The role of statistics in studying the world around us. History of the development of statistics and its role in modern society. What are statistics

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Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

Novosibirsk State University

Economics and Management "NINH"

Department of Economics

Department of Statistics

Topic: “Why do we need statistics?”

Academic discipline: “Statistics”

Name of direction (training profile): sociology

FULL NAME. student: Matyushina Kira Vladimirovna

Group number: BSC-32

Record book number: 130324

Checked by: Apsite Marina Aleksandrovna

Novosibirsk 2014

Why do we need statistics? This is the question everyone who begins to study statistics asks themselves. But before you know why statistics are needed, you must first understand what statistics are? What does this discipline study? What is the history of the development of statistics as an academic discipline? Only by answering these questions can we understand why statistics are needed. statistics discipline processing material

The word “statistics” itself has many meanings. Currently, there are about a thousand of its definitions. Economists, mathematicians, sociologists, philosophers and, of course, statisticians themselves tried to define statistics as a science.

Statistics is a branch of knowledge that sets out general issues collection, measurement and analysis of mass statistical (quantitative or qualitative) data; the study of the quantitative side of mass social phenomena in numerical form.

The word "statistics" comes from the Latin "status" - state of affairs. The term “statistics” was introduced into science by the German scientist Gottfried Achenwall in 1746, proposing to replace the name of the course “State Studies” taught at German universities with “Statistics,” thereby marking the beginning of the development of statistics as a science and academic discipline. Despite this, statistical records were carried out much earlier: population censuses were carried out in Ancient China, a comparison was made of the military potential of states, records were kept of the property of citizens in Ancient Rome and so on.

Statistics develops a special methodology for research and processing of materials: mass statistical observations, the method of groupings, average values, indices, the balance method, the method of graphic images and other methods of analyzing statistical data.

Having studied a little the history of statistics, it becomes clear that it began to emerge as a necessary science.

Statistics are currently playing important role in the development of the state economy, statistics acts as a tool government controlled. The greatest advantage of statistics is that all statistical data is presented in numerical form and we can assess the scale of a mass phenomenon in relation to something.

There are many sections of statistics, because it covers almost all areas human life. Below are the most important sections, in my opinion:

· Theory of statistics - examines general principles and methods for studying socio-economic phenomena and processes

· Socio-economic statistics - studies the methodology for constructing macroeconomic indicators and their analysis, as well as social conditions life and work of the population, their consumption material goods and services

· Industry statistics - studies individual sectors of social life

Thanks to statistics, according to its collected data, we can observe how the economic and political activity country and world, how modern human society develops. Also, based on statistical data, we can draw conclusions about the improvement or deterioration of the work of enterprises and organizations.

To summarize, I would like to say that statistics is one of the the most important sciences, since data must be presented not only in descriptive form, but also in quantitative form. Statistical data gives a huge impetus to the development of many areas of life in modern society.

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Introduction. Statistics is a branch of knowledge that deals with general issues of collecting, measuring and analyzing mass statistical (quantitative or qualitative) data. Thanks to this data, it is possible to analyze the activities and functioning of any sector of the economy.

The purpose of this work is to study the formation of statistics as a science, as well as to determine its role, significance and features in the life of society.

Main part. Statistics, like any other science, arose from the practical needs of people. Even in the ancient world, the need to collect taxes, bear military service and for other public purposes, the need arose to record the population, its location, and occupation.

In the Middle Ages, with the development of feudalism, accounting extended to property, land, etc. Large farms even organize on-farm accounting.

All these and other forms of accounting and analysis were purely practical. However, they were often carried out sporadically, at a primitive level.

The emergence and development of capitalism required extensive and reliable information about the state of production, sources of raw materials, labor markets and sales of products, etc.

Development of internal and international trade expanded the variety of information, including information about foreign countries. Since the 16th century. in Italy, Holland and other countries, collections about different countries: O political structure, population, industry, agriculture, trade, communications. Experience is being accumulated in collecting, systematizing and processing primary statistical materials. There is a need to analyze them to identify patterns social development.

It should be noted that the term “statistics” was introduced in 1746 by the German scientist, professor of philosophy and law Heinrich Avenhal (1719-1772).

IN modern understanding“statistics” has several meanings: data that characterize mass processes or phenomena, for example, the price level for a specific product from several sellers on a certain date, or the population in several regions on a certain date, etc.; the activities of the system of statistical institutions for the collection and processing of data that characterize all aspects of public life.; a science that has its own subject and method.

The subject of statistics is the size and quantitative relationships between mass social phenomena, patterns of their formation, development, relationships.

It is also necessary to take into account two important features of statistics.

Firstly, statistics studies the quantitative side of social phenomena, and secondly, it studies not individual, but mass phenomena.

The quantitative side of social phenomena is, first of all, their size, as well as the ratio of sizes. Thus, within a month, 3,000 shares of one company were sold at stock exchange auctions in the amount of 979,200 den. units (nominal price of shares – 35 den. units). An equally important form of displaying the quantitative side of social phenomena is the ratio of sizes. According to the above data, the average share price was 326.4 den. units, which exceeded the nominal price by 9.33 times.

The study of the quantitative side of social phenomena is inextricably linked by their qualitative content. That is, quantitative dimension does not exist without qualitative certainty. For example, when grouping the population by age, statistics display qualitatively distinguishable groups: preschool age, school age, working age, pensioner age.

Due to the fact that the phenomena of social life continuously change and develop over time, statistics also studies changes in the quantitative side of phenomena over time.

The second feature of the subject is related to the fact that statistics studies mass social phenomena, that is, those that consist of a sufficiently large population, number of units or facts, the essential properties of which are similar.

The theory of statistical methods is aimed at solving real problems. Therefore, new formulations of mathematical problems for the analysis of statistical data constantly arise in it, and new methods are developed and justified. Justification is often carried out by mathematical means, that is, by proving theorems. A major role is played by the methodological component - how exactly to set problems, what assumptions to accept for the purpose of further mathematical study. The role of modern information technologies, in particular, computer experiments, is great.

Conclusions. Statistics is a science that is integral in the life of every society; it determines the dynamics of development, decline, and growth of social phenomena. This is a science that solves certain goals thanks to the availability and development of statistical methods, as well as thanks to developing information technologies.

Literature: Statistics: Navchalny handbook. – Kiev: Center for Basic Literature, 2005. – 232 p. Electronic encyclopedia - Wikipedia.

Perch Anna and Usacheva Alena

More and more attention is being paid to statistics. This section is even included in the State Examination and the Unified State Examination in mathematics. In this work, examples are analyzed to find the main characteristics of statistics.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2"

Search and abstract work.

The role of statistics in human life

Students of grade 11 "b"

Head: Olga Valentinovna Voropaeva, mathematics teacher

village Troitsko-Pechorsk

March 2012


2. Main part………………………………………………………………………………………5

2.1. The concept of statistics………………………………………………………………...5

2.2.History of mathematical statistics……………………………………………..5

2.3. The simplest statistical characteristics……………………………………6

2.4.Statistical studies…………………………………………………….8

2.4.1.Practical part………………………………………………………..9

2.5.Collection and grouping of statistical data……………………………………13

2.6.Visual presentation of statistical information……………………….15

3. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………18

4. References…………………………………………………………………………………19


There are three types of lies: little lies,

big lies and statistics.

O. Bismarck


Currently, no one questions the need to include the study of elements of statistics and probability theory in the school mathematics course. On the need to study elements of probability theory and statistics in school we're talking about a long time ago. At the turn of the third millennium, the universality of probabilistic and statistical laws became obvious; they became the basis for describing the scientific picture of the world. Modern physics, chemistry, biology, demography, sociology, the entire complex of socio-economic sciences are developing on a probabilistic-statistical basis.

Elections and referendums have come to dominate our lives, bank loans and insurance policies, employment tables, and survey charts that rely on elements of statistics.

After all, it is the study and understanding of probability theory and statistical problems that especially reflect reality.

Goal of the work: form ideas about statistical research; processing the collected results using statistical concepts.

Based on this, we can highlight the following tasks:

1. Create a clear demographic picture of the area.

2.Generate an idea of ​​the possibility of describing and processing data using various averages.

3. Learn to find statistical elements for a number of numerical data, understand their practical meaning;

4.Consider various ways visual representation of the results of statistical research.

Object of study: statistics as a research method.

Subject of study: birth rate in the Troitsko-Pechora region; results of the trial Unified State Examination in 11th grade; physical data (height, weight) of senior students, etc.

Research methods:

1.Analysis and synthesis of popular scientific literature;

2. Empirical methods: performing practical calculations to identify the birth rate in the Troitsko-Pechora region from 1979 to 2007; physical data of senior students;

3. Method of mathematical modeling;

4. Systematization of the material;

5. Compilation of tables based on the data received;

6.Visual presentation of statistical data. Selection and preparation of tasks according to the points of work with the solution;

Statistics concept

STATISTICS is a science that deals with obtaining, processing and analyzing quantitative data about various phenomena occurring in nature and society. In means mass media Phrases such as accident statistics, population statistics, disease statistics, divorce statistics, etc. are often found.

One of the main tasks of statistics is the proper processing of information. Of course, statistics have many other tasks: obtaining and storing information, developing various forecasts, assessing their reliability, etc. None of these goals is achievable without data processing. Therefore, the first thing to do is to process the information received using statistical methods. There are many terms used in statistics for this.

MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS - a branch of mathematics devoted to methods and rules for processing and analyzing statistical data

History of mathematical statistics

Population accounting arose in ancient times in connection with tax and military activities states and the tasks of their administrative structure. Even in the ancient Indian laws of Manu, rulers were ordered to take into account the inhabitants in order to find out their strength and determine taxes.

In Egypt, population censuses were carried out starting from the era of the Old Kingdom (2800 - 2250 BC).

There is evidence that population records were kept in Ancient China and Ancient Japan. At this time there is information about population censuses in Mesopotamia.

Population censuses are known in Ancient Greece, in Attica, where at the end of the 4th century BC a census of all adult men was carried out, and in Ancient Rome, where censuses were regularly carried out from 435 BC.

The first publication on statistics is the “Book of Numbers” in the Bible, in the Old Testament, which tells about the census of military personnel carried out under the leadership of Moses and Aaron.

For the first time we find the term “statistics” in fiction – in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” (1602, act 5, scene 2). The meaning of this word in Shakespeare is to know, courtiers.

At first, statistics were understood as descriptions of the economic and political state of a state or part of it. For example, the definition dates back to 1792: “statistics describing the state of the state at the present time or at some time famous moment in past". Currently, the activities of state statistical services fit well into this definition.

In Rus', the first population census for fiscal purposes was carried out in 1245.

However, gradually the term "statistics" began to be used more widely. According to Napoleon Bonaparte, “statistics is the budget of things.” According to the formulation of 1833, “The purpose of statistics is to present facts in the most concise form.”

Mathematical statistics as a science begins with the works of the famous German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855).IN late XIX V. - early 20th century Major contributions to mathematical statistics were made by English researchers, primarily K. Pearson (1857-1936) and R. A. Fisher (1890-1962).In the 30s of the twentieth century, the Pole Jerzy Neumann (1894-1977) and the Englishman E. Pearson developed a general theory of testing statistical hypotheses,and Soviet mathematicians Academician A.N. Kolmogorov (1903-1987) and corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences N.V. Smirnov (1900-1966) laid the foundations of nonparametric statistics.

In the forties of the twentieth century. Romanian mathematician A. Wald (1902-1950) built the theory of sequential statistical analysis.

Mathematical statistics is developing rapidly at the present time.

The simplest statistical characteristics

IN Everyday life Without realizing it, we use the following concepts: median, mode, range and arithmetic mean. Even when we go to the store or do cleaning.

1. Arithmetic mean of a seriesnumbers is the quotient of dividing the sum of these numbers by their number. The arithmetic mean is important characteristic series of numbers, but sometimes it is useful to consider other averages.

When is the arithmetic mean needed and not needed?

It makes sense to calculate the average expenditure in a family on food, the average yield of potatoes in the garden, the average cost of food in order to understand what to do next time so that there is no large overspending, the average rating for the quarter - they will give a rating for the quarter based on it.

There is no point in calculating the average salary of my mother and Abramovich, average temperature healthy and sick person, average shoe size for me and my brother.

2. Fashion name the number in a series that occurs most often in this series. It can be said that given number the most “fashionable” in this series. An indicator such as mode is used not only for numerical data. If, for example, you ask large group students, which school subject they like most, then the mode of this series of answers will be the subject that will be mentioned more often than others.

Fashion is an indicator that is widely used in statistics. One of the most common uses of fashion is to study demand. For example, when deciding what weight packs to pack butter in, what flights to open, etc., demand is first studied and fashion is identified - the most common order.

Note that in the series considered in real statistical studies, more than one mode is sometimes identified. When there is a lot of data in a series, then all those values ​​that occur much more often than others are interesting. Their statistics are also called fashion.

When is fashion needed?

Fashion is important for manufacturers when determining the most popular size of clothes, shoes, sizes of a bottle of juice, a pack of chips, a popular style of clothing

However, finding the arithmetic mean or mode does not always allow one to draw reliable conclusions based on statistical data. If there is a series of data, then, in addition to the average values, it is also necessary to indicate how much the data used differ from each other.

One statistical measure of the difference or dispersion of data is scope .

3. Sweep is the difference between the largest and smallest values ​​of a data series.

When is scope needed and not needed?

The range of a series is found when one wants to determine how large the spread of data in a series is. For example, during the day the air temperature in the city was noted every hour. For the obtained data series, it is useful not only to calculate the arithmetic mean, which shows what the average daily temperature is, but also to find the range of the series, which characterizes the fluctuation in air temperature during these days. For the temperature on Mercury, for example, the range is 350 + 150 = 500 C. Of course, a person cannot withstand such a temperature difference.

4. Another important statistical characteristic of a data series is its median . Typically, the median is sought when the numbers in a series are some kind of indicator and you need to find, for example, a person who showed an average result, a company with an average annual profit, an airline offering average ticket prices, etc.

The median of a series consisting of an odd number of numbers is the number in this series that will be in the middle if this series is ordered. The median of a series consisting of an even number of numbers is the arithmetic mean of the two numbers in the middle of this series.

When is a median needed and not needed?

The median is more often used with other statistical characteristics, but it alone can be used to select results above or below the median.

Statistical research

"Statistics knows everything"- Ilf and Petrov stated in their famous novel “The Twelve Chairs” and continued: “It is known how much food the average citizen of the republic eats per year... It is known how many hunters, ballerinas... machines, bicycles, monuments, lighthouses and sewing machines... How much life, full of ardor, passions and thoughts, looks at us from statistical tables!..” Why are these tables needed, how to compile and process them, what conclusions can be drawn based on them - statistics answers these questions (from Italian stato - state, Latin status - state).

Practical part

Processing the received data using statistical elements.

Example 1: We collected population and fertility information in our area from 1979 to 2007. Using the formula, we calculated the birth rate. Let's try to apply all statistical characteristics to this value.


Number, thousand


Fertility rate














































1. Arithmetic mean



















































(28,6+28,7+27,4+26,2+26,1+25,6+25,2+27,8+24,3+23,1+21,2+21,3+20,5+20,2+19,4+18,2+17,9+17,5+17,3+16,8+16,5+16,2)/22=22,09 – arithmetic mean of the number


11.39 arithmetic mean of the birth rate


The range of numbers is: 28.7-16.2=12.5.

Fertility: 19; 18; 20; 17; 14; 15; 12; 10; 9.9; 9.3; 9.9; 9.1; 7.2; 7.1; 7; 8.7; 9; 10.9; 8.8; 9; 9; 10.8

The range of the birth rate is: 20-7=13.


Number: 28.6; 28.7; 27.4; 26.2; 26.1; 25.6; 25.2; 27.8; 24.3; 23.1; 21.2; 21.3; 20.5; 20.2; 19.4; 18.2; 17.9; 17.5; 17.3; 16.8; 16.5; 16.2

Fashion not defined

Fertility:19; 18; 20; 17; 14; 15; 12; 10; 9.9; 9.3; 9.9; 9.1; 7.2; 7.1; 7; 8.7; 9; 10.9; 8.8; 9; 9; 10.8

Mode is 9


Fertility:7; 7.1; 7.2; 8.7; 8.8; 9; 9; 9; 9.1; 9.3; 9.9; 9.9; 10; 10.8; 10.9; 12; 14; 15; 17; 18; 19; 20

Median is: 9.6

Example 2. Let's find statistical characteristics for the growth of 11th grade students.

Full name


  1. Ardashev Misha
  1. Afanasyeva Vika
  1. Bulkina Yulia
  1. Varlamova Luda
  1. Ten Lesha
  1. Ten Faith
  1. Konshina Valeria


  1. Kirillova Anya


  1. Mizev Lyosha


  1. Popova Nastya
  1. Perch Anna


  1. Popova Irina
  1. Rumyantseva Tanya
  1. Solutions Vanya
  1. Savelyeva Tanya
  1. Sergeeva Ksyusha
  1. Smolyaninova Nastya


  1. Usacheva Alena
  1. Bekmanova Ulyana


  1. Garay Christina


  1. Glushkov Zhenya
  1. Zaitsev Stas
  1. Kashnikov Dima


  1. Kun Georgy


  1. Kuklina Ira


  1. Lozhkina Lera
  1. Mezentsev Ruslan
  1. Merzlyakova Kristina
  1. Necheporenko Vanya


  1. Simak Anya


  1. Terentyeva Ira


  1. Tkachuk Nastya
  1. Shevelev Vlad

1. Arithmetic mean





The mode is: 170, 165.5, 157.5, because these numbers are repeated twice



Collection and grouping of statistical data

To study various social and socio-economic phenomena, as well as some processes occurring in nature, special statistical studies are carried out. Any statistical study begins with the targeted collection of information about the phenomenon or process being studied. This stage is called the statistical observation stage.

To generalize and systematize the data obtained as a result of statistical observation, they are divided into groups according to some criterion and the grouping results are compiled into tables (frequency tables, tables of relative frequencies).

Consider this example: A teacher gave an algebra test to eleventh-grade algebra students, consisting of 12 tasks. The work was carried out by 17 students. When checking each work, the teacher noted the number of tasks completed correctly. As a result, the following series of numbers was compiled:

6, 7, 9, 8,11, 12,0 ,4,4,5,6,6,5,9,8,4,5

To make it easier to analyze the data obtained, let’s arrange this series:

0, 4, 4, 4, 5,5 ,5,6, 6, 6 ,8 ,8, 9 ,9,10,11,12.

Let us present the obtained data in the form of a table in which for each number of correctly completed tasks written in the top line, we indicate in the bottom line the number of occurrences of this number in the row, i.e. frequency:

Number of points


This table is called a frequency table.

In the example considered, the sum of the frequencies is equal to the total number of works being checked, i.e. 17.

In general, if the result of a study is presented in the form of a frequency table, the sum is often equal to the total number of data in the series. After collecting and grouping the data, they proceed to their analysis, using various general indicators. The simplest of them are such statistical characteristics as you know, such as the arithmetic mean, mode, median, range.

Let's analyze the results of checking students' work.

Arithmetic mean - 6.6; range - 12; mode - 4,5,6; median -6. In the example considered, a frequency table was compiled to analyze the test results by students. Sometimes a table is compiled in which, for each data, not the frequency is indicated, but the ratio of the frequency to the total number of data in the series. This ratio, expressed as a percentage, is called the relative frequency; the table itself is a table of relative frequencies.

In our example, the total number of the population is the number of students who wrote papers, i.e. 17. The table of relative frequencies is as follows:

Number of points


Relative frequency










It is not difficult to verify that the sum of the relative frequencies is 100%.

In the example discussed at the beginning of the paragraph, the results of the test with students of one 11th grade were analyzed. The same test could be used to test students' math skills more broadly, for example, by offering it to 11th-graders in all schools in the district. Note that organizing such a check involves serious difficulties in sending assignment texts to schools, collecting and checking students’ work, and processing the results obtained. In general, conducting any mass research requires great organizational efforts and financial costs. For example, a country's population census involves the preparation of various documentation, the allocation and instruction of census takers, the collection of information, and the processing of collected information.

In cases where it is difficult or even impossible to conduct a comprehensive study, it is replaced by a selective one. In a sampling study, from the entire population of data being studied, called the general population, a certain part of it is selected, i.e. a sample population is drawn up and subjected to research. In this case, the sample must be representative, or, as they say, representative, i.e. reflective characteristics the population under study.

Visual presentation of statistical information

To visually present data obtained as a result of statistical research, various methods of depicting them are widely used.

One of the good known methods visual representation of a series of data is the construction columnar diagrams. Column charts are used when they want to illustrate the dynamics of changes in data over time or the distribution of data obtained as a result of a statistical study.

The table shows data on birth rates by year. A bar graph was constructed from this data.























Fertility, %



To visually depict the relationship between parts of the population under study, it is convenient to use pie charts.

Note that a pie chart retains its clarity and expressiveness only with a small number of parts of the population. Otherwise, its use is ineffective.

Let's look at an example: The number of births in 2007 was 175. Of these, 4 girls gave birth under 17 years of age, 73 women gave birth between 18-24 years old, 83 women between 25-34 years old, and 16 women between 34 and older.

Let's show this on a pie chart:

The dynamics of changes in statistical data over time are often illustrated using a polygon. To construct a polygon, points are marked in the coordinate plane, the abscissas of which are moments in time, and the ordinates are the corresponding statistical data. By connecting these points sequentially with segments, a broken line is obtained, which is called a polygon. Polygons are used to visually depict the distribution of data obtained as a result of a statistical study. If the data is presented in the form of a table of frequencies or relative frequencies, then to construct a polygon, points are marked in the coordinate plane, the abscissas of which are statistical data, and the ordinates are their frequencies or relative frequencies. By connecting these points with segments, a data distribution polygon is obtained.

Let's look at an example. In class we were given a test to take home for consolidation, consisting of 20 tasks. We asked Year 11 students to record the approximate time they spent completing this test. We processed this data, compiled a table of frequencies and built a polygon.


The main accounting and statistical center in the Russian Federation is the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics (Goskomstat of Russia), created in 1994. The tasks of its structures include systematic analysis of the socio-economic situation of the Russian Federation, reflection dynamic processes transition to the market. Was accepted Government program for the transition to international practice of the accounting and statistics system (1993-1996), the Federal target program “Reform of statistics in 1997-2000” was developed. Reading the press or watching TV, you often come across the phrase: “According to statistics...”, “Health statistics, unemployment statistics, real estate price statistics,” etc. As a high school graduate, I was interested in: What is statistics and why is it needed? Maybe this work will influence my choice of profession. this work is intended for the study of statistical characteristics and statistical research. It allows you to learn, in an introductory way, what statistics is and what simple characteristics it studies. In our work, the meaningful meaning of these quantities is explained using accessible examples based on the information we collected at our school. In addition, initial ideas are given about collecting and grouping statistical data, compiling tables of frequencies and relative frequencies; becomes familiar with finding the frequency tables of basic statistical characteristics - average arithmetic, range, mode and median. Various ways of visually depicting the results of statistical research are considered: constructing bar and pie charts, polygons.

We assume that our work will help 9th grade students and teachers study the issues we have considered for use in the classroom. This work can be used for elective courses in the 9th grade to arouse interest in the study of mathematics. This will later help you decide on the choice of a specialized class at senior level.

I think that we will continue to study this topic, for the further formation of important modern society skills such as understanding the results of statistical studies widely presented in the media.


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1) During the quarter, Sergei received the following grades in mathematics: one “two”, three “threes”, five “fours” and one “five”. Find the sum of the arithmetic mean and the mode of his grades.

2) The average daily temperature (in degrees) in Moscow was recorded for five days in October: 6 ; 7; 7;9; 11. How different is the arithmetic mean of this set of numbers from its median?

3) the height (in centimeters) of five students is written: 156,166, 134, 132, 132. How different is the arithmetic mean of this set of numbers from its median?

4) Five friends found deviations (in minutes) in their readings wristwatch from exact time: -2, 0.3,-5,-1. Find the sum of the arithmetic mean of this set of numbers and its median.

5) The cost (in rubles) of glazed cheese curds “Vkusnyashka” in the neighborhood stores is recorded: 3,5,6,7,9,4,8. How much does the arithmetic mean of this set of numbers differ from its median?

6) The electricity consumption (in kW) of a certain family during the first five months of the year is recorded: 138, 140, 135, 132, 125. How different is the arithmetic mean of this set of numbers from its median?

7) The arithmetic mean of a series consisting of 10 numbers is 16. The number 27 was added to this series. What is the arithmetic mean of the new series of numbers?

8) The arithmetic mean of a series consisting of 10 numbers is 16. The number 7 was crossed out from this series. What is the arithmetic mean of the new series of numbers?

9) Each of the 9 participants in the shooting competition fired 10 shots. The number of hits on the target of each of these participants is recorded: 12, 10, 5, 4, 6, 8, 9, 5, 4. How much does the arithmetic mean of this set of numbers differ from its median?

10) Five employees of the department purchased shares of the same value in a certain joint stock company. The number of these shares purchased by each employee is recorded: 5, 10, 12, 7, 3. How different is the arithmetic mean of this set of numbers from its median?

11) The university keeps a daily record of received letters. Based on this accounting, the following series of data was obtained (the number of letters received daily during this week): 39, 43, 40, 56.38, 21, 1. . How much does the arithmetic mean of this set of numbers differ from its median?

12) During the quarter, Alexey received the following grades in physics: two “twos”, two “threes”, four “fours”, two “fives”. Find the sum of the arithmetic mean and the median of its estimates.

13) The height (in centimeters) of five students is recorded: 164, 162, 156, 132, 136. How different is the arithmetic mean of this set of numbers from its median.

14) Five friends found deviations (in minutes) of their wristwatch readings from the exact time: -1, 0, -4, -1, 1. Find the sum of the arithmetic mean of this set of numbers and its mode.

15) The cost (in rubles) of glazed cheese curds “Malysh” in stores in microdistricts is recorded: 4, 4, 6, 7, 11, 9, 8. Find the sum of the arithmetic mean of this set of numbers and its mode.

16) In the series of numbers 3, 7, 15, _, 21, one number is missing. Find this number if you know that the arithmetic mean of this series of numbers is 12.

17) The electricity consumption (in kW) of a certain family during the first five months of the year is recorded: 146, 140, 138, 136, 130. How much does the arithmetic mean of this set of numbers differ from its median?

18) The arithmetic mean of a series consisting of 10 numbers is 18. The number 29 was added to this series. What is the arithmetic mean of the new series of numbers?

19) Each of the 9 participants in the shooting competition fired 10 shots. The number of hits on target for each of these participants was recorded: 9, 8, 6, 5, 6, 9, 6, 5,9. How much does the arithmetic mean of this set of numbers differ from its median?

20) The average daily temperature (in degrees) in Moscow for five days in June was recorded: 25,27,29,24,25. How much does the arithmetic mean of this set of numbers differ from its median?

“Knowledge” and “assumptions” are completely different concepts. They can be equated to “confidence” and “uncertainty”. If an entrepreneur can accurately calculate the key indicators of his business, it means he knows and is confident in his business.

How do most businessmen fare with statistics?

For many businessmen, statistics are not important at all. And the reason for this lies in ignorance and inability to use it. Many people set only the ultimate goal: to earn as much as possible, skipping all the intermediate points. If there is not enough money, the businessman gets upset, asks for a report for last month, estimates the costs and takes as much money as he needs.

In the mid-20th century, L. Ron Hubbard, analyzing the success of his organization, noticed one important nuance: in statistics, the main thing is not the level, but the direction.

Future development depends on the direction. Statistics is the change in a specific indicator over a certain period of time. For a company, weekly statistics are important; for a small division, shorter-term statistics are important. Therefore, you need to select indicators, draw a graph and record the dynamics every week. Profit is the simplest indicator for any commercial organization.

There are entrepreneurs who do not even pay attention to income statistics. Many people do not know that this data can be displayed graphically. We looked at the financial statements and that’s it. But the numbers do not give an understanding full picture. But graphics can do it.

Managers of successful companies evaluate their performance using dozens of statistical indicators. In addition, each employee related to the growth of the company's income must maintain his own personal statistics.

A schedule is a strong motivator. If the difference in numbers does not have the desired effect on a person, then jumps on the graph (especially downwards) force decisive action.

Drawing a graph is very simple: the horizontal axis displays the weeks, the vertical axis shows the indicator. The upper maximum of the indicator scale is the highest expected result, the lower is the minimum to which the indicator has fallen over the past months.

For example, it happens that the week ends with zero income. Means, lower value will be "0". And if the indicator has not dropped below $20,000 for the last few months, then “20,000” should be indicated below.

Now let's set the upper limit. Let’s say that over the last 3 months the company’s profit did not reach $200,000, but you assume that this figure will soon become real. And if you understand how to achieve it, then you need to mark “200,000” at the top.

Next, in accounting, you need to take exact figures for weekly profit for the last 2-3 months. We mark all the points and draw a graph. Now we look and evaluate the activity. If the statistics are growing, then things are going well. The company will remain in the market as long as the statistics continue to grow. Falling indicators indicate poor prospects.

Examples from life

One successful businessman, whose company at that time had 700 employees, was confident in the development of his business. This opinion was justified financial statements, which he occasionally studied superficially. But as soon as he drew the graph, it became clear that the company's revenue had declined sharply over the past 6 months. But they were still large enough that everything seemed fine. The graph gave this businessman pause.

A similar situation occurred in another large company. Management was confident that production was rapidly expanding. But as soon as the schedule was drawn up, it became clear that the situation was reversed, the company was experiencing a decrease in labor efficiency. If not for the graph, the fall would have been noticed already at serious problems. After this, the manager’s mood changed dramatically, and orders to employees became stricter.

This confirms the importance of statistics for business. Keeping statistics allows you to understand how things are, whether incomes are growing, whether production is increasing. For a competent entrepreneur, it is important not only high rate, but also its stable growth.

GBPOU VO "Borisoglebsk College of Industrial and Information Technologies"
according to statistics
on the topic “The role and importance of statistics in the life of society”
Prepared by: student of group 2bu
Korotich Yulia
Checked by: teacher Bochaeva O.O.
Borisoglebsk, 2016
1. Subject of statistics
2. The role and importance of statistics in the life of society
The term “statistics” comes from the Latin word “status”, which means “a certain state of affairs”. It was originally used in the meaning of the word “state science”; was first introduced into use in 1749 by the German scientist G. Achenwal, who published a book on state science.
Currently, the term “statistics” is used in three meanings. Firstly, statistics is understood as a special branch of practical activity of people aimed at collecting, processing and analyzing data characterizing the socio-economic development of the country, its regions, sectors of the economy, and individual enterprises. Secondly, statistics is the science that deals with the development of theoretical principles and methods used in statistical practice. There is a close relationship between statistical science and statistical practice. Statistical practice applies the rules developed by science; in turn, statistical science relies on materials from practice and, summarizing the experience of practice, develops new provisions. Thirdly, statistics are often called statistical data presented in the reports of enterprises, organizations, sectors of the economy, as well as published in collections, reference books, periodicals, which represent the result of statistical work.
The peculiarity of statistics is that statistical data are reported in quantitative form, i.e. Statistics speak the language of numbers that reflect social life in all the diversity of its manifestations. At the same time, statistics are primarily interested in the conclusions that can be drawn from the analysis of properly collected and processed digital data.
Statistics have centuries-old history, with its roots going deep
antiquity, With the formation of states, the need for statistical practice arose, i.e. in collecting information about the availability of land, the population, and its property status.
In this work, I will consider some terms directly related to statistics, the subject of statistics, the role and significance of this discipline in the life of society.
Subject of statistics
The subject of statistics is the quantitative side of mass social phenomena in inextricable connection with their qualitative side or content, as well as the quantitative expression of the laws of social development in specific conditions of place and time. Statistics studies its subject using certain categories, i.e. cat concepts reflect the most essential properties, signs, connections and relationships of objects and phenomena of the objective world.
5 basic concepts of statistics: 1- A statistical aggregate is a collection of socio-economic objects or phenomena of social life, united by a certain qualitative basis, a common connection, but differing from each other in individual characteristics.
Aggregates: homogeneous and heterogeneous: - homogeneous - if one or more studied characteristics of its objects are common to all units (a group of young people - if they are all 17 years old) - heterogeneous - a population that includes phenomena of different types. 2- Unit of aggregate - element of a statistical population. This element is the carrier of characteristics that are subject to registration and the basis of the account maintained during the survey. 3- Attribute – distinguishing feature, property, qualities inherent in a unit
aggregates and taken into account in statistical research. It is subdivided: - according to the nature of the displayed properties of the population: a) signs that have a direct quantitative meaning (age, experience); b) signs that do not have direct quantitative expression (profession, product, live to see such and such an anniversary). - varying sign: variation - this is a change in the value of any characteristic value during the transition of one object or group of objects to another (from one unit of the population to another) or the presence of a unit of the population different meanings characteristic, which is a consequence of the impact on the elements of the totality of many different causes (factors).4- Stat. indicator – (category) – reflecting quantitative characteristics, the ratio of signs of social phenomena (dimensions).
Statistical indicators: - volumetric - indicators obtained by adding the values ​​of the characteristic of each unit of the population. The value formed when calculating this indicator is called the volume of the attribute (population, working population, economically employed population); - calculated - indicators that are calculated using special formulas and mathematical methods and are used for analysis
complex social phenomena. (average values) - Planned indicators - indicators, the value of which reflects the level of the phenomenon being studied, which must be achieved in accordance with the plan. - Reporting indicators - indicators, the value of which reflects the level of the phenomenon being studied, achieved in the period under study (if the sign momentary) or for the period under study (if the sign is interval). - prognostic - forecast of estimates. 5- A system of statistical indicators is a set of statistical indicators that reflect the relationships that objectively exist between phenomena and cover all levels of society at various levels. Levels: - macro level - the level of the country, region; - micro level - at the level of organization, family, household. Systems of statistical indicators have the following features: 1 - they are historical in nature; 2 - living conditions of the population, society change, and systems of statistical indicators change; 3-methodology for calculating statistical indicators continuously
is being improved. The main method of statistics is dialectical method knowledge of all phenomena in their interdependence and interdependence. The method of statistics is a whole set of techniques using which statistics examines its subject. It includes three groups of methods proper: the method of mass observations, the method of groupings, and the method of generalizing indicators. 1-Statistical observation consists of collecting primary statistical material, scientifically organized registration of all significant facts related to the object under consideration. This is the first stage of any statistical research. 2-The grouping method makes it possible to systematize and classify all the facts collected as a result of mass statistical observation. This is the second stage of statistical research. 3-The method of generalizing indicators allows you to characterize the phenomena and processes being studied using statistical values ​​- absolute, relative and average. At this stage of statistical research, the relationships and scales of phenomena are identified, the patterns of their development are determined, and forecast estimates are given. - absolute; –relative; –average The educational value of statistics lies in the fact that:
- statistics provides digital and meaningful coverage of the phenomena and processes under study, serves as the most reliable way to assess reality; - statistics gives evidentiary power to economic conclusions, allows you to check various “current” statements, individual theoretical positions; - statistics has the ability to reveal the relationships between phenomena and show them specific form and strength; - statistics are the first to discover new phenomena, processes and patterns, give their quantitative and qualitative characteristics2. The role and importance of statistics in the life of society
Statistical institutions and societies have been created and are functioning, which conduct large-scale statistical work, carry out national and international conferences, symposia, scientific meetings on statistical problems, published scientific journals and statistical literature. Taking into account the peculiarities of the development of a particular country, certain areas receive preferential development. The planned management of the economy in the former USSR required the development of statistical reporting, the centralization of statistical work, the development of statistics as a practical assistant in social work. construction, etc. In countries based on private property, accounting developed within firms as a means of management, control and a tool for competition with rivals, price statistics and special methods were improved. statistical research, etc. Certain work in the field of statistics is also carried out in the Republic of Belarus (we’ll talk about this in other topics). Statistical science will continue to develop. The discipline “Statistics” is basic for a number of disciplines (“Industrial Statistics”, TV and “Mathematical statistics”, “Technical and economic analysis”), is closely related to other disciplines. For example, the discipline “Fundamentals of Economic Theory”, based on statistical facts, formulates the laws of economic development, clarifies and deepens the understanding and content of economic categories, and improves the economic mechanism. Based on economic theory statistics organizes and conducts the study of economic phenomena, improves statistical methodology, a system of statistical indicators. Specific features have a connection between the “General Theory of Statistics” and the independent mathematical discipline “Theory of Probability and
math statistics". Since large amounts of data are accumulated and processed in statistical research, the role of mathematical methods in statistics is very important. Based on this, some authors tend to consider stat. methods as part of mathematical methods or special case their. However, at the same time, they lose sight of the indisputable fact that mathematics as a science considers mass phenomena in a purely quantitative aspect without taking into account their qualitative content. Statistics studies quantitative aspects in continuous communication with qualitative certainty of phenomena. There is also an opposite approach, when “Mathematical statistics” is included in statistics as a component element. The “General Theory of Statistics” also uses the theoretical principles of the science of dialectics.
The need and role of statistics in modern society cannot be overestimated. Everything that surrounds a person, everything that in one way or another relates to his activities is subject to statistics. IN modern world everything is counted. The role of statistics in modern society has increased with maximum force. Because mastery of all types of statistics will provide the state with a chance to observe and effectively resolve issues arising in society.
In the modern understanding, “statistics” has several roles and meanings: 1) data characterizing mass phenomena or processes, for example, the population in several regions on a certain date; 2) carrying out various activities and implementing the activities of a system of statistical institutions for collecting and processing data characterizing all aspects of public life; 3) and most importantly, this is a science that has its own subject and method. The most important modern features statistics are: Firstly, statistics studies not individual, but mass phenomena, but Secondly, quantitative
side of social phenomena. Statistics studies mass social phenomena, that is, those that consist of a sufficiently large population, number of units or facts, the essential properties of which are similar. The theory of statistical methods is aimed at solving real problems. Therefore, new formulations of mathematical problems of analyzing and measuring statistical data very often arise in it, and new methods are developed and justified. Justification is carried out using mathematical means, by proving theorems. A major role is played by the methodological component - how exactly to set problems, what assumptions to accept for the purpose of further mathematical study. The role of modern information technologies, in particular, computer experiments, is great. Second and no less important feature statistics is the quantitative side of social phenomena - this is, first of all, their sizes, as well as the ratio of sizes. The study of the quantitative side of social phenomena is inextricably linked by their qualitative content. That is, quantitative dimension does not exist without qualitative certainty. For example, when grouping the population by age, statistics display qualitatively distinguishable groups: preschool age, school age, working age, pensioner age. Due to the fact that the phenomena of social life continuously change and develop over time, statistics also studies changes in the quantitative side of phenomena over time. In addition, statistics performs many tasks related to the generalization of the phenomena being studied and reliable knowledge of the surrounding world and aimed at providing users with reliable statistical data, which, first of all, meet international statistical standards, through the formation of a unified interdepartmental information and statistical system, which is aimed at increasing efficiency and management decision making. Statistics carry out important
roles in the economic management mechanism. Prerequisite effective management decisions at the state and regional levels - the availability of complete and timely information about ongoing phenomena. Quite important in making effective decisions that contribute to an effective decision is the quality of the statistical data provided. In addition, it allows you to develop a behavior strategy based on forecasting the patterns of observed processes. The main task of statistics in the modern economic development of Russia is to characterize the observed changes that are associated with the transition to market relations. To find ways to solve this problem, statistics collects and systematizes information about the objects and processes being reformed, improves methods of collecting, processing and analyzing data, and participates in the development of modern management and marketing. And the state and departmental statistics bodies of the Russian Federation solve a whole range of statistical problems: modernization of various methods of data collection and processing, development special methods statistical observation; development of methods for studying financial and non-financial asset statistics, customs statistics, export and import statistics; improving the system of economic and statistical education in Russia, creating introductory courses and much more; improvement of state and corporate systems of statistical monitoring of social and economic conditions in Russia; development of Russian websites for the purpose of implementing programs in international organizations domestic statistical information. Thus, we can say that statistics is a science that is an integral part of the life of every society; it determines the dynamics of development, decline, and growth of social phenomena. This is a science that solves certain goals thanks to the presence and development
statistical methods, as well as thanks to developing information technologies. And its subject is the quantitative and qualitative assessment of mass social processes, as well as the quantitative expression of the basic patterns of development in specific conditions of place and time. Only in statistics the following most important tasks are solved: collecting data on all economic processes and phenomena of social life with the subsequent calculation of general indicators of social economic development industries, firms; tracking and monitoring new phenomena of socio-economic life; increasing economic and statistical education through statistical reference books, articles, collections; conducting an international comparison of the levels of socio-economic development of countries.
Thus, the following parts are distinguished in statistical science: general theory of statistics, economic statistics and its branches, social statistics and its branches.
The general theory of statistics develops general principles and methods of statistical research of social phenomena, the most general categories (indicators) of statistics.
The task of economic statistics is the development and analysis of synthetic indicators that reflect the state of national economy, interconnections between industries, features of the location of productive forces, the availability of material, labor and financial resources, the achieved level of their use. Branches of economic statistics - industrial statistics, Agriculture, construction, transport, communications, labor, natural resources, security environment etc.; their task is to develop and analyze statistical indicators of the development of relevant industries. Statistics of large industries can be divided into smaller industry statistics: for example, industrial statistics - into statistics of mechanical engineering, metallurgy, chemistry, etc.; agricultural statistics - into statistics of agriculture and livestock farming, etc.
Social statistics forms a system of indicators to characterize the lifestyle of the population and various aspects social relations; its branches are statistics of population, politics, culture, health care, science, education, law, etc.
Industry statistics are compiled on the basis of economic indicators
or social statistics, and both are based in turn on categories (indicators) and methods of analysis developed general theory statistics.
The general theory of statistics is the academic discipline from which the formation of the necessary professional knowledge begins for economists, managers, and business executives.
Studying economic and social development The country, its individual regions, industries, associations, firms, enterprises are dealt with by bodies specially created for this purpose, the totality of which is called the statistical service. In the Russian Federation, the functions of the statistical service are performed by state statistics bodies and departmental statistics bodies.
In this work an attempt is made to reveal theoretical basis question. Obviously, due to the excessive breadth of this topic, it is impossible to consider in detail all aspects of this problem in one work. However, based on all of the above, in conclusion we made some conclusions, summarizing the analysis of the issue considered.
1. Voronin V.F., Zhiltsova Yu.V. Statistics: tutorial. - M.: Unity-Dana, 2012. - 579 p.
2. Bagat A.V., Konkina M.M., Simchera V.M., Barmotin A.V. Statistics: textbook. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2008. – 389 p.
3. Vasilyeva E.K., Lyalin V.S. Statistics. – M.: Unity-Dana, 2012. – 339 p.
4. Gusarov V. M., Kuznetsova E. I. Statistics: textbook. - M.: Unity-Dana, 2012. – 480 p.

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