a chance presented itself. The boys and I celebrated some kind of holiday, at the end of which, according to custom, there was not enough drink. Here I am on my way to the store, standing in line, and my attention was caught by a pretty saleswoman in the next department. I can’t help but deign such a sweet person with my attention. I roll up and ask for a phone number, to which they rebuff me quite rudely. All my attempts to strike up a conversation with the shrew were unsuccessful. Well, no, no, I don’t think so. My goal is ultimately achieved, the booze has arrived. But the next morning the saleswoman’s face is still “standing” before my eyes. This means we need to act, fortunately, there are girls we know in that store. I roll up and find out from them not only their mobile phone number, but also many more. useful information, namely, that the girl turns out to be difficult, but accustomed to male attention and using men for her needs, and then, with a calm heart, throwing away the waste material as unnecessary. All in all, a decent haul.

So what did you do? – I ask, already quite carried away by the story.

Yes, according to the usual scenario. Called, made an appointment, was nice and courteous. For three whole weeks I blew specks of dust off her, waiting for her to get used to me and my attention. Then there was some kind of turning point when she did something that I didn’t like. In general, that's not the point. Most importantly, she herself gave me a reason to disappear from her life for a while. For like two weeks I didn’t call her, didn’t write or let her know in any way. During this time, the girl managed to get bored, change her mind about everything possible, feel that she was wrong, that she could lose me, suffer. Throughout my absence, I received a number of messages from her, which I simply ignored. And then I showed up and made an appointment. And here she herself apologized, admitted her guilt and almost begged him to return to her and not leave her alone. Then everything was the way I wanted. I still “sculpt” from it what I want.

Brilliant, isn't it? And everything ingenious is simple!!! Well, what can I say, respect to the guy. If you read carefully, then the algorithm for conquering and falling in love with a woman is already clear to you. But I will still briefly describe the stages of this process. So:

1. Attract attention.

This is clear, I think. Each man has his own arsenal of attraction and lure, and in each specific case it is individual.

2. Gain trust.

Courtship, restaurants, flowers, compliments. In general, the entire arsenal of standard manifestations of sympathy and falling in love on the part of a man. The only difference is that the wolf may not actually be as passionate about a woman as he pretends to be.

3. Find a jamb or a plausible excuse.

The wolf waits for the moment when, in his opinion, the woman is behaving incorrectly or doing the wrong thing, i.e. finds any clue so that the offender can be conditionally “punished”. In the worst case, when there is no such problem, the man can simply disappear under some pretext, which he will tell the woman ONLY after his return.

4. Disappear.

This is also clear. Moreover, I note that the period of disappearance in each specific case is individual. It’s just that the wolf knows in his gut when it’s time to disappear and when it’s time to return.

5. Bid your time.

The wolf waits in the wings calmly, sometimes not even thinking about his prey at all, because he knows that the victim is already tormenting himself with various thoughts, tears and hysterics. And this is good for a man. He feeds on women’s emotions from a distance and revels in them like an energy “vampire”.

6. Show up and skim off the cream.

There are two options here - either the woman returns her “knight” herself, having previously interrupted his phone number with SMS and calls, or the man announces himself, voicing a plausible reason for his absence. There is only one outcome - the woman melts and agrees to all or almost all the conditions that the man sets. Moreover, the conditions will be quite strict and will become more stringent over time.

Naturally, a man does not think about this scheme when he seduces another dog. For a wolf, everything happens at the level of intuition and conceptual apparatus. I even know cases when it was enough for a man to simply intelligently draw a woman’s attention to himself by doing some extraordinary act, and often just a boorish attack or an anti-compliment, in order to make her fall in love with him “forever and ever.”

2. Manipulations of the wolf man.

I did not pursue the goal of collecting here the entire range of manipulations on the part of male wolves, but only highlighted the most common and powerful ones. I presented my mini-collection of male manipulations in the form of a table consisting of three columns for clarity of perception.

I'll start with a definition.

"Manipulation is hidden psychological impact using the emotions (feelings) of the partner, with the aim of obtaining benefits from the author of the manipulation. There are two key words here. “Hidden”, that is, non-obvious, hidden by the manipulator, with a hidden meaning. If the secrecy disappears and the hidden meaning of the actions becomes clear, then the manipulation will have no power, and it will no longer be manipulation. And the second keyword is “emotions (feelings).” Feelings are a tool of manipulation!

The manipulator deliberately instills some feeling (emotion, state) in order to lead another person to an action or deed that is beneficial for himself. Any emotion (positive or negative) is the driver of actions. “Fish looks for where it’s deeper, and man looks for where it’s better.” A person strives to preserve and increase pleasant emotion, avoid, get away from unpleasant experiences, restore psychological comfort. This is the principle used in manipulation. It’s hard to remain in an uncomfortable state for a long time, human personality begins to look for a way out and, if the manipulation is successful, chooses an action or behavior that is beneficial to the manipulator. During manipulation, the feelings of another person are created and intentionally enhanced to achieve its result. If only the mind is affected, but there are no feelings, then this is no longer manipulation, but simply a belief - which is more honest in relation to the partner.”

It follows from this that all male manipulations have the sole purpose of programming a woman to behave “needed” by the manipulator, i.e. from his point of view, predictable and uncomplicated. “Adjust” a woman to your standards and “bend” her under you. Discourage, cause feelings of guilt, fear, inferiority, a feeling of inappropriate behavior, stupor - these are all the feelings that a wolf evokes in its victim.

Manipulation by a man Dog's reaction She-wolf reaction
He makes an appointment, then abruptly reschedules or cancels, and then unexpectedly calls and puts the question bluntly in order to get ready in 20 minutes and come to him. Moreover, he emphasizes that he either arrives in 20 minutes, or he will find himself a more accommodating company. She runs headlong, gets ready in a hurry, because she is so glad that they called her, condescended to her and invited her somewhere, and also such a man! Something like this: “Oh, dear, I have everything planned for three days in advance, I just can’t include you in my schedule. But just after 20 minutes I have most interesting event there somewhere there. Try calling me tomorrow, I’ll think about how to include you in my busy schedule. Bye bye".
“And I thought you were a decent woman... and yet you’re behaving badly...” “Yes, you misunderstood, I’m good, I’m decent. It was the devil who confused me, I’m sorry.” In general, she is trying in every possible way to apologize and be absolutely perfect, to prove to him how wrong he is about her, because she is so GOOD!!! 1. “who is decent, am I decent? Yes, you were joking... I’m sooo bad, terrible)) 2. “What other decent women are left?…. Probably in a museum. Shall we go?
After sex he says: “You understand that this is just sex, without obligations...” "How?? And I thought we were in love...” tears, or at least a sorrowful expression on her face. Then attempts to tie her to yourself, countless calls and SMS. “ewww, a real stone off my shoulders. I’m so glad that you voiced this yourself, otherwise I didn’t know how to say that I only adhere to open relationship" And fly away with a satisfied expression on his face.
“We’ve been dating for two weeks now, I’m a man, I have needs! When will you finally be mine? I can not wait any longer. You’re breaking down, but Verka is ready for anything, maybe you should go to her...” This phrase simply “breaks” immediately, and she very soon ends up in his bed. After all, the feeling of fear of losing a man is so great that the last resistance falls. “Darling, unlike you, I don’t live by instincts. I need time. You are such an understanding man! Be patient a little longer, because everything will happen faster than you think. I so appreciate the way you treat me!!!”
“You are such a good and understanding person, but I don’t see a woman in you...” “How can you not see a woman?”, and will go out of her way to prove that she is a Woman and that there is something to love her for. “superrr. So we will best friends! Well, girlfriend, let’s go shopping?”
“I will marry you if you are such and such a woman...” (everyone has their own list of qualities) “Oooh, they want to marry me, finally. Soooo, I have to be exemplary, meet all the requirements. Otherwise, I’ll miss the opportunity to get married successfully.” “oooooh, nooo, dear... why should I get married? I am not eager to say goodbye to my freedom for nothing. If you want me to be your wife, prove it to me in practice.”

As you already understand, the she-wolf follows the principle of reflecting manipulation. If she feels that she is being programmed for some behavior that is not typical for her, or for actions that the she-wolf does not intend to perform, then the most competent thing is to repel the attack. Here I have presented all the reflection techniques in the form of banter, because... Humor is humor: when it’s funny, it’s no longer scary.

In some cases, you can simply pause to collect your thoughts. I remembered an anecdote on the topic: “The golden female rule: if you don’t know what to answer, smile and adjust your bra.” The rational grain in this anecdote is very significant. I have met quite strong and tough men (if not cruel), and to give a worthy rebuff to whom it was not always possible in the form of banter (I am also a human being, I can get lost in some situations), so the most sober thing was to take a minute time-out.

6. Conclusion or my philosophy in action

The written material is full of all kinds of tools and tricks. And if used correctly, a complete transformation of a woman’s worldview is possible. Throughout the entire manual, the idea of ​​competently positioning yourself with a man is a common thread.

Having absorbed my worldview and become imbued with it, you can, at a minimum, always be yourself, and, at a maximum, everything depends only on your desire and your ambitions!

Don’t be lazy to re-read the material periodically; each time you will discover new facets in the perception of the text.

Be yourself, break “patterns” of behavior, make men fall in love with you! Go through life with your head held high! After all, you are a woman, and in this you are right!

..Don’t cry and don’t regret what has passed...
Breathe in the freedom and warmth of spring...
And get up from your knees, because you are the Queen!..

7. Acknowledgments

Although acknowledgments are usually written at the beginning of the story, I still placed them at the end of my manual for personal reasons.

So, I want to say a huge thank you to my family and my friends who supported my enthusiasm and inspired me to further achievements.

A special “thank you” to the wolf men who were and are in my life. Without you, I would not have had so much material and so much “ground” for research. All of you have made me stronger and wiser. It is only thanks to you that I became who I am. Thank you also for the emotions, drive and courage that I receive from you.

Also thanks to my critics and opponents, who keep me on my toes and once again instill faith in the success of all my endeavors.

Thanks everyone!

Many legends are told about these predators. Sometimes extremely contradictory and controversial. Russian fairy tales depict the wolf as a narrow-minded, dull, not very smart animal. On the other hand, zoologists consider the wolf to be one of the most savvy and intelligent animals, capable of rapid learning and adaptation. Many questions are raised and personal relationships between animals within the same flock.

The loyalty and devotion of wolves to their pack is surprising. And the wolf’s loyalty is worthy of a poem. Surprisingly, this is the true truth.

The she-wolf chooses her partner once and for life. It is clear that life in wildlife dictates quite unique rules. The chosen one must meet certain parameters. He must be brave, strong, a skilled hunter and provider, caring and devoted, a recognized leader and leader of the future pack.

Wolf and she-wolf

As for the pack, this is probably not entirely true. Because the Wolf Pack First of all, it is family. It consists of a leading couple, a wolf and a she-wolf, and their descendants of different generations: from wolf cubs less than a year old, to two- to three-year-old teenagers. Moreover, personal relationships in the family are supported not only by the authority of the leader, but also by the amazing relationships between all family members.

Of course, conflicts also arise, which are quickly settled with just one stern look from the leader or his girlfriend. The main goal The wolf family is taking care of the kids. Moreover, all members of the pack take care of the wolf cubs with all their might.

The leader wolf is usually responsible for order among males; young she-wolves obey the mother-wolf. Grown-up wolves either remain in the pack, if they are ready to obey the leader all their lives, or they leave in search of a free she-wolf in the hope of eventually creating their own pack.

Thus, a leader can become someone who not only passionately wants freedom and independence, but is also able to defend this right. Surprisingly, the same rule applies to the she-wolf. Only capable of renouncing a calm and unnoticed existence in her parents’ family, where her entire life will be devoted to raising her younger brothers and sisters, will the she-wolf begin to look for her betrothed with the sole purpose of creating her own pack family.

It is in this way, once and for all, that the wolf and the she-wolf unite their destinies and lives, making their entire subsequent existence a continuous struggle. Unlike dogs, wolves remained monogamous.

What else to read