Why do you dream of ripe apples? When there is more than one fruit. Seeing green, red, yellow apples in a dream - meaning

Did you dream about eating an apple? Our dream book will help you figure out why such a plot is dreamed of, because there can be several interpretations. A vision in a dream foreshadows love, pleasant events, surprise, but also warns against too rash actions and gullibility.

Good omens

Dream books often interpret this fruit as a symbol physical health, as well as sexual appetite. Therefore, eating an apple if it was ripe and beautiful to look at in a dream can be interpreted as excellent health and satisfaction, pleasure with one’s beloved.

Why do you dream of picking apples from a tree and eating them? When they are ripe and juicy, the interpretation of the dream is favorable. There will be joy from the work done, communication, love relationship. Honey juicy fruits in a dream portend joy, a surprise from a loved one, an unexpected date.

Since dream books sometimes call these fruits a symbol of a love relationship, occasionally a young woman may dream of them as a sign of pregnancy. There is an opinion: if you taste the beautiful pink fruit, you will become pregnant with a girl.

The desire for new knowledge and change

Did you dream of picking an apple from a tree and eating it? Very soon the dreamer will have a need for new knowledge, to comprehend information, comprehend it, and communicate with people.

Also, picking them from an apple tree in a dream and trying them means a desire for pleasant changes. It seems that everything that is needed is available, but a certain component is missing for that model of relationship or quality of life that the sleeper imagines as the best.

Possible troubles

Why do you dream when they are soaked? The dream book indicates: in reality a dual situation is possible. The person has probably already found himself in a dubious situation.

I dreamed of eating apples, pears, peaches - in reality things will not go very well due to the receipt of unreliable information. Even if everything looks great, the situation will soon change for the worse.

Have you seen how you collect the crumbled ones? You hope in reality to receive something that is not available. Collecting and eating rotten ones is a warning in a dream about upcoming losses. You need to pay more attention to your affairs, and also be wary of overly tempting offers.

Beware of false information and hasty decisions

Why dream of eating an apple if it has worms? The dream book warns: some incorrect, false information may be received. After such a vision, you should plan your actions more carefully and analyze incoming information so as not to get into trouble.

To see that you are eating unripe, green food - one of your friends will be insincere. Also, eating green, according to the dream book, means: you are capable of making immature, hasty decisions. This approach needs to be reconsidered, because it does more harm than good.

Taste and appearance of the fruit

Remember him appearance, taste in a dream:

  • sweets - pleasant events await;
  • sour - you will learn sad news;
  • tasty - a happy marriage;
  • green - hard work, sadness ahead;
  • red - love relationships;
  • wormy - a hidden disease.

If a man dreams of eating an apple - sweet, juicy, he will meet with beautiful girl, which can provide big influence to his fate. Delicious red promises him a violent passion. When it is wormy, the dream book warns: when the intensity of passions subsides, it turns out that the chosen one does not have a very good character.

When you see apples in a dream, try to remember as many details of your dream as possible, because... when interpreting it from several dream books at once, every detail is important. Be sure to look in the dream book for other “objects” from your dream. Only by putting together all your memories will you be able to interpret your dream and get a unified picture of what it portends...
  • Hasse's Dream Interpretation: Apples

  • Plucking is joy;
    eating - pleasant love experiences;
    eating sour ones - sadness, insincere friend;
    receive - something good awaits you;
    cutting - separation from friends;
    collecting - good deeds;
    rotten - danger;
    see on a tree - you will find many friends;
    Apple juice drinking is a disease.
  • Dream Book of Nostradamus: Apple

  • Seeing a large ripe apple in a dream is a sign that a great discovery will soon be made. Such a dream tells the dreamer that in the future he will receive respect from a large number of people. If you dreamed of a rotten apple, then such a dream means that the business you are doing will end unsuccessfully.
    Eating an apple in a dream means meeting with beautiful woman, which will have a great influence on your destiny. Perhaps this dream indicates that in the future a woman will come to power in one of the states of the world, who will manage to make this state the most powerful in the whole world.
    If in a dream you saw a large number of apples, then in the future they will be discovered amazing fruits, resembling apples in shape. These fruits will restore health and youth to people.
  • Freud's Dream Book: Apple

  • Apples, like many other fruits, but apples in particular, are a symbol of women's breasts.
    Large and beautiful apples indicate your passion for women with large busts.
    If a woman eats an apple, then this symbolizes her lesbian aspirations.
  • Vanga's Dream Book: Apple

  • The apple is a symbol of wisdom and reward.
    If you dreamed that you were picking apples from the branches, this means that under the influence of the events taking place around you, you will feel the need to comprehend the essence of earthly phenomena and will communicate a lot with people and think, but only a small part you will understand, because everything around is God’s creation and its mystery is incomprehensible.
    Eating an apple in a dream means that in reality you will become wiser when you meet a person older than you. He will teach you a lot of what he knows, answer him only with kindness, otherwise you will bring disaster on your own head.
    If you dreamed of a wormy apple, it means that you will receive false information, and if you do not think through your further actions, you will lose.
    A dream in which you cut an apple into slices predicts a delusion for which you will pay.
  • Intimate dream book: Apple, apple tree

  • If in a dream you ate a juicy, ripe apple, it means, unfortunately, that your attempts to get closer are in vain. You would really like to meet a certain person who interests you, but he will not respond to your calls simply because he is inclined to have sexual relations with members of the same sex.
    Seeing wormy apples in a dream means your “other half” gives you serious concerns: it seems to you that he (or she) spends too much time outside the home, and this is not caused by career considerations. Don’t worry in vain - nothing bad threatens either you or your union, and if there was some kind of “left-sided” interest, then soon enough something will happen that will finally open the eyes of the “lost sheep” and everything will fall into place . Your partner will understand that there is nothing stronger than old love, and peace of mind can only be found in your own family, and not in casual relationships on the side. So your spouse will return to the bosom of the family, where you will welcome him with open arms.
    Shaking the apple tree so that apples fall from it to the ground means that in order for your partner to enjoy sex with you, you need to try hard. However, later, after you have shown everything you are capable of, you will see how good it was for the other person to be with you.
  • Miller's Dream Book: Apples

  • This is very good dream for the majority of people. Seeing red apples on trees in green foliage is extremely favorable for the one who sees this dream.
    If you dream that you are eating spoiled apples, this dream does not bode well.
    Ripe apples on the tree mean that the time has come for your hopes to come true, it’s time to think carefully about what you are going to do and boldly move forward.
    Ripe apples at the top of the tree warn you not to get too high in your desires. Apples on the ground mean that you will be harmed by false friends and flatterers. Rotten apples promise fruitless efforts.

    According to dream books, one of the most favorable signs is to see apples in a dream. This is a rare case when most dream interpreters are unanimous in their interpretations. Of course, dream plots, as well as their meanings, can be very diverse, but in most cases, seeing apples in a dream means happy changes in life, wisdom, luck and wealth, and also love.

    In many Russian fairy tales, apples were associated with health and strength. It was not in vain that the king sent heroes to distant lands for rejuvenating apples. In addition, these fruits were considered a symbol of reward and knowledge. Anyone who happened to eat apples in a dream will meet an older person who will pass on all his experience and knowledge to him. In addition, if the apples are plump and rosy, nothing threatens your health in the near future, and if you are sick, you will get better very soon. Also, eating ripe apples in a dream means wealth and good luck in business. If you have eaten baked apples, then this is a joy.

    In addition, apples have always been considered a symbol of life. Therefore, seeing apples in a dream means that you have a great love of life and know how to enjoy life and achieve your goals. In a dream, seeing apples surrounded by green foliage is a sign that the time has come to implement your plans. The dream advises you to move forward more boldly. If you see ripe red apples at the top of the tree, you may need to reconsider your plans, as they are not realistic. If you see an apple on a plate or saucer, in reality you will become a participant in a very interesting events. Well, if you roll this apple on a plate, you will soon find out someone’s secret.

    If you dreamed that you were holding a golden apple in your hands, you are guaranteed universal love and recognition. If in a dream you pick from a branch green apple, then in reality you are rushing things. It’s time to remember the saying that advises not to pick a green apple, but to wait until it ripens and falls on its own. In a dream you see apples rosy and ripe large quantities- to well-being. This dream also foretells that in the future you may make some kind of discovery and, in general, will be held in high esteem by those around you. If one apple is rolling towards you along the path in the garden, expect guests in your house, and specifically relatives. Picking apples in a dream is a good omen, which means that your dreams will certainly come true.

    And, of course, we should not forget that the apple also represents a symbol of seduction, temptation. After all, it was because of the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise. Sometimes seeing ripe and juicy apples in a dream means that soon you will have a pleasant love adventure, which may end in a successful marriage. A man eats a sweet apple in a dream - to a meeting with a very attractive person who will have great importance in his future fate. If a man sits under an apple tree in a dream, then in reality he dreams of being seduced by a charming girl, and if a woman offers him an apple, they are already trying to seduce him. If a woman dreams that she is treating a man to an apple, in reality she would not mind getting into a relationship with him. If the apple the woman is holding turns out to be wormy, she may be disappointed in her partner. Receiving apples as a gift in a dream means that someone loves you.

    If you dreamed of rotten apples

    But not only good changes can be foreshadowed by a dream with apples. So, if you eat rotten or wormy fruits, you will be disappointed and annoyed. Such a dream often means losing, receiving false information. Cutting apples into slices in a dream means discord; in addition, the dream means that you are in a delusion for which you will have to pay. Sometimes a wormy apple indicates a hidden disease. Fallen and rotten apples in a dream warn that you should not agree to a tempting offer. To make jam from fruits - you will become a participant or witness to sad events, but there is no ripe apples- to unpleasant news. And, if you stole apples in a dream, then in reality you can commit unseemly act, which will have disastrous consequences.


    The interpretation of dreams still remains a mystical and exciting activity, because our subconscious often tries to warn us. To find out whether you had a harmless dream or whether you are in serious danger, it is not the forum that will help you, but the interpretation of this dream book online. Why do you dream about a person eating an apple?

    Contents [Show]

    Miller's Dream Book - apples

    Ripe, tasty and beautiful fruit always promises positive emotions, and a red apple among green leaves will bring a lot of luck, unlike a pear, which, according to the sign, will bring a hundred troubles to the one who eats it. All endeavors from now on will be crowned with success, all efforts will bear fruit. A person eating a sweet ripe apple in a dream will bring good results in business.

    If the apple is rotten in a dream, then your efforts will be in vain, the business will not work out. Anyone who receives a rotten apple as a gift in a dream should not take the initiative for a while, especially if it was given by a stranger.

    Fallen apples symbolize enemies or liars in your environment. Such a dream can also be a warning about imminent betrayal.

    Vanga's dream book - dreamed of an apple

    An apple, according to this dream book, symbolizes wisdom and the essence of being, so whoever bites or eats this fruit comprehends self-knowledge. If you dream about a ripe and juicy apple, your attempts will be crowned with success, to comprehend new experience a person who is much older than you will help, especially if he also eats these fruits.

    Dreaming of a wormy or rotten apple means deception and disappointment. And if you dreamed of a man cutting an apple with a knife, then you will soon pay for your gullibility and naivety.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - seeing apples in a dream

    According to this interpretation, apples will only bring good news. A person tearing fruits from an apple tree or eating an apple in a dream means that success in business, fame, and recognition from others will soon await you.

    For a man who is looking for a life partner, this is a good dream; a fateful meeting will soon happen to you, especially if you dream that he is eating this fruit.

    Nostradamus predicted the global meaning of apples, which can be seen in dreams - they promise that the power of a woman is coming, which will bring success to the state.

    Freud's Dream Book - I dreamed about apples

    In Freud's understanding, seeing an apple in a dream is a desire for closer contact with your partner, which is not given fulfillment due to opposing preferences.

    If you dreamed about a wormy apple, it means betrayal or your partner’s desire to cheat on you. This can also be indicated by dirty, artificial, fake or unripe fruits.

    Hasse's Dream Interpretation - why eat apples in a dream

    If you just eat an apple in a dream, then you will experience slight unrest in your personal life, but if you drink apple juice, you will soon get sick.

    A good sign is to receive apples from someone as a gift; this is a dream of success and luck.

    If you are eating fruits in a dream, and they are sour or bitter, then Hasse says that this dream is a manifestation of the essence of someone you know. Betrayal or minor grievances are quite possible.

    Cutting an apple in half means breaking up with a loved one.

    Chinese dream book - I had a dream about apples

    A woman’s dream, where she eats a green apple and a man eats a red one, signifies the onset of peace and prosperity (everyone eats their own color, signifying the power of the earth, yin or yang). A loved one picking a lot of apples in a dream is a sign of a successful relationship, and if you pick apples from a tree together, there will soon be a new addition to the family.

    An apple caught your eye - a sign that your wish will come true. A cat gnawing an apple - someone is taking away your strength. A conversation about apples among relatives will soon lead to talk about children.

    The meaning of an apple in a dream depending on its color

    If you dream of an apple of a specific color, remember which one. There is a color that means the financial and material spheres, and there is a spiritual one.

    A dream about a green apple will bring you good luck and success, and a new acquaintance. For those who have been plagued by protracted financial difficulties, it promises profit.

    Yellow apples are most often dreamed of by men and symbolize hard work that must end in success.

    A red apple can be dreamed of as a symbol of passion and strength, as well as aggression towards the sleeping person. In the interpretation of such a dream, the emphasis is on the symbolism of apple = fruit, so this fruit may depend on specific life circumstances. For a young family eating apples, this means the imminent conception of a child, and for a lonely man - a meeting with the object of strong passion.

    Why do you dream of apples: video dream book


    In fairy tales, sorceresses treat good fellows and fair maidens with liquid apples, giving them prosperity and happiness. Kings send their sons to distant lands for golden apples - a symbol of youth. Why do you dream of apples in ordinary, non-fairy-tale life?

    Why do you dream about apples?

    Women's dream book

    Apples are a reward for some action, a symbol of wisdom. If the dreamer observes ripe fruits hanging on a tree, this means: it’s time to stop reflecting. We need to start taking action!

    You are picking apples from the branches - a clear sign that you will soon be drawn to science, to study natural phenomena. You may make interesting discoveries.

    Eating apples in a dream is a warning about a quick conversation with an older and smart person who will pass on his life experience to the dreamer. But if you had to taste a spoiled apple, your efforts will be useless.

    Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya (healer)

    Apples dream of tears.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Apples seen in a dream are a good sign. A particularly favorable forecast for the future is predicted by a dream when the fruits are ripe, red, hanging on the branches, ready to be picked.

    Why do you dream of apples lying on the ground? According to Miller’s dream book, this is a warning dream: there may be traitors among your friends.

    Wanderer's Dream Book

    Apples symbolize love and knowledge, but at the same time temptation and sin. Be careful.

    Culinary dream book

    Seeing apples in a dream may or may not be a good sign. If they are mature, then this is a harbinger of an imminent successful marriage; if completely green, the dreamer expects work and sorrow.

    Lunar dream book

    A dream where ripe apples are present foreshadows marriage. The sight of baked apples in a dream is a sign of someone’s self-interest. Eating sweet apples means fun, wine apples mean joy.

    Maly Velesov dream book

    Everything planned will come true for the one who sees apples in a dream. In addition, the dream promises significant profit. Unmarried men will meet their betrothed.

    If a woman sees a dream in which she steals apples, this is news of an upcoming addition to the family.

    A pair of fruits falling nearby from the same tree is a sign of the birth of twins.

    Eating green fruits means disappointment and sorrow.

    Erotic dream book

    A man has a dream in which a girl offers him a ripe fruit - some person in real life tries to seduce him. We must be alert! A woman sharing an apple means she wants to attract a man to her.

    Russian folk dream book

    Seeing apples that are still green in a dream and trying to pick them means that you are in too much of a hurry. Curb your ardor.

    Biting into a rotten fruit means losing your life goals and interests.

    Collecting fruit - most likely, you are trying to get something that is currently unattainable for you.

    Modern dream book

    Apples can dream of quarrels and conflicts.

    Psychoanalytic dream book

    Apples symbolize desires. Seeing a lot of apples in a dream means that you are overcome by many desires in life. They can be secret and come from the depths of the subconscious.

    Esoteric dream book

    You dreamed of a green fruit - you are young at heart. Is the fruit spoiled? You need to allow yourself to dream more and set more goals, because a rotten apple is a sign of the beginning of the aging of the soul.

    A wormy apple means an imminent illness is possible.

    A rosy apple is a sign of blooming health.

    American dream book

    Apples are your life force. Big apples in a dream - you have good life potential.

    Icelandic dream book

    Eating or simply seeing apples in a dream means longevity.

    Assyrian dream book

    A dreamer snacking on an apple in his sleepy dreams can rejoice: in reality he will achieve all his goals.

    Newest dream book

    Apples dream of good health. If such a dream was seen by a person suffering from any illness, a speedy recovery awaits him.

    Eastern dream book

    Interprets very favorably eastern dream book dreams of apples. If the dreamer decided to pick apples in a dream and put them in a basket, this is a sign that all the efforts made to implement any plans in reality will not be in vain. But it may take a long time before the goal is realized.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    If you eat apples in a dream, it means it’s time to improve your health. In addition, there is a high probability of meeting an elderly person who will have to be taken care of.

    In general, apples are a good, favorable sign.

    Read also: Why do you dream about breast milk?


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    When you see an apple in a dream, you should pay attention to the details of the dream. The apple is one of the most ancient symbols found in history and culture. It was this fruit that became decisive in the biblical story known to everyone. From time immemorial, people have given this fruit, which is familiar to us, sacred meaning- forbidden fruit, symbol eternal life and unearthly pleasures. Therefore, the dream about apples has many interesting interpretations.

    1 Dreams about apple trees and young apples

    The apple tree itself is very ancient and revered by many peoples, including our ancestors. The apple tree is a symbol of longevity, fertility and natural strength. Accordingly, its fruit is endowed with many meanings:

    • Force;
    • Wisdom;
    • Fertility;
    • Reward;
    • Life;
    • Longevity;
    • Beauty;
    • Youth;
    • Temptation;
    • Temptation;
    • Luck;
    • Wealth.

    If you dream of apples on a tree, this is an important, fateful sign. For mothers or pregnant women, an abundance of fruits on a tree in a dream - positive sign. Children will be full of health and strength. An apple tree means a family reunion, a long-awaited meeting with distant relatives.

    If in a dream you have to pick apples from a tree, you can expect a generous reward for your work, recognition, money, new interesting friends and even love. Something that is deserved and long expected will appear in life.

    Starting with the letter C

    Dream Interpretation: what does it mean to pick apples in a dream?

    2 Meanings of dreams according to folk dream books

    Most dream books describe that seeing this popular fruit in a dream means prosperity, wealth, and good luck. After all, the apple is a sacred fruit. The apple tree symbolizes feminine, which is why sleep is so favorable for women, especially for those who are expecting a child or have already become mothers.

    But for young girls, an apple has a slightly different meaning - temptations, seductions. If a virgin dreamed that she was eating an apple, this is a warning for her to take her time and be more careful.

    For young man or men apple also has a positive meaning. Such a dream means victory, success in all endeavors, approval and recognition. This man is going in the right direction and luck is with him in everything.

    Starting with the letter I

    Seeing red apples in a dream: the meaning of the dream

    3 Color of apples in a dream

    The color of the fruit taken away in a dream is also of great importance. Green color is the color of friendship, cordiality, kindness, honesty and sincerity. Therefore, seeing ripe, beautiful and green apples in a dream means that sincere and warm relationships with loved ones await you. If there was a conflict, then this indicates its resolution, an apology, or the acquisition of a new friend. If a new acquaintance has recently appeared, his intentions are pure and you can completely trust him.

    With yellow, everything is much more complicated. It means toughness, assertiveness, survival, strength. A man dreamed of a yellow apple - to fruitful work, success in business relationships, victory.

    Red color is passion, energy, strength, aggression. Seeing large and red fruits in a dream is a sign of fruitful cooperation, friendship, or passion, love, or conceiving a child. In addition, red is a symbol of temptation, seduction and sensuality.

    Starting with the letter Z

    Why do you dream of green apples?

    4 Rotten and wormy fruits

    If the apples in a dream are rotten, lying on the ground, beaten and trampled, this is a very unfavorable sign. But it doesn't carry anything dangerous. It means that one of the relatives and friends is dishonest and misleads others, or the dreamer himself is not sincere and noble enough. Spoiled fruits mean the absence of a desired and well-deserved reward for work or creativity, disappointment. But unripe ones - to unpleasant and annoying news.

    Seeing wormy apples in a dream represents jealousy and internal fears about your life partner. Suspicions regarding his private late returns, a desire to convict him of treason. There is no need to worry in vain - nothing threatens the relationship. Your loved one will return, no matter what.

    5 How you got apples in a dream and what they do with them

    Dreams about an apple can also be a warning. If the dreamer buys apples in a dream, such a dream plot means fraud against him, deception and unsuccessful completion of affairs. Another dream speaks of a person’s insincerity, selfishness and greed. The dreamer should take a closer look at himself and be more honest with the people with whom he does business.

    It is much worse if you had to steal fruit in a dream. This is a sign that something extremely important is missing in life, and the dreamer believes that he does not deserve it. Stolen apples are a warning that you need to value and love yourself more. Lack of self-love makes it difficult to achieve good results in life.

    Helping yourself to apples in a dream means someone is trying to involve you in a risky business that will greatly damage your reputation in society. Seeing an apple on a saucer or plate means participating in interesting and exciting events and experiencing joy. Rolling an apple on a plate means someone’s important secret will be revealed in reality. Eating an apple in a dream means you should pay close attention to your health. Trouble is brewing. Making apple jam in a dream means a sad incident that the dreamer will witness.

    6 Slavic dream book

    The Slavic dream book offers ancient folk interpretations.

    Beautiful and ripe apples carry a positive meaning and symbolize joy. The fruits are located very high - to increase income or climb the career ladder. Lying in the ground under a tree - the dreamer expects to receive a very big money. But if they are rotten, significant losses await. It's a good sign to see full cart these ripe fruits. This is for good health and family happiness.

    Eating delicious and juicy apples in a dream means good mood. If the dreamer frowns in a dream because they are sour, then in reality his mood will be greatly spoiled. Eating rotten or wormy fruits means illness loved one. But don’t worry too much, the illness will not be serious and dear person will get better quickly. Frozen - to overcome serious difficulties. Scattered in the snow - you need to be on guard, because well-wishers are looking for any opportunity to cause harm. This is a warning that you need to be very careful in your affairs and actions.

    7 Interpretations of famous personalities

    The interpretation of the dream about apples can be found in famous dream books such interpreters as Miller, Vanga, Aesop, Nostradamus.

    8 Miller's Dream Book

    Miller believed that dreamed apples are auspicious sign. If they are on a tree, bright red and surrounded by lush green foliage, then any endeavor will lead to stunning results. You just have to cast aside all fears and boldly go towards your goals.

    At the very top of the tree is a warning that you should not rise too high in your desires and aspirations. Lowering the bar a little and moving towards your goals will gradually be more productive. Results will appear faster.

    If spoiled, rotten, wormy - troubles and betrayal on the part of people who were considered close friends, fruitless efforts, disappointments.

    9 Vanga's opinion

    In Vanga’s dream book, an apple is a symbol of femininity, softness, and wisdom, which will definitely be rewarded. But don't wait for it. The best solution will rely on the will of fate, she herself will decide when and how to reward. According to Vanga, this is advice - people get what they need, and not what they expect.

    If you dreamed that an apple was being cut into pieces, the dreamer is in a strong delusion. And you will have to pay a high fee for this. This payment will be a break in relations with someone very important and dear.

    10 Aesop's Dream Book

    Aesop considered the apple a symbol of seduction, temptation by something, especially if one is treated to these fruits in a dream. In reality, someone will try to drag you into a dangerous adventure that can significantly ruin your life and reputation. It is worth checking all new proposals regarding any endeavors.

    If the dreamer sees himself picking an unripe, hard and still green apple, then in reality he is in too much of a hurry and is in too much of a hurry to get something. It's too much. Everything has its time. Everything must be on time. Unrequited love will turn into a warm and sincere relationship.

    11 Interpretation of Nostradamus

    Nostradamus considered a large and ripe apple a sign of an approaching great discovery. For the dreamer, such a dream foretells reverence and respect from many people. His recognition in society. A rotten apple is an unsuccessful completion of a priority task for a given period of life.

    Eating an apple in a dream means meeting a beautiful woman who will strong influence to fate. Nostradamus foreshadowed that such a dream could mean a woman’s rise to power in large state. It is she who will make him one of the most powerful in the whole world.

    12 Conclusion

    The image of apples in a dream is in most cases a favorable symbol. You should not focus on the negative, if there was one in deciphering the plot of the dream. Perhaps this is just a warning, a tip that is worth taking off. This will avoid many mistakes.

    And a little about secrets...

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    What an apple means in a dream, as a rule, portends a very good events. However for correct interpretation you need to take into account all the details of the dream. Interpretation largely depends on the condition, quality and degree of maturity of the fetus.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    This dream foreshadows illness. Eating apples means being disappointed in something. Collecting them is a sign of temptation and seduction.

    Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

    As a rule, an apple symbolizes restoration of potential, rise vitality and good health. It can also foreshadow temptation.

    Dream Interpretation Tarot

    Apple, an important discovery awaits him in the future.

    Zadeki's Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about an apple?

    This dream foretells success in all matters and endeavors.

    Assyrian dream book

    When a dreamer eats an apple in a dream, then in reality he will receive everything that his soul strives for.

    Gypsy dream book

    What you dream about portends inconstancy in matters of friendship. Ripe red fruits indicate friendly relationships that you can rely on. or apple pie in a dream tells a person that his high expectations will end in disappointment.

    English apple?

    This dream is a very good omen. It portends happiness long life, good luck in matters of career and love. Apples in dreams promise mothers a lot of joy. The dream suggests that their children will grow up to be extraordinary and rich people.

    Miller's Dream Book

    For most people, apples promise very good things to happen. If you dream of red fruits hanging among green foliage on trees, then this is a very good sign. When a person eats rotten or rotten apples in a dream, this is an unkind omen. Ripe fruits on the trees - the onset of a favorable time for the fulfillment of the dreamer's desires. He should think carefully about his goals and boldly move forward. If the apples hang too high, closer to the top of the tree, the sleeper should not set the bar too high in his desires and dreams. Fruits falling to the ground warn the dreamer against flatterers and imaginary friends who could cause harm.

    Moon apple?

    The interpretation of the dream depends on the state of the fruit. If the apples are ripe, then the sleeping person is waiting happy marriage. When they are immature there is damage. Baked fruits are self-interest. Sweet and delicious apples- to fun and prosperity, and wine - to great joy. White fruits mean success, and red fruits mean tears.

    Dream Interpretation of Grishina

    The apple is a symbol of love relationships, temptations, as well as clarity and certainty. Picking these fruits means great luck and fulfillment of desires. Cleaning them means frustration and disappointment. Eating sweet apples is a good sign, but sour ones are a sign of sadness and some kind of compulsion.

    Dream Interpretation of Winter

    What you dream about big apples(especially if they are ripe and strong) can be called a great success. Seeing them on trees means plans will come true. Buying fruits and eating them is a very good sign. Not being able to reach the apples on the tree is a risk due to excessive ambition. Cutting a fruit means some controversial situation that will negatively affect business. Green apples indicate that there will definitely be success and plans will come true, but you need to be patient. But if they taste sweet, luck will come to the sleeper before he expects it.

    Juicy fruit symbolizes endless life, love, fullness. Subconsciously, a garden with fruits reflects renewal, a cycle. What does it mean if you dream about an apple?

    This is a rather complex symbol that is closely associated with the love, sensual sphere. The dream does not necessarily indicate sexual relations. It can report on family or work relationships.

    There is a red apple - pleasant communication can be deceptive. Especially when it comes to followers social life. For the business sphere, the dream book interprets this symbol as receiving promising offers. In personal life, picking a red apple or buying one is a sign of the “forbidden fruit”, the partner to whom one is attracted.

    When there is more than one fruit

    A lot of fruit is not the best best sign. If you dream of apples, get ready for conflicts. There is room for discord in all areas of activity. The exception is large fruits, which the dreamer is in no hurry to pick.

    A walk through an orchard means that relationships will be characterized by harmony and tranquility.

    Miller's dream book considers a lot of fruits on a tree from the perspective of a possible meeting of your soul mate. Your deepest desire may come true, personal project. But for this, Miller’s dream book recommends being active and purposeful.

    Seeing a lot of apples and pears means experiencing pleasure, realizing your skills and knowledge, and encountering unexpected changes in life. The dreamer will be able to get a chance to participate in a variety of events and get vivid sensations.

    If there is a lot of fruit and they are in a bag, you need to develop professionally and spiritually. There is not enough knowledge and wisdom to solve the assigned problems. If the basket contains apples and pears, the dreamer is limited in his knowledge, which prevents him from moving up the career ladder.

    What fruits did you see?

    Picking a ripe apple, taking it as a gift or buying it - you will receive a promising offer. This dream may symbolize a declaration of feelings or a marriage proposal.


    The color of the fetus can emphasize its belonging to a personal relationship.

    • Large red apples that have to be torn from a tree or picked up from the ground mean success in love.
    • Seeing green fruits means the dreamer does not strive to show serious feelings.
    • Dreaming of apples yellow color? They symbolize good health. The fact that the dreamer wants to develop, strives for this, is evidenced by a dream where he reaches for a branch on which yellow fruits hang.
    • I dreamed about apples white? Soon events will occur that the dreamer has been waiting for a very long time. For brides, such a dream informs about an imminent wedding, for entrepreneurs - about success in business.

    Why do you dream of green apples? Miller's dream book examines the dream from a warning perspective. A sleeping person is not ready to make responsible decisions regarding his future. The reason for this is the fear of making a mistake. Because of this, problems will begin to arise in the future.

    Spoiled Fruit

    Why do you dream about rotten apples? The dreamer expects losses and disappointments. Dried fruit is a sign that hopes are not destined to come true. Projects will not be implemented.

    Seeing a lot of rotten fruit in a dream means a number of failures will occur, you may encounter disappointments in the love sphere, your hopes and beliefs will turn out to be empty. The dream foreshadows that the inability to get off the ground will lead to depression. Collecting rotten, wormy apples means emotional devastation and negative thoughts.


    Do you dream about apples that you have to pick from the ground? This is a symbol of the fact that an award will soon be received for the successful solution of assigned tasks, for demonstrated dedication, activity and curiosity.

    A dream where you had to pick apples and pears symbolizes that you will be able to achieve not only prosperity, but also spiritual harmony. If you dreamed that you started picking fruit from a tree, it means that you have a desire to build strong, reliable relationships and achieve financial stability.

    Stealing apples, picking them from a tree in someone else's garden - lacks decisiveness in reality. Low self-esteem hinders progress. The dream speaks of psychological instability. The dreamer is not capable of making responsible decisions. Take a few days off or a vacation, take a break from everything, not now best time for action.

    Do you have to wash apples? You need to constantly adapt to new, unfamiliar conditions. Perhaps this is due to business trips. The dream suggests that the dreamer often shows doubts and slowness.

    Do you dream about the apples you started buying? The dream is a reflection of a lack of communication, sensuality, and attention from members of the opposite sex. A dream can also speak of the presence of potential, using which you will be able to achieve dizzying successes in business.

    Treat yourself to apples - you love to share your experience and positivity with people around you. The dream symbolizes a gift, valuable advice. Miller's dream book pays great attention to the color of fruits. Red symbolizes emotions, green symbolizes knowledge, and yellow symbolizes help.

    Eating an apple in a dream means receiving information, analyzing it, comprehending it. Juicy, large fruits hint that you will soon be able to move up the career ladder. However, this will require maximum effort.

    Sweet apples symbolize sensual pleasures. If you dreamed of sour fruits, the love sphere will bring a lot of disappointments.

    Apple dishes

    Jam made from apples symbolizes sweet life, receiving good news, the opportunity to travel together. Seeing a fruit pie will be a surprise that will bring a lot of joy. The dream suggests that fate will soon present bonuses.

    WITH Onnik considers baked apples as a symbol of harmony. The dreamer is satisfied with absolutely everything in life. However, a dream can also symbolize fears and reluctance to take responsibility.

    Did you dream about soaked apples? This means that you will experience a delay in business and decisions. The reason may lie in the presence of negative thoughts, serious problems. Fatigue can also have a negative impact on business. It is recommended to rest before taking important decision, make a leap forward.

    Eating dried apples means trying to conceive a child this month will be unsuccessful. The dream may indicate problems in the financial sector. Perhaps the dreamer is suffering from loss of inspiration, poor health, or lack of communication. You can’t give all your attention to failures; you need to distract yourself and devote time to yourself.

    What else can fruits tell you?

    If most important for a sleeping person financial sector, a dream where you started buying or picking apples will symbolize success, which will help strengthen material stability.

    If you previously had to work a lot and hard, pick large fruits or look at them, experiencing bright emotions, you will receive a significant amount of money.

    Why do you dream of an apple tree with apples? Blooming tree, hung with fruits, may indicate that the dreamer is expecting changes in life. The dream can also hint at the need to make a responsible decision.

    Saw fruit tree in a dream? This means it’s time to prepare for special events, success, and prosperity. The apple tree is able to reflect the ancestral power. The strength of the support provided by relatives and close friends will depend on how powerful the dreamed tree was. Large, juicy, red apples serve as a symbol of great health.

    How are these dreams related to pregnancy?

    Apples are usually identified with sin. However, there are dreams that can be associated with other areas of human life and physiological changes in organism. For example, with pregnancy.

    A dream where you were able to see sprouted apple seeds may indicate that you will soon be able to conceive a child. The dream is trying to tell a pregnant woman that the baby will be born healthy and strong.

    Why do you dream about picking apples? Fruits can serve as a symbol of abundance, prosperity, and high potential that must be passed on to the future generation.

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