Scenario of the ecological holiday “Ecodrome”, dedicated to the International Day of Nature Conservation. Extracurricular event “Case History”, dedicated to the history of smoking and its prevention. Scenario for World Environment Day

Scenario of the ecological holiday “Ecodrome”, dedicated to the International Day of Nature Conservation. Extracurricular event “Case History”, dedicated to the history of smoking and its prevention.

Three materials are offered:

1. Scenario of the ecological holiday “Ecodrome”, dedicated to International Day nature conservation.

2. Extracurricular activity“Case History”, dedicated to the history of tobacco smoking and its prevention.

Materials from the ecological holiday “Ecodrom” can be used both outside of school hours and in class (fragments), both in a school class and in a country children’s camp.

GOALS of the event:

1. Promotion of environmental knowledge.

2. Fostering an environmental culture

3. Expanding the individual experience of interaction between schoolchildren and the environment.

4. Orientation of schoolchildren to the implementation of environmental rules of behavior in the environment - as a norm of life.

5. Children’s awareness of the need to correlate their actions with their consequences for the people around them, the natural and social environment.

6. Increasing children's readiness to participate in environmentally oriented activities.

Scenario for an environmental holiday: “Ecodrome”.

All people on our planet discuss the problems of nature conservation, of which they themselves are a part: they remember that we are all very dependent on the environment that surrounds us. How we want to see clean streams, rivers and lakes, to walk through a clean, unlittered forest, to see animals not only on TV and in the zoo.

Today we will talk about nature, our attitude towards it, respect for all living things and the ability to foresee the consequences of our behavior in natural environment. It's time for humanity to understand

Collecting riches from Nature,

That the Earth also needs to be protected.

She is just like us - alive!

Today we will go on a visit to wildlife from our symbolic ecodrome. Why ecodrome? Because our conversation today about communication with nature is a small launching pad for a journey into the world of great ecology - one of the most important sciences XXI century.

Today you will have to participate in various competitions - humorous and serious, and I wish good luck to all participants in these competitions and their fans.

Introduction of participants (teams)

Jury presentation.

Leading: At the end of the last century, humanity realized that our planet is fragile and vulnerable. The most vulnerable thing on it is the forests: after all, they provide the oxygen we need so much. Most people think that a forest is a lot of trees growing together. But then the park and the garden and the alley are also a forest? No, a forest is a community of woody, herbaceous plants and various animals.

Ourthe first competition is called “Forest Quiz” and we will talk about the most different trees. Each answer is worth 2 points. If the participant resorts to the help of the hall, the price of the answer is 1 point. So the questions:

1.Which coniferous tree sheds its needles for the winter? (larch)

2. Is it possible to cut down all the hollow trees in the forest? (no, birds and bats nest in them)

3. Why are there many dead branches in the pine forest, and the tops of the pines themselves turn green (pine is a light-loving plant).

4. Why do forest roads take longer to dry out after rain than in a field (there is no wind, so there is less evaporation)

5. What plants can be used in the forest to make tea? (strawberries, raspberries, oregano, etc.)

6. What plants in the forest can be used to treat colds? (coltsfoot, thyme, strawberry, etc.)

7. The wood of which tree is very durable and resistant to rotting. Do buildings made from it last 300-500 years? (larch)

8. What kind of wood are matches made from? (aspen)

9. Which trees’ wood is used to make paper and artificial silk? (fur tree, pine tree)

Leading : And nowa game called "Habitat".

We all know that we can save animals and plants only by preserving the habitat itself, i.e. the conditions in which organisms live. So, pay attention! We listen to the task: I name the habitat, and the players name the animal that lives in it.

For example: “air - swallow”

"earth is a rhinoceros"

"water is a walrus"

Team game. A player who makes a mistake or repeats an animal that has already been named is eliminated from the game.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Leading: Next competition called “Ecosigns”.

Players receive environmental signs that indicate rules of conduct in the forest. These rules need to be explained by deciphering the signs. (teams receive environmental signs in the form of drawings).

While the players are thinking about their answers, we will conduct a playful environmental game with the fans. I ask questions and you answer:

1. What tree does the gopher hide under when it rains? (gophers hide in holes when it rains, because there are no trees in the steppe where they live)

2. Who is upside down above us? (fly)

3. What is between the city and the village? (conjunction “and”)

4. What does half a peach look like? (for your other half)

5. 3 ostriches were flying, the hunter killed one, how many ostriches were left? (ostriches don't fly)

6. Can you cut your hands on water? (yes, when she turns to ice)

7. How far into the forest can a hare run? (until the middle, and then he runs out)

Players decipher eco-signs and explain them (see appendix).

The jury evaluates the players, says the overall score

Leading : ourThe competition is called "Ecoblitz" ».

It requires players not only to know environmental patterns, but also ingenuity, speed and ability to explain a problem or situation. Each team will have to answer 2 questions, but each is worth 4 points. That's why it's a "blitz".

So, attention:

Questions for the first team.

1. Most animal species exist quite large groups, for example: herd African elephants consists of 25-30 animals, and reindeer- from 300-400 animals.

Question: why do many animal species develop normally only if they unite in large groups?

2. There is such a fish - cod. Every year, a female cod lays 9 million eggs. And each time, out of this number of eggs, only 2-3 million grow to adulthood.

Question: why out of 9 million cod eggs only 2-3 million grow into adult fish?

3. Flies have many enemies. There is a constant struggle with flies. But their number is not decreasing.

Question: How can this be explained?

Players can take help from the audience (then the price of the answer is 2 points)

Questions from the second team.

1. Your friends brought a little hare to their dacha, which they found in the forest and want to take care of it. How do you evaluate their actions?

2. You went with your friends to the forest. Seeing fly agarics and toadstools, the guys began to knock them down and trample them underfoot. Express your opinion on this matter.

3. You saw a chick falling from the nest. What will you do?

The jury sums up the results of past competitions.

Host: How many amazing bright colors nature gives us! It is worth remembering butterflies, the bright plumage of birds, the beauty of flowers to be convinced of this. And sometimes, against the backdrop of all this multicolor, we people seem so monotonous and dull. But that's not true.

And now it’s not very serious competition "Colorful World".

Listen to the task: At the command of the leader, the player of each team invites 4 people from the squad (5 is possible). But these guys need to be chosen so that they can range from light to dark hair color. Whoever does it faster and better wins.

Presenter: our next competition is “Pantomime”

Each team is invited to use facial expressions and gestures to show environmental rules of behavior in the city and in nature. And the fans have to guess what the rules are we're talking about. Participants of the competition draw out task sheets:

1. Walking dogs in the park is prohibited! 1. Fishing in the river is prohibited!

2. Save water! 2. Save energy!

Teams depict environmental rules, the jury evaluates the competition and notes the best.

Leading : V Lately you and I often began to hear a new term on radio and TV "Environmental threat" This may be due to terrorism, irresponsibility, and sometimes a lack of understanding of the dangers of storing various substances or cargo. Let's imagine that these are not players, but secret agents who have been tasked with neutralizing a dangerous environmental cargo. While a balloon is tied to each player's left foot, I will tell you our detective story further. At the cost of incredible efforts, the agents entered the secret warehouse. Here it is - dangerous cargo! But the guards are not asleep. And the battle begins: right foot The player must burst the enemy's balloon and at the same time protect himself - not to let his balloon burst. Players take turns making shots. The last one left with the ball wins

Leading: Our next competition is dedicated to another important problem of modern ecology - environmental disaster. This is the name of our final competition "Ecological catastrophy".

You can often hear that somewhere at sea a tanker crashed and a thin film of oil covered the entire surface of the sea at the site of the accident. But there are animals there - small and large inhabitants of the sea. How they need help, and it should be provided in a matter of hours. Sometimes the minutes count. It’s difficult for environmental rescuers then. These people need qualities such as courage, speed, dexterity, ability to handle victims, accuracy and precision. And now we will try to show the moment of saving living beings from the scene of the accident. In front of you are 2 basins filled with water simulating the sea. In the “sea” there is an apple and an orange, imitating aquatic animals (albatrosses and seals). Players need to, holding their hands behind their backs, take out fruits with their teeth and transfer them to a plate that stands on the jury’s table.

The jury sums up the results of the competition and names the total score.

Leading: We end our meeting at the ecodrome. I wish you good knowledge on ecology, good relations with nature, and so that there are no environmental threats or environmental disasters in your life.

Municipal educational institution

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Extracurricular activity

for students in grades 7-8

"Disease history"

Biology teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 54

Grebneva Irina Borisovna

Target: formation of a conscious attitude towards healthy image life .


    To instill in children a responsible attitude towards their health in counterbalance to the growing tobacco addiction among schoolchildren;

    Build skills safe behavior at home;

    Develop an understanding that health is a priceless gift.

Partially or completely, this lesson can be used when teaching biology lessons (section “Man and his health”, topic “Respiratory Hygiene”, section “General Biology”, topic “Ecological Factors”).

Lesson plan

1. Invitation to conversation.

2. Getting to know the medical history.

3. Determination of carriers of the disease.

4. Determination of symptoms of the disease.

5. Making a diagnosis.

6. Determination of treatment methods.

7. Final warnings.

On the desk:

    poster "The only beauty I know is health"

G. Heine

    tables “Grouping of health risk factors” (see Appendix - 1) and “Effects of nicotine on the body” (Appendix -2)

    deciphering the concept of “Healthy lifestyle” (Appendix -3)

1. Invitation to conversation.

In 2002, 30 million children were examined in Russia. The results of this survey are alarming: only 30% of the children are healthy, 52% have health problems, and 18% have chronic diseases.

Among the many diseases that a person suffers from, behavioral diseases occupy a special place, or bad habits, which include: smoking, drinking, substance abuse and drug addiction.

Today we must understand the history of one of these diseases. At our disposal - historical information, testimonies of patients and medical scientists.

Before treating a disease, you need to recognize it, determine its symptoms, make a diagnosis, and only then write a prescription with the name of the medicine.

2. Getting to know your medical history.

Students are divided into groups (4-5 people). Each group receives 7 cards with texts that tell the history of tobacco and smoking. Students must use cards to build the historical sequence of the spread of tobacco (see Appendix - 4).

The teacher discusses the history of tobacco smoking with students, complements it, turning Special attention to the reaction different nations on tobacco use.

3. Identification of disease carriers.

So, the carrier of the disease called “tobacco smoking” is a smoker. You will see a portrait of such a patient by watching the sketch “Smoker at a doctor’s appointment” (students play the roles of a smoker and medical specialists).

Scene “Smoker at a doctor’s appointment”

The smoker undergoes a medical examination and visits specialist doctors: pulmonologist, angiosurgeon, cardiologist, gastroenterologist.

The pulmonologist reports that as a result of smoking, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs develops, which causes coughing; a rough, hoarse voice is the result of inflammation of the vocal cords; in addition, shortness of breath appears, and in the long term the development of tuberculosis and lung cancer is possible.

The angiosurgeon says that smokers often suffer from intermittent claudication and obliterating enteritis (the cause is damage to the vessels of the lower extremities by nicotine), this disease is accompanied by severe pain, cold legs, aches, and in the long term - gangrene and amputation of the extremities.

The cardiologist warns smokers: as a result of vasoconstriction, the oxygen supply to the organs deteriorates - resulting in dizziness, malaise, heart pain, and, in the long term, a heart attack.

The gastroenterologist warns that nicotine dissolved in saliva, entering the stomach, causes chronic inflammation - gastritis, which can lead to the formation of ulcers.

4. Determining the symptoms of the disease.

We continue to get acquainted with the symptoms of tobacco smoking, i.e. manifestations of the disease. Let's listen to the organs that are poisoned as a result of smoking (students voice the organs, comment on the symptoms, i.e. play the role of medical scientists).

First word to the heart:


I feel so bad, I'm so tired,

And there is no more strength to knock.

I probably don't have much time left to live...

Could only you understand -

I'm running out of oxygen

Nicotine chokes me so much

And this poison is invincible.

My blood vessels

They burn in smoke day after day,

And if you don't save us,

We will disappear from smoking!

Here's what the lungs say:


Oh, we are poor, completely burned,

We want to ask you people:

“Why do you smoke?”

Polonium is poisoning us

Nicotine is a terrible poison for us,

It burns our bronchi.

Who is to blame for this?

Horrible cough in the morning

Tears my throat into blood.

Who will help us now?

To become healthy again?

And now - a comment from a medical scientist:

(working with a table on the board)

Smoking is one of the main causes of cardiovascular and lung diseases. Carbon monoxide or carbon monoxide contained in tobacco smoke interferes with the saturation of oxygen in the blood, and this, in turn, leads to a deterioration in well-being and health. When red blood cells begin to carry poisonous carbon monoxide instead of oxygen, the ability of organs to perform their functions is reduced.

In the alveoli (the smallest pulmonary vesicles), where gas exchange takes place, irreversible changes occur over time. The walls of the alveoli become rigid and lose elasticity, which makes breathing and heart function difficult. The bronchi expand, mucus accumulates in them, they become more

susceptible to inflammatory diseases. In the mornings, smokers are tormented by a cough with phlegm, and the shape of the chest changes. There is a high risk of vascular spasm, thrombosis, circulatory disorders, asthma, and allergies.

A word to another organ that suffers from smoking - the brain.


The damned villain dried me up,

There are no more bright ideas,

He stole my neurons

And exchanged it for a pack of cigarettes.

I am now and for a long time

I can't learn this lesson

There is no attention and no memory -

All from these damn cigarettes.

And again a comment from a medical scientist.

Nicotine is a nerve poison. Experiments on animals and observations of people have shown that nicotine in small doses excites nerve cells, increases breathing and heart rate, leading to heart rhythm disturbances, nausea and vomiting. In large doses, it inhibits and then paralyzes the activity of cells of the central and autonomic nervous systems. Disorder nervous system manifested by decreased ability to work, trembling hands, weakening of memory.

Teacher's additions:

Today there are 60,000 scientific research, confirming harmful effects tobacco on human health. Smoking is the most common cause of morbidity and premature mortality in many countries around the world. There are 24 registered life-threatening diseases that are a consequence of smoking. The aging of the body accelerates - the life of a smoker is on average 7.5 years shorter.

A lit cigarette is a kind of chemical plant. Scientists have discovered that tobacco smoke contains more than 4,700 substances, 43 of which are carcinogens, that is, they lead to cancer. This is why tobacco causes more diseases than alcohol and drugs combined.

5. We make a diagnosis.

The disease called tobacco smoking is very dangerous, as it harms not only the smokers themselves, but also those who are close to them. These people become passive smokers, as ¾ of cigarette smoke is released into the environment. This smoke contains the same toxic substances that are hazardous to health.

Each diagnosis has its own prognosis. What is it like for people who smoke? According to statistics, a person dies every 13 minutes from the consequences of smoking, and one cigarette smoked reduces human life for 5.5 minutes. Smoking people are 13 times more likely to develop angina pectoris, 12 times more likely to suffer from myocardial infarction, and 10 times more likely to develop a stomach ulcer. Smokers make up 96% of all lung cancer patients. Cancer kills 5 million people every year. lives on the planet.

6. Determining the method of treatment.

How to cure this disease? What to do if you find signs of this disease in yourself? Eat reliable way treatment - get rid of slavish sycophancy in front of a cigarette, do not imitate smokers, understanding everything dangerous consequences smoking. You need to find the strength and courage to break a bad habit.

Our body has a fantastic ability to compensate for the damage caused by smoking. Anyone who quits smoking before developing severe smoking-related illnesses has every chance of regaining good physical shape.

The first obvious advantage is that the oxygen saturation of the body improves and, accordingly, well-being. Further, blood circulation improves, which makes the hands and feet warm, and a healthy complexion returns. Skin and hair become healthier and teeth become whiter. The sense of smell improves - food becomes tastier. The mucous membranes of the nose are restored, microscopic cilia grow again, trapping dust and dirt. The risk of heart attack and stroke after 5 to 10 years is reduced to approximately the same level as that of non-smokers. After 10 - 15 years, a person who quits smoking returns to the level of health of a non-smoker.

7. Final warnings.

Every week in Russia, about a thousand teenagers start smoking, and 80% of them continue smoking as adults. Don't be one of them! Remember! Nicotine is very dangerous! The fate of your health and your entire future depends on your today's determination and will!

Don't hesitate! And if you want to live long and without disease, fight against the tobacco enemy!

We wish you good health!


Annex 1

Grouping of health risk factors.



to your health


for good health

Groups of risk factors

Lifestyle, work, habits and behavior

Smoking, drinking alcohol, unbalanced diet, stressful situations, physical inactivity, medication abuse, drug use, loneliness, excessive high level urbanization.

Genetics, human biology.

Predisposition to hereditary diseases

External environment, natural and climatic conditions.

Air, water, soil pollution, abrupt change atmospheric phenomena, increased magnetic and cosmic radiation.


Late provision of medical care, its low quality, ineffectiveness of preventive measures.

Appendix - 2

Appendix - 3

In concept "healthy lifestyle"

includes the following components:

    Rejection of bad habits;

    Optimal motor mode;

    Balanced diet;


    Personal hygiene;

    Positive emotions;

    A highly moral attitude towards people around you, society, and nature.

Appendix - 4

Cards with texts “History of Tobacco”

1. Tobacco comes from America. The history of Europeans introducing smoking is associated with the name of Columbus.

On October 12, 1492, sailor Rodrigo Triona from the ship Pinta of Admiral Christopher Columbus's flotilla saw land. Columbus believed that in front of him was the eastern coast of India. Local residents called their land, which turned out to be an island, Guanahani. Columbus gave her a new name - San Salvador. This name has since been borne by one of the Bahamas.

2. Among the gifts local residents They brought dried leaves of the petum plant to Columbus. They smoked these sun-dried leaves rolled into a tube. In the minds of the devout Spaniards, only devils could blow smoke from their nostrils, but this did not prevent many sailors of the expedition and the admiral himself from getting involved in this activity.

3. The plant was named tobacco on behalf of the Tabago province of the island of Haiti. After the second voyage of Christopher Columbus (1493-1496), tobacco seeds were brought to Spain. Then they hit the neighboring European countries and during the period of great discoveries, they were delivered by sea and caravan routes to almost all corners of the globe.

The spread of tobacco was facilitated by its property - the habitual craving for smoking, which is difficult to fight.

4. It cannot be said that tobacco penetrated everywhere unhindered. In Italy it was declared "the devil's sport." Popes have proposed excommunicating smokers from the church. As a warning, five monks caught smoking were walled up alive in the monastery wall.

In England, by decree of Elizabeth I (1585), smokers were equated with thieves and were led through the streets with a rope around their necks.

5. In the mid-30s of the 18th century, the famous Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus, who created the classification of animals and flora, assigned the generic name “nicotiana” to tobacco in honor of Jean Nicot, who was the first to cultivate tobacco in Europe.

Tobacco was brought to Russia by English merchants in 1585 through Arkhangelsk, and then began to be widely cultivated on Russian soil.

6. During the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich, those caught smoking for the first time were punished with 60 blows on the feet, the second time - by cutting off their nose or ears. After a devastating fire in Moscow in 1634, which was caused by smoking, it was banned under penalty of execution. Due to the fact that tobacco turned out to be a profitable enterprise, since trade in it brought significant profits, since 1697 (the reign of Peter I) tobacco was officially permitted.

7. The spread of tobacco and the variety of ways to use it are associated with numerous wars. Tired, exhausted soldiers discovered that tobacco gave them strength and allowed them to pass the time at a rest stop. Methods of consuming different varieties migrated from one army to another. Napoleonic Wars contributed to the spread of cigars, the Cossacks spread the habit of pipe smoking throughout Russia, and in Crimean War Rolled cigarettes became widespread. During the First World War, smoking became a truly widespread phenomenon.


1. Extracurricular activities in biology: unusual forms and methods of enhancing knowledge M., School Press, 1999.

2. Biology at school, No. 6-2001

3. Subject weeks at school: biology, ecology, healthy lifestyle. Compiled by Bayubanova V.V. and Maksimtseva T.A., Volgograd, teacher, 2003.

4. Tobacco. Collection of information materials. St. Petersburg, Friendbox, 2003.

Sports and entertainment scenario holiday Agapova O.N. Grades 1-6 Program "Manager...

Scenario of the holiday “Day environment» Developed by: Kirstyuk Olga Sergeevna Biology teacher of the Orekhovsky educational complex No. 2 named after academician V.A. Lazaryan 70500 Shevchenka Street, 16 Orekhov, Zaporozhye region Ukraine 2010 Holiday program. 1. Meeting of party participants and guests. 2. Game program(taking quizzes: “Therapeutic animals”, “Green pharmacy”, “The most, the most, the most”; solving crossword puzzles, etc.) 3. Viewing presentations: “Kaleidoscope interesting facts", "Water and Life", "Environmental Education", "Ecological and poetic "Living Barometers". 4. Exhibition of flower arrangements. 5. Exhibition of drawings and photographs “Beauty lives everywhere.” 6. Holiday "Environment Day". Kaleidoscope”, Holiday Scenario Goal: to arouse interest in environmental problems planets and the desire to interact creatively with nature. Objectives: to cultivate in students a desire to disseminate environmental knowledge and personal participation in practical activities to protect the environment; to form environmental consciousness and a sense of respect for planet Earth; develop cognitive interest, caring attitude and love for the world around us. Equipment, design: computer, multimedia support, exhibition of flower arrangements, drawing and photography competition “Beauty lives everywhere.” Progress of the event The composition “Sounds of the Forest” is played. Presenter1. There is simply a temple, There is a temple of science. And there is also a temple of nature - With forests stretching out their hands To meet the sun and winds. He is light at any time of the day, Open to us in the heat and cold, Come here, be sensitive with your heart, Do not desecrate its shrines! Presenter 2. We invite you to plunge into the sea of ​​beauty of living and inanimate nature, to be in the whirlpool of events and facts, to remember the simple truths of the existence of life on Earth. Presenter1. Let's quietly open the door to the temple of nature and observe what is happening there. The curtain opens. representatives On four stages stands the elements. The elements of the table, the fire approaching it are accompanied by the sounds of crackling branches in a burning fire; the element of water - the murmuring of a stream, the roar of a waterfall, the sound of rain; the element of air - the howling of the wind, the rumble of thunder; the element of earth - the sound of a volcanic eruption. Representatives of the elements sit down at the table and nervously tap their fingers on the table. Element Earth. Nobody met us. Element Water. Didn't do any honors. Element Fire. After all, we are the mistresses of this world, and not some kind of Nature. Element Air. By the way, has anyone seen her? Element Fire. No. But they say that she is many-sided, beautiful, generous and we all live according to her laws. Element Earth. Well, who else are we waiting for? Element Air. The wind whispered to me that Flora, Fauna and Man were also invited to this holiday. Element Water. But these are living organisms, which means: vulnerable, vulnerable, depending on our whims. Can they compare with our strength and power? Element Air. They are no match for us, we will not wait for them. Element Earth. Calm down, sisters. Let us begin our holiday with speeches of praise addressed to us, and those who are late will take humble places among us. Element Water. I am the happiest, most popular and most mysterious of all the elements. You can’t wash yourself or get drunk without water, A leaf can’t bloom without water, Birds, animals and people can’t live without water, And that’s why everyone always needs water everywhere. I am a cloud, and a fog, And a stream, and an ocean, And I fly, and I run, And I can be glass. But the man does not value me: he kills wastewater, changes river courses, forces people to leave the seas, and now climate warming. What will happen to my waters, my natural phenomena ? I’m thinking that my water is capable of self-purification with the help of sunlight, atmospheric gases, and the vital activity of organisms. I need animals and plants, fungi and bacteria to keep me alive. But do I need a Man? I am patient, but not always peaceful. Look what I can be. View the slide “Element of Water” application No. 1 Element of Fire. I am also dualistic by nature. On the one hand, the flame is defenseless. As a rule, it does not appear on its own. Man had to work for a long time to get the first spark, because without fire continuation of life is not possible. Fire warms a person on cold days and makes it possible to cook food, calms and calms, gives strength and hope. On the other hand, fire is a huge destructive element that destroys everything in its path. The flame can very quickly leave the limits allocated for it; it does not like boundaries and obstacles. I am a free element, it is not easy to hold me, but it is even more difficult to stop me. Look what I can do. View the slide “Element of Fire” Appendix No. 2 Element of Water. Let's watch the Fire and Water dance performed in our honor. Element Earth. I melt innumerable riches, just as the Earth itself melts innumerable treasures. My main property is the ability to firmly and thoroughly hold a shape and a clear structure. My land is beautiful and bountiful with living organisms. The man is trying to conquer me more and more, but the eruption of the Icelandic volcano once again reminded me that I am still stronger than him. View the slide “Element of Earth” Appendix No. 3 Element of Air. Air is a mixture of gases. Air is oxygen, oxygen is breath, and breath is life. We breathe air that has been in every nook and cranny of the world, from the dry Sahara Desert and the peaks of the Himalayan mountains to the lush rainforests of the Amazon. Plants purify the air, filling it with the aroma of flowers, young greenery, and ripe berries. I am the lightest and most transparent element. But I have no less destructive power. More often than not, you are the one watching me. View the slide “Element of Air” Appendix No. 4 Dance “Gifts of Nature” Element of Fire. When we sing of ourselves, we remember living organisms everywhere. After all, it is thanks to them that our waters come to life, the earth blooms, and the air is filled with the voices of birds and animals. Element Air. Beauty lives everywhere, It lives not just anywhere, but nearby. Always open to our views, always accessible and clean. View slides about nature with appropriate sound. Element Fire. I'm already burning with impatience. Where are the Flora and Fauna, and Man is lost somewhere. Enter Flora, Fauna and Man. The sounds of birds, the rustling of leaves, the buzzing of a bee. Element Water.. How glad we are to see you! Although only now have they realized the importance of your presence. Element Earth. After all, nature is not only us, but the entire world around us with many running, jumping, skipping, crawling, flying and swimming animals, tens of thousands of plants, from single-celled algae to giant sequoias. Element Water. What delayed you? Flora. We met at the temple of nature and could not decide for a long time who should enter first... Man. I'm used to feeling like the master of nature. If I want, I will block the river with a dam and build an artificial sea. If I want, I can cut down an entire forest or plant a garden in the desert. If I want, I’ll fly into the sky like a bird and be transported from continent to continent. I want... Element Earth. Stop! No one can control everything. You can’t even cope with us, the elements. On TV you see and hear about us every day. Some regions of the Earth suffer from our increased attention (floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions), while others, on the contrary, ask for rain, warmth or cold. You people won't understand. You can only predict us, prepare for the meeting, and then you are powerless. Human. It’s okay, I’ll learn to manage you too. Look, no combined winds, hurricanes, earthquakes, naval forces and the changes of the seasons did not do as much to transform the Earth as I did. View slides of humanity's achievements Fauna. Legends say that the human body is taken from the earth and returns to it after death, bones from stone, blood from sea water, sweat from dew, veins from roots, hair from grass. Flora. Human! You are a product of nature, you exist in nature and even in your thoughts you cannot leave it. It just seems to you that you know nature and can control its processes. Nature does not reveal all its secrets to you, and new discoveries entail new mysteries. Fauna. Animals and plants are a kind of indicators of the state of nature. If they are found to be disappearing, then this is a warning: something is wrong with the ecosystem. This means that human life is at risk. Element Water. If a frog is thrown into a vessel with hot water, she will try to jump out of there. But if you put a frog in a vessel with cold water and heat it slowly, the frog dies without noticing the gradual increase in temperature. How could humanity not end up in the place of the frog who did not notice the overheating? Fauna. Homo sapiens- only biological species, which is as vulnerable as any species of wildlife. Nature will always find a way out for itself, but will there be a place in it for humans? Flora. Look! You could be next. View slides “Animals and plants listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.” Human. The house in which we live is a white birch and a tit outside the window, the bright light of the sun and the light of the moon, mountains covered in glaciers and boulders, the chirping of swallows and the cry of crows, the cheerful ringing of raindrops, the murmur of a running stream and the menacing growl of a bear, the stars in the sky , a snowstorm and a shaggy bumblebee buzzing over a flower, a rainbow over a blue river, the cries of seagulls and the surf, the first spring flowers, and there is still in this world - me and you. The presenters come out. Presenter 1. Why argue about who is the main guest at this holiday. After all, you are not guests, but the main components of nature. You are life on Earth: beautiful and varied, exciting and exciting, full of secrets and great discoveries. And if any of you begins to change or show your wayward character, then the world you created will collapse. Presenter 2. Remember and don’t forget the basic truths! Element Earth. Everything is connected to everything. Element Fire. Everything has to go somewhere. Element Water. Nature knows best. Element Air. Nothing comes for free. Human. Our lives and our future depend on each of us. Make an effort to prevent ecological disaster. Let it be a tree planted by your hands or a preserved corner of nature, a fire or bonfire extinguished in time, a stream carefully cleared. Presenter 1. Let's live in harmony with nature, without violating its laws and orders, use its wealth wisely to preserve our planet for future generations. Presenter 2. Take care of these lands, these waters, loving even a small epic. Take care of all the animals within nature, Kill only the animals within yourself... E. Evtushenko Literature 1. Tsybulskaya O.I. Popular scientific publication. Homo sapiens versus Homo technocraticus. – K.: publishing house “Lybid” 1991. -250 p. 2. Litvinova L.S., Zhirenko O.E. Moral and environmental education of schoolchildren: Basic aspects, event scenarios. 5-11 grades. – M.: 5 for knowledge, 2007. – 208 p. – (methodological library) 3. Balabanova V.V., Maksimtseva T.A. Subject weeks at school: biology, ecology, healthy lifestyle. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2002. 154 p. 4. Ryabchuk T.F. Environmental education at school: non-standard lessons, educational activities. – X: ed. group “Osnova”: “Triad+”, 2008. – 192 p. – (Series “Education at school”) 5. Moroz I.V., Grytsay N.B. Extracurricular activities in biology: Textbook. – Ternopil: Educational book - Bogdan, 2008. – 282 p. 6.

Scenario ecological hour: "Protect nature"

(for primary school)

Librarian: SOS is an international radio signal. It is served from a sinking ship. Anyone who hears it, no matter what language they speak, no matter what country they live in, knows: somewhere people are dying, they are praying for salvation. Now the cry for salvation is heard not only from a sinking ship, but an SOS signal from nature is increasingly heard. Modern people we have forgotten how to understand the language of grass, birds, the language of forests, animals, the rustling of leaves, the talk of streams, the singing of sand...

Let us listen to the SOS alarms! After all, our planet is tired of smoking pipes and waste flowing into rivers...

Our country has a law “On Environmental Protection”, which states that every citizen has the right to a favorable environment and to its protection. At the same time, the law says: “All citizens are obliged to preserve nature and the environment, and treat natural resources with care.”

We all want to breathe fresh air, drink water without harmful impurities, eat organic foods. But doing this becomes more and more difficult every year. This is due to severe environmental pollution. What is the environment? It's rich and amazing world plants and animals, this is our native nature.

There is a huge house on Earth

Under the roof is blue.

The sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,

Spring ringing of the stream.

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead,

You will always be in it.

The nature of our native Earth

This house is called.

Now I am bringing you guys a quiz on Environment Day.

The first topic of our quiz is “The forest is our wealth”

Game "Name the tree"

(The presenter asks questions to the teams in turn)

1. What are the benefits of bird cherry? (Kills germs)

2. How can you tell from the trunk of a cut tree how old it is? (Count the rings)

3. Do lilacs bloom in spring or summer? (Spring)

4. What kind of tree, tell me: is it dressed with white flowers in the spring, and red fruits in the fall? (Rowan)

5. Riddle: Not caring about the weather

He walks around in a white sundress,

And on one of the warm days

May gives her earrings. (Birch)

6. Riddle: Everything is green around –

She's among friends

Like the sky, blue,

Stands, proud of herself. (Blue spruce)

As you know, not only trees and shrubs grow in the forest, but also various herbs and flowers. Many useful herbs grow

On the soil of our native country!

Helps against diseases

Linden, mint, St. John's wort!

We know these plants

We take care and protect.

Let's collect not for fun,

Now, dear guys, I offer you questions about medicinal herbs.

1. For what disease is it advisable to brew and drink tea from coltsfoot leaves? (For a cold)

2. If you rub your foot on the road, what plant will relieve the pain? (Plantain)

3. What herb is used for insomnia and nervous disorders? (to Valerian)

4. Which plant heals some skin diseases? (Celandine)

5. Which plant promotes the healing of burn wounds? (St. John's wort)

6. Name a medicinal flower that is also used for fortune telling. (Chamomile)

Well done guys, you did a great job with the previous tasks. And now a new quiz. She will reveal bird experts.

Feed the birds in winter!

Let it come from all over

They will flock to us like home,

Birds on the porch!

Train your birds in winter

To your window

So that you don’t have to go without songs

Let's welcome spring.

Nice words, right guys? It is difficult to imagine the Earth without birdsong. Birds are our faithful helpers and friends, they delight us with their songs, birds are forest orderlies.

1.Which bird leads night look life? (Owl)

2. The name of which bird consists of forty letters? (Magpie)

3. He builds a house on a rock.

Isn't it scary to live in it?

Although there is beauty all around,

But such a height!

No, the owner is not afraid

Roll down a steep cliff -

Two huge wings

At the owner's...(Eagle)

4. In winter there are apples on the branches!

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples flew up,

After all, these are (bullfinches)!

5. Small and colorful bird

He is not afraid of catching a cold in winter.

She dreams of our treat -

Flies to us often (Tit)

7. Who heals trees in the forest,

Without sparing your head?

His work is hard -

Hole trunks all day long. (Woodpecker)

8. In every city yard

Eating for the kids' delight

Birdie. Don't hit her!

This bird (Sparrow)

9. Who is without notes and without a pipe

Who is this? (Nightingale)

10. Which bird is the evil spirits afraid of? (Rooster)

11.Silent during the day, screams at night. (Owl)

12. Which bird has a tail with horns? (At the swallow)

13. Who comes to us first in the spring, swifts or swallows? (Swallows)

14. What bird’s chicks don’t know their mother? (Cuckoos)

15. With the arrival of which birds do we associate the beginning of spring? (Rooks).

16. What is more scary for birds, hunger or cold? (Hunger)

Our next topic is "Animals".

Animals play a huge role in people's lives. And not only because they give people food and clothing, but also because many of them are beautiful and attractive. By cutting down forests and polluting water in reservoirs, people unwittingly destroy many wild animals. Due to careless economic activity people and excessive hunting of animals, many species have disappeared forever, others have become rare. They are listed in the Red Book. Guys, do you think all animals are needed in nature? Mosquitoes and flies bite us, snakes, toads and frogs scare us. Maybe they just need to be destroyed?

(Children answer). The presenter sums up: “In nature, everything is interconnected, each species is useful in its own way.”

Everything, everyone in the world is needed!

And midges are no less necessary than elephants.

You can't do without ridiculous monsters

And even without evil and ferocious predators.

We need everything in the world, we need everything,

Who makes honey and who makes poison.

Yes, if we are not very friendly with someone -

We still really need each other!

And if someone seems superfluous to us,

This, of course, will turn out to be a mistake!

It is proposed to find the error in the riddles and correct it.

In the thicket, with my head raised,

Giraffe howls from hunger (Wolf)

Who knows a lot about raspberries?

Clubfoot Brown Wolf (Bear)

Daughters and sons

An ant teaches you to grunt (Pig)

Who likes to run around on branches?

Certainly, red fox(Squirrel)

Fastest from fear

Tortoise rushes (Hare)

In your warm puddle

An ant croaked loudly (Little Frog)

From the palm tree - down,

To the palm tree again

The cow jumps deftly (Monkey)

Stands on one leg

He looks intently into the water,

Pokes his beak at random,

Looking for frogs in the river.

A drop hung on my nose.

Do you recognize? It's a heron!

Next topic – "Water".

A spring gushed from the depths of the earth,

Instantly became a crystal stream.

The streams rush, they run forward -

And now they are flowing like a river!

The river does not flow somehow,

And it goes straight to the sea.

And the sea is like a huge mouth,

All the waters of the rivers will flow into itself!

Well, then he will accept them himself

The vast ocean!

And he will wash the globe

Clean, blue water!

Guys, of course, you know very well how important water is on Earth. Without it there would be no life on our planet. What a pity that people do not take care of this wealth: they throw garbage and bottles into rivers and streams, tons of oil and fuel flow into the seas and oceans.

Now I will ask you guys to answer the riddles related to the topic "Water".

1. People are waiting for me, calling me,

And if I go, everyone is running away (Rain)

2.Falling from a great height,

He roars menacingly.

And breaking on the stones,

Rising with foam (Waterfall)

3. There is water all around,

But drinking is a problem.

Who knows where this happens? (On the sea)

4. He walks and walks along the sea,

And when it reaches the shore, it disappears. (Wave)

5. Not the sea, not the land,

Ships don't float

But you can’t walk. (Swamp)

6. All winter he lies quietly,

And in the spring he will run away. (Snow)

7. Who runs along the mountain slopes,

Chatting to himself

And in the thick green grass

Hides his blue tail. (Creek)

Yes, guys, water is the most amazing substance in nature. A priceless gift - clean water on Earth it is necessary to protect and spend wisely. May there always be blue and clean water on Earth!

We offer a game "Good bad".

1. Water and air pollution from plants and factories. Is this good or

2. Garbage in the forest. Is it good or bad?

3. Hanging bird feeders.

4. Poaching.

5. Cleaning filters on factory pipes.

6. Creation of nature reserves.

7. Planting trees.

8. Creation of the Red Book.

Guys, who knows what the Red Book is? Why is it called Red? (Red color is an alarm signal, a ban. The Red Book is a book - a reference book about endangered animals and plants. All plants and all animals that are listed in the Red Book must be protected. For this purpose, nature reserves are created, strictly protected by the state.

And now a new game "Choose the correct answer"

Why shouldn't we pollute water?

1. Living organisms die in such water

2. The color of the water will be ugly

Are there useless and unnecessary creatures in nature?

1. Yes, for example, a mosquito

2. No, there is nothing unnecessary or useless in nature

What plants are listed in the Red Book?

1. The most beautiful.

2. Those plants of which there are very few left on Earth

All we have to do, dear friends, is to summarize our meeting, reward the most active participants and once again remind everyone, everyone, everyone: “Be a little more attentive to nature, learn to listen to it, and it will tell you a lot of interesting things, reveal its secrets for you.” . Don't offend her and don't let others do it. Try to preserve the beauty and richness of our planet."

Scenario "Everything less" surrounding nature, more and more environment"

Presenter 1.

Every flower and every blade of grass,

The birds that are in blue sky take off,

All the nature that surrounds us,

Our protection, my friend, is expected.

The sound of an alarm bell sounds in the background of alarming music.

Reader 1.

What's happened? What was forgotten? What's broken?

You understand more and more clearly: there will be trouble!

There is no longer any nature left on earth,

And we live...

Reader 2.

In the environment,

In the environment

Can't smell the flower

You can't swim in the water.

Reader 3.

We understand more and more clearly every year:

This cannot continue on earth -

Nature awaits our help.

Together. Or... we should live in the environment.

Presenter 2.

What could be sweeter in our life?

What are these groves in the blue haze

And the golden flood of the fields.

What could be more wonderful in life?

Than these skies are turquoise,

Than a stream that flows with song,

Than the clear eyes of childhood.

What could be more beautiful in our life?

Why is this sea quiet?

Reader 4.

Birds, fish and animals,

Look into people's souls.

You feel sorry for them, people,

Don't kill in vain.

After all, the sky without birds is not heaven

And a sea without fish is not a sea

And a land without animals is not a land.

Reader 5.

May there always be rivers

May there always be fish

May there always be a sea

And in the desert there is a camel.

May there always be groves

May there always be birds

Let there be animals in the taiga,

And there are flowers at home.

Reader 6.

We offend forests and fields,

The rivers groan from bitter grievances.

And we forgive ourselves

And we forgive ourselves

But the future will not forgive us...

Reader 1. If I pick a flower...

Reader 2. If you pick a flower...

Reader 3.

If everything, both me and you, -

If we pick flowers,

They will be empty

And trees and bushes.

Reader 4. And there will be no beauty.

Reader 5. And there will be no kindness.

Reader 6.

If it's just me and you

If we pick flowers

Presenter 1.

Everything that we always see with you is

Together. This is nature!

Presenter 2.

Sea and field, river and ray,

The blue of the sky,

Presenter 1.

The smell of chamomile and forest and mountain

Land and water

Presenter 2.

Forest animals and good people -

Together. This is nature.

Presenter 1.

Pisces and roses, snow and rain,


Presenter 2.

Be careful

Don't miss the miracle of nature!

Music is playing.

Reader 1.

We cut ice, change the flow of rivers,

We insist that there is a lot to do.

Reader 2.

But we will still come to ask for forgiveness

Near these rivers, dunes and swamps.

Reader 3.

At the most gigantic sunrise,

At the very the smallest fry

Now we have no time for that yet.

Reader 4.

Airfields, piers and platforms,

Forests without birds and rivers without water.

Reader 5. There is less and less natural surroundings,

Together. More and more environment.

Municipal preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten No. 40"

Entertainment for the older group

"World Environment Day"

Educator: Presnyakova N.V.

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about nature, about a careful and caring attitude towards nature.


Clarify, systematize and deepen knowledge about living and inanimate nature, careful attitude To her.

Develop the ability to independently solve environmental problems.

Help children develop ideas about correct behavior in nature.

Learn how to interact with nature correctly.

Materials: audio recordings with sounds of nature, illustrations of wild and domestic animals, riddles about nature, a “wonderful” bag, posters with plants and trees


Leading: Do you know what day is celebrated in our country today? Today is World Environment Day. What is “environment”? (flowers, trees, mountains, rivers, fields, sun, air, sky).

Guess the riddle: No beginning, no end,

Neither the back of the head nor the face,

But everyone knows: both young and old,

That she is a huge ball. (Earth)

Leading: Nature hides many secrets and mysteries from us. But we are inquisitive people and any secrets are revealed to us! We recognized interesting information about the life of plants and animals from books, looked at paintings, illustrations about nature. Therefore, we know the answers to many “WHY?”, “WHY?”, “WHERE?”, “WHAT?”, and “WHY?”.

To do this, we invite you to remember everything you know about the life of plants, birds, insects and animals.

Need to answer as soon as possible larger number questions.

- What is one word for animals that live next to humans? (Domestic.)

- Fly, mosquito, butterfly, dragonfly, ant - who is it? (Insects.)

- Crow, starling, sparrow, swallow - who is it? (Birds.)

- Which tree white trunk? (At the birch tree.)

- What is the name of the ants' house? (Anthill.)

- How many legs does a beetle have? (Six.)



- Who carries their house on their back? (Snail.)

- What animal has spines? (at the hedgehog.)

- Is a lion wild or domestic? (Wild.)

- Crucian carp, pike, catfish, perch - these are..(fish)

- Which animal has a red coat? (At the squirrel, fox.)

- What do you name a baby pig? (Pig.)

- What bird heals trees? (Woodpecker.)

- What is the name of a birdhouse made by human hands? (Birdhouse.)

- Which plant helps heal a wound? (Plantain.)

- Which bird has a red breast? (At the bullfinch.)

- Who weaves a web in the forest? (Spider.)

- Which insect has red wings with black dots? (At the ladybug.)

- What in one word are the animals that live in the forest called? (Wild.)

- Is a dog a wild animal or a domestic animal? (Homemade.)

- What's happened green cover Earth? (Grass.)

Leading: And now we will check whether you know how to behave correctly in nature.

Competition “How to behave in nature.”

1st situation

The girls were walking in the forest on an early spring morning.

- Oh look what I found. Nest!

- And there is an egg in it.

- Maybe we can take him home and have a baby bird.

- We will take care of him!

The girls took the egg with them.

Leading. Did the girls do the right thing?

Children. Wrong. The chick will die because it needs its mother's warmth.

2nd situation

Two sisters were walking through the forest.

- Which beautiful flower! I wonder what it's called?

- I know it's lily of the valley. It smells so good!

- Let's pick it and take it to mom.

The girls picked the flower and went home.

Leading. Did the girls do the right thing?

Children. Lilies of the valley are listed in the Red Book; they cannot be picked, otherwise they will disappear.

3rd situation

The boy was walking along a forest path, saw a hedgehog and decided to take him home.

Leading. Did the boy do the right thing?

Children. Wild animals cannot be taken home; they may die in captivity.

4th situation

After the rain, the children went for a walk in the yard.

- Look how many worms there are!

- Let's gather them and scare the girls!

- Let's go see where the girls are!

Leave the can of worms closed.

Educator. Did the guys do the right thing?

Children. You cannot collect worms; they have their own role in nature. They loosen the ground so that plant roots can breathe, and some animals feed on them.

Musical break “Guess whose sound”

Leading includes an audio recording with nature sounds.

Children guess:

    sounds of the rain,



    wind noise,

    woodpecker knock

    cow mooing,


    snow crunch,

    cat purring,

    dog's bark

    sound of the sea.

Leading: Now let’s play the game “Show with movements”:

    how birds collect branches and build nests,

    how the snow swirls during a blizzard,

    how a bear crawls out of its den in the spring,

    How autumn leaf falls to the ground

    like a hare drumming on a stump with its paws,

    how the grass grows

    like a fox sniffing out prey,

    how it rains.

Plant questions:

- What is grass used for? (for beauty, insects live, as food for animals, fragrant substances for making perfumes, purifies the air).

- How do coniferous trees differ from deciduous trees? (y coniferous trees instead of leaves - needles, pine needles, they are not afraid of frost).

- Which tree remains green in summer and winter? (fur tree, pine tree).

- What benefits do trees bring? (tree leaves collect dust and dirt, enrich the air with pure oxygen).

Animal Questions:

- Which domestic animal has horns? (cow, goat).

- Why is the hare white in some cases and gray in others? (there is a white hare in winter, and a gray hare in spring and summer).

Leading: Now we will play the game “Nest” and see how carefully you treat nature.

You can't run, you can't tremble.

You can breathe, just be careful.

Otherwise it might break.

Leading: you need to take the egg from the bucket with a spoon and carry it, without dropping it, to the nest. Put it down and return to its place. Pass the spoon to someone else.

"Bag of Feelings"

Task: identify by touch and remove only natural objects. Children must answer whether they can be found in their region. (birch branch, pine cone, apple, lemon, zucchini, soft toy, ball, bird, pepper, carrot, box, cut tree).

“Let’s clear the pond of garbage”

Assignment: remove unnecessary objects, things that should not be in the pond and explain why (bottles, boxes, paper).

Host: Guess riddles about nature

The golden bottom (sunflower) turned towards the sun.

A green bush is growing; if you touch it, it will bite (nettle).

It cheers in the spring, cools in the summer, nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter (wood).

What kind of forest animal stood up like a column under the pine tree (hare).

In the summer, a forest dweller sleeps in a hanging cradle; when the colorful autumn comes, he will get caught on a tooth (a nut).

What does a bird need a tail for? (it’s like a bird’s rudder that controls its flight).

Lesson summary:


If you came to the forest for a walk, to breathe fresh air,

Run, jump and play, just don’t forget

That you can’t make noise in the forest, even sing very loudly.

The little animals will get scared and run away from the forest edge.

Don't break oak branches. Never forget

Remove debris from the grass. There is no need to pick flowers in vain.

Don't shoot with a slingshot: people come to the forest to relax.

Let the butterflies fly, who are they bothering?

There is no need to catch everyone, stomp, clap, or hit everyone with a stick.

Congratulations to you guys, you coped with all the tasks very well, and you will be active defenders of our native nature.

What else to read