Men born on November 22nd. Sagittarius - a characteristic of the zodiac sign

Zodiac sign Scorpion November 22 always feels the need to let go. For example, a girl will never recognize for herself only the role of a housewife and will strive for equality in every possible way. Moreover, she agrees to go through fire and water for this, but she will not give up her convictions. If she lacks courage, she will feel depressed. But this will not last long, as the thirst for freedom seizes her soon again. Men pick up on these trends. But as soon as they occupy a strong place in society, they can become one of those who were previously despised.

Character features

special November 22 absolutely do not care what the public thinks of her. Often Zodiac sign establishes his own rules and subordinates his life, tastes, thoughts and passions to them. In more serious matters, his morality wakes up, which may also not correspond to generally accepted standards. Not only personal freedom is important to him, but also universal. Of course, his constant speeches against the authorities, participation in agitation and protests cause a lot of discontent among his family and friends. He is advised to slow down and be less provocative, at least with his family and at work, since a lot depends on this. The habit of muddying the waters turns him into a troublemaker and a rebel. But these labels greatly prevent him from achieving more. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with hiding your true intentions and operate underground. So you will reach the goal and the image will not suffer.

If he succeeds in the impossible, and he realizes his idea, then he will not stay on the pedestal, because he still has a lot of work to do. He tries to cement his position and begins to pull all his loved ones upstairs. He will not stop being interested in the condition of the workers, the atmosphere in the team and decent pay. As soon as he has his children, he will begin to monitor their well-being. Interestingly, some immediately forget about their past and set their offspring to obey the dictated rules. Even if it encourages independence, it still limits it. As a result, the child sees a fake in the parent and will begin to resist. In old age, he will be nostalgic for the old days when he fought for what he believed in. He needs to remember noble desires, then he will not get bogged down in long-gone events.

November 22 - Zodiac sign

Scorpio man - born on November 22

The guy who appeared on November 22 is endowed with such qualities as fascination, endurance, intuitiveness and sensuality. Such a man is necessarily distinguished by determination, independence and authority. He practically does not pay attention to an extraneous point of view, and all his misdeeds are dictated own desire. He is fond of extreme sports, likes to take risks and participate in adventurous activities. Fall in love with an unpredictable, mysterious and almost inaccessible partner. It is important that he wants to achieve it and fight for attention to himself.

Scorpio woman - born on November 22

Representatives of November 22 are distinguished by mystery, the ability to manipulate, gloom, determination and self-confidence. A woman under the sign of Scorpio attracts with her passion and charm. There are many applicants around her, fighting among themselves for the right to be with a wonderful companion. Girls quickly fall in love and are romantic in nature. They plunge into love with their heads and are ready for anything for the sake of the one they let into their souls. But over time, they can become too demanding and jealous.

Birthday November 22

Scorpions, who appeared on November 22, move through life at the expense of amazing abilities. There are many talents and they manifest themselves in various fields. The zodiac unusually perceives the world through a rich imagination. Inner strength is enough to adequately face obstacles and troubles. You quickly get to know a Scorpio because of their kindness and their desire to help the people they love. A person is sincerely interested in other people's problems and tries to take part in the solution.

Before us is a 100% truth-seeker who cares about protecting the rights of the oppressed. The sign sincerely believes that he is doing a good deed, because justice becomes the main motivator. Therefore, it is not able to calmly pass by humiliated person. To help another, he is ready to sacrifice his resources. Despite the fact that this is a representative of the aggressive zodiac, he tries to achieve a peaceful solution to the conflict. Believes in the power of a balanced and reasoned dialogue. Scorpio has a lot of envious people, because he is a patient, strong and wise person. But still, at the expense of a good disposition, the majority manages to win over.

Representatives of November 22 always strive to gain maximum independence. Ready to fight for freedom all his life and his spirit is extremely difficult to break. In the first place in the list of values ​​puts honesty and justice. If you meet his requirements, you will receive a devoted friend and ally. The most important thing is to fight for justice for girls. These are the brightest feminists with an active civic position, which allows them to achieve a high social status. If they did not happen to participate in social activities, then it is important to maintain balance and not try to convey to everyone their innocence at any cost. Otherwise, there is a risk of taking the side of those against whom they fought.

On November 22, self-sufficient characters are born who are not accustomed to doubt. They do not care about the opinions of others, and a strong conviction in their own strength helps to move forward. Thanks to this, they develop both spiritually and professionally. They do not perceive fate as something inevitable, and believe that they themselves create their own future. We are convinced that our actions make this world more interesting.

Love and Compatibility

In a romantic relationship, he demonstrates himself as a sincere and faithful partner. Does not tend to flirt, so can remain monogamous and be attracted to one person. But even in marriage there should be some part of the freedom regarding communication with other people.

Ideally, the best alliance is guaranteed with Cancer or Pisces. The former are ready to give more than they receive in return, and attract Scorpios with their mystery. Pisces are overwhelmed with emotions and feelings, but they are happy to give the right of leadership in the family to their partner. They are able to extinguish the irascibility of the zodiac with their softness. Not the best option will be a representative of Aries, Leo or Scorpio. All of them belong to the category of leaders, so the family will begin bloody war for power. No one wants to give in, so there is only an option for short-term passion.

Work and career

November 22 introduces the world to ambitious and mature characters with an innate drive to succeed. Many manage to take a high position in the material and socially. But they remain dreamers who know how to act practically. It is important to understand that these are extraordinary personalities that combine mutually exclusive qualities. They look at life like true philosophers, but if necessary, they turn into ordinary inhabitants. One can only envy their ability to adapt.

For Scorpio, freedom is important, so it is difficult to keep them as a subordinate. They are responsible executors, ready to speak out against the misbehavior of management. They do not become bosses and like to work for themselves. Most often, this individual entrepreneurs. They show themselves both in business and in the creative field.

Health and disease

From birth, they received remarkable health, which they themselves can ruin. The greatest danger comes after 40 years. Surprisingly, Scorpio has a literally pathological fear of old age. But do not inject yourself or do plastic surgery. Under the ban serious physical activity. The benefits will come only from moderate activity, proper nutrition and daily routine. You may need to talk to a psychologist to get used to the idea of ​​aging.

fate and fortune

On November 22, characters devoid of mediocrity appear. They have responsiveness, kindness and craving for justice. Since they are spared from aggression, they promote their point of view peacefully and calmly. It is important for them not to start a conflict, but to put out a disagreement. For this, there are always many friends nearby. You can find yourself in the musical, theatrical or literary field. There are no problems with money.

It is important for Scorpio to realize themselves in work and the home circle. In addition, the freedom of choice should be preserved to the last. Therefore, you will have to be extremely scrupulous in choosing a partner, friends and work. It is best to reach the goal as a gray cardinal and not glow on the battlefield. Do not try to realize your potential with the help of children. Just love them and never stop evolving.

Famous personalities

Congratulations today to Robert Vaughn, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo (actors), Vladimir Dahl (writer) and Ville Valo (musician).

What will fate bring

If born November 22 abandons the development of his soul, then he runs the risk of falling into an endless stream of negativity, which comes both from within and is felt from strangers. He has to get used to the fact that his words and ideas will run into a violent negative reaction. His originality can be treated with derision, and his behavior criticized. He will perceive himself as a renegade and is ready to hate life. If he believes what has been said, he will renounce good deeds and turn to dark side of his nature. However, in a positive way, it is able to achieve harmony and build something completely new. His fantasies about utopia, which he is trying so hard to establish at least at home, do not leave him.

November 22 - December 21

Characteristics of the sign: the third changeable sign, the ninth sign of the Zodiac, rules the ninth house of the horoscope.
Element: the third fire sign.
Planet: Jupiter.
Lucky number: 3 and all numbers divisible by 3.
Astrological symbol: Centaur Shooter (a mythical creature with a head, arms and upper part human torso and horse body).
Colors: blue, green, purple and crimson.
Stones: amethyst, sapphire, emerald and agate.
Sagittarius horoscope

The planet Jupiter, the planet of luck, as astrologers often call it, can endow its sons with success, honor, fame and prosperity. It's hard to believe, but this mighty planet can do it. But first, Jupiter puts Sagittarius to a severe test, proclaiming that he must sail across the seven seas in search of the idealism that is actually inherent in themselves. But it is difficult for Sagittarius to come to the conclusion that their inner peace depends on their mental perception of the world. Sagittarius are restless: they are always "expanding" their personality, succumbing to the lure of a hypnotic star on the horizon, waiting for new adventures. They want to see, taste, smell everything before the end of their deadly journey.

Sagittarians quickly come up with different ideas, and their success is often based on their intuitive hunch. As their symbol is the Centaur Shooter, Sagittarians are direct in manner and speech, which, like a flying arrow, hits the target target. They express their personal opinion, regardless of anything. They are astute observers of life, and they can rarely refrain from remarking on the personalities of their loved ones, but these remarks are helpful, not just critical. But Sagittarius must realize that not everyone is as objective as they are and their good intentions are often misunderstood. Sagittarians are very romantic and passionate, honest and direct in their feelings and intentions. However, this is often taken for emptiness and superficiality or for feigned flattery. Sagittarius should not be offended by the slightest manifestation of neglect or inattention, whether it is real or apparent. They should not be offended or hold a grudge against people - their only source of joy. They must learn to believe in their bright tomorrow. Why not? After all, Jupiter is their powerful ally. Despite their sociability, Sagittarians are often very lonely, as they are extremely idealistic. They continue to believe in love and friendship long years after a bitter experience. They trust people over and over again. And this is one of the great secrets of their success - their great faith, which is usually richly rewarded.

Positive features

People of this sign are true friends, loyal and devoted. These are the people you can really talk to, and not only on everyday topics but also to higher ones: philosophy, religion, science, politics.

Sagittarius is very friendly with people, he is very noble and romantic.

Sagittarians are good parents and provide excellent family (monetary).

Born November 22 zodiac sign Scorpio, have a number of unique abilities that help you move forward in life. Their talents are manifested brightly in different guises. The imagination of these people allows them to look at the world in a special way. Inner strength allows these people to meet with dignity any life tests. And innate kindness and the desire to help others is hallmark all those born on November 22 zodiac sign Scorpio. They are sincerely interested in the problems of the people around them, moreover, they make every effort to help.

Born November 22 zodiac sign Scorpio, ossified truth-seekers. For them, the main thing in life is to defend the rights of the offended and infringed. They sincerely believe that this is a good thing. The thing is that the constellation Scorpio enhances their sense of justice. Therefore, they will never pass by a person offended by someone. Sometimes, for the sake of other people's problems, they sacrifice not only their time, but also their interests.

But despite the fact that those born on November 22, the zodiac sign Scorpio patronizes quite aggressive sign of the zodiac, they solve their problems without unnecessary emotions. They prefer to achieve what they want through a calm and balanced conversation. These people combine all the best features. They are wise, patient and strong. Their willpower is the envy of many. The good disposition of those born on this day helps them win over people. About such persons they say "world man". People around them reach out to them, they listen to their opinion, respect and admire their intellect.

The constellation of Scorpio endowed people who were born on November 22 with the desire for independence in everything. They will defend their freedom all their lives. For such people, the main thing is justice and honesty. In those around them, they value truthfulness and an open position most of all. If you share the views on the life of Scorpios, then you will find faithful and reliable friends in their person.

For women celebrating the birth of the zodiac sign Scorpio on November 22, it is especially important to uphold justice. They are ardent feminists, for whom it is important to prove the equality of the sexes. They achieve great results in their aspirations. Moreover, their active civic position allows them to achieve a high social status. But doing social activities, they must first of all maintain a balance, there is no need to go too far in the desire to prove to the world that they are right. Otherwise, they will turn into those against whom they opposed.

Self-sufficient people born on November 22 zodiac sign Scorpio are accustomed to never doubt their decisions. They do not pay attention to the opinions of others, their absolute confidence in their abilities and the loyalty of their actions helps to move forward without looking back at what they have done. These qualities help to develop spiritually and professionally. They are accustomed to making their own life path without relying on fate. Having achieved what they want, they will not stop, because they firmly believe that by their actions they make the world much more interesting.

Compatibility horoscope: November 22 zodiac sign Sagittarius or Scorpio 22 00 - most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

People born on the day of the transition from the sign of Scorpio to Sagittarius are ambitious, diversified personalities with incredible potential for gaining material and social success. The dynamic power of the number 4 is combined with the desire for freedom, making you a practical dreamer. You see life not only from the broad point of view of a philosopher, but also as a philistine. In many ways, you are an individualist, but you still feel more comfortable implementing innovative ideas within the established framework.

Those born on November 22 should be wary of inciting enmity in others and making enemies for themselves. The idea of ​​bringing liberation to themselves and all of humanity makes their youth incredibly exciting, but over the years it can lose its brilliance. It is extremely important for them to adequately meet old age with all its inevitable illnesses and sorrows. Those born on this day should limit themselves to minimal or moderate physical activity and not take any surgical or other measures in order to hide their age. A moderate intake of vitamins and homeopathic remedies is recommended.

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The life leitmotif of those born on November 22nd is liberation. Women born on this day noisily demand fair treatment and equal rights, at any cost, overcoming all obstacles in its path. If at some point they lack the courage or willpower for this, they may become upset at a short time, but then the craving for freedom takes its toll again. Men born on this day are also free-loving, however, having won their rightful place in life, they can become the same oppressors as those against whom their anger was previously directed. Those born on November 22 usually don't care much about what others think of them. They tend to make their own laws governing their way of life, fashion, and taste, and always follow their personal moral sense in the most important matters.

November 22 Zodiac Sign - Scorpio

Sign Element: Water. Your zodiac sign is directly related to the signs of the Water element, which are distinguished by the following qualities: thriftiness, inexhaustibility of new ideas, endurance, deep instincts, prudence, fruitfulness.

Planet Ruler: Pluto. Gives Scorpio a connection with deep mental transformations and processes: death and rebirth, extrasensory gift, deep personality changes, psychoanalysis. This planet is the main patron for investigators. The planet in exile is Venus. Responsible for the feeling of possessiveness, as well as the lack of a sense of peace within themselves.

On November 22, special Scorpios are born. They gravitate towards freedom, do not tolerate rigid frameworks in interpersonal communication and relationships. They do not seek to start a family early. But you can’t call them rake either. For representatives of the sign, self-development, both spiritual and professional, comes first. Born on November 22, Sagittarius, at any opportunity, advocates gender equality. He is known as a truth lover, a fighter for justice. For these qualities they are appreciated and loved. The representative of the sign can help a lot in life. Moreover, his help is sincere and disinterested.

Those born on November 22 are concerned not only with their own freedom, but also with the freedom of others. Their habit of challenging authority or rebelling against unjust restrictions often creates serious tensions in the family and public life. In any situation, at home and at work, those born on November 22 need to behave more tactfully and, perhaps, less provocatively. Their tendency to "rock the boat" can earn them a reputation for troublemakers, a reputation that can get in the way of achieving their goal. Therefore, they sometimes just need to mask their true intentions and achieve their goal by less obvious means.

Those born on November 22 who manage to realize their aspirations rarely rest on their laurels. They are trying not only to strengthen their positions, but also to significantly improve the lives of their friends and colleagues. These people are actively interested in issues such as workers' rights, promotions, social benefits and educational opportunities. When born on November 22 become parents, they have a great (sometimes even too much) interest in the development and well-being of their own children. Some of these parents, repudiating their revolutionary principles, insist that their children adhere to the official ideology. Others still encourage independence of thought and initiative in their children, however, taking into account the existence of restrictions. In practice, this usually results in discontent and resistance on the part of teenagers who are sensitive to any falsehood.

Thus, despite the care and attention generously lavished, parents born on this day are constantly faced with problems. Due to an insatiable need to constantly challenge others, those born on November 22 may feel uncomfortable in a stable environment and weary of their role. They are often tormented by nostalgia for the "good old days" when they fought for their place in the sun. They need to constantly set goals worthy of their efforts - only then will they not paint the past in bright colors, brushing off the worries of today.

Scorpio man - born on November 22

Men born on November 22 have the following traits: such a gentleman is fascinating, enduring, strongly feeling, possessing intuition. Scorpio men easily conquer women with their charisma and charm. Scorpions love to make broad gestures - they do not skimp on gifts and surprises, relationships with them are a real storm of passions and experiences. Scorpio men do not tolerate rejection and do not compromise, they are maximalists, accustomed to getting their own at any cost. Sometimes this determination borders on obsession.

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Scorpio woman - born on November 22

Women born on November 22 are endowed with such properties: such a lady is mysterious, self-confident, decisive, manipulator, enthusiastic, gloomy. Scorpio women are bored of being in a stable, even relationship, they constantly need new emotions and experiences, so if a partner does not give her these emotions, she arranges scenes or looks for a new object of love. In a relationship, a Scorpio woman is waiting for worship and the unquestioning fulfillment of all her desires. She is used to being the center of attention, she is constantly on the move, easily joins new companies and can support any conversation.

Birthday November 22

Born November 22 zodiac sign Scorpio, ossified truth-seekers. For them, the main thing in life is to defend the rights of the offended and infringed. They sincerely believe that this is a good thing. The thing is that the constellation Scorpio enhances their sense of justice. Therefore, they will never pass by a person offended by someone. Sometimes, for the sake of other people's problems, they sacrifice not only their time, but also their interests. But despite the fact that those born on November 22, the zodiac sign Scorpio is patronized by a rather aggressive zodiac sign, they solve their problems without unnecessary emotions. They prefer to achieve what they want through a calm and balanced conversation. These people combine all the best features. They are wise, patient and strong. Their willpower is the envy of many. The good disposition of those born on this day helps them win over people. About such persons they say "world man". People around them reach out to them, they listen to their opinion, respect and admire their intellect.

Love and Compatibility

AT love relationships you show loyalty and sincerity. You are not prone to flirting and may well be faithful to one person, unlike your fellow zodiac signs. But even in this case, you need a certain freedom and independence in dealing with people.

An ideal couple for Scorpio will be a representative of the constellation Pisces or Cancer. Pisces - the same sensual, but easily inferior to leadership, will become faithful companions, able to extinguish the excessive irascibility of their other half. Cancerians, who are ready to give more than they receive, are also suitable for Scorpios, who will appreciate the mystery and nobility of their beloved. The most difficult thing for Scorpios will be to build relationships with Aries, Leo and representatives of their sign. Two born leaders will constantly fight for power in a pair, which sooner or later will lead to the completion of the novel. No one wants to make concessions or submit. However, in these cases, a short but vivid and passionate romance is possible.

Work and Career

Those born on November 22 are diversified, ambitious personalities. They are potentially successful. Most of those born on this day acquire a high social and material status. At the same time, such people are dreamers. Although you can’t refuse them practicality. Versatile personalities are extraordinary. They often have mutually exclusive features. Those born on November 22 see life from a philosophical point of view. If necessary, their view can be transformed into a philistine one. In general, those born on November 22 are considered conformists. Their adaptability is to be envied.

These scorpions are freedom-loving. This makes them difficult subordinates. Executive, responsible, professional workers may boycott work because of the wrong (from their point of view) attitude and behavior of the authorities. Representatives of the sign do not seek to lead independently. It is easier for them to work for themselves. Often they choose individual labor. They may be successful in creative activity, business.

Health and Disease

Good health from birth, they can spoil themselves. This is especially true for representatives of the sign aged 40+. The danger for them is a pathological fear of old age. Beauty injections, plastic surgery the best choice. The same goes for excessive physical activity to preserve the beauty of the body. Scorpions are recommended moderate activity. Important are the mode and proper nutrition. And it is also necessary to prepare psychologically for the fact that old age will inevitably come and it will have to be accepted.

Fate and Luck

On this day, outstanding personalities are born. They are kind, sympathetic, they have a heightened sense of justice. But there is no aggression in them, they defend their rights with their characteristic calmness and goodwill. They try to resolve all disputes calmly and without quarrels. They have many friends, they are loved for their peacefulness, responsiveness and kindness. They can express themselves in music, theater, literature. AT financial sector they are usually lucky and successful.

What does a Scorpio born on November 22 need in life? Realize in the profession, take place in the family. And also extremely important is the absence of infringement on his freedom of choice. For everything to be so, it is necessary to choose the right life partner, friends, work. Learn how to achieve your goal by working inconspicuously behind the scenes. If you are a parent, don't put too much pressure on your children. high hopes. Pay more attention to your personal problems and self-improvement.

Horoscope by Date of Birth

November 22, what is your zodiac sign?

November 22nd belongs to the zodiac sign Scorpio. The time interval of this sign is from October 24 to November 22. And from November 23, the cycle of another sign begins - Sagittarius. Therefore, if a person was born on November 23, then by zodiac constellation he will no longer relate to scorpio, but will be a representative of the constellation Sagittarius.

If we take the position of the Sun in natal (horoscope of birth), then on November 22 it can be in both Scorpio and Sagittarius. Knowing not only the date, but also the time and place of a person's birth, one can determine under what sign he was born.

For example, for those born in Moscow between 1980 and 1995, the Sun entered Sagittarius on November 22 at the following times:

Only in 1983, a person born at any time on November 22 would be Scorpio in their birth sign. In other years, you need to focus on the time of birth.

Zodiac sign - Sagittarius

Born November 22 - Sagittarius. But, do not reassure yourself that you are a real Sagittarius !! You, Sagittarius, have a lot from Scorpio !! You are a transitional sign, from Scorpio to Sagittarius. So, if you are fond of a horoscope, then read two horoscopes and combine for yourself two definitions, and Sagittarius and Scorpio. You have two signs of the zodiac, not one, and this must be remembered.

Do not look for only one horoscope sign in yourself, you have character traits, a life line, destiny - everything comes from two constellations. The number, date of birth, it means a lot and is a fateful date that will determine your future life.

Birthday November 22 zodiac sign Scorpio

Born November 22 zodiac sign Scorpio, have a number of unique abilities that help advance in life. Their talents are manifested brightly in different guises. The imagination of these people allows them to look at the world in a special way. Inner strength allows these people to meet any life trials with dignity. And innate kindness and the desire to help others is a hallmark of all those born on November 22, the zodiac sign Scorpio. They are sincerely interested in the problems of the people around them, moreover, they make every effort to help.

Born November 22 zodiac sign Scorpio, ossified truth-seekers. For them, the main thing in life is to defend the rights of the offended and infringed. They sincerely believe that this is a good thing. The thing is that the constellation Scorpio enhances their sense of justice. Therefore, they will never pass by a person offended by someone. Sometimes, for the sake of other people's problems, they sacrifice not only their time, but also their interests.

But despite the fact that those born on November 22, the zodiac sign Scorpio is patronized by a rather aggressive zodiac sign, they solve their problems without unnecessary emotions. They prefer to achieve what they want through a calm and balanced conversation. These people combine all the best features. They are wise, patient and strong. Their willpower is the envy of many. The good disposition of those born on this day helps them win over people. About such persons they say "world man". People around them reach out to them, they listen to their opinion, respect and admire their intellect.

The constellation of Scorpio endowed people who were born on November 22 with the desire for independence in everything. They will defend their freedom all their lives. For such people, the main thing is justice and honesty. In those around them, they value truthfulness and an open position most of all. If you share the views on the life of Scorpios, then you will find faithful and reliable friends in their person.

For women celebrating the birth of the zodiac sign Scorpio on November 22, it is especially important to uphold justice. They are ardent feminists, for whom it is important to prove the equality of the sexes. They achieve great results in their aspirations. Moreover, their active civic position allows them to achieve a high social status. But engaging in social activities, they must first of all maintain a balance, there is no need to go too far in the desire to prove to the world that they are right. Otherwise, they will turn into those against whom they opposed.

Self-sufficient people born on November 22 zodiac sign Scorpio are accustomed to never doubt their decisions. They do not pay attention to the opinions of others, their absolute confidence in their abilities and the loyalty of their actions helps to move forward without looking back at what they have done. These qualities help to develop spiritually and professionally. They are accustomed to determine their own path in life, not relying on fate. Having achieved what they want, they will not stop, because they firmly believe that by their actions they make the world much more interesting.

Compatibility Horoscope

The horoscope of compatibility of signs of the zodiac will help you find out how much you are suitable for each other in love, marriage, family life, friendship, business.

Horoscope by date of birth

In this horoscope you can find out in more detail the information inherent in your zodiac sign.

November 22 - zodiac sign on the border of Scorpio and Sagittarius

On November 22, the zodiac sign can be either Scorpio or Sagittarius. Write a comment - we will calculate. The sign depends on the time of birth, as well as on the year (in different years the transition times are different). To find out the exact sign of the zodiac - Scorpio or Sagittarius -

Your character traits- perseverance, tenacity, sensitivity and developed intuition, as well as generosity, a penchant for noble gestures, enthusiasm and the ability to enjoy life.

You love to joke and have fun, show empathy for other people, tolerance and open-mindedness.

You probably love nature, travel, are able to strive for high goals, are interested in philosophy and theology.

You are optimistic and strong feelings, others are impressed by your good nature and friendly behavior.

Your innate charm, ability to entertain, amuse and charm people makes it easy for you to gain popularity. However, your desire for cooperation and communication can sometimes become intrusive. Sometimes it is necessary to exercise great restraint, and you can learn to moderate your ardor.

You are very generous - both in material terms and in the sphere of feelings, but at times you are drawn to luxury, showiness, and in search of pleasure you sometimes change your sense of proportion.

If you are too persistent in your flight from life, it sometimes forces you to learn more responsibility and maturity. But by doing what you love, you are able to work hard; you give yourself entirely to your work, and then success and achievement await you.

Until the age of 29, you want to expand your horizons, you seek new opportunities for this through study, travel, and venture into risky ventures.

Having reached the age of 30, you become more practical, purposeful, more soberly assess your achievements. Another turning point in your life is the milestone of 60 years. You are increasingly attracted to freedom, new ideas, new ways of expressing yourself.

Although you are headstrong and stubborn, you are very sensitive, you want inspiration. The greatest satisfaction you can bring is serving people. You are very caring, but you need to learn impartiality, then you will not be so vulnerable and will not regularly indulge in self-flagellation.

Due to your increased susceptibility, you have a good sense of form, appreciate painting and music.

It is possible that you will want to develop these abilities of yours and even heal people with their help.

Whatever you do in life, it is important to be demanding of yourself in order to bring out the best in yourself and live up to your amazing potential.

November 22 people are attractive and full of creative energy. You are a good listener and need to communicate, but you feel unhappy when you are alone. Softness and cordiality, inner nobility are inherent in you.

Outwardly, you also look very impressive, they pay attention to you; you try your best to entertain and inspire people, to make them at least a little happier. However, self-indulgence and the desire to live in a big way sometimes distract you from high ideals.

Your developed abilities, business sense and idealistic nature indicate that you are most suitable for such professions where you will work in active cooperation with other people.

Your charm, communication skills and innate diplomacy can lead you into the field of trade, advertising, service in various agencies, public relations departments.

Those born on November 22 are equally able to succeed in politics, journalism, and work in the media.

Your sociability and ability to entertain others are good for show business and the music industry. Perhaps, as a way to share your ideas with people, you will choose the field of education.

You naturally understand the problems and concerns of other people, so the role of a lawyer is suitable for you. This will help you fulfill your potential in professions that are directly related to caring for people and treating them.

Do you like to play? Are you drawn to the competitive spirit? Well, it is appropriate to pay attention to these aspects of your nature: to find a useful and profitable (including from a financial point of view) application of your energy in the world of big-time sports.

Love and partnership born on November 22

You are characterized by friendliness, dreaminess, receptivity, strong feelings, cordiality, a strong need for love and affection.

This can involve you in many different love affairs and romantic relationships. Not all of them will stand the test of strength, not all will be worth the effort.

You are very energetic, you are distinguished by idealism and a tendency to become strongly attached to partners.

But in order to avoid unnecessary mental suffering, try not to succumb to too violent emotions.

You are noble and able to show true generosity and compassion towards those you love.

  • Love and friendship
  • favorable contacts
  • Kindred soul
  • fatal attraction : 20, 21, 22, 23 May.
  • Troubled Relationships

Sagittarius born November 22

On November 22, the zodiac sign can be both Sagittarius and Scorpio! Write a comment - we will calculate. The sign depends on the time of birth, as well as on the year (in different years, the time for the transition of signs varies). To find out the exact zodiac sign - Sagittarius or Scorpio - write in the comments your date, place and time of birth. Svetlana Streltsova answers questions.

What is the nature of those born on November 22? You are a generous and noble person, stubborn and sensitive, you have a well-developed intuition.

You are full of enthusiasm, like to have fun, tolerant and empathetic towards other people, you have a broad outlook on the world.

You are attracted to luxury and the pursuit of pleasure. You are a generous person - both in the manifestation of feelings and in material terms. A sense of proportion will help you learn more restraint and responsibility.

If you are doing what you love, then you are capable of great perseverance in achieving results, in which case you will succeed.

Personal qualities of those born on November 22

You are a sensitive person, looking for inspiration in life. You are caring and want to be of benefit to other people, but you often fall into the trap of self-flagellation when things don't work out the way you want them to.

Are you an art lover? good music, painting, dancing. It is even possible that with the help of art you will heal people.

You need to be demanding of yourself in order to define your best and realize your richest potential.

Born on November 22, loneliness is unpleasant, they need communication and know how to listen to another person. You are attractive and endowed with creative energy. Inwardly you are noble and cordial.

Your appearance is spectacular, you strive to entertain people and make them happy. You should not indulge your weaknesses, thus diverting from lofty ideals. Read more about typical mistakes Sagittarius.

Work and vocation born on November 22

You are well suited for professions that require activity in contacts with people. Your developed charm and ability for diplomacy will help you when working as a public relations specialist or an advertising agent.

You may also show up in journalistic activity or writing, a job in the media would suit you. Sociability and love for art born on November 22 will be in demand in show business.

Your inner interest in other people, justice and caring will be needed when working as a teacher or lawyer. In addition, you may be attracted to a sports career.

Read also the article about Sagittarius Professions. For the fair sex - the career of the Sagittarius woman.

Love and relationships born on November 22

In love, you show great receptivity, dreaminess, warmth. You have strong feelings and affections, a strong need to love and be loved. Probably, in life you will find a considerable number of romantic hobbies and love relationships.

You tend to be idealistic and very energetic. To avoid unnecessary emotional anguish, try not to succumb to too strong emotions.

You always show nobility and generosity towards your loved ones. Read about suitable partners according to the zodiac sign in the article Sagittarius in marriage - myths and reality.

Ideal partner for those born on November 22

In search of your ideal partner, you can get to know those who were born on the following days.

  • Love and friendship : January 5, 9, 10, 18, 19, 26, 30; 3, 8, 16, 17, 24, 28 February; 1, 6, 14, 15, 22, 26, 31 March; 4, 11, 12, 13, 20, 24 April; May 2, 10, 11, 18, 22; 8, 9, 16, 20, 30 June; 6, 7, 14, 18, 28 July; August 3, 4, 5, 12, 16, 26, 30; September 2, 3, 10, 14, 28; October 1, 8, 12, 22, 26; November 6, 10, 20, 24; 4, 8, 18, 22, 30 December.
  • favorable contacts : 13th of January; February 11th; 9th of March; April 7; 5 May; June 3, 30; July 1, 28; August, 26th; September 24; 22 of October; 20 November; December 18th.
  • Kindred soul : 13th of January; February 11th; April 7; July 30; August 28; September 26; October 24; November 22; December 20.
  • fatal attraction : 20, 21, 22, 23 May.
  • Troubled Relationships : January 14, 24; February 12, 22; March 10, 20; April 8, 18; May 6, 16; June 4, 14; 2, 12 July; August 10; 8 September; October 6; November 4; December 2nd.

Friends, the site is on vacation. Comments are closed until the end of summer. If you want to ask a question, it can be done in the fall.

The husband was born on 11/22/1984 at 20.40.

(Communication with Angels).

I will begin my first sheet of the diary with the fact that I was born under the sign of Ophiuchus. Date of birth - December 3, 1969. In my table of contents, on the first page, I want to tell you that the period of my life, starting from 2010, has changed. I started hearing Angels and I still hear and communicate with them every day. I am under the upbringing of my Guardian Angel.

This diary sheet will look like a five-year-old child's conversation. Why a five year old? Because I passed, as they say in articles on horoscopes "Ophiuchus" - this is "karma" or " Bermuda Triangle mind" or "death" and then rebirth, as they say in the form of a Phoenix. It all started with the fact that I began to hear voices inside my orgonism. I wrote correctly. Now you probably wanted to correct me, which is not in the body, but in the head. No, it's in the body. In my further confessions, in my diary, I will definitely emphasize this, since this also concerns the topic of “treatment” of humanity and you cannot tell it in a nutshell. Let's get back to voices. The voices were very different and very many. They were called "Echoes" by the Angels. It was like crazy. Voices were heard in my head. I began to communicate with these voices. And so it turned out that I have an Angel. I can fix it here. Angels descend to man to convey to us what they know, but because man does not hear them, they work on their own. In my situation, the Angel came down when I was sick. About my medical history, I will also tell later. In this case, my Guardian Angel appeared and I began to communicate with the voice, to see his movement at short distances, and then at long distances. I WAS VERY ILL. It was then that they decided that the Angel would continue the whole further path of my life with me. So by an extraordinary event for me, I got into the other world. With the help of an angel, I found out that I had died at the age of 5. They raised the whole memory of the life of my soul. And my intellect of communication with them is a five-year-old child. Everything that is written here will be basically not very abstruse and quite possibly, as the Angel says, the mind of a five-year-old child. Of course, I already communicate with you as an adult, but they began to communicate with me as with a child. Otherwise, I didn't hear them. Now I have succeeded a lot in growth and have begun to hear a lot.

This is the beginning of the book that the Angel offered to write.

My main problem is not having enough money. With me, as before, the connection of communication with the other world is still going on, and it looks like attacks. I can't work the way I used to. The whole organism seems to be struggling with the past and the present. Sometimes I'm like a five-year-old child who doesn't know how to do something. At these moments, the Angel guides me, but it is still very difficult. You feel like a split personality. It so happened that in 2010 a shaft of witchcraft fell upon me. I even ended up in the hospital. It is hard to believe in this, and who needs me. but the Angel says that it was so. At that moment, my soul flew out and I was reborn again. As the Angel said, I somehow subconsciously made a new birth of my body. At first, a one-year-old (oh, and difficult years were 2011, 2012.), two-year-old, three years old. and now the year is 2017, which means the age of my soul is 7 years. I tried to work, but nothing worked. In the hospital, I cannot think of a reason for the illness, because during the examination it shows that I am healthy. So I thought about doing some kind of help. Now Angel and I have stopped working on the Internet. I would like to try writing a book or a short story. I am asked about this all the time from above, but I do not know how and where. Where to find a mentor, I'm not very literate. Maybe there will be some hints. Help.

Those born on the day of the transition from the sign of Scorpio to Sagittarius are endowed with ambition, wide erudition and incredible potential for achieving material and social success. They are distinguished by a great desire for freedom, practical daydreaming and an ambivalent perception of life - both from a broad philosophical point of view, and from the position of an inhabitant. According to the horoscope, the birthday people of the day are individualists who do not tolerate strict limits.

Most representatives of the date and zodiac sign potentially successful. They are conformists with high adaptive abilities. Not accepting certain standards and rules, not submitting to the pressure of a particular person or society as a whole, they are able to find a middle ground so as not to cause excessive condemnation in society. This position allows them to effectively solve any problems, avoiding both internal discomfort and contradictions with others.

The birthday people of this day have a charming and understanding nature, attractive to others. They are characterized by spiritual generosity, sympathy for the grief of others and the desire to help. Of the contradictions of character, these people have an interesting nuance - those born on November 22 under the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio are quite peaceful, but they know how to firmly defend their requirements and principles. They like the struggle, while they lead it for lofty ideals - goodness, equality, liberation. Little things and everyday problems they never argue, because such a confrontation does not correspond to their status as freedom fighters.

The life leitmotif of those born on the twenty-second of November is justice and independence. They demand equal rights for everyone and are ready to overcome any obstacles in achieving this goal. If courage and willpower leave these people, they can stop fighting for a while, but the pursuit of high ideals very quickly takes over and they continue on their way again. At the same time, some of the representatives of the zodiac sign and date, having achieved a worthy position, become the same oppressors as those with whom they previously fought.

The need for constant struggle, satisfaction from the achievements and the feeling of being in demand often creates a kind of dependence for individuals born on November 22 on their activities. In a stable environment, they begin to experience discomfort and nostalgia for the time when they fought desperately for their place in the world. Therefore, they constantly set themselves new, and rather high, goals that correspond to their capabilities. This allows them not to remember the past, associating it with something beautiful, but to think about the worries of today.

Relationships with others.

Scorpios born on November 22 are usually indifferent to the opinion of society, they tend to set the rules themselves and build their lives on them, and always follow only their own intuition in solving the most important issues. These truth-seekers and fighters for justice are valued and loved by others. In response, they can sincerely and disinterestedly help very many people. But the habit of rebelling against authority usually creates difficulties in personal and social life, especially since they often lack tact and calmness in their behavior. Their tendency to "rock the boat" creates a reputation for troublemakers and often gets in the way of achieving their goals.

According to the horoscope, Scorpios, whose birthday falls on November 22, having realized their aspirations, do not stop there, but try to strengthen their own positions and help improve the lives of other people. In particular, these Scorpios actively resolve issues of protecting the rights of their colleagues, ensuring social benefits for family members and other opportunities for others.

In love relationships, representatives of the date are sensitive and romantic. Their poetic soul loves beautiful courtship, lofty words and tender confessions. These people rarely take the first step unless they are sure it is necessary. They are also in no hurry to start a family, because they do not accept divorces and weigh their decision for a long time.

As parents, men and women born on November 22 pay much attention to the development and well-being of their children. Some are ready to renounce their revolutionary principles in order to instill in the child the official ideology. But many birthdays of this birthday bring up independence of thinking in their children, however, taking into account the existing restrictions.

Executive, responsible, professional representatives of the date are also very freedom-loving, which makes them excellent employees, but rather difficult subordinates. They may boycott the job if they feel that management is treating them incorrectly or unfairly. These people do not aspire to take a leadership position. They feel most comfortable when they work for themselves. often chosen entrepreneurial activity in business or devote themselves to the arts.

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