Double mushrooms are poisonous mushrooms similar to edible ones. False white mushroom: description and photo. Dangerous mushroom look-alikes

Summer has come. These are bright June days. On such a bright day you will walk into the refreshing shade of the forest, and the pungent, slightly sweet smell of mushrooms with unique shades will literally envelop you. Where is he from? After all, there are still few mushrooms in the June forest. The beneficial smell comes from the mycelium, penetrating forest floor, rotting stumps, fallen tree trunks, branches and the soil itself. The forest is warm and damp; thanks to the abundance of heat and moisture, the mycelium grows especially intensively and gains strength. But for mushroom pickers and June - good time. There’s something golden on an old birch stump: a lot of bright yellow mushrooms have covered it like a hat. These are summer mushrooms. I found two or three such stumps - and the basket was full. Honey mushrooms are one of the first summer mushrooms. Yes, this is not surprising. The wood of stumps and fallen trunks warms up faster than the soil, and retains spring moisture for quite a long time - and mushrooms appear and grow on it. But take a closer look. Among the yellow-golden caps of the summer honey fungus, as if saturated with water, flashed an even brighter cap, but not golden, but with a reddish tint, a cautiously poisonous sulfur-yellow honey fungus.

Summer honey fungus

An expert on Russian nature S. T. Aksakov wrote about such dangerous twin mushrooms: “It is noteworthy that many breeds of edible and good mushrooms, as they are sometimes called, have, as it were, accompanying mushrooms grebes, somewhat similar to them in formation and color.” The poisons of false mushrooms cause very serious poisoning. Summer honey fungus, sulfur-yellow false honey fungus, often grow on the same stumps. The main difference is the records. In the summer mushroom they are yellow-brown, and when the mushroom is completely ripe they are brown.

Gray-yellow false honey fungus

The sulfur-yellow false honey fungus is first greenish, then yellow-green, the color of sulfur, and when the mushroom gets old, it turns lilac-brown. The autumn honey fungus, whose reign is in September, and the winter honey mushroom, which replaces it in October-November, also have twins. The yellowish-brown caps of these edible mushrooms often acquire a reddish tint, and then they are easily confused with the brick-red false mushroom that appears at the same time. Mushrooms can again be distinguished by their plates.

Autumn honey fungus

In edible autumn and winter honey mushrooms, even in overripe ones, they are always light white, creamy, yellowish. In the brick-red false mushroom, at first they are also light, whitish, but as the mushrooms ripen, they quickly become lilac-brown or even black-olive. AND edible honey mushrooms and false honey mushrooms usually grow in large groups, in each such group you can always find a mature mushroom with clearly colored plates.

Brown-red false honey fungus

Along the edges of vegetable gardens, on pastures, on the manured soil of gardens and parks, champignons appear in June - common and field. In our middle lane they haven't grown yet poisonous doubles - death cap and some fly agarics. In June, champignons can be safely collected. But from July onwards, the field champignon, which grows at the edge of the forest, as well as the forest champignon can easily be confused with the toadstool - one of the most dangerous mushrooms. There is no antidote for the poison of the toadstool yet.

The ominous glory of the toadstool as a deadly poisonous mushroom has been known for a long time.

Common champignon

From the times of Ancient Rome, a legend has come down to us that the Roman Emperor Claudius was poisoned with toadstool. The emperor liked the delicate taste of toadstool so much that he managed to issue a decree that only this mushroom should be served at his table. Claudius was probably the only person, who talked about the taste of pale toadstool. Its poisons - phalloidin, falloin and amanitin - are especially insidious. They act slowly. The first signs of poisoning appear only after six to twelve hours, and sometimes even after a day, when the poisons have already penetrated the blood and managed to affect all the most important organs: hematopoietic, digestive, nervous system and when it is no longer possible to help the victim. That is why it is so important to know well all the signs of this mushroom. The pale grebe belongs to the family of poisonous fly agarics. Panther, toadstool and stinking fly agarics appear at the same time. With its grayish-green and whitish-yellowish cap and ring on the stem, this poisonous family resembles edible champignons. But the color of the plates gives them away. Their plates are always white or slightly creamy, while those of champignons are first whitish or dirty pink, and then dark brown or even black-brown from maturing dark-colored spores. In addition, the base of the leg of the fly agaric and pale toadstool is swollen, and there is a collar of large scales or warts on it. Poisonous fly agarics - toadstool-like and stinking - can also be confused with russula, which has a greenish or grayish cap, since the plates of russula and fly agarics are always white. You can confuse the fly agaric with the edible greenfly. Here, in order not to make a mistake, you need to carefully examine the stem of the mushroom. A fly agaric must have a ring on it, or at least traces of it, and a thickening at the base. The legs of russula and greenfinch are without a ring, slender, smooth. We have another good one growing edible mushroom- a float, which is similar to fly agarics. It appears in July - August in clearings in a variety of forests. Like many fly agarics, the base of the float's leg is thickened, but there is no ring on it. The color of the cap is very different: from white to yellow-brown or saffron.

There is one exception among this genus of fly agaric mushrooms hostile to humans. In the southern regions of our country and in the Carpathians, Caesar mushroom is occasionally found. In the countries of Central and Western Europe there is a lot of it. On the streets of Sofia on Sunday. On an August evening you can see townspeople returning from the forests. Mesh bags and transparent bags are full of mushrooms that make you shiver just by looking at them! Bright red-orange “fly agarics” stick out from there, with a thickened stem, but without white scales on the cap. This is the famous royal, or Caesar, mushroom, which was served in Ancient Rome only to the table of the emperor and the most noble patricians.

Death cap

In August, when there are quite a lot of porcini mushrooms, it is often found gall mushroom, or false white. It is bitter, but is not considered poisonous in literature. However, gall fungus that gets into a roast of porcini mushrooms can cause serious poisoning. This white double grows in pine trees spruce forests, advantage on sandy soil, occurs frequently. It is very similar to white in its shape and brown or brownish cap. But it is given away by the dirty pink color of the tubes, as well as by the pinkish flesh at the break. The porcini mushroom is called that because both its pulp and tubes are white. Only with age do the tubes turn slightly yellow or green. There is another difference - a mesh pattern on the leg. In the porcini mushroom it is white, while in the gall mushroom it is black-brown, clearly visible on a light stalk. Gall fungus usually accompanies all white September. IN Lately Mushroom pickers fell in love with young raincoats. And for good reason! These mushrooms are surprisingly aromatic, although their flesh is less tender. Puffballs are edible as long as they are pure white inside and out. With age, as they mature, their insides darken, turning into powdered brown spores. Their counterparts - false puffballs - are easy to distinguish. Even when young, they are purple-black with white streaks inside and quite tough. Collect mushrooms with caution and only those you know well. It doesn't matter if there are fewer mushrooms in your basket. It will be a disaster if even one poisonous one gets there.

Origin of mushrooms

Scientists suggest that fungi originated from primitive flagellated organisms living in water - flagellates. This happened even before the divergence of the main line of living organisms into plants and animals.

Mushrooms are the oldest inhabitants of the Earth. Geological evidence suggests that they are coeval with primary fern plants and lungfish. Fungi already existed approximately 413 million years ago during the Devonian period Paleozoic era. They "very quickly" adapted to environment and yours full development reached approximately 220-240 million years later, during the Tertiary period Cenozoic era, when a variety of mammals, birds, insects, trees, shrubs, and grasses already lived on Earth.

Along with plants and animals, mushrooms are an independent kingdom of living organisms - this is the point of view of most scientists. The nature of metabolism and the presence of chitin in cell membranes bring fungi closer to animals, however, in terms of the method of nutrition and reproduction, in terms of unlimited growth, they are more akin to plants. Solving the question - what are mushrooms - is one of the most interesting problems of mycology - the science of mushrooms.

Cap mushrooms grow in 3-6 days and die in 10-14 days. But there are also long-livers among them. These are fungi that are part of lichens that live up to 600 years. The woody fruiting bodies of polypores live on trees for 10-20 years. As for the mycelium, in most mushrooms it is perennial, as they say, in particular, “witch’s rings”.

During the period of growth of fungal fruiting bodies, the pressure of the cell contents on their membrane (turgor pressure) increases sharply. It has been established that the pressure that such elastic cells and tissues exert on neighboring cells, tissues or surrounding objects can reach seven atmospheres; this corresponds to the pressure in the tires of a 10-ton dump truck and is more than three times higher than the pressure in the tires of a Zhiguli car. . That is why you often see how mushrooms break through asphalt, cement, and even concrete or the equally hard crust of desert takyrs.

Some mushrooms

Ram - this is the name given to two edible mushrooms from the genus of tinder fungi - branched umbrella mushroom. The mushrooms are very large, up to 4-6 kilograms. They consist of numerous caps (from several dozen to two or three hundred, and sometimes thousands), sitting on one thick stem. The ram grows at the foot of the trunks of broad-leaved trees in August-September.

Blagushka is a forest champignon. It got its name from the word “good”, that is, good, edible. Unlike its relatives - champignon, lovers open spaces- meadows, pastures, steppes, honey grows in the forest and often in unusual place- on anthills! It is assumed that our ants, like tropical ones, feed on its mycelium.

Veselka is a mushroom from the group of puffballs or nutrevikas, with a strong, unpleasant odor that attracts flies that carry its spores. They also call it “stinky morel” for its folded, morel-like cap. It holds the record for growth speed - five millimeters per minute. The young, ovoid, white mushroom is edible. The mucous membrane of the young mushroom is used in folk medicine for rheumatism (“earth oil”). Grows in deciduous forests in July - September.

Oyster mushroom is a lamellar edible mushroom that grows on dead wood or weakened deciduous trees. Appears in May, hence the “spring mushroom”, “oyster mushroom”. In the Caucasus, this mushroom is called “chinariki,” probably because it grows there on the trunks of broad-leaved trees, including the eastern plane tree, or plane tree. The mushroom is successfully grown under artificial conditions from specially prepared mycelium. Can be grown on wood waste throughout the country.

Gladysh, spurge, is an edible mushroom with abundant milky juice, hence its second name. The reddish-yellow cap is very dense, fleshy, smooth, which is why the mushroom is called smooth. In salting it will not yield to saffron milk cap. Grows in broadleaf and mixed forests in August - September.

Mushroom cabbage is an edible mushroom from the horned family with the taste of morels and the smell of hazelnuts. Reminds me of a loose head of cabbage. It grows on the soil in pine forests in August - September, and is very rare.

What dangerous mushroom is the counterpart of the porcini mushroom?

  1. Here, too, this beauty has many names: mustard mushroom, gall mushroom, satanic... It is almost the same as white, but turns red when cut... And terribly bitter. Not even that word... It burns. When one day we were picking mushrooms, an acquaintance tasted everything, licked it, and added it to the basket. He said that this is the most the right way know if the mushroom is good. He got so drunk that he had to call an ambulance right to the edge of the forest and carry him out of the forest at a run.
  2. there is false white, but I can’t say how dangerous it is
  3. uhhh
  4. We call it SATANIC mushroom...
  5. wrong
  6. the mushroom-twin of the porcini mushroom is the gall mushroom
  7. We also call it the satanic mushroom; I even saw it in the forest several times. honey mushroom has a double false scent, it does not have a skirt under the hat, and it is different in color.
  8. Accordingly, a satanic mushroom, false honey mushrooms, pale toadstool...
  9. Gall fungus, or false White mushroom appears in August inedible double white mushroom. Grows in pine and spruce forests, mainly on sandy soil. They are distinguished from porcini mushrooms by the dirty pink color of the tubular layer on the bottom...
  10. and boredom
  11. gall
  12. Dangerous twins of summer and autumn flaps are summer and autumn false flaps
  13. The gall fungus is called “false white” for good reason; Sulfur-yellow false knock is faked as autumn honey fungus; Summer opnok can be confused with dangerous poisonous mushrooms from the genus Galerina:

    Galerina unicolor
    Galerina marginata
    Galerinae are distinguished by their slightly smaller sizes and the fibrous surface of the lower part of the leg rather than a scaly one.
    Inedible or mildly poisonous false mushrooms of the genus Hypholoma do not have a ring on the stem.

    Yellow-skinned champignon, red-skinned champignon, yellowish champignon - it’s clear whose double)))

  14. p iaennla67ukshalnsh ev756ts3uvitgirumkvsmirtg6imsvk irg6
  15. When collecting mushrooms in the forest, it is important to remember that among the edible mushrooms there are also poisonous ones, of which there are not many, but as they say, “a fly in the ointment spoils the ointment.” It is important to know that edible mushrooms in the forest have counterparts, mushrooms very similar to them, which are often inedible or even poisonous. The “king” of the forests, the real porcini mushroom, also has such doubles. Even experienced mushroom pickers confuse these mushrooms, take them into baskets and then have to throw away all the roast, which becomes bitter and unsuitable for food. In our forests, such a double of the porcini mushroom is the gall mushroom. It is very similar to a porcini mushroom. But the pattern on its stem is dark in color, in the form of a mesh, and the lower surface of the cap is pink. Its flesh quickly turns red when broken. An even greater danger is the meeting in the forests with another double of the porcini mushroom - the “forest devil” or “ satanic mushroom", as it was nicknamed since ancient times. It is similar to a porcini mushroom, but has a number of differences. Its leg is much thicker than that of a porcini mushroom, the upper part is pinkish in color, and the lower part of the cap is often blood-red. When cut, its flesh is first turns red and then turns blue (the boletus is white). The mushroom is very poisonous. Sometimes a twin of the fly mushroom is found - a pepper mushroom, which has a hot taste, like pepper. Its stem is thin, the cap below is dark, reddish-brown, the tubes are small, like edible mushrooms This is what confuses the mushroom picker.
    Poisonous sulfur-yellow honey fungus and moth can be dangerous doubles of honey mushrooms. These mushrooms are the most common cause of human poisoning. Yellow honey mushrooms appear at the end of August, more often in September, when mass development of real honey mushrooms is observed. Therefore, a mushroom picker in the forest should be extremely attentive, look closely at unfamiliar mushrooms, and not take mushrooms that have milky white or, conversely, reddish plates, remnants of a peduncle and a thickening at the base. Autumn honey mushrooms usually have a light ocher or honey-colored cap with obligatory scales, a white film connecting the edge of the cap to the stem, ocher-white plates and no bitter taste. Often there is a brown-red honey fungus, which has a more convex cap with a brightly colored central part and with olive-brown plates. This mushroom has a very unpleasant taste and smell. Contained in false honey mushrooms the poison causes damage to the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.

    Our first spring mushrooms"snowdrops" - lines, as well as morels. For a long time It was believed that the main toxic element in them is helvelic acid, which is easily destroyed by boiling. However, research has revealed that in strings, unlike morels, other toxic substances are found that are reminiscent in nature of the toxins of the toadstool. One of them - gyrometrin has an effect on the liver, nervous system and disrupts metabolic processes in the body. It does not dissolve or break down in hot water. Stitch poisoning can be fatal. Children are especially sensitive to the effects of helvelic acid and gyrometrin.

    In our country, milk mushrooms are highly valued from a nutritional point of view: milk mushrooms, milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps, nigella, white mushrooms, which are considered poisonous in many countries of Western Europe. Indeed, they can cause severe poisoning in an unknowing mushroom picker. These mushrooms should not be eaten fresh. They require pre-soaking for several days or boiling in boiling water. The milky juice of these mushrooms contains many substances that affect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and cause poisoning. In the same way, morels must be boiled before eating. The broth is then drained and the mushrooms are fried.

    Poisoning can also occur from edible mushrooms. Often, toxic substances accumulate in the overgrown fruiting bodies of white mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, trumpet mushrooms and other mushrooms.

  16. death cap

We have all heard that there are doubles of edible mushrooms, the use of which can be dangerous to our life and health. But what to do if you are going to the forest for the first time and don’t know how to distinguish edible from poisonous? That is why today we will tell you what real twin mushrooms look like.

And we will talk about fly agarics, gall mushrooms and silverfish. We’ll also tell you what mushrooms they are most often confused with.

  • Poisonous mushroom double honey fungus

Porcini mushroom's dangerous doppelgänger

We have all heard about the porcini mushroom, which is considered the standard. For example, mushroom pickers often evaluate their “harvest” by quantity. But, unfortunately, if you are not a professional, then this species can be easily confused with gall. So let's figure out how we can maintain our health.

We have already decided on the name of the dangerous double of the porcini mushroom. Now let's talk about how to distinguish it from the original. First of all, you need to pay attention to the leg.

If it is evenly covered with a light mesh, then it is most likely a white mushroom. But if the mesh is dark and located only on the upper part of the leg, then you need to look at this specimen more carefully. Then, in order to be sure whether it is a porcini mushroom or not, make a small cut on the stem.

If the flesh remains white a few minutes after the cut, then this is definitely an edible product. But if the flesh turns pink, then such a “harvest” should be thrown away immediately, since you managed to pick a gall fungus.

By the way, another double of the porcini mushroom is considered to be satanic. Its distinctive feature is a reddish mesh throughout the leg and a red tubular layer. And a few minutes after the cut, the flesh may turn dark purple.

Dangerous mushroom double champignon

This species is most often confused with the white fly agaric. And, as you know, it is quite dangerous for our lives.

Differences between champignon and white fly agaric are as follows:

  • Champignon

1. Egg-shaped cap. The pulp has a pleasant smell. After touching, the cap may turn yellow;

2. The plates are pinkish or light red. They may also be dark brown;

3. The leg has a cylindrical shape, expanding closer to the base. Approximately in the middle of the leg there is a small white circle with a yellowish coating.

  • White fly agaric

1. The hat at the very top is rounded-conical in shape, closer to the bottom it becomes more spread out. The flesh of the cap has an unpleasant odor;

2. The plates are located very freely. Most often there are white. They may also be light pink;

3. The leg is thin, slightly swollen near the base. The ring on the stem is quite wide and striped.

If you know about such distinctive features, then the likelihood of consuming a poisonous product will become much less. Now you understand that you need to carefully examine all the mushrooms so that there is no dangerous harvest in the basket.

By the way, pale toadstools also belong to the family of white fly agarics. And a lot can be said about the consequences of poisoning with them. The fact is that all signs of poisoning with toadstool can appear some time after eating it. It is for this reason that people quite often do not even immediately remember what they ate. And, unfortunately, in most cases they simply do not have time to provide the necessary assistance in case of poisoning. Therefore, when collecting forest beauties you need to be very careful.

Poisonous mushroom double honey fungus

Honey mushrooms are also quite popular among gourmets. And most often the sulfur-yellow false stump is confused with them. In fact, these two mushrooms are really similar to each other. Therefore, if you are not one hundred percent sure what you are putting in your cart. useful product, then it’s better not to touch it at all.

The real honey fungus has a cream or honey-yellow cap. The smell of the pulp is quite pleasant.
The plates are also light yellow or cream. The leg at the base can be brown, black or brown. And the leg is white on top. If you take it in your hand, the leg should feel velvety to the touch.

False honey mushrooms are distinguished by a gray-yellow cap with a reddish dot on top. The plates are also gray-yellow or greenish. The leg has the same light yellow color.

Signs of poisoning by false mushrooms

As you already understand, it is not difficult to confuse edible and poisonous mushrooms. Therefore, you need to clearly know what the consequences of poisoning may be. This way you can notice everything in time negative symptoms and consult a doctor.

So, the main symptoms of such poisoning include:

  • Severe nausea and vomiting;
  • Significant abdominal pain and diarrhea;
  • Heat. Although this symptom is individual, since someone can no longer get out of bed with a temperature of 37 degrees;
  • Hands and feet get cold.

Fly agaric poisoning has some peculiarities. In this case, one can note such signs of poisoning as delirium, the appearance of hallucinations, or the manifestation of a state that may be similar to insanity.

Such signs may appear within one and a half to two hours after eating a poisoned product. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately call a doctor or ambulance. If you have to wait for a doctor for some time, try to lie down and drink plenty of warm water.

This way you will prevent the poison from spreading throughout all tissues in the body.

By the way, there is a risk of poisoning from edible mushrooms. But this can only happen if you wash them poorly. The point here is that the soil may contain spore-bearing bacilli, which are the causative agents of such serious illness like botulism. Signs of such a disease include complete or partial blurred vision, headache, convulsions or difficulty breathing.

Attention! If you notice at least two of all the listed symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, the consequences can be very negative.

As you can see, such gifts of the forest can significantly ruin our lives. And in case of unfavorable development of events, such poisoning can also have death. Therefore, before eating a mushroom, be sure to make sure that it is non-poisonous.

If you don’t have such confidence, then you should show your “harvest” knowledgeable people or throw it away out of harm's way. Be healthy!

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2015-10-24T07:05:45+00:00 admin useful tips food and health, useful tips

We have all heard that there are doubles of edible mushrooms, the use of which can be dangerous to our life and health. But what to do if you are going to the forest for the first time and don’t know how to distinguish edible from poisonous? That is why today we will tell you what real...

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Poisonous mushroom twins

When picking mushrooms in the forest, it is worth remembering a few immutable rules. Firstly, not all mushrooms are edible; many of the ones we come across along the way are poisonous. It is very important to know that edible mushrooms differ from non-edible ones, but normal mushrooms also have poisonous counterparts.

Many edible mushrooms have doubles, even the porcini mushroom, which is rightfully considered the “king of mushrooms.” Don’t be upset, because even experienced mushroom pickers confuse edible mushrooms and their counterparts; they put them in a basket, but after a thorough inspection of the assembled house, they immediately get rid of the poisonous ones.

The double of the “king of mushrooms” is -. Like any double, it is very similar to the original, but upon closer inspection it can be easily distinguished: the stem of such a mushroom is covered with a mesh, and it itself is darker than that of a real porcini mushroom, and the underside of the cap is completely pink, the flesh is on the cut the legs instantly turn red.

But like a true king, the porcini mushroom has more than one double, the second and most dangerous is popularly called the “forest devil”, it is also different from its edible counterpart: The leg, closer to the top, has a pinkish color, and the cap at the bottom is blood-red, When the stem is cut, the flesh first turns red, then blue. Remember, the “forest devil” is very poisonous!

Satanic mushroom (forest devil)

The flywheel's counterpart is the pepper mushroom; as the name suggests, the taste of this mushroom is hot, like pepper. The cap of this double is dark underneath, and the stem is much thinner than the original.

Doubles of honey mushrooms are the moth and the gray-yellow honey mushroom. They are the ones that cause the most frequent poisonings. These changelings appear just at the time of collecting real honey mushrooms, in the month of August, but most often in September. It is for this reason that mushroom pickers in the forest should be very careful and not collect those mushrooms that, firstly, they do not know, and those that cause caution.

You should not take milky white mushrooms; poisonous mushrooms often have this color palette; if the mushroom cap is decorated with reddish plates, then this beauty is just as poisonous.

Not many poisonous mushrooms cause death, the poison mainly affects changelings gastrointestinal tract, causing vomiting and diarrhea.

Among poisonous mushrooms, by right of primacy and danger, the place of the king is occupied by the pale toadstool, it is often confused with the porcini mushroom by inexperienced mushroom pickers, along the bottom of the cap it has a kind of small “fringe”, and again, unlike its brother, the pale toadstool is an aristocrat , in other words, she is much whiter than the “king of mushrooms”

When collecting mushrooms, be careful; if something is in doubt, it is better not to cut it off and not take it with you.

Even when collecting familiar mushrooms, there is a risk of putting a toxic specimen in the basket. After all, in addition to the usual red fly agarics or conventional toadstools, in the forest you can find poisonous or simply inedible mushrooms, very similar to edible ones. In some cases, a mistake can cost your life, so you should carefully inspect everything you put in the basket. What to pay attention to and where to expect a catch? We have made a selection of common dangerous doubles

Summer honey mushrooms - fringed galerina - sulfur-yellow false honey fungus

Summer honey mushrooms.

Summer honey fungus is probably not as popular as autumn honey mushroom, but it also has its admirers. And they should take note that this mushroom has a very dangerous double - fringed galerina. What are the differences? Firstly, the summer honey fungus bears fruit in large clumps. In turn, galerina, even if it grows in groups, usually grows together in no more than 2-3 mushrooms. Secondly, the leg: the lower part of the honey mushroom is scaly, while that of the double is fibrous. In general, honey mushrooms are larger: their cap can reach up to 6 cm in diameter, while that of the galerina is often up to 3 cm. If there is even the slightest doubt, it is better to discard the find. Galerina fringed is deadly poisonous!

Galerina bordered.

False honey fungus is sulfur-yellow.

Another double of the summer honey fungus is the sulfur-yellow false honey fungus. Unlike the edible one, this specimen does not have a ring. There are also differences in smell: an edible mushroom emits a pleasant mushroom aroma, while a false one has a more muted smell. Sulfur-yellow false honey fungus is not as poisonous as galerina fringed, but the consequences are also unpleasant: its use can cause abdominal cramps and mild poisoning.

Champignon - pale toadstool (white)


Death cap.

The key difference between a champignon and its poisonous twin is the color of the plates on the bottom of the cap. If in the pale toadstool they are always white, then in the edible mushroom they are pink, and with age they become brown. At first glance, it’s simple, but in practice, objectively determining the color, especially of a young mushroom, is not so easy: experience, lighting, and color perception are all important here. The rule is the same: if in doubt, it is better to refuse to collect small, separately growing champignons. Eating toadstool can cost your life!

Green russula - pale toadstool (greenish-gray)

Green russula.

Death cap.

To distinguish russula from toadstool, you need to pay attention to the stem. Firstly, in a toxic mushroom it noticeably thickens downward and has a well-defined volva - a filmy wrapper in the lower part of the stalk, which is formed as a result of the rupture of the protective sac from which the mushroom grew. In young toadstools this sac may still be intact - then there will be a tuber at the base. Secondly, the pale toadstool has a ring at the top of the leg, which you will not find on the green russula.

Real fox - false fox

The fox is real.

The fox is false.

These mushrooms are similar only at first glance. There are several criteria. The color of the double is brighter, the mushroom is bright orange or orange with a brown tint, and the edge is always lighter than in the center. The color of the true chanterelle varies from light yellow to yellow-orange, and the cap is evenly colored. The shape of the hat also matters. The false one has smooth, neatly rounded edges, while the real one has wavy edges, almost always irregular shape. The plates of a real chanterelle are dense, thick, they go down the stem of the mushroom, becoming part of it. In the false one, they are thinner and more frequent; they also go down the stem of the mushroom, but do not pass into it.

A mistake in this case is unlikely to result in death: false chanterelles- not an edible mushroom, but does not cause serious poisoning. Still, you should not lose your vigilance.

White mushroom - gall mushroom (gorchak)


Gall mushroom.

In principle, it is not difficult to distinguish the double of the king of the mushroom kingdom from a real porcini mushroom. First, pay attention to the leg. The gall fungus has a pattern on it in the form of a dense brown mesh. Some types of boletus also have it, but it is thinner and always white. Secondly, the flesh of the gall fungus darkens when cut and becomes pinkish-brown. This does not happen with porcini mushrooms. Thirdly, pay attention to the tubular layer: in a young bitterling it is white, in an adult mushroom it is pinkish or dirty pink, in a boletus it is white, yellowish or greenish.

The gall mushroom is inedible, although not poisonous. The reason for inedibility is strong bitterness, which cannot be removed even with prolonged use. culinary processing. That’s why one of its names is “gorchak”.

Fairy tales for adults

It is unlikely that any question has given rise to as many myths as the determination of the toxicity of mushrooms.

There are many popular “tests” invented! For example, supposedly worms and snails do not touch toxic mushrooms. Or - milk will curdle if you throw a poisonous mushroom into it. Another fiction: onions or garlic will turn brown when cooked, and silver will turn black if poison has gotten into the pan.

Leading specialist of the mycology laboratory of the Institute of Experimental Botany named after V.F. Kuprevich National Academy Science Olga Gapienko emphasizes: “There are no typical signs of mushroom toxicity! Take even the smell and taste. A classic example: the toadstool smells good and tastes sweet. And the funnel smells bad, but it is non-poisonous. So there are no methods, there is only knowledge of mushrooms.”

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What apps will be useful to you?

Mushrooms of Belarus

This program is essentially a convenient automated reference book. All mushrooms are divided into 6 categories: edible - known, little-known and conditionally edible, inedible - little-known and poisonous plus with unknown properties. For each mushroom - photo and detailed description. How will such a program help? For example, you found a mushroom - by all appearances it appears to be white, but the color of the cap is unusual. Go to the application, and here there are 6 types. You choose the most suitable one from the photo and compare the information with what you see in front of you: do all the signs match? If nothing is in doubt, feel free to put the mushroom in the basket.

EcoGuide: mushrooms

The application consists of three parts: an atlas-encyclopedia, a textbook and, most interestingly, a mushroom identification guide. Let's take a closer look at the latter. The program allows you to find out what kind of mushroom you are holding in your hands. To do this, you need to introduce a number of external morphological features- form fruiting body, parameters of the cap, legs, and so on, 22 points in total. One of the obvious advantages of the application is that you can work with it without an Internet connection. The downside, however, is justified - the program is paid. IN Google Market it costs $3.99.

I'm going home

The application has nothing directly to do with searching for mushrooms, but it will help you get out of the forest if silent hunt got carried away and you don’t know how to get back. To do this, you need to open the program at home, turn on GPS and wait until the application receives the coordinates of your location. Save this data, after which you can close the program and even turn off the phone. When you decide to return home from the forest, open the application and click the “Going home” button. With the help of voice prompts, the program will take you to the desired point. But keep in mind: it does not see the terrain and forms the shortest route without taking into account obstacles. So it’s better to use this option as a backup - in case you can’t get a connection and use online navigators.

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