Why dream of a white stone staircase. Why dream of a white staircase? Climbing stairs in a dream

Staircase or steps dreamed in a dream - symbol of human life. A dream in which steps up or down appear usually predicts major changes in life. Often modern interpretations affect the sphere of business, love or family ties as well as friendship. However sleep details play a decisive role in the final definition of its exact meaning. You should pay attention to how exactly the hero of the dream climbs the stairs, what she dreamed of, and who could accompany the dreamer along this path.

Why dream of climbing stairs?

When interpreting a dream with movement along various kinds of steps, it is imperative to take into account everything that happened to the dreamer in recent times and take into account plans for the near future. Perhaps the stairs and movement along them are directly related to the consequences of the decisions that the dreamer is going to make, or has already made.

Finding out that the path along the steps symbolizes a short or long segment of the life path, options need to be considered detailed interpretation sleep. Climbing up the stairs is overcoming obstacles and difficulties., which will surely end in success if you pay attention to the necessary prompts of the subconscious in time. In search of specifics, it is worth remembering the details of the dream, because dreams often show important details that dream books help to interpret correctly.

What was the climb like?

Calm climbing stairs - an easy and fast way to a successful outcome of the plan.

Why dream climb stairs with difficulty ? If you dreamed of a ladder up, which is physically difficult to climb, and the dreamer has shortness of breath, then this is a subconscious desire for change. If you start working on yourself, then what you have planned, the dream book says, will certainly come true.

Run up the stairs to escape the intruders dream books are interpreted as a prediction: from a seemingly hopeless situation, it will be possible to find a way out in the right direction.

Sometimes flights of stairs up mean not success at all, but failure. in enterprises that at first glance seem successful. It is worth paying attention to the state of the dreamed spans and steps: if they are unstable and rotten, you may need to abandon your plan. Shaky construction also means conflicts of interest: if you manage to resist it, things will turn in the direction of the dreamer.

Stumble climbing up the stairs in a dream - to the intrigues of ill-wishers. Interpreters advise caution in building relationships with envious and unreliable people.

Climb up the stairs and see yourself from the side dreams that the dreamer pays little attention to people who love him.

Stairway leading up from the dark depths (basement, mine, staircase, room) into the light is interpreted by Miller's dream book as the dreamer's desire to suppress his true self, unwillingness to accept his nature. It could also be " green light” to the fact that it is time to change and become better.

Why dream of climbing up the stairs? If in such a dream it was possible to reach the top, and no one interfered on the way, then the dreamer's efforts will certainly pay off. However, if it was not possible to do what was planned in a dream, you should not try to change it in reality.

What was the dream of the stairs up?

  • Spiral flights of stairs in a dream - difficult period, which will end in favor of the dreamer if he works enough. If in a dream a person stumbles and falls on a twisted staircase, then perhaps the case should be abandoned, because such a dream promises insurmountable difficulties.
  • Wooden ladder up - dreams, portending a simple solution to pressing problems.
  • Why dream of a staircase up without a stone railing ? Such a dream promises a worthy outcome of the current situation, if you look at its solution outside the box, having coped with all the difficulties in an original way.
  • Carpeted steps - to unexpected luck.
  • Rope ladder leading through the window dreams of imminent changes in his personal life, but not always positive.
  • steps of gold leading upwards promise useful acquaintances in a business society, it appears in the Gypsy dream book.
  • Silver stairs in a dream can mean betrayal of the second half.
  • When I dreamed iron or copper stairs up, dream books promise bright events in the dreamer's life in the near future.
  • Escalator steps leading up in a dream they predict a good outcome: things will resolve themselves.
  • Why dream of climbing the stairs up in the entrance ? Dream Interpretations suggest taking it for good sign promising pleasant changes in the dreamer's environment. Holding on to the railing in a dream those people who have not cared for their loved ones for a long time.
  • How to understand when dreaming white stairs up ? The dream book promises the dreamer a search for a path to enlightenment in the near future.

Climbing stairs in a dream with a man or loved ones

Often people we like become participants in dreams, and then it is important for us to know what these echoes of the subconscious mean. For example, why dream of climbing stairs with a man? Dream Interpretations give a fairly specific answer to this question.

Climb up the stairs with a man the dream book interprets as a sign of an ambulance from a loved one, strengthening the connection.

Why dream of climbing the stairs with the man with whom the dreamer while there is no relationship ? Such a dream promises the development of a love affair between the two characters of the vision.

If a a lonely woman climbs flights of stairs in a dream at the end of which she sees a man she knows - perhaps she has already chosen him as her partner on a subconscious level.

Dream Interpretations offer to interpret a dream in which up the steps the dreamer rises not alone, but with relatives , as a sign: it is these people who will help overcome difficulties in the near future. It is worth listening to what they say - perhaps the root of the problems lies precisely in this.

Psychotherapeutic dream book notes that throwing up flights of stairs in a dream tirelessly is a projection of active sexual relations.

What does it mean to go down stairs in a dream?

It is assumed that the dreamer descending the stairs means either a refusal to fight for a cause, or a lack of will.

Descend into the dark dungeon - a sign that if you do not change direction, the routine can suck the dreamer.

Going down stairs quickly with a partner in a dream - to the dreamer's baseless pickiness, and possible conflicts.

Going down in a dream down a staircase with no end in sight , the dreamer's subconscious gives a hint: to find a way out of current situation, you need to turn to past experience, it is noted in Miller's dream book.

What promises falling from the steps in a dream?

A separate topic is dream falling down stairs . This fatal action drastic changes in a person's life: abandonment of previous attitudes, disappointment in business or relationships, and even possible problems with health.

A female dream book interprets a fall from the stairs as a collapse love relationships with a man. You should be more careful, because in this struggle for the wrong person, you can lose friends or loved ones.

Rise followed by a fall and a new rise on a step may portend health problems.

Ladder according to Freud's dream book

A fairly transparent symbol that represents your life. If you see yourself in a dream running up the stairs, then you should be more careful and attentive in relation to loved ones. Currently, you are too popular with the opposite sex, and this is due to various reasons - your career and social growth, increased self-confidence. But be that as it may, you should not forget those with whom you shared the difficulties of your life. If a woman in a dream sees a man at the top of the stairs, and a man sees a woman, then this indicates that the dreamer has long known the person with whom he wants to have a closer relationship, but does not dare to do what he wants. Apparently, some social restrictions prevent this, you should not take them into account - happiness is much more expensive than conventions. If you dream that you are quickly descending the stairs, then such a dream speaks of the habit of making too high demands on a partner or someone who claims to be in his place, and therefore possible difficulties in relations with the opposite sex. Falling down the stairs - you will experience great disappointment in the person in whom you were one hundred percent sure. If you are bound by beautiful sexual relations, from which you experience complete satisfaction, then you should not refuse them.

Dream Ladder in Wangi's dream book

Climbing stairs in a dream is evidence that soon, thanks to your hard work and willpower, you will be able to achieve the desired heights that you dreamed about so much. You will take a prominent position in society, people will love and respect you. Sometimes such a dream suggests that long time your life will be hard, but after this period you will find a rich and quiet life. If you dreamed that you were going down the stairs, then such a dream is a bad omen. Due to the machinations of ill-wishers, you will lose your position, stable financial position and family happiness. Counting stairs in a dream is a warning that you are spending your life not at all on those things that can leave any memory of you on Earth. You are in a hurry to live, trying to do everything in this life, but in a hurry you don’t notice at all how really valuable and necessary moments pass you by. Seeing a spiral staircase in a dream is a sign that your goals are not destined to come true for a few more years. You take on the wrong things, they will not bring you closer to the expected result. If in a dream you saw a destroyed staircase, then such a dream suggests that you are unlikely to be able to carry out all the planned tasks. Your own illness or the death of a loved one will prevent you.

Interpretation of sleep Ladder in Miller's dream book

To see a ladder in a dream means for you to move up; Your energy and abilities will help you to occupy a prominent position in the business community. Climbing a ladder means prosperity and boundless happiness. Falling down the stairs is a harbinger of despair and unsuccessful efforts for the merchant, and crop failure for the peasant. To see a broken staircase means a complete failure in all matters. Escape from confinement or prison with the help of a ladder is a sign that success awaits you, although there will be many risky actions. Feel dizzy when climbing the stairs - means that you perceive new honors restlessly; You will like to be capricious and command as soon as you take a new, higher position.

The meaning of sleep Ladder in the French dream book

Climbing the stairs - things will be upset, failures, discouragement will haunt. Go down the stairs - you can find the key to success. Falling down the stairs is a bad omen. To dream of a stepladder or a ladder - you will suffer failure and suffering due to the fact that some person will repay you for good with black ingratitude. Climbing the gallows up the stairs - many of the plans will fail, actions can simply cause disastrous consequences.

Staircase in Tsvetkov's dream book

Climbing stairs, indoor stairs - a dream with such content means that the ascent will take place in life; go down - to failure. To see individual steps - some new opportunities will present themselves; the steps dreamed of broken - it means that you will have enemies and simply ill-wishers.

Interpretation of sleep Ladder in an esoteric dream book

The ladder is yours life path. Led up - a sign of future prosperity, the implementation of plans and the achievement of goals. Led down - the situation will worsen, they can be fired from work. Deep down - there is a chance to sink to the very social bottom, turn into a homeless person. Broken - meet an obstacle on the way. Managed to go through it - overcome obstacles; this is a dream-call to mobilize your forces. Round - to a difficult path. Sloping - everything will turn out simply, but it is necessary to use all the possibilities, not missing particularly good moments.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Why does a woman dream of a ladder:

Staircase - represents our progress in life. This is our both external and internal development, success or failure in real life. Great importance has to do with where your stairs lead, up or down, whether you go up or down.
If you either rise or fall - most likely, these are your uncertain plans and the search for your place in life.
It is considered a symbolic dream if you were able to climb the stairs high and enter the room (it is desirable that it be bright and clean) - in this case, specific luck awaits you, if you finally went down - this is most likely a loss of your positions, a change in the worst side.
The rungs of the ladder are your possibilities; if the step is broken - you have enemies and ill-wishers.

Dream Interpretation of the Past

Seeing a ladder in a dream means:

When a person moves up the stairs, he does not carry out free movements, but obeys the mechanical rhythm of the steps imposed in advance - therefore, this image suggests that a person performs a function inherent in a machine rather than a person. This image is generally negative, because it denotes a situation that a person does not control and which does not depend on him. Which itself leads him to where he may be, it is completely undesirable to go. This image may be associated with the need to achieve, overcome difficulties, the need for additional resources to achieve one's goal.

Intimate dream book

A dream with a ladder in a dream interpretation is interpreted as:

The staircase is a fairly transparent symbol that represents your life.
If you see yourself in a dream running up the stairs, you should be more careful and attentive towards loved ones. Currently, you are too popular with the opposite sex, and this is due to various reasons, your career and social growth, increased self-confidence. But be that as it may, you should not forget those with whom you shared the difficulties of your life.
If a woman in a dream sees a man at the top of the stairs, and a man sees a woman, this indicates that the dreamer has long known the person with whom he wants to have a closer relationship, but does not dare to do what he wants. Apparently, some social restrictions prevent this, you should not take them into account, happiness is much more expensive than conventions.
If you dream that you are quickly descending the stairs - such a dream speaks of the habit of making too high demands on a partner or someone who claims to be in his place, and therefore possible difficulties in relations with the opposite sex.
Falling down the stairs - you will experience great disappointment in the person in whom you were one hundred percent sure. If you have a wonderful sexual relationship, from which you experience complete satisfaction, then you should not refuse them.

English dream book

Dream with stairs means:

Brennius Salustius says this: “There is a deep meaning in this dream. If you are young and dream that you have climbed the stairs to the very top, brilliant prospects will open before you and you will achieve everything you want. At your wedding, you will kiss the bride you have been coveting for a long time, or your long-awaited betrothed. business man, this dream is favorable for you. Fair winds of good luck will lead your ship to the harbor of prosperity. This dream is a symbol of wealth, honor and worldly glory. And you, who cultivate the land, do you dream that you have climbed to the very top of the stairs? Your garden will give a bountiful harvest, and you will be rich. Scientist, student - everything, up, up the stairs, and you will achieve fulfillment upper limit your desires! And you, poor widow - if you see this dream - know that the extinguished coals will flare up again, your sorrow will turn into joy.

See also combined dream book. But, if in a dream, having reached the top of the stairs, you look down and your head is spinning, this means that in reality you will not be able to endure a high position, you will become proud, become arrogant and fall back down into the abyss of darkness. Or, if the ladder collapses in a dream while you are climbing up it, know that your hopes will collapse.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Sleep ladder meaning:

Seeing a ladder in a dream - fortunately, wealth; broken ladder - to loss or worries; many stairs to see and walk on them - beware of clouding the mind.
Climbing the stairs - to profit and success in business, getting a promotion due to hard work.
Going down the stairs - at a loss, loss of hope for the successful progress of affairs.
Walking up and down stairs endlessly - to painful doubts.
If at the same time you stumble, it means that there is a secret enemy in your environment that will cause the collapse of your undertakings.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a ladder:

Seeing a ladder, going up it - danger / clouding of reason.
Going down is a failure.
Walking up and down without end is a temporary clouding of consciousness.
The staircase is a dream symbol of the spinal cord.
To climb up the endless staircase and experience fear of the height and its end - to feel in oneself the awakening of intuition and an unusually clear consciousness, to experience fear of it; the feeling that arises before the discovery of the secret and pleasant aspects of life.
Get lost in the stairs - the confusion of the mind, the inability to find the truth.
Go down endlessly - delve into yourself and your past / try to find some kind of answer in the dark bottom of the soul.
Climbing a spiral staircase is a dangerous climb up the social ladder / fear of responsibility and commitments / a feeling that you overestimate yourself and your strengths.
Descent along the screw - "excursion" or falling to the bottom of life, degradation, fear of responsibility.
Stairwells and spiral staircases in women's dreams- are often a symbolic image of anxiety or illness associated with sexual activity.

Esoteric dream book

What a staircase can dream of:

Life path. Leading up - to prosperity, the implementation of plans and the achievement of goals. Down - to a deterioration in the situation, dismissal. If it's deep down, then there is a danger of reaching the state of "homeless", sinking. Broken - an obstacle in the way. If you pass, the obstacles will be overcome. This dream should mobilize your forces. Round - a difficult path. Sloping - everything will be easy to succeed, but you need to use the opportunities and not miss the right moment.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Stairs, in a dream means:

Staircase - can be a symbol of achieving higher awareness or new heights in life. This image may refer to Jacob's ladder, by which he ascended to heaven into the kingdom of angels.
If the ladder rises, you are climbing the ladder of success.
Staircase leading down - may lead you into your own subconscious or indicate that your chances of success are decreasing.

Dream Interpretation of Health

If a girl dreams of a ladder, then this means:

Climbing up the stairs - to improve the life and business situation, social status; for patients - to improve the condition; going down the stairs - to a worsening of the situation and loss of position in the listed positions.

Miller's dream book

Why does a woman dream of a ladder:

A wide, beautiful staircase is an upward movement, a harbinger of wealth and honor;
climb it - prosperity, cloudless happiness;
fall from it - you will be the object of envy and hatred;
to go down - bad luck in love affairs;
to see people going down the stairs - unpleasant events will come to replace pleasures;
sitting on the steps of the stairs is a gradual rise in well-being.
See also Rise, Steps.

French dream book

Staircase in a dream French dream book

If in a dream you climb the stairs, the dream portends failures, discouragement, frustration in business. If you go down the stairs, it is likely that you will soon find the key to your success. If you fell down the stairs, this is a bad sign.

Modern dream book

Staircase in a dream Modern dream book

Climbing up the stairs in a dream portends good luck and happiness.
If you dream that you fell down the stairs, you will become the object of hatred and envy.
Going down the stairs - unfortunately in commercial matters. Your personal life will also be unsuccessful.
Seeing a wide majestic staircase in a dream is a prediction of wealth and fame.
Seeing others descending the stairs means that they are going to change happy days failure will come.
Sitting on the steps of the stairs is a sign of gradual progress towards happiness and glory.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Staircase in a dream dream book Hasse

climb it - your pride will be satisfied
go down - you are paid with ingratitude
standing under the window - beware of thieves
carry - help others
fall down the stairs - passion makes you careless
stairs to heaven - everything goes according to your intentions.

ABC of dream interpretation

Staircase in a dream ABCs of dream interpretation

Climbing up the stairs is the development of the mind and intuition.
Go down - delve into the secrets of your soul.
A special symbol of endless stairs is the search for one's place in life, the uncertainty of plans.
Climbing the stairs - good luck awaits you, promotion.
Go down the stairs - lose respect, confidence, position.

Loff's dream book

Staircase in a dream Loff's dream book

The ladder provides access to the heights of life or to the hard-to-reach values ​​of this world. We often dream about falling down stairs.
In any case, a central component of ladder interpretation is gaining special, albeit precarious, access to essential values. Such access is often accompanied by a loss of access rights or luck.
If you find yourself in a situation where you cannot do without a ladder, then you may be lacking funds. We acutely feel how we are dependent on the earth's gravity and are limited in our ability to rise high. If dreams do not provide the opportunity to FLY, then the stairs are the only way out.

Gypsy dream book

Staircase in a dream Gypsy dream book

Ladder - such a dream means that you are striving for great things.
If you dream that you are walking up the stairs, it means that you will accomplish them.
If you climb the stairs to get home through the window - you will not stop before doing something illegal in order to achieve your goal!
If you fall down the stairs, you will have friction with the law.

American dream book

Staircase in a dream American dream book

Pay attention to where the stairs lead, steps up - mean success.
Steps down - loss of self-confidence and self-esteem.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Staircase in a dream Psychoanalytic dream book

Ladder, climb the stairs - advancement along the path of development of the mind to the realization of the Super Self.
Moving down the stairs - attempts to understand the unconscious.
The social ladder is a ladder to heaven.
Movement up and down - sexual intercourse.

Family dream book

Staircase in a dream Family dream book

A staircase seen in a dream means moving up: your energy and abilities will help you take a prominent position in business circles.
If in a dream you were raising a ladder, prosperity and boundless happiness are ahead.
Fell down the stairs - get ready for the fact that your efforts will be in vain.
Broken staircase - to complete failure in all matters.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Staircase in a dream Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

The ladder is an obvious sign of promotion; life's descent or ascent.
Steps - opportunities; steep - relief is near; stepladder - close success.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Staircase in a dream Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Ladder - happiness, wealth, success; if you climb up, this promises a lot of work, the result of which will be success and achievement of the goal; if you go down using stair railings - drop your dignity and fail; fall down the stairs - despair and unsuccessful efforts in trying to fix things that are going badly; a broken staircase means a complete failure in business.

Small dream book

Staircase in a dream Small dream book

Climbing the stairs - to good luck and happiness, going down - to troubles in business and personal life, falling down the stairs - to become an object of envy and malevolent thoughts.

Seeing other people descending the stairs means that far from the best changes in life are coming. If in a dream you see a wide beautiful staircase, then you are destined for wealth and glory. If you dreamed that you were sitting on the steps of a ladder, then this means that you are on the path to prosperity. However, don't expect quick results.

dream interpretation modern woman

Staircase in a dream Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Staircase in a dream - symbolizes the movement up; thanks to your abilities and energy, you will occupy a high position in business circles.
Climbing the stairs - to prosperity and boundless happiness.
Broken staircase - dreams of a complete failure of all your undertakings.
If you managed to escape from imprisonment or prison with the help of a ladder - as a result of risky actions, success awaits you.
A spiral staircase in a dream - portends you a difficult, circuitous path to your goal.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Staircase in a dream Dream Interpretation Fedorovskaya

I dreamed of a ladder - wait for good luck.
In a dream, you climb the stairs - in the foreseeable future, all your undertakings will be successful.
Going down the stairs is a disappointment.
If you dreamed that you were repairing a staircase, in the near future you will have to seriously deal with the problems of your family.
The dream in which you watch someone repair the stairs - you will help decide family problems one of his distant relatives.
We saw a burning staircase in a dream - all your hopes will vanish like smoke.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Staircase in a dream Dream interpretation for a bitch

Ladder - confident climbing the career ladder.
Going down is a decline in business.
A wide and long staircase - honor, glory, prosperity.

Old Russian dream book

Staircase in a dream Old Russian dream book

in the building, climb the stairs climb in life through luck, success; to go down - failures; steps - opportunities; broken steps - enemies, ill-wishers.

Slavic dream book

Staircase in a dream Slavic dream book

Climbing stairs - climbing in life thanks to luck; to go down is a failure; steps - opportunities; broken steps - enemies, ill-wishers; many stairs and walking on them is a clouding of the mind.

Slavic dream book

Staircase in a dream Slavic dream book

Happiness, wealth, success; to go along it is a loss; to rise - labors; broken - loss or care; lots of stairs - crazy.

The latest dream book

Staircase in a dream The latest dream book

Staircase - successfully start your career.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Staircase in a dream Dream interpretation horoscope

Stairway to heaven - sensational success awaits you.

Idiomatic dream book

Staircase in a dream Idiomatic dream book

"Move up the career ladder" - promotion, if up; “lower down the stairs” - rudely drive away; “to go down (to go down) down” - failures, troubles.

Medieval dream book

Staircase in a dream Medieval dream book

Climbing the stairs - to labor or to honor associated with labor.

Lunar dream book

Staircase in a dream Lunar dream book

There are many stairs and walking on them is a madness of the mind.

Dream interpretation alphabetically

Staircase in a dream Dream interpretation alphabetically

Climbing stairs in a dream portends success in achieving the intended goal, going down the stairs - you will lose patience at the last moment and thereby ruin the whole thing.

Feel dizzy and weak, climbing the fire escape of the house to the height of the last floor - such a dream portends that you will take the trust and honor given to you quite calmly and for granted.

A rope ladder thrown out of the window predicts a wonderful outcome of a case taken at random.

Climbing on it - you will satisfy your vanity in work and pride in love. To flee along it from someone else's bedroom is a shame.

The staircase leaning against the roof of a one-story house is a warning to beware of thieves and schemers; if it falls on you - therefore, in real life you will be repaid with black ingratitude for help or good advice.

Falling down stairs in a dream means that a passionate feeling will turn your head and make you careless to recklessness.

A ladder broken under you in a dream portends a collapse in all matters and a decadent mood.

Repairing the stairs means falling into even greater despair from the betrayal of a friend at a difficult moment for you.

Climbing the stairs - to prosperity and good luck in gambling.

Carry the ladder - your energy and efficiency will be noticed, appreciated and will soon help you to make significant progress in the field of your professional interests and even take one of the leading positions in it.

The staircase leading to heaven indicates that everything planned will come true.

A staircase leading to a bottomless abyss, perhaps even to the underworld itself, means that you can achieve success only at the cost of great risk, putting life itself at stake.

Go down the ladder from an airplane or ship - to disappointment in entrepreneurship and throwing in search of another business, climb the ladder - settle down in a successful, quiet, but profitable place.

A spiral staircase in a dream indicates that you will reach your goal in a roundabout way.

The stepladder portends a choice between true lies and unrighteous truth.

Escalator stairs - good changes if you ride it up, and bad changes if you go down.

Broken escalator - loved ones will deceive you.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Staircase in a dream Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Your energy and ability will help you rise to prominence in professional circles. Go up - your mind and intuition will be appreciated by the authorities. Go down - you will be allowed to a secret closed to many behind seven seals. Carry - colleagues need your help. Get to the very top - limitless prospects will open before you. Shaky - you will be able to repulse envy and malevolent thoughts. Beautiful and wide - to honors and glory. Sitting on the steps - you are on the path to prosperity. Someone descends the stairs - the failures of your colleagues will allow you to see your originality. Run up the stairs - those who shared the difficulties and hardships of life with you will help in career growth. Stairway to heaven is a sensational success. Rope - a difficult task will end in success. Wooden - a complex problem can be solved simple, but effective way. Screw - your fate depends on the result of the work entrusted to you. Stone - success will accompany you if you manage to be smart and use non-standard solutions. Escalator - patronage of an influential person. Ladder - success in the most impracticable projects. Stepladder - you will overcome any obstacles on the way to your goal. Go down the ladder from the window - today any adventure will bring unprecedented success.

Imagine that you are easily climbing the stairs to the very height.

Dream interpretation of the 20th century

Staircase in a dream Dream interpretation of the 20th century

If it looks reliable and strong: it is a good sign.

Climbing stairs: a sign that you are ready to take on serious, big things that can lead you to success.

If, having climbed the stairs, you find yourself on a spacious platform or on a high floor: such a dream may portend an unexpected promotion and strengthening your position in society.

Spiral staircase: a sign that success will accompany you if you are smart and use non-standard solutions.

Going down the stairs - means that in the near future you have to do simpler things than before. Perhaps these things will not be as important as you think, but they will require much less energy.

Slippery steps: a warning about possible tricks.

Falling down the stairs: a bad sign that your position is in danger. it looks like you made some kind of mistake in business, and someone can take advantage of this to take your place.

Broken ladder in a dream: speaks of an insurmountable obstacle in the business that you have outlined. After such a dream, it would be better for you to reconsider your plans, having thought them over more carefully.

Portable ladder: a sign that you can solve some complex issue using a simple but effective technique.

To dream of others going up and down stairs is a sign that your destiny is in your hands.

Having seen such a dream, you can safely take on any business without losing due caution.

Dream interpretation of Rommel

Staircase in a dream Dream Interpretation Rommel

The dreamed staircase is a movement towards success in business, in life in general, towards sexual harmony.

Climbing the stairs - to achieve respect, prosperity.

Raise a portable ladder - to prosperity, happiness in everything.

Going down - to unexpected failures, changes in beliefs, losses.

Fall down the stairs - behave carelessly in your personal life, suffer from insane passion.

Steps symbolize possibilities.

Broken steps are your opponents.

Escape from anywhere with the help of a ladder to risk in a conceived enterprise.

Stone stairs - dependence on someone, undesirable for you.

Wooden - the danger of making mistakes.

Rope - the upcoming need for personal affairs.

If a ladder suddenly breaks under you, misfortune awaits you.

If you dreamed that you were walking up the stairs, then soon you would have to work overtime. To prevent this from spoiling your plans, try to avoid stairs.

Astrological dream book

Staircase in a dream Astrological dream book

Symbol of sexual relations.

Especially if it is a stairwell entrance.

Climbing up - good luck.

Going down - to a cooling of relations with a partner, unlawful pleasures, leading to illness.

It is said that dreams are our subconscious. At night, our body rests, but the brain works in full force ordering all the day's impressions. A person goes through four stages during sleep, and only in one of them - the fast one - sees dreams. Scientists believe that during REM sleep, the brain forms our memories, as if copying them from short-term memory to long-term memory. And people are looking for signs and warnings in their dreams, trying to interpret their meaning. Why is this or that dream dreaming? Waking up in the morning, many look into the dream book until they forget their dream. We will also try to figure out what the stairs are dreaming of (after all, our site is about them!)

Stairs - a symbol of the path of life

As you know, dream books are a great many. And not all of them equally interpret the meaning of the stairs in our dreams. We will look for the answer to our question in the most famous of them.

Freud's dream book

According to Freud, the ladder symbolizes our life. Walking the stairs means walking through life. Someone walks slowly, someone runs fast, jumping over the stairs. The direction of your movement also matters. Moving up the stairs means that you are successfully building a career and generally prosperous. Accordingly, if you see yourself going down, it's time to think about where you are going, what you want, what you are achieving and why something is not working out.

Freud especially noted the speed of ascent: a person jumping steps in life, as they say, “rushes ahead”, without looking back. Or maybe you shouldn’t strive so hard to get everything at once, take a break, stay with your loved ones, give warmth to those who are dear to you. The one who quickly descends the stairs in a dream, according to the same Freud, does not know how to get along with the opposite sex, makes too high demands, does not want to compromise.

What if you fell down the stairs? Falling in a dream can hurt you in reality, not only physically, but mentally. Perhaps you will be disappointed in your loved one.

Loff's dream book

Popular dream predictor David Loff believes that our dreams give clues to all important aspects of life, which he divides into two large groups:

  1. physical aspects: birth, life, death;
  2. spiritual aspects: consciousness, soul, feelings.

Loff's dream book is considered the most detailed of all. So, let's ask this predictor what the staircase is dreaming of. He interprets the ladder as a way to achieve values ​​- both material and spiritual. If the steps under you are strong and reliable, and the stairs are wide, then your life path is also, as they say, bright and understandable. You have no obstacles, enemies and problems. But, as you know, there are not very many such people. Most walk up rather rickety, creaky stairs, periodically falling down. Well, this is the destiny of a person - to fall, to rise, to climb up, making great efforts. We are crawling at the foot of our ladder of life, trying to approach its sparkling top with magnificent gifts.

Dream Interpretation of Smurov

Another predictor, this time a family one, explains what the staircase is dreaming of. He suggests paying attention to the state of the entire structure:

  • how many steps are in it;
  • whether they are intact or chipped;
  • steep stairs or gentle;
  • what if it's screwed?
  • is there a lack of steps in the series;
  • Are you scared to go up it?

The flaws of the flight of stairs promise the difficulties of your life path. If you stumble, but still go on, it means that you have a hard time in life. You make mistakes, correct them, and slowly go your own way. But if you fell down the stairs, it means that some big trouble may happen to you in reality, which will throw you far back. But everything depends on your will. Get up, rethink your actions and start all over again. A steep flight means danger and adventure. Be careful both in a dream and in reality! The spiral staircase, according to the compiler, also personifies life's difficulties. Climbing up the spiral and having a hard time? Know that this means you have a harder time getting what others take for granted. Sometimes spiral steps in a dream tell you that it would be better to get down to business from the other end. And, of course, the direction of movement: up - forward, towards the goal and a bright future, down - trouble and decline.

Mr. Smurov interestingly interprets such an activity as disassembling the stairs by you. This means that you are quirky and cunning and deftly eliminate rivals. It is also good to see yourself running up the stairs to escape the chase - this means that you know how to find the best way out of the situation. Interesting:

An endless staircase leading to the clouds, or to the blue of a cloudless sky, or to the golden disk of the sun, and you are on its steps, going up - best sleep involving stairs. It means that you are successful, free and go to your dream, which will soon come true.

Summing up

Summarizing, we can say that dreams with stairs are either climbing or descending (or falling). Almost all compilers of dream books interpret climbing as a path to good luck. Why dream of a difficult climb? This is a thorny life path, but a person is trying to achieve something and stubbornly goes up. And why dream of an easy rise? Man is lucky to be born in right place(or in the right family!) or he is talented and achieves everything quickly and easily. With the descent and fall, too, everything is clear. Everyone has their "descents" and "falls", but this is our life and it goes as it should. It's interesting that french dream book interprets descents and ascents exactly the opposite: to go down means to go towards the goal, to look for the key to success, and to go up means to endure hardships. Why are the French the opposite? Some dream predictors believe that stairs have long been associated in some cases with stairs to the scaffold. And this, you understand, is not at all the climb up the stairs that can please.

You have read, we hope interesting article about the interpretation of dreams on the theme of stairs. And now be sure to watch a very small but entertaining film. Share with us what you dreamed about. Or maybe you have already drawn your own parallel between your dream and what happened in your life?

If you dreamed of steps in a dream - such a dream means what awaits you an important event in life.

Dream Interpretations interpret climbing stairs as a very important and positive sign that promises career success. Try to remember in more detail under what circumstances you saw, and this will help you more accurately determine the meaning of sleep.

Ascent and descent in a dream

How does the dream book interpret the steps you ran up? Such a dream carries joyful meanings. Grandiose await you in reality personal achievements, praise and victory over failures. Maybe you get carried away creative look activities that will bring you a decent profit. If you happen to climb the concrete steps, you will be able to overcome the obstacle on the way to promotion and take a well-deserved position with honor.

Why do you dream of the steps that you climbed with difficulty and fatigue? Such a vision suggests that you will soon fall into stressful situation, which you can cope with only by correctly distributing your forces. Don't panic that you can't solve a problem on your own. Just look around and find someone who can help you.

If you look into the dream book, climb the stairs effortlessly in a dream, it means that you are by nature a literate person who does not care about any obstacles on the way to the goal. Always stick to this strategy, and you will be accompanied by success and good luck.

But if you happened to see steps in a dream that were very slippery and you couldn’t climb the steps in a dream, this means that on the way to fulfillment cherished desire you will have to work hard and put a lot of effort and spiritual energy into the matter. Do not stop at difficulties, because the reward will be worthwhile and will please you very much.

How does the dream book interpret the steps you had to go down? Miller's dream book says that carefully descending the stairs in a dream, holding onto the handrails, means that you are afraid to open your feelings to the person you like. Try to step over yourself and take the first step towards this person. Perhaps you will find a reliable friend and true love in this person.

The general dream book believes that going down the stairs in a dream means that in the business you have begun, you will have to take a few steps back. Do not be upset and do not regret the time spent, because after reviewing everything again, you will surely find a number of shortcomings that could not play in your favor in the future. Now you can direct everything in the right direction and achieve the desired result.

Why dream of going down stone steps into complete darkness? What you see tells you that you will soon have to find yourself in an unfamiliar place in the company of new people. Be sure that your charm and charm will help you find mutual language with strangers. And they, in turn, will allow you to feel cozy and comfortable in your surroundings.

A dream in which the steps were broken, and you had to go down them, means that for the desired promotion you will have to work hard and put considerable effort into this process. Try to get a good rest between working sessions, and you will not notice how you get closer to your intended goal.

As the dream book interprets, run up the stairs that went far down, and you did not see the end of them - in reality, you will feel tired of constant employment. In order not to overwork, spend more time on fresh air- in the park or in the forest.

Unusual stairs in dreams

What can it mean to see the steps in a dream that you run down from? Such a dream portends that within two or three days you will feel like a person who does not have time for anything. Perhaps you need a rest for a long time and you are overworked at work.

Or maybe you just don't like what you do. It's a sign that it's time to find favourite hobby, which will bring you peace of mind and replenish your wallet.

If you happen to go down the stairs, fall and rise again - this means that one of the unscrupulous colleagues is weaving intrigues behind your back. Perhaps this person is doing this out of revenge, since you somehow crossed her path earlier. Therefore, bring the person to a frank conversation and sincerely apologize for past actions - you can be sure that gossip will stop immediately.

Why dream of running down stone steps and staying in one place? A dream means that you feel a certain emptiness in your life, as you do not have enough news, events or impressions. To remedy the situation, Spring dream book recommends:

  • Keep up with the times and take up a modern hobby, an extreme sport.
  • Meet old friends more often to recharge their energy and positive outlook on life.
  • Go on vacation to an unusual quiet place where you can enjoy tropical nature.

Interpretations of hard work

If you look into the dream book, the glass steps that you swept in a dream mean that one of your relatives will open you a long-standing family secret which will apply to you. At first, it may seem to you that this knowledge will not change your life in any way, but soon you will be surprised how much time you learned the right information.

Why dream of washing the steps along which a stranger is trying to climb up? You can finally allow yourself to take a deep breath after hard work and enjoy a well-deserved vacation with your loved one. Get the most out of your experience so that later you can turn to those pleasant memories.

If you look into the interpreter of dreams, the steps in a dream that you built on your own mean that in reality you will be able to successfully complete the work you have begun, and as a reward you will receive an unexpected increase in salary. Author: Zoya Krupskaya

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