Tuna: useful properties and unusual taste of meat, description of species, cooking recipes. Tuna - the king of marine fish Types of tuna fish

Tunas are a whole tribe of mackerels, covering 5 genera and 15 species. For a long time, tuna has been commercial, according to historical information Japanese fishermen have been catching tuna for 5,000 years. The name of the fish comes from the ancient Greek "thyno", which means "throw, throw".

Description and features of tuna

All varieties of tuna are characterized by an elongated body resembling a spindle, which tapers sharply towards the tail. One dorsal fin has a concave outline, it is rather elongated, while the second is crescent-shaped, thin and similar in appearance to the anal. From the second dorsal fin to the tail, another 8-9 tiny fins are visible.

The tail resembles a crescent. It is he who performs the locomotive function, while the body, rounded in diameter, remains practically motionless during movement. The tuna has a large cone-shaped head with small eyes and a wide mouth. The jaws are equipped with small teeth arranged in one row.

The scales that cover the body of the tuna, in the front of the body and along the sides, are an order of magnitude thicker and larger, it creates something like a protective shell. The color depends on the species, but all are characterized by a darker back and a lighter belly.

tuna fish has a rare property - they are able to maintain an elevated body temperature, relatively external environment. This ability, called endothermy, is only seen in tuna and herring.

Due to this, tuna can develop tremendous speed (up to 90 km / h), spend less energy on it and adapt much better to conditions. environment unlike other fish.

A whole system helps to “warm up” the blood of tuna small vessels, both with venous and arterial blood, which are intertwined and concentrated on the sides.

Warm blood in the veins, heated by muscle contractions, compensates for the cold blood of the arteries. Experts call this vascular side band "rete mirabile" - "magic net".

Tuna meat, unlike most fish, has a red-pink hue. This is due to the presence in the blood of fish of a special protein, myoglobin, which contains a lot of iron. It is produced when moving high speed.

AT description of tuna fish It is impossible not to touch on the culinary issue. In addition to excellent taste, tuna meat is more like beef; French restaurateurs call it “sea veal” for its unusual taste.

The composition of meat includes a whole range of microelements, amino acids and vitamins useful for the body. Regular consumption of it reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease, improves immunity and improves the condition of the body as a whole.

In the USA, for example, in the menu scientific staff and university students, tuna dishes are present in without fail. The substances included in its composition improve brain activity.

photo of tuna meat

  • ordinary;
  • Atlantic;
  • mackerel;
  • striped (skipjack);
  • longfin (albacore);
  • yellowfin;
  • big-eyed.

Ordinary tuna - size fish extremely impressive. It can grow up to 3 m in length and weigh up to 560 kg. Top part body, like all fish living in surface waters, colored in dark color. In the case of common tuna, it is deep blue, for which this species is also called bluefin tuna. Belly - silvery-white, fins - brown-orange.

bluefin tuna

Atlantic (black tuna) has a length of about 50 cm, a maximum of 1 m. Of the recorded cases, the largest weighed 21 kg. Unlike others family fish, tuna the blackfin lives only in a limited zone in the West Atlantic.

Atlantic tuna

Mackerel tuna is a medium-sized inhabitant of coastal areas: length - no more than 30-40 cm, weight - up to 5 kg. The color of the body is not much different from the others: black back, light belly. But you can recognize it by the two-color pectoral fins: inside they are black, from the outside they are purple.

Mackerel tuna

Skipjack tuna - the smallest inhabitant open ocean among their own kind: on average, it grows only up to 50-60 cm, rare specimens - up to 1 m. hallmark are dark, well-defined longitudinal stripes on the ventral part.

Pictured is a striped tuna

Longfin (white tuna) - sea fish up to 1.4 m long, weighing up to 60 kg. The back is dark blue with a metallic sheen, the belly is light. It is called long-finned for its size. pectoral fins. White tuna meat is the most valuable, there have been cases when Japanese chefs bought a carcass for $ 100,000.

Photo of albacore tuna

Yellowfin tuna sometimes reaches 2-2.5 m in length and weighs up to 200 kg. It got its name from the bright yellow dorsal and anal fins. The body is grey-blue above and silver below. A lemon-blue stripe runs along the lateral line, although it may be absent in some individuals.

Pictured yellowfin tuna

The bigeye tuna, in addition to the size of the eyes, has another feature that distinguishes it from its closest relatives. It's deep sea type of tuna - fish lives at a depth of more than 200 m, and only young animals stay near the surface. Large individuals reach 2.5 m and weigh more than 200 kg.

bigeye tuna fish

Tuna lifestyle and habitat

Tunas are schooling pelagic, preferring warm water with high salinity. They are excellent swimmers, swift and agile. Tuna constantly needs to be in motion, because only in this way through the gills there is a sufficient flow of oxygen.

Tunas migrate seasonally along the coasts and travel very long distances in search of food. Accordingly, tuna fishing occurs at a certain time, when the concentration of fish in the area is maximum. A rare fisherman would not dream of making photo of tuna - fish with human growth.

water areas, where does tuna fish live are huge. Thanks to the increased t° of blood, the fish feels comfortable at both +5° and +30°. The range of tuna captures tropical, subtropical and equatorial waters of three oceans: Indian, Atlantic and Pacific. Some species prefer shallow water near the coast, others - on the contrary - simplicity open water.

Tuna nutrition

Tunas are carnivorous fish. They prey on smaller prey, feed on various fish, and also want to taste fish. After a couple of seconds, the giant changed his mind and spat out the bird, but the width of his mouth and the speed of reaction amazed everyone around him.

Reproduction and lifespan of tuna

AT equatorial zone, tropics and some areas of the subtropical belt ( Southern Japan, Hawaii) tuna spawning occurs year-round. In more temperate and cool latitudes - only in the warm season.

A large female can lay up to 10 million eggs at a time, no larger than 1 mm in size. Fertilization takes place in the water, where the male releases his seminal fluid.

After 1-2 days, fry begin to hatch from the eggs. They immediately begin to eat on their own and quickly gain weight. Juveniles, as a rule, keep in the upper warm layers of water, rich in small crustaceans and plankton. Tuna reaches sexual maturity by the age of 3 years, lives on average 35, some individuals - up to 50.

Due to environmental degradation and merciless overfishing, many species of tuna are on the verge of extinction. Greenpeace has put tuna on its Red List of Foods to Avoid in order to preserve endangered species and not harm the ecosystem.

Tuna among culinary specialists and gourmets is famous primarily for its "non-fish" taste, more reminiscent of beef. This is a large fish, reaching three meters, characterized by a dense fleshy body.

Nutritionists call tuna meat a real treasure for the human body. This fish is rich in phosphorus and vitamins, fatty acids, selenium, sodium, potassium, etc. Regular consumption of the meat of this fish has a strengthening and healing effect on the body.

Tuna has everything beneficial features mi fish, and is also one of the most valuable natural sources vitamin D and calcium. Regular consumption of tuna reduces the level of triglycerides, increases the content of useful cholesterol.

Made from tuna a large number of dishes, it is grilled, baked, added to pies, stewed, boiled, used to make salads.

What kind of fish is tuna

Tuna is a large fish of the Mackerel family, which has a spindle-shaped elongated body. On the sides of the caudal peduncle there is a large leathery keel. The dorsal sickle-shaped fin is ideal for fast and long swimming.

Tuna Habitat: tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. In the CIS, tuna are caught in the Black, Azov and occasionally Barents Seas. This fish is also found in the Sea of ​​Japan.

Tunas are moving in large shoals and are able to travel very long distances in search of food. This fish has a well developed circulatory system and hemoglobin-rich blood. The body temperature of tuna is always a few degrees higher than the temperature of the water.

Tuna is the most valuable object of industrial fishing.

Useful properties of tuna

Regular consumption of tuna has the best effect on the state of the body, because it contains a lot of vitamin D, omega-3 acids and selenium in a good ratio of potassium and sodium.

On a note: Dutch researchers have found that regular consumption of tuna (more than 30 grams), due to the high content of the omega-3 fatty complex, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by half!

Besides, tuna contains a huge amount of trace elements(phosphorus, selenium, calcium, magnesium, iron), vitamins and valuable amino acids.

Tuna meat helps to strengthen the immune system, actively produce antibodies and reduces the risk of developing allergic reactions, prevents inflammatory processes, strengthens vision and reduces pain in arthritis and arthrosis. The constant use of tuna improves metabolism, normalizes blood sugar levels, helps to remove cholesterol and normalize body weight.

Composition of tuna meat

in 100 grams of product

Main elements vitamins Minerals

Water - 68.09 g

Proteins - 23.33 g

Fat - 4.9 g

Carbohydrates - 0 g

Ash - 1.18 g

Vitamin A (retinol) 655 mcg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.241 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.251 mg

Niacin (vitamin B3 or PP) - 8.654 mg

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.455 mg

Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) 2 mcg

Today, the benefits and harms of tuna are discussed everywhere. To deal with this issue, you need to know what it is about: why this fish is so valued.

What does tuna look like and where is found

Tunas are seven species of oceanic fish that make up the genus Thunnus and are of great commercial value. They can differ significantly from each other. The description of tunas can be represented as follows: their carcasses are rounded, tapering to a tail section forked by a crescent. They have a color from dark on top to silvery downwards.

Another notable feature of the species is that the subcutaneous blood vessels have a developed network, which is a unique temperature regulator, which is necessary to maintain it above the environment due to the slow swimming regime.

Tuna is a migratory species that can travel across thousands of miles of ocean throughout its life. It is mined in different regions all over the world. Today, more than 70 countries are engaged in its extraction, including the USA, Japan and Spain.

Tuna is found in any ocean waters, except for polar ones, but most of The world's catch comes from the Pacific Ocean, which accounts for about 66 percent.

types of tuna

Only seven species of this fish are the object of industrial fishing. These include:

  1. Common or bluefin (Thunnus thynnus). It has a bluish-black color with silver stripes. It migrates over long distances throughout the world's oceans and inhabits tropical, temperate and even cooler waters. It can reach about 4.3 meters in length and 800 kg in weight. Used for making sashimi and steaks.
  2. Yellowfin (T. albacares). It has a yellowish color and blue stripes on each side. Found in the Atlantic Ocean, can reach 180 kg. Currently, the population has been greatly reduced, as it is the most common species eaten.
  3. White or long-finned (T. alalunga). Found throughout the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and in the Mediterranean. Its maximum size is about 1.3 meters and 45 kg. Longfin tuna has a dark blue back and a silvery white belly. It is used more often for the preparation of canned food.
  4. Big-eyed (T. obesus). Resembles a yellowfin, but has big eyes. This species is commonly found in the warmer tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. It can grow up to 2 and more meters in length and weigh up to 200 kg. It is used for frying and cooking various dishes.
  5. Small Atlantic (T. Atlanticus). It lives in the Atlantic Ocean in warm waters, as well as in the Mediterranean Sea. Despite the name, it can reach a length of 120 cm. It is distinguished by low-fat bright red meat, it is used mainly in the form of canned food.
  6. Bonito or skipjack. (Katsuwonus pelamis). Grows to about 90 cm and 23 kg. It lives in tropical and subtropical oceans around the world. It is used in smoked and dried form, in Japan - for the preparation of national dishes, including dried bonito shavings.
  7. Mackerel (Auxis Thazard). Found worldwide in tropical and temperate waters. The fish has a large dorsal fin with high spikes, a silver-blue color with dark wavy lines and a white belly. It is used both for canning and for cooking.

The chemical composition of tuna

Tuna is a healthy and affordable source of omega-3 fatty acids and is a good addition to your diet. These substances are a type of polyunsaturated fat that can only be found in fish, nuts, and seeds.

Health benefits are also provided by the content of vitamins, minerals and organic compounds. They include antioxidants and proteins, while fish do not contain highly saturated fat or sodium. It also has impressive levels of selenium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and potassium. In terms of vitamins, there are high amounts of vitamin B12 and niacin, as well as good B6 and riboflavin.

Nutritional value and calorie content of tuna

The calorie content of raw tuna fillet is 91 kcal per 100 grams. Accordingly, sashimi from this fish has the same energy value. Other cooking methods increase the calorie content of tuna by 100 grams:

What type of cooking tuna is best for you? The answer depends on your budget and taste. Many gourmets prefer the taste fried fish. Weight watchers or dieters will certainly choose more helpful ways product processing. And some find that canned fish is more economical, easy to store, stays fresh longer, and can be a convenient snack.

What is useful tuna for the body

The benefits of tuna are as follows. The omega-3 acids it contains are known to promote good heart health. These fish oils may help lower blood triglyceride levels, reduce arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats), and slow down the buildup of plaque in the arteries, according to medical reports. We can say that these are unique properties.

For the cardiovascular system

The most famous beneficial property attributed to this fish is its significant influence on heart health. Tuna meat is highly beneficial due to its high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce the concentration of omega-6 acids and LDL (or bad cholesterol) in the arteries and blood vessels. In addition, it often replaces foods high in saturated fat in the diet, which further reduces the risk of heart disease.

Useful fatty acid fish help lower blood pressure. The potassium found in tuna is a vasodilator. Relieving the symptoms of hypertension can greatly improve health by reducing stress on the cardiovascular system. This will help prevent heart attacks and strokes, as well as diseases such as atherosclerosis.

For the brain and nervous system

A diet rich in tuna meat improves the cognitive function of the brain. Omega-3 acids are responsible for these beneficial properties. Blood and cells are better filled with oxygen, and, circulating, enter the brain. Thanks to these properties, the body functions much better.

For visual acuity

Rich in fatty acids, tuna is an excellent food for preventing eye disorders such as age-related macular degeneration. This disease is the main cause of blindness in the elderly. Blindness is also caused by diabetic complications. The properties of tuna may help reduce the risk of diabetic retinopathy.

For cancer prevention

Fish has antioxidant properties, thanks to selenium and other nutrients. This makes it effective and beneficial in preventing certain types of cancer. Numerous studies have linked tuna to a reduction in breast and kidney cancers.

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals before they can mutate healthy cells into cancer cells. Other research findings have also shown a reduction in colon cancer cases.

For immunity

The product is high in vitamin C, zinc and manganese, all of which are considered to have antioxidant properties in nature. Antioxidants are one of the body's defense mechanisms against free radicals, the harmful by-products of cellular metabolism that cause cancer and other chronic diseases. However, selenium is a real beneficial agent for improving the functioning of the immune system. Fish is rich in this mineral, providing nearly 200% of your daily value in one serving. These properties make tuna a very powerful antioxidant and immune-boosting food.

For the musculoskeletal system

The product can reduce inflammation due to vitamins and minerals with anti-inflammatory properties. This ensures the excellent functioning of all organs and helps prevent diseases such as arthritis and gout.

The benefits of tuna for the musculoskeletal system are also as follows. One of the main components of its meat is protein. This fish is among the richest meats in protein, making it an ideal food for muscle development and fat loss.

Advice! Tuna is a cheap but excellent source of protein. 100 grams of its meat contains 30 grams of this macronutrient and is recommended for adding to the diet for muscle growth.

For depression

Consumption of tuna is beneficial in relieving symptoms of depression. The results of the study show that its use may be beneficial for mental health women. The health benefits of tuna may also reduce depression in men.

Tuna for weight loss

The properties of tuna meat are unique in this case too. Fish in this family are low in calories and fat, but they are literally loaded with healthy nutrients. The omega-3 fatty acids found in the product stimulate the production of a hormone called leptin, which balances the body's food intake. This can reduce overeating and achieve optimal saturation of the body with really necessary elements.

Advice! Fasting caused by trying to lose weight can cause mood changes and discomfort. Therefore, it is better to choose the right diet, using this lean fish as a source of protein.

Is it possible to eat tuna for pregnant and lactating women

It is believed that the benefits of tuna for pregnant and lactating women are obvious, as it is a good source of protein and minerals. But you should choose “healthy” ways of preparing fish and limit its quantity. In addition, there is evidence that tuna can be harmful due to its high mercury content. These arguments are not fully confirmed, but it is better to exercise caution.

In order not to harm the body, you should not eat more than two steaks from natural tuna per week (about 140 grams in weight) or 4 cans of canned own juice fish.

At what age can children be given tuna

As noted above, tuna is high in protein. A single 165g serving covers over 80% of your daily requirements for this macronutrient. In addition, vitamin D, found in fish, is a major component for bone development.

As soon as the child reaches 6 months of age, you can introduce this fish into his diet. Many parents avoid this fish in their children's diets because they are concerned about the risk of harm from mercury buildup in the meat. However, a small amount of tuna eaten from time to time can benefit a child's health without putting them at risk.

According to the data obtained, a child weighing about 10 kg can safely and without harm to health eat a can of tuna every three weeks. You just need to divide the fish into portions and grind into a puree. Ideal to combine chopped tuna with pureed vegetables.

Is tuna good for diabetes and pancreatitis

People suffering from diabetes can benefit greatly from eating tuna. Omega-3 acids help to maintain normal insulin levels, which facilitates the daily activity of the patient. Such properties mean that with diabetes it is not only possible, but also necessary to eat.

The benefits of tuna pate are also obvious in pancreatitis. With this disease, a strict diet is prescribed, excluding any fatty foods. Since tuna contains very little fat, its benefits for those suffering from this disease are undeniable.

Advice! Drinking liquid increases the beneficial effect of eating tuna. It is advisable to drink more water to maintain insulin levels.

The benefits and harms of canned tuna

Canned tuna is a convenient way to eat wholesome food. Each serving of these canned foods containing oil or water contains about 30 grams of protein. According to doctors, this amount corresponds to approximately 50 percent of the recommended daily intake of this macronutrient for a person weighing 70 kg. What are the benefits of canned tuna meat?

Tuna is a healthy source of complete protein that provides all 10 amino acids the body needs to maintain healthy tissue, brain function, and healthy hormone balance.

The benefits of canned fish also come from the presence of healthy fats used by the body to maintain healthy skin and hair, as well as improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the brain. Fish preserved in oil contains less of these useful substances. The benefits of tuna in oil are less, but you should not completely abandon it.

Consumption of canned food can also be harmful. One of negative consequences is an increase in sodium levels due to the salt content. This substance has negative properties. The body needs this mineral to help balance metabolism, but excess sodium intake causes the body to retain water. This leads to bloating and high blood pressure. One can of canned tuna contains a quarter daily allowance sodium. To minimize harm, it is better to eat canned food in moderate amounts. And of course, it is worth remembering that tuna canned in its own juice is more beneficial.

Important! It is also worth bearing in mind the comments of nutritionists about the danger of the very method of harvesting fish due to the use of additives in the canning technology that can be harmful to health.

Features of eating tuna

So, the benefits and harms of tuna for the human body are not disputed. But what is the best way to eat it? In modern stores you can see a lot of carcasses, steaks and canned food. What to choose to maximize benefits and minimize harm?

When choosing fish in canned form, one rule must be remembered. When buying canned food in its own juice, the content of saturated fat will be 2 grams less than in the case of the product in oil. In addition, light-colored fish contain less mercury than dark-colored fish.

How to get more benefit if you prefer fresh fish? Do not be afraid to buy tuna steaks: they cannot do harm if they are a quality product. You need to make sure it's fresh: check the piece for any dark brown spots or iridescent sheen. Chilled steaks should smell like a fresh ocean, not a fishy smell. In this case, the buyer will not harm himself.

Even if oil is added to fish when cooked, it is still a healthier choice than fatty meats (such as beef, pork, and other popular protein options).

Advice! Tuna meat provides athletes with energy for difficult exercises and reduces recovery time after. It makes sense to increase daily use freshly cooked fish to improve overall health.

How to cook delicious tuna

A little creativity in the kitchen allows you to enjoy the benefits of tuna with a varied diet. You can drizzle salsa over canned fish pieces and then use the mixture as a taco or salad topping.

It is recommended to add tuna as an alternative product to various casseroles to increase the content nutrients in food. If you eat a piece of fish steak with brown rice as a side dish, it will give the body a large content of healthy protein and fiber. And if you cook it with spinach, you can cover daily requirement body in vitamins and minerals.

Advice! If possible, boiled tuna should be consumed, which can be eaten even at night. This may seem a little boring to some, but with good seasonings and spices, cooking great-tasting food is quite possible.

fried tuna recipe

As noted above, the most healthy dish from tuna is a steak. For simple recipe would need:

  • 2 fish steaks;
  • 1 tsp kosher salt;
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 tsp black pepper.

First, rub the tuna with salt and cayenne pepper. After that, the oil is heated in a frying pan over moderate heat. Put cayenne pepper in it and fry for five minutes. After that, the fillet is placed in the pan and fried for one and a half minutes on each side. An example of frying tuna fillet is shown in the video.

Salad with canned tuna

Canned tuna is best for salads. For the basic version you need:

  • a can of tuna in its own juice (180 grams), drain the water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. minced celery;
  • 2 tbsp. l. minced red onion, soaked cold water for 5 minutes and drained;
  • 1 tsp chopped leaf parsley;
  • 1/3 cup homemade mayonnaise;
  • 1 st. l. grain mustard;
  • freshly ground black pepper and freshly squeezed lemon juice (to taste).

In a small bowl, mash the tuna with a fork, then add the celery, onion and parsley to it. Then you need to mix mayonnaise and mustard and season to taste with pepper, then pour the salad with the resulting dressing and stir. If desired, you can sprinkle with lemon juice.

Such a salad can be very useful. You can add any vegetables, boiled eggs and other products to it. This means that you will get a dish with dietary properties in a variety of options.

The harm of tuna and contraindications for use

Despite the many benefits and benefits of tuna, it should also be taken into account that they can harm the body.

As is the case with any type of fish, one must not forget about the mercury content. Poisoning with this substance can cause symptoms such as memory problems, numbness, seizures, and vision problems. Some types of tuna, such as dark tuna, are high in mercury.

When eating canned tuna, you should also consider the sodium content and table salt. To reduce harm, you need to choose options in your own juice and rinse the fish before adding it to dishes.

How to select and store canned tuna

When buying canned tuna, you need to look for varieties with reduced salt content and in their own juice. This way you can get all the benefits of protein and good fats without consuming a lot of sodium.

When choosing canned food with additives, you should carefully study the composition. Some of these preserves contain ingredients rich in salt and sugar. Such tuna in a can can do harm.


As you can see, the topic of what the benefits and harms of tuna are deserve special attention. The properties of the product are largely positive and useful.

Tuna is low in calories but high in protein, niacin, selenium, and vitamin B12. Adding it to your diet may improve weight loss, reduce inflammation, boost brain function and thyroid health. Some types of tuna can be high in mercury, so consumption should be moderate.


Tuna is one of the most valuable commercial fish, close relative mackerel, has an exquisite taste.

It is called "sea calf" or "sea chicken" for its atypical taste for fish.

Mackerels are active swimmers, their muscles contain a large amount of myoglobin, which gives the product an unusual color.

About the dangers and benefits of tuna meat for the body of men, women and children, the composition and calorie content per 100 g, contraindications, methods of cooking fish - our publication.

How to choose a quality product

Tuna is sold fresh, frozen or canned.. The shelf life of fresh and frozen products is limited: fresh fillet is stored for no more than 4 days, frozen - up to 2 weeks.

Fresh tuna fillet is similar in color to beef. The uneven shade of the vending piece indicates dubious freshness.

It is even worse if brownish spots are visible on it.

When choosing a packaged product, you need to carefully study the information on the package, shelf life. The best time for such purchases - May-August.

More affordable canned tuna - in its own juice or in oil. Fish in its own juice retains more useful properties than canned in oil.

If we are talking about a product for dietary nutrition, take into account that the addition of oil increases the calorie content of the product.

When choosing canned food carefully inspect the packaging. Banks deformed, swollen, with traces of rust do not deserve your attention.

Then study the marking and information on the label. The marking can be embossed from the inside or applied with indelible paint.

Fuzzy symbols and low quality paints are an indicative sign of not the most best quality canned food. The most reliable marking is convex, since it is applied in production, and forgery becomes impossible.

In the first row of characters the assortment code is indicated, for tuna it will be the abbreviation GTN. In the second row of symbols the date of manufacture is indicated.

It is better to take a product released more than 3 months ago. During this time, canned tuna acquires a rich taste.

In addition, it makes sense to shake the jar, roughly estimate the ratio of fish and liquid.

Canned tuna contains only fish meat, salt and vegetable oil if you choose canned food with oil added. Products in their own juice retain more useful properties, richer in taste.

In addition, canned food in oil has another pitfall- some producers mix old and young individuals, and the oil masks the differences in taste.

There are also ethical restrictions. When choosing canned products, it is advisable to look for the one on the label of which is marked "dolphin friendly".

This means that the catch was legal grounds, without violating technology and did not lead to the death of dolphins.

Tips on how to choose canned tuna:

Chemical composition, nutritional and energy value

Is tuna bad or good? Fish is in great demand, it is not surprising at all. The meat of these giant mackerels contains a large amount of useful substances: from essential amino acids to a rich complex of microelements.

Its composition contains, manganese, and sodium.

In addition to trace elements, vitamins were found in tuna(in terms of 100 g of product):

Tuna contains a small amount of fat, which includes omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. These compounds support normal blood flow and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids improve vision, stimulate the brain, support the functions of the reproductive system. The presence of Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats helps to strengthen the skin, hair and nails.

There are no carbohydrates in tuna meat. Due to this feature, the product belongs to low-calorie. Energy value - 139-145 kcal / 100 g of product.

The calorie content of fish canned in its own juice is lower than that of a fresh product - about 110 kcal / 100 g.

Glycemic index canned product - 96.

Beneficial features

Useful properties of tuna meat are determined by its chemical composition. Polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 effectively reduce the content of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

This significantly reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases that develop due to circulatory disorders against the background of atherosclerotic lesions.

Eating 30 g of this fish daily reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease(hypertension) about twice.

With the systematic use of tuna, metabolic processes are normalized, which is especially important for people prone to allergic reactions and other diseases associated with impaired plastic metabolism, age-related changes slow down.

Tuna dishes are a useful addition to the diet for arthritis and other joint diseases. Substances with antioxidant activity protect cell membranes from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Oxidative processes are one of the key moments in the processes of aging and malignant transformation of cells. That is, this fish is one of effective means prolongation of youth and prevention of oncological diseases.

Antioxidants strengthen the immune system increase the body's resistance to toxic effects.

The antitoxic effect of the product is due to the presence of chromium and selenium - trace elements that help cleanse the liver.

Chromium is involved in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. Phosphorus stimulates brain activity, strengthens muscles, improves eyesight. Iodine is essential for the prevention of thyroid diseases.

A unique complex of B vitamins improves skin condition, stimulates regeneration processes. Tuna is useful for people with skin lesions of various origins.

Vitamin A is good for the retina, E is needed by young couples planning to have children.

Useful properties of tuna will be revealed by the program “Food: living and dead” No.:

What is good for health

During pregnancy

Is tuna good for expectant mothers? Contrary to expectations, eating this nutritious and healthy the product is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.

During pregnancy, women experience transient kidney problems. A high protein content in food turns from an undoubted advantage into an undoubted disadvantage.

In uncomplicated pregnancy, tuna can be included in the diet, but in very limited quantities - no more than 200 g per day and no more than twice a week.

Before making a final decision regarding this delicacy, you should consult your doctor.

For kids

This fish is included in the children's diet only after 3 years due to the potential hazard of mercury content. For older children, tuna can be given according to age-specific recommended intakes.

This product contributes to the normal harmonious development mental and physical abilities of the child.

A complete animal protein fully covers the needs of a growing organism for essential amino acids.

One serving contains approximately half of the daily requirement of vitamins group B.

Phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D contribute to the normal development of the skeleton, iodine is necessary for the development of intelligence.

For the elderly

In old age, foods that inhibit the development of cardiovascular and other diseases come to the fore. Tuna is famous for its ability to normalize metabolic processes - carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.

The use of this delicious product slows down the progression of atherosclerosis, reduces the likelihood of oncological processes.

Due to the rich content of vitamins and microelements, the product slows down age-related changes in cartilage tissue.

Vitamin D in a complex with calcium and phosphorus in an easily digestible form- an almost ideal tool for the prevention of osteoporosis.

Potential danger, contraindications

Any product with excessive use can harm. There are categories of people for whom tuna is not recommended or contraindicated.

These are pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 3 years of age. Why is tuna bad?

Insofar as this fish accumulates mercury in tissues, it is better to refuse its use. If expectant mothers can occasionally enjoy this delicacy, then young children are introduced to it only at the age of 4.

High protein can harm people with kidney disease. Dishes from tuna meat are contraindicated in severe renal failure. Restrictions can be introduced for other kidney diseases.

How dangerous tuna can be, the program “Live healthy!” will tell:

How much and how to eat

We are more familiar with dishes in which the fish undergoes preliminary heat treatment. Tuna can be boiled, fried, baked, canned food is used to make salads.

The daily intake of fish for adults is about 50 g per day, but not more than 360 g per week. Nutritionists recommend serving it on the table at least twice a week, older people - up to 4 times.

Tuna belongs to dietary products, it is included in therapeutic and preventive diets recommended for cardiovascular and some other diseases.

This is the perfect product for sports nutrition and correction of body weight.

Tuna salad with grapes. For cooking, you will need tuna fillet (400 g), yogurt (150 g), a bunch of grapes, a glass of walnuts, 1 lemon.

Sprinkle the fish with grated zest, bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Grind the finished fillet with a fork so that small pieces remain.

Lightly fry the nuts, chop, mix with grapes, cut in halves, mix with unsweetened yogurt. Add chopped fish, mix, transfer to a salad bowl, garnish with lemon zest and grapes.

stuffed tuna. For cooking you will need: tuna carcass (2-2.5 kg), (300 g) one onion, butter (170 g), 6 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, (400 g), salt, Bay leaf, spices.

Wash the fish, carefully remove the skin, remove the bones and cut. Grate carrots and tomatoes, finely chop the onion. Fry onions and carrots separately in vegetable oil.

Melt butter, combine with carrots. About a third of carrots and onions mix with grated tomatoes, bring to a boil, salt, add spices and bay leaf.

Pass the fish through a meat grinder, mix with onions and carrots, salt and add spices to taste. Rinse the skin, stuff it.

Pour the prepared tomato sauce into a deep bowl, put the fish and pour the sauce over it. Bake in the oven for an hour, periodically basting with sauce. The baking temperature is 180 degrees.

Tuna steak, video recipe:

Tuna is a generous gift of nature, the perfect combination of business and pleasure. It deserves to be a harmonious addition to your menu.

In contact with

Description and features of tuna

All varieties of tuna are characterized by an elongated body resembling a spindle, which tapers sharply towards the tail. One dorsal fin has a concave outline, it is rather elongated, while the second is crescent-shaped, thin and similar in appearance to the anal. From the second dorsal fin to the tail, another 8-9 tiny fins are visible.

The tail resembles a crescent. It is he who performs the locomotive function, while the body, rounded in diameter, remains practically motionless during movement.

The tuna has a large cone-shaped head with small eyes and a wide mouth. The jaws are equipped with small teeth arranged in one row.

The scales that cover the body of the tuna, in the front of the body and along the sides, are an order of magnitude thicker and larger, it creates something like a protective shell. The color depends on the species, but all are characterized by a darker back and a lighter belly.

tuna fish has a rare property - they are able to maintain an elevated body temperature relative to the external environment. This ability, called endothermy, is only seen in tuna and herring sharks.

Due to this, tuna can develop tremendous speed (up to 90 km / h), spend less energy on it and adapt much better to environmental conditions, unlike other fish.

A whole system of small vessels, both with venous and arterial blood, which are intertwined and concentrated on the sides of the fish, helps to “warm up” the blood of tuna.

Warm blood in the veins, heated by muscle contractions, compensates for the cold blood of the arteries. Experts call this vascular side band "rete mirabile" - "magic net".

Tuna meat, unlike most fish, has a red-pink hue. This is due to the presence in the blood of fish of a special protein, myoglobin, which contains a lot of iron. It is produced when driving at high speed.

AT description of tuna fish It is impossible not to touch on the culinary issue. In addition to excellent taste, tuna meat is more like beef; French restaurateurs call it “sea veal” for its unusual taste.

The composition of meat includes a whole range of microelements, amino acids and vitamins useful for the body. Regular consumption of it reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease, improves immunity and improves the condition of the body as a whole.

In the USA, for example, tuna dishes are a must on the menus of researchers and university students. The substances included in its composition improve brain activity.

photo of tuna meat




    striped (skipjack);

    longfin (albacore);



Ordinary tuna - size fish extremely impressive. It can grow up to 3 m in length and weigh up to 560 kg. The upper part of the body, like all fish that live in surface waters, is painted dark.

In the case of common tuna, it is deep blue, for which this species is also called bluefin tuna. Belly - silvery-white, fins - brown-orange.

bluefin tuna

Atlantic (black tuna) has a length of about 50 cm, a maximum of 1 m. Of the recorded cases, the largest weighed 21 kg. Unlike others family fish, tuna the blackfin lives only in a limited zone in the West Atlantic.

Atlantic tuna

Mackerel tuna is a medium-sized inhabitant of coastal areas: length - no more than 30-40 cm, weight - up to 5 kg. The color of the body is not much different from the others: black back, light belly. But you can recognize it by two-color pectoral fins: on the inside they are black, on the outside they are purple.

Mackerel tuna

Striped tuna is the smallest inhabitant of the open ocean among its own kind: on average, it grows only up to 50-60 cm, rare specimens - up to 1 m. Its distinguishing feature is dark, well-defined longitudinal stripes on the abdominal part.

Pictured is a striped tuna

Longfin (white tuna) - sea fish up to 1.4 m long, weighing up to 60 kg. The back is dark blue with a metallic sheen, the belly is light. It is called long-finned for the size of the pectoral fins. White tuna meat is the most valuable, there have been cases when Japanese chefs bought a carcass for $ 100,000.

Photo of albacore tuna

Yellowfin tuna sometimes reaches 2-2.5 m in length and weighs up to 200 kg. It got its name from the bright yellow dorsal and anal fins. The body is grey-blue above and silver below. A lemon-blue stripe runs along the lateral line, although it may be absent in some individuals.

Pictured yellowfin tuna

The bigeye tuna, in addition to the size of the eyes, has another feature that distinguishes it from its closest relatives. It's deep sea type of tuna - fish lives at a depth of more than 200 m, and only young animals stay near the surface. Large individuals reach 2.5 m and weigh more than 200 kg.

bigeye tuna fish

Tuna lifestyle and habitat

Tunas are schooling pelagic fish that prefer warm water with high salinity. They are excellent swimmers, swift and agile. Tuna constantly needs to be in motion, because only in this way through the gills there is a sufficient flow of oxygen.

Tunas migrate seasonally along the coasts and travel very long distances in search of food. Accordingly, tuna fishing occurs at a certain time, when the concentration of fish in the area is maximum. A rare fisherman would not dream of making photo of tuna - fish with human growth.

water areas, where does tuna fish live are huge. Thanks to the increased t° of blood, the fish feels comfortable at both +5° and +30°. The range of tuna captures tropical, subtropical and equatorial waters of three oceans: Indian, Atlantic and Pacific. Some species prefer shallow water close to the coast, while others, on the contrary, prefer the simplicity of open water.

Tuna nutrition

Tunas are carnivorous fish. They hunt for smaller fish, feed on various crustaceans and

Reproduction and lifespan of tuna

In the equatorial zone, the tropics and some areas of the subtropical zone (Southern Japan, Hawaii), tuna spawning occurs year-round. In more temperate and cool latitudes - only in the warm season.

A large female can lay up to 10 million eggs at a time, no larger than 1 mm in size. Fertilization takes place in the water, where the male releases his seminal fluid.

After 1-2 days, fry begin to hatch from the eggs. They immediately begin to eat on their own and quickly gain weight. Juveniles, as a rule, keep in the upper warm layers of water, rich in small crustaceans and plankton. Tuna reaches sexual maturity by the age of 3 years, lives on average 35, some individuals - up to 50.

Due to environmental degradation and merciless overfishing, many species of tuna are on the verge of extinction. Greenpeace has put tuna on its Red List of Foods to Avoid in order to preserve endangered species and not harm the ecosystem.

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