What does Yulia Abdulova do? Biography of Alexander Abdulov: personal life, children, wife, photo. Childhood and adolescence

January 3 will mark a year since the death of Alexander ABDULOV. The country has lost a wonderful actor. And his loved ones were left without a caring son, a loving husband and father. Standing at the last line, Alexander Gavrilovich remained optimistic. He did not write a will, believing that writing it would mean giving up without a fight. terrible disease. Relatives had to resolve the issue of inheritance worth almost $5 million. Alas, as often happens, the fortune was not divided without problems.

Until the death of Alexander Abdulov, all his big family- wife, daughter, mother and brother and daughter-in-law - lived in an estate near Moscow in Vnukovo. Here, on 25 acres, there is a spacious two-story house with an attic. In it, the actor was happy with his wife Yulia and daughter Zhenechka. On the territory there is a well-kept garden and a swimming pool. A little further away there is another building: a solid but modest country house. Alexander Gavrilovich built it especially for his mother. She recently turned 87 years old. She feels better in nature than in noisy, polluted Moscow. Of course, Lyudmila Alexandrovna would have found a place in big house. But an elderly person needs peace and quiet. Yes, she herself did not want to embarrass her son with her presence, because he loved noisy companies and was a hospitable host. Together with his mother, the eldest, 67-year-old brother of the actor Robert and his wife settled in the house.

Travel by consent

The country mansion is the main part of Abdulov's inheritance. A year ago, experts estimated the late actor’s property in Vnukovo at approximately $3 million. The question of who should live in the mansion and how to divide it became the main one for Alexander Gavrilovich’s relatives after his death. Four people applied for it - the actor’s widow Julia, young daughter Evgenia, mother and older brother. We decided to find out what went to whom in the end.

Where do you live with your daughter - in Moscow or outside the city? - we asked Yulia on the phone.

Where else should we live, of course, at the dacha, in Vnukovo,” the widow answered with some challenge in her voice.

As it turned out, a year after the death of Alexander Gavrilovich, in Vnukov’s estate, outwardly everything is still the same as during his life. Yulia is in charge of the mansion, and Lyudmila Aleksandrovna and her son are in charge of the country house. But this neighborhood will not last long. The division of property did not proceed without complications. Fortunately, the matter did not come to court - they agreed peacefully. The only owner of the estate in Vnukovo was Yulia.

Relatives offered me to buy out their share,” the artist’s widow told Express Gazeta.

According to her, there was no talk of installments: the actor’s mother and brother offered her to pay the money as quickly as possible.

The question was: everything at once. Well, not immediately, but over a period of time they received everything. Of course, I could not help but agree to their terms. The relatives received a lot of money, they are happy: they all bought apartments for themselves,” Yulia explained the situation.

The actor's mother recently left the hospital. We called her too to find out how she was feeling. Lyudmila Aleksandrovna complained that her health was not good.

While I live in a house next to the mansion, my son Robert and my eldest daughter-in-law are still with me,” she clarified. - We haven’t bought an apartment yet, but we are planning to. As soon as we find a suitable option, I will leave here with my son.

Yulia did not disclose the amount that had to be collected to buy out her relatives’ shares. But, based on the price of the house, we can assume that she had to pay about $1.5 million. We asked how she managed to get the necessary amount.

My friend Sashin helped me raise money... in general, his friends,” Yulia spoke vaguely, refusing to name names.

How will you pay off your debts? - we were horrified.

Well, that’s my problem,” the widow stopped the conversation.

Contain big Vacation home It’s not easy - you need a lot of money. A nanny is still caring for her one-and-a-half-year-old daughter Zhenechka. On what means Yulia manages to exist despite the fact that she had to borrow a colossal amount is a mystery. The actor's widow told us that she doesn't work anywhere. But she did not work before her marriage, although she has a legal education.

Julia also refused to talk about how the other part of the property left after her husband’s death was divided. We have already written that in the name of Alexander Gavrilovich, in addition to the house in Vnukovo, two Moscow apartments were registered - one with an area of ​​115 square meters. m, the other - 78 sq. m (see article “Widow's Share”). A year ago, the first cost about $1 million, the second - about $700 thousand. In addition, the actor owned real estate in Fergana, Uzbekistan, where he spent his childhood. This housing is much cheaper than in the capital - $6 - 8 thousand. Experts valued the actor’s good hunting lodge in Valdai at $20 - 25 thousand. Abdulov also had an impressive fleet of vehicles: two Volkswagens worth a total of about $143 thousand and a van donated by friends for $73 thousand.

However, the main thing is to live in the same way as during the life of the actor, his big family failed. Alexander Gavrilovich’s mother will have to move to stuffy Moscow. But this can be understood: Yulia is only 33 years old, she is young and beautiful. Loving husband, alas, cannot be returned. But when the mental wound heals, she will need to arrange her life.

Higher and higher

Julia carefully hides the details of her biography. Apparently, due to a lack of information, some publications dubbed her Miloslavskaya. And only readers of Express Gazeta know what really maiden name Abdulov's wife - Meshina. We were the only ones who managed to find out that Yulia was born in the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev and grew up in a very wealthy family. Her uncle Vitaly Meshin led the Nikolaev Alumina Refinery for 14 years, and her father, Nikolai Veniaminovich, held key positions at the same enterprise (see the article “Alexander Gavrilovich’s Beloved Woman”).

In the late 90s, Yulina’s family seemed to be persecuted evil rock. Her uncle was arrested on suspicion of embezzling $37 million. However, two months later, due to lack of evidence and poor health, Vitaly was released. Nikolai managed to avoid criminal prosecution altogether. Having divorced Yulina’s mother, he went to Africa and organized a company there that supplied bauxite to the same Nikolaev Alumina Refinery. Meanwhile, Yulia and her mother moved to Ukhta. There she graduated from school and studied to be a lawyer. Afterwards she managed to move to Moscow. Her cousin Ksenia, the daughter of Vitaly Meshina, lived in the capital. Girls of the same age had been friends since childhood. Ksenia helped Yulia get necessary connections and brought her into elite. There were rumors that she was not giving up having affairs with famous producers, musicians and actors. Ill-wishers privately reproached the girl for commercialism. They say she dreams of achieving popularity through famous patrons.

Yulia also didn’t tell anyone about her first husband and how she met Abdulov. It was only leaked to the press that her businessman husband Alexey Ignatenko, to his misfortune, introduced her to the actor. One of Ignatenko’s acquaintances told us interesting details about the first marriage of Abdulov’s widow.

Lesha was far from the last groom. You couldn’t call him rich, his business was not large, but thanks to his father, he occupied a fairly high position in society, says Anna (she asked that her last name not be used). - Yulia’s first husband was the son of the general director of the ITAR-TASS agency Vitaly Ignatenko.

That year Lesha’s mother became seriously ill,” says Anna. - He lived with her at the dacha. One day my mother suggested inviting friends to a barbecue. Lesha was glad that she was feeling better and invited his mother’s friends. Yulia Meshina came with one of them. And a week later my mother died. Julia offered to help with organizing the funeral and memorial service. That’s how Lesha got used to it. After some time, his father said to him: “Look how good, beautiful and caring the girl is next to you. What else should I look for? Marry her". Lesha felt lonely after the death of his mother and listened to his father’s advice.

The wedding took place for 500 people.

He is a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, smart, charming and successful. She is a beauty that successfully complements him in everything. The difference of ten years was almost not felt; Yulia was a practical girl beyond her years.

“Alas, they didn’t live together long, it seems like two or three years,” Anna continues. - Lesha dreamed about strong family, children. But it didn’t work out... Thanks to his father’s acquaintances, Alexey became his own man among the artists. At one of the film festivals, he introduced his wife to his friend, Alexander Abdulov. Julia knows how to make an impression...

Death is on the heels

Current leap year became a year for Yulia Meshina big losses. The death of her husband Alexander Abdulov, of course, is the most difficult loss. But she was only the first.

On May 26, her first husband Alexey Ignatenko also died suddenly at the Central Clinical Hospital. He didn’t have cancer like Abdulov, but his lungs also failed him.

Lesha was bothered by a strong cough; he could not recover from a cold in Turkey, where he was vacationing for the May holidays, says Anna. - He had to go to the Central Clinical Hospital. Doctors suspected pneumonia.

He died in the hospital from a heart attack.

A parallel involuntarily suggests itself here. This is what Yulia said about how Alexander Gavrilovich died:

On the last evening, his friend came to us and had a drink... It was two o'clock in the morning. And then - the heart. Breathing spasm.

Alexey Ignatenko was buried at Vagankovskoe cemetery, next to mom. (Abdulov is also buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery. - V.K., M.S.). It’s an incredible pity... He was so young, energetic, and promising,” adds Olga, another friend of Alexei. - We, of course, have no right to condemn anyone, but Lesha’s friends said that his health was undermined by his betrayal and his wife’s departure. However, Alexey’s colleagues at the newspaper “ The State Duma", which he headed some time before his death, they believe the cause of death is different. Shortly before the sad events, funding for the publication ceased, and the editors associated Ignatenko’s death with the fact that he was very worried about problems at work.

A month after the death of Alexei Ignatenko, in early July, Vitaly Meshin, Yulia’s uncle, died of a heart attack. To this series of deaths among Yulia’s close people, one more can be added - four years ago, Ksenia, the same cousin with whom they conquered Moscow together, died of cancer.

Discord with Yarmolnik

In May, when Abdulov’s 55th birthday was celebrated, friends and relatives said that on the anniversary of the actor’s death, a monument would be erected on his grave instead of a cross.

Is the monument ready? - first we asked this question to Leonid Yarmolnik, one of Abdulov’s closest friends.

“You have to ask Yulia,” he puzzled us. “I think everything is going according to plan,” Leonid Isaakovich continued, revealing his complete ignorance.

There will be no monument for the anniversary,” the widow said. - Install it better in spring, just in time for your birthday. Now this is impossible for many reasons - technical in the first place.

It seemed that Yarmolnik stopped communicating with Yulia, although during Abdulov’s life they were on good terms.

We couldn’t help but inquire about the fate of Abdulov’s last, unfinished film, which he shot based on Alexei Tolstoy’s novel “The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin.” The producer of this film was Yarmolnik.

“I will never finish filming, and neither Sasha nor I had such an idea,” he said sharply. - Nobody will do it like him. Therefore, we must leave the material as it is. It will be best memory about Sasha.

The widow has a different point of view on this matter:

The project is not closed. There are people who want to continue it. But this must be a person who thinks in tune with Sasha, who will have the same spark, the same courage and excitement. I think it will appear soon.

Love is like in the movies

The romance between Abdulov and Meshina lasted four years. At first, Julia hid her relationship from her husband, Alexey Ignatenko. But devoted fans of Alexander Gavrilovich too often noticed their idol in the company of a pretty brunette. Alexander and Yulia were seen either in a boarding house on the Black Sea shore or in the hotel lobby of another provincial town where Abdulov’s entreprise was touring. The actor stubbornly introduced his companion, who, by the way, turned out to be 22 years younger than him, as his niece, but no one believed him.

Finally, in February 2006, at the Spirit of Fire film festival in Khanty-Mansiysk, where Abdulov was vice-president, he decided to show his cards and declared Yulia his official girlfriend. The lovers stayed in the same room at the hotel, skied and snowmobiled, hunted, and took a steam bath. And on March 21 of the following year, 2007, good news appeared: Julia gave birth to Abdulov’s daughter! Alas, the happiness was destroyed by the illness and death of the actor.

Fame came to Abdulov after the film “ An ordinary miracle- and away we go! Each of his roles was successful, but “ star fever” never hit the artist’s head.
How time flies! He's been with us for 10 years already!!! It seems like just yesterday...
10 years ago, in January 2008, Alexander Abdulov passed away. The actor died at 54 from lung cancer. Last film with the participation of Abdulov - the drama “Justice of Wolves” - was released posthumously. Today he could have turned 65 years old.
Tatiana Leibel
Alexander Abdulov met Tatyana, a Mosconcert dancer, in 1975 at friendly party. According to Leibel, it was love at first sight - at night after the party they stayed overnight as guests in the same room... She almost immediately moved to Abdulov’s tiny room in the theater dormitory.

The artist called Tanya his wife and helped her enter GITIS. It seemed to everyone around that the wedding was a matter of time. All the Lenkom artists envied Tatyana - and they envied her “in a black way”. But a two-year romance with a handsome aspiring actor turned out to be a fairy tale with an unhappy ending. As Leibel says, Abdulov insisted on her abortion, and six months after that, the actor admitted to cheating with Irina Alferova. The separation was painful and long. Tatyana believed that Abdulov would return. According to her, he himself admitted that he wanted to be with Irina only because she would soon become a star. The Lenkom management wanted to create a beautiful acting couple and promised Abdulov a two-room apartment for his wedding. Leibel did not believe in their union, but Abdulov and Alferova signed.

Many years later in frank interview Tatyana Leibel admitted: a month after the wedding, Abdulov spent the night with her. Then Tatyana already had a new relationship - she was dating the star of the movie “Aladdin's Magic Lamp” Boris Bystrov, whom she married. Bystrov was in love, and Tatyana agreed to the marriage either out of revenge, or out of a desire to finally forget Abdulov. The marriage lasted three years, and true love Leibel met in 1983. In 1989, the dancer and her husband moved to Canada, where they still live.
In the late 90s, Tatyana came to Moscow and met with Abdulov. He called her to his house in Vnukovo and, as Tatyana says, suggested that they be together again. Of course, this was out of the question, but from then on Leibel and Abdulov began to be close friends, she often came to the artist in Moscow. Last time Leibel and Abdulov saw each other a year before the actor’s death.

Irina Alferova
Irina and Alexander met in Lenkom in 1976. At that time, the actress was divorcing Boyko Gyurov, the son of the Bulgarian ambassador, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, Ksenia, and new love was not part of her plans.

And yet Alferova and Abdulov got married, and Alexander adopted the girl, the future actress Ksenia Alferova, right away. Ksenia and her stepfather even hosted the children’s program “Alarm Clock” together. Ksenia learned about her biological father in her youth, but her attitude towards her stepfather did not change at all. Even after the divorce, Abdulov did not leave his adopted daughter. “No matter what they say, I declare that Ksyukha is my daughter, it was I who gave birth to her, I know all her ailments, all her worries and I worry with her,” the actor commented on attempts to discuss Ksenia’s biological father. In 2013, in memory of her father, Alferova, together with her husband Yegor Beroev, released documentary"Imaginer."

Irina Alferova and Alexander Abdulov were married for 17 years and were married. The family seemed ideal, but in the 90s scandals began. The first crack arose due to the autobiographical book “Notes of a Mean Girl” by journalist Daria Aslamova, who mentioned a connection with Abdulov. According to rumors, Abdulov generally married Alferova for convenience and began to cheat almost immediately after the wedding.
Next, rumors appeared about Irina’s affair with Alexander Serov (the actress starred in the singer’s video “Do You Love Me”), and in 1993 the actors announced a divorce, which became very ordeal for both.
“Sasha has done a lot in his life,” says Alferova. - But he is like that! And I understand him. I need something completely different in my life, but I understand why he did all this. Everyone needs Sasha! To all women! It’s for everyone!”

Galina Lobanova
The actor fell passionately in love with Galina Lobanova. He moved a young girl from Rostov to Moscow and lived with her for 8 years, but never proposed. Lobanova really wanted to become Abdulov’s legal wife, but in the end her persistence became the reason for the separation. Who was this girl? She introduced herself as a ballerina and indeed studied classical dance in her youth, but was not a member of any troupe. Living with Abdulov, Galina worked as a theater manager, and after breaking up she left for the USA, where she got married. She did not communicate with journalists.
Galina was with Abdulov in difficult period his life: the artist drank a lot, smoked uncontrollably and became addicted to gambling. He could spend several days at roulette, winning and immediately losing tens of thousands of dollars. The artist’s health was rapidly deteriorating: Abdulov suffered from thrombophlebitis.

Yulia Meshina
A year before his death, Abdulov became a father for the first time. In March 2007, lawyer Yulia Meshina, 22 years old younger than the actor, gave birth to a daughter, Zhenya. She gave birth in a legal marriage: 13 years after her divorce from Irina Alferova, the artist again wanted to become a husband. Moreover, Abdulov took his last love away from the family - at the time of the beginning of the affair with the actor, Yulia was married to businessman Alexander Ignatenko, the son of the director of the ITAR-TASS news agency.

The family life of Abdulov and Meshina was short-lived and troubled. Five months after the birth of his daughter, Abdulov underwent emergency surgery for perforated ulcer, after which he began to have heart problems. The actor’s condition worsened, and in September Abdulov and his young wife went to Israel for treatment. Tragic news awaited them there. Alexander Abdulov was diagnosed with the fourth stage of lung cancer. The tumor, the doctors had no doubt about it, was caused by many years of smoking: Abdulov demanded a cigarette even in the hospital, after recovering from anesthesia, and the doctors could not refuse the star. The artist continued to smoke until the end...

Alexander Abdulov died on January 3, 2008, three months before his only daughter’s first birthday.

Now Yulia Abdulova is 43 years old. She is not married and is raising a ten-year-old daughter alone. The widow is reluctant to communicate with the press. In February, she reservedly commented on rumors about illegitimate daughter Abdulova. Journalist Larisa Steinman said that she met with the actor when he was still married to Irina Alferova, and gave birth to a girl from him. Paternity, however, was not confirmed. “How do I react to such conversations? No way. All women give birth to someone,” said Yulia.

Yulia Meshina was born in November 1975 in the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev. Julia's family was quite wealthy, so from childhood the girl was accustomed to living in abundance.

Yulia's father, Nikolai Veniaminovich, was the manager of a profitable hotel, which was located in the capital of France, Paris. The girl was also spoiled by her uncle, who at that time worked as the director of a large plant located in the city of Nikolaev. Yulia's entire childhood and youth were carefree. Yulia's family was very friendly.

In the early 90s, during the collapse Soviet Union, family well-being collapsed in an instant. Yulia's uncle was arrested by the police. Nikolai Veniaminovich was forced to leave the country, having previously annulled his marriage to his wife. Yulia's father was charged with theft of more than 37 million dollars, and for such a crime prison term was big enough. According to Yulia, she does not like to remember that time.

Years passed, the girl graduated from school and entered the Odessa Institute. She really liked studying, it helped her take her mind off her memories. At that time Yulia was 17 years old. But at such a young age the girl has already begun serious relationship with my first love. The feelings were so strong that Julia married her chosen one the same year. At the time of the wedding, Yulia’s husband was 18 years old.

With the help of her parents, Julia’s husband at that time had his own business, which brought in a good income. The guy's family was also quite wealthy and had many business connections.

This marriage lasted for a very long time a short time. Julia really wanted to give birth to a child, there was a moment when the girl even became pregnant. But the husband had his own plans for his future life, in which there was no place for children. Having a constant high income, which was much different from the income of ordinary guys, he wanted to go out and have fun. Such adventures led to constant casual relationships.

Julia is a person who is unable to forgive betrayal. Constant worries and tears weighed heavily on her, and she left for the capital.

In Moscow, Julia immediately found herself. She was expressive feminine beauty, and therefore she had plenty of fans. The girl had many friends and lovers. They were pretty famous people, for example Igor Markov, who produced many projects, various businessmen such as Shabtai Kalmanovich, famous singers- Sergey Trofimov. But all these relations had no foundation.

Best of the day

And so Yulia meets Sasha Ignatenko, who was the son of the director of the ITAR-TASS news agency. Soon they got married. Yulia's life got better again.

Various meetings and parties began, Julia met new people. And so, at one of the parties she met Alexander Abdulov. Although the girl did not pay attention to other men, she immediately liked Alexander. Fate sat them at the same table, where they immediately found mutual language. Love flared up again in Julia’s heart with renewed vigor.

The lovers carefully hid their relationship, and only after Yulia’s official divorce did information appear about her relationship with Abdulov.

Alexander was not very keen to bind himself marriage ties, because, as he himself said, the only love of his life was Irina Alferova. However, feelings prevailed, and they got married in 2006. The celebration was quiet, and a year later the couple had a daughter, who was named Zhenya. And everything would have been fine, but Abdulov began to rapidly fade away - the cancer made itself felt.

And then on a January day in 2008, Abdulov passed away. The wife still cannot come to her senses. The onset of depression even drove Yulia to the point where she began to become an alcoholic. Only faithful friends helped the woman and brought her back to life.

Today Julia is interested in astrology. According to her, astrology is a path that can lead a person to faith.

The bear from “An Ordinary Miracle”, Ivan Pukhov from “Sorcerers”, Mitya from the film “Don’t Part With Your Loved Ones”, stellar performances in “Lenkom” - the beloved artist has many bright roles to his name. Alexander Abdulov died on January 3, 2008. He was 54 years old - the peak of his career, new turn in personal life. Shortly before the actor's death, Alexander Gavrilovich's wife Yulia gave birth to a daughter, Zhenya. When the artist was buried, his baby was only 10 months old...

On the eve of the anniversary of the death of the idol, “KP” got through to his widow Yulia Abdulova.

And on January 3, on the 10th anniversary of Sasha’s death, we will gather with our friends,” Yulia Abdulova told KP. - Every year we gather on this day with our loved ones, with those who remember Sasha. We'll meet at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, and then we'll go to a restaurant. We never remember him, we always clink glasses when we talk about him, gathering at the table. Sasha was a holiday man, he brought us all so much joy, so we always talk about him as if he were alive.

“Daughter is a copy of Alexander Gavrilovich”

According to relatives, Alexander Abdulov last years dreamed of a child.

My eldest daughter The artist loved Ksenia like his own and never advertised that he adopted the girl after his wedding with Irina Alferova. The fact that Ksenia’s father, Irina Alferova’s first husband, Bulgarian Boyko Gyurov, became known not so long ago.

The artist was happy when he was born youngest daughter Zhenya. As Abdulov's widow Yulia says, 10-year-old Evgenia is very similar to her father and his mother Lyudmila Alexandrovna, who passed away last year.

Zhenya is a copy of Sasha. And she took after her father in character. My temperament is not mine, I am a calm person. There is endless movement and conversations,” says Yulia Abdulova.

The artist’s widow does not rule out that her daughter will continue acting dynasty Abdulovs.

Zhenya goes to film school and plays football. Why did you become interested in football? It’s hard to say... I’m not an athlete, probably my daughter took after her dad, Sasha was a Spartak fan,” Yulia Abdulova shares with Komsomolskaya Pravda. - Zhenya wanted to go to fencing, but I thought that this hobby was not suitable for a girl.

Child from a student novel

Meanwhile, Abdulov’s friend, actor Georgy Martirosyan, said: Alexander Gavrilovich admitted to him that Zhenya is not his only child. They say that during his student days he had an affair, as a result of which the actor had a son. True, according to Martirosyan, Abdulov’s relationship with the child’s mother did not work out; the boy was raised by another man.

When Abdulov's son grew up, ex-lover The actor called him and told him that the boy’s relationship with her husband was not working out. Alexander Gavrilovich met with his former lady love and her son. According to the actor, the guy was very similar to Abdulov. However, after this meeting, Alexander Gavrilovich stopped communicating with the boy and his mother. Like, I was young and afraid of responsibility.

Now, as Martirosyan says, Abdulov’s illegitimate son is in his early forties, the man has not yet contacted his father’s family and his friends.

Alexander Gavrilovich's classmates had not heard anything about his illegitimate child, but did not deny that in student years the artist was very amorous.

After the novel ended, Sasha was terribly worried. He was an emotional person, every time it sincerely seemed to him that he had met his one and only, recalls Abdulov’s classmate at GITIS Yuri Konoplyannikov. - I remember Sasha was very beautiful girl, nurse Tatyana. Sasha sometimes skipped classes, but all the time he brought certificates: they said that the reason was valid, he was sick. Abdulov’s reason for absenteeism was indeed valid: he was always at Mosfilm, went to auditions, and really wanted to act. But once the teacher carefully studied the certificate, which Once again Sasha presented it to him. There was a seal from the maternity hospital where Sasha’s girlfriend Tanya worked as a nurse. Abdulov was then almost expelled from GITIS. I don’t know why Sasha later broke up with Tanya, he didn’t tell us about it, but he experienced the separation from his beloved, as always, emotionally.


“Sasha didn’t tell me anything”

We asked his widow Yulia about Alexander Abdulov’s illegitimate son.

It is better to address this question to Georgy Martirosyan. “I don’t know anything about this, Sasha didn’t tell me anything,” Yulia Abdulova told us. - Yes, Georgy Martirosyan tells everyone about this. Considering the story with Spartak Mishulin (the illegitimate son of the late actor, whose existence his family did not know, recently appeared. - Ed.), I am not surprised at such conversations.

I don’t mind, Sasha’s sons will show up - great. My child loves his brothers and sisters very much. Zhenya communicates with everyone as if they were family. My daughter is open, kind, and sociable. For example, I communicate wonderfully with eldest daughter Sasha Ksyusha Alferova. So, if someone else appears at Sasha’s place, then good.

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The best roles of Alexander Abdulov. January 3 marks exactly 10 years since our beloved actor, Alexander Abdulov, passed away

Alexander Gavriilovich Abdulov. Born on May 29, 1953 in Tobolsk - died on January 3, 2008 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, film director. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1986). National artist RSFSR (1991).

Father - Gavriil Danilovich Abdulov (March 25 (April 7) 1908 - February 24, 1980), was a director at the local theater, having moved there from Fergana. After the war, Abdulov's father was informed that his first wife and son were missing, so he married a second time.

Mother - Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Abdulova (born 1921).

In 1956, the family returned to Fergana.

Alexander Abdulov was youngest son. He had two older brothers: a half-brother (from his mother’s first marriage) Robert Krainov (1940 - December 4, 2011) and Vladimir Abdulov (1947-1980; killed by hooligans). There was also a paternal brother, Yuri Abdulov (1932-2007).

Alexander Abdulov first appeared on the theater stage at the age of five in the play “ Kremlin chimes» Fergana Drama Theatre.

However, to acting career he didn't try. At school he went in for sports and received the title of Candidate Master of Sports of the USSR in fencing. In addition, he was interested in music.

After graduating from school, Alexander, at the insistence of his father, tried to enter the Shchepkin Theater School, but was unsuccessful. Returning from Moscow, he entered the Faculty of Physical Education of the Fergana State pedagogical institute. At the same time, he worked in his father's theater as a stagehand.

A year later, Alexander Abdulov entered GITIS, taking the course of I. M. Raevsky.

Alexander Abdulov in his youth

In 1975, the chief director of the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Theater (Lenkom) Mark Zakharov invited Alexander Abdulov to the troupe, noting his performance in the graduation performance. Abdulov was offered the main role Lieutenant Pluzhnikov in the play based on the story by B. L. Vasiliev “Not on the Lists.” For this role he was awarded the "Theatrical Spring" award.

Since then, all further theatrical career Abdulova was inextricably linked with Zakharov’s theater. Among his most famous theatrical works- role in the famous “Lenkomov” play “Juno and Avos”.

For his role in the play “The Barbarian and the Heretic,” based on Dostoevsky’s novel “The Gambler,” he was awarded the “Crystal Turandot”, the K. S. Stanislavsky Foundation award, and was also awarded a diploma from the E. Leonov International Theater Foundation.

Works of Alexander Abdulov at the Lenkom Theater:

1975 - “Not on the lists” by B. Vasiliev; director M. Zakharov - Lieutenant Pluzhnikov;
1976 - “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta” by A. Rybnikov; director M. Zakharov - Joaquin;
1976 - “Hamlet” by W. Shakespeare; director A. Tarkovsky - Marcellus;
1979 - “Cruel Intentions” by A. Arbuzov - Nikita;
1981 - “Juno and Avos” by A. Rybnikov; director M. Zakharov - Fernando Lopez, Man of the Theater, Burning Heretic;
1983 - “Optimistic tragedy” Sun. Vishnevsky - Siply;
1984 - “Dear Pamela”;
1986 - “Dictatorship of Conscience” by M. Shatrov - Verkhovensky;
1986 - “Hamlet” by W. Shakespeare; director G. A. Panfilov - Laertes;
1989 - “Funeral Prayer” by G. Gorin - Menachem-Mendl;
1990 - “School for emigrants” by D. Lipskerov - Trubetskoy;
1997 - “The Barbarian and the Heretic” (based on Dostoevsky’s “The Gambler”) - Alexey Ivanovich;
2005 - “Eclipse” (based on “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”) - McMurphy (also director of the play);
2005 - “Marriage” - Kochkarev (played in the premiere shows of the play);
"Everything passes";
"School with a theatrical bias";
"The Executioner's Lament" - The Executioner.

In 1993, Alexander Abdulov organized and headed the “Backyards” festival, most of the proceeds from which were used for charitable purposes. For example, through the efforts of Alexander Abdulov and the team of the Lenkom Theater, as well as famous pop artists and rock musicians invited to the festival, it was restored and transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Putinki, which is located next to the Lenkom Theater.

Alexander Abdulov sang well. His compositions often became Soviet hits.

Alexander Abdulov - From the first to the thirteenth

He made his film debut in 1969 in the film “Gold”, playing a small role - a partisan.

He began to actively appear on screen in the early 1970s and quickly won the love of viewers. In 1974, while still a student, he played a cameo role as Marine Kozlov in Mikhail Ptashuk’s film “About Vitya, about Masha and marines».

Alexander Abdulov became widely famous only after the role of the Bear in the television film “An Ordinary Miracle” (1978), directed by Mark Zakharov based on the play of the same name by Evgeniy Schwartz.

Alexander Abdulov in the film "An Ordinary Miracle"

The next success was Pavel Arsenov's melodrama based on A. Volodin's play “Don't Part With Your Loved Ones” (1979), in which Abdulov played the main male role, Mitya, and the main female role was played by his wife, Irina Alferova.

Among Abdulov’s most famous acting works are Nikita in the film “Carnival” by Tatiana Lioznova, Robert from Alla Surikova’s eccentric detective story “Look for a Woman,” and the lyrical hero Ivan from the film “Sorcerers.”

Alexander Abdulov in the film "Carnival"

Alexander Abdulov in the film "Sorcerers"

He was an artist of wide creative range. Alexander Abdulov starred in many comedies - “The Most Charming and Attractive”, “For Beautiful Ladies!”, “Formula of Love”, “That Same Munchausen”. Also in dramas - “Guard Me, My Talisman” and “Lady Macbeth Mtsensk district"Roman Balayan, "Over Dark Water" by Dmitry Meskhiev.

His work in crime-adventure and detective films was successful - “The Secrets of Madame Wong”, “Ten Little Indians” by Stanislav Govorukhin. Finally, in historical costume films he also showed himself with the best side, for example, in the film “Midshipmen, forward!” Svetlana Druzhinina.

Alexander Abdulov in the film "Formula of Love"

In general, the most successful acting works of Alexander Abdulov were associated with the films of Mark Zakharov and the films of Sergei Solovyov, which became a notable event in the 1980-1990s.

In 1991, Abdulov began collaborating with director Viktor Sergeev, and their first film, the picaresque detective story “Genius,” turned out to be one of the most interesting films of those years and became one of the leaders in video distribution of domestic films.

Alexander Abdulov in the film "Genius"

The crime melodrama “Strange Men of Semyonova Ekaterina” did not go unnoticed, where Natalya Fisson and Andrei Sokolov starred together with Alexander Abdulov. Another film by Viktor Sergeev is “Schizophrenia,” for which Abdulov himself wrote the script, and Alexander Korzhakov was a consultant, which was released in 1997, alas, did not become an event.

Unconditional success in creative biography The actor became the role of Koroviev in the 2005 television series “The Master and Margarita” by Vladimir Bortko.

Alexander Abdulov in the film "The Master and Margarita"

In total, he starred in 112 films.

good physical training allowed Abdulov to do without doubles in almost all his films.

In 2000, Alexander Abdulov made his directorial debut in feature films. He directed the musical “The Town Musicians of Bremen” based on the famous fairy tale. Earlier, in 1990, he shot the semi-documentary film “Backyards 3, or the Temple must remain a temple.”

With the direct participation of Alexander Gavrilovich, the Moscow International Film Festival was revived, general director which Abdulov was for several years, starting in 1995.

In 1991, he took part in the last episode of the capital show “Field of Miracles” with Vladislav Listyev.

He was a co-host of the TV program " Natural selection"on the REN TV channel.

Abdulov quite often participated in the jury Major League KVN, twice - in 2005 and 2006, he was a member of the jury of the KVN festival “Voting KiViN”.

Illness and death of Alexander Abdulov

At the end of August 2007, Alexander Abdulov was operated on in a Sevastopol clinic for a perforated ulcer. A few hours after the operation he began to experience serious problems with heart. Abdulov spent six days in intensive care, after which he was sent to the Bakulev Moscow Cardiocenter. The flight had a negative impact on the actor’s body. Three days later there was a sharp deterioration.

At the beginning of September, Abdulov arrived in Israel, where at the Ichilov clinic he was diagnosed with the fourth (incurable) stage of lung cancer. Both Russian and Israeli doctors came to the conclusion that lung cancer was caused by many years of smoking.

On January 3, 2008 at 7:20 Moscow time, Alexander Abdulov died at the age of 54 at the Bakulev Center for Cardiovascular Surgery.

On January 5, 2008, from 11:00 to 13:45, a civil memorial service and farewell to Alexander Abdulov were held at the Lenkom Theater. The funeral service for A. Abdulov took place in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Putinki on Malaya Dmitrovka. On the same day, at 15:00, Alexander Abdulov was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow (next to site No. 12).

On May 29, 2009, a monument was unveiled at the grave of Alexander Abdulov at the Vagankovskoye cemetery, which is a block of gray-white granite, on the left edge of which a white marble cross rises. A slab with the image of A. Abdulov is mounted in the block. Photo taken from screen tests for the role of Lancelot in M. Zakharov’s film “Kill the Dragon.” The letters with the name Alexander Abdulov are laid out in the form of steps going up. The author of the monument is sculptor Vladimir Matyukhin. main idea the design belongs to the widow Yulia Abdulova and his close friend Leonid Yarmolnik.

Alexander Abdulov - Romance with life

Alexander Abdulov's height: 188 centimeters

Personal life of Alexander Abdulov:

Abdulov had his first serious relationship while studying at a theater university. His beloved name was Tatyana, she studied at a medical institute and worked part-time in a maternity hospital. Because of his dates with her, Alexander often skipped classes, but the actor never had problems with certificates. True, one day the dean’s office noticed the maternity hospital’s seal and, after the scandal, they even wanted to expel Abdulov.

But things didn’t work out with Tatyana - he found his beloved in the arms of another. The betrayal shocked him so much that he opened his veins. He was saved by an accident: his roommate returned and broke down the door.

As I told you close friend Abdulova is an actor, Tatyana gave birth to a son. Abdulov found out about this when he and Tatyana met a few years later. “He came to her house and saw that at the end of the corridor he ran out a little boy, a little “Abdul” who was incredibly similar to him,” Martirosyan recalled. Tatyana admitted to him that this baby is Abdulov’s son. But the actor reacted negatively and did not communicate with the girl. According to Georgy Martirosyan, Tatyana did not bother him with her requests.

He then had an affair with an American woman named Karen. He called her Katya. The girl worked in Moscow at a representative office of a foreign bank. The romance was stormy and passionate, and Alexander even wanted to get married, but his plans were thwarted by the KGB. Karen was eventually expelled from the USSR.

Alexander Abdulov and Karen

Then Abdulov met. They met at the Lenkom Theater in 1976. Abdulov was already playing in this theater at the time they met. That year they staged “The Star and Death of Joaquín Murietta,” where Alexander Gavriilovich shone. And the young but already well-known actress Irina Alferova came to the theater.

On the Lenkom tour in Yerevan, Alexander proposed to Irina. She jokingly told the loving Romeo that if you carry me in your arms across the entire park, I will answer. He did it. And Irina, without hesitation for a second, agreed to marry him.

The actor’s mother Lyudmila Aleksandrovna said: “When Sasha was 23 years old, in 1976, he married Ira Alferova. As I remember now, I once called him, and he said: “Mom, I’m marrying actress Alferova, and we already have a child. Come!". My husband and I went to a children's store, bought a huge doll and rushed to the capital. At that time, Sasha had just received from the theater a two-room apartment in Moscow near Sokolniki Park. We arrived there with Gavriil Danilovich, he introduced us to Ira and Ksyusha, her daughter from her first marriage. But from the very first day Sasha accepted Alferova’s daughter as his own. I immediately liked Ira, she was already famous at that time, I really liked the film with her participation, “Walking Through Torment.” They’ll go on tour, but they’ll leave Ksyushka to me, I tried to help them with everything.”

Irina always had a calm disposition, while Alexander was passionate, loved noisy companies, and was easily carried away beautiful women. Quiet family life turned out to be not for him. After living together for 17 years, Abdulov and Alferova decided to leave.

Alexander left his wife and adopted daughter Ksyusha’s apartment, and for several years he huddled in the dressing room of his native theater. However, he was still officially married. Abdulov asked for a divorce when he learned that his next chosen one was expecting a child. But that will come a little later.

And immediately after breaking up with Alferova, he had an 8-year relationship with ballerina Galina Lobanova.

After breaking up with Galina Lobanova, the actor had an affair with a young journalist Larisa Steinman. She came to interview the artist and immediately captivated him with her beauty and intelligence.

From 2003 to 2005 the actor lived civil marriage with Saratov actress Victoria Lanovskaya, who was 27 years younger than him.

Lanovskaya said: “We met in the fall of 2003. A friend was celebrating her birthday, and Abdulov was among the guests. A handsome man! He joked and sang. When I told him that I also wanted to act in films, he gave me his mobile number. We called each other for six months, until Sasha didn’t say, “Get ready and come to my house. Take your portfolio with you." I was scared because I had heard so much gossip about Abdulov the womanizer, how he rushes at women right out of the gate. Everything turned out to be the opposite. Sasha behaved politely and gallantly. He cooked scrambled eggs and treated him to cognac.

Intimate relationships started a week later. We visited him at home with friends. The guests left in the morning, and we were left alone. Here Sasha showed persistence, but I did not resist, because I had already fallen in love a long time ago. In the morning, no one brought coffee to anyone in bed. We drank a glass cold water- and make love again! There wasn't even enough time for breakfast.

The difference of 27 years did not frighten him. Every morning he asked me about this. But regular guests, feasts, restaurants, presentations. He also smoked a lot. He once tried to quit and gained 10 kilograms in two weeks. It didn't work out for us. When I got tired of all this, I moved to my own apartment, and then moved to Europe for a year and a half. I didn’t even know that Sasha died.”

Victoria Lanovskaya - ex-lover Alexandra Abdulova

Last love The actor became Yulia Meshina.

In 2007, the couple had a daughter, Evgenia. And a year and a half after the wedding, Abdulov died.

It is known about Yulia Meshina that while studying at Odessa University I got married at the age of 17. Julia became pregnant, but her husband was not ready to become a dad, and besides, he went on a spree. The girl did not forgive the betrayal and left for Moscow to cousin Ksenia.

In the capital, she became closely acquainted with producer Igor Markov, who was promoting the aspiring singer Lera Maskva. A year and a half later, Yulia left him. She got a job as an office manager for Shabtai Kalmanovich, at that time he sponsored the then aspiring singer Zemfira. Constantly communicating with artists, Yulia met the singer Trofim, who became her next man. It was to her that Trofim dedicated the song “Bullfinches” in 2001. However, things didn’t work out for Meshina with Trofim either.

After Abdulov’s death, there was talk that Zhenya was not his daughter. Thus, Abdulov’s former lover, actress Victoria Lanovskaya, once said: “I didn’t hold a candle, but I give one hundred percent that this is definitely not Sasha’s child. I lived with him for almost two years and tried unsuccessfully to get pregnant, although both he and I were much more younger. But Sasha was a wise man. Perhaps all this suited him. Especially when he found out that he would soon pass away."

However external resemblance Evgenia and Alexander Abdulov leave no doubt that he is her father.

There were also rumors that doctors in Odessa performed in vitro fertilization on Abdulov’s wife. It is known that Alexander Gavriilovich doted on his little daughter.

After the actor’s death, Julia went out into the world accompanied by various men, whom secular reporters instantly attributed to her as her lovers.

All women of Alexandra Abdulov

Filmography of Alexander Abdulov:

1969 - Gold - partisan
1973 - Near these windows... - Sasha, a young sailor (uncredited)
1973 - About Vitya, about Masha and the Marine Corps - paratrooper Kozlov
1974 - Moscow, my love - groom
1974 - Vera and Fedor - Fedor
1976 - Golden River - Boris Rogov
1976 - Seventy-two degrees below zero - Lyonka Savostikov
1976 - 12 chairs - Ernest Pavlovich Shchukin, engineer
1977 - The Scarlet Flower- The Beast and the Prince
1977 - Prison Escape - Nikolai Bauman
1977 - Front behind the front line - soldier (uncredited)
1978 - An Ordinary Miracle - Bear
1978 - The Captain's Daughter - Pyotr Grinev
1978 - Handsome Man - Pierre
1978 - Two in a new house - Sergei
1978 - Everything is decided by the moment - Varentsov, Nadya’s first coach
1979 - The meeting place cannot be changed - “Horse”, “Burnt”, driver in the “Black Cat” gang
1979 - That Munchausen - Heinrich Ramkopf
1979 - Don’t part with your loved ones - Mitya
1979 - Youth, vol. 2 (short story “The Green Doll”) - Smith
1980 - Sicilian Defense - Evgeny Borisovich Volkov, museum employee
1981 - Facts last day- Grigory Gavrilov
1981 - The Woman in White - Walter Hartright
1981 - Carnival - Nikita
1982 - Grenada - “Jolly”
1982 - Look for a woman - Robert de Charens
1982 - Sorcerers - Ivan Pukhov
1982 - Premonition of Love - Sergei
1982 - Saturday and Sunday - Dad
1982 - The House That Swift Built - Richard Simpson, Doctor
1982 - This fantasy world. Issue 7 - alien, actor
1983 - Kiss - Lobytko
1983 - Recipe for her youth - Gregor
1983 - Juno and Avos (teleplay) - flaming heretic / Fernando Lopez / Conchita's fiancé / theater man
1984 - Formula of Love - Jacob, assistant to Count Cagliostro, coachman
1984 - Two Hussars - Sashka
1985 - The most charming and attractive - Volodya Smirnov
1985 - In Search of Captain Grant - Bob Tar
1985 - Insurance agent - Vissarion Bulkin
1985 - Dear Pamela - Brad
1986 - Descended from Heaven - Sergei
1986 - Guard me, my talisman - Mitya Klimov
1986 - The Mysteries of Madame Wong - Dole
1986 - Funny Chronicle dangerous journey- Shalom
1986 - Wedding is accused - an acquaintance of Gorin (uncredited)
1987 - Ten Little Indians - Anthony Marston
1987 - Midshipmen, forward! - Vasily Fedorovich Lyadashchev
1987 - Filer - Ivan
1988 - Kill the Dragon - Lancelot
1988 - Pocket Theater
1988 - Dictatorship of Conscience - Verkhovensky
1989 - Black rose - the emblem of sadness, red rose - the emblem of love - Vladimir
1989 - For beautiful ladies! - Gena
1989 - Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk - Seryozha
1989 - The Maid of Rouen, nicknamed Pumpkin - Mr. Tota, Prussian officer
1990 - Sons of bitches - Igor Gordynsky
1990 - Living Target - Yura
1990 - Humiliated and Insulted - Masloboev
1990 - Anecdotes - Vasily Kutuzov
1990 - Backyards 3, or the temple must remain a temple (concert film)
1991 - Genius - Sergei Vladimirovich Nenashev
1991 - The Sukhovo-Kobylin Case - Krechinsky
1991 - Siege of Venice - Prince Badritsky
1991 - House under starry sky- Zhora, plumber
1992 - Strange men of Semyonova Ekaterina - Igor
1992 - Above Dark Water - Lion
1992 - Waiter with a golden tray - Lesha Udaltsov, waiter
1992 - Crazy Love - Viktor Shumsky, journalist
1992 - Gold - landsknecht Andreas
1993 - I’m to blame - Viktor Ivanovich
1993 - Nastya - Vladimir Ivanovich Teterin, district prefect
1993 - Sin. A story of passion - monk Sergei
1993 - Prison Romance - Artynov
1993 - Funeral prayer - Menachem-Mendl
1994 - Innocent - de Sainte-Pouange
1994 - Coffee with lemon - Valery Ostrovsky
1995 - Black Veil - Andrei Yakovlevich Rokshin
1995 - First love - Maidanov
1995 - Crusader - cameo
1997 - Schizophrenia - Ivan Golubchik (“Mute”)
1999 - Women's property - Sazonov
2000 - Christmas mystery - puppeteer
2000 - Still waters - Anton Pavlovich Kashtanov, academician
2000 - Bremen Town Musicians & Co - Jester / Storyteller
2001 - Fatalists - Clifford Lynds
2001 - Next. Next (TV series) - Fyodor Palych Lavrikov (“Laurel”)
2001 - Yellow Dwarf - Vladimir Zharovsky, writer
2002 - glacial period- Igor Klepko
2002 - Next 2 (TV series) - Fedor Palych Lavrikov (“Laurel”)
2002 - Okay! - Arkady Sinikhin, artist
2003 - Tartarine from Tarascon - Bezuquet, pharmacist
2003 - And in the morning they woke up - Gloomy
2003 - Next 3 - Fedor Palych Lavrikov (“Lavr”)
2003 - About love - Grigory Stepanovich Smirnov
2004 - I love you - Alexander
2004 - Dream Factory - Avsharov
2005 - Barbarian and Heretic (television play) - Alexey Ivanovich
2005 - The Case of “Dead Souls” - Nozdryov
2005 - Adjutants of Love - Admiral Nelson
2005 - The Master and Margarita - Fagot-Koroviev
2006 - Park Soviet period- Zimin's friend
2006 - Polonaise by Krechinsky - Prince
2007 - Leningrad (TV series) - Chigasov
2007 - Artist - Alexander Bosyakin
2007 - Route (TV series) - Tembot
2007 - Trap - Mikhail Grigorievich Volobuev
2007 - Out of nowhere with love, or Merry funeral - Alik
2007 - Loser - Dmitry
2008 - From flame and light... - Mikhail Vasilievich Arsenyev
2009 - Anna Karenina - Stiva Oblonsky
2010 - Justice of Wolves - writer Volodya

Voiced by Alexander Abdulov:

1982 - Married Bachelor - Sergei Gorelov (role of Igor Yankovsky)
2007 - Trap - Mikhail Volobuev in his youth (the role of Stanislav Bondarenko)

Director's works of Alexander Abdulov:

1990 - Backyards 3, or the Temple must remain a temple
2000 - Bremen Town Musicians & Co
2007 - Loser

Vocals by Alexander Abdulov:

“Oh, I’ll drown in the Western Dvina...”, from the film “Genius”
"New Year gifts"
"Rock Weed"
"Twelve Days"
“Random Street”, duet with Aziza
"Without a stunt double"
"Dedication to Friends"
“Imagine”, from the film “Sorcerers”
“Sholom’s Song”, from the film “A Cheerful Chronicle of a Dangerous Journey”
“Dawn, Sunset”, duet with Tatyana Antsiferova

Bibliography of Alexander Abdulov:

2008 - I want to remain a legend

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