Levels of education in the Russian Federation according to the new law. Levels of education in the Russian Federation

The education system in the Russian Federation is a set of interacting successive educational programs And state educational standards various levels and directions; networks implementing them educational institutions; education authorities and institutions and organizations subordinate to them; associations of legal entities, public and state-public associations carrying out activities in the field of education.

Implemented in the Russian Federation educational programs- this is a document that defines the specifics of the organization of the educational process (content, forms) taking into account the standard of preschool level of education. They are divided into:

1. general education (basic and additional) - aimed at solving the problems of forming a general culture of the individual for life in society, at creating the basis for an informed choice and mastery of professional educational programs (preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education);

2. professional (basic and additional) - aimed at solving the problems of increasing professional and general educational levels, training specialists of appropriate qualifications (primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational, postgraduate vocational education).

The mandatory minimum content of each basic general education program or basic professional educational program (for a specific profession, specialty) is established by the relevant state educational standard - a normative document that states: 1. maximum workload for students; 2. minimum image content programs; 3. requirements for training a school graduate.

On January 21, 2010, on the opening day of the Year of the Teacher in Russia, the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev approved the initiative “Our new school", aimed at a gradual transition to new educational standards, changing the infrastructure of the school network, preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren, developing teacher potential and a support system for talented children.

“We are starting to implement the national educational initiative “Our New School,” said D.A. Medvedev. “Today I approved this educational initiative. Its essence and meaning is to create a school capable of revealing the personal potential of children, instilling in them an interest in learning and knowledge, the desire for spiritual growth and a healthy lifestyle, to prepare children for professional activities, taking into account the tasks of modernization and innovative development of the country."

The President emphasized that “this is not a short-term project, but a strategic policy in the field of education, which has been widely discussed in society.”

On January 19, 2010, at a meeting of the council on the implementation of priority national projects And demographic policy D.A. Medvedev instructed the government to submit an annual summary report on the implementation of the “Our New School” initiative. More than 15 billion rubles have been allocated for its implementation.

The child as a subject and object of the pedagogical process. Individual personality development, social and biological factors of development and its driving forces. Pedagogical anthropology in Russia (K.D. Ushinsky, P.P. Blonsky)

The child as an object and subject of ped. process. In the process of education, the central figure is the one who is being educated, the pupil. A person is born almost exclusively as a biologist. Society a being capable of entering into relationships with other people, he becomes in the process of development . The formation of people themselves as societies. beings, personality is associated with development in the conditions of societies. beings. Outside of society, without communicating with people, a child cannot become an individual, cannot develop as a person. In this regard, the problem of developing subjectivity in education becomes relevant. process. Object action - person, to whom the action is directed . Subject- the child can act in conditions of manifestation of his own. activity, cooperation and interests. Individual. personal development. First of all, people have developed physical skills. The child’s weight and height change; the weight of the heads increases especially rapidly. brain A person has developed in physiological terms: he has become more complex and stabilized by the end of school. training blood circulation and digestion, nerve processes. activities Changes also occur in a person’s psyche: the speed of the psychic process changes. processes, character is formed, will has developed. The development of a person in social terms is characterized by the complication of relationships with people, with society in general. Biological and social factors in development Social (external) – social environment, educational process and biologist (internal) – inheritance, own. human activity. Depending on the leading factors, there are 3 main ones. concepts of human development: biologist (a person is a natural being and all human behavior is explained by his inherent needs, drives and inclinations from birth), sociologist (person -to be born as a generic being, and subsequently he is socialized), biosocial (mental processes are of a biological nature, and the direction, interests, ways are social ). Driving force The development of a person is a contradiction, for example, between the achieved and the required level of knowledge. Thanks to K.D. Ushinsky in the 19th century, the child began to be considered as an object of education from the standpoint of the new science - “ped. anthropology". She studies the anthropologist's laws of development and the formation of the child's image in ontogenesis, i.e. during his individual. life under the influence of parents, teachers, and the media. information, self-education and self-improvement throughout my life. path and search for the meaning of his life, works out ways of fixing this appearance and its changes under the influence of various. factors - nature, socioculture, education. Ushinsky laid the foundations for special studying the person as a learner and educator in order to agree on ped. theory and practice with the nature of man, he was the first to single out his education as leaders. human factor development.. Blonsky, developing the problem of the relationship between biologist and socialist, defended integrity. the process of raising children, taking into account the characteristics of children. period.

The concept of didactics. The emergence and development of scientific didactics (Ya.A. Komensky, I.G. Pestallotsi, A. Disterweg). Education as a value, process and result. Essence, structure and functions of the learning process.

Didactics– the doctrine of education and training of the individual. Pedagogical theory of learning, providing scientific justification for its content, methods and organizational forms. A pedagogical discipline that studies learning at a theoretical level.

Subject of didactics: connection between teaching and learning, their interaction.

The term "didactics" first appeared in the writings of the German educator Wolfgang Rathke (Ratihia) (1571-1635) to denote the art of teaching. In a similar way, didactics was interpreted as “the universal art of teaching everyone everything” Jan Ammos Comenius(1592-1670) - founder of scientific didactics. The work “The Great Didactics” contains a description of the principles of teaching (visuality, consistency, consciousness, accessibility, strength of knowledge, etc.) and the classroom system. He was the first to speak about the need for special training for teachers, formulated by. requirements for the personality of a teacher, proposed the concept of a school academic year with its division into academic quarters, introduced vacations, the concept of a lesson, class. I. Pestallotsi(1746-1827) Work “How Gertrude teaches her children.” He developed a method of elementary education, according to which the educational process should begin with the simplest elements and gradually ascend to more and more complex ones. Founder of the concept of “formal education”: teaching subjects were considered as a means of developing abilities. Developed a methodology for the initial training of children. A.Disterweg(1790-1866) Work “Guide to the Education of German Teachers.” Developed didactics of developmental education. Main The task of teaching is to develop the mental strength and abilities of children. The purpose of the teacher is development. children's amateur performances. The success of the training is ensured. teacher.

Education as a value:

1)State. Moral, intellectual, economic and cultural potential each state depends on the state of the educational sphere and its capabilities progressive development. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states: “The Russian Federation declares the field of education a priority” (Article 1). 2) Public. Education lays the foundations for future changes in society, predetermining its development. Education is designed to educate patriots of Russia, citizens of a legal, democratic state, capable of socialization in the conditions civil society who respect individual rights and freedoms, have high morality and show national and religious tolerance, respect for the languages, traditions and culture of other peoples. 3) Personal. An individually motivated attitude of a person towards his own education, its level and quality.

Education as a process represents the development by a person in an educational institution or through self-education of a system of knowledge, skills, experience in cognitive and practical activities, value orientations and relationships.

Education as a result– characteristic of the achieved level of education.

Education – a purposeful, specially organized and managed process of interaction between teachers and students, aimed at assimilation of knowledge, abilities and skills, formation of a worldview, development of mental strength and potential capabilities of students.

The structure of the learning process can be represented in two ways:

1) on the activities of the teacher and students: learning process = teaching (teacher activity) ↔ learning (student activity) 2)by components: a) target (idea of ​​the final result); b) substantive (selection of content educational material); c) motivational-stimulating (social motives (assessment, marks, praise, creating a situation of success), cognitive motives (game, novelty, interesting historical information)); d) operational and activity-based; d) control and adjustment; e) evaluative-effective.

Functions of the learning process: educational(equipping students with a system of scientific knowledge, skills and abilities and its use in practice); educational(learning always educates, but not automatically, therefore, the implementation of the educational function requires that when organizing the educational process, selecting content, choosing forms and methods, we must proceed from correctly set educational tasks); developing(carried out most effectively with a special focus on interaction between teachers and students on the comprehensive development of the student’s personality).

The concept of the content of education (CO), federal. state images standard (FSES), educational. program curriculum, curriculum.

There are 3 basic approaches to consider this concept of CO: 1 . CO– pedagogically adapted fundamentals of science studied at school; 2 . CO as a scoop of knowledge and knowledge, which must be mastered by students. Here we will consider the Soviet Union from the point of view. demand; 3(!). CO as a pedagogical adapted social experience of humanity, which is identical in structure to human culture in its entirety. The following types of social experience are distinguished: 1-knowledge about nature, creative activity, technology, etc.; 2-experience is practical. d-ti (experience in implementing known methods of d-ti, including abilities, skills; 3-again creative d-ti; 4-experience in implementing an emotional-value attitude towards the world, society, h-ku, nature. Principles and criteria for selecting the content of general education: 1. principle of compliance with SB in all elements and at all levels of constructing the requirements for the development of society: science, culture and personality; 2 . the principle of a unified content and procedural side of learning; 3 .pr-cip of the structure of the unity of CO at different levels of its formation, i.e. dollars Correspond to other documents with the following documents, which reflect the following: curriculum, curriculum, state educational standards, textbooks and teaching aids, as well as teaching activities, personality studying; 4 pr-cip of humanitarization SO: “Humanitarianism of EN knowledge” - use of information, texts from the humanities in the natural sciences; 5. principle of fundamentalization of education: science and technology have developed and at each stage the student must learn not just new things, but also the basic level; 6 . the principle of correspondence of the main components of the content of general education to the structure of the basic culture of the individual. CO selection levels: 1st level of general theoretical education - State Educational Standards and curriculum; 2nd level academic subject-curriculum; Level 3 educational material, textbook, teaching aid.

GOS- the norm of the document, the presiding social set of parameters, acting as the state norm of education. GOS determines-1.min CO, 2-max study load, 3-requirements for the level of training of graduates. Federal, national-regional and school compos are registered in the State Educational Standards.

CURRICULUM PLAN- standard document defining the regions and educational institutions studied in a given general institution (institution), their distribution by years of study and number of hours in weeks allocated for the study of each subject in a given class. UCH.PL.formerly 3 types: 1 -basic u.p.; 2 - standard packaging; 3 -unit of general educational institutions, consisting of 2 parts: invariant (federal comp.) and variable (national-regional and school comps).

TRAINING PROGRAM- a standard document, revealing the contents of the educational textbook, the logic of studying the main world ideas, indicating the sequence of topics, questions and the general dosage of time for study them. Types STUDY PR-M:1-type educational pr-ma developed on the basis of the requirements of the State Standards relating to one or another image area. Type-I academic pr-we developed. and approved by the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation and has a recommendatory character; 2-working school developed and approved by the school’s teachers’ council on the basis of a standard educational program; 3-author study.pr-ma takes into account the requirements of the state educational standards, but may contain a different logic for studying the educational subject, their own approaches to the consideration of certain theories, their own point of view regarding the study of individual phenomena and processes. F-qi UCH. PR-WE : 1.descriptive, 2. ideological and ideological, 3. regulating, or organizational and methodological. History is complicated 2 ways to build a training manual:linear – no re-return occurred. to previously studied sections of the program; concentric – the same sections of programs are studied at different levels of study or at different stages of studying the same discipline; In the afterbirth, it’s time to get into practice 3 way: spiral – departmental topics are studied without repetition, and others are repeatedly complicated. Stu-ra educational pr-we: 1 . Title sheet; 2 . Explanatory note (goals, objectives of the educational program, the main idea and logic of its study and specific approaches to its implementation; 3 . Contents of the course (distinguished sections and topics for study, number of hours allocated for studying each section and topic, a brief content of educational material for each section and topic (for EN disciplines + labs and practical work)); 4 .study-theme.planning; 5 . criteria for evaluation.

TEXTBOOKS and TEACHING POS-I must reflect reliable scientific knowledge (facts, theories, laws, concepts, dates, etc.); a certain logic of studying a given educational subject, must form skills, knowledge that can be applied in any situation, reflect worldview ideas, interdisciplinary connections must be indicated , should be oriented, aimed at forming an emotional and value-based attitude towards the world, nature, etc.

The concept of “education system”

Regardless of level economic development, religious views, political structure, in every state priority is to create conditions for the harmonious and comprehensive development of its citizens. Responsibility for the implementation of this task rests with the existing education system in a given state.

Most often, the education system is understood as specially developed by society social institution, which is characterized by an organized system of connections and social norms, corresponding to this particular society, its needs and requirements that it places on the socialized individual. But in order to understand more deeply what the education system is, you first need to analyze each component of this complex and capacious concept.

We should start with what is meant by education in pedagogical science. In the narrow sense of the word, education is the process of acquiring knowledge, training and enlightenment. In a broader sense, education is seen as a special field social life, which creates both external and internal conditions necessary for the harmonious development of an individual in the process of assimilating cultural values, norms, behavior patterns, etc. Education also means a synthesis of the processes of teaching and learning, as well as upbringing, self-education, development and socialization. Thus, we can say that education is a multi-level space that is designed to create conditions for the development and self-development of the individual.

Analyzing the concept of “education”, it is worth turning to the definition that was adopted at the 20th session of the UNESCO General Conference: “education is the process and result of improving the abilities and behavior of an individual, as a result of which he achieves social maturity and individual growth.” In addition, education should also be understood as the formation of a person’s spiritual image, which occurs under the influence of moral and spiritual values ​​that are accepted and are the reference in a given particular society. It is also a process of education, self-education and personal development, in which what is important is not so much the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired and acquired by a person, but rather the skillful combination of them with personal qualities and the ability to independently manage one’s knowledge, directing one’s activities towards constant self-development and self-improvement.

As for the system, it is a set of certain elements or components that are in certain relationships and connections with each other, as a result of which a certain integrity, unity is formed. That is why, when considering education from the perspective of the social system, the following definition is most often given: “a network of educational institutions in the country, namely preschool educational institutions, primary and secondary, secondary specialized, higher and postgraduate institutions, as well as out-of-school institutions.” Most often, the education system is understood as a model that unites institutional structures (preschool institutions, schools, universities, colleges, etc.), the main goal of which is to create optimal conditions for teaching students and their learning, as an active activity of subjects of educational process.


So, the education system is the structure of educational institutions existing on a national scale. This system includes nurseries, kindergartens, primary and secondary educational institutions, specialized and vocational schools, colleges and technical schools, non-school institutions, higher education institutions. Often the education system also includes various educational institutions for adults (postgraduate education, adult education) and cultural educational institutions.

The basis of the education system is:

  • preschool education (nurseries, kindergartens);
  • primary (or elementary) education, the duration of which is various countries varies from 5 to 9 years (in our country this level corresponds to a nine-year basic school);
  • secondary education, which is provided by schools with a 4-6 year period of study;
  • higher education (universities, institutes, academies, higher technical schools, some colleges, etc.), the duration of study in which is 4-6 years, sometimes 7 years.

Features of the educational system

The education system is central to pedagogical process, because it not only ensures the transfer of formal knowledge about the surrounding reality and the laws, rules and patterns existing in the surrounding world, but also has a significant impact on the development and formation of a person’s personality. That is why the main educational system is the regulation and direction of communication, activity and interaction of all subjects of the educational process to promote such personal qualities and properties that are necessary for the self-realization of each person at this particular stage of the cultural and historical development of the state and society as a whole.

Any education system, regardless of what time it existed and in what country, has undergone some transformations. But the development of the education system, including that of our country, is always influenced by certain factors, namely:

  • the existing level of development of social production and the improvement of its scientific and technical foundations, which causes an increase in requirements for the training (both general education and specialized) of future specialists and the corresponding level of development (material and technical base, pedagogical experience, etc.) of educational institutions institutions of the country. Thus, in countries where the level of economic and technical development is higher, accordingly, the network of specialized educational institutions is larger, and more and more new, improved types of educational institutions are emerging;
  • state policy in the field of education, which has a direct impact on the development of all types of educational institutions in the country and on the features of their functioning, as well as the interests of various classes;
  • historical experience, national and ethnic characteristics, which are reflected in the field of public education;
  • pedagogical factors, among which it is worth highlighting the early education of children, for which preschool educational institutions were created (initially this was necessary to free women from the hassle of caring for their children in work time so that they can take an active part in socially useful work); vocational training to prepare youth for future professional activities.

Each education system has a structure in which 3 large sections can be distinguished (see diagram 1).

Scheme 1. Sections in the structure of the education system

The structural components of the education system presented in the diagram are basic, but if special, vocational and additional education are not taken into account, then the integrity of lifelong education would be destroyed. That is why the structure of education also includes out-of-school educational institutions and postgraduate education.

It should also be noted that the education system is designed to create optimal conditions to prepare youth for labor activity, adequate perception of the surrounding reality, society and the internal life of the state, which is why the education system also includes:

  • educational organizations;
  • state educational standards and plans that coordinate the activities of educational institutions;
  • controls.

As for existing education management systems, today there are three of them: centralized, decentralized and mixed. These educational management systems are described in more detail in Table 1.

Table 1

Structure of the Russian educational system

The modern education system in Russia is represented by a set of interacting components, among which the following should be mentioned:

  • continuous educational programs (various levels, types and directions);
  • federal state standards and requirements;
  • a network of educational institutions that implement the specified standards, requirements and programs, as well as scientific organizations;
  • persons carrying out pedagogical activity, parents, students, legal representatives of minors, etc.;
  • organizations that provide educational activities;
  • organizations that monitor the implementation of state standards, requirements, plans and assess the quality of education;
  • bodies that carry out management in the field of education, as well as institutions and organizations that are subordinate to them (consultative bodies, advisory bodies, etc.);
  • an association of legal entities, as well as public and state-public associations that carry out activities in the field of education.

Today, the Russian education system is rightfully considered one of the best in the world (it is part of the leading group of global educational systems and has not left the world top 10 over the past two decades). It should be noted that if previously the Russian educational system consisted only of state-type educational institutions, today it also includes private and corporate institutions.

The Russian education system is represented by general, vocational, additional and vocational education, which provides the opportunity to realize the human right to receive education throughout his life, that is, to lifelong education. More detailed information the types and levels of education in Russia are presented in Table 2.

table 2

The education system exists to realize the human right to education. Every person has a need for education, information, training. The activities of the education system are aimed at satisfying this need. Composition of the education system Russian Federation defined in Article 8 of the Law “On Education” (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Structural elements of the Russian education system

Strengthening the role of knowledge and information, their gradual transformation into fixed capital fundamentally changes the role of educational institutions in the structure public life modern world. IN last years ideas and concepts of the information society have moved from the sphere of socio-economic, socio-philosophical and sociological research into the sphere of national and international projects formation of the information society. In each of them, the development of the education sector takes a central place. The prospects for social development in modern world.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” with the concept “education system” unites the following objects: a set of interacting educational programs and educational standards, a network of institutions and organizations implementing them, as well as their governing bodies. Thus, education system– this is a controlled network filled with meaningful (educational) activities, the educational process, regulated by programs, carriers of educational content, organization, motivation of teachers and process participants, their interaction; the result of the interaction of individual parts of the infrastructure and the achievement of educational goals.

A network of educational institutions is a set of diverse and interconnected forms, types and types of educational institutions that carry out educational activities on the basis of educational programs and standards to meet the diverse needs of people and society as a whole in education. Network of educational institutions – important characteristic education systems. Its main properties include: the composition of educational institutions, their functional purpose, the way institutions are interconnected into a single whole.

The network of educational institutions of the Russian Federation is large-scale and qualitatively diverse. In the 2000/2004 academic year, 140.4 thousand educational institutions operated in it, in which more than 5.7 million people worked and 33 million people studied. Thus, currently almost 39 million people work and study in educational institutions, which is more than a quarter of the total population of Russia.

Certain areas of educational activity, depending on the age of consumers of educational services and the level of education provided, are integral part structures of educational institutions, forming sectors, or subsystems, of education according to age and level verticals: for example, the general secondary education sector, higher education, preschool education, additional education, primary vocational education. At the same time, lifelong education presupposes the interaction of a number of sectors, the existence of a system-forming factor that determines the presence of a unified structure of such institutions. The problem of forming an integral structure of educational institutions in Russia is due to the need to preserve the basic parameters and continuity in the educational process - from kindergarten to postgraduate retraining. Such interaction and continuity is an extremely complex task, and its solution depends on the joint efforts of government bodies at all levels.

Until the 90s. XX century the structure of educational institutions developed in accordance with the goals and objectives of the planning and administrative system. Thus, in school education there were no socially active subjects of the humanitarian cycle, a foreign language was taught in very limited “portions”, computer science was taught at an extremely low quality level, sometimes even without the use of technology, while in schools developed countries three blocks of subject areas were taught: communicative ( native language, foreign languages, computer science); natural sciences (mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, etc.); social and humanitarian (economics, law, political science, sociology, history, social anthropology). The third subject block of knowledge was practically absent in the Soviet school; only recently it began to be introduced step by step into the Russian school (social studies, fundamentals of economic knowledge). In general, in terms of its content, Russian education has inherited complete desocialization from Soviet education; it does not study forms of human interaction (an individual, a group of individuals, individual communities, strata, society as a whole, global community).

The educational institution carries out the educational process, i.e. works on one or more educational programs, provides maintenance and education of students and pupils.

Educational institutions, according to their organizational and legal forms, can be state, municipal, non-state (private, public and religious associations). The state status of an educational institution (the type, type and category of an educational institution, determined in accordance with the level and focus of the educational programs it implements) is established during its state accreditation.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation classifies educational institutions as non-profit organizations, therefore, their names should indicate the nature of the educational activity.

Depending on the educational program being implemented, the following types of educational institutions are created:


general education, which includes three levels: primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education;

primary, secondary, higher and postgraduate professional education;

additional adult education;

additional education for children;

special (correctional) for students and pupils with developmental disabilities;

for orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives);

other institutions carrying out the educational process.

Species names institutions are determined in accordance with the levels of educational programs being implemented and areas of activity. So, preschool educational institution type of educational institution working on educational programs of preschool education of various directions. It provides education, training, supervision, care and health improvement for children aged 2 months to 7 years. In accordance with this, preschool educational institutions are divided into the following types: kindergarten; a general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of one or several areas of development of pupils (intellectual, artistic-aesthetic, physical); a compensatory kindergarten with priority implementation of qualified correction of deviations in physical and psychological development pupils; kindergarten for supervision and health improvement with priority implementation of sanitary, hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures; a combined kindergarten (a combined kindergarten may include general developmental, compensatory and health groups in different combinations); child development center - kindergarten with physical and mental development, correction and health improvement of all pupils.

General educational institutions institutions carrying out the educational process, i.e. implementing one or more educational programs and ensuring the maintenance and upbringing of students and pupils. The following types of institutions are being created: primary comprehensive school; basic secondary school; secondary school; secondary school with in-depth study individual items(a specific subject may be indicated: foreign language, chemistry, physics and mathematics or humanities); lyceum; gymnasium; evening (shift) general education school; education Center; open (shift) secondary school; cadet school.

General education boarding schools institutions created to assist families in raising children, developing their independent living skills, social protection and comprehensive development creativity children. Such institutions primarily accept children in need of government support, including children from large and low-income families, and children of single mothers who are under guardianship. This type of institution includes: boarding school primary education; boarding school of secondary (complete) general education; boarding school of secondary (complete) general education with in-depth study of individual subjects; boarding school; boarding lyceum; sanatorium-forest school; sanatorium boarding school.

The main tasks of educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care are This is the creation of favorable conditions, close to home, conducive to mental, emotional and physical development pupils; ensuring their medical, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and social adaptation; protection of the rights and interests of students. Based on the individual characteristics of children (age, disease diagnosis), the following types of institutions can function in the education system: orphanage (for early, preschool, school age, mixed); children's home-school; boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care; sanatorium orphanage; a special (correctional) orphanage for orphans and children without parental care with developmental disabilities; special (correctional) boarding school for orphans and children without parental care with developmental disabilities. In institutions of this type, the maintenance and training of pupils is carried out on the basis of full state support.

The nomenclature of educational institutions in Russia also includes such types of institutions as special educational institution for children and adolescents with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior. The types of such institutions also depend on the age and health status of the students: special comprehensive school; special (correctional) general education school for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities; special vocational school; special (correctional) vocational school for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities.

The training of qualified specialists with secondary vocational education is carried out by educational institutions of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institutions). These include: technical colleges (colleges, schools); colleges; technical schools-enterprises. Distinctive feature college is that it provides an increased (compared to a technical school) level of qualifications for students. The technical school-enterprise provides educational and professional training for students.

The third stage of professionalization - higher vocational education - provides training and retraining of specialists at the appropriate level and satisfies the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education on the basis of secondary (complete) general and secondary vocational education, which are carried out through training in higher educational institutions.

Institutions of higher professional education provide the individual’s needs for acquiring higher education and qualifications in the chosen field of professional activity. This type of institution is divided into: university– higher educational institution, whose activities are aimed at the development of education, science and culture through fundamental scientific research and training at all levels of higher, postgraduate and additional education in a wide range of natural sciences, humanities and other areas of science, technology and culture; academy; institute Academy, unlike a university, it trains highly qualified specialists and retrains leading specialists in a certain industry (mainly one of the fields of science, technology, culture). Institute is an independent higher education institution or a structural unit of a university (academy), working on professional educational programs in a number of areas of science, technology and culture. At the same time, the structure of education is changing, attempts are being made to move away from the traditional 5-year course of study, dividing it into two stages - bachelor's and master's degrees.

The main form of training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel is postgraduate study on the basis of higher professional education. Persons who have received higher education are given the opportunity to receive postgraduate professional education to improve their level of education, scientific and pedagogical qualifications and obtain an academic degree. Postgraduate professional education can be obtained in graduate school, residency, and adjunct programs created at educational institutions of higher professional education and scientific institutions.

Adult education has become important direction work of educational institutions and will clearly develop into an independent service sector, which has its own organizational, theoretical, scientific and methodological features. In most developed countries, adult education functions as a special and fairly independent structure. In recent years, distance education institutions have played an important role in adult education abroad. In Russia, for now, education and retraining of the adult population is carried out by a variety of educational institutions: evening schools, vocational schools, vocational training courses, correspondence and evening secondary specialized educational institutions; correspondence, evening and full-time universities; faculties and advanced training courses.

Institutions of additional adult education include primarily institutions of additional professional education - advanced training. The functional purpose of this type of institution is to increase the level of professional knowledge of specialists, improve their business qualities and prepare them to perform new job functions. Based on the educational programs being implemented (advanced training, internships, professional retraining), various types of institutions are created: academies; sectoral, intersectoral and regional institutes for advanced training, institutes for advanced training; advanced training courses (schools, centers); employment service training centers.

The main purpose institutions of additional education for children – development of personal motivation, mainly between the ages of 6 and 18 years, for knowledge and creativity, organization of meaningful leisure for children. The list of types of institutions belonging to this type is so large that they should be classified into larger groups: palaces, houses and centers of children's and youth creativity; stations for young technicians, tourists, naturalists; centers for additional education for children traditional culture, folk crafts; schools for various types of arts; sports schools, including the Olympic reserve; clubs for young sailors, border guards, parachutists, etc. In the 2003/2004 academic year, 8.7 thousand institutions of additional education for children operated in Russia, in which 9 million children studied and 203.6 thousand adults worked.

In addition to educational institutions, the education system also includes a wide network of institutions providing the educational process, the so-called other institutions. First of all, these are scientific and methodological centers, medical, psychological and pedagogical services, film and video libraries, centralized accounting departments, technical supervision services for the progress of major repairs and construction of educational facilities, services for the economic maintenance of buildings.

The education system in the Russian Federation is a complex of training programs regulated by state education standards and educational networks that implement them, consisting of institutions independent from each other, subordinate to supervisory and management bodies.

How it works

The Russian education system is a powerful combination of four cooperating structures.

  1. Federal standards and educational requirements that determine the information component of educational programs. There are two types of programs being implemented in the country - general education and specialized, that is, professional. Both types are divided into basic and additional.

The main general education programs include:

  • preschool;
  • initial;
  • basic;
  • medium (full).

The main professional programs are divided as follows:

  • secondary professional;
  • higher professional (bachelor's, specialist's, master's degrees);
  • postgraduate vocational training.

The modern education system in Russia involves several forms of education:

  • within the walls of classrooms (full-time, part-time (evening), part-time);
  • intra-family;
  • self-education;
  • externship

A combination of the listed educational forms is also allowed.

  1. Scientific and educational institutions. They function to implement educational programs.

An educational institution is a structure engaged in the implementation of the educational process, that is, the implementation of one or more training programs. The educational institution also provides maintenance and education for students.

The scheme of the education system in the Russian Federation looks like this:

Educational institutions are:

  • state (regional and federal subordination);
  • municipal;
  • non-state, that is, private.

All of them are legal entities.

Types of educational institutions:

  • preschool;
  • general education;
  • primary, general, higher vocational education and postgraduate vocational education;
  • military higher education;
  • additional education;
  • special and corrective training of sanatorium type.

III. Structures performing management and control functions.

IV. Associations of legal entities, public groups and public-state companies operating in the education system of the Russian Federation.


Institutions are the main link in the education system of the Russian Federation. Educational institutions conduct educational work according to specially developed plans and sets of rules.

It is impossible to briefly describe the education system in the Russian Federation, since it is diverse and consists of different components. But they are all part of a complex called upon at each educational level carry out the consistent development of individual and professional qualitative indicators of personality. Educational institutions and all kinds of training form the Russian system of continuous education, which combines the following types of training:

  • state,
  • additional,
  • self-education.


Education programs in the pedagogical system of the Russian Federation are holistic documents developed taking into account:

  • Federal State Educational Standards, which account for more than 70% of the content of educational programs;
  • national and regional requests.

Federal State Educational Standards - Federal State Educational Standards - contain requirements, compliance with which is mandatory for institutions that have state accreditation.

Vocational education

The development of the education system in Russia cannot be imagined without the full formation of personality, which is achieved by mastering deep knowledge, professional abilities, skills and solid competencies in one or more professions. Reforming vocational education is designed to ensure progress for every student.

The main directions for improving vocational education include:

  • strengthening and expanding the material basis of vocational education;
  • creation of practice centers at enterprises;
  • attracting production professionals to training;
  • improving the quality of specialist training.

The modern education system in the Russian Federation implies the expansion of the professional component.


The main document regulating the activities of educational institutions is the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” adopted in 2012. It sets out the attitude towards the learning process and regulates its financial component. Since the education system is at the stage of reform and improvement, new decrees and orders appear from time to time, and the list of regulations is constantly updated, but today it includes:

  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  2. Target program for the development of education.
  3. Federal laws “On higher and postgraduate education”, “On amendments to legislative acts on levels of higher professional education”.
  4. Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science “On parent universities and organizations”, “On the implementation of the Bologna program”.
  5. Sample provisions on the organization of the educational process.
  6. The concept of modernization of the education system in Russia.
  7. Resolution “On cooperation with foreign organizations in the field of education.”
  8. Model provisions on additional training.

The list also includes laws, regulations, decrees and orders that relate separately to each “floor” of the educational system.

Management of the educational system in the Russian Federation

At the top level is the Ministry of Education and Science, which is engaged in developing the doctrine of the educational sphere and drawing up regulatory documents. Further federal agencies and municipal level performers are located. Teams local government monitor the implementation of issued acts in educational structures.

Any management organization has its own clearly defined powers, which are transferred from the highest level to the lowest level, which does not have the rights to implement certain actions in educational policy. This does not mean delegating the right to finance certain activities without agreement with a higher structure.

Inspection of general compliance with legislative provisions is carried out by the state-public education management system in the Russian Federation. The organizations included in it are mainly concerned with the functioning of schools and monitoring the implementation of the principles:

  • a humane and democratic approach to management;
  • systematicity and integrity;
  • truthfulness and completeness of information.

In order for the policy to be consistent, the country has a system of education authorities at the following levels:

  • central;
  • non-departmental;
  • republican;
  • autonomous-regional;
  • Autonomous district

Thanks to the combination of centralized and decentralized management, it is possible to ensure the work of administrators and public organizations in the interests of the collectives. This creates a springboard for the implementation of management regulations without duplication and leads to increased coordination of actions of all departments of the educational system.

is a set of training programs and state standards, which are in constant interaction with each other. The levels of education that implement them consist of institutions that are independent of each other. Each level of institution has its own forms of organization and legal subordination bodies that control it.

Education in Russia

At all times, our country has paid special attention to education. However, with the change of centuries and political regimes, it has also undergone significant changes. Thus, in Soviet times, the education system worked under a single standard. The requirements for educational institutions, the plans according to which training was carried out, and the methods used by teachers were uniform and strictly regulated at the state level. However, the revaluation of values ​​today has led to democratization, humanization and individualization in the education system. All these terms, inapplicable in the past, have become commonplace for modern participants in the educational process. There is variability in educational programs, which allows each institution, regardless of its level, to develop its own training plan, provided that it is approved by the regulatory authority.

However, despite all the innovations, the modern Russian education system remains federal and centralized. Levels of education and its types are fixed by law and are not subject to change.

Types and levels of Russian education

Today, in the Russian Federation there are such types of education as general education and vocational. The first type includes preschool and school education, the second - all others.

As for the level of education, this is an indicator of the mastery of educational programs at various levels, both by an individual and by the population. Educational programs, in turn, are stages of education. This indicator characterizes the real and potential capabilities of society, the state in general, and the individual in particular.

Education levels:

  • general education;
  • professional;
  • higher.

General education

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every citizen has the right to receive every level of general education free of charge in all government institutions. Levels of general education are:

  • preschool;
  • school.

School education, in turn, is divided into:

  • initial;
  • basic;
  • average.

Each level prepares for mastering the educational program of the next level.

The very first step in our country is preschool education. It prepares future students to master school curriculum, and also provides initial knowledge about hygiene, ethics and healthy way life. At the same time, according to research, children who did not attend preschool, at the next level - school, they experience difficulties both in social adaptation and in mastering educational material.

All subsequent levels of education, like the preschool level, pursue a single goal - to prepare for mastering the next stage of education.

At the same time, the primary task of basic education is to master the basics of various sciences and the state language, as well as the formation of inclinations for certain types of activities. At this stage of education, it is necessary to learn to independently understand the world around us.

Professional education

The levels of professional education are as follows:

  • initial
  • average;
  • higher.

The first stage is mastered in institutions where you can obtain various working professions. These include vocational institutions. Today they are called vocational lyceums. You can get there either after 9th grade or after graduating from 11th grade.

The next level is technical schools and colleges. In institutions of the first type you can master the basic level future profession, while the second type involves a more in-depth study. You can also enter there either after the 9th grade or after the 11th grade. However, there are institutions that stipulate admission only after one specific level. If you already have primary vocational education, you will be offered training in an accelerated program.

And finally, higher education prepares highly qualified specialists in a variety of fields. This level of education has its own sublevels.

Higher education. Levels

So, the levels of higher education are:

  • bachelor's degree;
  • specialty
  • master's degree

It is noteworthy that each of these levels has its own training periods. It should be taken into account that the bachelor's degree is the entry level, which is compulsory for obtaining the rest.

Specialists with higher qualifications in various professions are trained in educational institutions such as universities, institutes, and academies.

This level of education is also characterized by the fact that it has different shapes training. You can learn:

  • in person, attending all classes and passing the sessions;
  • in absentia, independently studying the course material and passing the sessions;
  • part-time, when training can be carried out on weekends or in the evening (suitable for employed students, as it allows you to study without interrupting work);
  • externally, here you can complete your studies whenever you see fit (this involves issuing a state-issued diploma, but it will have a note on it that you graduated from the educational institution as an external student).


Types of education and its levels look like this. It is their totality that makes up the education system of the Russian Federation. All of them are regulated at the legislative level by normative documents of various nature and content.

It should be borne in mind that the purpose of the educational system is not only that it allows one to master various professions. In the process of learning, a personality is formed, which improves with each educational level overcome.

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