How to lose 5 kg in a week sample menu. Weekly diet. Video: Apple diet options

Extra pounds on the body always cause a lot of problems. They pick up very quickly, but are reset with great difficulty, which is why few cope with this task. The dress is too small, the trousers cannot be pulled over the legs, the blouse cannot be buttoned - that’s just small part problems people face after gaining weight. And at one turning point, the clear words “enough is enough, you need to do something” appear in your head, because further on the weight will be even greater.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is find the best one for yourself. The best way losing weight, which will not cause harm and will improve your well-being. Below is fast weight loss in just five days. This dietary food will not be harmful to the body and will help remove toxins.

Just a week to lose weight, rules

Is it possible to lose 5 kg in a week, but avoid fasting and heavy training? Of course yes. A week is a very short period of time, so large physical exercise, breathing exercises, correct routine days and other methods will not give visible results.

The only and correct solution This task is to follow a certain diet. There are a lot of plotting charts proper nutrition, so everyone chooses their own diet.

To find out how to lose 5 kg in a week, you need to adhere to four basic rules, namely:

  • Choose a diet that contains foods that are familiar to you. It is forbidden to switch to very meager, monotonous diets, as they are harmful to humans.
  • The new nutrition schedule should not be radically opposite to the previous one. There is no need to test your willpower.
  • Be realistic about your capabilities, because you won’t be able to lose 20 kg in just a week. Very often with such a rapid drop extra pounds oh, they come back quickly.
  • The diet should be chosen in such a way that excess weight does not return again. After losing weight, do not stop and always adhere to proper nutrition.

We use a mono-diet

Enough the hard way for weight loss, which not everyone can handle. This diet is difficult psychologically, since only one product is used. But if you need an effective diet that will help you lose 5 kg in a week, then this is not bad option. Its very often

used by artists who need to bring themselves back to normal in the shortest possible time, or get better again. In this case, a person eats only one product for a whole week. Therefore, it is better to immediately tune in to it, like a medicine, and endure it for 7 days. There are two main foods that are suitable for this diet.

Kefir diet

The kefir diet is considered the most stringent, so it is chosen by strong, strong-willed people. If you stick to it, you will lose one kilogram a day. The essence of the diet is to drink 1.5 liters of kefir every day. As an additional snack, you can choose cottage cheese, baked potatoes, fruits, chicken breast. Only one product is selected, which can be added for the first 5 days. On day 6 you can only drink water and kefir.

Buckwheat diet

The second option for a mono-diet is eating steamed buckwheat. To do this you need to rinse well buckwheat and pour boiling water over it, leaving it for one night. There are no restrictions on the consumption of steamed buckwheat, but it is advisable to eat it in small portions six times a day, the last dose of the product three hours before bedtime, that is, before 21 or 22 hours.

You are allowed to drink low-fat kefir for a week, preferably with 0% fat content, maximum 1 liter per day. Kefir can be replaced with green apples, a maximum of three pieces per day.

Low calorie diets

To lose 5 kg in a week without using physical exercise, you can use a diet that contains minimal calories. That is, the body begins to take energy from its internal reserves, which have accumulated over the years, reducing excess weight. People call this diet a starvation diet. What is the essence of the diet?

Of course, there must be proper nutrition and adherence to the rules. For example, the norm for a common meal for women should not exceed 200 grams, and for a man 300 grams, meals six times a day. In terms of calories of foods consumed, for women: 1300 kcal, and for men 1700 kcal. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

Weekly diets - get a beautiful figure in just 7 days

At its core, a weekly diet is similar to any express weight loss methods. Of course, a person greatly limits himself to his favorite food, but on the other hand, he gets rid of hated kilograms and gains beautiful figure in just a week. To achieve results, you need to stick to the diet for 7-10 days.

Lemonade-kefir diet

The day begins with breakfast, for which you should prepare special lemonade. To do this, squeeze the juice out of two pieces of lemon and add 250 ml of water to it. It is prohibited to add honey or sugar to the drink.

  • Half an hour before breakfast you should drink a glass of this lemonade.
  • Next, you can eat a salad from the following products: apple, pear, tangerine, orange. The salad is dressed with yogurt with minimal fat content, that is, no more than 2%.
  • For lunch you can eat fresh fruits or vegetables, but potatoes should be excluded. It is forbidden to salt food. If desired vegetable salad season with olive oil and lemon juice. The portions should not be large, so you should place the bed on a medium-sized plate.
  • You can drink low-fat kefir throughout the day.
  • Dinner starts at 18-19 hours. Perfect option- not sweet green tea, or some fruit salad. This lemonade-kefir diet gives excellent results in losing extra pounds in just a few days. It is very important to switch to proper nutrition without causing much stress to the body.

Buckwheat diet

If extreme weight loss and diets do not produce results, then you should use a strict buckwheat diet, thanks to which you can actually lose 5 kg in seven days. After all, buckwheat is the most suitable product for burning fat.

It provides saturation and cleanses the body, removing toxins from it. For this they cook buckwheat porridge on water and eat it 3-4 times a day in small portions. Cottage cheese with zero fat content is used as one additional product. A mandatory rule is that porridge cannot be salted or peppered or spices added to it.

The second option for the buckwheat diet is to steam the buckwheat overnight. In the morning, kefir is poured into it and eaten. This dish is consumed throughout the day. Butter, sugar, salt and spices cannot be added. It is strictly forbidden to eat bread.

You can drink low-fat kefir throughout the day, but not more than 1.5 liters per day. Thanks to this effective diet, you can lose five or more kilograms in just a week. And if the first two days of such a diet went well, then you can continue it for 10 days, and then repeat it a month later. Additional foods and drinks cannot be added to this diet, and alcohol is prohibited.

Five steps to losing weight without dieting

Fitness and physical education

Any physical activity has a positive effect on excess kilograms. Therefore, learn one main rule - you need to run every morning. Of course, at first it will be very difficult, there will be excuses: bad weather, headache, no time, Bad mood– all this needs to be thrown out of your head.

After all, you can lose 5 kg without diets and other tortures. Overcome laziness and run every morning. In just three weeks, your body will get used to it, and you will easily run several kilometers, and your kilograms will melt before your eyes.

As alternative method Classes in a fitness club, which are selected for a person individually, are suitable. Despite the fact that fitness shows excellent results in the fight against excess weight, it has certain contraindications.


If you have health problems, you should be careful about physical activity. But even in this case, you can find a solution to the problem, because for any disease, the doctor can authorize special physical education complexes that will help you lose weight and improve your health.

Positive attitude

How to lose 5 kg in a week and lose belly fat? Regardless of what is used - physical education or protein diet, a person should be positive, as this is half of his success. All our results lie in the head, as they depend on thoughts, mood, motivation.

Therefore, if a person is serious about losing weight, then meat, cakes and sugary drinks will not be able to stop him on the way to his goal.

To do this, you need to create a suitable mental form for yourself, that is, an image of your future perfect figure. And at the most difficult moment, when you are on the verge of a breakdown, imagine yourself slim, beautiful, in a chic outfit. After such motivation, the desire to eat a piece of meat, lard or cutlet will immediately disappear. Believe in your strength and your body will not let you down.

Balanced nutrition for every day

The first thing to start losing weight is reviewing your diet. Eliminate everything from your diet fried foods, fast food, desserts, cakes, lard and fatty meat. Give preference to lean boiled meat, vegetables and fruits. Make berry jelly and fruit smoothies for breakfast.

Your daily menu should include berries, fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs.

In order not to forget anything and not to waste your body, hang a list of foods by glycemic index on the refrigerator. For example, the higher this index, the more dangerous this product is for the figure. Constantly monitor the product index, choosing the right ones.

Ban on fat-burning drugs

Many have seen pharmacy advertisements for effective fat-burning drugs, tablets, powders, dietary supplements and other things. Allegedly, these miracle teas, tablets, coffee drinks and powders give excellent results. According to their manufacturers, a person does not need to go to the gym, but can eat anything and as much as he wants.

Just a dream, not pills. However, in reality, all these drugs become the beginning of the development dangerous diseases, as they can destroy the liver, disrupt metabolism and cause problems in the body. Diarrhea and abdominal pain are only minimal manifestations of taking these drugs. Therefore, never buy a miracle pill for quick weight loss.

Cosmetics, all the pros and cons

If you need to lose 5 kg and get rid of cellulite, then the first thing you need to start with is proper nutrition and exercise, which will tighten the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, abdomen and other parts of the body. All kinds of cosmetic gels, scrubs, masks and wraps will not reduce your volume, and your skin will not become smooth. All this is money wasted. It’s better to buy a gym membership for this amount and slowly watch how your plump figure turns into a slender and toned body.

Finding a woman who is 100% happy with her own figure is very difficult. Most of the fair sex want to improve their body. Most affordable way to do this is to resort to a simple diet for weight loss, which will be easy to follow at home.

If you eat low-calorie foods for a week and adhere to the basic principles of proper nutrition (for example: drink only 1 glass in the morning), then at the end of the diet you may well notice a minus several kilograms on the scales. Losing weight will not turn into torture if you do not put yourself in strict limits, but simply correctly adjust your diet. The advice of professional nutritionists collected in the article will help you do this.

Easy diet for the lazy for a week

How to lose weight easily and quickly without feeling a constant feeling of hunger and the desire to break off another diet? It is necessary to create a meal schedule for weight loss and stick to it exactly. The digestive organs are designed in such a way that if you eat irregularly, they can malfunction, and then the metabolic process slows down, slowing down the process of losing weight. To see the coveted minus of several kilograms on the scales, you will have to stick to correct mode nutrition.

To survive the whole week, you must choose a light diet that does not allow you to break down. Home conditions are suitable for following the principles of proper nutrition, on which you can lose about 3-4 kg within seven days.

A typical diet for the lazy, which does not require special restrictions and the purchase of exotic and expensive products for weight loss:

  • your entire daily diet should be divided into 5 parts;
  • you need to eat every three hours;
  • one serving should weigh no more than 200 g and fit in the palm of your hand;
  • Before each meal you need to drink a glass of water so that weight loss occurs quickly;
  • completely exclude from the diet of a light diet high-calorie foods with a high percentage of fat content (cakes, sweets, buns, cakes);
  • instead of sugar, eat natural honey;
  • reduce salt intake;
  • give up processed foods and cook only from fresh ingredients;
  • give up sausages and smoked meats, replacing them with chicken or beef fillet.

This way you can easily lose 7 kg in a week or even more.

Compliance with such rules will lead to minus 3 kg after a week. There are other easy weekly diet rules for teenagers:

  • give up sweet soda, chips, salted nuts and crackers;
  • drink more clean water, love compotes made from fresh fruits and berries;
  • give up fast food and eat homemade food;
  • be sure to have breakfast in the morning - for example, a sandwich with wholemeal bread with butter, chicken fillet, cucumber and tomato;
  • eat sweets in the morning;
  • give preference to dark chocolate over milk chocolate;
  • include fresh vegetables in your diet.

Compliance with these simple rules will lead to sustainable weight loss. Even a light diet, provided it is followed accurately, will provide minus 3-4 kg on the scales.

If you adhere to the principles of the Mediterranean diet for a long time (and not just for a week), you can not only lose weight, but also cleanse your body.

Basic principles

The weight loss menu for every day involves following the basic principles of a diet for the lazy. To be guaranteed to lose minus 3-5 kg ​​in a week with a light diet, you should completely give up some foods. The following should be prohibited:

  • fried and cooked with big amount fat dishes;
  • mayonnaise and other similar high-calorie sauces;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • confectionery, White bread and any baked goods;
  • sweet soda, pure sugar;
  • sweet fruits (grapes and bananas);
  • starchy vegetables (primarily potatoes);
  • pasta, white rice and all instant cereals.

To see the long-awaited minus on the scales after a light diet for a week, you will have to include the following weight loss products in your diet:

  • fresh seasonal vegetables;
  • seasonal unsweetened fruits and berries;
  • unprocessed cereals (buckwheat, brown rice, pearl barley, wheat, oatmeal);
  • lean meat (beef, rabbit) and poultry (except duck and goose);
  • eggs and butter;
  • olive and sunflower oil(unrefined);
  • seeds and nuts.

Simple and effective method losing weight at home - make your usual portion half as much. Remove all sugar from it and give up bread. This is the easiest diet that allows you to get rid of at least minus 2 kg in a week.

Menu for the week

A light diet for the lazy for a week is well tolerated by the body. Before you start losing weight, you need to create an approximate menu for every day that will allow you to lose minus 2-3 kg.

Menu for a week with a lazy diet:


  • breakfast – a portion of buckwheat porridge with tomato and hard cheese;
  • dinner - chicken soup, cabbage salad, boiled fillet;
  • afternoon snack – a glass of kefir with berries;
  • dinner - hard-boiled egg, vegetable salad and yogurt.


  • a portion oatmeal with milk and apple;
  • pea puree, cucumber salad and a few slices of lean ham;
  • cottage cheese casserole with fruit;
  • grilled beef fillet and vegetables.


  • two sandwiches of fitness bread, ham and hard cheese;
  • vegetable stew and rice porrige with meat;
  • fruit salad dressed with yogurt;
  • grilled vegetables and fish.


  • cottage cheese casserole with berries and kefir;
  • meatball soup and coleslaw;
  • cheesecakes with raisins and honey;
  • stewed rabbit and rice.


  • a portion pearl barley porridge and omelette;
  • borscht on chicken broth and baked chicken fillet with vegetables;
  • curd snack with dried apricots;
  • steamed fish cutlets and vegetables.


  • fitness bread sandwiches with mozzarella and tomatoes;
  • stewed beans with chicken meat and vegetables;
  • cottage cheese casserole and orange;
  • meatballs from minced chicken and rice


  • a portion of oatmeal with milk and yogurt;
  • vegetable stew and light seafood salad with vegetables;
  • a handful of berries and yogurt;
  • pancakes made from oatmeal and grated apple with kefir.

If you strictly adhere to this method of eating and follow a light diet, you can easily lose weight in lost kg and lose noticeable weight in a week. You need to show your will, and the result will not keep you waiting.

How much weight can you lose?

How much can you lose in a week on a light diet? Minus 5 kg per week - how realistic is such weight loss? Is it possible to lose minus 7 kg in a week?

Some women decide to limit themselves to food as much as possible, hoping to see minus 10 kg on the scale in a week. In fact, no light diet will give such results. The maximum you can count on is a loss of minus 2-3 kg in 7 days, with a fairly strict restriction in food. Doctors strictly prohibit losing weight more than this figure, since such weight loss can negatively affect some body functions. You need to lose weight comfortably, gradually losing weight, then it will not come back after finishing a light diet. An easy diet for the lazy for a week is good way cleanse the intestines of toxins, remove the stomach a little, lose minus a few kg and give the body an incentive to further lose weight.

Easy and effective diet - 15 kg in 2 weeks

Rapid weight loss in 2 weeks is possible if you create a very strict diet and stick to it strictly every day. Excess weight will begin to go away at the end of the first week, and after two weeks of a light diet you can see about minus 10-15 kg. on the scales (the exact figure depends on the initial weight of the person losing weight).

Sample menu of a light diet for 7 days, to which can be repeated 2 times in a row :


  • breakfast– a portion of oatmeal with water and low-fat kefir;
  • dinner– a portion of vegetable stew and boiled chicken;
  • afternoon tea– a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • dinner– Greek low-fat yogurt and berries.


  • buckwheat porridge and hard-boiled egg;
  • steamed fish cakes and coleslaw;
  • curd snack with prunes;
  • grilled cod.


  • a portion of oatmeal with raisins;
  • stewed beans with tomatoes;
  • grapefruit;
  • boiled egg and tomato salad.


  • omelette with tomatoes;
  • pea soup with croutons;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • grilled carp and vegetables.


  • a portion of oatmeal with dried apricots;
  • boiled rice and chicken fillet;
  • apple;
  • seafood salad.


  • cottage cheese pancakes with berries;
  • chicken broth with a piece of fillet and coleslaw;
  • grapefruit;
  • steamed fish cutlet with rice.


  • casserole with cheese;
  • vegetable stew with veal;
  • fruit salad dressed with low-fat yogurt;
  • grilled veal with vegetables.

If you use the light diet menu two times in a row, at the end of two weeks you can see minus 10 kg or more on the scale.

Weight Loss Results

Any easy diet requires some effort of will and patience. You can't expect the extra pounds to evaporate on their own. To lose weight quickly, you will have to greatly reduce your caloric intake. Eating the most simple products, and by eliminating all the harmful components of the light diet menu, you can cleanse your body of toxins, get rid of excess fluid and lose about 4 kg in one week.

Photos of results:

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is :)

Mar 2 2016


Constant stress, poor diet, and hard work often have a negative impact on weight. Currently there are many different ways to get rid of excess body weight, but the most accessible and popular means is still considered to be a reduction in food intake. The one-week diet is a simple system, during which the waist size can decrease by 5 cm. Effective diet for a week it will create a feeling of lightness throughout the body.

Nedelka belongs to the group of express systems that very quickly help you lose weight by 5 kg in a week. The point is that you need to stick to a certain scheme food for seven days (where the name comes from), while each day you can consume only one food group in combination with permitted ingredients. Moreover, you need to sharply limit the number of kilocalories consumed.

How to lose 5 kg in a week

Many girls still don’t know how to lose 5 kg in a week. At the same time, you need to understand that any nutrition system that is designed for seven days has its own rules. This also applies to diet. The menu should be designed so that you can eat at least three times a day. While observing the week, you need to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at designated times. In addition to the main meals, there should be 2 more snacks. During the diet, you should give up fatty foods, alcoholic drinks, and try to do physical exercise.

Water diet

Any diet is based on reducing calories and changing your usual diet. The water diet is an easy, effective way to lose weight quickly in a week. It will help you lose weight and normalize your intestines. The main thing in this system is to drink water correctly! Due to the fact that we often mistake the thirst signal for a hunger command, a water diet can teach us to correctly recognize these signals. Drinking water half an hour before eating will help avoid overeating. A glass drunk two hours after eating will eliminate high-calorie snacks. Find out in more detail how effective it is.

Kefir diet

A light express diet for a week with kefir fully corresponds to its name: the main product is a popular fermented milk drink. Although in six days of the basic diet of the kefir system, you can add any one low-calorie product to low-fat kefir, for example, greens and cucumbers, fruits. The method of losing weight using kefir in some schemes involves limiting fermented milk liquid to 500 ml per day. During the diet, black tea, coffee, sugar, and salt should be excluded. You can drink without restrictions Herb tea and clean plain water.

Strict diet

It is known that a strict diet for a week for weight loss is suitable for women who decide to quickly get rid of unnecessary weight. According to the rules of the strict system, you cannot eat hot seasonings, garlic, onions, flour products, or sugar. You should only drink half a glass of water a day, coffee and herbal tea. A strict regime is considered a vegetarian diet, thanks to which the body is cleansed of toxins. The downside is that it is not recommended to follow such a diet for more than a week, because the body may weaken due to lack nutrients.

Sample menu for the week


2nd breakfast


piece rye bread, vegetable salad, glass of milk

cottage cheese 2%, black bread

vegetable soup,

rye bread, vegetable salad

boiled fish, rye bread

oatmeal, glass of milk, rye bread

boiled egg, vegetable salad, piece of rye bread with butter

glass of milk, rye bread

vegetarian soup, boiled veal, rye bread

milk, vegetable salad, rye bread

a piece of cheese, a spoonful of honey, rye bread

milk, rye bread

vegetable soup, boiled chicken, vegetable salad, rye bread

green tea, a piece of rye bread with butter

vegetable salad black bread, milk

low-fat cottage cheese, rye bread

minestrone soup, vegetable salad

boiled fish, rye bread

cereals, kefir

boiled egg, butter, rye bread

kefir and rye bread

boiled meat, vegetarian soup, lettuce

vegetable salad, rye bread

butter, cheese and black bread

milk, rye bread

boiled chicken, vegetable soup, salad

green tea, butter, rye bread


buckwheat porridge without oil, a glass of kefir

any fresh fruit except grapes and bananas

vegetable salad, boiled fish, apple

vegetable salad, fruit and a glass of kefir


Experts advise those losing weight a few days before the diet to mentally prepare themselves for the fact that any restriction in food will only be beneficial, and in the end you will achieve the updated ideal figure that you have so dreamed of. A one-week weight loss diet is a quick way that will help you get rid of those hated pounds for a long time.

Beauty for female representatives is a purpose or even a duty. But in order to always stay in good shape, you need to work hard on yourself, for which modern world gives few opportunities: either there is no time, or the body is already exhausted from other work and refuses to work on its appearance.

In this article we will look at possible diet options on how to achieve weight loss by 5 kg in a week quickly and easily.

Excess weight is a problem for many girls of our time. If this was not considered a century ago of great importance, Today perfect body presented as a standard of beauty whenever possible. For this reason, many are driven by the desire to get closer to the ideal of society, get rid of complexes and give the opportunity to feel desired and worthy of love.

Exhaustive diets and regular workouts usually reflected in appearance only after a significant period of time, but you want to be beautiful here and now.

But what to do if in a week you need to appear before society in a chic dress, which has long only emphasized the ugly folds on the body? Of course, muster up the courage and work intensively on your body for at least a week.

Due to the time limitation of the diet, you will need to change the regimen and diet of each day of the week.

Achieving the effect is possible using:

  • Limit your daily diet to one healthy and very dietary product. This method is suitable for women who are not afraid of a monotonous and dull menu.
  • A sharp decrease in calorie intake throughout the week.
  • Using special drugs for weight loss. Such drugs usually contain substances that accelerate metabolism and burn muscle mass, so they can be bad for your health.
  • Wraps and use of various body scrubs.

Weekly diets are interpreted in two ways: on the one hand, they are effective for improving the contours of the figure, on the other hand, they can have a bad effect on general condition body. Therefore, you need to choose them very carefully, based on individual characteristics and common benefit both for health and figure.

Also, do not forget that the lost kilograms after grueling fasting can return very quickly and rapidly. To prevent this from happening, it is not recommended to quickly switch to the previous diet. Most best method– consult with a nutritionist who will select the most suitable product for your body and determine your daily norm calories.

Popular diets: how to lose 5 kg in a week?

The most affordable and harsh way is to refuse food and replace it with water. This method guarantees excellent results and can be used in the form fasting days, is able to help the body cleanse itself of toxins and continue to work with renewed vigor.

Due to the lack of food supply, human body will begin to intensively feed on the necessary energy from the accumulated reserves of fat on the body.

It is worth noting that this method of losing weight is not suitable for everyone and its duration should be short - up to 3 days. The very next day of fasting, you need to add low-calorie and healthy foods to your diet in the form of kefir, lean porridge, vegetables and fruits. If during this diet you feel general malaise, feel nauseous and feel dizzy, this method is not for you and should be abandoned in favor of a more gentle diet.

Diet based on the consumption of kefir

This method is quite simple - a woman refuses junk food in favor of an irreplaceable product rich in the most useful material, improving bowel function. You can combine kefir with buckwheat, yoghurt, fruits and vegetables throughout the week. As a result, about 3-5 kg ​​are lost in a week.

Buckwheat diet for 5 kg per week for the lazy

Women who lose weight using this type of diet are able to lose 1 extra kilogram per day. The main product in the diet is steamed buckwheat. You can also use fruit, kefir and water.

No carbohydrate diet

This method of losing weight can cope with 4 kg in a week by eliminating fats and carbohydrates from the daily diet. The main product is proteins and a very small amount of healthy and complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals. In this case, you need to eat strictly on a schedule and in limited quantities.

Lose weight by 5 kg in a week by drinking exclusively some type of freshly squeezed juice for a week. This method is very popular among models and stars. The effect is good, but it causes great harm to health.

Fasting diet 5 kg in 5 days by Margarita Koroleva

  • 1 liter of low-fat kefir
  • at least 2 liters of water
  • 1 boiled potato
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese
  • 2 cucumbers and a quarter of chicken

You need to eat on a schedule at regular intervals. As a result, you lose 2-3 extra kilos in a week.

Simple diets for losing weight by 5 kg

Achieve desired result can be done with the help of very affordable products available in almost every kitchen. To do this, you just need to carefully follow the recommendations and not give in to food whims.

Losing weight with green tea

This method consists of drinking green tea as the main drink of the diet. In addition to tea, you can eat oatmeal, carrots, apples, and dried fruits. Only honey and lemon can be added to tea; sugar is contraindicated.

This diet helps you lose 5 kg in a week, improve your overall well-being and metabolism thanks to the low-calorie content of green tea. You can take different types of tea - either ready-made store-bought or brewed based on available herbs (linden, wormwood, fireweed, chamomile, St. John's wort, etc.).

Carrot-protein diet

This diet is perfect for a weakened body after an illness; it is less intense and harsh than others.

Daily ration for this diet:

  • Breakfast – 1 boiled egg and one raw carrot. On an empty stomach you can drink water and a tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Throughout the day you can drink water, green tea without sugar, and low-fat kefir.
  • In the evening we repeat the morning menu.
  • At night - low-fat kefir.

This method of losing weight results in lightening the body by 4-5 kg ​​per week, while the body is saturated with energy and is not exhausted.

Protein diet

This diet is based on eating only protein foods. Protein is an indispensable product for the normal functioning of the body, which helps to gain muscle mass and takes part in metabolic processes.

The diet is designed for a maximum of 7 days, since the body also needs fats and carbohydrates for its normal functioning, supplying the body with the necessary energy.

Sample daily menu:

  • Breakfast – 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs
  • Lunch and dinner – 200 g low-fat cottage cheese
  • In between, you are allowed to drink green tea without sugar, low-fat kefir and plain water.

As a result of the diet, the body becomes slimmer by 3-5 kg ​​per week. You can repeat the course only after a month, but it is not recommended to overload the body with high-calorie foods immediately after it. In this case, the kilograms can return very quickly.

5 kg weight loss program using dairy and fermented milk products

The main food product should be milk, with preference given to 1% fat milk or domestic cow's milk from which sour cream has already been collected. In one day you should drink at least 1 liter of fresh milk, taking a glass every 3-4 hours.

If drinking milk alone is unbearable, you can allow yourself a few dried fruits and oatmeal in the morning. Also don't forget about water. The diet should not last more than 7 days.

Yoghurt-fruit diet

This method of losing weight will be an excellent opportunity not only to lose a couple of extra pounds, but also to thoroughly enjoy tasty and healthy food. Losing weight and eating delicious food at the same time – isn’t it a dream?

The diet is based on different kinds fresh fruit and natural homemade yogurt. As fruits, it is better to give preference to fruits that have a positive effect on metabolism:

  • apple
  • grapefruit
  • orange
  • a pineapple

You can also diversify the menu with dried fruits, among which the most useful are prunes and dates.

Daily diet options:

Option 1

  • Morning: a glass of yogurt and any fruit of your choice
  • Lunch: mix yogurt with several types of fruits and dried fruits
  • In the evening - one grapefruit, 200 g of boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad with vegetable oil and lemon juice

Option 2

  • In the morning, mix a handful of berries and fruits with a glass of yogurt
  • For lunch you can eat a couple of pieces of pineapple, 2-3 dried fruits
  • Evening: 200 g of boiled turkey, lettuce, 2-3 tangerines and 2 peaches for dessert

At the same time, do not forget to drink plain water throughout the day.

Option 3

  • Morning: oatmeal with yogurt, banana and berries.
  • Lunch: puree one banana with fruit (2-3 pieces) in a blender and season with apple juice.
  • Evening: 200 g of baked fish, pre-soaked in lemon juice, cabbage salad, dressed with olive oil and green tea without sugar.

During all 7 days of this diet, you can fantasize with the chosen fruit or flavor of yogurt, coming up with various combinations. In between meals, you need to drink plenty of water, green tea and freshly squeezed juice.

Exercises to lose weight by 5 kg per week

To make the effect of diets even more noticeable, you need to combine them with physical activity. It should be taken into account that any load requires required quantity energy, so diets rich in carbohydrates and protein in the right amount are suitable.

To make muscles gain faster required forms, the diet should include various cereals(except semolina), egg white, boiled chicken breast, lots of fruits and vegetables. Achieving an effect of 5 kg in a week has a rather debilitating effect on the body, so physical activity should be feasible, and if you want to eat after exercise, the choice should fall on healthy foods.

Physical activity that promotes rapid weight loss:

  • Don't forget about your daily morning exercises. Carrying out even the most banal and simple exercises will speed up metabolism, nourish the body with energy and help it awaken. With a moderate diet balanced diet A short jog in the morning will also do.
  • If the chosen diet allows you to exercise more intensely, try to put more stress on your body in the morning. Lighter exercises are suitable for the evening. This method of training allows you to burn 25% more calories.
  • The effect of performing exercises can be improved weight vest ( The optimal weight of the vest is 10% of the entire body). You can also use weights on your legs and arms.
  • Choose basic exercises, able to use several muscles at the same time. These include different types planks, squats, deadlifts, bench presses. Much attention should be paid to execution technique.

  • If it is not possible to exercise intensively, try to at least speed up the pace and increase the walking time.
  • To lose weight, the workout must be done at a very fast pace. In order not to gain muscle mass, you first need to lose subcutaneous fat through light weight training.
  • To lose weight, there should be about 15-20 repetitions of one exercise, 4 sets each, with a short period of time between them (30-40 seconds).

But don’t forget that before you go on a diet and start intensive weight loss, you need to love and accept yourself for who you are! A confident gait, proudly raised shoulders and a happy smile will be reflected in the best way on your appearance, and, perhaps, thanks to this, no one will notice a couple of extra kilos that are so tormenting your “I”!

Video: Diet for losing 5 kg in a week

On the eve of summer and in anticipation of beach pleasures, rapid weight loss is again gaining popularity. “Losing 5 kg in a week” is the motto of everyone who doesn’t want to embarrass themselves on vacation, but at the same time forgot to take care of their mental comfort and external attractiveness in advance. Skepticism in this matter is inappropriate: achieving the desired result is quite possible, it’s not for nothing that such a diet for a week is called “Minus 5 kg”. The reviews, by the way, are encouraging: a huge number of ladies, adhering to one of the options, went to the sea proudly and without embarrassment. It’s even more consoling that you won’t have to endure and resist temptations for so long. And an additional bonus is the wide selection of products. Among the abundance, everyone will find one that will be given to her without much suffering.

To begin with, you should choose the most harmonious diet for you for the week “Minus 5 kg”. Feedback from your side will add up to a general positive opinion, if you do not experience any particular unpleasant sensations while following it and do not acquire health problems. To prevent this from happening, you will have to take a number of actions in advance.

Kefir for figure

This is probably the most popular and proven diet for the week “Minus 5 kg”. Reviews say that, thanks to accompanying products, it is quite easy to experience, and is no less effective, and often more so than others. The basic principle is to drink one and a half liters of kefir every day (of course, not in one gulp, but distributing it throughout the day). The second condition, which many may consider harsh, is complete absence in food sugar or salt. The following products are recommended as additions to the drink (in quantities of one hundred grams, no more):

  1. Monday (usually this is where all relevant programs begin): five small potatoes, boiled or baked.
  2. Tuesday. Boiled chicken. Preferably fillet.
  3. Wednesday. Beef, a lean piece, and also boiled or steamed.
  4. Thursday. Fish. We can already guess the cooking process.
  5. Friday. Vegetables and fruits in any form, except fried, and with the exception of grapes, favorite potatoes and bananas.
  6. Saturday. Only kefir.
  7. Sunday. Only mineral water, and non-carbonated.

In the morning you can indulge in unsweetened tea or coffee. You can repeat the diet without harm to health only after a month.

Buckwheat weight loss

Even if you form your opinion about ways to lose weight based on “Reviews about...”, the “Minus 5 kg” diet should be considered primarily from the point of view of not causing damage to your own health. And in this regard, buckwheat is almost ideal. Firstly, this cereal supplies the body with all the necessary elements, so you are not in danger of hair loss or loose teeth. Secondly, it is quite filling - and you won’t have to faint from malnutrition either. And, thirdly, it does not create unsightly folds on the sides. You just need to cook the porridge correctly. The cereal is steamed in the evening: a glass of buckwheat is poured with two glasses of boiling water and left until the morning. You can have breakfast without resorting to boiling. Moreover, you can eat such porridge as much as you want, accompanying your meals with kefir (you are allowed to drink no more than a liter of it per day).


It’s not for nothing that this week’s slimming diet “Minus 5 kg” got its name: you can say that you don’t limit yourself in your taste preferences, you just spread the consumption of certain foods over different days. Approximately, for better understanding In principle, each day of the week can be given a conventional name.

You don't have to give up meat

The “5 kg per week” diet has different options. And if you are an active opponent of vegetarianism, there is one suitable for you too. The main thing here is the approach and adherence to some rules:

  • vegetables must be on the table, and at least a third of a kilo per day;
  • You can only drink tea (green) and still mineral water;
  • meat is prepared only by steaming or boiling, and the leanest piece is selected, and no more than four hundred grams are allowed to be eaten per day;
  • salads are dressed with lemon juice, even vegetable oil is removed from the list;
  • It is necessary to maintain equal intervals between meals.

Instead of meat, you can take fish. It is acceptable to eat one egg per day. Everything else - cereals, pasta, sauces, cheeses, sausages, etc. - is prohibited.

Apple weight loss

A very tough, but extremely effective method: no other will give you minus 5 kg in 5 days. The diet involves eating exclusively (almost) apples. Only allowed for drinking pure water and green tea without any additions. To prevent your stomach from becoming overwhelmed by the abundance of fruits, it is better to bake them and alternate between fresh and baked. Once a day, apples can be supplemented with a small slice and a piece of the low-fat cheese. It is advisable to choose sour fruits, but if you have sensitive tooth enamel or problems with stomach acidity, sweet fruits are also suitable (although the effect may be somewhat worse). Number of apples consumed: the first and last day - a kilogram, the second and penultimate - one and a half, the middle - two. For two days after finishing the diet, you can eat only vegetables, both fresh and baked or stewed. This way the gastrointestinal tract quickly adapts to the return of familiar products.

Various reviews

But are these really effective and how long will the results last? If we study the comments of people who used it in early autumn, during the season, we can conclude that the result obtained exceeded all expectations. Fortunately, there are a lot of apples at this time, and they are inexpensive. And if for a whole week you eat only these fruits of different varieties, mostly sweet and sour, and wash them down with fresh spring water, then by Sunday, as satisfied respondents assure, five kilograms are gone!

According to the girls, the five-day period is quite easily tolerated. If you start the course in the middle of summer, in extreme heat, you practically don’t want to eat. If consumed within five days up to two liters fermented milk product per day (divided into portions), you can lose at least five kilograms of weight. In any case, this is what the reviews indicate.

And buckwheat lovers who have chosen the appropriate nutrition plan (buckwheat five-day plan) have their own opinion on this matter. According to reviews of this category of people losing weight, the diet applied in gives simply stunning results: weight is lost quickly and, best of all, it does not return.

Finally, let’s see what experts say about this method of getting rid of extra pounds.

Nutritionists warn: even the mildest quick ways losing weight does not provide the body with everything necessary for its normal functioning. Yes, almost any diet for a week “Minus 5 kg” is effective - the reviews don’t lie. But judging by the doctors’ words, they mostly clean excess water from the body, and it quickly restores it. But damage to health, even if insignificant, is still caused. And if you stick to it regularly fast diets, the damage accumulates. It’s better to take a longer method of losing weight as a basis, but preserve what is given by nature.

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