Why see your funeral in a dream? What does degree of relationship mean? Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Such a dream rarely comes true literally. Most often seen in dreams own funeral means sudden changes or the end of an important life stage. The dream book writes a lot about what such a dream means. Especially if the crying sounded fake or you were even a little amused by the process itself. This is what most people dream about about their own funeral.

Wedding, marriage, marriage

Most often, such a dream occurs before a change in position. At the same time, it quite often becomes unexpected and strange for others. Most often, a funeral in a dream of a lonely young man or just a guy in love predicts that he will soon get married.

Seeing your own magnificent funeral often predicts an invitation to a celebration, some kind of holiday, striking in its luxury. For a womanizer to see in a dream how women are burying him, it means he will soon fall in love. It is possible that it is for this reason that he will be able to abandon all his adventures and, often unexpectedly for everyone, get married.

Why does a girl dream of seeing her funeral in a dream? The dream book writes that she will soon get married. It is possible that there will be a quick and hasty proposal, a romance that will quickly begin to develop, or that your boyfriend will decide to legitimize the relationship and get married. Seeing your own funeral in a dream as magnificent and beautiful, impressive - foretells an imminent wedding and a successful marriage.

For a married woman or a married man, such a dream almost always promises big and dizzying changes, falling in love, unexpected passion and divorce. Often the dream book writes that after such a plot, everything in your life will change so much that you yourself will have difficulty recognizing yourself.

In addition, one’s own funeral in a dream predicts changes and the symbolic withering away of a person’s qualities. For example, determination, love passion or many others. The weather can tell what they will be like. If you dreamed about your funeral on a sunny and beautiful day, wait positive changes in your life and destiny. Dark clouds, drizzling rain and other unpleasant weather conditions can predict troubles or changes against the background of unpleasant and disturbing events.

Personality change

Funerals can also mean internal change person's personality. He may completely unexpectedly reveal his abilities in something or, having learned new information, radically change your behavior and worldview. However, the dream book writes that such changes cannot always lead to positive changes, so pay attention to the weather in which you dreamed of your own funeral and how many people were there.

If you dream that a funeral takes place in a dream in a memorial building, it is luxurious and high-ranking persons are present at it, then such a dream symbolizes unexpected recognition and success. If you dream of fame, you will soon have a chance to fulfill your dream. Don't miss it.

To dream that a funeral takes place at night in a secluded place means a change in your personal life, secret romance or changes in spiritual thinking that you decide to hide from others. On the one hand, such a dream symbolizes various changes in thinking and outlook on life. Sometimes a dream book promises you the revelation of magical abilities.

However, such a funeral in the dark by candlelight can also lead to a spiritual departure from the family or joining a sect, a secret organization, which does not bode well. Therefore, listen to your inner voice so as not to get into trouble.

If you dream of a funeral procession during the day, sunlight With big amount people - this means happy changes and holidays. There may be a wedding or success that you want to share with your relatives, friends and companions. The dream book writes that very soon favorable changes will await you. However, such a dream can also represent a scandal in which you will be involved. For criminals, such a dream can predict imprisonment.

External changes

They can be judged by the number of acquaintances and strangers at the funeral. If you have a dream in which a small, family group of people bury you, then the dream book interprets such a dream as changes that will occur in the general circle. This could be a move to another city, a love affair, a registration where only your own people will be present, and much more.

If you dream of a funeral process among colleagues and superiors, then the dream book writes that such a dream predicts changes in your business life - promotion, dismissal, industrial scandal or new position, business trip, after which expect a promotion.

Why do you dream of seeing your funeral where there are celebrities? The dream book interprets such a dream in two ways. On the one hand, the dream foretells you success in some business, and dizzying and bright, on the other hand, it may mean that you “died” for this business in which you dream of reaching heights. This could be disappointment in the profession, accepting defeat and stopping trying to reach the top, and much more. The Dream Interpretation does not specify such information.

For schoolchildren, seeing their funeral in a dream means success. It doesn’t matter what activity it will take place in, or the completion of some important life stage.

Usually crises themselves occur in our lives gradually, just like changes. For example, a boy becomes a young man, but this does not happen in one day. Your own funeral usually predicts visible and drastic changes in life. Often they have already happened, but you don’t know about them yet.

However, literally seeing them is given only to selected and rare people, of whom there are usually only a few in life. Most often, they intuitively feel their departure from life and such dreams come true, as they are, down to the smallest detail. But these are isolated cases.

Wreaths, mourning robes, sad music - and then you wake up and ask yourself: why do you dream of a funeral? Many people are afraid when sad events appear in dreams. Do not rush to worry: the funeral procession from your vision may be a harbinger of good events.

People have wondered why funerals are dreamed of since ancient times. The ancient Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs says: if you see that you are burying a dead old man in a dream, in reality you will prosper. In the Russian tradition it was also believed that seeing a funeral in a dream is favorable, it promises long years life and financial wealth.

Over time, the interpretations became more complex. It became important not only that you dreamed of a funeral, but also what the funeral procession was like. French dream book says that seeing a poor funeral means good luck, a rich one means a possible decline in your reputation.

Most other interpreters do not agree with this and say that if you dreamed of a magnificent funeral, this is an acquaintance with influential person, which will help you advance in society or in your career.

Dreaming of few people attending a funeral is a reason to be wary and conduct business carefully so as not to end up in a debt trap. A long sad procession - you will need to try very hard to implement your plans.

If the funeral procession is illuminated bright sun, then after awakening you can expect the beginning of a new, successful stage of life. Clouds and rain in similar conditions warn: you may soon have to tighten your belt in order to overcome a streak of failures with the least losses.

Who's there in the coffin?

In a dream, a funeral can have different interpretation depending on who the funeral rite is performed over. Funerals are most often seen in dreams:

  • Deceased stranger.
  • An acquaintance or friend.
  • A close person, relative.
  • A living person (and this can happen in the kingdom of Morpheus).
  • Yourself.

Sad dreams have not put you in the best mood? You just need to figure out what it all means before you fall into despair. Let's analyze the details of dreams in order.

If in a dream you are watching someone else’s funeral from the side or walking in a funeral procession behind the coffin of a stranger, almost any dream book will explain this funeral as a warning. The dream signals: in order to avoid difficulties, you need to be correct and calm in your relationships with people. It’s worth taking a closer look - friends or family members probably need your help.

An acquaintance or a friend was buried in a dream - this means that in reality some old quarrel will be forgotten and they will recover good relations with a good person.

Why do you dream about funerals? loved one or a relative, depends on the weather in your dream. Good weather it promises that all your relatives will be in good health, if bad - the person who is being buried may develop health problems, in reality it is worth carefully prompting him: he should see the doctors.

Maly Velesov dream book funeral famous person, a close relative, explains how the upcoming happiness: you will be able to get a seemingly hopeless matter off the ground. Also, such a dream can promise changes in oneself and positive dynamics in one’s career.

Family layout

The funeral of a deceased child in a dream foreshadows calm and mutual understanding in your family. True, at the same time, relationships with friends may deteriorate somewhat - precisely because you will begin to devote more time to your household. Burying a tomboyish son in a dream may mean that your child will come to his senses and a new, calmer stage will begin in your life.

Why does his legal wife dream about her husband’s funeral? Modern dream books regard the burial of a deceased head of a family as a sign of a possible future inheritance. And if the husband is not really rich elderly relative, then the dream may mean a solution to a long-standing family problem.

Prop ceremony

Meridan's dream book explains why you dream about the funeral of a living person you know. Also important in this plot weather. If you dream that the weather is good, the “dead man” will be healthy and successful in business. The funeral takes place in the rain - it’s worth warning your friend that you shouldn’t joke about your health.

A dream about the funeral of a living stranger, according to Tsvetkov’s dream book, foreshadows a wedding with friends or acquaintances, where you will be invited. There is also such an interpretation: a dream about the burial of a living person tells the dreamer that it is time to change his field of activity, launch a planned project, and discover his hitherto hidden abilities.

You may also dream about your funeral. The end of one stage of life and the beginning of a new, more favorable one - this is what dreams of one’s own funeral mean, most dream interpreters believe.

Vanga’s dream book interprets his own funeral as the need to reconsider his moral principles- perhaps they have become shackles to your progress in life. Also, in a woman’s nightly dreams, her funeral can foretell an early marriage, and for a man, many years of a happy and healthy life.

Speech is better than music

Why dream of a funeral that has not yet taken place? That is, not the funeral ceremony itself, but the preparation for it? If you dream of preparing for a funeral, it says “ Modern dream book", this symbolizes a large number of unresolved cases that you have accumulated. You need to clear out your Augean stables so that they don’t remind you of themselves during your night’s rest.

If you dream of preparing for the funeral service or burial of your sick friend or relative, dream experts are sure that in reality this person will soon recover. Preparing for the funeral of a deceased acquaintance may also mean that you have a task ahead of you in life that you can only move forward with the support of friends.

It is definitely assessed negatively in all dream books if one dreams of funeral bells or funeral songs. In this case it is likely bad news from loved ones - get ready: they may need your help. But to hear in a dream a solemn farewell speech at a funeral - to success and good luck.

People are always bothered by dreams in which they see something unpleasant. Such dreams can leave a bad taste in the soul. But a dream where you see the funeral of a deceased person - an acquaintance or a stranger - most often simply warns:

  • The priorities that you are used to following are already alien to you, and you need to reconsider your positions in life.
  • If your business leaves much to be desired, then it is preferable to close an outdated project and throw energy into a new enterprise - in order to fill your own, not other people's, pockets.
  • If you can't get rid of anxiety after a "funeral" dream, you may need to pay attention to your health.

In any case, night visions are not a death sentence, but only a hint of what might happen. The main thing is how you feel about what you see. And everyone who sees dreams can use the warning they receive to their advantage.

The death of any person in a dream always causes negative feelings and fear of the future. Why do you dream about your funeral? You shouldn’t be too afraid of these visions; most likely, this is just a symbol that a certain life stage Your life has come to an end.

Also, this sad event may indicate deliverance or the need to get rid of unnecessary experiences, emotions or bad habits. A dream book will help explain in detail why this sad event is dreamed of.

Seeing your funeral is a sign that soon everything in your life will fall into place, troubles and adversities will pass, and all insoluble situations will end happily. Changes are also coming in the dreamer’s personal life. This could be a meeting with a loved one, a marriage proposal, the birth of children, or a magnificent wedding. One’s own funeral in a dream can also represent a person’s inner state. Perhaps you are tormented by deep emotions, you feel melancholy and despair, fear of something or someone, loss of life guidelines, physical or nervous exhaustion.

For a man to see his own funeral in a dream - good sign. Soon influential sponsors and lucrative new contracts will appear in your life, you will achieve incredible heights in business and receive the expected profit. It is also possible to purchase new real estate.

Seeing many relatives around your coffin who are suffering and crying is a symbol of bad family relations. In your family, unfortunately, there are constantly quarrels and conflicts, there is hatred and stupid accusations, careless attitude, and disrespect. It's worth trying to change this situation.

If a stranger was present at your own funeral in a dream and kept aloof, then this is a bad sign. Someone has a serious grudge against you. Perhaps this person is from your close circle. In the near future, you should be on your guard, because this person there are insidious plans and soon he will take decisive action. Sooner or later the truth will be revealed, but you should not take risks and be too trusting.

Feeling terribly depressed at your funeral in a dream - auspicious sign. Soon you will have a happy trip with your lover, pleasant communication with friends, and so on.

Running away from your own funeral in a dream is a good sign. Soon you will come to realize your own mistakes, you will try to correct what previously seemed impossible. This can be either reconciliation with a long-time enemy, or deep repentance, forgiveness of insults and choosing another life path. Also, such a dream can foretell a comfortable and long life into old age.

It's a bad sign to see your own funeral in wedding dress. This dream predicts whole room problems that are about to fall on your head. If in fact you have already worn this dress, then soon you will be threatened serious problems with your health, the strongest and closest relationships in your life will be destroyed. If you see the dress for the first time, problems are coming with loved ones and financial losses. You should try not to make large purchases and smooth out conflicts with your loved ones as much as possible.

If in a dream you were buried in an old dress, then soon you will have problems with finances. You may lose money because of your self-confidence or, conversely, problems with your own self-esteem. If this dream dreamed young man, then this is a kind of warning that you should not trust your intuition alone. It is necessary to more carefully consider possible solutions various situations in life, otherwise it could end very badly.

If you were at your funeral old shoes, then soon you will face troubles on the way. Perhaps the trip planned for the near future will be dangerous and there is a risk of accidents.

If in a dream you were buried alive by your loved one, then you should expect betrayal and betrayal from your partner. Perhaps because of his indifference and coldness in your relationship, you cannot change the situation around you and get rid of pressing problems. You should behave more carefully, maintain your nervous system. Soon your bad streak in life will end.

Interpretation of different dream books

According to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book interprets funerals ambiguously. Special attention he pays attention to the weather in this dream. If you dream of good and sunny weather, then a happy fate awaits you, the health of your family and friends, and good luck in all your endeavors. If your own funeral took place in cloudy and rainy weather, then illness, failure and losses await you.

According to Hasse's dream book

IN this dream book It is believed that your funeral in a dream predicts long life and excellent health, as well as harmony and happiness in your family.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book

According to Tsvetkov, your own funeral foreshadows a successful outcome of your affairs or fast wedding. Such a sad event is also considered a symbol of a long and carefree life. If the coffin was carried with you easily and smoothly, happiness, prosperity, success and long life. For a sick person, this dream promises complete healing and deliverance from ailments;

  • hearing a funeral march during your own funeral is a symbol of the beginning of a new life. Also, these night dreams urge you to reconsider your attitude towards other people and finally determine which of them is an enemy and which is a friend;
  • cheerful music during your funeral is a sign of danger. You should be very vigilant and careful. In reality, someone is plotting something evil against you.
  • A dream about them foreshadows the end of an unpleasant matter and relief. For patients, such a dream predicts death. Sometimes such a dream also foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance or an imminent marriage.

    If in a dream you attend someone else's funeral, then the dream predicts the imminent death of a relative or loved one. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows failure in business and great patience.

    If you dream that you were buried alive, then you should be wary of liability for dishonest or illegal actions you have committed.

    To be present at the funeral of close relatives or important persons in a dream means that you will become rich thanks to your relatives or connections. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows an imminent wedding with a loved one.

    Hearing a conversation about a funeral in a dream foreshadows the imminent end of some case in court and joy about this. Sometimes such a dream predicts that a certain person will soon get married.

    A very solemn funeral in a dream is a sign of great patience. Your funeral in a dream is a sign of great luck and longevity. The dream in which you see the funeral of your loved ones has the same meaning.

    Such a dream promises them longevity and prosperity.

    Hearing a speech at a funeral in a dream is a sign of receiving good news about success in business. But seeing a funeral procession in a dream means a long period of suffering and great sadness.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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    Dream Interpretation - Funeral

    Seeing a funeral means fun, successful completion of some business, and receiving money.

    If you are buried, you have a long life ahead, but it may happen that you hear a bad opinion about yourself.

    Participate in funerals beautiful weather- to the health, happiness, and prosperity of everyone you love.

    Bad weather at a funeral in a dream - illness, bad news and deterioration of affairs in reality.

    Burying a stranger means difficulties in relationships with others.

    If suddenly the deceased turns out to be alive, there will soon be a wedding of someone close or yours.

    You might just receive an invitation to someone's wedding.

    Funeral bells and music indicate sad news.

    Interpretation of dreams from
    • Primary elements - metal, water, wood, fire, earth.
    • Elements - dryness, cold, wind, heat, humidity.
    • Emotions - sadness, sadness, fear, anger, joy, thoughtfulness.
    • Organs - lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, spleen.
    • Planets - Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn.
    • Explanation and Interpretation
    • Funerals and death are a psychological and ideological tragedy thinking man. In nature, death is the guarantee of renewal and future life. The grain is buried, buried in the ground, the specific entity disappears, but new plants are born. We can say that plants live in an eternal readiness to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their offspring, without realizing it. In order to realize the need for sacrifice and through this awareness of the enlightenment of the spirit by the Creator, a person is destined to go through a complex ideological path, one of the milestones of which is funeral and death. Funerals and death remind us of man's powerlessness in the face of the unpredictability of the world. The awareness of powerlessness gives rise to the fear of losing loved ones and the fear of one’s own death. If death can happen suddenly and a person has no power to resist it, then any plans for oneself, plans for future life do not make any sense, because the world does not guarantee a person that he has at least one more day left. We can firmly and confidently say that we own only this moment. The feeling of uniqueness, uniqueness and elusiveness of the moment gives rise to a state of extreme composure and attentiveness. If death is possible in a moment, then a passionate desire is born to act in this last moment with maximum dedication and brightness, this is a variant of the feat: so that the world remembers a person for this moment, and the person takes in his gaze, comprehends and carries away into another life all the beauty of the world. At this moment the transformation of death into life begins. Mothers experience a state similar to the one described above after the birth of a child: at the same time a feeling of emptiness and unearthly bliss - giving birth to a new being. Then the subtlest colors and facets of phenomena become noticeable and thoughts come to mind that have never occurred before. This is the state of enlightenment of feat and liberation from earthly vanity, in which they save someone’s life, accomplish great things scientific discovery, create brilliant poetry and give birth to a child. In a few words, a high state is expressed like this: one must love the whole world - this is the guarantee of personal immortality. The funeral of an unknown person/your own/someone you know is an inert state of earthly energy, devoid of the driving energy of Heaven. Seeing a funeral in a dream means a transition to a state of independence from circumstances: any situation exists in time from start to finish, it is a whole chain of moments, but a person living in one single moment is outside of time. If time loses its power over someone, he is no longer afraid of anything, he has no time for unreasonable fears, hopes and plans. He who has escaped the power of time perceives the information of Earth and Heaven in a pure timeless form and becomes, at least for a moment, like them. But the Cosmos is eternal, and the one who perceives its pure information becomes eternal for a moment (one must try to realize this) and gains wisdom. Sleep brings liberation from energy and psychological blocks, which will result in a favorable resolution of situations and conflicts. The funeral of oneself and the funeral of an unknown person in a dream refer equally to oneself. The funeral of an acquaintance or relative in a dream refers to this person, and the dreamer is promised a favorable resolution of conflicts with this person, if conflicts have taken place.

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