Name Egor. Name Egor: hidden name code that determines character. Yegor's fate, destined by the name

You will find for yourself useful information about the meaning of the name Egor, how to interpret it, historical facts and where the name Egor came from.

What does the name Egor mean? Translated, it sounds like “cultivator of the land.”

Short form

Ega, Egich, Egorka, Egorushka, Gor, Gosha, Goga, Gogich, Hera.

History of appearance

This name became a derivative of the name George. In speech, the capital letter “G” first gradually softened and then completely disappeared. So a new name came into use, which quickly caught on.

Patronymic on behalf of Egor

Egorovna, Egorovich.

Name day and patrons of Yegor

Egor can celebrate his Angela Day all year round. Fortunately, orthodox calendar offers many dates, among which you just have to choose the one closest to your birthday. Patrons who help to better understand what the name Egor means are:

Positive aspects of Egor

The meaning of the name Egor gives a person with that name such a character trait as healthy pedantry. It can manifest itself in everyday life, study, work or friendships. Whatever it is, this side makes a man very smart and decent. He is interested in science, culture and other aspects of society. There is always something to talk about with him. This good friend, a smart husband and an exemplary son.

Negative sides of Egor

Man wearing given name, is often overly boring. For example, wanting to explain something to your interlocutor, he may go too far and move from the rank of a good friend to the status of an “annoying guy.” In some situations, he seems to forget what the name Egor means and begins to be very lazy. It happens that Egors lack tenderness, they can be callous and a little angry.

Egor's character traits

Ega is a man for whom all doors are open. He is very talented and receptive to external influences, and therefore at a young age he has a chance to realize himself in the most different areas. The meaning of the name Egor gives a man with this name the opportunity to successfully engage in various matters. For example, creativity, sports, computers or something else. Having chosen a hobby for himself, the guy begins to actively engage in it and, realizing what the name Egor means, achieve success.

A man with this name is a good family man. At a younger age, it can be difficult for him to choose the one among the crowds of girls swirling around him. However, having truly fallen in love, a man wins his beloved and creates a very strong and harmonious family with her.

Despite the abundance of prospects life opens up for him, Yegor runs the risk of slipping and going down the wrong path. If he fails to successfully implement his skills in some business, he becomes depressed and disappointed in his own abilities. Without good outside support, Ega can get lost.

The meaning of the name Egor also helps a man when interacting in a team. He attracts everyone's attention and is the real life of the party. First of all, its nice appearance strikes you at first sight. And secondly, the guy captivates everyone with his smile and charisma.

Compatibility of the name Egor with female names

Understanding what the name Egor means, we can talk about its compatibility with other names. For example, Yana, Anna, Alisa, Karina, Ekaterina, Daria, Anastasia and Evgenia will be very pleasant interlocutors for him. But with the names Irina, Lolita, Victoria, Polina, Ida and Zhanna, the meaning of the name Egor does not combine very well.

Egor's Family and Love

The meaning of the name Egor plays with new facets in family life. A man plays the role of a real protector; he is a strong support for his woman. As a rule, a person with this name does not exchange for short relationships. He dates girls for a long time and tries to legitimize the relationship as quickly as possible. Egor is loved by children, and he excels in fatherhood.

Egor's profession

What does the name Egor mean in choosing a profession? He, like a historical farmer, tries to choose the area in which he will be able to fully express himself. It is difficult for Yegor to sit idle. Luckily, there are many careers that are perfect for him. He may work in the organizational field or, for example, in large technical companies. There are often cases in which he chooses areas that require creative thinking.


In terms of health, the meaning of the name Egor is slightly different from its translation from Latin. Ega is growing an ordinary guy and does not have particularly developed muscles. Throughout his life he may be plagued by problems with teeth, hair and skin.

Egor's career

If Ega could, he would marry at work! His determination and what the name Egor means allows a man to quickly move up the career ladder. A person with this name wants to provide himself and his loved ones with everything they need, and therefore he especially strives for large fees.

Velikie Yegors in history

Sievers (general), Wagner (chemist), Benckendorff (director), Creed (musician), Firsov (politician), Isaev (poet), Davydov (geologist), Sobolev ( public figure).

A man named Yegor is a rather tough and narcissistic person. It is not easy to cooperate with him in work and it is also not easy to be friends with him, because of his constant search for benefits in everything.

The name Egor, translated from Old Church Slavonic, means “patron of agriculture.”

Origin of the name Egor:

This name comes from the Old Church Slavonic name George and for a long time was its colloquial form. Now it is an independent name.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Egor:

Little Yegorka loves to analyze everything and is extremely stubborn. If he has some kind of picture in his head, there is no way to explain to him that these are just fantasies. He doesn't trust people and doesn't accept lies. If someone deceives him, he will lose his trust for life. Diligent and hardworking, loves to learn. However, any conflict with the teacher may lead to him stopping going to school.

Yegor's character has everything necessary to become a leader - he has willpower, vital energy is in full swing, he is always in search of something new and interesting. And he applies all these qualities in his work. Egor is an egoist - it is important for him to quickly climb the career ladder, earning the praise of his superiors, and he is ready to do anything for this, which often causes dissatisfaction with his colleagues. He lacks modesty, so nothing prevents him from moving forward, sometimes even “over the heads” - “substituting” his rivals. The craving for work, fame and money makes him an excellent deputy or official, even a minister. He has high self-esteem, and he tries in every possible way to implement all his ambitious ideas. He seeks benefit in everything, both in family and in work. There is no way to dull his power, ruthlessness towards other people over whom he strives to rise.

Egor has good business qualities. But he is very picky, grumpy and hot-tempered. Therefore, if he becomes a leader, then his subordinates should get used to his long “reprimands” for any violations. What you can’t blame him for is his ability to instantly find ways out of the most difficult situations. Management respects and appreciates his desire to achieve his goal, pedantry and integrity. Egor is a true careerist. But despite this, he lacks qualities such as greed, greed or resentment. A career for him is only a method of increasing self-esteem in order to prove to himself that he is capable of something.

Egor loves modesty in a woman. He can't stand brightly painted young ladies who are trying to attract attention to themselves. He appreciates simplicity, charm and grace. In marriage, Egor is a good family man. His feelings and confessions are always sincere. He treats his wife with respect. But because of his pride, he believes that women should pursue him and love him for who he is. Doesn't pay attention to little things. If a wife tries to take a leading position in the family, he will give in to her, considering this approach to be just a woman’s weakness and a desire to lead. However, he treats serious issues with the utmost severity and shows character. In search of benefits, Egor’s family is no exception. Often, Yegor marries only because of the profitable acquaintances of his fathers-in-law or their high position in society. Nevertheless, he will never show this to his wife; he expects support and support from her.

Yegor treats his children with strictness. He prefers to be an authority in their eyes. But he is always ready to help in a difficult situation for them.

The name Yegor, until the nineteenth century, was used only by the common people. It was customary for nobles to use either the name Georgiy or another name derived from Georgiy - Yuri.

Today, Egor is a more common name than George.

Short form of the name Egor. Egorka, Gora, Grief, Zhora, Egonya, Egosha, Gosha, Goshunya, Egunya, Gunya, Goga.
Synonyms for the name Egor. Egory, Georgy, Yuri.
Origin of the name Egor. The name Egor is Russian, Orthodox.

The name Egor is a Russian variant Greek name George, therefore, also means “farmer”. The name Egor was formed by rearranging the initial sound “g”, which was difficult to pronounce for Russian people. The name Egor was colloquial, in contrast to the name Yuri, which was also a form of the name Georgiy, which was more often used among the nobility and educated classes in the 17th–19th centuries.

In Christianity, Saint George the Victorious is one of the most revered saints. He was a Cappadocian warrior who lived in the 2nd century AD. According to legend, after his martyrdom, St. George the Victorious appeared on earth to kill a monstrous serpent (dragon); this plot was reflected on the icons as “The Miracle of St. George on the Serpent.”

The name Georgy has other folk forms besides Yegor - these are the names Yuri and Yegor. From this name the female name Dahlia.

From childhood, one can discern in Yegor a practical and businesslike person. Deep emotional states prevail in his soul. The boy’s character can be distinguished by hard work and diligence. In addition, Egor is often possessed by an obsession with any task. He always tries to be frank with the people around him. Order prevails in the affairs of such a person. Yegor always has a chance to succeed in life. His main task will be to be able to maintain and increase his results. Not all owners of the name succeed in this.

From time to time, Egor may be overcome by such qualities as boringness and grumpiness. In some cases, he may show his temper. IN school years Egor is able to establish himself as a good student. Yegor's stubbornness sometimes leads him to conflicts with teachers. At a certain point, a teenager with that name becomes distrustful and irritable. Despite such negative traits, this person has a well-developed intuition, which one must remember to use. If Yegor finds out that he was deceived, he will forever stop communicating with such people. It is very easy to lose the affection of such a person. At his core, Egor is a rather sensitive person, prone to internal experiences.

When choosing a girl, Egor, first of all, pays attention to her behavior. The young man appreciates modesty in the opposite sex. Provocatively dressed women, thus seeking to attract attention to their appearance, only irritate him. Egor always has serious intentions in relationships. He does not try to somehow embellish himself or his merits. In communication he is simple and sincere. Egor expects decency and good nature from his chosen one. Over time, Yegor turns out to be a wonderful family man. He is the master of his house, tries not to get into arguments and conflicts with his wife, at the same time he is always firm on a number of issues. Leadership qualities are felt in him.

As for work, Egor’s business sense and ability to cope with any situation help him advance in his career. He can become a good leader. Such a person never stops there, but always strives for his goal.

Egor's name day

Famous people named Egor

  • Egor Naydenov ((1745 – 1821) merchant, entrepreneur)
  • Egor Titov ((born 1976) Russian football player, midfielder, cult player for fans of Moscow Spartak)
  • Heinrich-Karl-Ernst (Egor Egorovich) Köhler ((1765 - 1838) archaeologist, native of Saxony)
  • Gregory Peck ((1916 - 2003) American actor, one of the most sought after Hollywood stars 1940-1960s. Winner of an Oscar for Best Actor for his role as Atticus Finch in the drama To Kill a Mockingbird (1962). In 1999, Peck was ranked twelfth on the American Film Institute's list of the 100 greatest movie stars.)
  • Gregor Mendel ((1822 - 1884) Austrian biologist and botanist who played a huge role in the development of the concept of heredity. His discovery of the patterns of inheritance of monogenic traits (these patterns are now known as Mendel’s Laws) was the first step towards modern genetics.)
  • Egor Konchalovsky ((born 1966) real name - Georgy Mikhalkov; Russian director, actor, screenwriter and producer)
  • Egor Zolotarev ((1847 - 1878) Russian mathematician)
  • Egor Kovalevsky ((1809/1811 - 1868) Russian traveler and writer, corresponding member (1856) and honorary member (1857) of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences)
  • Egor Creed ((born 1994) Russian singer)
  • Egor (Georg Ludwig) Kankrin ((1774 - 1845) count, writer and statesman, General of Infantry, Minister of Finance of Russia in 1823-1844. Under him, in 1839-1843, a monetary reform was carried out, establishing a system of silver monometallism, the exchange of all banknotes for state bank notes, exchangeable for gold and silver, and the issue of platinum coins began.)
  • Egor Ligachev ((born 1920) politician)
  • Egor Stroev ((born 1937) politician)
  • Egor Abakumov ((1895 - 1953) Russian figure coal industry)
  • Egor Beroev ((born 1977) Russian actor theater and cinema)
  • Egor Letov ((1964 - 2008) real name - Igor; Russian rock musician, poet, leader of the rock group "Civil Defense")
  • Yegor Gaidar ((1956 - 2009) Russian statesman and political figure, economist, Doctor of Economics)
  • Egor Sabler ((1810 - 1864) Russian astronomer, student of V.Ya. Struve)
  • Egor Konstantinov (Russian historian; prepared the “Training Book of the History of the Russian State” (1820) and translated from German: Galetti, “Abridgement of General History” (1811) and Schreck, “Training Book of General History” (1818; 1819-1820))
  • Egor Sokolov ((1750 - 1824) Russian architect, representative of classicism)
  • Egor Sabinin ((1833 - ?) Russian mathematician)
  • Egor Sozonov (Sazonov) ((1879 - 1910) Russian revolutionary, Socialist Revolutionary, terrorist, murderer of V.K. Plehve)
  • Egor von Reinecke ((1790 - 1868) consul Russian Empire in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin)
  • Egor Ivanov ((born 1991) Ukrainian football player, midfielder)
  • Egor Konev ((born 1970) Belarusian writer and playwright. Writes in Belarusian language. Son of film playwright Fyodor Konev)
  • Egor Aladin ((1796 - 1860) Russian publisher, writer, poet and translator, representative of the noble family of Aladin)
  • Yegor Akhte ((1777 - 1826) Russian commander of the era Napoleonic wars, major general)
  • Egor Manganari ((1796 - ?) hydrographer, brother of Mikhail Manganari. He earned fame for his activities in the inventory of the Black and Azov seas, which lasted from 1829 to 1841. The plans and maps he compiled were subject to changes, but until later times Russian navigators were guided by them. Awarded the Order of St. George, 4th degree. From 1849 to 1857, Yegor Manganari was the director of the Black Sea and Azov lighthouses.)
  • Egor Ligachev ((born 1920) Soviet and Russian statesman and political figure)
  • Egor (Georgy) Kovrigin ((1819 - 1853) Russian artist, lithographer)
  • Egor Bykov ((1918 - 1945) corporal of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero Soviet Union (1945))
  • Egor Abrosimov (Russian captain, astronomer, teacher, explorer of the White and Baltic seas. A bay, cape and river on the southeastern coast are named in his honor south island Novaya Zemlya south of Krotov Bay. They were discovered and named in 1833 by P.K. Pakhtusov.)
  • Egor Vyaltsev ((born 1985) Russian basketball player, player of the Russian national basketball team. Plays as an attacking defender.)
  • Egor Zolotarev ((1847 - 1878) Russian mathematician)
  • Egor Krasnoperov ((1842 - 1897) Russian zemstvo statistician. In Krasnoperov’s last work, the materials collected on the basis of the diaries of agronomic supervisors for the fight against harmful insects were especially important for that time. The author insisted on the need to establish a common fund for rural owners to insure against losses caused harmful insects.)
  • Egor Kutenkov ((born 1988) Russian theater and film actor)
  • Yegor Pillar (Pilar von Pilhau) ((1767 - 1830) Russian commander of the Napoleonic wars, major general)
  • Egor (George) Catoire ((1861 - 1926) Russian composer of French origin, his ancestors in early XIX centuries moved to Russia from Lorraine)
  • Egor Chalov ((1919 - 1983) military pilot, deputy squadron commander of the 622nd assault aviation Sevastopol Red Banner Regiment (214th ShAD, 15th air force, 2nd Baltic Front), senior lieutenant, Hero of the Soviet Union)
  • Egor Gugel ((1804 - 1841) outstanding Russian teacher, founder Russian system preschool education, inspector of classes at the Gatchina Orphanage in 1830 - 1841, founder and caretaker of the “School for Young Children”)
  • Egor Shutko ((1924 - 1944) gunner heavy machine gun 804th rifle regiment(229th Rifle Division, 54th Army, 3rd Baltic Front), Komsomol member, private, Hero of the Soviet Union)
  • Egor Borisov ((born 1954) Yakut political and public figure, President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) since 2010, Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (2003 - 2010))
  • Egor Yurchenko ((1919 - 1981) participant of the Great Patriotic War, regimental engineer of the 842nd Infantry Regiment of the 240th rifle division 38th Army of the Voronezh Front, Hero of the Soviet Union)

The male name Egor has Greek roots. It is considered a colloquial version of the name George - "farmer", which has undergone profound changes in pronunciation and meaning over the previous two centuries.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
  • Patron Planet: Jupiter
  • Talisman stone: sapphire
  • Blue color
  • Wood: poplar
  • Plant: lily of the valley
  • Animal: white bull
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

Egor's character type can be classified as choleric. He is usually irritable, hot-tempered, and grumpy. First he does something, and then he thinks. If he gets carried away with something, he works until he completely loses strength. Gets tired quickly and gets angry because of the inability to finish the job effectively and quickly. A man named Egor loves money and comfort, but does not know how to set a limit to his needs and capabilities. This causes a loss of internal strength and the appearance of aggression. And closed character and touchiness create difficulties in life and lead to depression.

As a child, Egor is a good student, efficient, obedient, and hardworking. The adult owner of this name is ironic and distrustful, rarely compliant in resolving conflicts, smart, enterprising, secretive. He achieves his goal by any means. He is distinguished by his integrity, successful career, and pragmatism. He is a first-class official. But he rarely occupies high management positions due to his grumpy nature, inability to get along with people, and high demands on his subordinates.

Interests and hobbies

Egor never gets carried away with useless activities. He is very enterprising. Fishing with the condition: catch big fish; draws - if there is a career prospect and a reliable teacher; cooks food when hungry or to create an image. The range of his hobbies is very wide and is rarely limited to something permanent.

Profession and business

When choosing a profession, Egor sets himself the task of achieving maximum fulfillment in it. He seeks delight in his work. The combination of a selfish character and the desire for financial well-being removes him from the profession, the name of which is embedded in the primitive meaning of this name - farmer. He is more interested in his career. Moving up the career ladder brings more satisfaction than material rewards.

Most often, Egor becomes a middle-level manager, an official in the educational and medical fields, a financier, a banker, research fellow. Born in winter time The owner of this name can become an excellent lawyer, military man, and in the summer - a television journalist, actor. In business he is looking for a reliable partner, but he himself is not always a strong partner in cooperation.


A child named Egor loves sweets very much. If this “passion” is not controlled, problems with the pancreas arise, overweight. An adult owner of this name is predisposed to diseases of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, and metabolic disorders. He needs moderation in nutrition, additional complexes of vitamins and microelements, and rest.

Sex and love

The secret of the name Egor hides a very passionate man. He is considered the best lover. Appreciates in sexual relations imagination and variety. Loves to hear compliments and praise from his partner. Prefers long term relationship. Many consider him a ladies' man. Does not skimp on expensive gifts for his beloved. He very rarely shows deceit in relationships with women.

Family and marriage

Yegor marries a modest, beautiful and smart woman, preferably from a wealthy and influential family. He does not hide from others the fact that he counts on help from his wife and her relatives in resolving career issues. In the family he can be tough and demanding of children. Treats his wife well. Shows condescension towards women's weaknesses, but in fundamental issues never gives in.

Which in translation means “farmer” or “plowman”. In modern Russian there are two more variants of the name Georgiy: Egor and Yuri.

In the old days, the name Yegor was a common noun - it was the name given to an irresponsible person, a drunkard. Over time, the name lost its meaning and became independent male name. The ancient colloquial form of the name is Yegory.

The name Yegor was quite common in pre-revolutionary Russia, but after the revolution it was slightly forgotten. It's beautiful these days Old Russian name is gaining popularity again - according to statistics, its rating is growing rapidly.

The name Yegor was and is borne by many talented and extraordinary men who managed to leave their mark on history. Among them are actors Egor Beroev and Egor Kutenkov, politicians Egor Gaidar and Egor Ligachev, director Egor Konchalovsky, Russian mathematician Egor Zolotarev, athletes Egor Titov and Egor Vyaltsev, choreographer Egor Druzhinin and many others.

Name days and patron saints

In Christian Christmastide there is no mention of the name Egor, so boys are baptized with the name George. One of the most revered saints is the New Martyr Yegor of Chios, who saved the princess from a terrible dragon.

According to legend, Yegoriy, immediately before the battle with the monster, offered prayers to God, and his prayers were heard. The Lord gave him the gift of eloquence, thanks to which Yegori was able to pacify the dragon without resorting to weapons. In the popular version of this legend, Yegory appears as a strong, courageous hero who managed to emerge victorious in the unequal battle of good and evil.

Yegor celebrates his name day on the same days as Georgy: January 11, 21 and 30; February 4, 10, 17, 24 and 27; March 6, 17, 18, 23 and 24; April 5, 15, 17, 18, 20 and 26; May 2, 6, 10, 26 and 29; June 8, 18, 19 and 27; July 10 and 16; August 3 and 31; September 6 and 21; October 2 and 15; November 3, 10, 16 and 23; December 9, 16 and 31.

Characteristics of the name

Egor is a sensible, responsible and self-confident person who has poor control over his emotions. He can be called a pedant, slowly and confidently pursuing his intended goal. The only thing that can prevent him from getting to her is his temper, which does not subside even with age.

Egor, like many generations of our ancestors who bore this name, is a diligent, hardworking and zealous person who does not like lies and disorder. He loves to put everything in order, always get to the truth and bring clarity to everything.

Yegor's enemies are passion, a penchant for adventurism, love for alcohol and women. Among Yegorov there are many gambling addicts or simply gambling people. A man has a penchant for recklessness and boundless love of freedom, he is tireless and inventive, and begins an independent life very early.

Egor can be called a closed person who accumulates irritation inside himself for a long time and for the time being does not show it outwardly. The male psyche is not flexible, and any conflict situation leaves a deep imprint on his soul. He needs to learn to restrain himself so that his whole life does not “fly downhill.”

Egor can relieve stress with alcohol, computer games or gambling, and sometimes with passion for work or sports. In life, a man often plays a role of his own choosing, hiding his real problems behind it, trying to convince himself and others of the sincerity of his game. Yegor can reveal his true soul only to a very close person whom he completely trusts.

Sometimes Egor’s character reveals such qualities as tediousness and grumpiness, which especially intensify with age. He loves money and comfort, and often his ambitions far outstrip his capabilities. This may become an additional cause of aggression and depression.

In general, Yegor can be called a lucky person, even a darling of fate. In his life, both stunningly high ups and catastrophic falls are possible, but to his credit it must be said that being at the top, he does not lose his head, and when falling down, he always finds the strength to rise.


Little Yegor is characterized by deep internal torment and experiences, which he learns to hide in early childhood. The boy has a vulnerable soul, he has an extremely developed sense of justice, and he often tries to solve his problems with his fists.

He is often prevented from building friendly relationships with his peers by stubbornness and distrust, as well as his temper. Sometimes he resembles a little grumpy old man who is very difficult to please.

Egor, as a rule, learns easily and naturally, and such qualities as thoroughness and love of order are manifested in him with early childhood. He often looks older and more serious than his peers, and knows how to look at things objectively in an adult way and make informed decisions.

In adolescence, a boy urgently needs the attention of parents and teachers, since there is a high probability that a teenager may take a crooked path. The young man is adventurous, and his innate leadership qualities allow him to involve other people in his adventures. At the same time, he himself may well get away with it, which cannot be said about all other teenagers.


Egor can be called the owner of good health and a beautiful, athletic appearance. Most men named Egor are adherents of a healthy lifestyle, but still they have a predisposition to alcohol and tobacco addiction.


Yegor is a big fan of beautiful, sexy and liberated women, but he does not accept vulgarity and rudeness. Tender and sensual, he prefers an experienced partner who is able to give him variety and new sensations. He is also aroused by women who are higher than him on the social ladder.

He considers himself an experienced lover who knows how to give a woman sensual pleasure. He is easily excited, temperamental and energetic in sex. With short breaks, he is ready to engage in sexual relations more than once.

In sex, he is a leader and gets irritated if he does not receive a response from his partner. There are no restrictions for him; he is always ready for new experiments. Such a man needs an energetic and passionate partner who will readily respond to all his fantasies.

Marriage and family, compatibility

If Yegor prefers a sexy and liberated woman for sex, then as a wife he will choose a modest girl, preferably without a stormy past and with an easy-going character. Lovers of flirtation and coquettes have little chance of becoming the legal wife of this man.

Yegor can make a respectable family man and a loving father, as well as an exemplary owner. Yegor's leadership qualities will not allow him to become henpecked, but he will value and respect his wife. He will be able to appreciate his wife’s loyalty, devotion and tenderness.

Considering Yegor’s difficult character, conflicts and quarrels are possible in the family, which may be followed by divorce. But a man will always treat the mother of his children with respect.

The most successful marriage is possible with women named Vera, Evgenia, Nadezhda, Tatyana, Nina and Yana. You should avoid relationships with Valeria, Galina, Elizaveta, Varvara, Polina and Lyudmila.

Business and career

Yegor's ambitions force him to move forward, and his desire to earn money comfortable life coupled with excellent organizational skills allow him to become an excellent leader or businessman. Simple operation without the prospect of career growth he will never be satisfied. A man needs career growth for self-affirmation and self-importance.

In business, Egor wants to rely on a reliable partner, but he himself can hardly be called a strong partner in cooperation. The tendency to be adventurous and the desire to make quick money is an obstacle to successful business.

Difficulties and failures on the path to career growth do not stop Yegor - no matter how low he falls, he will always find a way to rise.

Talismans for Egor

  • Patron planet - Saturn and Jupiter.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign - Sagittarius and Scorpio.
  • Most good time of the year - autumn, the most successful day of the week is Wednesday.
  • Lucky colors are blue, blue and brown.
  • The totem animal is a white bull. From time immemorial, this animal has been considered a symbol of power, authority and might, as well as a symbol of male sexual energy.
  • Totem plant - lily of the valley and poplar. The lily of the valley symbolizes fidelity and family well-being, and a bouquet placed at the head of the head can awaken sexual sensuality. Poplar is a symbol of youth and beauty, as well as loneliness and melancholy.
  • Talisman stone - sapphire and chrysolite. Sapphire of blue color symbolizes truth, justice and wisdom. In ancient times, sapphire was considered a divine stone, personifying strength and power. Chrysolite will warn Egor from rash actions, eliminate stress and insomnia, and also have a beneficial effect on emotional condition generally.


Aries- a person with a strong-willed character, straightforward and honest. He is characterized by initiative and enterprise, as well as assertiveness. This person knows how to set realistic goals for himself and achieve them, and in the team he will always be considered a recognized leader. Money in itself for Egor-Aries of great importance do not have, first of all he is interested in the importance of the activity he performs. If he sees the future, then Egor-Aries is able to do a huge amount of work without giving up until the last moment. He can emerge victorious in any argument or dispute, and giving him advice is completely useless. A man usually falls in love seriously and for a long time, but you shouldn’t expect anything from him tender words and confessions, but he will be exactly the person you can rely on in Hard time. Egor-Aries will make an excellent family man who will be able to protect and financially provide for his household. The only thing that can threaten a marriage with Yegor-Aries is the monotony of relationships and boredom.

Taurus- a spontaneous and good-natured person who is passionate about love and friendship. He tries to find mutual understanding with everyone, always seeks a compromise and rarely enters into open conflict. The main character traits of this man are stability, law-abidingness, reliability and patience. In life, he is a conservative, and he takes any attempt to change his usual way of life with hostility. Egor-Taurus, like a child, reacts violently to insults and withdraws into himself, but not for long - loneliness weighs heavily on him. A man accumulates his capital gradually, avoiding unjustified risks. This person rarely finds himself in the role of a debtor, as he knows how to save and manage money correctly. Also, Egor-Taurus may be characterized by such a quality as perfectionism - he strives to be the best in everything and always. Slowness in work is the price to pay for the desire to do everything carefully and in at its best. Egor-Taurus's respect for money can easily develop into greed, and persistence in striving to achieve one's goals can easily develop into stubbornness and stubbornness. The wife of Yegor-Taurus is guaranteed constancy, protection, fidelity and material wealth.

Twins- a cheerful, witty and changeable person who does everything for show. At heart he is an artist who needs the attention and love of the public; his character is characterized by internal mobility and excess energy. Egor the Twin can do several things at the same time and not bring any of them to completion. You shouldn’t expect iron logic from this man, and you shouldn’t completely trust his promises and words. He rarely enters into conflicts, but it is difficult to argue with him, and even more difficult to dissuade him. Flexibility of thinking and a non-standard approach allow Yegor the Twin to make a good career, but he does not know how to save money, preferring to spend it on his own pleasures and entertainment. Egor the Twin's duplicity often results in a loss of punctuality and superficiality in his judgments and views. He perceives marriage as a potential trap that will limit his carefree flitting through life. You should not expect one hundred percent loyalty, homeliness and reliability from this man. He changes his partners as easily as his mood changes.

Cancer- a sensitive, impressionable and insecure person, restless and impatient. You won’t get bored with Egor-Cancer, but he himself quickly loses interest in anything and rushes towards new impressions. Despite the outward calm and “impenetrability”, Egor-Cancer will always be a very vulnerable person who has difficulty accepting jokes and criticism addressed to him. He can be called an emotionally withdrawn person who does not like to put his thoughts and feelings on display. The man has a very strong sense of duty, and he perfectly compensates for the lack of bright talents with a conscientious attitude to work. Egor-Cancer does not strive to become a leader or boss, and he takes failure in his work calmly. IN labor activity he is looking for stability rather than the opportunity to quickly climb the career ladder. A man will not take part in intrigues and will remain indifferent to the success of others. It is not easy for Egor-Cancer to establish friendships, but he will always be devoted to his few friends. Egor-Cancer can become an excellent family man who will devote a lot of time not only to his wife and children, but also to his parents. Jealousy, criticism, scandals and reproaches are completely contraindicated for strengthening a marriage with this person.

a lion- a bright, purposeful and courageous person who loves parties and noisy crowds of people. He has a very difficult character, in which there is a slight sense of negligence and cynicism. He never stoops to trifles and petty squabbles, is always generous, self-confident and takes the attention of others for granted. Leadership qualities appear in him very early, and his innate magnetism attracts people. A peculiarity of Yegor-Leo is a certain restraint even in relation to close people - he seems to keep them a little at a distance. His secret sin is vanity, pride and the desire to always talk about himself, his beloved. Practically the only way to put pressure on Yegor-Leo is to openly admire his actions and talents. He himself never flatters or fawns; the humiliated role of a petitioner is also alien to him. At the same time, the desire for a luxurious and idle life can force this person to live beyond his means and get into huge debts. In a family, Egor Leo can become both a real tyrant, constantly demanding attention to his person, and a faithful, loving husband, caring for and protecting his family.

Virgo- a collected, sincere person who loves order in everything. He does not suffer from ambition or vanity, and the motives of his desires are not determined by the desire to make a career, earn applause or receive a title. Egor-Virgo deserves all this only because he knows how and loves to work conscientiously. This person loves to collect and structure information, he is generous and gladly shares the fruits of his creative activity with others. He does not like subtle psychological games, preferring direct statements and open actions. Treats rules with respect, but may well break them, tries to avoid stereotypes, does not follow the lead public opinion. A man usually has easy and pleasant relationships with those around him, and you can always rely on him in friendship. Hypocrisy, deception and behind-the-scenes intrigue are absolutely alien to this person. The main disadvantage of Egor-Virgo may be some superficiality, and the desire to change usually does not allow him to reach the pinnacle of mastery in one specific area. In love, Egor-Virgo is most often monogamous and lives in happy marriage all life. He will be an exemplary family man and loving father, as well as the owner of his house in in a good way this word.

Scales- a person with a dual nature, striving for peace and harmony in everything. He can be called a sociable person who knows how to maintain smooth relationships with the outside world, but he always lacks confidence to take decisive action. Egor-Libra will always prefer negotiations and a reasonable compromise to direct conflicts; he usually walks along the road of life calmly, without sharp ups and downs. At work, he works best in a team, as he does not like to make decisions and take responsibility. Diligence, diligence and accuracy are the qualities that make him an excellent performer. In addition, Egor-Libra has an innate sensitivity, he perfectly understands people and knows how to connect with them. mutual language. But he does not strive for spiritual intimacy, and in relationships with him, people, even the closest ones, can stumble upon a blank wall. You can calmly coexist next to this person all your life, but never really get to know him. Marriage with him is easy and reliable; he will never make scandals for his wife, but there will not be any special spiritual closeness between the spouses.

Scorpion- an independent and frank personality, with enormous willpower and temperament. As a rule, Egor-Scorpio lives a bright and passionate life, but not always a happy one. Even if he is deprived of bright natural creative talents, he will still find a way out for his irrepressible creative energy. Egor-Scorpio is the most ardent maximalist; he does not like reasonable everyday compromises. He is capable of embarking on any adventure, can be involved in the loudest scandal, and at the same time involve strangers in his adventures. He doesn’t give a damn about other people’s opinions; he usually easily makes both friends and enemies. At work, a man can literally burn; he knows how to work with full dedication, long and fruitfully. You simply cannot find a better leader; natural charisma and leadership abilities allow him to easily lead the team. Regardless of physical merits, Egor-Scorpio considers himself an unsurpassed handsome man, and he usually has increased sexual energy. It will not be easy in a marriage with such a person - he is an owner and a jealous person, seeking to completely subjugate a woman.

Sagittarius- a lively, energetic and self-confident person. Out of hundreds of decisions, he will definitely make the right one, and his unquenchable optimism makes him Fortune’s favorite. One of characteristic features Egor-Sagittarius - the desire to try everything in life at once. Regardless of the specific life circumstances, he will always believe in true friendship and eternal love that will definitely meet on his way. This person will never stop making bright plans for the future, even if this moment everything is bad with him. Sometimes his openness turns into vulgarity, and excess vital energy leads to impudence. Even if Yegor-Sagittarius makes a good career, money and power will never be a priority for him, since he prefers to live, guided by the motto “when there is day, there will be food.” In marriage, Yegor-Sagittarius is not distinguished by homeliness and reliability, and his inability to earn money and desire for change often leads to the breakup of the family.

Capricorn- an unpredictable person who should not be particularly trusted. His characteristic features are desire and perseverance in achieving the goal, while it is almost impossible to move him from his position. He can promote an idea that he is passionate about for years, and sooner or later he will definitely achieve results. There is no more valuable worker to perform too creative work than Egor-Capricorn. But his stubbornness and stubbornness do not allow him to work where diplomacy and reasonable compromise are required. The tendency to self-discipline manifests itself in him even in childhood, and does not disappear throughout his life. Egor-Capricorn very rarely gives in to empty dreams, since by nature he is a practical person, standing firmly on his feet. He can be called the master of his own passions and emotions; he rarely puts his feelings on display. Unbridled optimism is also not a bright feature of his character; moreover, over the years he can become a misanthrope and a grumbler. For this person, the family is a quiet haven, where not passions and scandals should reign, but silence, peace and mutual understanding. He will pull his family in tow, and his wife can be completely confident in his devotion and fidelity.

Aquarius- gifted and interesting person, who treats everything evenly and with restraint. He will become lost in his own thoughts, and his spiritual world distinguished by wealth. It is impossible not to note the impeccable honesty of Yegor-Aquarius, as well as nobility and a certain sublimity above existence. He may be an idealist, considering other people to be the same responsible and honest beings as himself. As a rule, this man has very strong internal attitudes that will never allow him to break the law or go against his conscience. Egor-Aquarius will make an excellent friend and business partner who you can always rely on. Save the world, help friends and strangers- one of Egor-Aquarius’ favorite activities. The employer will value in this person the ability to “dig deep” and always get to the very essence - he can make an excellent scientist or researcher. In love and marriage, a man will try to find the true warmth of deep human relationships and feelings. Egor-Aquarius is reliable, decent, gentle and patient, so his marriage is likely to be successful.

Fish- an impulsive and capricious person, guided in his actions and words solely by emotions, and not by reason. Characterized by nervousness, touchiness and easy suggestibility, but at the same time capable of empathy and compassion. A feature of this person’s character is kindness and delicacy; he rarely hears a rude word or outright rudeness. He can feel a person on a deeply intuitive level, feel his mood, so he does not need to explain what human suffering and experiences mean. Egor-Pisces is not a fighter or a leader in life; it is easier for him to obey than to fight for his rights. He can meekly carry a bunch of responsibilities and tasks, while receiving pennies. The main drawback of this person is a lack of faith in his own strength, so he rarely achieves high altitudes in life. However, if the pressure of life circumstances exceeds a certain critical level, Egor-Pisces is capable of very decisive actions and reckless actions. In marriage, a man will cede leadership to his wife, as well as solving financial problems. If Egor-Pisces has a beautiful appearance, then most likely there will be no end to his romances.

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