Will there be snow in Krasnodar, why is it warm in Kuban and is a real winter needed? February in the northern part of Kuban

Among all the vast latitudes of our native Russia, the Krasnodar region seems to be the place where there is no winter. But this opinion is deeply erroneous. This area of ​​Russia has quite large expanses, each of which has its own landscape. Winter in Krasnodar region This is also the case, the only thing is that it is slightly different in its temperature regimes from other Russian regions.

Many tourists prefer to celebrate New Year's celebrations in cities with hot sunshine, so it becomes actual problem, what will winter 2017-2018 be like in the Krasnodar region?

The entire Krasnodar region is divided into two unequal territories, belonging to the northern and southern latitudes. South part has a longer duration and larger volume, it spreads over almost the entire territory belonging to the Black Sea. The northern latitude is equipped with mountains and plains; it is not as large as the first, but the winter period here is much cooler, and the ground is covered with a copious layer of snow. From all of the above, we can correctly conclude that in the two indicated parts Krasnodar region Winters are completely different in their temperature regimes.

The weather in the winter of 2017-2018 in the Krasnodar Territory will not differ much from all previous periods of the same time. At the moment, it is not possible to make the most accurate forecasts; more reliable data will be available at the end of autumn. But some preliminary forecasts can be made regarding what winter 2017-2018 will be like in the Krasnodar Territory according to weather forecasters.

Winter in the Krasnodar region

The territorial part of this region of our Russia belongs to a temperate continental climate. On the plains, throughout the entire winter period, strong winds are observed, which bring unpleasant sensations to people. In addition, at the time of low temperature conditions, icing of the surface layer of the earth occurs here. Due to such circumstances, winter in the Krasnodar region seems unkind and angry to many.

As for temperature conditions, the weather forecast for the winter of 2017-2018 in the Krasnodar Territory differs significantly depending on the location of the region southern region. For example, in the northern part of the territory there is a frostier temperature than in the southern towns. The difference can be up to 10 degrees. The southern part of the Krasnodar Territory is more temperate; it is almost impossible to see snow-covered drifts and frosty nights here, which cannot be said about northern latitudes. The same goes for the winds; in the south they dominate less than in the other part of the Krasnodar Territory.

What will winter 2017-2018 be like in Krasnodar?

  • December. The very first period of winter time in Krasnodar is practically not like a frosty moment. average temperature The air environment these days does not rise above minus 6 degrees. At the beginning of the month, the weather can perform miracles and surprise the population with temperatures of 0 degrees. All this applies to southern latitudes. In the north of Krasnodar it is very cool. On some days the air temperature can drop to minus 10 degrees. The first days of December, as a rule, do not become frosty, but this period differs more than any other in windiness. The Black Sea coast can be proud of such temperature conditions in December as 0 degrees. In the middle and towards the end of December, the weather becomes cooler, and the air freezes to minus 6 degrees. As for precipitation, there is practically no precipitation here. Of course, from time to time you can observe snowfalls and rains, but most often these two types of precipitation are mixed, and the population observes hail in the coastal areas. This weather environment does not have a very favorable effect on human health; unfavorable and changeable temperature conditions have negative impact throughout the entire respiratory system.
  • January. The middle of the winter period in Krasnodar becomes cooler and more stable. In the mountain area, temperatures drop to minus 15 degrees; milder and more pleasant weather can be observed near the sea. Here the thermometer stays at minus 5 degrees. If we take the average reliable data, weather forecasters indicate the air temperature in January at minus 10 degrees. This weather is favorable for celebrating the New Year, so many tourists prefer to leave snow-covered cities for Krasnodar and enjoy the comfort warm winter. In January, only snow is observed among precipitation; rains at this time are already unlikely. At some moments, hail may fall, which can surprise you with its large size. The winds calm down a little at this time, but this statement does not apply to northern and mountain latitudes. In these areas, strong and cold winds are still in full control.
  • The final period of winter is also stable and moderate. IN February A moderately frosty winter continues to reign, but nature is already beginning to slowly prepare for the arrival of spring. WITH The average thermometer in February stays at around minus 5 degrees, while the weather can surprise the population of Krasnodar with various surprises. Today the air temperature and environment may stop at zero, and tomorrow in nature there may be frosts down to minus 7 degrees. However, in February the bright sun already awakens, which helps to melt the snow. Of course, there are no heavy snowfalls in Krasnodar, but small snow barriers still occur. Many residents of other cities call Krasnodar February already spring month, and rightly so, because now nature is beginning an active struggle between winter and spring warmth. In this case, the green and beautiful spring always wins.

An amazing and delightful sight can be seen in the Krasnodar region only in winter - this is the color scheme of the Black Sea. The hue of the water at this time of year varies as much as possible in color variations from turquoise to dark blue, which undoubtedly attracts the eyes of local residents, as well as numerous tourists.

Winter is coming even to the South. It may not be as severe, but apparently this time it is expected to be colder than usual. Now in Krasnodar during the day it is still 10-15 degrees, but this is also 4-6 degrees below the usual norm and everything indicates that things are heading towards cooling...

This was discussed at last meeting commission for emergency situations. The head of the Krasnodar Regional Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring presented the forecast there. Andrey Bondar, promising that the current weather will continue until the end of the month. But in winter, sub-zero temperatures are expected. Down to minus three in December, and down to minus five in January.

Such messages can bring a smile to Siberians or Far Easterners, and even residents middle zone countries don't have much weather high degrees, and for the southern regions, these are already abnormal bitter frosts. And, apparently, the winter of 2017 will really be colder than always throughout the country and Europe.

As for Kuban, according to Bondar, such low temperatures has not been observed in the Krasnodar region for the last six years. Are Kuban utility workers ready for such a turn of events?

We are already writing now, when it is only October, that in southern cities— In Volgograd, Krasnodar Territory, our valiant public utilities managed to freeze people. And winter is still far away; there has been no real cold.

Nevertheless, in one of the microdistricts of Krasnodar - Zhukovsky, fourteen people remained without heat until the last moment. apartment buildings. Heat was given there only after the governor personally intervened Veniamin Kondratyev. The head of the region did not accept explanations regarding the fact that the owner of the boiler room had changed, and therefore they did not manage to start it up on time, saying that legal issues should not concern people.

And, of course, the question immediately arises: if in October the boiler houses are not started on time and heat-loving Krasnodar residents do not feel very comfortable in their own apartments, then what will happen in December-January, which promise to be colder than usual?

You can remember the Krasnodar floods this summer, in one of which a 17-year-old boy even died. And we wrote about this. Then, too, all the responsible persons reported that they had not seen such downpours for the last 50 years, so they could not cope with the disaster in time. That is, they will again blame all emergencies on natural anomalies?

Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Krasnodar Territory Ivan Kolontai stated that his service is ready for any turn of events. To promptly respond to any emergency situation, 2,300 department employees and 353 pieces of equipment will be involved. Four mobile heating units are ready for operation with the ability to move to areas of traffic congestion.

In addition, according to the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will create special observation posts at annual places of mass ice outing. 33 areas prone to congestion and 10 areas with long descents and ascents on the federal highways of the region have already been identified. The most dangerous areas are assigned to fire and rescue units. That is, people will definitely not freeze on the roads.

Minister of Transport and Road Facilities of the Region Anatoly Voronovsky also reassuring. They say that 905 units of equipment are ready to service roads in winter. So any heavy snowfall will be met fully.

As stated by the Lieutenant Governor Andrey Alekseenko, who held the emergency meeting, people should feel safe. Each of the officials must bear personal responsibility for this in part of their powers.

By the way, about personal responsibility. The governor of the region, Veniamin Kondratyev, has already warned that all deputy heads of housing and communal services, where heat was not provided on time, will be fired.

Kondratyev was indignant that, as always, all services provided reports about 100 percent readiness for winter and the beginning of the heating season, but in reality everything turned out completely differently.

For example, in Goryachy Klyuch, boiler houses, including those providing heat to a children's clinic, were launched late. The village of Chernomorsky, Seversky district, remained without heat; we talked about the microdistrict in Krasnodar itself at the very beginning.

Veniamin Kondratiev emphasized that no one has the right to bring the situation to a boiling point and solve systemic problems in an emergency mode.

With all this, as always the most main problem And utility workers cite the huge debts of heat supply organizations as the main reason for these most emergency situations. In Kuban, the amount of debt today is 2.5 billion rubles.

At the same time, 800 million rubles are the debts of heat supply enterprises in the Leningrad, Krymsky, Kushchevsky, Slavyansky, Temryuksky, Seversky and Uspensky districts. That is, a good part of Kuban may be left without heating at all.

And as the authorities of the Krasnodar region note, municipal leadership does not remember their debts until the first frost. This is what happened, according to Vice-Governor Andrei Alekseenko, in the Kushchevsky district, where a debt has accumulated of 50 million rubles and is now being explained by the difficulties with the start of the heating season.

Veniamin Kondratyev demanded that the culprits of the situation be named by name and that each individual case be dealt with.

— Local heads have a huge range of tasks, but there are deputies. And if deputies only provide such reports, they need to be removed. Such employees undermine the trust of the region’s residents in the authorities out of the blue. There must be personnel decisions: deputy heads of housing and communal services in municipalities where heat was not provided should be relieved of their positions within 24 hours,” said the head of the region.

Kondratyev also proposed creating an interdepartmental commission with the participation of representatives law enforcement, prosecutor's office, in order to work with debtors on a systematic basis.

Whether all these measures will help the Kuban residents spend the winter more or less comfortably, time will tell. In the meantime, we will monitor the situation, as well as the degrees on the street thermometer. The lower the temperature outside the window, the higher the boiling point for those who will freeze in their own apartments. This is what authorities at all levels, including deputies who have not yet been fired, should think about first.

Krasnodar Territory is a relatively warm region Russian Federation, which is washed by the waters of two seas (Black and Azov) and borders the Crimea. Considering that it is part of North Caucasus, but at the same time located near a large sea area, the climate in the region is quite different interesting features,it is not surprising that the question of worries many.

Basically, the region's territory is in a temperate continental climate, however naval part sushi, which is located near Anapa and Tuapse, falls under the Mediterranean climate. The mountain range is characterized by climatic zonality, so in winter the fluctuations are especially noticeable here. temperature regime, and foothill areas often suffer from foehns - warm, dry air that blows from the mountain to the valley area. The peculiarity of this wind is that the stronger its strength, the sooner cold air descends from the mountains, which rapidly heats up, and this often causes rapid melting of snow in the mountains. It must be said thatwinter weather forecast 2018-2019 in the Krasnodar regionassumes a large number of snow, but because of the hair dryers it will melt very quickly, and therefore we should even expect large river floods (it happens that if the air descends from a height of 2500 meters and heats up to 25 degrees, but this phenomenon does not last long).

Not far from Anapa there are boras with a force of up to 47 meters, which in winter often cause an ice crust, while in winter on average 18 days of bora are recorded in the region. In general, calm winter time in the region it happens very rarely and to this development events need to be prepared.

"Southern" winter

Arguing about the, it is worth emphasizing that they promise stable weather - moderately cold, which will not be characterized by sudden changes in temperature between the day and the air (last season residents suffered from precisely this phenomenon). Winter will come relatively early, but it will also end on time (a thaw is expected at the end last month winter), and there will be relatively little precipitation, and most of the time the weather will be dry, and in the middle of spring, especially hardened people will be able to swim in sea water.

Beginning and middle of winter

It must be said thatwill be relatively stable, because winter will begin in November, which is expected to be quite cold and, importantly, snowy. On average, weather forecasters do not expect frost below 18 degrees, but in January it will become a little warmer, because at this time of year one can expect precipitation, which will contribute to the temperature column dropping by 2-3 values. Precipitation will only fall in the north of the region, where quite impressive snowdrifts are expected already in December, but in the south you should not expect much snowfall, because relatively warm weather will reign here.

January, even though it is the coldest month of winter, in the Krasnodar Territory it will be relatively “mild”, because on average the temperature will “jump” from 10 to 15 degrees below zero, which cannot be called high values. It is worth saying that it will be coldest in the mountain region, but near the sea the thermometer will not drop 10 degrees below zero. Forecasters suggest that the region will experience strong winds that will blow most months (starting from the middle), snow, rain and even hail are expected (closer to the sea, on the southern side of the region).

Krasnodar February

Finish by talking aboutwhat winter 2018-2019 will be like in Krasnodar, you need information about what is in full force winter begins only at the end of its “reign”. Literally a couple of weeks before the end of the month, a large amount of snow will fall on the region and fairly stable frosty weather will set in for some time. The regional authorities must prepare for the fact that separate territory The region will receive one and a half meters of snow, which will make movement difficult Vehicle. The “real winter” will last only ten days, and in March the snow will almost melt, and it will warm up so much that by the end of the first month of spring, sowing work can begin in the fields.

It is also necessary to further emphasize that weather forecasters cannot give one hundred percent accurate forecast, because the climate in this region is unpredictable, and the weather can instantly change from cold to warm and vice versa (especially if feta blows from the mountains). “People” recommend paying attention to folk signs, who sometimes speak better than weather forecasters about what winter time will be like and when it will end (by the way, drops are expected at the beginning of March, and this is evidence that spring will be early, we just have to wait and check).

If you believe the signs...

If you believe the signs, then Special attention worth your time surrounding nature which itself gives the person hints. At the beginning of winter, it is worth listening to the “language” of the forest, because if it crackles, then the frosts will linger for a long time, and there will be a lot of snow. Warm New Year is evidence of a rainy summer, and a clear sunset on the last day of the outgoing year will hint at the early arrival of winter.

Largest quantity omen falls in February, because if it’s on the fourth on the street severe frost, then the whole month will be the same, and the blizzard that breaks out on the second day will promise a snowy month. It's also worth pay attention to rowan, because a large number of fruits on it speak of the approaching harsh time, because the tree, using this method, speaks of the fact that it is worth stocking up on vitamins, because there is simply no other way to survive the harsh time.

You need to carefully monitor the first snow: wet means a rainy summer, and dry means a warm summer. Leaves that do not fall for a long time are evidence that winter will come late, but if you believe weather forecasters, it will come early. In general, you should carefully monitor the weather and follow its cues.

Vast territories in the south of Russia are occupied by fertile lands of the Krasnodar Territory. This is the warmest part of our country, including the flat northern part - an area called Kuban after the flowing river, and southern coasts Black and Azov seas, separated from the plain by a mountain range with famous resort cities: Sochi, Tuapse, Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik, Anapa and many others.

This geographical position determines some differences in the climate of the region: the Black Sea coast, south of Tuapse - subtropical, everything to the north - temperate continental. The temperature difference can reach 10°C. The coldest part, of course, is in the mountainous part. Although in general it can be said, based on archival weather data, that winter in the Krasnodar Territory is usually quite warm. This is especially typical for the Black Sea coast: the thermometer readings here practically never drop to negative levels, this phenomenon is quite rare and lasts for several days, no more.

Such climatic conditions are conducive to spending winters in this part of Russia, with the most comfortable temperatures. Let's find out what winter 2016-2017 will be like in Krasnodar according to weather forecasters.

Winter in the Krasnodar region

The end of the year and the beginning of winter in Kuban and Black Sea coast more like the end of autumn in the center of Russia. There is almost no snow, and if there is snow, it is a little and melts immediately, not lasting two or three days. The temperature is usually above zero, rarely down to -2°C. It is warmer on the coast - in Sochi +8°C. Only in the mountainous part of the region, closer to the Black Sea, does winter weather begin to set in with negative temperatures. The usual winter with stable temperatures below zero on average occurs by the end of December.

Typically the coldest winter month is January with average temperatures around -3°C. On the coast, the beginning of the year is warmer - +5°C, and on the flat Kuban and in the mountainous part - up to -8°C. Of course, about sustainable snow cover in these climatic conditions there is no need to say - the snow melts within 24 hours. Although exceptions do happen. For example, last year there was quite a lot of it in the Krasnodar area; heavy snowfalls pleased the children with the opportunity to go sledding and play snowballs.

In the last winter month, spring is already coming in the southern part of the region - the thermometer usually shows above 10°C. In the north of the Krasnodar Territory, spring begins a couple of weeks later. However, sometimes nature brings surprises - the thermometer rises above +20°C and active flowering begins fruit trees. A possible sharp drop in temperature following a deceptive warming often ruins the harvest. This phenomenon is typical for the central and northern parts of the region.

Krasnodar region has the most favorable climate for human life on the territory of Russia. There are only two cold months a year, but even in winter there is a lot of light and sunny days. Residents of the more northern regions of Russia, wanting to extend summer or see spring earlier, go on vacation to Kuban. That is why the weather forecast for winter 2016-2017 in the Krasnodar Territory is of interest to many readers.

Weather forecast 2017

Forecast winter weather Summer is quite difficult - errors often occur in short-term forecasts over a shorter period of time. However, people are starting to plan vacations and trips for this period of time now. That's why general information What the winter of 2016-2017 will be like in Krasnodar has already been announced by weather forecasters.

December in the Krasnodar Territory is expected to be quite warm, up to negative values the temperature will hardly drop. By the New Year, the temperature in Krasnodar itself will reach +10°C. It must be said that similar weather will be established on the Black Sea coast, with a difference of 2-3 degrees. Minor precipitation in the form of rain and sleet will occur on the 10th and 20th of the month. However, the number of sunny days is expected to be small and towards the end of the month - December weather is mostly cloudy.

January will delight you with high temperatures, especially in the southern part - negative temperatures will be towards the end of the month. But there will be less sun - the weather is mostly cloudy. At the very beginning of the month it will be cooler and weather forecasters expect snow. The weather is ideal for relaxation and winter sports.

February will have big difference temperatures by region. So, in the north it will be quite cool, but in the southern part the temperature is predicted to be above 10°C and spring will come by the middle of the month. However, rainy weather is possible in many areas of the region this month.


In general, the weather in the winter of 2016-2017 in Krasnodar and the Krasnodar region is expected to be warm and pleasant, with little precipitation. The mountainous part will provide an opportunity for winter sports lovers to go skiing and sledding during the holidays, but flat Kuban and the coastline will most likely be deprived of snow this year. It is expected to be small, and even in positive temperatures it will melt relatively quickly. But good weather in the Krasnodar Territory - not the only advantage. And even on a cloudy but warm day, a tourist will have something to do: it is difficult to list all the cities and places worthy of visiting. The region is famous for its hospitals and sanatoriums. Yeysk, Temryuk, Goryachiy Klyuch, Anapa - everyone knows these cities.

Places military glory will be of interest to lovers of historical travel. Taman Peninsula, famous for its wines, Abrau-Durso and the magnificent Lake Abrau in the mountains. The Cossack village of Ataman is an ethnographic complex that will introduce you to the life of the local residents. The abundance of natural and man-made attractions, mountains, and sea will not allow even an experienced traveler to get bored.

Plan your trips and vacations to this wonderful region of Russia, but remember - the weather is very changeable, and weather forecasters are not always accurate. The most reliable data about what winter 2016-2017 will be like in Krasnodar will still be closer to the season.

Krasnodar is a wonderful southern territory, where a huge number of tourists and travelers gather in the summer and early autumn. Many guests of the southern region are sure that winter simply does not exist here. But the local population maintains a completely opposite opinion, because even in the territory of sunny and hot sun, signs of winter may appear. Of course, you definitely won’t be able to watch the snow-covered snowdrifts and “plunge” into the beauty of severe frosts here, but since according to the calendar data a frosty period is planned, it won’t hurt to determine What will winter 2017-2018 be like in Krasnodar?

The geographical location of Krasnodar extends in such a way that it will be impossible to observe harsh and cold days here at this point in winter. All this is explained by the fact that the southern territory is densely washed by 2 warm seas(Azov and Cherny), moreover, it closely borders on another sultry region - Crimean peninsula. Thanks to this “cooperation”, frosts and snowfalls are rare in Krasnodar.

It is also necessary to point out the factor that 2017-2018 in Krasnodar will become quite unstable. Such variability is natural due to the nearby mountain range, which creates “windiness” weather conditions southern territory.

It is a deeply erroneous opinion that Krasnodar is considered so warm region, which is practically all year round The weather here is beautiful and sunny. It is with the arrival of winter calendar months on the territory of the southern region, the strongest winds intensify their force, which cause the development of local population colds and respiratory diseases.

Despite all the important circumstances, tourists dream of visiting Krasnodar not only during the hot calendar period, but also. There are many unusual and surprising things here at this point in the year. For example, if in most Russian regions snow begins to fall in winter, then in Krasnodar, due to the activity of dry winds in the mountains, the melting of stale snowdrifts begins. By many and others interesting facts Krasnodar can “boast”, but it won’t hurt to find out in advance as accurately as possible What will the winter of 2017-2018 be like in Krasnodar according to weather forecasters?


The initial symptoms of the winter calendar moment in southern Krasnodar will appear in nature already at the end of autumn November. During this season of the year, a sharp cooling is expected, when the value on the thermometer during the day reaches -15 degrees. But with the arrival of December, relative warmth returns to nature again. By preliminary analyzes Forecasters can judge that the coming December will become much warmer than the previous similar month of the past year.

Concerning temperature values of a given month, then on some dates at night you can see a limit of -18 degrees on the street thermometer. Of course, during the daytime the corresponding temperature relationships will change sharply and will not “jump over” the lower threshold of -12 degrees.

Most of the December days will become moderately frosty, when during the day the thermometer will show a limit of -8 degrees, and at night the corresponding conditions will not drop below -12 degrees.

Surprisingly, it is in December that the entire territory of Krasnodar can be covered with dense snow crust. Soft and fluffy snow will smoothly and harmoniously cover the entire soil layer and confidently stay on it for about 2 weeks. Closer to the north of the southern region, the snow intensifies its activity, so local residents will be able to enjoy a truly Russian winter - skiing to their heart's content, building a huge snowman, admiring the fluffy snowdrifts.


After January takes control of the nature of Krasnodar, warmth will “fall” on the southern territory. All the snow that fell in December will quickly melt at the beginning of the month of January. The main features of this month are strong winds and variable temperature conditions.

January 2017-2018 in the Krasnodar region heralds the arrival of constant warmth. Street thermometers at night will not drop below 10 minus calendar degrees, but during the day there will often be zero marks. People living in the mountainous and northern territories of Krasnodar will be less lucky; it is there that the weather will become so changeable and very unstable that it is quite difficult to make any preliminary forecasts.

Almost the entire month of January will be devoid of precipitation. In the northern territory of Krasnodar, small and insignificant snowfalls are possible, but in all other parts neither snow nor rain will appear in nature.

The further towards the end of January, the more often bad weather will occur. At this moment, strong and chilly winds are not uncommon, wet hail is possible, and temperature limits will certainly “jump.”


The final winter period, February, will greet residents and guests of Krasnodar very unkindly. Frequent rains, unpleasant winds, weather variability - all this main trend month.

If you can determine what the winter of 2017-2018 in Krasnodar will be like based on the first 2 calendar winter months, then the final moment of the corresponding time of year is more like spring. Closer to the very middle of the month of February, the sun's rays will appear more often in the sky, the peculiarity of which is not only to shine, but also to warm.

It is important to remember that in last years nature is generous with surprises, so it’s still not worth taking off your winter clothes ahead of time and changing into spring clothes. Large territory Krasnodar will begin to actively prepare for the arrival of spring in February, but in the mountainous and northern regions it may winter month a snow crust will fall, the height of which will instantly reach 50 cm. But residents of Krasnodar will not have to enjoy the harshness of nature for long, because already in early March there will be no trace left of the signs of the winter period.

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