I want to cheer myself up. The ninth way to cheer yourself up is to please yourself with SPA procedures

Olga Kartoshechkina | 10/16/2015 | 1719

Olga Kartoshechkina 10/16/2015 1719

When my mood is at zero and neither my husband’s gifts nor my child’s good marks in the diary are pleasing, I use “heavy artillery”. I present to you my simple feminine ways how to cheer yourself up.

You can choose from the options I have suggested the ones that you like best.

Load up on delicious

I offer three options for the most delicious, which will not only cheer you up, but also benefit your health.

  1. Orange- orange, bright, sunny orange, slowly peel and eat slice after slice. We feel how the fiery sweet-sour juice drives out the remnants of us bad mood.
  2. bitter chocolate– 50 g of this treat per day will improve your state of mind and give you a supply of endorphins. In addition, this product has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  3. Apple. This fruit is exceptionally healthy and low in calories. Helps to drive away bad mood and at the same time keep the figure in perfect shape.

Do exercises

When I come home from work in a bad mood, I don’t lie down on the sofa, but do a little exercise and perform simple movements from. To get your portion of the hormone of happiness - serotonin - you do not need to run a marathon or torture yourself on simulators. It is enough to sit down, jump rope or run on the spot. Depression, goodbye!

listen to music

Your favorite music can easily change your mind from minor to major. I do not advise you to turn on sad compositions or listen to Mozart's Requiem. Let it be lyrical compositions or favorite songs from Soviet films. By the way, I love listening to songs from the 80s. Imagine, when I hear the "Golden Staircase" by Yuri Antonov, sadness immediately leaves!

A cheerful, dynamic film with unexpected ups and downs and sympathetic main characters will be able to keep your attention for a long time, and will also give you the opportunity to laugh plenty and free you from dreary thoughts. By the way, I often invite my husband and child to join the movie show. We often watch our favorite Soviet films.

Weave a mandala

Mandala is a symbol in the form of a circle with drawings. It can be found both in ancient temples and on modern clothes. , or you can weave - as you like. This method will easily pull out all the negativity from you and saturate you with positive. Bright threads will form a wonderful pattern and create an indescribable mood.

Well, drawing mystical circles, I confess, is also quite entertaining.

Clean your feathers

Nothing cheers up a woman like taking care of herself. New hairstyle, make-up, fresh manicure - we forgot that something upset us. We are cheerful and carefree again, and we want to live again. This method can be easily done at home. By the way, I'm still practicing. Useful and interesting. Two in one!

Perform a culinary feat

When cats scratch my soul, I chase them away delicious dish which has not been prepared before. Last time The “victim” of my experiment was the unusual. And, I confess, I do not have to eat it to cheer myself up. When I hear words of gratitude and admiration from relatives, everything immediately gets better.

I really want to believe that my methods will help you drive away sadness and longing and fully enjoy the spring and communication with your loved ones.

How do you deal with bad moods?


- Causes of capriciousness
- How to cheer up? Psychologists' advice
— 7 simple tips that will 100% improve your state of mind
How to lift your mood in 10 minutes?
— 2 non-standard way wake up your emotions
- Conclusion

In the life of every person there are moments that we call a bad mood. Such a state is unsettling and can overshadow any long-awaited holiday or event. There is apathy to what is happening, a feeling of anxiety and emotional instability.



Psychotherapists talk about simple ways to always be in a good mood. There are several practical advice helping to be an optimist, and not to let bad thoughts and situations ruin the day.

1) Music.
Listen to the music you like. Psychologists also recommend singing along whenever possible. When longing has settled in your soul, feel free to drive it away with the help of your favorite melody in your headphones.

2) Dance.
This may be a continuation of the first point. This will give you positive energy for the whole day. The main rule is to move actively.

3) Get out.
Often a bad mood appears because of the mess. Minimal tidying up will help to quickly correct the situation. Make it a rule to start your work day by cleaning your desk. You will feel that neatly folded items greatly enhance your mood. If you are at home, take care of arranging comfort in your home. To create comfort and thereby improve mood will help and spring-cleaning, change bed linen. Take a few minutes a day for this. Thus, you are distracted from bad thoughts.

4) The right attitude.
No matter what happens, always stay optimistic. In any situation, set yourself up for a positive outcome. Assert yourself that everything will be fine - and you can easily overcome the difficulties that have arisen. When you go to a meeting, always think of a positive outcome. There is an expression among the people: "Human thought is material." Therefore, remaining an optimist, you will always easily solve emerging problems.

5) Talk about the problem.
Talk about what is bothering you with a friend, mother, relative. Even just saying it out loud already brings significant relief and uplifting.

6) Treat yourself to joy.
Do what you love. Spend a couple of minutes on your favorite game, watch your favorite movie at the cinema or at home, read a book by your favorite author.

7) Make a promise to yourself.
Promise to be an optimist and not pay attention to minor troubles. You can always fight back a bad mood. Become a person with good and positive attitude You can, and everyone can do it.

8) Contrast shower.
This is a physiological way to create a good mood for yourself. When a person pours himself alternately hot and cold water, then the voltage is gone.

9) Get some sleep.
Bad mood often arises from banal fatigue. So put aside everything and take a break.

Here are some tips to help you get rid of a bad mood, restore optimism, balance, composure, and enjoy life.

Tip #1. Remember that you can improve your mood
One of the most effective ways to improve your mood is to always remember that you yourself are able to do it. In fact, changing your mood is much easier than you think, and this is a great reason for optimism.

Council number 2. Determine the reasons for the deterioration of mood
Don't think that trying to pretend you don't feel anger or envy or humiliation is a sign emotional intelligence. In fact, it does not benefit others and harms you.

Council number 3. Minimize Damage
From your bad mood, everyone who falls under hot hand. But you know why you feel irritated, so don't take it out on others. A dog should not bite a cat just because a person kicked it.

Tip #4 Remember, you are not your bad mood.
Sometimes, under the influence of strong emotions, people act contrary to all their core values ​​and beliefs.

It can be concluded that during vivid manifestations of emotions a person shows his true face, but this is far from being the case. After all, anger, fear or despondency are just temporary disturbers of your consciousness, which you can learn to manage. To do this, you always need to remember who you really are and maintain composure in any situation.

Tip #5 Change your face to change your mood.
When we communicate with others, we experience different emotions. One of the means of their expression is facial expressions - we can frown, frown, smile, etc. We quite rightly believe that when we are happy, we look happy and when we are sad, the face takes on a sad expression. The researchers found that facial expressions also work the other way.

Studies have shown that these changes cause a rush of blood not only to the face, but also to our brain. We move our eyebrows when we want to concentrate, and this causes blood to flow from the face to the brain (perhaps this is what helps us focus better). Changes in facial expressions affect brain temperature, which is key to understanding why adopting a certain expression can make you feel better or worse.

The metabolic activity of our brain produces so much heat that it needs constant cooling. The air entering through the nostrils helps to lower the temperature of the brain, and when it cools down, you feel better.

When we frown, the nostrils constrict, which leads to heating of the brain (it has been experimentally found that when wrinkling the nose for just 30 seconds, the temperature of the brain increases five times, causing a deterioration in well-being).

At the same time, a smile, even an insincere one, for a short time provides an average increase in the volume of air passing through the nose by 29 milliliters, and this pleasantly cools the brain.

That is, we can arrange short circuit» bad mood by consciously changing facial expressions. So you can smile or take a break to quietly say "E" until the mood lifts - your brain will thank you for it.

Council number 6. Improve your mood by walking in nature.
When the mood worsens, it tries to subjugate all your actions. If this is not resisted, the brain will stop listening to you, and you will not be able to overcome depression. In order to get rid of the effect of the "emotional brain", you can do crossword puzzles in order to activate " thinking brain Or better yet, go for a walk. Proved that physical exercise help to get rid of a depressive state much better than drug treatment.

You can go for a walk (or even a jog if you're healthy enough) and, if possible, get out into nature. Recent studies have shown that spending time and exercising in a natural environment - even in city parks and gardens - is incredibly beneficial for strengthening mental health, including to quickly lift mood and even improve immune functions. Conclusion: go outside and move!

Council number 7. Relax.
A bad mood requires to maintain tension and focus solely on negative feelings. So do the opposite! Set a goal to relax and focus on other thoughts and images outside the narrow frame of your mood.

How to lift your mood in 10 minutes?

Of course, a glass of champagne, a delicious chocolate bar and watching your favorite comedy under a warm blanket is a proven way. But, unfortunately, (or fortunately?) We can not always use it.

In any case, alcohol is definitely not suitable for raising the mood at work, but there is a shortage of blankets in the office. Fortunately for us, there are other ways to cheer yourself up, "on the spot," so to speak.

To begin with, we create a “joyful background” in the workplace (and this, imagine, is possible). Fresh air from an open window, invigorating aromas and cheerful music will help us with this. If there is an opportunity to "sing along" and "dance" - excellent, this is generally "what the doctor ordered."

Of the aromas to lift the mood, citrus fruits are best suited. If an orange, tangerine or grapefruit “accidentally” happened to be at hand, cut it thinner (just don’t burst right away, let it lie down on a plate at least a little - let it saturate the whole room with positive). If you don’t stock up on citrus fruits, coffee will do just fine.

Get a head massage. For this, it is best to use a “massage comb” (for lack of it, the usual one will do too). Comb for 2-3 minutes in front of a mirror. At the same time, try to keep your back straight, straighten your shoulders and smile at yourself, your beloved, from the bottom of your heart.

A light massage of the ears and fingers is another proven mood booster. Twist them in different directions (not ears, fingers!), vigorously rub your palms, then massage biologically active points (on the temples, between the eyebrows, near the wings of the nose).

Excellent helps to cheer up the “scratching” of the hands from the wrist to the elbow. Yes, don't laugh. Although what I'm saying - LAUGH, of course! Read jokes, watch Funny Pics animals, video jokes ... In a few minutes, there will be no trace of a bad mood!

- 2 non-standard ways to wake up your emotions

1) "Turn on" the sense of smell.
Probably, you have noticed more than once that the smell of your favorite flowers or cut grass brings back pleasant memories, brings back those days when you were happy. And the mood instantly improves! This is not an accident at all: the area of ​​the brain responsible for smell is one of the most ancient, so memories “fixed” by smells are the most stable.

It is no coincidence that aromatherapy has become so popular today - the effect on the body with the help of essential oils. Find the scent that suits you and you will be able to cheer yourself up at any moment.

2) Manage color.
Since ancient times, different peoples have used color as part of the symbolism during religious or state ceremonies. However, its true significance for the human psyche was discovered only in the 50s of the last century by the Swiss scientist Max Luscher. He suggested that each of the colors symbolizes a certain psychological need or inclination.

Therefore, color preferences perfectly characterize a person. There is also Feedback: by betting on a particular shade, we can influence our own inner world. Keep this in mind when choosing clothes or interior items.

- Conclusion

A person's mood can change several times in one day. Unfortunately, for most people, it is very rarely good and instantly falls even because of a minor trifle. However, all is not lost and there are proven ways to help you lift your spirits without putting in too much effort.

For example, just stretch your lips in a smile and keep it on your face for 5 minutes. You will not notice how much better you will feel. And this is just one of the easiest ways to influence your inner state. All in your hands. Dare!

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

It's a shame when you get upset in the morning, when, in fact, there is still a lot of time to devote to work. Worthy thoughts do not come into my head, I don’t want to do anything, I immediately feel a breakdown. And if you were invited to dinner by friends in the evening? Really it is necessary to sit with a sour mine? I do not want to infect others with my mood. Whatever the reasons, it is necessary to take measures that can bring you back to life.

Fortunately, there are a great many of them, as they say, for every taste and color, the main thing is not to delay the decision and choose the one that suits you. Consider the degree of despondency, lifestyle, opportunities and, of course, your character. Those who fit one, do not fit the other at all. So from right choice will depend on your emotional condition. So, let's begin!

How to cheer yourself up

All the methods that I will share with you today can be safely divided into several categories:

  • physical, involving physical activity and nutrition
  • psychological - self-adjustment
  • emotional - those that cause certain emotions


This way of lifting the mood is very effective. I even tried it on myself. But not everyone is able to raise their ass and start moving. If you have no contraindications to activity and physical activity be sure to try some of them. The benefits are huge and not only as a means of raising the mood. Overwhelmed by laziness? Read the article and work on yourself!

It has long been proven by many experiments and studies that movement not only makes a person strong, resilient and healthy, it also has the strongest effect on our consciousness and emotional state.

Bad mood? Put on your sportswear and cut circles around the house or on a special treadmill. No opportunity? Go to the gym. For mothers with children or those who for some reason cannot leave the house, homework is suitable. Find cool workouts with energizing music and start moving.

You will feel tired very soon, especially if you are not prepared and have not been involved in sports before. But this is only the beginning. The body will begin to recover and produce the hormone of happiness. But that is not all! Self-satisfaction, increased self-esteem, the realization that you did it will cheer you up even more.

Paradisaic delight!

The blues is afraid of your desires and preferences! Love sweet? You are welcome! Treat yourself to your favorite treat if you really crave it! Satisfaction brings an extraordinary feeling, thanks to which you will instantly forget about a bad mood. But there are many nuances here. For example, if you want to lose weight and the reason for your better moodexcess weight, then you should limit yourself and eat a small piece of cake or chocolate. Otherwise, after a moment of weakness, you can become even more discouraged because of your incontinence and lack of willpower! But, and if there are no problems with this, feel free to eat whatever your heart desires!

The most useful sweet is natural chocolate. It contains the amino acid tryptophan. In the process of processing, it turns into serotonin - the hormone of happiness.

Drink vitamins!

In the autumn-spring period, the body very often lacks vitamins. No wonder they say that these are the most critical times of the year, when many people are prone to frequent mood swings. Diseases are aggravated, immunity is falling, poor health does not allow to live fully. It is at such moments that you should especially monitor your health, eat rationally and balancedly, and also take vitamins.

Vegetables and fruits, berries and greens will be especially useful at this time. Instead of juices, cook compotes and make fruit drinks from cranberries and lingonberries. They are sold in ice cream form in any large supermarket.

This year I stocked up enough. I eat it myself and give it to my children and husband every day, one tablespoon each. This is great food supplement, which is better than any synthetic vitamins benefits the body and protects against diseases and bad mood.


Overwork can often be the cause of a bad mood. When our body experiences a huge lack of energy. At the same time, fatigue and malaise are felt. What kind of mood are we talking about!

Moreover, it is very important not to cross the line and not make such a situation chronic. On days when you are overwhelmed by the blues due to overwork, give yourself a good rest. and peace is the best medicine.

And most importantly, in the future, try to avoid such situations. Manage your body's time and energy wisely so you always have good mood. Emotional and physical health- above all.

House cleaning and rearrangement!

No matter how ridiculous it sounds, but cleaning and order have a very strong effect on our mood. As they say order in the head - order in life.

The constant mess and scattered things are depressing, do not allow you to fully relax and do not satisfy your needs at all. Not to mention how many nerves to spend on finding the right things. In the end, clean up the house and live happily! But this advice is suitable, most likely, sluts.

For housewives who love cleanliness and try to maintain it, most likely it will not help, but there is a slightly different interpretation of this advice. Change the environment by rearranging furniture, updating the interior and design. Any changes, even if not significant, cheer up and give a sip fresh air for new changes.

Set up in a positive way

It is very important in the matter of raising the mood to tune in to a positive wave. If you constantly think about the bad, feel sorry for yourself and - nothing good will come of it, even if you run to the point of exhaustion, eat only vitamins and rearrange at night.

Literally able to work miracles and change the life of a pessimist in general. Remember funny stories that happened once to you or your friends, think about what is good in your life, in addition to those events that spoiled your mood.

Aren't there things that make you happy? Life is associated with white and black stripes. And it will be black as long as you think about it yourself.

Always think positive, don't let negative thoughts enter your mind. Imagine, dream only what brings pleasure!

Intimate talk

What could be better than a heart-to-heart talk with a beloved girlfriend or friend. At such moments, you feel great support and understanding. All emotions give way, the soul becomes lighter, the mood improves, and the blues go away.

And it is best to talk with friends not on the phone, but in a neutral cozy place, like a cafe or a diner. Well, if you manage to gather a group of friends, then you will not be bored at all. A charge of positive emotions, a meeting with old acquaintances, new stories from life will cheer you up. Even if you cry into your vest best friend, it will get easier. Such a shake-up will only benefit you, the main thing is to choose reliable and understanding interlocutors.

Fulfillment of desires

Surely each of you has a desire, which in principle is quite possible, but for some reason you constantly put off its fulfillment. For example, there was no time, money or circumstances were not the same. You can cheer yourself up very quickly if you fulfill your desire, which you have been putting off for a long time.

Wanted to go to a concert of your favorite singer or buy stilettos, but felt sorry for the money? Or maybe you wanted to take an extra day off, but did not dare to ask your boss about it? Give yourself a little shake - visit a circus, a show, go to the cinema or theater. Against the backdrop of a monotonous life and gray everyday life, you will definitely cheer yourself up and cheer up a little.

Fulfillment of desire and new incredible emotions give a huge boost to move forward, and you definitely won’t have to be sad in the near future.

Do what you love

Perhaps the reason for your bad mood is dissatisfaction and self-discovery. How we want to always do what we like, what we are drawn to. office worker and workers, as a rule, work for the sake of money, but they completely forget about their hobbies and hobbies.

Be able to fulfill yourself, even if you get only pleasure from it without monetary reward- a pledge of self-respect.

Think about it if you don't know for sure what you would like to do outside of your main job. Perhaps you have always been interested in collecting or cooking new exotic dishes, or maybe you dreamed of drawing or sewing?

Find like-minded people, share your creativity with others, feel recognition. Some people turn their hobby step by step into a business. The main thing is not to give up, but to move forward.

Well, if you have unfinished business, and they put pressure on you, plan your next days so that you completely finish them. The satisfaction that you get only from the fact that you do not stand still and try to correct the situation will already cheer you up and cause self-respect for your person.


Do not hide your emotions and feelings. I want to cry - cry. Scientists have proven that while tears flow down your cheeks, the hormone of satisfaction and happiness begins to be produced in the body. This is such a defensive response. stressful situations.

And indeed, after a surge of emotions, one feels such relief, and the problem is no longer as acute as it seemed, and everything seems to be fine. So do not be shy, show feelings, the way all the negativity will pour out along with tears.

Personal care

Dramatic changes in image or simple self-care procedures also entail an emotional shake-up.

If you want, you can change the color of your hair or hairstyle. Great option, but not the cheapest - to change the wardrobe.

Methods are cheaper, but no less effective than the previous ones - go to a beauty salon, do spa treatments at home, for example, take and make a face mask.

Loving yourself is a link that cannot be separated from life. If you don't love and appreciate yourself, no one will. Self-care is a part of self-love that should become a habit.


Many will say how bad moods and dreams are related to each other. It has many benefits. But some underestimate this technique and do not take it seriously.

Lie down to dream, relax, forget about problems, imagine that you have everything in your hands, all your dreams have come true - this relieves huge emotional stress and puts thoughts on the shelves.

When in a bad mood, try to retire, take a comfortable position, close your eyes and think about the good, imagine that all your desires have come true ... You may want to visit other worlds and visit foreign lands. Draw pictures, imagine, and you will soon feel that the mood is rising, everything is falling into place.

Change yourself

Well, the last advice that I want to give to those who constantly test themselves for strength is on the verge of depression and stress. For those who are in a bad mood all the time.

No matter what happens in life, it still goes on. There are many unknown and unusual things around us. The world is beautiful with its beauty and splendor, and only those who really want it can see all this.

Perhaps you should think about the lifestyle you lead. Everyone can change themselves, create new skills, the main thing is to start and not stop, despite the failures.

Analyze everything. Which of them need to be corrected? For example, start playing sports, make friends and enjoy the little things.

Find a hobby for yourself, if possible, change your unloved job to a more interesting one. Develop, read books, make your life rich and colorful. All in your hands!

How to cheer yourself up with express methods

  • Watch comedy
  • Read jokes
  • Listen to fun music
  • Take a contrast shower
  • Do some good deeds
  • Do something stupid, but only innocent
  • Walk outdoors

Now you know how to cheer yourself up. How do you deal with blues? Share your proven methods in the comments! See you soon! Kisses to all and bye!

Hello, if you have landed on this page, you are clearly interested in how to cheer yourself up! And here everything is great, because here you will get the answer to this question.

I warn you right away, you will not receive a unique formula for permanent Have a good mood, but you will learn how to make it so that you stop being sad.

In fact, there are many ways to do this, below I will share those that I personally use.
I have no idea what is the reason for your bad mood today, moreover, maybe you do not know why you are in such a mood.

But it does not matter, because these methods will help you, even if things are really bad. So let's get started!

How to cheer yourself up?

1. Turn on the music and dance. Music, as you know, has a very good effect on our emotional state, and if you run a track into the speakers that breaks through good feelings, it will definitely make you more cheerful. The dance will help free your negative energy and throw it away with the movements.

So no matter where you are now, at home or at work, at university or school, spend 5 minutes on this and your mood will noticeably improve.

2. Shopping. It doesn’t matter if you are a girl or a guy, admit that a new thing is always very pleasing to the soul. What can I say, yesterday I bought myself two pairs of winter shoes, they look cool, it's nice to wear. Still satisfied. It lifted my spirits - great. Here you do the same.

It doesn't have to be something expensive. Just a new flash drive, which will come in handy in the future, can really bring a little satisfaction and increase your wakefulness.

3. Eat something tasty. We all love to eat, especially delicious food, so why not take advantage of it. buy yourself something tasty and enjoy it to the fullest, but not excessively, so as not to feel heaviness in the stomach, otherwise your mood will definitely not increase because of this.

4. Do some exercises. This increases the tone, and accordingly has a positive effect on the spirit. Therefore, do a couple of exercises and this will definitely help you stop being sad.

5. Watch a video, movie or read jokes . Such materials, if they are positive, relax us, and when our body is relaxed, the brain does not tense up and does not become sad, so find a couple on the Internet interesting videos and just watch them, it can be something short or a whole movie (you can go to the cinema).

6. think of pleasant. Remember those good situations that happened to you, or dream about what you might have in the near future. Memories always warm and delight, and dreams inspire.

7. Go through a pleasant procedure. Massage, sauna and other relaxing treatments will help change your gloomy mood.

8. Call a friend/girlfriend (boyfriend). It doesn't matter at all who exactly you call, it can be old friend or a new acquaintance, maybe an interesting person of the opposite sex. Dial chat, flirt or make fun of them.

9. Just relax for a couple of minutes. Often our mood falls due to excessive fatigue, so take a break from time to time, even right now, take it and lie down on the sofa, or where you feel comfortable and rest. at the same time, you can listen to light music and think about something pleasant (we mix ways).

10. Go out for a walk. Fresh air works wonders whether you go or not. The main thing is to go out and breathe fresh air, change the situation and then you will become much more fun.

11. Look at old photos. Nostalgia always cheers you up, especially when it's funny childhood photos or photos from some cool events. Take a couple of your old albums full of photos and look ahead.

12. play the game. Games distract us and give us a different reality, which allows us to plunge into another world and get new high emotions, the main thing is not to get carried away. And that is dangerous - dependence is born.

13. Help your neighbor. Make it pleasant for someone who is next to you, give something, give way, give to the beggar, cook something for your soul mate, make him happy, and this will cheer you up.

14. Take up your hobby. Creativity Everyone has it, and nothing is more engaging than doing what you like the most. And if you like it, it cannot but rejoice. So whatever you like, do it.

15. They say sex helps. 🙂 Checked - it helps. Enjoy!

16. Record your progress in a diary. I advise you to do this not once, but to do it daily. Every day, write down the best three actions that you did that day, even small ones, and you will be proud of yourself and will be positive all the time.

17. Smile to yourself. This can be done in the mirror for 5 minutes, it can also be done for someone, the main thing is not to be fake, but to set yourself up in a good way and do it more often.

18. Get drunk. Speak out to someone or even yourself . At this moment, you can sincerely swear and express everything that you think. This will take the weight out of you and help lift your spirits.

19. Go on a date. Trite? And you try. Then write down in the comments what the result is.

20. Don't be stupid! Do not sit in one place, change the environment, environment, people, things, position, posture, status ....etc. It doesn't matter what, what matters is the point! Often make me sad gray days or difficult situations, so by changing the above you can get rid of it very quickly and successfully.

Of course, this is not the whole list of what can be done, but I hope he gave you those options, thanks to which you can improve your internal state.

In the next article, I will continue this list, as well as many new useful articles and videos on the topic. Therefore, if you are interested in this and you want to develop personally in all areas of life, then be sure not to miss new interesting articles, audio and video materials on this topic.

And in this article, I told you a little about what you need to do to cheer up. If you know any other cool stuff, write them in the comments below.

What else to read