Famous women who drink. Russian stars with alcohol addiction

Some stars on our list have long been able to get rid of alcohol addiction and live a normal life, while others continue to struggle with the addiction to this day.

Even with a lot of money and the opportunity to see the best doctors, it is very difficult to recover from alcoholism. The experience of the stars speaks to this.

Ben Affleck is one of the most famous alcoholics Hollywood. According to the actor, he inherited the addiction from his father, who became so degraded that he became homeless. Ben himself had to undergo a long course of treatment, during which he repeatedly relapsed. He recently announced that he has finally completed 16 years of rehabilitation and hopes that he will never return to his addiction.

“I want to live a full life and be the best father"I can only be"

For a long time, Johnny Depp and alcohol had very tender feelings. He even dreamed that after his death he would be put in a barrel of whiskey.

“I did a lot of research on spirits, and they obviously did a lot of research on me, and we found out that we got along just fine...”

But in the end, after a series of ridiculous drunken antics, he realized that it was time to quit and turned to doctors for help. Whether he managed to finally get rid of his addiction to alcohol is unknown.

Demi Moore has had problems with alcohol and illegal drugs more than once. Perhaps she inherited this destructive tendency from her mother, a chronic alcoholic. Unfortunately, the family tradition did not end with Demi, she youngest daughter By the age of 22, Tallulah had already visited a rehabilitation clinic.

Robert Downey Jr

Due to alcohol and drugs, the actor almost ruined his career. At one time he drank so heavily that almost all film studios broke their contracts with him. One day, after getting drunk, he climbed into a neighbor's house and decided to sleep there for a while. His sweet sleep was interrupted by the police, who were called by the owner of the house, who discovered a sleeping man in her daughter’s children’s bed.

Daniel Radcliffe

"Harry Potter" became friends with the green serpent at the age of 18. The new “friend” helped Daniel get rid of the depression that had taken hold of him after filming “Potterian”. The actor admitted that after drinking, he turned into a completely different person:

“I can’t say which person – I don’t remember, but it looked like chaos”

Sport helped Daniel get rid of his addiction. Leaning on the exercise equipment, he completely forgot about alcohol and gradually strong drinks completely disappeared from his life.

Britney Spears' life had a dark streak associated with alcohol and drug use. After her divorce from Kevin Federline, the young star went off the rails. She got so drunk that fans seriously feared for her mental health. At that time, Britney did inappropriate things: she shaved her head, took illegal pills, and once even called the police to order pizza.

Fortunately, this unpleasant period is left behind, and now the young singer is full of strength and energy.

The actress struggled with alcohol addiction more than 30 years. During this time, she also managed to get married three times and give birth to three children. It must have been hard for them.

The actor started drinking at the age of 13. Almost his entire adult life has been an ongoing struggle with alcohol addiction. One day, when a bad habit Once again got the better of him, Gibson even tried to commit suicide.

Due to a string of drunken antics and racist remarks, no one in Hollywood for a long time I didn’t want to communicate with him. One night, Gibson called his girlfriend and, interspersing his speech with obscenities, wished that she would be raped by a “gang of blacks.” In 2006, he cursed and insulted two police officers who arrested him for drunk driving.

For a long time, the British singer was plagued by failures in her personal life, and she also had complexes due to excess weight. These sorrows pushed her into the arms of wine fumes. One day she got so drunk that she couldn't remember the words to her song. The singer felt ashamed, and she locked herself in her house for a long time and began to drink even more. But at some point she found the strength to stop and quit drinking.

At the age of 17, Lohan had everything you could dream of: fame, money, stunning looks and interesting job. And she lost all this because she became addicted to alcohol. At the age of 30, Lohan turned into a real wreck and, moreover, morally declined. For example, while relaxing in one of the Moscow nightclubs, she tried to accuse one of the visitors of stealing her phone. And this is in order not to pay the bill!

By nature, Hopkins is a reserved and reserved person. He started drinking alcohol to feel more relaxed on stage. As a result, the actor drank to such a state that one morning he woke up in an unfamiliar state, not remembering how he got here. At that moment, he realized that it was time to quit and joined Alcoholics Anonymous.

Shia LaBeouf

The Transformers star was introduced to drugs and alcohol very early. Already at the age of 11, he smoked his first marijuana cigarette, which was given to him by his own father. By the actor’s own admission, alcohol ruined his life. His hooligan antics repeatedly shocked the public. So, in 2014, the actor was arrested for inappropriate behavior at the Studio 54 club on Broadway. During the performance, a drunken Shia smoked, yelled and even insulted the actors and spectators. As police escorted him from the courtroom, an enraged LaBeouf yelled:

“Do you even know who I am!?”

In 2015, Shia completed a rehabilitation course and, according to him, has not drunk since then.

For more than 10 years, Colin Farrell has been a convinced teetotaler. But it was not always so:

“When I sought help in 2005, the doctor asked me to list everything I had consumed in a week. My list included: three bottles of whiskey, twelve bottles of red wine, 60 pints of beer..."

For 15 years, Farrell barely slept, and when he began treatment, he had to learn to communicate again: over the years of drinking, he forgot how to talk to people without alcohol doping.

Few people know that the beautiful Cuban woman suffered from alcohol addiction for a long time. With the help of alcohol, she tried to get rid of stress due to overload at work. In 2008, Mendes went to a rehabilitation clinic, and when she left there, she decided to never drink again. And now her motto is “Not a drop of alcohol!”

The condition of the 43-year-old top model raises serious concerns: too often the paparazzi catches her drunk. Kate was treated for alcoholism and drug addiction for a long time by the best doctors, but it seems that the final point in her fight with bad habits not delivered. In September 2016, due to disagreements with her husband, she went on a drinking binge for a whole month, starting the day with champagne and ending with his whiskey. And in February 2017, journalists managed to photograph a drunken Moss at one of the parties, where she looked terrible.

Alcoholism is an addiction that affects not only physical health a person, but also on his mental state, which leads to the collapse of life in general, the site reports.

Alcoholism is a harmful habit that takes its toll on any addict, but when it comes to celebrities, the problem reaches a whole different level as their lives are under scrutiny. Previously we wrote about.

We present to you Russian stars alcohol abusers.

Mikhail Efremov

The actor and director, the son of the famous Oleg Efremov, does not hide the fact that he no longer struggles with addiction to alcohol and does not consider himself an exemplary family man. due to alcoholism.

Marat Basharov

Marat Basharov, drunk, got behind the wheel of a car in which his daughter was.

Philip Kirkorov

The “king of pop”’s addiction to alcohol has been known to everyone for a long time; even Alla Pugacheva has repeatedly complained about her husband to journalists.

Grigory Leps

Surely everyone has already seen the drunk artist. And he openly declares his addiction, and also says that he will continue to drink.

Ivan Okhlobystin

In the summer of 2014 it was delivered to medical Center for treatment. It is unknown whether he passed it completely.

Natalia Andreichenko

During the Soviet years she was a fairly popular artist. After divorcing her husband and moving to Russia, she began to drink a lot of alcohol. She does not hide her addiction. I ended up in a rehabilitation center.

Alexander Domogarov

He underwent treatment in a drug treatment clinic to get rid of addiction. Doctors had to spend a lot of time and effort to rehabilitate his condition.

Sergei Shnurov

The singer himself admits that he likes to drink well. He never went out to perform sober, justifying this by the emergence of talent.

Alexey Panin

At the moment this is the most controversial figure. While drinking, something strange happens to the actor. Journalists have repeatedly recorded his strange drunken antics, which gives him a very dubious reputation.

Larisa Guzeeva

She started drinking alcohol because of her husband, who was suffering drug addiction. Thus, she tried to free him from his addiction. I started using to spite him, and as a result, this drunkenness lasted 7 years. After that, she underwent rehabilitation at a center for alcoholics for 10 years. She was coded, then she managed to overcome her alcohol addiction. criticism towards you.

Famous Russian women alcoholics... For some of them, a glass of alcohol at first seemed like an indulgence, for others - an easy release from sorrows. The quagmire of drunkenness dragged them in unnoticed.

They do not consider it necessary to hide this sad page of their biography. And they want their life to become a warning to those who do not understand the dangers of drunkenness, and the experience of defeating the disease to inspire hope in those who want to overcome this terrible addiction.

Larisa Guzeeva had to get stitches

Her drama began immediately after the release of the film “Cruel Romance”, where she superbly played the tragedy of a dowry. While filming the next film “Rivals,” Larisa fell in love with an assistant cameraman named Ilya and got married.

“He was colorful—passionate: no education, covered in tattoos, two prison sentences under his belt. And I’m 25 years old, all the men are courting me, this is the period of mega-popularity. And how did I manage? – the actress is perplexed.

Ilya also turned out to be an alcoholic. Larisa took him to the doctors and stitched him up. And at first I didn’t realize that he was also a drug addict. I struggled for many years, but to no avail.

Out of weakness, she began to drink a little herself. This went on for seven years. And one day, when I woke up, I felt like I needed a hangover. Realizing what she was risking, Larisa left her first husband. She had to get stitches to get rid of alcoholism.

Irina Rodnina was saved by her son

Having won the last Olympic gold in 1980, Rodnina went to coaching work. Soon she divorced her husband and former partner Alexander Zaitsev.

The second husband was a fan-entrepreneur from Dnepropetrovsk. Irina gave birth to a daughter, Alena. And in 1986 she left for the USA.

In America, she began training athletes. Everything was fine: earnings, own home. But soon her husband left her and began to sue his daughter. Betrayal loved one knocked down the athlete. She started drinking wine. Clink glasses with her mirror image. Terrible thoughts came into my head: why live? Sometimes she wanted to get into the car, speed up and... Her son helped her wake up.

“He came up to me and said: “Mom, look at yourself - who do you look like!” All gray and ugly."

And she found strength in herself. Returning to her homeland, she became the former invincible Irina Rodnina.

Natalya Andreichenko drank herself to death

Natalya Andreichenko, the same Mary Poppins, became an alcoholic at a very young age - at 24 years old. She seemed to be doing well: enormous popularity, a happy family, little son. Her husband, famous composer Maxim Dunaevsky drank little by little every day. But if his body calmly withstood this regime, then Natasha soon turned into a drunkard. One day her father found her with a bottle in her hands. As soon as he tried to take away the alcohol, the actress, distraught, attacked him and beat him. Relatives insisted on treatment. A narcologist tested her for alcohol tolerance.

- Choking began. And then I felt very light and good, because I left my body. Clinical death lasted seven minutes,” Natalya admitted.

She saw him crying little son, doctors, a horrified father. And she returned. Rather, it was this incident that influenced her more than the treatment itself.

Irina Pechernikova met love in the hospital

Irina Pechernikova, the same teacher from the film “We'll Live Until Monday,” started with a glass of champagne at night. Her personal life was not going well - she divorced her husband, a Polish musician, and married again - actor Boris Galkin. But she soon realized: this is not the person she needs. The couple often quarreled, and when reconciling, they drank. After another divorce it got even worse. And then there was grief - her mother died, then Mikhail Tsarev, artistic director of the Maly Theater and her guardian angel. Irina did not have a good relationship with the new theater management. This was a period when she was not invited to films, and few roles were given in the theater. She tried to drown out the heavy feeling of being unclaimed. And she broke down and started drinking.

“I decided to break out of this nightmare. I found out that there is such a person in Feodosia - Alexander Dovzhenko, who treats alcoholism. So I went to see him,” recalls Pechernikova.

He sat at the reception desk, wanting only one thing - to be unrecognized. And then they called out to her. It was actor Alexander Solovyov. IN early years he carefully looked after Irina, but she preferred someone else. Returning from Poland, I remembered him, realizing that I had missed true happiness. She found him, but when she learned that he was married and raising a child, she backed down. And then fate brought them together again. It turned out that he, too, had come to get coded secretly from everyone.

They fought the disease together. Having recovered, we dreamed of living together. But Irina realized that Sasha could not leave her son. Soloviev returned to his family. They finally reunited when Alexander's son grew up. But they were happy for only four years. Solovyov was killed in a fight.

Ekaterina Vasilyeva was cured in church

Ekaterina Vasilyeva never refused a glass. The actress was the embodiment of a woman free from complexes. When she was drunk, she cheated on her first husband, director Sergei Solovyov, and then dragged her lover to him to repent.

Her second husband, playwright Mikhail Roshchin, also drank with her. According to him, she drank so much that she could not save herself. According to the writer, the actress has bad heredity. Her father was a famous poet and a hopeless alcoholic. Vasilyeva was treated in different clinics, but the doctors could not help her. She was saved by a meeting with the priest Father Vladimir. Only faith in God helped her recover from alcoholism. Now she allows herself only a slight sip of champagne. Having become a believer, she brought her son Dmitry from her second marriage to the church. Dmitry is now a priest in the Moscow Church of St. Antipas. Vasilyeva also works as treasurer in the same temple, only occasionally agreeing to act in films.

Watch the video in which the artists in the program will tell everything about themselves.

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In the Oscar-winning Soviet film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” the career of a talented hockey player Gurin is ruined due to alcohol. It would seem that this is just a film, but real life this problem is much worse. Many actors and actresses of world and domestic cinema and theater were forced to end their careers due to problems with alcohol, and for some this addiction became the cause of death. It is these artists who died from alcoholism that will be discussed in our short article.

Warning. We in no way want to insult the actors on this list or diminish their talent. We only generalize and structure generally accepted assumptions found in open sources.

Vladimir Vysotsky (1938–1980)

Even during his lifetime, many knew that the artist had problems with alcohol, which caused scandals in the Taganka theater, where Vysotsky played, and on the set of films. After the release of Marina’s book, Vladi learned about the actor’s drug use.

The great singer of the era passed away in the summer of 1980, leaving behind a huge legacy of songs and magnificent roles in film and theater.

Amy Winehouse (1983–2011)

Talented and eccentric soul singer and popular pop singer Amy Winehouse was found dead in her London apartment on July 23, 2011.

The cause of death was a lethal dose of alcohol that caused a heart attack. At the time of her death, Amy was only 27 years old, and her problems with alcohol began simultaneously with her success and worldwide fame.

A large concert was given in memory of the singer, and after her death, admirers of her talent only increase every year, as evidenced by the level of sales of her solo albums.

Robin Williams (1951–2014)

Drinking Hollywood stars are not uncommon, and among seemingly successful people, there are alcoholics.

During his brilliant career, Robin Williams played more than 100 roles, voiced animated films, and participated in theatrical productions, wrote the scripts himself and acted as a director.

The actor tried to drown out life circumstances and problems with alcohol and drugs. At one point, he decided to quit by joining a sobriety program, but in August 2014, at the age of 69, he died from heart problems caused by excessive drinking.

Billie Holiday (1915–1959)

Alcoholics in creative environment This is also a frequent phenomenon, but the number of women who drink too much in the art world is much less than the representatives of much of humanity.

Drunk actresses are a terrible sight, and this misfortune did not escape the pop star, the magnificent jazz singer and actress Billie Holiday. At the age of 30, the woman began to have health problems caused by drugs and heavy drinking.

In 1959, the 44-year-old actress died, and moments from her biography became the basis for many books and films.

Dmitry Maryanov (1969–2017)

The role of Alik Raduga in the magnificent children's film “Above the Rainbow” made Dmitry Maryanov famous throughout the world. Soviet Union, and subsequent films secured his status as a “star of the new generation.”

After graduating from the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute, Dmitry played a lot in theaters and acted in films. In 2003 he was invited to Quartet I.

In recent years, he became addicted to alcohol, received a lot of treatment, but on October 15, 2017, while in rehabilitation center"Phoenix", the artist has died.

Andrey Panin (1962–2013)

A brilliant and charismatic actor of Russian cinema, Andrei Panin played more than 75 film roles, acted as a director himself, and drew beautifully.

The actor’s body was found on March 6, 2013 in his Moscow apartment, and the cause of death was traumatic brain injury. The artist simply fell and hit his head. It was found in Panin's blood a large number of alcohol, and the artist’s neighbors said that before the tragedy he had been drinking for several days.

The criminal case was closed a year later, citing the lack of evidence of a crime, but Andrei’s relatives continue to claim that it was a violent death.

Vladislav Galkin (1971–2010)

Vladislav became a star at the age of 10, when he brilliantly played Huckleberry Finn in the film The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

Over time, his career began to grow and the actor began to be invited to lead roles, and the television series “Truckers” and “Saboteur” did not leave the screens of Russian television channels. The notoriety of a drunkard and rowdy was assigned to him when a recording of his scandal in a cafe hit the Internet. The actor himself was very upset by what happened and sought salvation in wine.

In 2010, the actor was found dead in his own apartment. He was only 38 years old, and his father Boris Galkin continues to insist on the version of murder.

Oleg Efremov (1927–2000)

The famous director, founder of the Sovremennik Theater, talented actor Oleg Efremov is inscribed in golden letters in the history of the USSR and Russia.

In addition to Sovremennik, he worked at the Moscow Art Theater and the Moscow Art Theater named after A. Chekhov. His roles in film and theater have received many awards and state awards.

But the talent, as it happens, had an addiction to alcoholic beverages. It was alcohol that helped him create, but shortened his life. Despite repeated attempts to get rid of the addiction, alcohol significantly worsened his health, and the actor died at the age of 72.

Georgy Yumatov (1926–1997)

The star of the cult film "Officers", who performed vivid images on the silver screen and theater stage, Georgy Yumatov also did not avoid problems with alcohol.

In 1994, while drunk, he shot a janitor, for which he received prison term. Former colleagues In the acting department, singers and cultural figures supported Yumatov as best they could during a difficult period of his life, but alcohol won.

Yumatov before and after the tragedy are two different people. After leaving prison, he practically did not act, and died in 1997 from a ruptured aorta. His last appearance on screen was his participation in popular game"Field of Dreams".

Andrey Krasko (1957–2006)

Actors suffering from alcoholism sometimes disappear from view for a long time. This happened with the charismatic Andrei Krasko, who, after his magnificent debut films, received only episodic roles for some time.

The reason for everything was an addiction to alcohol, but the actor found the strength to return to the profession, superbly embodying bright and extraordinary images on the screens.

In 2006, Krasko joined the list of actors who died from alcohol. He died at the age of 49 on the set of the television series “Liquidation,” where he began playing Fima Petrov, nicknamed “Half-Jew.”

Nikolay Eremenko (1949–2001)

The famous Soviet and Russian actor, film director and screenwriter Nikolai Eremenko received the prize for best actor of the year for his role in the first Soviet action film “Pirates of the 20th Century”.

He acted a lot in films, played in the theater, and directed films and plays himself. In May 2001 he was hospitalized at the Botkin Hospital, and on May 27 at the age of 52 he died of a stroke.

The fact of death as a result of long-term drinking was carefully hidden, but then information leaked to the media that the stroke was the result of prolonged alcohol consumption.

Elena Mayorova (1958–1997)

Soviet actresses are beautiful and talented, and in this cohort, Elena Mayorova flew across the horizon of Russian cinema like a bright comet.

The Honored Artist of the RSFSR was remembered by the audience for her bright roles in films famous directors, as well as charming and feminine images in the theater. Particularly impressive in the beautiful woman’s career were her roles in the films “You Never Even Dreamed of...”, “Ambulance 34,” and “Lost in Siberia.”

Unhappy love led to an addiction to alcohol, and in August 1997, after dousing herself with gasoline, Elena Mayorova committed suicide. Some colleagues say it was an accident.

Yukina sisters

Blue-eyed twins Olya and Tanya Yukin became famous in 1963, when the fairy tale film “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” was released on Soviet screens.

Experts told them brilliant career in the cinema, but after appearing in an episode of the fairy tale “Morozko” in 1964, the girls disappeared from the directors’ sight. After graduating from school, both got jobs at the Intourist Hotel.

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the Yukins lost their jobs and turned to alcohol for refuge. Olya passed away in 2005, and 6 years later Tatyana.

Georgy Burkov (1933–1990)

An extraordinary person and talented artist, Georgy Burkov played many memorable roles in cinema and theater.

He was friends with Vasily Shukshin, and enjoyed starring with his friend in his films, and their duet in the film “They Fought for the Motherland” became the culmination of a stellar career.

Often heroes talented actor there were drunks, but in life he also loved, as they say, to “pawn by the collar.” It was alcohol that caused poor health, and in the end Georgy Burkov died from blockage of blood vessels in 1990.

Many people know this actor from the film “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath,” which is included in the list of the whole world from the site.

Yuri Bogatyrev (1947–1989)

Shilov, performed by Bogatyrev in the film “One among Strangers, a Stranger among Ones,” became a shining example Soviet security officer during the Civil War.

The acting talent was so diverse that Yuri Bogatyrev seemed able to play everything - from a comic hero to tragic characters.

But on various reasons, the actor was reluctantly invited to the role, and the artist drowned his creative dissatisfaction in a glass. Alcohol became the cause of heart failure, which ended Bogatyrev’s life at the age of 42.

Oleg Dal (1941–1981)

His roles always aroused keen interest of the audience, and the appearance of his name in the credits always promised success for the film. In addition, Oleg sang superbly and wrote wonderful poetry. He worked extremely hard, and often relieved stress by drinking alcohol. The problem grew, and he even stitched up the capsule.

In 1981, during a business trip to the Studio Hotel in Kyiv, the actor drank, which triggered a heart attack that led to the death of the 39-year-old actor.

Victor Kosykh (1950–2011)

Russian viewers remember this talented actor for his role as Kostya Inochkin in the cult Soviet comedy “Welcome, or no outsiders!”

Continued stellar career a talented and extraordinary actor in the multi-part film epic “The Elusive Avengers”, where Kosykh played Danka.

IN last years I didn’t act much in my life; sometimes I worked part-time in the theater. Viktor Kosykh died in 2011 in his Moscow apartment from an alcohol overdose at the age of 61. Lethal dose vodka caused a cerebral hemorrhage.

Pyotr Aleynikov (1914–1965)

A pupil of the children's commune, while still a student at GITIS, began acting in films, and by the end of the Great Patriotic War starred in more than 25 films.

After the war, his career took off sharply, but problems with alcohol also began. Doctors diagnosed chronic alcoholism, and the diseases that caused it became the cause of the death of Pyotr Aleinikov in 1965.

Peter's friend Boris Andreev sought to be buried in Novodevichy Cemetery. But all the visits to the officials did not bring success, and Pyotr Aleinikov rested on Vagankovskoe cemetery Moscow.


Of the living movie stars, there are also artists who have problems with drinking alcohol. Dmitry Kharatyan and Tatyana Dogileva do not hide the fact that they were able to cope with the problem. Also had similar problems, but they didn’t drink themselves to death, and Alexander Domogarov and Alexey Nilov continue to work. Western stars include Ben Affleck, Mel Gibson, and actress Jamie Lee Curtis.

There are many reasons for addiction to alcohol, but doctors and psychologists agree that creative famous people, emotional and vulnerable, are more at risk of becoming dependent on alcohol, and, as we see, mortality among movie stars is quite common.


Alcoholism - serious illness. It destroys not only ordinary residents of our country (and other countries), but also famous people. There have been artists and stars who died from alcoholism at all times and among all peoples. Many people have heard tragic story Valentina Serova, Mussorgsky, Savrasov, Vysotsky. Talent did not become their salvation from addiction. Which celebrity and why became addicted to the “green serpent”?

Poets and writers

The list of famous alcoholics includes many deceased figures of Russian literature. These are pre-revolutionary, and Soviet, and modern masters words of Russia. Moreover, the names of most of them are known to everyone.

The first to name is Sergei Yesenin. "Blonde Lel" conducted most of his time in taverns. Sergei Alexandrovich began to drink when he moved to the city and began to gain fame in the literary circles of Moscow. His life ended early: he died at the Angleterre Hotel. Experts are still arguing whether it was suicide or murder.

In foreign literature, the “green serpent” destroyed Charles Baudelaire - he became interested in drinking and beautiful women V student years. Then he began to study law at the College of Saint Louis. Drunkenness and syphilis resulted in his death in 1867 at the age of 46.

Edgar Allan Poe American writer and the founder of the detective genre, described the drinking owner of the “Black Cat” not by observing other people. He himself was fond of strong alcoholic drinks, as a result of which he died in the hospital from cerebrovascular disease. Although there is a version that he fell ill with rabies at that time. However, in any case, the writer led a wandering lifestyle - this was the cause of his death. And it was drunkenness that led him to such a life.

Edgar Allan Poe died from vascular and head disease due to alcohol

Ernest Miller Hemingway loved alcohol, especially wine and daiquiris. In the last years of his life, he suffered from cirrhosis of the liver and suffered from depression. Before his death he was undergoing treatment, but upon returning from the hospital he shot himself.

William Faulkner was fond of punch from his youth. As a result, in adulthood he turned into a real alcoholic. Things reached delirium tremens. As a result, the writer died.

However, these are not all the writers who were destroyed by the “green serpent.” There are other great people who suffered from this disease. These included:

  • Erich Maria Remarque;
  • Tennessee Williams (he was addicted not only to alcohol, but also to drugs);
  • Mikhail Sholokhov;
  • Olga Berggolts;
  • Alexander Tvardovsky;
  • John Steinbeck;
  • Yuri Olesha.


Artists are also prone to addictions. And both men and women. Which of the actors suffered from drunkenness? Let's name some Russian actors:

Name Cause of alcoholism Circumstances of death
1 Valentina Vasilievna Serova The addiction began in the process life together with Konstantin Simonov - in the late 1940s. Serious stress and problems at work could have affected or difficult relationships with mother and husband, survived the war Found dead at home. The circumstances of the death are still unclear
2 Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky He not only drank, but also abused drugs. In his memoirs they write that he began to drink only to relieve his cravings for the latter. Vladimir Semyonovich experienced serious problems at work and in relationships with family, friends and colleagues because of this. He died in his own apartment. The cause of the tragedy was heart failure. However, there was no autopsy, so an exact diagnosis has not been established.
3 Victor Kosykh He drank because of the overload associated with the acting profession. And it started in my youth. In adulthood the situation worsened. He lived only 61 years. The cause of death was an alcohol overdose. As a result, a cerebral hemorrhage occurred.
4 Georgy Yumatov Difficult relationship with his wife, Muse of Krepkogorskaya. The latter’s reluctance to understand her husband, domestic tyranny. Another reason is the lack of children he wanted (Muza Viktorovna had an abortion) An aortic aneurysm occurred - after recovery from drunkenness. In his old age, the actor no longer acted in films. But before that there was a scandalous incident with the janitor he killed.
5 Vladislav Galkin Vladislav started drinking because of depression. He had difficult relationships with women. This led to a tragic outcome. Due to constant exposure to alcohol, the actor developed problems with his pancreas. Then he gave up drinking. But he managed to blow up his heart (death was due to heart failure).
6 Oleg Dal He was demanding of himself and those around him. The star also had problems with his personal life. This led to immoderate libations. The actor suffered from cardiac problems due to alcohol. At the age of 38, he suffered cardiac arrest. This was the cause of Dahl's death.

However, the addiction was not only of domestic, but also of foreign film actors. An example is fate. American actress Billie Holliday. The celebrity died from cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcoholism.

The press also reports about alcohol addiction among the late actors Vasily Shukshin, Andrei Krasko, Nikolai Eremenko the Younger, Georgy Burkov and others. Popular love did not save them from family dramas, and as a result, drunkenness. The result was health problems (especially with the heart) and death.


Sport is good for health, but it is not a panacea for drunkenness. Among the world's famous athletes, the “green serpent” killed football player George Best. He was known as a playboy sports world. Because of this lifestyle, the man became addicted to alcohol. The result was death from liver cirrhosis and kidney disease at the age of 59.

In the history of the USSR and Russia, a similar famous example was Anatoly Kozhemyakin. He often attended feasts. One such day, when he (drunk himself and with drunken friends) got stuck in an elevator in the evening after drinking and signing autographs, a tragedy occurred. The elevator started moving when Kozhemyakin tried to get out of the cabin - the man was torn apart.

Show business stars

The concept of show business representatives includes not only actors, but also singers and musicians. Among famous examples- Whitney Houston. She fell into a coma at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Her aunt saw her in this state, but she could not be saved. Whitney abused alcohol and drugs.

Of the domestic pop stars, drunkenness killed Yuri Klinsky. He developed problems with his liver (hepatitis) and heart. The latter led to his death - this happened on July 4, 2000.

Of the great people of the musical world of the past, Modest Mussorgsky became a victim of alcohol. The composer died of delirium tremens - the consequences of alcohol addiction. He started drinking because of his bohemian lifestyle.

The artist Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov also drank heavily. It was because of drunkenness that he separated from his wife. And the children of this famous person from another love - his cohabitant E. Morgunova - they died in infancy. He himself lived to be 67 years old. The cause of problems with alcohol (dependence) was the lifestyle inherent in creative individuals.


Nothing human is alien to scientists. They also drank alcohol, especially on holidays. Some even abused it. Two examples can be given here.

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev invented 40-proof vodka for a reason. He himself liked to drink. However, his addiction to alcohol did not prevent him from pursuing science. And he lived for 72 years.

Mendeleev - the inventor of vodka, also loved to drink

Omar Khayyam, a Persian poet and alchemist of the Middle Ages, was also a wine lover, who encouraged his readers to drink it. However, he also lived a long life. Omar Khayyam died at 83.


The most famous alcoholics- these are singers, writers and poets, actors, artists. In other words, bohemian drunkards are called people creative professions. There are especially many of them in show business - among actors, singers and composers. Often the causes of the disease are problems in personal life, hard work and characteristics star image life.

However, among scientists there are much fewer drunkards. This is due to the fact that scientific activity requires concentration of mind and attention. In addition, scientists are aware of the dangers of alcoholic beverages. For this reason, it is more correct to call them simply drunkards, but not alcoholics.

There are also few alcoholics among athletes. Typically, wild feasts are the lot of football players, and even then not always. We were able to give only 2 examples of football players who died due to problems with alcohol. Otherwise, athletes try not to drink alcohol. However, they have another problem - a tendency to use doping.

Representatives of the creative intelligentsia who died from alcoholism are found at all times and among all nations. This problem is the same in Russia and in the West, in Soviet time, in the 19th century and now. However, often even cured people’s health is weakened, so long-term consequences make themselves felt. Let us remember the story of the death of Georgy Yumatov.

Those suffering from drunkenness prominent figures and they themselves suffer because of their problem, and create trouble for their loved ones. For this reason, it is so important for a person with a penchant for creativity to take care of himself. Moreover, long life will allow us to give more roles, paintings, songs, books to humanity.

The most common cause of death for an alcoholic is damage to the heart (attacks), liver (cirrhosis) and nervous system(delirium tremens). In one of the cases - with the athlete Kozhemyakin - an accident occurred. The death of a man was the result of his alcohol intoxication and associated disorientation in the situation.

However, you should not judge people who suffer or have suffered from alcohol addiction. Alcoholics and drunkards need help from loved ones. Only then will the patient be able to decide to undergo treatment and stop drinking. And then there are chances for a real refusal of alcohol. This applies not only famous actor or a writer, but also your loved one if he suffers from drunkenness.

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