Boris Efimovich Nemtsov and his women. Women and children of Boris Nemtsov: life for three families. - What good things did women give you?

The politician admitted that he became a father four times completely spontaneously and in an incredibly cunning way

The politician admitted that he became a father four times completely spontaneously and in an incredibly cunning way

As the latest elections show, the right-wing opposition has practically lost its chances of coming to power in Russia. Because our people hate the Yeltsinoid liberals, almost like Hitler’s fascists. However, in some places representatives of the fifth column still become deputies. For example, in Yaroslavl, in the elections to the regional Duma, the Parnas party creakingly overcame the 5 percent barrier, and the downed pilot Boris NEMTSOV, many years later, again pocketed a deputy mandate (“Edrosy” in Yarik easily gained 42 percent).

In his career, Nemtsov has already worked as a governor, senator and even deputy prime minister. Many considered it to be the successor to EBN, but, fortunately, it passed. The cannibalistic policies of the “democrats” of the 90s put an end to the future of the curly-haired boy - a great favorite and lover of women. The last trait of Boris Efimovich, in fact, led me to him. There are legends about Nemtsov’s Don Juan adventures in the political behind-the-scenes, and I really wanted to hear about them first-hand.

Having met me in the spacious hall in front of the elevator on the third floor, Boris Efimovich cordially leads me into his newly acquired bachelor’s quarters - there is no sense of a woman’s hand here, and it’s generally quite empty.

“Everything you need for life is here: a bed, a table, chairs, dishes, a refrigerator, a TV, a built-in wardrobe,” the owner reassures me. - Today I had breakfast for the first time at new apartment- ate yogurt and drank tea with jam. - Did you hang the curtains yourself?- Left over from the previous owners. Do you know how much they ask for them? 50 thousand rubles. They claim handmade. I'm a complete sucker for this. But if I don’t buy it, the owners will take away the curtains along with the curtains. And an empty window is ugly. - The apartment, of course, is gorgeous. IN old house, an elite area. There is a wine store downstairs, next door is the Kazan Convent. Smart choice. - Convent makes me the most happy. When I was elected, everyone - from pensioners to FSB officers - asked me: “Did you buy housing?” I visited 15 apartments. But as soon as the sellers found out that the buyer - Nemtsov, they immediately jacked up the prices. He bargained for this “kopeck piece” for five million rubles. Got it for half the price mortgage for five years. The living space is a bit small, of course, only 50 square meters, but just right for one. - Where is your apartment in Moscow?- On Ordynka, near the Tretyakov Gallery, I live there with my little daughter Sonya and her mother Irina Koroleva. And I also rent a room in a boarding house in New Riga, because I can’t breathe in the center of Moscow. I'm relaxing there on the weekend.

I give the woman 40 minutes to shop.

They were gossiping about you, saying that Nemtsov left the beauty Ekaterina Odintsova for his secretary, meaning your current companion.

I have lived with Ira Koroleva for 10 years, and with Odintsova I never lived, we only met. I came and went. - But you and Ekaterina have two children together - a son and a daughter.- It was Katerina’s decision to give birth, planned in an incredibly cunning way; she did not consult with me. She simply confronted her with a fact: she was pregnant. Whether you want it or not, whether it’s appropriate now or not, it doesn’t matter. I knew very well that I was raised by my mother and I would not dare to send a woman with whom I had a relationship to an abortion. In general, all four of my children were unplanned. Out of love, but spontaneously. - After the birth of your son, you left the family, leaving Raisa, your legal wife. Do you believe that Odintsova loved you?“She and I have always had a difficult relationship - ups and downs, constant explosions. We clashed all the time, although I am a non-hysterical and compromising person. It annoys me terribly when a person, gritting his teeth, stubbornly insists on his own. If they tell me: “You should forget about your principles, go grovel, humiliate yourself, submit,” I will never do it. I don’t like it when a woman breaks me over her knee and doesn’t wash me, because she wants to achieve something by skating. I already go to work every day as if I were going to war. And when you come home, you want peace and comfort. And if you live like on a volcano, it’s not adrenaline, it’s too much. Therefore, Katya and I just met, we vacationed together in Turkey and Germany. It's not easy with me.

- Because, as they say, you don’t miss a single skirt?

If a wife looks at cheating calmly, it means that she does not have any feelings for the man. But the problem is not that I have many women, but that work comes first. And this leaves an imprint on family relationships. In addition, we rarely see each other - I am constantly traveling and on business trips. I do not and never have had a family nest in the traditional sense. A nest is when we woke up together at eight, returned from work at six in the evening, had dinner, watched TV, went to bed, and again in a circle. With age, I began to value not sexuality in a woman, but character. In my youth, I was a victim of glossy propaganda - stereotypes of appearance are imposed on me and many men. It seemed to me that beauty and sexuality forgive everything. Now I want my woman to be kind and calm. The main thing is not to be a bitch. I hate bitchy, greedy, philandering women who perceive me as a business project. - Are you getting old, or what?- No, I love it beautiful women. IN Lately began to look at his wrists. I think it's a very feminine part of the body. And before, like everyone else, I looked at my lips. Lips represent sexuality, kindness or anger, sincerity or deceit. You have big lips - that means you are kind and sexy. Whether you are a bitch or not can also be judged by your lips. But now the main thing for me is femininity; I am not attracted to masculine people. A woman must understand how to dress correctly. Some people suit jeans much better than pleated skirts. And a sweater is sometimes more attractive than a deep neckline.

- Do you understand women's clothing?!

I could give you some advice on what to buy. But shopping for a woman is an intimate and nervous affair. If I go to a store with a woman, I ask the question: what do you want to buy? And the answer should be as specific as possible. I give 40 minutes for shopping. That's a lot. If a woman has taste, she knows approximately what she needs. - They say you are generous. Odintsova was showered with gold rings and diamonds, and they bought her an apartment.- Yes, generous. But he didn’t give me rings. Katya actually bought an apartment - it was an investment in a house under construction. I bought foreign cars. - What good things did women give you?- Raika gave me a tennis racket of the correct shape, I was very pleased. Katya - some little things, I don’t remember. And Ira... With my money you can give a lot of things. She buys clothes, without me. And he is never wrong in size. In October, I gave two sweaters for my birthday. - What brands of clothing do you prefer?- I’m not a metrosexual who fanatically watches his appearance. Here Dima Stepanov, ex-husband eldest daughter Jeanne, was a metrosexual. This really bothered me. The man was more concerned with his appearance and clothes than my daughter. I couldn't understand it. Some bows, scarves in his pockets - he could talk about clothes for hours. A man should be a man: clean, athletic, cheerful, energetic, strong, self-confident. No bells and whistles, no glamour. They say women look at shoes - this is such stupidity. If I were them, I would look at my watch. Mine are over 30 years old and were a gift from a friend.

I live on interest from shares

In the difficult 90s, when he was the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, he advertised the MiG-29 fighter. The local aircraft factory received no orders, workers were fired, and we entered into a contract with the Indians to supply aircraft to the Indian Army. To prove that our fighters are absolutely safe, I took the helm of the MiG-29. It was terribly scary! The pilot was flying with me Makarov, hero of Russia. Once, during an accident, he lay down on the instruments so that his head would not be torn off, and blindly landed the plane. And so he asks: “Are we taking off slowly, like suckers, or like adults?” Of course, in an adult way. He says: “Borya, hold on!” We accelerated to supersonic speed - wild overloads, my pupils stuck to the back of my head. As we took off into the purple sky, the pilot said: “Usually after the afterburner the cockpit smells good of shit. And now it smells like your sweat.” Yes, I say, I was sweating a little. I voiced the video myself on English language, we sold it to the Indians, they signed a contract for the supply of 20 aircraft - then it was very cool. We saved jobs. The Nizhny Novgorod workers began to respect me then. “You admitted that last year alone your income amounted to 17 million rubles. How did you manage to earn such a fortune? - I invested my first money in the Russian stock market, bought Gazprom shares very cheaply and was able to make good money on them. Then I was involved in commercial real estate, we built office centers in Moscow, also a big income. Now I live only on interest - income from securities and deposits.

I can't deny myself sex

- How old do you feel?

Depends on the time of day. In the morning I was 70, in the evening I was 40. Today in the Duma the adrenaline went through the roof, so I felt like I was in my thirties. I really don’t want to be a weak, dependent vegetable. I'm afraid of old age. I always want to be in shape, and for me, physical fitness and brains are interconnected things. I windsurf regularly. To fight the wind, waves and sun, you need to have willpower and endurance. The wind, if you learn to use its power, helps you win. But I haven’t played tennis for a long time - the joint is worn out, I can’t play.

Many ladies still call you a sex symbol modern politics. Admit it, does it feel good to feel macho?

- “Machismo” - when you use masculine qualities to get a woman into bed and prove how tough you are, how you are infatuated with yourself. I'm not macho. Yes, I love sex and I can’t deny myself it. I'm a normal guy and I don't collect women. I fell in love many times - it's true. And children became the product of love. - You have four of them. Is it cool to be a father of many children?- I can’t say that I’m a superfather. I pay little attention to children. But there is probably a plus in this. Because all my children are normal. Zhanka graduated from MGIMO. First, she herself entered New York University, and that was when the tragedy with the Twin Towers happened. My daughter was the only Russian who donated blood to help the injured Americans. A long essay was written about her in an American magazine. I was proud of her then. But her studies in the USA hit my career - it’s bad for a politician when his children go abroad. Zhanna called the rector of MGIMO with a request to enroll her and heard: “You are the only fool who is ready to exchange an American education for a Russian university.” Soon the daughter transferred to Moscow.

- Did she really return to Russia to save your political career?

Not only. An anti-Russian campaign began there - the Russians were accused of setting bin Laden against America. It became difficult, Zhanna left. But now she's doing well. He is building a career - working as a TV presenter. His son Anton is a physics and technology student, studying in Dolgoprudny in his second year. Apparently the genes worked - I am a physicist myself. I'm expecting a visit any day now. My little ones - nine-year-old Sonya and eleven-year-old Dina - are studying at school, drawing something, dancing. I don’t know what to do with children under five years old, “oo-too-too” is not for me. The best education is personal example. And I also told all the children: if you commit a vile or vile act, betray your parents, steal, kill, you will never see your father again. Mother can't say that. But I can, I don’t have blind love for children. They shouldn't be assholes.

// Photo: Epsilon/

Great grief came to the family of Boris Nemtsov on February 28 last year. A well-known politician was killed in the very center of the capital, actually near the walls of the Kremlin. It all happened at the moment when Nemtsov, accompanied by a young companion, was walking across the bridge from St. Basil’s Cathedral towards Bolotnaya Square. Unknown people shot six times. Four bullets hit Boris Nemtsov and were fatal.

The politician’s children from his marriage to Ekaterina Odintsova are already old enough to soberly assess the scale of the trouble they had to face. For 13-year-old Dina and 20-year-old Anton, their father was the rear, a real support and the only person someone you can always trust in everything. The heirs of the murdered politician lost not only a caring father, but also best friend, who was able to understand them like no one else.

“Dad lived his life the way he wanted. And I think this is right,” Dina Nemtsova shared. - Life is a dangerous thing. You can walk down the street and get hit on the head by a falling icicle. But you can do something great, something you like, and enjoy it. Yes, he knew about the dangers, but he preferred to think that they were quite small. If a person is not afraid of death, he is already practically free. Dad valued this freedom very much.”

Almost a year after that scary night, when the very heart of his beloved country Nemtsov passed away, his ex-wife Ekaterina Odintsova and their common children found the strength to talk about what they had to endure.

// Photo: Interpress/

“Bori’s mother told me: “We all should have asked him on our knees to stop this policy.” For the last year we have been children, mother Dina Yakovlevna, brother and sister, ex-wives and friends - we talked about one thing: could we save him, persuade him to give up the fight,” said the owner of a successful PR agency in a frank interview about the father of her children. “They understood that it was dangerous, although they didn’t think it was that dangerous.” That a person can so easily be shot at the walls of the Kremlin for just words, and not for severe provocations or forceful actions. But each time they came to the same conclusion: no one could stop him. Boris did not want to leave for anything and kept repeating: “Better death at home than life in exile.”

It was the children who helped Odintsova survive what happened. According to the journalist, Dina and Anton surrounded her with warmth and care. The heirs forced Catherine to quit smoking and also undergo a full medical examination. Odintsova’s eldest child protected his mother in every possible way - he regularly called and asked where she was and whether it was dangerous there, when she would be home and how she planned to get there. In a word, the common children of Nemtsov and Odintsova did everything possible so that their mother did not feel lonely and confused.

Now Anton and Dina Nemtsov, looking through family albums, catch themselves thinking that no one except their father could tell them everything as it is - the whole truth about how this world works. “Dad was a very democratic person. Never forced or forbidden. Didn't punish me for grades. His mother, our grandmother, explained to dad from childhood that if you don’t study well, you will live in poverty. He preferred to create motivation for us,” explained the politician’s 20-year-old son.

By the way, the heirs of Boris Nemtsov, shortly before his death, regularly saw him new passion– young Kiev resident Anna Duritskaya. It was this girl who was with the politician at the time of his death and then mysteriously disappeared. According to Odintsova, every time she had to let the children go to their father for a joint dinner with Duritskaya, she foresaw trouble. Inexplicably, intuition seemed to tell Catherine that there was some kind of danger. It was because of that same girl that Ekaterina and Boris quarreled a few months before the tragedy.

“It’s unclear where, gray horse. It seemed like there was nothing scary about her: she was in her twenties, a “Teletubby,” as my daughter described her, that is, an absolutely harmless creature without her own opinion,” Odintsova said in an interview with Tatler magazine. “And yet, every time they went with the children to dinner or to a concert, I was seized with panic. We had a huge quarrel."

Later, Boris came to Catherine’s apartment to pick up the children, and she wanted to apologize for what happened, but she never came out to him.

“They stopped talking. Then he came - this was a week before his death. She wanted to come out and apologize, but she didn't. “I hear him ask: “Where is mom?” And I’m lying under the blanket in my pajamas and thinking: “I’ll make it, I’ll make it. Next time I’ll come out and say that I’m no longer angry. They went to a restaurant,” Odintsova recalls. “I think: “It’s not good that I didn’t come out - it’s like I’m offended, I’m sulking, somehow stupid.” I wrote a text message: “You forgive me, and I have forgiven you.” And he just explains to the children: “I’m never angry with your mother, why be angry with her, a woman is a woman.” If I knew that I would never see him again... Only at such moments do you understand that you always have to be one hundred percent sincere. And no quarrel must be drawn out; relations must not be left unclear.”

Surviving care ex-husband, whom she loved and respected infinitely, it was not easy for Odintsova. Even now, reflecting on what happened, the owner of the PR agency understands that, perhaps, nothing could have been changed. The politician chose his path and did not accept the slightest interference in his affairs, and also did not tolerate when someone tried to influence his decisions. “I often reassure myself: I was walking in the prime of my life, handsome, happy, with a girl, laughing and not having time to understand anything,” says Ekaterina about her feelings. - By and large, the death of the righteous is like in a dream. Someone dies from painful diseases - religion believes that they need to cleanse their souls through suffering, and people with a pure soul instantly leave the world.”

Boris Efimovich Nemtsov is a famous Russian politician, statesman and public figure, and businessman. During his career, Nemtsov achieved enormous success in the Russian domestic policy, and in the foreign policy arena, many leaders of foreign countries were surprised at his steadfastness and desire for change. In 2015, the Ukrainian president called Boris Nemtsov “a connecting bridge between Ukraine and Russia.”

Boris Nemtsov was born on October 9, 1959 in the city of Sochi. Father Efim Davidovich was an official. Mother Dina Yakovlevna Eidman is a doctor. Boris spent the first eight years of his life in hometown, but soon went with his mother and sister Yulia to Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod). Despite the separation of his parents, the boy continued to communicate a lot with his father, who helped the family financially and often took his son to the capital of the Soviet state.

Baby photos

The future politician graduated from school with a gold medal, soon entering Gorky State University, where he began successful studies at the Faculty of Radiophysics. After graduation, Nemtsov decided to work research fellow. At that time, he tried his hand at literature, wrote poetry and stories under the pseudonym Ben Eidman, and constantly worked as an English tutor.

In 1985, Boris Nemtsov initially completely plunged into science, working at various research institutes. The man became a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences; by 1986, he had more than 60 scientific works in physics, acoustics and thermodynamics.

In my youth | Our newspaper

It was assumed that interest in scientific activity will become the basis for his further professional growth in this area, but everything changed in 1988, when Nemtsov joined the environmental movement. The members of the association opposed the construction of the Gorky Nuclear Heat Supply Plant (as a result, the construction of the facility was stopped). From this moment on, politics becomes the main component of Boris Nemtsov’s life.

Political career

The fight against the construction of a large strategic facility was the beginning political career Boris Nemtsov. In 1989, the aspiring politician was nominated as a candidate for people's deputies of the USSR from the regional society "For Atomic Safety", but representatives of the election commission did not register him.

In 1990, Boris Nemtsov entered the election campaign, taking an active part in the creation of a new political association, “Candidates for Democracy.” As a result, he managed to win the elections and became a people's deputy of the RSFSR. In addition, he was a member of the deputy groups “Russian Union”, “Non-Party Deputies” and “Smena”.

In the State Duma | Political officer

1991 can be called a definite breakthrough in the career of Boris Efimovich. He becomes a confidant of the candidate for the post of President of Russia. The powers of the new representative of the head of the Russian Federation extended to the territory of the entire Nizhny Novgorod region. In August of the same year, a well-known official, while on vacation with his family in the Russian capital, participated in the defense of the White House.

On November 30, 1991, Nemtsov was appointed head of the administration of the Nizhny Novgorod region, becoming the youngest leader of such a high level in the country. During his tenure as governor, he managed to implement quite successful programs on the Russian territory entrusted to him. In particular, Nemtsov’s list of successful initiatives includes the “Meter by Meter” program (initiatives to reform housing conditions for military personnel), as well as “People’s Telephone”, “Gasification of Villages” and “Grain”.

With Boris Yeltsin | Myrtesen

As governor, Boris Efimovich repeatedly criticized economic program Chairman of the Government of the RSFSR, but in the future the politician will still appreciate the efforts of the economist who tried to stop the process of destruction of the economic sectors of the not so long ago all-powerful Soviet Union.

Nemtsov argued that the reforms were not carried out fully, and considered the government's inaction to be a sign of weakness. Thus, he decides in December 1991 to invite Grigory Yavlinsky to the Nizhny Novgorod region to organize economic reform of the region. In 1992, Yavlinsky, heading Research institute The Center for Economic and Political Research “EPIcenter”, together with Nemtsov, developed a large-scale program of regional reforms.

Photo politics |

In December 1993, residents of the Nizhny Novgorod region elected their governor to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, and in February 1994 he became a member of the Federation Council Committee on Currency and Credit Regulation.

In 1995, Nemtsov again became governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region. At that time, Boris Efimovich had a reputation as a progressive reformer, and the government recommended introducing his significant experience in structural restructuring of the economic sectors of a particular region in all municipalities of the state. Reformist thinking, assertiveness, effective implementation of programs and the successful implementation of ideas in practice became a certain substantive combination of factors that made many citizens believe that Boris Efimovich is capable of becoming the substantive force for Russia that will lead the country to prosperity.

It should be noted that during his governorship, Nemtsov became a well-known media character due to a direct altercation with the leader of the LDPR. television broadcast ORT. During a TV show, Zhirinovsky doused his opponent with mango juice.

In 1996, Boris Nemtsov, taking the initiative, organized a collection of signatures in the Nizhny Novgorod region for withdrawal from Chechnya Russian troops. These signatures were submitted to President Yeltsin for consideration.

In March 1997, Nemtsov already held the position of first deputy prime minister in the government. In his new position, Boris Efimovich began to supervise the social block, and also exercised control in the field of natural monopolies. He repeatedly proposed introducing new programs that could completely change the situation in the country, laying a powerful foundation for the future development of the entire socio-economic sector.


In the spring of 1998, a large-scale reorganization of the government took place, and Sergei Kiriyenko became the head of the Cabinet of Ministers. Despite significant reshuffles, Nemtsov continues to oversee the financial and economic block; he is still entrusted with the most important tasks in the financial sector. After the default in August 1998, the Russian Cabinet of Ministers resigns, Boris Nemtsov leaves the post of Deputy Prime Minister.


As deputy chairman of the government, Boris Efimovich was remembered by citizens for his call to transfer all Russian officials to vehicles domestic production. 13 years later, a similar proposal was made by the President of the Russian Federation, but Nemtsov, already the main oppositionist to the current government, called this idea “stale and unpromising.”

Having said goodbye to the executive branch, Nemtsov created the “Young Russia” movement. In 1999 he was elected deputy State Duma as part of the Union of Right Forces electoral bloc. From this faction, on March 1, 2000, Boris Efimovich was elected deputy chairman of the Russian parliament.

Oppositionist | TRANSLATION

In December 2003, the Union of Right Forces did not receive the necessary support from voters in the elections, failing to get into the State Duma of the fourth convocation. In 2004, Nemtsov resigned along with other co-chairs of the political council, explaining this situation by failure in the elections.

Even before resigning from the post of co-chairman of the Union of Right Forces, Nemtsov was one of the main founders of the organization “Committee 2008: Free Choice”; the chess player became its leader. The goal of the organization was to consolidate all liberal forces on a single platform for further effective activities in the political field. Boris assumed that such an initiative would help change the vector of development of the state precisely thanks to radical changes in the structure of government on top level.

With Garry Kasparov | Vedomosti

In the fall of 2004, Boris Nemtsov supported supporters of the “Orange Revolution” in Ukraine. He took an active part in protests on Maidan Nezalezhnosti in Kyiv. The Russian politician welcomed the victory of the Ukrainian “right” and expressed his readiness to support them in their efforts to spread their vision of change to Russia. On the main square of the country, Ukrainian citizens welcomed Nemtsov’s speeches.

In his speech, he repeatedly stated his readiness to carry out similar actions in Russian Federation. His vision of development Russian state were not accepted at home. This often became a reason for criticism of Nemtsov in the Russian Federation, but the politician continued to work, trying to realize his own ambitious plans. From 2005 to 2006, Nemtsov served as a freelance adviser to the President of Ukraine. Viktor Yushchenko, who was the head of the Ukrainian state, then said that “Nemtsov’s advice was not fateful, but he did everything he could.”

Photo politics | Air Force

In March 2007, Boris Efimovich welcomed the results of the next parliamentary elections with the participation of the Union of Right Forces, since the party was able to overcome the 7% barrier in six of nine regions. In September 2007, Nemtsov entered the top three of the list of political forces, but did not become a State Duma deputy, since the party received only 0.96% of the votes.

In 2007, Boris Nemtsov ran for the post of head of the Russian Federation, but according to the voting results, the politician was unable to gain even 1% of the citizen vote. After this, to politician harsh criticism poured in: some politicians spoke negatively about the results of his work in the political sphere. In the same year, Boris Nemtsov’s book “Confession of a Rebel” was published.

In February 2008, Nemtsov announced that he was suspending his membership in the Union of Right Forces. The politician refused to explain this decision, but clarified that he intends to continue to cooperate with the party in various areas. Yet despite his efforts, the political association ceases to exist.

At a rally of the Solidarity movement | Interfax

In 2008, a famous politician and his colleagues decided to organize a new opposition movement, Solidarity. The decision to organize a political force was made at the St. Petersburg conference “A New Agenda for the Democratic Movement.” He also took part in the creation of Solidarity conferences in Moscow, Krasnodar, Irkutsk, Ufa and Nizhny Novgorod. Kasparov and Nemtsov become leaders of Solidarity.

In 2009, Nemtsov was announced as a candidate for mayor of the future capital of the 2014 Winter Olympics - Sochi. Nemtsov lost the elections in April 2009, finishing second.

In 2010, Nemtsov took part in the creation of the opposition coalition “For Russia without arbitrariness and corruption.” Based on the new political platform, it was decided to organize an effective party to win the parliamentary elections. It was established in December 2010 as the People's Freedom Party (PARNAS). The opposition has high hopes for the new political force, but PARNAS was denied registration in 2011.

Arrest on Triumfalnaya Square | А

On December 31, 2010, Boris Nemtsov, together with Ilya Yashin (Nemtsov’s comrade-in-arms in Solidarity), were detained by police on Triumfalnaya Square after speaking at a rally, the holding of which had previously been agreed upon with the capital’s mayor’s office without much confrontation. Law enforcement officers accused Nemtsov of violating public order; he served 15 days of arrest.

The last years of Boris Nemtsov’s life were remembered for constant criminal proceedings. In 2012, he was charged with beating blogger Maxim Perevalov, but the trial of the case was completed, and the video in which Nemtsov allegedly beats Perevalov in Domodedovo turned out to be irrelevant, since the blogger confused the politician at the airport with another person. It turned out that the famous politician was not at all involved in the incident.

Peace March 2014 | PARNASSUS

In 2014, Nemtsov stated that he was a supporter of the Kyiv “Euromaidan”, sharply criticizing Russia’s policy towards Ukraine in the future.

On March 1, 2015, in Russia, he was going to take part in the opposition protest march “Spring”.

Personal life

Boris Efimovich was married. With his wife Raisa Akhmetovna they last years marriage lived separately. Raisa Akhmetovna worked as a librarian. From this marriage, Nemtsov has a daughter, Zhanna (born in 1984). In 2005, the girl decided to follow in her father’s footsteps and ran for election to the Moscow City Duma. Despite support from five political parties, Zhanna lost the election.

With his wife Raisa | Evening Moscow

Nemtsov also has children from journalist Ekaterina Odintsova: son Anton, daughter Dina. In 2004, a daughter, Sofia, was born from Irina Koroleva, who served as his secretary.

With Ekaterina Odintsova | KP

Another of Nemtsov’s lovers was Anastasia Ogneva, whom the politician met in 2012. He dated her for more than three years.

Many accused Nemtsov of excessive attention to representatives of the fair half of humanity, but he repeatedly stated that his women always simply loved him, and men were jealous of this state of affairs.

With Anna Duritskaya

The politician's last love was the Ukrainian model.

Nemtsov loved sports. IN free time he loved to play tennis, which he had been doing since 1979, and was fond of windsurfing.


The night from February 27 to 28, 2015 was the last for the Russian oppositionist. At 23:40 ( Moscow time) politician.

The murder of Boris Nemtsov took place on the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge while he was walking with Ukrainian model Anna Duritskaya. The criminals shot the politician after fleeing the murder scene in a white car (this was recorded by local surveillance cameras). The President of the Russian Federation noted that the high-profile murder was “custom-made and provocative in nature.”

Photos from the murder scene | Evening Moscow

The murder of Boris Nemtsov occurred just before the opposition march planned for March 1, 2015. Thus, the opposition march “Spring” was one of Nemtsov’s last projects, since the public figure remained the organizer of the march until the last moment. Due to the fact that the “Spring” march was moved to one of the most densely populated areas of the capital, Maryino, some oppositionists refused to take part in it, but the famous Russian politician was not going to stop, calling the demands of the future action “more important than the location of the opposition march "

Crime investigation under special control took the head of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Law enforcement officers began to carry out operational investigative activities.

Photos from the murder scene |

Nemtsov's death alarmed the world community. Foreign political and public figures, having learned about the murder of a Russian opposition politician, called on the Russian authorities to bring the investigation to its logical conclusion. Many in the world said that they would find organizers and performers bloody massacre- a matter of honor for everyone state system Russian Federation.

Putin immediately instructed the law enforcement agencies to create a joint group of the Russian Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB to investigate the circumstances of the terrible crime. In turn, the government also involved the best specialists to find out all the details of what happened.

Photo politics | What's happening?

Nemtsov's friends and associates were shocked by the tragedy. In particular, the famous Russian TV presenter reacted extremely painfully to the death of the politician on her Instagram account, writing that Boris was “an honest, sparkling, bright person who lived quickly and died like a real fighter.”

Investigation into the murder of Boris Nemtsov

In 2016, representatives of the Russian Investigative Committee completed the investigation into the murder of Boris Nemtsov. According to investigators, the customers offered 15 million rubles to those accused for the massacre of the politician.

The politician's killer did not act alone. Shadid Gubashev, Temirlan Eskerkhanov, Zaur Dadaev, Anzor Gubashev and Khamzat Bakhaev are the five defendants in this case.

Persons involved in the murder case |

Law enforcement officers found out that the group of killers carefully prepared to commit the crime, studying the lifestyle of the politician, his place of residence, and conducted covert surveillance of him. Former officer Chechen battalion “North” Ruslan Mukhudinov was named by investigative authorities as the mastermind of the murder. According to investigators, in September 2014, it was “Ruslan Mukhudinov and other persons” who offered the perpetrators funds in the amount of 15 million rubles for the murder of Boris Nemtsov. Mukhudinov has been on the international wanted list since November 2015.

Caucasian Knot

On January 20, 2016, it was announced that Nemtsov’s murder had been solved. The involvement of all the accused is confirmed by the results of 70 complex forensic examinations.

Films about Nemtsov

After the murder of a famous statesman many representatives of the film industry decided to tell about his life in their films.

In 2015, director Zosya Rodkevich shot the film “My Friend Boris Nemtsov.” In this documentary film, the author presented her view of the life of a famous Russian statesman.

Another film about Nemtsov, entitled “Too Free a Man,” will also be released in 2017. Here we will talk about his political biography. The director of the film is Vera Krichevskaya.

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Nemtsov’s words that freedom is expensive clearly demonstrate how much the politician adhered to own values throughout life. For many Russians, Nemtsov is associated precisely with the freedom that he took with him on February 28, 2015.

“Freedom is when you don’t feel guilty for all the troubles that happen in the vast expanses of our vast homeland, and you are responsible only for yourself and your loved ones.”

Three beloved women immediately mourned him at the tomb: official spouse Raisa Nemtsova and two civilians - Ekaterina Odintsova and Irina Koroleva.

Grief brought us, his women, together! - this metamorphosis Ekaterina Odintsova. - I still can’t come to my senses. Scary. Dina's daughter is still holding on, and Anton does not fully believe in his father's death. The son touched Boris with his hands, checked that he was cold... I’m not afraid for myself, I’m afraid for the children. What will happen to them now? They are terribly grieving for their father and are scared.

On this day I flew to Italy. At the airport, customs confiscated my extra money. But I wasn’t upset because of the bills. There was a feeling that something was happening somewhere else and I couldn’t defend myself. On the plane, text messages suddenly started pouring in: “Katya, something bad has happened!” I will help with all I can"…

Borya constantly returned home with the children from the restaurant late at night on foot. I fought with him because of this. He laughed at my fears and said: “Nothing threatens me! You have a persecution mania." A week before his death, he was also walking with his children. So, I didn’t think that they would kill me. If I had feared for my life, I would not have risked my children...

- Did you know about the affair with Anna Duritskaya?

As far as I know, Boris has not been officially married for several years. He told me about this once in passing. He dated different girls, and this is a private matter. But I can say: my children knew Anna Duritskaya. They repeatedly had dinner with her and their father and returned home together and went to a concert. I didn't like it, of course. I said: “Borya, you should settle down already! Irina (third common-law wife Nemtsova Irina Koroleva. - Ed.) - a normal, calm adult woman, come back to her!” But in the summer I decided that I would not delve into his affairs at all. We have different lives, and the children are almost grown up. I just gave up on all the disagreements and stopped communicating. I always understood: in general, he a kind person. And I began to treat him like a cousin. This is when you don’t wish a person harm, but you can quarrel over a matter and not think about him at all for months. Since August we have not communicated with Boris even by phone. He met the children himself. It was important for him to take part in raising Dina and Anton. Anton is already 19 years old, and Dina is now only 12.

With Irina Koroleva, because of whom you actually broke up with Boris Efimovich, did he sign or not? It was she who was presented by many media as the official widow.

If only Borya formalized the marriage in these last six months, but I haven’t heard anything about it. He often said that he never wanted to get married again.

- But once you still turned to lawyer Dobrovinsky because of alimony?

It was not about alimony, but about protecting honor and dignity. And lawyer Dobrovinsky advised not to respond to attacks, because this only inflames the conflict. But he explained: “You understand that if you had officially applied for alimony, you would have automatically, without requests or disputes, received three times as much. This is in the interests of the children.” I said: “We need to think about it.” But after a couple of days I abandoned this idea. Said: "Upbringing and my life values They don’t allow me to sue a once close and beloved person over money.” I always understood: I can earn money myself, but I will never replace my father’s contribution to their upbringing. Therefore in financial matters I always gave in and now I’m very happy about it. Nothing marred the father’s relationship with his children.

I’ll say right away: now I don’t consider the issue of inheritance important at all. There is a law, and let everything be within its framework and as noble as possible, as Boris himself would like. Let someone else deal with these formalities; it is advisable to find one among friends general representative for all the children and Boris's mother. So that there are no disagreements. Lawyer Dobrovinsky offered his selfless help before the funeral, I am grateful to him. I can't even think about it yet. Let Anton decide who to entrust to manage his affairs, because he is an adult.

-Did you and Boris make peace before his death?

Although we, as I already said, did not communicate for seven months, on Forgiveness Sunday, five days before his death, I wrote an SMS to Boris: “I have completely forgiven you for everything and I ask you to forgive me for everything good and bad.” He did not answer this text message, but he told the children that he had never been seriously offended by me for anything. During the official farewell, I placed an icon of St. on Boris’s left shoulder. Catherine, so that my saint would accompany him on his journey. At the funeral service, I noticed that the priest took this icon and placed it in Boris’s hands, along with someone who brought the icon of St. Boris. That's how they buried him. I realized that this was a sign that Boris had forgiven me too...


The main witness to Nemtsov's murder, Anna Duritskaya, fears for her life

The Motherland did not greet the main witness to the murder of Boris Nemtsov kindly. Before the girl had time to fly to Kyiv, threats rained down on her. On Thursday, March 5, the self-proclaimed fashion model came to the police station in Bila Tserkva (her hometown a hundred kilometers from Kyiv) and wrote a statement that she was receiving death threats. She didn’t specify who. I limited myself to one word - unknown. How? By phone. Apart from her words and her suspicions that she is being followed, there is no evidence ()


Why did the killer spare Nemtsov’s companion?

Our observer tried to figure out what role Anna Duritskaya played in the murder of an opposition politician

Why was the Kiev model not injured during the assassination attempt? How could the main witness in such a high-profile crime be released from the country? These questions plague both us, journalists, and ordinary people today. After all, only the leaders of the opposition understand everything – Nemtsov was killed by the bloody Regime. But if he’s so bloody, why didn’t he kill the rebel’s mistress at the same time? Showed humanity unusual for him? Human face showed? Or did you save ammunition during the crisis? Questions, questions...

3 minutes after the murder of Nemtsov. DVR recording. Recording made by the DVR of a car driving across the Moskvoretsky Bridge 3 minutes after the murder of Boris Nemtsov.

Nemtsov never forced the women he loved to have an abortion

It is clear to the naked eye that certain representatives of the fairer sex feel the death of NEMTSOV more acutely than others. Why be surprised? The charismatic tanned athlete could easily seduce almost any woman for sex. There were many more of them in Boris's life than all known ones Russian politicians, taken together. Moreover, he did not offend or deprive any of his former passions. And the ladies don’t consider themselves devoted at all.

Legal wife Raisa with daughter Zhanna. Photo:

Boris formulated his formula for happiness in the book “Confession of a Rebel. Politics without whoredom."
“There are fewer men in Russia than women,” Nemtsov reasoned. - Of these, ten percent are alcoholics, ten are sexual minorities and 30 are impotent. Conclusion: “For women to feel more or less comfortable, one normal man should date two or three women.” And for this, a law on polygamy should be passed.
He considered other approaches hypocrisy and hypocrisy. That is why he did not marry the future actress Natalya Lapina (“The Maid of Rouen, nicknamed Pyshka,” “The Island of Lost Ships”). They met on the tennis court - Boris served as a modest research assistant, and Natasha was only 18 years old. They met in Nemtsov’s one-room apartment, where he lived with his mother, and when mother was at home, they made love in the hallways and on benches in dark alleys. Then their paths diverged.
- If we got married, it would be terrible! - Lapina said in an interview with Express Newspaper in 2002. - Borya is a charming man, but a playboy.

Irina KOROLEVA and daughter Sonya. Photo:

Sociable boy

The last time Boris experienced problems with the fair sex was probably at school. I was hopelessly in love with a girl who did not reciprocate. To get her attention, he even slashed the tires of her father's car!
And in his adult life, he constantly had to fight off sexual advances. For example, from Bozena Rynska.
- She's a complete bitch! - Nemtsov once spoke emotionally on the phone to liberal journalist Sergei Parkhomenko. - Due to the fact that I didn’t see her in my time, I was bullied in my newspaper “Izvestia” for a whole year. And not at all on the topic... Let's organize a club “Who wouldn’t you...b Bozhena Rynska!”

When the conversation went viral, the politician had to apologize.
But Raisa’s wife, it seems, never demanded an apology from him. Boris Efimovich met a young foreign language graduate in the canteen of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. She was reading a thick magazine while standing in line with a tray.
“He was an intelligent boy, sociable, very noisy,” recalled his official wife, the mother of his daughter Zhanna. - I didn’t make any plans. We had too different characters, and it seemed to me that he needed a completely different girl.
Raisa Akhmetovna was mistaken. Boris Efimovich needed not one, but many girls.
During his time as governor, Nemtsov was credited with an affair with the then NTV star Irina Zaitseva. He became the hero of her super-popular program “No Tie,” after which there was a fleeting but passionate romance.

Following Ira, TV star Arina Sharapova landed on the Don Juan network (by the way, she is still there now, 15 years later, wow!), with whom Boris even appeared at official events.
From famous women Khakamada should, of course, also be noted. Parteigenosse from the Union of Right Forces recalls that in Davos 93, Switzerland, he allegedly lived with Irina Mutsuovna in the same hotel room.
But most of all, rumors about Boris’s connection with Yeltsin’s almighty daughter, Tatyana Dyachenko, caused a stir in the corridors of power. In the spring of 1997, Tatyana Borisovna secretly came to see him in Nizhny. The meeting took place in a luxury room in a private hotel. What they were doing there, only the devil knows. But it was after that meeting that Nemtsov became a politician at the federal level.

The average size

In the biography of our handsome man, there were also fleeting meetings with ordinary simpletons, whose names he could not remember after a month. In 1998, Express Gazeta published frank interview with one of these lucky ones - Nizhny Novgorod Maria Belova. Girl with two higher education was a good friend famous journalist from Nizhny, to whom she told on the record a lot of piquant details of her acquaintance with the ex-governor of her hometown.
Their paths crossed in the sauna sports complex, where Masha was with her friend from the regional administration. Boris Efimovich was accompanied by assistant Pavel Chichagov and a number of other officials. A few days after they met big company went to Moscow, staying at the Ukraine Hotel.

There were two separate beds in the room,” Maria said. - “Lie down separately,” says Nemtsov, “I have to get up early tomorrow.” The lights went out. And then he: “Give me your hand, don’t be afraid!” That’s when his energy was suddenly transferred to me! The kissing began. He turned on the lamp under the lampshade. We stood opposite each other. My face was just above his nipple. “You can kiss my breasts,” he said half-jokingly. I kissed...

Next, Masha described their closeness in detail. There were only two “shots,” as she put it, and her partner’s intimate parameters were not amazing - “average size.” But at the same time, Boris turned out to be a tireless and inventive partner, such as the girl had never had before. And most importantly, he knew how to “trick her ears”: he literally captivated her with his wit. Masha really fell in love and then remembered this wonderful night with gratitude for a long time.

Random children

After moving to Moscow, Nemtsov was repeatedly spotted in strip clubs. The magazine "People", financed by "Menatep", in 1998 broke out with a photo report in the private rest house "Luzhki" and threats to publish video footage of an orgy with the participation of elite prostitutes and the Deputy Prime Minister. They tried to buy the scandalous film from editor-in-chief Boris Utekhin, but he resisted, and as a result he was fired. No one ever saw the “porn film.”
And soon journalists got wind that Nemtsov’s two secretaries - Natalya Samoilenko and Olga Peklo - were selected for him at a special casting to provide, you know, what services. All this did not prevent (remember, he was officially married!) Boris had close contact with TV presenter and businesswoman Ekaterina Odintsova.
For a long time they met secretly, but after the birth of two children seven years apart - son Anton and daughter Dina - the truth came out.

- It was Katerina’s decision to give birth, planned in an incredibly cunning way. “She didn’t consult with me,” Boris Nemtsov told Express Gazeta in 2013. “I just presented her with a fact, like she’s pregnant.” Whether you want it or not, whether it’s appropriate now or not, it doesn’t matter. I knew very well that I was raised by my mother, and I would not dare to send a woman with whom I had a relationship to an abortion. In general, all four of my children were unplanned. Out of love, but spontaneously.
These words hurt Odintsova greatly.
- Maybe Boris Efimovich did not expect that children would be born after the night of love? - she sarcastically remarked in a conversation with our correspondent in August 2014. “I loved him so much that I couldn’t part with him, even realizing the futility of the relationship. When I realized that I was expecting a second child, the doctors reported a threat of miscarriage. I had to go to the hospital, and I honestly told him: “I was prescribed hormones, I can change, get better.” “I won’t leave you, everything will be fine,” Boris answered. He avoided talking about his wife Raisa, but he himself understood that, giving birth to a second child, we must make a decision. I turned 30. Boris honestly said: “Divorcing my first wife is not part of my plans.”
Nemtsov did not return to his wife, but a full-fledged family did not happen with Katya either.

Demon in the rib

Having crossed the 50-year mark, the slightly graying Don Juan suddenly switched to young people. Sometimes these connections surfaced.
For example, a report appeared in several newspapers about his vacation in Dubai with the red-haired beauty Anastasia Ogneva. They wrote that this lung girl behavior. In response, the angry playboy said on social networks that he had been dating Nastya for about three years, she was a decent girl, and she would punch slanderers in the face. Journalists suggested that the politician study photographs on escort service websites. The incident resolved itself.
Boris Efimovich had another high-profile affair with his secretary Irina Koroleva, who gave birth to his daughter Sonya. He insisted that Ira leave her job and raise the child. And it seems they began to live in civil marriage. However, our loving oppositionist again went to the left.
“Recently I’ve started looking at their wrists,” Nemtsov admitted to Express Gazeta a year and a half ago. - It seems to me that this is a very feminine part of the body. And before, like everyone else, I looked at my lips. Lips represent sexuality, kindness or anger, sincerity or deceit. But now the main thing for me is femininity; I am not attracted to masculine people.
The Kiev young lady of the demimonde, Anna Duritskaya, fully possessed this quality.

Caucasian trace

A failed model gave him a job in Turkey three years ago. Boris nicknamed her Bounty, and this nickname stuck. They met about once a month, and Nemtsov, apparently, treated this relationship as just another adventure. What can we talk about if recently, as it turned out, he was simultaneously meeting with 31-year-old Zamira Duguzheva, a native of Karachay-Cherkessia, whom he met at an opposition rally. Zamira and her friend were simply passing by and tried to take a photo of the oppositionist, which attracted his attention. And he took them both off in a different sense of the word.
On October 8, Zamira (Boris called her “Caucasian cat”) celebrated her birthday in Nemtsov’s apartment on Malaya Ordynka. She told reporters that on that day she accidentally saw an SMS from Anna Duritskaya, in which she tenderly addressed Boris, calling him “darling.” Outraged, Duguzheva demanded an explanation.

“Don’t worry, I have nothing serious with her,” Boris Efimovich assured.
Apparently, he spoke quite sincerely, since he persuaded Anya to have an abortion. He preferred to receive heirs from women who meant something in his life. By the way, Anya’s mother, who did not approve of her daughter’s relationship with a man who was twice her age, unsuccessfully tried to persuade Duritskaya to keep the child.
And last week, information spread that Anna was sleeping with the commander of the Dnepr-1 battalion, Ukrainian deputy Yuri Bereza.
“I can’t help but envy the deceased,” wrote a famous blogger. - Such a beautiful death, on a bridge near the Kremlin, under a light, wonderful snow, next to a young Kiev woman. The one who prepared this murder treated Nemtsov well and killed him lovingly. I just didn’t put a pillow on it...”

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