Market mataki. Educational and research work “History of the village of Starye Mataki.” Engineering landscaping

Miftakhov Ilmir, Tikhonov Viktor


Today, it is relevant to study one’s past to understand the present and predict the future. It is impossible to understand the historical events of your country without direct contact with the historical past of your village, your family. In our research work, we will process historical sources, analyze the material obtained from the words of village guards and witnesses of historical events. Let's give a description natural features region, social and economic development of villages and nearby settlements.

The chronological framework of the study is the era of the Volga Bulgaria to the present. Areas of work: history of the village at various historical stages, the origin of the name of the village, biographies of interesting people.

In our work we used the following sources: Tatarsky encyclopedic Dictionary. Chief Editor M.H. Khasanov. Kazan. Institute of the Tatar Encyclopedia of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, 1999 G.;(Atlas of the Republic of Tatarstan Production mapping association “Cartography” Moscow 2005) From which I learned about the officially accepted concept of the emergence of the village, as well as brief data on the number of residents and occupations of the village population.

I was able to determine what the state of the region was during the period of the “Kazan Khanate” and what our land represented during this period. Study of the works of Ahmad - Zaki Validi and Asrar Ghali contributed huge contribution in the study of the history of the Turkic peoples, in initial period The Golden Horde rule made it possible to determine the version of the origin of the name of the village.

Work in the school museum to study the collected material, archaeological sources and national characteristics population of the region made it possible to reveal a general picture of life in the village. There is especially a lot of material on the period of the late 19th century – the 20th century and modern times.

Work was carried out to collect information from village residents - witnesses of various historical events. The richest material was collected from the study of the period of the Great Patriotic War. One of the main pages of my research is the genealogy of my family. Touching upon the history of a family in the twentieth century, the essence of the history of my village and the country as a whole was revealed to me step by step. Documents, letters, photographs - all this became the object of our research.



Municipal educational institution "Staro-Matakskaya comprehensive educational

Alkeevsky secondary school municipal district

Republic of Tatarstan

Educational - research

"History of the village of Starye Mataki."

Completed by: Miftakhov Ilmir,

Tikhonov Viktor

IX class students

Head: Sergey Yurievich Tikhonov, history and social studies teacher - 1st quarter. categories

January, 2008.


Purpose of the study

Research methodology

I. 1. From ancient history sat down.

I. 2. Where did the name of the village come from and what does the word “mataki” mean?

II.1. From new and modern history villages of Old Mataki

II. 2 The Great Test

II. 3. Post-war reconstruction

III. 1. From the history of the school.

III. 2. School during the war III. 3. School after the war. IV. 1. The current state of the village.

Population. Administrative structure of the village.

IV. 3. Old Matak Council Local Government

V. Outstanding V. 1. Smorodinova M.I.

V. 2. Lychnikov N.K.

V. 4. Sattarov R.N.

V. 5 Smorodinov I.V.

V. 6. Our good shepherd.

VI. Meeting with school graduates.

VII. Conclusions.

VIII. Conclusion

IX. Literature




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From the Tatar Encyclopedia (1st volume):


UPPER MATAK, Turi Matak is a village in Alkeev. district of the Republic Tatarstan. Located in the upper reaches of the river. Aktai, 10 km southwest from the region. center - s. Bazaar Mataki. It has been mentioned in documents since 1710; the second name is noted - Chuvash Tyugulbaevo. Peasants belonged to the yasak category from the beginning. 18th century - state, engaged in agriculture. Until 1920 it was part of Bazarno-Matakov. Spas parish u. Kazan. gub., from 1920 - to Spas. Canton of Tatars. ASSR, from 1930 - in Alkeev. district In the beginning. 20th century there was a school, 2 windmills, a blacksmith shop, and 2 grocery stores. Number of inhabitants: in 1782 - 93 men; 1859 - 355 people; 1897 - 590; 1908 - 674; 1926 - 544; 1938 - 511; 1949 - 456; 1958 - 473; 1970 - 554; 1989 - 293; 2000 - 265 people (Chuvash). There are beginnings. school, club.

ABDUL-SALMAN (Abdul Salman)

A village in Alkeevsky district, in the upper reaches of the river. Salmanka, 17 km west of the village. Bazaar Mataki. For 2000 - 66 inhabitants. (Tatars). Beef cattle. Basic in the 17th century At 18 - 1st half. 19th centuries residents belonged to the state category. peasants They were engaged in farming and raising livestock. In the beginning. 20th century you. There was a mosque, a mekteb, and 2 grocery stores. Until 1920 A.-S., under the name. The Abdulov Salmans were part of the Matak vol. Spassky U. Kazan province. Since 1920, as part of the Spassky canton of the TASSR. From 10.8.1930 in Alkeevsky, from 1.2.1963 in Kuibyshevsky, from 12.1.1965 in Alkeevsky districts. Number of inhabitants: in 1859 - 211, in 1897 - 255, in 1908 - 290, in 1921 - 266, in 1926 - 182, in 1938 - 236, in 1949 - 255, in 1958 - 189, in 1970 - 240, in 1979 - 216, in 1989 - 75 people.


Today, it is relevant to study one’s past to understand the present and predict the future. It is impossible to understand the historical events of your country without direct contact with the historical past of your village, your family. In our research work, we will process historical sources, analyze the material obtained from the words of village guards and witnesses of historical events. Let us characterize the natural features of the region, the socio-economic development of the village and nearby settlements.

The chronological framework of the study is the era of the Volga Bulgaria to the present. Areas of work: history of the village at various historical stages, the origin of the name of the village, biographies of interesting people.

In our work we used the following sources:Tatar encyclopedic dictionary. Editor-in-Chief M.Kh. Khasanov. Kazan. Institute of the Tatar Encyclopedia of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, 1999; (Atlas of the Republic of Tatarstan Production mapping association “Cartography” Moscow 2005)From which I learned about the officially accepted concept of the emergence of the village, as well as brief data on the number of residents and occupations of the village population.

From the magazine (Echo of Centuries 1994 No. 1-2 art. 53).I was able to determine what the state of the region was during the period of the “Kazan Khanate” and what our land represented during this period. The study of the works of Ahmad - Zaki Validi and Asrar Gali, who made a great contribution to the study of the history of the Turkic peoples, in the initial period of the Golden Horde rule, allowed us to determine the version of the origin of the name of the village.

Work in the school museum to study the collected material, archaeological sources and national characteristics of the region’s population made it possible to reveal a general picture of the life of the village. There is especially a lot of material on the period of the late 19th century - the 20th century and modern times.

Work was carried out to collect information from village residents - witnesses of various historical events. The richest material was collected from the study of the period of the Great Patriotic War. One of the main pages of my research is the genealogy of my family. Touching upon the history of a family in the twentieth century, the essence of the history of my village and the country as a whole was revealed to me step by step. Documents, letters, photographs - all this became the object of our research.

Purpose of the study:

“open” the veil of the history of your village and school as widely as possible; awareness of one’s place between the past and the future, ancestors and descendants.

Research methodology

In carrying out the work, we used conversation methods, interviews, and surveys. In the process of processing documents, they analyzed, questioned the reliability of the facts, drew conclusions and summed up the results.

I. 1. From the ancient history of the village.

As you know, the history of the village is directly related to the history of the region. The ethnic history of the village is directly intertwined with all the ethnic representatives who inhabited our region at different times. historical eras. This is the Imenkova archaeological culture, Finno-Ugric tribes, Magyars, 7-8 centuries. Bulgarians, 13th century Mongol - Tatars, 16th century. Slavs.

On the left bank of the Aktai River, opposite the modern village of Starye Mataki, there is the Staro Matakskoye settlement. It has two rows of earthen ramparts. The most preserved inner row is the so-called “Kremlin”. The area of ​​the settlement occupies about 3000 square meters. It can be assumed that the Kremlin was surrounded by an oak palisade because Fragments of the underground part of the palisade were found. The fortress is located between two ravines with steep banks. The Aktay River flows from the southwestern and southern sides of the fortress.(See diagram Appendix 3)This settlement, according to Professor A.Kh. Khalikov belong to the early feudal period of the Bulgar state.

In the north, 5 - 6 km from the modern village of Starye Mataki, there are earthen ramparts of the ancient Bulgarian city of Nukhrat. According to a legend that has survived to this day, the Old Matak settlement was connected to the city of Nukhrat by an underground passage, but there is no scientific basis for this legend at the present stage. The city of Nukhrat was located in the center between the great cities of Volga Bulgaria: Bolgars, Bilyar, Suvar.

In the summer of 2005, an archaeological expedition was carried out by Kazan archaeologists, under the leadership of A. Burganov. On the site of the Kremlin ancient city Nukhrat found finds from the Bulgarian period, mainly tiles, arrowheads, several remains of tools; The most interesting of all is the coin of the Golden Horde Khan Khyzyr. Most of the exhibits are currently undergoing research in Kazan, after which some of them will be transferred to local history museum district

Near the Staromatak settlement, local residents found armor, arrowheads, remains of battle swords, and chain mail indicating battles. Not far from the settlement, a Bulgar battle ax was found, made of iron, second half of the 8th - 9th centuries.(See photo appendix 2)

In 1236, Batu Khan first encountered the Magyars and, after their defeat, headed for the Bulgarian cities of Bulgar, Bilyar, Suvar, and Nuhrat. 3 km east of the village of Starye Mataki is the village of Verkhnie Mataki. In pre-revolutionary sources, the village is mentioned as Chuvash Tyugulbaevo.(Tatar inciclopedic dictionary, editor-in-chief M.Kh. Khasanov. Kazan. Institute of Tatars. Encyclopedia. AN. RT. 1999)Local residents call the inhabitants of Upper Matak Magyars. There is a legend about the origin of this name. Residents of the village of Verkhniye Mataki were residents of the modern village of Tyugulbaevo (this is 10 - 12 km east of the modern village) and in the process of the great migration of peoples they had to move to modern place village location. The population was not homogeneous. The settlers were mainly Hungarians. And it can be assumed that further assimilation processes resulted in the language and culture of the Hungarians dissolving into the language and culture of the predominant Chuvash culture of the area. But folk memory has brought to us the ethnic name of this people - Magyars. Although most often today the population of Upper Mataka perceives this as an insult.

1-2 km in the southwest of the Staro-Matak settlement was the “Girl Town”. The name of the town can be assumed to come from the bulk of the inhabitants. The men were mostly killed in the battle with the enemy. The presence of the town is evidenced by finds of ceramics and earthen ramparts at this location. After the creation of the state Golden Horde The modern village of Starye Mataki is founded. As you know, the Horde did not allow the former fortresses to be rebuilt, so Old Mataki no longer acquired its former power.

According to another officially existing version, today the Staro-Matak settlement is an archaeological monument of the era of the White Horde and the Kazan Khanate. Early 13th - mid 14th centuries. (Atlas of the Republic of Tatarstan Production mapping association "Cartography" Moscow 2005)

Our region, according to written sources, was a wild land until these lands were distributed “The Charter of the Tsars and Grand Dukes Ivan Alekseevich and Peter Alekseevich on the allocation of wild land, the Kazan district to the estate of the Tatar Derbysh Akhmimetov, son of Urmancheev, who served from the Murzas.”

And by decree of the Great Sovereigns, and by letter from the order of the Kazan Palace, he, Murza Urmancheev, was ordered to measure out good arable land from the wild land to the villages of Kamkino one hundred and twenty quarters in the field, and hay cuttings for one hundred kopecks, and the arable land granted in the Alatyr district from - write it out of the books for him, and write off the current arable land, the granted land in Moscow for him, and Murza Urmancheev will own it forever, and not take it away from anyone" (Echo of Centuries 1994 No. 1-2 Art. 53).

Written sources mention some historical events with the participation of our population in them. Bashkir uprising 1705 - 1709 ; 1735 - 1740 Government troops led by A.I. passed near the village. Babikov.

The population of the region bore duties in favor of the state and performed various duties, including recruiting service in the army and the construction of the Kazan shipyard, and the rafting of timber for the construction of ships as lashmans. The cruelest exploitation of the population led to discontent and participation in various uprisings.

Second half of the 19th century - Bezdninsky uprising - the village of Bezdna under the leadership of Anton Petrov. The villagers took a direct part in this uprising.

I. 2. Where did the name of the village come from and what does the word “mataki” mean?

Let us turn to the world-famous scientist, historian, public and political figure Ahmad - Zaki Validi, who made a great contribution to the study of the history of the Turkic peoples during the reign of Genghis Khan and Aksak Timer. There was an exchange of troops between their states, they shared valuable knowledge. The peoples living along the banks of the Volga, Kama and Vyatka were heading to military service to China, and the Chinese were sent here to teach their crafts, to master the local crafts. The Arabs lived more by trade; they came to Central Asia, Siberia and the coast of the Volga and Kama. “Miatag” is an Arabic word, it should mean valuable things, living creatures, household items and a trading place. Asrar Gali in the third book of his novel “Gali Batyr” explains the origin of this name. For the Arabs, the trading place was "Myatag". It was difficult for local people, especially those who were not Muslims, to pronounce the word Mytag; it is easier for them to pronounce Matag. (Chuv. “Mataga karamar” - let’s go to Mataki). And for common people the most convenient of course is “Matak”. In this regard, the transformation of the word “Myatag” into “Matak” seems to be true. Perhaps such a place was our modern regional center Bazarnye Mataki, but the village of Starye Mataki is older in origin (this is evidenced by its name, although there is a lot that is unclear here. Since in the Chuvash version of the name Starye Mataki is the canopy of Matag, that is, New Mataki, and Bazaar Mataki - kiwi Matag - Old Mataki) The American historian M. Gilderhus wittily noted: “Lock a dozen historians in a room, give them the same set of sources - and they will definitely come to ten different conclusions.”

But still, I will follow my logical chain and assume that the Arabic word underlies the name of our settlement. There is another assumption about the origin of the name of the village - this is a legend preserved in the memory of the people, which says that there was a legendary man who brought our people to these places and ordered to build a dwelling and plow the land and his name was “Matak”. Perhaps this version has a right to exist, but requires more careful processing, additional sources and their analysis.

The Bulgarians had close ties with many nations, including the Byzantine Empire. At the beginning of the 6th century, they participated in Byzantine civil strife on the side of some contenders for power in the Roman Empire. From this moment on, the Bulgarians are almost constantly mentioned in Byzantine, Syrian, and Armenian sources, for example, in Paul the Deacon, Theophylact Simocatta, Zechariah Rhetor, etc. In Greek, the word “Metek” was the name of a migrant and, accordingly, meteki are immigrants. It is known that close contacts lead to mutual cultural enrichment and the borrowing of individual words for a more precise definition of certain things. It can be assumed that the Bulgarians adopted the word “Metek” and subsequently used it in their language in its direct sense - immigrant, immigrants. Perhaps this has something to do with the name of our village.

II.1. From the new and recent history of the village of Starye Mataki.

Starye Mataki is a village in Alkeevsky district on the river. Aktay, 6 km southwest of the village. Bazaar Mataki. In 1989 there were 456 Chuvash residents, in 1997 there were 451 residents. High school. The main occupation of the population is field cultivation and cattle breeding. Founded no later than the beginning of the 18th century.Tatar encyclopedic dictionary. Editor-in-Chief M.Kh. Khasanov. Kazan. Institute of the Tatar Encyclopedia of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, 1999.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the village was divided into two parts: Chuvash and Russian. Before the revolution, there was a church in the village and it was located on the site of a school site. The church building was wooden, and during the fire of 1932 it was completely burned down.

The 20th century entered the history of the village as rapidly as the history of the country. The Great One left a very deep mark October Revolution, after which big changes began in the village. In the spring of 1918, the land was divided. The peasants hoped to reap a rich harvest and sell the surplus. Already in June 1918, committees of the poor began to be formed, the main goal of which was to collect grain for the benefit of the state. The village committee is organized by Ignatiy Petrovich Leontyev, Nikita Mikhailovich Lychnikov, Evdokim Vasilyevich Nagornov (chairman). The village suffered greatly during the famine years of 1920-21. There are two mass graves in the local cemetery, from 1921 and 1931. 1929 collectivization began in the village. The Bolshevik collective farm was organized, which included 10 families: Leontyev I.P., Bulankin Y.T., Volkova M.F., Lychnikova N.M., Chvanova A.I.. and others. The first chairman, was Bulankin Vasily Guryevich, later he was repressed. The next chairman was Efrosinya Kalmykova. Then Kuzma Platonovich Kalmykov, who worked for only one summer, became the chairman. A 25,000-tonne Kirpichev, a worker at one of the factories in Kazan, appears in the village and is appointed chairman. The village was in a state of excitement. Normal life peasants were changed by innovations. Clashes occurred between the government and the people. According to the stories of the watchman V. Volkov, in the summer of 1932, the collective farm’s horse yard was set on fire. The flames, driven by strong winds, spread to the wooden church, which was completely burned. About ten more houses burned down. In this fire, trying to save the collective farm property, Alexander Vasilyevich Kazakov dies. In the same year, the chairman of the village council, A.I., was shot with a sawn-off kulak sawn-off shotgun. Kazakova. This crime was attributed to the machinations of ardent enemies of collectivization, the kulaks, and 12 families were expelled from Tatarstan, and their property became the property of the collective farm. It was in these conditions that the Bolshevik collective farm was created.

II. 2 The Great Test.

The news of the outbreak of war in June 1941 interrupted the peaceful life of the villagers. In the fields and on the farm, men were replaced by women and teenagers. This is: E.I. Bulankina, T.I. Volkova, I.I. Irdinkina, M.A. Leontyev - worked as tractor drivers. 14-15 year old teenagers did real men's work: Stepan Bulankin, Nikolai Lychnikov, Dmitry Ivanov, Pyotr Irdinkin, V. Kazakov.Children who had to endure all the hardships and deprivations of that terrible war. “It was hard, exhausting work, meager food. A cow and potatoes helped us survive,” recalls Maria Grigorievna Bulankina. The winters were cold. During the war, all the crosses were collected at the cemetery for firewood. The children got sick very often. And the diseases were mainly associated with malnutrition and hunger. The most common diseases were: rickets, trachoma, scabies and others. Despite the hardships and hardships, people did not lose their appearance and always treated each other with respect and reverence. This meant that it was impossible to break and defeat such a people.

II. 3. Post-war reconstruction

In 1957, the Bolshevik collective farm became part of the Salmanovsky state farm. The village of Starye Mataki became the 5th branch of the state farm. In 1963, on the basis of this department, the Alkeevsky fattening state farm was founded.

IN different years the directors of the state farm were: Kiyamov M.K., Spirin N.T.,

Safin G.G., Gaifullin R.K., Moshkov V.Ya., Akhmadullin R.A., Nagornov Yu.V., Ibatullin R.S. Moshkov V.Ya. was the initiator of the construction and improvement of the village of Starye Mataki. The center of the village was recreated, where cultural and administrative buildings and facilities were concentrated. Were built: kindergarten, administrative building, dining room with hotel department. The store has an area of ​​500 sq. meters, house of culture. In the center of the village there is a monument to the “Warrior Liberator”. In the second half of the eighties of the last century, the construction of a modern village school began.

Currently, the village has received an investor since 2006 and is included in Joint-Stock Company"Krasny Vostok - Agro". The foreman is Ibatullin R.S.

III. 1. From the history of the school.

The school was opened as a one-class zemstvo school on November 1, 1885. Taught: from 1890 - Maxim Petrov, from 1893 - Andrei Tikhonov, from 1895 - Semyon Ivanovich Makarov, from 1902 Kozma Evgeniev, from 19006 Yakov Semenovich Vorontsov and Ivan Yakovlevich Aldanov, from 1909 - I'M WITH. Vorontsov and Timofey Sergeev. Students: in 1890 - 40 m., 1 d.; in 1893 - 43 m., 4 d.; in 1895—35 m., 10 d.; in 1902 - 38 m., 12 d.; in 1906 - 57 m., 26 d.; 1909—81 m., 10 d.See V.M. Berkutov “Pre-revolutionary schools on the territory of Tatarstan” School. Kazan 2007. Pp. 145.

At the beginning of the 20s, a primary 4-year school was opened in the village.

She served as an educational program and taught children from 8 to 9 years old. There were 40 - 42 students in the classes. The main school building was located in the village church building. Due to a shortage of classrooms, classes were located in abandoned houses. At the end of the 4th grade, students passed exams and entered the Bazarno-Matak or Staro-Sikhtirma seven-year school. The school had its own school site. They grew vegetables and fruits. The children were fed for free. According to primary school student M.I. Smorodinova: “Wooden structure - 2-3 classrooms with a common passage corridor. The walls inside were plastered and whitewashed.”

Students from neighboring villages studied at the school: Verkhniye Mataki, Shapkino, Tyazhberdeno, Nokhrat. The first director of the school was Zheltukhin Alexander Timofeevich, teachers: Zoya Petrovna Gracheva, Tuterov Andrey Iosifovich, Gordeev Vasily Vasilievich, Ivanov Mikhail Yakovlevich, Zheltukhin Sergey Trofimovich, Chvanova Varvara Semyonovna, Terentyeva Nina Tikhonovna. (See photo appendix 2)

III. 2. School during the war

During the Great Patriotic War, classes in grades 5-7 began in October. September was a working month. Teachers and students worked in the fields and on the current. The teachers were: Bulankina M.G., Terentyeva N.T., Yakovleva V.V., Gordeeva (Gnedenkova) A.F., Yaroslavlev P.N., Irdinkin A.A., Gnedenkov V.V.. Gracheva Zoya Petrovna is the school director. Primary school teachers - Chvanova (Sotnikova) A.V., Kalmykova P.L., Kalmykova A.S., Kazankova (Zheltukhina) V.M. To raise the spirits of the villagers, an amateur art group was organized. The leaders were Bulankina M.G., Chvanova V.S. and Sotnikova A.V.. Students - members of the drama club: Tsymbalyuk, Baranova, Makarova - evacuees, Smolova, Blazhnova, Kazakova A., Strokina M., Yaroslavleva Z.

III. 3. School after the war.

The war is over. The school continued to play the role of inspirer of the party's ideas. Despite the heavy ideological burden, the school instilled in children kindness, mercy, mutual understanding and mutual assistance. New teachers appear: Smorodinova M.I. - she graduated from the seven-year school right before the war. Then there were tractor driving courses and two years of grueling work. Graduated from Baz in 1946. Mataka Secondary School. 1947-1948 - I studied lice as an external student at the Aksubaev Pedagogical School.

1954-1976 - worked at the Old Matak eight-year school.

Rybakov Viktor Semenovich worked in different years until 1950 and worked as a school director. He was also the head of the Alkeevsky RONO, the Director of the Bazarno-Matak school, and since 1968 the director of youth school No. 2 in the city of Volzhsk.See photo appendix 2)

Zheltukhina V.M. graduated from seven classes in 1939 and entered the Aksubaevsky school, which she graduated in 1942. On August 15, 1942, she was appointed a primary school teacher in St. Mataka school. She worked at the school until 1957 and was transferred to the Upper - Matak elementary school.

Bulankina M.G. She was appointed teacher at Star Matak School in 1943 and worked until 1977. Nina Tikhonovna Terentyeva worked at the school from 1937 to 1977.

In 1980 the school became a secondary school. In 1981, a modern school building was put into operation. Teaching staff of the 90s. Yaroslavlev Ivan Nikiforovich - school director, Taskin Ivan Mikhailovich - mathematics teacher, Chvanova Maria Nikolaevna - physics teacher, Yaroslavleva Lyubov Ivanovna - mathematics teacher, Zheltukhina Valentina Semyonovna teacher of biology, geography, chemistry, Iskakova Valentina Romanovna - teacher of Russian language and literature, Irdinkin Peter Sergeevich - labor teacher, Anastasia Vasilievna Sotnikova - German language teacher, Zoya Aleksandrovna Pozharskaya - Russian language and literature teacher, Elena Evgenievna Potapova - Russian language and literature teacher, Maria Ilyinichna Lychnikova - mathematics teacher, Nadezhda Petrovna Sevrikeeva - pioneer leader, Nikolai Nikolaevich Astafiev - NVP teacher, Gennady Petrovich Demidov - technology teacher.

IV. 1. The current state of the village.

Today the village is under construction. The village is gasified, and the villagers use associated gas since 2001. The village has been connected by a highway since November 2007. Telephone installation in the village made it possible to connect to the Internet.

As of September 1, 2007, there were 140 farms, 393 population: Russians - 24, Tatars - 2, Chuvash - 365, Tajiks - 2. Our fellow villagers live all over this great country and are not achieving bad results. Irdinkin V.V. is a teacher at the St. Petersburg Higher Command School of the Navy, Tukmakov O.G. is a GRU major serving in Solnechnogorsk, the Sevrikeev brothers have their own business in Ivanovo with an annual income of more than a million rubles.

Downstream the Aktai River on the eastern part of the village, in the late 80s of the 20th century, a dam with a sluice system for releasing water during floods was built. In the summer of 2007, this system was updated. Fry of carp, perch, and pike have been released into the reservoir. They nest on a pond wild ducks, seagulls, gray heron.

The Western Zakamsky climatic region has warm and insufficiently humid summers, moderately cold and relatively snowy winters.

The average annual precipitation is 480 - 500 mm, the average January temperatures are -14°C, July +19.2°C.

The average snow depth in the field is 45 cm or more.

The Aktay River is an actively self-purifying river, length 78 km, basin area 1016 sq. km., average annual consumption in the village. Karavaevo 2.1 cu.m. m./s., river network density 0.33 km/sq. km. Soils and land resources - gray forest, dark gray forest, podzolized chernozems, leached chernozems, typical chernozems, meadow-chernozems. The humus content in the arable horizon is on average 3 - 4%, the share of agricultural land is more than 80% of all land.

Landscape zoning typical and southern forest-steppe subzone Refers to the Malocheremshansky lowland region with the Volga linden-oak forests and Trans-Kama-Volga forests in combination with linden-oak and linden forests on dark gray forest, podzolized chernozems and gray forest soils.

Biological resources - broad-leaved and mixed forests - linden - oak, maple, elm, forests. Non-forest vegetation - forbs - feather grass, meadow steppes. Annual crops (cereals, vegetables, industrial crops, etc.) and perennial crops.

The anthropogenic impact on natural territorial complexes in the area is average and moderate.

Agricultural specialization and production: spring wheat, winter rye. Winter wheat, barley, oats, peas, potatoes, buckwheat, sugar beets, meat and dairy cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding.

Condition and security environment satisfactory. The level of technogenic load is below average, the integral assessment of the potential for air pollution is low (1.8 - 2.4), the intensity of emergency situations is the highest. The intensity of man-made emergency situations is the lowest.

Terrestrial vertebrates living in the region include fox, badger, hamster, elk, wild boar, kestrel, gray partridge, grosbeak, goldfinch, crow, rook, black grouse, hare, vole, field and forest mouse, tawny ground squirrel, quail, hen harrier, skylark, gray warbler, stonechat, lentil, magpie, shrew, long-whiskered bat, weasel, hare, garden dormouse, cuckoo, honey buzzard, spotted and gray woodpeckers, common toad, sharp-faced frog, ob . already. Rare species birds listed in the Red Book - partridge-like birds (gray partridge, quail)

IV. 2. Social and economic sphere.

Population. Administrative structure of the village

The provision of housing per person is more than 23 square meters. km.

Secondary school for 200 students. In which there are branches of sports and music schools.

The Alkevsky agricultural production complex was reorganized and became part of Krasny Vostok-Agro in December 2005. Basically, the village population transferred their land shares to Krasny Vostok - Agro, for which the population receives dividends in the form of grain and hay for two years. Grain per share is 700 kg, dry hay - 2 rolls of 300 kg each.

In terms of implementing the national project “Young Family” and mortgage construction, the construction of residential buildings was underway in 2007 - Chvanova V.K. and Matyushkina V.A.

There are 3 shops operating on the territory of the village, of which 2 are private enterprises.

Leontyev V.E. and Karmanaev V.P. and one store from a district consumer organization. There is a FAP, which provides all possible medical care to the population and carries out preventive measures to prevent various epidemics. FAP paramedic Sovetnikova Valentina Gennadievna. There is a SDK - director

Kalmykov S.P. Mass events in KFOR include New Year's Eve, various meetings, and citizens' gatherings. Due to the transitional stage, some village residents were unable to adapt to new economic conditions and at the present stage are experiencing difficulties in their family and everyday life.

IV. 3. Old Matak Local Government Council.

Staromataksky SMS organizes its activities guided by the approved and registered Charter of the settlement, the Laws of the Republic of Tajikistan, decisions and resolutions of higher authorities. Our SMS includes six settlements: s. Old Mataki farms 140 with a population of 388 people, Verkhniye Mataki village 107 farms with a population of 254, Abdul Salmany village 28 farms with a population of 55 people, village. Chuvashskoye Shapkino farms 46 with a population of 128, the village of Tatarskoye Shapkino farms 47 with a population of 126 people and the village of Novaya Sikhterma farms 26 with a population of 80 people. The total population is 1031 people. Women - 522, men -509, able-bodied population -542, disabled - 489 of which are pensioners -252 people.

By national composition:(See Appendix 1)

Us. paragraph





Old Mataki

Upper Mataki

Abdul Salman


Tatar Shapkino


New Sichterma


Characteristics of families:(See Appendix 1)


V.h. with children


Art. Mataki

V. Mataki




New Sichterma


According to the federal law on acts of civil status, the Council of Staromataksky rural settlement carries out state registration of marriage, birth, adoption, establishment of paternity, change of name and death.

In 2007, 9 were born, 4 marriages were registered, 1 was divorced, 1 was established, and 22 died.Conclusion: natural increase is negative.

By settlements:

was born

Registered marriage

Rastor. marriage

Set Fathers.


Art. Mat.

V. Mat.

Ab. Sal.

Chuv. Shap.


New Sich.


Age population analysis:

Total inhabitants - 1031 people. by age:(See Appendix 1)







Up to 3 years

16 - 17 years old

46 - 50 years

45 years

18 - 20 years old

51 - 55 years old

6 - 7 years

21 - 25 years old

56 - 60 years

8 - 9 years

26 - 30 years

61 - 65 years old

10 - 11 years

31 - 35 years old

66 - 70 years

12 - 13 years old

36 - 40 years

Over 70

14 - 15 years old

41 - 45 years old

In 2007, the Council of Staromataksky Local Government held 2 gatherings of citizens, at which issues of improvement of settlements and the territory as a whole, unauthorized landfills, issues of water supply to the population, and poisoning of crops were discussed. According to the work plan, meetings of the Council of the Rural Settlement are held, 38 decisions are made - this is on the recognition of young families in need of improving the living conditions under the target program “Social Development of the Village until 2010” to provide housing for young families and young professionals living in rural areas, about

landscaping and cleaning and landscaping settlements, about amendments to the Charter of the Staromataksky rural settlement, on approval of the procedure for assigning monthly bonuses for length of service to specialists of cultural institutions in the Staromataksky joint venture on the provision of material assistance from the fund of additional funds to the Knyazbeevs from Chuv, Shapkino and Abasiev from Stary Matak., approval of the budget for 2008 .

According to the results of the livestock census for 2007, on personal household farms: cattle - 341 of which 208 cows, 380 sheep, 38 horses, 434 pigs.Compared to previous years, the number of cows on private farms is declining.

There are three farms operating on the territory of the rural settlement.

Krasny Vostok Agro, agricultural production complex "Khuzangaevsky", LLC "Shapkinsky" and one farm.

The largest farm is KV-Agro. With the arrival of this investor, a major reconstruction of farms was carried out in three settlements. The work of livestock breeders was completely mechanized. The farm began to specialize in cattle fattening. Currently there are more than 1910 heads of cattle. The working population in these settlements is mostly employed.

In 2007, livestock farmers ended with the following results:

Ab. Salmans

Ver. Mataki

St. Mataki

Gain gained

1746 c.

1598 c.

1282 c.

Average daily weight gain

644 gr.

704 gr.

C. Livestock

560 goal

700 goal

650 goal

Wed. months Zar. pay

8350 rub.

7370 RUR

7120 rub.

Machine operators began to work on modern tractors and combines. All this affected the results. This year's grain yield was

30 centners per hectare, corn for grain 87 centners per hectare. Compared to the yield of previous years (on average 17 - 20 centners per hectare), the yield exceeds the figures by 2 - 4 times.Conclusion: The economic feasibility of farming allows it to be run profitably.Villagers receive dividends for leased land shares. Of course, not all of these farms pay the same dividends for shares to the population. Agricultural production complex "Khuzangaevsky" issued only two centners of grain, LLC "Shapkino" two centners. grains and two bales of hay. KV Agro at 7ts. grain and two bales of hay.

This allows the population to keep livestock in their private farmsteads. This is additional income for the population. This year, the population sold 92 tons of milk worth 532 thousand rubles, 20 tons of meat worth 1,800,000 rubles.

Additional income affects the well-being of citizens, and this means timely payment of taxes by citizens to replenish the budget of a rural settlement.

This year, 369.2 rubles in land tax were collected and received.

Property rental RUB 35.1

Land rent 67.5 RUR

Property tax RUB 37.1

Income tax 81.7 rub.

Total own income: 590.5 rubles.

Old Mataki is the center of the Old Mataki SMS. The Chairman of the Local Government is Yuri Vladimirovich Nagornov, the secretary is Nadezhda Nikolaevna Volostnova. Deputies from the Staro-Mataksky settlement - Maria Nikolaevna Chvanova - school director, Rafael Samigulovich Ibatullin, foreman of the 12th brigade of the Red East Agro plant, deputies from the Verkhneye - Mataksky settlement Nadezhda Nikolaevna Volostnova Secretary of the SMS, Vladimir Pavlovich Volstnov - department manager, Sergey Yuryevich Tikhonov - teacher of history and social studies in Staro-Matakskaya high school, deputies from the Shapkinsky settlement - Tatyana Alekseevna Varlamova, physics teacher

Chuv. Shapkinskaya secondary school, Ermolaev Vasily Vasilievich - director of the SDK, deputies from the Abdul Salman settlement Salakhov Gumer - foreman of the livestock mini-complex.

Prominent people of the village.

V. 1. Smorodinova M.I.

We talked with Matryona Ivanovna Smorodinova, and this is what she told me. The terrible word - war - was heard by Matryona Ivanovna Smorodinova when she was barely 16 years old. On this day they worked in the field, in the evening a representative from the region arrived and reported the terrible news about the beginning of the war. Everything changed overnight: men and boys were mobilized for war.

Many families saw their fathers and brothers off to war.

In 1941, the grain harvest was great, but there was no one to harvest; children, women and old people did the harvesting until late autumn. I worked just like everyone else. I, as the eldest in the family, had to work on my native collective farm from the very first days of the war. Although in 1941 I managed to send my documents to the Kuibyshev Pedagogical College, I did not have to study due to a shortage of workers. In the same year, she completed short-term courses for tractor drivers in Bazarnye Mataki. Until 1944, without knowing any rest or peace, she worked as a tractor driver. I had to work around the clock, my eyes hurt from hard work, my legs were swollen from hunger. But she, like all her peers, overcame military difficulties.

The entire burden of war's hard times fell on women's and children's shoulders. The labor is manual and backbreaking. The food is bad.

They plowed, harrowed with cows, or even harnessed themselves to the plow or harrow. That’s when the ditty, bitter as wormwood, was born:

I'm all alone, I'm all alone

All by myself, all by myself

Me and the horse, me and the bull

I am both a woman and a man.

Matryona Ivanovna never left the dream of getting an education. In 1946 she graduated from Bazarno-Matak secondary school. And then she entered the Aksubaev Pedagogical College, which she successfully graduated in 1949.

Her career began at the Urgagar seven-year school, and since 1954 she has been a teacher of Russian language and literature at the Old Matak secondary school.

Matryona Ivanovna Smorodinova has many awards for her long-term work: the “Winner of the Socialist Competition” badge, the “Veteran of Labor” medal, the 2nd degree maternity medal.

Currently he lives with his son, and always feels the care of his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.”

V. 2. Lychnikov N.K.

In July 2007, a participant in the Great Patriotic War died. We met with him several times and this is what he said at one of these meetings. Lychnikoy Nikolai Kuzmich was born on May 12, 1924 in the village of Starye Mataki, Alkeevsky district, Republic of Tatarstan. Nationality: Chuvash, Christian, non-partisan. Before the war, he graduated from primary school in 1935. He worked in the village. There were three brothers in the family. The elder brother Dmitry died in the first days of the war, an inexperienced recruit. He was drafted into the army from Yaroslavl in 1942, where he worked in peat mining. He immediately joined the First Ukrainian Front as a scout. Started as a private. There were battles in Western Ukraine, he was wounded, a through wound in the right shoulder. After the hospital he ended up on the Second Ukrainian Front. Liberation battles were already underway. It was hard going on Lake Balaton fierce battles, there I was wounded for the second time, the wound was severe in the leg and arm. Maybe this wound saved his life. My grandfather celebrated Victory Day in the hospital. After being wounded in the hospital, he was commissioned and ended the war as a sergeant. On the battlefields he received a large number of awards:

Order of Glory, third degree

Medal for the Liberation of Budapest

Medal for victory in the Great Patriotic War and all anniversary medals.

After the war he worked as a foreman, groom, and builder. He got married and raised five children.

Big story consists of small destinies. Human life can be compared to a ladder along which one ascends from childhood to maturity. Every adult remembers himself from childhood. And for humanity, memory is history. This is why we remember the past, so that we can get lost on the paths of life, and not forget what has already happened to us and who we are now.

V. 3. Astafieva (Leontyeva) M. A.

“My earliest memories of childhood are related to how our family was dispossessed. We had a new wooden five-walled house, two huts. We were kicked out of the house, the house was broken down. I remember those people a little. I remember that I had a burgundy scarf, and I hid it in my bosom so that it wouldn’t be taken away,” recalls Maria Alekseevna. Their family began to live in an apartment in small house. Before dispossession, the family kept livestock: horses, cows, calves, sheep, chickens, geese, ducks. They also had a winnowing fan, which apparently served as another reason to consider them fists. They did not want to be accepted into the collective farm. “My father wrote a statement several times, but he was refused. Only for the third time was consent given. For some reason, women were afraid to join the collective farm,” continues Maria Alekseevna. Mom was among them. Her father persuaded her: “All power is given from God and must be obeyed.” Maybe these words had an impact, or maybe she was just tired of resisting, and they joined the collective farm. On the collective farm, my father began working as a groom.

The family had three children. My father died suddenly. And a month after his death, my mother gave birth to another girl.

“Life on the collective farm was very difficult. Bread yields were high, but the villagers did not get it. The thought of food never left us. It was impossible to take anything - the fields were guarded, even for a kilogram of stolen grain they were sent to prison. Women, trying to feed their children, ended up behind bars,” says Maria Alekseevna, sighing heavily.

She went to school at the age of 7, graduated from primary school and studied for a year in the 5th grade of the Sichterminsky school. In the 6th grade I went to the Bazarno-Matak secondary school, having completed 8 grades, I had to leave school due to a difficult financial situation. In the spring of 1941, she left for Yaroslavl to work in peat mining.

“I worked mainly loading wagons. It was very difficult. They didn't let me go home for a whole year. But among us there were also women who left young children at home. All our plans were ruined by the war, and we began to work for the front.”

They worked 12 hours a day and were half-starved. Of course, not everyone survived in such conditions. Some tried to escape. Maria and her friends also made the same attempt, but they were caught. The second attempt ended in 4 months in prison. Maria served her “sentence” in Bolgars, at a logging site, and in the rafting of logs. Then they were sent again to Yaroslavl. I took some boiled and dried potatoes with me for the road and went with my friends to the Bryandino station. We traveled in calf carriages for a very long time, reaching the city only on the 33rd day. After a year of hard, exhausting work, they were sent home.

“I really miss home. In the village, I started working on a tractor: I plowed and repaired it myself. Fate hardened us from a young age. Such hard times fell to our lot,” the veteran ends his story.

We must not forget a simple truth: the brighter and more significant the merits of the previous generation, the more necessary it is for us to remember this. Everything we do today, everything that happens to us tomorrow will be history. And what it will be like. Depends on ourselves.

We managed to interview Rauf Nurtdinovich, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, and this is what he told me about that terrible war.

Early in the morning of June 22, 1941 fascist Germany attacked the USSR. The Great Patriotic War began. Men began to be sent to the front. Even young girls and boys who were not even 17 years old were sent to war.

V. 4. Sattarov R.N.

Here is our fellow villagerSattarov Rauf Nurtdinovichwas among them. I asked several questions to veteran of the Great Patriotic War Satarov Rauf Nurtdinovich.

How and when did the news of the war come?

Where did you work at that time, what did you do, what was your family composition?In 1940, I was sent to Tumba to the FZU. We were cutting down forest there. It was at the FZU that I heard about the war on June 22, 1941. There were 6 people in our family.

How were you sent to the front?

How did this happen?

My father took me to the Spassky district, from where we were taken by boat.

All conscripts were imprisoned and taken away. We were seen off with an accordion and songs. Everyone cried and said that we, their defenders, must fight for our Motherland and no matter what it costs us, win victory and return safe and sound.

Which relatives fought on the fronts of the Second World War?

From my family I was the only one who fought in the war.Where and when were you called? What was your age at this time?As I said earlier, at that time I was in the military training camp from there and was drafted into the war. In 1941 I was only 17 years old.

What battle did you participate in?

I fought in Ukraine and Romania.

If there are rewards, wounds take them aback.

Where I served, they did not give awards. I was wounded in both arms, after which I was admitted to the hospital. The last hospital where I stayed for 6 months was in Ukraine and was called “Brave”. Patients were transported from one place to another. I was treated for a very long time.

What were the living conditions of the soldiers?

The conditions were very bad. We were immediately sent to training, but we didn’t study there, we dug trenches. Where they took us, there was flat land. We dug trenches there. We made a dining room out of logs. There was no forest nearby. We went to the forest to get logs, which was located three kilometers from where we were. They dragged it by hand; there were no tractors or horses. 25 people were assigned to one log. Sometimes we were taken to exercises, we were freezing because it was bitterly cold. Some could not even return back from the exercise; we carried them on ourselves. The living conditions of the soldiers were very difficult, but we steadfastly endured all the hardships of wartime because we believed in victory.

Where and how did you find out about the victory?

How did you return home?

How were you received? What songs were sung at the front?

After the hospital in 1944, on April 1, I was sent home. I already learned about the victory at home in the village. I arrived home unexpectedly for everyone. When they found out that I was wounded, they cried, cursed the war, but then calmed down that it could still be fortunate, because I survived. There was no time to sing songs, but at night sometimes they played the harmonica and sang songs about war, about victory, about home.

V. 5 Smorodinov I.V.

The brilliant galaxy of talented commanders and major military leaders of the Great Patriotic War is known to the entire Soviet people. With their deep knowledge of military affairs, courage and clarity, efficiency of thought, and breadth of strategic horizons, the Soviet leading military cadres far surpassed the generals of the Nazi Wehrmacht.

Among those who made a significant contribution to the defeat Hitler's Germany, was one of the responsible employees of the General Staff, Chuvash, Colonel General Ivan Vasilyevich Smorodinov (See photo appendix 2). His colleague during the Great Patriotic War, the head of the Operations Directorate of the General Staff S.M. Shtemenko called I.V. Smorodinov is a major specialist in the field of formation and recruitment of troops of the Soviet Army.

Childhood of I.V. Smorodinov took place in the Chuvash village of Starye Mataki, Spassky district, Kazan province (now Alkeevsky district), where he was born on August 31, 1894 into a peasant family. After primary school, Ivan Smorodinov graduated from an agricultural school in Spassk in 1909 and became a fisheries specialist.

Destiny I.V. Smorodinova changed dramatically first World War. In January 1915 he was called up to tsarist army, and in May they were already sent to the Northern Front to the 1st Caucasian Infantry Division. For his bravery and courage he was awarded the rank of sergeant major.

After the February bourgeois-democratic revolution, I.V. Smorodinov became involved in active political life, he was nominated to the committee of soldiers’ deputies at the division headquarters. Smorodinov became close to the slogans of the Bolsheviks.

The soldiers demanded peace. After the failure of the offensive at the front and the liquidation of Kornilov, increasing numbers of soldiers began to abandon support for the policies of the Provisional Government. I.V. actively participated in all these events. Smorodinov. In the fall of 1917, when the flight of reactionary officers from the army began; Ivan Vasilyevich was appointed senior adjutant to the division chief of staff. He was then selected as Chief of Staff of the 184th Infantry Division. By this time, he already had extensive experience in staff work, which was later very useful to him. And Smorodinov began to serve the proletarian state.

To help local formations, the Red Army urgently sent thousands of communists from industrial cities, workers and communist detachments, Moscow and revolutionary, Vitebsk, Tver, Novgorod, Kursk and other regiments to the Eastern Front. In August 1918, the 3rd Rzhevsky detachment arrived in the Kazan region, where former sergeant major I.V. served as assistant commander. Smorodinov. Military operations took place just not far from the places where Ivan Vasilyevich spent his childhood.

Soon I.V. Smorodinov was entrusted with new command posts; in September 1918 he was appointed entruster to the commander of the Pravoberezhny group of troops. In the army, in October - chief of staff of a separate Simbirsk brigade, commanded by N.I. Vakhrameev. In early November 1918, before navigation was closed, the brigade was transferred along the Volga and Kama to the mouth of the Belaya River, from where it moved towards Birsk, contributing to the successful advance of the main forces of the V Army towards Ufa.

In the difficult days of March 1919, when Kolchak’s offensive began, I.V. Smorodinov became assistant chief of the operations department of the V Army headquarters. She then went on the offensive again. In the twentieth of July, units of the 27th division occupied Chelyabinsk with a swift blow. As a result of this operation, the V Army defeated Kolchak's last strategic reserve, captured 3 thousand prisoners, 100 machine guns, 32 locomotives, over 3,500 carriages and many other trophies.

I.V. Smorodinov returned to the operational department of the headquarters, worked as its chief until February 1920, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee awarded him a gold watch.

From February to June 1920 I.V. Smorodinov - Chief of Staff of the 35th rifle division. In the fall of 1921, he became the head of the mobilization department of the headquarters of the V and East Siberian Military District. He was elected as a member of the Irkutsk City Council. This was the period of the defeat of the White Guard ataman Semyonov in Transbaikalia and Baron Ungern in Mongolia. At this time, Ivan Vasilyevich was assistant chief of staff of the V Army.

The days were approaching for the complete liberation of the Far East from the White Guards. During the summer of 1922, the government of the Far Eastern Republic did a lot of work to strengthen and rebuild its People's Revolutionary Army (PRA). I.V. was recommended as the chief of staff of the army. Smorodinov. This is how the command of the V Army certified him: “Comrade Smorodinov is an outstanding proletarian genius without special military education, but who went through a harsh school civil war. They cope well with all assignments. It is especially valuable in the field of organizational and mobilization work. Energetic, efficient and able to work.” “Worthy for nomination to the position of head of the department, chief of staff of the district and head of the central apparatus department” - this was the conclusion of military experts.

In 1924-1927 I.V. Smorodinov held responsible positions in the recruitment and military mobilization departments of the Red Army, then went back to study. After the appropriate internship, he became the chief of staff of the rifle corps, then the deputy chief of staff of the military district, and soon - the deputy head of one of the departments of the Red Army headquarters. 1933 - 37s I.V. Smorodinov was in the apparatus of the People's Commissariat for Military and maritime affairs USSR, as deputy head of the Administration and head of the administrative and economic department.

In the pre-war years, Ivan Vasilyevich was the head of military districts and deputy chief of the General Staff of the Red Army. His efforts were aimed at increasing the combat effectiveness and mobilization readiness of the country's Armed Forces.

While serving as Deputy Chief of the General Staff

I.V. Smorodinov was directly involved in the development and implementation of the operation plan for the liberation of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, the defeat of the White Finnish adventure in the winter of 1939-40, and the strengthening of the western borders of the Soviet state. His services in strengthening the country's defense capability were awarded the second Order of the Red Banner.

In 1939, Ivan Vasilyevich was accepted by the party organization of the General Staff of the Red Army as a member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). In the same year he was awarded military rank army commander of the second rank, in June 1940 - lieutenant general, and in October 1941 - colonel general. 1941-43 he served as chief of staff Soviet troops in the Far East. In August 1943, I.V. Smorodinov was recalled from the Far East to the disposal of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Headquarters and headed one of the main departments. Since April 1946, while remaining in the same post, Colonel General Smorodinov became an assistant to the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces.

The Communist Party of the Soviet State appreciated military activities Colonel General I.V. Smorodinov, awarding him two Orders of Lenin, the Orders of Kutuzov and Suvorov, 1st degree, three Orders of the Red Banner and many medals. He was also awarded the Polish Order of the Cross of Gronwald, II degree, and the Yugoslav Order of Merit of the People, I degree.

I.V. served for thirty-five and a half years. Smorodinov in the Soviet Army. In May 1953 he retired due to illness. He died on November 8 of the same year.

V. 6. Our good shepherd.

Archpriest Vladimir Mikhailovich Lychnikov (See photo appendix 2)born on July 13, 1899 in Tatarstan, in the village of Starye Mataki. Alkeevsky district. His parents were peasants, and his son went into the service of God. He managed to complete four classes of the elementary zemstvo school. What influenced his further choice is unknown, but already at the age of 13, Vladimir Spur became a novice of the Belogorsk Monastery. Apparently, the reason for this was the piety characteristic of most peasant children. Novice Vladimir worked at the Belogorsk Monastery until 1918. Then he was drafted into the Red Army and in 1920 was discharged from it due to the amputation of frostbitten toes of both feet.

Although at that time one could already feel the negative attitude of the new government towards everything church, and primarily the clergy, the young man remained faithful to the choice made in adolescence - he returned to Belaya Gora, where he began to study church singing. After the closure of the monastery, he was a psalm-reader in the churches of Kungur, Kungur region. In 1931 he married Anna Petrovna Druzhinina, who became his faithful companion and an assistant. That same year, Vladimir was ordained to the rank of deacon. Deaconal service took place in Uspensky cathedral Kungur, in the Old Cemetery Assumption Church in Perm. In 1939, Deacon Vladimir was ordained a priest and sent to the city of Lysva to the church in the name of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian. Thus began his arduous priestly service, which continued with a short break until his death. Mother Anna helped him. She knew the service well, church singing, and had a wonderful voice. Organized a church choir and for a long time led him. Father Vladimir himself would also be an excellent singer and would happily sing in the choir whenever possible.

During the Great Patriotic War, the role of the church began to intensify. Abandoned temples were opened - those that had not yet been destroyed. There were not enough clergymen, and Father Vladimir had to conduct services in two areas: in Lysva and Chusovoy. He also responded to the call to donate funds for the construction of a tank column named after Dmitry Donskoy, making a contribution to 25thousand rubles. For this he was awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War.”
During his pastoral service, Father Vladimir was repeatedly awarded with church awards: a golden pectoral cross, the rank of archpriest, and a club.
In 1954, the family of Father Vladimir and Mother Anna suffered grief: by an absurd accident, their only son Igor, by that time a 20-year-old student at the Sverdlovsk Conservatory, drowned. His musical abilities were especially noted by his teachers. They felt alone and deeply the misfortune that befell them. This affected my health. At the end of the 60s, Archpriest Vladimir became a part-time priest, i.e. retired. However, he did not abandon his life’s work: he regularly attended services and helped young priests with kind words and advice. Here, in his beloved temple, his death overtook him. On January 14, 1972, he came to the festive service in honor of the circumcision of the Lord and the memory of St. Basil the Great. He went out to the choir, sat down on a bench, and died there. Father was only 73 years old.

VI. Meeting with school graduates.

We had an evening meeting with school graduates at our school. We believe that people living next to us are also the creators of history.

Performance Irdinkina Viktor Vasilievichcaptain of the second rank, teacher at the Institute of Physical Education of the Navy in St. Petersburg, candidate of pedagogical sciences.
I, Irdinkin Viktor Vasilievich was born on 25
April 1965 year in the village of Starye Mataki, Alkeevsky district, Republic of Tatarstan.
In September 1972, he went to study at the Staro-Matakovskaya eight-year school, where he studied until June 1980. While studying at the Staro-Matakovsky school, he graduated from eight classes with good and excellent grades.
In September 1980 he entered the Chistopol State Farm Technical School, which he successfully graduated in 1984 with a degree in mechanical engineering. While studying at a technical school, from the first day I became actively involved in sports and completed 1 adult sports category in cross-country skiing and athletics. From June 1984 to September 1984 he worked as an auto mechanic in the village of Starye Mataki.
In October 1984 he was called up to undergo conscript service in the Armed Forces in Leningrad region, Krasnaya Gorka village. From the training detachment, after taking the oath, he was selected for further service at the residence of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. Having served in military service until June 1986, he received an offer to enter the Military Institute of Physical Culture for active participation in competitions for the championship of the Leningrad Naval Base. Participating in various competitions in many sports, during his military service he fulfilled the standard “Candidate Master of Sports”.
In August 1986, having passed the competition of entrance exams (12 people for 1st place), he entered the Military Institute of Physical Culture. Actively involved in sports, during his studies at the institute he fulfilled the standard of “Master of Sports of the USSR” in military triathlon. In June 1990, he successfully graduated from the institute and was sent for further service to Northern Fleet.
In August 1990, he was appointed head of physical training and sports of the submarine formation of the Kola Flotilla in the Murmansk region, Liinakhamari, 12 km from Norway.
For his success in military service, he was appointed to a higher position by the command of the Kola Flotilla.
In July 1994, he was appointed head of physical training and sports of the division of large anti-submarine ships in the city of Severomorsk, Murmansk region, where he served until June 1999.
In June 1999, he passed the candidate minimum exams, entered and was enrolled in a full-time adjunct program at the Military Institute of Physical Culture in St. Petersburg.
In November 2001, after successful completion of the postgraduate course, he was awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

I was appointed senior researcher at the research center of the Military Institute of Physical Culture, where I am currently serving.

I, a boy like you, really wanted to achieve something in my life. I set a goal for myself and always persistently pursued it, sport helped me with this. At the end of my speech, I would like to wish you to study only well and excellently, success in sports, and just become real people.

Performance Tukmakov Oleg Georgievich GRU major.

I'm not much older than you; many people remember me from school. I entered Staro Matak Secondary School in 1986. He studied mostly with “5” grades, participated in many regional subject Olympiads and won prizes. In 1984 he took 4th place in the republic at the Physics Olympiad. Studying was easy, but, unfortunately, while studying at school, I did not make enough efforts to acquire more thorough knowledge. In the future, I had to make up for lost time at school, at night. In 1986, he graduated from school with a silver medal and entered the KSPU Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. I finished my first year and decided to enter the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School. Love for sports, thirst for knowledge in me Once again helped. I entered the school the first time and ended up in the first reconnaissance platoon, first company, first squad. Being first is a character trait that always helps me. In 2002 he graduated from college with honors. Assigned to the GRU. I cannot tell you much about my current service due to the law on non-disclosure of state secrets. I am married, we have a daughter, Ekaterina. You all probably know the movie “Officers”. In this film, one phrase was heard, which became the motto or guiding star of all the officers of our vast Motherland: “There is such a profession as defending the Motherland.”

Sometimes you hear talk that young people do not want to serve in the army. Military service strengthens a person and gives him self-confidence. In addition, at the present stage there is such a tendency that young people who have not served in the army

It is more difficult to get a job.

Concluding my speech, I would like to wish all boys and young men to become worthy defenders of their Motherland. Today there are all conditions for this.

VII. Conclusions.

The past of the village clearly reflects all historical eras of the region. A more vivid and logical idea of ​​the history of the village is formed as a result of processing the material and communicating with witnesses of historical events. History is made up of everyday life. Today our task is to describe what is happening in as much detail as possible and record feelings, sensations and experiences from the experience. Also leave as many documents and evidence of what is happening as possible. It is this approach to life that, in my opinion, will set any person up for positivity and strive for self-improvement. Today it is the present, tomorrow it will be history and the next generation will be incredibly interested in learning about the past. It is from everyday life that history is made.

VIII. Conclusion .

While conducting research on the history of the village, we learned a lot of new things from the history of the village. I got to know our fellow villagers better. We have worked through a lot of material on the history of the region, the village, and the school.

Nowadays, it is clearer than ever that without a positive attitude towards one’s Motherland, towards one’s Fatherland, it is impossible to move forward, since our future must have its own spiritual and moral basis, its own spiritually moral core- Love for the Fatherland, for your Motherland. Every normal person recognizes himself as a part of his family, his nation, his homeland. And every person must develop responsibility for his family, for his nation, for his Motherland - Russia. Without an objective and realistic look at the past of your country, region, village, family, it is impossible to understand the past and foresee the present.


1. V.M. Berkutov “Pre-revolutionary schools on the territory of Tatarstan” School. Kazan 2007.

2. Magazine Echo of Centuries 1994 No. 1-2 art. 53.

3. Atlas of the Republic of Tatarstan. Production mapping association "Cartography". Moscow 2000

4. “History of the Volga Bulgars” edited by Professor A.Kh. Khalikova

5. Tatar encyclopedic dictionary. Editor-in-Chief M.Kh. Khasanov. Kazan. Institute of the Tatar Encyclopedia of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, 1999.

6. Business book of Staromatak local government.

7. Archive of Staromatak local government.

8. Archive of the Old Matak Secondary School.

9. Archive Fattening of the Alkeevsky state farm.

10. Acts of registration, divorce, birth and death for the Staromatak rural settlement.


Bazarnye Mataki (Tat. Bazarly Matak) is a village in the south of the Republic of Tatarstan, the center of the Alkeevsky district. Located near the Aktai River (Kama basin), 134 km from Kazan.

Church of the Resurrection of the Word - Kuznechikha 35 km from the center of Bazarnye Mataki.

The village was founded in the 1730s. Until 1920, the settlement was called the center of the Bazarno-Matak volost of the Spassky district of the Kazan province. Since 1920, it was part of the Spassky canton of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, from August 10, 1930 - Alkeevsky, from February 1, 1963 - Kuibyshevsky district, from January 12, 1965 - again Alkeevsky district.

The village has a dairy, a bakery, and a plant. consumer services"Chulpan", the Alkeevsky feed mill, a secondary school, a vocational school and 2 libraries.

From the history of Bazaar Mataks

In the 19th century, a great fair was held in Bazarnye Mataki every year on Pokrov, which attracted merchants and buyers from all over the area. This, in fact, is where the name of the regional center came from. At that time there were approximately 500 farms in the village. By the way, the population was mostly Russian; Chuvash lived on only one street out of seven. By the way, the streets were very green and clean. The current central park named after Lenin was called at that time Market Square, where wooden benches and covered storage sheds were located.

Most of the houses had 2-3 windows, under thatched roofs. However, the good-quality brick and wooden two-story “mansions” of wealthy peasants, mainly merchants, were covered with planks and iron.

On the territory of the county, in the former Spassky “backwater”, there was a ship repair plant, where about a hundred workers worked. In addition, in Mataki there were 2 steam mills and about a dozen windmills spinning merrily, so people from many villages came there to grind grain. The mill owners were rich people.

The volost administration, that is, the local government, consisted of a chairman and a clerk, who was respectfully called a writer. And in the Bazaar Mataks themselves, the foreman was in charge.

The only school in the settlement was a parish school, education there was controlled by the local church, built in the 1880s in the center of the village and surrounded by an orchard and a beautiful hedge.

The school had three classes and a single teacher. The second, already an ordinary zemstvo school, was built in 1903. Nowadays there is a regular secondary school at Bazarnye Matak. Previously, there was also only one teacher, who was helped by high school students.

The volost government subscribed to the only newspaper - “Russian Word”.

19th century buildings

Some buildings from the late 19th century in Bazarnye Mataki have been perfectly preserved to this day.

1. House of merchant Sokolov A. There was a store on the first floor, and a family lived on the second. Traded industrial goods (chintz, satin, headscarves, shawls, etc.)

2. House of the former merchant Mikhail Spiridonov. There were living rooms on the second floor, and a store on the first floor. Traded textiles, flour and products (sugar, candy, tea, etc.)

3. The Krylov house, which had several horses, cows and a lot of arable land, used hired labor.

4. Houses that belonged to wealthy residents Maria Belyakova, Anastasia Myasnichkina, Chvanovs, Fenagentovs, who had a lot of rented land and used hired labor.

5. The house where the local history museum is located belonged to the merchant Delyakhanov. It was probably built at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries.

But among the architectural structures, the monument “Good Angel of Peace” in the regional center of the Alkeevsky district is very noteworthy. According to the idea of ​​the author of this project, Peter Stronsky, the sculpture is intended to perpetuate the memory of patrons of the arts and people involved in charity. Carved on the stone at the base of this monument is a kind of chronicle of philanthropy with a list of names of famous benefactors...

By the way, the beautiful and successful Alina Kabaeva also has “Alkeevka roots.” And several years ago she personally took part in the opening of a sports complex in Bazarnye Mataki.

“Alkeevsky district is the birthplace of my grandfather,” said the Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics. “That’s why it’s with special feeling that I’m opening a sports complex and a children’s arts center in this city.

More eloquent than words

The history of the Alkeevsky district goes back to ancient times. Scientists believe that it began 3.5 thousand years ago.

The golden times of Bazaar Mataks came at the end of the 19th century and, alas, ended long ago.

However, ten years ancient land decided to attract investors, and, thanks to significant cash injections, the region found itself at the top of the republican economic rating of rural areas.

More than 10 billion rubles have been invested in agriculture alone! In addition, the republican government of the republic generously subsidized the development of personal farms, the construction of houses, roads, bridges, schools, mosques and churches.

The old building of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity is in disrepair, and with the blessing of Archbishop Anastasius of Kazan and Tatarstan (now Metropolitan), it was decided to build a new church.

Bazaar Mataki. Church of the Life-Giving Trinity (old). Year of construction: Between 1878 and 1880.

The foundation of the temple was laid in 1878 and opened in 1880 at the expense of Archpriest Abraham Selsky and parishioners. However, in 1921 the temple was closed. True, at the request of parishioners from nearby villages, it was opened a year later, but in 1936 it was closed completely. The property was removed. The building was given over first to a granary, and then to a village club. In 1960, a stone extension was made and a cinema and gym were installed. And in 1982, the former temple was turned into a Tatpotrebsoyuz store.

Only in 1995, at the request local population, the building was returned to the church. A parish was formed. Hieromonk Peter Gaidenko became the rector. And in 1999, Archpriest Andrei Zinkov was appointed to the parish. However, it was obvious that the historical building was in disrepair, and, with the blessing of Archbishop Anastasius of Kazan and Tatarstan, it was decided to build a new church.

And in 2003, Archpriest Andrei Zinkov and Abbot Moisei Kayturov laid the first stone in the foundation of a new two-altar church. Construction continues to this day...

Photo: Nikolay Zelm,
Information sources:
Team Nomads

Posted Mon, 01/27/2014 - 08:44 by Cap

Bazarnye Mataki (Tat. Bazarly Matak) is a village in the south of the Republic of Tatarstan, the center of the Alkeevsky district.
Located near the Aktai River (Kama basin), 134 km from Kazan.
The village was founded in the 1730s. Until 1920 - the center of the Bazarno-Matak volost of the Spassky district of the Kazan province. Since 1920, it was part of the Spassky canton of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, from August 10, 1930 - Alkeevsky, from February 1, 1963 - Kuibyshevsky district, from January 12, 1965 - again Alkeevsky district.
In the village there is a dairy plant, a bakery, a consumer services plant "Chulpan", and a feed mill "Alkeevsky". There is a secondary school, a vocational school, and 2 libraries.

Flame of the Universiade in Bazarnye Mataki

Population, people
1959 1970 1979 2002 2010
2163 2906 3253 4257 5329

Notable natives and residents
Krainov, Stepan Matveevich (1920-1985) - Soviet tank officer, Hero of the Soviet Union.

The village of Bazarnye Mataki, as part of sixteen other villages and hamlets, was part of the Kazan province, Spassky district, and Bazarno-Matakovskaya volost. Bazarnye Mataki was the center of the volost. It was called bazaar because there were large bazaars and fairs here. There were approximately 500 households in the village, the population was mostly Russian, only on one street (now III International Street) Chuvash lived. There were 7 streets in the village.

On the territory of the county, in the former Spassky “zaton”, there was one ship repair plant, which employed about a hundred workers. The volost was governed by the volost administration, which consisted of a chairman and one writer (clerk). At the head of the Bazaar Mataks was a foreman. Bazarnye Mataki had one parish school, meaning education was under the control of the church, built in the 1880s. This school was a three-year school; there was only one teacher. In 1903, another zemstvo school was built with 2 classrooms (now the workshop building of the Bazarno-Matakovskaya Secondary School), where one teacher also worked. He had assistants from high school.
The volost government subscribed to one newspaper, which was called “Russian Word”.
In the center of the village stood a church, surrounded by an orchard and a beautiful hedge. At that time, on the territory of the current central park named after Lenin there was a Market Square, where wooden benches and covered storage sheds were located.
Most of the houses had 2-3 windows, under thatched roofs. Only the houses of wealthy peasants were covered with planks and iron.
In Mataki there were many merchants and wealthy peasants who had good-quality brick or log houses, often two-story. The streets of the village were green, there was almost no dirt.
The village had 2 steam mills and about a dozen windmills. People came from many villages to grind grain. The mill owners were rich people. There was also a large pond in the village.

Some ancient buildings preserved from the end of the 19th century:
1. House of merchant Sokolov A. There was a store on the first floor, a family lived on the second. Traded industrial goods (chintz, satin, headscarves, shawls, etc.)
2. House of the former merchant Mikhail Spiridonov. There were living rooms on the second floor, and a store on the first floor. Traded textiles, flour and products (sugar, candy, tea, etc.)
3. The Krylov house, which had several horses, cows and a lot of arable land, used hired labor.
4. Houses that belonged to wealthy residents Maria Belyakova, Anastasia Myasnichkina, Chvanovs, Fenagentovs, who had a lot of rented land and used hired labor.
5. The house where the local history museum is located belonged to the merchant Delyakhanov. It was probably built at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries.

New school in the village

Today, the most memorable architectural structure in the regional center of the Alkeyevsky district is the “Good Angel of Peace” monument. The sculpture took its rightful place in the heart of the architectural and park complex, laid out on the occasion of the installation of the monument. Initially, the project of the Honored Architect of Russia Pyotr Timofeevich Stronsky “The Good Angel of the World” was conceived in order to perpetuate the memory of philanthropists and people involved in charity.
Today it is not just a monument - it is a symbol that unites all people, regardless of their nationality and material well-being, calling on them to do good deeds and bring goodness to the masses. It must be said that similar sculptures have already appeared in many cities of Russia and even beyond its borders. What is this architectural ensemble? In addition to the angel himself, who spread his wings, at its base there is a stone on which is carved a kind of chronicle of philanthropy, which lists the names of those who have provided and are providing assistance to those in need free of charge.

From merchants to investors
The year 2012 was marked by the celebration of the 92nd anniversary of the formation of the TASSR, the 22nd anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of state sovereignty Republic of Tatarstan, 82nd anniversary of the formation of the Alkeevsky district, celebration of the 67th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

More eloquent than words
The history of the Alkeevsky district is deep and diverse, and, according to scientists, in these places human life was already boiling 3.5 thousand years ago. Not so long ago, in the 19th century, in the village of Bazarnye Mataki, every year on Pokrov a great fair was held, which attracted merchants and buyers from all over the area. This, in fact, is where the name of the regional center came from.
“Golden times” tend to pass. But ten years ago, an attempt was made to attract investors to the ancient land - people with funds and promising ideas. Thanks to significant cash injections, the region is at the top of the republican economic rating among rural areas.
OJSC "Krasny Vostok-Agro", Agricultural Production Complex "Khuzangaevsky", LLC "Nizhnee Kacheevo", PSK "Salman"... Behind these names are the following famous people like State Duma deputy Airat Khairullin, director of the Zvenigovsky state farm Ivan Kazankov, Togliatti businessman Gennady Volostnov... And, of course, invaluable, global support for the region is provided legislatively and economically by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan R.N. Minikhanov.
Today, the district has achieved impressive results: since the beginning of the implementation of various programs, including attracting investments, more than 10 billion rubles have been invested in the livestock and crop production industries! A significant part of these investments falls on the share of Krasny Vostok-Agro.
Now the share of agricultural products in the total volume of goods and services is 89 percent. If in 2003 cash revenue was 184 million rubles, at the end of 2010 this figure was 2 billion 856 million rubles, which is 1.7 million rubles per employee. And this is 26 times higher than the level of 2003!
The performance of the Alkeevsky district in the meat and dairy industry is impressive. Over the past two years alone, the number of livestock in the region has increased by 10 thousand and amounted to 34,998 heads, including more than 10 thousand heads of dairy cows. Last year, the region's livestock farmers produced 69.4 thousand tons of milk, which is 9% higher than last year; milk yield per cow amounted to 5,762 kilograms.
The livestock industry of the Alkeevsky district today consists of modern complexes and advanced technologies that delight everyone who visits here. And guests often come to the area from everywhere, and not only from the regions of Russia, but also from abroad. Here they proudly remember the visit of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev.
Thanks to subsidies from the Government of the Republic, new residential buildings and social and cultural facilities were built within the framework of various programs, and work is underway to develop personal and farm enterprises. From 2000 to 2008, gasification was completely completed in the region, all settlements telephoned, equipped mobile communications and television channels. 215 km of roads and two bridges were built, two new cultural centers were opened and 12 were renovated, 9 new schools were built and 18 more were reconstructed.
In the village of Sikhterma-Khuzangaevo, a museum of the Chuvash folk poet P. Khuzangaya, a native of these regions, has been opened. In Bazarnye Mataki there is a unique historical and local history museum, which even has a hall of the country’s space achievements.
The opening of a new school, club or hospital in a village is always a reason to invite guests to share joy and pride in the work done, and to personally say words of gratitude for their support and participation. Thus, the Prime Minister of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov was invited to the grand opening of a school in Khuzangaevo and a local hospital in Yukhmachi in 2008. And the Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Farid Mukhametshin came to the opening of the club with a museum in Khuzangaevo and the building of justices of the peace in Bazarnye Mataki. In 2010, at the opening of the House of Children's Creativity and sports complex them. Alina Kabaeva was visited by the athlete herself, a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, whose roots are from the Alkeevsky district Alina Kabaeva.


On June 12, President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov took part in the Tatar folk holiday Sabantuy in the Alkeevsky municipal district.
The celebration took place on the Maidan of the regional center Bazarnye Mataki.
The guests toured improvised sites imitating the life and traditions of Tatar, Russian and Chuvash villages.

The celebrations began with the theatrical performance “Feast of the Plow.”
The head of the Alkeevsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan, Ferdinat Davletshin, addressed the participants of the holiday with congratulations.
Next, Alkeev residents were greeted by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov.
He recalled that Sabantuy in cities and regions of the republic began to be celebrated yesterday, June 11. Now Sabantuy is no longer just a Tatar holiday, said Rustam Minnikhanov, it is celebrated annually in 55 regions of the federation and in 23 countries around the world.
Today, June 12, the country and the republic celebrate three holidays at once, the head of Tatarstan said - this is Sabantuy, the state holiday Russia Day and the Trinity Day for Orthodox Christians.

Speaking about the Alkeevsky municipal district, Rustam Minnikhanov noted that this district makes a huge contribution to the development of the entire republic. The changes that have taken place here in the last five years are very significant, said the President of the Republic of Tatarstan - they are noticeable both in the economy and in the socio-cultural sphere. In all these issues, we must pay tribute to the active work of the Alkeevsky district administration.
According to Rustam Minnikhanov, today the Alkeevsky district can be proud of the fact that it has become a “pilot” not only for Tatarstan, but also for the whole of Russia in terms of promoting the most advanced technologies in agriculture. All this would be impossible to implement without attracting private investors to the agro-industrial sector, and large and small investors are present and developing here, all conditions for business have been created in the region.

Bazaar Mataki. Church of the Life-Giving Trinity (new)

Trinity Church
Church. It does not work.
Thrones: Life-Giving Trinity
Year of construction: no earlier than 2003.

Coordinates: 54.898417,49.922607

The old church building is in disrepair, and with the blessing of Archbishop Anastasius of Kazan and Tatarstan (now Metropolitan), it was decided to build a new church.
In 2003, the first stone was laid in the foundation of a new two-altar church by Archpriest Andrei Zinkov and Abbot Moses Kayturov. To this day, construction continues, funded by parishioners and the district administration. The walls of the temple have already been erected, finishing work is planned on the ground floor.

Bazaar Mataki. Church of the Life-Giving Trinity (old)

Trinity Church
Church. Valid.
Thrones: Trinity, Nativity of Christ
Year of construction: Between 1878 and 1880.
Address: Republic of Tatarstan, Alkeevsky district, village. Bazarnye Mataki, st. Musa Jalil, 14.
Directions: From Kazan along the P-239 Kazan - Orenburg highway. At the junction after the bridge over the Kama (near the village of Alekseevskoye), turn right onto the P-240 highway (to Samara), 5.5 km at the intersection after the village of Mokrye Kurnali, turn left along the main road to Samara, Bazarnye Mataki. After 45 km, in the middle of the village of Bazarnye Mataki (2.1 km after the intersection with the road from Bolgar and 250 meters after the bridge over the Aktai River, turn right onto Krainova Street. After 1.5 km, the church will be to the left of the road.
Coordinates: 54.898633,49.922489

Wooden temple of two altars, in honor Holy Trinity and the Nativity of Christ. The foundation of the temple was laid in 1878 and opened in 1880 at the expense of Archpriest Abraham Selsky and funds from parishioners.
The temple was 15 m wide, 30 m long, 16 m high, with a bell tower, two-domed, painted blue.
The iconostasis was three-tiered, the chandelier was two-tiered, the floors were painted dark yellow, large temple icons hung on the walls, and there was a small amount of painting on the ceiling. The rectors of the parish were Archpriest Abraham Selsky, Priest Sergius Malinovsky, and Priest Alexei Pankov.
In 1921, the temple was closed, at the request of parishioners and the people of nearby villages, it was opened in 1922, in 1936 it was closed completely, the property was taken out, the temple was given over to a grain storage facility.
In 1946, a rural club was opened there.
In 1960, a stone extension was made to the building, which housed a cinema network, as well as a gym. In 1982, the building was transferred to Tatpotrebsoyuz for a store.
In 1995, at the request of the population of the village. The Bazaar Mataki building was returned, the parish was formalized and formed, Hieromonk Peter Gaidenko was appointed rector, and in 1999, on July 26, Archpriest Andrei Zinkov was appointed to the parish. The building itself is in disrepair, and with the blessing of Archbishop Anastasius of Kazan and Tatarstan, it was decided to build a new church.
Divine services are held in the annex of the old church, where the cinema network used to be located. The rector is Archpriest Andrey Zinkov.



Source of information and photos
Team Nomads.
Photo by Nikolai Zelm.


The master plan limits the development of industrial zones within established territorial boundaries. The reorganization and development of industrial zones provides for the qualitative development of the territory of established industrial areas:

Complete or partial reconstruction of production areas by updating, densifying their development and creating an extensive transport and engineering infrastructure that ensures rational and efficient use of the territories;

The legal basis for carrying out these works is the specified Federal Law, as well as the “Instructions on the procedure for recording, ensuring the safety, maintenance, use and restoration of immovable monuments of history and culture.”

It is necessary to organize work to clarify the topographical reference of known and newly discovered archaeological monuments and to develop protective zones for individual monuments using modern technical means (JPS, etc.).

6.6. Engineering landscaping

The village of Bazarnye Mataki is located in the valley of the Aktai River, the left tributary of the river. Volga. The territory of the regional center is a weakly dissected lowland plain with prevailing watershed heights of 140-200 m.

The absolute elevations of the relief in the village range from 98 to 138 m. The most elevated areas are located in the western and southern parts of the village. The absolute elevations of the surface of the right bank part of the village within the building range range from 128.0 m to 100.0 m. The absolute elevations of the left bank part range from 133.0 to 100.0 m. The relief of the left bank part of the village is dissected by a network of ravines and gullies overgrown with grass and bushes.

In general, the terrain of the territory is flat, slightly hilly, with a general slope towards the river.

The floodplain of the Aktai River has absolute elevations of 98-105 m, and is swampy in places. The slopes facing the floodplain are quite steep and are crossed in places by gullies.

The territory of the village is located in the zone of karst and suffusion processes.

Widespread development of Neogene and Quaternary deposits, poor development of the surface drainage network, seasonal fluctuations and level position groundwater above the horizons of karst rocks, the hydraulic connection of groundwater with channel and karst waters - all this generally favors the processes of suffusion, the formation of failures associated with the leaching of plastic material and the formation of voids.

Directly on the territory of the river. c. Bazarnye Mataki karst and suffusion processes were not detected.

However, before the development of new construction sites begins

buildings and structures on the territory of the village, it is necessary to carry out engineering and geological surveys for the presence of possible karst manifestations, including deep ones.

The territories proposed for development in the first stage of the master plan in the northern and northeastern parts of the village are included in the zone conditionally favorable for construction.

Activities to improve the territory of the village. Bazaar Mataki were developed taking into account the engineering-geological conditions and planning organization of the developed territory, adopted in the master plan.

The draft village master plan adopted the following engineering measures for optimal development of territories and increasing the level of improvement of the territory of the district center:

On the organization of surface runoff;

To combat erosion processes;

To combat flooding;

When developing territories in a seismic zone;

Activities for organizing the beach area.

Measures to organize surface runoff

On the territory of the village. In Bazarnye Mataki there is currently no organized drainage network to ensure the removal of storm water.

In order to drain rain and melt runoff from the territory under consideration, the master plan proposes a scheme of organized surface runoff throughout the entire territory, taking into account the topography and purpose of the territory used.

The territory under consideration is mainly dominated by individual residential development; smaller areas are occupied by multi-apartment, industrial and public-business development.

The project provides for the organization of surface runoff from the village territory as follows:

From the territories of a public center, industrial zone and sectional development with a closed drainage system;

From the territory of the estate development with open drains.

The minimum longitudinal slope along the bottom of open channels is assumed to be 0.005. It is recommended to cover open channels in estate areas with decorative grilles.

At street intersections and at the entrances to neighborhoods, crossing bridges are installed and culverts are laid.

The depth of the closed drainage system must be at least the depth of soil freezing equal to 1.8-2.0 m.

The main collectors of the basins, which ensure the collection and removal of surface water through a closed drainage system, are located on the street. st. Krainova, Solnechnaya, where the gravity storm sewer network runs.

The total length of the proposed open drainage network for the estimated period is –43,700 m, including 30,500 m for the first stage.

The total length of the proposed closed drainage network is -22,200 m, including 5,200 m in the first stage.

For approximate calculations, rainwater flow is determined by the formula (SN 496-77):

Q = qsp F K2, where:

qud - specific consumption of rainwater, l/s per 1 ha;

F – drainage area, ha;

K2 is a coefficient that takes into account the change in specific flow rate depending on the average slope of the reservoir.

Q = 1.02 x 1705.1 x 0.95 = 1652.24 l/s

Using the natural slope of the territory, the discharge of storm water with an estimated rainwater flow rate of Q = 1652 l/sec, generated from the territory of the settlement, is carried out into the main collectors of the basins, and from them:

From an open drainage system through settling tanks into the river. Aktai or low areas of natural relief beyond the border of the territory;

From a closed drainage system to stormwater treatment facilities with subsequent discharge into the river. Aktai.

In connection with the increased requirements for the protection of water bodies, this project proposes a scheme for treating surface runoff in a volume of at least 70% of the annual runoff for residential areas and the entire volume of runoff for industrial sites with the mandatory placement of local treatment facilities on their territory. (SNiP 2.04.03-85. Sewerage. External networks and structures). At industrial enterprises, provide for the installation of treatment facilities with several degrees of purification.

The project plans to purify the first most contaminated portions of rainwater at the mouths of drains in settling tanks equipped with grates and devices for collecting floating oil products. A well-divider is installed in front of the settling tank, directing the first, most contaminated portions of the runoff into the tank for cleaning, and the subsequent, relatively clean, part of the runoff into the water intake. The flow of the first portions of rain runoff into the settling tank stops when the water that fell at the beginning of the rain in the most remote parts of the runoff basin flows to the design site, i.e., at the moment the maximum flow rate is reached.

After settling and treatment, wastewater is transferred through reinforced concrete channels to the main water intakes - rivers and reservoirs. The sediment is periodically removed and deposited.

The approximate capacity of each settling tank ranges from 2000 to 4000 m3.

The average annual volumes of rainwater entering the treatment plant Wd, m3 per 1 ha are determined by the formula (SN 496-77):

Wd= 2.5 Nj K3, where:

Нж – average annual rainfall, mm;

K3 is a coefficient that takes into account the volume of rainwater sent to treatment facilities.

Wd = 2.5 x 317 x 0.75 = 595 m3 per 1 ha.

The average annual amount of melt water entering the treatment plant Wt, m3 per 1 ha, is determined by the formula:

Wt= 8 НΕλ K4, where:

НΕλ - middle layer spring runoff, mm;

K4 is a coefficient that takes into account the volume of melt water sent to the treatment plant.

Wt = 8x149x0.3 = 360 m3 per 1 ha

The average annual amount of washing water m3 per 1 ha is determined by the formula:

Wm = 1.2 W/m, where:

W/m - the amount of water, l, spent per year on watering and washing 1 m2 of roads and sidewalks. For approximate calculations, the volume of washing water is assumed to be 200 m3 per hectare per year.

Wm = 1.2x200= 240 m3 per 1 ha

Approximately, based on the intake of the most contaminated part of the surface runoff, which is formed during the period of rainfall, melting of snow cover and washing of road surfaces, the volume of wastewater is determined in the amount of:

5582.5 m3 per day

Four settling tanks are planned. At subsequent design stages, the capacity of settling tanks at the mouths of drains, as well as the capacity of treatment facilities, should be determined by more accurate calculations.

Measures to combat erosion processes

Erosion processes include soil erosion, gully erosion, lateral and deep river erosion.

Soil erosion on the territory of the settlement is poorly developed. The weak development of soil erosion is associated with low altitudes, fairly flat topography, and the spread of loose, easily water-absorbing sandy and sandy loam rocks over large areas.

Gully erosion is generally characterized by weak development, where gully dissection averages 0.09 km/km. The relatively weak development of gully erosion in the study area is associated with a combination of natural factors- flat low-lying relief, lithological section, represented by easily permeable sandy soils that filter melt and storm water and significantly reduce surface runoff.

Lateral and deep erosion of the Aktai River is not high, which is due to the lithological factor. Within the study area, the Aktai River belongs to the category of flat river, the main features of which are small slopes and a relatively calm flow.

Geographical location.
The Starosalmanovskoye rural settlement of the Alkeevsky municipal district is located 16 km away. from the regional center of the village of Bazarnye Mataki
The Starosalmanovsky rural settlement includes 5 settlements: the village. Old Takhtala, village New Takhtala, village. New Ballykul, village Starye Nokhraty, village. Old Salmans. The administrative center of the settlement is the village of Starye Salmany.
The territory of the rural settlement borders the Agromakovsky rural settlement of the Spassky district, the Salmansky rural settlement, the Koshkinsky rural settlement, and the Bazarno-Mataksky rural settlement. The Salmanka River flows through the territory of the rural settlement.

Area, size and composition of population
Territory municipality occupies 11467 hectares. including the area of ​​agricultural land is 9788 hectares.
The permanent population is 751 people,
incl. aged:
younger than working age - 112 people, working age - 312 people. Pensioners 220 people.
There are 75 schoolchildren studying in the schools. 42 students are studying in different educational institutions.

Brief historical background

The Starosalmanovsky village council of workers' deputies was formed in the Bazarno-Matak volost, Spassky district, Kazan province. Khabibullin Kalimulla was elected as the first chairman. Mukhametshin Safiulla was elected secretary of the village council. 1930-1933 Safin Kalimulla worked as chairman 1933-1936 Akhmetov Zahidulla worked as chairman 1936-1943 Mukhamatshin Nasybulla worked as chairman 1943-1945 Mindubaeva (Khaidarova) Rabiga worked as chairman 1946-1954 Khairullin Razak worked as chairman 1954-1957 Gumerov worked as chairman Gabdulla Valeevich 1957-1961 Gatin Minshakir Gatinovich worked as chairman 1961-1962 Khaidarova Rabiga worked as chairman 1962-1965 Gainutdinov Idris worked as chairman 1965-1972 Ibragimov Ilyas Yakupovich worked as chairman 1972-1974 Mikhail Dmitrievich Konovalov worked as chairman 1974 -1976 chairman Gatin Rustam worked 1976-1979 worked as chairman Galeev Khazip Abdullovich 1979-1983 worked as chairman Valeev Anvar Salikhzyanovich 1983-1986 worked as chairman Sadykov Tagir Samatoaich 1987-1999 worked as chairman Zalyaletdinov Ilaltdin Garafutdinovich
From 2000-2005, Fanil Daniulovich Safin worked as chairman; 2006, head of the village. works Zalyaletdinov Ilaltdin Garafutdinovich

History of the village of Old Salmany
The village of Old Salmany was founded at the beginning of the 14th century. Before the revolution, the village had 450 farms, 6 shops, 2 mosques, 7 windmills. The first school was opened in 1912 by teacher Gainulla Aituganov in an old abandoned house, where 17 boys began studying. In 1919, a school building was built. In this school they began to study together with boys and girls. In 1927, a “training house” (library) and a “backgammon” (club) were opened. In 1928, Yarullin Galiulla brought a radio for the club. The villagers gathered at the club to listen to the radio. In 1929, the first collective farm was organized from 25 farms. The leader was Mindubaev Minkhaidar. In 1936, the collective farm bought its first GAZ car. In 1941, Kalimullin Gizatulla was one of the very first to go to the front. 184 villagers from the village of Starye Salmany went to the front, 98 people did not return. A car and 62 horses were also sent to the front. For heroism and courage, 39 people were awarded orders and 57 people were awarded medals. In 1949, a 7-year school opened in the village. And since 1961 there has been an 8-year school. In 1957, the first water supply system was laid, with a water intake column installed in the middle of the village. That same year, farms began using electricity. A brick factory was built in 1961. In 1965, the Sputnik state farm was organized, which included the following settlements: Old Salmany, Old Takhtala, New Takhtala, New Ballikul, Old Nokhrat. Faiz Vagizovich Shakirov was appointed head of the state farm. In November 1966, electricity was installed in the village.

List of enterprises and institutions
Starosalmanovskaya Secondary School Director - Gulsina Sultanovna Sharipova, village Starye Salmany, Tsentralnaya st., 7
Starotakhtalinskaya secondary school Director - Irina Anatolyevna Ferapontova, Staraya Takhtala village, Ezhevichnaya st., 84a
Starosalmanovskaya MDOU "Leysan" Head - Safina Razina Rafikovna, village Starye Salmany, Tsentralnaya st., 7
Starotakhtalinskaya MDOU "Rucheek" Head - Marina Vladislavovna Padyushova, Staraya Takhtala village, Ezhevichnaya st., 84a
Starosalmanovskaya House of Culture Director - Gulnazia Gabdelnurovna Sunkisheva, Starye Salmany village, Klubnaya st., 1
Starotakhtala rural club Director - Valentina Petrovna Barabanova, Staraya Takhtala village, Ezhevichnaya st., 88a
Starosalmanovskaya rural library Leading librarian Garipova Gulnur Sultangaleevna village Starye Salmany, Klubnaya st., 1
Starotakhtala rural library Leading librarian Zoya Mikhailovna Kozlova, Staraya Takhtala village, Ezhevichnaya st., 88a
Novoballykul rural library Leading librarian Nurullina Nailya Agliullovna p. New Ballykul st. Polevaya no. 40
Starosalmanovsky FP Paramedic Vafina Alfiya Tagirovna, Starye Salmany village, Klubnaya st., 1
Starotakhtalinsky FP Khaidarova Farida Anvarovna p. Old Takhtala st. Ezhevichnaya 87a
Novo-Ballykul FP Paramedic Khaidarova Farida Anvarovna S. Novo-Ballykul st. Poleva D.41
Starosalmanovsky post office Vafina Rezeda Ildarovna village Starye Salmany, Klubnaya st., 1
Shop “Adelya” IP Nurgalieva Gulia Gumarovna village Starye Salmany st. Tukaya 34
Sawmill IP Nurgaliev Ferdinat Kharisovich village Starye Salmany st. Nagornaya

Grocery store Saleswoman Shagimardanova Nazirya Marselovna village Starye Salmany st. Tsentralnaya 8
Grocery store Saleswoman Ryzhkova Natalya Fedorovna p. Old Takhtala st. Lesnaya 77
Grocery store Saleswoman Nurullina Nailya Agliullovna s. New Ballykul st. Polevaya 6a
Grocery store IP Karmanaev village. Old Takhtala st. Ezhevichnaya 91a
KV Agro Alkeeva detachment 10 Chief Gatin Ravil Hanifullovich village Starye Salmany st. Nagornaya 3
Peasant farm Nasybullin Radik Nabiullovich village Starye Salmany st. Tukaya 6
Peasant farm Chygysh Vafin Ramil Rustamovich village Starye Salmany st. 2 lane 1
Peasant farm Salman Zalyaletdinov Ilaltdin Garafutdinovich village Starye Salmany st. Vakhitova 10

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